As I suspected, you can collect an alphabet consisting
only of birds. And thus birds would be the secret
language: in one town they would make the birds fly into
the given direction (but drugging it or something) and
people in that city would look at what those birds be, in
what order they would fly they would use it as the
teletype, let's try and reconstruct the alphabet:
𓄿 [a]
𓅂 [tjw]
𓅃 [ḥrw] [nṯr] [ḥry] [nb]
(𓅄 [bjk]
[ḥrw] [nṯr] [nb])
𓅐 [mwt] [nrt]
𓅓 [m] [jm] [n] (𓅔 (mm, m, nm))
𓅘 [nḥ] [nḥḥ]
𓅙 [ḏb]
𓅚 [rḫyt]
𓅛 [rḫyt]
𓅜 [ꜣḫ]
𓅞 [hb] [ḏḥwtj]
[jqr] [jp]
𓅟 [dšr]
𓅠 [gmj] [gm]
𓅡 [bꜣ]
𓅣 [bnw] (𓅤 [bꜥḥj])
𓅥 [sdꜣ] [dꜣ]
𓅦 [njw]
𓅧 [ꜥq]
𓅨 [mnt] [wr]
𓅪 [bjn] [nḏs]
𓅬 [ꜣpd] [gb] [ḥtm]
𓅭 [sꜣ] [zꜣ]
𓅮 [pꜣ]
[ḫnj] ([pꜣ, qmꜣ] (?)))
𓅰 [wšꜣ] [ḏfꜣw])
𓅱 [w]
𓅷 [ṯꜣ] [ṯꜣty]
𓅸 [sš] 𓅹[sš] these could be the prototype
of Ш along with 𓆷
𓅺 [rḫtj]
𓅻 [ḥꜣm] [ḥjm]
𓅼 [snm]
I selected those which have relatively simple phonetic
and here's what I got:
𓄿 [a]
𓅓 [m]
𓅙 [ḏb]
𓅜 [ꜣḫ]
𓅡 [bꜣ]
[sdꜣ] [dꜣ]
𓅧 [ꜥq]
𓅭 [sꜣ] [zꜣ]
𓅮 [pꜣ]
𓅱 [w]
𓅷 [ṯꜣ]
𓅸 [sš] 𓅹[sš] (𓆷 [š] and that's a super
and it was 12 of them (it's hard to say was it legitimately,
coincidentally or supconsciously so. After all, if I included
ḏb, why not include 𓅃[nb] 𓅘[nḥ]
𓅞[hb~jp] 𓅠[gm] 𓅨[wr]
With these it would be 18 of them
And if we go even purer, we find ourselves with only three:
If 𓄿𓅱𓅓 were in this order ever recorded for Aum the great
Om, then 𓅱 is indeed w, otherwise it's ш.
They had a whole set of *ꜣ syllables
𓅡 [bꜣ] 𓅥
[sdꜣ] [dꜣ]
𓅜 [ꜣḫ]
𓅮 [pꜣ] 𓅷
[ṯꜣ] these two have their wings apart.
𓅭 [sꜣ] [zꜣ]
looking at pꜣ ṯꜣ line, it makes me wonder if dꜣ is
little bꜣ
If this system was developed when AEIOU B T were all the
letters,, it could be of AMS period, thus 𓄿𓅱𓅓 were the
three letters: it's hard to tell what is the breed of the
lett bird, but to distinguish
Aгромную from Middle from Small
But then how many of information can one transfer in this way?
šma and sam and maš (as приём, сам, помогай) but a better
thought told me that the transmittion could be easily
disturbed by other birds.
And then it came to me (probably not for the first time) that
birds would send letters. So members of the initiation into
pigeon mail can transmit news over large distances. And they
wouldn't reveal their method, so people would recognize it as
a divination.
Pigeon post is the use of homing pigeons to
carry messages. Pigeons are effective as messengers due to
their natural homing abilities. The pigeons are transported
to a destination in cages, where they are attached with
messages, then the pigeon naturally flies back to its home
where the recipient could read the message. They have been
used in many places around the world. Pigeons have also been
used to great effect in military situations, and are in this
case referred to as war pigeons.
As a method of communication, it is likely as old as the
ancient Persians, from whom the art of training the birds
probably came. The Romans used pigeon messengers to aid
their military over 2000 years ago. Frontinus said that
Julius Caesar used pigeons as messengers in his conquest of
Gaul.[2] The Greeks conveyed the names of the victors at the
Olympic Games to their various cities by this means.[3]
И это объясняет такое широкое распространение голубятен в
И они исчезли с появлением сотовой связи и
Hillman said that Medea was a queen of
Babylon. I corrected him, but he didn't stand corrected,
replying that "Take up your arguments with the Greek
historians. She was queen of Babylon."
The next morning I saw him in a dream, in which he
communicated that k is for unicorn.
And I saw that top right stroke to be its horn, and the way
it looks into the end of the line makes it similar to b
(which is reversed 𓃀) and whole day I was thinking of
whether it is k for the knight, but K is for the king, N is
for the knight (in chess)
Then I thought that it is for конь, and it may imitate the
hooves clacking, maybe that's why it stands side by side
with L. Как конь и лошадь. и кобыла (caballa
And by the evening it came to me: if h is for horse, k must
be for unicorn.
and h is for horse, yet I do not remember in which writing
system it is. Some ᛸ-like shape.
(but then in that
shape the horn should be higher)
so, it's just a dream, what's the big deal
𐂖 (Mycenaean Greek for wine)
酒 (Japanese for sake)
The similarity is most likely coincidental, but it may help me
memorize the two.