It is volume 40 (39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
This is a part of a raw and uneven journal of digging into the writing systems from all over the world, so I recommend you to read the summary of this work instead.

In volume 9, I've shown you some talking drums:

and here's some more to it:
The sound of the drums can carry over long distances. The Kale people of the Congo call their talking drums ntumpane, which they use for fast communication over long distances. The process uses a repeating pattern with help from an expert drummer from each village. Depending on the where the message is to be delivered, the original message is repeated by the next drummer until the intended recipient is reached. In Africa, a drum message can travel 100 miles or roughly 161 kilometers in one hour. Famous among these are the ‘talking drums’ of West Africa, followed by East Africa
Here is how it is done:
Communication through drums is not considered a language. However, the drumbeats are representations of speech patterns of natural languages. In East and Central Africa, the drumbeats represent the tone, syllable lengths and stresses of the specific language they are using.

A B C [e v s (e is the second line, hebrew has v in that position, russians used to have s around that position:      Є є    Ж ж    Ѕ ѕ    З з)]

and on wiki it was like this:

so иже еси на небеси значит гармония есть на небесах (это, видимо к молитве "яко на небеси тако и на земли" (хотят чтоб земля выглядела столь же безжизненной? медленно движущейся, мёртвым камнем? глупые големы, враги должны их отозвать, отменить христианство они не могут, и не они (не эти люди) создавали его, так что никакой ответственности коллективной.. почему?))
that Ꙁ ꙁ glyph is wonderful in that it combines (and explains) z~ʒ dualism. but what is it? a book?)
типа знание?
типа צדיק?
צ sorta reminds ꙁ in that lower part, and then it went from there with one linein the same direction,
and the other line is along those two י's or what are they.. t and s they should be? as ts that צ looks, if you separate the left part of צ from the rest of it.. but they read right to left, so right part must be t,
but it would be more of an s if we took the left part away, but right part reminds т more.
Anyway it's whether one or the other: chinese write their columns right to left,
but they still draw the characters (russians call chinese characters hieroglyphs) left to right.

that Ѕ ѕ the voiceless numeral (isn't it of some reform of numeral system without agreement with phonetic side?) reminds me of other numeral, the one which looks the same, but is told to mean other phonetic value, and they're absolutely right, it is greek stigma.
ϛ Ϛ The numeral symbol, originally quite unrelated to the στ ligature, developed from the letter Ϝ, which stood for the sound /w/ in early pre-classical forms of the Greek alphabet. This symbol became obsolete as a letter during the classical era but remained part of the Greek alphabet-based system of numerals, where its value of 6 corresponded to its original place in the alphabet. In its handwritten forms, its shape changed from through to or during the Hellenistic period and late antiquity. Originally called wau, it was called digamma in classical Greek and episemon during the Byzantine era. It was conflated with the στ ligature owing to the accidental similarities of their shapes. The association between the numeral 6 and the letter sequence στ became so strong that today, in Greece, the letter sequence ΣΤʹ or στʹ is often used in lieu of ϛʹ itself to write the number 6.
In modern practice, the term stigma is often applied to the symbol ϛ both in its function as a ligature and as a numeral, whereas the term digamma is normally used for the ancient letter representing /w/, which appears in modern print as Ϝ or ϝ (the form has a large number of close variants).

But it's not right under E, they have Ж (no numeral value, thus it was added later)
Ж ж     живѣтє     živěte     ž     zh     [ʒ]         Glagolitic Zhivete Ⰶ     live
interesting, that vie is live in french, and english live has that v, as if it's le vie

энд же сould be the, to be le of live, but le is not after e.. it's right after i.
I Λ Μ Ν (that N is thus under H, makes Z~M thing envoke ᛉ~ᛘ the Ϻ~M thing.

A B D G? H after Z demands it, because G is more affine to H than D (which is just nowhere near)
I Λ Μ Ν  Λ reflecting V is cool, but why M is off the labial thing? because of that? who knows..
O P T Q  

I Μ Λ Ŋ  (Ŋ instead of N to be more in line with other velars. and is it K?)
O P T Q                                        (in the normal latin alphabet K is velar of this line)

A B D G      (the comment in the following line is an update, from 164kB of this volume)
E V Z H   V and Z ~ why does lingual double the labial? it 1.5's it. doesn't П Т and B D do too?
O P T Q  such thing makes me wonder if A V Λ diagonal demands some 🜃 in the Q position..
is it Ѳ? θ? ot is Q that 🜃? it looks like that in a way
(the 🜄 for o (here it is v, and, to my surprise ו is also o)
and the - for the tongue of the Q, which is often written inside of that O)

AVΛQ is just along the ABDC line I placed in the basis of this set.

Could it be that ΛAV be all there is? no, 🜃 matters, and θ-like Д some old fonts draw it,
Ⱚ is glagolitic Ѳ
places ⰂⰄⰊⰎ not far from the beginning of the alphabet
Ⰲ[v] for 🜄  voda
Ⰴ[d] for 🜂  ogon (c~d, g for english g and russian д)
Ⰺ[i] for 🜃 земля (нижняя часть её изображает (как осевшая грязь в кубке с водой))
Ⰾ[l] for 🜁 воздух (верняя часть его изображает (как воздух выше пламени
(ведь пламя растёт из дерева, значит ниже его воздуха нет.. представления древних представь))
Ⱑ and Ⱖ are candidate to the v/d sequences..

l for luft?
i for erde? do they say irde somewhere? if they do, let's look there.
in dannish earth is jord (as if it's our yard.. and She is)
also the Lord, is it? people lay on earth when they pray, it's as if they ask this something big, the giant which skin we inhabit.
luft is also air in dannish, so was glagolitic script invented for dannish?
but their fire is brand and ild, and though those two have d in them, that's not good enough.

degt is burn, fire, flame in latvian, but they have no l-words for air, and their water is ūdens, which is naturally cognate to water, but it's even further from v. Wasser [vása] is great v
(and it's literally ваза, vase)
was weight associated with water?
because when object dries up it weighs much less.

wetter ~ weight more

Bet (Put)  б
Get (Cut) g
Did (Deed)

put and got are antonyms, and the shape of p and g sorta shows it, it would be better if g was q, but the p could be b (put~bet) as 𐤁 (reversed, it's phoenician, it goes right to left, so as כ is c (and it is interesting, that in phoenician it is 𐤊, so is phoenician even predecessor of hebrew? well, latin can have both C and K, why can't hebrew mirror ᚴ? and indeed if 𐤊 is indeed phoenician k, it is the very ᚴ, which is another reason to consider norsk runes ancient.

up ~ ab? literally alpha better, at the beginning of the alphabet,
which is at its top, when it's top to bottom.
and down is all about w? or is it wn? is it russian низ shares that n,
actually it shares that wn in вниз (внезапно ~ вниз UPно? (кверх тормашками?)

drama ~ trauma
bless ~ bliss 
tragedy starts with tra, as trauma does, and it's definitely drama.
comedy is not drama, but what? gag? clownage? clownade?
clown and comedy share c and o, and wn is not far from m.
circus and comedy is less similar, yet both start with c.
gag ~ huh? k is for kekeke?
ab is off (it's from latin) and to my surprise it isn't up anywhere
(according to wiktionary)
off as off we go? ab v g? and what is the else? де? её? ёж? жиза? заия? ик? кал? лом? мэн? no? up? pack? queary? Rise¡ Set! (set and sit are doublet)
so we have our st, but s being hte final word, for no letter is after T in those times. And if there were no Q, it would be pair? pare? pear? pyre?

I wonder if Agafangel, Evangel, Rangel (оказывается, мужские имена греческого происхождения) and Wrangle and Wrangel (датская фамилия, and considering write and wrong I wonder if Rangel is Wrangel, if W in Wrangel is not silent) являются корнем национальности Англы.
В этом свете фоменковщина про британскую монархию происходящую из византии очень в тему.

Вайшьяс рэйсд the third from the rest of pupulation after brahmans and kshatrii, and before kshatriis came to power, we probably had the golden age. Wisemen were in charge. If it ever was, if Kshatriis didn't come to power first, as in ape society the bigger monkey rules. But in bonobo societies better-organized bitches reign, but are they brahman?
I like th sound for it demands shift of script.

cane can
палка ableка? пал и эйбл противоположности скорее. палка палица полено поленница (ница суффикс множественного числа?) т.е. палица это фашина? машина?

rain ran

sane son sun sung song sing (поёт знать здоров)

bane ban (I didn't know well both names, they are very similar semantically.

ban bane
gun gain (game)
done ?
fun fame? (or fan fame? no, fun is more synonymous to fame, fan is more antonymous to it)
can cane (Cain)
land lane
man main mane(as on lion) male
nun nine(nine muses? did they serve to them?) nein
pan pain? when hot and when wife beats you with it
pun pain
run(ran) rain
sun shine
(but tine not tin, tine is tooth, pin.. why would I know that word, tine?)
time tame?   That rain ran and sun shine is great, and that T doesn't play that game may tell, that A M S indeed, the sefer yetzirah's version may tell of pre-t times. But then it could also be, that S was sitting on tree. Holy tree is T, tee. thr as one sound (пердёж? похожий на скрип дерева, да (та самая фонема скрываемая пираха? пираха это экзоним, конечно же по этому звуку, по тому R которого у них типа нет, но который объясняет единство Р[r] и P[p]))

van vain? (not vane)
vein vine вьюн (значит ли это что глсн лшн? gvss y knw thy r)

gu ~ qu
guess ~ quest
guest ~ quo..?
guerre ~ quarrel
guard ~ quart? court! co~g? g is c with ball under it.. go is not juat cock, but cock with balls at it, not hen, but has that sac under it's beak. гурт

beak is a funny word, calling the judges, directors, teachers, superintendents jews and such
director+teacher=dean(but it's not in g.t.'s list of translations.)

kurt cobain ~ гурт cobane? because that is what he did, having cursed the generation with his shit.

Jews surely make sure that people speak different languages, becauset that is the will of their god.
And I think I just imagined me some friends (imaginary enemies are even more crazy than imaginary friends, man. because with friends you imagination is just schizo and not paranoid, but when you start suspecting those entities in bad intentions, you get crazier, so let's imagine friends instead, let's imagine how those jews are interested in humanity coming as one. I need to invent such reason for them, if I want them to, and I do.    Let them be as tolerated as gipsies, let them sing and play kletzmer for my guests.
Different wills make different вилs
devil de вил
Велят вилами? Вилами виляют?
Селят силами? семьями! сёлами!
Делят делами (кто больше сделал, то больше и получает)
Дурят дулями?
Желают жилами?
Жалеют жвалами?
Злят Зловами? Зо́лами? Жалами? Желаниями?
Клят колами (колот колами)
молят млят (млеют) мыслями
полят полами? полыми?
польют пламя? (пламя говорит полей мя)
рулят рулями, ролями, роялями
сулят словами
солят солями
телят телами
хулят хуями (хамят ими же
(что вы мне хамите ~ что вы мне хуй мне-то? не хами ~ не хуй мне! тебе ~ ты бля))
целят целями силами
чалят чилимами
шалят шалами шалавами шалманами

семья ~ сила? семя? само? стало? село
светья? советья по типу совет да любовь?
совесть (в себе есть, у себя есть, съ the со is ся the себе, сам, свой(is this в б from себя?))

bull     co   w
бык     корова

pig      sow         (but then thouw we know that sow is for female pigs, does it make pig male?)
boar    swine                                                                      (somebody has to check it in old texts)
pink    съ wine (съ вином ели свиней?)

            сat        dog  (the opposites? dog dig, cat catch (the reverse of catch is check))

            cunt      dick (also one word is aninversion of the other.. not as b & c (p & s)

            get        did?

get gate
let late
mad made (довели)
bad bait
food fade (ate? въ ate? по ate? питать, пища fo~пи, od~ща? road is not роща)
foot path? boot bite? кус shoes? foot is стопа, feet значит стопы, но гораздо менее похоже на стопы
foot fight?
good gate guard got get
hood hide? hotspot, hate, fight
loot let (позволили забрать?) or that it lays in lairs?
met mate (знакомого встречал)
mead made (я не жонглирую ли лишь похожими словами? нет же, какие-то жонглируются, а какие-то нет, и я пробую их всех чтоб прощупать структуру в языках)
neat net
naught night
pat pet (here I'm glad I started this, because many similar names appear, this approach preves to be working (to change suffixes into similar? sure thing, but now it shows where they're suffixes: where they deliver synonymity))
pan ~ pen (потому что в отличие от котла сковорода с ручкой)
land ~ lend (к слову о запрет на продажу землицы)
sand ~ send (использовали песок как наполнитель при перевозке хрупких вещей? тяжёл же, но может лишь на дне пару дециметров, чтоб ваза не каталась, но выдумываю же, но отчего бы нет, но это надо всю литературу перелопатить про подобные вещи чтоб найти, такое только ии может)
van vend (интересное бизнес-решение, вагончик мороженщика, работающий как vending machine

wand won?  or wane? man needs cane when he wane
wand want? as cane can.

but wheel is not will, but well is pretty wheely

is wh in wheel because it's of whites? is wh in white because they can ask why

wheel is cool, but there's also
whip (white пиздит (white beats with, whips))
whore  who-ever?
whool?  did whites known for this more? was we who domesticated sheep for whool? it's wool
wheat (for white bread (whites' bread?))
whisper (что-то speak? что-то надеется (надеется не спугнуть?))
and so on, there are too many wh-words to make any conclusions, orthography is arbitrary, so maybe wool is бел (где бе=бешка (wool is 羊毛[ようもう] and sheep is 羊[ひつじ (also よう)]))

wall? hall? well? hell? wheel heel wide hide?




бе be
ви vie
го go
ду do

А Б  В  Г Д
Е Ё      Ж З
О П  Р С Т

А Б      Г Д
Е В      Ж З   (sequence Ц(ч) Ш(щ) could tell that these are З Ж, for C would be under З)
И M Н К Л                                                                           (but Ж doesn't reflect T much)
О П  Р С Т

five labial to five vowels (and in latin 6 labials (bfmpvw) correspond 6 vowels (aeiouy) and I expect 6 linguals to be there in the set of 666)

А Б     Г   Д
Е В  Ж З  
О П  Р С Т

А Б   Г  Д
Е В   Ж З  
И M  Н Л
У Ф  Х

Е V  Z
U F S   such set has A M S in initial, middle, final positions.

Z N S tell me to leave only those three lines

E V Z   voiced
I M N   sonor
U F S   voiceless

ZNS stands for Zentralnervensystem, ЦНС

E 3 Z
but then oh wow, it's nothing

А́ты Ба́ты

Joy достигается Джой (от Джа)

Если if is если, then is f сли, force the сила, силы? есть сила того-то, то то-то
(makes sense somehow)

жри жру жря
жуй жую жуя

Украинское прочтение буквы И кажется более чётким, сравни:
зла добра
зле добре
зло добро
злу добру
злы добры

(конё? звательный падеж какой-нибудь?) конь
(здесь вместо ы имеем и, но все остальные гласные палатолизованны тоже, что не ок)

о нейтральное окончание?
А  Род.п.
Е  часть Предложного падежа
И  множественное число
О  Им.п, В.п.
У  Дат.п.

давай попробуем это расставить в традиционном порядке падежей,
О Им.п.
А Род.п.
У Дат.п.
О Вин.п.
Ом Твор.п. (бог сотворил мир суффиксом ом?)
Е Предл.п.

семь падежей и семь гласных?

в глаголах три гласные играют:
ища ищи ищу

Обрати внимание на разницу в окончаниях у склонений существительных и спряжений глаголов:
мха мхе мхи мху
мча        мчи мчу
у глагольных окончаний нету Е
императив соответствует именительному падежу множественного числа
единственное число первого лица соответствует дательному падежу единственного числа
причастие соответствует родительному падежу единственного числа
не так оно у местоимений с глаголами:
мо́я моя́     (причастие соответствует именительному падежу женского рода)
мой мой     (императив соответствует именительному падежу тоже, но ед.числа, мужского рода)
мо́ю мою́   (ед.ч. 1л. соответствует винительному падежу женского рода)
И в столь разных соответствиях возникает вопрос а есть ли соответствия
или всего лишь совпадения

Working on my list of short russian words, I noticed, that свей и сбей схожи, приставкой, но и корнем тоже. семантико-артикуляционное соответствие наблюдается.
(но что-то другое хотел записать)
а, то что гласные проще считать как аоуеи, на огама манер
(аеиоу меня путает, потому что в русском ещё и ё есть меж ними, и ещё пачка,
проще их парам рассматривать: а,я, о,ё, у,ю, е,э и,ы
(ого, палатализованные первичны в е и и (части стандартного набора, но вторичны у а о у, ибо те первичны в своих парах, тоже потому что в натуральном наборе идут.
(в общем наборе, в каноне аеиоу)
но катарская песня упрощает перебор гласных
(задача с которой я столкнулся чуть ли не впервые, но собиратели словарей однозначно с подобным сталкивались на протяжении многих веков)

cathars co-tzars?

Let there be light. And there is light. and life and later we appeared, but is it right? They write it, but whatever, they wright all sorts of things, in laws and fairytales, they matter more or less, but never the exact same truth unless the word of law is layed in the basis being low.

Лев? The lion-headed goddess Sekhmet is one of the most common deities in Egyptian collections worldwide. Thousands of amulets depict her, either seated or standing and holding a papyrus-shaped scepter.

A U I   has   its    naturality   touch  by being the basis of "Oh Yeah!"

Oh yeah is what american girls may scream during sex, russinas cry davai!
(дави? да ёшь? да ёпт, да еби ты например, в зависимости от интонации)
Женщины интонациям придают несравненно большее значение, чем мужики.
Но как изложить интонацию на письме?

бубубу это интонация?
ляляля это тоже такая.
дедеде это тоже может
к-к-к, как срут когда какака?
очень неприлично звучит, если гортанными звуками, как это во всём мире быть может передаётся
непечатным вот это так уж точно, даже буквы такой нет.

Так что теперь у нас два три неприличных звука:
губной (пердёж губами)
губно-язычный (пердёж губами с языком меж ними (самый грязный из ртом произносимым, звучит как пердёж и язык как какаха, жесткач))
гортанный: изображает кряхтение, которое срущий человек иногда произносит когда тужится.
бебебе вот это интонация, а дедеде это что вообще..
няняня это язычная форма бебебе
(бебебе как овца произносит (на самом деле быстро бе-бе-бе, а не беее-беее,
но отвечая на бебебе можно сказать что бебебе это как овца))

дедеде было формной няняня, бебебе (есть разница между няней и лялей:
ляля такая ля-ля-ля, бегает беззаботно
а няня после ня-ня-ня, типа ну-ну-ну, типа говорила тебе, назидательно
бубубу это тоже форма бебебе?

бубубу и ляляля грубо говоря две противоположных интонации, и b как быэд, а l как Гуd
бубубу это няняня, потому что бу это китайское не (ня)
а ляля это дадада.

ляля дядя да и да
бабу папа? бу и по (по:попе (по это и по и попа? по это попа? попу попе? попы, но попой (ой)))

отец is o-тыц (уважительный суффикс, но тыц его сущность, е в отец та же что в нет
(а в мама а как в да))

творительный падеж: когда сотворил то все падают такие ой,
когда родительный падеж: попы попъ и (т.е. в творительном ой, а в родительном и?)
а в дательном: попе попъ есть? естъ? имеет?
в именительном попа, но не попо (и не бубу (или всёже таки да?))
а это же тоже слово.

попъ а (им.п.)
попъ и (род.п.)
попъ е (дат.п.)
попъ у (вин.п.) у!
попъ ой (тв.п)
о попе (предложный падеж тоже дательный? нет, есть разница, не у попы е, а около попы е,
"о попе" заглавие для обозначения кто автор, тот кто был близок к какой-то попе
(т.е. может книжки про попу писать. что за попа?
просто случайное слово, для рассмотрения падежей))
Начал гуглировать звательную форму, и там люди рассказывают про тринадцать падежей в русском (потому что один и тот же падеж может иметь разные суффиксы.. но такой у них дательный: не на носе, но на носу. такой дательный? но не но́су, как у истинного дательного, который у этого слова тоже есть, а носу́, т.е. какой-то другой падежный суффикс? или тот же? вот это меня грузанул интернет..
и. носъ
р. но́са
д. но́су
в. носъ  (нас винительный падеж у мы (японцы на нос показывают при произнесении ихнего я))
т. но́сом
п о но́се ..или про нос? о человеке, но про человека; о носе, но про нос.
про подразумевает винительный падеж, а о подразумевает падеж предложный.
про ...ъ
    о  ...е
Звательный падеж начал отмирать ещё в 11-м веке, он начал смешиваться с именительным. В 14-15-м веках он использовался лишь в качестве уважительного обращения: «господине», «княже», «отче». А в середине 16-го века звательный падеж исчез из живой речи.
Правда и в современное время можно услышать такие слова как: «бо́же», «го́споди» - эти междометия и есть примеры звательного падежа.
Также существует неофициальный так называемый «новозвательный» падеж. К нему можно отнести существительные первого склонения с нулевым окончанием: «мам», «пап», «бабуль», «Вась», «Кать», «Ванюш» и т.п.

т.е. поп is новозвательный for попа


каАснА  бЕлЕй жЕлтЕй сИнИй зельОный.. или лучше жОлтый.. перепишем
каАснА  бЕлЕй сИнИй жОлтО чУрнУю нючть? чурка от слова чурный? чудной?
чӧрно было чüрно?
как чиркаш?
как чифирь.

но первой ассоциацией было гУлУбУю
У это вав, за неимением цвета с У игнорируем его
и удивительно как русский язык окрасил буквы:
████████████ крАснA крАш? ржав! (рыжеват, рж is literally red (Δ[ð]))
████████████ бЕлEй бЕлъ
████████████ сИнИй сИнь
████████████ жОлтО жОлтъ (но жёлтый же, но раньше вроде было жолт, или охро)
Холландский флаг, который Пётр Великий привозил в качестве нашенского.
и Хохландский флаг, который Вiльна Україна сподобилась принять как родной.

или всё же зЕлЕнь буква Е. зЕлЕнЕЕ, но получился такой вырвиглаз, что даже рисовать не буду, бЕлЕЕ тоже весь в Е, и двусложен как остальные.

Но в нидерландском
████████████ blauw [blAw]  or  [zwArt] zwart ████████████
████████████ geel [hEjl]
████████████ wit [wIt]
████████████ rood [rOd]
████████████ groen [hrUn]

or  [zwArt] zwart
████████████  и имперочка явилась очень неожиданно здесь (blAw или zwArt)
████████████ geel [hEjl]
████████████ wit [wIt]
████████████ rood [rOd]
████████████ groen [hrUn]       поверх флага беларуси, ахуительна

████████████ blAck
██████ yEllow (or rEd?)
██████ whIte
████████████ Orange

████████████ blAck
██████ yEllow (or rEd?)
██████ whIte
████████████ Orange

and let's try one more variant:
████████████ orAnge
██████ yEllow (or rEd?)
██████ whIte
████████████ gOld (or rEd?)
a being between e and o is surely interesting, but not that interesting

and now let's work with Ukrainian:
████████████ помАрАнчевий чтоли?
████████████ зЕлЕний
████████████ сИнІй(блакитний дуже складне слово, але тож блакИ́тнИй) или білий
████████████ жОвтий или зОлОтий или чорний (але ні, білий та чорний то не колёри)
(да и выглядит так дуже красиво, а белое с чёрным сразу мрак и жах)
и Е зелёного меж жовтим О и синим И ещё более интересно, и тем не менее, сыро. Готовлю: в русском тоже О жолтого и И сини дают Е и Ё зЕлЁного. Итак, мы нашли место зелёного, под крАсным, как во флаге бЕлÅрУсИ. В русском похожий флаг (с красным вместо помаранчевага
а с У цветов у них (как и у нас) немае: рудий значит рыжий, о цвете волос, но не о цвете
не знаю что это за упражнение, может поможет цвета выучить, посмотрим.

E F G H               Н for haim(life in hebrew)

Е Ё Ж З               З for zoo(life in greek)
У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ                (эти значения наугад, но гаданием и отгадывается)
Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я                                        (просто поразился сходству EF с ЕЁ и G с Ж (и H c 𐌆))

now it's almost obvious to me, that the letters used to stand for some objects, when the alphabets spread

eight is acht, probably numbers and colours are connected as well, I should sheck it.

H being so much similar to ハ the 八 (which is both ha and ya, which reminds us of J[h~j] and ᚼ~ᛡ)

But ᚼ and ᛡ have 6 ends. 6 visible ends. imagine two in the viewer's axis. If they're 8, they must be going ortogonally, but to see them more symmetric, I imagine them under some angle, so that other two bars are in some angle to the plane, so that they go upwards on the top, and downwards at the bottom. What figure do we get then.. I have to use some toothpicks to see it more clear.
And I saw that ᚼ and ᛡ of three sticks may make cartesian (in russian it's dekartian(dekartovy) space, when such figure made of 4 sticks make non-cartesian space, with two planes not having their axes aligned.
In bornholm's alphabet ᚼ is 7th, but then if each line were three-runes long, it would be 6th, ᚵ would go.

If H and ᚼ depict the same thing, then it's fascio, вязанка чего-то

Haulm   (I didn't even new these.. cognates of Home (соломенная крыша, издалеа крыша видна первой) I was thinking of Hay (and that it a good name for H)) and maybe also for хлеб (hlaf)

Now this is culture! we, russians have nothing of the kind.
Another word is sheaf the sheave (compare to staff and stave (sheaf didn't need to double the consonant, because ea made the syllable sorta closed, the dyphtong doesn't go open when the syllable is on, so, writing this text I also research the language)) which may correspond to H being called ʌʃ

and if H is tighed up I's, then it reminds me of egyptian I the 𓇋, which is then not a feather but some reed, but it is a feather, yet it is officially recognized as reed
(and also I, me, my, which reminds english I like you wouldn't believe)

If ᚼ the ХRU[h] was not 8, but 6 (or who knows maybe it was 7 sometimes) then V would be 3, thus Y, and let's look at IVXLCD from that angle: 1 3 6 18 36 108 (sums up to 172, which is simply nothing)
and that leads nowhere

ᚼ is definitely three sticks. Like teepee is made of three sticks with boughs, limbs, arms to them, intertwining into one the other, or/and tighed by a rope (just in case of moving they don't fall apart, but can be taken with the teepee in one piece.
ᚼ is for ᚼᛋ
(хаза, хаус, and maybe also home (house/home is the Ϻ/M (san-чи[di]-man case(свой и мой))
ᚼ is for ᚼᛘ
house is literally к себе (хаза к кому, his, house is not home to me)
home is literally to me. dome, до меня, дом.

if ᚼ is to, which it's arrows to one point tell, as it is a city, a node, a central point. animal with tail (not human (thus if ᚼ is the target of the hunt, 5 would be unlucky. Commies are satanists. Or were russians before them as well? If October Revolution (brights my soviet heart, to be fair) was the counter-revolution played by russian aristocracy, nigga that's crazy, that little indicator could tell. Why else would commies want to control Finland and such, they would lead by example, but they all were whether shills or sheer incompetence. The world is stage, they said before me.)).
I am utterly incompetent in many accounts, so who am I to blame, but then, man.. some still would try.
So I'm to expose the history of the attempts and their atrocious poverty and other atrocities,
practice is criterion of the truth, the only good of their sayings.
a very self-ironic one too, similar to know them by their fruit

but how can ᚼ be to? isn't 2 to?
one, an, a
five? fine? пива? is it fi of fist? isn't fi in fist the same as in finger? fing-er includes fing (f-ing) finger is literally the one doing the fucking. Girls fingered themselves before guys came? Girls wouldn't dare to fist themselves before they gave birth, why would they break themselves before prince charming came?
fi of fist? five fingers in one fist? is V in five the V, the 5 (or, in some numeral systems, 4 (thumbs were not numbered, they were pointers))
I II III could be names for index, middle and ring fingers. I M R!!! yes, that's alphabetic.
pinky was V? pink~Violet? p~v(both labial, but different: pink is less violent, calm, voiceless)
voiceless (in the context of letters) is deaf in russian: глухие[gluhie]
if V depicts the pinky in its right strokeme, with left depicting the palm. Thumb being depicted this way would made more sense, and if thumb was V the 5, then pinky would be numero uno?
вот так королёк.
Pinky Ring Middle Index.. P and R so conveniently went in PRST pattern. Middle finger is Sredniy in russian (both средний и средние) Index is Ukazanelny. It Touches though, Trogaet.

трогает [trogaet] could be read as mpozaem (russians and englishmen share vowels more exactly,
but then I thought of tough touch)
(doesn't sound like toukh at all)
T though is always T
but В is read V in russian
It seems to be both, just one reading is accepted in one areas, and the other is in the others.
ת is not only t, but also θ to s something.
Thus those legendary B and T were also V and S and let's continue.. B and C
W and C
W and S
wee and ass
P and S??
pee and shit
пися попа? но почему с и п инвертированы? но п и с же.
писа и срака
пипа и кака
пипи и кака
письпись и какай
(пипи=письпись as pee=piss)
(caca englishmen also know, as international as mama)

so we have two international words now. One is tabooed. Should I untaboo it.
Only in this obscure edition. Please do not make it widely known. Why though? Taboo. Fuck it.
Seriously, not recommended.
Why would you, oh reader, be associated with such dirt. No good.
Why me? I have other too big things,
only retards consider Mendeleev great because he invented vodka,
which he also probably didn't.

Ещё ужаснее то, что эти пи-пи и ка-ка,
пережедшие видимо на жидкое и твёрдое,
стали основой для слов пить и кушать.
пить и писать разные вещи, писать имеет в себе с (off)
какать и кушать вообще непохожи же, только первая буква.
именно она и есть твёрдое, произошедшее от ка, которое и в камень.

Ка - первая буква у индусов. Не потому ли они настолько проще обращаются с го-ом?
Са - не помню индусский порядок, потому шпарю по японскому, его помню, он тоже с ка
Та - но погоди, у японцев А предшествует Ка. Похоже на европейское влияние, есичесна

Кака и Саса? сака [saka] is piss in russian. К[k] и С[s] - два способа прочесть букву C[k,s]
Tata - Тятя?! я своего кака, а не папа называл.
или Тётя? Тётя из ряда Тяти/Дяди/Daddy/оТЧе (тётя это и тити? тити более откровенное слово)
Тата (папа
Тити~Сиси (если С значит жидкий, то смотри как С похоже на П (Сиси дают смысл жидкого))
Тятей и Систрой заменяли неприличные К и П?
кака и сака видимо второй этап: двусложные слова.

ЯпонскаяКитайская иероглифика односложна, что говорит, что так было
(у них так есть. хелло. уот иф зэй бастардайзд э компликэйтед джапанис райтинг энд рерот хистори? Японцы переписывали бы (Япония не была оккупирована Китаем. С чего так?
(в общем дело тёмное, или это всего лишь я
(но я не тёмный, я свечусь, и в этом контексте я сведущ, просто бросаю вызов известному
(подобно тому как боятся неизвестности) известности)))

кака пипи мама папа тятя тётя дядя дети?
дети дяди и тёти.
дети (принадлежат) дяде и тёте. 
Как одно слово может у других падеж-то изменить с родительного на дательный!

СиСи сок, соси, не от ссу ли? в значении мочу? именно что мочу (I wet, urine (both translations are possible))

we in wet is wee? why would it be we? we is plural wo. homonym, purely accidental.
Could be possible only when we forgot that W is wee, Pee.. thus is Bee pee? is mead пить? Did people drink urine? To answer that we should look if some apes do, and even I saw apes drinking their own urine, so I guess the answer is yes (I don't look at apes often, so I guess piss-drinking is rampant in their savage societies)

Са is both Caca and Saca. unless they distinguished S as long C, ContinuouS (as the word)

A Ka Sa Ta Na Ha Ma Ya Ra Wa (N is Wu (as N's are in Wu-Tang Clan, probably how they named it)
A is just a vocalization, actual first saying of a child.
Ka is кряхтение при каканьи непроизвольное.
Sa ка второе прочтение буквы С (было B отправлено назад или всегда там было. С чего бы двойная буква была первой? Но в латинском это традиция, что первая двойная (губная) стоит.
Как это могло произойти? Проще предположить, что ..что? ничего, продолжим мысль про A C D E(H) M(W(vav)) N stands before M, is it related to LMN? but N is always after M in european alphabets. R and W are after M as in european alphabets though.
Out of my guess that hiragana's order is related to alphabetic order, that I tend to find the similarities, and indeed there are many: even Sa before Ta just like S and T. But I speculate that K and S are C, and that Ta is Da, which technically it is. that Ta column contains its voiced variants, but what if ゛is a recent invention, and before that they went without it, as hebrew was without dagesh? They used to write in chinese hieroglyphs before they simplified them into kana, and I can't see how it's wrong.
So mostly I'm just being contradictory. For a good reason too.

Interesting, how similar to K and S both being the readings of C,
H and N are the ways to read H(Н)
and russian т looks like m in cursive: т
and basically Y R W are all that's left,
and in my Futhark As Mistransliterated Alphabet..
I speculate that ᚱ(R) is a form of ᚢ(W)
and that ᚢ looks like П, which is russian P, and their R is Р
 and thus it links them like this,
and thus all come in pairs, and only Y and A left,
and both may be considered vowel.

2 and 3 have an interesting relation: when you want to increase something 1½ times, you add ½, but when you want to inverse that, you have to remove ⅓, even though it will be not called to divide something 1½ times.
Obviously it is because the whole is different at those two operations, but how addition of ½ makes it so, that now it's ⅓? because it is one in both cases, only in one case there are two of ones,
in the other, there are three

Let's try and do it their way, by feeding them one tidbit at once:

Let's sell them the K-column. Let's not feed them all, let's just offer "gradual changes in our understanding of the world", not to overwhelm them.

1 What is known (our understanding of the world)
    Many noticed, that latin alphabet has too many letters for k: C, K, Q and then X contains k.
 2 What is unknown (what's the gap we want to fill)
    But the explanation of that phenomenon is lacking, so google only returned "The letter K was not part of the original alphabet but was added later as a way to make Latin look more Greek (bearing in mind that in classical times the Greek language was the language of culture). Essentially when Latin borrowed Greek words, they would be spelled with a K instead of a C."
And where they took it is not clear, because even in hebrew alphabet (we look at it here also because it is in the classical phoenician order, the only modern alphabet repeating that order) before L(ל) stands K(כ) and yet כ looks like C, so some truth is in their words, but then that כ looks like 𐤊 in phoenician, so the consensus google output makes even less sense, so we have to start from scratch, which I pretty much did. But it doesn't answer the question.
3 How and why should we fill the gap (your rationale and purpose/hypothesis)
    I found a 2-dimensional structure in the alphabet sequence, and it explained that phenomenon well.
4 METHODS (what did we do)
    I researched writing systems for years, getting high and thinking about what I learnt for decades actually, during some of such seances I made sense out of the repeating pattern of the alphabets (though k-column is distinct only in latin alphabet, which may be explained by legends describing three elements of the alphabet (vowel, labial, lingual, as the further research made clear) so the era of those legends didn't distinguish between two readings of C, be it back-lingual or front-lingual (velar or coronal)
5 RESULTS (what results did we get)
    Recognition of velars as a group distinct from other linguals may explain the abundance of K's, representing metal, extracted out of earth, which was symbolized by the common lingual group, before it was separated into organic and inorganic chemistry, if I can compare understanding of the ancient wizards with modern scientific knowledge (zemlya has labial m in it, but earth also contains water, so it's great representation. Earth is more purely lingual, earthy.
почва поить чево (то что надо поить)
6 DISCUSSION (how do the results fill the gap)
    They fill it almost perfectly (X is shifted by doubling of the labial)
7 CONCLUSION (what does this mean for us going forward?)
    The theory which have grown out of the discovery of the structures within alphabets revealed many such tidbits, which apparently I have to feed you by one, and there are many.
    Those structures allow more convenient tool for comparison of the alphabets (and other writing systems too: so this structure was found even in ethiopean abugida and roman numerals, the picture of the world our alphabets contain predate even the religion, which predated christianity, and it contains some symbols, which we know from christianity: trinity, JK, IMNL, and triple six too, which allows a deeper perspective from which to look at the world of words and beyond.

And those are slightly different, but very slightly, they both k and q are different only in that q is before u, and here I realize, that q is cu, k is probably ki (c would turn s before i) but q is in the o-line, which may indicate that they only had 4 lines: as hebrew does, hebrew is a corner stone, one of several corner stones of this building of european civilization.
c k q

𐤊 looks like K in firefox, but seamonkey shows it as ᚴ, and that could be another argument pro runes being more ancient than greek and latin (if the seamonkey glyph is truly historic)
The ᚴ shape is not seen in old-italic scripts,
and Ч links to ᚴ not less, thatn Ж to ᛡ
Г and Ч both remind ᚴ (and we know Γ из Греческого)
Д reminds ᚦ more than Δ, but not more that D (yet Δ sounds more like ᚦ)
Ѕ reminds ᛋ, but that's not needed: latin (but not greek) has S
(but then there's a rune similar to Σ: ᛊ, which is equivalent to ᛋ the same way Σ is S)
П as ᚢ and ᚱ is yet to be proven, it's a wild hypothesis.
Х is similar to ᚷ, actually the same glyph, but that could be borrowed either way.
Actually Ч and Ж are the only russian letters unique to it and yet reflected in runes.

I wonder if В in ukrainian був and T in ukrainian бути are those primal B and T
showing past and present (or past and future in larger sense
(though future is буде, but it reminds бути дуже рішуче))

Knossos ~ gnosis

Manu (Sanskrit: मनु) is a term found with various meanings in Hinduism. In early texts, it refers to the archetypal man, or the first man
(progenitor of humanity).
The Sanskrit term for 'human', मनुष्य (IAST: manuṣya) or मानव (IAST: mānava) means 'of Manu' or 'children of Manu'

मन is mind (in both Hindi and Sanskrit, so it seems (g.t. sometimes guesses words he doesn't know, but w.p is usually more accurate, and it tells yes:
मन मस्तिष्क की उस क्षमता को कहते हैं जो मनुष्य को चिंतन शक्ति, स्मरण-शक्ति, निर्णय शक्ति, बुद्धि, भाव, इंद्रियाग्राह्यता, एकाग्रता, व्यवहार, परिज्ञान (अंतर्दृष्टि), इत्यादि में सक्षम बनाती है।[1][2][3] सामान्य भाषा में मन शरीर का वह हिस्सा या प्रक्रिया है जो किसी ज्ञातव्य को ग्रहण करने, सोचने और समझने का कार्य करता है। यह मस्तिष्क का एक प्रकार्य है।
मन और इसके कार्य करने के विविध पहलुओं का मनोविज्ञान नामक ज्ञान की शाखा द्वारा अध्ययन किया जाता है। मानसिक स्वास्थ्य और मनोरोग किसी व्यक्ति के मन के सही ढंग से कार्य करने का विश्लेषण करते हैं। मनोविश्लेषण नामक शाखा मन के अन्दर छुपी उन जटिलताओं का उद्घाटन करने की विधा है जो मनोरोग अथवा मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में व्यवधान का कारण बनते हैं। वहीं मनोरोग चिकित्सा मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को पुनर्स्थापित करने की विधा है।
सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान किसी व्यक्ति द्वारा विभिन्न सामाजिक परिस्थितयों में उसके मानसिक व्यवहार का अध्ययन करती है। शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान उन सारे पहलुओं का अध्ययन करता है जो किसी व्यक्ति की शिक्षा में उसके मानसिक प्रकार्यों के द्वारा प्रभावित होते हैं।
जिसके द्वारा सब क्रियाकलापो को क्रियानवृत किया जाता है। उसे साधारण भाषा में मन कहते है।।
Mind is the ability of the brain which enables a person to think, remember, make decisions, intellect, emotions, sensory perception, concentration, behavior, insight, etc. [1] [2] [3] In general language, mind is that part or process of the body which works to receive, think and understand any information. It is a function of the brain.
The mind and its various aspects of functioning are studied by a branch of knowledge called psychology. Mental health and psychiatry analyze the proper functioning of a person's mind. The branch called psychoanalysis is the method of revealing those complexities hidden inside the mind which cause disturbance in mental illness or mental health. Psychiatry is the method of restoring mental health.
Social psychology studies the mental behavior of a person in different social situations. Educational psychology studies all those aspects which are affected by the mental functions of a person in his education.
Through which all activities are carried out. In simple language it is called mind.

so the etymology of man is that sanskrit man, the mind.

and it is not something new, at least they knew, but I didn't, and you probably didn't too,
they don't teach us sanskrit

Oh wow, it seems man is dutch orthography which influenced english, which was more german?
so I read it

Махди которого муслимы ждут это Махадев.
                                                                     (ди is a part of deus, dei as in deity)

Dev is Devil in arabic world, so I heard (never tested this word of mouth, to be honest, or did I?
did you?)
и да, ислам очень сатанинск (во всяком случае со стороны тех, кто его не исповедует)
и говорят, он сам своё падение пророчествует, а христиан учат что много кто сатане поклонится, но в финале сатана падёт. Т.о. нам предлагается картина будущего, согласная с картиной будущего соседей. Это пьеса, которую евреи разыгрывают, чтоб держать гоев в повиновении: чёрных учат убивать неверных, а неверных учат им не сопротивляться, белые неверные рабы, всё бунтуют, то ли дело черныши, глупые как бараны, такими жидам сподручней управлять. В Израиле вроде бы великолепно справляются. Но не всё так однозначно: в одном вопросе два еврея имеют три различных мненья.

ь как краткая и (как краткая ы?)

a pure chance brought me ꯅꯨꯄꯥ man [nupa] in мейтейлон (манипури)

The original 18 letters used in the Meitei Mayek writing system

подозрительно походят на три рунических этта. Давай-ка транслитерируем их..  (но после транслитерации не походят)

ꯀ ꯁ ꯂ ꯃ ꯄ ꯅ ꯆ ꯇ ꯈ ꯉ ꯊ ꯋ ꯌ ꯍ ꯎ ꯏ ꯐ ꯑ ꯒ ꯓ ꯔ ꯕ ꯖ ꯗ ꯘ ꯙ ꯚ ꯛ ꯜ ꯝ ꯞ ꯟ ꯠ ꯡ ꯢ ꯣ ꯤ ꯥ ꯦ ꯧ ꯨ ꯩ ꯪ ꯫ ꯬ ꯭      ꯰ ꯱ ꯲ ꯳ ꯴ ꯵ ꯶ ꯷ ꯸ ꯹

ꯀk  ꯁs  ꯂl  (head[kok], hair[sam], forehead[lai])
ꯃm ꯄp  ꯅn  (eye[mit], eyelash[pā], ear[nā])
ꯆt͡ʃ  ꯇt  ꯈkʰ  (lips[chil], saliva[til], throat/palate/neck[khou])
ꯉŋ ꯊtʰ ꯋw (pharynx/larynx[ngou],breast/chest/ribs[thou],navel/heart[wai])
ꯌj   ꯍh  ꯎu(ː) (spine[yang], joint[huk], skin[un])
ꯏi(ː) ꯐpʰ  ꯑɐ  (blood[i], anus/bottocks/uterus[pham],
immortality/heaven/divinity /birth(ꯑꯇꯤꯡꯉꯥ[atinga], ꯑꯇꯤꯌꯥ[atiya]))

these (given in all other order) are called primary letters on wiki

риторика ~ рито-рика ~ речь-речь (очень сильная речь)

In the following line (in the image) 𐤊 (reversed k (or ᚴ!))
  But then that כ looks like 𐤊 in phoenician

or ᚴ:

в соавторы Гайдука зазываю, очень вкусно дядька пишет.
(пока что отмораживается)

म and न are like m and n differ in just one stroke (but I always saw न as n on the ا stroke of its a)
म also looks like ם

t in heat typoed up front. as for temperature, but isn't temp time? isn't termperature rotation of time? But no, they typo erm is of warm. termы are roman saunas. term~тёпл(warm (and olol, that's TV))

warm ~ тёпл? (and term is the middle ground between them (latin influenced both brits and russkies))
ryss is ruth, but I was thinking of рысь, bobcat, and they say those beasts ruth humans: If you see a bobcat near your home, there is no need to panic. Bobcats rarely attack people, and most human attacks have been related to rabies
(Rabies is a viral disease that causes encephalitis in humans and other mammals.[1] It was historically referred to as hydrophobia ("fear of water") due to the symptom of panic when presented with liquids to drink.
And isn't it where the legend of holy water is coming from? Rabies is naturally demonic posession, spreading as zombie apocalypse is, and I think we should film a film about rabies, framed as a horror movie staged in the medieval times: Army Of Darkness worked very well. I wonder how many people with rabies treat eachother, do they attack eachother? I wish that movie is accurate in scientific sense, that those who watched it know how to treat rabies (the movie has a wizard who helps a knight to save his bride (and in the end of the movie, she bitches at him, showing symptoms of rabies, in the comedic bit they show после-титров))) but unless some reader of ancient doctors contributes to this, there was no treatment for rabies until recently. Maybe the wizard was present as the girl was bitten, or contacted the same day by the prince rushing her on a back of the horse with him.
Rabies has been known since around 2000 BC.[134] The first written record of rabies is in the Mesopotamian Codex of Eshnunna (c. 1930 BC), which dictates that the owner of a dog showing symptoms of rabies should take preventive measures against bites. If another person were bitten by a rabid dog and later died, the owner was heavily fined.[135]
In Ancient Greece, rabies was supposed to be caused by Lyssa, the spirit of mad rage.[136]

Lyssa is probably Лиса (russian word for fox)
In Switzerland the disease was virtually eliminated after scientists placed chicken heads laced with live attenuated vaccine in the Swiss Alps.[82] Foxes, proven to be the main source of rabies in the country, ate the chicken heads and became immunized.[82][116]
Italy, after being declared rabies-free from 1997 to 2008, has witnessed a reemergence of the disease in wild animals in the Triveneto regions (Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia), due to the spreading of an epidemic in the Balkans that also affected Austria. An extensive wild animal vaccination campaign eliminated the virus from Italy again, and it regained the rabies-free country status in 2013, the last reported case of rabies being reported in a red fox in early 2011.[117][118]

Ineffective folk remedies abounded in the medical literature of the ancient world. The physician Scribonius Largus prescribed a poultice of cloth and hyena skin; Antaeus recommended a preparation made from the skull of a hanged man.[137]
Rabies appears to have originated in the Old World, the first epizootic in the New World occurring in Boston in 1768.[138]
Rabies was considered a scourge for its prevalence in the 19th century. In France and Belgium, where Saint Hubert was venerated, the "St Hubert's Key" was heated and applied to cauterize the wound. By an application of magical thinking, dogs were branded with the key in hopes of protecting them from rabies.
It was not uncommon for a person bitten by a dog merely suspected of being rabid to commit suicide or to be killed by others.[22]
and that can be used in the movie
In ancient times the attachment of the tongue (the lingual frenulum, a mucous membrane) was cut and removed, as this was where rabies was thought to originate. This practice ceased with the discovery of the actual cause of rabies.[38] Louis Pasteur's 1885 nerve tissue vaccine was successful, and was progressively improved to reduce often severe side-effects.[23]
In modern times, the fear of rabies has not diminished, and the disease and its symptoms, particularly agitation, have served as an inspiration for several works of zombie or similarly themed fiction, often portraying rabies as having mutated into a stronger virus which fills humans with murderous rage or incurable illness, bringing about a devastating, widespread pandemic.[139]

and they say that the idea is not that new, but then I should balance it on the scientific side. That would make this allow us to get few zombie-inspired scenes.

cold & холод are more obvious cognates. Warm & Term

Т looks like hammer. Топор is it not?
Ax and Axe look like Топор because I know they're. Палач как Туз? (that was about Ace~Axe)
Туз последняя карта (зад? ꯐ[pʰ])

ꯀk  ꯁs  ꯂl  (head[kok], hair[sam], forehead[lai])
ꯃm ꯄp  ꯅn  (eye[mit], eyelash[pā], ear[nā])
ꯆt͡ʃ  ꯇt  ꯈkʰ  (lips[chil], saliva[til], throat/palate/neck[khou])
ꯉŋ ꯊtʰ ꯋw (pharynx/larynx[ngou],breast/chest/ribs[thou],navel/heart[wai])
ꯌj   ꯍh  ꯎu(ː) (spine[yang], joint[huk], skin[un])
ꯏi(ː) ꯐpʰ  ꯑɐ  (blood[i], anus/bottocks/uterus[pham],
immortality/heaven/divinity /birth(ꯑꯇꯤꯡꯉꯥ[atinga], ꯑꯇꯤꯌꯥ[atiya]))


ꯃ (eye) looks like a part of the ꯀ(head)
ꯃ also reminds ꯆ (lips, which it does)
ꯆ reminds ꯋ (navel, instead of which lips work now.)
Poor hungry..  indians.. of some Assam.
Meitei (ꯃꯩꯇꯩꯂꯣꯟ, Eastern Nagari script: মৈতৈলোন্, [mejtejlon] (IPA), romanized: meiteilon) ,[4] also known as Manipuri (ꯃꯅꯤꯄꯨꯔꯤ, Eastern Nagari script: মণিপুরী, [mɐnipuɾi] (IPA)), is a Tibeto-Burman language of northeast India.
It is the official language and the lingua franca of Manipur and one of the official languages of Assam. It is one of the constitutionally scheduled official languages of the Indian Republic.[5] Meitei is the most widely-spoken Tibeto-Burman language of India and third most widely spoken language of northeast India after Assamese and Bengali.[6]
see how thin their chicks are: ꯆ depitcs lips.
ꯋ depicts navel, so their babies were also thin.

I claim, that those syllables are hieroglyphic, and ꯅ for an ear tells me "sure do"
So I wouldn't know of Meitei, if my friend didn't send that Roman
The Meitei script (ꯃꯩꯇꯩ ꯃꯌꯦꯛ, Meitei mayek)[78] is one of the official scripts of the Indian Republic. Meitei mayek is also known as Kanglei script (ꯀꯪꯂꯩ ꯃꯌꯦꯛ)[79] or kok sam lai script (ꯀꯣꯛ ꯁꯝ ꯂꯥꯏ ꯃꯌꯦꯛ, romanized: kok sam lai mayeke), after its first three letters.[80][81] Its earliest known appearance is on 6th century coins.[82] It was used until the 18th century, when it was replaced by the Bengali script, and then revived in again massively in the 20th.[83] In 2021, the use of Meetei Mayek to write Manipuri was officially adopted by the Government of Manipur, alongside Bengali script.[84]

они путают науку с академией (академия - это подразделение католической церкви, которое подчинило себе всю науку, совратило её, подменило её собой, подмяло под себя) в то время как разница науки от ненауки - научный метод (наблюдение-предположение-проверка)
The longer they do not accept me the more wild my rants become. Maybe that is what every of them want: the total obliteration: they all came into science to do science, but they are enslaved by academia instead.

So I have to write another book.

Academia inserted A into Alphabet.. A Ca De Mi A is rather alphabetic. Yet in the eastern canon.
So the name itself may be an ancient formula usurped by those who didn't know what the word meant.

So my, the true Norwegian Science (imagine Norway to conquer russia by the will of its citizenry, a political firm, политическая фирма, я начинаю это движение из россии, норвежские политики в отставке, секонд-хэнд политишнс, сам оф хум мэй би уонтинг зы чэнс ту трай ту чэйндж ит фром зы аза сайд) will be called A Mi Ca De A? Amica Dea? Good Gooddeess

dd~N? ddess ~ ness? goddess ~ goodness?
d~n? Z~N! те же (яйца) только вид сбоку.

Amica Dea makes perfect sense, in comparison to academia (demonia, and aku is bad in japanese)
acu demia as the opposite of amica dea!
(acu = плохое, а м = me, demons have you inside them, they eat you)

A Mi Ca De A places A's around the Mi Ca De, which reminds me that ancient greeks were

Микенская цивилизация (греч. Μυκηναϊκός πολιτισμός) или Ахейская Греция (греч. Αχαϊκή Ελλάδα) — культурный период в истории доисторической Греции с XVI по XI век до н. э., конец греческого бронзового века. Часть крито-микенской культуры, первая цивилизация, основанная собственно древними греками. Получила своё название по городу Микены в Арголиде на полуострове Пелопоннес. Другими важными полисами этого периода были Аргос, Тиринф и Пилос.

В противоположность минойцам на Крите, культура которых достигает расцвета благодаря мирному существованию и оживлённой торговле, микенцы были завоевателями, однако также принимали участие в торговом обмене по Средиземноморью. Поселения микенского типа также появлялись в Эпире, Македонии, на островах Родос и Кипр, западном и юго-западном побережье Малой Азии. Керамика и прочие находки указывают на присутствие носителей микенской культуры на побережьях Леванта (сиро-финикийском Восточном Средиземноморье), Египта, Сицилии, Южной Италии.

Население Микенской Греции — ахейцы — принимали участие в переселениях «народов моря», эпизодом которых иногда рассматривают Троянскую войну, вокруг которой строился позднейший греческий эпический цикл. О военной нестабильности в этот период (XIII век до н. э.) свидетельствуют восстановление и возведение укреплений, включая стену поперёк Коринфского перешейка.

Исчезновение микенской культуры в контексте «катастрофы бронзового века» связывают с Дорийским вторжением около 1200 года до н. э., после которого начались «Тёмные века» древнегреческой истории. Несмотря на падение микенских центров, её традиции прослеживаются в ряде поселений последующего века. Также предлагаются теории, дополняющие эту картину факторами природных катаклизмов и климатических изменений.

Mycenaean Greece (or the Mycenaean civilization) was the last phase of the Bronze Age in ancient Greece, spanning the period from approximately 1750 to 1050 BC.[1] It represents the first advanced and distinctively Greek civilization in mainland Greece with its palatial states, urban organization, works of art, and writing system.[2][3]

Russian and English wikipedias disagree on whether MyCeNaean civilization began in 18th or 16th century BC.

This work is so weird, I am so weird, I will not make it, for I am alone.
But God is working it out for you. Bad god? Bud gud? Booze goods?

I want to keep on working, in the material world.

In few hours the action of weed passes away and I may go welding, now let's give this time to this book.
 Let's return to where we stopped, let's decypher the glyphs of Meitei Mayek.

ꯀk  ꯁs  ꯂl  (head[kok], hair[sam], forehead[lai])
ꯃm ꯄp  ꯅn  (eye[mit], eyelash[pā], ear[nā])
ꯆt͡ʃ  ꯇt  ꯈkʰ  (lips[chil], saliva[til], throat/palate/neck[khou])
ꯉŋ ꯊtʰ ꯋw (pharynx/larynx[ngou],breast/chest/ribs[thou],navel/heart[wai])
ꯌj   ꯍh  ꯎu(ː) (spine[yang], joint[huk], skin[un])
ꯏi(ː) ꯐpʰ  ꯑɐ  (blood[i], anus/bottocks/uterus[pham],
immortality/heaven/divinity /birth(ꯑꯇꯤꯡꯉꯥ[atinga], ꯑꯇꯤꯌꯥ[atiya]))

ꯀ [kok] head with messy hair (клок волос тоже кок)
ꯁ [sam] hair hand hang around head like this (даже прямой пробор изобразили)
ꯂ [lai] forehead: it would make greak mouth, or is it десница ока со лбом над ней?
ꯃ [mit] eye is the square
ꯄ [pā] eyelash, obviously the depiction of it.
ꯅ [nā] ear, depiction of it, thise and the ꯄ are the most obvious depictions so far, but wair for ribs.
ꯆ [chil] lips (on a thin face of a hungry man how they may look)
(and surely then further on the way I find that some translations are wrong somehow, who knows)
ꯇ [til] saliva, looks like a drop on that right end, and the direction where it goes is shown: вырабатывается спереди языка, проглатывается вниз, и дальше (последий завиток может животных скоерее означать, или что по кишкам оно туда-сюда, кто знает..)
ꯈ [khou] throat/palate/neck, it reminds ꯆ, so could be schematism added to the hieroglyphs.
Allow me call all them that, because egyptian hieroglyphs shouldn't be considered separate only because we got interest in them first, for they're the most obviously depictions, bad painters shouldn't be discriminated against in the domain of texts.
ꯉ [ngou] pharynx/larynx is less obvious, but the track the right part could be,
pharynx/larynx is the inner part of throat, as far, as I understand it. And it's lowermost part reminds me of the chinese/japanese hieroglyphs (I dare call them that)
ꯊ [thou] breast/chest/ribs obvious ribs
ꯋ [wai] navel/heart ~ it is navel, on a thin belly
ꯌ [yang] spine (probably a joint of the back looks like that, or it's back and not just spine, no nipples)
ꯍ [huk] joint  (depicts joint or something, not firmly attached)
ꯎ [un] skin (движением руки по коже показали? странный иероглиф, слабый
ꯏ [i] blood  видимо поток крови из раны (сверху который порез) показаню
ꯐ [pham] anus/bottocks/uterus (if it was an animal, then it is the back of it, rhyming ꯉ
(rhyme ~ remind)
ꯑɐ (ꯑꯇꯤꯡꯉꯥ[atinga], ꯑꯇꯤꯌꯥ[atiya]) immortality/heaven/divinity/birth
I am stunned by how much ꯑ and ɐ look alike, and how ti in atinga and atiya reminds die, totDE(dead)
ꯑ and ɐ both remind e, which is recognized as a happy face, and immortality gives one a happy face.

ꯇꯤ is one glyph ꯇ is t(til (they used first letters of the words))

their numerals are rather messed up, but then those 4 and 7, not making a part of the sequence with their neighbours are suspicious of being rudiments of octal being transmutated into decimal.
why mal? that is very suspicious


(speaking of the Meitei numerals: after IVXLCD I am ready to look anywhere)
aMa aNi aHum?
maRi maNgā
taruK tareT or tarUk tarEt? why discriminate the vowels?
Nipal Mapal
It rings something, but it reminds a man who only has the hammer. Do I have one hammer?

But let's get onto more firm ground,


E V  J  Z
 I M N L

C Q R W X Y are off its scope, and for a good reason: C is backed by K and S, no blind zones without it, Q is just K before U, what is the point, I wonder if somebody knows (I do, the CGKQX-column)
R is backed by L, but more likely by D (not only that it is for Dextrus, but for D belin beling the other opposition to L.
Wis backed by U and V,
 X is basically KS (and in that duality it is a great representitive of the cgkqx-column)
Y is basically I, and it is very weird, that in greek Υ is υ

Okay, welding is calling me, I must do it (the take is a double of something previous, which tells that my head is somewhere else. Делу время, потехе час? придёт час потехи, определённый час, не когда угодно. Делу время (всё что есть? почти))

красив~expensive? (красив~красен(крашен as the opposite of белен))

Have finished welding for today, shall get high and return here.

us ~ ours?
us ~ we's?   or   us ~ U's (yours)  ?

мы has no trace of U
we and мы seem to be connected in me and wo
We has very strong trace of U

We seems to be a plural form of U: e~c: E~Σ: ы~s (and this argumenation is circular in the best sense: U and ы bothe can be transliterated as Y.. and I just noticed that that bothe is a plural form of both, as I supposed, but then what is the singular form of both? both.

U is you in nederlands, d=th, also because of Δ[ð] thing (I would say "because of Δ", if I wrote for myself, but I write for ai-enhanced brains of the future (it liberated me from bothering myself with "who do you write it for? nobody understands"
We is the opposite of that, why would I equate you and we? because of we ~ вы?

мы includes вы? мы и вы могут означать одно и то же в контексте обращения к кому-то с общим делом. Мы более прикольная тема. более прикольное слово в контексте убеждения, пожалуй (говорил уже, что разница между мы и вы это разница между лидером и боссом (и тенденция к пережёвыванию старого без добавления какой-либо новой информации есть явный признак ненакуренного состояния))

Aren't B and D
           F and Г
          M and Λ
           П and Т
          Ф and q or something (𐌚 and 𐌔 or 𐌚 and S, and isn't it the sixth pair? or 7? ᛝ and 𐌔? ŋ as a labial?)
(was it when they confused labials with nasals?)
what about V and X?
B F M П Ф 𐌚 ᛝ? neither V nor W?
A to U? to V.. so what is it's half? J!

 B D
 F Г

are they basically two letters?

isn't М П?
isn't П U?

П and Г are also a pair.
But why isn't Г and Т are pair?
П is пара
Т is actually три (три)

isn't F П?
see, the same letter:
isn't ᚠ ᛓ?

when there's only two letters, many more words meet in their meanings:
party ~ пить, из этой оперы, но менее очевидное: party ~ fart, march, mark, work? (work and party m,ay meet in a ritual)
Comparing Rite and Party at first I didn't notice rt in both words..
rite is might, r is of w? it's of both w and j, V and J
Party is по ритуалу, и питие проводится по ритуалу.

итие ~ ритуал? ит в обоих один и тот же? rite (might, fight, white, bite?)

right (р is r in russian (r as a half of п))

light, night (la in light is Rah, isn't it? ray~луч)
sight, tight

Light Might Night with Right are all sonors. White is also sonor, the other one. but no yite

Right and White are connected (and w was changed to r by some rrr people, I guess, гайс, нот галс.
й and л are very similar letters: both sonors, but J is of Joe, while L is of Lisa, Louise, Leya, but also Luke, Louis, and J is for Joan, Janet, Jasmine, Julia, so this hypothesis doesnt work well)

Let's compare that ight to other set:

Lala Mama Nanna Papa is closest to Right we can have at this stage. Wawa can be anything.

Mama is the mightiest figure. Nannies are often hired for the nights. Papa rules (even though mothers have more influence on us, we love them more) White can be anything, anything can be white.

Lala is the lightiest of the creatures.

Lala ~ Light
Mommy ~ Might
Nanny ~ Night  (nun~nan? nun are more grim)

was Papa Rara? as in Hulk by Ang Lee?

The three goddesses are they внучка, дочка, бабушка? (две из них мать? так и дочками тоже являются две (триединство с одной скрытой фигурой
(матери они все (даже если одна из них лишь в будущем))))

Papa ~ Caca, as I spoke that word as a child, and Rara is Caca, way more than Papa is.

PQR are as is of of otets, and looking at those ST of otets(отец) I say, Father is PQRST (педераст? пизды даст) PRQ is porc, and father is way more boar than mother, mothers are way cleaner.

MLNKJ is Mother's line or Boy's line, as I saw маленький when I aranged JMKLN in that unusual manner.

Alphabet being a man's story, from Baby to Tomb is not a new idea here, so let's ponder on it further:
Ma Le Nь Ky
Вы первый pronoun?
(местоимения грязное слово)
Аз когда-то было таковым, и Вы было вторым лицом, каковым оно и является.
I is A then? ا!
Те и Сии прекрасное третье лицо.
Дуализм ש ת, или даже дуализм ת (которая без точки читается S-образно)
Т это не только Те, но и ты.
Аз Ты Мы? Аз Мы Ты Те? А М S T?
I surely like where it is going: A M S T E R D A M
and AMST sequence, common in Amsterdam and Amstel (its river) is alphabetic.
Amsterdam is Amstel's dam.
And that is a great example of L and R being the same letter.
(before people knew right from left, they had arm and alm? leg and reg? interesting, that legs are to the left, and arms are to the right reminds, as if the beast depicted should look to the right. To look right.

Art Alt (искусство высшая тема)
Rock Lock?
Rob Love (поиметь? выебать?) I'm not an english speaker, why not lobe?
I have to feel my own language first.

Рука Лука (нарисовать её можно дугой (лук~луг~дуга))
(разве бы нерусский знал что такое лука? излучина, знал бы?)
Резвый Лезвий (красотой стяжаю в полон, я девчонка резвая: у меня коса до пола да пол-метра лезвие)
Ребята Лебеда? Лебёдушки!
Лебеди Ребята?
Что делает лебеда? Без знания её свойств невозможно провести семантическую связь к похожим словам (может она заставляет ребячиться? лепетать? лепестки особенные? с бедой как-то ассоциируется в ту или другую сторону? без понимания предмета как слово понять? никак
ромб ломб?
роза лоза? вовсе нет же? куст розы называли лозой? если да, то в литературе неизбежно будет отражено, но как понять как давно? может так как здесь встречается в литературе, трудами поэтов современности.
река лека? liquid?
лекарство рекалство? рекарство? лекалство?
                              рецепт         лекало
     лекарь, очевидно

Archanes script is told to be the earliest form of cretan hieroglyphs.

The development of hieroglyphs passed three important stages:
    Archanes script (signs look like pictograms, although their number and frequency rather suggest a syllabic script); this script was only described as a distinct stage in development of the Cretan hieroglyphic in the 1980s. Most of these seals contain a repetitive "Archanes formula" of 2–3 signs.[21]
    Hieroglyphic A (best represented in archaeological records; similar to Archanes, but images of animals are reduced to heads only)
    Hieroglyphic B (mostly on clay, characters are essentially simplified, may have served as a prototype for Linear A and possibly the Cypro-Minoan script).
Only this latter version of the hieroglyphic includes signs that can possibly match ideograms known from Linear A.

        [𐤁𐤉𐤌𐤌 ? 𐤋𐤉𐤓𐤌𐤇 ?] 𐤁𐤔𐤍𐤕 𐤀𐤓𐤁𐤏 𐤖𐤖𐤖𐤖 𐤋𐤌𐤋𐤊 · 𐤌𐤋𐤊𐤉𐤕𐤍 [𐤌𐤋𐤊]‬
        [bymm ? lyrmḥ ?] bšnt ʾrbʿ 4 lmlk · mlkytn [mlk]
        [On day ? of the month ?] in year four (4) of King Milkyaton, [king of]

        ‮[𐤊𐤕𐤉 𐤅𐤀𐤃𐤉𐤋 𐤎𐤌𐤋] 𐤀𐤆 𐤀𐤔 𐤉𐤕𐤍 𐤅𐤉𐤈𐤍 · 𐤀𐤃𐤍 · 𐤁𐤏𐤋𐤓[𐤌]‬
        [kty wʾdyl sml] ʾz ʾš ytn wyṭn · ʾdn · bʿlr[m]
        [Kition and Idalion: this is] the statue which was given and raised by Lord Baalro[m,]

        ‮[𐤁𐤍 𐤏𐤁𐤃𐤌𐤋𐤊 𐤋𐤀𐤋]𐤉 𐤋𐤓𐤔𐤐 𐤌𐤊𐤋 · 𐤊 𐤔𐤌 𐤒𐤋 𐤉𐤁𐤓𐤊‬
        [bn ʿbdmlk lʾl]y lršp mkl · k šm ql ybrk
        [son of Abdimilk, to his go]d Reshep Mikal, because he heard his voice: may he bless.

I can only wonder how would he manage to decypher one by the other.

here, in better quality:

these two typoed themselves or were typoed by some powers when I was peeing, so whatever caused them to appear here, let's speak about them. 2 and 3  or  4 and 6

+ and × are т and ks and h.
+ is T, no other letter in european alphabets (but in ogham it's A, and in glagolitic too)
× is ks to kh to h, and as h it is the ᚼ without stav

stav kak stvol, поставлено, т.е. руны русские? аэты что тогда такое? это что-то западнее, датский, исландский, та чусть рун оттуда. Да и став скорей всего они тоже могут понимать. (stand is not to far from stav)

+ as T reminds japanese [to]と(and, (if? jisho says that と is also if, but if and [i]и(and) ))
と reminds ע and צ (and to is not far from ts (and I'm not the first one who noticed the similarity between japanese and hebrew, but that take was rather freaky, I believe in more complex connection, some more complex resemblances between japanese and different european writing systems))

× ~ * but the common reading of х and ᚼ, the h, doesn't ring a bell.
* reminds ж[ʒ] and * can be read as жды[ʒdi (if you can unpalatalize that i)]

is it coincidence or is it ..either way it doesn't matter. Mostly because I ddin't find much.
Japanese-european mnemonics is all that is, a tool to memorize, doesn't prove anything.
and this * as ж of жды is rather weak too. I had ю, and isnt ᛡ it?
and it is literally ё(io, the closest to ю one could be)
From earlier ᛃ (j).
    A letter of the Runic alphabet.
        present in the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc (called ger or ior), representing /j/ or /jo/.
        present in transitional period Elder Futhark and early Younger Futhark, representing /a/

as if these two lines were one line going from left to right.
Here I just wanted to see if I would easily read the line upwards,
(why would I though)

+ as [da]да(and)   т ~ д (see it in paleohispanic script))
endlish to is also good と, for to is add (and that is what + also is. Now I must read where

5 + 5 is 5 to 5.. but isn't five to one 12:55? no, it's one in five. 1/5, some other arithmetic operation.
5 * 5 are good as 5 ю 5 and as 5 жды 5, but not as 5 на 5 (but then russian Н[n] looks like H[h], which links it back to ᚼ

 0 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8  9
O I  г З Ч S б Z В g
It transliterated like this reminds eastern order (as indians are these numers (without english В key on this keyoard I can see them all eing dum, num, russians would say deaf? no, russians would say dead? no, russians would say voiceless. Interesting, that Β isn't used much in english. As if C indeed was the first letter.)

without Β and C, as in etruscan, what we have is A E sequence (there's no D in some etruscan sets (ut not in Marsiliana!))

Β is just Βut, но. And as no it's new? It's just no, that is why it is not used much.

Dum doesnt even dum-dum-dum
Deaf.. m,ay, I guess
Βlind speaks normally, usually, I guess,
Βut then it has that Β in the initial position.

In the set of old-italic scripts the one coming from A right to E is called East-Raetic (and in East-Raetic they placed ᚲ etween  A and E. Thought what does it matter, if that tale is academic
(what was I talking of here
(comparing taΒle to tale, how would I guess that if the key didn't fall off)

That triple ᛒ.. I'll remember (I forgot tht the lptop I use s the monitor hs its own keyborrd.. but it's A key only works from time to time.
And it's funny, that the first of the key o rds lost its A, and the other - it's B (I have another keyoard at home, and how funny would it e, if it lost its C.

describes turn into descries ..reminding that scribe s-cry
(s is writing, literally the script? ссать in писать?)

of is ab in about (this came from needing the synonym for about in the context of b-less keyboard (I now use two keyboards as if I'm some Bernie Worrell

Уменьш тельно-ласкательные суффксы tick and chick are they literally tick and chick?
Thos things are tiney

Hands down, my book is satanic.
                         гад and sад? рад and sad?!!
                        (г and s reflect eachother, like those states)
Satanic for me, ecause it distracts me from the utero thing (the capsule of immortality I also invented)

invent is triple in? in v en & 't as verBal suffix (how wicked is it t push shift on one, and B on the other hekye.. keyboard..

in в into

When I live with my parents, I подстраиваюсь под их режим (switching to english, because it has way less b's than there are и's in russian) и это мешает мне творить эту книгу (но помогает капсулу создавать, итак, решение: жить с родителями)

лейка как лебедь, но лейка от лить, а лебедь водная птица (птиться)

дееть? деять
знать? зять мог быть из знати только быть? право первой ночи и всё такое
ныть? (с появлением стекла эта буква явиласть?

сеять? сееть


л & п look very similar, and words лить и пить очень про воду.
л не только liquid, но и лить


What was I trying to find here? The meanings of the letters.
Maybe I did? м of мыть is м of море, м~w, for w is for water? for women. M is also for Moon.
Н[n] as in annoying? moaning tells that м~N?
Р for рыть? но также и для резать, рубить, рвать.. так давай эти суффиксы исследуем"!

резать З scissors? zgizzorz? З is nož (z can be an onomatopoeia whether to the cutting sound or to the sound of a person cut)
рвать.. В.. рву и рою когнаты? побуквенные кальки? are both words the forms of pure R?
разница меж бить и рубить, указывает на жёсткую правду буквы ᚱ (остро ~ most Ro?(ρGR[r]))

Double letters should have been six: B/P G/K D/T
Sefer Yetzirah speaks about it and it was in front of my face all the time. But then I think I have noticed it before, I just repeat this round, and I can see that Resh does not belong. Which may tell that it is a newer letter, inserted into it, and was integrated into the lucky-number-set into doubles to make 7 out of 6. and thus 22 out of 21. Raus is an anomalous aus.

Now I wonder if 21 is the most likely combination of cards

Саакянц и Саакашвили, обе фамилии в соседних нациях происходят от какого-то легендарного Сааки. Для русских смешное имя, неприемлимое.

Здрасте как более древняя (более основная, лишь основа осталась) форма слова здравствуте.
Сопоставив здравствуте с чувствуте, получим, на основе здрасте, чу-с-те (чуете)

"в твою" выбрасывается из задора с те (с тобой)

задор въ je? задор въ я?
задоровое? самое дорогое?
здорогье? с дороги здороваются (здоров ли? потому что если чуму мог принести, ложись в карантин на всякий случай)

Вчера принял 25 и разморозил Гайдука. Очень плодотворно пообщались: он указал на то, что сразу отморозит любого академика: они не знают про книгу сотворения, они думают что речь про книгу творения, бытие, надо указать в скобочках (сефер йецира, и номер издания, как положено) т.е. это не они неспособны понять the reference, это я не умел его указать.

He righteously said that in the Songs of The High One there's no mentioning of Norns in the process of acquiring of the runes. And I was shocked to find, that indeed there were not. There Odin tells explicitly that he took them from his own grand-father. So it was some tradition, only describing a process of the initiation into runes? Was it secret? It was magic. How old is magic? Nobody knows, but real old. How old is written magic? Marks are ancient thing, how could they be avoided by magic? When there's no scientific picture of reality, everything is magic.

He also told, that Robert Graves is not considered reliable, for his безудержный верификационизм.
But during the debate, I also found that Graves could have used in the epigraph of mine translation of some Mary Grant, so what was her source I wonder. And then Graves added about Io, syster of Phoroneus, to which told to check these books:
    The "Bibliotheca" by Pseudo-Apollodorus, a Greek writer from the 2nd century AD.
    The "Homeric Hymn to Apollo," a Greek poem from the 7th or 6th century BC.
    The "Metamorphoses" by Ovid, a Roman poet from the 1st century AD.
    The "Library" by Apollodorus of Athens, a Greek writer from the 1st or 2nd century BC.

Verificationism is a term new to me, and reading russian wiki to it, I didn't find anything wrong about it. To read the english wiki on it shall take me some time (оказалось, гуманитарии используют критерий поппера по отдельности, либо-либо; я же считал (и считаю) что научное выссказывание должно быть и доказуемо, и потенциально опровержимо.

Гипотеза про связь алфавитов с книгой перемен (двойное женское, мужское язычное единое) которая про BD FГ MΛ ПТ (и, возможно про 𐌚𐌔 или 𐌚S) и про ᚠᚴ и 𐎁𐎄 made him say "А вот это уже эклектика и антиисторизм", на что я ответил "дык история же не наука, а служанка идеологии, так что и пусть" и "Считать, что системы письма возникли независимо друг от друга - абсурд. Если были торговые связи, то был и обмен информацией. Но идеология диктует "разделяя властвуй", и историки этот заказ отрабатывают, но я не историк. Я рассматриваю структуры такими, какие они есть, как можно менее обращая внимания на то, что о них понаписано."

Книга состоит из 64 символов — гексаграмм, каждая из которых выражает ту или иную жизненную ситуацию во времени с точки зрения её постепенного развития. Символы состоят из шести черт; черты обозначают последовательные ступени развития данной ситуации. Черты, также называемые яо, бывают двух родов: или цельные (их ещё называют девятками), или прерванные посредине (шестёрки) (встречается также и цветовое различие черт, так, «девятки» обозначаются белым цветом, «шестёрки» — чёрным). Это связано с тем, что первые символизируют активное состояние, свет, напряжение (ян), а вторые — пассивное состояние, тьму, податливость (инь). Принято считать, что черты читаются снизу вверх (хотя встречается и обратное толкование); их последовательность описывает развитие ситуации.

Каждую гексаграмму также можно представить как сочетание двух триграмм. Вообще же комбинации черт яо имеют общее название гуа. Каждой гексаграмме, а также каждой черте в гексаграмме сопутствует набор афоризмов, которые и должны дать совет гадающему.

Обычно гадание происходит при помощи трёх монет, которые подбрасываются 6 раз. Если, после подбрасывания монет, все монеты ложатся на одну сторону — на свитке (или просто листе бумаги) рисуют цельную линию. Если же монеты ложатся на разные стороны, то рисуется линия с разрывом по середине. Как только все 6 линий получены, гадающий может обратиться к Книге перемен и получить толкование своей гексаграммы[8]. Также существует вариант гадания с использованием тысячелистника, который подробно описан в комментарии к книге перемен «Си цы чжуани» (кит. трад. 繫辭傳, упр. 系辞传, пиньинь Xì cí chuán), который входит в состав так называемых «крыльев книги перемен».

Черты, также называемые яо, бывают двух родов: или цельные (их ещё называют девятками), или прерванные посредине (шестёрки) (встречается также и цветовое различие черт, так, «девятки» обозначаются белым цветом, «шестёрки» — чёрным). Это связано с тем, что первые символизируют активное состояние, свет, напряжение (ян), а вторые — пассивное состояние, тьму, податливость (инь).
девять - нечётное число, в то время как шесть - чётное. формы 6 и 9 в явном виде напоминают инь и ян в тай чи, что говорит, что esoteric yin-yang is simply ignorant, and is

the most popular shape of it
is also the most accurate?
Or should it be mirrored, so that 6 and 9 are as they are in our font?
But fish would flow counter-clockwise then, so no;
it would be also rather unpopular shape of it.
Yin yang is the most popular order, because
Принято считать, что черты читаются снизу вверх
(also so that light trumps darkness)

I think we should focus on trigrams first and foremost, so let's get them:
999 sky    699 lake    969 fire    669 thunder    996 wind    696 water    966 mountain    666 earth

hEaven? Море? Огонь? thUnder? Wind? H? П? II?
(well, at least as mnemonics these can work (H2O? Hydro! Памир? Πέτρα!, ij? aarde as ااردع?
funny that they also don't connect
γη is transliterated as gi, but it is read just as йи[ji])
buy these three examples are just coincidences, for other words don't turn into the letters ))
But let's look for better ways to memorize it
(that piece came before the hydro and petra and yi were found, that was an update, so..)
Look like mountain as if draws a mountain, earth coming to heaven?
Look like thunder opposes it and as if heaven coming to earth.
But then I identified heaven to yang (for it's big yang) and earth to yin (for it's big yin)
fire is strong as razor on the outzide, but is ethereal inside (why is heaven yang? was it seen as твердь, which you cannot penetrate, while earth is diggable?) whil water is soft on the surface, but can crush walls. Wind and lake are more difficult, but then lake is of spring (for it's unfrozen, and of that spring which flows into it) and wind is of fall, something to ponder on, some better way to understand them sure must exist.
Let's try and make more sense of it, by imagining 6 to be б and 9 to be g, exactly what they look like:
heaven as bbb (baby B (baby jesus, who taught to be like kids))
lake like bbd (baby D? Deva of the lake? Now that's pure mnomonics, niothing more)
fire like bdb (bad B? bad god? bad бог? am I not just crazy? I never liked mnemonics, it's too chaotic to my taste)
now let's stop, it doesn't bring us anywhere closer to the understanding of this stuff, but 6 the Б and 9 the g are surely a spectacular comparison.

another example of near-illegible hand-writing:

it is supposed to say Robert Graves

gauge [geidʒ (who would have thought)]

are cotton and curtain the doublet words

is woman truly a wife-man? or is it womb-man? is wife womb?

bog is also quag

24 and 31? chaotic numbers, made me think of 24 7. 24 31 measures not by weeks, but by months.
Do week and women share the we?

60 60 24 7 4-or-so 52
60 60 24 28to31 12

60 returns 6 10, 2 3 10, 2 3 2 5
24 returns 2 12, 2 3 4, 3 8
12 returns 3 and 4

60 is 5 times 12 (5 times 4 times 3 (3 is 2 plus 1))
360 is 6 times 60 (6 times 5 times 4 times 3)

did they have 6 60-day months or 12 30-day months per year? Was 60 considered two half-an-hours?
12 30-day months is more natural to us, it's more modern maybe?
12 is christian, 6 is satanic (in common mind it is pretty much so, at least in european domain)
Was it the transition? Was 666 earth from before yi-jing (g is ъ here. Funny, that both have that lower bubble, and even funnier is that upper half of ъ reminds г, which g is pretty much is half of the time)

Trigrams are read from bottom up, as runes and ogham.

BaGua could stand for ⚍ .. or.. they read it from bottom up: ⚎ (B ~ and G ~)
But actually it is 八卦 (and that is a cool way to memorize these two)
Interesting, how what I suspected to be Ba, reminds its character so much: ~ 八
(one is 6 and the other is 8 (but then 八 is just some double shape, who konws what those strokes are))
g.t. translates 八卦 as gossip, but also as 8 trigrams, which it is.
卦 is translated as hexagram,
but reverse translation returns 卦象[гwа сян]
象 is elephant, ressemble, seem, appearance, shape, jumbo, take after
(so basically it is elephant and look like, for the character does look like elephant)
Weren't there three elephants at first? Trigrams are the three elephants.
(more telegraph-friendly style would be "there are three elephants at the basis of the world")
Three elephants of two kinds: they are either male or female.
Thus hexagrams, 卦象 are literally reminding trigrams.
I can recognize in the right part of the 卦 the stick for divination (I read about this radical somewhere) and thus the left part of it determines the type of the divination, and let's find what it could be..
圭[Guī] jade tablet
English wiki doesn't even know what it is:
圭,為中國古代用來祭祀之玉器(上尖下方)、瑞器、禮器,為官位最高者所執。在玉器 中,主祭東方[1]。皇帝的圭稱為鎮圭,正面刻有描金四山紋,分上下左右排列,象徵東南西北四鎮之山,表示「江山在 握,安定四方」之意。朝鮮半島、越南、琉球也有以圭為禮器。
The gui is a jade object (pointed on top and square on bottom) used for sacrifices in ancient China, auspicious objects, and ritual objects. It was held by the highest-ranking officials. Among jade objects, the main object is the east.[1] The emperor's gui is called the zhengui. The front is engraved with four gold-painted mountain patterns, arranged up and down, left and right, symbolizing the mountains of the east, south, west, and north, which means "the country is in your hands and the four directions are stable." The Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, and Ryukyu also use gui as ritual objects.
If that jade tablet was something related to trigrams, is not clear,
if you look it up, you may see korean emperors holding that tablets as if they were their erected penises
maybe they were protoknives, the sharp top and existance of stone knives support this guess.

  ☰             ☱             ☲             ☳             ☴             ☵             ☶             ☷
  乾            兌            離             震             巽            坎             艮            坤
Heaven    Lake      Flame     Thunder      Wind        Water   Mountain     Earth
interesting, that water has radical of earth, not water
  ⚊        ⚋  
yang     yin
⚌ ⚍ ⚎ ⚏ are summer, spring, autumn, winter, thus they should be in the other order,

Spring    ⚍    lesser yin, a principle in Chinese and related East Asian philosophies associated with dark, cool, female, etc. elements of the natural world.
(spring.. dark, cool, female, as весна is она)

Summer ⚌    greater yang, a principle in Chinese and related East Asian philosophies associated with bright, hot, masculine, etc. elements of the natural world.

Autumn  ⚎    lesser yang, a principle in Chinese and related East Asian philosophies associated with bright, hot, masculine, etc. elements of the natural world.

Winter   ⚏    greater yin, a principle in Chinese and related East Asian philosophies associated with dark, cool, female, etc. elements of the natural world.

and it seems that source describes yin and yang, not lesser or greater yin and yang, here, check it:

⚋    yin, a principle in Chinese and related East Asian philosophies associated with dark, cool, female, etc. elements of the natural world.
⚊    yang, a principle in Chinese and related East Asian philosophies associated with bright, hot, masculine, etc. elements
of the natural world.

⚍⚌⚎⚏ is animation of a movement from bottom up. And if anything, it is a mnemonic tool to memorize which one is spring and which one is autumn.

в единственном числе      "заканчивающееся"
во множественном числе "заканчивающиеся" (словно это то самое и, может быть так и есть)
(скорее всего)

Isn't вах[vah] another transliteration of the interjection also transliterated as ох[oh] and ух[uh] the way шаурма and шаверма are the same thing?

A Б В Г Д  what if this is a more correct shape? What if before it was wevn even some
Æ А Б В Г Д ?
А Æ Б В Г Д ?
this, because A being before Æ looks better, because Æ is softer than A,
just as В and Д are softer than Б and Г
The doubling seems to be a natural way to modify them after they were ABC[aбg]
е is a natural continuation (graphically)

This image made me think that doubles are out of order,
and I saw that if ק opposed גד, it would be in order.
  if it was 3+6+12, it would be 21
and it would stand at the Resh's position, and would resh bring lamed to oppose it? They're both voiced, so no, and I looked at cheth and thought "doesn't it oppose כ? or ק? isn't Qoph וכ? then Q is Cv, which it pretty much is.. especially with a swash, thus v is ו with the swash. Why would five look like one?

Is there ר amongst doubles, so that ל and נ stand under it? The twelve simple double the six doubles, but then there are 7 doubles, if I include ר, and why does ר look so much as 7? is פ.?7 פ   (I cannot place number to the right from the hebrew text, so I have to use such tricks)
So are there some missing letters? in the simple letters, which could be there before sonors came?

        א                             מ                            ש
   ב            ג           ד         כ         פ          ר          ת   (here I colour vowels grey and linguals grey)
ה     ו     ז     ח     ט     י      ל     נ     ס     ע     צ     ק     (did I fell for that א for air plot?)
 I took some liberty colouring the simple letters, but I did it like this: first I painted vowels, and here I had to accept ו as vowel, then I collected those who have some hint of labiality, here it took the stretch:
 ט as θ the Ѳ,
ל and נ as rudiments of מ,
ק for that ו in it, the ו I just declared vowel, or is it the other side of ו in ק?
And the rest were thoroughly lingual, even though I had to include ח, which is of כ, and ק is labial? wut?
        א                             מ                            ש
   ב            ג           ד         כ         פ          ר          ת 
ה     ו     ז     ח     ט     י      ל     נ     ס     ע     צ     ק 
now it seems more alright, for sefer yetzirah considers vowels guttural. Throat they saw as place of birth for both velars and what I consider vowels. Velars are lingual, yet somehow we don't feel the tongue, because its tip silently lays, we think it's soft palat working. Couldn't look into the mirror or something? Did I? Honestly? I don't remember, could I trust that chink blindly? Probably not, let's go and look once again.

ל and נ being amongst labials is the biggest stretch, but are they not the same ל and נ I placed under ר? are they all to be grey of the earth? then the doubling is gone. And shouldn't it be gone? Shouldn't reality be dominant to theorizings? It should. So, it is a failed experiment, but I performed it, just to know how far it goes, for what if it did? I'd have to take this one into consideration too. Now I shouldn't. I may think of bpgkdt of the doubles though. זסצ are natural continuations of ד and ת, and what would be the fourth? should there be the fourth? ח and ק would naturally follow ג and כ, but what else? ה to ג is as ח to כ.
And what is ק to ג? no ק to ג? also three instead of four?    Gosh.. why am I still playing thiw this with this thing? I would have cut it out to cutouts, but it's too well worked out not to be saved as an example of how we search and how we let go of the takes which came to be not so good. Who knows, maybe some day I take one more look, what I found old And in it, I'll find something new

                                מ                       ש      
   ג          כ          ר         ב          פ           ד          ת 
ה     ח י ע ק                 ו          ט         ז ל נ      ס  צ 

I keep on working with this thing.
And why wouldn't I? If it explains the trinity, why would it not describe the other stages of the alphabet's development? So why would it not be reliable in the rest of it?
So if (as I even wrote in my book, but truly first realized when the tv-guy asked me about it directly) at the first stage of the alphabet we had only three letters, why not describe the periods at which the other stages was grasped by the researcher of sefer yetzirah

                                מ                       ש      
   ג          כ          ר         ב          פ           ד          ת 
ה     ח י ע ק    ל נ        ו           ט           ז        ס  צ 

And as the complete set, the set of the latest stage, includes them all, so must the stage of doubles included the three mothers in their set.. Let's see what it could be:

                                מ                       ש      
   ג          כ          ר         ב          פ           ד          ת 
it is ten letters. Were there just 9? ר is pretty much out of it's place.
It would be nice, if the three mothers turned into three vowels.
Then they would ba be א (aА) מ(mW) ש(шИ)
and these mu and shi eimmediately have shown me them as good and bad gods, as cow and snake.

So by such mental gymnastics I have got me the proto-protoalphabet of
and then probably also RA RI RU
(though I don't like this R, considering it a borrowing from the neighbours, just as some letters of the paleohispanic syllabary are non-syllabic)
Those are 18 (and with RA RI RU
they would be 21!)
777 vs 666
(that could be quite a reason to introduce the R to this nice cet set of
five keeps on contributing. Here, some good critique and reference:
Is Graves a reliable source?
Robert Graves was a well-respected author and poet, known for his works on mythology and the historical novel "I, Claudius." However, when it comes to scholarly accuracy, his interpretations of myths in his book "The Greek Myths" have been criticized by some experts for being overly speculative or for relying too much on his own poetic imagination. So, while Graves can be a fascinating and thought-provoking read, it’s important to keep in mind that his interpretations may not always align with the mainstream scholarly consensus.
Wha was Mary Grant who translated Hyginus?
Mary Grant was a translator and editor known for her work on the "Fabulae" of Hyginus. She translated and edited the work, which was published by the University of Kansas Press as part of their "Publications in Humanistic Studies" series. Grant's translation is widely regarded as a valuable contribution to classical studies, and is still widely read and cited by scholars and students today. It sounds like she was a pretty impressive scholar!
How did she reconstructed the hyginus account of seven letters the Moirae (Mothers?!) gave from the one which was given in Hyginus with one letter missing?
Mary Grant’s translation of Hyginus’ "Fabulae" was based on the best available manuscripts of the text. In some cases, these manuscripts may have had errors or lacunae (gaps) in the text, which translators like Grant would have had to work around. In the case of the section about the Moirae and the seven letters, it’s possible that one of the letters was missing in the manuscripts that Grant was working with. Translators often make educated guesses or use cross-references with other texts to reconstruct missing or damaged sections. So Grant may have used her knowledge of Greek mythology and other sources to fill in the missing letter.

I should include it into the referenced version, the new reincarnation of the book I have to start working on. In the comment to the very first page, explaining the first page. well.. let's do it right here.. shall we.. Nah, not here, some other place. Here we only write high, and that kind of text is some work, it should be made with less ammount of artistic creativity, sober.

That thing with M being W the U(u) and with Ш being И(и) can blow my mind,
what is it all about? W like Ш and M(m) like Т(т)
not to mention whole the M~Ϻ thing.

avec and with are definitely cognates: the vec in avec is literally with
(it became obvious to me, when I watched a french lecture with english subtitles)
And is Qatar somehow related to those Cathars? Was it where the last cathars refuged to start speaking arabic, as the people in the area, but to give the name to the country, as they say Medea did too?

If ᛈ the peorð used to represent a horse, then it's shape is clear, if you look at it rotated 90° with its legs bent back and forth. Then it would look pretty much like π (as in ίππος) ba

caballoES [кава́йо]

is Б~В as бачити~видеть? were B always vidi?

bog is not just swamp, it's a toilet, and to shit and shit, wtf, hahahaha, russian god is sheitan for bongs!
(as I said, the god of your foe is your satan)

Let's apply the jewish mid-term of AMSBGDPQT (and maybe R is there.. was it the first off-syllabary part of some proto-paleo-hispanic? then it would be


KRPT (карпаты не далеко от места, в котором нашли культуру Винчу)

Винча (Турдаш[1], Градешница) — северобалканская археологическая культура эпохи неолита, распространённая на территории современной Сербии, частично Болгарии, Косово, Македонии и Румынии (Старая Европа, 5700—4500 либо 5300 — 4700/4500 лет до н. э.)[2][3][4].
Градешница является эпонимом для местного варианта археологической культуры Винча эпохи неолита. Близ Градешницы в 1969 году обнаружена табличка со знаками, напоминающими протописьменность[1].

We should always take archaeologic findings with a grain of salt (that field must attracts forgerers, because such findings cost lots)
The image on the right could be a map of a castle. And the room with no entrances to it must be the hidden central hall.
The image on the left does look like a writing. To try and read it (how lucky that I'm russian and that place is close to us, so my ancestors could easily live there (or they could be some non-indo-european inhabitants of the continent. But then who knows who lived where, ancestors of russians definitely existed, wherever they were, could easily be there, more likely to be there than wherever else, because that's the last place we saw them (afaict))
The wiki tells that yes, they were non-indo-european:
Пиктограммы оставались в ходу до наступления бронзового века (нашествие индоевропейцев), после чего вышли из употребления, и на смену им не пришло никакого подобия письменности.
But then how would they know that they were not indo-european, if there's no texts decyphered from that period? Maybe indo-europeans would know and kept on using them?

Let's return to the firmer ground:
(and hey, it's not the same image as the one from before!)
(but actually it is, it's just upside down (or rather this one is normal, it's just that one is)

and where I found it, there they offered their own reading:

Well, it's too bold of them to recognize some 𓋦-like shape in one set of lines, but 𓊹𓊹𓊹 in another one, they also imagine lines where there's no lines, but they ignore some obvious lines where they are. And the site says, but it's some Institute of Transcendent Science,
and that 𓋦-like shape (I have to use this one, because I don't see that hieroglyph amongs pharaonic unicode) is in their logo, thus they're as freaky as they come.
Seeing 𓈖 in N is Nice though)
But they seem to be correct, that those are hieroglyphs,
not likely the egyptian hieroglyphs though, but hyeroglyphs nevertheless, by the time those things are dated, it would be too wild to see something phonetic in there.

Let's look at it independently:

First I thought that shapes don't repeat, but they're: the Ⱂ-like shape is on the second and the third line.
And in the first! In the first (in the context of it's repeating) it is as if the name of the text. The title.
Thus the triple lines at its sides are shust graphic frame for it.
But then all three Ⱂ-like shapes are different.
So, it was my first approach to this table. I dare to document them as they come, not only the end result. I always wanted to see the inside of the scientific work, so I publish mine.

The bottom right shape sorta repeats in the leftmost side of the previous line,

So if they're all somewhat different, could this be some proto-abecedary?
The man who only has a hammer..
Well, I am hunting them, so sure thing.
And then the vertical bars are the frames between the shapes.
The bottom left one looks like reversed Б
and then cannot the bootm bottom right be Г with the frame getting a swash in its closing?

Could those vertical bars be vowels, be it i or o, and thus the final word is big or бог.
Or were those vertical lines there to fill in the empty space?
Why would there be that empty space in the first place?
The bars are different in the last line and in the others in that they touch the other bar only in the lowest case.
But then they always come in doubles, so they would make great frakem frames, as in between words.
Why would one place borders between the letters of the same word? So the two in the right side of the second line are probably one biliteral word.

Okay, some more of that style, of the same period

These are the same image, rotated 180 degrees.
I can recogize the same inverted Б sign in one of these four words, and something ᚱ-like can be seen in the same word and in another one. Other shapes are more eluding. БRЪ? hard to tell anything other than that it's insane to apply modern letters to read it. What else?
Then I see РЛОЯ in the other one in which I just saw R in what is now Я.
Would they have both R and Я or did they not care which way to write it, which they did?
They wouldn't divide it into blocks if it was just a figurative pattern. What would be the meaning? To imitate writing? If that's not writing, they wouldn't know writing.  The title I recognized is definitely a title. How fast have I been certain of that! Don't I jump to the conclusions too fast?
This one has different separation of the words, and not II's tell that those II's are frames too.
Okay, now it was my first approach to this one too.

And here's the one identical to the one from before, in a better quality:

But then this one looks different than that other, it's as if this one is the original, and that one was it's replica of a sort. So since we recognize the title in that replica, let's rotate this original the right way:

Now that earlier copy is rather well made, but it's way more true to work with the original things.
But I have to leave it at this.

Those frame-bars could also serve to prevent any later attempt to modify the writing by sticking some letters in between by scratching or something, as it would be

+ under л turning сила into сифа may be not something new: ф the ph could be lt.. could it? no. doesn't ring any bell (and will it be it's own bell from now on? is it how this fractal grows?)
any is ad adverb from an! from a! n is a соединительная согласная (watch teh fourth page (the second leaf) from the purple file-book (well, I can repeat: ес (is) in человеческий was recognized by me as such consonant (it grew out of a somewhat wilder guess that step and pace are invertion of the same word, and thus t of step and й of pace do not matter, and serve there as a facilitation of the articluation, as s in chelovechesky stands between two k's, one of which palatalized (probably by that is) and человечки is taken by another meaning (are человеческий and человечки formally morphologically the same ))))

Thinking with that for Haidux edition I need to number pages to make it easy to self-reference
with ~ to the? въ the? (if that for is what I used it for)  (paperback reader cannot ctrlF)
And thinking of how first page is usually not numbered, and that numbering of the pages start with number 2, which remindid me that b was the first letter, that 2 looks like ב too.

And here I realized, that arabic numerals are arabic letters used for numbers, as latin letters are used (even in russian texts) as greek letter work as a way to number (and literally name) something geometric.

So are arabnic numbers actually abjd? is j и(and)?
 ا ب پ ت ث ج چ ح خ د ذ ر ز ژ س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک گ ل م ن ه و ی
And I recall that they're going right to left, so inverse the glyphs too:
 ا ک ع گ ح was the best I could do, no distinct Ч, and Ч for 4етыре tells me that the numbers are russian. Were russians known as arabs? Some tatars of Tartaria? Some mongol-tatar who conquered the arabic world to take their customs (so who conquered whom? Half of them was infected by islam, the other half stayed true to tengri, it's as it was in the west, where roman empire fell when half of it became christian (so jews are good to spread their religious poison? it fights empires? russian empire it didn't fell. oh really? what was communism if not another religion))

the numerals being russian allows me to see
Зри (С for see)
Четыре (?)
5ять (пять ~ сядь? зять! Ѕ is [z] in slavics (isn't it similar to C being [g] in the past?))
(does it tell that slavics preserved some antique features in their alphabet, the ones not saved in others?)
По-старославянски называется «ꙃѣло» (произносится «дзяло́»), по-церковнославянски — «ѕѣлѡ̀» (произносится «зело́»; означает «весьма, очень, много» и т. п.).
Первоначальное звуковое значение буквы Ѕ отличалось от З — это было мягкое [дз] или [з], чаще всего происходящее из [г]: мъногъ/мъноѕи, нога/ноѕѣ, растръгати/растрьѕати и т. п.[3] Однако уже в старославянский период различие между Ѕ и З начало стираться, и в церковнославянской письменности с середины XVII века носит совершенно формальный характер:
    буквы различаются как числовые знаки (Ѕ=6, З=7);
    Ѕ используется в корне слов ѕвѣзда̀, ѕвѣ́рь, ѕе́лїе, ѕла́къ, ѕлы́й, ѕмі́й, ѕѣлѡ̀ и производных от них (иногда упоминается также ѕѣни́ца, но наиболее надёжные источники дают для неё З);
    во всех остальных случаях пишется З;
    слово зеле́ный и его производные не считаются однокоренными со словом ѕе́лїе и также пишутся через З.
В первоначальном варианте русского гражданского шрифта Петра I букве Ѕ было назначено единственной представлять звук [з] — так что буква З была отменена в 1708 году. Однако в 1710 году, во втором варианте гражданского шрифта, З была восстановлена. Ѕ была отменена Академией наук в 1735 году.
В русской деловой документации буква продолжает использоваться ещё в середине XVIII века и выходит из употребления окончательно только в 1760-х годах[4].
Буква Ѕ изредка использовалась до середины XIX века в сербской гражданской печати. При установлении македонского алфавита 4 декабря 1944 года буква была введена по результату голосования членов «Филологической комиссии по установлению македонской азбуки и македонского литературного языка» (10 голосов «за», 1 «против»), причём в македонской азбуке Ѕ следует за З, тогда как в старо- и церковнославянской было наоборот. Звуковое значение в македонском языке — аффриката [d͡z].



(and here the symmetry breaks)

but let's try to consider І short И, and thus Й
(but in the sudden ЗИІ, as well as in single Ѹ it is broken by the inconsistency)

(and here this structure breaks again)
(hands down, orthodox church didn't know these structures)
(it seems catholics knew something?)
(no, it was only the protestants who rediscovered this stuff)
(old european alphabets don't follow the symmetry too)
(the tail ѲѴҀ is alright to be axial, for Ѵ is vowel)

ѵvν are ivn, which is vwovowel-labial-lingual
The name Иван, is it basically ѵvν? is it 666 in the way? or 555? or 444?
(considering that v is 6 in hebrew, 5 in roman numerals, 4 in the hypothetic protoroman)
(and that is rather consistent, and actually sets hebrew alphabet after roman numerals)
(as if they added some letter before it, and thus came to being later)
(but runic alphabet from Bornholm sets the ᚠ at the fifth position (it also stands for f, as in five))
(and that places that runic set at the times of roman numerals)
(and numerals predate letters by many millenia, maybe tens of)
(but then those are now discovered findings, who knows..)
(some sporadic, non-systematic attempts to convey literary meaning could exist)
(but unless they're found, that is merely a speculation)

And how could the alphabet look when F was for four? ᛒᚦᛂᚠᚵ(ᚼ)
g for five? ح[h] (sixth letter of the arabic alphabet)

Have just updated (improved) my bornholm's set:
ᛆᛒᚦᛂ[e](not ᚽ[h])ᚠᚵᚼ[h](or ᛡ[й, а (e(ᛂ)?)])ᛁᚴᛚᛘ[m](not ᛉ[z, ks])ᚿᚮᚱᛦ[r](or ᛣ[q])ᛋᛏᚢ

that previous speculation allowed me to see ᛡ[й] in ᚼ[h] and thus making ᚼᛁ or ᛡᛁ the cluster, also because russian И is I
the previous fact that в македонской азбуке Ѕ следует за З, тогда как в старо- и церковнославянской было наоборот. allowed me to see that claseters (laying in the same "closet") may shuffle within their "closets" so ий or йи can vary too, don't you think?

I may want to use statistical methods to look up all forms of latin alphabet to see if they tend to follow the axial symmetry more than chance would tell them to, if they at least tend to follow the symmetry and how well, they may well disapprove of it, but then too many of them seem to do:


(well, this one does it inconsistently)
(but then that inconsistency tells Hij)
(which could be some patriarchal modification)

It is slovene

Let's check slovak:

EÉ (here it breaks in the russian (её) way)

maybe let's ignore all diacritics of it, let's give it another chance,
but without diacritics it's just normal latin alphabet with no omissions:
It's weird how some letters are two letters (speaking of DZ, DŽ and Ch)
slovak children should be freed from this pedagogic atrocity and taught normal alting
latin instead      

And I was looking for another alphabet placing й before и, and I recalled where I might see it:
Ⰹ, Ⰺ     I    Izhe     Ι, Ї     /i/, /j/     Iže       Izhe     which is/the
Ⰻ             I     I          И     /i/, /j/     I/ižei     I/izhey     and
and I can clearly see in them ї and і (only glagolitic ї has three dots above it)
and here is a possible source of my mis- or under-conception:
В глаголице, как и в кириллице, для звука [и] имелись две буквы: Ⰻ и Ⰺ. Обычно считают первую из них соответствующей кириллическому И, а вторую — кириллическому І, но есть и противоположное мнение.

I checked if slovene fits the axial table even without the diacritized letters:
..but, no, solitary Z spoils it
(I may only guess if that caused Ž next to it)
((as in berber ⵣⵥ))
(and if it caused Č and Š to appear)
(well, that can be tested by seeing which letter in the region appeared first)
(unless texts from the transitionary period are not existant)
(unless what we think of as them are forgeries)
(but boring texts are hardly them)
(forgers want sensation)
(boring text is harder to sell, I guess)
(now this is some boring text: speculation of probably testing of a wild guess, come on! I can do better than this_
(but then it is how we learn))

G and K
stand around
as in Gospodd Khristos
does other alphabet grow from this claster?
fag & кал?
some satanic reading?
(satanic is adversary, and because these are cursive, they're adversary_)

евку он колом?
девки he cool man
с девкой cool man oh
and further on it became even more obvious that this interpretations are pretty much arbitrary the more I descend off the hij

That "russian digits" are another freaky project, but let's continue it:
шесть looks like Б, what could it be? w? like in what~што and went~шёл
west? весть? sex as the central part of tsext the text? as in весть?

7 as Z zi.. Sieben (g.t. reads seben as сэйбн and siben as сибн, but it reads si зи,
and it reads sie as зи too)

Early Маяковский played this trick printing too large lines in his poems and breaking them like this,
then I think he played with the rhythm. What a tragedy it was when he became working as a propagandist. They say not to work as an interpreter or a journalist not to damage your talent,
but what about a propagandist? That's working directly for satan.

(secure) sicher [зэ́йха (but translation tells ˈzɪçɐ, though that ɪ is very close to эй)]
who on earth sayd that german is read as it is? russian education, I guess.

(If line is too long, let it break at the semantically conditioned spot, at a largest comma)

g.t. reads dannish bøjet as boil, like what are the boundaries of those letters. It would be much more insane if it was loib, because the fact that I know only few cases of a vowel and labial being depicted by the same letter(чего́[чиво́]) but miriads of cases for one lingual letter being read as another lingual, or labial being read as another labial (russian B is V, why don't I recall the similarity of w and ш, of m and т, of n and п? P and R (russian Р is R) I came for letters, and they're the mess. Can I even tell that m&n are double and single, if п and т (п and т) [p and t] are the other way around? And that should be shown in the list of counter-arguments (it may become a great tradition, where writer does his best to disprove himself (who can do it better!) and then such ways of thoughts are collected as examples of ways of thought, so after ai checks its consistency it is indexed by the level of consistency and is being treated accordingly (too much of an inconsistency will initiate the process of education into logic or, in more general, reasoning so that he whether learn how not to make such mistakes or leaves the profession. Or does it in his free time, filling in the bank of such inconsistent examples. To show what stretch of imagination may make it different, so literally invented worlds, more concrete than mere fiction.
(If line is this long, it would be a challenge to break it into semantically conditioned lines.)

o   p         qr   s    t
у  ф  х  ц  ч  шщ
Jewish ע looks like У for a reason. Notice that russian У is never Y (the Y shape is never used in russian texts)

Though yiddish ע is at the place of o, it is also at the place of u (the final line, ф, ц, ш, like come on, o and u are the same line.

עиפ    иצ  иקиר иש   иת
  p             q   r    s      t
у  ф  х  ц       ч    шщ

and comparing the three we can see that (опрс)опqs-уфчш is probably the abcd-like base of that line.

s being the final exposes c as being the final letter of the abc (d is c with stave?)

as B is both b and v, so is פ both p and f, thus Æ used to be one letter. sextant isn't it?
nope, sextant only appeared in 1730

post-t lines seem to be coming in two waves: first one placed

υφχ is how it goes in greek. and that is probably where russians borrowed their х after ф
υφχ goes well, but then the mess begins: ψω are instant wtf, two times.
english also does that:
uvx used to be their thing before they added w.. they say vx it was.. but I'm dubious. Did somebody intentionally placed v after u, because they knew the vowel-labial-lingual thing, Petrie writes of vowel-labial-guttural-dental as (I think (afair)) he puts it. x is both "guttural" and dental, so it could be that, c is both k and s, g is both g and dʒ, q is not though, nor k, but then i-line has ס for s, not only כ for k.
and the q line has s, so qs was it so? what is r between them though?
opqs? was it what caused d?

yz are not ψω, hardly do they have much in common, other than the shapes of y and ψ

Знаю, что архаичная латынь имеет лишь четыре строки
OPST + V(то ли рудимент, то ли почка пятой строки)

let's rewrite it into IMNL:


ABGD is great for two reasons: that's what ABCD was, that is voiced plosives of all three types.
EWZH is like this because of G being taken by the previous line, buyt I only read that it was like that, I didn't see the artefact, or rather I do not remember it.

And here I realized that I never saw a genuine latin abecedary, that they're always academic tables, and I saw two probable forgeries in a toilet building on the territory of Roman Forum.
Or could they really clean it so good? I will tell this story when I stumble across those photos I made of them. But in the internet, it seems we saw greek abecedaries, but closest to Latin abecedary I ever came across was this?

But then I googled it real well.. I found something etrurian
(but something etrurian I didn't see before)

and somebody extracted the alphabetic sequences out of it:

(somebody rewrote it or something? why are they not exactly the copy of the one from above? I guess, they're both rewritten from the vase, not built from the photograph directly)

It is so called Formello Abecedary (the images lead to its wiki, as usual)

and arranging it this way it became obvious to me, that the upper one (here is left) has at least two mistakes: the k is messed up, and F comes before E. The one on the right (lower on the vase) draws Σ the other way around. And I wonder which of them will lay into the axial symmetry..
and neither of them does.

On wiki they compare it to marselliana:

and they are identical in order, only differ in the direction and in how different letters look.
I have to remind myself that ANY artefact can happen to be a forgery, so I have to find whatever I find relying mostly on something more in the culture, something that I can experience today in practice, on modern stuff. The idea is that there are so many of it,

And soon I realized that I already saw these abecedaries, they're in my collection of abecedaries.
Well, sorted it out a little today.

And where I found the first image in the serie, there were more:
A bold, yet obvious idea. I wonder why haven't I compared how they recorded constellations to the shape of the letters:

and Orion as צ is nice, but what is with Aquarius?
(I wondered which star maybe could it be, and wut? instant fail. I should do it myself..

Hah, the shape I was looking for, both are in ancient egyptian: 𓍱𓍲

musing.. what a word!
    and amusing is thus a negated form of it

𓉐 stood for house, and also for pr, and because it looks very much like П, I wonder if that is the origin of both P and R..

𓉐 also reminds ᛈ, which is the runic p

Because 𐦃 is o in meroitic, and even more because egyptian 𓃾 is told to be the origin of a (which it is not, 𓃾 is kꜣ (cow? really? yep) so, I feel like looking deeper into Meroe:

gosh, it is complicated, I painted grey the glyphs not present in the images one way or the other
𐦀  𐦁 𐦂 𐦃 𐦄 𐦅 𐦆 𐦇 𐦈 𐦉 𐦊 𐦋 𐦌 𐦍 𐦎 𐦏 𐦐 𐦑 𐦒 𐦓 𐦔 𐦕 𐦖 𐦗 𐦘 𐦙 𐦚 𐦛 𐦜 𐦝 𐦞 𐦟‎ 
𐦰 𐦱  𐦲 𐦳  𐦴        𐦵      𐦶   𐦷𐦼 𐦽 𐦾 𐦿‎  𐧀 𐧏‎  𐦠 𐦡 𐦢 𐦣  𐦤 𐦥   𐦦 𐦧  𐦨       𐦩         𐦪           𐦫   𐦬    𐦭  𐦮  𐦯‎
               da    to      te        ta  q  ka  se       s,š  ẖ  ḫ     l    r             ne        na           p   b   w  y  o  i  e    a 
so if some of those glyphs stand one under the other, it doesn't mean anything

and hey, here's a disagreement in which is te and which is to:

and it's incredible how little does that script has in common with Egyptian:

They seem to agree on Y the (𐦤) 𐦄 though.

and where I took one of the previous images they also had some samaritan, so let's keep it here as well:

Back to the freakier things:
(freakier on my side, her side is perfectly legit)

here japanese reminds russian very much: ka for mosquito
is as if the first syllable of russian комар[kamar]
sasu for sting is as if the first syllable of russian сосать[sasat']
even though it's to suck, not to sting, it fits well
(at least as a mnemonic methog)
ku for eat is as if the first syllable of russian кушать[kuʃat']
kamu though is nowhere near жувать, which is probably the cognate of english chew.

Isn't chinese questionary postfix ma (嗎) a cognate of hebrew what (מה)?
מה אתה עושה ~ what are you doing? [meh ata osha (ма ата́ осэ́)]
Are you okay? ~ 你還沒有什麼? ~ 你還好嗎?~ 你冇事嗎?
             [Nǐ hái méiyǒu shé me? ~ Nǐ hái hǎo ma? ~ nei5 mou5 si6 maa1?]
Trying different question sentences, I finally found where they meet:
What do you want? ~ מה אתה רוצה? ~ 你想要什麼
         [meh ata rotza? (ма ата́ роцэ́?) ~ Nǐ xiǎng yào shénme]
That 麼[me] they used here instead of 嗎[ma] is literally translated into hebrew as (what)מַה?[ma]
        麻[ma] is hemp

And there's something maybe even more wild than kanji in China: Yi script:

and that is only one variant of it. There are also logograms.
They could have removed several lines, if they just noted that final x adds a stroke above the symbol;
final p is way more complicated
ꀀꀁꀂꀃꀄꀅꀆꀇꀈꀉꀊꀋꀌꀍꀎꀏꀐꀑꀒꀓꀔꀕꀖꀗꀘꀙꀚꀛꀜꀝꀞꀟꀠꀡꀢꀣꀤꀥꀦꀧꀨꀩ ꀪꀫꀬꀭꀮꀯꀰꀱꀲꀳꀴꀵꀶꀷꀸꀹꀺꀻꀼꀽꀾꀿꁀꁁ ꁂꁃꁄꁅꁆꁇꁈꁉꁊꁋꁌꁍꁎꁏꁐꁑꁒꁓꁔꁕꁖꁗꁘꁙꁚꁛꁜꁝꁞꁟꁠꁡꁢꁣꁤꁥꁦꁧꁨꁩꁪꁫꁬꁭꁮꁯꁰꁱꁲꁳꁴꁵꁶꁷꁸꁹꁺꁻꁼꁽꁾꁿꂀꂁꂂꂃ ꂄꂅꂆꂇꂈꂉꂊꂋꂌꂍꂎꂏꂐꂑꂒꂓꂔꂕꂖꂗꂘꂙꂚꂛꂜꂝꂞꂟꂠꂡꂢꂣꂤꂥꂦꂧꂨꂩꂪꂫꂬꂭꂮꂯꂰꂱꂲꂳꂴꂵꂶꂷꂸꂹꂺꂻ ꂼꂽꂾꂿꃀꃁꃂꃃꃄꃅ ꃆꃇꃈꃉꃊꃋꃌꃍꃎꃏꃐꃑꃒꃓꃔꃕꃖꃗꃘꃙꃚꃛꃜꃝꃞꃟꃠꃡꃢꃣꃤꃥꃦꃧꃨꃩꃪꃫꃬꃭꃮꃯꃰꃱꃲꃳꃴꃵꃶꃷꃸꃹꃺꃻꃼꃽꃾꃿꄀꄁꄂꄃꄄꄅꄆꄇ ꄈꄉꄊꄋꄌꄍꄎꄏꄐꄑꄒꄓꄔꄕꄖꄗꄘꄙꄚꄛꄜꄝꄞꄟꄠꄡꄢꄣꄤꄥꄦꄧꄨꄩꄪꄫꄬꄭꄮꄯꄰꄱꄲꄳꄴꄵꄶꄷꄸꄹꄺꄻꄼꄽꄾꄿ ꅀꅁꅂꅃꅄꅅꅆꅇꅈꅉ ꅊꅋꅌꅍꅎꅏꅐꅑꅒꅓꅔꅕꅖꅗꅘꅙꅚꅛꅜꅝꅞꅟꅠꅡꅢꅣꅤꅥꅦꅧꅨꅩꅪꅫꅬꅭꅮꅯꅰꅱꅲꅳꅴꅵꅶꅷꅸꅹꅺꅻꅼꅽꅾꅿꆀꆁꆂꆃꆄꆅꆆꆇꆈꆉꆊꆋ ꆌꆍꆎꆏꆐꆑꆒꆓꆔꆕꆖꆗꆘꆙꆚꆛꆜꆝꆞꆟꆠꆡꆢꆣꆤꆥꆦꆧꆨꆩꆪꆫꆬꆭꆮꆯꆰꆱꆲꆳꆴꆵꆶꆷꆸꆹꆺꆻꆼꆽꆾꆿꇀꇁꇂꇃ ꇄꇅꇆꇇꇈꇉꇊꇋꇌꇍ ꇎꇏꇐꇑꇒꇓꇔꇕꇖꇗꇘꇙꇚꇛꇜꇝꇞꇟꇠꇡꇢꇣꇤꇥꇦꇧꇨꇩꇪꇫꇬꇭꇮꇯꇰꇱꇲꇳꇴꇵꇶꇷꇸꇹꇺꇻꇼꇽꇾꇿꈀꈁꈂꈃꈄꈅꈆꈇꈈꈉꈊꈋꈌꈍꈎꈏꈐꈑꈒꈓꈔꈕ ꈖꈗꈘꈙꈚꈛꈜꈝꈞꈟꈠꈡꈢꈣꈤꈥꈦꈧꈨꈩꈪꈫꈬꈭꈮꈯꈰꈱꈲꈳꈴꈵꈶꈷꈸꈹꈺꈻꈼꈽꈾꈿꉀꉁ ꉂꉃꉄꉅꉆꉇꉈꉉꉊꉋꉌꉍꉎꉏꉐꉑꉒꉓꉔꉕꉖꉗꉘꉙꉚꉛꉜꉝꉞꉟꉠꉡꉢꉣꉤꉥꉦꉧꉨꉩꉪꉫꉬꉭꉮꉯꉰꉱꉲꉳꉴꉵꉶꉷꉸꉹꉺꉻꉼꉽꉾꉿꊀꊁꊂꊃ ꊄꊅꊆꊇꊈꊉꊊꊋꊌꊍꊎꊏꊐꊑꊒꊓꊔꊕꊖꊗꊘꊙꊚꊛꊜꊝꊞꊟꊠꊡꊢꊣꊤꊥꊦꊧꊨꊩꊪꊫꊬꊭꊮꊯꊰꊱꊲꊳꊴꊵꊶꊷꊸꊹꊺꊻ ꊼꊽꊾꊿꋀꋁꋂꋃꋄꋅ ꋆꋇꋈꋉꋊꋋꋌꋍꋎꋏꋐꋑꋒꋓꋔꋕꋖꋗꋘꋙꋚꋛꋜꋝꋞꋟꋠꋡꋢꋣꋤꋥꋦꋧꋨꋩꋪꋫꋬꋭꋮꋯꋰꋱꋲꋳꋴꋵꋶꋷꋸꋹꋺꋻꋼꋽꋾꋿꌀꌁꌂꌃꌄꌅꌆꌇ ꌈꌉꌊꌋꌌꌍꌎꌏꌐꌑꌒꌓꌔꌕꌖꌗꌘꌙꌚꌛꌜꌝꌞꌟꌠꌡꌢꌣꌤꌥꌦꌧꌨꌩꌪꌫꌬꌭꌮꌯꌰꌱꌲꌳꌴꌵꌶꌷꌸꌹꌺꌻꌼꌽꌾꌿ ꍀꍁꍂꍃꍄꍅꍆꍇꍈꍉ ꍊꍋꍌꍍꍎꍏꍐꍑꍒꍓꍔꍕꍖꍗꍘꍙꍚꍛꍜꍝꍞꍟꍠꍡꍢꍣꍤꍥꍦꍧꍨꍩꍪꍫꍬꍭꍮꍯꍰꍱꍲꍳꍴꍵꍶꍷꍸꍹꍺꍻꍼꍽꍾꍿꎀꎁꎂꎃꎄꎅꎆꎇꎈꎉꎊꎋ ꎌꎍꎎꎏꎐꎑꎒꎓꎔꎕꎖꎗꎘꎙꎚꎛꎜꎝꎞꎟꎠꎡꎢꎣꎤꎥꎦꎧꎨꎩꎪꎫꎬꎭꎮꎯꎰꎱꎲꎳꎴꎵꎶꎷꎸꎹꎺꎻꎼꎽꎾꎿꏀꏁꏂꏃ ꏄꏅꏆꏇꏈꏉꏊꏋꏌꏍ ꏎꏏꏐꏑꏒꏓꏔꏕꏖꏗꏘꏙꏚꏛꏜꏝꏞꏟꏠꏡꏢꏣꏤꏥꏦꏧꏨꏩꏪꏫꏬꏭꏮꏯꏰꏱꏲꏳꏴꏵꏶꏷꏸꏹꏺꏻꏼꏽꏾꏿꐀꐁꐂꐃꐄꐅꐆꐇꐈꐉꐊꐋꐌꐍꐎꐏꐐꐑꐒꐓꐔꐕ ꐖꐗꐘꐙꐚꐛꐜꐝꐞꐟꐠꐡꐢꐣꐤꐥꐦꐧꐨꐩꐪꐫꐬꐭꐮꐯꐰꐱꐲꐳꐴꐵꐶꐷꐸꐹꐺꐻꐼꐽꐾꐿꑀꑁ ꑂꑃꑄꑅꑆꑇꑈꑉꑊꑋꑌꑍꑎꑏꑐꑑꑒꑓꑔꑕꑖꑗꑘꑙꑚꑛꑜꑝꑞꑟꑠꑡꑢꑣꑤꑥꑦꑧꑨꑩꑪꑫꑬꑭꑮꑯꑰꑱꑲꑳꑴꑵꑶꑷꑸꑹꑺꑻꑼꑽꑾꑿꒀꒁꒂꒃ ꒄꒅꒆꒇꒈꒉꒊꒋꒌ꒍꒎꒏꒐꒑꒒꒓꒔꒕꒖꒗꒘꒙꒚꒛꒜꒝꒞꒟꒠꒡꒢꒣꒤꒥꒦꒧꒨꒩꒪꒫꒬꒭꒮꒯꒰꒱꒲꒳꒴꒵꒶꒷꒸꒹꒺꒻ ꒼꒽꒾꒿꓀꓁꓂꓃꓄꓅ ꓆
Classical Yi or Traditional Yi is a syllabic logographic system that was reputedly devised, according to Nuosu mythology, during the Tang dynasty (618–907) by a Nuosu hero called Aki (Chinese: 阿畸; pinyin: Āqí).[7] However, the earliest surviving examples of the Yi script date back to only the late 15th century and early 16th century, the earliest dated example being an inscription on a bronze bell dated to 1485.[8] There are tens of thousands of manuscripts in the Yi script, dating back several centuries, although most are undated. In recent years a number of Yi manuscript texts written in traditional Yi script have been published.
The original script is said to have comprised 1,840 characters, but over the centuries widely divergent glyph forms have developed in different Yi-speaking areas, an extreme example being the character for "stomach" which exists in some forty glyph variants. Due to this regional variation as many as 90,000 different Yi glyphs are known from manuscripts and inscriptions. Although similar to Chinese in function, the glyphs are independent in form, with little to suggest that they are directly related. However, there are some borrowings from Chinese, such as the characters for numbers used in some Yi script traditions.
not that it tells me something, just a random stuff illustrating once again how fucken complex the world of writing systems is.

Imagine if a dog's admirer saw цербер and ran to him to pet him (even if it was her) and they don't tell that цербер eats souls, only that he doesn't let them out. Maybe there's a reason for it, or maybe he does eat them, that I just didn't read that, but then whatever I read would be somebody's fiction. But are all myths fiction? Myths about what people could experience may be true. Myths about the creation or acquisition of alphabet are pretty much to the point? Greek myth tells of five vowels and two consonants.

This book reveals meanings of the myths about creation of alphabets by some newfound structures in alphabets (humanity knew about it somewhat in some obscure books, but then you, reader, probably never would hear about it, if you didn't come across this book)

Эта книга интерпретирует мифы про создания алфавитов так, что они обрели смысл.


Два мифа о создании алфавита, описывающих алфавитную структуру, о которой мало кто знает.

Эту структуру во всей её полноте.
Зачем нас учили так записывать? Даже я никогда этим не пользовался
(вот, воспользовался же. ещё нет, ща)
Греческая версия алфавита описывает семь (или шесть) букв: самая старая из известных версий этого мифа: ΑΒ*ΗΤΙΥ (записано Гигином около двух тысяч лет назад (* is where they think the text was damaged)) and some translations give them as ABEIOTU, thus five vowels and two consonants. B and T are present in both versions of this myth. Or four vowels and the same consonants? Greek Η is vowel. Hebrew has only four "vowels (now this one difficult to explain, though it's totally legit to say so)": when you compare it to latin side-by-side, you can notice, that it ends at T, thus only has letters where in greek A E I and O stand. Notice that the next vowel is the only one sorta different from one in latin: they also have Y, but at the place of greek Υ stands U and V next to it. Was it a coincidence that after U V was placed? V instead of U used to be the final letter, following right after T, but then a whole line grew after it, and a not-necessary line. And now I just guessed that those who wanted to see vowel-labial-lingual sequence added that line, but then whoever wanted to see the sequence being labial-lingual-vowel, he or she, or rather they, added Ω after that line.
What do we do at this stage? What is our method? We roll the facts about writing systems we know, we roll them around to see if those pieces of reality fit. The way James Watson did with nucleotides.

Suddenly I thought of Greco-Iberian, having Η for E-sound, but not having Ε letter.

If you ignore the '-ed R (or rather un'-ed R) you may see fifteen letters, and are they not the alphabet of Carmenta?
The three Fates created the first five vowels of the alphabet and the letters B and T. It is said that Palamedes, son of Nauplius invented the remaining eleven consonants. Then Hermes reduced these sounds to characters, showing wedge shapes because cranes fly in wedge formation and then carried the system from Greece to Egypt*. This was the Pelasgian alphabet, which Cadmus had later brought to Boeotia, then Evander of Arcadia, a Pelasgian, introduced into Italy, where his mother, Carmenta, formed the familiar fifteen characters of the Latin alphabet. Other consonants have since been added to the Greek alphabet. Alpha was the first of eighteen letters, because alphe means honor, and alphainein is to invent.
Is Pelasgian Phoenician? They're rather similar words. But I doubt it.
There were 18 characters at the Palamedes stage. Why would with carmenta there were 15?
Were cubes (falling stones of Bureus) such alphabet? Did Palamedes add 11 neither to seven or six, but to four? Hebrew myth gives only three letters at the first stage, so naturally some intermediate stage must have happened, and myths are not limited to books, au contraire, myth is just a writer's fantasy if they are not being told from grandparents to grandchildren in the people to which that myth belongs.

Let's play with that greco-iberian,

Here I aranged them into how it would be closer to modern alphabetic order.

Here I thought if the double-single order can be applied here, even though no trace of labiality in the doubles, B is the only labial here (other than O and U)
And I wanted to place R' to the position of S' in the name of futhark or something, but instead I forgot about alphabeti corder, and did it like this: 
If it is anything than a silly mindgame, I cannot tell
Probably it's nothing, I called these files hypothetic so that I do not make more mess in the field that I have to, now let's try and compare these 15 to the falling stones.. but that is a task even more daring, the set is all different, there are definitely many more labials for one.
What would we claim to be the M? N? S?
And S I used, for honestly it looks like M the most, and because there's a history of M and S being confused one for the other, or whatever the M~Ϻ & ᛘ~ᛉ thing?

But other that that it went surprisingly well. The other stretches were R' for U~V (because of the futhark hypothesis, and because of ..both being sonor is not very good, there was something else, and ł[w] is also too long a stretch, r being read as w I want to remember, but I forgot where I could hear it. Well, come on that R' looks more like ᚢ than ᚱ!
U for F, quite a stretch (both meet in V, but come on)
and г for r is rather challenging, and other than these ..four actually.. four stretches it sits well. And we ignored one R, so maybe it's Г that has to go (ᚵ is just ᚴ with a dot) but then I have to stop for now, just a silly game, but that is how I learn paleo-hispanic. Starting with greco-iberian. But then maybe I shouldn't learn it, I saw they have different schools of this field, different transliterations. I should wait for the consensus (even though I fuck consensus with a huge purple dyldo in this club)

I tend to type of instead of or. That's dutch.

A good example of f~u: stiffkey[stjúki] (that all labials used to be the saem letter)
it is from this source of many weird readings:

and me being a native russian speaker never even heard that inhabitants of Mtsensk are Amchánè.
and the inhabitants of Torzhok are Novotóry

I collect here everything linguistic, and it seems to be detrimental to the main point of this work:
to decypher the origins of alphabets

I came to BD, FГ, MΛ, ПТ, so why do I want something else? something which would explain their forms. Something even deeper. Righteous wish. Let's dig that possibility deeper.

What avbout pairs such as CЗ? see, just as CS they're not at the same axis, so some different tradition doubled them (possibly, doubled them) but then isn't pair 𐌔𐌚 disregards the direction (the axis, as I called it) too? Well, maybe that's why I didn't use that pair, because etruscan shapes are not known to many, and because they're past-T, and there are no past-T letters in hebrew and some other archaic alphabets, though I think even archaic latin placed V after T (as if a rudiment to bcde sequence, which would come from before A was placed up top, the masonic eye, the all-seeing eye of the all-seeing Father of the jewish religion. Even though in hebrew פ and ש (the analogues of 𐌔 and 𐌚) share one line? Because neither CS nor CЗ share one line (unless C is G and З is greek Z or russian З)
Ц shares a line with Ш and Щ, but neighther is labial.

Where did I see FГ pair though? Г is in the previous line in both greek and russian. Latin has the analogue of Г the G in the same line as F, but is it ever Г there? nope. It's as if somebody changed it so that this structure is not seen to plebs, so that they can only memorize, but not understand.

Today I heard, that Crowley also said that Satan is a god of people you don't like.

Some Bethsheba Ashe on said:
There are parts of Exodus 7 which were written in the bronze age with the early name of God: YHW, which was later changed to YHWH in the Iron age, most likely at the first temple scriptorium - and we can tell that through the ancient formal system of mathematics which is embedded into the text.
and that YHW is non-repeating sequence now and those letters add up to 21 now, not 26
ieu, as if a descending scale

Yet back to Crowley, in the same source I also heard that Bathomet is Sofia, if you read it in hebrew and use the atbash code to decypher it. Atbash code is something very similar to what I call k-symmetry (and indeed it is a key)

and in that atbash thing m and i also stand across eachother, so בפומת reverses into שופיא
so how's that for 666 to finish this volume? It used to lag, not anymore, but anyway, let's move on.