It is volume 39 (38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
This is a part of a raw and uneven journal of digging into the writing systems from all over the world, so I recommend you to read the summary of this work instead.

Here, I decided to write in somewhat poetic metre, but then I get carried away all the time, I told me not to bother a decade ago or too:

The alphabet is ABC
the name's its structure:
vowels, labials and linguals (for that C's K and S and Ts and Ч)

The alphabet is ABC
And abc is a b c and d
and follows very similar to this:
e under a, both made with voice,
f ander b, for lips them bring,
and g and h are c and d
(h is softer c the k,
g as ʒ is softer d,
f is softer than b, be it b or v.
and then o p q and t
are like voiceless a b c d
(c was voiced in ancient rome)
or isn't s a form of c?
all q and r and s and t
are under c and d:
if c is g, and g is ʒ,
then s is ʃ, as hebrew shows.
but then what is it doing in this line?
o p and t are definitely voiceless a b d
if c is g, then q should take this place.
But there's no q in greek in russian,
so r or s? I'd say as to place ʃ below it:
in russian after t is ufhc̆čs̆š,
it's like hands down, it's abccccc
c is staveless d, like g and d
are the same g and g is in latin,
being d in the russian cursive.
And h a g are thus also the same?
Was h voiced, and thus a form of g?
is upside down ꙋ and with one more loop
was there before there, as I somewhere saw?
hitler is gitler, so h and g are c on lower level
not g the c and d, but h for c and ʒ as softer d,
and f used to be voiced, for it's in hebrew.
the opposites of abgd and efhz
(the way we see in greek, for f is θ,
because in russian θ the ѳ is f.
Yes, russian is probably more ancient,
than we're told it to be, for armenian
is not made up from scratch,
though who knows that.

It's neither poetry nor prose, bad poetry they'd say, I didn't edit it, would I do betters, will it do?

When we speak poetry
Is it not better than
we speak like everybody
speak of nothing?
What was that line
It's neither rhymed
nor what,
nor full of meaning
either neigh and neither
(that line for musical whatever there is)
(I shouldn't rhyme or rhythm, I should deliver what makes more sense than play of wriming (isn't it russian т the т?)

чирик ~ чижик (ж[ʒ] - китайское прочтение символа R и не во всех, конечно, диалектах, скорей всего в мандаринском, ведь его русским в первую очередь преподают)

was ~ saw (было ~ видел) it can be used as a mellow mnemonic tool
(I collect such pairs in my freaks.html, because it is a chrestomatic quackery in russian linguistics, it is one of the ideas of Lukashevich, who is considered to be a cuckoo)
I also added it to my list of cognates, because of it being such a good mnemonic tool.

Предложил Гайдуку быть моим научным руководителем (он филолог, и ему не надо объяснять значение травы в мыслительных процессах.

O P Q S T or O P K S T probably was the previous state of this line,
because C can be read as K/Q and as S.
R was probably moved to this line to creat the L ~ R symmetry in the axial symmetry.

And here we find the axial structure useful: it appeared to explain the position of Y, but it also can explain the position of R. I wish it could explain the position of M. Let's see if it does..

And indeed, it could placed between L and N to keep LMN together
(they say, the word element is coined by that alphabetic sequence)
So it probably was something of the kind:

And I surely didn't expect to see Merlin in the I-line
Was Imnl of the Immanuel placed there by christians instead of Merlin? Is Merlin a legendary wizard of the brits, because he was the guy, who invented the "latin" alphabet? Out of some syllabary, my guess is from some paleohispanic syllabary, or rather from some syllabary, which wasn't excavated yet.
So I predict, that some syllabary, very similar to what we know as latin alphabet can appear, and Creco-Iberian alphabet reminds the syllabaries very much. So the same thing should exist for latin alphabet, for if some part of europe was literate, the others inevitably was as well, purely for geographic reasons.

Or, rather it was like this:

(it would be this way by the reason of how messed-up is the U-line, and for hebrew and some archaic alphabets end around T, and because the following few lines:
And if P-line reflects B-line (it does) then M line but be the voiced part of the F-line
Then I can see M as W, R as voiced H, thus what is G doing there? Doubling the C. And were H and such uvular R (uvular R as voiced H, could you imagine it? I never had such hypothesis)

and how would the axial symmetry of such tree of life look?:

What would be the voiceless form of N? probably, nothing, for the way there are more voiceless plosives than voiced plosives, the same way there are more voiced fricatives, than voiceless fricatives.
E F H could be the e-line's A B C
F  H
I  M R
O P  K
could be the 12, but then if it was not G, but D, it would ended with less выебонs, but then what would stand instead of H and R?
F  S
I  W Z
O P  T
well, the W and Z in the I line is uncanny.
E Θ Σ(σ/ς)
I W N(ν)
See, what I'm doing here? I lay out my thought process. I wished others did it, now I had to show them how to do it.

So could the mistake in Hyginus be in the word septem (or our understanding of it? could it be sextem?) could ABHITY be all the letters there were? ABHTIY is the sequence in the books, and in the third a cross-sign placed between B and H, as if there's where the O (or whatever the letter) would be.
ABOHTIY? Nah, let's place the 12 with those six..
H 𐌚  S
 I М Λ
By the principle of labials-doubles have I reconstructed the 12 out of 6,
placing into the B-claster B𐌚MП[bfmp]
and placing into the T-claster DSΛT[dslt]

And a piece about it should be on the next edition. I should start listing those.
(the exploration of the account given in Hyginus actually accurate. if there was O, it would be
H 𐌚  S
 I М Λ
and such set sets into no axial symmetry
and is the seven's letter for the 13th month?
Makes sense, actually, but why not some W and V to oppose the М Λ
like variants of the line the way Y is a variant of I.
Y W V as 6 6 6 or something? V is not even lingual! unless it's ν


b  d
p  q

kust is coast in dutch.
kunst is arts, so arts are what is beyond some border of reality.
A picture, expanding the horizon of the room?

I worked at trying to turn my thing into an academic paper, but I feel like that is some magic to kill the spirits, christians organized academia in that manner for their own retarded reason.
We need to create something new which would be way better.

are those four made of the two like l lc c cl?

an unexpected source to decypher ogham:
КИПАРИС, дерево сие принимается за знак смерти, печали и сожаления; ибо древние
народы саживали ево около могил, и нашивали при погребении, чего ради стихотворцы
<Вергилий, Овидий и др. — Е.Ш.> дали ему имя Arbor Feralis, дерево печальное. Борель
Король Цельтов когда лишился своей до-[с. 53:]чери Кипариссы, то приказал посадить на
гробнице ее оное дерево, от чево и назвалось оно кипарисом.

Король Цельтов is what made me think of Celts and their Oghm,
but then I couldn't find these references anywhere, but then I found this:
В Ирландии колдуньи используют для помела палку из бузины, а не из ясеня. Несмотря на то, что цветки и кора бузины славятся лечебными свойствами, считается, что запах бузины вызывает болезни и смерть.
Бузина приносит столько несчастий, что Спенсер сравнивает ее с траурным кипарисом, а Т. Скот пишет в «Philomythie» (1616):
Проклятье бузине и тису,
В тени своей приют дающим ведьмам.
Короля Вильгельма Руфуса убил лучник, стоявший под бузиной. Из бузины якобы был сделан крест Распятия, а ритуальные кремневые ножи в форме листа бузины из мегалитических захоронений - свидетельство того, что бузину издавна связывали со смертью. Изображения бузины со времен мегалита находят на надгробиях - как символ смерти (черные плоды) и возрождения (белые цветы).
По английскому поверью, жечь в очаге - бузину значит «приводить в дом дьявола».
Красивые белые цветки, распускающиеся в середине лета, превращают бузину в еще одну ипостась Белой Богини. Согласно Старшей Эдды, черную бузину избрала своим домом богиня Фрейя.
Бузина - дерево погибели; 13 и последняя согласная буква древнего Огама. Отсюда дошедшее до наших дней несчастливое число 13.
Деревенские маги считают черную бузину злым деревом, сон под ней приводит к безумию.
Месяц Бузины кончается днем Зимнего Солнцеворота.
"13 и последняя согласная буква древнего Огама" they said. If that is true, I'd think that BLN is how it was, and after that two aicme by 5 letters would go, but I think I saw 13-letter ogham somewhere..

Somebody is working on putting paleohispanics into unicode,

And it gave me the vision of o being double a
Yet, I was looking for labials being double shapes of the linguals, and I only saw it in few examples, using the paleohispanic tables I used in the booklet, I can only see Be being double Ge,

but de can be seen as double be, so some bi-consonant syllabary has to be looked for.
also da can be seen as double ba, but other lines play this game less and less, until in the U line I can see 𓊪-like shape for bu, which is  very similar to p, as 𓊪 is usually transliterated.
And there's also a 𓏚-like symbol for du, which is not transliterated or translated in my sources, but 𓏙 stands for ḏj, which could be the double 𓏚, and thus 𓏚 could be d for this reason. Wha I can see here is a semi-syllabary reminding me egyptian hieroglyphs more than any other alphabet. Greeks also have Δ, but not a 𓊪-like shape. And also Λ of those paleohispaniards is very greek-like, but at this point I'm rather certain, that it is greeks who were influenced by paleohispaniards, be them pelasgians or some other legendary nation mysterious to historians.

literally the spannish greek, texts in this script were found in Spain, but in Greece, according to what I know.
The B is the same as in norsk runes (ᛒ), so is S (ᛊ), so is I (ᛁ) and those are in three distinct groups, thus could be the three mothers. But then that is greco-iberian I'm speaking of.
but ᛁ-like shape is A in the syllabary, let's post it again

Ba Ge Di would be great 1 2 3
so would be Ba Da Ga

The guy who works on putting it into unicode also compares them to phoenician (probably to raise his or her chances) and the comparison is fair, but in my estimation it only tells that phoenicians took it from paleo-hispaniards, because syllabary is more archaic, used before we forgot what each syllable in the words meant. Here's the comparison:

Some of the comparisons are rather shaky: phoenician b doesn't resemble the syllable bi, which reminds pi the archaic П way more. But the most of the letters indeed have some resemblance, but what are the M-shapes, they're not what my table tells. Let's see how does he transliterates the M's:
and that is what he compared to m:

there are links to that work in those images, but here's a mirror link in case that one evaporates.
so he puts L as if it's Г, then he recognizes h as e (but here he's correct)
but what does he compare to z? O!!!
ffs! that is quite a pull, so beware of that table: the latin letters only correspond to the phoenician line and usually have nothing to do with the paleohispanic counterparts.
But some comparisons are legit, Ta for T, very similar R's

Enough of this obscure subject for today. The link from paleo-hispanic to egyptian, stronger than in phoenician or greek, may also indicate that the path of further research is showing: to demonstrate in what relations are ancient letters of the european nations prior to roman domination, and to demonstrate which egyptian shapes correlate with the others. Egypt is known as a centre of knowledge, so suspecting them to be a major influence through millenia is a natural assumption. May further observations confirm or reject this hypothesis. It will take me some time unentangling this part of the story.

𓏙 is also told to stand for dl, which is fascinating, since Δ is d, and Λ is l, greek they're. Was it a joke, or do greek shapes form egyptian forms? They're the same forms. I told you, that single glyphs predate the alphabets which consist of them by millenia, and here's the obvious example: both Δ and Λ are the simplest form, which can be found in some neolythic graphic, one of those symbols singled out by Genevieve von Petzinger in her book called "The First Signs: Unlocking the Mysteries of the World's Oldest Symbols" and she calls them triangle and open angle.

Some reports that armenian alphabet existed before Mashtots:
Emperor Alexander Severus (reigned 208-235 CE), mentions that the Armenians are amongst those nations who have their own distinct alphabet.

I in voir is ا, and o is u, as both are ו, but then it raises the question:
Is AEIOU it EIA(OU or УЮ? ow and you, o~u and ju? isn't U Υ?)
(for a is ej, e is ji, i is aj (hands down, o and u are o and u, for they are ow(oh? oj? oi?) and ju))
(or jo and ju, but is o ö and what am I even doing here?)

Ɔ M C  (here I speak of C being in the C position in latin and in the S position in russian)
(but I can do better)
   W ᚴ
У M ᚿ
I am definitely a master to find misteries, similarities, build symmetries was the word,

is every symmetry a mystery? симетри и мистери являются фонетическими палиндромами (сокрытыми полиндромами)
simmetry ~ similarity (both words are with something, but one is with metrey and the other is of some ilarity or larity.. is it clarity?

so many runic shapes in the previous attempt to line letters around Ж (but Ж should be whether 6 or 3, not 5) that  I decided to play around with the runic sequences directly:

ᛆᛒᚦᛂ(ᚽ)ᚠᚵᚼ(not ᛡ)ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(even though it looks like ᛉ)ᚿᚮᚱᛦ(if R, or ᛣ if Q)ᛋᛏᚢ


ᛏᛒᛖᛗᛚᛝᛞᛟ ᚪᚫᚣᛠ







but none of them seemed to deliver what I was looking for, but ᚿᛁᛆ is truly the beauty, so it delivers, I only had to wait.

 (whether ᚢ or ᚦ would be in the centre of the first line, and in the company of ᚠ and ᚮ, ᚢ looks better, thus first line is line of labials, others are both lingual, and what am I doing here? Searching! it is a research, stop bothering me, you know I deliver, let me work,
also since ᚮ is double ᛆ, isn't ᚠ double ᚿ? more like double ᚴ, but that's obvious, we call F digamma after ᚴ being Г, but let's entertain of ᚠ the w being double ᚿ the νGR[n]

B T × A E I O U = A E I O U BA BE BI BO BU TA TE TI TO TU these are 15, which is a legendary number in this account.  The alphabet of Carmenta had 15 letters.
And if we add the inversions of those syllables, we'll get 25 letters, which is very close to 24 to 26 of the latin alphabet. I only consider irish-italian and english-german-french, and who knows if it is some catholics vs protestants difference (catholic Ireland and Italy don't have JK placed into the body of the alphabet, thus M (for Mary) is closer to the I. is L I? l looks just like I, almost like I, it can't be a coincidence, especially in the context of ll being short I, what a weird story, what had happened here? How can Λ be И?

The way italians and irish just do without J and K:
Gesù CristoIT
Íosa CríostIR
Críost looks like Ghost

Ирландия, Испания, Италия all start with I and the second letters are R S T, which is rather alphabetic, just in the order those nations come for shipmen who sail from the Great Britain?
Q for queenland? P for Prussia? O for what?

Some of the ideas are pretty off, but then only by trying them all on can we tell, so I shouldn't sweat it.

rationalizing a typo:
wear ~ weak? You're weaker, if you carry somebody, than if you weren't.

I aM all
I aM aΛ
Я всё? Но также "я мал", вроде как молитва от слова умолять~умалять(ся)
уMOREлять? to pour more?

уморять? умоляют "умри" когда ранили зверя? чтоб съесть его. прикармливали чтоб подло замочить? Тех зверей, кого замочить проще, те и вкуснее (откуда бы я знал другое, но кошку есть не хочу, только травоядных едим. но корейцы едят собак. в тех краях и не такое ядят))

I M L In My Life
I M N L - they placed N to say I'm not lying, when L began to interpreted not only as life, but also as lie (f is for facts? f is for всё?[фсё])
I have no idea if L was for life or love, I'm only guessing here, thus learning to write alphabetic poems.

And BeCause
I aM Not Lying or I je keine lie, me – no.
minus ~ mini

What am I even doing here? and why. Should refocus.

whispering syllable pi feels as if it is ᛈ because corners of the lips silently click at palatalized p.
But then I can only guess that ᛈ is rotated π, thus ᚲ is 𐤂
and ᛆ is rotated into something ᛸ-like, which is..

Speaking of the inverted syllables, norsk unicode ends with ᛶ[eh], ᛷ[ac] and ᛸ[aesc]
and before them stands ᛵ[is] and that is the shape I saw in that pdf of paleohispanic I gave earlier in this volume (just ctrlF mirror and you see that glyph)
is is the name of the rune ᛁ, which is ba in paleohispanics, and compared to 𐤌
 in the both ᛵ-like and more ᛁ-like glyphs, you should click that mirror to figure out more, they're way more specialists on that question than I am, so I leave you at taht that.

право права

A      B      C      D
 (usually this way I start when I want to kick-start, let's see if I can say something new this time)
E      F        G      H

 I       J        K       L      M      N      
O      P       Q      R       S       T

U     V       W     X       Y       Z

That G is Ж (for it is in this line) I didn't think before this moment. See, digging into it again and again works, new views appear.
If ABC is the mold, then IMN is good if I the ʌɪ is some A, as in Amen.
Amen and Omen are like Alpha and Omega, good and bad meanings, ах и ох (от о лицо куксится, так что когда лицо скуксенное, получается не а, а о.

If R was at the K-position, then it was before L (unless I and L is the same letter)  so then it would say, that they invented it from right to left. Yet today if we lay it in line, R is in the right half of the alphabet if the alphabet is written left to right.

         A      B      C      D
E      F        G      H

         I       J        K       L      M      N      
        O      P       Q      R       S       T

U     V       W     X       Y       Z

                            A      B      C      D

                            E      F        G      H

 I       J        K       L      M      N      
                            O      P       Q      R       S       T

                       U     V       W     X       Y       Z

 A      B      C      D

         E      F        G      H

 I       J        K       L      M      N      
O      P       Q      R       S       T

U     V       W     X       Y       Z

I coloured Y green for J is green, I coloured them green for I separated tehm from the velars, but then Y is not that far from h the

These other alignments look like a broken tv, distorted picture of whatever the structure aligned by vowels is. Yet I had to ignore the semi-vowel status of Y

A      B      C      D

E      F        G      H

 I       J        K       L      M      N      
O      P       Q      R       S       T

U     V       W     X       Y       Z

h looks more like s than s, and sometimes as g
k~h~f? how do they even read that thing! german orthography is a rabbithole per se
d is so much ט!
l~e is nothing new,
o~v is also something I saw before, and not just in ו, see the image below.
r is more s than s sometimes
s~p? like what s~b? what!?
sz is what I always considered to be ss, the ß, but it seems I was wrong: though it looks like ſs, it is called eszet for a reason. for it is ſʒ or something. But then here they say ß is ss, as I thought.
one of t's lacks the dash, and thus looks like l, I wonder if it is correct.
u~n̆ and even u~n sometimes
v is what a mess, it even looks more like h sometimes
w~b sometimes, now that is interesting
some crazy x,
y like ij is nice,
z like Σ is also supercool.
And here the v-like o

I love how they're basically two forms reflecting one the other and corresponding to their articulatory side: l~e for both are lingual, they as if д-fish-Yang and both o~v are labial, and look like Б-fish-Yin
Is it this much true that LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED

дббд (что-то будет, бабу? даму!) love is даму буду?
evolution is дббдбддб?(the last symbol is arbitrary, because in russian it's эволюция, дббдбдд?(now evolutio doesn't let me place я to e's, for it's reversed e on stave. Rreverse, thus ᚢ? ᚱreversed, thus ᛋ)
I think I went at some wild territory. She.

shemale makes female lingual, male. she is he? Herr, herGE, herEN, хер

her ~ husband (house-bend, house-bond)

more l'eau
[mo lö]

but then of course normal people may say how is it one word is english and the other is french, but who knows, maybe some flemmish or what not can have lexics containing both those words? Either way, it's poetry and nothing else.

ready-made ~ 'ready made ~ already made

measure twice, cut once: in russian there's a mind fuck, the saying goes 7 раз отмерь, 1 отрежь.


OV        these four are so obvious, others I should pull to them: c to l (see Г/L dychotomy) and b to v, for В is russin V, for graphically it has the bubble at the right side. for l and e start with bubble, and are followed with a stick, while o and v and b for that matter start with stick, which then ends in bubble.

a~d were added for they start with bubble, and are opposites of b and u.

as B/D, F/Г, M/Λ, П/Т, 𐌚/S, so U/I (is u~a? bus[bas]) a may look like ee (more e than e) but actually e looks like i without dot in cursive, and cursive is archaic.

A/Е? A as double E? æ?


should be made standard of tabling the alphabet.

A      B      C      D

E      F        G      H

 I       J        K       L      M      N      
O      P       Q      R       S       T

U     V       W     X       Y       Z

A      B      C      D

E      F        G      H

 I       J        K       L      M      N      
O      P       Q      R       S       T

U     V       W     X       Y       Z

is another standard. all three or more should be present on the board.

I LoVe MaMa

But I love mama and papa sounds like I love mama, end papa, which pretty much what in my case came to be.

Looking at it like this became obvious, that some name of god for example was in the I-line.
I M K L N or I M K N L? L N, there would be no need to overcomplicate it, besides L~Г, so that position is fit. K~L? Both are C in a way. Isn't n~Ŋ~D~G I wanted to say. C~D? as the opposite of B (is B and З connected? isn't it why we say в where it is written г in его. he used to be evo, the male gender of eve, thus the ultimate god, the eye.

в кенинге говно is мухин мёд (слишком graphic, and thus negleted obsolete (are ed and ete not cognatic morphemes? ed and te))
глупый glue-пей (пьющий клей)
умный умён Ом~он (М before N, and maybe that's how we kept this order, though other forms of N: K J L were before M, and here compare J and L to cursive נ (having no upper dash and the lower dash larger, as if it was L (naturally, reversed, because they write the other way around)) and the actual נ to כ, as if the two are invariants of the same letter)
УмНый? имеющий Ум. Ум-own (была лексика разведена меж языками дабы сокрыть смысл слов? это не является невообразимым, т.е. подобные реформы могли иметь место быть, тёмные века не сами по себе такие, там злая воля целенаправленная работу согласованную проводило на протяжении тысячелетия быть может даже (никто на самом деле не знает сколько мы здесь, это полнейший BLAME!))

позволить в каждом пространстве (будь то помещение или природа) видеонаблюдение, архивируемое, чтоб можно было воссоздать 3д-изображение любого события, таким образом позволив нам же в будущем заглянуть в каждый уголок (не закрытый желанием владельцев собственности) в каждую минуту записываемого времени. Фотография это начало, видео продолжило, архив мира - по направлению к машине времени, которая не запрещена необратимостью физических явлений, и следующим этапом будет запись состояния сознания во все эти моменты у всех, тогда можно будет и в персонажей вселяться, чтоб их мысли прочитать. И подобно тому как живопись предвосхитила фотографию, художественные произведения предвосхищают ту самую технологию, и в видео-формате, снятый ии по промтам и документальным кадрам, с воссозданием мыслей окружающих по воспоминаниям, чувства тревожным или весёлым фоном поверх всех остальных звуков из того человека (и помимо разного настроения, у каждого своя пара ушей, у каждого своя музыка)

Musical notes, letters and digits seem to be the same symbols: A is letter and musical note, a is letter and number, 1.
So are B and b, 2, so are C and c, 3, so are D and d, 4, so are E and e, 5, so are F and f, 6,
so are G and g, 7 (yet there's H, h 8 (check how silmilar H~Х and 8! compare it to gothic B and R, compare it to roman M numeral) yet if ABCDEF ~ IVXLCD.. are they? the first five can be pulled, but D obviously looks the other way from F.. digamma? well, what a pull is that?
And in such context, alphabet of 21 letters would be nice, and it's italian, no less:

but let's cut it right:

or was cut not in threes, but in sevens:

and such structure doesn't tell much.
Maybe because it only hides the way it actually was?
E  G H
 I  L M N
UZ                    it's rather impressive as it is, I should memorize it, it's weird I still didn't.

This demands rectangular more than any of them.
and naturally I would make S = Z to get 20 instead of 21 (21 could be of some perfectionists, claiming to be 110% or something, so that could be memed to mean lucky, if 20 was the 100)
E  G H
 I  L M N
U S  T
Italian doesn't have the Y-bs, it goes almost directly in the structure, having only two reforms, so it seems: the M-reform and the S T reform. Or is hebrew correct? Was T the final letter? then they would have it 4×4, which is supercool, and maybe how I have to try rearranging the younger futhark.

ᚠᚢᚦᚭᚱᚴ ᛬ᚽ ᚿᛁᛆ ᛌ ᛬ ᛐᛓ ᛚ ᛧ
and here it comes to me᛬
ᚠᚢᚦᚭᚱᚲ ᛬ᚽ ᚿᛁᛆ ᛌ ᛬ ᛐᛓ ᛚ ᛧ
symmetry of the centre, of the ᚿᛁᛆ, and similar ᛐ ᛚ in the other aet, makes me look for such symmetry in the first aet, but to no avail, unless ᚢ and ᚴ reflect each other that way (the other pairs were inside, outside, and this one is up and down. Were the six the initial group? Were there six notes? did composers conquer new notes (knew, key-new (or didn't know, if k is not, as one cardboard suggests) notes-nots-knots,forget-me-knots)
And then I look at ᚽ and ᛙ, but there is no reverse ᛙ for the third aet.
what do you call ᛍ? ᛌ, not ᛁ
ᚱᚲ ᛬ᚽ ᛁᛆ ᛬ ᛐ ᛚ ᛧ and standard interpretation doesn't shine through such sequence
so I colour them my own interpretation, to get ᚲ ᛬ᚽ ᚿᛁᛆ ᛌ ᛬ ᛐᛓ ᛙ ᛚ ᛧ
crazy at first, such pull of ᚠ into ᚫ, and ᚱ into a variant of ᚢ, as if some wr-sound, and some read r as w, then ł is w.
So, that double pull allows me to see I-line in the ᚿᛁᛆ ᛌ ᛬ ᛐᛓ ᛙ ᛚ ᛧ, the sequence I do not know by heart, unlike the rest of it.
nias ᛬ lbmty
is it a command to love someone?
(father love me? Father Khnias?
lb m ty (люби мя ты)
ᚠᚢᚦᚭᚱ? not ᚫᚢᚦᚭᚱ?
ᚫᚢᚦᚭᚱ would be closer to word узы, от которых слова суженый.
(на уздечке, свобода движений его съужена, husband ~ house-bond)
ᚱᚴᚼ ~ FGH?
r ~ h?
(in cursive)   r ~ ч!

I thought that structure may allow me know alphabets better, so can I learn alphabets of all european countries? Of all countries who ever used them? No, only those who use them now, only that account cannot be messed-up by the scribe.

Let's build not in 360, but in 365¼ for 10²+11²+12² = 13²+14² = 365, а 8²+9²+10²+11² = 366
it could be important to acquire, 360 could be a simplification and as a result loss of magic.
Probably nobody knew those two things were connected, so they didn't reverse?
or, more likely is statement that I'm doing some para-sci-fi-fantasy

E  G H
 I  L M N
E  G H
 I  L M N
U S  T,
it would also end with T, but would be better than hebrew in that it has five lines and only 20 letters.
if Z is צ, what are the others?
A C D ~ א ב כ ד
E  G H ~ ה ו ג ח
 I  L M N ~  י ל מ נ
O R ~ ע פ ק ר
U S  T ~ ט ס ש ת (everything they have left, and a) for the first time have I noticed the graphic symilarity of ט and ס, b) ט does look like v, ס looks like o, which, as u and v are ו the F which is פ)
and ס stands right after n, so who knows maybe עס ~ Ѹ, and ס was transliterated from o to σ the way M is Ϻ.

ᚼ the ᛡ could be h~r~ʒ~ʃ as if the readings echo хорошо, as if it is Horus+Jah
Horus, in ancient Egyptian religion, a god in the form of a falcon whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and whose left eye was the moon or evening star, representing healing.
search for Horus Cronos returned
Chronos, Hours, and Kairos
Crucified Horus
search for Horus Kronos returned
Kronos "Hammer of Horus" [serdjek art] : r/Warhammer40k
Naturally the similarity of the names intrigued poets before me, so what is reliable? Only structures built on similarities, while some of them are inevitably accidental, but further analysis, synthesis, whatever these words stand for, thinking on and on and on is the way onwards, and scientific inquiry bring fruit.
KHRONOS (Chronos) was the primordial god of time. In the Orphic cosmogony he emerged self-formed at the dawn of creation. Khronos was envisaged as an incorporeal god, serpentine in form, with three heads--that of a man, a bull, and a lion. He and his consort, the serpentine goddess Ananke (Inevitability), enveloped the primordial world-egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky. After this act of creation the couple circled the cosmos driving the rotation of heaven and the eternal passage of time.
These data are like those coincidences can be accidental, a fluke flume of someone's imagination.
The figure of Khronos was essentially a cosmological double of the Titan Kronos (Cronus) ("Father Time"). The Orphics sometimes merged Khronos with the creator-god Phanes, and also equated him with the Titan Ophion. His equivalent in the Phoenician cosmogony was probably Olam (Eternal Time) whose name is written Oulomos in Greek transcripts.
Khronos was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaic as Aion (Aeon), eternity personified. He holds a wheel inscribed with the signs of the zodiac and Gaia (Mother Earth) usually reclines at his feet. The poet Nonnus describes Aion as an old man with long, white hair and a beard but mosaic-art presents a youthful figure.

LM order could be dictated by Olam.
And it is not some flume, it's more of a fluke, they (mirror) give sources I never heard of:
Nonnus, Dionysiaca
The Dionysiaca /ˌdaɪ.ə.nɪˈzaɪ.ə.kə/ (Greek: Διονυσιακά, Dionysiaká) is an ancient Greek epic poem and the principal work of Nonnus. It is an epic in 48 books, the longest surviving poem from Greco-Roman antiquity at 20,426 lines, composed in Homeric dialect and dactylic hexameters, the main subject of which is the life of Dionysus, his expedition to India, and his triumphant return to the west.
Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Aeschylus, Libation Bearers 
The Oresteia (Ancient Greek: Ὀρέστεια) is a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus in the 5th century BCE, concerning the murder of Agamemnon by Clytemnestra, the murder of Clytemnestra by Orestes, the trial of Orestes, the end of the curse on the House of Atreus and the pacification of the Furies (also called Erinyes or Eumenides).
The Oresteia trilogy consists of three plays: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides. It shows how the Greek gods interacted with the characters and influenced their decisions pertaining to events and disputes.[1] The only extant example of an ancient Greek theatre trilogy, the Oresteia, won first prize at the Dionysia festival in 458 BCE.
Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
Prometheus Bound (Ancient Greek: Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης, romanized: Promētheús Desmṓtēs) is an ancient Greek tragedy traditionally attributed to Aeschylus and thought to have been composed sometime between 479 BC and the terminus ante quem of 424 BC.[1][2] The tragedy is based on the myth of Prometheus, a Titan who defies Zeus, and protects and gives fire to mankind, for which he is subjected to the wrath of Zeus and punished.
and that thing is accessible in full, unlike the following one:
Prometheus Unbound (Ancient Greek: Προμηθεὺς Λυόμενος, Promētheus Lyomenos) is a fragmentary play in the Prometheia trilogy attributed to the 5th-century BC Greek tragedian Aeschylus, thought to have followed Prometheus Bound. Prometheus Unbound was probably followed by Prometheus the Fire-Bringer. It is concerned with the torments of the Greek mythological figure Prometheus who defies the gods and proceeds to give fire to humanity (theft of fire), for which he is subjected to eternal punishment and suffering at the hands of Zeus.
The text of the Unbound survives only in eleven fragments preserved by later authors.[1] Nevertheless, these fragments, combined with prophetic statements made in the first play of the trilogy, allow the reconstruction of a broad outline.
A lengthy fragment translated into Latin by the Roman statesman Cicero indicates that the play would have opened with Prometheus visited by a chorus of Titans. Though Zeus had imprisoned them in Tartarus at the conclusion of the Titanomachy, he has at long last granted them clemency. This perhaps foreshadows Zeus's eventual reconciliation with Prometheus in the trilogy's third installment. Prometheus complains about his torment just as he had to the chorus of Oceanids in Prometheus Bound. As the dramatis personae of Prometheus Bound erroneously lists Gaea, it has been suggested that she is next to visit Prometheus in this play, in a sympathetic role that echoes Oceanus' turn in the first play. Finally, the faulty dramatis personae mentioned above and several fragments indicate that Heracles visits the Titan just as
Io had in Prometheus Bound. Heracles kills the eagle that had been torturing Prometheus by eating his regenerating liver every day and frees the Titan.[2] Again mirroring events in the previous play, Prometheus forecasts the travels of Hercules as he concludes his Twelve Labours. The play thus concludes with Prometheus free from the torments of Zeus, but the Titan and Olympian have yet to reconcile.
It inspired the play of the same title by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica
and this name tells me that it is where I should start my excavation of the extant classical works.
The Argonautica (Greek: Ἀργοναυτικά, romanized: Argonautika) is a Greek epic poem written by Apollonius Rhodius in the 3rd century BC. The only entirely surviving Hellenistic epic
the sources that page used are truly magnificient: they're all the only extant something.
the longest poem, the only theatrical trilogy, the epic? but isn't that longest poem also an epic? or is it not surviving in whole? Either way, all three interest me to actually learn greek, or at least to read it with some help from ai.
And there are many more classical texts in the references of that webpage,
a publication much more respectably made than any academic publication is.

It's hard for me not to suspect Io to be some mighty deity, considering the shape of it's name, it's as if the epitome of all vowels.

heritage ~ heresy?

Hi! Do you know Argonautica? Can you quote the places where it describes fleece?
Sure, I'd be happy to help! Here are some passages from Argonautica that describe the Golden Fleece:

"There is a fleece of gold, shining and bright, / That hangs upon an oak, guarded by a sleepless dragon." (Book II)

"And so they reached the grove of Ares, where the Fleece hung high, / Shining and golden, on the branches of a mighty oak." (Book II)
"And so they came to Colchis, where the Fleece was kept, / A wondrous thing, with a power to heal all manner of ills." (Book III)

"The Fleece itself was wondrous to behold, / Its golden fleece gleaming like the sun, its power beyond all measure." (Book III)
"And the Fleece itself, a thing of great beauty and worth, / Was richly adorned with threads of gold, gleaming and bright." (Book IV)
"And Jason took the Fleece, with the help of Medea's charms, / And fled the land of Colchis, with the king and his men in pursuit." (Book IV)

Двоеперстие говорит "инь и ян" (ты и я)
троеперстие знает и их, про него не забывает
isn't there somebody you forgot to ask situation, go-ts and such.

government is go-to? goto? иди на? идина? идина раисия
В современной грамматике три времени и три рода и три числа (сегодня обычно используется два, и это может быть паттерном для остальных категорий (видимо, сначала их было две, а третья потребовала и в остальном троичности, гипотеза, но перед трёми идёт два, а сначала их вообще нет, потому что всё едино, и видимо первое представление о грамматике было двоичным, а потому форма букв принесла противопоставление инь-ян, но разве V Г L не
V L Г is rotating them clock-wise, and ВоЛГа is essentially ВЛаГа, WaTeR.
it it interesting because речь is related to река
o влага оврага!
у берега. в берегах.
is г in овраг tells ов+р(наоборот)? г как согни, не вертикально, а горизонтально (тоже двоичность)
and indeed it is enough to invert the order of letters by turning it 90° (be it counter-clockwise, when it's written horizontally, or clockwise if they're write/read right-to-left  (left~read? somebody left we read?)
we read what is left, what was leaved ливает пи́сать-писа́ть?) the same way vertical lines invert direction being rotated left or right.

L  R were D and V? П~ᚱ~R~Р~P~П? musical notation went in a ring, because what? Because numerals are. Are letters ringed too? does some 0 comes after 9?
0 is a, if it is ⴰ
ⵏ then n is surprisingly good one, but two? it is two, as japanese ni, but then that is not an easy pull.
ⵜ is t in tifinagh, which is both for two and three. ⵜ as T! I told you they're related, by the order of theirs I saw it.
ⵜ- • (t-) f
    she (third person feminine singular verb subject affix)
        ⵓⵔ ⵜⵙⵙⵏ
            ur tssn
            She doesn't know
    feminine prefix
    second person prefix
From Proto-Berber *t-, from Proto-Afroasiatic *-t. Doublet of -ⵜ (-t). 
IPA(key): /t-/
IPA(key): [θ-]
(Ayt Ndhir)

ⵜ- -ⴷ • (t- -d) m or f
    thou (second person singular verb subject affix)
        ⵓⵔ ⵜⵙⵙⵏⴷ
            ur tssnd
            You don't know

ⵜ- -ⵎ • (t- -m) m
    ye (second person masculine plural verb subject affix)
        ⵓⵔ ⵜⵙⵙⵏⵎ
            ur tssnm
            You don't know

ⵜ- -ⵜ • (t- -t)
    feminine circumfix
    diminutive circumfix
    ⵜⴰⵡⵡⵓⵔⵜ (tawwurt)    ⵜⴰⴳⴳⵓⵔⵜ • (taggurt) f    door
tawwurt напоминает английское door и русское дверь настолько, что нет смысла разделять эти языки по разным ветвям. Многие берберы белые (видимо, как у индусов по кастам отличаются)
and because they have that t- grammatically explained, if the words are related, northerners borrowed this technology from africa, so in this sense coming out of africa is a good tradition.
    ⵜⴰⴳⴷⴰⵣⴰⵍⵜ • (tagdazalt) f    equivalence
as if its так сказал, но без циркумфикса агдазал, словно отгадал, что в equivalence может быть заложено for similar is familiar, or something of the kind. Yet, I'm not sure it's more than mnemonics.
    ⵜⴰⴷⴷⴰⵔⵜ • (taddart) f    house         Synonym: ⵜⵉⴳⵎⵎⵉ (tigmmi)
    ⵜⴰⵃⴱⵓⴱⵜ • (taḥbubt) f    unit of any fruit, grain, pimple, etc    berry
    ⵜ & ⴱ are so obviously the T and B, that I must compare these writing systems to see the most common, thus most ancient letters.
    ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ • (tamaziɣt) f (construct state ⵜⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ)    Tamazight language
    ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ • (tamaziɣt) f (construct state ⵜⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ, plural ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵉⵏ, plural construct state ⵜⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵉⵏ, masculine ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ)    free woman    female Amazigh, Berber
     ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵔⵜ • (tamurt) f (construct state ⵜⵎⵓⵔⵜ, plural ⵜⵉⵎⵓⵔⴰ, plural construct state ⵜⵎⵓⵔⴰ)
                    country, region, countryside, the ground
     ⵜⴰⵔⴱⴰⵜⵜ • (tarbatt) f    girl (child)    See also:     ⵍⵄⵉⵍ (lɛil)    ⴰⵔⴱⴰ (arba)    ⵉⵛⵉⵔⵔⵉ (icirri)
     ⵜⵉⴳⴷⵉⵜ • (tigdit) f (masculine ⵉⴳⴷⵉ)    bitch (female dog)
     ⵜⵉⵏⴰⵡⵜ • (tinawt) f    conference
     ⵜⵉⵏⴳⴻⵍⵉⵣⵜ • (tingelizt) f    English language    Englishwoman
                  why do they call language woman? because not английский, английская, бо мова)))
    ⵜⴰⴳⴷⵓⴷⴰ • (tagduda) f    republic
     ⵜ- -ⵏⵜ • (t- -nt) f    ye (second person feminine plural verb subject affix)
        ⵓⵔ ⵜⵙⵙⵏⵏⵜ
            ur tssnnt
            You don't know
     ⵜ- -ⴷ • (t- -d) m or f    thou (second person singular verb subject affix)
        ⵓⵔ ⵜⵙⵙⵏⴷ
            ur tssnd
            You don't know
     ⵜ- -ⵎ • (t- -m) m    ye (second person masculine plural verb subject affix)
        ⵓⵔ ⵜⵙⵙⵏⵎ
            ur tssnm
            You don't know
     ⴽⵏⵉⵏⵜⵉ • (kninti) f    ye (second person feminine plural independent pronoun)

     ⴽⵓⵏⵏⵉ • (kunni) m    ye (second person masculine plural independent pronoun)
     ⵏⵉⵀⵏⵜⵉ • (nihnti) f    they (third person feminine plural independent pronoun)
     ⵏⵉⵀⵏⵉ • (nihni) m    they (third person masculine plural independent pronoun)
        this one is interesting in that the letters could be easily mistaken for greek,
but they read completely different
     -ⵏⵜ • (-nt) f    ye (second person feminine plural verb subject affix)
        ⵓⵔ ⵙⵙⵏⵏⵜ
            ur ssnnt
            They don't know
     ⵏⵜⵜⴰⵜ • (nttat) f    she (third person feminine singular independent pronoun)
        what rationale can I bring to this one? та!
     ⵏⵓⴽⴽⵏⵉ • (nukkni) m or f    we (first person plural inclusive independent pronoun)
what rationale can I bring to this one? нас, мы?
     ⵜⴰⴳⵔⵙⵜ • (tagrst) f    cold season (equivalent to winter)
     ⴰⴳⴰⵎⴰⵏ • (agaman) (masculine plural ⵉⴳⴰⵎⴰⵏⵏ)    natural
Maybe my recognition of these languages related was a little hasty though.

ⴰ a, but looks like o
ⵓ u, but looks like aa, which is o, and I think it stands at the o's position, and indeed:
it definitely shows vowels at the all right places,
but then it has labials all over the place half of the time.

Russian word хорошо maybe exposes Horus, or Гор-Ра-Джа?

E  G H
 I  L M N
E  G H
 I  L M N
U S  T, then it wouldn't lay into the axial symmetry, into which modern italian lays into as if it was a rhombus on a platform keeping it upstraight:
D E  F
G H  I  L
and isn't it why not 20, but 19 are the golden number?
D E  F
G H  I  L M
would make a deeper dip, with a promise of it being symmetrical as
D E  F
G H  I  L M

for example, and it is not far from actual italian, with an archaic shortness.
but what is 17,
Are there alphabets, consisting of only 17 letters?
While there are many different alphabets and writing systems used around the world, I'm not aware of any that consist of exactly 17 letters. However, there are some alphabets that have fewer than 26 letters, such as the Cyrillic alphabet used in Russian and some other Slavic languages, which has 33 letters, or the Hebrew alphabet, which has 22 letters. It's also worth noting that some languages, such as Chinese and Japanese, use logographic writing systems that are based on characters rather than letters. These writing systems can have thousands of different characters, and they operate in a very different way than alphabetic writing systems.
17 are two 8's and a divider, which I is perfect
E  G H
 I  L M N
O P  R S V (ars ~ artis, so probably S/T, any of the two would work, or rather I'm too early in it to say)
such augmented square lays into the axial symmetry. and to my surprise 4×4 would do too, but it would be circumcised in a way, as if a piece chipped by a tricky kike to make it stand, and he would rationalize the stealth, the breaking of the artefact could happen by such imaginary cause.

ᚢ ᚦ
ᚬ ᚱ ᚴ
᛬ᚼ ᚾ ᛁ ᛅ ᛋ᛬
ᛏ ᛒ ᛘ
ᛚ ᛦ
and a 4×4 writing system I know of lays graciously well into the axial rhombus of such kind,
with the second aet taking exactly the central diagonal, with ᛁ also in the centre,
which enforces, endorses the idea of ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚬ ᚱ ᚴ being ᚫ ᚢ ᚦ ᚬ ᚱ ᚴ
(and if it is father or other, ᚴ is probably a suffix, as if батька instead of батя)

that is interesting, that we have 16 letters of younger futhark, 15 letters of Carmenta, 18 letters of Bornholm's alphabetic runestone, but not 17 letters, doesn't know such writing system neither in present nor in the past.

I wonder what silent letters do they mention, because the link leads where they also have 18:

but then it's just gaelic,
but further surch returned this set titled directly Scottish Gaelic,
so the mistery remains,
and I wonder if the next image holds the key,

for here they have as many dotted letters as there are in each exact half of the main set.
Which makes me wonder if those two halves are the aicme or aettir, for L and A meet as Λ~Ʌ,
for B & M are the closest and staveless B would be m rotated clockwise,
c and n are also one the rotated form of the other, only now they rotate in the other direction,
though they rotate into one another without removals of some hypothetical stave.
O & D looks pretty similar,
and to some extent e and p do too.
F and R have some graphic symilarity,
and even more so do G and S,
their particular shaper of H can be rotated and mirrored into their particular shape of T,
I and U reflecting each other close this comparison (i is и in russian, ו is u in hebrew)
To compare similar lines to non-similar lines, try to pull the third (the dotted) line to any of the two.

подстригся (себя)
подстригли (les (ли~они?))

I Ik Me оН?
Je Ik Me?
Je Me Ik?

Ñ~Й? (thinking of not Ŋ, but Ñ being the velar sonor:
it is not that different phonetically-articulatorilly from Й)

Э Ю Я   how old is this sequence? isn't it a, you, я? e u a they'are i u a then. I U a would be first, second and third grammatic person. BF CG DH IJ KL(суффиксы?) МN(moon? man? money? many?) OP(up?) QR(queer?) ST(set? Seth? Seth? as the signature of the creator of the writing sistem? are IU Io? it is.
I and O are the two vowels, and a became later, first they knew me and you. I and U.
o and you? o and you are both ו, and obviously there's inconsistency about what is ring and what is stick.

ЭЮЯ is the rudiment of vowels. IUA they're IV is how IVXLCD begin (most people know only IVX)
IVX are I(I) U(you) X(something)
X as E? X as А: Ⰰ, ᛅ, ᛂ, E~Ⰰ. Their common and complete form is Æ. and what could it be? some scientific instrument of the path maybe. I think of секcтант sextant.

сексот сектант секстант sect~sex_там?there!тут! s~t, so sect is secs, literally sex.

So this shape only proves that A was new. Some structure, not just hole under it.

is eye of that E? aй! I! A~E~I? Æ when in working position, I when it's folded?


Æ is like a swiss knife. They both are like swiss knife. How old is such shape of a knife? How old can be knives of such kind? Probably half as old as knives (they could appear almost anywhere during their history: nothing more than wish to disguise a knife is needed to bother)
The earliest known pocketknives date to at least the early Iron Age.
A pocketknife with a bone handle was found at the Hallstatt Culture type site in Austria, dating to around 600–500 BCE.
Which is pretty much the period where would expect A to be added.
And I'm thinking of early latin, early greek alphabets, which would be only few centuries old, and that knife is probably not the oldest pocket knife they knew.

I is likely to be knife, doesn't i look more like ז than ו?
зв as in звон? зван? зови is all it takes.

Of what syllables does

i is in knife, but not in нож. but isn't it малоросское ниж ніж?
is reading | as o instead of i khazars' influence?

малоросским украинский раньше называли.
малороссия это маленькая россия? хохлы отделились и стали другою русью.
Независимость Княжеств не позволит собирать большие проекты в одного.
лишь до тех пор, пока прогресс не удешевит те сложные продукты
при помощи новых технологий.

ніж knife
ж and f only meet in gh (isn't it Θ)

k is what not or cut? isn't k~n as Г~L? c~n (rotated the same way.. no, differently. unless n is u, ν (which is only showing that Ν~Λ. isn't Μ~Ν? then Μ~Λ? ł, but come on!))

are M N L not Me Ni Les? (the li from earlier session, in постригли (but postrigli is not exclusively they (thow when used separately, that is exactly what it means. We did would be podstriglis (postrigless? less like без (without (isn't it the fundamental difference between лей и less? they are from different languages, eaven though лить is cognate of leak, but what is the cognate of less? без! L~Б? because B~C and L~Г (c~г, naturally, yet it's hard for me to say that с[s] is г[g] ж is in between, but it doesn't prove anything)))))))

Me Ni Les are english, japanese, french. The way I combine those languages as some poles of the same language is bold and isn't approved by academia for a good reason. But then I recognize what they don't, let's play this game my way to see if it proves to be a fruitful path, whether in this particular case it delivers or not.

L ~ l ~ I (ł (we))
M ~ Me
N ~ Нас

k is of ik

остойчивость - морской теримн означающий устойчивость судна
означает ли это что о и у один и тот же предлог? у меня ~ о(около) меня, а приставка?

Ulcinj (today Uncinj)

Writing on my white board for who knows what time. DON'T CUT (about my hair)
I write it so large, that 'T doesn't come up, and I almost immediately see that Kadyrov's DON is


(he tells что есть шутка с нет)
Ш утка ~ Ш алость? is it what Ш is? Tooth. Штука. Што-та. Што?

W is in english Што, What, but is Шутка in those W's? Wonders are the closest I could find. So W is not Ш

J is Ш? Joke, but not WHat. Jak in ukrainian though, and so on, to look what is joke in ukrainian, then to go from there comparing it to words in other languages, jumping from letter to letter to show if there's some structure or not.

Ж is Ш, yeah, sorta. even though Ж looks like double Ш and thus would make a great labial, but the double Ш labial is.. Ф!

Отправил очередное письмо к Будейко:

То чем я занимаюсь лингвистика вообще?
Может имеет смысл культурологам каким-нибудь показать?
Или это вообще поэтическое переосмысление?

На счёт этого ты был совершенно прав, я "взял" (впервые увидел) 𐌚 в этрусском, не сразу сообразил, что он тоже старо-италийский, и забыл что в марселиане её впревые увидел


E F Г I? F читается как V, как в иврите,

I M Λ Г она же G читается как Ж, которая тоже стоит где-то в этой позиции

О П Т или как З, судя по тому, что она противопоставлена S.. или S читается как Ш?

U 𐌚 S

И не знаю проявление ли это предсказательной силы этой теории, но зацени: Ш Ф
(есть пары, которые в шаблон двойные губные / одинарные гласные не попадают: W V, Ш Ц, К v, но при этом aa в датском, в рунах, в огаме означающая о при удвоении тоже огубляется)
W V и Ш Ц могут показывать удвоением долготу, а К v и вовсе могут быть совпадением.
(но утверждать подобное гораздо меньше оснований, чем то, что буквы для губных согласных имеют тенденцию иметь форму удвоенных язычных согласных из той же строки)

O      P               S            T
Old: Пожилой Старый Труп

Jack of all Arts,
Master of One. None is even closer that O, but ..this is inyrtrd interesting
(ah, I recalled why I was inserting typoes into my book: they invite the other taboers tapoers)

One None Para Quinta R(100?) Sто Тhousand.
ʃ: H ~ S in Hundred ~ Southand.. Сто I was to say.
Thousand is The sand? so many sand in one hand? "The southern" I was to say, but "the sand" is the thought which came to me before I had chance to write down the previous thought)

Some brackets are broken, figure them out by the simplest form of them when typoed ( or ) appear.

brakets brake the text to add something.

text ~ takes сюда
text ~ takes то
text ~ takes to
takes two to text, not only tango
Is tango take?
Is tango text?
Tango is touch!

Is touch teach tease тычок
ок is okay, not too much, не сильно, не больно, маленько
(уменьшительно-ласкательный суффикс 子JA)
Finally I found the way to distinguish the hieroglyphs:
in which reading it is that reading I mark like this
And I found a new way to form sentences: a sentence per line.
And I found a new way to form sentences:
a sentence per line.
maybe even like that,
to split the text in clauses.
This way I don't mess with the neighbour (as the guy above died)
Will I adopt such way?
Time shows
It takes more vertical space though
(and I don't need the dots anymore, for return button is a dot enough)
button~letter? flowers! бутоны это собственно цветки и есть. Букеты.
And should I go long where no neighbours from the other side of the screen comes?
Yes, this hybrid way of splitting may be used to make long lines less dense, as if they're less important.

And here I may use just one extra space between chapters,
for they come from different sides of the screen now.
(but I tried and it looks ugly, this way is the canon)

canon = gun

ano = u?  no, Can = G? Yin? Kin? Tin?

If that J in g is not j but נ[n]
if we rotate hebrew line into a column, it will come in the n-like orientation.
and it actually reflects פ into п

но כ is just C, which may tell that such pairs (and is ז the ʒ in that newer category, category of the new column, the one between fire and water, the steel. Whihc uesd to be air, the gap, which naturally has to be in fire and water, or both fall.

ב reflects into п. Too many coincidences, thus I declare that:
whether hebrew text always was right to left,
and it gave birth to n and п
or the initial text was from top to bottom
and chinese read it in their own particular way which gave them their right to left order.

As eastern canon is more consistent by its order in the account of our mouth - does it tell that it's the original way they did, or did somebody reform it into this consistency?
See, I cannot even be sure there, I can only divide that this or that
(and who knows if I missed the third opportunity))
ты так старашесь словно кто это будет читать.

So then let's assume that hebrews took the נ and פ from chinks,
Let's see if chinks knows n- and п-like n and п.

at first it was like falling flat: ל-like en, cursive-נ-like eng, u-like yu, л-like el, but then i is rotated too.. but I thought I was looking for n and п.. and are they not:

I didn't even notice, that the JP is cut short there
mo and fo? (more and for?)
fo as п may path pass though, for פ is both            

is four indeed more? more than three.
You may take three pieces by your hands and your breath breast
(if you hold the third piece by the two pieces you hold in your hands)
But some people want more.
Everybody does, some people may take it.

but that chinese phonetic system shows fo as reversed פ,
and once again see how פ would remind Ф if we rotated it 90°
Another somewhat Л-like le.
The systems definitely shared glyphs. Chinese probably understood them still.
Are they originally chinese? The letters of ours? What simplified writing systems did chinks use to teach their colonies to communicate with them?
Naturally they couldn't teach adults китайской грамоте
(expression used in russian to say that text is incomprehensible)
so naturally they would give them some basic vocabulary.

And here I may address chinese philologists about their knowledge of such..
I should ask them of the suppressed of their schools: like do they have freaks who quote some ancient texts which would say that european letters could all come from chinese characters.

ㄇ the me (П ~ M in a loose hand) they have the unicode for htat that beauty.

This chart is originally from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I've made it easier to read, corrected the original spelling of "Wade-Gilos" to Wade-Giles, and done things to considerably reduce the file size, which was originally 500 KB. The Chinese text notes that the Ministry of Education promulgated MPS2 on Jan. 28, 1986, making it Taiwan's official romanization system.

They lay it out like that (I wrote that it has some roots into previous system before it became its modern form, and the question remains:
Who influenced whom?
For if it's recent indeed, that naturally
ㄐ is Ч
ㄦ is R the Л
ㄩ is ü the U
ㄙ is S, come on!
At least use this parallelism as a mnemonic device.
and who knows, maybe ㄇ and M or П are related,
but I suspect ㄇ to be the common between the two, the 𓊪
for ㄒ as hs remind me of X being T in 𐤕

I think the best way to analize them is to transcribe them with the comments:

basically the strokes needed for b (yeah, but the whole south-west is gone) [b(p(p))] ㄅ
(and it's funny how rarely south-west is mentioned, is it because elite likes that side?)           
(naturally it's warmer side of the mountain, the city is on the mountain)            
(and it gives you more beautiful evenings and quieter mornings too, no sun, can sleep)              
(no similarity, unless it's some messed-up ф of f) [p(pʰ(pʻ))] ㄆ
(((their words, not mine)ㄇ with syllabic stroke) [m̩     m] ㆬ)    [m] ㄇ
[f] ㄈ
[d(t(t))] ㄉ
t   [t(tʰ(tʻ))] ㄊ
[n] ㄋ
[l] ㄌ
(double く? double ㄑ!) [g(k(k))] ㄍ
[k(kʰ(kʻ))] ㄎ
[h(x(h))] ㄏ
[j(tɕ(ch))] ㄐ
[q(tɕʰ(chʻ))] ㄑ
[x(ɕ(hs))] ㄒ
[zhi, zh- (ʈʂ(ch))] ㄓ
[chi, ch- (ʈʂʰ(chʻ))] ㄔ
[shi, sh- (ʂ(sh))] ㄕ
日[literally Ri (but sounds as [ji])]  [ri, r- (ɻ~ʐ(j))] ㄖ
T and s or T and russian с inverted?  [zi, z- (ts(ts))] ㄗ
ᛋ and ㄧ ligature  [ci, c- (tsʰ(tsʻ)] ㄘ
s, сi       [si, s- (s(s))] ㄙ

Y-like Ygdrassil, is it what A could be? [a] ㄚ
similarity to the ㄜ makes me suspect its being of ё [o] ㄛ
something e-like is definitely in it [e/(ê/o)] ㄜ
(isn't it the shape uniting ה?) H, e   [ê/eh] ㄝ
[ai] ㄞ
[ei] ㄟ
[ao] ㄠ
[ou] ㄡ
(doesn't it look like upside-down ao?) [an] ㄢ
[en/ên] ㄣ
[ang] ㄤ
[end/êng] ㄥ
(but it is vowel!) ел [er/êrh] ㄦ
[i] ㄧ
[wu] ㄨ
[ü/yü] ㄩ
[v] ㄪ
[ŋ(ng)] ㄫ
[ɲ(gn)] ㄬ
     [ih/ŭ] ㄭ
[ɤ (e)] ㄮ
[ n̩ ] ㄯ
these two are only described on wiktionary, not on wikipedia,
and without them first and second halves of this writing system are 20's

and there's more:

(what the chapaigne-drinkers say (is it female language, like good penis for them is good luck))
chin-chin is probably chinese STAR: 星星[Xīngxīng]
(in japanese star is just 星[hoshi])
(and 欲しい[hoshī] is хочу (as if star tells to make a wish, which it does))
chin-chin in japanese is penis
(did they see stars as where the rain is coming form from? (была роса божьей мочёй))

In the context of ㄖ[r] how cool would it be if ⵙ was r, but it's only s. ⵔ is r.
ⵙ[s] is synonymous to ⵖⵔ[ɣr] and both stand for "with" and "to" and russian "with" is с[s]
ⵙ[s] is synonymous to ⵖⵔ[ɣr] as if ⵖ is the central dot. And here behold how much ⵖ~ɣ
Tifinagh is an interesting field, ⴰⵍ [al] is like он=the(he, ال[al])
but ⴰⵍ [al] is "until, up to" and also a synonym to ⵖⵔ(to)

Did Ekaterina rename Yaik to Ural to make it Oral? Was Aral Sea renamed with the same pun (сасать!)
yaiki are balls (like those balls (and also eggs (something to lose? (as in case of a woman))))


(but then isn't K double Λ?)
and isn't O has to be at the end of it?
I and O opposing each other
O П Т U? U opposing П?
Ɔ П Т U would go better, with one T among Ɔ П U (or would they be Ɔ П С U )

Ɔ П С Џ ?  now that's a good one, though a stretch, but Џ even has the т in it.

Ɔ П С ϒ ?
was ϒ confused with T?
ϒ the Y looks pretty much like ㄚ, which reminds me of Ⰰ and ᚐ looking like t.
are Ⰰ and ᚐ literally the same glyph? (swashed and not)

там (terra ate[ам (russian т is т in cursive)])
тут (terra от (отдаёт, представляет, исторгает, раскрывает))
(да, это всего лишь гипотеза, но, согласись, любопытная)
(дальнейшее рассмотрение покажет в точку она или мимо)

ты то та те ту (любопытно, что при переборе гласных лишь та имеет флексию (ту) а ты имело тя, вроде бы (но это не точно))

сии(си) сиё(сё) сия(ся) сие(се) сию(сю?)

и это почти повторяет ты то та те ту, только тогда не сии, а thee? но и сие в единственном числе, а те во множественном. сии во множественном, но в т- с подобной гласной ты.
Ты = те во множественном?
You smile (trying your best to be friendly) when you talk to a crowd.
You smile even wider when you want to be really sweet (and maybe to show your teeth too)
(it's also just a hypothesis)
(and sure thing only further endeavour diligance may show it to be true or false)

интересный кусочек попался:

cow be, seriously?
муру ~ мудру
удала ~ лягушка?
очень сходно с русским
Уменьшительно-ласкательный суффикс та:
сравни: коня конята (кони конята)
кота котята
суффикс лу подобен суффиксу но
пун as pun? as pawn! as pwn
дэп is the only orok morpheme I cannot see much of есть in
(unless it shares д with еда)
Мог орокский (это экзоним, кстати) быть суржиком русов с сахалинцами?

and now to something completely different,
Meitei script
What made me bring it here is its canonic indian order is rationalized by the words for the parts of the body going consistently from brain to.. well, it started well, but then it broke so that butthole is up the eye, which reminds me russian meme "глаз на жопу натянуть" (but then is it a genuine meme, or given to us by some modern author, by someone who could see this in meitei?)

The Meitei script (Meitei: ꯃꯩꯇꯩ ꯃꯌꯦꯛ, romanized: Meitei mayek), also known as the Kanglei script (Meitei: ꯀꯪꯂꯩ ꯃꯌꯦꯛ, romanized: Kanglei mayek)[5] or the Kok Sam Lai script (Meitei: ꯀꯣꯛ ꯁꯝ ꯂꯥꯏ ꯃꯌꯦꯛ, romanized: Kok Sam Lai mayek), after its first three letters[6][7] is an abugida in the Brahmic scripts family used to write the Meitei language, the official language of Manipur, Assam and one of the 22 official languages of India. It is first known from engravings on 6th century CE coins and copper plate inscriptions.[8] as verified by the various publications of the National Sahitya Akademi.[1] It was used until the 18th century, when it was replaced by the Bengali alphabet. A few manuscripts survive. In the 20th century, the script was revived and is again being used.[9] Beginning in 2021, the Government of Manipur began to use the Meitei alongside the Bengali-Assamese script, per the Manipur Official Language (Amendment) Act, 2021.[10]
ꯀ ꯁ ꯂ ꯃ ꯄ ꯅ ꯆ ꯇ ꯈ ꯉ ꯊ ꯋ ꯌ ꯍ ꯎ ꯏ ꯐ ꯑ ꯒ ꯓ ꯔ ꯕ ꯖ ꯗ ꯘ ꯙ ꯚ ꯛ ꯜ ꯝ ꯞ ꯟ ꯠ ꯡ ꯢ
 ꯣ ꯤ ꯥ ꯦ ꯧ ꯨ ꯩ ꯪ ꯫ ꯬ ꯭      ꯰ ꯱ ꯲ ꯳ ꯴ ꯵ ꯶ ꯷ ꯸ ꯹

ꯑ, the immortality, may become my favourite letter.
[ɐ] as in words ꯑꯇꯤꯡꯉꯥ[atinga] and ꯑꯇꯤꯌꯥ[atiya]
some meitei letters remind devanagary:
meiteis ꯂ [l] reminds hindi ट [Ṭa]
meitei ꯚ [bʱ] reminds even more hindi ग [Ga]
So whether they stand for the same hieroglyphs read differently in different nations,
ꯚ and ग look pretty much unique to the region.

Some meitei letters are even graphic:
ꯄ for eye-lashes
ꯅ for year
And here I notice, that unicode gives them in somewhat different order than that table above it:

head or brain [k] ꯀ
hair [s] ꯁ
forehead [l] ꯂ
(compare to [meJA, muCH])   eye [m] ꯃ
eyelashes [p] ꯄ
ear [n] ꯅ
lips [t͡ʃ] ꯆ
saliva [t] ꯇ
 throat, palate, neck [kʰ] ꯈ
pharynx, larynx [ŋ] ꯉ
breast, chest, ribs [tʰ] ꯊ
navel, heart [w] ꯋ
spine [j] ꯌ
joint [h] ꯍ
skin [uː] ꯎ
blood [iː] ꯏ
anus, buttocks, or uterus [pʰ] ꯐ
immortality, heaven, divinity, birth [ɐ] ꯑ

(evolved from (head)ꯀ[k]) [g] ꯒ
(evolved from (hair)ꯁ[s]) [d͡ʒʱ] ꯓ
(evolved from (forehead)ꯂ[l]) [ɾ] ꯔ
(evolved from (eyelashes)ꯄ[p]) [b] ꯕ
(evolved from (lips)ꯆ[t͡ʃ]) [d͡ʒ] ꯖ
(evolved from (saliva)ꯇ[t]) [d] ꯗ
(evolved from (throat~neck)ꯈ[kʰ]) [gʱ] ꯘ
(evolved from (breast-chest-ribs)ꯊ[tʰ]) [dʱ] ꯙ
(evolved from (anus-bottocks-uterus)ꯐ[pʰ]) [bʱ] ꯚ

(some lonsun form of (head-brain)ꯀ[k]) [k] ꯛ
(some lonsun form of (forehead)ꯂ[l]) [l] ꯜ
(some lonsun form of (eye)ꯃ[m]) [m] ꯝ
π would perfectly continue the ꯄ ꯞ sequence (some lonsun form of (eyelash)ꯄ[p]) [p] ꯞ
(some lonsun form of (ear)ꯅ[n]) [n] ꯟ
(some lonsun form of (saliva)ꯇ[t]) [t] ꯠ
(some lonsun form of (pharinx, larynx)ꯉ[ŋ]) [ŋ] ꯡ
(some lonsun form of (blood)ꯏ[iː]) [iː] ꯢ

the unicode set seems to consist of three somewhat different repetition of the same body-sequence,
the first is 18 letters, the second is 9 letters, the third is 8 letters.
only head, forehead, eyelashes and saliva is in all three groups: ꯀ[k] ꯂ[l] ꯄ[p] ꯇ[t]
which makes them good in pkt + l(whatever it is here) representation.

and some other shapes you can see in the tables in the png form,
ꫠ ꫡ ꫢ ꫣ ꫤ ꫥ ꫦ ꫧ ꫨ ꫩ ꫪ ꫫ ꫬ ꫭ ꫮ ꫯ
꫰ ꫱ ꫲ ꫳ ꫴ ꫵ   ꫶ 
but they don't seem to have semantic form, so I don't look at them this time.

And to close this subject, let's have another representation of meitei, just in case:

  Be     Go     Do

          aRe     iS

was it why M was removed there? To be above aRe and iS?

Be c Do
 f   Go h
 j k l aM n
p q aRe iS t  Mars?

are rappers wrappers? в смысле могут завернуть
(в другом значении, но очень близким по смыслу "закрывает тему" (and now I checked, and indeed it is the final track, even the bonus track it is on their second album) Бутси доставил в Love is Everything, и как я умудрился узнать это слово, у меня и сомнений не было, что это wrap, а не rap, was it some elusive nature of the vowel or was it some other nature of the R? some special wR?)
But then urbandictionary doesn't understand this term that way. I'm pretty sure it's a wrapper is what Bootsy says.



т.о. я разобрал слово плотнее на пло т нее

неё ~ на её? what else could it be? Even on has that n. So do not and не.
So it's too early to tell whether languages come from one centre or many (if there is or isn't centre)
So sefer yetzirah tells that first chapter of bible is not about the creation of the world, but about the creation of the alphabet. And it seems it does, for they used the history of the alphabet as the history of the world, probably believing that how above so below.

что неё (на неё? в неё? с неё? но к ней! о ней, при ней, под ней, над ней (вот она великая разница меж на и над. на неё, но над ней! is д до? но до неё. не её вообще без н пред ней, т.е. это что? не её, на неё! that н[n] is both не и но, but~不Bù[Bu[pu (and it reveals in п being exactly the n in russian)]])) 
and no & pu meet in no! boo! ну! фу! ну(well..) is thus но(but) and не(no)
ну и фу return ν (which might be toe-down, NO U (наше и ваше? для одних это n(nos) для других это v(vos))
Для греков это ν [n(nos)]
Для римлян это v [v(vos)]
Т.е. римляне дали v как n грекам? или греки естественным образом имели v-форму в своей лекции лексике для "down with us" and here I need help from somebody who speaks greek..

v is vs the us

δεν [ðen] not (sounds exactly as then, and it has n, it's the n)
μη [mi] not (and it seems to be the closest cognate to no, before I saw n in the previous one)

English then and greek δεν, I asume such cognates are the most important one. the short one.
then as no? после. post-ne? t and n became л? is t that swash on the left hand of the л? is n the п of other half of it? so N is indeed ן different from ו in that very sense of its coming down.

or are they (ן/ו) the same v-shape of ν[n] and v[v]!

✓~ |, which ν/v and ן/ו show
both shapes go down, but in different sense: for | we draw a straight line down. for ✓ is the arrow down.
the tip of the arrow looking down.

but at first I sa so thought (what a gothic cathedral of words) that ו is верх and ן is низ
(and a part of me still does)

Something is going on here, and now I need knowers of hebrew to know it.

cat is the ultimate C in russian form of kitty-kitty: кис-кис, and in those cognates t~S
does dash reverse the l part of the t?
are l and ſ the opposites?
or are they the same? (han! h nah!)
I think ſ looks more like the opposite of J
(or are they the same?)
or are they two halves of the ʃ ?
is ʃ-like shape of f in some fonts telling that all them are the great Θ?
she and fe
ʃe and fe (fe should be ʃ-like in this comparison..
But then isn't it arbitrary? It is a speculation, sure it's arbitrary
to some point. it is determined by the shapes and pronunciation's variations.

Suddenly it came to me that most of the potential readers may even not know such simple term as pronunciaion. But it's the simplest of the terms I use. But it is the most sophisticated word in this page.
And it is also nice, because I try to write as simple as possible.

Yet list of terms would be nice at the front page or on the other side of it.
Instead of giving the terms at the end of the page in alphabetic order, we give them at the beginning of the book as the list of containeds (contents) given in order you can meet them in the book.
And if the book is large enough, that list of words is mirrored at the end of it in alphabetic order.
If contents is containeds
then governments are governmaineds which is much less obvious
The quesion is should I list simple terms such as alphabet in there. And in the alphabetic order of terms, I should not forget to list them as many times as they're in the text (thus it should be made the last, when I can ctrlF the words of the contents to see where they're met)

I'm the other form of tree, I should cut my leaves to fit the standard of those oaks.
Ash shouldn't cut his leaves to look like Oak

Ash for A?
Oak for O?
                        Ель for Е? F for fir?
such speculations, what are they good for?
for looking good for good ones.
The good ones are often met in such arbitrary speculations.

be am are is (notice that bmrs is the alphabetic order, and it correlates the grammatic order)
grammar and grammatic are literally letter and letter's (ic = is (both C))

ce [tse] of(or) ce[ke(que)]


        aRe iS

looking for the basic words of English I may find the basis of alphabet, if it was in English.
My hope is this level is so basal, that it is reflected in every language, especially in such powerful as E.

And the question here is "was there Q or is r enough г per se?".

Then I can see that aM aRe iS are laBial velaR coroNal
Because two of three end with al, I naturally want to reverse velar into veRal
And it gives me (viral?) the corresponding letter standing exactly before that suffix.
Thus are previous shapes merely prefixes?
la Bi'al (Vial is a word, and because B~M is of water(вода~море) vial makes great sense)
ve R'al (is ve before ra showing the order? or is ith the R'al? al = all? al = of?
le Ngu'al

French grammar oozes through labial and lingual (for labials are indeed symbolically female, and lingual – male)

velar (whether it was veral and rolled to keep R to the right.. both R and L are in this column!
 I  J K L M N
O P Q R S  T
exactly one under the other. Isn't velar column KQ? it is, but what is LR if not the addition to it.
isn't C the centre? why would L and R be associated with it?
to the left and to the right from the centre, what'd make me think
('d is would or had depending on if it's make or made (is there a connection between will and have))

Have and Will are definitely in the same category of be's, for they're also auxilary verbs.

Be      Do
   ł→('ll) aM
        aRe iS


A    Are
E    Em (am)
    Is, will
O    Was Were        Analyzing this thing I noticed that Rimbaud's approach is meddling with it.
   Would                                                                            like his approach is based upon what?
maybe on some piece of folklore upon which he based the poem

But then is it not correct in the sense of colours? Red is ready, thus he is and will; O is yellow as oh, U is Blue for should have done it, and only if he would, that is an epitome of a sad thought.

But U is green in his poem, just as U is the opposite to I, so the opposite to Red (Jed? Iodine!) is green, V for бриллиантовый зелёный, which makes not too much sense, but may say that even broken clock show right time from time to time.
O is blue? so they show me, the image.

Why would I right them to be in the rainbow order? They're not in the rainbow order.

My order, which made sense were
I red  (this one linked to Iodine is good find)
O yellow (but this one doesn't make sense, oh is sad, and yellow is a cheerful colour)
U blue (for the word blue, but Rimbaud had it green, for the opposite to red is green)

red yellow green would make sense in both rainbow and red/green ~ i/u sense,
but o is breaking the pattern.
Rimbaud didn't care for the rainbow order, which is bold, but why?

    I O U is me  (this was a piece of automatic writing, and YOU is indeed could be me)


a is both M and W in that

is it АЗ? аз is I in old-russian.
is Æ I in some language?

Is Æ a word in some language?
I don't know of any language where Æ is a word, but it is a letter in some languages. For example, it is used in Danish and Norwegian. The closest equivalent to it in English is the letter A. Do you have a reason to ask about it?
I do, but here's a better one: Is ae a word in some language?
Yes, ae is a word in several languages. For example, in Latin, ae is a diphthong that represents the sound "eye" (as in the word "my"). It is also a word in Scots, where it means "always" or "ever," and in Scottish Gaelic, where it can mean "one" or "someone." In English, ae is not used as a word, but it is a common abbreviation for "age" (ae.
æ is a word (or maybe even two words ("ah" and "always") in Icelandic. Isn't it so?
I'm not aware of any Icelandic words that use æ as a standalone word, or of it being used to represent "ah" or "always". I am aware that the Icelandic language uses the letter æ to represent a particular sound, but it's not used as a standalone word in Icelandic, as far as I know. Perhaps there are some local dialects or slang words where it is used that way?
Wasn't æ a separate word in old-english?
You're right that æ did exist as a separate letter in Old English. It was actually a diphthong—a combination of two vowel sounds—that was represented by the letter ash (Æ, æ). In Old English, the letter ash was used in words such as "dæg" (day) and "bær" (bear). So while æ wasn't a standalone word in Old English, it was an important part of the language and represented a specific sound that is not found in modern English.
Wiktionary tells that æ was a stand-alone word for law, marriage, rite. Isn't it true?
Interesting, I haven't come across any information that suggests æ was a standalone word meaning "law", "marriage" or "rite" in Old English. However, I'm aware that Wiktionary is a collaborative project and may not always have accurate information. So I can't confirm or deny this information, but if you have a specific source that you trust, it might be worth looking into further. Either way, it's clear that æ was an important part of the Old English language and had a unique role in the written and spoken form of the language.

 æ is always in Icelandic
 ǣ is law, marriage, rite in Old-english (and as prefix it is also always(?))
 æ is ever, eternally, at all time in Old-norse (and also "eat" in "I eat" and "eat!" (or feed))
 æ is "be!" in old-swedish (second-person present imperative of vara(to be, ot occupy place))
 æ is the in dannish

 æ is I in jutish!

But since we're at it, let's comb through other languages too:
 æ is have in "you have" in ligurian
 æ is yes in middle english (I wonder how "law" of old english could become "yes" in middle english, but then it could be something like "word" is used today to say "of course")

and another one:
                            æ is I in norwegian nynorsk!

but we continue,
 æ is river, running water, stream in Old English.
it is interesting that it has complete cognate in an austranesian language:
 ae is water in Aore (was it somehow borrowed from the next line's sailors?)
but then ea is eau in modern english too: (UK dialect or archaic) A river or watercourse.

 ae is mother in Abinomn
 ae is eye in Bislama

 ae is to stroke, pat, caress in Danish (interestingly enough, the past tense is aet)
 ae is water in Eastern Ngad'a, and in Aore, which I mentioned before, and in Ende, and in Li'o
 ae is liver (not river) in Irish
 ae is tree in Kala and in Lote
 ae is chicken in Khumi Chin
 ae is go up in Lavukaleve
 ae is current, pool, coolect, gather in Marshallese
 ae is emphatic particle in Mbyá Guaraní

 ae … ae is either … or in Middle Welsh
 ae is hey and oh in Niuean
 ae is wasp in Pará Arára

 ae is oh yeah in Portuguese
 ae is bird in Sardinian
 ae is one, only, about in Scots
 ae is to dig, to hollow up in Teanu
 ae is father(and such) in Touo
 ae is to laugh in West Makian
 ae is foot, leg in Wolio
 ae is to caugh in Zhuang

But then what was it all about?
 iou is I (not you) in Aromanian (that's in Europe) and Macanese (that is not, but sorta, it's Creole)
and nothing in any other language, according to wiktionary, so what is it all about? Is it an example of pronouns' antonymy? it definitely is, but then ae is I and iou is I? I&I?

Just wrote a feed-back to RobWords:
I liked your video about punctuation marks (had nothing to object, probably because I didn't know much about them)
But your video of the alphabet is only good if one wanted to know the modern consensus on the subject, but the consensus is rubbish. The ox-head was used for a vowel in Meroitic culture, but not in Egypt, where they say 𓃾 to represent kꜣ  sound (here I also have to stick to the consensus, not having a better option) and that is interesting, because old-hebrew aleph looks like k (modern also does, in cursive) but that is nothing, some ring-reference-fluke, unless aleph is cow in other language, and probably in others too. What if I told you that we don't actually know if the phoenician narrative is accurate, and I say it is not. I think it is accepted to be true by political/religious reasons, but then I'd like you to check to tell me what you think.
I couldn't watch it more than 4:30, because E is definitely related to ugaritic 𐎅, and egyptians never used those hieroglyphs for phonetic signs. There's more on this subject in the book under that link. I hope you like it.
The video on the names of the countries is also great, the idea of Denmark being named after Dan's is in line with some other names being of human names of the region (the way russian call germans Fritzes, the way German is a male name. So is Sven, Franz, Frank, and Rus too, btw. Ruslan, Rustam, those are not very russian names, tatars and bashkorts use them much more. But then rus is village in latin, and that word makes perfect sense in the context of Kievan Rus and Novgorod Rus (the village area around the cities) so who knows if it's not the other way around. Roman is also a name, after all.. well, Rome literally was named after a name. Paul is not very Polish names though. Lech is a polish name though, I didn't link the two before you said it. And you also mention a legend of a forfather of russians to be named Rus, but why did you say that it's not true?
You mention that we don't know is Serbs and Servus related, but do we really know that Slavs and slaves are? Because Slav is a russian name Slava (glory) and a part of many old-russian names: Slava is Vyacheslav, Vlad is Vladislav, there were many more in old times: Veleslav, Boreslav (probably just Boris now) and even Izyaslav (Izya is jewish name Israel and probably some others)
Armen is also a male name. So is Georg (though Georgians don't call themselves that, which is how germans wouldn't call themselves Fritzen, that's the way exonyms work) And I guess this little theory of mine adds probability to Italy from Italus hypothesis.
we'll see what he answers and if he ever does
And here is why the guy is important (mirror)

Ae (I in dannish and some norwegian)
Iou (io, Я, I)



♡ is definitely buttox offering the v underneath, or at the top in this image

  ו looking so much like ר raises the question about ᚱ looking so much like ᚢ
(the same beings behave the same way,
so my task is to find the same-behaving letters in different alphabets)

this image depicts it with the woman laying on her but, thus the heart has the butt at the bottom,
and thus שׁ is for shithole, sheitan, shite
It is as if the image tells not to put it into the pooper.
יה could be ירו (like how would they tell if it was by hand? it was accurate. well, maybe)
in that case וה would be ורו
or could it be not רו, but רי?
didn't I just cancel the whole letter?
Is that יהשוה an alternative form of יְהוֹשֻׁעַ?
Why else would they place ש into יהוה?
Because it's the fifth line, they had to have five letters.
But why ש?
To tell that it's not hair but fire?
Christus is written around that image.
And in the inner circle we can see Iesus Immanuel (with El separated)
In such context it's only natural that יהשוה is יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, but let's investigate it.
The pentagrammaton (Greek: πενταγράμματον) or Yahshuah (Hebrew: יהשוה) is an allegorical form of the Hebrew name of Jesus, constructed from the original form of Jesus to be Yeshua, a Hebrew Bible form of Joshua.[1] Originally found in the works of Henry Cornelius Agrippa (1531), Athanasius Kircher, Johann Baptist Grossschedel (1619) and other late Renaissance esoteric sources.
I'm glad to see my intuition to work well. Reality check passed. Or did I read about it?
Because I'm high, probably not. I posted the image, so I have to see what I knew about it the last time, because when I'm high I tend to deliver the new and unique stuff.

I could go all the way mystical, but I go to obscene: is יהשוה different from יהוה by being way to fall? Jewish religion for goyim.

 יהשוה is literally יהוה with ש the שטן, the אֵשׁ, the האשם(culprit) the השם(the name, what jews call the supreme deity today)
Sam the Sham? Samael? Even though it's סמאל, there's also שמאל in hebrew, and it means Left.
Though it's read as shmooll: שְׁמֹאל
Looking for Right connected to a God,
I found צוֹדֵק[tsodék], and wondered if it is צדיק[tsadík] when I found צֶדֶק[tsédek] which is not only right, but also Jupiter ​justice righteousness justness rightness. צַדִיק[tsadík] is also one of the translations to the right, so hooray to my intuition once again, it seems I start to dig into hebrew little by little.

Jupiter as a planet covering us from Saturn. If Saturn is Satan, then it may be very telling.
And the following image may show Earth and Saturn on one line with the sun, as an astrologic depiction of the day of crucifixion. Is it as antisemitic image or is it them bragging with their alliance?

Is the mogen david a depicion of Saturn or have we only recently saw that qipa for the first time?
Did jewish fashion preserve the evidence of the previous knowledge of astronomy on the modern level?
Is it just Sun, Earth and Saturn, or is it full appulse, planetary parade?
is the red circle right after the blue one is Mars? Is it followed by Jupiter, which so conveniently calls himself Dei? Is Saturn only the yellow part or does it have the red border to it? I guess it does, for the hexagon's circle is much smaller than the diametre:

This is a cropped image of the planet, not the actual radius, this element is much smaller in relation to the planet.

Or is it just a coincidence and I'm not supposed to think about it?
Probably so, there's no good in such speculations.
or is there?
Also what were the chances that in ten days we have Парад планет с участием Меркурия, Марса, Юпитера, Урана, Нептуна и Сатурна 28 августа 2024

and here we have their prediction of what it's going to look like in ten days. Mercury is naturally much further from the Sun than on those diagrams it is. The distances are way larger relative to the size of the planets. So it looks very probably, the closest to the sun too. And what we have here? Isn't it the order
(prohint: it isn't)
of the days in a week? Is it the origin of that order? Because I think I just read that they're standartized:
Бывают малые и большие парады планет.При малом параде Венера,Марс,Сатурн,Меркурий выстраиваются в одну линию,то есть четыре планеты.
При большом же параде шесть планет выстраиваются в линию - Земля,Венера,Юпитер,Марс,Сатурн,Уран.

But then I should double-check this info, because they predict six planets to align, and the next piece tells that it was two years ago, though it happens once per 10 and 20 years.

Малые парады планет наблюдаются довольно часто,почти каждый год,а вот большие происходят обычно раз в 10-20 лет.
    в октябре 2009 года и в мае 2011 наблюдались мини-парады
    самый масштабный парад планет был в декабре 2012 года
    следующий большой парад планет ожидается в июне 2022 года

Also they list Mercury only in the four-planet parade,
and in 2024 it's predicted to appear in a 6-planet parade.

If you end up missing out completely, planetary alignment is not as rare as it sounds, and there will be chances to witness the parade again. From's perspective, it is quite common to see planets lined up along the ecliptic from our perspective on Earth, and it occurs a few times a year

So that was just a coincidence, or what? They probably go all the possible way, or the internets mess with me, that is also possible. I have mistakes in my books, do you think you don't have them in yours?

it and there are also the auxilary words. One is another one. Him, Her, all are местоимения.
Just like Jij Mij Gij.. what? I forgot. Good thing I write it all down.

Jij     Mij Hij
U(ij) Wij Zij

Gij Mij Hij                no wonder I forgot it, I don't know what to do with it.
Jij  Wij Zij                                            Mij\Wij and Hij\Zij are surely impressive
                                                                        the rest, not so much.
Jij Mij Nij (for Н is russian N)
Uij Wij Zij (and here I suppose form Uij used to exist in old dutch, because it is the missing thread to keep this finding together. So my finding is scientific, because it allowes a benefit of doubt, even if we don't find Uij, then it still may be assumed (of ass, yes as a binding hypothesis, not a taught theoryk)

this is from vol.26, where I spoke about it the last time.

Beliefs in gods could be lit by astronomers explaining his knowledge by having an agreement with the gods up above that one shall close the other. So gods did look like circles? They look like circles and they walk in circles. Church is of circle not by an accident.

Gij Mij Hij    seems to be the right form, though gij and jij are neither in alphabetic order,
Jij  Wij Zij            nor are they in grammatic order of the other two columns:
Jij is less colloquial than gij, but at first glance, it's

If it was grammatically correct, than jullie would somehow fit the jij part, and then I can see that it does: jullie (unstressed form je, reflexive form je, possessive form jullie, unstressed possessive form je) and though G and J are not this way in the alphabet, you cannot deny that g and j are rather similar in both shape and function.

Mij and Hij are also not alphabetic, it didn't stop me.

Let's place them into alphabetic order and see if it works:
Gij Hij Jij Mij Wij Zij (ты он вы я мы они (well, it's rhythmic in russian, but not in dutch (but if we put jullie instead of je it is)))
Ge Me He
Je We Ze?

Me Ge He (hij is also ..I wanted to say sjij, sje, but it's zij, ze (as if third person didn't know number))
We Je Ze!

Me Ge Ze (I love how Ge He goes here. Ge Ze is way less G H. And is M F then?)
We Je Ze? (I love how Je Ze remind russian Ж З (exactly in the G H position) is W Ё? Ѳ?)

Me Ge He (was it We Ge/Je Ze/Ze? was woCH and we the same?)
We Ge He?
Fe Ge He?  But there's no word fij in dutch or anywhere so it seems, maybe in osettian, not a pronoun

палач~палаш В Азии встречался казахский палаш (полусабля) под названием селебе[5].
Селебе, к слову о Челябинске, Челубее,
и всё же ябинск лучше убинска.
Кто-то моего типа грустную у на весёлое я заменил.
змей замечай?
змей смеет (в то время как черви х.з.)
змейка смей-ка семейка
не змей!
позмей, позмеши
(змеяться будут либо от радости, либо над тобой)

Знамя ~ c нами
(икона бога раньше размещалась тканая, Gott mit uns)

German Ja sounds pretty much as russian Да, the english Duh!

Is брысь не менее глагол чем брось?

Suddenly I felt like doing it from scratch, to look at it from some other side:

I looked at it starting from vowels, for they're special:

but why would I use bright voiced where available letters in all the colours but gold?

Here I had urge to rehash it, following the graphic tree-like side of Y.
The arrangements are mostly arbitrary
with little consideration after placing B and D at the opposite sides of the Y,
being satisfied with how D reminds O and how B reminds E.
Ɔ and E don't follow the single-lingual and double-labial pattern.
But then it's not Ɔ, but O (at least when I don't need the Ɔ-shape, very convenient, duh)

They say that only fools start if from scratch. And did this "forgetting" make me sick (all of the sudden I got stuffed nose, though never went anywhere, woke up healthy as can be) let's exhale this stupidity and return to what we know, let's draw the map with what I know. I forgot J, btw. So finally let's do it with J this time.

                                                        and once more

Now this one is witty, the Y being a part of the vowel set,
and at the same time pointing at the other two.
Thinking of how way is weg and egg is ei,
it's hard not to think of whether y is of g or if g is of y the i
(г sorta looks like ɪ (c looks even more like e, so is i ė?))

And the experiment I wanted to lay out for awile,
writing three aettir into braid pattern:                

and at first vowel runes sorted themselves to the right (as if ᚠᚢᚦᚭᚱ the father was all to the first aet, and somebody has switched ᛆ and ᛋ, but then third aet crushed this hallucination.
Was it that there was only two aettir, twisted like a two-thread rope?
B and T?
something along those line, though none is vowel
(unless B was V the U, but that's a stratch)
is it a day of a deadend approaches? nothing ever ends, bro, they are just clumsy, for they're new.
approaches the.
Braid also was invented by somebody some long time ago.

For whatever reason after having written the previous chapter (some hours ago) I got sick,
so just in case those events are somehow related, I have to return to basics, to count my blessings


Looking at how colours of J&Y (black-red) are similar to colours of H&X (black-yellow)
I cannot help but wonder if they're the same group somehow: ɦ/y & jES/hEN

Thinking of "our of dust you're taken and into the dust you'll go" part I cannot stop but wonder how wrong it is in the light of humans being mostly water. Out of mud we're, of water, not fire. And it correlates with ancient jews spotted praying the desert god, the satan himself. Your satan is your foe's god thing it is.
And thus as above so below is also false: most of chemical reactions cannot be reversed, thus the end is naturally going to be different from the way it started (neither will it end, nor have it ever started)
So the question is which religion would you choose if you were not enslaved from the cradle? The one based on the millenia-old tradition, as if given from the extraterrastrials themselves? Or the one born by an obvious schizo (if somebody had the symptoms of Moses, we'd naturally diagnose him as schizo)
So I pray to the gods of the previous cultures, or rather to goddess, and it strikes me how it sounds as God Death.
And that dis- prefix, so similar to death, correlates the russian беc- суффикс so similar to бес.
And then another though asks me why would I pray to gods of the deseased defeated culture?
Are they not defeated
debeated? debeaten, debated, die beaten
Are they not deceased
and deceased is probably a cognate, the double, of diseased.
(using g.t. typoed богиб, gott ist tott? (and it all came to a hypothetic etymology of toad, as if she's tott, the гад she is as well, kek or some other egyptian god?))
aren't gods deads in general?
good deads and evil deads they are, naturally.
As above so below benefits the low ones, for they would like to bring their despised ways to the very top of our society, when in reality their ways only fit to the prisons, and even though currently pederasts took over the institutions, they're to be defeated by the nature of their tribe.
And then I don't know if homosexuals actually rule the world or if they're just other layer of scapegoats, as kikes themselves are.
For do homosexuals actually reign the prisons the way women use their soft power to influence the men (this delirium should be consistent to claim the acquisition of the truth)
I guess both way fight the way demon and angel fought form me
D of the demon
A of the angel
is it D~A thing?

pick is pink
cut is red
burn is brown
blue is blow (раздутое и ударенное, as in blueeye)
green and yellow could be the healing blueeye: green is going (unlike some purple or black, which would be much worse) and yellow is yet low (ещё ниже? ещё ниже будет?)

red is красный, which combines к of the cut, and rasen is similar to rezan (cut (PP))
расен in красен can be разен (different (it's both tasty berry, and tasty meat, which relates it to cut again)
orange could have range in it, for it could be a dialectal form of red.

violet is violent the way blueeye is, and often it's more violet than blue, violet seems to be more violent

let's test it with the other russian colours:
желт ᚼealed(healed) and целит (залечивается)
зелен is probably зел~жил(live(d)) целён (исцелён? because blueeye going green is the first symptom of its healing)
синий сильный (как удар, который оставил синяк)

so the conclusion is yes, that's a good set of etymologies (not only do we have it correlating the other words in the set, but it is also in agreement with the russian lexics)

коричневый ~ горичневый (карий ~ гарий)
это корица от коричневый, pig of pink, orange the fruit of orange the colour.
rose the flower of rose the colour? роза реза, царапает, режет.. решает?
(measure twice, cut once)
russians have a brainfuck in that spot, they say measure seven times, which is constant wtf.
черви for hearts is another one.
наверное for maybe also belongs into this shitlist
red ~ рез


German is rough, because they sometimes say Raus instead of aus for "out!", and that is what I just noticed, only having started to learn it.

Rite (Riot) raws Rout!@
@ was a typo, but it's often used in @$#! to decode square swear words. maybe not as often as #
@ is called dog in russian, it looks like д and g ,but it's at, and at is translated as на in russian, and in russian post-fix на[na] is censored нахуй[at the penis]
@ looks like shit, and for shit it sits, for that what dog does. If you hold a dog in house, you have shit all over your house. We had to make mother to return the dog, or to live with it in сад.

Rite is right.
Riot is right.
You cannot sue your own government in their own court, so you sue them in all other courts.
Let austrians sue englishmen, but russian sueing great britain, that's ridiculous, nobody shall take this take serious. Russia also makes foreigners welcome (thinking of british sueing their own government in courts of other states. But then all the states they respect are corrupted by the same rot)

Geschäft [geshéft] is buisiness in german
געשעפֿט [geshéft] is business in yiddish (not just profit, as I previously thought)
that schäft can only be schaft (shaft, shank, stock, leg, stalk(it grows))
and I also hear shift in it, as shop is supposed to work by shifts, with members of the family sitting in the shop by shifts.

I remember other stupidity of my family: our grandmother was immobile, we could place her in a shop to sell things, but only if she could live there. We should build лавки с туалетами (had a good conversation with my mom about city limitations on that. and then had another one with her, and it was a social mistake, end it on a high note, don't spoil the tune (yes, I learn on my mistakes, but let's not make them, let's learn on them once and for all. Think "may it be a mistake?" and then measure it again. Measure twice, cut once))

було, но був. Украинцы сохранили единство l & v

Official history does not usually value the strength and devel­opment of Catharism in Spain (mostly in Catalonia). It was the homeland of the last Cathar Perfect, Guillaume Bélibaste, who was burned at the stake in the castle of Villerouge-Termenes in 1321. Just before his death, Bélibaste proclaimed his famous prophecy:

‘In seven hundred years the laurel will become green again, good people will return’. Today is the time of the fulfilment of this prophecy.

I brought this quote before, in vol.18, but I don't know if I brought the attention, that my work can be seen as the fulfillment of that prophecy, for I started bringing it to public in the end of 2013, which is pretty much in line with the other account of it: "At the end of seven hundred years, the laurel will be green once more".

and I think to the year 2021 I have already revealed that aeiou song,
some other people started singing it too.

Robert Bly in Iron John (in the very middle of the part 4 (20 minutes into it in the audiobook)) tells that the colours White Red Black, in the order they are mentioned in the fairy-tale of the Snowwhite, he calls them the Great Mother Sequence, and tells that they represent three phases of the moon: first the white of the Virgin (the New Moon) then the red of the Motherhood (and the Full Moon) and finally the black of the Crone (as the Old Moon)
And he keeps on telling, that male order, as it is given in the fairytale of Iron John is Red White Black (red is a madlad, a teenager, and white is a White Knight, and black is a wise old man with some good humour. He sums it up as red intensity, white engagement and black humanity (but then in the beginning of the chapter he gives the male sequence as warrior, soldier, murderer (and in connection to the other interpretations, probably that's how a man on that path recognizes himself)))

a gift from some polack: mos-kał xD you know what I mean you have kał in ur language too
which is literally moskal (moscovite) which is read as moscow
and basically it links with a cognatic bond кал and гавно
did dogs give name to cows?

boiling is bowling (й~w (I saw it somewhere before))
(I just met it in a context, where somebody used that word.
Forgot what was the context, maybe this one)

a B c D
e F g H
i j K l M n    (M is of F, K is of H kind)
o P Qrst (if K is of H, then q is the nom.. dominant in this line)
thus a B Cd (cough as the basal velar)
u Vw Xyz (and here X is naturally up front. GZ?

ABC is the meme, not ABD.
Thus I tell that D is staved C, and C is more basal letter. A B C
b is closed (pronounced at closed mouth) and
c is open (pronounced at open mouth)

B is closed (two lips (tulip?))
C is open (be it k, s, ч, ц..)

"be" I may tell when I put the stone back where it was, when I see ants there.
"die" I may tell when I destroy whatever was under the stone.

and so we have a primal dualism, now let's try it on every other dychotomy.

yes and no, which is which? bu is chinese no, so bu~be; da is yes in russian, so da~die.

В контексте живущего под камнем да значит еда. бу это фу (boo) фекалии=фу,кали(клали, срали)

bely be (white is probably it's cognate. or is black? black is be in english, but in russian it is the other way around, because russian бог is bog in english, and english god is гад in russian, they naturally hate each other's guts. on language basis. who is it? хуй ссыт? с этой стороны такие подъёбки невежества вошли в анекдоты: hello russian! хуёво окрашено говорит, заряжай разрывную (про две подводные лодки анекдот))

black is closer to be? white and die share the vowels, but how would w and d meet? in ł the l.

or does it not work on this one? should it be light and dark?  light as lay? dark as die? dark is food? the process of the hunt is rather grim indeed. But then isn't it artistic

I should ask ai do it, some large language model, exactly what I need.

be and do.. or be and die?
bu and da are the more basic dychotomy than be and die (be and die are even philosophical concepts)

That b is closed, but c is open conflicts d being closed and both п, f, m, w u being open.
Was it a principle which only worked with b and c but was lost later?
or was it never a principle in the first place?

in aBC b is closed and c is open, it is clear as day, and if those letters are all there was, let's find the initial forms of the letters, acccording to this principle. And I immediately see ם for m, and soon و for у the u comes. and what is f? Ф, of course! double and closed, all how I like. And why neither ם nor و double? M and W are, but they're not closed. Am I pulling this owl? Was there only three lines?
B and Ф tell that hardly so, because how else to you arange double ball? θ and 𐌚 are good candidates.

З  θ why is it the other way around? Зевс!
J  ם is ם double? double L, as Μ is to Λ? Г and J (Г~G~J)
Ф q(or R the Рru[r])
obviously what predate those lines are a, e, i, o~u(if o, then Ф is P (and p is closed, huray) and if u, then q is Ч, or something along those lines.

and here I realized,
that I forgot
that linguals should be open..

B C [b g(if it's opposed by ч, then it's g the dʒ)]

P Ч [п ч]

So basically this brick didn't fly. It seems the idea of doubleness remained to the next level, but closed labial and open lingual was forgotten during the transition from three mothers to the first syllabary of proto-abecedary.

But then let's tell this story like this:

B C before ABC
B is labial and double and closed
C is lingual and single and open.
vowels came later, for they're not a part of the equation. Only E follows sequence .. wait.. E F Г I is the sequence, which is one step further from three mothers. And I saw similar forms somewhere..

I wonder if ᛁ was 0
Because ..what are these?
let's find an image with transliterations

That Ф-like shape is naturally not 0, but 10, double 5

pentadic numerals they're called, and told to be written on the stave,
so no, ᛁ is not zero, even though technicall it is
The notation is similar to the older Roman numerals for numbers 1 to 9 (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX).[1] Unlike the Roman notation, there are only symbols for numbers one ("I") and five ("U"), protruding off the side of a vertical stroke, or stem, which has no numeric value by itself. In some inscriptions the notches are placed horizontally on a vertical stem or stav of the rune; on other inscriptions the stave is horizontal and the "I" and inverted "U" rise off of it.
The number 4 is represented by four vertical lines on the horizontal stem, 5 is represented by what looks like a half-turned letter U, resembling the letter "P" in combination with the stem. 10 is represented by two turned U's opposing each other. More numbers up to 19 or 20, can be represented by a combination of I's and U's branching off of a stem, similar to how Roman numerals are represented by combinations of I's and V's.
The widest use of the notation is in presenting the Golden Numbers, 1–19 on Runic calendars (Danish: kalenderstave, Swedish: runstavar, Norwegian: kalenderstavar, also known as clogs).[2] The numbers are commonly found in Modern Age and possibly Early Modern Age calendar sticks. It is unknown if they were in use in the Middle Ages, let alone in the Viking Age. On older runic calendars, a different notation for representing the Golden Numbers was used; the 16 runes of Younger Futhark represented the numbers from 1 to 16 and three ad hoc, runes were improvised for the numbers 17, 18, and 19. For example, the Computus Runicus manuscript, originally from 1328, but collected and published by the Dane Ole Worm (1588–1654), uses this futhark notation, and not the pentadic numerals under discussion here.
so oh wow, it's nothing
But it's nice to know that under that nothing EFГ are 321,
so let's reverse it.. Г F E ..and let's guess that the system was not pentadic, but tetradic.
Г F E D R.. and still I have to have impossible letters to continue. Unless they didn't write it like they show on the images above, but were Г(1) F(2) E(3) D(4) DГ(5) DF(6) DE(7) and Ф makes a badass 8, especially if it's not Ф, but 𐌚(!) and both sequences ГFE and ГDФ are in the eastern order, and it seems that ГFE predate ГDФ the same way abc predate abcd (abc or abd? I told you abc is memetic, abd is not! even though d reflects b better, even though D reflects B better?)
D is also hand in egyptian: 𓂧
Here, to close it for now,

even though it's most likely nothing, I think I just like to collect things



A M Š  (but teeth are more about S, not Š)

Before we learnt to articulate we didn't know plosives maybe?
A M C and A B C share not only A, but also C (С is S in russian and some greek)
𐲘 is hungarian M, which once again tells, that all labials are one letter. Б=В(B=V) and V=F and F~W, then V=W, and W~M, and naturally 𐲘 is the strongest argument, linking M directly to B. in greek b is mp (μπ) both μ and π have that duality about them, just as β has, just as Ϝ is literally digamma, and thus is Φ is double Ρ, and Ρ being R and not P makes Φ and Ρ go into the double-labial_single-lingual thing.

Suddenly, in the light of 𐲘, I noticed that I can lay out that thing in greek alone:
but I had to rearrange the order of that alphabet. Φ Ρ just substitute 𐌚𐌔
(which I also had to rearrange)
But now, with ΔϜΦΡ I don't have to include etruscan glyphs into greek set.

Β Ϝ Μ Π Φ    (is this line of V? W? u?)
Δ Γ Λ  Τ  Ρ    (is this line of A? Ʌ? ɪ?)

This way I have Λ of the left more to the left than Ρ of the right, and does it expose two rows книжных шкафов (ов is of, and it removed the plural suffex ы фром шкафы, or is it plural? singular form is а в шкафа, a is to in french; how crazy would it be if it was of, but de is. But then I saw a working as of in other languages:
starting with latin.. in some cases it could be translated so:

That tiny latiny make me want to make a list of short words for english..
and naturally this demands another file for it: monosyllable_english

dread and dream oppose as daddy and mommy

When others choose from fight and flight, I choose to fright.

splash and splatter share the spl of the vsplesk(всплеск(splash))

was it Be and Go before people starting Do'ing something?
But then how do those B & G correspond with Bad and Good? (was it some depressive ancient philosophy we actually had to forget for how wrong it was? Something about everything good being soon gone, and only bad stuff (like spoilt meat) stays because nobody wants it?)

Alphabetic order dictates aбge to be aбeg (обед? dinner?)
after uniqueness of forms equalized a and д
Buy then a is a in cursive, so it is бgдe?
And where aбge came from is abc being abg and e indeed comes next, but be di is it how it was?

aбeg as the opposite to бega (беда? или бега)

aB eD is one way to read: aB eL? aU eL, aV el? (in both U & L and V & l, labial is double, lingual is single)

V is 5 ot 4 and l is 1? L~I~A~L? V~I~A~L?

boring борит? bores. as a bore? did humans train to fight with pigs? That's cruel, that shit can mow
bore, not boar
bear борит, это понятней, но борис это обычно кабан.
кабанов борьками на руси называют.

Bear берёт, борит, bears ~ carries (b ~ c!)

B being double D can be also seen in other writing systems differently:

𐭠 𐭡 𐭢 𐭣 𐭤 𐭥 𐭦 𐭧 𐭨 𐭩 𐭪 𐭫 𐭬 𐭭 𐭮 𐭯 𐭰 𐭱 𐭲                     𐭸 𐭹 𐭺 𐭻 𐭼 𐭽 𐭾 𐭿

𐭯 is so much p, it's badass!
𐭰 is З, and just as p it is reversed (for they write right to left)

типа ~ тупо ~ грубо (не по-умному, более общим синонимом)

𐌀𐌁𐌂𐌃𐌄𐌅𐌆𐌇𐌈𐌉𐌊𐌋𐌌𐌍𐌎𐌏𐌐𐌑𐌒𐌓𐌔𐌕𐌖𐌗𐌘𐌙𐌚𐌛𐌜𐌝𐌞   𐌠𐌡𐌢𐌣

 a as f supports my idea of futhark being avþewg
b as Ж is like "wut?"

delta and zeta sharing a glyph
is nice in the context of δ
But then that fluke is again in camunic, so could it be mistransliterated? could that b also be just mistransliterated v? But camunic bv make sequence as russian бв do.
 (I should rewrite this отвязавшись от the table)
(before thinking of the previous paragraph, wrote)
E F sequence is nice, and camunic v makes a sequence d b v e (but in v e sequence I didn't rely on just one form of camunic, for it was also not quite in character, but in three others.. where they're not 4 5, but 2 3. And isn't it the same even V and odd e.. or b
that camunic b surely breaks it. But it's only in one of the five, is it transliterated accurately?

𐌙 is in unicode as ⟨χ⟩ or ⟨ch⟩, thus according to this table, they ignored camunic fluke, unless that's not fluke, but camunic does have something going on, so what is X in others, it uses it for Z, the way initial x is read in english, for example, that could be that ancient tradition of reading H as 𐌆, and it's exactly the glyph we're talking about: that is pretty much what zeta looks like in four out of five.
And the way 𐌙 is recognized as z in camunic relates it directly to ᛉ (algiz)

Let's collect such direct identities between the old-italic glyphs and between the norsk canon.
form of 𐌀 they all share is ᚫ(aka ᚨ)
𐌂 is just ᚲ
Camunic 𐌆 looks like 𐌙 and it links it to ᛉ,
and hungarian 𐲰 too.
𐌇 looks pretty much like ᚺ in one of them
and as ᚻ in three
𐌉 is just ᛁ

𐌋 looks just like ᛚ in three out of five.

some forms of 𐌏 look exactly like ᛟ

one camunic 𐌐 looks pretty much like ᛈ

𐌔 is exactly ᛊ, and some shapes of it are exactly ᛋ, and ᛊ and ᛋ are also invariants (then camunic shape looks like double 𐌙, which is whether h or z (is 𐌂[j, g, c] z? is s like ш to it? What looks like (also untruncated) truncated 𐌙 in all of them is read as g in one, as χ in three of them, is transliterated as that very s in camunic, where it can also be double, it doubles itself.. isn't it doing it as ß?)

in three out of five 𐌖 may look very similar to ᚢ, which they rotate both ᚢ and V way in two of those three, and it is strictly V in the other two, so that V is seen in 4 out of five, and the fifth, east raetic, only knows ᚢ, so basically it goes both ways, it's just in east raetic and west raetic & lepontic they didn't see them all, that's all

Camunic ᛞ-like shape is transliterated as þþ, which is exactly how ᛞ[d] is seen in norsk: as double ᚦ.

Some camunic ᛏ-like (not in unicode) is transliterated as þ, which is close enough. Other shapes of it look like modified ᛣ, but though it raises the question of the deeper equality of ᛏ and ᛣ, being the same shape higher and lower on the stave, which would be difficult to distinguish if runes were beaded upon the same stave.

𐌙[χ] look exactly like ᛉ[x] which makes me wonder if both are ᚼ(not ᛡ (unless both are J))

Then we look what similar glyphs don't share the phonetic side, and there are also some:

𐌅[v] is not ᚨ[o] but wait a minute.. are not both ו?
I say o, and not a, because ᚨ~ᚮ by being double,
and also because some say futhork, not futhark.

𐌊 is k in old-italic, but ᛕ is p in runes, thus a form of ᛈ (funny that unicode doesn't group them)

𐌑 looking like ᛗ, but standing for Σ, raises the M~Ϻ question
one of venetic [ś]𐌑's looks like ᚴ
camunic 𐌑 looks like ᛒ, the form which also appears in the final position of east raetic, which stands for some t', and can look like both ᛒ and 
𐌓 follows greek Ρ (it seems to be a vibrant culture, intertwined with all their neighbours, so 𐌌 and 𐌍 are nothing runic, but follow exactly the phoenician shapes (which may indicate their recent arrival, them being borrowed from phoenicians maybe? or from some archaic greek? I wouldn't mention phoenicians at all for how much they're shilled for, that all could be greek, as Ammon Hillman testifies that most of supposedly jewish texts originated in greek))
Some 𐌓's look like D, which raises the same D~R question.

𐌗[t] looks like ᚷ[h]

𐌘 is f (as Φ) but ᛰ is an auxilary symbol from calendars, and no phonetic value of it is known.
some shapes of 𐌘 look like ᛳ, but ᛳ is transliterated as oo

a variant of camunic ᛞ-like shape looks like ᚼ or ᛡ, but phonetically both are neither þþ nor ts.

venetic f has plenty of shapes, looking like ᚨ and ᚻ, but it's a question, not an answer too.

That mysterious east-raetic t' may look like ᛙ, which is not t', but m
(which raises question about russian т looking like т in cursive)

Thus I may compare them in the light of lexics, to see which words can be synonyms in those languages, such that they would reflect the different in pronounciation of those shapes, and then they also should represent objects looking like those glyphs.

𐌂𐌅𐌄 (literally ГFE) could be the initial sequence: notice how 𐌀 and 𐌅 have very similar glyphs in half of the old-italic abecedaries.

In lepontic the sequence is PAE (𐌐𐌀𐌄)
or even IPAE (𐌉𐌐𐌀𐌄)
and seeing 𐌉 being able to have a notch to it, as in 1,
I wonder if the sequence is not just IAE [𐌉𐌀𐌄]

japanese verbal suffix ru is present in some russian verbs:
беру борю варю верю вру говорю дарю деру жарю жру зрю ору парю пру сру та́рю торю́ тру
но также и в существительных: бобру, гору, дыру, игру, икру, лиру, миру, ноздрю, нору, перу

пруд пруди
дыру деру
игру играю?
крой крою? крою по краю?
врёт верят

луб made me start the list of russian three-letter words.

a ..da kamon, krichit drugaya chast menya, ya gruzil seba takoy roabotoy proshlyae razy, and fuck that. ae is when he whrote a where e needed e.

b let's move on, later, I return to it sober.

c.. today I found that see, can, go, all may be C

д(d) is it staved c or is it consonant a?
or is it an abugida's of o? and by selecting potential abugidas of o, I separated alphabet into two groups
o: a b d e g g o p q R(but not r, unless that ball in the end is the o)
i: c e f г h i j k l m n r s t u v w x y z (so E/e, г/g, r/R are in both groups. is it because they're oi, oj, io?

a b d e g o p q r
c f h i j k l m n s t u v w x y z & which is exactly two times the other group. thus they should be separated too.
c i  j  l  s  t  v z &      these are in one line (but here I notic that t is no better than f)
f h k m n u w x y       and here I saw that w is not less one line than v and z.
i v z w? I v z are great, and w could be ш? could it? either way, W is infamous for being double V, so it is as compounded as m and n. And here I see that N is not less one line than Z
I V N is also great, it's also vowel labial and lingual, and if it sounded as I W Ŋ, they would be all sonor, yes, if, and I is not sonor also, but then it could be throat-sanged.

look how much Ŋ reminds מ!
c i  j  l  s  v w z &
f h k m n t u x y

c i  j  l n  s  v z &
f h k m t u w x y        how is u any worse than n? u is seen as ii (for greek U is Υ, which is Y which is ij)
and isn't N double L? no, M is double L (double Λ)

double ~ doable???

a b d e g o p q r
c i  j  l n  s v z &
f h k m t u w x y (fhk m, tu, w xy (fuck me, you, we(was)y: fuck me, you, we, xy: fuck me, you, it all))
x is something, anything, anybody probably too; y i plural suffix to it

with some stretch of imagination, one can see some similarities among those columns too, but most likely they're nothing, even worse than k-symmetry, but let's challenge the k-symmetry approach,
just to see if it makes sense, and if such division was practiced and influenced our worls.

No, immediately, no, trying to unite such opposite letters as a, c, f is not sane, so let's thus disapprove of k-symmetry's approach. Even though it is found in literature, so somebody could be fascinated by it.

Could Hans Richter speak of some tradition which actually influenced choice of names? Because now he, being so fascinated with his idea of five-places-of-articulation-in-sacred-names, and he bases it upon sefer yetzirah, but I say that sefer yetzirah is wrong, but that doesn't change the fact that it influenced the world largely, because nobody knows when it began, but it's not too much of a stretch of imagination, and if you believe in god, you believe that all is one, so you look for deeper connections with some methods others do not know, and you become self-confident of this belief of your supremacy on the basis of that secret knowledge of kabbala (so bad is the image of that word all across languages, that it's fascinating how people fall for it, but I think I just explained, it's a cocaine: empty but fascinating, ocd'ing thing.

But was the triad of A M S be all there were? I M N? why not I N M? INM would have that eastern articulatory consistency, and then I is ا, N is Ŋ, M is W? I V W? u v w? because russian i is и

ΙΚΛΜ (is k there, because "не ложи, а клади!"(some campaign to remove ложь из речи?
не ложь, а клад (не ложь подавай, а клад)))
I love that ложь/клад story, so now it is decided, and M separated from I explained: ΙΛΜ (even italian and irish have it like this: I L M (notice, that the 1 2 3 order remained, but even though m looks like 3, technically it's i ii iiii, yes, doublings. the next one is 8, and hence the octal numeral system IVXLCD (and people mostly know IVX, only some nerds know LCD, and maybe that it because IVX demonstrate doubling of its' forms, but then they're not 1 2 4, but 1 4 8, but that is uneven, and that unevenness may tell the reform which took place to allow the numeral system step further, when such need appeared)))
And let's explore that possibility, that IVX were 1234 - and notice that whatever roman numeral system of the three (so far) I can see, in none of them can you write 3 not as 12 (or 21? (is 21 satanic? азартные игры же типа сотоно, но 21 это 777 in that sense, 18 is not seen to be 666, like nowhere in culture 18 is sinister, and bornholm stone lists 18 runes, which is like where would they take such set if they didn't have it?))

I V X L C  D
1 2 4  8 16 32        and no, it doesn't make any sense,
(adds up to 63 which doesn't matter)
if they reformed it some more, they would have
I V  X  L   C     D
1 4 16 64 256 1024, which would add up to 1365, which is also nothing, but 365 is there! wow!
Prime factorization of 1365:  3 × 5 × 7 × 13
(which is here only because 3&7 are holy, 5&13 are otherwise, for five is in the pentagram, but how is pentagram not holy? Because it is not seen in the christian temples (so are 3 and 7, the prime numbers, oppose 5 and 13? 13 is death, 5 is I don't even know what, ))

    Старшие Арканы — обычно 22 карты. Каждая из этих карт имеет свой оригинальный рисунок и уникальное название (Шут, Маг, Жрица, Императрица, Император, Жрец, Влюбленные, Колесница, Сила, Отшельник, Фортуна, Справедливость, Повешенный, Смерть, Умеренность, Дьявол, Башня, Звезда, Луна, Солнце, Суд, Мир). Порядок следования карт и наименования в различных вариантах колоды таро могут несколько различаться (чаще всего встречается различие силы и справедливости, которые могут иметь значения 8 и 11 либо наоборот. Шут может быть как нулевым, так и двадцать вторым).
    Младшие Арканы — четыре масти, обычно 56 карт, по 14 карт каждой масти. Состоят из четырёх серий — Жезлов, Мечей, Кубков и Пентаклей или «Монет». Каждая масть содержит Туза, Двойку, Тройку и так далее до Десятки, за которой идут «придворные» или «фигурные карты» — Паж (иногда Дочь), Рыцарь (иногда Сын), Королева (иногда Мать), Король (иногда Отец). Положение Туза в ряду младших арканов определяется лишь принятым соглашением, он может стоять как в начале последовательности (то есть считаться, по сути, Единицей соответствующей масти), так и после Короля (то есть считаться старшей из фигурных карт). В современных гадальных практиках, использующих колоду таро, чаще применяется первый вариант.

are they not older futhark (24 runes) and younger futhark (16 runes) is the two additional runes added to both sets? Were there 22 runes (as in hebrew) and 14 runes (as I don't know where)
The Hawaiian alphabet has only 14 letters and symbols, making it one of the world's shortest alphabets.
Toki Pona uses a 14-letter subset.

but soon I found, that Hawaiian has only 12 letters:
Hawaiian: A    E    H I K L M N O P           U  W     
just as Mohawk: A    E    H I K         N O    R S T      W  Y
just as Rotokas: A    E G    I K             O P R S T UV        
just as Gilbertese: A B E        I K    M N O     R    T U  W     
(so the common set is A E I K O V (if we recognize W&V as the same letter (and if we recognize U&Y as the same, on the same basis, that those who have Y don't have U, and visa versa, then we get ourselves the initial set of five vowels, K and V: A E I K O U V, and thus it's even more obvious, that K is separating mouth from nose, which it pretty much it, for at it tongue touches the palate.. and that makes aei and ouv equal halves, which would be hard to get from 7 otherwise. OUV are the ו,
thus what is AEI? י would be nice,
and that correlates the thought I had just before it, but forgot to write down: if we see those halves as aeiK and ouV, as if the opposite consonants (b is much closer to d, than k to v) own their own vowels, then we would have unequal halves, and that would make me want to remove a again.
And yet if we do so, we get exactly ei, which is י alright)))
eik ouv?
й~k ~ o~w(ω)

(and it's not I went on as nothing just happened, it's me editing that revelation under the list of 12s)
and these have 14:
Maori: A E G H I K M N O P R T U W
Massachusett: A C E H K M N P Q S T U W Y
Toki Pona: A E I J K L M N O P S T U W

and it seems only tahitian has 13 letters:
Tahitian A E F H I M N O P R T U V
once again,
Hawaiian: A E H I K L M N O P U W
notice how the second half of it is more nasal than the first one: A E H I K L has zero labialization (L is the most labialized of all, being sonor.. the LMN is the sonor part, clasterized in all alphabets, W though.. probably was seen as labial, which it is, grouped as OPUW and only M stands out again, but in the other directiong, but then probably MN come as one.
A  E H I  K L
M N O P U W so unusual it is, yet so cool. Some persecuted guy sailed away and taught some aborigens some latin in the 12-month way? is Tahitian more astronomic? 13 months? Then the names of the months should follow the letters. And how could none of those at least five 12 or 13 letter alphabets adopted that peculiar specifics? The sailor would choose phonetically "correct" tribes.
There are many islands, but Tahiti and Hawaii are famous.

The settlers of the islands were refugees from somewhere, from some civilization they escaped, for they knew how to sail far enough, and they succeeded in sustaining the society

Interesting, that in that list no alphabet consists of 15 letters.

and only two consist of 16:
Nuxalk: A C H I K L M N     P Q     S T U    W X Y
and Tongan: A E F G H I K L M N O P         S T U V            

Both A E I K O V and A E I K O U V are stretches of imagination, technically there are only A E I K O of the letters those 12-letter alphabets share. AEIKO remind me russian ЯЙКО (egg, as if the egg from which the world appeared, according to some eastern legend)
And that 12 letter-alphabet is the tiniest, is also spectacular, for 12 months are also sorta recognized along with it, is it not? I have to check it too. And then I heard of piraha, or even pirahã, pirahã 
having less, only 11:

but then I heard that they also have some phoneme they only speak among themselves, becauser foreigners laugh at that phoneme, I suspect it to be a farting sound, and probably it is there R..
after all piRahã.
The Pirahã people, inhabitants of the Amazon River basin, refer to themselves híaitíihí, “straight,”
while all outsiders are aoói—“crooked, twisted.”

Days of months in hawaiian is nothing interesting:
    Ianuali – January
    Pepeluali – February
    Malaki – March
    ʻApelila – April
    Mei – May
    Iune – June
    Iulai – July
    ʻAukake – August
    Kepakemapa – September
    Novemapa – November
    Kekemapa – December

In rotokas it exposese their base-five numeral system:
January kataipa kekira (first month)
February – eraopa kekira
March – Vo pevapa kekira
April – Vo resurapa kekira
May – Vo vavaepa kekira
June – katai vatarapa kekira
July – erao vatarapa kekira
August – Vo peva vatarapa kekira
September – Vo resura vatarapa kekira
October – katai taupa kekira
November – katai tau kataipa kekira
December – katai tau eraopa kekira
and also nothing alphabetic here
As you can see, my research trips me on its waves to every corner of the earth, and often astray, but I set my sail again and again, and I approach the subject of research closer and closer, even though sometimes I go away from it, that's probably only to push myself towards it from some other angle, and sometimes to find some elements of it where I wouldn't expect. As with that AEIKOUV thing, found amongst hawaiian, mohawk, rotokas, gilbertese of all places! (and that I cut out the raw and unrelated part out of it, didn't want to flood it with something completely off the rail)

Not a single Pirahã had learned to count up to ten or even to add 1 + 1. Everett argues that test-subjects are unable to count for two cultural reasons and one formal linguistic reason.

This fascination was due to the fact that the Pirahã have no system for counting. Instead of numbers, they use comparative terms such as “bigger” or “smaller.” To them, two fish are “bigger” than one fish, just as one large fish is “bigger” than a minnow.

Some linguists, including one who did some early fieldwork on the Pirahã, have argued that their language lacks recursion, making it anomalous among the world's tongues.

Besides its unique way of being communicated, Pirahã is a language without a number system, names for colors, or a past or present tense

I told you about whistling languages, and here's a humming one: Humming Language This is used by the Pirahã people living deep in the forests of the Amazon close to the Maici River.
This is the language they use to communicate while hunting. However, it does not travel very far compared to other unspoken languages. nIn China’s Zhenjiang province, a type of humming is also used.

Papua New Guinea has about eight million people, but more than 800 languages.

it started to lag again, so vol. 40
