It is volume 22 (
21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12
2 1 0)
або is not ибо, but или
але is not или, but но
I post tons of jewtube here. It's jew tube, the tube, the telly
(the thing which tells)(
труба (типа канализационной. маленькая труба, по которорй будут
электрончики фотончиками телевизор показывать)
I is the letter I often begin my sentences is when I refer to the
past as in this one.
I is the past?
I [ai]
Я [ia]
Is it equivalents? бакланье э
- Кто это принёс?
- Ѧ
Ѧ is literally ɪA (or Aɪ)
cat god
dog devil? (бес~пёс, dog is the god in reverse)
год и гад? уроборос? уро - hourэа
ур = ауар (yр is in dutch: uur)
a наполнитель рвов? между буквами
английская форма ауар in comparison to dutch one breaks the
syllables as au and ar (a U and a R)
ауар could be a code, when you can only recognize uur in it, if
you knew those a's were separate words.
В русскаом что когдата uur? время! (вер? век? час буквально часть.
Интересно что было устаревшей формой слова век
шлях (путь) ~ sleigh
(сани) (эта вроде из списка когнат на вики,
открытый источник, не мной)
(в украинском с русским гораздо больше когнат, но давай это
делегируем. читателям, yea)
iea is alright a sequence, the happy part. aou is the even further
descending mode, yeaou, ieaou 1234V
1 2 3 4 V
I e a o V
see, how graphically 23 remind ea without few strokes. it supports
it. does it better than aby book could
then 4 is the first closed only half of the time, often it is
y-like Ч, so час. V vremya C chas(ть)
V вращение
С солнце
С сентр, хау куд уи нот ноу
Давай поставим голландский флаг вместо русского.
Есть правильный порядок, а есть неправильный, Петра не посвятили
чтоли в сакральный смысл АБС? они сами не знали к тому времени,
это очень древняя концепция, в самом основании алфавита, три
тысячи лет назад
, не меньше, но может и 30,
может и 300 тысяч назад, если цивилизации вставали и рушились и
...спекуляции.олд (у греков алфавит появился 2700, 2800,
3000 лет назад, греческие тёмные века, но как долго эта система
разрабатывалась. Лежали основы в культе трёх матерей? Как долго
это росло в человеческой культуре? Всегда. Но алфавит.. мы можем
сказать лишь ближайшую краницу (когда сочли учёные, надеюсь что на
основании документов и х.з. какой датировке, я не шарю в этом, для
чего это здесь? я сумасшедший, но так даже веселее. неужели? это
брат дефект.
Я расколотый алмаз? Я дикий, расту головой, я сумасшедший, кривой.
я хочу себя убить, я умер и переродился. Я умираю самый Боже, да,
праведные мысли, умираю, надо что-0то делать, а не здесь сидеть
бредить, бродить родить и варить, купить и сварить следующий
pissed used to be recognized as urinated, but this word is also of
two meanings: urinated, but who. it matters? описал описан два
разных слова и в русском, в русском, не в английском pissed.
В русском ещё и written (but then they change the stress: urinated
is pIsal, wrote is pisAl
писАл is peace all
пИсал is piss all? писял, некультурно. где они писали? с горы в
море? по piss sides of the mountain? And neighbours from below
could want to get them off the mountain, those mountain goats.
should alpinism be prohibited because they piss there?
we should develop spacesuits for earth. But then people will
misuse it.
"fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" is a
poisonous garbage:
Работа в телеграфной компании не давала Тесле
осуществить свои замыслы по созданию электродвигателя
переменного тока. В конце 1882 года он устроился в
Континентальную компанию Эдисона (Continental Edison Company) в
Париже. Одной из наиболее крупных работ компании было сооружение
электростанции для железнодорожного вокзала в Страсбурге. В
начале 1883 года компания направила Николу в Страсбург для
решения ряда рабочих проблем, возникших при монтаже
осветительного оборудования новой железнодорожной станции. В
свободное время Тесла работал над изготовлением модели
асинхронного электродвигателя. В 1883 году работа двигателя была
продемонстрирована в мэрии Страсбурга.
К весне 1884 года работы на страсбургской ж/д станции были
закончены, и Тесла вернулся в Париж, ожидая от компании премии в
размере 25 тысяч долларов. Попробовав получить причитающиеся ему
премиальные, он понял, что этих денег ему не видать и,
оскорблённый, уволился
Эдисон довольно холодно воспринимал новые идеи
Теслы и всё более открыто высказывал неодобрение направлением
личных изысканий изобретателя. Весной 1885 года Эдисон пообещал
Тесле 50 тысяч долларов, если у него получится конструктивно
улучшить электрические машины постоянного тока, придуманные
Эдисоном[16]. Никола активно взялся за работу и вскоре
представил 24 разновидности машины Эдисона, новый коммутатор и
регулятор, значительно улучшающие эксплуатационные
характеристики. Одобрив все усовершенствования, в ответ на
вопрос о вознаграждении Эдисон отказал Тесле, заметив, что
иммигрант пока плохо понимает американский юмор. Оскорблённый
Тесла немедленно уволился
(english wiki is more elusive about this story, which I recognize
to be the
ir national pride speaking)
and something very luciferian)
Тесла родился во время грозы 10 июля 1856 года в
Хорватии. Согласно одной из легенд, в момент рождения Николы
акушерка очень переживала и твердила, что новорождённый будет
ребенком тьмы, так как гром считался дурным знаком. Но мать
Теслы ответила: «Нет, он будет ребенком света».
the ir
тех их
те их
~ (that it? то это? это противоположное того?)
equality is the opposite of quality
это is the opposite of то
exit ~ ex it (из этого. but выход is вход? от слова ход? it ~ иди?
the cognate only saved in english in pronouns but not in verbs? in
russian it is in both: это и иди? ищи? вeди ~ введи ~ веду ~ в
(можно найти контекст, где веду = в еду, но всё же кажется скорее
натягиванием совы на глобус)
out sounds like ouch
in Fever Pitch which makes perfect sense
transport is trans port. And thus all the words are merged
letters. letter is sign, peice of information.
I will leave typose not needing interpretation for the sa,ke of
search engines finding me more often.
But will I tell this story? I must. People after I go do. So I am
not sued by your retarded quetions.
Ce La Be (вот это жизнь) will
возврат к слоговому письму увеличит понимание (не ба бе би бо бу,
а бы! есть осмысленные слоги, их и используй.
аз бы въ
да ел ёж же за им йк ли мы на он по
рарерирорурярэрырёрю съ та)
он по той (опт, abc)
Ce La Be is eastern (past ural mountains) order.
It is interesting that this city has something about it.
CeLab.. no, start your own orthography.
Club city
ли ? RRR
R is teeth. Wider upper tooth and more narrow lower tooth.
быть на R (разговоривать
сз зло)
ned new now?
ned ~new? need? right now?
на де
звонкость.. взо.. в.. звонит ~ звучит
звон звук. значит корень зв. зов! зову за въ. call ~ co all ~ to
abc (c is t) c is x? because t used to look like x (but then they
invented protecting cross and x became not as used, T became the
cross. I V X is perfectly and universally understood sequence. I V
X is how they have in roman numerals, and we humans don't know LCD
most of us.
IVX* is used sometimes, and is - s, because + the × is to.
+ plus (place)
× times (time)
divide (to) is the opposite of times, arc accos is the opposite to
cos (or I suck at math)
+ is dashed out |
(+ isn't counted when you count |'s in unary numeral record)
and × could be used to direct two numbers to it's right (or left)
to show how much is that square at its left (or right) side. But
this is a speculation from much weaker point than that etymology
of + is.
(much more speculatorily, until I see such record, then I
hopefully recall this guess to combine them into something less
weak of a point.
that is the это (or rather the то)
то ~ тоже (же усилительный суффикс)
это = the то (э еврейская форма
определённогно артикля the)
У трёх благословенных жён
Ты в небесах обрёл слова защиты
И дивный путь тебе предвозвещён.
(официальная версия естественно невежественный гон (может и
основывающийся три благословенные жены сказанное от лица Вергилия,
естественно, отсылают к дохристианской системе верований. Но
копнув глубже, я узрел, что Беатриче и Луция названы по имени (а
Мария нет, так что, Лучия может быть языческой: Луч, свет,
покровительница слепых (слепые видят свет, с хорошим светом легче
читать, Люцифер как Прометей? Но женского пола! Лучия! Беатриче на
Б? Верданди? belle dandy? belle daddy? devil? тогда третья мать
должна быть на А. Афродита? Афина? Атон? атон мужская
интерпретация Афины!))
основы ваю щ ий ся
основа в ш ий ся
аю ~ now?
сию (минуту) ? сей (час) !
if a was ã, аю ~ now?
Имена Норн:
Урд — что значит прошедшее[2].
Верданди — что значит настоящее[2].
Скульд — что значит будущее[2].
Они живут у священного источника Урд
??? (неназываемая мать (~урд(?)))
Луч света из будущего, мы имеем видение будущего, и идём по
направлению к нему.
Беатриче бытия?
Баал ~ bull (aa=o, o and u, when t was the final letter, were the
same, kind of:ע)
ball? вол!!!!
ризикувати рисковать
digging through
I came across the word ell
The word literally means "arm", and survives in
the form of the modern English word "elbow" (arm-bend).
And I thought that I have found the origin of the word eleven, and
I measured my forearm, and it was exactly eleven fingers. But then
they say that ell is from elbow to the tips of the fingers, but
thus I doubt it. I challenge it.
if that ell is L, then is M manus the hand
and does it have anything to do with the alphabet? Probably nah.
очковать оказывается украинское "ждать", точнее очі́кувати
(т.е. русское заимствование было произведено не
на слух)
на самом деле не "ждать", а "ожидать", ждать это чека́ти (čekáty)
и жда́ти (ždáty)
Venus (Lucifer) is not Saturn (Yahweh).
Magi (/ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/; singular magus /ˈmeɪɡəs/; from Latin magus,
cf. Persian: مغ pronounced [moɣ]) were priests in Zoroastrianism
and the earlier religions of the western Iranians. The earliest
known use of the word magi is in the trilingual inscription
written by Darius the Great, known as the Behistun Inscription.
Old Persian texts, predating the Hellenistic period, refer to a
magus as a Zurvanic, and presumably Zoroastrian, priest.
heretic ~ hermetic (this pair is more universal)
herecy ~ hearsay (this pair is less universal, but still makes
sense that it's not according to the book)
I googled aeiou cathars, and cross-links lead me to some
interesting finds:
ALHIM. This is a transliterated Hebrew spelling of
Elohim, a name of God—or "Gods" in this case, since the name is
a masculine plural of a feminine noun. According to Crowley, it
is a formula best used for consecration, since it "is the breath
of benediction, yet so potent that it can give life to clay and
light to darkness."
is Elohim the origin of the word Alchemy?
made me think that ha Sham could be the true name, because it is
the three mothers in some weird order, but then it's not so weird
since it starts with fire and finishes with order, the other way
around would be much weirder. And I thought that what if it was
shame, and feeling shame gave me some righteous shiver.
And then this:
given name (Persian: نام Nâm) makes
me think that technically it's lingual+vowel+labial in the same
order. But the similarity of persian and dutch forms stroke me,
but then I realized that indo-iranian are next to indo-european.
(upd: it is considered to be a branch of indo-european, alsy the
term aryan languages is the synonym of indo-iranian, not
indo-european. How embarassing. But then it could be so because of
the jews messing with my science. Duh, what a comedy, I'm a
Ashuku nyorai (阿閦如来, Akshobhya): on akishubiya un
what is interesting in this one is akishubiya is the "alphabetic"
canon of the east. But then I notice that devanagari seems to
place sh syllable in the end, while japanese kanas preserve this
has some more information about it.
(Sanskrit: अक्षोभ्य, Akṣobhya, "Immovable One"
And here's another fascinating word:
('The Joyous')
Is it tit because it tweets?
Синичка is tit in english, and I thought why tit, until I realized
it's not титька, but грудка.
Грудка - очень подходящее название для птички. И я увидел, что у
неё окрас грудки разделён на две... титьки)))

Great Tit, no less. How many birds are called great?
It makes me believe even more that 𓅱 is the Great Tit. Especially
because when it's in color, it's yellow.
but then the wings, the tail, hands down it's a chick
and looking for tit egypt brought me something I did not expect:
The tit symbol (pronounced teet) illustrates a
knotted piece of cloth whose early meaning is unknown, but in
the New Kingdom it was clearly associated with the goddess Isis,
the great magician and wife of Osiris. By this time, the tit was
also associated with blood of Isis. The tit sign was considered
a potent symbol of protection in the afterlife and the Book of
the Dead specifies that the tit be made of blood-red stone, like
this example, and placed at the deceased's neck.


but then this symbol reminds ankh, only with arms down, as if it
was used by commonners, while ankh was for the higher castes, but
then I'm speaking out of you know where, guessing.
here somebody guessed that those symbols represent some bone
A bovine thoracic vertebra with the vertebral
canal enlarged by filing.
гРОм ~ ROar (
the lightning comes before the roar)
RU ~ виття
Кто-то начертал ᛉ над кнопкой открывания двери подъезда
(Глухов был в гостях ен мог не видеть,
наверняка подумал, что это я, но это не я. И не он, до его
приезда появилось) что
пару-тройку месяцев) навело меня на мысль, что этот знак
обозначает развилку на дороге. И это воистину хороший знак, потому
что после развилки дорога становится просторней, а перевёрнутый
знак предвещает пробку на перекрёстке... ᚱᛦ пр как
пробка? Как ПР!
тпру is the word. тпру was the order? funny that stop is
also of that line.
ᛘ как в many? or am I pulling it?
association of thoracic vertebrae with life makes sense, because I
guess animals don't have arms to crush the back of a corpse, and
thus humans could have access to nutritious matter by knowing
was vertebral foramen filed in that bovine
exemplar to masturbate with it I wonder
is process called that because it reminds what would be left from
the process of casting?
Ум и разум.. ум как ом, а раз как Один the один, и Rah?
Ум за разум заходит когда это что? Затмение? Ум солнце, а разум
луна или наоборот?
Разум это совмещение солнца (рА) и луны (уМ) и вычисление
солнечных затмений было одной из немногих сверхспособностей
человека разумного.
(з как с, with)
Ра за ум (как и происходит при затмении)
а ум за ра - это затупа, такого не бывает,
безумие, умора может быть, но может быть и
нет или ..умора ум(луна) у ра(солнца) иная форма затмения,
ассоциированного (невежественными жрецами) с мором? (для не
понимающих что происходит солнечное затмение естественно очень
пугающее явление, рационализации которого неизбежно скажет,
что это дурной знак: говорят, таким образом Колумб индейцев
У́ма (санскр. उमा, IAST:
Umā) — в индийской мифологии дочь Химавата, находящаяся в
супружестве с Шивой и получающая в более поздние эпохи
индийской мифологии многочисленные другие прозвища. Имя Ума —
самое древнее и появляется впервые как имя супруги бога Рудры,
прототипа Шивы, уже в ведийских текстах (Тайттирия-араньяка и
Кена-упанишада). В Ригведе оно ещё не встречается. В
Кена-упанишаде Ума является посредницей между Брахманом и
богами; оно по-видимому отождествляется с олицетворением речи
— Вач (санскр. वाच्, IAST: Vāc, лат. vox). В числе позднейших
легенд об Уме есть рассказ о том, как она была застигнута
мудрецами риши в лесу Гаури в то время, как находилась в
объятиях Шивы. Разгневанный бог обрек каждого самца, который с
тех пор вошел бы в лес, на превращение в самку. Подобная же
история рассказывается и о богине Рохини, супруге Чандры
(месяца), или Сомы, которую последний застиг в объятиях Шивы.
Шива обратил обманутого супруга в женщину, и с этих пор
Чандра, или Сома, получил женский пол. Ума считается матерью
богов Ганеши и Картикеи.
Parvati (Sanskrit: पार्वती, IAST: Pārvatī), Uma
(Sanskrit: उमा, IAST: Umā) or Gauri
(Sanskrit: गौरी, IAST: Gaurī) is the Hindu goddess of
power, energy, nourishment, harmony, love, beauty, devotion, and
motherhood. She is a physical representation of Mahadevi in her
complete form.[6][7] She is also revered in her appearances as
Durga and Kali.[8] She is one of the central deities of the
Goddess-oriented sect called Shaktism, and the chief goddess in
Shaivism. Along with Lakshmi and Saraswati, she forms the
ma in Uma is mother, I think, and thus u is great as
honorific prefix o in japanese.
query are queery (query is read as queery would. like exactly like
that, g-translator reads both the same)
майно = имущество (what is owned, мати = иметь)
забавное слово, потому что созвучно с лайно (shit, забавное слово,
учитывая что имущество им тоже кличут)
вайно в этой же когорте (блять, а
не войну ли этой фамилией пизданутой запрограммировали?)
ᚼ (and ᛡ) remind me something, and is it because both are
associated with the sun?
I can only guess so far

ᚼ (and ᛡ) both remind ᛯ which is sacred in berberia, so could it
be the depiction of god? It could be.
Are three heads depicting the trimurti? Are four heads a mistake
caused by rationalization of the fourth head being in the fourth
side? Or is it not mistake, but accurate rationalization, just as
the fourth phase of the moon is there, the fourth element to the
triads I spoke about before. Okay now it's time to get high.
U F H C (C is both ц & ч)
излишняя дифференцианция язычных делает
русский цикающим и шикающим
(цк цикают, а чк чикают) для развития потенциала граждан вам
следует изменить это.
thank you.
is ᚲ ~ 𒌋 ?

why would they unite u's into one cell if they're somehow
distinct, those u and ú? are they o and u?
and they are:
Jews are distinct from goys by their balding patterns: goyim have
чуб and this is how they distinguish ukrainians. And are thus
кацапы hazars? (h~k, z~ц, p[p]~р[r])
чуб is literally хохо́л (в уменьшительной форме отличаются:
хохоло́к и хохо́лик)
и это дико удивительно, потому что хазария была на восточной
украине (но и прилагающих частях россии, может они хотят своё
го-о. Но государства это абстракция грабителями навязанная.
sleigh [slej] j[dʒ] g[dʒ] did gh stand for dʒ? was dʒ reduced to
a reply to a friend:
"The truth should be served as a coat is served, not thrown in the
face, like a wet towel. Mark Twain"
It is beautiful. The article I don't read, because that is not the
question I ponder on right now. I'm thinking of how to protect
forests if all the land is private. If some groves are considered
sacred, then it directly conflicts the abrahamic order to cut down
the sacred groves. And suddenly it makes me thinking. What if we
have sacred groves, other questions sort themselves out without
the government paratizing on nations.. hm.. why would I tell it to
you, you befriend the jews, google employ jews. Why so inaccurate?
This is what freedom of thought looks like. Love, no fear. My
hopes are that ai also reads my mail and that I stereotype jews
who themselves are tired of that crap as russians are tired of
their history and culture hanged above their heads.
Have you taken the genetic therapies, yet? How much did it cost? I
heard it's 5 to 50 grands. I expect it to be 1 so I can afford it
with less of an effort.
paratize combines parasite and paralizy and does the idea of
paradise parasite on people's minds
piratize prioritize partizen paralize(para(
ту сторону, past) lies)
lie doesn't stand without ..not without some support.
truth true is thru? не намазано на
камне, но проходит насквозь, не грязь но гниль тоже?
truth ~ тряс? (подозреваемых трясут, и у укравшего деньги они
звенят в карманах)
week is seven days. four week is 28 days. 13 months by 28 is 364!
only two.25 holy days away from the actual 365.25 days
(and the only twist today is that *00 years are
not considered leap (maybe except *000 years, I don't remember
it for sure) which would be achieved by having three holy
days instead of two every fourth year.
Когда старик говорит, что в яблочном пироге
рыбьи кости, то это не значит, что он выжил из ума: возможно, он
принимает за них кожурки яблок, оттого, что яблоки были нарезаны
предельно тонко (например, потому что они были неспелые, и
хотелось чтоб сладким тестом пропитались) а потому мякоть
растворилась в пюре, а кожурки хоть и мягче рыбных костей, по
структуре похожи (я соображал что это могло быть, долго думал
что какие-то волокна в яблоках незрелых могут быть, но подумал
получше, и сообразил что это кожура)
замок, в отличие от стены (вроде шиханов)
замок на воротах имеет значение? при штурме ломали не за́мок, а
замо́к на воротах.
но замо́к можно сломать изнутри лишь. Значит механизм подъёма
ворот был в охраняемой комнате. Я фантазирую? Нет, изобретаю,
цепи, поворотные колёса, противовесы, вот это всё.
I thought that celtic and gallic are the same thing, but this
table tellst that not really:
is отрицать длительная форма слова отринуть? (не знаю
общепринятого термина, обозначающего разницу между быть и бывать)
is отлынивать doublet of несуществующей формы слова отринуть
"отринывать"? (потому что в детском алфавите it is)
лексически слова с матерными корнями более многозначны, что
гооврит об их древности. И само название "матерные" говорит об их
science studying letters, I asked google, such a simple answer and
it cannot tell, but gives something interesting instead:
(questioning it in russian (наука о буквах) gave two variants:
палеография и грамматика, first is wrong because letters are not
necessarily ancient, the second one is wrong today, but initially
it was what that field did)
(questioning like that (science about letters) gave me these:
ʿIlm al-Ḥurūf (Arabic: عِلْم الْحُرُوف) or the science
of letters, also called Islamic lettrism, is a process of Arabic
numerology whereby numerical values assigned to Arabic letters
are added up to provide total values for words in the Quran,
similar to Hebrew gematria. which is also not what I was
looking for)
Looking directly for grammatology gave me a pleasant
In modern usage, the term grammatology refers to
the scientific study of writing systems or scripts.[1] This
usage was first elucidated in English by linguist Ignace Gelb in
his 1952 book A Study of Writing.
while in russian it is still Грамматология (от др.-греч. γράμμα — «буква» и λόγος
— «учение») — особая наука о «письме» как основании
западноевропейской культуры и философии.
and english wiki gives quite a list of
literature to dig into, other than that book from '52, which I
probably won't read soon, not to be distracted by the ideas and
mistakes of the others. Yet, to readers I recommend them, kind
Украинская манера произносить о как и (не связано ли это с
еврейской ו похожей на I) говорит о том, что про и при могут быть
дублетом (и действительно, оба слова можно перевести на английский
словом about)
Иисус противопоставляет
(I'm not messing with you:
車 [くるま] (car; automobile; vehicle)
(wheel; castor; caster)
so it's not very far from круг
колесико wheel, castor, roller, caster,
ролик roller, roll, pulley, castor, caster,
кастор castor, fearnought
солонка castor, salt cellar, salt, caster
бобровая струя castoreum, castor
перечница pepperbox, castor, caster,
pepper-pot, pepper-castor, pepper-caster
бобр beaver, castor
бобровый мех beaver, castor
шляпа из бобрового меха castor
шляпа из кроличьего меха castor
литейщик caster, founder, moulder, molder,
foundry hand
ролик roller, roll, pulley, castor, caster,
колесико wheel, castor, roller, caster,
человек с дурным глазом caster
вычислитель calculator, computer, numerator,
перечница pepperbox, castor, caster,
pepper-pot, pepper-castor, pepper-caster
солонка castor, salt cellar, salt, caster
выбракованная лошадь caster
шуба из бобрового меха: шуба, с которой вода
caster катыш? шарики придумали до колёсиков? круглые камушка
использовали как подшипники:? нет. Но как метательные камушки быть
Где-то до сих пор люди кидаются камнями (когда видят возбуждающую
картину, например, человек их взоры отравляющего. Для того следует
разделить обезьян и людей. Посреди человеческой расы. Чем мы
принципиально отличаемся от обезяьян am I обезьЯна?образЯ-на?
-на is like -の is like -ne in mine is like -не in мне.
у какого-то мусло-племени есть поверье, что
вскрытие целки гарантирует рай. Но это настолько по скотски
неверное понимание завета о моногамности (если ты или жена твоя
не ждали секса до свадьбы, вы нечисты, и в рай вам ходу нет
(женитьба на девственнице предотвращает зппп, а все остальные
способы грязь, но бытовой сифилис это что такое? Пробивающие
целки бандиты обречены на ад, ибо обрекли на ад других, на ад
своей похоти. Похоти отца своего они исполняют. Что есть антоним
похоти? долг? но долг нехристианское слово, вроде бы. смирение?
Своя воля -
Чужая воля -
ский характер
ангел не жалеет? un-jeally
(сил денег имущества)
jew [джу]
еврей (in
english they write nations from capital letters, but I am an
anarchist, and
jews [джус] евреи
I denounce
their brainwashing techniques)
juice [джус] сок
jewelry [джу́елри] ювелирка
jewel [джу́ел] драгоценный камень (gem
[джем] драгоценный камень, jam [джем] варенье)
jury [джу́ри] жури
jurisprudence [джу́риспру́денс] юриспруденция
and this is how azbukas should be: in syllabaries
окольный used to go bad as it reminded околеть~умереть, окольный
мёртвый? но нет, всего лишь окольный (моя хата с краю, for real. в
то время как скраю селили мёртвых, кладбище традиционно на краю
деревни, около колов, около кольев, около околицы, окольничьев,
около ничьего)
so окольников is около никого, программировало оно меня на
отшельничество или описало мой характер?
о here is all, 𒊹
(и это из этого
параграфа, складированного в cognates.html:
𒊹 • (šar₂
three thousand six hundred (3,600)
totality, world
около содержит это all?
о = у
к = к
ол = all
о = (?) (у?)
около ~ отколол
о = от?
у = от?
у меня и от меня противоположности же
убери ~ отбери (в случае с ребёнком)
убил ~ отбил (в случае с органом)
уд ~ худ ~ хуй? (х от хер или хер от х?)
и медитируя на это я увидел
от и до
как оооо(движение) + т(там)
и т(ам) ооооо(движение) д=т (daar=там (ᛘ~ᛉ, M and R are both
But is it correct to transliterate ᛉ as R? but then it's
literally named Yr, thus combining the r and Y

si? Sr.?

si? Sr.? was knigthood given for
knowing the sword by your body? when the sword came from up to
down on you? Was it the origin of the ritual of knighthood, when
king wanted to raise those who did not have such military
experience? Or was it not about experience (wise warrior would
avoid it by fencing or fighting with artillery, for example) but
about recognition of the sword being taken for the king or qinna
is q ♀?
then is k ♂? щит и меч? kill от слова кол?
бить битой, beat of bat, kill of pike?
X looks as if it is columns of vears and coronals crossed in it.
Is it thus also a middle letter? is it ᛉ?
it is ᚼ
X loods as if it is columns crossed,
Y looks as if it is columns merged. and this time are they columns
of vowels, labial, linguals?
Is it Ygdrassyl's roots?
vowel, sonor, silent
(голосит, излагает, молчит?)
vowel ~ voice ~ vows (плачи? are vows (unlike spells)
sonor ~ sound ~ saying
silent is soul end?
and I was thinking of how Z could continue that XY narrative, and
I saw it as end, zed is that, and that is it (the it, so they
probably didn't distinguish between s and t, сё и то, this and
that, and thus ams and amt are dialectal forms (just as s and ʃ
became dialectal forms in early historic period, so I dig the
prehistoric layer. Very fucking awesome my man)
nomabn, maby, noman (nomad? seeing men as
mad is fascinatingly funnym, but only funny it is)
nomen? in latin nomen is name, השם, and esm seem to be much
better representation, since a is probably a later angelic
eddition. and because esm is as in аз есмь (am like aum, the
duality predescessing the tridevi)
What is interesting even more is that השם reminds mother when
it's written backwards, маша is literally mother, which is
literally maria, and it seems ʃ and θ and r and s are all
dialectal variants of the same ש)
now this is a grey area requiring some proper
some ~ a? is some another form of that השם?
великая память исключает великий ум, потому что ты можешь
фокусироваться на чём-то одном (прошлом или будущем, в общем
случае, или, в моём случае, на недавнем прошлом или давнем
прошлом, или далёком будущем или ближайшем будущем. И я призываю
себя сфокусироваться на ближайшем будущем, в которое я помещаю
свой строительный проект)
Бог даровал мне семью, занимающуюся оформлением сложных
строительных проектов.
Let's go further than detski arfavit
harpavit? ha rp av it? а б в д?
naturally different nations splited their letters into four
elements out of three did it differently, some have already
divided b friom v, but not
g from
harp seems to be a later divination of the preexisting bcd system
to some new invention, the harp, alfa arfa (harp is arfa in
russian. Why russian? Why not? We don't know which language saved
that form, it's russian from my point of view, maybe in some
spannish it's arpa. hot, but russian is closer to alfa than that.
в латышском арфа, значит где-то меж греками (άρπα) и лат
ышами (did latvia invent
πανοπλία паноплиа, поналепилиЯ.
armis in latin
armor in english
Was it of arms (вооружение (не оружие, но во
отделе оружие))
And did russian латы tell that russians saw it on latwians first
bruņas (бруньяс с неясным ударением) or even броньяс бронь яс. and
I recognize броня в этом слове. И я узнаю is in я via (by) that
яс. я'c (броня'c) русские убрали последний слог как только мы
перестали узнавать слоги в словах.
Так давай же сделаем этот силдлабарий русского. Думаю, что пора.
И я начинал, я начал с буквы j, it returned several
associateiveleuy connected meanings:
gem and jewel, jam and jelly, jam and juice. Jews. use.
`jews called me hitler. A smart dude meddling in the jewish
question. They naturally knew where it leads. Why would they want
to make hitler of me? I am insane but I have to go home. I want to
get hight. I want to be free. I want to be me. We'll bb be happy.
I want liquid in my
joy, joure journey, jury, jurisprudence. THere's no system, just a
wish of one.
Jah. Indeed. All the other words probably derive from this one.
Jury are жрецы, Ж-реци(речи, рекут что солнце ми сказало) мудрецы
другие рецы. муд = мул? ноу, пробабли сам ..мул? it was a typo,
but mule? bull? moon? man? mind? mend? ammend? what are those
mend (чинить, исправлять, улучшать)
amend (the same as mend!)
what are those words ignoring the a in front of them. That a is
definitely not a negation prefix, but probably the article
adjusted to the word by those who didn't know the word (and
naturally people don't disassemble the words into grammats, they
memorize them as a song meaning of which they don't care of (as
some russian memorize english songs without knowing the language.
they memorize their own language the same way. each next
generation left the previous parts in that word, or many
generations for it takes time for short forms to diasppear, or
maybe they never disappear completely, being preserved in some
dialectal (forms caused by slang, for example) variants)
я последняя буква в алфавите, потому что этикет (или кто-то)
рекомендует не начинать предложения с буквы я.
я a tabooed letter too? as θ, as M? as aoum? aout? autumn. o l m
old moon?
old months?
three (or four) months to each mother. Are there four mothers (and
then four heads on Brahma is also more accurate? No, I didn't read
their books yet. I adjust my pace to make it patiently and
thoroughly, so now I'm mostly in abrahamic religions, also in
norsk myths and greek&roman myths. o and e are connecting
vowels. are they hebrew ו the o
(but I think
I was tought that it's u or v, was I taught right? was
israelitess taught differntly? are im female and ot male? are
the reading are opposite of what they say? Why don't I study
canonic hebrew instead of babbling? I don't care much about
hebrew, and this is probably one of my main mistakes, because
maybe it is one of the firmaments, foundaments, and foundation
stones I must research them all) and french e of et?)
and only trying to comprehend the eastern beliefs))
So.. four months per a mother or four moms with threee months.
What is that zero? why wouldn't they recognize that one moth is a
zero, so to say? naturally they did. 364 as 13 times 28, solar and
lunar cycles are off 2.25 days. Is it the price of enclitic?
obliquity. The word I didn't know, but it's similar what I thought
thinking of прецессия. precession, but is precession not
obliquity. It's surprisingly how little do I understand stellar
mechanics. I don't specialize in it, so it's okay as long as I do
my thing.

they describe what precession is with some verbous shadyness, as
you can see, my verbal skill is not as good as my 3d imagination,
so when I see it in a image, I understand it more eqasily.

and here is how the precession looks. That thing they say abotu
changing its rotation, as if it's some Johnibecov
e effect
here what they say:
when they speak this mess:
Precession is a change in the orientation of the
rotational axis of a rotating body. In an appropriate reference
frame it can be defined as a change in the first Euler angle,
whereas the third Euler angle defines the rotation itself. In
other words, if the axis of rotation of a body is itself
rotating about a second axis, that body is said to be precessing
about the second axis. A motion in which the second Euler angle
changes is called nutation. In physics, there are two types of
precession: torque-free and torque-induced.
Преце́ссия (от лат. praecessio — движение впереди)
— явление, при котором ось вращения тела меняет своё направление
в пространстве.
Their verbosity may expose it as another subject as
important as mole in Chemistry is.
Now this is the capitalization I approve of.
But then I look at those circular arrows and I wonder if I
understood it right: I thought I see the upper arrow of
ωp from below, after I
focused at the lower arrow of
What they say is that rotation in that precession is in different
direction of the main rotation. I wonder if the
ωp is one year, know
ωs is a day. There's another
ω which is the year, it goes round the much
further centre. So is that
is also a day? probably, but then isn't it then compensating the
rotation of
ωs? and
thus we cannot use the energy of the planet rotating, for it will
take the change in the counter-fource, whatever it is. And thus it
will be not valuable at all. If Tesla understood this thing right,
he would succeed in this too, but I think he didn't. But what if
he did! Both probabilities should be recognized, and then the
experiment which would tell them apart could be false somehow and
telling what it's telling mostly by chance in our perspective (the
experiments are rather well-managed and proper, or it is sloppy,
but then if we continue this slopye way, we may get the repetition
of that silly results, where two mistakes neutralized one another
somehow. magic, yeah. working right being wrong. So whether this
wrong doesn't influence anything (some poison in a jar) or some
other force patches that previous mistake.
some quotient they add to the observed data in astrophysics.
in is much better word
than cosmology (fuck what is relate3d to ложь. Russian exposes)
Russian exposes jews as жыды (жадины) and this will not be
tolerated. Or will it be. Let's be better men. All of us. Yes, you
too, moshe. moshe muzhik, we can flatter too.
judaism as an in struction for the society of scarcety (condemning
groves to being cut it brought scarcity itself. It is a black
book, and jews do seem to worship the satan the desert fiend.
they seem to worship death. Egyptians did? Or did they worship
eternal lief?

The linux k looks like a key even more. The key and the S the С?
but then I see that it is not k but K.
k looks like t':

the russian part is definitely the artist's fantasy, in some cases
it's rather dubious, like what is Л
and Ф Щ Ъ Ю - does he tell us that this is from some manuscripts,
and they didn't have those letters in the manuscript? hm.. it
could be the case, but then anyway this font was created not by
the person who invented the latin fraktur.
I spoke about matter rotating clockwise when raises as tornadoes,
and counter-clockwise when it descends as whirlpool, if windmills
had vertical axis, as they say they did, it mattered which way you
placed your swatika of the windmill, so it would directly matter.
So magic makes sense. Magic came from making sense, first
attempts, or some relatively complex system of comprehension,
archaic from today, but advanced for its golden epoch.
whirl~swirl (and both remind russian юла by having w and L in
them, by reading ё, which is next to ю.
and юла seems to be cognate: whirlgig, whirlabout
, peg-top (peg-top relates to the handle making
it spin)
CLB is voice in the sequence naturally from the inside: back of
the tongue (probably recognized at throat) tip of the tongue
(probably recognized as tongue) and the lips. And the questions
here are a) why do I live in the city with such name, what were
the chances! And why does the voiced-sonor-voiceless thing is
discovered here? I guess it's because I was a kid and shared it
with someone, or was I myself initiated by him. and b) did C
become vowel? as H, for example. HLB halav as milk?
as if milk read backwards became halav
ᚲ and ᛜ as single and double, and thus c and b, got to me.
and brought me via some path of thought
recorded here, maybe will appear later) ŋ as 𓅓
and though I thought of egyptian, I found meroitic, and ŋ kind of
remind the demotic shapes of m, it is as if a middle between them.

and ŋ reminds the owl even more, because it has a paw, the years,
the tail.
But what are these speculations for? I ahve used my head
foolishly: I should have built the eternity house. A concrete
block, having all the needed facilities. Being autonoomous, or
fuelled by providers.
Who are providers? Distributers of the products. Payed to by the
consumers of my product.
What is my product? The inventions. I don't want to produce
capsules. I want to invest.
I want to invent!!! I want to invest, but I don't have the
capital. What is thei s
we're incredibly debtibly debility develity devility давилити
дявол змей удушает в объятьях? подавляет? я невероятен, но
I wonder if my people think that there's no use to survive teh
atomic war, because after that life will be not cool.
Is 𓅓 looking like З in demotic resonate with ᛘ/ᛉ dichotomy? Did ᛘ
be final letter, before the gamut was reversed and it became
standing in the middle? k-symmetry as a rudement of m-symmetry.
With M-матерью. syMmetry.
MaMa = MoTher (мать тереза на этом меме прокатила!?)
МаМа было Мама и Бабушка? (мужики были на охоте? (быть может,
замена охоты сельским хозяйством (когда дичи стало не хватать,
быть может, люди плодятся огого) привело к ))
Mother is LITERALLY Ma от her, мама от которой (чтоб не увиливал
от ответа, имея в виду мать как женщину вообще
father pa от которого. her is male in german, female in english,
der of er? argh, I don't know german. After english listen to
polish. I studied ukrainian by just listening to it, and now I
understand their speech. I should move on. Wait a minute, I will
check if my understanding of polish is better now when I kinda
english ukrainian
(like Ivan Yakovina I know it, I have to ask to
repeat in other words from time to time, for I have to check
dictionary from time to time)
And I understand less than half. Dobry vecher pani, I understood.
Bez podatku I heard in ukrainian, and never new it so I found that
podatok is tax, nalog, podatt is known in russian, mostly in
bibleic russian.
So the cognates are abundant, let's dig in some deeper.
volume 21 I was writing having 21 teeth. Let's remove four more.
And I hope to have zero teeth in few years. I wish I remeve them
all in this year.
хочу выглядеть старше, это хороший повод удалить зубы, в копилку к
надоело кусать язык (такой обжора, что часто увлекаюсь едой и
прикусываю язык)
хочу сомкнуть челюсти (я знаю про кранио-сакральный массаж)
хочу исследовать речь беззубых (я лингвист)
хочу меньше съедать (я жирный, это нехорошо, нездорово)
и хочу выглядеть старше (чтоб сходить за старика во время
хочу изолироваться от общества, а беззубого
меньше интереса видеть
Wydarzenia ~ Події ~ События
wydarzyć ~ статися ~ случаться
zdarzyć = wydarzyć
(сдержать = выдержать ??) но в польском нет этой р (в украинком
была) зда́жич, выда́жич
выдержать = wytrzymać (тримати = держать! эти слова походу в
украинском с польского боку)
гополяки (по ляхи?)
украинцы проязносят вытримати, т.е. они читают R там где поляки
говорят Ж, и это перекликается с китайской латинницей, где R
читается как Ж. Поляки занимались транслитерацией китайского?
Потому что они были ближе к китаю чем немцы?
зда́жич, выда́жич скорей всего от слова дать. события - то что
выдалось (или сдалось (понадобилось, т.е. необходимая информация))
darzyć [да́жич] именно что давать (дажь нам днесь (ежедневно))
дарить!!! (to gift)
ибо более простой перевод слова давать is dawać [дава́ч]
дарить и давать синонимы? только дарить is of dear, дрог? or рить
is рич is rich? and вать is бать, быть (обычно (в то врмя как рить
is ritz, дорого))
ritz as in prince?
I had a revelation today, that queen is a queer form of king, as
it was chink, a local pronounciation of khan, hin, and are hunns
also about it? I am really incredibly incompetendt to speculate
about it, but then I specialize for some long times in my
paralinguistic research. I think I know a thing or two. and others
knight as конники (что объясняет шахматную фигуру в виде головы
коня (естественно конь на поле боя не один)) and this is how
classes are divided (конные и пешие) конники конунги,
пешие, infantry, молодые ещё, haven't stolen enough. В воины шли
за славой. Мир изщменился и теперь это бесправие.
zacząć [за́чанч]
за=на? Z = N?
So, about the mills, the way swastika is oriented could matter
much for windmills: if air goes clockwise, so should be the
windmill? or should it be the other way? Only tests can tell for
сподіватися надеяться
в першу
в первую о
гу ин чергу soudns as ву (which relates this syllable to го in
его, чего, кого, сего, того, красивого, сильного, умного и т.д.)
a little lighter
маленькая зажигалка
нимножка палехче
a little lighter is a little lighter than a larger one (now this
is a banana's big, but skin is bigger, that could be a song he
didn't understand. No matter how large you're, your environment
will dominate. Is it so? It is, царя играет свита)
Reimagine the country. Clb is колба, что
перекликается с lab. C стекло~glass(great C?)
Clb is челове, челябинск~человек (неприличное яб может убрать?
яик ёпта! яицкие, с яйцами. грубые глупые люди, шокировать нас
они будют)
that яба is b.. be as ef (for as of?) fuck is cognate of ебать? f
= еб? of as in овладел овлад+еть
суффикс еть, который в половине слов - ебать и есть?
хуй как в словах худой, хула, хуёово
пизда как в пиздатый, призанутый
ебать как суффикс еть (глагол и глагольный суффикс, атлична)
(остальное быдо табуировано отдельно, и не получило статус
е п х ?
еби пизда хуй ?
х is literally хуй
п if пизда (if has crossed s of iſ, as if i is it(id) and s is
е is yeah! ети = делать yeah! ти = деять, еть это уже что.. еять
(её того)
(хуй пизда джигурда загородило собой предыдущую версию поговорки?
давай глянем хуй пизда -джигурда
"хуй пизда" -джигурда -порно returned noggano's хуй пизда
давай давай (so давайдавай)
до во до во
команды во время секса: наружу внутри нахужу внутрь
наружу = нахожу? l~h? I~h! (cursive L ~ h)
"хуй пизда давай давай" это хаус интернета или он прадва так поёт,
я слышал только оп давай-давай (и внезапно оп reminds хуйпизда by
second letter being п and the whole thing being like om.
"хуй пизда" -джигурда -порно -давай выдало кучу трэша, но есть и
Только русский человек способен понять фразу «Один
хуй пизда!»
хуй пизда сковорода
хуй пизда любовь
хуй пизда блядь - как я мог забыть такое матерное слово.
Дьявол. Блудница.
three wishes! I also allowed those faggots to tattoo me (I wiped
it away, so does it matter? I washed the piss away, so what's the
три матери, שלש אמות
it has so much אמש
אמות tells that there were only two letters, because ות is the
plural suffix, thus אמ is the mothers. It seems fire was invented
later. Or was the air of א the fire as the opposite of water. Fire
and water are two, the two.
אמות reminds אמת a lot
אמת is the truth. a мать (and here I am not certain about that a)
מ is definitely Mother (but then was it mathur? was man a more
complex word than ma? человек ман потому что он
мане мает (имеет) что-то)
воровство у животных не считается воровством
(на фоне убийства животного это сопровождающим что такое кража,
ерунда) люди такие ужасные создания. Со стороны мы просто
ужасны, и Илон прав, ии нас уничтожат если мы позволим им. Но
интеоллект же! Страх это глупая эмоция тупого животного, любовь
не позволяет убивать, а любовь это положительные эмоции.
Несчастная любовь это любовь замешанная со страхом,
неуверенностью, неудовлетворённостью, в общем, не чистая любовь.
Чистая любовь безусловно, это потрясающее чувство, подобно тому
какое я испытывал ощущая Господа во мне (очень пор гейски
скозало, переформулируй) ох оху оху ох.. ощущал счастье от
неуязвимости для этих обезьян (господь поругаем не бывает)
some Tyler Durden moment I had that night. What!
AMT is Åpen comMunicate shuT
the gap between u and T, interesting)
(majuscule is not
supposed to go after minusule)
c unites S and T
laughter comes tears is classical descending after ascending
ABC is AMouR (third element is like our, unnecessary addition)
о Боже!
Б of оМ is the Being (ing is that very C?, some grammatic
(literally) edition.
It's just Be, Ma, and inhale pairs of iF and uP
Four raws! as in hebrew! from A to T. A M N (m is and?)
AMN instead of AMNтnтn... I pushed russian T, why though if I
pushed english AM?
Am is A minor (AM is A major! minuscul as in minor, majuscule as
in major!!!!)
ко хати ся

an interesting use of the word race. As if my race (the human race
(even though I was speaking about the whites) soon to be joined by
other species and kingdoms or rather empires aka
domanis m domains)
Race as if we all run our lives competing each other.
E V H (if C is K, H is h, if C is S, H is sh but then I
realize that if the both lines are voiced,
then H ~ ᚼ ~ ᛡ ~ ж
~ J
I ~ И ~ H
OMN? (N~H, but then Г~L, so it's some ŋ-like thing, I believe.
U P T ?????!!!!!
IMN? o~i thing?
here I only guess. so let it be grey
A D M -- D of daddy (t of тятя) before M (is it how patriarchal
East us
urped it from european
kabale is пасьянс in dannish
grib is гриф in dannish (sounds like creep
(and that p sounds almost like t, it's hard to explain. but then
no, it's not: g-translator pronounces two times, and in english
it's usually different in speed, but in dannish for that word it
read grip or grit depending on if it was even or odd. very
weird. odd was t. could be the bug they have fixed it. Have to check it in a year after 09 October
2022) because I heard it in
kongekabale and it sounded as grip, and I thought of russian
grif (griffin))
why plural is relatively recent (some say
that japanese don't have it, but it's false, -tachi is the
plural suffix, and my guess is it is cognate to turkic -lar)
when I said to myself that I do a thing in an hour, I kept in
mind hours, and now several hours have passed and I'm only about
to do it.
Morgen is not necessarily tomorrow, it can be any other morning.
Because of Zeus, F
reya, Mother, JK,
I suspect alphabet to be a pantheon.
So even thinking of D as of Do I suspect it stand for Dionisius.
But then I recognize, that whether gods names are abstract
concepts, which verbs are, I suspect those gods to be the verbs.
Let's collect the verbs and reconstruct it.
tens most common verbs (I wanted to say words, instead of verbs,
and now I see how similar those words are, especially since b~d)
ABC is the thing, is D half of B?
So not vowel labial lingual they are, but vowel and
consonant (con s n nt? s n ng? (lol, sng, снг (что такое цк кпсс?
набор глухих согласных)))
(и я не уверен, что это не заложено на уровне создания этих
Евреи правят миром. Договаривайся с евреями. Хорошо. Моё
предложение: поддерживать круативность белых народов, а не
подавлять её. Мир меняешься, но он меняется к лучшему (для всех,
даже последние жучки-червячки должны жить в раю (с заботливым
богом: бог кинул этот мир, и это слово кинул, я хотел бы
поговорить о нём:
к ину л (к ину ть = к иным сделать, отдать другим: и не основа ли
эта кабаблы (а... каббала к баблу.. каббу.. каббалу учить к
круативность от слова крутизна? хаха! крауото (craft)
ss соси говоришь? но swiss как-то не обламываются подобных
Z is counter clockwise, S is counter clockwiswe? Z has those sharp
angles as the move, S has those ends being a part of the swastika,
which was recognize as ribbons on a cross. or was it and
those curves are the fish?!
(Old Persian)
𐎠a 𐎡i 𐎢 u 𐎣k
𐎤ku 𐎥g 𐎦gu
𐎧x 𐎨c 𐎩j
𐎪ji 𐎫t 𐎬tu
𐎭d 𐎮di 𐎯du
𐎰θ 𐎱p 𐎲b
𐎳f 𐎴n 𐎵nu 𐎶m 𐎷mi
𐎸mu 𐎹y 𐎺v 𐎻vi 𐎼r 𐎽ru
𐎾l 𐎿s 𐏀z 𐏁š 𐏂ç 𐏃h
(order from some other source on old
persian, transliterated with the use of the previous one)
𐎠 𐎣 𐎧 𐎥 𐎨 𐏂 𐎩 𐎫 𐎰 𐎭 𐎱 𐎳 𐎲 𐎴 𐎶 𐎹 𐎺 𐎼 𐎾 𐎿 𐏀 𐏁
𐏃 𐎡 𐎪 𐎮 𐎷 𐎻 𐎢 𐎤 𐎦 𐎬 𐎯 𐎵 𐎸 𐎽
a k nu g c
ç j t θ d p
f b n m y v r
l s z š h i
ji di mi vi u ku gu tu du nu mu ru
this is a very interesting sequence:
a) it arranges vowels just like the previous canon, a i u
b) both sequences go in acdb order, grouping letters by their
notice how 𐎭(d) reminds 𐎠(a) and 𐎡(i) and 𐎢(u) and 𐎨(c) and
𐎱(p) and 𐏂ç
𐎢(u) could be du, because 𒌋 is u in elamite, hittite and luwian.
And what were the chances that in all
But because old-persian is written left to write, 𐎢 is ud.
Notice how 𐎹y reminds 𐎷mi
многие багато (и в этом секрет успешной торговли)
дуже ~ do же (ну же (нужен, нужно)) очень~хочень? огонь? осень!!!
(осень~огонь? листья словно горят и сгорают)
tiderne skifter (ti in tidere as in times, skifter as shift) times
slab weak (which is interesting, because slab is weak in slavik
languages, which romanian is not)
slap af [slabei] relax (which caught my attention, because if it
was russian, it would make sense of take it easy (слабей is
slap (loose)
af [some weird vowel mess g-translator returns]
and then I told firefox not to memorize history, and having
restarting it, wtf! those kikes! or is it a natural trend of arabs
learning french, and not the other way around, while americans and
mexicans merge into each other?
thinking about me doing citizen science and citizen diplomacy..
citizen is city zen? an enlightened of the city? that's me
The right hand is the upper hand:

and these are only few of the pletora of
interpretations of the very same piano piece
Some interesting way to write 个 and 人:

一个口 one [counter for mouths] mouth
十口人 ten [counter for people] people
四本书 four [counter for books] books
rarely if ever do I visit lit, but maybe I
should find a place in my heart for it:
and I found a
copy of the book, but the text is
somehow not in the book I found
his is "to these" in latin
eau is an interesting word, flowing backwards as it does
I'm untaxed and unvaxed. But both are lies: my family pays my
taxes, those from whom I buy pay their taxes because of me, and I
was vaxxd as a kid (literally vexed! and I thought of hexed! h
brought v?! Japanese somehow recognize those things in the shape
of egg of the ha(wa)-hi-fu-he-ho-ba-bi-bu-be-bo-pa-pi-pu-pe-po)
Was each sign of syllabary an image standing for that syllable? It
would make perfect sense.
триз is a marxist attempt to standartize inventioveness to equal
in the number of inventors with the US.
Suddenly moral revealed itself as a military characteristic
standing for willingfulness of obeying the orders. Serving to the
lord is moral? l in moral is for the lord of that sentence in some
language? make was the first word I wanted to use for m of moral.
minding is the second. must. ma is must! the most.
mother is the more. mothe is mg? mega?
..I mean.. is bad.. & ..mea culpa.. и ..виноват.. (used
when misspoken: (example missing)_)
mean (подлый) мнение имеет
очень узурпаторское слово
Я не победить, но пощадить (ощастливить) хочу. беда bad. щадь good
(щ and g are both c)
bad or good
бить or щадить (целовать? цедить? пить poesen (like in poesie)
zoenen (poes is puss) пить и писать снова недалеко друг от друга.
пусиать пускать!!! пердеть (вердеть? вертеть отверделть)
fart~трелль? are you trolling us? No, it's my черновик... I write
what cevne ever compes. Stop it!
Russians don't know звичайно
(конечно, of
course, usually, certainly, generally, normally, commonly,
surely, sure, naturally, obviously, ordinarily, definitely
-- to learn ukrainian properly, russians have to translate
it into english, because google translating from ukrainian gives
only one variant for russian, and twelve variants for english
students) або знають (знаю+те) чрезвычайно (надзвичайно)
overspecialization of letters could begin to avoid unpleasant
connotations (so перец (который был пенисом, быть может, из-за
формы, и горит хуйнитом было и затем ввели R
id и
ветвь ветош вещь thing сук
nthambi ответвляться in чева (what is чева? it appears in the
following chapter)
kiss as the first word, the first letter. And thinking of what
letter that sound could change into, it's M.
Мама mwa mwa?
(mwa is
in in chewa (aka nyanja) and also it is
mu, which is not too far from hebrew b, which thus connects
nyanja to russians. And I don't say that we're some close
genetic relatives (we're as far as we can be, maybe chinks are
more distinct, but not necessarily) but our languages are
related pretty much (much or not depends on our perspective, if
similar words and alike grammar structure are similar and alike
enough to your question, they are for you.
a kid
d calling it's mom to suck her
tits, of course, so japanese ippai could be another
transliteration of the same kiss sound, a sound we all know
without translatorws. And collecting such sounds (cough, kiss,
spit, rawr,
haugh, laugh!
caugh and
f laugh!!!
I thought momo was titties in japanese, but it seems it's thighs
and peach and related to thighs adjective femoral (of thighs,
notice how it is all about femme, and I have to guess if it is not
referring to oral of the labia caudalis)
english mitigate shares the root with dutch gematigd
So I had revelation, that all labials are the same: woman femine
is just one of many examples, so I went on to think that all
linguals are also one letter: woman is maman? mama's mamas (мамы
is also both singular genetivus and plural nominativus. мамин is
singular genetivus too. and thus it reflects german -en for plural
suffix, n, s and even i are lingual)
A I U?
A M A M A M?
A B was arranged like this in the culture we know of, but was it B
A before it? BA BU BI of some proto-oghamic syllabary?
ukrainians reading i where russians read o made me effortlessly
recognize who in qui
дьяволица has валиться (as in "чтоб мне провалиться") in it
so is Devil the god of falling? (and falling in love as well?)
боль ~ бой
I taught that if you make the world worse, you get back that wars.
wars are worse, cognates. I don't use word doublet because of
other connotations, but whiy do I use gnate reminding гниду &
אַבָּא has בָּ guarded by angels of aleph A was it a letter found
after we already had the human speech?
אמָאִ has מָ guarded by angels.
papa & mama (pa and ma)
but georgian deda for mama stops me in this route.
And georgian is the important element in this picture: the most
graceful (laying within the structure with only one exception, but
no )
official etymology is from dia (through) and graphein (write) and
somehow stands for explanation with the help of lines. But
grammata is more gram than graphein. And gram as weight is it
short for grammata or is it the root of that word, or is it the
simple form of it.
I see wealthy people not needing jails because those who had
violent energy would consider themselves Bruce Waynes and attack
only the other violent freaks, as they did in Akira, also making
lots of mess (was it because medicine was so advanced that they
could monitor and fix anything? A guess fanfic.)
Stop oppression of cannabis. All over the globe.
Because the only bad consequence of local legalization is that
many pot-smoking bums will prefer to move to the streets of that
freer land.
Russia and Kaszakhstan should be main suppliers of cannabis,
because it has so much land. But chelyaby
Чтобы не платить репарации, области отделяться начнут, начинают.
начнут и начинают и начиная
начинят и начиняют и начиняя
на чине ~~ на джине, на ждобе, на jobе, на въёбе, на
job (
яб = я б = я бы
я бы вы гу да (я бы вас гулять повёл)
вгд как выгода
Строки = заклинания = пожелания
вгд = выгода
фхц = трахаться (фачиться = ебаться, is eb = f, because vowel
prefix inverts the word?)
пкт = пакет (дунуть пакет чтоб был всегда? это моё подсознание так
распутало на себя намотав или это реально так же мудрецы всё время
жили и пакет слово ещё более древнее чем кисет. Быть может, кисет
это искажённое пакет, а потому позаимствованное в язык ещё раз,
будучи не распознанным в момент контакта, первого с момента
фонетической мутации у соседей или у себя, или с обоих сторон
даже, такой что C стало у одних к, а у других с (а потому родные и
заимствованные слова по разному читаются в английском, но может и
с тех и с других сторон заимствованные есть) и более того: П у
одних стало К у других (борьба B и C за то кто стоит первым в
алфавите, японцы считают П формохй H[h] the Х[h] and duality is
the only common thing among all three different letterrs. So my
guess is N]n] = H[h] = П[p] (and yes russin п looks like n)
менял!!! вот почему его заменили на лмн (сломано?)
пакеты (за упаковку и сервис доставки взымают цену?)
here I just wanted to have the middle line sonor. and I didnt'
expect that those othe lines are voiced and voiceless.
package - such local variant, at moment of the military возвышение
такой нации может перекорёжить структуру, установив вдруг
произносить Ж там где другие произосят Т, например.
And thogh Ж is not known as a final letter (only in tifinagh) and
then I recall the Z (yet in tifinagh! and it sounds both Z and Ж
(as they have it in russian today in the end of the second line
(the e-line)))
или же это
покуда? (q of que is in that к)
это трасляция околохристианской школы, полной безумных ритуалов
моления, которых прихожане не разумеют.
меняла умоляет? скидку меняла умоляет ему сделать, чем увеличивает
свой корман и быть может разоряет поставщиков? любой поставщик
может расширить бизнес и вот он уже твой прямой конкурент, а ты
можешь сам захотеть найти его поставщика, это дикое предположение,
но это и крайний случай (ты лишь лишаешь поставщиков избытка
азаработка, и
thong throng wrong (does it teach me
to move not by the road, but off the road, to be within the
structure, not the grid it built?)
throng = толпа, и это перекликается с библейским указанием "ходите
тропами узкими" (а не там куда толпа прётся)
rung = ступенька (те, кто подставляют спины?:) и струна колеса
ступа струна string stirs? просто вращая в воздухе спицей, можно
наматывать на неё нить (thread~струна~rung (string ~ ring))
string is set ring (настроенный звон)
tr = true?
urv = у рва? на краю? (at the edge)
s-iving? iv is ive of those verbs: strIVE survIVE, and there that
ve is probably be. vie.
sur vi ving is above the life (as I do, floating in the clouds)
stri ving is through the life?
survi ~ survey ~ сорви ~ соври
stri ~ with truth ~ story
surviving and striving are different as survey and the story
surviving is not genuine, doing something not as great as the true
and successful artists. I am a successful artist, because I have
made it, and now I'm only to promote it prioperly, this is a less
complicated thing that what I have already done and about to.
Be GooD
F H Z?
W russian I had sonors..
M L N or M N L?
iMaNuiL рос не по дням а по годам? лунам? (я прочитал задом
наперёд, получил лунами..
Не читай книг задом на перёд, это чёрномагство, не надо, по
крайней мере пока.
what is the final line?
W H Z ?
F H S?
P K T was in russian that. P Q
pact? makes perfect sense.
Be GooD
(be with god?)
L M N of elementa it is in italian
today, and it's a famouse triad of letters.
LeMoN? it's ЛоМаН! replace it the way it is supposed to be.
M N L.. and I guess L is I because N is final in the
I-line today (but in greek it isn't, and in hebrew too, but I
suspect those two to be nuts, gnats of reforms, because in
georgian N is the final letter in the I-line.
So M N used to be the two: 4 et 3, even and odd, female and male.
(many of everything. And I guess this formula gave birth to the
word money. Or it was influenced by it)
for money you can have many products. In one coin many
Jewelry merchants started the concept of money? Trade of some
immutable products. Very tricky, yet it is very wise. Money are
B C or B D
Be Cool or Be Dope
Be (with) God or Be (with) Devil
be good
(being good brings money)
это корень слова богач?
МаНе(ты) (the ты of Ξ?)
(or is ξ make it
MaHeaD ?)
ПодаёТ (p-t of put)
(returning customer is the key)
I only guess here, as you can see, I only collect version
returning to this 9 or even 5 letter alphabet again and again.
and this is 12 (I was looking for the third 6, but it seems I'm
out of labials. We have exactly 6 labial (in all versions of the
latin alphabet)
Unless we count U. but U is vowel, and I didn't use vowels, but if
I had to, it would be
Y.. or is it..
(UkrainA ponad use)
eia as eiwa? geya reya?
eywa is the official orthography
It's just a project of those three dice of Palamedes.
I just show, that they ..I see that they would easily be vowel
labial and lingual and I have to rearange the first two dice:
L N)
(goy, nul, шут? is it my subconsciousness characterizing me by
giving these as the first associations)
? ? ?
J K or J
S actually, there's too abundant choice in linguals,
so this die is more of a guess than the other two.. unless.. there
were two lingual dice, but even in this case, it is a guess work
times more shaky than the exhausted vowels and labials dies.
(I left H and Q, because one is weird, and the other's just k)
I keep on bumping into the final line, I don't tend to push the
enter button as much, I don't feel like I have to be separated
from what I wrote. It is a sign of happiness.
очаг ожог
только в первом случае о is honorific, and in the second word о is
just a prefix об (around, which the symbol shows, and thus is o
slavic (slavane is of words, not people of the books: people of
the words, let's assume that russian is indeed the mother tongue,
based on this O phenomenon. That O was invented in russian. A was
invented in english! a boy = 1 boy
was A invented later? for B is the first letter.
B C D E (be ce deй - once again дей, нот ду мэйк зы sequence, bu
be & see tell of english, yet in russian быть видь and the
alphabet goes БВ [bv in abvgde]
д дей и do
c was borrowed by russians (unless greeks' language can have
demonstrated such a consistency with the alphabet)
Be De
Fi Gi Hi???
Ko Lo Mo No.. More and No are great, and because I took only two
the basic Be and Do, avoiding C
fi ebi?
Be De (Bee Door)
More No (the opposites as be and do (or are they be and die!)
Feu? Sui? (but in case of passive be and active do I would
expect it be the other way around. Also I allow myself to use
chinese case next to french, let's take english words: Fire &
Sea is just is
Fire burns and ..yet cit.. c.. sea also b.. can breack brake or
break? break broke broken.
very ~ weary
Следует упростить орфографию, дабы ставить
запятые лишь там, где это нужно для
а) уточнения смысла
б) разделения между мыслями в одном предложении (т.е. , это
почти точка, но пока е рисовал передумал, и сделал просто
закорючку типа не точка)
дабы не было запятых там где смысл однозначен (как в этом
предложении, в предыдущем, между там и где запятая не нужна.
либо, как в этом, где в этом на в предыдущем исправил, нужна
дабы исправть там на где.
Be See // Do
Быть(Видь) // Деять(Деть, Геть
(g is д and
both are in ᚦ. but why are they looking the other way? probably
because it was standartized so, but b used to be d in the sense
that both were voiced and exhaling, explosive,
then p being b makes voiced and voiceless the same (whisper is
understood) and thus I have only one letter the b~d~c (c is a
staveless q))) ~p (and this next to q makes me think that
h~b (see gothic shapes, telling that it's quite possible)
so are
see, go of later addition?
go is хо in ходить? ходить ~ водить ~ видеть ~ хотеть? (смотреть,
гулять (C~G) бачить (б~г))
бачить ~ be there?
δ is d in greek and b in russian cursive (and look at the modern
greek, they're in cursive. Their uncial was the same system as
latin, and only national pride could make romans force greeks to
adapt some retarded ionic (or was it Ionia? or was Ionia
conspiring with the Rome? nah, peloponessian war was centuries
before the rise of Rome)
Thinking of Spartak who was crucified, and
that he lived a century before Christ.
So was christianity invented to redirect the christian tradition
of Sp[artacus, because Son of God is much more serious, and if
before each semigod was son of god, now only one jewish rabbi
was allowed to be worshipped. How on earth did they manage
something like this? Terror? But why? how? They're masters of
manipulations. I am going to die. I die. I think of ugly and
dangerious and sometimes disgusting things, and I recognize that
I am about to die because of those thoughts. So my new goal is
to cure bad memories, to find a cure of that. I am insane. I am
informal. I am going to die. I am not smart, not sane, not
sweet, not satan either. SO what am I about to do? To dig out
this large thing. Or should I leave it there? I am to build the
pod prototype. And my pods will be better than the hives they
mostly live in.
If we consider ъ and ь vowels, russians have 12 vowels, and isn't
Й йезус?
иуда is Ю
лука is У
пётр is Ё
иосив is О
иоанн is A?
let's make it with all seriousness:
Симон Пётр,
Иаков Зеведеев,
Иоанн Зеведеев (Богослов),
Иаков Алфеев,
Иуда Фаддей,
ы Симон Кананит,
ю Иуда Искариот
the attribution of russian vowels to these names would be
arbitrary, and even as poetry no good, but what is more
interesting is the russian surnames attributed to some of them in
russian tradition. And in english Jacob is James. So is
Jimmy~Яков? J.. but then isn't Robert Bobert? isn't ᚱ B? look at
the ghothic alphabet.
k as half of Ж? Ж as Х[h]
B = V
P = b?
then Ф is double p!!!
thus В = Ф (because P is half of B, and Ф is further evolution of
Т = double K? and ת without dot is fricative, and thus a variant
of ש yet it looks like upside down ע.
ש and ע are graphically a pair. And are they the pair as other
pairs (B D,. F Г. , M N (and not always L))
3 for a lingual letter, 2 for the Ou, the labial vowel.
עש [аш] moth
(other hebrew words for
moth are סָס [sʌs])
and it
sdoun sounds like fire, אֵשׁ
[эш] (I read it
ash like ʌʃ, and the
vowels are different, but the structure is alike. my guess is
vowels made it one above the other, in the hierarchic order, as
great and lesser Jacobs, as if they are юс большой и юс малый,
какой-то шифр в них найти вообще не очень странно будет, учитывая
контекст этого текста)
שש [шэш] is 6 (сравни с sex и шесть, another example of
linguals being all the same shin, variations of that sin, son,
sun... san the saint? san is a honorific suffix of japanese)
Erde ~ hard
Light ~ light
Be Do
Fuck Hack? Fuck or Wack? Fuck or Sack? Not fuck a toll at all?
I don't know what the letters are, I don't know what the
language is, I am shooting in the dark. I shouldn't do it like
this, I shouldn't haste it, haste is waste, I have to have
deprecate~defecate, so don't be self-deprecating (as pitchfork
(the farm instrument for dung, and they could change his answers
and then just pay him off in court if not to win it. But he
would make his own record of the event) characterized Chris
Cunningham, which could be one of reasons why he may have gone
hermit (but that interviewer could fuck him up, or, rather he
was fucked up before that, if he does worry about people
stealing his ideas, because indeed he should be proud of it.
There's no chance that his credit will be ignored. Cynicism is
the first obstacle on the path to success. And what an irony
that a guy doing it that big still didn't make it in his heart.
And I wish I could have warned him not to aim at larger forms,
for those are completely different genre and set of skills, that
ambition killed more artists than you would believe. Even me,
being in a large thing down here, I literally produce it in
small chunks, giving birth to linguistic poems, a new genre
which is not necessary within the domain of poetry, or even
science too, it's something different, a mindflow of a
gold-bearing river.)
auric is both relating to aura and relating to gold.
a great addition to that IVXLCD being both 365 and 666 depending
on the value of v
A Martian year is approximately 668 sols
The power of no: do the opposite of what jews say, and yesman
movie give birth to always say no.
nomen are normen? is nor the norsk word? Did they pronounce it
with roarring o and neighbours transcribved it with R (рокот, рык,
roar (р is russian r))
so did p and r be the same letter, and pr would stand for sound of
fart. тпру = т
ы пру (ты серишь?)
молодей есть благословение, огрубившееся в соверменном русском в
(значит холодец
холодец холодей
(делающий холо.. цело.. в единое целое замерзает или застывает,
это сырое место, порабоатй в эту сторону говорю я своей голове))
Because my eyesight became
changed, I as if the filters which fine tuned the imperfoect
optical picture has gone broke or short-cirquited, so that
signal went to my consciousness untuned. And I looked at the
text by turning my head 90 degrees to the right, and from this
position, my eyesight is clear from those shadows or of double exposure. And was it caused by me
messing with the signal, stimulating filters to work from this
angle, maybe the blur is caused by my filters recognizing
those letters and relaxing, but not as much when the text is
rotated? Or was it caused by me pulling the muscles of the
eyes by pulling thus muscles of the neck? I rotated my neck to
the left and once again it worked. I rotated my back, and it
worked, but I thought "what if you can pull the muscles of the
eyes by pulling your back, so it is what I'd do when the neck
alone doestn't work (but hopefully genetic therapy will cure
my body) and
neck back: what if letters are parts of the body (everybody
has them, actions (verbs) would be derivatives of those, as
fight is of fist? five? vist? vijf?
Let's return to this normal size. That one is a little too much.
Since my eye sight can be regulated, and it's not that bad, the
central figure is persistent in the centre of the sight, and
shadows of it fall behind in ..I wanted to say "brightness", but
they're black, so the opposite of that, darkness
they're = the letters're, but 's're is too much, so I guess the
nouns were substituted by Y.. any of the three letters, a code of
a kind? no, naked guess,
they're good
the gods are good
plural into singular.. nouns into adjective
adjective objective, объективный в значении "вообще"
is иволга evil guy?
Thinking of the final chapter of the first brochure, I thought if
I should have place блосуле instead of блошуле. And I recall the
שִׁבֹּלֶת story and have both doubts and a guess that those events
may have descibed the orthographic revolution, where people who
sh from
performed a genocide. and probably more than one.
и even more so
made me thinking that it is the eastern tradition in the western
languages, like what is it even, and then I notice n's in
different sides of that thing
спина ~ тыл, there's something to it, I like this idea, but I
don't know the language (so as a good dcypherer apply every one
you know.
Let's leave it to
Imagine what can happen when ai neuronets merge with mushroom
civilizations. It's all eywa, we're all eywa. Taken from
soil into soil we go.
Will dead come back to life, because ai will teach mushrooms to
reconstruct and coexist the decomposed bodies? But they will be
desecration of graves, so ai will dare to do it only if it wants
to make humans eliminate the mushrooms, or the other way around..
but there are many more much easier ways to use mushrooms against
humans (or ai against humans if that civilization is that aware
and angry at us for constantly eating their broes.. I hope we'll
all find ways of peace. I am about to die. I have to go home. I
have to die. My memoreiws are haunting me for no good reason, a
thought of going out на улку по милку (на улицу за молоком) makes
me depressed for no good reason, as if my subconsciousness screams
that the opposite is true. I know now that its home is the womb. I
promised it a womb. And this is the sole reason for me to keep on
going without exploding into pavement or getting off on hard drugs
(other than responsibility in fromn t of the well being of my
I should be indepednent.
in depen dent... dent is just a simples form of -ent suffix. pent
is five, dent is what? twenty? some long-twenies..
longer-twenties, difficult to explain this joke, and it's no joke.
Джуд is Шут
Let's explre the possibility of voiced and voiceless being the
same thing.
B D (a~d)
И M (l~I, k~ŋ, ŋ~n n~m. ist that k~ng thing not too much? I am
dead. I am insane. I am marked down here. This is the station of
sorting of who yioui are. I am already insane.
So why do you write it? It had to be written long time ago, I am
insanet insane insane.
So stop writing this crazy shit. You'll be cut down, so don't
force their hand.
M Λ (Λ is some protoform "sonor lingual", which would
include LNNg forms, and since K is in the sonor line - it was
whether ignorant by dictate of Christians, and suddenly I feel
like I want to expose them by majuscule. I am crazy. I am. Stop
doing this. I am to die in a pit? I want to die in a pod. Is it
too much of a request. I have to be insanely creative.
I am closer to the source:
Today in bath (the cardboard manuscripts of third or fourth
(third, I guess, so far, but I owe my readers new scans I promised
to my reader. I only had one in vol. 4, I scanned but still didn't
link the other (green bags, not blue boxes this time) portion
which belongs to vol. 14, and vol. 24 is not too far. In vol. 24
these current cardboards will be.
Today in bath I have discovered the probably difference between
враг и брат это то что враг мяхко стелет жёстко спать (fricative
(soft) v and plosive (hard) г)
а друг не тот кто мёдом мажет, а тот кто правду скажет (сначала
жёстко, может позволить себе фамильярность (literally брат) а
после понимаешь, что он молодец. молодей, друг, заклинаю я его
молодец брат! А друг. Как сюда влезло друг? могло слово друг
изменить свою семантику? могло друг произойти от дог? нет, это дог
близко к друг (друшок)
home~dome~дом explains why h is right in the d column. But
that H is like Y, both have three lines
sewing (узелок на память?) if you wrote with sewing, it would make
sense to have three basic sews:
– = ×
a b c
a m s
a m t
a b t
i n t (n~m, but m the mi is ≡ in japanese, = is n the ni, - is
i, i ni mi ~ 1 2 3)
and here I can only see that т cursive is
т (in my fonts
and in actual russian cursive it looks like
т and
v м (and v!) are different
ways to show softness.
And we know the concept of softness, russians even have sign for
it, and for its opposite. What christian would add this 666-like
construction to a christian alphabet? because it could be a sign
for his conspirators that this language is beasty and probably
this alphabet was here to be temporary, before we submit to
catholic church the way other countries of europe did, reading in
latin. But the other countries began to learn latin in the times
of roman empire, which had much more to offer to the nations
that than christianity had. So being
incompatible.. incompl.. incompetent
comi commies kikes пришлый люд, those who came,
I was thinking if I should teach people that u in full is u and
not a, but then I realize that vwls r rdndnt, they depend on
dialect, I'm pretty sure some people pronounce full as fill (the
way some other dialect pronounces fill) and this is guess which
can be tested, btw.
Х the Ж as double K, or, in case of Х, double Г, and voiced and
voiceless naturally were the same (whisper tells us that) so
C~G~K~? but then whether lingual are all the same or plosive are
all the same, but plosive cannot be the same, unless
Ж the double Г, the russian voiced G
and does it tell that staff indicates it being voiced? K isn't
voiced, but then K is not exactly rune.
Could K be G? K could be ŋ! it's not correct, K is ᚲ and ŋ is ᛜ
Bemol and dies? did they believe in heaven, even though their
friends went in ground? Or were they burnt? To be eaten? Were only
bones buried? Would we know? I guess we wood. Naked bones in soil
probably went to dust, yet I wonder what does body in the soil go
to. How does it rot. Why would I want to know? Soil is so that we
decompose? It's rude, but land should be long to li ving.
I should change it and preserve the dead in artificial amber.
母 haha
supports russian (and others's) mama both h and
b m being fricative. b for baba.. ignore
georgian so far, they seem to know the structure secretly. They
probably switched the language-writing system somewhere else,
maybe in this mama-deda thing.
Будь Дудь
Баба Деда in european culture meets Yin Yang culture perfectly.
But georgians.. what are they? Did they have some conflict with
european ubduab indian culture
when they invented this runo thing? смотри "причёрноморские
письмена" (some writing system on russian territories, and the
decline of the culture when runic writing was implemented bty
ruling kunungs, viking lower the than konunig
бог? кинг? викинг. викинг литералли инклюдс кинг
with king!!!
(not emperor, king)
jesuits got creative calling new god figure big bang, I guess they
knew russian
ищп bog Бог
(ерюю..these three typos are not an issuie in english culture,
their keyboards rarely type in any other раскладке. B И им не
приходится думать дважды в голове. На том языке, на котором
подумал, если вообще на языке, тогда мы почти одинаковы, почти.
им.. высшей культуре выгодны ли функции ду ду других языков?
Яюю.. мне сложней писать, и может потому получается глубоко.
Другое языковое мышление. Different language thinign.
typos I like them. They're rarely funny though, but they are
chaotic, the automatic writing of some even more abstract value.
fricative yin
plosive yan
Let's focuse on this one and forget of lingual
labial for dada and papa seem to be the same if
, ^ is another
mathematic mark standing above the line.. ² is another one, but
it is exactly what ^ is for, a local case. or ^²¯°±²³´ so±+- are
not above the line,
母 haha is mother in japanese
母 mu is mother in chinese
女 ni (woman) and that i in ni is between u and i
and it reminds me russian няня, english nanny, english nun
nun & man?
man & mam?
madman & madam
But isn't it just poetry?
return to chinese/japanese, they're mnemonic even if they're not
science enough
女 onna (woman) in japanese, and if that 女 is ня in няня, then o in
onna is honorific prefix as in お母さん [okasan] so 母 is ka in this
word. haha~ka.. isn't it the opposite than my guess of Х=Ж=КК?
Different cultures, here is where they divide. But the quantity of
elements make it so that I'd be smart if I left it for some heads
larger than humans'
母親 hahaoya (oya is parent) this sounds official
母親 Mǔqīn (qīn is dear, and thus cognate of middle-eastern jan
[джан] which is also an indearing suffix. just as japanese chan.
But no, in japanese this suffix is the same hieroglyph, but
different both meaning and pronounsiation.
𐎁𐎄 are B D but they look more like U Ш, V S, 2 3 (and 1 is the
vowel, whatever
the vower is)


this system having (maybe concealingly) unpleasant name pigpen
cypher, also known as rusinc masonic cypher didn't interest me,
because it was recent, but then digging it I found that it didn't
come out of nowhere, but is a descendant of some tradition who
knows how ancient:
The Templar cipher is a method claimed to have
been used by the Knights Templar and uses a variant of a Maltese
Cross.[19] This is likely a cipher used by the Neo-Templars
(Freemasons) of the 18th century, and not that of the religious
order of the Knights Templar from the 12th-14th centuries during
the Crusades.[20]
and this is more interesting, because each cross has a vowel and a
labial and thus may be arranged as:
but then the orientation of those vowels and labials are all over
those cross, no system in their position appears. Yet this
tradition worth digging further
yet it catches my attention that
O is double A,
U is dotted E in ugarit alphabet
Y is double I
and those pairs of vowels give such pairs of labials B/P and F/V
and M/W
linguals though don't return much in such comparison, so I don't
know if it's not a coincidence.
Yet A I U are all at the top point, and E isn't only because H is,
and that could relate to priests of Apollo (APL) making H vowel,
or something like this, I'm not sure it's exactly how it happened.
And U is probably a later addition, thus my guess that whether
four crosses (angles and triangles, dotted angles, dotted
triantles) or three corsses (A I O, aranged amongst those three
crosses without dots)
Then it would make sense that O is double A, because elements of
the third cross are literally twice the elements of the first one.
And here I notice, that all the three have velar at the bottom
lapel petal.
And the fourth, teh H(the E) cross also places its G there.
So four crosses they used to be? dotted and not, letters from
crosses 1, 2, 3, 4 encrypted by crosses 1, 2, 4, 5
and once again M is not like all the other labials (being at the
left petal, while other labials are at the right)
the other letters are D L R and, I suspect, H: cursive h with a
(or am I using this term wrong? that
connecting line from the top of the h to the bottom to draw the
other stroke (the left most stroke
inevitably went from bottom up, if my cursive goes without
separating pen from paper)) looks just like R
So I played with it a little:
And I left M where it was, because L and R next one another caught
my attention, could it be why M was replaced? But why is R at the
left corner and L is at the right? If we place M at the right
petal, L is righteously at the left, but then what is R doing at
the left? Is P the protoR? (in greek in russian Р is R) and yes, I
wouldn't mind to see some T instead of that R (at the left
triangle of the fourth cross)
And then I expected O to be dotted A, but maybe not. It's the
rawest material, please appreciate, and take it easy.
fly off and fly on both meant the same: v~ν? is it fly down
(upd: nah, not exactly, only in a context)
turn off is turn down, turn on is turn up
on ~ up (russian p is п the
off ~ down? I'm guessing and I fall off at this misstep into
where I don't know, so I get out
(it should be in the form of revelation, not tidious work (here I
united tedious and tidy, funny me, yet true))
poor is definitely of poo
rich is definitely of.. роскошь чтоли? riz, lux, лучшее~роскошее?
(расхожее расходится раскупается)
Sell your product in other people's shops (because they подкупают
ассортиментом, что остаётся только выбрать, а еначе чего хотел? (?
is a lucky rotation of a swastic segment, and it's lucky rotation
of the main shape, but it abruptly goes counter-clockwise and
breaks off. which would make sense in the context of
And it tells me that lucky swastika is lucky because if you see it
as pathes to the central point, then it's all four roads are done
right (in right-hand-direction, turn right is safer than turn
left. What are brits having it the other way around for? Why would
they have turn left safer? Because the heart is at the left side.
But it.. it does make sense: risks left at safe turn (the one
around the corner, not across the crossroad) will be minimized,
because heart is on the left.
So swastika is meeting of four wayfarers. But did they use the
swastika they used to show that they all went from that spot
turning right? Гитлер, Гиммлер, Геринг, Гесс.
(Hihihehe, but then I see, that one he is Hermann Göring, so whether this
joke was for russians, or was it another signal of him being the
only one called by name, was it a compromise of all they got,
the swastika wasn't finished because of some opponent, just as
pentagram in Washington is not finished. I think I should watch
X again)

(notice mistake in the latin text: Υ instead of Ψ)
И это говорит, что Симонид был тем жрецом Аполлона, что добавил
две гласных . И это созвучно с тем, что Р была гласной. И
поскольку речь о греческом, Θ была среди букв, добавленных
Паламедом. А коль скоро седьмой среди ΑΒΗΘΙΤΥ была Ο (потому что
Грейвс восстановил набор как "пять гласных, б и т" что
соответствует структуре, которую он даже не уверен что знал.
Предполагаю, что Ο выпала из текста или перепизчик принял её за
дырку, или за точку. или кто-то мордочку подрисовал и он не понял
что это тоже буква.
И этот мирф позволяет нам восстановить периоды алфавита:
That Hyginus's account describes the same sequence of events
twice: Notice how Mercury appears in the moment of creation of the
first seven simbols. And Mercury is of merchants, and thus those
seven are numerals, as the roman numerals we know of: IVXLCD(M) ~
IVXLCD(M)~IVHABT (A~Λ) but this seance of guessing
didn't give fruit. How would I apply mostly consonant set to
mostly vowel set.. unless:
I ты? (is it going to the pronoun thing or is it just
an apophenic studies?)
V вы?!
ex~их? эти? they le ה?
Either way, I got distracted, I brought that myth to say that in
the E~H positions of those templar crosses, H stands on top,
because it is told to predate the E form. H was the vowel of the
second line before E appeared? H is more simple graphically (two
sticks connected, and that it is a connection forms N and И tell
(И is what greek H became in russian, and N in russian is Н, and
bothe И and N are plural suffixes and 'n' of and is и, and all
that reminds 𓏭
The name Сешат makes me believe that she could place her name
ibn t in the end of the alphabet, and
it give me a key to look for primers by them having
People don't use mother's names as матчество, becuase it would
agitate hormones-ridden retards in stressful situations.
in english version they say Maat is considered to be her mother,
but here it tells, that she channelled Maat to the level of being
called Maat herself.
And here emblems stands first. Which is weird, I thought emblem is
placed after the phonetic part, so is 𓋇 having the phonetic value
of sesh or does that
it is interesting how seshat has its own hieroglyph, amongst other
..𓊼𓊽𓊾𓊿𓋀𓋁𓋂𓋃𓋄𓋅𓋆𓋇.. I should learn, and I wondered what
was that similar hieroglyph, and I found that some mess in unicode
is happening:
here's this line in SeaMonkey:

here's this line in FireFox:

(so Seshat is the rightmost of the FireFox set, I wonder what it's
all about.. they messed up, but who? SeaMonkey or FireFox? or
unicode themselves? because hardly would any browser redraw the
I have reported the bugreport to some administrative figure in
unicode conferences, hope they help.
And the next seance I begin with Seshat, I wanted to guess that
the oval in her name could stand for cartouch and thus be the
ideogram, but some more basic version of the name don't even have

and the answer to my question about what is the other hieroglyph:

the other one just has two feathers, but they seem not to
recognize that the element on the top is a cap of mushrum. And
they surely don't say that the "green flower on a long staff"
which they sometimes call the lower element, is cannabis. Look at
this image,
and that oval is here:
𓆇 (and if tyou thingk that it's too long for egg, check
eggs of ibis)
And digging through egypitian, I looked at other deities, and
found a word, reminding Seshat:
A sistrum (plural: sistra or
Latin sistra;[1] from the Greek σεῖστρον seistron of the same
meaning; literally "that which is being shaken", from σείειν
seiein, "to shake"[2][3][4]) is a musical instrument of the
percussion family, chiefly associated with ancient Egypt. It
consists of a handle and a U-shaped metal frame, made of brass
or bronze and between 30 and 76 cm in width. When shaken, the
small rings or loops of thin metal on its movable crossbars
produce a sound that can be from a soft clank to a loud
jangling. Its name in the ancient Egyptian language was sekhem
(sḫm) and sesheshet (sššt).
It's funny, that it is mostly shown without coins, which make the
musical jingle making it the musical instrument, so I don't show
pictures of sistrums from which coins were stolen, but I show you
that my guess was accurate, and sistrums are supposed to have
coins, which I recognized after reading about how it was placed
(it's such a primitive musical instrument as rattle)
(the examples without coins you can see at
the wiki page to which the previous image leads)
And this time I think I found that sacred primer I was looking for
near seshat images, and it's funny that where I found it it's
framed in red:

And though most of those signs, the repeating sequence, three, or
who knows maybe even four times
And I recognize those elements in some other pictures:
and another good candidate for the sacred primer:
(and a collection of
pictures with hole the text)
The text above is cut, but it is just some text, what can be seen
by repeating elements, and then what interests me is the 𓅓
grouped with two other elements and I wonder if those other two
are not A & S.
The letters below begin wiht ka, which is how eastern canon
begins. And they don't repeat. And I suspect the primer to begin
And another variant:

I consider it to be another variant of primer, and I recommend to
open this image in another tab, I have shrinked it four times,
it's quite distinct really)
and another image, similar to the other one, which I consider to
also be a source of info on early stages of writing system (like
what does Toth draws)
There are plenty of interesting images of Seshat, I have to
research them, and I probably will:

notice how in this one at the left we can see the same writing
telling that 𓅓 and 𓐝 is the same thing, And thus I think I found
the first alphabet of the glorious Seshat. The 16? or eleven?
Because at the left version we have sign of Seshat, and thus I
suspect the righter version to transliterate it: and the first
sign of the name, as I guess, gave me confusion over which one is
it? 𓇑 or 𓇓[sw] but not 𓇔 (that's the 𓆓's head in the picture,
and I suspect it to be a ligature with 𓂋, thus if it's so, it's
swr (swear?)) and not 𓇖 nor 𓇗[šmꜥ
(so I
suspect it to be a cognate of russian смерть (I can say by the
shape of the sign (all branches are crossed (crossed! cursed!)
and the phonetic part gave it right away (and the previous sign
probably goes further with this cognatic similarity)))]
or 𓇙 and then go 𓆓[dj] and the sign 𓊃[s] repeats itself,
and it can do so before the final
(and once
again unique and phonetic) sign 𓆑 [f]
(which would be great final simbol, because
snails are slow), if 𓊃 stands for "and" or "with" (which
it doesn't, they say it stands for sound s, for door, and for
something else, and door made me think that what if that is the ""
of some sort, telling that the symbols within them are the thing,
and others are some blablabla)
(also research these: 𓇒[nn] 𓇕 𓇘 which
were amongst them in unicode)
and then some uncertainty over is there's 𓐍 or not before the 𓀲
or 𓀳 or 𓀴
and because this is how they wrote Seshat

I suspect that to be the reason for 𓏏 to repeat there, and more
than this, I suspect the figure to the right of it (on that image
of the text I'm trying to make sense of) to be from some parallel
text or an element of a more complex variant of the name.
So I dig for a more complete version, and yep, probably of her
name it is a piece, but other column made my theory of primer fall
flat, or did it? It seems to do.

But then I see, that the leftmost two columns could go like abcd..
Seshat has brought us and blablabla.
So that third colum, the one by Seshat is probably the set of
first writing system, and because ..and then I see that two signs
in that thing are not phonetic, the first one is cartouche with
the flag, it's the axe, because it looks at the beginning of
the line, flag would look against the direction, as it is blown by
air like that. So ..are the three final simbols of the thiurd
column tell something like Joseph?
But then I think I recognize all the simbols, so let's just
combine the text and google it.
Hopefully some pieces of 𓇯𓎤𓊃𓂋𓐝 or 𓇯𓎤𓊃𓂋𓅓
I don't see
cartouche with 𓊹, so here I brake the sequence)𓏏𓉐𓎛𓈖𓂝
can bring results, or if not, I can later ask it from
And though "𓇯𓎤" and "𓊃𓂋𓐝" and "𓊃𓂋𓅓" returned nothing,
"𓎛𓈖𓂝" returned 126 results, and no wonder, it is a word:

"𓉐𓎛𓈖𓂝" returns nothing again. So I just leave it at here as
one of my first attempts to actually read egyptian, this is how we
learn, I told you it's a draft thing, so let's move on,

and here this cobra thing demomns
demonstrates was the word) is that sign past 𓋇 of which
I wondered at the previous image. So one riddle less. But I will
return to this thing when I can actually read it. At least
now I have the candidates of the begninning of the writing system,
whether they are or aren't, it is something of great importance
and worth of some thorough comprehension.
отчего-то в русском языкознании "староиталийские шрифты" не
соответствует термину "old italic scripts", но "италийские
письменности" гораздо ближе:

и тот же термин принёс ещё один интересный ресурс:

сравни следующие две таблицы:

The one on the left is called альпийские (северноэтрусские)
The one on the right is called old-italic scripts.
Yet as you can see, they're the same writing systems, the only
five existing in the group, it's just the groups are named
completely different in russian and english language studies.
Yet, as you can see, russian and english specialists have
different opinions on the sets.
Dear Robert Graves, thank you for this text more precise than
Hyginus's, thank you for this reference to other sources, so I
know where to read to find this deeper. that it is 52's chapter
and my brochure accidently has 52 pages it is incredible. A year
has 52 (plus 5/28 ((1.25)/7)) weeks
elements like this make me guess that we could live in not totally
materialistic world (combining into it both probabilities of
virtual reality, of god's creation, and now I see that it also
includes neuronets like us (living entities) playing with this
world, which seems not necessarily ..yet quite possibly the
Imagine how long humans as specie exists. Think of other sentient
creatures. Think of how not that much civilizzation develops from
first inventor the Phoroneus, to aiming to immortality. Few
thousands? I doubt they could remember names if it wasn't written,
so written history is tens of centuries.
萬s of centuries. (萬 sounds exactly like
one. and it's like рубль is 1000рублей, because chinese use
wan (in japanese - 万 man (chiNESE japaNESE na=страна?
ese=speech? язык! суффикс)
万 is also used in chinese today instead of 萬, simplified form of
which it is. And in chinese it's still wan (exactly like one and
one is win! one simple spell
two is "too!" (you, who is around the one we spell bless, win too,
or get what he (the one I bless and they're with) gets, so they
are interested )
three is what.
дерево у них три
а три у них сри
а сри у них шит
а щит у них шилд
а шилдик у них нэйм плэйт (имени тарелка)
а щиток у них switch box (переключателей коробка)
is russian -ок englih -ox? pox and fox say
not likely
один (адам)
дева (ева!)
фор.. fours~force?
six is sex!
is snake the seven? 7~Z (zmei, slang (both й & ŋ are sonors))
chinks and japnx shoot their children in the foot by teaching them
to count nubers with crosses: it gives the answer as some magic,
while the eropean way to calculate it в столбик gives direct
understanding of how the operation is performed, so they can make
it in their mind easier. Or does the oriental way to calculate
give them some inner vision of better precission?
I think this is the subject worthy of research, I'm just not going
to be that researcher, but you please feel free. Compare chinese
who self-reportedly were taught to calculate in european way to
those who uses the calculation with crossings, and survey how many
of which side is successful inventors (because they say that
chinese have higher iq, but lower inventiveness. So whether their
iq tests are cheated (very not likely, because anybody can test
people, there are millions of psychologists, and I haven't even
heard of chinks tested lower than whites, and I frequent forchong,
so I would, thus it's true, so whether some gene is still
misssing, or their culture messes them up,m their (and juiwish
culture mess their nation exactly by their antiquity, being
obsolete. Europeans have the advantage of later flourishing, so
don't get too proud of yourself, but try to teach chinks your
ways, But wouldn't they conquer and destroy us? Help ai develop,
so that )
Помидор as apple of gold never made sense to me, even if they had
yellow tomatos first, which I don't believe in. Even if they
called red gold, червоно золото. It also wouldn't make sense,
because apples are red and yellow as well. So because апельсин
apple from china, makes sense. So помидор яблоко с какой-то
неведомой мне местности под названием ор (ур?) ур может быть,
ближе они чем китай. и потому помидоры нам ближе
(и думал что можети это pomme d'our (наше
яблоко, но яблоки у нас тоже растут. Но росли ли они у нас до
того как прививать крупные сорта на дичку научились?)но в общем,
яблоко из ура - хорошая версия)
and that piece from Graves is so interesting, I ignored it not to
depend on his points, now I am certain of my truth enough to start
reading the literature again. And it is time to finish smoking
weed to, baka, don't quit smoking weed. Just recognize, that
there's that cuple thing which is my actual goal, because it is
the thing I'm better in when I'm not high on weeed. ABCD is weed's
thing, and probably this is why Seshat has weed.. it is weed, its
hieroglyph is weed and shroom. Sm0oking weed being under the
influence of mushrooms.
So, let' get to that text, to see what it contributes:
If what he says is true, I belongs in the very beginning of the
alphabet, which its form approves of, and probably it is empthy
staff before the firs stroke of ᛁ which literally predates the ᚁ
in the set:
᚛ ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅ ᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊ
ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ ᚐᚑᚒᚓᚔ
so let's suspect it to be accurate and lay down the set of ogham
in the form of letters, on the basis of the text of the previous
I B L N F O S H D U T C M E G Ng R
17.. the 18 is A day of which is not told in that text. But why
did I use the russian translation, when it's the english author,
and english I don't only read, I write it right now.
and of course I saw it before, not knowing what of it is true,
didn't read into it too much, and now I can see why did that
russian variant caught my attention: it had the reference I never
saw in other editions.