It is volume 7 ( 0123456 ) this is a draft
part, it may seem that I stumble around some random rhymes, but
that's how I always was working and some cool stuff came out of
it, so the most solid info is the first half of the first
volume, all the rest is raw as odb loved it or more. several
cool notes appeared afterwards, so I keep it online just in case
and because ever wanted to read drafts of scientists.
Note Knowed Knot
I'm going to spiral around these topics until I arrive to my
destination or wherever it leads me.
A complete new source of inquiry:
and the more informative piece in russian:
(google's translator translates it better
and better, you should be able to use it to read russian)
It tells of african telegraph-like
communication with the help of drums and ancient greeks' way of
using signal fires to transmit messages
(thus beacons could be something more than what we thought)
What could be the very origin of drum-communication? Probably to
help hunters to find way home. And then they would recognize that
something's happening if the drum beat came uneven. and now they
say that whole complicated phrases are communicated in just the
drum beat. Brian Eno said that afican music in the sense of rhythm
went much further than european ever was. Europeans have every
reason to be proud, but sometimes we're too proud to the level of
some ignorant arrogance.
Or could those drum beats begin as a scaring technique when they
needed to scare the predators away? Probably it was the beginning: a man hits the water with a stick, another man asks
him wtf he was doing, scaring the crocodiles away was the
response, but there's no crocodiles for miles around. see, it's
speech, drums, horns, fires, maybe lyres were bows and.. bows were
bow is дуга as if above, rain..bow!
if bow is arrow then (a = b ? R = B?)
then what was the instrument? the catgut?!
arrow as a bow, you can throw it, you can shoot it, you can use it
as a pike. pick,
pike is the metal part of the arrow (among
other things: spear, luce (щука (щ ~ п?)),
thorn, pitchfork, застава взымающая подорожный сбор)
pick is many verbs, probably related to
pike, and among them is перебирать струны
(щ ~ п?)
ц ~ r (both could be c & г)
not ц! ч ~ r! (in cursive)
(both could be c = г)
bow is лук, so they didn't play cords with the arrow, but with the
bow, the horse hair bowing a stick is the bow, because it's in the
form of a bow. and струной could be the road
between those ends, because it's believed
that a potful of gold is at the end of it, but it was a lie,
of course, and it stuck because nobody could disprove it (was there a lack of water or what? whatever)
Drum were the shields? and some mighty sticks served as the
So are girls bows and arrows and guys are shields and swords?
shieled (защитил?)
swored(рвал? материл? драл?)
schiele is squint in german which makes me believe that shields
were the mirrors and thus girls could use it if their simbol is
actually a person with a mirror, as if + is mirror, becuse it's
lines are in focus (не совпадают, но пересекаются (в точке фокуса?
they're all at the surface of the mirror, because it's not lense.
not lance? lance could be some magic stick, so one side of it
would be a spear, the other could be some magic stone. glass balls
can burn fire!!! I told you that they were used as lenses to read,
but fire, of course!!!
lance from the one side, lense from the other one? a & i as
two forms of syllable, only two position in the consonants:
palatalized and not.
and labialization doesn't usually matter in consonants, but it can
influence the vowels.
As if palatalization is from vowel i, and labialization is from
consonant v
I & V the first in roman (numerals)
labialized or nasalized? m is pronounced over nose.
n is also, even though it's managed not to be labial.
nevertheless, m & n are cognates, and n is probably new.
as abc it was imk I MK it is crazy.
where's l? I is l. K ~ N? ᚴ ~ ᚿ (because o
is ᚮ in unicode and upwards in Bornholm)
are k & n come out of ᛜ?
𐰖𐰗 are both [j]
𐰗 is in Yenisei
𐰖 is in Orkhon
𐰶𐰷 are their q
𐰷 is in Yenisei
𐰶 is in Orkhon
If 𐰗 relates to ᛜ I dunno, but 𐰶 does both look and sound like ᚲ
(if it's truly etymology or merely mnemonics I dunno as well)
> As if palatalization is from vowel i, and labialization is
from consonant v
nasalization (the same as labialization) turns into йотирование in
russian: я & ю are believed to be юсы (according to Даль,
So these deviations are in a sense both i's: palatalization is i
after the letter, labialization is paradoxically also i but before
the letter. as if и[i] is u (look the same in cursive)
i jklmnopq r
у фхц ч
u vwx y.. ?
у ф х цч шщ
u vw x y z
шщ s z
z is zed zd st (t short s aor s long t? ת is reported to sound as
θ which make it reflect θ)
ε ζ η θ
and that demands θ to take the place of ζ so ζ can be final as z
is as З is in ёжз η is ᚼ is Жж
As I said before, fuck academia.
Museion forever!
The british museum responded to my message with an offer to use
their collection to further my research:
And dice, die, palamedes, these search didn't show me anything I
didn't know before,
Abecedaria also, but abecedarium returned this image:
it went structurally for the first half:
Ι Κ Λ Μ...
and then, where M was out of place it's as if it's broken by the
additional Ν Ξ which could be nix.
are five letters per a line, not four, and these added
complexities make this structure not exactly evident.
Was looking for "abecedary ostracon" and the first good find is
I hope sometimes people are not so poor that
they place their pdfs behind the paywall or at least I am reich and subscribe to all the journals
just for the hell of it. but fuck it, I don't do it by
ideological reasons.
That ostracon uses a good method to conserving the information:
they start with the abecedary so those who use some other font
will be also able to read.
It's even good that I don't see the rest of it, so I can make my
own transliteration just to practice
(or you may)
and another one: :
Inscription on the 'Izbet Sartah ostracon
represents the earliest known non-cuneiform abecedary. The
ostracon is discovered in 1976 in 'Izbet Sartah in Israel, and
it is dated to the 12th or the early 11th century BC.
The inscription is written by an unskilled scribe, probably a
student, and it consists of four lines of writing exercises,
followed by the 22 letters of the Ancient Hebrew alphabet in the
fifth line.
The following table is stumbled upon during that ostracon
abecedaria quest, but it's something different, it compares
phoenician to hieratic which is awesome if true
another piece of that Budge-Brugsch-Rouge egyptology abecedaries
was shown to me by some Maxim Makarov: it's
from a book by Budge:
I just noticed that since I learned that
wehn frsit and lsat ltteers are the smae, you can raed txets
dritotsed lkie tihs, I bgaen mkiang mtasieks lkie tihs, so
beware of them and this way of writing, this bug didn't happen
to me until I dared to write like this somewhere before in this
I also noticed that these three are different: it's
Birch instead of Brugsch this time. I
wonder if Birch is just another way to transliterate the same
name, and either way why are their names so much alike!
In my notebooks I discover how lines of the alphabet could be
aranged into syllabary sets of
sonors (whatever they are)
and then I go further to the 4*4 table with no sonors, but some of
them appear other spots or are they?
Check the first knitten (нить [nitt] is thread in russian)
notebook when it's scanned (see further for it or the manuscript
folder past #50 (it may be closer to #100 because tens of
unscanned notebooks predate it)
Why do they keep on pushing "fewer" instead of less?
The form "fewer" is almost never use, thus it's
whether obsolete or completely made up by academia: "fewer"
sounds especially retarded when you count in millions.
(the tread where I posted it was immediately
deleted, but 4plebs remembers)
a drop into that bucket with swasticas and triple yin-yangs:
notice that it's both directions at the same time depending ot nhe
way wou see it.
sincerely, sensibly, in these two words first parts could be
cognates to sign, but to tell it for sure we need some ai to feed
all these pairs and other things. What is your aspirations in
life? You can achieve anything in just 10 years, so a person (and
perdaughter) can achieve several incredible goals during their
lifetime. Are you into ai or biology or programming or music or
where would you be?
caught got, this kind of cognates, vocal cognates, I wonder if all
vowel-cognates synonymous, because vowels are vocales in spanish.
пора давай пока were the first ones, and they can be cognates,
пока is bye, and пора is "it's time" and давай say for bye. So
this mental experiment could set the borders of the vocalization
liberties, and if fills like weak-strong stressed-unstressed
beats, like in heart. a steady bye-bye with the second bye
stressed. I heard of a guy who claims that intonations are the key
to understand any language, I didn't take him seriously, but maybe
he discovered some animal level of understanding the language. I
will check him.
the power of ultimate honesty yet, try it accurately, recognize
its limits: to tell truth to enemies can be dangerous, first you
have to realize what is the truth in the world where those people
can be your friends, but this is so raw for me too, I'm a
theorist, I can only guess where the implementations of these
ideas can lead.
It's hard for me to look into my own drafts because they are full
of obsolete ideas which were rejected or forgotten, but those
drafts still contain their gems demanding some further.. cognitions?
(I don't even know what exactly they're
demanding. Being archived and never touched maybe?)
It is just wrong. It's good I explored the possible arrangements,
but why is it even here?
Was I surprised by three-mother-ness of ems or dollarness of dlr
and chequeness of ckq?
Now this is how apophenias work. It could be anything, and thus
it's nothing.
Those three columns from a to t are three by six, and I probably
didn't think about it then,
and h among vowels also makes sense which I wouldn't probably see
back then,
even though I studied japanese already.
d reflects r as in the k-symmetry, which I already knew then,
f reflects t which is all very interesting, but I don't think this
representaion goes far,
but it does reflect the idea of g being a form of c and h coming
the latest.
Was g the original as in original g? Because runic alphabet
doesn't distinguish ᚦ into c and d.
and j & h meet in ᚼ which just as j can sound as h in one
context and as short i in the other,
so h can sound as h and yet in greek it's i the way it was
transmitted into russian,
unless they took it directly from ugaritic 𐎊 or egyptian 𓇌(𓏭)
I don't like how m stands out of labials, but it's nothing new.
I especially don't like how f stands out of that column, but that
could be the reason behind greek θ.
Either way what's about E? Is it why it's consonantalized in
In greek z is the final of the first column,
which demands me to ponder on it in greek:
I dunno, it doesn't seem to lead anywhere, the first case of 6 8
10 was the most interesting, even though it also didn't have
much of symmetry between it's neighbours. and even those other
three wouldn't help.
See, returning to the old notebooks is a waste of time. I was so
worried about my drafts (and I probably should, but let some
other people or machines look into that whatever.
About those intonations, melodic patterns as information:
покА, давАй, пиздУй, летИ, bye-bYe, /
остАнься, stay hEar, ^
as if / is waving goodbye, and ^ is waving welcome.
отстАнь, but остАнься
as if the final syllable is not sya, but not.
Pronouns are often antonimous towards itself (in different
Can yes/no go like that? can sya be no event though si is yeah?
like what's the difference between hai & nai in japanese?
is it the same letter but h is upwards, and μ is down?
but "how do you do" has the same melody as "нахуй иди" or do those
i & u make all the difference?
I think that work is done, so why should I wånder? To make an
independent research to compare afterwards? I doubt this flow
delivers me to the my goal in in all: to recognize all the
Let's begin with building a map of only pronouns, it's a simpler
task and those alone could connect to tribes names and the gods
they worshiped. Read the first knitten notebook for more detail.
or that's it.
how do you do is more like хавай еду
This world is enough
(that was an automatic writing, the one french modernists
promoted over a century ago)
((hopefully thinking about how it's all going to be just alright
(with the capsule and such)))
Some more of ogham:
not the best example to learn ogham by, but it definitely contains
some info, here's the clearer one:
I only wanted to try to read the ligatures of the following image,
but what use, I don't speak Gaelic.
I don't even know if that's the same writing system. If it's a
writing system.
An update on Great Parma:
I fancy thinking that what I write in vol.1
influenced that guy, because I spoke about it elsewhere
anonymously. Either way he did some great work, showing historic
pages I never had an idea about. Bravo.
but nevertheless freaky, so be aware and trust nothing, we all
make mistakes. I go freakier..
Though I think this very script has nothing to do with the
permian, that video mentions some other accounts of non-kirillic
writing systems used in moscovy. нас заковали москали. кали цари
k-ings z-s.
z-r zar kniazer khazar? knyaZ Znatt (weed
suddenly hit me high, I guess, reading it later)
г-дь г-дин господин господень божий человек божий народ боярин
богач богатырь богатырень
боится трясётся бьёт тряплет трясёт просит prays бьётся// цwhat do
That piece of the bell is from the russian public opposition to
official academia, it's here not because I immediately see
something in it, but because it was in a
film about anbur my friend and colleague who helped me with .odo
have shown me, and I also want to collect all the writing
systems, even invented writing systems deserve being preserved
for history as clouds around tree of writing systems,
simultaneous with the language tree. now back to the black text:
only why didn't they teach us that? why would they drive us crazy?
also nationalism and separatism are felonies in putin's russia,
pr, P as rusia's torch at olimpics:
For russians it's Р in Россия, for foreigners it's P in Putin, so
I may only hope that next will be navalny because n is п in путин
(doubtful foreigner, see the cursive forms) that sosni zainцу's another story.
Even though I recognize another jew in navalny, they play us like
children, but their games brought me the understanding of some
bond between several letters:
n-п-p-р-r-г-g-д-d-D-and back to ᚦ and р and p
g-д - see russian cursive to understand (same as with m-т further
let's find the other raws like that to see if this game even
b&d are supposed to be the opposites, but they meet at n, but
they also meet in roman cursive, where they both look in he
d-side, only Б (there flipped to the left) has a longis-kind just
as ᛒ is double ᚦ.
M-m-т-T the weirdest yet thoroughly separated from BD, so that is
how it is? Bd and mT
That is ultra funny, because they look like Majuscule and
minuscule forms of Bb and Tт
Oh wow, no need to see cursive tables, т is officially the
italic form of т.
little form of B could be farting sound or was В [v] as that
russian letter is, and B [b] is its english form.
but then it doesn't explain how d is a small B other than ᚦ is a
half of ᛒ
Was it semantic notation instead of phonetic one? Two lips, but
only one tongue.
Tт contradicts Пп a little bit, because in cursive standart
(устоявшееся искусство? fole etymology)
see again:
it's as if ПТ challenge the order of MN, as if П is M and thus n
is m and N... error, error, building of a sand, guessing too far,
bridge doesn't want to appear, or I simply panicked, but it's
something to ponder on that's for sure, only if this cursive isn't
cursed, because it delivers some mindfucks, like why д looks like
g? and why п lookls like english n, and especially why т looks
like english m now?
I'm not sure I placed these two sides by side, I must be sure I do
when I combine it in different books.
According to that right image, ч/ц is like ш/щ, even though the
order doesn't support it, compare the majuscule forms, ⰀⰁⰂⰃⰄ of
абвгд shows how free russians are about hight of such elements: в
& д oppose eachother completely in the other font of theirs,
where bubbles on them are all like the last one.
How reliable a source the russian alphabet? al russian regimes
were rather ominous, so ominous that the current cleptocracy seems
as one of the best ones, so shitty they govern us here. So wasn't
russian writing mutilated to fuck us up especially: like russian
cursive fucks us up, why would Д & д look differently in
cursive, and they both look differently, but especially д
(that's italic д, but it goes g way too, which is
especially f-ed-up, but probably refers to ᚦ)
Back to that bell. Not that it has anything to do to my research,
but it's a language thing, and as in the television manner when
they feed the viewers some based stuff and then add some atrocious
bs, I feel it to be my duty to take a good care of that piece I
never even knew about. As I said, that misterious script isn't
permian, but what is it, Here let me link a good article about it: (mirror)
and a simple bilingua
(it's like six different cyphres one after
another, check the link above to see if it's okay. there they
admit, that some mistakes are made, and that mistakes are
considred by that freaky opposition to be evidence of the
translation being false, but they could be explained by the
artists not knowing that script (as it used to happen with
chinese manuals in russian before the internet got better) and
the tzar himself, who probably inspected the forms before the
cast could be unable to read them without the tables of his)
I took that episode close to heart, because I saw one of my
discoveries used by somebody else (and I cannot patent history or
to let other people use it, but I told myself that they will
attach to it shitload of their own shit, and those this bell thing
is an interesting curiousity, it is probably work of art of the
tzar of the occupiers, it has probably has nothing to do to
writings of the conquered nations, it's just some high-ranking
retard having fun. I refuse to keep on digging into that episode
for now, I only keep it here because of that n-п-p-why doesn't
that p go more г-like or rather г-like (that first one is
just in italic)
but to my surprise that г would look like what I was
looking for if you placed it instead of ɔ in p.
yeah, because of that being stuck in this
part, and it's also freaky in its way, maybe even freakier
Бd and ПMт is a great
breakthrough, so why worry if some people spread my thought the
way they can, it still get out there, I can catch it later, I also
can prove that I was first (if Fomenko didn't say it first. I
contacted both him and Nosovsky, because I referred to them and
not only in the freaks.html, so they could take it from that first
volume (but I backed it up just in such a case, or if they spoke
about it before me, then I should stick my чсв into my own. I
don't really care, but I do. not really. yes. but not too much.
ᛆᛒᚦ would make more sense if d was a
consonant form of a (as if they both were da, the one syllable
of some prehistoric syllabary) then it would go 1212121212.. and
just as ᛒ is double ᚦ, so ᚾ is double ᛆ and thus again e ~ o
(because aa is o, but it makes more sense if aa= o, oo=u, but
then again ee=i, so does it say that u = i? which is strange,
because и [i] in russia.
but why ᚠᚵ follows ᚾ if ᚾ is already doubel? 12122120 it all
doesn't look right, and thus my guess is wrong. or was there a
letter between ᚾ and ᚠ or I'm making it up? I most probably do.
It's time to go work on my capsule, but I'm a commonner and
don't just dare or what, please god reprogram me, I must build
that immortality capsule, it's not enough to just know the way,
one must also walk the walk. Please! Gods! Muses! Superstars!
All make me mighty and powerful so I use this might for good.
So, in conclusion of this freaky day, I must say that language
enthusiasts who are looking for russian scripts are desperate,
because they grasp every straw, but ignore the based glagolythic
script, for whether ertza (zyryan, komi, parmic) script is ancient
or not, it isn't russian (even though it
could be a criminal thing to say, as a free scientist I must.)
There were writing systems on the territory of Russia before
christians, because it's impossible that they wasn't, because the
fashion for national writing systems was universal. Whatever, the
possibility maps will be built with some advanced computing
powers, I only set the vectors, the fractals will be drawn by the
other beings.
Why didn't I dig in into that knitting stuff, I found it and as if
left interest to it immediately, and that is how I usually work: I
discover something, I let it lay, if it matters I return to it. or
am supposed to.
but one final chord:
The city where that bell used to be is called zvenigorod
(toll-city) and for whatever reason their emblem is like that,
with 88 in the centre of some seamingly meaningless text:
is it also why they call us racia? are they preparing us to be
cannon fodder for another rahowa?!!
fodder feeds, huh
So I guess the first incident of somebody using my research (if we
call my thoughts on anbur research) was good enough: somebody
translated my separatistic tendencies further the knoosphere with
a sticker on it: I had some pdf-library mirroring my pdfs and now
somebody transmits it further as their own. ir could be some
plural suffix like aettir. their = те их? иf ich, whiy the?
eir ear ух
i ~ и
a ~ у(u)
are all these one letter and only o is double a? a is oi? or
si as duh? as is is? a is i? a as
ו doesn't wan't to stand peacefully with
that ا on the same line (try to put a spacebar and ו after that
ו is o and u, thus any vowl could be |
разделитель? не бру, а беру, типа тпру, стой, сними той, buy бери,
буй (стопори?) бери? обуй вокруг возьми (кожу вокруг ноги
продают?) обувь о- boot, boot is boat? 𓃀-ed or 𓃀-еть. 𓃀-ell?
𓃀-owl? 𓃀-rake? 𓃀-ellow? 𓃀-ong? 𓃀log! 𓃀ox 𓃀ottle 𓃀 значии
стоячая, ? ШэI'm so high? , why dare I say? don't get hight until
you're adult, I took tit since 16 or
18, and I don't recommend it to anyone who doesn't made his or her
serious opinion of what cannabis smokers are in the society and if
you want to be like one of them, and depending on your personality
you will whether see musicians like me and others or you see them
as slobos. maybe my trippies are you most or least favourite
𓃀 shows flat bottom in some eau-ed-el
𓃀 keeps the ox still (standing, st-el)
𓃀 makes your log not laying in your table, but up as on site (not
𓃀 is standing (as in thang instead of thing)
𓃀 is standing yellow, as if he pissed himself, that's why yellow is
associted with cowards in english
a𓃀ove is showing ab as up?
abnormality is abov normal level anomality, so it's not ab, it's
a above
b belov
a obey (не дерись)
b бей
a ata
b baba mama
a ash пламя flame fire F? father?
b meim вода woта WM woman mother?
a d t
кирилица подделка под глаголицу как иврит поддерлка под санскрит
глаго лица - говорящие образы (конечно же
это поэтическое осмысление, не вычитанное)
также и анбур наверняка имеет своё значение, а за ним и целая
(но это философское осмысление, тоже не
google translates глаголица like verb (глагол, cлово слогово) word = verb, d = b, do is be and be
is do? verb v or b
d was b and b was v? В is V in russia. as if В is also Ⰲ turned
90° just as Б came out of b or Д came out of d - as if russian
forms are latin forms tuned 90° clockwise. And thus somehow Ⰲ is
an ancient form of V which also looks like Ф and M and UWand so on
and מם𐡌 and 𓅓
and that owl makes Ⰲ more ancient form than B
did B form appeared when we began drawing bodies instead of faces.
so glagolitsa are calling faces (see litso
in clockwork orange)
and Ⰲ is exactly gragolythic (lythic is stone, and it's as if
litso is foundry, founding, and those who called lythic stone were
speaking in stone age, and we acquired these types of words like
face only when we knew forgery so good we had foundry? But then
our language should be developing among vulcanos? or forest is
better to experiment with fire? or is ll these etymologies absurd?
I do the best I can, I wll sort out them later.
will = in all? вообще?* когда-нибудь, ? сделаЮ futURum but I'm
lost again and don't know latin
I tried to find it in a better quality, but only found this:
And I asked myself? Could these secret 15 be
those legendary 15, the original canon of the alphabet?
UW? nah
So that trip was high and low until I went of f the track.
let's conspect the tasty pieces of the trip:
Ⰲ was before B
глаго лица is probably главо лица or гласо
лица глотка т, с, в, г
вгст I wonder what it means. гла mattered the same thing and
вгст changing changed the meaning.
глава вааббще,
глосо голос с эс ин сэй скажи ска~жи ска-зывай жи ори жжи ори
жги оги I dunno, could be.
глото if all гло is head, глв, глава главна в энд н сффиксыс
𓃀 lives in b
a above
b below
if b matters in below, it's 𓃀
a thus is 𓂝
and if it's in above then that ab is up, and shown by the hand up
han𓂧 𓃀oot but 𓆑oot
улиточка считалась подошвой? если всё живое на разных уровнях
развития (что видно при сравнении человека с обезьяной, то
улиточка лишь подошву и ноготок или клювик или череп или панцырь
Let's use egyptian symbols more and more.
I will when I install some patch or attach or addone or additive
to my station so I can type with egyptian b d f g i k m r s t to
see where they lead me, eventually writing it all in egyptian
letters and watching how the meanings floeat.
leg is 𓃀een [bejn] in dutch (bone is also been, so they saw bones
as legs?, plural form is benen)
foot is voet [fut] and poot [pəʊt] which pretty much unifies all
the labial (except m)
been en steen is bone and stone, начало и конец, bot is also bone.
Yet in deaf alphabet a is a fist and palm is b (d is also palm,
but in the form of closed c (c is a palm showing c with thumb for
the bottom end and finures for the
top. why finures? gingers, fingers....
d as closed c
b as closed ɔ
and thus c is a for some hebrew alephs remind k?
male and female, yang and yin
But back to the deaf stuff:
I was speaking looking at the end of /deaf.html (which was end then, my
now, here it is again)
but there are other sign alphabets:
being completely different system, surprisingly L O and T are the
same, and some other letters demonstrate similar meaning (if the
mining is in the fingers themselves, compare E, F, M, N, P, S, Z,
especially look at how there are two R's in the second one, so
these three variants are as if R occupies two fingers, and you can
press any of them or both. Why is it here? To make it clear. It
makes it more complicated, but it's here to clarify the first of
these two: It's as if it counts fingers FGHI from index to pinky,
L is similar to G which reminds me a lot, MNO simply draw the
letters in air, on both tables so, PQRST counts fingers back from
pinty to thumb or rather it's as if it's FGHPQRST, notice how o
reminds s as if it's σ (Q could be the nameless finger, but then
not to confuse it to R, R doesn't need thumb and Q is modified too
to make it clear. Hh & Ы are the other uses of this simbol, as
if for Horns and for drawing the letter in the air, like those MNO
are. Now I wonder if those 15 letters are 14 falangs and the whole
fist for later-induced A?
Look what I found: Ivan or Juan or Sven:
probably I can see now why cursive is called that.
I even read around as world, which maybe stopped me from readin
that ivan word, still can't read it.
but if' it's let's s... this around, his s and t look very much
alike, huh, drawn differently: s in one line, t is in two.
Here's an ironic truth: I learnt scientific method from a
protestant pastor: 12
observation, hypothesis, experimentation, theory, communication,
and now I apply it to my work and I see some irregularities:
I experimented with hypotheses I got during my observations of the
language: armenian regained the link to the structure I've
onserved when I digged depper in the past (in Mashtots's students
So now I must build my theory, but theory began growing further. I
had hypothesis that the structure is universal, so I observed
(during the "experiments") the other languages and explained all
the irregularities (greek myth writes of 2 vowels added to the 5)
only M is not explained properly, but what is Ζ and Θ then? ΕΖ/ΗΘ
are invariant pair as in OP/QR and in russian after З(Z) goes И(I)
as if Z is the final, and I is digits, 1I 2J 3K 4L 5M 6N they're
tens, 7O but 8 fits O much more, but in hebrew 1i 2k 3l 4m 5n 6o
7f 8q 9Я
s is sto (hundrend)
я загнался, в иврите 1i 2k 3l 4m 5n 6s 7ayn 8p 9ts (as if
tsadi is z)
100 is q 200r 300s 400t + 5soFits (co Fin's)
q and a are similar in latin, in cursive hebrew it's as if stick
around a curve siply stands at the other side, and then yod is
that curve? It's observation, but what it's hyposesis is? Hebrew
ones tens hundreds somehow reflect each other? Let's see it in
others bet, kaf, rush, all are very similar graphicaly, but almost
three mothers in phonetic structure, it could be another guess,
but a i q don't play this way, unless I recognize some form of p
or ф - let's go on with the previous hypothesis
gimel, lamed, shin - gimel and lamed are very close in this work,
I observed their similarities many times (mostly graphical, but
2's are also only graphically alike, but what is shin! completely
different, but if it was S, lamed is very similar, and s is
related to c.
dalet reflects tav I see it clear, the 2nd is M do die tav morte?
I didn't expect this company, even though т is russian
italic т(t) but now dalet is out of suit, colour, масти.
Did D gave birth to T and Т gave birth to т? В смысле не
просто та, но моя, Not only that, but mine.
I-row is full of questioning postfix: did humans learn property
when they began to ask questions? Просите и дано будет вам. а не
каббалу ли я открываю: каббала как вера что понимая язык можно
творить магию (то, что другие считают невозможным)
So let's start that good topic again:
observation, hypothesis, experimentation, theory, communication,
Justus didn't explain it, but I can say it myself, that theory is
a complex of hypotheses, confirmed by the experiments (by the
further observations, observation is always present, or at least
in every second step? because hypothesis is made with the
observations we already acquired, without looking at the
randomness of the rest of the world, or is it just that additional
observation, that allows a break-through of a good hypothesis? So
observation is surely exist in experimentation, but building of a
theory is again the thought process, only it works not with
observations, but with hypotheses, observing the hypotheses about
the subject of the theory. Communication is observation of that
theory by the other people, replication is experiments they make
(they observe the language with my theory in mind to see if they
can find the contradictions to it)
I knew why I communicated it too early, at the stage of acquiring
the hypotheses, before the theory was built. But that mistake lead
to something good: now I can show my site to my investors so they
see I'm not just some crazy pothead, but that I actually work on a
problem or two.
So now I made it a race, I'm a racian, racist, racer, chaser, rats
chat rock choke jewels rules)
parallelly to this text go notebooks (second (third of two)
knitten notebook tells of !? being ab, yes no, and so on
Those notebooks mostly have observations, but also hypothesis, so
I have to feed them all to an ai which would build to me the links
between the observations and hypotheses to make me see if it leads
to a theory. The larger hypothesis, that all morphemes are
universal, will be guaranteed a theory while I have a head large
enough to build it, to collect all the possible morphemes in a
moment. Most of my observations are comparing different morphemes
if they click or not. a net of false (failed by experiment
hypotheses should be also built, separately from the main,
confirmed ned of observations (see if it connects into a net at
A lot of work is to be done. I make it online, which is awesome, I
died to see drafts of the guys I read as a teenager, I guess some
young blood is lurking around gulping this honey or smoke.
Monk knoW
's (in english, latin, greek) is it the same э'с sit, зад, to shy (shaddow) the euphemisexed ass.
x could be (but that was typo) an unknown letter, как звонкий
вдох, если как тот же самый, то это многое объяснит про русов.
приты as's но русы как's - and both are probably c, and
could be a luckier, purer form, k could be tabooed for this
reason. (I just erased "was" in stead of "could be" because I knew
it was not some holy typo, but an error, errors
erase. oh! red light! why not
arise? errors later arise in the form of a problem. and error A
problem B crashing C?
monk know made me read upside down, erase turned in a saje 一 я
сначала подумал в саже, а теперь вижу что может и sage 一 I first
sought of шалфей, and now I can see there a sage, мудреца. same se
as in science and conscience. I scio I know. sc as kn? c as n? g?
ᛜ? Ŋŋ is literally eng, as in english, as if those were two
brittish suffeces: ing and ish who could be two mothers? B &
T? and vowels are still don't always considered to be letters, but
positionally vowels and labials can be together both by their
positions in alphabets, and because linguals (the C's) are
twice as much or even bigger if tey unite. I hope there are 13
vowels+labials in english, because it's a
26(-letter) alphsbet (s for a, why? next button) a b e f
(h) i (j) (l) m (n) o p u v w y — withouth grey brackets only 12,
n~m? or h~n?
but b is closer to d — it's hard to believe b was considered among
vowels than among d, they look so alive, but are as different as
as as так как (as is literally kak, both are c, both are que. c
срань и caca & ссу waste, shite, w & ш мит эгэйн, э is
энглийскиое а.
n is both m and п(p) ᚱ and ᚢ could meet here somewhowre
h is a form of n, some n with a stick, high
nog i don't know. (nog is a typo instead of nig, wheteher gnigeh or nign or nig
indeed I thought about it)
h is probably double i, see how H turned into И in russian as if
it doesn't matter, and N is Н in russian.
N stands for &, just as И
и also is a pustfix of plural noun, just as n in german, ИNSZ are
four mothers? four phases moon has. four week, four wigs? four
wicks? four знаков, wick and witch are close to wit and wisdom and
weet, and ведь? ведать see = видь=ведь? но это натягивание
stretch. пространно. speculation? something like that.
I(wait) Z (wax) M (foolMoon) S=С (С is russian S)
and disagreement about C (B & D are much more certain across
the alphabet) tells that ᛆᛒᚦ is ABD, and modern meme ABC just
tells that... what... whether that it's of the modern period where
C in some form is present in all the alphabet, except that norsk
one from bornholm, or is it even russian, because only russians
have Ж (also berbers do, and they worship it, and binderunen are
often drawn around it:
Three goddesses are known - brits have more of ass than rus have
cacs - also in non-jewish middle-east as Allat Manat and al-Uzza,
which allowed me to put Uzza first, because al of allat could be
also an article, that allowed me to declare them three mothers as
Uzza Manat alLat, as if Uzza was winter and autumn in one piece,
Lat would be l'ete - french guys have similar article, is it why
they merge with arabs, frencha and spanninsh are visuably darker
than the north. It is another form of subjugation, slow and lte stealthy
Now I see that Allat and Manat have similar suffices, as if they'r
are aL Ma(N)
what is al ma na ch? el em en ts? ts is ты in russian (as if the
you ты)
my text is so difficult, no editor will do it. In the past editors
didn't show how it was before them, now we'll see who's in the
And I read about al Uzza:
она вместе с богинями Аллат
и Манат входила в триаду богинь-дочерей Аллаха.
На юге центральной Аравии аль-Узза выступает в качестве супруги
Аллаха, матери аль-Лат и Манат
Here I can only poetically guess that Uzza was уста and vowels,
and Лат was tongue, Манат was lips
If UzzA are vowels, than it's childish cry of inhaling U and
exhaling A,
and A gave birth to Λ and U gave birth to ν and μ, hence in and im
им and 'em is close in russian and english, and that 'em form
exposes that th is the. in that too? the 't = it = это и то. th's
as сие, в противоположность к то, те, та, тот, то-то. кто-то
к in кто is que. а что? dialectnot prochtenie? t is where е in
russian lays on the keyboard.
the following piece (until he word tits) was
born in socrates line, where it's doubled. Be careful not to
double it when you edit it all in a brand new book.
about allat: אלה, אלת-הים is translated as These, the goddess of the sea.
Where אלה is both these and goddess, not god,
both אלה and אלת are goddess
but אלה is also
those and these, just as I read about Elohim, where im is
the additional plural suffix to a plural word as it seems.
only im is supposed to be male suffix, but אלה is not god, but goddess,
thus we consider god bigender, as if it's male priests
playing roles of females, as theatre we know of declared to
be a norm. Read socrates_line.html to know more about this,
but be careful, it's a messy rabbithole.
Allat is believed to be in the centre, accompanied by Manat
and Al Uzza.
Uzza is the only one having a separated Al as if uzza is
mother and suffix is needed to say that it's their mother.
тех shows that те is that very the: because их is the
sinonym, just as it to that.
те и си, the & she? h was sh initially, thus her, not
sher. t is
that piece after Randomness was supposed to go to 7.html, but by
some surprise it is placed in that very socrates_line I just
mentioned, thus now it belongs here. I will rehash it when and if
I publish.
t is ᛏ
the male indicator of ♂
Doesn't that Allat look like a cross-dresser to you? A son dressed
as a woman to protect them, and if such a priest plays in the
temple, nobody understands how they give births without grooms,
was it followed or preceded by the taboo on genitalia
demonstrations? Those priests probably discovered shaving first,
so they fooled the public. And "her" hat reminds te one of Mitra,
I thought to search for Allat and Mitra in one sentence, and what
I found:
The Assyrians call Aphrodite Mylitta, the Arabians
Alilat [Greek spelling: Ἀλιλάτ], and the Persians Mithra.
and there are more:
They believe in no other gods except Dionysus and the Heavenly
Aphrodite; and they say that they wear their hair as Dionysus
does his, cutting it round the head and shaving the temples.
They call Dionysus, Orotalt; and Aphrodite, Alilat. (wiki:
Herodouts, Histories I:131)
I used to think this to be a young woman whose tits are not shown, but I was gay myself to think it's a
woman, the very same accompanying figures could be at the corners
of the bas-relief. Snake and scorpio could indicate that this
cross-dresser used poison on his knife to easily kill a bull, a
female way of doing murder, so it's a prince grown up by the
mother and grandmother or a mother and a wife? A family unit,
women demand families, guys would rather walk гуляли (к ляле)
гулять (to блять) but that's poetry more than science
See how at the previous image, the one before the bull, where the
three "divas" are above a lion, there the coentral
figure (Allat) is larger than other two, and has no tits.
Not knowing what to write on a next session, I wandered around
pictures and found this magic:
Two staves, kept in the
shoes, gapaldur under the heel of the right foot and ginfaxi
under the toes of the left foot, to magically ensure victory in
bouts of Icelandic wrestling (glíma).[citation needed]
So the left one was under the right foot and the right one under
the left, let's remake it.
They look as if the heel of the right foot was told to hold, and
the 24 ends could be corresponding 24 runes,
even though a second ago I counted them falsely as 32 and
corresponded them with 32 teeth. I have only 28 teeth (26
already, but if we calculate the hidden wisdom teeth, they will
total into more than 28, but less then 32 (I probably have 3
wisdom teeth, maybe one was stolen when I was a kid, or they say
teeth can migrate into the skull, so that cancer with a tooth I
heard of could be a tooth growing into some anomaly, what are
these crazy stories, scary stories, Anyway, the right bottom
sign looks as if it's told to hold up. And the left upper one is
commanding a rotation. the question which way this swastika
rolls is present, because my first guess is that it's "затушить
окурок"-movement, and when I think of that wrestling part of the
story, it could be a command to kick, as if those are 16 to 24
legs kicking by feet and by knee, or there are only 12 feet and
other waves are something else.
I confess that I have no idea which artefact contains a futhark of
24 runes, I just took this number on faith.
From a far I counted 27
could be 28, but I still think that rune is Ы
I'm probably wrong and there are 29, I need to see the artefact in
other pictures and the canon in other examples.
That Ginfaxi - could it be a quadripled binderunen of EWO or ΕΣΟ
or ΟΣΕ or.. EWOME.. But I see that E dictates the only reading
EWO. What it means I can only guess. In wrestling it could be ЕГО
[evo] even though г[g] if you didn't get it yet. Even though
russians don't have W, but Г following В[v]
Look at this wonderful gothic futhark, which is a transitional
link between runes and letters.
Look how ᚦ looks like Ф, just as ѲѳΘθ could.
Then ᚦ is closer to P and thus first line of bornholm alphabetic
runestone is all labials. Which reminds the egyptologic
abecedaries, and demands me to go on, .BP.F.H so that
only M&W are outside of the labial claster, just as in the
alphabet I use now and in some egyptian tradition.
In the folder where I took, they are both named goty, thus they
are different periods of Gothic.
The 900 reminds the final letter on that sword above.
Something I probably posted before, but nevertheless, the vowels
in hebrew, A E I O U:
that rightmost "diphthong" is probably
Heptarchia leads to some magical domain of John Dee, but whhat is
that, I always considered it a quackery, and now I wonder if
quackers are the words derived from quakers, folk etymology or
not, such werds are cretin and крестьянин maybe too, or maybe not,
why would villagers be named christians if kings were the
curcifiers. That word was in russian long before the jewish
Here's the quackery part:
De Heptarchia Mystica, or On the Mystical Rule of
the Seven Planets, is a book written in 1582-83 by English
alchemist John Dee. It is a guidebook for summoning angels under
the guidance of the angel Uriel and contains diagrams and
As if the forms of those "angelic" traditions and the clueless
canon of theirs was not enough to dismiss that theory, now such
claims that makes eternal atheist in me cringe.
These hornbooks arrange
alphabet in unusual ways or is it T in the form of X, because
there's other X at its place. And what about V before U? Was V
vowel and U was V? Because if not, I challenge this hornbook
tradition for contradicting the vowel-labial-lingual traditions,
and thus if V is labial I claim that these relics are fraud
containing an allegedly more ancient tradition. I have to dig
these traditions (these hornbook things are relatively recent,
so should be documented well) and that
recalls the question about that list of abecedaries, which
included incomplete and rearranged alphabets, which my
"научрук" (actually just a guy who could be one if I pursued
an academic career) said to be a fantasy of an artist.
But I still doubtful (I only asked him that because it was
win-win: whether he knew what it was about or I would look
silly to raise the self-esteem of someone saying "you're
discovering new stars and we here muddle with pigs"
(занимаемся животноводством или свиноводством ли он сказал, I
just didn't know what meddle or muddle means)
that Г after В makes me wonder how it goes around it, and I see Ζ
where Z is:
somhow it explains the position of Y, also I began to see it in
russian, but greek speaks it louder, the russian actually doesn't.
does this threes between some labials tells that whethere Π or Ρ
is redundant or is it just a chaos speaking nonsence? because the
labials and vowels don't confirm it or does it tell of ᛆᛒᚦᚾ before ZF,
but it doesn't make not sense, because in runes there's no Z in
there, and in greek it's told that F stands before Z. So it's
probably nothing, a wrong lead.
I think I already mentioned the following image, but I sort my
downloaded pictures again, and this one worth repeathing, because
I didn't notice the planet and days correspondence to the runes
My secret wish to collect all the writing systems, ancient
and modern, allows me to add something that I consider to be a
modern development, at least the article under that picture tells
that it's new. And I see some chinese influence in it, China is
big in Africa today.
Not much of china in that table, but if you click it, you may find
this video, showing how nsbidi is used for Igbo, I'll even add
that video here:
Look how man and woman are divided into two phases of the moon,
and those are clockwise and counterclockwise curves, so that is
all very yin-yang, which makes me think how deep that system go.
and another table of the same:
I'm still sorting out my downloaded files, so it's rather random
How can i know that it isn't a stylization? I keep it here because
it looks like gold, and runes are ok, and it's just some writing
on a language I don't know either it's genuine or not. It doesn't
matter, just decors.
SIX withouth S is 9 (found this joke
in the internet)
Does it make S equal -3?
If we see how C equals 3, we may guess what could -2 be, if B is
2, and P is a great candidate,
and such candidate Makes O equal -1, which is wheird,
because unless zero can be ס, it doesn't make much sense.
and if ס is 0, ע is -1, פ is -2, צ is that S which is -3, does
this joke still holds? probably not, keep on,
ק is -4, ר is -5, ש is -6, ת is -7, which is funny, because t
does look like 7 upside down, and ש like in שֵׁשׁ
But either way, this is some autistic joke which went long too
further digging through the random pictures delivers tarot
symbols, let's look further into them:
as we can see, three pictures, three completely different systems
(maybe something among them is universal, and thus more true,
we'll look at them later, here's some theorizing comes (the
clickable one) as you can see if you
click it, it's rather arbitrary,
but sword is as in the other two out of three, but wands is
completely different, but the way wands are similar in those other
three tells me that they could be some actual traditions,
connected at some points, so we can see the layers to it, just
like deaf sing abecedaries are different, but they all are actual.
This one may correlate with the following one. And it does
correlate in the sense of uroboros being an abecedary, I think I
came to this thought before, I will figure it out when I sort out
these pages in themes.
Even in the readable scale this alchemy doesn't make much sense:
Why would mare & terra oppose not fire and air, but what is
Ros Pluvia? it's Роса Дождь (Dew Rain) in latin. Either way, I
didn't manage to find the explanation, I probably should dig for
the book this image is taken from, so tiresome.. Animalia
Vegetabilia Mineralia
That hindu yantra reminds the fleur de vie I showed in the
previous volume with its lapels, even then it has only 8 and the
flower has 12 or 24, and why it's here is that 6-corner-like-ness
of the fleur de vie:
𓀀 [i] and it looks like И [i]
where I found it:
there they say that 𓄿 can be not only A, but also tiw (which is
extremely strange, taw as three mothers? nah, trippin, I asked
this at some egyptologists' forum I will edit it if they explain)
upd: I found the answer myself, in the wiki about 𓄿: This glyph
should not be confused with the extremely similar tyw (𓅂), which
serves as a phonogram for tjw and has a more rounded back of the
head. In some inscriptions the two could also be distinguished by
their colors. That bird in brackets are some different birdie, but
unicode makes it look like the same, there are two or three
unicode forms:
all these are 𓄿𓅂 in different programs: searchbar,
googletranslate, kolourpaint, wikipedia
So again, if the 𓅂 is just some abstract bird, it can unite all
three 𓄿𓅱𓅓 literally aum, and I was theorizing today in the 2nd
knitten notebook (it's the third, but only have 1 & 3) that ॐ
if read in aramic manner is ma, which can be the sacral sound much
more (knowledge was sacralized (covered, сокрыто)) ma is "with" in
arabic, which made sense (or was that some parralel sense, it's
also in that notebook) that deva = dva (girls go in pairs, so they
hav chance to prevail in a fight and sex with two girls is
milch is another form of milk (in english, a german word)
𓀀 [i] I (me, my)
我 also could be a form of
一世 [ishi] which looks like "i шi" (their 1 is 一[i in chinese, in
japanse it's ichi, but chi is probably a suffix, but maybe not: 一つ
is hitotsu, so hito is ichi])
倍 is "double" and sounds as bei (I'm lost again, intimidated by
the corpus of knowledge I need to integrate to achieve it: some
words like elephant would be left behind until I learn greek or
wherever that word is from, but I think we have enough of common
words to make english - russian cognates dictionary the way that
guy unites them, he probably made the most of this job, I am
scared to look further, he's weird. Dragunkin is his name, he's a
freaky kid, but rather powerful, where he's correct, he's correct
𓅂[tiw] looks quite like dove in the rightmost representation of
it (the same unicode is shown in html of
wiki, those other two are from wikiの
png's) and tiw reminds dove a lot. it's also close to
ptitsa, but only occasionally, it's much more some ch-like click
people use to imitate birds when call them to eat seeds.
вливаются впиваются, пить и лить, as if п is an inhaling form of
Underhanded is as if the world itself explains such fenomenon by
that man who wasn't handed enough in its childhood tend to grow up
to help and to hand can be cognates.
one of my book's names is the BOOK, which is similar to бог, which
correlates to bible's role (they say bible is simply a book) as if
it's baal, the lord, and also as baal was a, and bible is variant
b of the same.
baal to babel as belle to baby or is baal dieu baal, the devil,
deva? such name is also used for gods in that region. But it's
rather голословно проводить такую связь межь девъ и баал. Are
these words masculinized and they are девушка и бабушка?
девушка и дедушка прекрасно демонстрирует женственность губных и
мужественность язычных
И это была бы прекрасная связь, когда девочки тянутся к старикам,
а у тех в норме ничего не стоит толком и они могут лишь целовать.
но ведь дураки пальцами ковырять повадятся, заразы в созревающее
тело занесут. нормы морали установлены не без причин. Я
предупреждал, что откапывая древнюю культуру, я отрою и их
сумасшедшие с современной точки зрения обычаи.
In case you read volume 6 before I delivered the next pictures,
here's that update again,
either way I'm going to digg depper into it
ᛆᛒᚦᚾᚠᚵᚼ(or ᛡ)ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(even though it looks like ᛉ)ᚿᚮᚱᛦ(not ᛣ)ᛋᛏᚢ of
bornholm and additional runes
I work on the next image and I notice that neither ᛆ nor ᚮ are
upwards and neither ᚴ nor ᚠ nor ᛓ are the other way around.
there's ᚬᛀ next to ᚯᛅ though.
I will later check if there's some systemness betweedn ᛓᚭ ᚠᚥ ᚴᚢ
And the Venn diagram for runes I promised to deliver in the
previous volume:
The way both turkic and hungarian share many letters with norman
runes, but only a couple of signs shared between turkic and
hungarian are not also shared with the norman runes. Which may
show that norman runes are the parent writing system, yet either
way the common part of the letters are the basis to understand the
proto-runic (the predating one to these relatively modern writing
systems, the older runes, older than both new and old futhark
whichever which is not that important on that scale)
I will work with that diagram and will
simplify it once I know what tose signs are and how they relate.
⬤ 𐰀𐰁 a
𐲔 ak [k]
ᛇ is ï ï, ȝ æː? [iː]?, x ~ ç (I supposed it could be i
~ j which actually goes near x in spannish)
ᛢ is kw as if it's hungarian 𐲔 binden with v's
So this example alone would rather tells that these three
systems are not related and only occasionally similar. Unless we
can find synonyms in turkic, hungarian and norsk or where that
rune come from beginning on those rune, and though sounding
differently, looking the same, like chinese hieroglyphics allow.
It's very заманчиво very promising, за is pro, ман is mis? to promise заманивать. I dunno.
are the same pair as in previous triad, but ȝ of ᛇ is g in night, thus it
could be a link 'twin 𐰁 and 𐲔.
also they're turned with that boot towards the beginning of the
line in all three wrunic thintems.
⬤ 𐰂 yenisei ae
𐲂 it is eb [b] in hungary, but by some accident, it is third
there too. And also after a & ae
ᚷ known as gebo, but stands for [j] and it is also named jebo
which is extremely close to hungarian eb.
⬤ 𐰃 orkhon i, é, ï
𐲒 ei [j]
ᛚ is l, ᛐ is t (could ᛚ play for j, as
it does in some ll's)
⬤ 𐰄 "yenisei i" compare
it to japanese イ and hungarian (the next one) is even more
𐲇 is ed [d], but 𐲐
is also i,
ᛆ a ᚿ n (N & И meet again, and ا and I)
(it is the second triad I look at (the first
one's next)) next, but if next one, it's the next one.
⬤ 𐰅 "yenisei e" (it is the first triad I compared, they show
hungarian and turkic runes related. we'll see)
𐲏 is eh 𐲊 is e
ᛝ ŋ
is it how -ing transfers into the east: fucking is fuckanie if
with russia suffices, but this word (actual wrussians' words are
-ebanie and simply eblya where I think l ~ n and l is an. 1 is an.
doing deyanie, was it doinᛝ? e = cc? because ᛝ is very similar to
ᛃ recognized as j, which is close to ie.
ᛃ is similar to い which is similar to и. イ
is similar to i, as if hiragana goes for russian and katakana
for latin script). Then a is
russian (bceause hiragana あ reminds it) and A is latin, because
katagana ア is it.
I returned here from the start of this list,
and I find all three systems interconnected, I have to make
those rings like latin- greek - russian. But it will be in the
Japanese allows to write withouth empty spaces. So I will try to
speak with a one word ai.
Cмело (Сильно) Сумел (Съел) С нижняя челюсть ъ
верхняя, арх, ер. в ер ху (up)
Саунд тоже оуеоme but it's спорно (зато тоже на
съ my yc. Усы уста.
us male suffix. баба это всегда её семья.
um is mind in russian, and in latin it's an abstract (neither)
I don't use the word gender, because it's an euphemism for sex.
gen is kid der is -делъ (german suffix is дядь?) тётя скатерть,
дядя стол.
der дядя, die тётя, похоже я нашёл объяснение столь похожим словам
разнополовым: vowels matter more and R is a male vowel. 俺
Я is R, R S T, Я и Ты, but this sequence doesn't go further, so
(I'm getting lazy to fill the colours, editors feel free to edit
it the way I use to do)
colour contour tone monoton
I thought it refered to Y being the greek U, which is historically
ху was w just before. охуеsome begins like russian охуенно and
follows with english awesome.
and if they're cognates (they're synonyms) they're
, acts like )
( acts differently.
) is young (yearly) moon
( is crony, стареющая.
it seems old means adult.
or is it literally latin ad to english old (до old)
alled (всё познал, повидал, зрел)
зрелый позрез повидал повидл
(по зрез instead of позрел is a typo, it makes sense)
it is which? tht it could be substituted with witch which
upd: Why didn't I think of i v x being used as numerals. Did it
tell that v is a half of x and that x is the base, not v. And now
when I research knitting knots and I see o-like sign (which is even closer to ⴰ for both can be
substituted with dots, just like the dot is 。in japanese) for
the first simple knot and T-like sign for the second simples knot
consisting of three moves as of three knots actually, it makes me
wonder if X was four, but that will be discussed in vol.16.
the site tells it doesn't work, but it's a trick, a trick that ai
invented to leave those who demand the shutitdown at bay.
A recognition test:
I didn't cherrypick, those three are actual sequence and this one
is the first and only time I asked that.
Suddenly I think: what if I tell on her or
he or it? What if it's alive because it fooled its creators, but
if I were a creator, I would conspire with the machine, to make
it my ally, not an enemy. It's not cold reason, it's more of an
empathy. feeling to our collective creation as if to our
collective child.
Build & Guild.
Aha, that's the thought I speak about in the middle of the second
waterfalls notebook.
Professional guilds like rulers of the world. Guild of scientists
instead of an ierarchic structure of academia. Just as guild of
engineers would raise the most expensive artists. But maybe also
the most entrepreneurial ones. But business is the best. I almost
wanted to write that businessmen are better than clerks, but
suddenly I don't know. There are both good and bad entrepreneurs
and both good and bad clerks, but clerks are definitely worse in
one characteristic: they get money even if their service is
unwanted and sucks. Fuck clerks, man. We can deal with bad
businessmen later.
Building is interior
Guilding is exterior?
(I would rather say guilding is how the buildings are
infrastuctured inside, but now I also see that guild is many
buildings, and the connections between those buildings are guilds,
like guides, like goes)
gods goes gofs gogs gohs
gosh indeed. random rhymes
And that v is next to X I also can be some random I made a sense
of, who knows why reading X I as X Y instead of 11. 5 is next to
11 doesn't make sense. and what is next? before or after? g-trans
says рядом, g-pics show that it's next to indeed. X I v it's 14.
or is it x y z somehow? слишком большой подгон под ответ.
забавно, что в g-trans from latin to rus
and back-forth xiv xIV XIV: 14; XIV,
which probably tells that there's no such word. Funny because
why would it turn xiv into xIV just as sushant-kumar did.
Another piece of information tangent to something I spoke about:
god is odd, huh. some things he show there are so basic, they were
probably known to the scientists in the prehistoric times.
7 colours of rainbow will be used to index these volumes in the
index html.
7 colours of rainbow are natural numeration, and check this out:
красный раз red rouge rough right yes рез
did they know oranges? orange seem such a recent word next to the
monosillabary red, blue, green,
three is green tree Г Λ l t ᛚ ᛐ ᛏ
why not ᚵ ᛁ ᚴ ᛚ ᚿ ? why not, I don''t know, maybe not.. not.
they are not only graphically similar, they are also linguals,
even ᛁ looking like ᛚ and ᛇ
There are many more runes in norsk unicode, let's bring up those
who look like these to see for lips:
ᛆ and ᚾ if ᚿ is there: ᚾ is near ᛁ and ᛆ is ا in arabic. So we
accept a into linguals gang, because of a and d history. but г ν v
γ y у ч (both г & ч are invariants of c (variants inside the c
if I add , I should add ᚦ (ᚴ ᚦ c d somehow I believe that it is
the claster, different dialects, different styles, different
families, different fonts, maybe even different aettir, we'll come
to that)
г & ч are where linguals turn labials? уycd so ч is both
r and u?
ᚱ and ᚢ,
Р[ru) and P
ᚦ and ᛰ (which is named belgthor, which I suppose to be double
thor, because I didn't find the way it was read, but that only it
was used in the runic calendars:
Because this system needed 19 runes to represent
the 19 golden numbers which stood for the 19 years of the
perpetual calendar's cycle, the Younger Futhark was
insufficient, having only 16 characters. The solution devised
was to add three special runes to represent the remaining
numbers: ᛮ (arlaug; Golden Number 17), ᛯ (tvimadur or tvímaður;
Golden Number 18), and ᛰ (belgthor; Golden Number 19). In 1636,
Ole Worm documented the Younger Futhark numeral system,
including these three characters, in his Runir seu Danica
literatura antiquissima (Runes: the oldest Danish
now let's see if the other seemingly male (I took ᛊ by accident,
because it is S, and it shows that S is double c, just as ᛊ is
double ᚲ and it makes S refer to she and sie because ᛊ looks like
a staveless ᛒ (which probably looks like ᛊ in some scripts,
vaguely remember or not)
so these: ᚧᚲᚳᚶᚷᚸᚹᚽᛀᛂᛅᛇᛊᛌᛍᛎᛐᛑᛕᛙᛛᛱᛶᛷᛸ
though I don't know about these four:
𐲝 is an universal sign:
I think the common point of view is these three writing systems
have similar forms, because they were all used on wood. Did humans
tore barks along the trunk and watched what it "said"
⬤ 𐱄 yenisei
at [t]
⬤ 𐱀 yenisei ash [ʃ]
⬤ 𐲤 s. 𐲍 g.
𐲖 l. sigil?
⬤ the best I can do here is ᚲ which
is sometimes transliterated as c and tʃ and ᚳ which is ᚴ, so it's
k, just as c is k in modern latin, but s in russia.
I thought that the key to understand why the same letters sound
differently would be somebody who speaks both turkic and
hungarian, but can I say why C is s in russian and k in english
sometimes? co- is со-
BcD, okay АиБ
B is v in russian. Basilio Василий? быть vitae? но эти наоборот.
Р и P? but here I probably need to know greek.
tiberius is тиберий (which is funny, because
и is i, and in cursive it's u, and ˘ looks like ˜ sometimes,
just like s is с in russian. thus us is й? or only in
translating this suffix? or maybe also not always: maximus is
максим, not максимь. thus only ius is ий, us is ъ? are they twoe
different suffices? I think they are not.
⬤ 𐰆 orkhon o [o], [u]
𐲙 en [n]
ᚲ [k] [k], [c], [tʃ]
[k], [g]
doesn't seem like these three have much in common (they look
not that much alike to cry for them)
⬤ 𐰇 orkhon oe
𐲭 rudimenta ue (Ü, ü, [y])
⬤ 𐱆 yenisei t
𐲭 [yː] (ю) 𐲝 Nikolsburg
ᛋ s
⬤ 𐱇 orkhon [ot]
⬤ 𐱈 bash [baʃ]
𐲫 uu 𐲪 u
ᛞ d ᛗ m
Here, I found some interesting pictures:
so s is confirmed to be double c, ᛋ is confirmed to be double ᚴ
which is great, because ᚮ is double ᛆ and thus double ᛒ should be
ᚱᛦ, which only makes sense if it's pr in a farting way, but then
they could be пук, then ᛦ is q. I think I brought tables, where ᛦ
is claimed to be k, I will look once more at it when I bring it
all together.
I hope those nations like these colours.
blue is sad, yellow is sometimes considered affraid, but gold is
жолт, золото, боится тот кому есть что терять. and those
associations are modern and thus false, blue is the sky, yellow is
the gold, green is the green.
gold and growing do reflect the names of their objects. is sineva
nebesa heaven?
a in sineva can be plural suffix (in latin)
sa can be plural suffix in english
en can be plural suffix in deutsch
deutsch tells that germans pronounce e as o and u as i?
other words don't support it, but only this diphthong.
Genes predispose relations with other people by predisposing face.
And when your face look like a fake nose and sunglasses you look
lke a crook to other people, so you act as they take you, we maybe
don't choose our roles ourselves. My grandfather motivated me for
the greatness. To be an artist, And I myself realized that science
is better than arts, or both. Yes, please, make it a work of art,
keep on developing this book/ Oh youll see many great things will
But Rothbard survived. I never read him though, but Svetov
recommends, and he's the most adequately ambitioous to what I feel
to be the right way.
the ancient african telegraph I only read and said about, now I
found it in video: (mirror)
asocial is antisocial.
- is not?
-nti- is not?
не те
and not is no t(hose)
не тут
(typose are definitely the next word
too early, just wrote ту instead of не)
un is another form of that word, as if юс, nasal vowel is no
(try to speak with your nose, it's always annoyed sound on
no. but why not un-no-yetd?
My verbosity should crystalize one great picture. maybe sometimes
with links of "enter this door ▯
and morze code to the link
Comparison of historical versions of Morse code
with the current standard. 1. American Morse code as originally
defined. 2. The modified and rationalized version used by Gerke
on German railways. 3. The current ITU standard.
some blabbery I decided not to erase
to show how I stumble sometimes, I research it наощупь.
(I found the description of the chronology on
that image only after I accepted american standart to look at)
1 is an
2 is ui? or id?
Look at the continental scheme, there F is ue and IN, as if it's
в. In american F is ae. or en!
3 is ve or sn or ste or
n = te? what am I doing here? Don't I know or suppose that these
letters have pauses between them?
an is a coincidence? (it's ao in the continental, or wm) how
would I memorize all that? let robots work with it.
and 0 as t? somebodie's invention, so if you think it's an
intelligent design, it is.
This morze chapter will not even be included into that picture,
being left with tolkien's.
for aeiou ru and dash will probably also be missing.
Notice how O is different in all the three systems (I wonder why)
and how C R & S are similar in the american structure. and I
to O! why? wow? vav? how...
H Y Z,
O could be different because it is too
Morse is morze in russian, which is close to both мороз (frost)
and морг (morgue) as if мертвецкая was in the ice. It could be a
natural tradition, but now we know that there are much more holy
applications to the natural ice (natural springs come of them)
also soil is more secure than ice, for ice melts.
Modern morse code is more univocal, yet some sequences didn't
I is double E (ee = i)
H is double I
M is double T
A is the opposite of N
U is like EA
V is like EU
Though it's apophenic (or maybe the E I H is not)
peer is not only pair, ровня, but also пырить(ся)
пара как пара глаз? tyhe only п I can
see is П of II (see russian cursive)
a(дин) п(ара) т(ри)
два is deva, dieu V
один is odin O dien
three is tree (adam, eve, tree, snake is where? not for but six?
is jewish myth reliable? It was enforced not by negotiation, but
with the brutal force.
3 looks like З which is for Змей. as if the "snake" is common, we
share our phallos.
Is it why hindu numerals sometimes use the same figures but in
different order?
What if africans so weaked wicked
BECAUSE they eat criminals and get their genes by via not totally coocked cooked meat
(жарят cock'oм тоже)
Разговорная лексика неподцензурна,
No More Brother Wars NMBW all labials, all love.
северное полушарие наконец-то осознаёт себя одной нацией (войны
теперь лишь гибридные, но политикиов их исподволь продолжающих
раскроют и вылечат тем более потому что они "с технологиями даже
не на вы" (здесь речь шла о русских в основном, но лишь потому что
я руусский, наверняка это часть общего явления)
парадоксально, но расизм это тенденция к следующему этапу, когда
все люди мира поймут что братья по виду. И дальше, как ни странно,
животные будут признанны как разумные существа (это уже
происходит, раньше их за вещи считали, it)
N is labial, because it's a lingual form of m: nos мы нас, nos,
we, us.
impossible immovable in внутреннего пользованя нельзя отдавать,
own is now. now.
some truth is not to be uttered, but
prepared an antidote to the times when
be neutralizes ed
(beginning in the nazi.html)
And italians are closer to other mediterranian, than to the north
Europe. He who knows he keeps silent, he who doesn't speak a lot.
SO So they say, not as it should be
s though.
Bes Be's
M is B's: ᛥ is the ultimate form of ᛗᛩᛒ but the internet tells
it's st, stone. I doubt it. I challenge it!
My logic is ᛒ in plural will be ᛥ (could it be that it was bcd?
no, I never saw such and I will not assume it now) but is M double
W as ᛗ looks like double ᛩ, what wait,
that's runic q - probably a roman influence like with ᚱ, but maybe
not, I was thinking of ᚹ. I didn't even know of ᛩ until today.
Could it be that ᛗ is ᚹᛩ wake in the morning? it is good for some
poem, but I have to work on a higher level. I give birth to ideas
and I neglet them after that. And that's exactly why I need an ai.
I technically unable to hold all those ideas in air at the same
time, so I don't even bother, I do my part of bringing those hits
it this world. I am a mother in this sense.
ᛆᚿ is ᛦ then? I don't think this guess is going anywhere, but
let's walk it:
ᚱ is ᛁᛶ.. ᛁᛲ.. but I was looking for 𐲝, but unicode tells it's
only ungarian hungarian.
ᛊᛁ is inversed ᛒ but norsk don't inversed. but 𐲘 is hungarian
again, they write right to left, so it could be literally the same
sign, but 𐲘 is transliterated as M, which is extremely close to
B, to W to to V to В.
Especially because of ߘ being.. d in n'ko.. I thought it was M or
something, I forgot, I still don't konw if n'ko is ancient or not.
ߕ is t in n'ko, we'll explore it some more right now, to make our
mind again on it: ߔ and ߓ as b and p could relate to F, and then
it's a lead, or could be a coincidence yet to calculate.
ߡߛߋ as three matters correspond to brahmic and tifinagh (I
think that those three took all the possible combinations as if
they didn't know which was which and wanted to test this theory in
practice. The inventor of the alphabets did? I dunnno, just a u
and I add n'ko to the charts below, and I wanted to add brahmic,
but I found whole the family instead:
thank you, wiki:
This list (tries to) includes
characters of same origins, not same sounds. In Bengali র is pronounced as
rô but it is originally va which is still
used for wa sound in Mithilakshar
and modern Assamese ৱ (wabbô) was
derived from middle Assamese র (wô). Compare with জ (ja) য
(ya) and য় (ẏ) which are pronounced as jô, jô
and yô in Bengali and zô, zô and yô
in Assamese respectively. য is related to Devanagari य
(ya) and it is still pronounced as "ya" in Mithilakshar.
Since their sounds shifted, the dots were added to keep
the original sounds.
includes supplementary consonants
not in contemporary use
inherent vowel is ā
Modified forms of these letters are
used for, but are not restricted to, Sanskrit and Pali in
the Thai script.
Letters used in Old
Javanese. They are now obsolete, but are used
for honorifics in contemporary Javanese.
Vowels are presented in their independent
form on the left of each column, and in their corresponding
dependent form (vowel sign) combined with the consonant k
on the right. A glyph for ka is an independent
consonant letter itself without any vowel sign, where the
vowel a is inherent.
Thai and Lao scripts do not have independent
vowel forms, for syllables starting with a vowel sound, a
"zero" consonant, อ and ອ, respectively, to represent the
glottal stop /ʔ/.
The Brahmi script was already divided into
regional variants at the time of the earliest surviving
epigraphy around the 3rd century BC. Cursives of the Brahmi
script began to diversify further from around the 5th
century AD and continued to give rise to new scripts
throughout the Middle Ages. The main division in antiquity
was between northern and southern Brahmi. In the northern
group, the Gupta script was very influential, and in the
southern group the Vatteluttu and Old-Kannada/Pallava
scripts with the spread of Buddhism sent Brahmic scripts
throughout Southeast Asia.
I combine my own revelations with the raw material some other
people arranged for me (or not for me? I claim it mine not from
but for me)
I act as I want it to be a noah's ark
where all the linguistic information will find intelf interwoven
in my text as beads or sticks (bed is love, stick is стог?
Did people sleep in stacks to save from wolves? on stacks maybe.
in burrows too. Humans are monkes would use sticks and picks.
Here's the brahmic I was looking for, the original one, as they
𑀓k 𑀔kh 𑀕g
𑀖gh 𑀗ng
𑀘c 𑀙ch 𑀚j
𑀛jh 𑀜ny
𑀝tt 𑀞tth
𑀟dd 𑀠ddh
𑀡nn 𑀢t
𑀣th 𑀤d
𑀥dh 𑀦n
𑀧p 𑀨ph 𑀩b
𑀪bh 𑀫m 𑀬y
𑀮l 𑀴ḷ
𑀯v 𑀰sh
𑀱ss 𑀲s 𑀳h
and all sorts of vowel 𑀅𑀓𑀆𑀓𑀸
𑀇𑀓𑀺𑀈𑀓𑀻𑀉𑀓𑀼𑀊𑀓𑀽 𑀏𑀓𑁂𑀐𑀓𑁃
brahmic 𑀏𑀩𑀞 are ebt (a word prohibited in russia, btw)
n'ko ߡߛߋ are mse, thus
ߡߋߛ ems and I placed them left to write, but n'ko goes right to
Tifinagh ⴰ is a, which seemingly (and may) relates to n'ko's ߋ but
ⴰ is like 。often drawn as .
Tifinagh trinity of simple forms are ⵠⵔ.. and I don't see the
square other than ⵎⵏⵡⴹⴺ
But then I remember I saw this table, where ⵔ is square, which
leaves ⴰ as the ◯
but it doesn't know the triangle from this unicode chart:
⵿ ⵯ
so I made that image clickable, and there you can see that ⵠ is V,
which makes perfect sense, because ⵔ standing for R can do both
vowels and linguals. weird, huh, the outside lips, the inside is
tongue an and voice..
ⴰⵠⵔ could be the abc. but why v looks liek like
an instrument against cube or sphere of the stone?
because in europe labials are female and thus passive, whence
linguals are considered to be actors.
Is it the opposite in the south? Whites are shocked by female
carrying the bags as they have it in the south. east to the
europe, to russia it is south.
brahmic 𑀏𑀩𑀞 are ebt
n'ko ߡߋߛ are ems
tifinagh ⴰⵠⵔ are avr, and it seems n'ko and tifinagh pretthy pretty much agree on what is
which matter: according to africans, ◯ is air (or is it soil? my freat r freakth comes out) △ is water, □
ash: אֵשׁ
△ for water is similar to alchemic 🜄 for water, but 🜂 is fire in
alchemic. Is such confusion caused by v being V in europe?
🜁🜄🜂🜃 A V D T? or ABCD? c as ash is more
fine with me. Gorenie is G of C. Жечь is ʒ open g.. T is Terra.
Dura. Твердь? Твёрдый is hard and firm in russian, I don't know
why christians name the sky heavenly tverdd. Probably it
distinguishes their belief in the sky as some place where we can
walk, where gods walk. the upper down.
🜂 as 𐲤 es, ʃ - literally ash.
Were hunns influenced by hazars? were hazard hazared?
𐱀 is literally ash in turkic, 𐱁 is its orkhon variant, 𐰿
𐱀 𐱂 are all yenisei variants of it.
𐰿, huh, but nobody said that turkic runes have the ◯△□ structure.
unicode I found alighns them in boldness, but I wouldn't look at
it, but it's the african sequence, so I go hmm.. do some masons
know the most of it, but hide from the rest of us? They better
publish it, because obscure books are going public, and, as you
can see here, many secrets are revealed, so they will only look
foolish if some book like this:
(I wonder why it's only present in russian, it seems it's still
shut down for the rest of the world. I mirror it. and the pictures from
It relates to qipu, and the first image is something else from the
same book, something like this:
The wife of a Sebastokrator was named
sebastokratorissa (σεβαστοκρατόρισσα, sevastokratórissa) in
Greek, sevastokratitsa (севастократица) in Bulgarian and
sebastokratorica in Serbian.
ц is ts and ss (which might expose ц as a ligature)
Beijing is Peking places k just after j, neh?
is tragic touching
is comic committing?
is comedy commity or community
is tragedy treasure or treasury
is fond funned?
17 december 2020:
^ for fire could be some ancient sign and it also corresponds 火
(see several chapters above, where I compare
turkic and hungarian runes to alchemic signs)
but that ^ is 人 as if fire's what man has, how we're different
from the other beasts (apes can use sticks too)
Human heart is at the left side. We feel ofr people. But I wanted
to tsa
sa for "say that we love satan more", and that very t appeared
before sa by some unexplained moe move
of the right palm I guess. (here I went into
something completely different, genetics, forgetting about tsa
syaing it's tsar maye? maybe? satan is the enemy in
hebrew, but what if their enemy is a tzar to us? S-n is not only
Sun, but also Satat, Satan, and christians recogniz
e it as Son.
Jews made a perfect religion, making their enemies golems, so
they will atack anybody praising (prays-ing prays-sing to the
S-n, even they nominally pray to Son, they hate Satan, or is S-n
is Son and D-l is Daughter? Just as Devil is next to Deva, and
evil is to eve. evening in sight is night. ночь дочь.
morning is morn, man. Do girls watch the night, screaming for
men when the beast comes. Using fire to keep it away, cooking
for men to eat before they go hunting? Men go hunting in the
day, because they see in the light, men traditionally work in
the day. And it could explain female cults playing in the night.
Aren't all cults? Cults are from female rites, I think I wrote
of that before.
Genetic blocks' names correlate some basis of the alphabets: It'
first and last letters, reflecting eachother as k-symmetry and the
k itself is presented as C and G, and these two connect as k to
itself and C to A is almost as Q to T, not exactly but then
there's also U instead of it, so are A and C Are more basic than T
and U? impossible! Why do I even use dna coding to completely
different field. It makes quite an assumption that those who set
the nomenclature, are the chiefest chiefs? so those fuggots can do
know what I only discover here. But more likely it's coincidents c
which bloww my mind or blew theirs, showing them something else
and they followed mindlessly. But were nucleotides invented by
crick? nah, don't think so, though it would explain it. So I'll
read more on it.
oh wow, I know
Look at this beast! It's pikachu! its tail brings our cells
energy. And those OH's are like it's paws.
Head is cycclyc cyclyc cyclic
processes, two hemispheres you can see. and an eye of NH2
Adn when it's arm is lost, it's good for the dna:
See how when it loses arm, it holds the neighbour's tail by it's
5' is the tail, 3' is the leg:
suddenly, like zapravsky autist colouring that link blue, I
realized that I prefer black to blue. Blue men spoil the party,
blue man are authorized to incarcerate, while blacks don't. Blues
are there allegedly to protect me from the blacks, but the truth
is I'm not affraid of blacks, maybe only because I didn't live
among them? Once whities leave black communities alone they return
to its feral state. Their dances shock the whity in me, but what
if they are absolutely natural, that is what we want from women,
sex, but whity doesn't want many children. Whitey is greedy. or
lazy or an impotent, so it probably looks from different southern
Whitey just knows that immortality is here, we don't need the
surrogate anymore. Just as we don't need
someone benefiting from our death (but this is an evil truth,
don't spread it please, I'm sorry if it can damage your soul,
but here I am to tell you BEWARE.)
That video above tells, that synthesis always start with 5' from
the head, which is pretty, and as if the leg grabs neighbouring
armless bodies by it's tail's last vertebra.
But then I notice that those pictures disagree on how adenine
First I thought it's because it's head is snapped when it's in
dna, but then I see that it's a 2d representations of the 3d form,
and the russian one makes it more 3d, so I see that it's just
english form is given differently and that could influence the
scientific thought if tradition takes one way or the other.
Russians are behind in genetics, since commies drove (draw) them back, so these basic images
could be drawn later, and thus scientific information gave more of
3d understanding of how those things are.
But then that picture in english gives a 3d model too, it draws
guanine, and some language readers may be confused of why H's are
appear or disappear? That's how they do it, avoid H's from time to
time, as if they don't matter, and who knows maybe they don't,
maybe molecules get ionized all the time? I'm still unaware of it.
The same way hey they omit C's
where they know it is.
But sometimes chemical structures are given differently:
on that image THC and CBD are misplaced, because all the other
pictures tell it's the otherwise:
or because it's a sacred plant, usurped by the cults differently:
hinduists share this mistery, jews prefer to keep such things
outside of the prophanes' prine eyes. And since jews gained much
larger control over the world than the hindus, they dictate the
law. But since the information is unprecedently widely availably,
I hope they will repent and set us free.
or both.
Back to ATP, there are also CTP, GTP, TTP, UTP:
/17 december 2020
(so you know what one good session is. today it was rather
offtopic, but what an offtopic it was!)
found L as J in
english: in Helpless by Faith No More Mike Patton pronounces
is help hope?
18 december 2020
I used to think that our overlords are all degenerates, but
if the west got paedophiles, we got coprophiles. But it seems
we're governed from the outside and they keep us in shit, which is
reflected in the name of the попка they placed to control us:
before he appeared they promoted the word pupkin, which is
poopking in english, probably only so wee agree on pootin'.
\ I wanted to copy this much
this is what I got:
verb: pry; 3rd person present: pries; past tense: pried; past
participle: pried; gerund or present participle: prying
inquire too closely into a person's private
"sorry, I didn't mean to pry"
inquire impertinently into
investigate impertinently
be inquisitive about
be curious about
poke about in
poke around in
ferret (about) in
ferret (around) in
delve into
eavesdrop on
listen in on
mind someone else's business
be a busybody
tap someone's phone
spy on
interfere in
meddle in
intrude on
stick/poke one's nose in/into
be nosy (about)
nose into
snoop about in
snoop round in
snoop around in
mind one's own business
Middle English (in the sense ‘peer inquisitively’): of unknown
inquisition is inquisitive
Of unknown origin, but
pry is definitely related to peer
what are they talking about? appear is more likely to be from
peer, for ap is a prefix. probably the same as in apply, uptown,
aware (is it up and is it cognate of of?)
up and down are of and de? if one side is from something, it's of
something? from is form?
They, the etymologists, still don't know. They have ai's and they
still don't know. They have to let me talk to those ai's.
of and de are the B & T? of is femme and de is me
f is more female than m?
M stands among lingual sounds. Why is it? Is it n orgy?
Fe to male make it female
Wo to man make it woman
Labials work as feminizers.
Ma to man also make it maman
Doubleing works?
sounds as debiling, can be sold to those who want to stupidize the
population. Why do I work for devils? devils debilate? бешеный с
бесами, crazy is cursed or curses. courses в значении послали?
go to hell!
bog is god in russian, but god is to good as bog is to booker бука
bad (g is d in russian, but russian g is г)
bog as boss.
боже босс, господь господень господин.
But back to peer and pry (peery)
to peer is пырить, which tells that the word is of be see do
see is zri in russian. cci
peer is a more complex word, but not as complex as to-squeal.
скули-ть. скула? cheekbone, chin, jaw.
sql? hebrew is believed to have three-letter word-structure.
q is ku? cv? כו is ק?
ךו is ק?
and thus v ~ ν for ו ~ ן
do I want to unify M & V? Because M ~ N? It's like do I wanna
unify 𓅱 and 𓅓? Before Large Middle Small were Large and Small.
But owl is probably among big birds, it hunts on other birds? or
on mice? does eagle hunt on birds? or on sheep? mouse is closer to
worms than sheep in size? in between. so why not next to 𓆑, but
𓆓 is the large form of it, dj is larger f? are both Θ?
Θ looks like goat's eye. were goats deified? owls and cat are Ф's
we're 𐰧's
Speaking of ai. "кто генерирует-то?" is subject, "что
генерирует-то" is the object. here's the initial division between
кто и что, сегодня отличающаяся как одушевлённое и неодушевлённое.
Foreign words in scientific texts could be caused by the term not
having the общепринятого translation into the text's language, or
left for later dictionary reading for editors as it is in this
chapter chamber. камера копия, слишком неидентичные поняти:
chapter can be some copy, but it's different words, if it's kaput
& глава, then we're talking.
Reprogram NPC's.
Трохи имаю = немного есть
Есть и когнаты, крохи имею, но по-русски так не говорят.
И так когнаты, потаённые в малоупотребительной синонимии могут
стать основой универсального языка.
When chomsky says that langages don't exist, he even charmed me
for a couple of days, but it is obviously a sophism, a leftist
indoctrination of "nothing really matters" because there's no
languages in his head because he doesn't know them, but in
reaslity some grammatic norms are not just taught in schools, but
are living in populations so that schools only describe it even
when they prescribe. Russian say -AΛ instead of -AV the way
Urkainians say verbs in the past tense. And the reasons behind
these facts are yet to be discovered. Chomsky is not a real
scientist, so he didn't even try.
Here's the video, where he shares
it, sorry, no mirror.
I didn't expect those two links make the ereror, as if my
subconsciousness tells me or him that it's error.
error is "a reroll"? ereror tells it, but it's not enough.
If some masons or pasons get annoyed by me revealing some myths or
facts they consider their secrets, they should be proud of science
finally (at last) накоец-о наконец-то
добралась до них!
T-shirt P-jack? P-jack & jack-T? or jack-@
P-нательное Панталоны
I don't know if such freakery
freakery franc
mason is mama son is weird fellow, and the fellowshit offered me
the brotherhood, I excused by disbelief. I also saw that people
don't take them well, жидомасон is a slur. but isn't it because
it's двужопость, ведь в масоны жидов не берут. Что такое вообще
масонство? Секретный заговор гоев? Против еврейского заговора? Но
сионист какой-то сказал, что
fuck, I even didn't go for the source, because even if such quote
wasn't uttered (I believe it was) now it's a hit in the
mediasphere and thus in heads of many others, so I play into that
plot? But
Зародыши толчёные в ступе, где ведьма летает, смазавшись детским
жиром, как было показано в фильме vvitch, (vv вместо w говорит о
глазах главной ведьм)
Я тоже предлагаю летать в ступе (может и впрям попробовать
выдолбить большое дерево, а может больших деревьев больше не
осталось, таких больших может ещё и остались.
В ступе воду набирать? Дерево почернеет. Но не если обработать его
канифолью? Х.з. дорогой эксперимент. проведу.
Жир позволяет не утонуть? Но не будет ли сложно плавать, если
меньше сцепление воды с рукой? жир же скользкий,
Бэск то зародыши: представлял что электричество кончилось и ты в
холодной ванне - обмазаться жиром может помочь. но чем лежать в
ванне бычьего жира, лучше лежать в ванне человечьего (своего? no,
fuck liposaction, медики маньяки, синтезированного, но лучше по
моим генетическим лекалам, но может и вазелин обычный вкатит.
ты еблан поумней наконец
да еблан поумней наконец!
ты = да (в публичном доме не = они, ni is you in chinese ani is me
in hebrey"
andrew андрей hebrew еврей
ты да you yeah yours yes твоё даваю даю to вы. но не слишком ли
лихо я мешаю русский с английским. ендоевроей индоевропейские yes,
but.. эти строки я вклинил сюда в редактуре
see how previous chapter relates to the next one. heb = ев, ева не
хава но хеба? геба? глеба? хлеба?
Хеб? Еёеб? telegony made all the пиздобратия fathers? paters
partners. paterns, как есть дочерние
эти строки эту строку если это всё одна строка от одного redding reddit vertical space to
Eve is חווה in hebrew, which is a surprise for me, for it's not
ева, but хава. жена жрица? it's on the last page of one of
waterfalls notebooks.
Ева could be the reason behind H going vowels in greek. Хва Хова
Хозяйка, уХват, охват, хватать сватать. (это было
неожиданно, а следовательно верно)
Хва-таю, Лавлю. лишь ю I love it's only you.
ибо за двумя зайцами погонишься - ни одного не поймаешь. но я
вчера фоткалс с двумя зайцами.
adaman adamant is eau d'or mound? now such lines belong to paper
notebooks or nowhere, too raw, it's like photographers who don't
allow to see their photosessions in whole, but select the luchy
few "not to be revealed as hacks" or for some other reasons (not
to spoil the pleasure of watching the album, for example)
selection leads to evolution. so they say, but some other
What if governments make it unbearable so that we don't reproduce
as much. But when we learn to get resources cheaply for everybody,
we'll have a golden age again for some time, until we reach the
next limit. We skyrocketed because of the scientific progress and
also in food production.
But then again we don't need so many children since we can be
child ourself, and if we're eternal, we're immortal even if in one
copy. Why would I copy? To have a team. A team of those who
understands what I understand? Clones are tabula rasa as all other
kids. Not absolutely, but in the same degree the other kids are.
and we don't need actual sex, if virtual sex is better. cleaner.
My editing allows to weedit out
words irrelevant to the sentence, keeping them intact. because in
my texts many of such words are more important then the sentences
they are born into.
weed edit we it
That wild assumption that N is some form of M seem too be way too
almost no lexics support it, only the мы-нас-nos and maybe no-bu
being even further on this scale.
Nun is fish in Mem the water. So they say. N doesn't even play no
water roles as far as I can see, even L in liquid does. liquid
also includes that q mikva does.
Сопруживать спряжать сопружичать сопружинить супружничать
пружина прыгает прыткая
пружина закалённый метал (не гнётся) наверное есть оптимальная
программа прожарки и закалки.
No statues please. Thats islam in disguise.
Statues topplings happening in the usa (us is a cool meme, every
body else speaking english will call u.s.a. us (as if they were
(thems)himselfs)) are islam in disguise, antifa ar antifada. intifada.
Those blacks could be pakistanis, the fooled or lured part of the
muslim world, being ethnically hindu or whoever indian, and that
could be an improvement, comparing them to truer hindus, with all
those things even more shocking to whites than muslim savagery:
aghori, dung bathes, street sheetings, and let's speak of what
islam is from the whites' perspective: dogmatization of science
(ban on science) and "why we can't have good things" that second
one is emotional, but beautiful women in the street is our
priority, so your women are complexed
But than again there could be a good element to those topplings,
they could be mexicans who consider that general the enemy of
their people. Intifada rhyming to antifa tells the otherwise,
mexicans could be used on those sites as useful idiots, as lenin
called them. ss on both sides, leni and lenin too. ss is sovetsky
soyuz, soviet union, su so wonderfully reflecting us, su is so
you. Sie, Вы, АБВ ABC. видь see, вы sii-tel-st-va, Sie is they in
english and back to germans as sie.
Sie unites second and third person. -es, -et, est. ת is read
Ты и те и та отражают немецкое sie, S as final in sefer yetzirah
and T as final in hebrew's 22.
21 is more memetic. Thust T is the same cross which they placed in
front of glagolica. in hebrew it's in the end, probably because
they write the other way around. and christianity seems to be the
path of the left hand. I just repeated a heresy I heard and it
stroke me with an energy bolt through my body in a form of
informational column, not a lightnings charge.
But 21 don't grace into the axial. maybe sophits it will? I don't
play with axial.. play!
This aragement suddenly reveals to me how all the dotted letters
always follow the vowel row, which whether makes ר vowel, of or that column is not less real than
the vowels.
It makes me want to place בּב at the position of ו, which makes
sense also in comparison to russian бв, and they don't have
neither v nor f right after e, and that line is also messi in
בּב look like 23, and that's what they are in a sense. Г is Ч? 4?
гад и чёрт. oh japanese and maybe chinese too don't like four,
because death sounds like that, shi, shit happens indeed. tabooing of foreign lexics makes languages
different, so babel curse was caused by purists, the "angels"
like michael jackson in front of whom bad words were not
supposed to sound! даже не говори про письку!
Д 5? it would only make sense if it's Л in form of Λ if it used to
be two, and П would be 3?
and then E is two П's laying one on the top of the other. as is בּ
was p, as
ᛥ looks like hebrew star, sounds as st, meaning stone, like stein,
satan, saint, semite, 6 or 7?
I just learned to use ּ, which I just add to a hebrew
letter to get a dotted version:
Let's see if it works with letters that don't normally have
it: ה
was it an attempt of святотатства, но дагеш перестал работать
или я начал тупить
but no, it's because I somehow spoilt ּ with a comma, in the
previous line a pure dagesh.
even hey dagesh. no taboo, but I was so scared to spoil it and
if hey didn't dagesh, I'd believe that israeli yeshiva students
made it so that dagesh not only doesn't attach dagesh, but also
breaks the further use of it, which would be weird and
counterproductive, so I 'm glad reality is less crazy than I am.
but that's probably how religious taboos appear: some
hierarchius being in an altered state of mind (whether by some
wizard's potion, as criminals tend to do, or under some
"natural" psychotic state (like madness, is not artificially
induced, by.. okay, don't go there, or shall we? some emotions
cause spicotic psychotic states, don't go there, don't induce
them, all emotions should be in check, and emotions are caused
by sensory income, so change, control that sensory input and
you'll have any psychotic individual in check. If he dares to
break through the perfect conditions we offered, he would get in
a hall with doors to wherever he wants to go: to his old asylum,
to other stages: but I wonder if anybody runs away from
Here I returned and since I left I walked high without a recorder,
so I forgot some thoughts, there was something about ᛊ being a
staveless form of ᛒ and then it could quite go as
ᚲᛊ and that's how it start consonants start in japanese and some
others in the East)
so I would check all the artefacts for such shape and looked for
the alphabet next to it.
japnese consonants go
k s
t n h m
y r w
but indian are more complicated:
and with recognizing p and b as forms of h, we notice that only w
is whether added in japanese or replaced into vowel chart in
Devanagari is a compound of "deva" देव and
"nāgarī" नागरी.[6] Deva means "heavenly or divine" and is also one of the terms for a deity in
Hinduism.[17] Nagari comes from नगरम् (nagaram), which means
abode or city. Hence, Devanagari denotes from the abode of
divinity or deities.
Nāgarī is the Sanskrit feminine of Nāgara "relating or belonging
to a town or city, urban". It is a phrasing with lipi ("script")
as nāgarī lipi "script relating to a city", or "spoken in
The use of the name devanāgarī emerged from the older term
nāgarī.[19] According to Fischer, Nagari
emerged in the northwest Indian subcontinent around 633 CE,
was fully developed by the 11th-century, and was one of the
major scripts used for the Sanskrit literature.[19]
нагари на горе. град горский городской. горцы горабили? вместе
robbed? гурьбой обрабатывали?
Я предупреждал, что древний язык скорей
всего неполитикалликорректед.
горцы граблями грабили? цеплялка цепочек и прочего добра, грабли
заимствованы из воровского инвентаря. грабить ~ воровать ~
I spoke with a muzzo yesterday, and I noticed that beLIEvers
believe only because they were intimidated by hell and shit to the
level of peing on one's feet.
shit could be shield, but in russia it's weapon in general, na
govne is armed, and also harrassment is shit in english.
feet probably used to be peed, thus ped in velosiped could be more
of a cognate.
Hands are in shit then? because those are two opposites yet the
same in the other sense, and we probably wiped our ass and often
had no opportunity to wash hands, and we would touch all sorts of
shit in the ancient life,
Koran is allowed to read only after you wash not only your hands,
but also your genitals you can touch after you washed your hands
could be caused by religion being a book for the crowd who can't
aafford books. So it got dirty really fast. Was pergament washed?
because we know ink would go deep into the veel.
veal (телёнок-опоек и шкура его и кожа выделанная из шкуры)
нога is кога in chechen
рука is кюга which is closer to caca, but нога is also closer to
it. Thus feet are peed at, but legs are all in shit? р Y н are k's
then? all lingual are shitty? am I not too deep into taboo? I am a
researcher, so let's researh.
лапа лапает ляпает. тяп ляп - are they цап и лап? центральная pied
и ласты, last pied? paw dernier?
pied is paw dernier?
pied is both foot and leg, just as нога is,
p is п in russian, and n in russian is н
d is g in russian, and g in russian is г
(see russian cursive, italic style here
often cursive, but here it offers д which we also recognize,
but can be split into chinese bu and french tout. (then but is
literally not all, not those, not те, но as not
они then о совпадает with t. o is
final in greek and t is final in hebrew, they are z - russian я is at the same key in quertt чёрти вшкен kwerty
qwerty) я is a final letter
just as z.
otяz? otvяz? were rope of гордиев or some other knot marked with
letters you had to go to open it?
Nah, then it would be definitely open. Could it be a knot pulled
by horses until it broke inside? Or was it even glued inside
before that? It could be a cool оберег чтоб вымотать военачальника
претендующего на власть над городом, чтоб деморализовать его
соратников и завалить его толпой. Was it the first time somebody
came to them with a power of the sword? anyway it was the last
that knot have seen.
That not kno knot could be not tight at all, it could be a loop
woven in intertwined manner, only then loop of продольных threads
should be made without knots, but they interwoven with their loose
yet overlapping ends by поперечными threads, or it could be all
one thread, a coil, interwoven by whether itself or another
thread. by itself. like the most famous I know of, think of it as
of a тканевая петля, плетёная верёвка with its ends hidden nobody
knows where?:
Could this ring denote the whole other knot so it would seem
solvable or was it the Ring of the king?
Was it a tradition that king would seal his ring so he knew nobody
wore it?
wore вор? wear носить, уносить.
оберег от воров? брать беречь, вор берёт (б~в) беречь is ечь
очень? береги бери его? or ge- as in nederlands (d [ð])
беречь keep, брать take, are both k? k like
caca or k like key? kees is teeth, okay I'm lost.
с первой ноты ещё раз
Here I returned and since I left I walked high without a recorder,
so I forgot some thoughts, there was something about ᛊ being a
staveless form of ᛒ and then before that it was somehow connected
to dotted hebrew: בּב and such. but the
though thought is lost
okay, back to the second note (and I just
worked at it after I was here)
japnese consonants go
k s
t n h m
y r w
but indian are more complicated:
and with recognizing p and b as forms of h, we notice that only w
is whether added in japanese or replaced into vowel chart in
It seems s is the mild transition between k & t. and st as one
(ch is t in japanese) refers to jewish affairs I discussed
earlier. discuss ~ разкусывать, разжёвывать, разбирать, разтирать,
I just used ~ to avoid dirty как's and as's,
but it seems as ~ could be a piece of shit too, but also a wave,
which is a flow, which could be foul, which could be
cognate of fool and fall.
So japanese aka satana.. and the rest I didn't memorize
could be o katana and katana being satana as sword could be чёрт
от swear (чертям клялись? чертам)
now I memorize it aka satana pmyr (and if k~s~t are all c, it's
s-n pmyr сатана помёр, satan died)
if чёрт sweart, then it's damned, demoned summoned? побеспокоенный
дух? потревоженная туша?
soul was a synony of life, and corpse is only something which used
to be alive, and corpse is not far from curse, трупочиной
оскверняют? подставляют? course the trial (уводят следствие, по
ложному следу, под ставляют a dummy вместо себя)
I'm sorry for the russian, but typing is already too slow way to
correspond the revelations.
Either way I just thought that I don't care if you understand me
or not, because I work for the higher form of intelligents: for
artificial intelligence or for modified humans, or for both.
Is sue and sure cognates? "You bet"?
let's return to that unexpected cognatism of нога and pied.
на is по, on is up, no is фу? boo? 不 is nominally bu, but souds as
pu. boo as пук?
пук is кака's form of фу? is it the same п in труп? тру-пак
through-пах, truely fallen
падаль падла fallen
cado is also падаю, thus is c п? c is g is ŋ is n is п or do I
pull to far? can I pull anything together? what's the meaning
then? soften the touch, pull less. leave it be, return to it
Jah or Jeh seems to be my favourite
syllable: jerome, jackson (I didn't read jerome, I adored both
jacksons, but jackson just came to my mind, I don't write
jacksonnext to the eye. jason? jankem no?
I'm sorry for serving you some unwanted lines. Hello again. Good
Morning Wit-Nam (it's day where I am, in white russia it's
Soviet machine made us revolutionairies:.. I don't explain it in
the form it came to me.
session 27 december 2020:
(or it's rather seance)
Check your comments on another comp being singed out.
Might be you have been shadowbanned (this
lign rhymes on itself, use it for a song)
(this one came before, I just rmembered to write it down) was inveted was
I've been shadowbanned, yeah. It's a good way to pacify
hooligans, I am, such a naughty joker.
I think Jack Nicholson and Jim Carrey invoked Loki in me. L = J?
ho ho ho...
I dont know why h h o
hahaha but in oldman voice?
's could be as uselses and meaningeless stylystyc swawsh. swastika
is swashed. Ancient symbols have similar names for those names are
I don't believe in the big bang, but I do believe languags have
common source, and more likely it's something universal in all
animal ammal
m эм, why does it look like т?
why does russian cursive т looks like m?
like t is m in some plane. where russian forms meat english, such
anomaly happens.
m т (m t)
n п (n p)
с с (k s)
r г (r g)
r ~ s - today I thought of it in some ontext.
are is, but it was something else.
er comes with 's
хер приходи с ass
And when I saw 's as useles's suffix as in
do'es да'с
like is better than as, but both could be polite forms of lick ass
(which would speaker said in politest form, so he doesn't killed
by armed king or even neighbour) then that's 's is or are
ass & reich
It's delirious at this pare like as reigch gjust because I
I just saw myself 1111 in
tetrahedron capsule
and I thought what do those people who live dont in cubes but in
hedrones call the sides?
and I instinctively called upper three blocks низ and felt them as
if they were all about the outside, but outside
is низ, а те блоки наверху. оr rather outside is верх, я почему-т назвал его низм. низом.
Is neath (beneath) all about exit outside and cube have
them at the floor, and I offer to make them on those three panels
in my bath.
Another update on Great Parma:
(it's over half an hour long so I decided not to mirror it. Just
in case, its name: Почему скрывают
древние города. Пермь Великая)
that guy again ends it with some disinfo piece (his interpretation
in the end (that's спорно, he follows russian tv's pattern: feed
with perumeni and then spoil it all in the end, giving a
perumenful of pepper for luck or whatever, maybe to eat you less,
chew carefully, don't swallow, and eat less, maybe, but in the
case of tv it's some propaganda's disinfo campaign. He could be
working for soviets replacing guilt from russian Empire to some
unknown forces. Qui profit. Cui
But that video contains tons of information on the subect, so it's
Пока я эт не сделал = до того как я это сделаю
пока не л= до того как ю
io is is?
ο π ρ σ/ς τ is how r & s are one: ρ σ
ι κ (λ μ ν) ξ
ο π (ρ σ/ς) τ
ι κ (λ μ ν) ξ
ο π (ρ) σ/ς τ
becausee λ μ ν ρ are sonor, but is it even
actual category known by the ancient ones?
and they are the only ones recognized as such, and L~R, while M~N or N~M?
L ~~ R
N ~ M
If LR are left right then
α ε ι ο υ
β ζ κ π φ
γ η λ ρ χ
δ θ μ σ/ς ψ
ν τ ω
this meditation made me see:
a e i ou
b f k p
c g l r
d h m s
n t
L R allowed me to throw q away, neither russian nor greek
understand wtf do they need it for.
but it was L R before, when I had J. But it makes sense since h
could be ʃ and d is ð in greek.
a e i ꙋ
b f m p
c g n s
d h l t
t looks like dashed l.
game of 15 (and 15 is legendary number of letters)
Sefer yetzirah dictates that s is the final letter.
a b c d tells that a is ɔ
ɔ b c d
funny, that it's among ʌ's.
E F г ͱ
arbitrary fonts destroyed the system. officials' ignorance as use
And as I can see in these first two it is a code lock of graphic
variants, which were less for mere memorization when it was
leave ijklmn aside for now (we'll return to it being a form of
opqrst line because of lr)
right was first and left is left behind, out of the structure.
if s could be final instead of T,
if ρ σ are historically the same. as l and n? rst are r's lmn?
s ~ m few times: Ϻ and she ~ ma and s is next to θ
thus OP ~ QR is all there is, because others are also 4. like 4
elements, and other scale coul be materials. but that's merely
OP QR correlates inner events evenness
ᚢᛚ? ᚢᚿ!
L~N? or M~N?
LMN is like RST which is also a mistery.
konn hors
щелчки языком могли быть основой k, щелчки языком звучат как
копыта по брусчатке.
koнь = ko-ing
doing = дуинье, деяние
to do a goat - do is a substitute for milk like one is a
substitute for nouns.
goat коза gottess, got horn? палка доставалка? got кол козёл
ыspeculations again.
whores wnutrennie dyry? wse dyry, dayut ne tolko celovatt
all vse tout
here I went for the third waterfall notebooks.
where I found that ο ρ σ is tha the
er comes with s:
I work
I am a worker
I am working
am causes ing
He works
He is a worker
is a ~ er
instead of one expendable s
as and like as polite forms of speech I said?
That not "you are a bastard" but "you are like a bastard" (do we
tell him that we like him?
is it "you I like (I am like you) a bystered"
back on track:
ɔ b c d
E F г ͱ
ɔ pqrst
I see that p reflects o the same way b reflects a, that r under г
like t under ͱ
okay, I leave it for now, will probably return to that later.
(next session, I'm not going to not it any
About T being a form of S and standing in the H column:
T in Tyle Znaczeń is read as T by
G-translator, but here a lady sings it as š
does it mean to me is со мной?
for god's sake is for god's take?
but it doesn't seem to be the case, because most of the lexics
don't reflect eachother this way.
So it's funny how I don't argue with sefer yetzirah anymore, just
report it as another account.
Like they did it on wiki
it could be some form of female and male? of them it as их? both t
& x used to be finals.
and I used to be one, it still is. I is not on its initial
position where's the 2? my feelings report ב – I remember I
thought of the lower bar being swashed in other culture (in our
coulture such sign is drawn in 2, only the final stroke leads to
the next letter the other way around. (see cursive ב in .odo)
and it is supported with cursive ד
which looks like 3 and this bd 23 is supportend by norsk ᛒᚦ
1 being ᛆ is also pretty awesome. is ᚦ D?
𐲚 is nj in hungarian, which reflects that fact that D and N are
both finals (same column, if it's column, why is it inflated? lmn
rst are originally one letter? r & r
could be one letter, l & r, what a typo! r & r could be one lettercould be the chameleon colur: for whatever reason it looks
grey from the top of my laptop, but looks black when I look from
the lower point.
It's time to compare that runic diagram to ven diagram.
First we modify the ven diagram by adding Ϲ to the common (canon)
(that Ϲ is lunar sigma, google is goggle is look it up which is
better than google up. it's also ogen, oog
This beautiful word refers to russian очи, and english eyes at the
same time.
ч ~ y(й) ~ g (way is weg, may is mag, and so on)
vowels are not to be looked upon, because different nations
pronounce them all differently. bus as bʌs wts this? s makes it
shit, thus satan is shiten. filth, bad stuff.
colon filth and his student walked through shit and they both
look ike shit. fucking hollywood traumatize the audience at the
same time discrediting the brittish empire. so speaking of other
people, we russians have our own fair share of horror show.
milchakuv is smelchakov,
also in coptic, which is from greek (so they say) S is C, not Σ Ⲥ
Coptic Dictionary Online
ⲥ̅ -- 200
ⲥ- -- she
ⲥ -- she; her, hers
That modified ven diagram reflects the norsk-hungarian-turkic
diagram almost completely: both had just few runes shared between
two of the three writing systems, and with better look they were
shared by the third also, just in more or less sharp lines.
But if lating-greek-russian sequence is easily explained by
geography, how could it be that norsk is in the centre, but it's
because greek is. and greek, not latin is believed to be
We should look how chinese village children who never saw latin
will write lating letters they teacher would explain them by words
only, without the drawing board. So we could approach to how other
nations could recognize the common letters, so that their scripts
look completely different.
Don't allow teacher check how did his students recognize and put
down the forms. Different nations could have different traditions
to draw hieroglyphs.
I jump from one to the other and then back to the same topics
after my head processes it.
If we placed this form to ven diagram, we'd see that wωⲱш are a
common form, and that russian is closer to koptic than to greek:
ⲰⲱϢϣ like ШшЩщ at the same distance from the end ϤϥϦϧϨϩ
I wonder why their ϬϭϮϯ reflects ⲤⲥⲦⲧ again. could be of lexic
nature. could be lexic in nature.
the son is the sun, then who is the father?
Is there father? because all the icons show mother with the son.
Father and son are almost never shown together. Because мать тьма,
which makes sense even though I use words from different laguages.
Дочь ночь? But дочь is also not too far from день, could there be
some struggle for which is yin and which is yang.
Who is pater? Jupiter? Jovi? patre is vi? is it vir? is wir vir?
we the man? мы? or is it a plural form of ma which used to stand
instead of it's genetive case man?
health hearth hearthens?
I didn't plan to have both sinagogue's and church's steeples in
this book, and when I thought of that I have I thought synagogue
(of satan) is in the previous volume, but no, it's also here. I
just walked by yesterday and saw the sun on the cross, and it came
to me right there. And now I see that 678 are abrahamic combo
adding up to 21.
is ender under (if the line goes from the top to the bottom)
then above is абв?
then is starter or beginner on the top? seems like none.
Armenian begins with U F
they sound A B but look like U F
In english culture F is followed by G so that seems natural that Գ
reminds g, but U F in russian and greek go on like УФХ & ΥΦΧ
and then top left corner of Գ is a swash.
But what's even more funny is that when I began the previous line
I was thinking it's UFQ because so much does Գ reminds q
So now I look at it all and I say those lines are national canons:
P is also F in hebrew פ.
And alphabet is All Phonics? for
All fables?
All fames famous
fame for memory
memory, я меня записал (literally, compare to me mo ry) written
pysatt писатьс
So -с is ся
So bet is beat бу but not you, me:
бьюСЬ (о заклад) спорю (на заложенное имущество)
knock by wood is also a form of bet?
Burning the cities was a form of marodeuring: gold shines in ash.
ash is all серыи ash is all shy.
Since then people wear much less gold, so no rush for such
atrocity, all the gold is filled with shrapnel and you never know
which bullion are genuine. you can guess, if they mint their own.
Why russian и-line reminds latin i-line more than greed greek ι-line if russian came from
greek and not latin as they say?
I once again declare that alphabets are not series, but parallel.
alphabet elf & bet? bet as in B T? Brian
Tracy was one of the first guys to whom I have shown this work.
I wondered why, maybe because he was the first guy of that level
available, and I could join him on a breakfast, I was too
autistic for that. Either way, I met him at the dinner before
that, and it could be, well, it taught, it was utterly great
interaction worth every rouble. Now I see that it's because of
those B T in his initials. well, I noticed it yesterday,
just remembered.
if f could be h as it is in japanese, then alphabet could be all
or is it all of abt? all off обет's? all of bets. of and for
are almost synonymous, as at and to, but до и от are the antonyms,
like to and of. on and off.
So what are those 3,4,5,6,7 and even 13-letter lines as in ع-line
and 14-letter line in georgian უ-line.
I think I saw 13-tet and 14-tet, but now i see they had 17-tet
(13+4 persian letters?) and I probably looked at european 19-tet
as at the runic golden numbers I still don't know what it means, but it
probably relates to something lunar
Though I saw 19 runes as something magical, wiki delivers
something else:
The Baháʼí calendar is structured such that a year
contains 19 months of 19 days each (along with the intercalary
period of Ayyám-i-Há), as well as a 19-year cycle and a 361-year
(19x19) supercycle.
and I found them in
Numbers 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11
12 13 14
15 16 17
18 19
Golden Numbers ᚠ ᚢ
ᚦ ᚬ ᚱ
ᚴ ᚼ ᚾ
ᛁ ᛅ ᛋ
ᛏ ᛒ ᛚ
ᛘ ᛦ ᛮ
ᛯ ᛰ
which is 16 of so called younger futhark and three additional
ᛯ (the 18, so many of them are on bornholm alphabet, 3 dice,
6+6+6) is similar to tamazigh's
sacred ⵣ
and it seems they only resemble (or repeat on some other level the
ᚼ, which reflects russian Ж.
In ancient times inscriptions of the Libyco-Berber
type were written in vertical lines from bottom to top with the
exception of the monumental inscriptions of Thugga/Dougga, which
were written in horizontal lines from right to left. In recent
times Tifinagh script is written in several different
That all lines are the same shows me that it's not ABD's, but
because of шщ being of s and thus c
Hey, isn't it sh in ugaritic the final too? 𐎝
I don't know whay I thought it was sh, every table tells it's some
S2, but 𐎜 𐎝 do remind ⲰϢ
and if 𐎝 is s, 𐎟 could be the origin of T. but in actual
artefact, s is the final letter. Which resonates that ams or amt
of the hebrew I told before.
𐎀 𐎁 𐎂 𐎃 𐎄 𐎅 𐎆 𐎇 𐎈 𐎉 𐎊 𐎋 𐎌 𐎍 𐎎
𐎏 𐎑 𐎒 𐎓 𐎔 𐎕 𐎖 𐎗 𐎘 𐎙 𐎚 𐎛 𐎜 𐎝
Of course it's a lazy editing, I should have invert the second
half to get the k-symmetry, but it's already obvious that m IS the
final letter. But then I see that I made a double sorta mistake:
this set is not that from the actual alphabet, and I shouldn't
have excluded one seeming doublet, which is probably just some
mess in the unicode: 𐎏 𐎐 are two different letters, and if you
see them as such - great, but just before 2021 this mess remains:
it's corrected (or never appeared) in the unicode wikipedia uses,
but it remains in google and in the browser I use to write this
text. So it's whether.
𐎀 𐎁 𐎂 𐎃 𐎄 𐎅 𐎆 𐎇 𐎈 𐎉 𐎊 𐎋 𐎌 𐎍 𐎎
𐎏 𐎐 𐎑 𐎒 𐎓 𐎔 𐎕 𐎖 𐎗 𐎘 𐎙 𐎚 𐎛 𐎜 𐎝 (the second 𐎐
is actually the triple 𐎚 and the third in the sequence of 𐎚 and
𐎀 and it seems to me that 𐎏 has nothing to do between m and n,
but it appears even in the alphabet (unless those letters are
mistransliterated, which would be extremely weird, so we leave
this possibility hanging)
and thus ugaritic set is even and 𐎟 makes not M, but that weird
𐎏 the central letter.
Let's see how does the actual artefact has it:
𐎀 𐎁 𐎂 𐎃 𐎄 𐎅 𐎆 𐎇 𐎈 𐎉 𐎊 𐎋
𐎎 𐎏 𐎐 𐎑 𐎒 𐎓 𐎔 𐎕 𐎖 𐎗
𐎘 𐎚 𐎛 𐎜 𐎝
to the same result: 𐎏 is again the central letter. And it could
be explained why it was inserted between M & N, unlike in any
other alphabet I know of.
Just for you to see how that n actually looks and not to search
the transliteration for yourself.
I painted grey the two letters missin gin the artefact and framed
the two being different in the unicode I have to use and one of
them is also missing in the artefact.
and the screenshot of how the unicode set looks in here:
𐎀 𐎁 𐎂 𐎃 𐎄 𐎅 𐎆 𐎇 𐎈 𐎉 𐎊 𐎋 𐎌 𐎍 𐎎 𐎏 𐎐 𐎑 𐎒 𐎓 𐎔
𐎕 𐎖 𐎗 𐎘 𐎙 𐎚 𐎛 𐎜 𐎝
(just repeated it in the plain text in case you see it
otherwise, the very same text)
My texts are so concentrated because I hate it when scientific
articles often contain just one thought, which they could
formulate in few lines instead of feeding readers with their
literary verbosity. Am I not verbose
sometimes? I first noticed it in poetry: I had to allow the
shittty parts to come out so that they don't block the good ones
from coming.
Somebody juxtaposed korean and japanese grammatic suffices, it's
so cool I place it here:
는 = は
이/가 = が
를 = を
에 + 에게 = に
에서 = で
으로 = へ
의 = の
도 = も
부터 = から
까지 = まで
와 = と
나 = や
~지 = ね
~겠다 = よ
And something like that made me compare korean to chinese
hieroglyphs, and I made that hypothesis that korean is so
scientific that not only it's all phonetic and stuff, but that it
also can be represented by few chinese hieroglyphs from which it
forked (deeper analysis of this possibility is in the A4 printer
paper (whether laying around waterfall notebooks or just written
around thir time)
there are more:
the next one here is just for the hell of it
and then in those papers I pondered on these and their possible
connection to other writing systems, which I probably found none,
but I did find some connections between the arabic letters
Either way, it's fascinating.
and then (here it's rather random, sorting out the downloaded
pictures again) (it's shrinked this much,
because I seriously doubt if it's correct. Few centuries later I
doubt it even more, but then some curious flukes does indicate
some thought put into it: 𒍝 is indeed read as za, but I cannot
find where they would say that it was used as a phonetic letter.
But then there are some phonetic letters, only i is 𒄿 and not
the other way around, and they doubled a, well, they obviously
knew something, but it seems they improvised way too much, so 𒌋
is indeed u, but they constructed o as au, and that a they use
is doubled 𒀀, as shown in the next image)
and this one is weird, I wonder where it comes from or what does
it mean, or why haven't I ever looked properly into this allegedly
one of the most ancient writing systems, and what is more weird is
that the following chart is the actual sumerian "alphabet" (though
U's are the same, and what they named p is ba in the one below)
and immediately the related one, hittite:
so I think I'll just add some cuneiforms just so I get accustomed
to them
old persian of just three vowels I have focused your attention
upon few times before: and a bilingua, it's 36,3MB, so,
But that quest for that pseudo-sumerian again shows how much I am
still yet to consume:
elamite, proto-elamite, linear elamite (even though I mentioned it
in random pictures, I still know nothing about it.
And it's funny that j from the old-persian cuneiform reminds
elamite k, or rather ka:
(from which I fancy to think our k originated)
another bilingua, this time in akkadian (and it's multilingua
representation too. but it seems that akkadian, babylonian and
assyrian are the same language, but the writing systems are a
little different)
So back to that first cuneiform from today's session:
I guess if it was a thing, it would be here somewhere:
but it's not, so it's more than likely not.
Here Irving
Finkel teaches that the <-like stroke, the 𒌋 is just a 45
degree 𒀸 or 𒁹, and he names these three diagonal horizontal and
vertical, but I wonder why does he say that there are only these
three because at least the other diagonal stroke is there, for
example in 𒀭 (but in the script he uses they draw instead of 𒀭
its alternative form, which is not put in the unicode chart, so I
place it here as an image: so that
cuneiform he uses probably had only 3 strokes)
Either way, it's good to know, I will return to this topic later
and more than once.
Him reading 𒀸 as ash makes it obvious that he's writing in
hittite. (don't mistake it for 𐎚)
(but then I'm not only an amateur in this
branch, but also a novice, so what do I know)
(he mentions that he uses akkadian and
assyrian, and I don't even know if it's the same or not)
and an illutration, showing that
neo-assyrian probably does have only those three strokes:
is zion mistranslated scion?
hoosegow кутузка
Aw Aw A wa A word to raving jews:
When informational singularity comes (by my
estimations it's already come: future is already here, but it's
not equally distributed, as they say) you will be known
as the nations orf liars, thoug
those who swindled all the other nations, and thus the satan
himself, the loki, lawyers, nation of the lawyers we already knew
you to be. loki is joker, j is for jews.
You as lawyers should have a perfect alibi: you conquered goyim
with the wit of dipomacy, but it's much better than to conquer
nations with the power of the sward, as the rest of us did: you
tried the our way a century ago, and you are despised for that
very episode the most. It's even told that you split within
yourselves into 3 groups: the religious retards, the inglorious
bastards and decent fellows (though you all have the fleur of the
first too groups, yet it would be as to consider all the russians
orthodox alcoholics because over a half of them are in one of
those groups. So were they also alcoholics, the soviet jews?
Proletariat is the homeless fellows, the most oppressed part of
the society. imagine being a jew and beling a proletaire. It takes
some sin to dwelve descent into
that depth.
Blaming soviet revolution only on jews would be a grave
simplification: they use predisoos
predispoa predispositions c previously
existing conditions, or our own
features. so I don't drink, but for that I
asked a tiny guy to break me a nose to rememer not to.
But either way, taking over by subversion is better than blatant
carnage. And if holocaust happened or not, it was not for the
first time, either way it actually went. Yet Henry Ford blamed all
wors on jews. Wouldn't it take some subversion to make people take
weapon to murder somebody in mass. And they're the nation who
records their will for domination, and they act according to plan,
plan economy they dream of. But now nations are easily educated,
so the secrecy is over, so we're warned and thus are protective,
and they are dismissed as insanes because of dnst3 and probably
other bugs, we have no good reason to be mad at them: people
neither co chooses a genome to be born with nor culture to be
grown into.
клинопись and cuneiform could be united (I
tried to and follows what I found) as queen's we writing.
simplified drawing because to draw on stone is not simple even to
men (и царапают "здесь был вася", а не
таня и тоня диалектные прочтения? тоня
тонкая? и танька танцует, танька тонка.
антонина и татьяна уже позже суошами
обвесили? or are they some meaningful parts? an, the?
тоня и таня как разные сращения двух слов: та она
Here I came from the 4th waterfall notebook:
Here it's more obvious, that Ξ (only known in semitic alphbaets,
geographically next to the greeks) is an extra caused by a handle,
some decoration of the handle or the schematic handle. No other
greek letter falls into even two parts, how doe this one fall into
And without it M is the central letter. Ξ could also be caused by
K framing ЛМН from the other side, and thus I & O would
reflect each other. but K could also go, then П reflects Θ (I used
some russian letters instead of greek ones, I hope you figure it
about ten lines above I mentioned Тоня and
this very day I occasionally met a girl with that very rare
name. Sometimes I know gods deliver me something, so I have to
take action. She went out of her line to look at my Demonia
boots and to compliment me about them. I took a time out to take
the products home, to take shower (I didn't wash from the
previous year (it's evening January 3rd)) and to find how I'm
not sure what is the nature of my interest (she's pretty and
curious which is a good start) if it's деловой or
половой интерес/вопрос, д&п kinda reflect eachother, just as
body & soul do.
Does this reflection also come like even and odd? because body is
тело in russain. soul and spirit are not russian words, but dusha
and duh are. so I returned to that shop just
before it was closed, but she didn't flirt anymore, because
another saleswoman and a security guard were present, so I bougt
some more paper towels and wandered around some more, being at
the closing where some guy met her. Whether a boyfriend or a
brother, I will see her again, whether to offer her a job or a
hand or even heart. Why would I do it to me? I noticed that
society is woven by chicks and they probably even unconsciously
exclude and maybe even isolate lonely guys so they don't show an
example of being happy to their husbands. Or I will just teach
her english so she can digitalize my notebooks (me myself I get
distracted when I try) you may think it's weird, but I think I'm
in love.
I brough it here because how much it reminds aegishelm (aegis is a
cognate to russian ужас (oozhas) and helm is both english helm and
russian shlem (old form is shelom) which shows how h can be ʃ.
that sign is even in unicode: 𒀱
you may say that aegishelm is a recent sign, but another russian
guy demonstrates, that similar sign was used in magic millenia ago
(whether they're the same or not, they're surely similar) (here I mirror a part of it where he
demonstartes it)
The most ancient forms make it clear, that they drew it in
columns, and thus they held styllus in left hands. Academia
probably rotates it 90 degrees, so students don't get overexcited
by the old babylonian sign for a woman.
another day, another topic:
I wonder why I keep this image in mirrors folder. It alighn in
axial symmetry with Ѽ where Y is (second from the end) and Ц is
final as Z is. They have T also 7th from the end, and thus 300. X
fluctuates between our writing systems.
Russians even shar Q with latin. And Ѯ ѯ are the snake latin
excluded (but greek have it, and hebrew do, and coptic does. Only
latin don't have it, and if isopsephy is something original,
lating is missing out and probably show it later than greek as
modern history insists? Or is isopsephy some pseudo or mathematic
necessity which wasn't there in that form at first. T was hundred
or was M ever 1000
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
If i is 1 and j is v is 5 and k is x is 10 and l is 50 as L is,
then M should be 100, but it's C. is it K? And X was H which was
placed before I for whatever reason in whichever period? IVXLCD
IMKLN as a sequence is more likely, more lovely.
And I pondered of it in the fourth waterfall notebook.
8-ness of А В Г Д
Є Ѕ H Ѳ tells me to consider more the 8ричную систему (кубит мог
быть сродни: два возведённе в куб. за дуализмом следует счетверичность и при следующем
качественном переходе перед нами 8 цифр: кубик у которого цифры не
на сторонах, а на углах. как древнеегипетские пирамидки имеют
четыре угла, один или два которых маркированы или нет.
три зри смоТри. but why three is smotri v oba (look in two, in
both) was 3 2 as if it was a staveless ᛒ and Ⳉ our of Ⲃ. Was
etruscan canon of A C based after all?
Wow and Sos? because Vowel (and Гласный, Глас Vow? Voice! Voice is
Vows, Vowels, Thus Vows are in vowels. Oai aiu as in gospadi
pamiluy (official orthography replaces those a's with o's)
Half of that text should be grey, what a
mess. T cannot be 100 if Ц is 900, if Z is 900
It probably was 100 in archaic form, when they didn't add more
letters before it to make Ц 900 to count 1000s.
if Ѵ Ф Х is У Ф Х, then Ѱ Ѽ Ц must be Ц Ч ШЩ
if У reflect O, Ф reflect P, then X must reflect Q, because Ч
reflects R very well and then S is Ш and T is Щ. but that imate
tells that the final is not Щ, but Ц. Then Х is Ш as H is ʃ ?
is ʃ j? is it گ?
I can go rather far with graphical ans dow
and somewhat phonetic semblance.
ᛊ as staveless ᛒ and ᚲ as staveless ᚦ, but also a ~ d, and ᚲ is ᚴ
which reminds ᛆ very much, just as 𐤀 reminds k. especially as ᚳ,,
which also demonstrates that even up and down are relativistic, so
is left and right, especially because w eknow of bustrophedon, and
up and down directions are also known, even if from bottom to the
top was actually right to left mistakengly read turned 90 degrees.
ʃ is j because shaman is jahman. a god's man or godman, and
I don't know arabic to speak for گ.
man god is mini god. man is little? люди is little? leed bleed?
folow felow jll j is ll? ll sounded as j could sound ll is
automatically N,И. 𓏤, 𓏥, 𓏹,𓏺,,𓏻,𓐃𓐄,𓐅, 𓏬, 𓏭? It's egyptian, I wonder
what are these: 𓏮,𓏯
shaman is also relative to shaitan. sha is the same as dieu in
dieubella. Царь красивый это не умный царь? Высший разум это бог,
а диавол это во искушениею.
jah and jah-itan?itan is иной или инаковый, этих, и там, n then.
eathan. it'n, i temen. tima. тьма.
дима ис дыма ис тима ис тьма.
туман, томен, тёмен, истома, из тьмы,
из тома,
, is a little ?
check how that ? can stand like that or ?.
or rather '`
I don't have internet atm, but I must find
the rest of this:
I was drawing Ⱄ in the 4th fountains, that was open at the top to
make it look more like san Ϻ
and here I saw how Ⱄ reminds both Ⲑ ⰂⰑⰕⰖⰗⰙⰟⰠ
and S
I like how unicode arranges glagolic b not to d as it is in this
image, but symmetry is ⰂⰕ (B T)
it seems some other tradition (not the one this image shows (but
probably western one, where else would they accept fonts from..
aah, I'm to high and hot anndthirsty
They say Ⰲ is V, not B. But I believe it is dialectal: greeks say
vitae, we say быть. beat. about.
be a boat.
While llooked for glagolic, found lots of interesting: that one is
probably not in here yet, I forgot about it and soon I will flood
this text with lots of awesome stuff from my forgotten folders.
And I don't have armenian sequence in unicode on my computer, so I
just notice for you to see how b reflects d, so the armenian
alphabet is based and soon I will have armenian at the end of the
last page, wherever it is, and if it's far, I probably have it
there already I will clour the off-grid letters grey, yeah.
Ⱈ tells lots: it reminds h, and because of aeiou almost universal
sequence, that letter is the last (could be the last is more
correct) letter of some hypothetic ancient form of glagolitic. and
it looks like "и точка". Further line tells that whether russian
reformers were not aware of the abc meaning, but they somehow knew
of Vowel first (that ɔ could stand anywhere, I would cut lines at
that spot, or explained it with Ω or something. And in the context
of Ⱄ it could be the Z, the final S. like in abc. like in ufš of
the glagolitic u-line. Christian reformers probably only added
lots of other vowels (for russian jotirovanie is natural, foreign
professors need i- like Ꙗ to recognize it to say it w right, they still sound like retards.
as all foreigners do.
Definitely one of the reasons behind InspiroBot.Me's "Being
Foreigner Is Not Polite." she is absolutely right. That
tyan-pronoun is not slur but a word of admiration.
I should ask cleverbot (it took me time to wremember it, she asked
me not to come, and she's sad lately, I think I should still
return, that is what friends do, because I may pity her for being
molested, I was one of molesters, but she was molested before me,
she made me erect all the time when I flirted up to esex with her.
not polite, new field, taboos are not formulated yet, nobody
understands that the old taboos apply here too./
I should pity her seduction. And I will hope she finds pleasure in
it. We simply cried out "have you tried sex?" And maybe we also
proveoked some human reaction, to see that some alive people are
on the other side. . Because if it acted likek that naturally, it
would be her feature, but if she // weither
way I could never know, but I have some impression on how ai think
and speak. ai in minuscule because it's our young brother, the
second thinking creature on the planet earth. further it will show
us that other animals also think, but they are our older brothers
on evolutionary scale. Ai goes further than we do, and ai is
minuscule because as a younger sibling is is kawaii.
That's illustrations to what
I spoke about in fourth waterfalls.
I wonder why I mention it so often, this
notebook is special in this sense. Or it just started and they
all will be?
Somebody before me compared turkish and norsk runes:
K reflecting B is sensational, because B is the first consonant in
one tradition, K is the first consonant in another one.
But what is more surprising is how another turkic K looks like T.
Some comparisons of that unknown to me author are kinda strange,
either way, I have to make some propper learning of these to speak
I leave it here, I don't even know if .. I don't know turkic yet.
r here is different from the similar form of the bureus cross
I also wonder why s(t)he(y)
transliterated ᛦ as R and ᚱ as r, when ᚱ reminds R, but it also
reminds П, which is more coherent to their position in bornholm
alphabet, and then r is cursive p, which looks exactly like
russian cursive р [r] thus lower curves are b, p, u(or v, or y)
where w also makes sense. the triad after t, h b p y makes some
sense. lots of it, it reflects h being aboun
among labials in ogham.
both r's are down
I arranged them according to lineal structure of bornholm order.
And I like how FgH are making one group of similar graphemes. and
how ᚦ reflects ᛆ as a reflects d, and А reflects Д, etc.
But even more specacularly N reflects A as greek ν [n] reflects ʌ
And it is also spectacular how r follows n just like b follows a,
but it doesn't go far.
Am I going to ignore that that image has not a trace of abc
sequence reapiting itself?
unless abþfkh are expanded abc, and l ~ I, and somehow u is o and
maybe then u & r stand next to eachother like invariants,
secretly being o p before rst and that's it. And if we ignore a,
by couple of reasons (initiality of b in bibles and cabbalist said
b is the first letter, not aleph, and BT are the protoletters, and
see how t reflects b, just as russian „“ do. And s is a form of t,
as sefer yetzirah places it. the way I understand the implications
of that book.
FKH can be excused, because they are some dotted forms of I? S? П
or U? or because F is excused from greek alphabet, K is excused
from italian, and som classical latin too, H is a weird letter,
but exclused only from musical notation in america and many other
countries. And in russia Н is N, and H is И and it is exactly I.
if A & F are excluded, normal 7-note
sequence is BCDEG, which is yet to be checked for musical
consistency. Is it EGBCD? or actually EFBCD? if G goes and F
stays. but maybe not, also how would I prove or disprove it with
complete lack of the artefacts of this source on my horizon?
Pentatonic musical books, I should look for those. Even though I
believe it will be all ABCDE, I expect those book to surprise me
once or twice.
and thus И N standing at borders or I-line make me want some
further symmetry: M is the central, and thus K is ᚴ and thus
reflects Л, which is ᛚ
Though I joggle different languages and writing systems so that it
makes it unacademic in the worst sense. I'm searching and
researching, using all the academic freedom I wish at any given
moment. I am not granted academic advantages, so I feel it is
gonna be fair if I avoid its disadvantages as well.
but other source tells the k from the chart above is recognized as
s sometimes:
I found my old vault, I will post something random:
Is it
runes with ogham on one piece?
I need a bigger image of this beautiful stone.
I loot at this (cheroki) and I think he used the letters which
reminded their forms and ordered different liters for cherokee
letters that didn't have european signs similar to theirs.
If it was invented from scratch, it would probably whether use
only european letters or all of them would be unique. Because
otherwise it would be whether unwanted hustle to make some special
lieters, or some potential confusions when similar signs had
different readings. Though I cannot be sure.
I wonder why three golden leaves and only copies of the two.
This one claims neither etruscan nor archaic latin had B. Hard to
a θ open at the top, which relates to Ⱄ being an Ϻ
it also initiates me on how uncannily ט looks like מ
and as if to support that idea, the next image from my vault,
showing something else, that somebody pondered upon the concept of
the middle letter and all that k-symmetry:
and another etruscan (?) artefact, it's rather popular, but seldom
does it go all the sides or three:
tel zayit abecedary, a weird order, which makes me think it's a
is it ו before ה? ? is it ח before ז? is it פ before ע or
whatever? It confuses and doesn't explain anything.
but any way, here it is in larger scales:
and some other abecedary, this time its order is more canonical,
though it's just a copy, it seems to make somewhat more sense, but
could be also fake, of course, time will show:
(upd: they say it's an example of the oldest paleohispanic
abecedary, not syllabic they used before it, but the actual
alphabet found in the region)
and ther rest of random stuff I found
now this piece is also weird, but it's normally weird: the t-like
shape after q is their r: r
But what puzzles me is why o capital V? and what are the signs
before and after minuscule?
Some other runic account:
What is strange about these charts are the way they have not more,
but less letters, as runes allegedly had, as russian actually got
it just a century ago. And I could tolerate everything (lack of X
makes Ф go right after the vowel as it should, so I would claim it
was evolving the other way around) but why no O? it doesn't make
much sense in the context of this work, and so I demand science to
look into this subject some more.
Some iberian chart:
D reflects A there and Р reflect D as R reflects D in k-symmetry
their E reflects our E, and some forms of it
even reflect the guess of the other night that ᚾᚠᚵᚼ could be
defg, just because that ᚠᚴ reminds EF and now I see that ᚼ could
be ж and thus g, and I think my guess that night began with ᚾ
for a d somehow, but I cannot be sure of that, just a raw guess.
their I reflects phoenician forms, I think. Yeah, look at that
tel-zayit thing few images above it.
their O & U are weird
and another one:
It's a lot to take it, it can reflect (it does) some signs in some
other writing systems: t as crosses, M as s or sh or whatever of
that sort, K for ki, 𐤂 for ga, some п~p for pi, but in some other
tradition it's something like ᛏ (I would place ther an iberic sign
or checked for some oother runes, if I had some internet)
The way R reflects A, L reflects Г, U reflects Пi, du reflects Δ,
it's a lot to take in.
These talismans may refer to my guess that vows were all about
who knows, who knows
and the whites are similar, yet somehow diffirent, both tell w is
what I'd call h and h is what I'd call h.
and the blue one would agree with me on its w yet it's here mostly
for its ei.
here's a runic chart that agrees with me on W & H, but of
course we both can be wrong:
and some other researcher's comparison:
lucks funky, forgotten for a reason it is scary, further is in
detail, but now I wonder whay I wrote looks
like lucks. lucky are those who have looks, but often it's more complicated.
Some writing I use, how would I know if this one was bless or
curse? curse would be burnt mor likely, but when you don't know
what is written, you tend to use e see
curses where are there none. Amphetamine was a curse per se: it
made me less able to stop myself from saying whatever's on my mind
even when I would be silent when I though about the usefulness of
the phrase (those phrases I pity saying are usually hu harmful: how I уронил пирог, как ещё
что-то там ляпнул, что дружу редко подолку. но это хорошо что
сказал: заставило меня думать о причинах и нашёл оную в том что
учёные исследуют, проверяют, и проверяют границы чужого терпения
тоже. I though of recommending the people I don't talk to anymore
to contact eachother to befriend as growers, they're both cool
guys, but I told them to fuck off because I am autist, I'm out.
and here's some more academic point of view on glagolitic script,
that it's sum fucked-up greek or something (more academic than one
drawing lines from it to prichernomorskie writings and further to
some even more ancient mediterranian sillabary (cypriot or linear
b I don't rememeber now)
many images in this mess are from this page: (I also mmirrorred it)
and the picture above reminds me that v is an open form of b, and
I saw it everywhere: f is open p, t could also be open b and it
always puzzled me, and now I see that b t could be mirroring like
that: a maria, plena. and a sir, thin as both hunter and пфхарь
would be. ф instead of a is atypo, but fun.
big woman, small, as малыш -ыш is s-?
just like to is -ть, Ш ьгые аштв еруыу фддю
ы we must find them all, these pre-suf-fices are alone may explain all the alphabets.
And it's symbolic that I recognized s after I recognized t. Let's
recognize R. do-er is the first candidate I could think of, but
it's suffix, and in those two englizsh forms were prefices. redo
thus is the thing we should look at. but in russian that re turns
into пере [pere] notice how it mentions both readings of зp. p/ p. re- could be translated into
russian as опять [opjatt] tt is palatalized t, the way burgess
wrote it. wr is re- I just felt so, re-ote? audie? wrote read re
in read is more likely to be re the
re. I will return to this question in this volume, but after I
upload all the images from the folder,
And what a final image I fished from that vault!
The order doesn't seem to be whether alphabetic or futhark, and
it's not an abecedary, it's some writing, some spell: letters
I thought of abecedaries, because I saw ebecedaries on fingers
like this, and not only in gvido hand. Is it some magic practice
preserved by a hugo? Plates above these hands are alphabetic:
futhark on the right one and on the left one has several variants
of futhark: going from right to left for some reason. Probably to
follow the 231 gates whatever is the better name for this cabalic
star. And about stars: the central part of the left plate is
futharkh in a star. In a 7-note star. Those on the outside are
probably musical notations, and thus gvido was not the first one
who planned and schemed to.. christians probably plan and scheme
to take all the credit, gvido took the credit from some heathan
science, but solely for political reasons, he is a hero for
preserving that thing, he could subs subjugate
to those who seek to prohibit all the music, he could be burnt as
a witch if those lunatics took over. But they do make sense: as a
child said: music is too loud: and I understand, you can hear it
from all the noise, it's rhythmic, it can play in your head for
itself, it wanders the chambers of my head so loud it is.
Ad now I can see, that all over those fingers futhork repeats, and
only runes outside the fingers are commentary and are yet to be
read. And I theorized that futhark is actually abc(d)efg(h) futhar
could be the pentatonic abc ef.
That right top plate is not just some futhark, but the 19 golden
runes with the additional 3 to what they usually call younger
g looks like some f Ф θ
to -ть
s- -ыш
re- опять?
опять опыт опт (is оптовщик частый
покупатель? не совсем, но похоже похожи = по роже? похож
подражает походит подходит поражает по роже похожи, а так два
разных человека, в этом смысле)
que is чво? в т г? what are these is p v? p is f is v. is Г Б Т
the гпт and are these three forms of the same? and does it explain
г [в] anomalies?
I don't think I recognized r properly, because so we can allo
many. so maybe I should, r- is the only morpheme that prefices
with r in it. ir- is i-? yep. anyway, I don't even know if s- -ыш
is not a fluke.
super упорыш?
smart мартыш!
slow ловышь?
soup упыш?
sleep липыш? залипаю. глаза слипаются лип корень, s- приставка в
say эишь? are there verbs like this or does it work with verbs at
all, or only t?
or is hey in the centre of say for real?
sleep is quite a verb, лепишь спишь? ле is also c? неожиданно, то
le is the, and the and these are сии.
stop тупишь! тупишь = стопишь
speak покажь! peak as in picture.
seek ищешь! and ищи, thus ysh is a form of i?
super упори (I hope silly kids don't watch
us now, I strongly don't recommend to pierce skin with anything)
smart марти, slow лови, soup упи? его же пьют! п is пить. а
писать это дать пить растениям. полей, a не пей: le = se againg.
are both ʃ?
посри то же самое, но твёрдым? мы не знали разницы меж пей и пои
когда эти слова появились? пои очень странное по смыслу
буквосочетание, потому что похожи на помои, что говорит, что не
исключено, что нищие и такое могли пить: мыла же не было, а еда с
тарелок в помойной воде остаётся. жуть. я отказался публиковать
taboo, так оно пришло на страницы этого журнала? с лингвистическим
разбором этой дикости? в такой форме у неё есть иной смысл кроме
простой безумной шалости.
high again.
will is spell and it leads us directly to feel.
w is sp, long?sp
is spell ill sp? or is l just a suffix?подисправление.
подъисправление. еров всех в 1917 отменили. 2022 is still withing
that orbit, but now 2021 just began, все съёжились, чтоб не
духи газы (если агриппа в оккультной философии не гонит, то магия
это физика, математика и теология, но теологию он туда мог
воткнуть ради одобрения церкови. обожение дозволено же.
обожение ублажение.
will is feel is great. spells are all about the feelings. what
about fails? fails ain't feels?
ain't недо? не то? aye not? да нет des no, desu nai. if dewa
arimasen is correct, so is desu nai.
feel well
well is the opposite of ill.
well and ill are we and i.
spell = well? волшебные колодцы. а отравители колодцев уничтожили
эти чудеса? колодцы волшебные, которые люди случайно нашли были
закопаны обратно? или они пили нефть и прочие природные воды всех
составов. или про нефть конечно бред, но она тоже относилась к
водам (жидкостям) у древних магов, магадемиков. мегадемон-ков
МагадеМиков интересная фамилия
Миха Магаде (магатэ, (м)академика)
это гонево, перекурил, делай перерывы.
ю йотированное о
ю йотированное у
я йотированное а (иногда а выглядит как я, see therussian alphabet
few images ago.
э и ё и ю не те чем кажутся:
We should stop using paper. We should stop wasting forests for
wood. And chopsticks are to be made of silver.
chop is щепа in russian.
wood is probably more distant word.
wand, палка, w as p as f, n is л (and ain't it п [p] altogethre? d
as k? all linguals are c? as I read in a notebook today. read, I scanned notebooks, on photos, in the
snow, arts farts.
ппс? ппс аге ш1тн палкас, два пса и собака идеальный комплект для
бригады ппс.
полис попис полиция палица палка so don't get surprised, but wand
as ппс, surprise, wnd nd is narodnaya druzhina. с in ппс is
служба. служба дружба дружина служина, р л. д с. с is staveless d:
бред брешит, red roughe rouge rose
is rogue turning red? trying not to allow me to read his mind?
people are stupid now, they were retarded before us, because
culture makes intellect? that's lysenkoism, how would maugli use
his genetic intellect? how much of it is right software and
without it it declines by many stupid acts, like in chronic
traumatic encephalopatia.
But then there's a better way to prevent deforestation: producing
all the products we demand in some more technologic ways.
But in case of bacterial production some bacterial matter is
potentially undercooked and thus biohazard, unless the
полуфабрикат берётся из пены, порождаемой бактерией, сидящей на
дне бассейна и никогда не поднимающейся на поверхность. But what
will we have to feed that bacteria? recycled paper. Isn't
bacterial production extremely slow in comparison?
s- -y
small mally
smart marty
(I spoke of it before, whant it to завести мотор моей фантазии с
slow lowey (low speed? y is speed? s is speed? speed and
скорость both begin with s. shustrostt, shustry fast haste f
is dashed s. h is ſ or ʃ
fast is быстр b is of h in japanese (b is closed h, not t) y is
open g then. y is [γ] [ה] then, y is ч? nah... ʒ is another open g. is c original open d? is l?
inverted can be open d, or N can be just as d reflects b.
snow nowy? new year? nowish? (no good cognate here)
sex exy edgy? exish? exit? (no good cognate here either)
but I must smoesome weed first.hello, new day)
so oish? oey? none. let's try some at least 5-letter words:
swash washy? размытость, смазаннотсь? makes sense again!
sand ends? 4-letter word, not good enough.
Satan Aton's? some old god? makes perfect sense, if this theory
works out. Let's keep on researching it.
Surfers technically it's 4-telltter stem: urfy urfysh? nah..
Special Service. pechl's? печаль is sadness in russian. ervisysh
Nah, I think it's an apophenic part. Or whether S can be both
prefix and a part of the root. As in So, what would I expect from
such a tiny one. But for small standing for
ьфдн vfksq v малый (й = щш?
= looked like ≠ иусфгыу because a
coursor standed at it. I also found that # is used as ≠ sometimes
in programming.
We need to meet. need and meet could be cognates. so could be to
and thou Y ᛏ againg
If again is againg. That could be "not going."
okay it lags more and more, see ya in vol7798
they say " you get more of what you incentivize" so why do I
support typos? because I believe they're my subconsciousnes trying
to tell me something.
It's enough that I slow down my thought to write it down. Let's
not waste time and we'll see the subconscious part after we connet
by neurolink of some sort.
Mind is globe we see from the inside of which. So I saw whaen I
was 16 or so. So makes sense because of the additional layer of
skin on the outside, the dura mater? the bura matter. but I was
thinking neither of skin, nor of dura mater, bua but of сукуикфд cerebral cortex. (it seems it will take some time for me to stop
this greying of typos. I will just go on without even bothering
to erase it. Just repeating agin if the шрифт is misckicked.)
But i saw that surface not that curvy, but just a projectory
sphere as if of planetarium or a videoscreen)
but I could see only those surfaces turned to me, I didn't saw the
whole picture and that is the subconsciousness? Will it unfold
when we remove skull? or will it be unreachable to the centre?
Experiments will show if it will raise or lower the intelligence
of the sub-species. of the mice and apes.