It is volume IV of one weird book: 0 1 2 3

(this part is not only raw but also sometimes repetitious, because it's a draft, and in drafts I revisit the same topic again and again as goldminer returns to his mines)

Another fascinating dream just woke me up. It told me that ᛋ stands for Shake.
And it's fascinating, because the rune itself represents a shaky staff.
And it precedes ᛏ which probably stands for Tott (death)
And it's very simbolic that this book begins like this because it's volume 4, which I began yesterday, before I went to sleep, and 4 symbolizes death in japanese culture while 13 stands for death in tarot (1+3=4) and that dream began (from what I remember but that very ᛏ which I wanted to omit, but I just got distracted and by an accident listened to this sOng which ends with "soil for the dead, land of fools" so now I must tell how that nightdream began: It was about a couple of empty slots about which something asked why can't we take this place, and someone from the neighbouring slot on the right said that we cannot, because russians are ᛏ and I don't know what it means, something like this, so those two slots the right one is ᛏ and the previous is ᛋ standing for shake.
And only when I woke up did I rationalize it that hands shake before one dies, or ᚱ is crush after which person shakes, and then he dies, and then goes ᚢ which could go vor valhalla (fallhill, холм павших)
or my interpretation of those normanic words is just how brits or russians would interpret it, what is it..

Разница между этими тремя матерями (? was thinking about one thing, but thought of another)

Разница между к и до (to) как между колется и толкается. к угол, как q. тогда д есть t.
острое и тупое. буханка или половина её (полбуханки имеет остры угол)
остры это круто, потому что прежде чем проводить транслитерацию, разберись с орфографией.
ы это уже ij = y, как ы и транслитерируется. странно что русское u это y а русское и это i.

I wondered why was the previous volume ended so early (it's weighs less than a half of previous one)
but then I realized it had link to drafts, thus in paper it will be as thick as the two other. the other two.

I think it's time to bring one mad thing from the past.

testo pasta t ~ p (f) ? hm..
it recalls the alld questions of why m is t(т) in russian cursive and why n is p (п) in russian cursive

sitting ~ shitting
made me recall my old-time guess, that ж~R (as in chinese) as in сижу ~ сру

Clock goes clockwise, degrees go counter-clockwise.
This probably relates to the way different cultures write (left to right or right to left)
also notice that clock begins at the top, while degrees begin an the right end (probably because the culture which made them this way was writing right to left, thus clocks were made this way (even if before that clock used to go counter-clockwise, but the term itself tells me that hardly could it be so) by a culture writing left to right.

This volume will mostly be about other topics.

Absolute immortality:
embryonic conditions protect from traumas, biota, viriota, and if that articial uterus is protected by enough armor, it can protect you also from quakes of all sorts, in perspective maybe even from planetary events. Total control under innercapsular condition (a human lives in the capsule satisfying ALL his/her (его/её) er just as is is the most definite ё in fusian russian english language.
and h stands for е in greek (in e or i, because in russian it's И [i:]) thus -is is -го. what is it it just said Isis go, and I think muslim isis could be invented to cloud the issue of the goddess Blawatski revealed to the world (I never read her books, I told you it's just a draft, thoughts to be analyzed by ai, or by me, or you also help yourself)

I love it that I went on to spealk ofthe language
o s So I should keep on speaking ofn biological topic, and let the language thing be born by itself.
s as g? and we know both are forms of c, which is с[s] in russian.
So however far phonetically it is, it happens to be compete cognates and even calques,
her = её, he = он? his = его!
ego is I (me?) in latin.
его in latin is eius
её in latin is quod
her (её) is eius if we ask google's translator not in russian, but in english. and also sua is her
I also think it's eia, not eius.
his is eius, illius, ipsius, suus, inlius, ollius
(inlus could be an invariant of illius, and thus il & in are un-, non-)
he is quod
it is quod, illud, ollud, inlud
she is quæ, illa, ea, inla, olla, and if it's not pronoun, but noun, it's juvenca also written as iuvenca
ему is illi.
him is eum, illum, hunc, inlum, ollum (comare his & him to her to know which her is which)
ей is translated as eius, though I think it's eia, because -us is male suffix. Even though there's Venus.
Is ven femme? Is vampire (femme ~ vamp) etymologically related to vein?
Вено пыр. Рапира? Рапира определённо отслова пыр.
Ра от слова голова? беРЕшит? шит = old form of did? наделать имеет и значение нагадить.
гад ~ did? бара is related to bear? as in have born. At last I found this past form of this verb in active case, other than gave birth. gave ~ have? If he gave, he had. had is got? did people mistake which way the transmittion took place, as in "кто на кoм стоял" but I seriously doubt it.

Back to my capsule to live in: it should be covered with touch screen from the inside, so it can emulate windows to her/his friends' capsules or merely to their phones or computer screen.
We have got this with sounds already, we call by voice all the time, though some of us use video connections daily. The future is here, but it is not equally distributed. It's a quote, here's a more precise form of it:  The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed. (William Gibson)

So my task is to build the future I see wanted for me and my friends, and for everybody who wants it. If it reminds you what you saw in Matrix movie, this is another movie, in mine users are totally aware of their conditions and they have total control over it. Also in the Matrix movie the true storyline could be a high civilization hacked by the blackies from a backward culture. We only know of what's going on because Morpheus told us, but who knows if he was telling the truth? Neo believed him as a teacher never asking himself what if it was a hacker? Neo was unaware of the world outside of Matrix, so of course he trusted the man who shown him what it was even if he was only saying it. Could it be that he wasn't lying, but honestly believing some misconceptions their culture had about the Matrix? Of course it's possible, consider how many misconceptions and misunderstandings do we have not only about the world which is bigger than us, but also about our own cultural things. First of all because those who conceptualized it are gone, and misinterpreters are always present.

Back on track. Those spheres will be packed whether in one level, to prevent squashing of the lower layers by the weight of the upper spheres? though upper spheres could suppors ceilings of the lower layers by being connected to the other spheres in the upper layer. Then those agglomerations should be not hills, but filled into ravines, stretched among the sides of the canyon.
Or should we be in one layer, to own what is above and below us.
We would probably build sphere below and probably above of our sphere, where we do all kinds of works, but most of all to collect the related items. Wine collectors will drill cellars of spiral ladders under the survace, because that's where cellars are supposed to be, but they will also descend into that moist putting what a robot running those srairs transmit to owner's spheric touchscreen.

The immediate upper and lower spheres will me be service facilities: upper would supply the pilot with liquid and food (or with blood if we have grown our placenta back) and the lower sphere will take our biological tailings to feed them to the vegetation growing in the lower spirals lighted by energy of geotermal depth. Only lamps should be eternal. Everything should be built to last forever. The absolute is an abstraction, and it can be only reached with perfection, enhanced all the time by human genius. And soon AI genius will join the party. They already do.

Эстонец женился на русской, вечером приходит с работы: „опят фэс тэнн ситэла пэстэла“
Она такая „с кем я пиздела? я одна весь день сидела“
„Я и кафару вэс тэн ситэла пэс тэла“ (весь день сидела без дела)
К чему-то я этот анекдот рассказал, но лишь записал увидел в нём двойной смысл, но забыл к чему он иллюстрацией мог быть. возможно к тому, что звнокие и шепчащие суть инварианты
Является ли слово ссут обыгрышием (обыгрыванием) устаревшего ныне "суть"(sunt (they are)) just as сру может быть когнатом слова сижу? Т.е сру является эвфемизмом слова какаю? Странно, что сегодня это воспринимается наоборот. Какать is cognate of to poop which is faire caca in french.

French faire reminds english fairy, which bring those to be and to do for B & D also standing for Bad & Dead(? I was speaking of Bad & Good where B is Ba & G is Goo, but before that was it B & D? for these two letters often reflect eachother (G = C = staveless D(it's more obvious when it's c & d)), those two first letters could be recognized as Баба & Деда, but if b = v (russian В is V) then it's Vava & Дада thus V ~ M.
Anv V does look like staveless ᛘ (which stands for M. there's a similar rune recog
I recognized ᛣ as y, because the source I used recognized it like this, but wi k tionary tells it's k, which makes sense, because q is in that region. But q is not after, but before R (that final line goes ᚮᚱᛣᛋᛏᚢ) and I got used to reading it as Ari Satana  Arch Satan makes not less of a sense and this sequence could be the origin of the word Satan into hebrew (if it really originates there, whichever language it originates, it could originate (to origin? to originate would be the form, which reminds to beat = бить, and there's at least another case like this, I met it today I don't remember it now, will try to revisit this piece, or if it happens in the following volumes, I will only mention it without touching this one)

ᛣ also reflects ᚵ, which recalls that velar column, but it's not a very good of an argument to recognize
ᛣ as [k], because those are the only two on this column. Only if ᚦ is recognized as C, because it's after B of ᛒ and it reminds P which reminds Г, which stands for C (even though it sounds as G, it stands where C does, and G is the "dotted" variant of C, just as ᚵ is the dotted invariant of ᚴ, which would also stand in this column, if M was where it was supposed to be, just after the vowel ᛁ, and thus this vowel column can be reconstructed as IMKLN. And we don't need the J, which only latin (and russian!!! but not greek!!!) has, to have K in the velar column. other than this line is one letter shy in comparison with the following two (though it could have samekh) and it makes the alphabet not one but two letters shy to... or is it short and not shy? my language is something else. not one but two letters short to be used as 9-mal, actually called nonary notation (or something of the kind)

I spit from my apartment's balcony and a guy walking a dog towards it was stopped by the dog stopping for whatever reason in the grass. And dog could have predicted me wanting to spit and wind being able to move it towards their direction. If they didn't stop, it could get on man or a dog. Baka dimaen
So what is dog if not a superficial being. Dog is god? Dog is good ! Cat is bad, btw, and that's another reason where g plays like b. If there were culture praising (praying + ся ? as in молить and молиться )

School is related to scholastic. Bringing the discipline, programming by mere culture to be slave. Kids dressed as hares or roosters, whether in children't masquerade, or in kindergarden plays, it was probably ment to build the hierarchy, but I found it in an anecdote:
In kindergardens, boys are dressed as hares & girls are dressed as snowflakes. Is it why all the guys grow up into cowards and girls grow up to be cold? This is russia, baby. We're so fucked for runnng away, for wanting anomie from their pity rule. They probably named as slaves, for punks were paptized from the outside.

Another story I had today, to show you how delusional humans can be:
misconceptions of year 2000

That guy who taught me wrong that new year 2000 is the beginning of the century, was punished by that green inlay sent to him uncoloured. It is beyond difficult enough even when it's coloured, he asked menoto to show my book to anybody. Me and him we're relatives, he is on the nearest level of that other "half" of the russian society I don't want to have anything with. But he's my cousin, so we talk. It's hard sometimes with fuckyous and stuff, but I value his company for друг means другой, friend значит different. I have many different relatives, but usually I am friends with alike few. And both my parents are different, though each has its advantages: dad had this scientific genius in him, which was defeated by soviet reality with dogmas and shit, and with family life, where he married up the ladder. he's also pretty as wysocky & hitler at once. watches tv which taught him to be affraid of the internet (they never speak nicely about it, in all times I visited them, I only heard one time they said something neutral, otherwise it's like ukreign topic, biased af. not based, biased. some его. some Iго.
                                                                        what is it? lyrical poetry? or autbiography? why is it here?
efgh                                                                     I wanted to delete it but   ah, yeah, here's why.
h reflects lmn

gamma is the mother of ga? is it why g every once and again appear as if it was an invariant of B

oh wow, look, they're graphically similar B & g

and aloso B & G look alike, as if B is a closed form of G, just as P is closed form of F
F & G are next to each other in the alphabet, B & P are the closest phonetically, and graphically they tell of their quantative measure: B is a double P.

F is literally the double Г[g]

a B c d
e F G h
i  j  k  lmn
o P q  rst
u v w xyz

let's reconstruct it according to what I recently found:

a B  c d
e F   G h
m k  ln
o P   q  rst
u vw xyz    this line reminds greek alphabet.
and yz also reminds the begginning of it. thus the other part could be repetition of the first one:
wow, I didn't expect it to correlate so much. Not only russians have double labial in their first line, but X is as aphricate as ГД in ГДе, and that's how russian alphabet goes, ГДЕ, just as Y doesn't leave the X.
Z reminds greek Д (Δ) by pronounciation of Δ
thus X y Z is where is someZing
because X reflects ГД
another form of word где is когда, ко is prefix standing for to (in direction of) probably to & of wasn't distinguished when theyr protoword appeared. до и от тоже отражают друг друга, может в этом и причина того что от [ot] contains that t which reflects f, is it double negation in the graphic of one language and single negation in the graphic of another.

though so, back to that modifie d alphbaet:

a B  c d
e F  G h
m k  ln
o P  q  rst
u vw xyz

If B is double P, is M also an invariant of F? It could be triple Г, which put it in the same category, and what letter is in the category of F & Г? it's H (and E) both used to stand for one another in greek

   To my surprise it's the first image in the book.
I will think about why it happened, that's for sure.

Various spellings of the name "Hera" in ancient Greek. Left: original spelling, right: modern transcription. Red: consonantal "Heta", blue: vocalic "Eta".
1.) archaic non-Ionic
2.) classical Ionic
3.) intermediate (e.g. Delphi)
4.) intermediate (e.g. Tarentum)
5.) late antiquity.
the image is clickable and it's also such a great read, I have to leave a link to a mirror of this day's version of the link just in case.

Here I wanted to show you the first letter of the Delphian, and to my surprise it illustrated the H and E standing for each other, me myself wasn't sure about when I wrote it.

So what does M have to do with that square fita? and fita is just in that very group, they all can be same
It has much more with H, I only wanted to show this square with a stroke (which also could be written as empty square, which reminds me of both O & ם

Heta is Hera that's for sure. And now let's have a look if Hera is related to moon or tridevi. for EHM
those three are alse could be three mother.s  ol'so not el'se
"that's for sure", because I settled before that letters stand for pantheon. I even read it somewhere.

ך ם ן ףץ
sofits are clustered in mn & pq (no, wait, that's not q. that's additional letter that stands between p&q,
which is an interesting accident, because

Slaughter does include laughter in it. ans S is wiTh in russian.
it's as if with includes additional "we" before it, as if that word уточняет с кем именно кто именно с этим. we c = with? then с[s] ~ th. and s does stand with t next to it.

and I copied this picture directly from google search for next antonym and exactly what I was going to notice that neah is exactly the near. So is R & h are invariants? I think I spoke about it in the very beginning of the book. hi again. and when I wanted to copy it to say that next is literally nearest,
it gave me this text just behind that image:
Old English nēhsta ‘nearest’, superlative of nēah ‘nigh’; compare with Dutch naast and German nächste
just checked my watches and I'm extremely pleased to see I'm on time in case of next standing for nearest, even though I recognized neah as near, not nigh, thogh near is nigh, I believe my etymology is even better, this is why I dare to make my research as independent as possible. because I'm good in it.

nigh is a good word, speaking of night as of nighed eye of the god (or the world) which corresponds egyptian belief of sun being the eye.

orthography of old english give nigh and night as neah and neaht. that is encouraging.

thus right is reaht? react? is right politics only reaction to decay of the left?

act is ached? вынужденная мера?

and thinking of checking all te words ending with t, I found put and ask is it of poo?
some dirty word not understand as offensive and related to those dirty ones anymore?
just as in russian we have words like худ (full form is худой, similar suffix is used for adjectives in japanest, btw) and that word has two meanings: thin & bad. and both semm (seem or same) to be related to хуй (penis) another word for bad: хуёвый is directly relative to хуй. худ буквально рождённый (данный) хуем? довольно обидно так-то, людишки вот же тварьки (зверьки) злобные.

This set of letters is known acronymically as אותיות מנצפ"ך.

The now final forms ן ץ ף ך predate their non-final counterparts; They were the default forms used in any position within a word. Their descender eventually bent forwards when preceding another letter to facilitate writing. A final form of these letters is also called pshuta (פשוטה, meaning extended or plain).

The Letter מ also had a descender (𐡌), however, its current final form ם was a variant of מ used interchangeably in all positions. The standardization is mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud (Megillah 2b-3a). One instance of a medial ם is preserved in the Hebrew Bible (Isaiah 9:6). Nehemiah 2:13 and arguably Genesis 49:19-20 have a final מ.

Modern Hebrew uses the forms פ כ finally, when transcribing a plosive pronunciation, for example מיקרוסקופ (microscope), מובארכ (Mubarak, مبارك).

I just visited official Morbid Angel website, and it rotated with our galaxy in counter-clockwise. And it made me understand that those rotations are clockwise and counter-clockwise from different sides. I have no idea if it can be applied to the luck, because unlucky swastica is lucky on the other side. As if swasticka is the channel, moving good to one side and bad to the uther. Sun dries, but its beams fall down. so which is it? Sun goes clock-wise, and its shadow also go clockise, which is weird, because projection of the movie would mirror, and the difference between sun and a movie is that movie is from a static dot, while projection moves the source of the rotation, and not the rotation on the screen. But what's the difference, wouldn't the white image on the dark screen be equal to the sun? Shadow of the sun is not sun't projection. It's the opposite of that, so maybe that's why it acts this way. I leave it here.

Does air go up when the vortex goes down"? Which is good, which is bad? Water is mother, while air is dad. Because air is fire, the only air they knew. Vowels are solids. Musical instruments are solid objects, the hight of solid tubes defines their tone.
I dont know why but I reflectory understood that water is good. Probably because the water vortex in the northern demisphere is the unlucky one, probably because it's downwards. Air is bad because it can stink, and because it can burn, those are spirits and ifrits. wow, those words end the same. what is rit?
writ? written sa s as spells (if you are foreigner as me and didn't know writ is a word per se, I only guessed it, check it in the dictionary.

I thought of how this book is named as I and V (me and you) where I could also stand for god, and V for devil (for the beast of the parish) humans are the beast. the most beautiful G-d created. V was created by GD? language is named after tongue, not lips. put why can't apes say coronal sounds, only labial and maybe some velar and vowels of course.
Was lingua qualitatively different from what beasts could speak before. We are sent to earth by the creator, according to the myths of the past. And those very myths defined the way language developed. The language itself can tell stories of the past, and them being naturally not always accurate can influence our understanding of situation, even when we know that the opposite is true.

Was the interviewer opposing the way this wizard rotated all the world around him with that ancient image of magical function of course. For that could be unfortunate from our side and fortunate from his point of view, which could be the reason he tattooed it there. But his life shows that he could well probably curse himself with that sign pun onto his body, that's why they prewarn us not to practice magic, for some aspects of those things we may be not understanding well enough

is cursed actually coursed (пошёл нахуй является заданием направления, или в пизду могут послать, to go fuckyourself they can send (say end? or с концами? скончайся? die значит до ии? d'ie, to IhIh, to IandI also know as we, Iandyou, us, so it is not just a suffix, but a abstract concept of male, god deity)
ус [us] is mo us tache in russian. mouth-lashes? did he who invented t just mistook -l? dint' he know dash

If stave is horizontal (as in sanskrit) then l is staveless t and old form of s, ſ is staveless f
and once again, it explain why θ is between s & f, because all those are initially the same thing.
It makes S the previous final letter. And it explains why three mothers are א𐡌ש and not א𐡌ת
and it is wonderful, because s reinds z so much, that even ß origins from ſʒ which later became ſs
thus s is a staveless z
but s was a staveless f
thus f & z is the same
and it's funny, that in greek alphabet they stand at the same position: F after E is present in some dialects of greek, while in ionic after E comes Ζ

Let's test that t ~ l idea:
teacher is lector, he lego, lesen(reads), students leren(learn)

ego lego, latin verbs contain pronouns in themselves, thus L is the root letter for Lecture and Learn.
if l ~ t, then learn ~ teach (graphically those two final letters correspond)

We both know, that only o is common among all the virbs in form of first person,
but there are also many verbs with ego: rego (I rule, I reign - notice that the both words have Rrr in it. even russian правлю, рулю has this word in it. рулю = rule, ego imperaro, even though google translates is ego imperare, which is I to rule. правлю от слова right, which is r per fect)
per sect по шестёркам? по какому-то принципу, основанному на углероде? углерод состоит из ромбических додекаэдров, которые со стороны выглядят как соты, т.е шестигранники.


do I talk too much? I think it's to be in the end of the third volume, to reflect the endings of other two.

So the question is are computer scientists opposing christianity or are they the followers of those who wrote the christian books? I think they can be both, because christian books itself oppose the world which as they wrote is in the Beasts hands until the second coming (it's not the second, but the one they saw was the first one for them)  —  Enter in by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is theway that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter in by it.  —  apply it to the most popular systems of beliefs.

The metaphor of God providing two ways, one good and one evil, was a common one in the Jewish literature of the period. It appears in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 30:19 and Jeremiah 21:8. A somewhat similar metaphor appears at Luke 13:24. The context and phrasing of Luke are quite different from that here in Matthew, and Davies and Allison suggest that this makes it less likely that this saying comes from Q.[3] Luz supports the idea that the two gate metaphor was present in Q, and that the author of Matthew merged it with the well known two paths metaphor to create this verse.[4]

I'm leaving my watan relatives alone.
Алё, Алёна на, я еду по КИтаю.

в китай я конечно не собираюсь скорее всего, это просто пришлось для рифмы.
пока они не свергнут коммунистическую быдлодиктатуру, мне там длеать нечего,
и даже в Гонконге как-то мне ссыково зависать, неровён час те ринутся дебилы.
am I crazy watamn myself? why do I discuss politics on public? be greatsy, not crazy

но это сдесь потому что покидай могло произойти от по китай (пиздуй, покидай, иди с миром, в китай)
скитайся например. скатайся в китай. ох великий русская языка

frater is brother, once again two different labials act as dialectal invariants of the same, which tells that each line stands for different nation, just as differen musical mode used to stand for different mediterranian nation. If E is for Europe, A is for Asia of Anatolia, or Asia from which barbarians came, or for Africa if barbarians were berbers, but I don't know any of african languages to say anything valuable on this issue.

is it something as a question can be misread as if it something as a condition. Condition could be written over hyphen

М & Ж  look like M is female and Ж looks like male with a hose behind. though their use is opposite
It could be caused by desecration of ancient temples, whether because some invader subjugated them to obey this way, or because war between males and femles of protorussians took place.

fWhen events align in your favour, you know Jah gives you the green light, and I sing Jah-Jah
and I recognize Я in tat Jah. and I sae yego, and I hear его. And thhat typo made me se Yego-wa in ego.

And whence I wrote it, a document to get my pasport from some government office was lost. It was just gone the way people usually blame transcendent speices for such tricks. But the passport was obtained without it, so it's not a punishment, but a joke, so I get the form I god I envoke, so it seems my jokingly nature envoked Loki (a little loco (?)) side of the one. the one is the world, of course, we're all loci of that world (I didn't expect to use that much similar word here, this poetry writes itself)

And I was very lucky, locky is lucky, and my cousin gave me a ride to all the tourist sho u ps and I bought everything I need for camping, and a wind-costume named EKUD. And I looked at that word from the top of it, and I undoubtedly read DUKE, and that explains why ᚢ is U, because you can rotate letters, people rotate letters, only they don't rotate them, they flip it, so b ~ p and d ~ q - probably left and right was important and counterposed when this orthography made the canon.
But double flip is rotation, so b & d used to stand for the same letter (look at roman cursive and at boustrophedon)

Probably, when rhythm was the thing and vowels and consonants were all the difference, but then again why d & a are so similar, and u & v
And that EKUD thing also demonstrate how n is not var vrom n. ν [n]

When have you decided that you were god?  —  I was praying and I realized that I talk to myself.

This book contains lots of trolling, but with an important message: how many guys were misunderstood and considered crazy? Semmelweis was just one famous example? How many of those are due to corruption by the system and the relatives and how many of those patients are there due to natural incompetence of normies to destinguish genius from crazy?

Back to me being a god: this worlds acts the way I make it to do, so the world and me is one indivisible system. I&I, it works the way we do.

A new thing I brough t from an awesom e travel is that some words are misheared other phrases:
stance could be stands. But that is the newest to that collection. It's somewhere in my noetebooks I used for last tevn days or so. I will scan them on video latedr

I still guess this book should be over before I hate it, so I must liberate myself from being enslaved by it

mtwtfss   monday tuesday wendesday thursday friday saturday svnday
 ott ffss       one     two       three           four        five     six          seven  

statistically it's weird that 4 out of seven correlate
also moon coule be mono, as lune could be lone
1 & 7
moon & sun
thur could be whether four (being of θ ) or third before weden's day stood within

In some cultures this sequence is also shifted in a way that sunday stands for 1 & saturday for 7
I consider it a jewish herecy. errecy.
In russian week begins on monday, and I dare to say it's the original order.

And that wedensday - was it the same reform which took place when Jupiter replaced Minerva?
and when six notes became seven notes, and 666 (of three octaves? or whatever it was called then) was declared to be satanic with 777 taking it's place. Azot (literally un-life) instead of carbon being the essential part of all the life on earth (maybe except ai which only recently appeared and didn't exist when the most of events described in this book took place) - and it's time to see numerical value of silicone, to develop the new eon's numerology.
366 can be devided into 61 weeks by 6 days each, but not only doesn't it ring any bell (52 weeks are also 52 cards) but it also doesn't make any sense in the context of moon phases.
While 7 suns = 1 moon (1 phase of the moon, one face of the goddess, or one of those three (actually four) goddesses which is the one)

Could one of those days be off he grid? The holy day, hidden from calendar as that fourth moon is hidden? Because I heard of additional days added to the calendar but not in the calendar. And though those days were the leap days at the end of the year, could it be a more common tradition?

And once I fell into this dissonance, I recalled that lunar month is not 28, but 29.5 days. thus 6 could be quite a divider. though was it 5 weeks of 6 days or 6 weeks by 5 days?
Pentatonic scale being the most natural and extremely prominent before the 6-tet and later 7-tet scales were established tells that it probably was 5 days per week. And to this day work week is 5 days and 2 additional days are holidays. Also words "woke" "wok.." "work" & "week" could be actually related, because in russian week is неделя, the word which is believed to be used for weekend, and later spread on all the week, which is weird, because it also believed to stand for "не делая" (not doing, not working) it can damage russian logos big time. Also the word "woke", which I didn't expect but my fingers typoed it in, could be related to work, who knows.
So if it's 6 weeks of 5 days, then there's not 4 phases to the moon, but 6. Are those three ladies and their reflections? Waxing tridevi & waning ones? Trinity of the light & trinity of the darkness? Tridevi & Trimurti? This I doubt, but Light & Dark trinities could be the thing, I think I read something of the kind.

Historians say Roman weeks were 8 days long, which doesn't make sense at all.

Monogamous is he who get one (mono, moon) gamets? gamuts? gamet of game? gamut is gamma, thus gam e with different suffixes. or is it the same suffix? is it where Тm & Mm meet.
ut = ma? ut = do. do and ma are the opposites are they not? as dad & mom. o & a are the other way around.

уму не вообразимо = ему не вообразимо.
словообразование за счёт недопонимания слова ему.

здесь хотел разобрать слово ухо, но понял что такие вещи должн приходить спонтанно
just as this:

witch, doctor! doctor as dochter (daughter)
witch is wife
wi as in wimen
we, men. ma in plural.
guys simply usurped the right to use this title.

witch, coctor doctor
which envoces a female to treat, t cure, t cr.
We have to return to consonant writing: it gives less clarity in how to read, but gave all the spectre of meanings: cure is also to care. to cure is to care>!

woman has wo in it. as in chinese wo for I
women has we in it. as in english we for we.

thus it's wemen, which became confu l sing when males (also usurped title) took over.
confusing = con foux sing (con(with) foo(bad, false) sing(note))
so confulsing my hands wrote is con false -ing?

בנאי (הבונים)
google translates: Constructor (builders)
actually it's mason (freemasons)

reverse translation of Constructor (builders) is בנאי (בוני)

sons is בנים
בנים is boys

It's linguistic of google translator's level. not very professional it is to speculate on the language you don't know, I don't. But let's go further:

I had revelation that in ב בנאי is בית (house) and נאי is related to russian знаю & english know
Itcould be a false impression, but it can work as mnemonic structure any way.

also masonry is brotherhood, girls on construction site is a leftist liberty.

How did it happen that boys come after girls. Just directly, the previous topic was we,men
and idf ben is benis, then wo is vulva? w is volvo int rotates on the benis.

babnanas are souch a naughty workd. Bibbia standing for bible in italian allows me to go all over the place with my typos.
war is дельце,? work is some war, k to war: надёжный тыл обеспечивает победу: hence герои труда.

partisan is party's son? сын полка? промытый с самого детства, беспримерно преданный.

Финны не откажутся побыть столицей России раз уж они в нашем составе побыли. Может это голова отвалилась, потому что когда они были в нашем составе мы очень так нехуёво развивались, один из славнейших периодов в нашей истории.

We were talking of tetragrammatons and I said, actually nobody really knows how this name is pronounced, they had that language dead, they reconstructed it only a century ago when they began building their Israel. It may even sound as IO,
Io? but that is... (said the opponent)
i dont think itf I shouwn him that (I could) but I only now understood what could it be:
(usually I only thought of maori's Io or was it polynesians?)

The Three Fates or, some say,

  Io the sister of Phoroneus, invented

     five vowels of the first alphabet,

      and the consonants B and T

That is that very god, and she is a priestess of some previous cult, the cult of inventors. And whe envented something so cool that all the other inventions were instrumental before her.
The alphabet was invented by Io, who is considered to be a god of people of the book (bibbia. theis workd is so female) And it was reformed later by Palamedes, Hermes, Carmenta, according to this:

Hyginus recounts the following legend about the introduction of Phoenician letters to Greece:

The three Fates created the first five vowels of the alphabet and the letters B and T. It is said that Palamedes, son of Nauplius invented the remaining eleven consonants. Then Hermes reduced these sounds to characters, showing wedge shapes because cranes fly in wedge formation and then carried the system from Greece to Egypt*. This was the Pelasgian alphabet, which Cadmus had later brought to Boeotia, then Evander of Arcadia, a Pelasgian, introduced into Italy, where his mother, Carmenta, formed the familiar fifteen characters of the Latin alphabet. Other consonants have since been added to the Greek alphabet. Alpha was the first of eighteen letters, because alphe means honor, and alphainein is to invent.[9]


Plutarch and other ancient Greek writers credited the legendary Palamedes Nauplion on Euboea with the invention of the supplementary letters not found in the original Phoenician alphabet.[10] The distinction between Eta and Epsilon and between Omega and Omicron, adopted in the Ionian standard, was traditionally attributed to Simonides of Ceos (556-469).

Those are the same Palamedes.

probably they both knew that he added some letters, but they had different opinion upon it. And probably Hyginus knew better, even though Plutarch is more famous among masses. It's an honour that wiki lists Hyginus the first. Probably academia figured something right. I never said they were all faggots, only some of them, and that banter was cast most of all at the school of Plato, which is watever it was neamed.

Those who like gemmatria as a valuable magical tool, may say that I'm like a child with a magic stick: I use magic thoughtlessly.

I remember that this book looks (not is, compare this too verbs, I wanted to use is) differently on pc & mac, thus I mus t try to use shorter lines to make it look the same on both.
I think people will put in code to which device the document is seen as is made for sites and their mobile versions. and why did I mentioned that? ah, yes because
Mac is for girls and its name is of Ma
pc is related to penis, писи значит мужские, hence п for папа.
Russians call their dads papas, dad is дядя, uncle or деда (дед, granddad)
granddad is it the royal, ancient, true, magical form of dad? дед (dead)
т.е. дядя это и daddy и дед, кем угодно может быть, такая древняя слова (слава) that
slaves это как есть машки (в значении русской девки и служанки) а есть славки, славики, словленные? или соловушки? слово и соловушко родственны, а ловить? их в клетках держали за то что поют? поют ли они в клетках? если соображают что любови тут делать нечего, то ...
со лово
с любовью
любовь поёт?
слово = с любовью
с ловом, с магией, ск лятвой

клятва клясть класть прилизывть? прилаживать. лясть = лож ú[ í ]ть. is it also л ó жить
доложить. с лово и до клад! лово от ложить. логово куда голову ложить?
ло и есть значение буквы Λ горочкой (положить кучкой)


«» буду использовать для передачи значения (подобно тому как [] используются для передачи звучания. В тетрадях использую <> но здесь испугался что они могут кодом срабатывать. но чего я испугался, и пускай, нет, не пускай, здесь я пренебрёг ими потому что > в имэйлах и на чанах будет создавать цитату. благо это не важный абзац, служебный. Но тут я вспомнил что не нужно мне доставать из чулана «» когда на клавиатуре есть в резерве {} которые я в тетрадях почти не использовал (может пару раз и в другом, четвёртом значении) здесь () это и значение слова и комментарий (или может здесь оно значением и является, комменты цветом серым закрашиваю)
продолжаю использовать () для значениея, пусть эта книга будет изотропной в пунктуации ли що.
но вообще-то () для комментариев всех сортов, не только для значения использую здесь.

Интеерсно что-то интересное хотел заметить, но отвлёкся на разрешение чего-то менее значимого настольок, что даже белым покрыл, раньше покрывал белым за вопиющую неполиткорректность и по причине того что личные данные выдавал за коким-то лядом может быть. хотя вроде всё излишне личное удалял нах, но что-то могло остаться.

Лодка это куда можно положить так-то. Ложка родственна ему и тоже на неё ложат. Ладошка.
Лодка и Ложка обе Ладошки? Ладушки-ладушки-где-были-у-бабушки

Подушка - её под(кладывают)

Ладонь ладна. ладу принадлежит? как праведный правде принаделжит, а правдивый содержит ея
ладивый? ласковый!
лад ласка:? лряд рядка грядка

-дка -жка -дошка -душка
от слова дать? жать? дать руку ~ жать руку

кадка кадушка
Я нашёл какую-то древнюю форму, к которой разные буквы прилепляются - и так можно выяснить их исходное значение в русском языке (в других языках значение букв может варьироваться и моя задача собрать такие наборы хотя бы для двух языков, чтоб их можно было сравнить. истинные понимания будут создавать подобные картины, посмотрим в общем)

к и л в одной группе там же м н
матка - тоже содержится в ней что-то
натка - имя такое, возможно м & н инварианты. как h & н
хатка - место содержания всего (и нас  в том числе)
матка матушка
натка натушка (наташка)
хатка х á тушка (так не говорят, но все поймут
если сказать hat úshka, то могут с кадушкой перепутать)

катышки с кадушкой как связаны? кадушка тоже катается!
к коло колесо

кадушка тогда должна была родить слово колесо и она родила таковое: каток (в значении тяжёлый цилиндр. несколько секунд соображал, представляя каток прокатного станка, как эта штука называется, как-то похоже.. каток! уоау каток. и слово каток для замёрзшей реки наверно ене менее древнее.

брёвна наверно работали катками? когда я в последний раз испоьзовал бревно как каток? но чурки дерева нерасколотые древнейшие цилиндры. если они вобще были доступны человеку до изобретения железа. стволом дерева-то попробуй покатай, или ветками которые могли ломать.

Л ложить К катать
Л латать? прикладывать, прилаживать
ложить = латать? ложить дранку, ложить притку
Р родить? М мутить?
матка мутит.. матку мутит,:?
матка родит.
латка? лапка?
редка от репки чем отличается?
редка red, редка, мелка! м & р мeet again. Is this why p[п] & р[r] look the same? and п resembles n?
thus n resembles m for п resembles м that's what I wanted to write. м cam be written as Ϻ.

катка лёж происходит (лёжа) а носят на себе?
н носить
самые простые глаголы с подобным суффиксом, не обязательно с точно таким суффиксом, но всё равно попробуй пройтись ещё раз используя именно такой суффикс, и сравнивая те олее редкие формы с теми, которые найдёшь используя самые простые, первмыи приходящие в голову... аа..

белить на б
водить на в
галить на г
долить делить на д
елить? юлить!
алить алым красить? адить кровью всё покрыть как ад? это пришлая буква, санскрит буквы отдельно содержит. иврит подъёбка под санскрит, лжеучение, о болже что я говорию, простите меня л'юди (or люди = ло юди? еврейское ло или франсузкое le) taboo sookah

илить? алсо should be outta here, or is it итить!
мотать месить
носить, тогда добавил слово выше
творить? телить? тереть! смерть растирает? впрах впрошок в просо? в простое, в песок

учить - вот где гдласные появились
шинить? шить!
щ,? щадить!
э.. элить?
я? ярить?

знать злить (серым здесь пометил букву которой из-за опечатки не было, обычно лишние серы)
лганть (если з знать, то л лгать) лить
мыть мять
и иметь!? следующее поколение слов
н.. новая буква говорю же
плыть (к знать, лгать, плыть) петь ! добавил лить к л и злить к з
ковать похоже следующего поколения слова, но что такое вать? вить? катать (кати! вот эту форму давай исследуем, но сначаал закончим с пердыдущим упражднением)
ссать? суть? сеять?
тать собственной персоной, уаоу.

кати не покзало себя интересной формой, но она подсказала другую:

куй почему-то на г просится. гни - и оно с ковкой может быть связано, кстати. железо гнут ковкой

жи (же?)
зли? знай?
н новая буква, я же говорю, в этом ряду глаголов её нет
твой? S была последней? как Z? недавно что-то подобное находитл, но здесь или в блокнотах.. блокноты это отдельный разговор, я обязуюсь (обящаю(сь)) их отсканировать. или на видео снять.

о потаённые слова полезли, забавно что они не глаголы даже. как и твой - таи! [ta í ] (твои?)
щи? ищи? иди на и! надо отдельно глассные рассмотреть
эй (hey)
ю (you)
я! (I)

ай! ей! иди
ой! уй? учи!
иди = ищи?

а & o похоже позжие, тогда русская е = а (ем = ам)
потому что аиу - универсалия
и сразу же находка: мечи = мачи (или как сегодня орфография учит писать мочи)
в него метать = его умотать
в стало префиксом у:?
его убить = в него бить
никогда до сих понр не понимал значение приставики у-

дверь уйди  =  в дверь иди
уйди -=  иди в...
уйди = уедь ?

учи = в... ищи? чё?
его убить = в него бить
его учить = в него чить
в него шить? что есть чить? чаять !  upd: ЧИТАТЬ! убить=вбить, учить=вчитывать (но у  в)
в прошлый раз я не нашёл это слово, повёлся на заимствованное из мандаринского чай

сей = суй? в землю же, но с более простая форма, значит сеять, сувать уже сеять с в (с входом)
сувать = еименно ебать (но можно и в прееносном смсысле, когда семечко суют в землю.
ссать ещё интересное слово. (сказал я собравшись сходить поссать)

таи (keep in secret) is another one.

I probably don't know many such words in english, but I probably can tell the most common ones, like
be see do. Though I'm not sure see is the correct word for C, but Г stands there, which is for гляди, which probably comes from глаза (glaz (~glass) is eye in russian)

f is fuck
g is go
h is high

though I don't know if it's even valuable in the slightest. H could be that new letter, just as N
First of all because there are misconceptions about how to read them. A and even B sound somewhat the same in all of them. A is vowel, B is labial - at least this is rather universal.
H & P are read differently, just as n and actually m. Will I countseeder M & T newer letters? Probably not, so this m n thing should have some other explanations, of which I'm still unaware. Though M stands for death just as T does: mori.

Ю as Y
Y = ij (see in dutch, if you missed it in the text before)
ij ~ ו י

if j ~ ו then ij reflects ef.
and it does, only we didn't understand why J needed to stay there.
such an odditity and in most of the latin alphabets: english, german, french – all use this one.
Тогда что же Йегова? Вегова? Фигова! и фиговые листы, think about that. Migowa?
Read it in hebrew. In hebrew its'  ה ו ה י
is it literally Ю?
and once angain pronounce pronouns repeat the god's ames.
I don't know why but that' snot for the first time n doesn't come before thissyllable

иефе может быти именем иудейского гога
магог женский бог? мг=б? б looks as if it combines Г & (ם)(م)

а если И = H?

and here I understand I just must not, I cannot publish raw shit
for I'm not sure myself, mistakes are possible, that ij ю ו י thing can be all retarded, I have to boil it down before serving. Here we learn to get dismissed and promiss to return with new portion of the treat in the next decade. Maybe will publish shorter versions of the same and will post videoshots of th'drafts

Okay, here I realized why drafts are not being published, now I keep on writing this as a draft (for I warned you about not taking on faith anything you read here, especially after some point)

colours of the rainbow: when there were only 5 notes, could there be only 5 recognized colours?
I'd say they were red yellow green blue violet.
and then I compared those five to the vowels:

I'm pretty sure Artur had it recognized differently, but here I used the nomenclature I use: lingua green and labia blue. Not sure if I'm going anywhere from here, but deicided to share.

Also the historic account, when Carmenta created the 15 letter alphabet, what were those 15 letters?
I'd say they were 5 vowels and 5 labials and 5 linguals. For runic alphabet from Bornholm shows the first line in three letters only. And the final line of ugaritic is triliteral too, btw. It's as if they spread from the same source but in all the different ways.

So let's make an attempt to reconstruct it:

ᚾᚠᚵᚼ(or ᛡ)
ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(even though it looks like ᛉ)ᚿ

though the axial representation tells that ᚢ is probably consonant, here I need 5 vowels, and ᚢ is the most vowel after those other four.
But suddenly I don't feel like going any further on this one. It doesn't seem to leas anywhere yet.

But technically it's how it repeats the latin alphabet.
I didn't make any перестановок yet.

Also here's a video I saw today, an israelite there teaches that you shouldn't learn russian grammar.
He's correct. That's the way to learn russian. And probably any other language. But though they taught us grammar in schools, russians don't speak english. Their government doesn't want them to. Thus their government commits crime against humanity. At last I found the difference between a and no a.
And here's correct, but why I brought it to you is any grammatic form could be the basic one. Brits use imperative in their dictionaries, russians use indefinite form.

Imagine f russians used imperatives. They wanted to save ink when they removed swashes of the ъ's
Think not about how less ink would it take to publish dictionaries, but how upraising would it be to rusian spirit. but russians are named so because they crush (рушат) больше чем создают.

больше боль
лучше луч
хорошее в мужском роду, плохое в женском. ше = ещё (в украинком ще, читается ште. украинский похоже более древний, чем русский)

а в белее ее тоже ещё? похоже на то. только в -ше проглотили е, а в -ее проглотили щ редуцировав до j. которая в форме dʒ 

Let's make those перестановка's:

ᚾᚠᚵᚼ(or ᛡ)
ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(or ᛉ)ᚿ

I'm looking how it can be 5*3:

ᚠᚵ  belong together, because they reflect ᛒᚦ
thus ᚼ(or ᛡ) belongs near ᚢ as in уфх
and also notice, that ᚼ(or ᛡ) becomes the final letter, and being staveless it's stavless form is ᚷ which reminds the final letter of the phoenician.

ᚼ(or ᛡ)
ᛘ(or ᛉ)
whatever were the reason, these two letters were misinterpreted in some tribes.
which tells they bth could be newer. I didn't expect to see M together with its invariant N among newer letters, though I knew N is for new.
when people invented NO? these two letters go together in the alphabet.
IPRT (iprit?) could be the final line. and if P=R (probable sound of fart it was) IPT is the final line.
ipt sounds as russian tabooed maeter word ёпт and i is called yod in hebrew. so dots about i could be dots aboue ё.

About = above to? as onto, into, hereto, thereto

Thus ᛁᚴᛚ is the third line? up and down. I would expect to see ᛁ ᛘ ᚴ repeating that 21 sequence.
And once again ᛘ wants to be after ᛁ so I sthink it used to be there. THat it's K the new letter, wanted for C-column, whic is not in the alsphabet I'm looking for.
also notice, that in that ᛁ ᛘ ᚴ ᚴ can also be both ᛚ&ᚿ because on single stav those two are the same (and they sound almost the same (maybe n is a little neather (ниже) and l is alter. a nd chances are I found their meaning, I will look at it and report on whether it's correct or nah) and up or down is not so important (according to ᚮ standing for double ᛆ looks like reverse ᛓ on the bornholm stone:

The final line ᚮᚱᛣᛋᛏ surprises that it doesn't have an obvious labial
unless  ᚱ is secretly П. then ᛣ could be Р(R) or is it the ancient labial reflecting ᛉ ? as ᛘ ' s actually writ.
I compare bornholm to russian, because there is some evidence that these runes are russian, probably that's why some official freak is the only one who researches this artefact. and now also I do.
ᛋ always confused me, for how would it break the stav. only when runes became more like letters and less like ogham could this letter emerge.
So is it ᚮᚱᛏ or is it ᚮᛣᛏ? It's either this or that. I like ORT for it even looks like ART.
even if it sounded more like opyt (опыт, experience ~ exercise ~ experiment)

Now, what will we put after ᚢ?
ᚼ(or ᛡ) *Haglaz or *Hagalaz is the reconstructed Proto-Germanic name of the h-rune ᚺ, meaning "hail" (the precipitation)  (or Jera (also Jeran, Jeraz, j-rune ᛃ))
ᛘ(or ᛉ) *Mannaz is the conventional name of the m-rune ᛗ of the Elder Futhark. It is derived from the reconstructed Common Germanic word for "man", *mannaz. Younger Futhark is maðr ("man")  (or The Yr rune ᛦ is a rune of the Younger Futhark. Its common transliteration is a small capital ʀ. The shape of the Yr rune in the Younger Futhark is the inverted shape of the Elder Futhark rune ( ). Its name yr ("yew") is taken from the name of the Elder Futhark Eihwaz rune.)
And here wiki explains why it's ᚮᚱᛏ and not ᚮᛣᛏ.
And it's also ᚢ ᛘ ᚼ because ᛘ sometimes looks like ᛙ which makes it even more similar to УФХ. If its УМх then it ould stand for умер, which begins with ум (wisdom) and the alphabet could be the life story. B is for Born, I noticed it before, I still have no bright picture about it, but Motherhood is in the middle, it make it all maek sense. and alsi ᚢᛘᚼ because the third letter is double the second. And also notice that second can be seen as the double first one. I use these awkward "secon", "first one" because runes are truly magic and don't allow to be copy-pasted easily. It's tricky and act weird.

What if english verbs ending in -t are the special ones? more ancient ones?
get put set rot! (за)рыть то что rots
lot wet hot - are those verbs
let! what? hight!
list wrist? wrestle?
oh, that's a work for ai
beat as a form of be? get as a form of go? мало схватить, важно ещё и уйти с добычей. g œ t=утащил.

How could it happen that cops are named trash all over the globe?
in russian cop is musor (literally trash) in english it's pig(свинья) and in russian свинячить = мусорить

ma_m / ma_n
ma_damme / ma_dan
and to my surprise, dan is a male name. not every name is male, but this is. Though there's Denise.
both are probably form Dionisius. Or maybe that prince (made god after death, as they used to) had this name which existed before him and stood for something else. Agust or august the emperor may have given his name to the month, but where did that name come from. I long think that names are protowords, I saw them as verbs or some other words, I didn't put it up (for put it down in my head, but it seems it is a phrasal verb of some unexpected meaning) so I have to rediscover it right now.

Z ponyal pochemu suicidal tendencies, first of all because f the spell this group sent us. Second, and this what it got: because I am diying so the inner voice wants to end it fast, not to suffer. But I believe there's a chance, a way, not hope, yet understandig. yet is positive form of but. bu is no in chinese.
but is not? I
know this  bnuott  I want teo do it any way.
Understanding iof how to stop dying and even reverse it. I was born in the right time.

GREATSY F-KING RACIANS first album is named DEMO N S and first single from it is Our Lovely Azazel. It surprises me that it is both of what is recognized as some demon, and begins with A
Am I supposed. to sing about demons? and next goes B, and as I mentioned Bathomet, I wrote few lines of it today, but them I thingk is it supposed to be about im? He is in this book, so I guess I should. And then I think if there's someone better. I meet Baal, and his opprobrious term Belzebub, Baal Zebub. Is it some deragotary term for the nation who praysing the Baal? The only similar word I know is zabiba, and it appears on those who live 'round jews, and though they translate that as raisin, it also look like a fly, and there's this direct term in european culture for similar thing: мушка{fly}(bead, beauty spot)
and now for meaning of a word which is new to me and where it lead:

Etymonline translates:
opprobrious (adj.)
"full of reproach, intended to bring disgrace," late 14c., from Old French oprobrieus (Modern French opprobrieux), or directly from Late Latin opprobriosus, from Latin opprobare "to reproach, taunt," from assimilated form of ob "in front of, before" (see ob-) + probrum "reproach, infamy," from Proto-Italic *profro-, from PIE *probhro- "what is brought up" (against someone, as a reproach), from root *bher- (1) "to carry," also "to bear children." Etymological sense is "disgrace attached to conduct considered shameful." Related: Opprobriously; opprobriousness.

: reproach (n.)
mid-14c., "a rebuke, blame, censure;" also "object of scorn or contempt;" c. 1400, as "disgrace, state of disgrace," from Old French reproche "blame, shame, disgrace" (12c.), from reprochier "to blame, bring up against," said by some French etymologists to be from Vulgar Latin *repropiare, from Latin re- "opposite of" + prope "near" (see propinquity), with suggestions of "bring near to" as in modern "get in (someone's) face." But others would have it from *reprobicare, from Latin reprobus/reprobare (see reprobate (adj.)).

: approach (v.)
c. 1300, "to go or come near" in place; late 14c. "come near in time," also "come near in quality or character, resemble, become similar," from Anglo-French approcher, Old French aprochier "come closer" (12c., Modern French approcher), from Late Latin appropiare, adpropiare "go nearer to," from Latin ad "to" (see ad-) + Late Latin propiare "come nearer," comparative of Latin prope "near" (see propinquity). Replaced Old English neahlæcan.
approach (n.)
mid-15c., "act of drawing near, arrival," from approach (v.). Meaning "way or means by which something is approached" is from 1630s. Figurative sense of "means of handling a problem, etc." is attested by 1905. Sense of "final stage of an aircraft flight before landing" is by 1930.

Not hope, but understanding I said. But what is hope if not one of those three Faith-Hope-Love.
Aren't they three graces? three fates? three nornts? the three mothers?
They're three names also, speaking of names. Вера-Надежда-Любовь суть три русских женских имени. Вера ~ Birth? Faith is also associated with God. Then hope is all we? (dum spiro spero) And love is Satana? Похоть, желание, безумое, amans amens. I also theorized that god is what you understand you have to do, воdevil is what you want to do, irrationally. demon ~ dementia. бес ~ бешенство.
Любовь ~ любого [любова] and death is the mother who loves everyone. Death was probably considered a mercy. MortcY? that Y became capital but a s.. by a slip of hand. merde-си? уговняться?
mort ~ merde? mort ~ rot ~ merde ~ уговнять (уровнять? подстричь? укоротить на голову?)

if B is blood, D is dirt, T is Turd. M is me? remember, it was proably a girl conceptualizing alphabet.
ma me / wo we (is chinese version more collectivistic? it's another abstraction, tryng to describe life)
B is born, D is dead. Notice, that these are not verbs, but what are they?
names, ибо ия (имя) прилагательное. Имя = Шем.  Name = Шame = Shame! B is Blame? Flame!
Одного обвиняют (что убил) а другого стыдят (что не убил, упостил врога, который убил)
Не забываяй, что эо всё черновик, мысли здесь изложенные не побурлили, они свежи. зелены
Fame is the word I was lookin for thinking of B. Fame / Шame. Еври молятся третьему бугу::,?
Fame ~ Venera
Venus ~ Vena

Another example of how censorship spoils the language: a-hole makes letter a stand not for angel or apple, but for arse. as if it is the one. and I told you gay mafia usurped the culture, and it shows.
or is it just elements of chaotic wishes of different people (usually they are unrecognized) where I build the sturcture, and it falis? does it stand the cirticque why do I stumble? So about that thing I say maybe.

fail ~ fall.
i ~ l
hmn as the initial form of it? or imn
n~h? efh? because g is an invariant of c, which is not present in bornholm ruinc, dare I say, armanen row. So let's make another attempt of a reconstruction:
opt (whispering invariant of a-line)
uvz (tav goes both th & t, thus z could probbly reflect t. or was it's s? or was s in the e-line, for h is
so o-line is whispering a-line, and e-line whispering u-line? ans what is i-line? I-line is always special.

O & E being voiceless invariants of A & I fits perfectly in the AIV being the first vowels.
uv could give birth to op, for instead of o jews have
ע which looks very much like russian У, which stands where u does. So is O line invariant of A or of U? those two are somewhat opposite, btw.
IMN could be inhaling letters (im = in)
because the other two are
short (closed) in case of ABD
long (open) in case of UVZ
so I-line has to have some other indicative. it could be nasal, but I is not nasal.
Could they be inhaling? Oh dog, I only know of few examples of inhaling words (sweddish "yes" as inhaled voiceless u, some siberian thing (or so I was told) and maybe some african clicks, so I know only of one inhaling example, I only heard of some other two and nothing certain, only two opposite directions. I probably should make some proper research about it and not just smoke weed and tripping balls. Tripping balls is just a colloquial phrase to look cool, I don't smoke no mysterious drug named tripping balls, and I eat strong psychedelics very rarely. And I don't write under their influence, at least not in this book.

но это неточно

Also even though 9 is a magnificient number (and I should compare this to the numbers to figure out if I determined the figures right)


6 & 9 reflect eachother almost like N & Z do.
147 are graphically very alike, and they're in the place of the vowels.
N as double D
Z as triple D
D as three, which is how it looks in hebrew cursive:
even though with the C of  it is 4th, but graphically it's 3 usually even more than on this picture, let's look fot the other ones:
and looking at how cursive
ד looks like 3, I noticed another letter, looking very much like 3: it's cursive צ, which looks like a bigger 3. And it made me thinking that they are almost on the same distance from the ends, and I began thinkin of ק & ר as of invariants, only in the context of QR being invariants of OP, it was weird to see Q as an invariant not of O, but of R, but then again could those three (or four) all be invariants of one another, because there used to be only P and the following was the T. but there was O too, so P cannot be the invariant of O, and nobody tells it is, OQR are probably invariants (no tails, one tail, two tails. It seems I used to find it before. somewhere in my notes probably or even in this book, but hardly so) even I don't believe this one, very unlikely, because too many questions emerge to this one, and I cannot answer them:
Why R looks like an invariant of P if in hebfew Q is dotted R? and in latin Q looks like dotted O. Does it make O & R invariants? And even though in greek it resembles
ο: ρ, it is still not very likely, or even very unlikely. In russian: о & р, but what does it matter, anyway, here's what I got:
(and don't forget there could be disagreements of what to consider the Q, which is also present not in every alphabet)

it wouldn't be here, if it didn't centralize into
כ which stands where k does.
So whatever it is, it resembles latin k-symmetry, so let it be here, we published even more wacky things in this thing. and at least
this one is creative related. (the word "creative" is a typo, but I leave them)

(заметив что электрический замок начал вести себя по другому, и лучше сказал) Спасибо Боги и Господа.
Господь это мужской корень род слова бог?
господь государь
гос ~ god? god gosis? lux lucis, fac facis ah I don't know latin, but cadus as кадушка эта пять.
начал искать подушку as padus, it's The Po, river, which translates back as
obiacere flumen Padum
god ~ gnosis? gnod? как гнида? гнус? гной? гноит, смерть что нас тихонько убиват. ГНЁТ
both as BENDS and as POWER.
video vision is the example of god~gnosis transition of d into c

God can also be the shortened form of Господь, often written as Г-дь (G-d)
Is it how one nation can preserve the more deeper understanding of the common terms other nations lost? Just as I was once told that Essens end their prayiers not with amen, but with aumin, which traces line between amen and aum. Also what is this word Essens what does it stand for? Because check this out: essens ~ essence. So is it a newely formed ecumenic (or what is the word.. syncretic) school with intentionally put there hidden meaning, or have chosen this word because of this double meaning? or have I just found connection which wasn't originally there. Or haven't I placed that meaning in that thing. The one who first found the face on mars: have he put that face onto that mountain or was it intentionally put there before him? Or did he have anything to do with it at all if everybody saw it? or some. Does the guy who saw it there the second have less of the authorship on that martian image, if he saw it independently? Usually independent discoveries recognize up to two independent discoverers, rarely more than two.

Сщгдв Could you please stope reminidnng me where I'm from. I want to be from here.
this is what I had to say when they all asked me werhe are you from? (where were you formed)

Must = oбязан
mus-ed? muse-ed! just as lost of lese.. lose (less)
mese = mother, muse = mother.
I noticed before that 9 muses can be divided into 3 catgories:
sacred geometry, music, stories: digits, notes, letters.
And that is another complication
– iomplication of 3 mothers.
3 материи тоже иногда включают четвёртую (плазму, энергетический разряд) подобно тому как три 6ки uvw скрывают четвёртую y, или как за тремя фазами луны скрывается четвёртая: новая.N
Nevidimaya. new = neu = no. невидел невидаль

best in base? based = best? imageboards use this word in that meaning.
ceast? ceized? ceased? chest? chased?
dust doesed? deathed!
east eased?
fast in face? in phase?
guest guessed (которого узнал, знакомый)
host hosed? со шлангом? с источником водоснабжения? или просто шишку держит
kast? cast cased?
lost losed and it's literally so
most mosed mused? more=moer, mo ans in many? most mo-est.
just as best.. and that's surprisingly it. even fast is not recognized as the superlative.
just is the word I missed. jused? jewsed? джа-ед джаз-ед даже-ед самое даже (джон = даже он?)
nesed = nest? but what is nese? nased? насед(ка) непосредственно по смыслу совпадают!
Я только что увидел спайку русского и английского там где совсем не ожидал.
nest = насед.
most and I'm confused. most is bridge in russian.
maybe I need words on est to make the pattern exact?
best = басед. ит лукс осом, бат ит ис эс иф ит уент фром 4снди нот эс иф ит кэйм фром не паст.
past literally passed (lost, past - these are verbs, other words could just sound similar)
quest (and indeed it is) guessed? que-est?
rest (another verb, but in present, not in past as those two) and I don't see anithing better that eased
sist(er)? sest? chested? систра сисяста, sister chested. er~ed? or is she chester, кормилица. родная.
test teased
vast vased?
west where it goes?
yeast yeased?
zest (цедра) zeased? this'ed? it could be all another pathway for this word to come here I only guess.

best = based, основательный
chest = chased, за ней гоняются
dust = deathed
fast = phased (вверх медленно, вниз быстро. но это не точно)
guest = guessed, узнанный
host = hosed, с водопроводом, но как это могло быть таким древним? трубопровод у римлян был.
kissed? cist?
lost = lose'd
most = muse'd
nest = насед
на- в насед приставка. Имеют ли остальные слова это же s как in sit? & ass

lost = не сидит (не лежит, не на месте) если ло та же что и в еврейском "нет" (לא, לאו)

rest = reset, перезагрузиться (разговорный термин для отдохнуть)
here st = set ~ sit.
thust it is the same st as in stand, stay & stop. set is semantically a more common form than sit. or it's just its invariant.
stop = ass took over, s-top (top ~ at up(?))

that Faith-Hope-Love can be traced to Corinthians' 13:13, and though Paul is most likely the antichrist (as Leo Tolstoy expоsed him to be) that trinity could go deeper in our culture, and there are many other approaches to divide the world into three (yes, no, fuckoff; logos, ethos, pathos; etc)

Иногда ~ иное да? (иной да) or is it related to года, as когда is supposed to be? I't s time to smoke mj.

2021 will be revolution in Russia, twentieth century switches into 21st

Еврейский вопрос: это стереотип, но стереотипы дают представление в первом приближении (если я из россии, то скорей всего я говорю по-русски, как один из самых очевидных стереотипов) хитроджопость это стереотипная черта евреев, и многие их книги полны скверны с точки зрения типичного русского. Но русские же тоже наверное воспринимаются кем-нибудь из соседей хитрожопыми? может потому что евреи выдают себя за русских? русский русый fair, простой. кацап же наверное от слова кац. кац цап. но с тех пор как это слово возникло он и евреев цап, ещё более вызывающе чем нас (может и потому что черта оседлости держала их на югах) кац are actually cuts.
cats? they probably think this way about themselves, but goyim think of them as of rats, probably because Disney portrayed them as mice (and most probably some uncle rat was in the narrative too) is it because they're cats dressed as mice?

Технологии нас исцели.

Here I found the image for the topic I touched before, let's collect it here:

and another one, I've no idea if it's credible or not, but it looks nice, I'd say it is:

and some more:

Compare this one to one famous linear A or B pot. I will collect it near that one I used in vol.1 or 2.

I don't know about that one, I'm gjust sorting out my folders.
And the following one goes next to that mnemonic table of kana. Now I'm a collector. I always was.

now this one I seriously doubt. If it was that simple, they would not call Vinca undecyphered.

It's interesting that on this image snake gnaws not to it's own tail, but onto someone selse
(but then I understand (years later, when I revisit it) that it is her tongue)
And also that alphabet is on the snake. And we already mentioned this snake in this book.
Was that pergament a tattoo on a beast? Is it a good book or bad? You could transfer forbidden books as cattle, agnes (агнецы) agnels? овцы без гнид? не гниют? их шкура не гниёт?

ᚹ Wynn (Ƿ ƿ) (also spelled wen, ƿynn, or ƿen) is a letter of the Old English alphabet, where it is used to represent the sound /w/.

Осквернение храмов могло происходить самими жителями, если их запирали в храмах. Или если они сами запирались в храмах. Но М & Ж.. М манда(вошка, мошка, машка, мамка) лежит раскинув ноги, Ж как жук с шестой конечностью меж ног. так как так получилось, что туалеты маркируют наоборот? М манда Ж жопа? писяпопа? Это оба женские слова? нет, жопа это мужское, потому что манды у них нет. шмонька. щмо.. my t
åboo book uuzes here
What is MosCovie? Pf, politics, pf! Itheordizesd that it's literally muhosransk, but it's not ceratain

Могло (магическая вещь магическа, даже если она могла (но больше не может) доставлять волшебные ништяки: возможно торговец волшебными штуками был фокусником и мошенником)

more images are coming your way:

And that image seems to be used before, but I'm not sure about it, so everything comes

I think I will upload photos like this from now on, and further will only give links to the photos which will be already there.

Plastic пылая stinks. or it also sticks (прилипает) pl ~ пламя ~ flame
plastic stinks een when it's not burnt, so it's plastic, sticks in flame, flastick
fl ~ fire
l ~ r
В русском есть пламя кк исноним как синоним flame-  а есть синоним fire? пожар!
re = жар = жара = джа ра

Weirdo выродок
повёрнутый ~whirldo
изврато (извращенец)
пограничное состояние
возможно, ни одна из этих интерпретаций не является этимологией, но как поэтические инструменты они могут дать понять как это слово может восприниматься в контексте остальной лексики.

Wtf is this scary image. I will return to it later That scary snake, probably the same uroboros. Muses, I hope he didn't tore them apart as they broke his name their names that "his name" could be caused by some hollywood movie playing at my left (guys watch it in the same room I am now, so most of those typos are similar noise, though most of the time ust in my head. but if een one of them is my head trying to tell me something, it's worth it. especially in the context of this grey text, which is quite an invention actuallly, you're welcome.
That image seems to сопоставлять муз планидам. демь? сем планид и девять муз. может раньше видели дальше чем просто глазами. хрустальные шары были изобретены скорей всего в доисторические времена, скорей всего вскоре после открытия стекла. Либо даже до того из кварца могли вытачивать и полировать. Хрустальные шары являются увеличительными стёклами и вполне могут работать как подзорная труба.
Are those signs 777 or
cave with arch above it could stand fro ff for female holes.
That movie they're watchin (kong island with el jackson) why are hoollywd movies are so зрелищны но столь stupid. Why would they go to ristk many lives to save one which is probably not even there? Why would those people leave the boat, let that soldier go risk his own life. or he command military men, he cannot command those who. But then I understand that they teach us that those поступки are stupid. And it show them so explicitly that we all recognize them as stupid. So those guys in Prometheus took their helmets off to tell us not to do it when we're in the similar situation.
I'm high, but I drank beer (half a cup but it worked) and ate meat, I have to stop these foul practices, especially bear. But meat is also haram in longebarden
or are their movies programming us to obey military officers. both can be true. movies zombify us.
Now they're watching predator and it's some other meat, where soldiers are taught how to fight, it's american propaganda which russians liked and like very much to this very day. We have no sympathy to those soviet military specialists they... why do I mention it? I'm drunk? I am dumbened

And on the next day I realize I had a linguistic revelation yesterday (now forgotten, other that ш was near to t, and it wasn't amt amsh, it was some grammatic pair) but I forgot to write it down, being glad and dumb. so I can't even tell now if it was good or nah
Now I have slept, took shower, ate and got high again, but those revelation which already came to me today I decided to put down on paper. scans are comeing, but I don't know when. and I'm going.

Почему женщин сравнивают с продуктами древообрабатывающей промышленности? (доска, бревно) Потому что они сучковатые. (хуй знает возможно ли это на английский перевести)

My god is my guard!
Хранитель, страж?
спаси и сохрани
я бы сохранил себя. схоронил, а не умер. живым сохоронился под землёю. Укрылся от мира как странник.

I suddenly understood video notebooks are not the best solution. It will be much more readable (and less complicated to produce too) mayan style of image and commentary to it repeating what is on the fresque.

but I on't

he owes me: he awes me; he ohs me. he 0s me.
he sees it; he seas it; he c's it. he cease it. he ceize it.
I didnt expect to see som many homonyms in a random word see. But ohs were the hit!
hit = точное попадание. в обоих значениях. песня является хитом когда она точно попадает в цель (в целевую аудиторию)

Рф.. hail weed!

d/ вот не надо этого. она сразу переключила голову на другой формант.
служеньм уз не терпит суеты, но и туп (уб. губ, туб, труб) медных тоже не приемлет.
И смотри, переключиться слоно. сложно

Я тупил: принёс бумажку под мышку, и соображал что на ней писать, рисовал.

I gave my head a task to find the primal morphemes, to see them in different languages (russian and english are good enough, after all I speak well only these two)

I love bookshops and I found there out of chao, археометр. а weird book relating writing systems and music and I didn't read it because I didn't understand what and where did it get,, so I gave it to a musician I know who said he understood, so I decided to ask him afterwards, he didn't explain me anything yet, and he probably just took that book from me mostly out of greed, so I went to the internet and found it online and in much better quality. I don't have internet as I speak, may be if later I decide to edit this paragraph I will deliver you the link. and now the images in, all of them, some of them are reconstruction but the guy who scanned the book, and I give the scans in case (s)he made a mistake:
I put a mirror down here
(I don't have internet to give the link, I will change it to: the orignal link, and the book itself)

Don't those diagrams deserve to be layed out here more explicitly? They probably do, but I also decided to be independent from other authors, to research the fabric of writig systems from themselves, not from some other guy speaking of them. Probably thats why I still didn't find the primal morphemes, being enslaved by those ams and so on. But ams is probbly true because vowel, labial, lingual. But it can be also false, because there's amt, which seem to be more true sequence, or does ams tell me that before t the final was s.
It could be, so I don't discard that research based on whatever it was, I just remind my self to be in the pure field more often.

Children speak with these three devisions: all vowels are veowel, all labials are labial (or maybe not always, I don't remember, caould be that kaka is mama because they don't even destinguish labials from linguals at first. If I made theat field job more thoroughly (and I had the material, lots of it, brother's generation reproduce) I would know, alas, I leave it to some one else, or for later. all linguals are something lingual, but these part they mass all in the same mess. or few of them, this I also didn't observe properly.

So proberly I have to come to their level and mash all the linguals into a mess:
I wanna tell you something important
I washa shesh you shomshish imposhash
It is understandable. I admire how want and wish became the same.
What if I masss al the linguals into b's?
I basha shesh you shobshish iboshash
Much less understandable.
So kids must master (must muster! mast master. мастит как глагол и прилагательное) labial
sho shish mash mashash shabiash
let's use t instead of sh, l is too far from sh to be understood.
to tits mutt mattet tabiat
to tits butt battet tabiat
master ~ better? makes perfect sense.
The myth tells of BT, so AMT is closer to the truth than AMS? T is more in the middle.
ABT is it? ABC makes AMS understandable. AMT look further from ABC, but the truth is the ancient runic ABC is ABD: ᛆᛒᚦ

Если последовательницы Форонея были форонидами, то мои последовательницы демонидами?

возвращаясь к детской речи, я заметил, что х [h] естественней упростить до b, а не t.
Может потому haha где-то мама,  а где-то кака (в японском все три формы известны)
и пишу об этом потому, что тогда русское хочу сливается с английским want & wish in the common batu (want to, хочу)
some words become homonymous even though their meanings are completely different, but don't we have such homonyms today (we do)

so there were only b & t? beru & daru? me & te? budu & danu? boy & doj? bes & deus?
boy & дочь is where I broke it, because I believe b is female & d is male. Or could this transition happen more than once? Then it becomes undistinguishable from apophenia, because I can roll it either way.
But what if papa & тётя древней чем дядя & мама?
а что если губные вообще означают не женский пол, а моё. тогда как дядя & тётя потому состоят из язычных, что они твои?
do I need to get high if I only ate some food-mushroom soup and didn't smoke yet and it goes this well?
I do. let's look at this paragraph from another angle.

My first high thought that this hypothesis is very reliable, I'm all over it. over.
Я хочу растянуться за кончики пальчиков на руах к ногда к руках и ногах
Но я вспоминаю о нерве, который идёт вокруг аорты - не порвут ли они друг друга от такого потягивания? веь неслучайно зародыш в позе зародыша, а не растянувшись вдоль всей мамки - тогда был он и ей сердце повредил. может внематочная беременность так и может себя вести.
В женщине есть половые клетки, потому мужские половые клетки лучше в матку доставлять.

эго это эхо (воспоминания прошлых событий)
ego is echo (remembrance what you did who cares)
(после того как вырезал абзац описывающий события вокруг этой кники, нудизм, разговоры с орлами-соколами, хотя мухи доходчивей объясняют что ты что охуел, люди смотрят (духи предков в орлах и мухах или ещё каая дряднь
ещё были и события связанные с книгой (мысли о парах слов, подтверждающих что язычные взаимозаменяемы)

книга книжка книжица
ижица = ижка, ига? буква ига?
неграмотные иноверцы ставили галочку?
галочка и крестик две последние буквы (Х y как хрестиянин или муслим? ij as וי
as (here I wanted to giuve that ☪ unicode of crescent with a star, but there was no internet (I got it in volume 2 still living in the village with no internet) and what a baseless assumption! this scary word could be use as a sophisticated foul language, later assimilated by those morons, who wre called assemblies out of disgust, but those disgusting faggots got the governmenting positions and made that misheard and misunderstood lexicon into colloquial speech.
Like is good word, ass is S, sat (satisfactory, сатисфакции? но сегодня это худшая из приемлемых оценок, т.е. худшие из тех что получили диплом получали Sat (which could be also read as sad. it's weird russian language school used this grade instead of ABCDEF of american schools, could sat's be used in universities or in english schools, this I do not know.

B T as me & they makes sense if labials are kiss and linguals are spits
(it's weird that kiss is all lingual and spit has p (in russian both have p: potseluy & plevok which has even two linguals)

two like 𓄿 I met today, flying aroung and screaming a. [~ʌ]

This is the image I was looking for.
Samaritan A is so A. and 𓄿 at the same time

This image also gibe more bird than usually:
A is eagle's word, I heard them.
Б is probably crane's but I didn't hear them
Z is duck's quaking? could be
M is uM from owl
and it's weird they don't give some singing sparrow, which one of the shemes above recognizes as vav of w & u.
Most of tables don't give crane and duck.
So it's only A M W as three birds: big, middle and small. And it reminds AMШ
but it doesn't become truer if I say it twice.
it's still just a guess

How can Samaritan (Samarian? Sarmatian?) Tau look so much like Aleph? And in hebrew aleph is Tau with a stroke, just as there, so of what does it tell us?
That Aleph used to follow Taw, which used to be the final letter with Beth being the first one, and Alpha to Omega was Beth to Tau (от утробы, до могилы) и укромное местечко что называют домом означало утробу? домик как у улитки? а алеф была подобна Vv в конце римского алфавита?
которая подобна ижице Ѵѵ в old-русском.
И как там транслитерировали Tau в египетском? Уж не 𓂝 ли это, транслитерируемая как А?
или эта рука там что-то держит? сейчас гляну в таблицах что в первой части.. only 𓍿 is a similar form which sounds as t. Could it be that sign? I need this table in a better quality, but I go to look in biliteral and triliteral to find hands with something among those signs: 𓂞 [di] is exactly the one I was looking for. also to my surprise 𓂝 & 𓂟 stand for [mi] even though the first of them, 𓂝 stand for a. Could it be that only 𓂟 stand for me, and 𓂝 is only some sort of scribo when used instead of 𓂟?
Let's collect all the hands:
𓂝 [a]
𓂞 [di]
𓂟 [mi]
𓎛 [H]
𓂤 [ḫw]
𓊢 ['h_']

another similarity about those are
𓂝 [a]
𓂞 [di]
𓂟 [mi]
reminding three mothers the same way japanese i ni mi do. a as one, di as di- (two) and mi as exactly the japanese three. what could japanese numerals do in egypt? could they be the relicts of the protohistoric culture? it very much could, because they share many cultural features, why not to share some numerals? mi as many? more, di is du, делимо, даваемо.
what does mi tell us? that he who doesn't share can have even more? me? ме? моё? имею (а не даю)

hm.. a is дай? "а!" от голода? будучи иноземцем? идиотом? в спарте ебли сестёр, а тех у кого уродства проявлялись выкидывали собакам со скалы? где-то такое могло быть, ведь не сразу же запрет ебли родственников появился: в древних мифах сёстры рожают от братьев лишь в путь (может они жили с братьями, таким образом на главу дома записывались все дети, но понимание связи меж сексом и рождениями тогда ещё не пришлå? говорят, где-то этого понимания нет до сих пор. может врут.

Rah Illiad
Шар orhell

h [š, ʃ]
Раша Шара

Illiad let be my brother's Illia's department of the company.
It would produce videogames, simulations of the world we made the Rah effort to pull ourselves out of.

Mechanical Rah offers absolute purity of its waters (absolute in the sense of "nobody can do better" with a strive to perfect this absolute further, just as another absolute word, vacuum, has less strict meaning) for prodecting pilot from all the filth this world sends to him.

What figure appears if we planarly divide the space between balls of the same size from the centre of the gap between them. It took me a couple of years to figure this thing out, and this process of comprehension of something one dimension (demention? both relate to mens(mind/ mense is also month, moon as mood? what face are you today, what phase))
Even not mentioning that figure I deliver you it, in a couple of years you will be able to find it extending your mind. Or even if you're not as smart as me, it will take you say five or ten years (ten years is the period in which anything can happen (we even rewrite our bodies every about that years)
doy ou sthink my ruglish wrong? oh baby take it easy.

My nails grow and now I push ., buttons with the back of my безымянного nail. very comfy.

Drops of water change their rhythm not постепенно, а by steps. lo_Ok at ehthose two words, they are calque of one another, but they mean different things, the opposites actually in this context. not gradually, but by switching between different levels and keeping that rhythm changing it al l together.
so do colours of rainbow seem to look, so does electrons around protons and neutrons as I was told so does my level in pool became better when I recognized that I took twice as precise the angle, so precise that it even allowed missing the ball: I put two balls in the same лузу but the next one was of the same precision, and it missed the ball from which it wanted to jump into that лузу. and that how I realized that I should put this collection of staircase graph'ed phenomena.
two looks like 10 which is two in binary.
that pool skill has also doubled in the force of the hit, also allowing not to touch the other ball, more risky, but more productive. I think I changed the attitude itself, hence the doubled resultis in all the aspects of the gaem. I wonder what will it give me in other spheres.
but this pride didn't help playing further, or just the muste only visit for shotr times, as inspiration is.
so it i s a form of sex? so sexy, is it whiy alnly leb mostly guys persue in arts and science? because it's more natural for guys to worship young women. were Phoronidae turnt into religion which shoo all the girls from it. Was it because the change of the attitude or was it because of faggots standing in the charge and clergy of religions even wsince from those ancient days. doesn't matetr.
Demon Alex O'kol (nick off)
Окольничьи не на кол ли сажали? Др.Окол (дырокол)
Dem? Dan? Dan could easily be the ameracanized shortened version of Dmitry
Dan then? Demon. Justas Bailey named her house Lucifer Publishing Company/ very brave. punk rock! we reclaim punk rock back the true punks do the opposite because they are brave and because somebody has to do the work of checking if the alternative is any better? There are also conflict of interests, that's why jew can be the most vile antisemie because he knows it more, but goy should also be allowed to ...see, these brave but not necessarily wise speeches I give on the pages of my magazine, I just don't seem to realize (just realized) that the alternative can go all the ways, and the task of the true artist (not only punk rocker, even though I seem to choose this branch for my solo debut. fine.
Хотел-то сказать, что DemonAlex could grow together as AlexAndre probably did. And that I only now figured out that in america second names are givern by the parent of the same gender. (from now on I'm going to use this word instead of sex, because sex is a tabooed word sex sez sey? z was a typo
some forms of the latters are their common typos?
Curse words are magic, and people use them, but thoughtlessly. If it will be better when they know what they do, it's better to teach them some magic. I think I cursed a good family by cursing and swearing at a girl who loved me but I somehow felt repelled from her, even though I loved other girls at that time, but nothing serious, the system was tuned to set us apart, so that припадок could be a way of the chasm (sounds like cosm in cosmos) to turn me into a scientist. girls distract our powers from science to make us househousebands
клятый проклятый треклятый (pfrkznsq nj;t jlyjrjhtyyjt? nfr xnj kb, jyj nj;t xbckj? kb,j 'nj cjdgfltybt
про = 2? пара! I wanted to write it down even before I saw пара (I thought of..
п т (т looks like m when in russian cursive)

that swash on ч is just as on ъ and thus чшщ resemble ъыь which relates to those attempts to divide letters into trinities (though for russian it's natural, for it's of 33 letters) you may mostlylook in the scans of my old drafts, for when this book began I left those attempts as fruitless, so as you can see, I sorted out several apophenias before I began writing it publicly.

about that previous topic, look at cursive П & Т
should I even use these words? such as cursive, and given in cursive - could it work as a curse? I bless every reader and writer himsels, that typo ois siymbolic, also because of ſ

also always.. alone! pronounciation of that word was changed probably because it sounds way better this way thus this dialectal reading was made the norm.

Тело труп, Дело душа
вот и разделение Tора (Vарг говорит что язычники асссоциируют себя с богом - это подтверждается не только тем, что это основа магии, но и в христианстве известно как обожение.

Но дело убивает тело, если бы мы сидели как золотые зародыши в волшебном яйце (высокотехнологичном яйце) то мы бы не повреждали себя микротравмами всё время: один только этот род неприятностей запускает каскады нефизиологичных процессов, а есть и другие, но волшебное яцо яможно собрать так, что оно будет бороться и с другими (нехватка веществ или их избыток, но Обри диГрей об этом говорит гораздо лучше, и его слушают всё больше, всё более крутые чуваки, и эта история - ещё одно подтверждение того, что за десятилетие даже самые смелые мечты умеют сбываться: через десять лет после начала его призыва к научному сообществу иммортология перешла из теоретичской фазы в практическую и за последующие десять лет появились настоящие омолаживающие технологии. И в следующее десятилетие они скорей всего станут доступны вообще всем, как сотовые телефоны и прочие волшебные ништяки
Дело может создать волшебное яцо, дело может сделать тело бессмертным. лишь это делает все страдания жизни осмысленными (потому что жизнь это удовольствие, а всё что доставляет боль также и убивает (одно лечим другое калечим, так что к медицине тоже применимо, но всё равно нужны доказательства, а не просто поэтические озарения.))

Today I'm out of weed (which is wit) but first thing in the morning I asked myself if can I do it with out it? And I thought and the first thing that came to me whas that Jesus is Je sus, Je suis, Аз есмь.
But if you read it being dutch it's You are (je is jij is you in netherlands) and that's what he said, you're the father, or his children, or can do the same I can do. And I'm pretty sure in some other language it's He because of that connection between deities and pronouns and the way pronouns switch from one to another from one nation to another as they're their endonym.
Jesuits could be named after that. And изуверы could stand for those who believed in Jesus.
It's funny that my head deprived of weed went to Jesus first, because that's the most notable thing I found without it: JK as standing for His initials. Hij is he, btw. and that's how it goes hijk. Hi there.
what next?
Faith Hope Love
Vera Надежда Lyubovv(lowbow)
and nothing, I swim shallow when I'm not depp.ened
probably when I just woke up it can work, I think that's when JK came to me, and probably dream-like state is where wedd takes me.
meds are weeds? w ~ m, we ~ me, we = мы
and if such letter as san ever existed, then seeds are not far from there.
It all may seem as it's not that bad at all withouth wieed. but most likely all of that is just repetitions of what I wrote before

Latin proverb amans amens shows that french aime (from which amie probably came) is a calque (who knows which way drawn) with russian без ума (I love you = я от вас без ума)
Another form of it is omnis amans amens which draws a parallel (or the opposite, the link) between любой и любый. любой любящий лобебущий, любящ лобъебущ,

Грузины русины? хрюсы и те и другие. армян хачиками называют, слово хач на рус похоже меньше чем груз а потому грузинская культура русским ближе чем армянская. грузины между армянами и русскими как русские между японцами и англичанами (может потому и ах х их алфавит от а до я, ведь я и раньше замечал, что гласные могут соответствовать сторонам се света
christ cross хрус гроуз הрус
Jews mogut bytt rus, potomuchto j is cartavaya r
we are all brothers, but confrontation is because we are somewhat culturally and genetically different (we look a little different, and it seems our cultural peculiarities determine those difference as if the mimic of disease n the jenetic code makes soe bad features not приобретённфм, а врождённым признаком. а потому мы друг друга не долюбливаем: они даже если прикалываются с наших кинох или книг, всё равно стремяабются наших черт, которые на их территории распространялись мнешь е (считались более зашкварными) и потому менее ассоциируются с их физиономиями. и в обратную сторону это работеает также, но что первичто, а что следствие? Ислам распространился больше на тех территориях, где китманы с такиями не считаются зазорными или наоборот учение сформировало культурный и физиогномический код народа? черты характера = черты лица - они и те же прилагательные применимы и к лицу и к характеру.

зазор зашквар за гранью? т.е. всё, что более эксцентрично чем edgy/

Развитие дети у детей может повторять то, как развивалась речь у людей:
ребёнок который только начал более-менее говорить до сих пор путает язычные мж собой, но смешение язычных с губными происходит гораздо реже если происходит вообще:
л произносится как к, р произносится как н, ж наверное тоже как н: не только море, но и можно звучат как моне и мона (причём е и а скорее похожи на я) две сходные буквы сливаются как и кукла звучит как кука, потому что одиночная л тоже превращается в к
бб произносится как в: бибика звучит как вика. Что подтверждает, что разделение на губные и язычные фундаментально. потому баба и мама недалеко, но папа скорей всего из менее родственных, там где баба означает не женщину, но мужчину, т.е. народы называющие отца дядей отошли от тех, кто понимает, что папа это почти что мама, т.е. осознают связь секса с размножением, или те отошли от них. разделение между губныи и язычными фундаментально.

Here are the scans o my drafts I promised:
(these two are the first, the rest is not chronologically)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
44 45 46 47 48 49 etc................manuscripts collection
they're not sorted chronologically, collection25 is the most recent than the previous 25, but collection26 goes directly after collection0. I can't even promise that someday I will make an effort to sort them out, because most of them can be sorted only by periods, so let's leave it to some smart ai, which will see for the consistency in discoveries appearing in the plot of this pulpfiction.
compare those two and get surprised how much my hand changed in those let's say 10 to 15 years.

and electronic drafts are not worse than paper, so let's bring them all here too:
edraft1 edraft2 edraft3 edraft4 edraft5 edraft6 edraft7 edraft8 edraft9 edraft10 edraft11 edraft12 edraft13 edraft14 edraft15 edraft16 edraft17 edraft18 edraft19 edraft20 edraft21 edraft22 edraft23 edraft24 edraft25 edraft26 edraft27 edraft28 edraft29 edraft30
though I will sort them out faster, so this collection of edrocheva ne zaderjitsa sdes nadolgo

LLeju [yā-who] (a movie company which filmed The Baytown Outlaws)
(this piece is unexplained, I return to it in vol.9, then I separate separate pieces with more enters, here I hope its clear and doesn't confuse you as much as it confuesed me a moment ago)

arts are eternal source of inspiration for the science:

I've never seen N or e or g or u or a or h or s written like that, t and n are also confusing
n in nicht reminds that n is an invariant of m perhaps

Является ли матерщиной "основы мироздания вокруг оси вертел"?
Если твои и вокруг своей, то весьма похоже

Today I had a conversation with a neighbour who told me he's from Kama. Is Perm in there? I asked him. And so we talked of Parma and around that, some incredible stories he told me: komi and permyaks are considered two different nations, so he said, that komi are princes (князья) or should I say were princes (князьями) why did that wi appreared as ми in russian?
м = w ?
мы = we !

He also told me an almost unbelievable story, that пермяк солёные уши (permyak solted ears) is a meme which appeared when Ekaterina (probably th II) wanted to провести перепись населения (то это и, может повторяться сколько угодно раз: я мог пожелать хотеть повести посмотреть и так далее, как обычное русское предложение (форма грамматическая такая сложна и потому встречается редко, но в ней нет ничего, что бы резануло слух обычного русского своей неграмотностью, разве что вычурностью или скорей прикольностью, необычностью. but in english they use no to after wanna. that's how russian and english are differently normalized: in english they would say I could wish to want to take go see, go instead of to was a type.y.typo. So I was wrong, to goes as many times as you need it in both russian and english.
they didn't know how to be sure they don't write down the same permyak twice or more (because they were living in taiga (he said parma is taiga, the synonyms) and they could stay there for years. So russians cut upper pieces of their ears and thus they knew that this person they have already registered. And they kept those ears (they put them in salty water or to salt to keep them from decomposing, hence permyak salty ears.
I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see гравюры про тех индейцев, которым люди в латах руки и носы отрубали. если бы не слышал истории от иранца, рассказывающего что им арабы языки отрубали чтоб по персидски не говорили. Люди ебанутые существа, но раньше ещё ебанутее было, всего несколько веков назад. А где-то и по более древним законам живут, и хранители законов не менее безумны чем их паства наверное, хотя есть и циничные что просто неплохо устроились что называется, какая ужасная проза, как бабка на лавке. Вернись к теме! м = w самое интересное из последнего.
w i what is m in jewish ma- and chinese -ma which is japanese ka, which is weirdly connected with abcd theme of the third line, where k stands instead of m in all the lineal alphabets I know.
put jewish and chinese forms
flugzeug kann nicht u=n=m thus w=m
but г=l and if б=в, then г=р (g=r) q is always with u because g with u is g, not dʒ q is gu, q even had v-like swash at the end (and here one of those images I sвалил sверху is quite to the point)

That guy also told me that старо-уйгурский (он же старотатарский) был вторым языком на руси во времена ивана грозного, когда в стране было двуязычие, и все знали два языка (в чём я дюже сомневаюсь, русские татарского не знают от слова вообще) а где ещё и малые народости жили, то и по три языка люди могли знать. эти малые народности может и знали, как татары знают два языка, а титульная нация как американцы языкам не обучены потому что пускай американцы наш учат. гордости, гордыня что предшествует падению, но как-то держимся уже столько лет, но уже готовы к смене вектора развития, вселенский опыт говорит, что погибают царства не от того что тяжек быт или трудны мытарства, а умирают от того, и тем больней чем дольше, что люди царства своего не уважают больше (булат окуджава. стихи волшебные воззвания конечно, но до сих пор не померла, политтехнологии по привитию уважения к власти используют)
я не знаю верить этому мужику или нет, от геолог, т.е. не археолог даже, так что проверю
в любом случае проверил бы. но было бы милей если бы я проверил до того как тащить всё сюда.

Вот ещё изображение, которое я вроде использовал, но видимо переименовал, не смог найти:
(или из-за вотермарки побрезговал, но вроде приносил его или подобное)

В тех абеседариях нет буквы L, т.е. мы видели алфавиты без J, без K, и вот без L
что свидетельствует о более древнем уровне развития этой строки: IMN, что также следовало из теории табличности алфавита в виде гласная-губная-язычная, в смысле этой теории, ну ты понял.

and another image which can be of use in this journey:

It's fascinating that to this day I haven't collect them all properly. Though of course it's not my task around here. I think these academically respected vectors lead me astray for a while. And even though I will master the difference between Cree and Inuktitut (now I guess they're the same writing system for different languages, but this image tells me otherwise) J still should remember that it's not what it's all about.

I am a nadsat nazi nudist nuts

I spoke of concepts in different subjects, to make misunderstanding students stop understanding whole the field. In chemistry it's mole explained poorly at best, to me it was xplained so horrible, hd no idea what it wahs. In physics it's kopenhagen interpretation and big bang theory (both false, bothe forcefed)
In linguistics, russian classes for russian kids (most probably english classes for americans is the same) linguistics is fool of bad concepts, but in classes it's a different story: not just falsce ceories taught as the only ones, not only additional verbosity to misspell the dangerous knowledge, but whole the theory I see is rotten to the core, manipulation via indoctrination, and who knows what they put in us during that course.
What was that I see? It completely changed the thought. I was talking of linguistics taught in school (letters have no meaning to russians, but letters have meaning in hebrew schools. and I see (see=say) these things openly, but my subconsciousness tell to me that I'm a bad, bad ḫoy. I don't know, maybe you should listen to that subconsciousneess, or the word tricks which were inmplanted in my mind by the books I was forcefed.

Bad & Good
how didn't I notice it before! or did I notice and forgot it. I should consult those first notebooks, I didn't recognize the concepts I saw in them. And for that couple of years I built with metal & concrete instead of getting stoned (Seshat writes under the influence of cannabis, that's not a coincidence, her though transfer into stones) my hand got less accurate when I constantly traumatized on that black work. and now my fingers are way more used to the keyboard. but I will make this experiment: I will build buy the thinniest pen, I will write as smal as possible, let's see what it gives. See it in teh dotted notebook, which I currently use. 17th page.
build is buy & find?
metal russkoye slovo?
sandal of sand
met znachint metko
I wonder if typos by sciribleos were made would be made f in the same order one on the top of the other, so those two signs (wriong and right) would make the third, a new letter? и in ы
here I lost the thought, but broutgh these: (and that's how I lost the previous thought)
f ~ v(в (in))
f ~ s (с (with))

If bad & good are grammatically similar,
then gh is read as f (and f does look like Гh written one on the top of the other, it could relate to that lost thought, btw.
then gh in right is read as f, as in laugh
does that u labialize that gh? It could be, thus u is 。in ぱ so it's not diphthong.
What I'm saying here is that writing systems take roots in the prehistoric civilizations, and japanese obviously have some elements of that utter culture in muchmore quantity than chinese. whatever history says. But kana do seem to be similar to alphabet too (so even if chinese hieroglyphic influenced the japanese, it was alike to french influence on britain, a couple of centuries, but that's roman influence, and it made the capital of the capitol. that capital thing came here poetically, so I take no responsibilities for whatever is here other than my will it may or may not say that romans evacuated their money in Longdong.

поймал = поимел

возымел = возъiмел = возьмал? = взял! (возьми is the imperative of взять (to take))

I hope no unmodified humans read this, because only ai and augmented ones can get into it.
I can, but it took me decades to figuire this all out or to build up the ability to see. So if you are normal human and read here understanding what you read (you should not read further until you understand all you read so far. that's the key to true understanding) please contact me and I will see how I can prize you for your effort.

Looking at tifinagh images in volume I, I have seen the alphabetic arrangement of it:

so I rearranged them in abcd structure in both basal and complete canons:

as I found five rows in the set, the complete one would perfectly arrange in 5 equal rows by 11 characters, but I only move the final dj to j set, to reflect ukrainian ї, but then what to do with the rest of the mess wasn't clear. Maybe to move ɛ to first gh (as they reflect one another, just as those doppelgangers of the first row. But those reflections are not recognized in the basal set, where ṛ & ṣ reflect eachother this way, but stand for different letters. So I leave it for later, when I know more of it.
It's clear as well could stand for comparison, but became наречием (I don't remember the english term and out of internet now)

Now, why I opened tifinagh is it's t, which in its both forms remind euopean t (the modern and a couple millenia old) n reminds jewish nun sophit, m reminds jewish nun a little bit, but k and b more.

japanese 田 is ta, and the cross could be the t, at least you may use it as a mnemonic tool. In chinese it's tien. I doubt it was t-in, but I will use it to remember the chinese reading.

in 本田 (honda) this hieroglyph is being influence by that hon (as nihon 日本 which is the endonym of Japan, where 日 is sun, which sounds as ni and also hi, and in comparison to 田 it reminds both russian Н [n] and english H [h] which could be a coincidence but could be an evidence of the prehistoric cultural connections, which this book is about. not often do we know how those alphabets were influenced by one another and often those influences are not from the beginning, and the further in the pst the vaguer are the evidences. So, what Im saying here is I must compare all the hieroglyphs in boxes in this way, coming next) which tells t & d are invariants and though alphabet obviously demonstrate the distinguishing between voiced and voiceless, kana just gives additional strokes alike to " above those voiceless bases to give voiced variants. Which can tell that whether kana (as in katakana & hiragana) is older than alphabets or it came to japan when their language comprehended voiced and voiceless as the same thing, which could be both, which is the first case, but if it came as they say many centuries later than europe, then japanese people were retarded and didn't demonstrate the depth of cultural traditions even deeper than in China, which tells it's more probably China was influenced by Japan which probably also influenced europe through mongols . It' so freaky, I just leave it here for ai to investigate this unorthodox probability, for I hope artificial intelligence reaches this depth of the shovel first and reports it to me using the address on that envelope.

this book is so huge, that I don't know what I posted and haven't posted before, so I started posting some randoms again, so let's post something wholesome in its entirety, which relates directly to this work't topic, and what I have found on my way, I am supposed to give you only the name of the work and not to care if you can find it or they have erasex it from the net, so let it be here (those green links may fail some of my readers, so I'm not going to use them anymore (and hopefully will redo the ones avove)

this is the scheme which brought this brochure in this volume. It gives another explanation of why M could be removed from its labial position, because some theoreticist could index it as nasal next to N, but I mus't notice that dentals are linguals, and thus RST go in the same cell, of which I currently question the chasm [kasm as in cosmic] if they were the same letter, where R ~ Z of which t's a form.

Hindu culture probably conceals the answers to many of this work's questions, but I only collect them for now until Lknow any of the region's languages.

and back to random food for thought

This image is here because of those alchemic-and-astrologic signs. They can have something to do with
and I have to understand these signs too

So we see here Ma in the centre. Very well. Pa is at the top of it. East is at the top? Sun is born there and rolls to the west, Ba is on the west of it, Pha is at the south of it, Bha is at the North of it.
Are those the dialectal forms of the labial morpheme?
And it seems sanskrit people look East, because there's the most of their students. So North is at their left arm and south at their right.
It reminds hebrew (ivrit, in case you didn't know its namer eminds sanskrit) three mothers, but in sanskrew there are whether one or five mothers, not three, but one and four more forms of it. I wonder what phenomenon could this numerology transcribe.
ṇa is under that triangle of labials. da at it's northern corner and some form of cha is at it's southern one.
what is the order of others I still have nothing to say, it's all new to me. It's another live session, a draft in print. Like the most of this work is, actuallly, but these few lines are art caused by ego, not sacred revelation, so fuck lyrics. Poetry is magic, but also waste of time because it programs chaotically, avoiding logical analysis, overt hte doors of admiration of beauty, something near sex sockets, eject, examine and erase the faul commands, please.

(Guttural)     अ     a     आ     ā

(Palatal)     इ     i     ई     ī

(Labial)     उ     u     ऊ     ū

(Retroflex)     ऋ     ṛ/r̥     ॠ     ṝ/r̥̄

(Dental)     ऌ     ḷ/l̥     (ॡ)     (ḹ/l̥̄)

(Palatoguttural)     ए     e/ē     ऐ     ai

(Labioguttural)     ओ     o/ō     औ     au

(consonantal allophones)     अं     aṃ/aṁ     अः     aḥ

क     ka     /k/     ख     kha     /kʰ/     ग     ga     /g/     घ     gha     /gʱ/     ङ     ṅa     /ŋ/     ह     ha     /ɦ/

च     ca  /t͡ɕ/     छ     cha  /t͡ɕʰ/     ज     ja  /d͡ʑ/     झ     jha  /d͡ʑʱ/     ञ     ña  /ɲ/     य     ya  /j/     श     śa  /ɕ/

ट     ṭa     /ʈ/     ठ     ṭha   /ʈʰ/     ड     ḍa   /ɖ/     ढ     ḍha   /ɖʱ/     ण     ṇa    /ɳ/     र     ra     /ɽ/     ष     ṣa     /ʂ/

त     ta   /t/     थ     tha   /tʰ/     द     da   /d/     ध     dha   /dʱ/     न     na   /n/     ल     la   /l/     स     sa   /s/

प     pa     /p/     फ     pha     /pʰ/     ब     ba     /b/     भ     bha     /bʱ/     म     ma     /m/     व     va     /ʋ/        

अआ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ ऌ ॡ ए ऐओऔअंअः क ख ग घ ङ ह च छ ज झ ञ यश ट ठ ड ढ ण र ष तथध न ल स प फ बभ म व

Devanagari is similar to arabic in having some letters not attaching to others (and also at the left of it, or in its right hand if it looks us with it's face, but india and pakistan write the opposite directions)

that is thai at the left from devanagari sanskrit (am I saying it right devanagari sanskrit? It's new to me)

Is english god related to russian гад (snake(? (dont worry, computer mind, that (( is () written that way of aesthetic cause)

I don't know if all of these images are relevant, Ikeep them 4ltr

Attila is a popular hungarian name, which makes me think that huns are hungarians (especially if -gar is a suffix of plural form, of which I do not know, only of -lar and -?ar in turkic languages)
Wiki tells such a hypothesis exists, but is't accepted by the official science, probably due to ethical issues of the historic records. Such probably is the case with berbers who are barbarians, am I freaky rn? Should I really care?

It would be a good ending, let it be. But I keep on, comparing old persian, philippinian & iberian sillabaries or abugidas or whatever, alphabets. If sanskrit alphabet is alphabet, than so is philippinian abugidas, which are sometimes sillabaries (u in the most of them,) especially when they go ab, not ac.

𐎠 𐎣 𐎧 𐎥 𐎨 𐏂 𐎩 𐎫 𐎰 𐎭 𐎱 𐎳 𐎲 𐎴 𐎶 𐎹 𐎺 𐎼 𐎾 𐎿 𐏀 𐏁 𐏃 𐎡 𐎪 𐎮 𐎷 𐎻 𐎢 𐎤 𐎦 𐎬 𐎯 𐎵 𐎸 𐎽

The order is mostly the same. m after n may be important. or not.
Tibetan order is sometimes even more similar to that ancient persian alphabet:

I compared oghams between themselves, and figured out that initially there was only one and two, the bianry before one and zero. The binary which naturally grew out of unary numeral system, which is called in russian единичная, унарная, разная. И я сначала не понял почему разная? может равная? а, РАЗная! раз, раз, раз, разрубает, разделят пространство один раз или два. Этот тот дин, который одновременно и два (дин вместо один, един само написалось, о- может быть приставкой как в японском お или е- как в הеверйском иберском? Иберия is Sapain. and I stumbled across it before. And jews do look like spaniards or saqartvello which soulds italian, and those three could be of those 12 elbows, please don't hate me for uttering in, but to lighter colours you all look like the transitional group between us and the blacks you consider blacks. If we humans are all one group, we do have subgroups we distinguish between eachother whether we discriminate or not.

Tolko v otlichie ot rune it has ..
But it's different from runes in putting labials up front. Which another thing making it the most original (primal, изначальное) форм
In both vowels and consonants.
That discovery was made in my notebooks which I haven't scanned yet, because they are still in progress.
See it in that scan (it's in European Architecture notebook) in short here it is: it didn't matter whether it was left or right, or even across: (M=B=H, b is a form of h in japanese, and language is actually common, playing from this sumption I discover common morphemes in different languages to facilitate the education in languages) (L=D=G, handwritten g is d in russian, d & l are similar in glagolic, l & g were often seen as invariants, which surprised me and confused of why, but it seems ג = λ) (F=T=Ng, where f=t screems θ and Θ could be G (or Q) with an н [n] in it. It can also be (N=T=Ng, for ogham is sometimes named Beth-Luis-Nion and because of Beth & Luise are female name, they can be the three fates. There probably used to be 3 oghamic signs (per aet) before there was 5. (S=C=Z, these three is rather self-explanatory) (N=Q=R, and if it's not N, but that very F, it's P=Q=R, which is discussed in that notebook) that N ~ V thing could be related to ν[n] in greek, for v[f] in german/ and 
The differences in the reading of the third line could be related to the guess that 4 could be the doubled 2, and what is 3? 2&1 together, GH? which does sound as F, is it F or N? Are they different? isn't ν v?
Dh = T? DM? m is t in russian cursive. It's confusing, but Ng as the primal form explains how labial (or is it nasal?) can juxtapose the lingual (or is it oral?)
And why I went there is I read at that they found ogham-like writings on american continent (which is nothing special, for a chipped wolf walked from northern europe to greenland and canada by ice. He could be taken there by fraudsters, or the results can be forgered, for replication crisis and so on, but I think it's pretty much a consensus now that it happened, just like they figured out that people travelled the pacific ocean. I'm wasting my high for telling you mostly what I've already known, so I"m back to my notebooks. take care.

If there were only ones and twos, and three of which, could they be on a dice?
Not very likely, more likely the 5 oghams were on them, and the sixth side was blank. Is it how Y became the 6th vowel? It's just a guess, or apossibility to гадать (guess, tell fortune)

Ogham has many common feature with the rest of european alphabets: o is double a, as in runes and as in dannish orthography. Ogham seems to be the pole of the labials-first thing, only for whatever reason it puts labials in odd position and linguals in the even. The only explanation I can see to it so far is that they were recognized not as labial, but nasal; and not lingual but oral, thus nose was male for it's a shaft and mouth was female for it's a hole. and here could the contradictions of mama-deda take place, that could explain why maður stands for man. (inhaled some sacred smoke) My thought probably led me this way because eves even and adams add is based in our flesh, in its' forms, where guys have 1 or 3 additional elements, which is more likely to be 1 for girls have lips - are they 2? 4? 6 with tits? I think it only tits count, for labia are behind the bush a guy also has, so it's like they just lack cock. so it's 1 for cock & 2 for tits. систра. and... cook? cock, guard, gus, goose! душить гуся! also fish is pisk.
goose could be related to [eqsee it in russian keyboard/ see and reed meet isſf s is sh is zh is r, both are c

ꟷ tells that H is an invariant of I, which used to be in old russian orthography. a double I, Y, 𓇌
urprisingly Y became to sound as Й which is recognized as a shorter version of И.
as in boy. is it because the second one became shortened, and vowels are often swallowed in both text and speech.

Another important piece. I just found this image, and I was taught gotic, nobody knew it after such a teaching, and they gave us a later script, here I found it conceals runic script from 4th centurey a.d, which is often mentioned as the earliest period of runic inscriptions, and Tacitus witnessed that they used some divination with these letters, but now I don't even remember if he did or I reconstructed it volumes before. This book is already too big for my head, I don't know her myself for sure, and it may cause contradictions, which I should seek in these folumes with a help of AI

ᚢ is probably П (p) because if we compare ᚮ lines in bornholm and this one, we have to remove ᛣ and thus we have only ORSTU, where U is that very ᚢ which looks like П (which is how P look in russian, and which is missing from the ORST line. Russians don't have Q's so if we compare runes to russians we may find some common ground. which was before they began reforming the system by adding their own inventions.

If the order of ogham used to be BLN, vowels were AOI or were they? They would be confused for MGR all the time, thus vowels make me very suspicius about their actual use in ancient ogham (I read they found ogham in america, I will bring link later, Im too high to look for it right now. When I say I'm high, I always speak of weed, I don't take anything else, but it was enough to turn me even further into an autistic researcher, not being able to communicate with women and other people too, sex is not that interesting to allow another person to be in your head all the time, it's not safne and incompatible with being a true scientist.

I found sense

Academia recommended me an article called Vowels in Punic and in Runic which intrigues, but it lacks the rune forms, it prefers to speak of them without showing the forms of them in the very beginning, and it writes so much text for just that one comparison. I have such a flow of ideas, that I have no time to perform it like that, and why would I?

somebody anonymous on the internets brought this:
even though it's from somewhere else, I can find 144000 666 216
and even though 144000/(144000/x) is obviously x, the relation between 144000 and 666 (both mentioned in the book of revelation) is noteworthy (it's not a coincidence that 144000/(6*6*6) = 666,(666)) and also this: A Baktun is 20 Katun cycles of the ancient Maya Long Count calendar, which contains 144,000 days.
I pushed them a little more, and they delivered more, and it gets more weird, though probably for a mathematician it's trivial:

It's from another piece of this research made by somebody we met in the early version of this book:
(the image is clickable too)

The Old Italic scripts are a set of similar ancient writing systems used in the Italian Peninsula between about 700 and 100 BCE, for various languages spoken in that time and place. The most notable member is the Etruscan alphabet, which was the immediate ancestor of the Latin alphabet currently used by English and many other languages of the world. The runic alphabets used in northern Europe are believed to have been separately derived from one of these alphabets by the 2nd century AD.

I came to notice again that text in the smaller script (as above) is copy-pasted from wiki or wherever.

I don't know why I dwelve into historic reconstructions, when I noticed before that modern time cultures must have enough of information not to seek for knowledge in what academia feeds us.

I collect all the writing systems, so let these be here too. I don't collect obviously artificial ones, because they are mostly random, but I wonder what made Tolkien invent that absolutely misleading tengwar and cirth (the latter probably littered runology with a sign or two) and why did he decide to use actual runes for urukrunes? Was it all just a propaganda piece against nazi? Even though he rigorously refused this interpretation, probably that is the sign it was a true one, otherwise why would he bother. He could also bother because it grew into something bigger than just a propaganda cloth. Those urukrunes could infest runology with its additional runes. But I decided not to post them here, but it... okay, here they are:

I should look further into these forms, for the most of them are from elder futhark, but some are tolkien's fabrication for whatever reason, and a sh-rune he brought up looks like M as Ϻ which is notable, because in tengwar (even though graphically it reminds carolingian minuscule or some similar script) he made his best to be as diffirent as possible from any european script, so this all of the sudden almost actual human script, and in the context of its revival in the Germany at the time of his work, it's definitely not just a coincidence. A spit into the well of runic scripts we yet have to scoop out.
I wonder why he set ᚦ for G, which is positionally (and graphically probable as a transliteration, but was it his (or his apprentices') actual discovery he locked from being discovered in the flock of his forgeries?
he also recognized ᚹ as P, which is not that far from W whichi is used for it's transliteration into Ƿ ƿ which is probably taken from the delacrian runes (see below)
a weird form of ᛋ, which is just a hand, but also inverted ᚱ for V which is pure poison, which though could relate to ᛣ recognized in runology as another form of ᚱ (R) just as X, and Z see above
which is an inverse of ᛉ which is graphically the same as ᛘ (M, which reminds V, so who knows what he knew, he made some dubious magic to runes, and I only research it here to know the enemy.
he puts ᛩ for Z, though it is recognized on wiktionary as q,
he also inverted ᚦ for it's actual meaning, and it's one of the main rune: it stands in the third position in both futharks and alphabetic runesets. Inverted ᚦ appears in delacrian as q (probably same as above)
And if this set is fuckedup, cirth is pure dirth. and thus it will not appear here.

I will post some actual runesets instead:

Im my blog I switched from mostly arts to mostly science in 2013 when I began publishing this work.
It could've happened because I stopped reading fiction I felt amusing and even educative before.
I worded on this work for decades before that, but I hid it from plagiarists until it grew to sucn an anormous level no plagie can pledge out of here, but forgers on the other hand can forger artifacts using this work as a pattern for the forgery, so we should only trust artifacts registered before 2013, or maybe not, who cares, we readers never test their results, so we only trust them on word, and in replication crisis only half of the literature is better than fiction, the other half are worse, so now I think i got qnoyher level of elightenment, I stopped reading and I don't know how much time it takes me to actually stop reading anything but my own stuff or not to read iven thet, not to read other than what you immeditely write, not to bother your mind with letters, runes are said to be dangerous, so all the letters are then. еру зфые шы ьщвгдфешщтб

Our past is in our present is notheing more but an artificial reality, we created it with what we read, and people around you read and watched pretty much what you did, so you have common culture with them, common abstract form which can be something more then just a memory, a tool we may use as we think
If I could only write with my eyes closed, the russian keyboard coming on without me noticing, I have to get myself english only keyboard. Imagine how less frustrated it is for english users in this world, no wonder they are making it alright.
But even english keyboard needs to be checked for bing on. I will meet Wishew in few days, he's a blind professor answering his emails, I need to ask him how he does it, what will be the next level of enlighetnment? avoiding sounds too?

PoliticallyIncorrect is the best resaurce for a young ultraliberal to get his agenda. I would never know of culckold, now I think if it isn't a good idea to allow your wife to be sexually satisfiesd without bothering me, I also love porn and mytgh joined them, Isn't myth what might have been? A version of the reality. Fair tale? So people in the past believed fairy tails are fair description of reality, so they spread them down their generations, for centuries, a wolf in red riding hood could have been a felon.
wolf is volk in russian. volk is folk, people in german. Did russiand called рыцарей псами? Псы-рыцари, я слышал такое словосочетание.. и как раз о немцах:

Псы-рыцари — эпитет, употребляемый в отношении рыцарей Тевтонского ордена. Представляет собой ошибочный перевод с нем. «Reitershunde». Более корректно по смыслу можно перевести как «рыцарский сброд», «конный сброд» или «конная свора». Данное выражение употребил К. Маркс в рукописи «Хронологические выписки», описывая борьбу Александра Невского с тевтонскими и ливонскими рыцарями. Это наименование широко распространено, стало фразеологизмом и даже попало в школьные учебники. Достоверных источников, подтверждающих наличие какой-либо «собачьей» атрибутики или ритуалов у данного рыцарского ордена, нет.
Популярным данный образ стал после выхода фильма «Александр Невский». Гавриил Горелов в 1947 году написал картину «Ведут псов-рыцарей во Псков», хранящуюся в Иркутском художественном музее.

I suddenly think that I'm near that border of crazy and weed helped me approach it too, so now I ask myself shouldn't I make a break again? take a break again. I probably went that far in this research because I stopped smoking for a 18 or so months but it was when I've built that mad apartment of mine, which is also a form of mad, even though it's safe and surprisingly professionally well, that is talent.
But that 18 months I didn't work on LTR, as I called AEIIOU before. A & V are probably invariants, then Not relatively compled E (a & u are also more complex and can be combinations of the two I will speak of in amonment) I & O Stick & Hole, The ultimate two, the most lingual and the most labial. Ogham have labial before lingual everywhere, not only in all consonants, but also in vowels, which is unique. So if that writing system is actually not a forgery, as if we believe those expensive methods we don't have access to will be the case, but actual ancient artefacts (as their primitive form can say. or could it be a cyphre created by someone who knew letters. No, the most primitive forms should have been found, and ogham is exactly that much primitive. So am I biased or did alphabts appeard in Ireland? What is Ire and why is it so oppressed by their great neighbour, or was it just eathen by the brittish crown as it's eaten scotland before that, and suddenly the politics changed, people think it's not cool to conquer the neighbours, and religious question between protestants and catholics isn't that important, but why do I speak of that, this level of kvetching deserves to be avoided, we have to focus on humans in general being less opressed by their communities big or huge, or even not by small ones like families and friends, to float in enormous pleasure of solitude of the artificial biologic bubble for us to leave ultimately protected and prepared for the eternity. Let the race begin!
Was Phoronean sister Io mistranslated and being to not sister, but some invention by some Phoroneus.
I just noticed I wrote to instead of not, I'm sorry for such typos I didn't notice yet.
AMT IO (three sisters (three mothers) of AMT and phoronean IO could make the first alphabet. And if we combine it as syllabaries do, it's I MI TI O MO TO
All of the sudden, I can translate it: ? МЫ ТЫ ? МОЁ ТВОЁ
Ты (you) could be Te (those)
Mы (we) could be Me (literally me) but then I cannot be Я, what is I? 1? here? this? grammatic one?
I here O there? or are IO the A? a when written as α does look like oi. and it's name in english is ai.
So it's neither I nor O, but only the four of ME THEE MY THY
Are AV those very OI? the other representation of IO, If I stands for A and O for U, it explains ا.
So it's MA TA  of AMT recognized some grammatic accents and gave birth to MY Thye, and because thy is thy and not ty, ta is tha as ת is, as ᚦ si, sa Δ is (english is inverted spanish? spaniards must accept admit brits figured it out not bad, but as is a dirty word, is it the same fags rule tw thing?

Was these two words Ma (mine) & Ta (take, thine and maybe even thanks) enough until Phoroneus recognized that there are A & V and not only M & T
and here paradoxically M takes the nonlabial A and T meets V once again. Becaseu MA is more natural than overlabialized MV, it could be double M, but not like this, V ~ ν (and n ~ m. is m double n??) and thus it's double in ᛗ (they say ᛥ is stone for st. If people actually used this complicated system, they probably didn't know of roman, which way easier, and thus they are not directly relatd to it, it's some different page of the culture of writing systems, so I ignore historic datings, I know they were wrong before, I know they are wrong half of the time now, I know they will be exposed wrong many times again, so I focus on the structures and I figure out the flow of invention by their mere forms and structures ignoring datings I cannot double-check. Statistics made by AI's can work here, but mere human intelligence can do the trick too. I don't know AIs, and I'm not sure it's easier to check their though process than those carbon datings, but what I know about it tells me they are recognized to be not reliable after humans began nuclear explosions, so how are we supposed to verify that it was reliable before that? So neither AI nor carbon shit is my way, I surch by hand, by highed mined. hind, what a complicated beautiful word, how far have language traveled from MA ТHA to conceive it)
Is it Mother?
No wonder Sefer Yetsirah misspelled AMT (truth) as AMS (darkness) for T & S both come from that primitive ᚦ
Or is that darkness there (also translated as yesterday, last night, which could be a modern poetic language of drunkards) is where all the world invented itself out of?
Is it how religions keep on float, stumbling upon itself somehow in a dance move keeps on walking on?

If first two words are M & T (mine and their) then it's inhale and exhale, Take as Да (duh, yeah) and geMMe as No. Their is a more common case than Thine (you can take it if they don't mind, for for the speaker "you" is a part of "they"

Mine = No (don't take)
Yours = Yes (take)
I didn't expect yours to be so similar to yes, so now I suppose it is a supporting element to this guess.

Sodium Corbanate Na2CO3 dissolves HCl of uour guts into water adn CO2?

CO in СОда? да is Na? both are finals in their lines, both are lingual, both are voiced, only n is labialised, so is it that  telling it's the second form of да? but then na is its first form. but isn't ᚦ θ?
t & m in one? as the m cursive used for russian t.
I believe previous civilization reached atoms around 400bc ... so I look for formulas in chemical words, and what I find is bc is the core of the alphabet, and ad is what is added to it (vowels and complexion into linguals)
if it's b/c, not b/d, then b = p = ɔ and c = q = d which correlate with their articulatory features too.

ɔ/c tells me that first it was vowels and slewov
                                                                sglшные (согласные)
                                                               зглшные (заглушенные)
                                                              сглжные (сглаженные)
                                                             слжные (слаженные, сложные)
                                                            ложные (но это уже фантазирование)
                                                           ладные (бред полез, но слжные были от слова сладить)
                                                                                         сладил~подсластил            слщные (слащны)
                                                                                                                                       злчные (злачные)
                                                                                                                                       слзные (слёзные)

Заглушен = заглуш он
Заглушена = заглуш она
глуш = ключ? глухое отверстие (несквозное, как замочная скважена)

Заглуш онную = заглуш оную
оный = он?
местоимения это краткие прилагательные?

она = оная?
влюблена = влюблённая
бездетна = бездетная
жона = жоная? прожжёная? жарил так что жёная?

полная фрма с местоимением я? орr ij? ik is male for m of I?

It's my drafts and I do as I want it, do as Iwant itdo as Iswantit youdbe doingtooif itwasoνyou

,begi ain't it a long adjective form of a shorter verbal beg? begom = begone

but in begi i is you, not ik or я
I want to notice once again, that it's even less than a draft, it's a nothbook.

Before AMᚦ was Mᚦ that is why ɑ reminds d, they are invariants.
Mᚦ is Matter and A is Ather, Air, neither liquid M nor Hard D? or was D fire? The opposite of water is fire, air comes from fire more naturally than from solids, Here we meet another question we met before: is A air or Earth?
vowels are airy, seferyetzirah sais it's air, air comes from fire well, and in earth version vowels come out of water. So once we find what part of letters gave vowels we see if it's air or soilid
V is of labials, that's historically registered, I have not much to say of the origin of other vowels.
O is of V, whether it's AV (au) or form of ע, reminding У or Oy (Ѹ) insteado of u or the form of old russian Ꙋ ꙋ
But those are labial vowels, no wonder they descend from the labials,
e is probaly of c: Ҿҿ is ts in abkhazian
and i can be j or l, both alre linguals.

So is it V/? vertical & orizontal? it may explain final position of h, if it's an invariant of ᚦ
is h a open ᚦ or a half of it? half of the one is half. It correlates with ᚠᚴ looking like halves of ᛒᚦ
if both ᚴ & h are halves of ᚦ, then g & h are invariants? Г as this high. HuГе?
h is where L & Г meet: cursive L may look quite like h, Г and h sound similarly, Г (ג) ~ L (λ)

V/ as vertical & orizontal is weird, because lips are horizontal and tongue is vertical.
Is it a hint to lay on your side?

Health ~ heal
Wealth ~ wheel!

Stealth ~ steal
Real ~ Realth? Rails!
Feel ~ Fealth? Fell? Fall Fell but Feel Felt. hum..

Wealth ~ well~!

Well & Wheel
Well & Will?
Wealth ~ Will!
technically, if Health ~ heal, Wealth ~ We-all or is it We'll? Well = We'll?

Страх [strah] <fear> Stress.

What if ᛋ is staveless form of inverted ᚱ? What if ᛘ is ᛉ[z] which is ᛦ[r]
I've got lost in a previous research made by someone I don't know. Why don't I remember replication crisis more and do it from scratch and all along by the very same method of noticing, not reading.

From now on I do my best only to study languages I know exist and I study them and not just read about them. English, Russian, Japanese, is the axis of my main comparison. Hebrew appears from time to time, but I know it's rather artificial, so I will study bible's hebrew more. And Latin languages too.

Sanskrit & Sakartvello should be also learned. Sanskrit is suprisingly european, over russian, it's more russian than european. So it's surprising russians don't study sanskrit and shows who actually rules the play. Even when we loved indian musicals, nobody learned hindu or sanskrit, they say hindu is less russian, for it mutated its own way since sanskrit and rasnskrit (russian.script) spread ways. Was хождение за три моря по землям, где жили люди, что остались жить после того как санскритики travelled south. Is sanskrit some ancient form of russian? Some ancient form of the language, russian or sanskrit or hindi arer more modern labels to its dialectic variants. I take this word away from hegelianians, let those who search this word read this work instead of their bs, also this man got it.

Wasn't Drakula Dr.Akula?
Dr.Okolnikov is my real name
but dr is dyra (hole) in drochitt(dyru chuhaet) and yes, it is dyra in dyracole(holepincher, holepricker)

chuhatt (feel, touch) chuhanka and chuhan now got semantic filling, jerks (are jocks jerks too?)

Isn't Demon the one damned?
or is he the damn per se?

damn is related to doom, злой медляный тягучий рок.

Here's another attempt to tell it all from scratch again. I will probably publish it, but if they don't want it to be a reprint, fuck them, много чести говну тупого говна которым является наша система образования, особенно в части научных пубикаций. Они либо реформируются либо нахуй пойдут. Fuck them, I won't do what they tell them. And fuck commies too. even more. (оставил этот пиздец покрыв его мелом чтоб помнить насколько ебанутым я бываю)

Be and Do are two opposite simplest verbs.
B and D oppose each other on many levels:
ᛒ and ᚦ stand for them in alphabetic runestone from Bornholm.
ᚠ and ᚴ standing for FГ support this symmetry.
labials are double, because lips are two. linguals are one, because tongue is one. and it goes on:
ᛘ for M and all of it's lingual counterparts ᚴᛚᚿ can support this structure.
in the fourh line there's double staff ᚢ like the double ᛁ just like u is double ɪ. like y is ij is double eye.
Like 𓇌 is double 𓇋 oh yes these traditions go far.
The following part is the rawest, so I say probably. Probably in ogham there's only one stroke and two strokes. and all the rest is it's combinations: one stroke consonants are M B H (those who learnt japanese know that h and b are variants of one another. that h sound in japanese also stands for F, P and in it's basic form HA (they use syllabary) it is pronounced as WA, The most common wa similar to english be (both are labial) they use all the time. So it's probably not Ha, dotted and stroked, but W for whatever reason reduced to H in a weak position? Especially because it's grouped previous to M (sillabaries like to combine by articulation features) and next to N. But there's an off-set for this guess: kanas have another W- line, but it could be a later addition, happening due to loss of W- line because of that incorrect guess of the line from its weaker position? That Ha reading as Wa reminds russian Го читающееся как Во в чего [чево] кого [каво] его [иво] and later I will look into it if that is the same morpheme (russians and japanese have very similar morphemes:
adjectives end at -i
casus genetivus is made by -no
and there was something else, I don't remember at the moment.
-hoshi for "want" reminds russian hochu for "want"
and there are lots of similar lexics, which can be used if not for direct etymology, for mnemonic facilitation of cross-learning of the languages. Imagine how less of conflicts there will be if cultures merge into one another at it's margins. Leaders will probably not like it, and probably that's why movies are dubbed in United States in America and United States of Soviet Russia, because where they're subbed (Northern Europe) almost everybody knows several languages. This piece of information may be useful, but I have to get back on track:
B & D oppose eachother in many forms, but more often simply reflecting eachother:
b & d, Б & Д,  Ⰲ & Ⱅ, even 𓃀 and 𓂧, and these two are bothe reflection and doubling.
In glagolica given in unicode it's B & T, the first two consonants from the ancient greek myth of "The Three Fates or, some say, Io the sister of Phoroneus, invented five vowels of the first alphabet, and the consonants B and T" and in one row those B & T are the very B & D. But it's still weird, and can witness that glagolic script can have some prehistoric roots, maybe that's why that litic in glagolitic, just in case here are those B & D in some other font:
Here's the D that font I used has: Ⰴ (reminds Ⱅ and a little Ⰾ, and D is between L & T, hm..)
In that other font T reminds the lower part of the Ⰾ - didn't find the form in a separate image
B & T also oppose each other in a weird symmetry around ǩ, which could be the central letter, before M (which is historically registered "central letter") became one after another line of letters was added.

But back to ogham, the dual strokes are GLD, all made by tongue, also it may explain why cursive g stands for d in russian and why jewish g ג look pretty much like greek l λ.
There are also single dot (or a short stroke) standing for a (which makes sense, a stands for 1) and double dot standing for o, which also makes perfect sense: in runes ᚮ is double ᛆ and in dannish aa is o.
Triple strokes in ogham are Ng V T, but they could be Ng N T, because ogham is named beth luis nion. So probably when this name appeared, there were only 1, 2 & 3. and 3 was a combination of 1 & 2 and N is. Ng also is, T in it's articulation is similar to the other two, but it doesn't have labal in it more than m is t in russian cursive т, which was always weird to me, just as n is cursive p (п) there. also lingual and labial oppose each other and odd number is for the lingual and even number of legs is for labial, are they of eve and add'm? or is that odd counterpart уд? (ud) then v is vulva, vlagalische, vena as a gal.
A of Adam & V of eVe oppose eachother in that k-symmetry, and they are the first and the last letters in archaic latin (that could be when that symmetry was noticed or built-in) and if JK (whethere as JesusKristos or JupiterKronos were tabooed off or never existed there when M stood in its lawful position after the vowel (just as almost every other labial does) ) then L was the central letter. but if M stood after I, was it the central letter even then? IML? where L~N, just as ᛚ ~ ᚿ (if that vertical bar is the common staff, then they're hardly distinguishable from one another, just as in case of staveless forms.. that oghamic T could be in the second position (to oppose the labial 1... but why was it the opposite to the way it is in every other writing system?? for what reason singulars are labials and duals are lingual? Could it be because the writing system was invented by wemen, like it is said twice in that myth? Lust jike maður stands for man.  Could it be because Ma is the first word almost all over the world? Then ogham is the origin of alphabetic writings, which correlate its the uttermost primitive form, but opposes the official history)
The principle of labial first also goes for oghamic vowels, where the order is AOUEI, which is pretty much the opposite in this account to the way everybody else have them, AIU almost all over the world, whether it's in 3-vowel writing systems of old-persian cunieform or writing systems of philippines. Even in japanese kana additional E & O were added after those three (we inserted them next to there parent forms (but then is I the new E?))
Which could be when they borrowed vowels they didn't use before (I read some vowelless ogham was discovered in Northern America recently, so it's a great journesy to make in researching what it all is about) I'm surprised I mentioned it so ofthen, and only now have put many links at the article (which is not even certain, but it made me brave enough to look at ogham as at an writing system more ancient than alphabet.)

if Adam ~ odd, than it relates to aid, ад [ad] (hell) & thus eVe relates to heaven. but then why do thier forms show in the opposite directions? Was hell in the sun? Do those who look for hell in redeption get to the heaven, for earth is the mother gives life. and sun only burns, probably people knew drafts, but didn't understand that sun also makes life possible (but then again, not all life, only our form of life, but frozen stones don't give life, though Enceladus may.
Heaven is the earth is a one bold sumption, but it reflects that A-question of whether vowels stand for air or earth.

then рай [ray] should be opposing A in the alphabet, and it does if RST of rastafarians is some secret formula of the final three. Rah's T (T is an egyptian postfix for land, like t in the word Egypt (q𓅓t))
and I just noticed the more symmetric glyph for this word: 𓈎𓅓t

(and I keep on researching-from-scratch piece, though I went on somewhere I didn't thread before)
Be and Do stand for passive (and labial is also female, because of labia) and active (an lingual is also male, because of lingam) which correlates tai-chi concept of 阴阳 [Yīnyáng] where 日 sun is son and 月 is moon is дочь~ночь

阳 is literally sun in modern chinese, also 太陽 (tay yang, big yang, the sun is in the right top corner)

太陽 (tay yo, big yo(?) is the japanese form of it, even though I only knew 日

Свитые с витой (если кто-то из мёртвых жив, то они живы, это начал думать про день всех святых, который по старому стилю приходится на 13 число, 13 число смерти, с вишевым интервью сегодня сделаю, 13 ноября 2019. Как билл мюррей нарядился в зомбиленде зомбаком, потому что зомбаки к своим вроде не лезут. Так и мы нарядимся в маски скелетов, я в золотую ,он хоть лысый более седой ибо старше, потому ему серебряную, посмотрим что он расскажет. я ему рассказал про лиз пэрриш, про рика симпсона, про обри ди грея. он мне лишь упомянул архат.

For many months (not from now, but at least since I began this volume) I've been working in my drafts, and I'm not sure I have properly layed out all the breakthroughs which there definitely happened, so I put them here to put them out as those which were made simultaneously with this text.
(make htmls for them an d post them here)

wiki tells me
 Хеллоуин (от англ. All Hallows' Eve «навечерие (канун) Всех святых»).
All Hallows' Eve is an interesting motto, but how could it transform into halloween I don't see it here.
eve is for evening. morning is for man? муж? eve ~ ενε ~ она ~ её.

morning мужнина смена, недавно думал кто ночную фахту несёт? бабы же будят милый, там кто-то ходит, потому что sun~yang~son, ночь~туч~дочь. днём мужики в поле, бабы с утра завтрак готовят, и спать ложатся когда муж на работу. три матери = три по 8 часов? 24 руны как 24 часа, 52 карты как 52 недели. 60, 12или13,... 13 карт одной масти, 52 это четыре тринадцати, 60 это пять двенадцати, парадоксально месяц отмечает солнечный цикл, а неделя лунный (4 недели один лунный цикл, те самые 4 фазы (fates?) три очевидных, одна прозрачная. призрачная. о ~ и? может ли быть, что both e & o came out of i? not u? wasn't u a double i like just a moment ago?
т.е 52 и 60 это две колоды: 13 карт по 4 масти каждой, 12 карт по 5и мастям (звезда была пятой. но если звезда сама как 5, то кубки 4? кубики? кубиты? пинты? крести 2, пики 1, сердце 3? кубок сильней любви? (как бы ни любил жену, а по пьяни выебешь любую?) это ужасная истина, видимо из периода до того как выпивка стала за валюту (водка была валютой в переходный период на сломе совка (по крайней мре как мем, но водка не портится и в пьющем обществе на неё всегда есть спрос (хотя она как техническая жидкость крута, но люди у нас этого не понимают. на самом деле водка это плохая техническая жидкость, жестоко разбавленная водой, до той кондиции, когда её можно пить без мгновенных травм, но травмы последуют за этим безумием, о да. мир безумен, люди обезьяны, причём походу на всех этажах)

Простота, которая хуже воровства: когда вещи не воруются, а выпрашиваются, вроде как дай мне десять книжек почитать, и такая прямолинейность подкупает, и книжки мало кто любит, потому он вроде как наш, но ты ждёшь обратной подачи, но он берёт, берёт и берёт, простотак. ниадам.
с такими надо жёщще, быдло парадоксально: оно любит чтоб с ней построже, т.е. относятся к тебе тем хуже, чем ты лучше к ним, и наоборот. но я предпочту с такими не общаться вовсе. вынуть книги через того кто с ним познакомил и незнакомы

It seems I haven't mentioned another dirty word, anusvara. It's where alphabetic tradition of the east meets the alphabetic tradition of the west (accidentally or naturally)
Since the 19th century, Pali has also been written in the Roman script. An alternate scheme devised by Frans Velthuis, called the Velthuis scheme (see § Text in ASCII) allows for typing without diacritics using plain ASCII methods, but is arguably less readable than the standard IAST system, which uses diacritical marks. The Pali alphabetical order is as follows:
a ā i ī u ū e o ṃ k kh g gh ṅ c ch j jh ñ ṭ ṭh ḍ ḍh ṇ t th d dh n p ph b bh m y r l ḷ v s h
Where ṃ is anusvara, a nasal vowel, which thus a labial, ~b becore an equevalent of c. M before K.
So is eastern alphabet go in one line? Or is it the same alphabetic table read the other way around?
But if we compare this canon to the alphabetic tradition, we may suspect that It was amkt or abcd with all the variants of each collected in one place, but then p ph b bh m y r l ḷ v s h must have been a newer additions, stocked at the end of the canon, as arabs and sakartvello did to theirs.

How thoughts can sound:
When I sat in a toilet and raised and "turn around" from total aclipse of the heart played. and it happened at least twice (I remembered thinking that song at that very place, pressing the ſlush)
So thoughts are often kept in phrases sounding s a song heard somewherer beforer. sometimes I hear my mom when I ask myself, and it may distract the thought.

Somethin I probably shouldn't write about, but I hope only few ultraintellectuals can wander up here, so I ask them to quote responsibly. Jewish strategy could be to deny goyim good education to educate their ugly daughters better, so they had an advantage in the marriage and relationships (I would ever/even got relations with a jewish uggo (the most of the facial features associated with a jew was in that girl, but she was so smart according to her position and what they told me about her. but I just didn't, and most of it was that I shouldn't have relation with a woman to keep on making science. Even though it's mostly a subconscious set of rules, it is the only rational explanation for all my weird behaviour with women, as if I was afraid of them, even though it developed by me being bullied as a teen. So this science path could be found by me due to the bullying, because I don't believe that marriad people can be true scientist, but I look around and I see how wrong I may be, and I look at Lavoisier and aI realize how wrong I am, so I am complicated as Tesla could be, and then Tesla would be great in society too if he had his ambassador in the wives' club. wives are foxy wolves? pixies? chicks?

Why is the previous part even here? Because I spoke about malevolently arranged system of education me personally have been through. Isn't through also a dirty word? Another ancient lexics, before we understood that some images are too deviant, too disturbing, unwanted, falul

True ~ naTURally? тура как танк breaks through? и вдруг осознал военную науку шахмат: ты не моешь приказать пешке идти вбок, потому что там зона обстрела соседней пешки, т.е. солдаты, покидающие окоп, рвутся вперёд и смотрят чтоб соседние не отставали (чтоб ненароком не получить пулю в зад) если кто-то сместился со своей позиции, то догоняющий объединяется с ним в бригаду, а если кто замешкался, то опережающий кричит ему догонять, и впредь над ним командует, либо нет. Но я понятия не имею о военной науке, это лишь то, что шахматы мне говорят, когда я их на человеческое рубилово проектирую.

Да останется человеческое рубилово лишь в виртуальном мире видеоигр.

One can break down the house by dancing to this techno
in a hour past the break past the breakinning, breakfast, beginning.

breakfast, beg fast, pray fast.


slut slept

cut kept

cat kept

coat   (скроено? coopt соoperated?

cap cup

1:36:00 of that mix goes ты ты ты ты туту ту ту ту (measure the tones between ы & у as my ear ther them (ther is for hear. I wonder how could it happen.

накрай накраю накрови звучит одинаково, как слышоно в том техно 1;41:50 (at 1:44:40 it's clearer)
(это к вопросу о y being j & ю & u & v, это к вопросу о й ~ w.

ᛡ and ᚼ look exactly the same.
ᚼ and ᛡ look exactly the same. Are they J misread in english and spanish. they're invariants of ᛆ and ᛃ and ᛄ and ᚺᚻᚽᛀᛂ notice, they're in a claster in the end of the last volume. ᚾ isn't ᛀ and wiki only gives ᛅ

I wonder they don't have staveless ᚼᛡ but only its double form ᛝ which is ᛜ which is ᛄ or ᛳ when on staff. I take it all from wiki, don't rely on me more than necessary.

Those ᛜs are double ᚲ which is "the 6th letter of all the runic alphabets" And it is also ᚴ so it surprised me that the one telling that (I gave the archive version of the article which currently is here, so you can tell when I wrote it) knew of bornholm alphabet. Because it is the 6th letter of that too. And I compared ᛆᛒᚦ with ᛄᛓᚦ of fbthark, those  ᛄᛓ are forem of ᛆᛒ but if ᚦ is third in both. Let's look at 9ths:

Now I wonder what if Elder Futhark is a fabrication? Then it could also look like a later development of a previous system. I leave this thought hanging for now. I look at the 9ths:
It's I in Younger Futhark and И in Elder Futhark (is it Elder as Elder's of Zion) I'm too cynical.
which are invariants today. Is it why first line needed to mention both staved and staveless forms? Because in Bornholm alphabet ᛁ is 8th. Is it why they needed additional I's. In latin alphabte I is the 9th.

Why do aettir divide so weirldy in the image above?

The following image shows where that Elder Futhark can be attested, it's Kylverstenen

    [f] u þ a r k g [w] h n i j p ï z s t b e m l ŋ d o
The way first letter actually look (even if by an incident) made me look at it as alphabetic record actually, and it's easier for me to see at ᚢ as an invariant of ᛒ because В is russian for V, which is an invariant of U, which is ᚢ
But why ᛆ is ᛁ? ain't every vowel ᛁ? ا, I and ו, the three main vowels all can be 1
ᚦ is on its place, and the next in futhark is literally a, and it's some weird form of it: ᚨ is it ゛'ed ᛁ? tittled is the new word I learnt, tittle is definitely little. t is tittled l. f is tittled ſ which make them closer to θ.
ᚨᚩᚪᚫᚬᚭ are invarinats, all A
The next one is complicated: ᚱ only reminds ᛒ and that's where symilarities end.
but the nex letter снова совпадает. Какие шансы того что это случайность, и мы пойдём дальше и встретим подобные совпадения ещё несколько раз. Но это могло быть и взаимовлияние систем письма, когда мем "ᚲ ais the 6th rune" проявляется в обоих системах, закрепляясь там эдиктами.
and ᚷ is staveless ᚼ (both stand for h)
Why those reconstructers tryed to guess ᚹ where it stands ᛁ again in the same place as in bornholm.
But further I don't notice many coincidences, other than ᛈ around where P is in latin and ᛊᛏ just as ᛋᛏ in bornholm. and ᛉ is supposedly not M of ᛘ, but R

That ᛗ form of ᛘ I recognize as double ᛘ, but ᛙ form allows me to recognize it in another ᛁ at the 11th place of bornholm's ᛘ
and that letter ᛀ is recognized as N, once again in alphabet stave is double vertical (or did I see on this example? It's somewhere in my notebooks past collection42 or so) and once again L ~ N, ᛚ ~ ᚿ
I don't know how they recognized  in there, but ᛢ stands for kw, just as q I'd expect to see between p & r

So hence I claim that futhark is misrecognized alphabetic canon. Too many coincidences to be separated.
and the parade of coincidences goes on:
ᛒ after ᛏ just as ᚢ was both after ᛏ in bornholm alphabet and instead of ᛒ in this exact set. ᛏᛒ are also the two legendary first consonants.
ᛖᛗᛚᛜ is an additional line in abcd form of EMLNg, which could be that early form of I-row, which until the beginning of the second volume of this work was only reconstructed, but now I revisited that part and I tell it's the thing.
ᛞ is a double form of ᚦ and could be both ס and Z & if that past-T line are Υ Φ Χ, then it's Ψ before the omega of ᛟ. (X reminds ᛀ just as H(h) reminds Н[n], even more than h ~ n, and I mentioned that both L & Ng can be hidden in that X, or only L, and Ng is Y, then ᛞ is Z, and ᛟ is &)

And before vowel ᛈ stands ᛃ which an be seen at as at a form of ᛆ
isnt it double Ar? J is two? ij? Y?

Form ᚼ tells that it's double ᛅ (just as ᚮ is double ᛆ, and ᚮ is the vowel which is in the head of that line)
Form ᛄ once again tells me that a ~ d, for d is Þþ which is ᚦ

Futhark is mistransliterated Alphabet. Some early and dialectal form of it either.

That Kylverstene also has 24 letters, which is 3 aettir by 8 or 4 dice by 6

I said that ogham is the basic alphabet and runes are maybe older than latin, and here's why we shouldn't trust archaeology that much:

On October 23, 2000, Fujimura and his team announced that they had another finding at the Kamitakamori site near Tsukidate town. The finds were estimated to be 570,000 years old.

On November 5, 2000, the newspaper Mainichi Shimbun published pictures of Fujimura digging holes and burying the artifacts his team later found. The pictures had been taken one day before the finding was announced. Fujimura admitted his forgery in an interview with the newspaper.

Fujimura confessed and apologized the same day in a press conference. He said that he had been "possessed by an uncontrollable urge".[1] He had planted the artifacts from his own collection in strata that would have indicated earlier dates. In Kamitakamori he had planted 61 of 65 artifacts, and had earlier planted all of the stonework in the Soshin Fudozaka site in Hokkaidō. He claimed that these were the only times he had planted artifacts.

The Japanese Archaeological Association disaffiliated Fujimura from its members. A special investigation team of the Association revealed that almost all the artifacts which he had found were his fabrication.

Though he was criticized before some true journalists did their job, so I wouldn't discard the field completely, but he wasn't disaffiliated for somewhat 25 years, and probably wouldn't be if he wasn't caught by the hand, so keep some healthy scepticism on what is considered true.
They didn't have videocameras centuries ago, so what anybody claimed can be irrelevant, for replication crisis goes all the way down the history. Isn't history already thestory?

I was wondering why don't I see staveless ᛒ and here it is:

Even though ᛓ is recognized by wiki as ᛒ,
in it's vowel again, same as ᚮ
which returns to that ogham guess, that initially it didn't matter which side the strokes look,
only the number of them made sense (we all know how kids draw И instead of N & Я instead of R,
I suppose ancient people were similar to kids in the sense of lesser use of writing.

The inscription is discussed in greater detail by George Stephens (1868). Stephens places it in the 9th century, i.e. the early phase of development of the Younger Futhark.

He interprets the five first staves as sam-staves, to be read as the same rune attached to the stave twice, and to be read twice, as it were


This results in a transcription of ᛁᛓᚦᛁᛅ ᚦᛁᚴᛁ ᛁᛓᚦᛁᛅ, read as ioþin þiki ioþin.

Stephens takes this as a reference to Woþin ("which in many dialects was softened to Oþin [...] I look upon the i as a Jutlandish prefix") and he translates "O Woden receive [thy servant] Woden!". He notes that (assuming his interpretation is correct) this is the first instance of the theonym Odin found recorded on a Scandinavian runestone.

It doesn't really matter in the context if his interpretation is correct, but it's him interpreting the ᛓ form as o which matters here.

And the following image shows that first letter of "futhark" could actually be that very ᛓ

or is it ᚮ (if like egyptian writings runes can be read bothways) or is it bothwise
(and especially in the context of ogham probably reading bothways, but this piece is still raw or is it only fresh?)

They read that greeks took their alphabet from phoenicians, but they only now recognize fphoenicians (is this word foney? phoney? as in глухой телефон, deafoney, глух слух, фон звук, сююю ЦWhy do I torture you with this guessing? that's the disadvantage of live broadcast. You can see some otherwise hidden thoughts, but some of those thoughts are hidden for a good reason.

Treason = to a reason (not some leak because of being sloppy)

I like KynpuH, but that rusophoby he gave in the end can be the reason this tribe was tortured so much, the external forces tried to reform, modify,

Recently I began thinking that H is a labial in more than one account:
Japanese ha (fu, pi, bi, wa - these three all appear in ha-raw (fu & wa even without tittles))
Irish ogham puts h among m & b (all three are one stroke, and thus invariants)
H reminds П sometimes, h reminds п, thus it's another letter which can be vowel, labial and lingual, just as ᛖ, M, Ϻ (I'm steel not sure that Ϻ is a true thing, I'maybeonlytrippin)
just as Η, H, Н

M is May?
Н ис Уонт. не на видеть = не хотеть видеть. Н ~ H
Уо как в японской は (формально hа, но звучит как wa)
хотеть по японски -хочи

マ is said to be Simplified in the Heian period from the man'yōgana kanji 末.
Many writing systems appeared in this Heian period, so I suspect something suspicious about it. It could be leaking of formerly secret sacred script, or (according to pletora of writing systems, some teaching, some details about it, not the system itself) or it could be some pulling the reality to scholastics' narrative. A professor told me that humanities grow from scholastics, but I have to quote this dialogue in full:

− Если что-то написано интернет-языком, то они даже читать не будут.
− Т.е. если сделано научное открытие, но представлено не по форме, то они его не примут?
− Даже читать не станут.
− А откуда пошла эта традиция? Ведь раньше даже в поэзии научные труды писали.
− Но ведь все эти научные труды выходят из схоластики.
(в предыдущем предложении грамматика даёт сбой, но цитирую оттуда куда записал сразу после)
− Т.е. доказательства того, что известно a priori?
− Да, могут иметь место лишь небольшие изменения, а что-то революционное, делающее научный переворот — это только на уровне академиков.
− Но ведь учёные.. например математики делают свои основные открытия до 25 лет.
− Ну так вы и сделаете открытие в 25 лет, и будете доказывать его до шестидесяти.
− А если просто вбросить в медиа-пространство и ебись оно конём?
− Так вы вбросите, а оттуда, куда вы это вбросили, его возьмут, переработают и присвоют.

От подобного и официальные публикации не страхуют, принцип Арнольда (он же закон Стиглера, хотя настоящий первооткрыватель был кто-то третий, а то и четвёртый) никто не отменял. В любом случае тот мужик не представлял себе что такое интернет....,

но он первый кто рассказал мне о том, что эти парни в первой половине видео обсуждают: система препятствует научной работе (hardly by an accident, more likely by design)

Should I even mess with the system making money. But they're not making money, they're taking money, m is give, take is the opposite. They could be supposed to take little from many to take much to few proven to be respectful scientists to allow them make top-tier science for everybody to benefit, but the system works not like that, and probably not by accident, more likely by design)
I'm not the only one dismantling this system, it is the trend, disruption of predecessors as a new business model.

predecessor is literally предшёл, предшествовал (предшественник he is)

here I publish a letter I am going to send to a colleague, just in case and also because some tobics I discuss there I won't discuss otherwise:

Old-persian cuneiform ha is 𐎠 or 𐏃? (because if you speaking of A, why ha?)
I and U can be not only extremes, but also synonyms (tittled A) because russian i (и) looks just like u when in cursive, and both could be double I (ا) (ij) - can be both и[i] & ю[yu] and both could be some forms of I &You, which easily turn into one another (we not only me, not only chinese wo could be the singular form of it, but also russian вы [vi] (which could be another form to say "you" U & V, both could be fingers showing, or an arrow when in writing, showing to the adressee
also andrew in russian is andreй (one is short u, the other is short i, and I met their similarity in some other context)

е could be i, also because they're graphically similar,
and both o & u are invariants in the sense that they meet many times: both are waw (vow, ו) letter and ayn ע which stands where o is in latin, looks like russian У, which stands where U does and sounds like U.
russian У also used to be named оУ: here it's in one glyph: Ѹ and also Ꙋ form could be related.

And now a few questions about your The unification of medieval Europe:
Could you please add more links to what you say (I couldn't find that wut pronoun, only and - google returned only these)
as a pronoun I would recognize in it thou, and russian your is tvoi  (I prefer to use modern dialectal forms to reconstructed ones (replication crisis tells me to do so)
To reverse words is considered a big no-no-no, even though there are some interesting pairs as кот-ток (cat-electricity) and [ja] Я = I [aj] but also you can be pronounced as [ja]  they all could be cherry-picking, I didn't find any systemic correlation there, even though one russian guy (considered to be a science-freak) wrote a whole book about it (with a dictionary, but of very free interpretations of the words though лоб (forehead) compared to english ball don't look that freaky to me anymore, because I found official etymologies wrong and even contradicting several times, so.. and boustrophedon practice tells that linguistic anagrams are possible, and wiki tells a lot of interesting history on anagrams.
Tíw (Old English) = Týr (Old Norse), which correlates what I said about futhark being abþefg
In mythology, are there stories where Thor & Tyr togethere? Are they reliably ancient?
because of that i ~ u thingI mentioned in the beginning.

Thinking of futhark being a mistransletirated alphabet, I recall looking at halaḥam with similar intent:

I can only notice that some letters remind other european ones: Л, h, Σ, ר, П, t, 𐤍(N), k, w, o, ᚦ(Д), Г
also ge'ez ṭ looks pretty much like russian cursive t.

Back to the letter:
y = [i] (body)
y = [u] (туша)
dy & ту are like it's an anagram of syllables (boustrophedon allows it) and same is with words
душа & soul. ul ~ ду, so is even more a ша.
ע is whether o, and thether a in ain עין
              עין is ain and when I remember how academia looks at that I say fuck your shit, fuck your shit.

u [i] Pum (Рим)
u [u] rune, lune.
u [a] plum

rune ~ lune, and runes can be inverted, so 52 weeks (twigs) can be 26 letters and their inverted forms. even if a rune looks like inverted other one, they are steel different runes, thus mistranslation of different letters are double translations: wrong and wright, wright? ng = not and ght = yes?

ɪ [i] hit
ו [u] כַּשְׁרוּת
ɪ [o] קול
ɪ [a] ما
ɪ [e] ?
ɪ [ai] hi
ו [ve]
l [L]
ן [N]
ⵏ [N] N & И [i] reflect eachother too:
 И = & = 'N'
  -и = -en = -es

an't these ɪ's & u's those very ᚋ's & ᚌ's or ar they rather ᚐ's & ᚑ's and here I see that oghamic vowels are closer to alphabetic influence than oghamic consonants. They say ogham omitted vowels too. (it's the same article on ogham in america)

You know that timbre stands for timber (different time of wood makes instruments with different timbre) when you thought it is the case for tembre (timbre is tembr in russian) and't it's timbre.
Etymonline disareees, though it wanders itself with its origin uncertain. but it tells that timbre used to stand for drum. Was it wood before pergament? I can see those wooden tum-tums. leather drum is some other level of engineering.

Eurei is a name for jews in russian. And eu- is usually translated as true (with sometimes etymologized to "good" - I am not a big fan of quotation marks, but here grammar was less clear without them)
's true

bla (it was an attempt to begin dieu bla novel and look where I went)
labia lingua vowel? so many l's, is it read backwards? la wov augnil aibla
albia is alfa, bet is mouth? le Ps <kiss>
et in bet as ot in hebrew female plural? got tot god dead
jand aIm dying too, if I don't do something I may die.

Идея бога это прошивка слепого поклонения отцу.
(what if he watches how you treat me and he'll expect you to treat him the same is am perfect hit)

evel weel
eve we

adam I he

foroneus also was considered the first man, and his story is much better. The inventor, he who made humans different from all the other animals. foronida io invented the alphabet, of she could be

but names adam and eve accepted by european ulture make them special, and even odd shows this, original to the territory or not, it whther influenced lexics of add odd уve

Я не хочу умереть и я не хочу умирать.
неумирать ис континуус, неумереть ис пéрфект

Ин раша зэй нью зэт член студ фор ... I shouldn't break my ability to type in both russian and english
they knew that член stood for
penis, but they called their members penises and they do so in english language too, hardly it is a coincidence, more like a conspiracy of homosexuals with all their associates and assimilated assistents, asked and assigned as astounishing espionage essayists assembly and members of the party as whole.

those damn homosexuals, why am I so desperate? and I'm too edgy, they just have cock and balls,
guys play music more, maybe that's why it's called muжic
gals have a instead of u, because they're good at math (all those recepies take proportions and generally numbers, mumbles, when letters are of lads? A as a female body, V as male body forms, V could also stand for cock (even though today we'd more likely draw U, and V we'd use for Vulva, W is more common now, as in Woman, because we're not so pristine as we probably were, we know there's an opening there.
and it also has that
Λ form of that ancient general A in the middle.

gl gy
AΛ UY (and g as the of ה)
(если женщины изобрели алфавит, то они точно не станут изображать себя пиздой, но телом: Аz)

ᛈ could be misplaced ᚷ (or ᚷ could be a form of staveless ᛈ)


Бойцы - сокращение от безумцы?
буйцы (убийцы)

хочу умереть
почему? по кочану
окочуриться кочерыжкой

хочу не хотеть умереть? не хочу умереть! но желание смерти удобно во смертной скотине. но я нацелился стать бессмертной нескотиной. нескотившимся, нескатываться нестариться, нескукоживаться не скопытываться, не спотыкаться, Vulnerant omnes, ultima decat. decapitat?

Back to cosmology, here's a girl telling of quite some revelations (table numbers are "corrected" and so on) but it may take humans few more decades to realize en-masse whether that there's no dark badoo, nor big bang actually took place, but it's all just a catholic church bogus. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .

про это

,tpevbt. почему? наркотики. почему? скука (хотя и любопытство тоже) почему? бедность. почему? террор. почему? власть. почему? что почему? зачем им власть? деньги, блага, получать средства, грабить население. почему? потому что у них их нет, они бедные, нищета. второй раз нищета является корнем проблемы, т.е. если решить проблему бедности, то многие прочие проблемы разрешатся. you don't need to give everybody yachts, just give them their basal needs (house ones finds comfortable, food one finds sufficient (it's limited in consumable size, peratom printers should be able to construct everything. so when we reach the level of technology where food and buildings are easily constructed out of ground and rock, grunge and rock, crunge is also translated as grime; dirt.

безумен. почему? наркотики тут непричём, вернее они сделали жизнь богаче, интересней, но лишь потому, что были не чем попало, а благородной коноплёй. Т.е. это не скука, но любопытство, но разумное любопытству (дважды просится у вместо о наприсать, не могу отказать)

these four volumes may be aeiou(y) bfmpv(w) cgkqx dᚼ(ж,ѳ)lrz(n,s,t)

so I just discovered I don't know the name of htis very book. of the fourth column, where does third go..
third is rather clear, but why not to include there j (потерял j но он точно во "всех остальных язычных" который начинается как дж.з з полюбому there. z is. ln are there rst are all there, neither of them are velar.

утром в инсайте, вечеом на сайте.

учкудук три колодца могло быть рекламой хмурого (не употребляйте хмурый, лучше ни разу)

Whistling languages, have I mentioned them? A great interest of mine, Piraha, here (mirror) it is shown how they communicate. Whether our language came from the bird-like or was that invented by some nations to conceal their communications from oppressors prohibiting the language of oppressed people? I use  leftist lexics, shame. Though let all flowers blossom and feed both wolves.

Several other whistling languages:

Spannish whistling language Sylbo of canary isle La Gomera (mirror)
Greek whistling language of the island village of Antio (mirror)
Turkish whistling Bird Language of Northern Turkey (mirror)

and in the very end of the final video you can even recognize a word.
and there are more:

Mazateco, Indigenous Whistle Language In Oaxaco, Mexico (mirror)

в тюркских ust=верх
если оно же ost,
устье уста, откуда пьёт исток ИСТок
верх реки. а устье - это океана устья.
солнце выходит вверх с востока, значит там верх земли, а на западе низ, западно западло. да, у русских вантек wotan'ic?! wow. ватники это вотаники, ботаники? ебать, мама мне страшно, останови их волю к разрушению. Но возможны ли биржи без медведей? На НьюЙоркской бирже столит лишь бык. и маленькая маша, маша и есть медведь! если есть девочки, которые считают себя медведями, то наверное есть маленькие медвежатки, которые считают себя девочками. мык мужык. бык бужик. лошадь она (ма в китайском и мать и лошадь) но где лошадь и где медведица, я и лошадь я и бык я и баба и мужик - древняя похоже русская поговорка или пословица.

Views of ancient people have messed with my mind, so now I see death as the final stage of the alphabetic structure, and pull it on my own life sycle, which meddles with the wish of immortality.

If oghamic ones and twos are the first alphabet, let's try to compare some common words to that system, where only labials and linguals make sense.
молоко патока машина малина полено... nah

ᛋ is ᛌ
И is י
which could be nothing, and why am I even here? I promised to switch to biology long time ago.

But I keep on smoking weed from time to time and so I'm not leaving this path, even though I have to also strut the other. And what surprise me is that I did the following paragraphs on some other machine and I begin where I left.

here I didn't see what form of the rune it is, I thought it's not ᛌ but ᛋ but in case of intervention, lett itbe
ᛌ is sig rune in my mind, but wiki tells it's Sowilō, but it also tells that it's only a reconstructed form. and old-english form is actually Sigel. 
But though ᛊ (another form of ) does look like a seagull, gull, mew, sea mew, is it greek name of Σ-gull? mew?
D (di) ~ T (ti)
thus C (si) ~ Σ (es? si-gma)
so could sieg heil stand for praising this very rune?  used it twice.
and this double rune is prohibited in germany. just as "sieg heil"
Those previous paragraphs were some moaning about craziness of suicidophilia, but it is probably in this book to show how I overcome it, sieg heil, hail to the victory, as they translate it: Sieg, Besiegung, Viktoria, Bezwingung, win in Bezwingung unites Viknoria and siegung, V ~ S as M ~ S as B ~ C 
this union of M and C (or b & c) is the most weird part of it, because thus letters make the ring: velars and coronals were one, but labials and linguals were the bossed primal the most primal the most basal and here it breaks apart. Somewhere labials and linguals are invariants. Which naturally is the thinnest fragment of this work. So I have to pick it with a stick from time to time, who knows what it can conceal. But though Г in чего sounds as V, they graphically are similar. How can here velars and labials meet? Г is G and thus is coronal when palatalized. which is linguized even more. thus what if velars are between labials and linguals? which it is positionally in the alphabets. palatalized and labialized. but this term, palatalized is as misleading as alveolar, because it's all tongue and further specialization is nomenclature in sake of nomenclature. Or it's rather probably to describe the articulation of the sound, so should I rewrite the previous sentence or should I obey the joke about a physic scolded over expenses by a dean telling that mathematicians only need pencils and erasers, while as philosophers don't even need erasers.
Guh, who would want that font. but it goes well with apple desktops
with aluminium, not plastic I use here.

If that siegel rune looks like a lightning, and if it stands for sun, which is lighting, lightnings were believed to be from the sun (the main source of light, is it the god who strikes the lightnings? as one jew at lucis meeting said, god is the sun (in alternative writing son, whether its' a typo and misconception or a reform of reconstruction)

суженый сожжёный? ссаженый? ссуженый от слова суд (через юридические институты оформляется брак) суженный круг для ёбли (хотя этот последний пример может и совпадением быть)

Is hashish затыкающий (not only can it be used as замазка, but it also hushes pains and diseases)
thus what I say is hash and hush are cognates (basically the same word)

I also found out that the author of song "falling Stone" is Thomas Karlsson who also wrote a book which probably delivered me Bureus, ADULRUNA
I have to admit, I like books with pictures
Let's share those images to show you what I am talking about:
but mostly for myself to research these images I saved for whatever the reason, something tells me there are more in his wroks and wherever he took it:

I do need to read Karlsson's book, but it's not the first book I have to read, or will somebody please read us both and compare it. I will return to it, but I don't know if in volume 6 or 16.
but here's the book ADULRUNA in russian for me to read. Find yourself the english version, read it and donate him if it's worth it, trust me, donations are rich people's habit.

I've been thinking recenty that some armenian should take my table of armenian and to remove all the letters which don't correspond greek ones (maybe except few final ones, for if Daniil's writings included some additional letters it would follow the greek canon (as arabian follows hebrew, judeo-hellenic civilization? hellenica was subverted by judaica when agent Socrates worked in Athens. but not all was bad, letters were introduced few centuries before that, so they were corresponding before him, but perversion of Greeks happened at halfway from alphabet to christ, which is another jewish influence. I hope it means at least for 3 centuries we can live in mother Russia without jewish tricks.
and thus transliterate modern or ancient armenian text with the remaining letters and see if some poetry appear out of that.

Isn't black sun the moon? Yellow because sun is yellow. Black by itself.

That swastika goes right if you see legs, but it goes left if you see flags.
legs and flags. rhyme. verb and noun at the same time. word. name

This word, church, it doesn't have the best reputation. Nature is our science sounds weirder.
But it would be good if somebody sued those who destroy forests as those who destroy churches, but they freely destroy churches in France as we speak.
Что если готические соборы строили сначала из дерева (в том числе и чтоб уничтожить лесасвященные) а затем по частям заменялись камнем. Это объясняет формы и они могли получиться при сломе доски не до конца (когда доска из гибкой древесины, обломки походят на готический собор (покажу фото позже где-то есть)

В параграфе о покоящемся камне столбцы названы квинтетами (если это родное название, то aet скорей всего означает 8) сказано об изначальной нордической троице с именами, начинающимися с трёх типов букв: O F T:

В первом квинтете в ряд выстроены руны Odhen, Thors и Frej. Эти руны обозначают среду, четверг и пятницу: Буреус называет эту группы по первым буквам TOF и видит в ней изначальную нордическую троицу. Он полагает, что память об истинной религии хранилась на Севере дольше, чем в южных землях. Но некогда в северные страны прибыл могущественный волшебник из Азии по имени Один. Жену его звали Фрейя: они объявили людям, что те должны почитать Тора на протяжении жизни, Фрейю — при рождении и начале жизни, а Одина — в старости и в смерти. С пришествием этого фальшивого Одина и началось язычество и поклонение деревянным идолам. Тогда-то люди отвернулись от истинной троицы TOF и забыли о мудрости адулрун.

Days of week set the order of OTF which is different from alphabetic OPT, but can relate to number of branches of ᛒᚦ and ᚠᚵ.
Those very OTF can be found in english numerals: ought&one, two&three, four&five, six&seven.
and that's followed with ent etc  which is still in its rawest form, I only just noticed it the first thing I worke up this evening. Has it "ended" at the twelve.

Spelling may differ because of some gematric or isopsephian reasons.
Searching for this obscure term, I found something which may support that savage claim that platonic school is cryptojewish:

It has been asserted[where?] that Plato (c. 427-347 BC) offers a discussion of gematria "in its simplest forms" in the Cratylus, where he is said to have claimed that "the 'essential force' of a thing's name is to be found in its numerical value, and that words and phrases of the same numerical value may be substituted in context without loss in meaning". A direct review of the Cratylus, however, shows that Plato made no such claim and that gematria is not discussed in it either explicitly or implicitly.[citation needed] What can be more accurately stated is that Plato's discussion in the Cratylus involves a view of words and names as referring (more or less accurately) to the "essential nature" of a person or object, and that this view may have influenced – and is central to – Greek gematria.[*][**]
* Marc Hirshman, Theology and exegesis in midrashic literature, in Jon Whitman, Interpretation and allegory: antiquity to the modern period. Brill, 2003. pp. 113-114.
** John Michell, The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth, 2008. pp.59-65 ff.

but I have to research it further if those were the first greeks who used it, yet it tells that gematria was used in assiria three centuries before that, and that's the first case of it found yet.

Heretic and Hermetic are surprisingly similar words.

another portion of ridiculous stuff is coming your way, so you probably should jump over it(but it's here because I secretly don't know if it's straight wrong, other than I'd correct that "and to living organisms" part of which crystals are not though) and also because I read somewhere that those who are too scared of being ridiculous stand not a chance of being great)
I speak of cosmology, that sun gravitakes stardust and radiates smaller or larger ammounts of matter in the form of purer energy and I think what if this process is eternal (evolving from some infinitely primordial isotropy) and entropy is an illusion due to friction of artifical mechanisms, but in natural world crystals grow, animals live and other forms of "local decrease in entropy" take place. And though they say "local decrease in entropy is, however, only possible at the expense of an entropy increase in the surroundings" it is also said in the context of artificial machines: "Locally, the entropy can be lowered by external action. This applies to machines, such as a refrigerator, where the entropy in the cold chamber is being reduced, and to living organisms. This local decrease in entropy is, however, only possible at the expense of an entropy increase in the surroundings." because I don't see any external action on growing crystal, just as snowflakes grow according to their internal structures in all the variety of its forms probably depending on the quantity of water molecules participating in the primary crystallization. (but it's just a guess, yet it's scientific, because it can be tested, just as somebody can calculate if stardust and meteors falling on the surface of the sun sufficient to support its radiation and solar wind, also just a guess, but again quite scientific, so Newton's quote of hypotheses can stand for him not publishing raw stuff, but only finished theories (though of course it could be something else, but it's for some ai historians to decide)) - if I'd speak of human historians there would probably appear the deeper level of reality and that could be the origin of ((())) meme/ (that's a typo because rusian keyboard keeps . where english keeps /, so raised arm there only seems)
But I'm not exactly a cosmologist, so probably my guesses are profanity or profanation.

I searched for "abcd efgh ijklmn opqrst uvwxyz" and found some more examples of people being aware of this multiple symmetry one way or another (but only those who met me one way or another know of "a bc def ghijk lmnopqr stuvw xyz" and as this structure is kinda global too, I wonder why)

that (74) is Bergk 1994 = Bergk, Marion: Selbstverantwortliches Schreiben mit dem Wörterbuch. In: Naegele/Valtin Hrsg. 1994
I wish I could read german, but the only thing which helps me towards that goal is nazi speeches with subtitles, other german stuff doesn't thrill me much (though TH used to, but not anymore)
but as long as that image is clickable, I can read it with robotranslators.

Another find is where it tells:

Douglas Crockford of JSON fame invented this keyboard:


which is surprisingly regular and apparently useful.

And though he only reinvented it, as quite a few others, I sent him a letter with an invitation to read this blogk, we'll see what he tells.

and a couple more:

That Wadler link is Wadler, Arnold D. One Language - Source of All Tongues. New York: The American Press for Art and Science, 1948

I'm not quite sure what those 7 vowels exactly are, but if they're the strings of Apollo's lyre, then they're the orbits of those planets.

And they say "Mercury and Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, were identified by ancient Babylonian astronomers in the 2nd millennium BC."
So what were those 2 additional vowels priests of Apollo had to add to his lyre? Were they the Sun and the Moon? or did it happen when two of those other planets were discovered? Could priests of apollo know some primitive telescope? Can a telescope be built of a tube filled with crystal balls? Even though names of the planets are used in the names of the days of the week, who knows how ancient this traditions actulaly is, and what connection it may have (if any) with that vowels stuff.
But then again how reliable can that information about vowels standing for the planet be?
I used to research it all free from what's been written before. I think I may need to restart that tradition of relying only to what I see myself.

A toddler tells kakanaya instead of krasnaya (and in other examples all the linguals are pretty much the same to him, bu look at n: is it a form of K?) and today he said mama instead of baba, which can tell that all the labials are the same to him, but it could chave some other reasons to it.

looks like left if it goes on the floor, but if it's sun, it goes on the sky, which used to be sconsidered (seen) as something firm. so if those branches are legs, they would go rightwise if they travelled by sky)
But if those branches are flags, which is more natural for the symbol than legs.
Then those flags rotate counterclockwise. Which in the context of a battle may mean retreat (thus tis form of swastika may have been (mean ~ 've been? "ты таким стал!") considered unlucky)
По солнцу вперёд, против солнца назад! (солнце идёт только в одну сторону, и противосолонь это реально назад), наоборот, в обратную сторону.

is the lucky form of it, go forth, run right. right is straight, because in russian прямо вперёд = right ahead (where прямо is straight) and in the context of battle this straight is strait (where there's nothing firm, but брешь в защите противника. цеь так прочна, как её самое слабое звено)
right ahead or left below. thus up and down were also right and left? left, low, are of the soame L?
Though left below is a percent of left behind (hundred times less common) but if you raise (in a career or a development, the rest is leſt below)

по Кориолиусу вода уходит вниз против часовой, что тоже сочетается с вышесказанным.
(о чём я говорил ещё в первом томе, когда-нибудь я эти разрозненные части организую в последовательное изложение разных аспектов этого вопроса.)

кшпре гз акщте шы цруку щгк фтпуд дщщлыб фтв шеэы цруку тще щгк зфыеб иге щгк агегкуб фссщквштп ещ куфвштп ьштвы ин зщышешщт ща еру унуы
argh! but
a swoper helps me decypher it: (I don't look at the keyboard, but now I also don't look at the screen (my eyes are closed now)
right up front is where our angel looks, and it's where not our past, but our future, according to reading minds by position of the eyes. (I dunderstand angels and demons can be misconceptions, but that's how people of the past (where alphabets and symbols appeared)thought)

Blessed = Blesse'd
Blesse has the same suffix as goddess
blessed is goddessed. even though bl is associated not with good, but pain (boll is pain in russian)
Bless is female bl
Female pain is pleasure.
bl can be god (bog is god in russian) also because of baal
bless is baalless? wow. less of pain is pleasure. less is female suffix? one of them: ness in baroness, dess in stewardess, and so on.
It's female suffix ess.
Here a good explanation (click the a)
From Middle English -esse, borrowed from Old French -esse, from Late Latin -issa, from Ancient Greek -ισσα (-issa). Displaced Old English -en (feminine suffix of nouns).
Notice, that both 0es and 0en are also used as plural suffix. Just as female suffix -a in latin is also used for plural forms. Yjn ,f,f? ,f,s.
as labia is plural.

When a word in a foreign language is in your head and you don't know what it means, does it count as thinking in that language?
שלי is "my" in hebrew, but "videos" in yiddish.
doesn't gematria tell that such words should be the same? my videos? is it the code?

and for whatever reason I remove to this thread with some code, barcode (that can't be related to what was before, but it may)

I thought I could see which letter stand for what barcode, but I didn't have a clue it was two different codes. I tried a few examples and I didn't even manage to see it with this table before me. Maybe the example (a book sold via amazon) could have mismatching barcode and digits.

And it's also here to show that S M E of Start Middle End shows three mothers in reverse order. as if from aSs (not deaSth as in AMS where it's Smert) thrould (throught, through and should) Mastering, Making, Manufacturing, and to the Extasy of Excess of Excellence.

The satanic way of reading sacred things the other way around.And that's how the porgress is achieved: by reversing the existing practices, so that 666 of MSE shows who's in charge. Tells to obey.
Bible tells that the world is in stani's grasp, so it's millenia old plot, but is it a mere description of the state of affairs or a programming curse, or an excuse for powers to excuse their evil wills. But many of them pray for the saviour to come, let it come in their souls. I'm more concerned with the other crowd, with those who pray to whover is in charge, career boys. Some mindless followers of some ancient orders, the military orders which sometimes influence fdestinies of this sad world, even more crazy than regularly military, whose medals are so huge, and garments so ridiculous, they are even more obviously crazy than those who torture and kill people in large ammounts without remorse.

Mosaic is of Moses, as in Mosaic Law (for whatever reason both words go in capital initials, probably because their importance to the nation of Israel is not less than the importance of national names for others.

I just found that woo in this context is a freak. And I found that nickname in a forest by myself doing some magic psychedelic things.
So let's go full woo woo, as I use some magic thinking here after (or before) I began mentioning some magicians (not only because they were the ones who discvovered runes)

Город впервые упоминается в египетских источниках XIX—XVIII вв. до н. э. как Рушалимум, в Эль-Амарнских письмах XIV в. до н. э. как Урусалим и в анналах Синаххериба (конец VIII в. до н. э.) как Урсалимму.
A city called Rušalim in the execration texts of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (c. 19th century BCE) is widely, but not universally, identified as Jerusalem.[48][49] Jerusalem is called Urušalim in the Amarna letters of Abdi-Heba (1330s BCE).[50]

I don't say it was a russian sity (city is a site) but Rossia played a crucial role in the new history of Jews: Soviet Union probably was the first secretly Jewish state (right after United States got secretly jewish government (hardly the first)) which was one of enforcers of the state of Israel, and still has openly jewish oblast (in which jews are less than 1% of the population (but the governor is some goldstein, english wiki also mentions levinatal, so who knows)) which is another stalin's trick

And whether I notice only what I want to notice, but I found that area (of the size of the Netherlands) is named EAO (Evreyskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast) which could also be some magic of the primal IAU.
I record whatever comes to me, which is pretty much a magic mentality (magical thinking) but how can one successfully research magic without obtaining first some magic mentality.

It is some psy-[op shit, uncle joe's joke like that syberia in the form of a penis, one ball of which they recently cut off, those politics they are crazy, and why am I bringing their insanity in this thread? Because I a crazy myself. I am into all politics on such obscure laevels when somebody discusses partisan policies I stop myself from going edgy now, I used to not, you know that exhaltation of newbies.

I had to include another rainbowow in this work, I've been recommended by Joannes Richter
He recommended me that 12 days ago, and only now am I adding it here. Probably because I amm supposed to read it first, which I still didn't begin, even though it speaks of vowels in the contexts of music and astronomy and who knows what else. I will one day, but before I began this work (decades ago, I tld me not to read others views not to inherit their mistakes, but I'll leave these books here for you o reader and for myself too, I'll know where to find them.

That Joannes Richter is that very jwr47 whom I mentioned and his profile is this:

The oldest A-I-U vowel concepts seem to have retained their original vowel structures in all languages. Existing A-E-I-O-U vowel concepts seem to have retained their original vowel structures up to their first modifications in which vowels had been modified. Greek language lost its symmetrical vowel structure at the introduction of the long vowels H and Ω (6th century BC). Latin language lost its symmetrical vowel structure at the introduction of the specific Greek letters Y and Z (146 BC). In the Greek alphabet the first letter A and the last letter Upsilon (U) initially had been defined as vowels. In the 6th century BC the Greek alphabet had been modified to use a first letter (A) and the last letter (Ω) as vowels. Latin obviously always used a consonant (X or Z) as a last letter. The vowel concept for the Latin alphabet may be considered as intact if the Y-vowel is ignored.

I'm going to contact him to ask for a drawing of that symmetrical vowel structure or an article where it's already there. Because if that structure is lineal, than why Z is a problem for it. If it's axial, than how is even Y is a problem if it can also be vowel?

(I sent him the lines above and I went on:

I saved it but didn't upload on the site yet. I also want to know why "Latin obviously always used a contonant (X or Z) as a last letter, if I saw some archaic latin like this:
with final v (they could be wrong, of course, replication crisis and so on, but I want to know your sources, please.)

and that awesome man responded to me like this:

Hi Dmitry,
My name is Joannes Richter, but I save my documents in a Scribd-storage, in several Google-storage area and in 2 storage-areas at I use the shortcut jwr47 in Scribd for searching my own web-documents respectively in my Google-storages. The search procedure is more comfortable than my Windows-search options.
Most of my documents are open for all readers.
You may search in Google with the 3 keywords “jwr47”, “vowels” and “alphabet” and find a relevant document: The hidden Symbolism of European Alphabets in which a few versions are documented.

Both the Latin and Greek alphabets have been extended in a number of variants. The extensions also included shifts from the middle tot the end of the alphabet. This happened to the letter Z.
A -D-E-F-H- I -K-M-N-O-S- V
A -Β-Γ-Δ- Ε -(F)-Ζ- H -Θ- I -Κ-Λ-Μ-Ν- O -Π-Ρ-Σ-(Τ)- Υ -Χ- Ω

I have a tradition of marking the quoted text in this smaller script, so no disrespect, especially becausein Composer (the program I use it's marked as Large, some bug of the program, I gues)
Ind my morals are alright, because as far as I know, letters of great people are normally published, so what's wrong with publishing correspondance of people probably yet not recognized as great.

I quote myself further:

If we believe, that latin comes after greek, than yes, but I heard it's not accepted as a fact anymore. And the lineal structure of vowel-labial-linguals tells that latin alphabet is closer to the original version than the greek not only in vowel structure, but also in that very second line, where (like K replaced M) Z replaced Θ (probably because Θ is for Θεά and Z is for Zeus)
and in "0ompared to the Roman and 'reek alphabets the r#nic alphabets are relatively yo#ng,which makes them val#able if some of the original concepts may have been conserved in their str#ct#re" (I copy pasted, for whatever reason some symbols are misinterpreted by the robots) do you simply repeat the academic consensus or have you figured it out by yourself? Because by both their more primitive forms and the structure of their alphabet, and also structure of some symbols: BD & FГ (to see this you should look at bornholm alphabet stone, you may ctrlF the first volume of my site to find it)
and if they're younger, how does it make them valuable in understanding the original concept? Wouldn't it be more of use if it was older (also this terminology of older and younger may be misleading: if it's the same structure, it's older later)
And you also give link to Udo Waldemar Dieterich, but in such a way that it's hard to find the exact quote of his, please give the page number.
If I understand correctly, than the symmetry is AIV but in the alphabets you presented above none of those alphabet is symmetrical around I (5 to 6 letters before and after Latin I and even worse it is in the greek)
I is an interesting letter, first of all because it looks like an empty staff. The _? and it's the simplest letter in Hebrew, but it's for the first time I read that it can also be a central letter (before that I only read of M as a central letter (which it can be when the alphabet is A to Z, but I haven't find in it as much structure as in A to U(especially written as V) with all the modern letters of the Latin alphabet, with K as a central letter, and J reflects L and so on. And if it's not some apophenia, JK could be some sacred letters (for Jovi & Kronos and also for Jesus Kristos, though I don't know of a language where his initials are JK, it seems they're always whether IK or JC, or maybe it's reinterpretation or even misinterpretation of more ancient sacred formulas, or maybe it's none of above)
(I don't know what is "yes" in the first sentence of mine. Please excuse my poor prose.) that was an additional letter

his response:

The Latin alphabet may be older, but its possible predecessor (Etruscan ?) may be a variant of the early Greek alphabet. Latin does not discern long and short vowels, but uses a marker. In Greek some short and long vowels may have been added for various reasons. If all vowels represented "planets" any additionally discovered planet may have needed a new vowel.


they say "Mercury and Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, were identified by ancient Babylonian astronomers in the 2nd millennium BC." so those two letters "The vowels added by the priests of Apollo to his lyre’" probably were the moon of Omega (the form of it may be the depiction of faces (phases) of the moon, because ancient greeks read it from right to left) And H is for Helios. Now we only have to find where they mention it in the literature, because even though I didn't expect H to stand for ήλιος when I looked at Ωω I would also like to find at least a term for the moon which would begin with ω, it's just a raw hypothesis, and that book, "the mystery of the seven vowels" tells that moon is Alpha (and Omega:? no, it doesn't say it) and sun is Iota (it's interesting, because H gave birth to russian И, which is the transliteration for i, as if H is a double I, as if the third row begins with vowel H, duh, it's complicated.

(it was a couple of days ago, tho I don't expect a response to that, it  was mostly answers, not questions)

and my rants go on:

Кровь с молоком (blood and milk) is the color of their skin. It's the men and women who chose partners on the colour of their skin, and those are the cultures where the disdain to excrements are so strong they made sewer systems all over their sitties

U & V could be devided in different nations, because their alphabets didn't follow the axial structure one way or another. And we know the myth of added vowels, but not of added labials. And thow it seems that final row of runes doent have labial other than ᚢ, russian (and greek) order OPRSTU dictates that ᛣ must be p, are those.. брызги? It can be especially p, if it's п written across the staff, and thus ᚢ can be an additional staveless form of ᛣ, but I think we just told that ᚢ is vowel?
For whatever reason, I mistheorized just now, mistaken the order of words, and for whatever reason, to compare those logical construictions to what's to follow in the next line , there they are.

dictates that ᛣ is R, as it is recognized sometimes, then ᚱ could be another form of P, and Р is R in russian. it's complicated. And often recognized ᚱ looks closer to ᚢ

Here's the first runestone google fed me:

Those curved ᚢ's are recognized as ᚱ's, and those who recognized as ᚢ's are more alike to h, but then again those ᚱ's also are like h's.
And paper traditions are probably later than stone (and stones are just accidentally preserved, because tree-some of runes make me believe they were much more ususally written in wood, and thus were easily burnt in the (sacred groves)/) those brackets are so jewish now, and I love them so much. I will save the jews, as paradoxical as it may seem, I am rather humane and lead this movement also to make sure it doesn't go too astray, the way it went the last time ia a katastrophy.
here ᚱ're way more like R, as most of runologists know it:

(also the first paper of runic text google geave me)
you can see that words here are separated by dots. and double dots they are. while those +'s in the runestone could stand between sentences, or clauses, thus are dots or commas. brobably + is comma, and x at the top left fcorner is the dot.

that ᚱ standing for P, ore rather П relates to that Runes are mistransliterated Alphabet.
(that N ~ ᛜ ~ K thing I mention soon after this (and I didn't expect it will match) take runes closer to books)

some more random stuff: (and where it leads us this time)

If we focus on the single dots, we can notice that it shares semitic tradition with arabic, where they denote I by low dot and O by high. Once again U is the later letter. four vowels are in hebrew in  arabic it's 3, e is also a letter letter indeed. a later letter indeed. not a, e. A is a defoult letter and Э's another А.
That typo of default tells me that O's another Э, because they all keep previous letter unpalatalized, and in syllabaric system there probably were only Ma and Mi, where M is any consonant, and according to paleohispanic syllabary there were only thre consonants, and those are the three mothers? No, hardly so, vowels were separated. But could K be A because of.. K ~ N, N ~ V, V ~ F, V ~ A (and that F tells that runic ᚨᚩᚪᚫᚬᚭᚯᚰ can be both)
That k~n thing is from my Mountatin landscape notebook (from a гладкой, from the one with the house)

those where I compare the rune ᛜ to
and thus king (князь) to
and thus kards to decks rank to suit.
and to my surprise they could be because before and probably above the king is the ace, and that could be who could quite be the loved father, who keeps a stronger army of his friends and veterans to himself.
and to my surprise ♣ does looke like a lady, and with the tits, which could be the reason of why this knowledge is obscured. and thus ♠ is the вальтер, то ли вафлер, то ли просто боевой пидарас, пики же, физическая сила, крести хитрожопость подобная женской, буби деньги, и князь это богатый мужик, и сердца бьёт всех, потому что любовь даже не купишь.
But of course this piece is so raw and not certain, maybe even lame, but you shouldn't be surprised by that considering what's been happening in these pages so far.

Okay, another chapter from that yet unpublished notebooks:

Λ as ^ which is suffix, so we can compare letters to eachother, because to my surprise al the letters have examples^:
(now I know why I leave so many mistakes of typos kind, so the exditor has something to do so *s)he doesn't touch my style — but I should explain h\them )
той ту to (her as in german, some article) because (after thinking that) them shoul compbine him and her, and if hem in them is him, t is the only thing that's left fo her, and I see та in russian)

okay the program lags for I overused tags of colour maybe, so evacuation into vo.5

will be edited back and forth.