ba=mwa (приветствие: позитивное восклицание, поцелуй)
su (ссуRU) is "I piss" and "I'm
affraid"(normative and coloquial meanings)
sru is "I shit" and "I diss" these two lines are of russian, but
isn't it pride? no, it's the language I know the most, and because
the origin can be in whichever family, I believe it will be common
to each language on the planet, the mother tongue we all diverted
from? Or mixtures of few mother tongues, as oghamic and syllabaric
traditions could give birth to alphabet not being invented at one
Ogham is used as some ancientmost numeric system. Druidic it seems
to be. And Runes were known to druids. Or did they use
B L N ~ M L N (при том, что S там вклинилось вместо N, что
напоминает третью строку греческого и еврейского алфавитов. И
почему бы не S? Потому что она не сонорная. А если оно было I M
S? как в А М С[s] (A B C!!!)
bij dij
wij zij
bij is amongst wij zij hij jij?
I'm yet to decypher the nature of
ba da ve ze (ev ez?)
They are some short words,
but pronouns or prefixes? I guess I will find out soon.
I'm glad I appreached these depths.
I've got appreciated to these depths.
by die
I: be die
II: ve zee
III: ma na
IV: po to
V: fu su
antonymous phrases "come on by" & "come on die"
come on by ~ come on, bye.
by = bye, or rather bye is by or which way was they originating
one another? buy? покупай хорошее пожелание. (в биржевой сделке
это предсказание лучшего будущего)
I buy ~ I.. bye (I leave, I go, if you want to sell me something,
sell it now. sail it now. сели её, слей её, сливай, целовай на
прощанье, отсылай, от себя лей, отце лай, овце луй.. I am tripping
too much today, what am I doint? why is it so.. unproductive.
Maybe because I fourgot something)
א ב ג ד
ה ו ז ח ט
י כ ל מ נ ס
ע פ ר ש ת
I greyed away letters not present in other alphabets, and I got me
I greyed away ת instead of ש because of sefer
yetzirah, but the magical word א מ ת tells me that sefer yetzirah
could be ..but ש is in the bible there, ת is also there
around, but that эт seems to be of much less importance, a
grammatic auxilary something. But then the text was without spaces
between words, so it probably can be read differently. Was it
written so as a poem to be read differently? Will I be able to do
it in russian? Probably not, vowels are making the text more
precise. And thus I have to check if this is possible by writing a
text without vowels (and then I can read it) but remove the spaces
between words as well, and let's see how it looks. This text, to
be random.
gryd wy lttrs nt prsnt n thr lphbts, nd gt m 4
gryd wy ת nstd f ש bcs f sfr ytzrh, bt th mgcl
wrd א מ ת tlls m tht sfr ytzrh cld b ש s n th bbl thr,
ת s ls thr rnd, bt tht эт sms t b f mch lss mprtnc,
grmmtc xlry smthng. Bt thn th txt ws wtht spcs btwn wrds, s t
prbbly cn b rd dffrntly. Ws t wrttn s s pm t b rd dffrntly?
Wll b bl t d t n rssn? Prbbly nt, vwls r mkng th txt mr
prcs. nd ths hv t chck f ths s pssbl by wrtng txt wtht
vwls (nd thn cn rd t) bt rmv th spcs btwn wrds s wll, nd
lt's s hw t lks. Ths txt, t b rndm.
It takes effort already, especially I lost away is weaked. they
should have left an j at least. But then in russian you can speak
without mentioning the subject. And probably I know it about
russian because I speak it, but in english I guess such phenomenon
also exists,
grd w lttrs nt prsnt n thr lphbts, nd gt m 4
grd w ת nstd f ש bcs f sfr tzrh, bt th mgcl wrd
א מ ת tlls m tht sfr tzrh cld b ש s n th bbl thr, ת s
ls thr rnd, bt tht эт sms t b f mch lss mprtnc, grmmtc xlr
smthng. Bt thn th txt ws wtht spcs btwn wrds, s t prbbl cn b rd
dffrntl. Ws t wrttn s s pm t b rd dffrntl? Wll b bl t
d t n rssn? Prbbl nt, vwls r mkng th txt mr prcs. nd ths hv
t chck f ths s pssbl b wrtng txt wtht vwls (nd thn cn
rd t) bt rmv th spcs btwn wrds s wll, nd lt's s hw t lks. Ths txt,
t b rndm.
Город greyed? w is in in russian, but away in english? n is
in now. it's interesting, but though it needs to be used to,
it's still can be read, but let's combine it into one corpus and
see what other meanings can we pull out of such text:
and I can easily see "This text, to be random", but to brain dome
would be there, that lacks 's in between. to brand me.. They
say tax it, to brand me.. It doesn't make sense, and thus it took
some time to read the code. To know what he could talk about, to
meet words you both knew, but use each such word only once, so
enemies wouldn't use repeating sequences to single that thing out
thus to get some frame of reference, and words would naturally
repeat their patterns, even though some words were one letter,
grade.. walt? away(I would never have guessed it, I recalled it
from previous thought) letters not present in the real phobia to
.. and so I go off the track and I have to come back into
decyphering the code, so I doubt people wrote like this dayly. But
they could encode messages they already knew this way.
But of course it is merely a speculation, I just messed my head up
with such mess.
вот это гладко катится, интересно сможет ли читатель это
внчлблслвслвблбгслвблбг repeats слв (слово, соловей, слава, слива,
слева, ослов) and it tells me that greek texts repeats "logos"
three times.
logos читаемое? (just a guess, I don't know greek or latin well
enough to tell, но было бы прикольно, если бы человек обращался к
самому тексту самим текстом, заклинание бы воспринималось как
живое (действующее) существо (опечатался суд.. судество,
суть+ество, щ=ть? щ=с! в деском алфавите (детски алфавит, но дески
алфавит, это разговорная форма, потому что дерзкий))
א ב ג ד
ה ו ז ח
י ל מ נ
ע פ ר ת
א ב ג ד
ה ו ז ח
י ל מ נ
ע פ ר ש
and the three mothers tell us that one row and one column are
extra, and it was 3×3, so,
א ב ד
י מ נ
ע פ ת
א ב ד
י מ נ
ע פ ש
My guess is sefer yetzirah is the hidden truth, when א מ ת is
folklore, or maybe even some psy-fi of ancient times, so it was
distorted by the speaker who didn't want to tell all the truth for
magic is sacred (secret) and mostly because (the reason I write
this paragraph about what I say) it makes the third line more
distinguished from the first one. first is not only voiced, but
also plosive, so if פ is f (it is without dot, so f it is) and ש
is s to ʃ, they are not only voiceless, but also fricative. And
then I think it used to be א מ ת with ת read as th, which is how
it sounds without a dot in it. And no insequrity about is it s of
ʃ, but what made me think so is the similarity between ב and פ
which makes me want such similarity in lingual department
and I have it in ד and ת characters.
א ב ד
י מ נ
ע פ ת
but then AIO is a weird combination.. was it just IO? AIO was for
Artificial Io? Could it be that I M N is how it all began?3 is a
union larger than family? Was M replaced from this position
because it was third, not second? Was the structure not
distinguishing labials from linguals so it didn't matter? And
began to matter gradually along the line of its development?
е ё ж з would be great counterpart of а б г д, if ё was closer to
ю (literally ɪo), to Y to W (𐤅 is fonecian
fo phoenician vav)
י as `ёд?
א as Я!
ע as Y the И?
ю as U is past-T, and thus are not in the hebrew alphabet,
probably because U=II, because Y=ij=ii, because Ю=IO, and is J
actually O? is J йод and ё and thus o (that йотированный ряд
гласных пришёл ко мне около часа назад в ванной в виде я е и ё ю,
но здесь я запарился, и по привычке поставил ё после е, подобно
доп.гласной в греческом. H~Ё?
but there was another revelation about H:
H voiceless letter, and as if it's Heer, His name is not to me memn to be mentioned
and it came from..
But here I checked the cardboard of today and it seems I didn't
put this piece down. So let's try to rediscover it. H standing
next to G makes it the C claster, GH, it's not velar column, it's
C column, d is a form of c. is D being closed reverses the
crescent? Or was it just reverse C before it became D to be more
easily distinguished from C? And can you believe it! that reverse
C, the Ↄ is..
in relation to roman numerals, thei part is of CIↃ~M theory, so M
delusion is probably starting at C.. at L! LCↃ.. L Г.. J? then T
is the best I can offer for the other corner. J can have this
corner, but then T never has the other bend, and J always has it.
CJLT? CVLT? ГVLT? гулять? водить круги вокруг деревни? от
коло~круг? голи~гони? отпугивай (духов и живых существ) и хороводы
вокруг деревни водятся посолонь для привлечения чего-то (дождя,
быть может? но смерчи вроде крутятся в эту сторону, значит это
вверх. А нужно вниз.
дождь~ненастье (ненастье~несчастье? настасья~несчастна?
анастасия~богиня_счастия!) а- как отрицательный суффикс
прибавленный к отрицательному суффиксу на~не, создаёт позитив?
очень абстракция, отрицание отрицания, как давешно это
словосочетание? (не верю что гегель его создал, он его наверное
стащил) ана, анна, подобно بلى (ля=нет,
баля=да) у арабов
لبی (лаба? лаби?) губа, губы (lip, lips) в персидском (и pulp,
core in arabic, two languages so different, arabic/farsi are
like chinese/japanese
𝕷 is a shape of L, I mentioned in those cardboards, ratioanlizing
that L = J after I noticed that heil = hi.
иль им ин?
So is it how letters came out to be so different? Because the same
articulation has different phonetic characteristic depending on
which way the wind blows. And then orators invented continuous
flow of speech. Apes speak on inhale too. Humans almost never do
(they say some clicks can be considered inhaling, but those are
hardly even known or hardly even truly inhaling.
And thinking that dogs are barking on inhale, I read of that, I
tried that and dog reacted with more interest than before. So are
they neither laughing nor coughing, but breathing this way? Some
холотропное дыхание?
я а
е э
и ы
ё о
ю у
Do L M N as Light, Might, Night imperative the order of actions?
Prohibiting noise after the dusk.
dawn [don]
down [daun]
(a sounds a о. о sounds as a?> just an illustration to see that
vowels are not fixed. but i is always i, u is always u (if there's
Light Might Night Right
Light Left (if light is on, somebody's left)
Might Met? Mad?
Night Net (тень~тенета?)
Right Red? Rad? Rot? skin is red when the rot is in the process.
Sight Set!
Tight.. Tied!!!
White Wet? Wit!
Knight Known Knet? Knesset? Сеть знакомых?
Hight Head
Fight Fat? Fit? (fit=припадок, но может это притирка?)
Ate (I filled in a, e, o with
somewheat similar forms for not having better ones,
Bite (but I'm
not sure that they're to be here, they could be at, it, but
then eat is is in different
Kite (spelling, so ate, eat.
Khing Knight
from this not a large collective
I see similarity between bite and fight, between kite and
But then again, isn't spelling arbitrary. I
really should not write here when I have nothing to say. But I
use it as a draught. But I am not in condition to write. I must
be asleep already,. I have some business this time another day.
ai will make this job with less pain and with some quality I will
not reach without it.
I woke up at 1 am and I asked myself to know what letters are, and
almost immediately I had a response to strat from syllables, the
way celtiberian syllabaries have it, and I came to bo for boy and
go for girl (g is d in russian, and gева[deva]
is their girl) and it tells that BD(bd) were the only
syllables, just as that greek myth goes.
Ba Da(Ga)
Be De(Ge)
Bi Di(Gi)
Bo Do(Go) boy/girl
Bu Du(Gu)
does b for male and d for female tells that women were forced to
work, while male only had fun of hunt (thus justifying their
leasure by bringing food) and it's time to get high. But firs I
mention that I would have fosfenes phosphenes
if my eyes were closed, but I looked into the night sky, and the
image of the balcony door and everything around and through it
went in quadratic segments of repeating ..brightness I guess, some
fractal-like or somethingelse-like pattern. And that quadratness
tells that the world could be cubic after all. My world that is.
I'm yet to live in rhombic dodecahedrons, then we talk. My guess
is the neuronet in my head may rearrange into four to eight
synapses instead of 6 (or, it the neuronet is two-dimensional, it
will surely become of triangles instead of squares, and thus where
squares had four contacts per knot, triangelic structure will have
six. Angle=Angel! No way these two words of glorious abstractions
are not related. Let's get higher and ponder further into that
syllabic concept.
Ba Da(Ga) bad / gʌd
Be De(Ge) beats / gets (бьёт/деет?
бьёт/даёт? (кто кого нагнёт тот того ибьёт))
Bi Di(Gi) big /
Bo Do(Go) boy / girl
Bu Du(Gu) bull/cow (in german cow is
Kuh[ku] (bull is Bulle (поле:?)))
So I drew that table before I got hight, now I did and the first
revelation which came to me was Tarantino being forced to film
Jackie Brown to reduce the furor from black ciommunity that in
Four Rooms the only black man was mutilated (and now I see that
the only reason for him to film it with himself as an instigator
and real Bruce playing himself, so the events probably happened
during Pulp Fiction movie, so he had to explain to the audience
why on earth have they cut of the actor's pinky. They destroyed
his career that moment. Yes, blacks are not very bright, but it's
not a reason to to play such cruel jokes on them. And the porter
who they bought to make that actually crime was justified by the
events in the movie. And if it was to cover the crime, the
storyline of the most fucked up events in the porter's career.
Porter dark brown bitter
beer brewed from malt partly charred or browned by drying at a
high temperature. is thus made of burnt malt, so
if you happened to burn it, you can add the coal to porter (but
who drinks it? those who don't know how it's made, but them I'm
making up things. If you're productive without weed, don't smoke
it. Not until you're certain that the previous charge is gone. I
had a чистый пиход (с утряни кусок сна к себе в эизнь затащил)
портье как слуга пьёт что попроще? porter~испорченное?
Be and Du are the opposites. Qu the Cowe is the last letter? are
them B T the ᛒᚦ
ᛒᚦare21andthenextletteris0,,orE?orO?e=0?andIis1and if I=1, then
E=3, but was 3 two? if 1 could be drawn as ↄ Lower-case
antisigma, resembling a reversed Roman numeral for one hundred.
Used to replace BS and PS, much like X stood in for CS and GS
was x ↄc?! then ↄ was k and thus they becan to di.. gin in begin
is can? begin=becan, be able (begin to do = be can to do, and when
modal verbs were told to be special (for stylistic or colloquial
goal) the combination of those modal verbs going as normal verbs
became other normal verbs? I'm just suspecting it, I havent' ttest
iot it o with data and computing powers, for that get the )
Ba Ga
Be Ge
Bi Gi
Bo Go
Bu Gu
bull gu (bull is boy, gu is kow)
rl as double sonor. and v is not sonor, but w sorta is. со
ov is the same? om? aum?
с aum [with aum] -> сова
owl <- aumил [did aum]
(only those square brackets are semantic, not phonetic. I need
other brackets, and I don't like how {} look. but I have to get
used to them, because they're the only other brackets on the
keyboard, and I should be lucky they even have them)
ото и обо
но от и до почему антонимы тогда?
потому что не до, а то!
от-то как в слове отодрать.
those { and } look like owl's brows is
brows using the same ow owl does?
yes, that change of font colour works as
protection against copying, which I don't like, I endorse
copying, but I also like how that change in colour works. If
they want to copy it, they should use the html of mine, it's fee (I wanted to say free, and nwo I
want to (nwo as a typo of now is awesome. now own nwo) discover
the connection between fee and free. is r rough killing of that
word, to show the opposite meaning? as less today, and that r
resembles l of less, 'll makes it "not yet" I'll do it = I
didn't do it, well in case of dealing wtih a king or other
authority)) to download, and so you
have the pictures too.
dog, cat, horse don't have не слагаются по роду (на самом деле по полу, в роду разные пола, мне
это всегда выносило, что за тупость) но в русском таки
да, наверное и в английском да, я просто его недостаточно хорошо
horse = force (но вообще-то power, но я их синонимами считаю, в
русском "сила", но я ничего ближе чем "седло" не нашёл в русском,
но седло это именно что коня/лошал коня/лошади
пёс/сука тоже бубную делает мужской, а язычную женской. Что идёт в
разрез со многим что я говорил (т.е. я не правильно читал? факты
могут ли друг другу противоречить? В генетике можно прочесть один
и тот же текст тремя различными способами, и каждый способ будет
правильным. Три, ха?
Sample sequence showing three different possible
reading frames. Start codons are highlighted in purple, and stop
codons are highlighted in red.
molecular biology is an interesting subject I reccommend you all
to dive in:
And this is the philosophic question I dare to solve today: how
exactly did this machinery came to be.
I know how the elementary particles have came out to be, from
resonating fluctuations of vacuum swirly onto itself given certain
ammount of time to grow resonating frequencies, and the frequency
of one area influenced frequences of the other one, so the
resonance were global, universal, and in infinite time we had
enough time to grow what we can see around and within us today.
So now I'm thinking of the following storyline to link those
rotating thing into molecules. And only then will I be able to
solve biochemistry and then molecular biology I will be able to
visualize probably only with the help of the neuneurocortex
neuneuro is righteously read by g.translator as нойньюро
нойньюрокортекст (т was demanded by
russian's feeling of the language)
is text tagsed? is tag a mark? every letter is tag? as a
signature? as a cliche too? избитая фраза? (another translation,
related to ярлык)
so text is tags, each word is known, but their combination makes
up unique text.
just as text is tags, note is of know? note=knot? word=note? I
warned ~ I warded (worded)
word is wored? worried? wore уже прошедшая форма. word~wore
(носил? смысл несло, несёт смысл? word makes sense indeed)
word заворот? (ишь как завернул) оборот! (оборот речи)
ward~worry, care (carry~wore)
weave.. wave..
w as in away, out[ʌwt]
v as in в {in}?
au=o, thus out is от
от = of (out = from? from = of room?)
ethicacy ~ efficacy (because these two words would be hard to
destinguish, the first one is ethics)
二菱 sounds as не беси (but vowels are sounding uniquely, in russian
this voice would be taken as foreign, (feigh~foreign? fuck or
reign? reign as the opposite of faint? faint~feigned? failed to be
faint was feigned?
feign ~ fake (feign=faking (not king but fink (think? he thinks
he's a king? could it be a trick of the pretender? he feigned,
yes, faint (if it exists, it is probably in the english
literature, I wish I can have the spheric bath for both. bath4both
it's a great marketing slogan))))
but 2菱 is read nihishI. is it a bug of additng words together or
are there two ways to read it. And nihishI will also be
understood, but correct way to say is nibishI 3菱 (is read as san
hishi (san is chinese word for 3, japanese is mi, mitsu (tsu как в
русском слове единицу, остальные числительные этот суффикс не
используют вовсе, но есть церковное слово (и может лишь потому не
устаревшее) седьмица)
седьмное сегодня говорят не
седьмица, а семёрка, не единица, а единичка,
двойка двоится? двоица?
Энд ай уос лукин фо троИца, and was shocked when the result hit me
like.. I didn't know I knew this word, and I think I did. How
could stress make it so unrecognizable to me? I should play with
stress to test all the words.
and that site mentioning Pythagoras sparked my interest, and I
went on collecting information:
четверица — четвери́ца (Деян.12:4 ) четверка солдат для
дежурства в каждую из четырех страж ночи (двое внутри, двое
снаружи тюрьмы)
пятица не находит ничего, но я знаю пятиться и пятница
шестица отправляет к инглингам, словно кроме них такое слово никто
не использует, но я посмотрел шире, и да:
а инглинги выдумывают глупости:
потому что
а русская сказка просто переврана, скорей всего. седьмица там было
бы в тему, но может это магический элемент, надо смотреть
контекст, вдруг там штырит рубит валит поправляет и ломает.
So that itsu suffix is not foreign to rus,
rus is "'re us"
're us
we, rus ~ we're us?
Is it poetry or actual architecture of the ethnic terms? names are
connected to nation names, ярусский, indeed. But I went
deeper, because names to nations were given before all those
ruslans walking this earth today. So what is each nation stand
for? Мы? Люди? Так их чаще всего
Тогда бы нации соседних стран назывались похоже. И первый
же пример лидийцы/лицийцы подозрительно напоминает слово
люди. Как и латы/литы. Русы брутализованное люди? R~L and C~D
руки~mani (на русском рука, manus на латыни)
цикада in serbian is цицада, but is also read as цикада (ц is like
c, both k and s (in russian ц is ts, but they transliterate c with
ц: cent = цент (but native speakers pronounce cent as sent))
center is sending office? where mail comes and they sort it and
send it further.
so is it etymology of centre of of cent? sent? or center cents (or
sends? did they take one hundreds so they became known as center?
and did send came to be out of that center? середина начинается с
се, имеет и р, и н, и д вместо т, только в другом порядке, но мы
видели такое с морф=форм,
сердце от слова средина? центр? cor[kor] o носовое?
центр~контора? контора~конура? окно то же кн имеет? контора окон
тура? это поэзия! но иногда она прямо в цель
контора кантует? катает? (катать малявы можно, подобным конторы и
волкRU = вовкUA
(but in ukrainian it sounds like волк, I wonder if it's some w,
the ł, but in polish волк is Wilk, but вилка is widélec,
minuscule form of widły [vidwы]
wision (wise vision. if I ever use
this word for a slogan, I should consider the we⋅sion part,
wishing part, etc: with ion, )
тринадцать могло считаться несчастливым числом, из-за того, что
оно похоже на двенадцать (два не спутать на три, потому что бывают
два, бывают две, но в двенадцать это е безударно, а потому
редуцируется до и (и на часах показано лишь 12 часов, американцы
даже могут и не понять словосочетание "тринадцать часов"
(and three vowels shining on them in differnt colour)
let's see
aMs times those BT:
Ba Ta (B D,T)
Bm Tm (V,W ?? and only the alphabetic position
helped me to know that it's Z, там=there, тьма=zwartheid(чернота,
а не темнота, так что натяжка, и с чего бы нидерландский?
там~тьма(где не видно!)))
Bs Ts (F Ц)
I like how T and W leave space after commas
Восстановление Музейона (храм муз, настоящая научная школа)
три отдела: буквы, цифры, ноты, в каждом три музы (три матери, три
maður(three humans))
p d of yin yang can be also seen in пук и дух (попа и голова. п
снизу? как в восточных алфавитах.
ACB is the sequence? ASM? did sefer yetzirah's tradition
CВА would make a rad sequence, because СоВА is Owl in russian.
C~O, o~w, В~l(in cursive and in ł (and in украинское/русское
verbal suffix of male in the past. л in russian, w in urkainian,
which reminds that ł, and female in the past uses the same surffix
la in both ruusian and urkanian (those typos tell a story:
ukrainian is ur kaanian (cohen~каин?)))
У Адама и Хавы (Евы) было три сына. Они упомянуты
в Торе. Известно, что вместе с каждым из сыновей рождались и их
сестры-близнецы. Эту информацию дает нам внимательное прочтение
(на иврите, конечно) четвертой главы Берешит (ст. 1-2). Здесь,
при упоминании факта рождения Каина, а потом - Ѓевеля (Авеля) в
тексте стоит соединительная частица винительного падежа - эт,
которая употребляется перед названием какого-либо известного
So, את ה is эта (bible at first didn't have spaces between words)
"er waren geen spaties tussen woorden" doesn't pronounce n in
waren and woorden, and this is a french influence, I suppose, or
both french and dutch are under the influence of the same
tradition, but french adopted that tradition much more than dutch.
בראשית ברא אלוקים את השמים ואת הארץ places stress at the end
syllable in each word, except in those two main words SHaMAiM
ב ראשית ברא אלוקים אתה שמים ו אתה ארץ
And I can see not only эта in that אתה, but also the: ה is e, ת is
t, it's only natural to suspect א to be Хh and th being affricate,
and e and th were two elements which could be placed whichever
In words like this/theese and that/those plural form has the
element of doubling: in theese that i became long i (probably
because there was nowhere to pitch, and the is taken for the
middle ground between this and that (some abrupt the (when people
mumbled to high lie (to hide lie I wanted to say, and what is
ShaMan does have something to do with shamain, with fire and
water. man is of water then.
Shaman is fireman? Жертвенник, где поддерживается огонь? Ибо надо
делать воскурения по часам? Чтоб видели соседи, что там селение?
Огонь для утяжеления облаков дымом, дабы выпал дождь в долину.
that ח ט י כ ל מ נ [hin] sequens sequence
is somewhat alphabetic, which makes it interesting (is מ ~ נ?)
But then I see that I forgot ט and thus this is all not that
БыВ ГДЕ Ж Zie и к
БыВ ГДЕ ЕЁ ёж ..
БыВ ГДЕ ЕжИк Мне о просто
БыВ ГДЕ Ж З(zitten, зад свой положил, sit~зик? слишком натянуто,
не по размеру.
же~аж~ёж~ожог, не кусая, ёжик ожигает, лучики как у солнца.
hedgehog is a special animal, god gave him needles as if to tell
everybody not to toutch this dedgehog h-og
у Ф Ш С
Абе Г-д
ЕВа ЖиЗа
Имануил (or ИМ МаНи Лей (но это поэтический разбор ещё более чем
ОПеЧаТай? Обкатай? or is IMN Amen which ends the prayer, and
additional letters made it not mnemonic anymore.
A Б Г Д (O П К Т) whisper
Е В Ж З (Е Ф Ш С) means the same
И М Н (as if somebody understood truth and sealed it in the word
B L N or B L S resonates to that И М Н & A M S
Why did I use russian H in there? it is H the h I type. Why?
Hands, why,
(ева женщина? неба невест?)
Ева дЕва девушка девчушка девочка девчушечка девонька девка дева
(de Eva)
Aдам пАцан (по отцам (отец от слова уд? древнее ли это слово или
относительно модерНовый эвфемизм? поцан от слова поц тогда будет
созвучно: поц имеет тот же от как в слове отец, уд:
хуй ~ אui (ахуй, а у и.. странный порядок. такая гамма? у огама
(гамма огама!))
Ау был крик человека!
Ау как первая гамма: человек зовёт людей
криком ау А У отражают друг друга
У=U=V (в древности V была и для U
и для V и была последней буквой (как ижица! но в латыни гораздо раньше это было так, до
расцвета Рима ещё и может в начале где-то (там много диалектных
вариантов, латынь лишь государственный в отличие от остальных)
Ау удивительное слово ещё и потому, что не так уж много слов из
ау её и о я (её used to be ея)
Иеоуа! ИЕАОУ (хроматическая гамма суха, иеоуА :а
как луч надежды, на подъёме)
IEOU было до внедреничя А? ieou как сложная
запись слова её? нет, выдумываю,
IEOV have V as number 4, which goes to that 365 theory.
then why isn't E 3? why isn't O 0!
I O could be the initial dao, yang and yin, even though here 1
looks more like I of yin. How do I even know these two are the
true name? I must know chinese to tell. Or I may look for
synonyms in the neighbouring languages, to research these words.
Агу, первое слово ребёнка (которое не слово, а просто агу)
АУ первые две буквы и Г первая согласная, т.е. восточные традиции
правей, Labies firest is probably european courtesy reform we
don't know about.
ɅV [au]
ɅГV [agu]
и эти три угла вызывают третьего
и я подозревал что Г = C = С[s] может быть Алсу было каким-то
именем уровня Анна
но нашёл лишь, что оно означает розовый цвет и алую воду (розовый
- разбавленный красный)
Су вода? Ал алый?
LVГɅ love goes? лови уходит (remember this, that carpe diem)
LɅVГ (lover?)
ГLɅV вот это будет у меня на кабинете.
ГLAV как согласные вначале, гласные приложением в конце (но могут
быть и в начале.
AVГL Anglia is first association. August's Land
LVГɅ ~ Луга
VГɅA ~ Угла! и это именно то что это есть.
Уга как отвт на Агу. В значении Ага! ɅNГLe reminds me of ν[n]
four archangels remind four corners of the square or four ends of
the cross? four sides of the square?
AνгLe Aνgel
and because L is Λ and Г is 𐤂, I suspect them to be the same
angle. No matter which way you drew it, angle is still an angle.
And thus N, V, G, L are all the same letter? and A too? v is ʌ in
were water and fire two elements and V being water, and crossed
shape A being fire?
It would be much more to the point if Ʌ would be fire, and water
would cross out fire. But some traditions tell that water was the
first. Which is natural. Nothing is born from fire, fire is a
VГLɅ.. but if we rotate it clockwise..
VLГɅ or LГɅV or ГɅVL or ɅVГL.. and AVГ is very abc-like. And L is
next to D (by both t looking like l and Λ looking like Δ (is Λ
fire and Δ air?) is V water, and no fourth element (the earth is
combination of different elements) so no letter ∀ .. but then
that's right, air is not Δ but A
but alphabetic ordre is A V Λ, but no, maybe Λ=Г=N, лгун?
and V is the final letter of archaic latin alphabet (not speaking
of ижица)
A at the beginning of the alphabet and V at the end of it remind
the forks at the ends of ogham:
᚛ ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏᚐᚑᚒᚓᚔ᚜
and this similarity would be even more spectacular, if we remember
that ogham (and runes) began at the bottom of the stone.
Язык зверей и птиц = язык змей и птиц (письменный и устный)
курсив змейка, подобен верёвке, подобен узлам.
Thinking of how ogham used the same staff to draw the text, and
runes (ruins) did it only occasionally if ever at all (I don't
know how much I can trust that testimony on the internet)
ANГA ~Анка ~ Анна ~ Anna ~ Она (см. японское они (ср. с дэвами
(хорошие в одной религии, плохие в другой, god in english is гад
in russian / бог in russian is bog in english))
Ангел имеет Ан ту же что и Анна (бог. Он? Она?)
Ангел божий посланник. Гел посланник? Гоинг?
ἄγγελος и есть посланник (вроде как.. согласно словарю. но там же
ἄγ = св. и этот акроним помимо прочего к архангелам применяется
(святой Михаил - это архангел Михаил, святой Гавриил - архангле
Гавриил, и так далее, потому немного заносчивой кажется традиция
канонизировать служителей церквки как святых) γέλιο значит смех,
ἀγγελῐ́ᾱ значит message, command, в общем послание.
a typo of an anon made me think.. males make, females 不make (don't
(japanese fu = no (in chinese it's pu) and is cognate of
cynologist "фу!" {don't}
better ~ бАто (заебато) (когда услышал слово "бато" в
первый раз (в 80х) оно мне жутко не понравилось, что за абсурд,
какое ещё бАтый? Только сейчас увидел, что это слово батЫй (но
сопоставив его как эвфемизм слова заебатый, изменил своё мнение на
член часть
ЧΛС? (н~т? both'e last in their lines)
телеса это не части тела, это тела́
тёлки ~ тушки
ёлки ~ ушки?
телега тележка ка=ica? oh! graphic! graphic tells yes, because I
came here from the side of g being palatalized before к
телега te liggen (чтоб лежать, чтоб ложить, чтоб лошадь,
лега~лошадка? лег(ног)leg лягать ногами, battle with boots? boots
to beat? бьются (дерутся. потому и кованые!? потому и лошадей
копытами вооружали? И лишь затем поняли, что вообще в копытах
сносу нет ногам)
коняжки гоняшки конь къ+на
knight konight? konig's? king'th (with king? with
in russian is с[s], which is close to th)
with (c) c: (is is shortened
as 's, and that 's is also genetivus, and plural — a
similar similarity may be seen in russian: суффиксы а и ы
обозначают и множественное число и родительный падеж:
димы = dimas & dima's
города = cities and city's (но здесь русские ударения ставят в
разных слогах)
и если представить ту 's как с(with) то тоже будет иметь смысл:
дима и ~ димы (нескоько от димы) города (а~и, with~of? с~из ~от
белки мелки
japanese letters may tell that letters up to 4 are very similar to
roman. 4 in a square to show those two as the same dign? как лига
в нотах, как .. над гласной во французском,
but then 5 is like hindu 5 which may indicate that roman numerals
were reflected into chinese or latinen took that system from china
before it was influenced by indian.. by buddism, I suppose)
And then they go off the rail completely, maybe 六 was five the
reformers didn't know of, but just pushed it aside with their 五..
or couldn't they be switched for some reason? because 五 looks
kinda like 5, but even more so it looks like 6
g.trans bugged and translated семь as セブン, and it cought my
attention, because セ looks like 七 (the actual seven, chi in
chinese, nana in nihona, but it is a coincidence for sure)
sure ~ sue (for sure is sufficient four court (the sue)?)
八 is 8 and it seems like a diagonal stroke stood for 4, and it
didn't matter which way you draw it, as long as it is a diagonal.
And diagonal for 4 would make sense if it was
but it is impossible to have a magic square with only four
numbers. with 9 though.. and more:
1 is around at the centre 3 to four times out of 6, and the other
two are having 1 at the corner, and I suspect that half even
squares have 1 at the corner, those who are divided by 4, and then
square of four elements (2×2) has to have the one in the centre,
but there is only corners. So is it also why there's no magic
sqaure of 4 digits?
raiment as the obscure (actually, it's bibleic, thus obscure only
to a foreigner) form of word clothes
относится это слово к слову rain? типа дождевик. Не от дождя ли
одежда защищала в первую очередь? одежда должна защищать от дождя,
иначе смысла в ней не много (скрыть срам жировых складок да
фонючего отростка? фонючий это опечатка, да какая, оепчаточка.
vraiment (воистину по французски.
Я вспомнил как у меня испортились отношения
с одноклассниками: училка спиздила мою книгу (выгнала всех на
перемену, запретила заходить в класс, сама там запёрлась типа на
проветривание, и после перемены книга пропала. Возможно, она
забрала её в педагогической цели, раз я притащил её на урок и
открыто читал её, я такой был, непосредственный. В общем, она
походу дала мне понять, что это кто-то из одноклассников. А
книга была очень увлекательная, всадник без головы.
Не отдавайте детей в школы! Мне это не было уроком, я не понял
нихрена, только сейчас восстановил по памяти что там скорей
всего произошло.
Обучайте детей самостоятнельно, вы добьётесь больших успехов.
Стимулируй детей читать, писать, рисовать, считать (желательно,
на практике) интерес к науке подогревай. А большинству этот
интернат лишь отвращение к наукам вызывает.
ɅМN of amen we know as ΛMN of LMN
ɅMS of sefer yetzirah is probably ɅMT of the word truth
written on the golem to make him alive.
And all three forms are correct, they're just differently
inclined, -en, -es, -est are suffixes.
AM is the root. OM.
O reprezentare din secolul al XVII-lea a
conceptului rozicrucian despre Arborele Pansophiei , 1604.
those Bi Ti caught my attention, I think I'm going to dig into
that book from 1604 some day, but now I'm jsut tripping on,
anybody can do it, my task is to bring about the ideas nobody else
and the man inside of the ball is my long time aspiration, I
suspect it to be a way to reach immortality,
leaf trees are deciduous deciduous
deciduou deciduous trees, follar trees
dollar tree is offered for those who look for follar tree, so I
think it's the first to go. Or au contraire for that dollar follar
..identity maybe? dollar was a leaf? but how can I change the
initial letter so easily?
follar is to fuck in spanish, so imagine my shock when I went to
google. oh~! wow fuck!
follar trees is the first to go.
Deciduous is опадающий (т.е. лиственница тоже deciduous, хоть и
Coniferous (aka conifers) is the opposite of deciduous.. in
russian translation of english text, but then there's Larch which
still breaks google's translator in late 2022, making it output
лиственные хвойные деревья (т.е. одно не исключает другого, и
лиственница словно хвойная, но и лиственная, в английской
номенклатуре так, потому что они не называют нехвойные
лиственными, они называют их опадающими, от cado бросать произошло
слово decidere (to fall down or to fall off) which could explain
the word decide, of the lot thrown, is it how people of the past
made their decisions? If the lot said "no" they would do something
first, and then threw the lot again. And I read that it's not
allowed to throw the lot more than three times a day. Or is the
third lot too much? I think in some baltic tale the third time was
taboo. Just throw the lot and go. Or don't go and do something
first, then throw again to be sure you knew the will of gods on
the subject.
but then it doesn't break it when it's in the context:
Larches are deciduous conifers in the genus Larix,
of the family Pinaceae (subfamily Laricoideae). Growing from 20
to 45 metres (65 to 150 feet) tall,[1] they are native to much
of the cooler temperate northern hemisphere, on lowlands in the
north and high on mountains further south. Larches are among the
dominant plants in the boreal forests of Siberia and Canada.
Although they are conifers, larches are deciduous trees that
lose their needles in the autumn.
Лиственницы — листопадные хвойные деревья рода Larix семейства
Pinaceae (подсемейство Laricoideae). Вырастая от 20 до 45 метров
(от 65 до 150 футов) в высоту[1], они обитают в большей части
более прохладного умеренного северного полушария, в низменностях
на севере и высоко в горах южнее. Лиственницы являются одними из
доминирующих растений в бореальных лесах Сибири и Канады.
Лиственницы хоть и хвойные, но лиственные деревья, осенью
сбрасывающие хвою.
not bad, huh! they do understand the text, and without the
context лиственные хвойные деревья is a great choice.
and it's funny that volume 22 was written within two weeks of
October 2022 (volume 20 took a couple of months in the summer, and
it took so long because I lead some social life, and even drank
alcohol beverages a couple to several days straight, I had a dear
guest and had that дебош который застил собой работу на пару
месяцев, и спустя пару недель после которого я увидал вот это:
(я о неё говорил в томе 21, так что там быть может более точная
дата явления, можно посмотреть в разбитом чёрном айфоне, которым
фоткал в это время (но это ремарка для профессиональных редакторов
и историков моего путешествия, у которых будет доступ до всех
сохранившихся материалов)
эта радуга здесь, чтоб показать, что высокие вибрации со стороны
света. Быть может радуга воспринималась как фронт боя сил света с
силами тьмы (и здесь её с правого фланга начало затягивать
облачком (бочок которого виден на фото) и если это какой-то знак,
то надо бы мне опасаться тьмы с правого фланга (не скатиться в
оголтелый имперский нацизм, не принуждать людей к подчинению, но
любовью побеждать. В любом случае, в моей памяти оно такое, я
сокрылся на пару минут в соседнем здании, и выйдя увидел что
радуги не было. И вот она есть, в реальности была гораздо красочней, не скажу что в 3д, но в 3д по факту,
ярче была в реальности. контрастней,
вот правильное слово
Дополнительные цвета именно со светлой стороны несут очень благую
весть. Всё будет хорошо.
Силы света (люцифера, бога-сына) перемогают силы тьмы (сатаны,
бога-отца) и это естественный процесс из тьмы хаоса к свету
порядка. Но я думал бог-отец это порядок, а бог-сын это бунт
против порядка. Да потому что порядок бога-отца не от мира сего,
сатанинский по сути, поперёк естеству, страхом и болью карает он
врагов своих. В то время как Иисус проповедовал Любовь.
запуган запукан (это откуда-то из
поэтической волны, но это вполне может быть этимологией (тот кто
пукает пугает, человек боится что гость обосрался (не ну а чо,
прикинь какими дикими были манеры до изобретения культуры.
язык-то и у животных есть))
the form cado gets in deciduous allows me to declare падай и
садись не только вариантами разговорным и нормативным, но и
дублетами, и там и триплет, и катрлепт и пентант (sounds like
педант, энд иц ту зы пойнт. пентет напоминает паштет, что не в
тему) so we need the common term. and the common term is acognates
(неузнанные. и позволяет рисовать другие уровние: bcognates for
russian and ukrainian morphemes. ccognates for russian-english
cognates, dcognates for russian-hebrew morphemes (but this is only
so in the current taxonomy, my guess is hebrew is much closer to
russian in the в (english in is much more deviant from
russian-hebrew ccognzte. a b c makes sense because соромно от
срамно с большей вероятностью исторический этимологизм, чем
соромно и sorry, которые больше похожи на когнату, если смотреть с
украинского, нежели с русского.
еврейский суффикс им скорей всего когната с русским местоимением
им, потому что это местоимение множественного числа (а им в иврите
это суффикс множественного числа) и третьего лица, впрочем это уже
..но впрочем тоже, очень подходящее местоимение, чтоб стать
глагольным суффиксом. дать им = датим (даём? но в ём это м от мы.
мы и им как антонимы! первое и третье лицо. И видимо он это
носовое о, и это м of Oм
of = об = около = о
круг это крюк (по дороге сделать круг = сделать крюк)
а если эти = - в математике из химии? или в химии из математики?
= двойная химическая связь, прочная
- одинарная химическая связь, отнимаемая? отнимающая? совершающая
или лучше - водородная, а = ионная.
hydrogen bonding, interaction involving a hydrogen
atom located between a pair of other atoms having a high
affinity for electrons; such a bond is weaker than an ionic bond
or covalent bond but stronger than van der Waals forces.
кукушку когда научили спрашивать сколько жить осталось, я не
останавливался когда она останавливалась, а спрашивал "а дальше?"
и она продолжала куковать и я продолжал считать. Это учит детей
считать? Это даёт надежду, что
ку подобно собачьему гав (тоже бессмысленное, тоже похоже что
автоматическое, но я так самонадеянно говорю, что бессмысленное,
когда они
Evacuation is опорожнение (vacuum = пустота) и это действительно
основное значение, жееесть
г ~ r also because r in russian looks like p (even in cursive
russian р[r] looks like english p[p]
and russian cursive г looks like the second part of those p's:
there's no proper (even latin) cursive in unicode, but then
fraktur can tell few stories:
is 𝔶 drawing a link between y and ŋ?
is 𝔳 a form of 𝔬 as ו is?
here I has screenshot of how it's in the firefox, because the k of
theirs is very interesting, and though I have spoken about it
before, I must return to it to tell how that k looks like modified
in seamonkey fonts nothing of this kind can be seen:
just in case, here's it's in unicode and plain text for you to
play it with (maybe in your browser it's depicted in some other
here's an example showing how that 𝔨 works:
f is dashed s, not t!!!! and yes it resonates to the ams~amt thing
it was abc, d is ck
(dick did? fucked)
I use images like the following one
(somebody made a comparison) as raw ore
Both fraktur and cursive exposes the actual nature of a and a.
In fraktur u is n upside down, and in cursive u is n̆.
and that makes their u remind й, but now N is И and is a spelling
of N, and thus english N is russian И
their variant is much more nasal. And it reminds me that юсы ~
йотированные гласные? но какое отношение нос имеет к этому. Н и
есть нос, а ОС это греческий суффикс, типа латинского ус.
Ус is moustache (I believe moustaches to be simple sentences with
us the ус. like my уст laces (ус=уст? уста от слова есть? mouth
mes (мышь точит, mouse=mouth, yes it is why we dislike mice:
because they steal our food. those retarded animals decided to be
parasites. рты и людей сжирают? земля питается такими ртами? они и
есть земля? одни из многих представителей, как разные типы клеток
в человеческом организме, так и биосферу можно рассматривать как
совокупность клеток в виде отдельных ососбей и органов в виде
популяций, )
Cursive S looks like 6, isn't it lovely. And yess, I take it as S
standing for S56 (5 or 6)
because 7 looks like T? no, it looks like Г and then I recall that
ᛚ stands for l, and T is indeed ᛐ
T as ᛐ is more likely to be 1, because ᛒ is 2
maybe that is how it was for some time, and gave birth to eastern
syllabic sequences,
S looking like 6 also resembles hebrew cursive shin
thus when they're all in one screen I can see more clearly:
interesting that the ,,and I thought for a while, and I had
nothing to day say, I have to
ponder on it for awhile, these forms could be arbitrary.. could
they? The german territories are top-notch civilization, they are
literate since antiquity or maybe even from prehistoric times.
Which is weird, for no such thing as prehistoric times is, but
then I could use the term to the historically accepted history of
writing. And I do not challenge the official narrative in this
one, I do though in the booklet and somewhere in these drafts in
previous volumes.
What I find interesting is that european cursive mostly goes
counter-clockwise, but it didn't harm their ability to prosper,
while arabic going from right to left draw their handwriting
clockwise, but it didn't haelp them either.
Fraktur confuses me as is it even authentic and not arbitrary? But
some mighty artists have derived it. I will return to it later (S
in cursive may be explained by the fraktur. A also
correlates. And it's funny that it reminds U. Yet what has caught
my attention is idea of cursive in other languages:
It was a good year for common sense. In 1875,
Denmark changed handwriting models, replacing blackletter
cursive by copperplate. This extended to its Icelandic dominion,
where copybooks and model sheets in the new style were in short
supply. Eight years later, a much needed handwriting manual by
Benedikt Gröndal was published. The old style and the new are
similar in appearance but have different letterforms.
The upper of these samples is blackletter cursive. The lower is
copperplate. Both were written with a pointed pen. The two
styles look alike at first glance, although most of the
letterforms are different. From Almanak Hins íslenzka
þjóðvinafélags, Copenhagen 1877.
The new version didn't have C! ABD! As in runes! that letter after
z is þ (not ϸ, if I used it instead of þ
somewhere, excusez)
They also didn't have Q, probably to compensate the lack of C and
still to arrange into axial symmetry, with all those variants
(variants of E, are they the same letter or two separate ones?
Like variants of s in minuscule cursive stand across the single S.
those examples of icelandic (actually dannish) cursive is from the
book with such ISBN:
(I acquired an isbn form my book, but
because it mentiones religious subjects, it is not wearing a
barcode, but technically isbn is the number compatible with
barcode, so I have it but without those additional 666. And I
wonder what does the 50000 stand for (it's too large to be a
number of copies, and I wonder if the barcode below 50000 denotes
50000, yet no repeating pattern which could go for 0, so do they
use some other numeral system or is it completely not related?
And why I brought it here is the illusion of colours which some
gaps give me, I think I've shown you the disks of black and white
deca ~ deci (deca is 10, deci is 10th)
ся сей (не внушает больших надежд на различие в слогах, но в то же
время говорит что три материи, а гласные лишь падежные окончания,
придающие доп смыслы (не дека, но деки (десятая) не дека, но
деси (с is both s and k, and that is how ancient pronounciation
was, savage))
Those codes being compatible with ISBN made me think of what could
it mean, and I know that it's international book number, but what
could S stand for, and the context insisted that it's satanic, but
then I recognized it as standard, and it made me think that stan
is satan. and standard is satan's art (indeed formalization is the
opposite of art, and if this world is in the hands of Satan, the
governmental structure is genuinely satanic, and thus the Son of
Man (сын мужика)
standart where satan is stan makes det
svenska namnet sataniskt
satanist and sataniskt sound exactly the same (exactly!) yet the
first is satanist, and the second's satanic
relates satan to stone, and indeed the opposite of the living
matter is mineral, but then we can see that
they're essentially the feeding substrate (being dissolved into
soil, or somehow being enough for mos, which is satisfied with
some water and some sun. so water is the opposite of stone, and
water is the substrate, so it could seem to the ancient people
but now we know, that water is only medium, what it brings
matter more, but then it is also the medium within cells, so
water is life is not that much of an exaggeration. Where there's
water, there must be life as well (whether in form of animals
coming to drink, or of planets afar, but they couldn't know it,
but their ancient wisdom dictates it to be the case and we're
yet to debunk it (bunk in debunk is probably bank, so debunk is
the opposite of "take it to the bank" (did they make bets in
banks? to ensure the loser pays what he gains, they could place
both bets in the bankcell, and the condition of the sum given
back would be the condition, that the person should bet the
winner of the debt, or that they both should have come to bank,
and to agree on who's the winner))
and banks could do it for free, because in some special cases
they could keep the money (if one of the parlay (also simply
lay, bet, betting, wager (пари is money in makedonian (yep,
makedonian is a slavic language))) group died before the
collecting, for example)
And paleohispanics used to use elements very similar to runic
tradition: dots between words (or are they punctuation marks?) and
lines drawn for writing, I think latin texts didn't have it, but I
could be wrong, but I effortlessly googled and it comes that
ancient traditions didn't use lines between the lines (as we don't
have them now, because we dont' need them, but notebooks for
schoolboys all have them)
I can only guess why most of the text is strokethrough, it could
be a long letter, edited to leave only name and "goodbye" or
something, but as I said it's just a guess.
And the similarity goes deeper: here's clearly paleohispanic, and
it goes in snakey way, which I only saw in runic texts, where it's
rampantly so:
those two images link to a weird page calling translating
Écritures_paléo-hispaniques as Палео-латиноамериканские писания,
which is some new form of comedy created by ai-translator
unintentionally, I guess again, but it does seems so. Only I think
northern runic snakes began at the bottom of the text, and here we
can clearly see that it starts at the top right corner and goes
left, which is a surprise, I thought paleohispanic went left to
right. But I was only half-right:
Письменность делилась на две крупных ветви:
южная (надписи в основном справа налево на
тартессийском и иберском языках); устаревшие названия —
турдетанское, бастуло-турдетанское письмо (не следует путать с
«турдетанским письмом» — тартессийской разновидностью ливийского
письма, известной по надписям на монетах)
северная (надписи слева направо на иберском
and the paleohispanic I have shown in vol.7 without having much to
tell about it, now I adore how they began it with LMN (is it a
whim of the researcher or does it go deeper than that? the fact
that it's not exactly LMN, but lmm̄ and only then n, makes me
believe that it's genuine, though I could be
and the way it starts with the AɅ'like
shape and goes on straight to labials, and the way that first M
reminds ᛘ makes me come, and the second M reminds V, the same ᛘ,
and the other shape identical to ᚴ maybe holds the key to k
standing at the M's place.
And then ti reminds ᛉ [z, s] (notice that it's not ᛘ and hispanics
seem to distinguish between the too better, which makes me think
that runes are derived from paleohispanics, which derives from
some other syllabaries. we yet to discover the further past, I
know only geographically distant syllabaries like old-persian
cuneiform, but there must have existed some shapes in between, I
suspect some proto-tifinagh, looking at the paleohispanic te/de
shapes. and ku/gu, and pu (as if for пуф) reminds ancient egyptian
p the 𓊪 (and some other noticable elements (interesting vowel
shapes) I spoke before, I will have to have these pieces sorted,
so I can have plenty of books: a book on paleohispanic, a book on
rainbow, a book on politics, a book on whatever other topic I can
pull out of it, plenty of subjects, and plenty of books on each
subject can appear of here)
holds ~ has
The way that table keeps the BCD order is fascinating, and Tu
being the final letter is great and it also being Du and looking
like Δ (and with that central stroke it can be seen as T too, as a
mushroom. The last food you should resort to? Death of mushrooms
was? танец/dance as well, some mushrooms are better than the
other, so that dancing shrooms are ta/dah!)
And then that tu/du syllable looking as egyptian pyramid makes me
think of it as of a burial hill, and makes me suspect the origin
of this thing in Egypt, and then I was looking for 𓃀 and one form
of pa/ba does look like legs. Are ti/di arms? or is M arms, as in
And if the other M is also manus, then L-shape must be legs. And
it would justify it's initial position in the light of 𓃀 (as
humans master walking before they master working)
I noticed that HI is another inverse sequence of H being 2 and I
being 1, and this sequence is next to 321 of EFГ. And four letters
before it made me think: is D 1? it doesn't make much sense. is С
2? Г was 1 just before, so it makes even less of a sense. is B 3?
it does look like staved 3. is A 4? and A does look like 4. hm..
and it all begins with I, aye.
B being the first letter in sacred texts cannot be adequately
translated into english: in there it's I, aye.
But then the first ..let's call it "large word" begins with b.
IEAOU sequence (it's from the booklet, I'm not sure I gave it
here, it's aboth about AEIOU being
EIOUA or IEOUA in judaism, and that from there just one step to
descending pentatonica or IEAOU) combined with that B being the
first consonant gives me
Bi as the firs syllable. And it fits for Big. then the opposite is
Bely Terny? Back Ta...? Boy Corl? Bu.. Tu..? nah, probably not.
In being the first word is more fundamental as german Im
And it's suspicious and very interesting that g.translator doesn't
offer me im, but only in, bei, auf, mit, zu, seit, but I know
there's im in german,
and it is interesting that einstürzende can be split into einstürz
and ende, because thus that ende is into and ing-ending too, and
that ing-ending is recognized as "in the" and to~the because both
are te in dutch. but it's not the
einstürzende neubauten I used to adore, I thought it was
in the next song, but it's am, even more interesting, am~im, huh,
the first letters, hm..
And it's natural that I thought it was im, because it's not in the
title, and it shows how arbitrary the vowels are. And if there's one thing to hate nick cave for
(other than promoting heroin and having name similar to nick
cage) it's that he spoilt Blixa, Bargeld used to be awesome, not
anymore. I should look deeper into FM Einheit's art. And though
blume is a great thing, he had to keep it for his solo (it alone
would make his solo performances a hit, it would not be compared
to his other work. And he would do it truer if he was allowed
all the artistic freedom (the departure of two of his best men
definitely fucked him up. too much ego makes you ugly, and so,
it was a turn astray, and honestly even though I enjoyed Tabula
Rasa, it was wrong even there, and the first track was
embarassingly annoying even then. I now I cannot listen even to
their old material, because lots of how much of retarded normie
shit is in there. I tried to listen to haus der luge, and the
first track made me hate the blixa's vocals. But Halber Mensch
is all great, you should check the whole thing that previous
video is from, it's all awesome, and I think the next album is
also good, and I never listened to it, doing it now.
And now I recall that экзотика about nick cave (see, soloist,
and the badseeds (as if he is the good one)) was shown on
russian (or still soviet) television for three or more times in
a row, because authors left when free television in russia, and
thus perestroika, collapsed.
but then I look in reverse, and it translates im as "in the" and
there I can see my am, and ins (as if the merged in the into
one ins. I do have to know german, like wtf, it's even
embarrassing at this point)
Aorta begins interestingly, unusually, so I separate that vowel
dyphthong from rta and it made perfect sense: in russian рта[rta]
is genetivus of mouth (of mouth, that of becomes -а) and mouth is
рот[rot] and rot in english is гнить[gnitt] in russian, which
could be related to гниды и гады, но я это только счейчас заметил,
а до этого смысл был в том, что кишка называлась рот, и была
гогнатой слова root (bloody root indeed this time)
И я всегда хотел знать почему сердца черви. И вот это пришло и
стало понятней, но что это значит? аорта была словом, обозначающим
сердце? сначала я думал что ао = eu (real, true, good) which
separated aorta (aorteria) from gut (root from gut, g is г (г is
for говно, as russians probably mocked the reformers who placed G
from the 6th (or 5th?) position (6th! G ~SC
~ S, second row is fricatives (and in short hand twig it's only
4321 321 21 of ABCD EFГ HI and something tells me (that г thing)
that there's a reason Г doesn't look like 3 (or is it three dots?)
Г is great 2, two strokes, people draw not with dots. D is one as
ᚦ and ᛒ is 2, then ᛆ is 1, as it looks. What? it only tells ᛆ was
added later, when one was conceptualized, chances are numbers
began at B and A was added later (or is B 3 and A 4? That could be
addition of those who conceptualized the 4th matter, and before
there was only two! because graphically ᛆ is not of the same deck
as ᚦ and ᛒ, who thus explain graphic similarities between A and Д,
a and d, maybe even 𐲁 and g, which then remind me of
similarity between 𐤀 and K, is it the same A/Д thing? (is it ад
when you don't know А from Д,) even a Q, a q, so
is it the same a~d thing for c is staveless d. Ди, джи, какая
разница в самом деле (но фонетически они as far as could be)))
Что приводит нас к следующему вопросу: кашель первый голос? зверь
выдаёт себя голосом, и кашель непроизволен. ка это жизненная сила
в древнеегипетском. ki, ци. qi (ki romaji,
ци русский, qi english)
They probably speak of japanese. Because in chinese it is
simplified to 气, which is pretty much back to the roots (if we can
trust sinology, but see, this cynicism, this revolutionary spirit
is what may make people think I'm insane. How dare I actually,
don't break all the beliefs, let people hang onto something. But
see, this is how common people are different form scientists. Good
scientists want to come to the very root of the being, they want
to see everything for what it is. But isn't seein believing? Inner
see, yes)
belly is belly because navel is a bell button, and so it is belly
button (not пуп, but пупок)
near ~ nigher
🜂 B D
it maybe not clear what I had in mind there, here's that shape of
Ж I had in mind:
though with Х they went too far, no russian would actually
recognize it, but as for Ж, that wouldn't be mistaken for anything
else. it's as if Ж is a double Ш, just as B is double P, as ...I
think I had more examples of doubling denoting voiced variants of
voiceless single ones. W could be double V along these lines, if V
is read as f as it often is in german, for example. And here
that Ж is not only double Ш, but also double H, if that H is read
as Ш, which it could (adn it does in some languages I do not
(the becomes he in hebrew, and probably in many languages in
some mighty words I used in correspondance: aeon of abundance
aeon reminds aeiou too much to be a coincidence (as if that order
may change, but it will take a whole epoch.
abundance reminds ab and d (d is for dance, and let's collect the
magic words for each letter)
bibimus cantato tanz
очень весело живём: пьём танцуем и поём
пьём поём подъём
three out of four verbs I took were latin, and of course it is
latin! Latin was the language of the prechristian empire, surely
they have to keep the record of the previous civilization. I hope
so, either way it whether does or not, but we have to entertain
this possibility first.
and here we can see, that the most translations of dance start
with s or t, which correlates that tanzen (and even dance) thing.
lsd trip as short form of trapudio?
saltare is another form of "to dance" not present here. so except
ballo and other complex form they all are of s or of t (are they
the last consonant, because делу время потехе час?)
potito is cognate to russian пить [pitt]
so I can see two main forms: bibo and poto, adbibo, abbibo,
praebibo, perpoto are their variants, and other few words are
probably figurative or something.
dies is days in latin. as if some doctor gives somebody "days" he
also tells that he "dies"
Uyghurs is read as wiggers in english (in
russian it's uygurs with long u and short y)
спокоен ~ с покоем?
безумен ~ без умем? без ума?
красен ~ красим? (покраснел покрылся краской?)
бледен ~ бледим? бредим? болен?
беден ~ без денег? (это прекрасно, даже если этимология ина,
это прекрасно (и ина (краткая форма слова иная) это тоже
прекрасно) и кажется даже верно: без
денге → бед → bad
Что значит НЯК? в бедняк? подобные слова есть у японцев: нин,
дзин, ша, джа, и тому подобные
В субкультуре, в которой это слово имеет значение, НЯКА означает
something nice, и
per se ~ само
по себе ~ by itself
per ~ by? orthography can be at hand: bij → i = ɪ = ا, j = r
(I typoed r as u, yeah, right finger wanted to type the r, and it
types l instead. I should invent a keyboard better than queerty. d
п, d, r would be under the right palm
л, s, l would be under the left palm
энд пdr/л, l, s would look better, and I notice how s is
next to r, but it's also to the right from the r. unless abecedary
went right to left! and sure I must work more with hebrew (I throw
away "of course" because it reminds word curse, так что то оф кос
"поклясться готов"
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש
ת ך ם 𐡌 ן ףץ בּ
צד ימין [цад иамин] side right
צד שמאל [цад смол] side left
this doesn't make sense in axial symmetry, since י is vowel (and
how gloriously obviously vowel it is in the word ימין (it is read
as иамин, энд ин зы когнтекст (текст имеет крутые суффиксы: т который ed, x
[ks] kotory ix (lural in french pronouns and I thought I knew an
example in english, but only dominatrix comes to my mind, and
here it's a suffix of female gender (feminizing suffix?) ))ивин эс диамин) and thus vowel i is
syllabilized by a, not shown here, which стопитьсоткив
энд ин зыс representation י does stand at the right side, and ש is
at the leftmost corner, and it tells once again that sefer
yetzirah could be right at this one, ש is the final letter. and
final of three it's the third. And thus it looks. thus M double Λ
(and ש triple Λ?) in the context of Λ looking like Ʌ the A, fire
and air was the same?
because it also stands in front of M,
and it makes me think what if י was the first letter, tens begin
with it, before were all the digits, the девятеричная система в и
с идут одна за другой в ABC (а~8? I would rather believe B is 78)
сорок ~ сова? sowl? either s or l. сойка как любая птица? сойка стойка? если бы я знал птичьи повадки, я
бы мог сказать да или вообще ни а чом. сойка стайка? но совы не стайные животные, и
стаи это про зверей. перестать ли гадать?
так ка же тогда угадывать!
after ofcourse it's time of because to go (because because could
be be curse (буду клясться, ещё более простое и тупое слово, чем
офкос. би древнее офа? ай ууд билив ит, бат иц насин бат билив
одев some garlic amulet on my neck, I thought омулет омыляет?
DM is Dave and Martin now. DJew and
Damme and Mister? Daddy or Mommy? see,
georgian is not the only one which is strange in this account.
But then I can see, that the roots of those words are d and s,
which is just a notch less weird, but weird nevertheless:
Mesdames et Messieurs
technically ew in jew and eu is ю йю? what a bold and arrogant
йю of иудей, энд eu of еврей
еврей is as if eu-rei (true tzar (that Je5us is King
иудей, но иудеи (словно долгая форма буквы и является
множественным числом краткой (так и называемой и-краткое (и бревис
над и в латинском осзнаячал именно краткость гласной.
долгие и гласные - два типа гласных в латинском, что делает число
их гласных равным десяти, что совпадает с числом гласных в
русском: а её и о у ъыь эюя
эюя звучит как люблюя, о ужасный русские, блюя, россия и должна
быть рушена, ибо кто-то любит блевать на газон, так пусть
переезжают и живут там где уже насрано.
И перекатывая это а её и о у (ы) эюя (but then ы~y (both in
duality of y=ij and it transliterating ы sometimes.
"её я" имеет смысл. И перекатывая это а её и о у(y) еёя
её ~ эю (in ukrainian e is є, ю is literally ɪo, and ё [jo])
and I can see, that the а её и о у (ы) эюя is meaningless, but
once I think so, I immediately find a counterargumentive example,
once I remove a:
её и вон ту
и её - я.
starting sentence with A is like starting sentence with B: too
and to my surprise, unicode goes in moscovite order, it will be
interesting to historians when russia is gone, but ukraine will
probably adapt russian unicode, because half of their country
speak russian, and part speaks Ukrainian. I know that satans play
on both ends of babylon, but what can I do, I try to communicate
with it as little as possible. But then I have some socio-economic
interactions. And they're the key. What you want is at the
opposite side of the ..of your fear. And is it a backdoor to the
dark side of the power?
so the unicode goes like this, and to their credit, they start it
with the national variants, and it's 16, for 15 republics (but
those variants are for autoniomus republics too. They would
probably integrate W when germany joined the slavic brotherhood of
soviet retards)
а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я
ѐ ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ њ ћ ќ ѝ ў џ
I laugh = I love
eternal bliss, happy immortality
блаженство познания. ignorance is bliss can be understood ass
money is product.
field is feeled (thus renamed as felt)
and looking how the coulours I chose for my site is present in
some other cool resources, I awed in front of google's solution.
It's rainbowish and goes in the simple colours, and yellow always
separates red from green. And relations of red and blue is дуже
цикаво too: in M it even makes it the place of glue on the
Those M's do look like envelopes. Do they preserve the knowledge
of M being the envelope. M is for Mail! is P for Pale? is O
for Owl? oh yea. B for Bowl. C for Coal. D for Dole? E fore Ewl?
No such word in english, but g-t(google-rtranslator)
gave away l-ewwel in maltese, and that language I probably never
heard of is the official language of Malta, and it is semitic. Yet
they use latin script. And it is next to Sicily. The very centre
of the Mediterranian, and nobody heard of that.
Maltese (Maltese: Malti, also L-Ilsien Malti or
Il-Lingwa Maltija), is a Semitic language derived from late
medieval Sicilian Arabic with Romance superstrata spoken by the
Maltese people. It is the national language of Malta[2] and the
only official Semitic and Afro-Asiatic language of the European
Union. Maltese is a latinised variety of spoken historical
Arabic through its descent from Siculo-Arabic, which developed
as a Maghrebi Arabic dialect in the Emirate of Sicily between
831 and 1091.[3] As a result of the Norman invasion of Malta and
the subsequent re-Christianisation of the islands, Maltese
evolved independently of Classical Arabic in a gradual process
of latinisation.[4][5] It is therefore exceptional as a variety
of historical Arabic that has no diglossic relationship with
Classical or Modern Standard Arabic.[6] Maltese is thus
classified separately from the 30 varieties constituting the
modern Arabic macrolanguage.[7] Maltese is also distinguished
from Arabic and other Semitic languages since its morphology has
been deeply influenced by Romance languages, namely Italian and
The original Arabic base comprises around one-third of the
Maltese vocabulary, especially words that denote basic ideas and
the function words,[9] but about half of the vocabulary is
derived from standard Italian and Sicilian;[10] and English
words make up between 6% and 20% of the vocabulary.[11] A 2016
study shows that, in terms of basic everyday language, speakers
of Maltese are able to understand around a third of what is said
to them in Tunisian Arabic,[12] which is a Maghrebi Arabic
related to Siculo-Arabic,[13] whereas speakers of Tunisian
Arabic are able to understand about 40% of what is said to them
in Maltese.[14] This reported level of asymmetric
intelligibility is considerably lower than the mutual
intelligibility found between other varieties of Arabic.[15]
Some itnteresting statistics in the aspects of russian and english
understood in eu:
are they the 5% who know russian as a foreign language?
I think I will collect examples of 5% to compare them an maybe to
acquire some traits I currently don't have (in this particular
case I would be in the other 1%, but then again I'm in the 5% of
my personal league.
Оказывается, «в той или иной степени» с английским
языком знакомы 63% россиян, и только 5% разговаривают на нём
and the list goes on..
..simingly to some absurd point, caused by flukes:
Согласно Всероссийской переписи населения 2002
года, югским языком владело 134 человека, но полевые
исследования, проводившиеся в начале 1980-х, показали, что тогда
югским языком владело 2 человека, а обследование В. П.
Кривоногова в 1992 году выявило, что уже к тому времени
носителей языка не осталось[2]. По переписи населения 2010 года,
югским языком владел всего 1 человек[1].
Язык был распространён на территории от города Енисейска на юге
до села Ворогова на севере. Часть югов проживала в прошлом в
верховье Кети (правого притока Оби). В настоящее время
сохранилось лишь несколько семей югов в селе Ярцево и селе
Ворогово на Енисее, которые родным языком уже не пользуются.
or freaks.. that 1 across a multitude of languages could be caused
by a freak demanding переписчицу перечислить все языки, которые он
якобы знает. So statistics is a science of large quantities, at
individual level it doesn't make any sense. Those were all
self-reported. Next time ai speaking all those languages should
take the survey. Also many people ignored the перепись, so how
many people there are - who knows.
The last in line is Baraba dialect, which is reported to be spoken
by only 8 people, while in 1979 there were 8000.
some dialect of tatars now probably reported as pantatar, because
Baraba Tatar is spoken mainly in the Novosibirsk
Oblast in Russia. Standard Volga–Ural Tatar is taught at local
Tatar schools.
Differences in languages are the immediate root of international
maltese bla ebda għażla is incredibly
root rude in russian.
ий=он ии=они (in old-russian. christians came to destroy the
previous culture, yet they have preserved the language of that
stage, and that language did preserve the idea of three mothers in
the suffixes and their cases (were there only 3 падежа?) ий им их?
иЪ иМ иХ? (х~ш, as ich is read like их in Berlin and like ищ in
München (that ch also reminds щ, so soft that h is. and is h~Ь the
ий окончание прилагательных, и в сущности то же самое он
bely=blon as in blonde?!
bury = brown!!!
back to that red yellow green blue thing, I thought about painting
C into yellow, to be more like G, but then I think that yellow is
the weak part of the google imagery. But then maybe they have all
the geld because of that gelle geelNL
geld is geeled
золото ~ жёлто
z ~ ж (ж is żPO, žCZ
and zh)
науськивать (на ушко (ус~ух? на уши усы закидывали? не, скорей
всего уста как и уши отверсты как устья))
гласность от слова glass (прозрачность)
И эта этимология прекрасна, даже если мы знаем, что гласность от
слова голос. Потому что glass is голос: оно звенит визгом когда
разрывапется, и оно музыкально: покалы разрываются от сильного
звука на их частоте, а игра на стеклянной арфе (для которой даже
русской вики нет в 2022) и позже на стеклянной гармонике (это в
россии хотя бы слышали, но не видели (стеклянную афру видели, но
знали как называется)) которая
Стеклянная гармоника известна в Европе с середины
XVII века. Тогда играли на тридцати-сорока стаканах, прикасаясь
к краям которых, исполнитель извлекал такие лёгкие, неземные
звуки, будто на землю падают стеклянные шарики. В 1744 году
ирландец Ричард Пакрич совершил триумфальное турне по всей
Англии с новым, усовершенствованным инструментом, который он
назвал «серафим» или «музыкальные стаканчики». Успех был так
велик, что уже через пару лет в Лондоне выступил солистом на
этом инструменте Кристоф-Виллибальд Глюк. Он исполнил «концерт
на двадцати шести стаканчиках, настроенных вешней водой».
The glass harmonica, also known as the glass armonica, glass
harmonium, bowl organ, hydrocrystalophone, or simply the
armonica or harmonica (derived from ἁρμονία, harmonia, the Greek
word for harmony),[1][2] is a type of musical instrument that
uses a series of glass bowls or goblets graduated in size to
produce musical tones by means of friction (instruments of this
type are known as friction idiophones). It was invented in 1761
by Benjamin Franklin.
reading russian wiki we may think that glass harp was
invented only three centuries ago. Is it how we taught or is it
how we're made think? Is Fomenkoism caused by this conspiracy
making our history (the human history) seem short, for
subjugation. One who feels himself a representative of a
civilization millenias old, he would hold himself higher than
somebody who felt his civilization to be one millenium old with
little to no information about what happened in the first half of
that one millenium.
And only now have I understood the meaning of this image:
1492 Italian illustration of a person playing a
glass harp
only according to the image it's not some person, but Pythagoras
what is iv bal, ivbal, iubal, iu bal,
What a wonderful image:gives the story we know (Pythagoras heard
harmony in hammers of a forgery and created a musical mode we know
as pyhagorean on the basis of that discovery) and also gives
numeral information about the system and shows few examples of it
and few exacmples of spellings of the name.
He probably was the producer of those hammers, so he knew how much
each weighed.
is it something 9-like instead of 10? is it
some special symbol for some special number, or is it 9 by some
incomprehensible fluke?
According to legend,
Pythagoras discovered the foundations of musical tuning by
listening to the sounds of four blacksmith's hammers, which
produced consonance and dissonance when they were struck
simultaneously. According to Nicomachus in his 2nd century CE
Enchiridion harmonices [1] Pythagoras noticed that hammer A
produced consonance with hammer B when they were struck
together, and hammer C produced consonance with hammer A, but
hammers B and C produced dissonance with each other. Hammer D
produced such perfect consonance with hammer A that they
seemed to be "singing" the same note. Pythagoras rushed into
the blacksmith shop to discover why, and found that the
explanation was in the weight ratios. The hammers
weighed 12, 9, 8, and 6 pounds respectively. Hammers A and D
were in a ratio of 2:1, which is the ratio of the octave.
Hammers B and C weighed 8 and 9 pounds. Their ratios with hammer
D were (12:8 = 3:2 = perfect fifth) and (12:9 = 4:3 = perfect
fourth). The space between B and C is a ratio of 9:8, which is
equal to the musical whole tone, or whole step interval
In Western music theory, a major second
(sometimes also called whole tone or a whole step) is a second
spanning two semitones (Play (help·info)). A second is a
musical interval encompassing two adjacent staff positions
(see Interval number for more details). For example, the
interval from C to D is a major second, as the note D lies two
semitones above C, and the two notes are notated on adjacent
staff positions. Diminished, minor and augmented seconds are
notated on adjacent staff positions as well, but consist of a
different number of semitones (zero, one, and three).
The intervals from the tonic (keynote) in
an upward direction to the second, to the third, to the sixth,
and to the seventh scale degrees (of a major scale are called
The major second is the interval that occurs between the first
and second degrees of a major scale, the tonic and the
supertonic. On a musical keyboard, a major second is the
interval between two keys separated by one key, counting white
and black keys alike. On a guitar string, it is the interval
separated by two frets. In moveable-do solfège, it is the
interval between do and re. It is considered a melodic step,
as opposed to larger intervals called skips.
Intervals composed of two semitones, such as the major second
and the diminished third, are also called tones, whole tones,
or whole steps.[3][4][5][6][7][8] In just intonation,
major seconds can occur in at least two different frequency
ratios:[9] 9:8 (about 203.9 cents)
and 10:9 (about 182.4 cents). The largest (9:8) ones are called
major tones or greater tones, the smallest (10:9) are called
minor tones or lesser tones. Their size differs by exactly one
syntonic comma (81:80, or about 21.5 cents). Some equal
temperaments, such as 15-ET and 22-ET, also distinguish between
a greater and a lesser tone.
Yule is Ель (это календарь (и ещё один
marble to the bowl of oghamic antiquity anticiety antienticity
authenthiecy, but then I see that oghamic wheel doesn't have
yule, and even if fearn is fir, it's not in the winter) and
I found the system of which yule is a part of
Litha is cognate of лето, and I never heard of it.
And I like that this image is rotating this wheel to the right a
little, but then it shows me that the wheel is rotating
counter-clockwise. And isn't it cause of dismay ot goyim? Should
we go to the left? But it takes the left hand. And is left hand
lucky? Only in left-handed people. Are goyim taught to be
right-handed? I was forced to be right-handed, when I dared to try
to use another hand for writing when my right hand got sore.
Western calendar is closer to the astronomic observations, and it
could be the reason why they're closer to the core.
We may make an experiment by reforming russian calendar in such a
manner than europeans want to follow.
Hollywood is древесина падуба, the yule could be derived from it
too: holly is ilex in latin, could be borrowed from the previous
name of holly, or it could be some common tradition with cognates.
(this botanic lore is quite a rabbithole, I will explore it in
detail, because druidic knowledge is the key, and how could I
knever know of holly! it's really incredible, because hollywood is
in my face)
The Auraicept is one of the three main sources of
the manuscript tradition about Ogham, the others being In Lebor
Ogaim and De dúilib feda na forfed. A copy of In Lebor Ogaim
immediately precedes the Auraincept in the Book of Ballymote,
but instead of the Bríatharogam Con Culainn given in other
copies, there follows a variety of other "secret" modes of
ogham. The Younger Futhark are also included, as ogam
lochlannach "ogham of the Norsemen".
lochlannach is of land of lakes?
eyes are like e in e, bpothe e's look the same direction. is
Y nose? then norsk shape ᛸ is more to the point? it is the opening
of aicme or oghme tecst, is c cavity, are G and E standing for
R is a plural form of S (are is the plural form of is, were is the
plural form of was)
vwls r rdndnt, nd vclssnss (is it why vocal is not english word? s
t wh vcl s nt nglsh wrd?) s ls rbtrr, lts hv nl vclss nd snrs.
let's have text with only sonors and voiceless. sonors are
Lucht (sky in the netherlands, netherlands cloud deutch for me
(dutch not deutsch, laat niet duits magelijk dutch
Luft is air in german. And it is a great candidacy to have LMN
being elements in deutsch for example.
but alas, no fire for N: licht is fire in the sense of light and
it reminds me of lucht, is loch of lake the water, and then it's i
o and u for air is behind being discovered later.
i fire (licht)
o water (loch)
в норманских языках ближайшее к lake is lakverf (verf is pier (I
know it from russian, верфь is pier)
(there are some semantic differences between верфь и причал (in
russian верфь is док, блин, это сложно, грязь, серость, скрой с
глаз долой)
Lucht Meer Nigger(there's no N-words for fire, but many words are
with V, both are waterlike fricatives, is it the differences?
Sonor is more deep, Fire is at the surface. Both V and F are what?
They're labials. They're yin/yang/
Beer as the combination of both? or is it
Meer pronounced poorly? Either way огненная вода is alcool
does hel become hemel if me is in the middle of it? Some
matriarchal belief these words were created in or by.
and the somewhat inversions of one another:
hey, russky, do you know why F is not one of your letters?
f as digamma.. was it replaced not to make BD and FГ system
is it fishflood? is it fishflow? is it cashflow? if f double c
indeed? double h, double ᚢ? w~f (both are vav)
африка абрека
But what is that weird word, ابتثجح, but then it is not more weird
than abcd (instead of abc) well, maybe more weird by a couple of
simbols, but I suppose they worked out of size, so a line of
arabic text is 1.5 times more effective than those alphabets, but
on the other hand it's 1.5 times more difficult to read the same
ammount of text. Or they only look at dots?
And that uw thing ..oh, it wasn't here, it was in the notebook
full of doors, dutch word uw makes me think that uw xyz could
if the v is v or f is not always clear in speech, so my guess is
that all letters used to be voiced, and their voiceless variants
are only later recognized as special shapes?
ABGD ~ Abe Бог God, ах боже да
EVJZ ~ явись (в языках отличных от надсат.. and suddenly.. did
Burgess expected us to transliterate it as нацат (патамушта пацан,
нациками наверное ему казались мы, мы более бесцеремонны, а в
совке люди вообще не стеснялись, то ли компенсируя навязываемый с
центральных каналов интернационализм (но запрещая культуру многих
зарубежных народов, да и внутрирубежных народов подавляя тоже, да,
совок это ад, в сравнении с которым этот мир кажется раем) то ли
просто будучи неотёсанной деревенщиной городских нарративов не
I M N.. и меня.. (и мне..) L (love, immanuil (or is it "all"?))
о боже да
(пел я повторяя это как мантру, это самое чёткое алфавитное
I M N L is it elements? ts is ц of san as seen in
greek and hebrew
о боже да (а ба же та (as in отец и тятя))
е v ж з (ев жизь)
элементс (но элементс не подходят по ритму, потому я пел имануил,
пытаяс и остальные под эту форму подбить, но это сырое as it
comes, so I don't have to haste it)
but I god distrcted.. that uw thing:
In Europe languages with ⟨w⟩ in native words are
in a central-western European zone between Cornwall and
Poland: English, German, Low German, Dutch, Frisian, Welsh,
Cornish, Breton, Walloon, Polish, Kashubian, Sorbian,
Wymysorys, Resian and Scandinavian dialects. German, Polish,
Wymysorys and Kashubian use it for the voiced labiodental
fricative /v/ (with Polish, related Kashubian and Wymysorys
using Ł for /w/, except in conservative and some eastern
Polish speech, where Ł still represents the dark L sound.),
and Dutch uses it for /ʋ/. Unlike its use in other languages,
the letter is used in Welsh and Cornish to represent the vowel
/u/ as well as the related approximant consonant /w/.
The following languages historically used ⟨w⟩ for /v/ in
native words, but later replaced it by ⟨v⟩: Swedish, Finnish,
Czech, Slovak, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Ukrainian
Łatynka and Belarusian Łacinka. It is also used in modern
systems of Romanization of Belarusian for the letter ⟨ў⟩, for
example in the BGN/PCGN[7] system, in contrast to the letter
⟨ŭ⟩, which is used in the Instruction on transliteration of
Belarusian geographical names with letters of Latin script.
Alphabet of Wymysorys brings me contradictory information: wiki
tells it goes like UW omittinv V, but omniglot tells me that it
includeds S (now are the typos magical? If it is, then they're
both correct, but for different historic periods (thus some
source is wrong? thus thus)
Polish also does, only this time wiki tells that they use V, and
omniglot tells they do not. Wiki explains, that polacks don't
use V (and few others) for native words, and mark it grey or in
But then though it tells that such combination is possible, it's
not polish, because too many extra letters. But then all those
letters are merely diacritic, so let's fancy their canon without
them.. and it aligns into axial only if Y is consonant and it's
vowel in polish, so nah, not polish, and I'm retarded to even
fancy thought that some alphabet could have carried its
authenticity through centuries, or rather millenia. Archaeology
might help, but the only way to be certain of it's authenticity
is to do the digging personally, and it's not something I'm
about to do.
Юты вторглись и поселились
в Англии в конце IV века в период Великого переселения
народов, как часть более широкой волны германской миграции в
Британию[en]. Согласно Беде, они были одной из трёх
самых могущественных германских наций, наряду с англами и
саксами. Переход в христианство у ютов
состоялся в IX веке.
I'm pretty sure they were speaking yuttish
Ascending scale is the most magic, because it takes you from the
low state to the higher state of consciousness probably too.
was it naturally on the top of musical theory today, or did thety
decide to hide it in the plane sight?
MUsic = MAgic?
MAgic MUsic Mythic
a as number u as note i as letter?
is Y depicting the tridevi of vowel labial lingual?
If we see how it's coming out of the inside, we havwe throat where
vocal cords are, tongue in the centre of the mouth, lips at the
very exit.
So k s b is a true order, so I have to look for tibetan
The cases of falsifications:
make me believe that I shouldn't trust archaeology, because money
are at play (it would be enough even if ideologies didn't bother,
and they do, so we cannot trust the narratives, we can only trust
the direct observations. Field research of our own to communicate
with the speakers.
Either way, because it gives me excuse to ignore archaeology, so I
will only stick to the public data, to the data at least known by
millions, and better still the data used by millions.
Sun and moon (son and mom) gave birth to calendars, people
probably knew day and night, dusk and dawn at first, and the
pictograms of such could be adopted. And then the moon gave them
ability to observe months, so sun was about the day, and moon was
about the month, thus sun is faster than moon (is it?) so it's
naturally to be considered son. And it probably was only millenia
later, when people realized the larger cycles and sun began to
indicate years (is it why godina is hour in ukrainian? year~hour,
very similar words indeed)
is superstition that you shouldn't celebrate it days before it
come from calendar being untighed from the sun, and thus church
would be the new circle, and thus they demanded people to obey
their calendar, even though observations told that their calendar
was wrong? Christmas is untighed from
the solstice, so that people accept that they celebrate the birth
of a jew, not the birth of the year, year is god in russian.
greetings from cognztes.html
god (бог) good, год
(рождество вслед за солнцестоянием, разбег вызван неведением
того что раз в сто лет нужно пропускать один день, и за сколько
бишь веков накопился разбег до 7 января в другом:
The Julian calendar, proposed by Roman consul Julius Caesar in
46 BC, was a reform of the Roman calendar. It took effect on 1
January 45 BC, by edict. It was designed with the aid of Greek
mathematicians and astronomers such as Sosigenes of
Григорианский календарь был издан в Риме в 1584 году. Разница
между датами юлианского и григорианского календарей
увеличивается на трое суток за каждые 400 лет.
Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year,
except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these
centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible
by 400. For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not
leap years, but the year 2000 is.
December 21 to 22 are solstices, January 1 or 7 are beginning of
the year in grigorian and julian, it sorta disagrees the
historic record: russians adopted grigorian calendar in 1918,
less than 400 years, yet they were seven days beyond the ..then
it goes even weirder: 7th of january is 25th of december, thus
they collected exactly two weeks, and it would take them ..well,
around 1918 years. So they're truly orthodox, they took dates of
Julian Calendar and observed them since the very beginning, but
then what made it special is the reform of Caesar. Thus
fomenko's claim of an added millenium doesn't stand here
that s in the name of Caesar is read as з in russian, and it makes
sense in the light of s standing in the second row in old russian
alphabet, and they have з in that line today.
And once again it tells that shapes stand for both voiced and
voiceless forms.
As in celtiberian scripts, p/b d/t k/g (and others are probably
for borrowed sounds)
Ba Ga Da
Ve Je Ze
Mi Ni Li
Po Qo To
Fu Hu Su
Magic bugic? Basic?
Music Mythic?
Fusic Fysics?
Thinking of flame not casting shadow
I thought about how it reminds story of vampires, vlam pyres
is metal transmutation actually mental transmutation?
(brought to me by listening to kybalion
audiobook (which I dropped half way
through) and its mental principle)
Was metal called so, because it took place of the mental element
on the scale (as we today conceptualized that fifth element is
human or something abstract (but that's luc beson's point of view,
but people made it a blockbuster, so whether it was in culture
before, it is now. And I think it was in the culture before, why
invent somethiong which is better looked up in a book.
But метал is threw, and thinking of throw I though of how much it
is through. And threw is even clother to it. Clothe is close, the
closest (is -est est?)
> Post the most advanced math theorem you can
prove from memory and fully understand.
I am not a mathematician, so it's the Pythagoras theorem
(and no, I would never understand it from how they teach it in
school, and because they teach it wrong internationally, I believe
that their task is to teach us not to know shit)
Because they're shit, го-о is both говно и
БаБу Бы
It is a memetic sequence, present in a form
of an anecdote my father told me, I never heard it elsewhere.
And what is even more interesting, is that the other syllabic
sequence is also meaningful:
Да, ДуДи
and because гагуги doesn't separate into
words, B and D are the basis of the alphabet, , wtf, it is how pdf encoded the ☯ (and google finds
it 422 times! it finds ☯ 49300000 times)
Daddy Do (daddy, duh (дуда~деда(dad (deas as in дело труба))))
And also because do~duh~да and бы~be I guess they had the two
words, Be and Do, and the third syllably is a grammatic flection:
Маму мы
Маме мы
(мы~me, ма~my, so me and mine as two
opposite sides of the story, active and passyve, mommy ~ baby as
negroes call their women now, and I guess whites too but only
when they speak to children, but then I'm not married, so I'm
clueless, they probably call their wives mommy too, as in an
ironic way, and here the word irony is wider than dictionaries
Be By
Me My
See Sight(show)
Day Do
but of course I'm only guessing. I should use powers of
indifferent ai to pursuit this hypothesis
But then I think why do I force it, why do I demand alphabet to
come out of syllabics?
And I thought about ogham, and that there were only 9 signs: three
vowels (a e o) and three types of the syllables (yep, still in
this concept) actually I didn't think of 9 of them, I only thought
that it's interesting how B and M open their sequences, and it
made me think that that H used to be F (because that F is out of
place, since the writing system is called BLN, not blf,
So that made me think of ᚋ looking like double ᚁ or ᚁᚆ and ᛘ at
the same time, but then why are those labials still single? does
it have something to do with their vowels going the other way
around, ou before ei? Either way, are those vowels A for B, E for
F(or H) and O for M? because e is the opposite of a in the sense
of it looking as it's reflection, and being opposite in it's
articulation (A is mouth maximally open, E is mouth open the
least, and as Ё it is even Ю) while O is double A, which makes
sense in the sense of M, but you know it's all way too raw. Either
way, the comparison to alphabet makes me want to rearrange the
seconds as D after B, G after H, L after M. But gush I allow
myself way too much, the arrogance, but then this arrogance is
what allowed me to go this far.
Ogham (Modern Irish: [ˈoː(ə)mˠ]
which is incredible in the sense of this:
мы, но нас (в этом свете ом это всё что вокруг, что приставка om-
означает в нидерландском, потому что он, они означает "не мы",
"около нас")
Another example of j~k: знакомый~знайомий (before it I only knew
как~як and качество~якiсть)
Probably, to this paragraph belongs pair искомый~ищем
and if we reflect it onto ukrainian, we see шукати, which
naturally begs the question "is шу=ис?"
and the first book on paper I have published
is by some cosmic irony published in lubavich printing house (my
designer chose them because they publish books for hermitage,
and they do publish very well, either way, it is a bright
episode in the jq this book touches here and there, I wonder if
the isbn will appear in the database in two weeks, but so far
I'm rather satisfied, even though they gave it a funky
library code, I'm weirdly satisfied with it as well, so when I
recognized that word as a hint from a chasidic organization, I
told it to my friend who worked with them for some real long
time, and he played shock, or was he really shocked, I kinda
doubt it, because he looks sorta jewish, and his mother is an
accountant, a booker.
(click it to access an overview with some
new elements to it, only it is in russian)
What does Seshat shows me (this image was open for several times
in my browser, and I closed it, closed it, and then what would you
want to tell me? The staff, the way she holds that reed. I have to
watch at that plant, I have to visit Egypt some day, I have to see
that plant.
If what she does is ogham (oghm) then what.. we don't know how
people who wrote ogham looked, maybe like her. maybe on stick not
on stones, and then some "artists" could complicate those staffs
so now we hardly see ogham where he is hidden in the plain sight,
but maybe not.
What can that image teach us? That there are commas and dots?
claws are the commas, dots are the dots.
Craniosacral knots? Eyes on the colar (open this image in a new
tab, it's svg
A little frog can represent the kind of the plant, that it's from
a swamp, but papyrus doesn't look like this. So what is this
And it goes on curiouser:
The image to the left tells that Thoth was not just
her teacher, but her father! And here I had
a false synapse, thinking that Phoroneus was a father to Io, but
he was her brother, and thus my attempt to pull Phoroneus to
Hermes because of R in the cenre of the names and because of
m~n. And F being digamma, which cannot be too far from gamma,
and then it fell apart, but then it still brought some parallel
between Seshat and Io: And greek name for Thoth is
Hermes. And it's where it gets really interesting:
Гера дала задание охранять превращённую
в корову возлюбленную Зевса Ио. Зевс поручил своему сыну Гермесу освободить
свою любовницу.
which directly synapses to She of two horns from
the previous image, and it made me think that Seshat and Io is the
same person, and I began to merge them, and I got sIshOt, which
synapsed me to russian word счёт (count) and I started thinking..
was math the first magic? of all three the math, myth, mus, it isx the one with a.
How didx they read 𓋆𓈎 as Seshat?
did that upper part of the first symbol (the
part I suspect to symbolize the cup of semilanceata (but now indded that could be a couple of
horns, or is it a prophanic misinterpretation? Because horn
signs are upwards: 𓄋𓄌 and the other form of that sesha sign
doesn't look like horns at all: 𓋇 and these rabbit ears or
whatever it is can be seen in other signs: 𓋁𓋂𓋃𓋄))
stand for C[s] and did that lower part (I
consider to be the leaf of cannabis) stand for Ж[ʒ]~Ш[ʃ]
or am I only trippin'?
Not so long ago (in this volume actually) I told you about holly
and recently (maybe less than a week ago one anon said that
hollywood is named after a tree from which magic wands were made)
I think I just recognized B and b to be bow
I was thinking about that magical rainbow, and about how bow the
поклон is about bending, and about bow of bow and arrows being
bent and then the shape of bows like this made it clear:
And then the sound the тетива bowstring vakes makes
reminds B sound a lot.
And it lays perfectly in the context of D the ᚦ standing for axe
(and axe does do sound resembling D) and A standing for primitive
harpoon have shown before.
And comparing the word rainbow to russian equivalent raduga I can
clearly see that duga is bow, and thus ra is rain, Ра~Дажьбог? The way afroasiatic "in" is "b"
similar to russian "в"[v] and plural suffix i and some other
elements of egyptian languages raises question of who etrurians
were, since there are pyramids in Rome, and am I trippin? It is
not provent that russians are related to etruscans, common
concept is that they're not. I am trippin, let's leave it
behind. But who knows, Russians could be related to some tribe
from egypt without etrurian connection. My bold guesses are
what? They are insane sometimes, maybe, but they're also
incredibly accurate sometimes as well. And this raduga~rainbow
was given to me by some providence, I wasn't even smoking today,
so this story about bows is even more wonderful thus way.
дуга ~ лука? (как в слове излучина)
д ~ л (as детский алфавит told)
And now I smoked all I had left and pervaya ze mysl vyzvavshaya
etu knigu: na boga upovayu
na boga? what is boga? boka? side, everything which is aside, not
inside, or is inside too? maybe, but all which is different from
my personal will. Unless it also gave me that, but then it's
unconceivable, which they say it is.
Now I love to write, for I put it down, but also I make it
clearer. So I think as I write. And this line is here because I
noticed that before I set typing I only knew that бог is on each
side of mine (one is good other's bad, but what do we know who is
actually who)
Watching at cut out pieces of fish I
remember the baltic fair-tale about fish without a tale tail (I think
it was a fish with a cut out tail) and the story went like this:
some magic was performed and sailors were only allowed to cast
their net only twice, in those two times the would be given
boatful of fish, but they were not supposed to throw it for the
third time. And they did, and only caught a fish without tail,
and storm began and it was horrible, and the fish without tail
behaved weirdly, so they threw it away and storm ended. What
could that be about? My thougth was that the fish without tail
guaranteed large catches, as if it was a magic martyr fish, a
special fish. Some weirdo cut its tail to see if it still can
swimp, and it learned how to swimp without tail, by working with
fins more complexly, which could stimulate her mind, which could
give it superpowers, and from religious/magic point of view her
being the most suffering fish in the pond gave her blessing from
gods, so it could get superpowers by this. Or she just behaved
weirdly, and was not as fast as other fish, and thus hated that
fish and wanted it to be cuaght so it lead it into nets. But
then maybe not. Maybe it will, boy, what a raw piece of fish,
read the fairy-tale first at least. And why take fairy-tales
seriously? Because they're fairy! Either way, too raw.
if b was bow and d was axe, then my guess is taht b was more like
D, with the stave inside of the curve, and d would be more like Ϸ
with curve being definitely smaller than the stave. But it's only
guess, both letters could be come
after phases of moon
b could stand for bow and arrows, a could be arrow, that fishing
spear could be arrow. Рогатина намекает, что быть может не только
рыбные копья такими были, что люди окотились на дичь копьями
такими чтоб не убежало в норку помирать, на мелкую дичь сначала
охотились, прежде чем на крупную типа оленя пойти рискнули,
крупные в нору не убегут, рога помешают.
watching at how abc is the ABT and AMS at the same time, I went
further and saw def reminding word deaf (is def records deaf
records? or is it death records?) as if they were the additional
line for the whisperings, as the ending of that booklet tells,
only then they are tef (t et f (t~z? z~s, t~s!)) and the
next line also reminds russian глухой (without лу-syllable, but
with funny ending of k, which makes it глухийка
(что-кто-йка? где-кто? глух as the antonym of слух?) and the
lmnopqr doesn't give away such word, and it's as if it represents
two other elements: the word element in lmn and the SPQR hidden in
OPQR (for σ is a form of ς) and then we have something resembling
word stuff, and xyz is as if they stand for хез (хуй его знает,
неизвестные, как они и используются сегодня в математике, кто на
самом деле может знать сколь древна это традиция..)
if it is in indiant, for example, I like how those four shorties
align into a meaningful sentence.
если бы я умел
если б я был умел
the same word is a verb and a short (and they say more basal)
смёл~смелый ("кто смел тот и съел"
висел~весел(весёлый)? (в смысле
висеть, зависать, отвисать, веселиться? или о черепе повешенного?
или о шраме от верёвки? на шее уходит вверх? или вешали за рот
сначала? чтоб человек пытался перегрызть верёвку и все бы
смеялись, блин это правда гораздо жещще, и перекликается с конской
чисел.. but it is a noun, ai help me
A gift from a friend to the rainbow thing:
and something I found afterwards, it may explain what I saw that
Родина значит семья (на украинском)
Hermetic is colde closed, is Hermes
an abstract notion? What is Hermes? хер+mes (castration which
bible mentions?) her mes (her меч (mes is knife in dutch)) and
playing witht homonymy, we may find something which is similar not
only by phonetic, but also by semantic components: Herr Magic?
Herr ~ the ~ her? то~той? того? teh is literally тех? The
shiortest words are those I have to start with.
сова ~ sofia
hermetic the magic? mathemagic? magic~mathic? mantic! manic? yes,
yes. бешен безумен помешан пошаман? mes in помешан то же что и в
Гермес? her бес? бес ~ маг? (magic history theory practice tellst
that connection with a demon is the quintessence of magic)
mathematician ~ mother magician
(numbers are needed in cooking, which is sorta magical in many
язык палит подчинённое отношение между народами: холоп это слуга в
русском, а в украинском это просто парень (хлопець,
хлопчик(холопчик (но холоп в украинском тоже холоп))) boy в
принципе означает то же самое (и парень и паж (boy & паж
запросто могут быть когнатами))
prodest ~ продаст (продающий, продвигающий, задел у которого (и
да, естественно, я здесь лишь гадаю, перебираю, подбираю, отбираю,
bright ~ in light? and when I thought of that I didn't think of b
being ב(in)
but then why blight is something completely
like fry and fly are not
related, doesn't it bother me?
well, honestly it does, and
it may indicate that orthography is only misleading.
they say blight is of unknown origtin. Is there
any chance it's russian блять (болеть)
о-бувь (вокруг 𓃀(б, в))
о-дежда (вокруг 𓂧(д, жд)) or is it o-тело in some language
I don't know? Don't forget, guesses
о-ружие ??? ar-m ор-ужие (w-ar) ор сс-ор-а qu-arr-el ар-мия
ар-тиллерия г-ар-мати
well, гармати is definitely from related
to arms, and army is as well, but are they related to russian ор?
Short words which are neither pronoun nor prefix, let's try on
those, in this sence ор is incredible
ел (ел is incredibly awesome because it's root is one letter.
Let's find one-letter roots, let's ask the internet about it)
Давай начнём с предлогов и местоимений, состоящих из одной или
двух букв
(я загкглирую все, и рассортирую их по частям речи)
Аз Ах Аж Ау Ад Ас Ар Ан Бы Во Го Де Да До Еж Ее
Же За Из Ил Кш Ко Ль Мы Ну Но Ни На Об Ох Ор Он Ом По Па Со Се
Ум Уж Ша Щи Эй Юс Юз Юг Яр Ям Ял Як Яд
my first find, and it's obviously not complete, I immediately
see they omitted то та те ли по etc.
На странице вы можете найти 50 слов содержащих
от а до я букв удовлетворяющих запросу - «слово из 2 букв» из
известных нам 37620.
oh wow
ТА блин, гугл мне не поможет, они все тупят: ТО ТУ
(и это если не считать тя и -ся)
HE WE IT ME US YE (и здесь тупят:
MY найти их (ИХ) простым перечислением было бы проще и точней)
я - местоимение;
в, к, о, с, у - предлог;
и, а - союз;
б - частица (если б, я б в рабочие пошел и т. д.) ;
а, о, э, у - междометие (А! Понял! О! Привет! и т. д. )
У меня получилось 13.
In english there are
two: a, I.
but then a, o и у имеют омонимы! т.е. 10 слов? А если я было тоже
а, то у а три омонима, и букв всего 9, и с этим уже можно
а б к
и в с
о у э (ещё добавя я (а то так-то о, у, в могут быть одной и
той же буквой (особенно о и у (у это среднее между о и в, более
древнее и всеобщее))
A (а, я, и)
U(в, о, у)
здесь просится М, но я знаю, что С (я начал с U, затем вставил А
(объединив а и и потому что это частицы, которые часто
взаимозаменяемы) и теперь вижу, что U это B)
A (а и я)
B (в(во) о(об) у) ~ по~обо
C (к(ко) с(со))
~ко~до? (c~d?)
э это лишь междометие, потому нахуй, not a
word, or everything can be word.
Иногда кажется, что русскому больше латинница подходит, а
английскому кириллица: ее=и (смотри в
курсиве и поймёшь)
но, с другой стороны, почему тогда оо=u, а не ii~u~y(as ij = y?
да, голландскому латинница подходит) я бержу? я гоню, бережу?
as at by in of on to up
by and to are the only biliteral prepositions beginning with
are other the vowels?
as at E
in I
on of O
up A
The word with may indicate that w predated
u (as bornholm's axial suggests)
if up is A, as it may tell to place it upstairs, so isn't down to
EIOA ~ EIOwA.. is it её & я?
biliteral is a great term, and because I took it from egyptology,
it brought me this:
that stroke next to 𓄣 is most definitely a cursor, something to
be ignored
Because I'm a freak, I immediately see that 𓁷𓂋 is over and 𓌨𓂋
is under
(which is thoroughly not what egyptologists say those h~ signs
and I pull 𓈖 to russian на, and 𓅓 to im~in (and ultimately to
I told you I'm a little freaky. But maybe that's how I memorize
the hieroglyphics.
don't forget that some scepsis should
persist, because who knows if they read those symbols right, even though it seems to be a really good
material, those pictures lead to some good lessons in egyptian
Be Do
Bee Dog
Beef Dogs
Bull Doll
Bull Dog (and I was thinking of first domestic animals, and it is
a breed of a dog, a dog dealing with bulls even) Bull is probably
of Bu the Moo: Мул is sorta a
cognate of Bull (a city dweller cannot tell
one from another) But then I recognize that I mess up, because
the word I was looking for is Вол.
Мул is something between horse and donkey, and having also labial
the initial, it may say that labial column stands for травоядные
animals, while Dog and Cat begin with linguals (active, as the
opposite of passive)
Для волов меньше, чем для лошадей, затраты на
упряжь (из-за мощных шейных мышц, позволяющих серьёзно упростить
систему), ковку, уход. Однако скорость воловьих упряжек по
сколько-нибудь хорошей дороге заметно меньше конных —
идущий шагом человек спокойно обгоняет упряжку (2—3 километра в
Ox is english name for the вол, bull is бык, но вопрос остаётся:
если вол когната bullа, то is bu=во, and if bull and бык are also
somehow cognates, is бы = во? is k~l?
ignore the latter two lines, those semitic examples demonstrate
how linguals deviate t~s~ʃ~θ and I know that k is not too far from
them, for c is both s and k, so only two consonants existed?
b~v~.. not sure about m, because mule is a different kind of
animal, or do they both move? did people distinguish between the
beasts which could be mounted
big ~ бык
кошка ~ крошка
cat~rat are k and r the opposite, or is it "you're what you eat"
крот~rat? грызуны (но крот ещё ближе к кот, но также и к крыса, от
слова грызть)
крот роет, откроет (когда в амбаре пол земляной, то крот откроет
его для всей мелкой живности)
рот (rat ~ рот (and also rot (rot also eats goods, жRot)))
they used word "runes" for "runic songs" and I don't know if I can
trust this information, and I dig further, and aye, I can:
runo is poem in finnish (runot is poems)
rune translated into finnish is loitsu, riimukirjain, taika (and
taika is probably of slavic influence, because they say that rune
is secret (тайна (taina))
riimu is another word for rune:
and it reminds russian рифма [rifma] and english rhyme
долбоёб ~ довбоєб (украинцы любят букву в, часто русскую г
ей заменяют, або here they used it instead of л, which makes me
think that V~Г~Λ, or is it Г~Λ~V, типа ГоΛоVа?
але це я рєально довбоєб, бо хохлi часто русскую Λ ей и заменяют,
а чтение Г как V це наша обща забава
запад ~ захід (х~п, как в японском,
and it makes ход~path cognates)
Но разве одно не от падать, а другое от ходить? Но может и нет,
может не от падать.. хм.. хз
IEAOU is the middle ground between AEIOU and IEOUA
And looking for words with that sequence of vowels I only found
литератору (dativus of литераторъ)
And I found тору first, just as I found column before I found the
other part of Minerva's Column (if this set of words has any
meaning is beyond me, and литератору is very japanese, it would be
riteratoru перемежая r и t
Column coming first shocked me with its being KLMN-like.
Литература has тура as a part of the word, and I always thought
that it's tower, like in tour de bable.. de bible (and bible is
babble very much (I'm not saying it was the bible which divided
nations, but because bible is translated as book, some book could.
Bible is bibbia in italian)
о п r supports the EFГ thing, could it be the thing? is it correct
to jump between the writing systems? They're all alphabets,
they're all related, I think the national sets are rather
arbitrary, or au contraire, established in such manner, that these
sequences were not obvious to the plebs. Rude. Rude and silly.
I Λ N M is also along those lines, only M predates N, but then how
do we know, check the ΕΖΗΘ thing.
N~Η (russian Н is their N)
i~e is alright, but Λ and Ζ are not compared often, though both
are lingual and voiced.
But ABCD doesn't go in any other way, ABGD is as far as it can go,
but then АБВГД, but all these keep labial right after vowel.
and why does I Λ N M grow, when EFГ and опr fade? because I Λ N M
is ascending, and the other two are descending modes?
Потому как шопот понятен, можем сократить наш детски алфавит:
Не думал я сокращать ряд гласных, але забавно, что тако у нас
восходящая гамма. о нехай будет а, да и U порой читается как а.
Кажется, что много неразличимых (баба=папа, бабочка=папочка) но по
контексту понятно (шёпот ведь понятен) и бабочка теперь как словно
папочка листами картонными махает
Но рука как лака и правда непонятна. Детский шёпот? лакА и накА?
Лука́ гораздо понятней, а поскольку пять гласных було с тех
стародавних времён, когда всего две согласных було, нехай
согласные будут отдельно:
аДам + еВа = Каин? (k is for kill)
(буквам велено было наименовать зверей и вещи?)
Подобно тому, как меня интересовало лишь жрать и ебаться, когда я
жил с бабою, адам-охотник может означать еДу, а баба може еБлю
означать. (ева=еба, адам=уда например)
I was looking for the source of language of the birds being
consisting of all vowels.
In medieval France, the language of the birds
(la langue des oiseaux) was a secret language of the Troubadours,
connected with the Tarot, allegedly based on puns and
symbolism drawn from homophony, e. g. an inn called au lion
d'or "the Golden Lion" is allegedly "code" for au lit on dort
"in the bed one sleeps" (note that this particular pun cannot
be medieval, since final t was pronounced until Middle French,
c.f. e.g. the 14th century loanword bonnet).
In Egyptian Arabic, hieroglyphic writing is called "the
alphabet of the birds". In Ancient Egyptian itself, the
hieroglyphic form of writing was given the name medu-netjer
("words of the gods" or "divine language").
and I didn't find it, but it caught my attention that french word
oiseaux contains all five vowels.
I will look for language of gods consisting of only vowels. I did.
I found nothing. It doesn't mean I didn't read it somewhere, but
then is it being written somewhere prove it to be correct? Now it
is written in my book, so?
волк~вовк~wow(типа гав) это пришло из полудрёмы, и подтверждается
английской формой wolf ещё больше напоминающей английское же woof.
woof in english and гав in russian remind me of B[read as v in
russian] being the first letter in the west, and C[sometimes G]
being the first letter in the east. Today it's much more east than
russian, but then it could be not so a couple of millenia ago.
What if children are forced into boring schools so that they want
to get old sooner so this torture ends, so they are eager to start
adult life by fucking early?
Languages do not matter, only words do, so let's collect all the
words consisting of vowels from all over the world.
I think it deserves a separated file: I её eau U
This is the power of militanbt
autism, I thought to myself, thinking of the way I placed my text
in the same sentence with abrahamic religious texts.
krk is czech and slovak word for neck
U F H S (U V X Z can be read exactly as E
F H S: V and Z are read as F and S in german, and X is read as H
in russian, so the origin could be somewhere between those two
white nations)
(O P Q T would be more canonical order, but
then I haven't seen it like that either, but I saw ОРСТ in russian
(well, almost, exactly if we combine P&R in one graphoneme,
for russian R looks like P) and C is read as K, of course. so
let's rewrite it:
A B G D [a b g d]
E F Ж З [e v ʒ z] (I have to work on
this one, probably latin script is not the best wat to represent
O P C T [o p k t]
U V X Z [u f ʃ s] (I decided to use ʃ to reflect
actual reading of ж, ɦ is kinda more rare)
(also because X is read as ʃ in portuguese)
I M N L I have forgotten, but what if, just as JK, this line is
inserted into this simple 4×4?
the idea of phoneme unification детски алфавит offers доставлает
суматошный is шуматошный
Spin clockwise(yang in northern hemisphere/yin in
southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise(yin in
northernhemisphere/yang in southern hemisphere)(torus spinning).
Chant any of these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west,
north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern
hemisphere): "im"(like "team"), "am"(like "tom"), "oom"(like
"bloom"), "em"(like "them"), and "om"(like "home"). Sleep with
your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or
north(in southern hemisphere).
and here they add the two letters mentioned in sefer yetzirah:
though it's weird that they call them vowels.
and this one I found on the same site, only they don't mention
hebrew, they speak of runes:
and I have no idea how authentic it is, but they connect runes
with positions of the body
yet they're different positions than the ones given in the one of
previous videos, so once again I have to figure it out by myself.
In the morning I didn't open my eyes, нащупал бонг, зажигу, шмалл,
дунув спел иеаоу, иеаоу, инвертировал её дабы она стала
восходящей, уоаеи, уоаеи, уоаеи, and found the powerful word Why
in that sequence. Now I can see, that the opposite of that word
must be How, if H is И.
Only three vowels? The initial three: pure vowel A, here looking
as H, what? why? labial W, lingual y.
Way is also a very powerful word, and could be also made up of the
three mothers.
My as Mij, as Mine, as labial M, vowel I, lingual J, and thus does
Y combine vowel and lingual? well, yea, it's actually the two
functions it is playing, and in russian у is even labial vowel,
thus the three branches of Y, even if we recognize the older one
as stem the stave, then it's dual, as we can see in ij, but what
if those are three equal parts? what if it is not a tree?
not only water in french is all vowels, but also air in english
(written like air, read like ea)
выя = шея (выть от этого слова? а вытянуть?)
лгладить у у к
ладми д д ладить
I'm 25% ukrainian, and it shows in the shape of my boldness
(baldness is the word, but boldness as well) which leaves the
хохол (чуб) whichi is both russian
somewhat slightly deragatory word for ukrainian and also a synonym
for чуб (forelock)
I'm not sure about the term I use, so I attach the picture to tell
that I'm speaking of the hair at the front part of the hair, often
traditionally worn by ukrainians as a national hairdo, and thus it
naturally could be the etymology of that funny (not really
deragatory, because I use it like I use nigga, with no animosity)
And I also brioiught it here (brought (берёт (скорее
мнемоническое чем этимологическое замечание, отправлено в
cognates.html))) because it caught my
attention that peot grow on the part called temple (and that not
all side is temple, but only that specific part)
Is crown supposed to be worn on that part of
the head called crown? was it held by a cord first?
And some crowns do have the ribbons, and exactly two ribbons they
not sure about the crown of nefertiti though, other depictions
don't show that ribbon, and royal crown of sweden also doesn't
show them on other images (are they there in principle, but
usually are hidden inside? Но папская тиара действительно имеет
ленты, только они не завязываются, а спускаются вдоль тела.
Завязываются они во время какого-нибудь тайного ритуала? Как
знать.. Но надо попробывать (начав с конического колпака,
поэкспериментировать с материалами, но лучше сначала теории
навернуть, наверняка где-то об этом труды существуют.)
brought (br as proto-P?
(p is p in latin, but R in greek))
aught (something)
nought (nothing)
ought (nothing, owe (probably from this word (and the word so
vowel it could be protovowel) )
How on earth do they distinguish between aught and ought!
Или это подобно русскому "ничего не знаешь про этого человека?" =
"знаешь ли чего-нибудь о нём?" (да, скорей всего так и есть, и
гугл-транслейтор обманчиво подосвывающий "ничего" вместо "нечто"
для aught, быть может знает что делает, потому что в этом
контексте причина и сходства слов нечто и ничто)
is waught ~ what?
English is not my native language. So why must I work in it, I
will always do the second-rate job in comparison with someone
brittish I have shown the way, and it is enough, let's focus on
russian from now on.
Гласных английских слов вроде больше, owe, awe, and so on (unless
w is consonant)
в русском всего ничего, вроде бы.. однобуквенных всяко больше: а,
и, о, у (but, and, about, at) and suddenly, the way most of them
start with a (and the other is with be,
interesting too, and that 'cause is with c, could be the
indicators of beginning of the alphabet being the place for the
most fundamental words, and as runes and ogham go from bottom up,
it made even more sense since all the alphabet seems to be based
upon those abc))
и а о у
and but of on? at?
её (ей?)
а я её? и я её? я у её?
я её!
ересь ~ RS? (the false reading of P?)
err ~ R as the wrong reading of P?
wrong is -ing form of the same R, isn't it? of the same rho?
but then I think... right also begins with R.. is it some other R?
some pr as in право?
pright? pride?
bright (ярко, не скрытно)
bright ~ pride
Then what is blight? глядя на изображения, мне приходит на ум
слово покраснение
is light~red?
poetry is also /po/
Why does that ferocious translator Nesterenko translate мiцна as
единой, if it's мощной. Is he working for единая россия,
подсовывая её конструкции (слова) вместо украинскихъ! Russian
language die! This is what he's making with his magic. Good, godd,
So I don't even mind, let it become obsolete as latin, a historic
language, dead language along with hebrew and latin (hebrew is a
resurrected language) re-sur-rect-ed (rect as in erect, to
right, поставить, to make right, upright, right as in right angle)
straight as the opposite of right (I was expecting "left" at that
angle) straight ~ sinister?
dexter ~ right
is such shuffle possible?
re- ~ -er?
de- ~ -ed?
Richter (r~d)
(s appeared when a did? opqr dictates a, unless it's ba ka ta)
ba ga da ~ b c d [b g d]
be ge de ~ f ж з [v ʒ z]
bi gi di ~ m n l [m n l]
bo go do ~ p q t [p k t]
bu gu du ~ f h s [f h s]
How did z become h? z is g! z is ж, z is ž
f g h [v ʒ z]? H~ (и~с[zUA] and it tells me
that abc is what there is:
abc [ba za] база (губной упругий, язычный долгий) ba da
efg [ve ʒe] вези (дВИЖЕние)
imn [me ne] меня (мене (мне))
opt [po tom] опыт
ufs [fi si] physic? (but if оп-ыт, то of-us)
аб аз (обоз)
ев ез (и вес? эфес? of us!)
a b c (a b g (a b d))
russian word азбука has k of c, not г, not д, abc [абк(abacus,
абак (счёты))]
аб ак (гласная стоит в начале строки, потому что закрытый слог)
ев ес ??? если счёты, то должно быть что-то подобное, но эфес лишь
периодом подобно
Ephesus (/ˈɛfɪsəs, ˈɛfəsəs/;[1][2] Greek: Ἔφεσος,
translit. Éphesos; лат. Ephesus; Turkish: Efes; may ultimately derive from Hittite: 𒀀𒉺𒊭,
romanized: Apaša) was a city in ancient Greece[3][4] on
the coast of Ionia, 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) southwest of
present-day Selçuk in İzmir Province, Turkey. It was
built in the 10th century BC on the site of Apasa, the former
Arzawan capital, [5][6] by Attic and
Ionian Greek colonists. During the Classical Greek era, it was
one of twelve cities that were members of the Ionian League.
The city came under the control of the Roman Republic in 129
The city was famous in its day for the nearby Temple of
Artemis (completed around 550 BC), which has been
designated one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.[7]
Its many monumental buildings included the Library of Celsus
and a theatre capable of holding 24,000 spectators.[8]
if left is le-foot, then right is ri-ghoot?
L and гr, leg, leg as LГ?
Г ~ g ~ d of dexter? isn't it pulling owl onto globe?
Oman is the site of pre-historic human habitation,
stretching back over 100,000 years
Значин не обоз, а ..and my mind rushes to abacus
The word abacus dates to at least AD 1387 when a
Middle English work borrowed the word from Latin that described
a sandboard abacus. The Latin word is derived from ancient Greek
ἄβαξ (abax) which means something without a base, and
colloquially, any piece of rectangular material.[2][3][4]
Alternatively, without reference to ancient texts on etymology,
it has been suggested that it means "a square tablet strewn with
dust",[5] or "drawing-board covered with dust (for the use of
mathematics)"[6] (the exact shape of the Latin perhaps reflects
the genitive form of the Greek word, ἄβακoς (abakos)). While the
table strewn with dust definition is popular, some argue
evidence is insufficient for that conclusion.[7][nb 1] Greek
ἄβαξ probably borrowed from a Northwest Semitic language like
Phoenician, evidenced by a cognate with the Hebrew word ʾābāq
(אבק), or “dust” (in the post-Biblical sense "sand used as a
writing surface").[8]
they definitely pulled the definition to hebrew for political
reasons, it's as far as could be, and neither can have any
archaeologic evidence, nor does it make any sense as a tool of
count if you really think of that.
The shape of the abacus and the structure of the alphabet I have
discovered here make perfectly clear that the name is from the
system which was used to make the syllables of two consonants the
B T and the five vowels, the aeiou, or whatevwer this sequence
was: aiueo, aouei, etc.
Those double beeds make three positions: let's guess that this
initial is a (pure vowel, none of the two) and when the beads are
at the different side of the stave(!) they're B and when the two
are at the other side, it's d, and that would explain why a and d
are alike.
And the five beeds are probably in the basic position, a position
of a
then e is the first deviation, and i is two beads, the ee, and
then what else do we have if not to follow the alphabetic order of
three beads standing for o, and four for u. and what would all the
five at the other side of the rod say? closed syllable. pure
consonant. shwa, no vowel. Or would such position of the
v0owel beads say that the board is not in use? And to my pleasure
(which pleases) I can see the trace of the handly denoting the
position in which the abacus was carried around, and that supports
my guess. If it's of a handle. And even if, then only maybe. Pure
guess, bold guess, but the 2+5 set is legendary.
But until a legend of using abacus for transmission of text
appears, all this is not more than fantasy.
The abacus, also called a counting frame, is a
calculating tool that was in use centuries before the adoption
of the written modern numeral system and is still widely used by
merchants, traders and clerks in Asia, Africa, and
elsewhere. It can be used for high-speed addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, cube roots
and other calculations. Some devices can be quite large and
complex. Now this ‘ancient computer’ has received credit for its
historical and cultural importance by being added to the world
intangible cultural heritage list .
The typical abacus has a hardwood frame and hardwood beads, with
two decks and more than seven rods. The upper deck, which
is known as heaven, has two beads on each rod. Each bead has the
value of five. There are five beads on each rod on the bottom
deck, known as earth. Each has the value of one. The beads are
moved up and down during calculations.
So, as I theorized, vowels are not air, but earth! And if heaven
is BT, as I thought, then it supports my claim that shamaim =
if shamaim is cognate of heaven, it shows
how h comes ʃ
Today, it contributes to the advancement of
calculating techniques, cognitive schemas, educational
psychology and intellectual development. It also has a
far-reaching influence in various fields of cultural creativity,
including folk customs, language, literature, sculpture and
They said "language" (speaking of abacus) and that is all I could
find so far. I think if it's there, it will come my way. Until
then it just hangs here amongst naked hypotheses, interwoven with
some previous conceptualizations, should be taken with causion
mystic is of myth! that y tells it.
st~f? satan~fan? friend? (but satan is literally enemy (cd as the
opposite of fr? see, such variability makes the system
non-existent, so I should stick to the separation of linguals and
labials, to build a mnemonic narrative of languages by that system
I would then not discover, but ))
ч в врач то же что и в что? -que the que?
grotesque (somewhat of grotes) ?
bourlesque (somewhat of ball brawl bubble) ?
arabesque (somewhat of arabs)
churrigueresque microtechnique sculpturesque
unpicturesque cinematheque picturesque discotheque gigantesque
plateresque communique radiopaque statuesque picaresque
catafalque humoresque semiopaque antiplaque technique grotesque
burlesque arabesque monocoque odalisque plastique equivoque
dominique nonunique chibouque critique boutique mystique
physique applique pratique remarque postique biunique barbeque
moresque antique baroque oblique brusque macaque cacique bezique
perique relique silique lalique cazique piroque unique torque
plaque cheque opaque mosque basque clique cirque masque marque
cinque risque bisque barque manque claque casque pulque calque
caique sacque cloque ubique bosque pique roque toque tuque usque
but in french it's way more common:
and it keeps on going, it is everywhere where americans would use
-ic (-que is a french cognatomorpheme (cognatic morpheme,
cognatique (with this speciffic suffix I set a new term:
cognatique where que-suffix correspond russian шка-suffix (with
such grammar I can hide the confusing and misleading minus (it's
more like plus, and is it + or ×, it's like from chemistry, a
bond, so chemistry is closer to literature than math by using /
for a bond, and in chemistry – is waithing for the + of H, single
bond can be substituted with a proton of hydrogen (how does an
addition of a neutron change the story? it is a mass-assymetry, a
neutralizing microwave))))))
Hydrogen has no neutron, deuterium has one, and
tritium has two neutrons. The isotopes of hydrogen have,
respectively, mass numbers of one, two, and three. Their nuclear
symbols are therefore 1H, 2H, and 3H.
so my babble (I am not qualified to speak about physics) seems to
be false. What are neutrons? what are proton and electron?
and it's more complicated:
but I have to go deeper in my quest for sizes of particles:
and no answer for that yet, sizes probably vary depending on the
atom, but then surely they should exist isolated, and what matters
for the size in there is an open question
And now I wonder why this wild offtopic is here. Because my
thought went there, cool.
Ab Ad (of to (f t))
Ev Ez (????)
aB aD (of, to (that's latin)) b.. and I've been thinking: how can
b correspond to of, if it's in. And to my pleasant surprise it is
and it is also by, which makes of and by and в cognates.
and if that protoalphabetic syllabary is in latin, you will find
those shorties by clicking the previous images, and meanwhile I
found something else:
is Ionic culture the culture of the worshiping Io
is Io showing us the order of the vowels, and that basically there
are two vowels and basically they look like 1 and 0, and it is
supported by 1-like i being lingual, and 0-like o being labial (0
is odd, because it's an integer of the form 2k, where k=0 (so, by
definition, and because it's an integer apart from the odd 1))
And then this is interesting:
neutral noun III declension
1 mouth, speech, expression
2 face
3 pronunciation
Nom. ōs
Gen. oris
Dat. ori
Acc. ōs
Abl. ore
Voc. ōs
Nom. ora
Gen. orum
Dat. orĭbus
Acc. ora
Abl. orĭbus
Voc. ora
neutral noun III declension
1 bone
2 (nut) kernel
3 (tree) heartwood
4 (fruit) stone
5 (dead people) bones
Nom. ŏs
Gen. ossis
Dat. ossi
Acc. ŏs
Abl. osse
Voc. ŏs
Nom. ossa
Gen. ossĭum
Dat. ossĭbus
Acc. ossa
Abl. ossĭbus
Voc. ossa
these two examples may say that R~S
roll has liquid ll (the l of word liquid, lake, лакай, лижи, л is
literally lingua)
rock has solid ck (the ch of hard, камень, rock! and I didn't
expect it to ring onto rock back)
рой has aerial
ae (pures)
ri (sonors)
and to my shocking surprise I see not only sons in sonors, but
also pares in pures (but I named them pures before I thought of
sons, and I did it by obvious reason that these sounds don't have
the nasal subsound. And now I can see not only son, but oaålso nose
ae is ea? the ea which is air
ri was found in aerial when the suffix al was removed.
It explains why air even has that r. Because it's silent, but
still thought of, for it influences the reading.
(the singing, if we had too two to
greetings from obo.html:
якъ яка яку
илъ ила илу
падежи лишь суффиксы, а суффиксы суть местоимения (pronouns, even
if they are post them)
(pro in pronouns is prefix пред which can be from both sides:
compare by being both от и об)
но пред это перед, пост = после)
я (мя?) мы (ны? (plural form of мя))
меня нас
мне нам
мной нами
обо мне о нас
форма нас, повторяющаяся больше чем мне, говорит что мне и меня -
одно и то же слово, me
(бросил на половине проверку, не понимая что есть с и м: сей и
мой? they and me? нас=наш (где ш притяжательный суффикс, типа
русского и японского но, нъ. на (и эти три подобны онъ оно она,
так что пока сходится, но ш тогда тоже? то же? ш ~ сей, сё, ся (н
= с? оба зяычные язычные
cry ~ carey (caring, carrying) горевать
cabron ~ товарищ ~ comrade (in el enfierno they use this word so
often that it is what I thougth, and though the actual meaning is
somewhat different, so товарищ could derive from тварь and comrade
from cum, who knows, or if that co is co(with) indeed, then
probably from мразь or merde)
והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחשך על פני תהום ורוח אלהים
מרחפת על פני המים
תהו ובהו (tohu v.vohu (tohu and vohu)) and my dare guess is
they're telling that vowels (the earth denote them) are linguals
and labials, and linguals (e, i) come before labials (o, u)
нехай так буде is how g.t translates let it be (which is how it
translates нехай будет which it sees as russian because of the
verbal suffix. But нехай is ukrainian word, it translates let it
be into russian as будь как будет (which is another level of
hands are also heads (my hands (manus ~ my nos (what makes us
different from all the animals (hardly have we seen apes in
europe, but then apes would be recognized as some бес, which is
also humanoid))
b and d looks alike? no wonder, in arabic they're only
differenciated by +diacritics.
th t p b
ب پ ت ث and there's also a special case of ن, which is lingual,
and has its dot where all other linguals do. Both labial
counterparts are پ and that is only persian additional letter,
without it, in pure arabic, it's 1 2 3 dots. but then that special
case of ن is in arabic too, and even if this letter is literally
new, it's in there, and it makes good sense: it's dot's also at
the lingual (top, yan) part. Interesting, that for vowels they
place yin u at the top. yan i at the bottom, especially because o
and u are labial and i e are lingual. Did they try to keep the
balance or do they mess with pupils heads from very start. Messing
us up
پ • (be be-tálat nóʾaṭ) (be with
three dots)
(letter name): IPA(key): /be be ˈtælæt
(phoneme): IPA(key): /p/
dual letters: us, up
us demands they as the opposite
up claims that down is до (up is по)
до do to too two
Before writing was invented, songs were literally thoughts. sing
is both think and sing.
what is sink? труба? воронка? рог использовался для исполнения
музыки, трубы гудят до сих пор, поют.
поёт помнит
ЛМН (ΛMN) make sense if l is I (if L is I, if Λ is И)
ИМN ,and it looks like NIИ, which could that that it is I
the ego standing in front of crossed MM:
and then ИMN gives WVW or WMW
WMN (w is the best vowel for this group. й~w (the two short ones
both are the final two w and y)
aeiou wy are they those legendary seven?
y i e a o u w
and a couple of other candidate mantras:
y i e o u w a
a y e i o u w
i y 3 o u w a
i as 1 is better
if i = I, y = II, E looks like 3
u as 5 is great
w as 6 is good: it looks like ש
A and 7 are both holy, and now I can see their graphic similarity,
7 aa Ʌ and sometimes they have dash. And that dash thing relates A
to f, t, z (and it does remind z also as az, the russian obsolete
name for it)
And I only didn't tell of 4 the o, and though now I can see the
similarity of 4 and o, and now I see 4 as a half of 8, and though
arabic confused me (is v vier or vijf issue)
it is not a coincidence their 4 looks like 3, it shows where the
shift happened,
and it was sanskrit, the indoeuropean culture, which correlates my
the hindu and the medieval font pay attention to. The medieval 4 I
had in my mind, when I thought of o, but hindu version is even
closer to russian o the ꙋ (minuscule of Ꙋ ..does that v-like shape
make that letter double, as u is double o sometimes)
Looking at arabic digits, I thought of how 2 and 7 reflect each
other, and both have three letters after them, breaking thus
alphabet, and how three and four look alike (not two and three?
no, their three and four both remind 3 (their 2 reminds our 2 if
we rotate the text so that it will be going from the top to the
bottom, in chinese way. Only then lines will not go chinese way,
but the other way around (latiin-like alphabets correlate to
chinese better. when it's rotated, the columns then go right to
left as in chinese) and how seven and eight look alike,
and it reflects (reflexes) три и четыре being similar to another
pair: семь и восемь (as if 3=З[z] фтв 4= ž[ʒ]) and then is 8
just double 4 and was added to the canon later? did 6 and 9 play
better role?
how could brahmic 2 become 5 in arabic? because areabic is
read the other way around.
in hindu ३(3) and ६(6) reflect each other, which contributes to
the 6 and 9 reflecting eachother.
and २(2) and ५(5) reflect eachother too. which definitely
relates to 3/6 similarity, but that is it.
but then 6 and 9 are similar only in lating numerals, so I have
to look around for more fractions of the protosystem. But no,
let's leave it all to ai powers.
Chorus ~ Horus ~ Kronos ~ Chronos (sun raising at the sky
as the measure of time)
and the story about eye of Horus may be reflected in the story
about Ódin (Odín is one in russian)
And those stories (or rather that story) could refer to the sky
being the eye of a god, and moon then is the dead eye.
Monkey is a little monk?
? Mon key (мои ключевые(основные) (черты))
? Monk монах
money ~ монета (ос ло от слова
менять? в английском от слова mean (средство, например оборотное)
означать, и в размене монет эти два значения слились в общее
семантическое поле, будучи его отростками (быть может, аксонами
реальной нервной клетки? And I had some mellow feeling from a
front top of my head, I waved hair by a hand (that чуб) and it
MLN molin (мельня (мельница)) the cross of it's fan, the quadrant
it makes, geometry is where engineering begisn)
LMN where L is I and the I is ا which links Λ to Α
ΛMN the amen. amt is truth, amen is true, I guess.
if elements are named after this very sequence, then this sequence
is representing, symbolizing the elements. M is water, N is what?
nani yo! A is air?
playing this autistic game I went so deranged that I started
feeling as if I hold it upside down, that those are not d's but
p's (not daddy but papa?) and I had some wild ideas about it, one
of which was that if e is ə, then d is p, then ə is o, then b is
q, which is only natural after p, and then it tells me two things:
opq is the bde read in reverse (on inhale? voiceless is easier on
inhale (in inhale speech voiceless sounds come easier) and the
thecond thing it tells me: when there was no cd distinction, they
both were ч of a kind: and h maybe too, and thus.. well, it's all
crap, but interesting, it could be even true.
I saw it as in reverse because it activated my tetris almonds, and
in tetris figures fell from atop.
And it is interesting how I sorta broke through from k they went
to M (millions) then to B (billions) and I expected T after that,
but they gave me a, and went on b, c, d, etc.
And yet of course it is arbitrary and has nothing to do with the
alphabetic structure used as
a b d
e f t
The sublime difference between S a nd T is also seen in grammatic
forms in russian:
что делает ~ что делаешь
suffix т is of тот (that)
suffix s is of Zie, cии
Imagine if german grammar uniquely capitalizing mouns (ma names)
this and that are these elements in english.
I need glasses, because I smirk my forehead to focus. I need
glasses or close my eyes not to allow this cascade. Or has it
already started once I felt it? I now can llearn to stretch it
I think I succeeded in what I wanted to do in the previous
chamber, because I stretched it and until (and is a
typo of until, unt is and, I suppose, and il (russian ili?)
NOw I type with my eyes closed and I now trust in me to write in
tnglish or russian cyphered.
Some russian texts, unless I learn to switch and fail odd
number of times. odd ~ and. With my eyes colesed I can see
claearlty now...
изъявительное, сослагательное, филология одним лишь этим уже
вымораживает. по русски говорите русский человек.
читать чтоб (чужие тексты, как вот это сейчас (что есть "еси"))
открыл глаза читая. Надо читалку.
лесина is a jewish name (as if she's not левина, as she's not
ленин chose this pseudonym to imitate
grade grain, grape and grapefruite.
grain and grape are such basal cultures, and they are such similar
words. as if that gr is жр (жри = devour, much shorter (much
basal) in russian it is.
as if p of grape is p in пить [pitt] (to drink)
to drink = do drink. That is why I felt the connection
immediately, mostly due to russian -ть
The next image, what they ment by it I don't know, but it made it
clear that dogs can show these two words by their ears. Is it why
yes ~ pick up, and no ~ put down?
there was some language, which I felt to be a brainwashing
campaign, when they made me push "no" at "beard" even though it
didn't have any other option, and though it was part of the
lesson, I felt an unease.
And for whatever reason, this page started lagging few days ago,
and it started at once and severly, and whatever the isuse is, I
have to switch to another issue: