It is volume 45 (44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
This is a part of a raw and uneven journal of discovering the origins of the writing systems,
so I recommend you to read the summary of this work instead.

God jul [гу юль] is Merry Christmas in Norwegian. Cool lads, they preserved the old name of the holiday. Yule. Unless it's Y the cross and ju the jew. But then I have no right to say so, God is good [гу]
is it of агу?

רַע [ra] is bad and evil in hebrew (which is perfectly in line with god/гад and such)
But then ע is at the Ѹ position, so it' Ro or Ru. As ro it's cognate to wrong. Is w in wrong the same as in jew? is je the? W (wars, swarы, wrong in general, wgly, but I'm being antisemitic, that's not cool)

w in wrong is the same as in war. war is wrong, wrong is warring. strong is starring. long is alling? всё (продолжается и продолжается, being on and on, but that's I'm trying too hard. strong guys are stars it's natural, Hercules is in the sky, is he not, and we hardly know what the other constellations are famous for, so ancient are those gods. Bears? Ursa. Ur's? ᛒᚱ ᚢᚱ ᚱᚢ belarus ural rus? ᛒᚱ ᚱᚢ ᚢᚱ)
s syberia, t taiga (s~t)
япония на я,
последняя страна,
на краю океана
But looking at the map, even with some groups like lithuaina latvia haveing related names,
slovakia and slovenia, iraq and iran, kasakhstan-kyrgyztsan-kitay-korea similarities, no structure.
Anglia for A. Iceland as 1? Japan is not seen as the last letter by english. New Zealand was is!
It's a pareidolia, I suppose, but it may contribute how russians and englishmen see the world.

This depiction is simply the best, but just as with the zodiac, it has other readings (and it reminds me of how letters look differently in different cultures)
And they say best or not best, it's a recent development: An alternative way to connect the stars of the constellation Hercules, suggested by H.A. Rey. Here, Hercules is shown with his head at the top.
and here's something more traditional, as they say:

and another one, similar to this one with the Keystone asterism:

And here's where I took that Keystone asterism: (I should learn the asterism, they could be something)
Traditional view of the Hercules constellation highlighting the quadrangle which forms the Keystone asterism:

α and ω, huh!
And I heard or read somewhere that Jesus is painted from Hercules.
It contains as many stars as there are letters in the greek alphabet, only I do not see ψ,
which makes me wonder if that 102 is ψ, which would make sense since ω is another hand.
And what awes me is how I just spoke about hands being the final development of the human body.
Just in the previous volume few days ago, if not yesterday, in completely different context.
So, let's connect those stars alphabetically, see what we get.

and here I stopped, because ψ is missing, and connecting χ to the star 102 made no sense,
because here I can see a face with open mouth, in a helmet, with στυφχ being the neck,
or is it a coincidence of δ (not the star but the letter) being such a good eye?
ρ as tongue makes so much sense with "речь" (but in greek tongue is γλώσσα,
and speech is ομιλία, λόγος, φωνή, λαλιά)
(in norwegian speech is supercool: tale (tale is eventyr))

So I went to look for the ψ:
and it tells that ψ Her is Also designated as Nu2 Boötis (ν2 Boo)
What it tells is that the constellation Boots has not one, but two ν's,
and the second one used to be ψ of the Heracules.
Ptolemy considered Nu2 Boötis to be shared by Hercules, and Bayer assigned it a designation in both constellations: Nu2 Boötis (ν2 Boo) and Psi2 Herculis (ψ2 Her). When the modern constellation boundaries were fixed in 1930, the latter designation dropped from use.[13]

and this ψHer frames the head perfectly. With the ends of the polygram being the α and ω above teh crown, and I wonder if they're the arrows in the helmet,

But then such face is rather cartoonish, but then who said they used straight lines for that..
well, what else would they use?
Well, let's consider it my representation of Hercules. The depiction of his helmet,
but then this helmet looks too medieval, greek helmets don't seem to have used the moving parts.
μ and ν being around the nose area are extremely nice.
But then is ξ legit? Latin alphabet doesn't have it (oh, I have to check if there was some roman numeration. That table of stars with Bayer designation includes the latin stars, but what they are I didn't look into them yet to tell. If ξ was added later, ν could be what they call ξ now, but that's a bold and naked speculation, but then it is a ground to check some day, who knows, maybe I've got that intuition already)
γδ going for forehead and sharing the same line with κλ going for helmet is super awesome too.

It's fascinating how strong ~ starring coming from wrong ~ warring lead me to this.

Hercules was one of the 48 constellations listed by the second-century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. It is the fifth-largest of the modern constellations and is the largest of the 50 which have no stars brighter than apparent magnitude +2.5.
According to Gavin White, the Greek constellation of Hercules is a distorted version of the Babylonian constellation known as the "Standing Gods" (MUL.DINGIR.GUB.BA.MESH). White argues that this figure was, like the similarly named "Sitting Gods", depicted as a man with a serpent's body instead of legs (the serpent element now being represented on the Greek star map by the figure of Draco that Hercules crushes beneath his feet). He further argues that the original name of Hercules – the 'Kneeler' (see below) – is a conflation of the two Babylonian constellations of the Sitting and Standing Gods.[34]

The constellation is also sometimes associated with Gilgamesh, a Sumerian mythological hero.[10] Phoenician tradition is said to have associated this constellation with their sun god, who slew a dragon (Draco).[35]

The earliest Greek references to the constellation do not refer to it as Hercules. Aratus describes it as follows:

    Right there in its [Draco's] orbit wheels a Phantom form, like to a man that strives at a task. That sign no man knows how to read clearly, nor what task he is bent, but men simply call him On His Knees. [Ἐγγόνασιν "the Kneeler"].[36]

    Now that Phantom, that toils on his knees, seems to sit on bended knee, and from both his shoulders his hands are upraised and stretch, one this way, one that, a fathom's length. Over the middle of the head of the crooked Dragon, he has the tip of his right foot. Here too that Crown [Corona], which glorious Dionysus set to be memorial of the dead Ariadne, wheels beneath the back of the toil-spent Phantom. To the Phantom's back the Crown is near, but by his head mark near at hand the head of Ophiuchus [...] Yonder, too, is the tiny Tortoise, which, while still beside his cradle, Hermes pierced for strings and bade it be called the Lyre [Lyra]: and he brought it into heaven and set it in front of the unknown Phantom. That Croucher on his Knees comes near the Lyre with his left knee, but the top of the Bird's head wheels on the other side, and between the Bird's head and the Phantom's knee is enstarred the Lyre.[37]

The constellation is connected with Hercules in De astronomia (probably 1st century BCE/CE, and attributed to Hyginus), which describes several different myths about the constellation:

    Eratosthenes (3rd century BCE) is said to have described it as Hercules, placed above Draco (representing the dragon of the Hesperides) and preparing to fight it, holding his lion's skin in his left hand, and a club in his right (this can be found in the Epitome Catasterismorum[38]).
    Panyassis' Heracleia (5th century BCE) reportedly said Jupiter was impressed by this fight, and made it a constellation, with Hercules kneeling on his right knee, and trying to crush Draco's head with his left foot, while striking with his right hand and holding the lion skin in his left.
    Araethus (3rd/4th century BCE) is said to have described the constellation as depicting Ceteus son of Lycaon, imploring the gods to restore his daughter Megisto who had been transformed into a bear.
    Hegesianax (2nd/3rd century BCE), who it says describes it as Theseus lifting the stone at Troezen.
    Anacreon of Alexandria, who it claims also supports the idea that it depicts Theseus, saying that the constellation Lyra (said to be Theseus' lyre in other sources) is near Theseus.
    Thamyris blinded by the Muses, kneeling in supplication.
    Orpheus killed by the women of Thracia for seeing the sacred rituals of Liber (Dionysus).
    Aeschylus' lost play Prometheus Unbound (5th century BCE), which recounted that when Hercules drives the cattle of Geryon through Liguria (northern Italy), the Ligurians will join forces and attack him, attempting to steal the cattle. Hercules fights until his weapons break, before falling to his knees, wounded. Jupiter, taking pity on his son, provides many stones on the ground, which Hercules uses to fight off the Ligurians. In commemoration of this, Jupiter makes a constellation depicting Hercules in his fighting form. (A quote from this section of the play is preserved in Dionysius of Halicarnassus' Roman Antiquities: "And thou shalt come to Liguria's dauntless host, Where no fault shalt thou find, bold though thou art, With the fray: 'tis fated thy missiles all shall fail."[39])
    Ixion with his arms bound for trying to attack Juno.

    Prometheus bound on Mount Caucasus.[40]

The Scholia to Aratus mention three more mythical figures in connection with this constellation: Sisyphus or Tantalus, who suffered in Tartarus for having offended the gods, or Salmoneus, who was struck down by Zeus for his hubris.[38]
Another classical author associated the constellation with Atlas.[35]

And I wonder if I read this table correctly, and yes, those are all children of Gaia:
In Greek mythology and ancient Greek religion, Mnemosyne (/nɪˈmɒzɪniː, nɪˈmɒsɪniː/; Ancient Greek: Μνημοσύνη, pronounced
[mnɛːmosýːnɛː]) is the goddess of memory and the mother of the nine Muses by her nephew Zeus.

In the Greek tradition, Mnemosyne is one of the Titans, the twelve divine children of the earth-goddess Gaia and the sky-god Uranus. The term Mnemosyne is derived from the same source as the word mnemonic, that being the Greek word mnēmē, which means "remembrance, memory".[1][2]

So I expose myself to this stuff, getting deeper and deeper and understanding it more and more, and yet I'm only scratching the surface, with those Horae, I had no idea. The twelve divine children. Who knows what else.
Gaia and Ouranos together had twelve children first which were called the twelve Titans. They consisted of six males - Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Cronus, Crius, and Iapetus and six females - Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea, and Themis.
Notice, how male and female deities have different initial letters in names, how labial initials belong to females, it's something I have to revisit some other time.
So far it definitely raises the question of Rh being labial (the weird question I raise again and again)
And the other one could have the second syllable being the root of the name:
In Greek mythology, Tethys (/ˈtiːθɪs, ˈtɛ-/; Ancient Greek: Τηθύς, romanized: Tēthýs) was a Titan daughter of Uranus and Gaia, a sister and wife of the Titan Oceanus, and the mother of the river gods and the Oceanids. Although Tethys had no active role in Greek mythology and no established cults,[2] she was depicted in mosaics decorating baths, pools, and triclinia in the Greek East, particularly in Antioch and its suburbs, either alone or with Oceanus.
I know it's a shameless pull, but then θ of θεά, and of two of her sisters. And one of them is literally θεά
Theia (/ˈθiːə/; Ancient Greek: Θεία, romanized: Theía, lit. 'divine', also rendered Thea or Thia), also called Euryphaessa (Ancient Greek: Εὐρυφάεσσα, "wide-shining"), is one of the twelve Titans, the children of the earth goddess Gaia and the sky god Uranus in Greek mythology. She is the Greek goddess of sight and vision, and by extension the goddess who endowed gold, silver, and gems with their brilliance and intrinsic value.[2]
Her brother-consort is Hyperion, a Titan and god of the sun, and together they are the parents of Helios (the Sun), Selene (the Moon), and Eos (the Dawn). She seems to be the same figure as Aethra, who is the consort of Hyperion and mother of his children in some accounts.[3] Like her husband, Theia features scarcely in myth, being mostly important for the children she bore, though she appears in some texts and rare traditions.

Norwegian word for goddess, gudinne, has the same root with the english root, and the same suffix with the russian word богиня.

И океан шумит. Тяжелым низким гулом, слышимым издалека... Не шум прибоя: периодически накатывающихся волн, но - ровный рокот.
что объясняет почему буква М связана с водой; а, как замечено выше, буква S — с лесом.
вода губами, еда езыком
язык от слова явства, есть!
Graphically they're perfect representation of those sounds:
the sea (starts with S for some reason) is M because it raises up and down (but those who called it sea probably thought of ebb and flow (flux and reflux (flow is flux, both are прилив)))
forest waves left and right
Silva, sylva, saltus are latin words for forest.
Mare is the latin word for sea.

And if these agregate states of matter are M and S, it is only natural to consider A to be the 3ʳᵈ one, air.
But, I wonder what made jews turn earth in fire.. probably because it burns, and they're destroyers.

But language is yet to reveal that thought:
א can be both, אויר and אֶרֶץ ..and אֵשׁ
and אש
(g.t. reads them эш and аш, but who knows, and what does it matter)

מַיִם is the only opoposi.. opposite to them.
and such opposition, אם
can be the difference of solid water and the other half of the world..
If water is solid, which the form of ם told me, then water and land are one.
But isn't that a deeper elaboration of the liquid-solid separation?
But in the world of mud who could separate the two? There are more and less watery matter, but even the most solid solid melts.
Meanwhile the separation of air and land is directly observable. Always was.
אם is ॐ
Didn't the flying diacritics of ॐ giving birth to the third element? Air it was? ॐ looks as if it's om read in “ॐ अम ओम्
Om (or Aum) (listenⓘ; Sanskrit: ॐ, ओम्, romanized: Oṃ, Auṃ, ISO 15919: Ōṁ)
is a polysemous symbol representing a sacred sound, syllable, mantra, and invocation in Hinduism.[1][2]
Its written form is the most important symbol in the Hindu religion.[3]
It is the essence of the supreme Absolute,[2] consciousness,[4][5][6] Ātman, Brahman, or the cosmic world.[7][8][9]
In Indic traditions, Om serves as a sonic representation of the divine,
a standard of Vedic authority and a central aspect of soteriological doctrines and practices.
It is the basic tool for meditation in the yogic path to liberation.[11]
The syllable is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other Hindu texts.[9]
It is described as the goal of all the Vedas. [12]

Atman and Brahman are A and B, and probably those very ओ and म्
самый открытый звук и самый закрытый
такое закрытое B, что не разрывается
(но иногда эту мантру поют по кругу, тогда м продолжается сколько хватает воздуху, чтоб продолжиться вдохом и повторением)
Тогда это рот и нос!
Петь имеет смысл чтоб поровну разделить энергию меж ними
(у меня получи лось пять пальцев на правой открыть пока пел А
и затем пять пальцев на елв елевой открыть пока пер пел М)
Nose Mose? Moses ~ Noses!!!
The syllable Om is referred to by many names, including:

    Praṇava (प्रणव); literally, "fore-sound", referring to Om as the primeval sound.[21][22]
    Oṅkāra (ओङ्कार) or oṃkāra (ओंकार);
literally, "Om-maker", denoting the first source of the sound Om and connoting the act of creation.[23][24][25][26]
            Ik Oṅkār (ੴ or ਇੱਕ ਓਅੰਕਾਰ); literally, "one Om-maker", and an epithet of God in Sikhism. (see below).
    Udgītha (उद्गीथ); meaning "song, chant", a word found in Samaveda and bhasya (commentaries) based on it.
It is also used as a name of the syllable Om in Chandogya Upanishad.[27]
    Akṣara (अक्षर); literally, "imperishable, immutable", and also "letter of the alphabet" or "syllable".
            Ekākṣara; literally, "one letter of the alphabet", referring to its representation as a single ligature.

The etymological origins of ōm (aum) have long been discussed and disputed, with even the Upanishads having proposed multiple Sanskrit etymologies for aum, including: from "ām" (आम्; "yes"), from "ávam" (आवम्; "that, thus, yes"), and from the Sanskrit roots "āv-" (अव्; "to urge") or "āp-" (आप्; "to attain").[28][A] In 1889, Maurice Bloomfield proposed an origin from a Proto-Indo-European introductory particle "*au" with a function similar to the Sanskrit particle "atha" (अथ).[28] However, contemporary Indologist Asko Parpola proposes a borrowing from Dravidian "*ām" meaning "'it is so', 'let it be so', 'yes'", a contraction of "*ākum", cognate with modern Tamil "ām" (ஆம்) meaning "yes".[28][29] In the Jaffna Tamil dialect spoken in Sri Lanka, aum' is the word for yes.

The syllable Om is first mentioned in the Upanishads. It has been associated with various concepts, such as "cosmic sound", "mystical syllable", "affirmation to something divine"

And at that sentenced I first found it in amen, and then I recalled that Essens tell aumen instead of amen (a hear-say, didn't check it yet) and thus am in amen is literally aum, am as yes.
which makes en no, does it not?
un- is it not?
yes as эс, the names of S, and эн is N, for no.
So is jewish religion diabolic? With their attempts to fool god, with their yes-and-no-ness.
I dare to guess everything, only so can we tell if it is or nah.

, or as symbolism for abstract spiritual concepts in the Upanishads.[9] In the Aranyaka and the Brahmana layers of Vedic texts, the syllable is so widespread and linked to knowledge, that it stands for the "whole of Veda".[9] The symbolic foundations of Om are repeatedly discussed in the oldest layers of the early Upanishads.[32][33] The Aitareya Brahmana of Rig Veda, in section 5.32, suggests that the three phonetic components of Om (a + u + m) correspond to the three stages of cosmic creation, and when it is read or said, it celebrates the creative powers of the universe.[9][34]
That sentence made me recall that אמת on golems' forehead begins with that אמ.
However, in the eight anuvaka of the Taittiriya Upanishad, which consensus research indicates was formulated around the same time or preceding Aitareya Brahmana, the sound
Aum is attributed to reflecting the inner part of the word Brahman. Put another way, it is the Brahman, in the form of a word.[35] The Brahmana layer of Vedic texts equates Om with bhur-bhuvah-svah, which symbolizes "the whole Veda". They offer various shades of meaning to Om, such as it being "the universe beyond the sun", or that which is "mysterious and inexhaustible", or "the infinite language, the infinite knowledge", or "essence of breath, life, everything that exists", or that "with which one is liberated".[9] The Samaveda, the poetical Veda, orthographically maps Om to the audible, the musical truths in its numerous variations (Oum, Aum, Ovā Ovā Ovā Um, etc.) and then attempts to extract musical meters from it.[9]

bhur-bhuvah-svah is an interesting utterance, because bhur-bhuvah starts the same, so is probably the same just with different suffixes, and svah opposes bhuvah as S and Bhu, as S and M basically.
so I started digging:

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि।
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥

    oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
    tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
    bhargo devasya dhīmahi
    dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt
    – Ṛgveda 03.062.10[14]

    oṃ - sacred syllable, primeval sound;
    bhūr - physical body / physical realm;
    bhuvaḥ - life force / mental realm;
    svaḥ - soul / spiritual realm;
    tat - that (God);
    savitur - of Savitṛ (Sun, Creator, source of all life);
    vareṇyam - adore, venerable;
    bhargo - splendour, effulgence, divine light;
    devasya - Supreme Lord;
    dhīmahi - may we meditate;
    dhiyo - buddhi (intellect);
    yo - may this light;
    naḥ - our;
    prachodayāt - illumine / inspire.

The Gāyatrī Mantra (Sanskrit pronunciation: [ɡaː.jɐ.triː.mɐn.trɐ.]), also known as the Sāvitrī Mantra (Sanskrit pronunciation: [saː.vi.triː.mɐn.trɐ.]), is a sacred mantra from the Ṛig Veda (Mandala 3.62.10),[1] dedicated to the Vedic deity Savitr.[1][2] It is known as "Mother of the Vedas".[3]
The term Gāyatrī may also refer to a type of mantra which follows the same Vedic meter as the original Gāyatrī Mantra. There are many such Gāyatrīs for various gods and goddesses.[3] Furthermore, Gāyatrī is the name of the Goddess of the mantra and the meter.[4]
The Gayatri mantra is cited widely in Hindu texts, such as the mantra listings of the Śrauta liturgy, and classical Hindu texts such as the Bhagavad Gita,[5][6] Harivamsa,[7] and Manusmṛti.[8] The mantra and its associated metric form was known by the Buddha.[9] The mantra is an important part of the initiation ceremony. Modern Hindu reform movements spread the practice of the mantra to everyone and its use is now very widespread.[10][11]

the formula bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ (भूर् भुवः स्वः), known as the mahāvyāhṛti, or "great (mystical) utterance".
This prefixing of the mantra is properly described in the Taittiriya Aranyaka (2.11.1-8), which states that it should be chanted with the syllable oṃ, followed by the three Vyahrtis and the Gayatri verse.
bhuvaḥ is the middle ground between bhūr and svaḥ: भुवः starts as भूर् and ends as स्वः
and in this light भ is solids, व is vaporous, and both are labials, one is solid, other vaporous.
 स the R starts bhūr and endes svaḥ: भूर् and स्वः, or art are they different letters? but s and r remind eachother in some european fonts, so could it be more to this? Maybe they were the same, until it started to be pronounced differently depending on position? They're र् and स् and the second one has that vertical stroke maybe to tell that it's initial, that something follows?
R and S (or rather Я and S (or г and s, ah i got confused))

faculty ~ vacuity

race ~ rage (what rage are you (for in more common sense, ragi is a vehement desire or passion:
"a rage for absolute honesty informs much western art")

I hate word fix, so narrow. A stick between wheels may fix them, but as russian I see зафиксировать in fix first and foremost.

My friend wished that I research eastern cultures more, and his wish is granted:
(not by my will, I just observe working into this thing, being fascinated by shapes of Pali)
In the oldest texts of Buddhism, dhyāna (Sanskrit: ध्यान) or jhāna (Pali: 𑀛𑀸𑀦) is a component of the training of the mind (bhavana), commonly translated as meditation, to withdraw the mind from the automatic responses to sense-impressions and "burn up" the defilements, leading to a "state of perfect equanimity and awareness (upekkhā-sati-parisuddhi)."[1] Dhyāna may have been the core practice of pre-sectarian Buddhism, in combination with several related practices which together lead to perfected mindfulness and detachment.[2][3][4]

In the later commentarial tradition, which has survived in present-day Theravāda, dhyāna is equated with "concentration", a state of one-pointed absorption in which there is a diminished awareness of the surroundings. In the contemporary Theravāda-based Vipassana movement, this absorbed state of mind is regarded as unnecessary and even non-beneficial for the first stage of awakening, which has to be reached by mindfulness of the body and vipassanā (insight into impermanence). Since the 1980s, scholars and practitioners have started to question these positions, arguing for a more comprehensive and integrated understanding and approach, based on the oldest descriptions of dhyāna in the suttas.[5][6][7][8]

In Buddhist traditions of Chán and Zen (the names of which are, respectively, the Chinese and Japanese pronunciations of dhyāna), as in Theravada and Tiantai, anapanasati (mindfulness of breathing), which is transmitted in the Buddhist tradition as a means to develop dhyana, is a central practice. In the Chan/Zen-tradition this practice is ultimately based on Sarvastivāda meditation techniques transmitted since the beginning of the Common Era.

Dhyāna, Pali jhana, from Proto-Indo-European root *√dheie-, "to see, to look", "to show".[9][10] Developed into Sanskrit root √dhī and n. dhī,[10] which in the earliest layer of text of the Vedas refers to "imaginative vision" and associated with goddess Saraswati with powers of knowledge, wisdom and poetic eloquence.[11][12] This term developed into the variant √dhyā, "to contemplate, meditate, think",[13][10] from which dhyāna is derived.[11]

According to Buddhaghosa (5th century CE Theravāda exegete), the term jhāna (Skt. dhyāna) is derived from the verb jhayati, "to think or meditate", while the verb jhapeti, "to burn up", explicates its function, namely burning up opposing states, burning up or destroying "the mental defilements preventing [...] the development of serenity and insight."[14][note 1]

Commonly translated as meditation, and often equated with "concentration", though meditation may refer to a wider scale of exercises for bhāvanā, development. Dhyāna can also mean "attention, thought, reflection".[17]

Zoroastrianism in Persia, which has Indo-Aryan linguistic and cultural roots, developed the related practice of daena.

That Pali which fascinated me by its simple forms is in Brahmi script:

 kh-   g-
 ṅ-  c-  ch-
 𑀚𑀸  𑀛𑀸
 -ī  𑀓𑀻
 -e  𑀓𑁂
 -o  𑀓𑁄
 -Ø  𑀓𑁆  𑀔𑁆  𑀕𑁆  𑀖𑁆  𑀗𑁆  𑀘𑁆  𑀙𑁆  𑀚𑁆  𑀛𑁆  𑀜𑁆  𑀝𑁆  𑀞𑁆  𑀟𑁆  𑀠𑁆  𑀡𑁆  𑀢𑁆  𑀣𑁆  𑀤𑁆  𑀥𑁆  𑀦𑁆  𑀧𑁆  𑀨𑁆  𑀩𑁆  𑀪𑁆  𑀫𑁆  𑀬𑁆  𑀭𑁆  𑀮𑁆  𑀯𑁆  𑀰𑁆  𑀱𑁆  𑀲𑁆  𑀳𑁆  𑀴𑁆
(if in your browser 𑀚𑁂, 𑀚 and 𑀚𑁆 look exactly the same, check them in some other browser)
(the same is true for other glyphs lacking the diacritic strokes (other than -a line))
S and T meet again in 𑀝 beint ta (𑀝𑀝𑀸𑀝𑀺𑀝𑀻𑀝𑀼𑀝𑀽𑀝𑁂𑀝𑁄𑀝𑁆)
S and T meet again in 𑀰 being sa (𑀰𑀰𑀸𑀰𑀺𑀰𑀻𑀰𑀼𑀰𑀽𑀰𑁂𑀰𑁄𑀰𑁆)
in that sense [ḍa]𑀟~ᛋ[s]

𑀛 reminds both Ч and it's reading shows how much Ч reminds J and y

Ч is to J as q is to g IO (you know how they draw J sometimes, with that Ч-like top)

And truly brahmi reminds european alphabets more than paleo-hispanic does:
𑀕 ~ 𐤂
𑀔 ~ Г (just as with 𑀛~Ч, brahmi letters seem reversed.
𑀱 ~ ש
𑀴 ~ L (un-mirrorwed this time, which makes me wonder if that's not a later borrwoing from europe)

𑀓 for ka
𑀓𑀸 for kā that's so close in the way they use that  ̄
𑀓𑀼 for ku reminds v opposing ʌ way too much
It's as if they were the first main letters, and u being low is very european (opposite to arabic, yet I said that) yet their i-syllables get higher than a: 𑀓𑀺 for i, 𑀓𑀻 for ī
𑀓𑁂 for ke sets it at the hight of ka, only the other way, different. and that e doesn't have a long variant makes it different from russian.
𑀓𑁄 for ko makes o the middle ground between e and a. how is it possible? with different vowels it may be, I need to hear how they read them first, vowels of different nations are different, so..
The way kØ reminds kā confuses me, probably they sound really symilar. But am I supposed to delve into languages I don't speak at all? How else am I supposed to learn it (I keep on forgetting that these are not books, they are my notebooks, I can do anything here)
The way 𑀮[la] reflects 𑀴[ḷa] makes it easy to remember them at once, but what are they?
𑀮 could be the real L congate, for then brahmi reverses latin letters.
Or latin letters reversed brahmi. After all b is 𓃀
[ta]𑀢 ~ T
[bha]𑀪 ~ П
[dha]𑀥 reminds D

[cha]𑀙 as double 𑀘[ca]    
[ṭha]𑀞 as double 𑀝[ṭa]
[ṇa]𑀡 as double 𑀦[na]
is 𑀓[ka] double 𑀦[na]

[ya]𑀬 as reverse 𑀰[śa and that reminds me runic ᛦ[y(and r)] and ᛉ[z, ks]

It is all Brahmi, but Pali uses many other writing systems:
Dhamma, Devanāgarī, Kharoṣṭhī, Khmer, Mon-Burmese, Thai, Tai Tham, Sinhala and transliteration to the Latin alphabet

Brahmi has 10 vowels, just as russian does, and both come directly from pentanonic scale, and since it's obvious that brahmi vowel row is similar to japanese, only each vowel is doubled by lengh, japanese people also have that in their language, but they decided to use other means to express it.

and in russian it is rather chaotic: A E Ё И О У Ы Э Ю Я
A E     И О У                   (this one is the standard set, no wonder that it's in order)
Ы Э Ю Я  (and this sequence doesn't remind me anything)
but then I realize that the halves are нейотирующие и йотирующие
A            О У Ы Э           (and this one is almost ogham's order, almost)
    E Ё И                Ю Я   (and this order I do not recognize at all)

But as for brahmi, abugida are nothing but alphabet with matres lectiones. Diacritics doesn't change much, even though ethiopean abugida has its forms mutated more depending on the vowels.
Paleo-hispanic is a true syllabary with independent shapes, just as japanese have it. Which raises way too many questions, but let's not do them now. Which may tell them being the direct next step from some hieroglyphics (but then Petrie Flinders wrote that primitive shapes _predated_ fine glyphs of Aegyptus)

And there are also vowels in Brahmi, but they didn't have place in the table, because there are more vowels than there are rows of that table, so I got confused.. and where I took it there were other syllable row: 𑀓𑁅 for kau /kɐu/ is not in my table, so it's not exhaustive (or whatever is the right word)

𑀅 [a/ɐ/]        𑀓 [ka /kɐ/]       𑀆 [ā /aː/]      𑀓𑀸 [kā /kaː/]
𑀇 [i /i/]        𑀓𑀺 [ki /ki/]         𑀈 [ī /iː/]        𑀓𑀻 [kī /kiː/]
𑀉 [u /u/]       𑀓𑀼 [ku /ku/]        𑀊 [ū /uː/]       𑀓𑀽 [kū /kuː/]
𑀏 [e /eː/]     𑀓𑁂 [ke /keː/]      𑀐 [ai /ɐi/]      𑀓𑁃 [kai /kɐi/] these two syllables are not in the table
𑀑 [o /oː/]      𑀓𑁄 [ko /koː/]     𑀒 [au /ɐu/]     𑀓𑁅 [kau /kɐu/] which may tell that there are more glyphs.
yes, probably waaay more
𑀈 looks like four dots as if at corners of a square in one browser
and it looks like a vertical line with one dot to it's right and one dot to its left in another

Here those consonantal glyphs systematized

Their nasal and approximate are what I call sonors. And thus it reflects the european alphabets, by placing sonors in the centre.

The texts that brahmi thing is famous for,
of them all here comes my favourite:

I can see in it a bow of the man force and a cow of a female.
The Prakrit word "dhaṃ-ma"/𑀥𑀁𑀫 (Sanskrit: Dharma धर्म) in the Brahmi script,
as inscribed by Emperor Ashoka in his Edicts of Ashoka (3rd century BCE)

I think that very picture was made from one (black dots edited out, or it was taken before they appeared, I wonder what they are) of the 𑀥𑀁𑀫s in the third line from the bottom.

𑀥𑀁𑀫 (Ashokan Prakrit)
From Sanskrit धर्म (dharma), from Proto-Indo-European *dʰer-mos. Cognate to Pali dhamma, Sauraseni Prakrit 𑀥𑀫𑁆𑀫 (dhamma).
𑀥𑀁𑀫 (dhaṃma)
    (Buddhism, Hinduism) dharma: religious duty; natural law

That dot above 𑀥 probably works like m: 𑀥𑀁 turns into dhaṃ, according to the transliterations
धर्म is translated as religion by g.t. (they read it as dharm) and it's confirmed by this text: Кандагарская надпись 258 г. до н.э. императора Ашоки (обнаружена в Афганистане в середине 20-го века ), в которой «дхарма» (пракритское «дхамма») переводится греческим словом «евсевия» (εὐσέβεια – почитание богов, благочестие, благоговейное отношение к жизни, духовная зрелость, правильное поведение, нравственность, права и долг перед обществом) и арамейским Qsyt («Истина»)
dhamma turned into dharma, which may be of the same process, which turned german aus into raus, brutalization of the language, rhetoric tricks turned into a norm. And it may also tell that abracadabra is originally abacadaba (a way to trick people by choosing all the right answers from a conspirator reading those variants offering to the contestant to choose amongst the variants. And that is why егэ is a way to trick the system by chosing answers mindlessly, secretly knowing (being told by those who sell this information to those who want to enter the position they do not deserve))

Rhotification is it the term? No, but it was found in a page about some made-up language for other letters turning into R.
So let's think of another one? tells the right term: rhotacization, which is when an "m" or "n" sound changes into an "r" sound. It’s similar to how English "horse" used to be pronounced with an "s" instead of an "r" sound in Old English, or how Latin "auster" (south wind) became German "Ost" (east). In the case of "Dhamma" and "Dharma," the rhotacization is a specific kind called "lenition," where a consonant is weakened or lost over time. (I'm not sure of the rest, so I put it into painted it gray)
> and if abacadaba turned into abracadabra, what would you call such phonetic process?
Good question! That would be another example of lenition, where consonants are weakened or lost over time. In this case, the "b" in "abacadaba" has been softened or dropped entirely, resulting in "abracadabra." This kind of change is known as "debuccalization," where a sound is changed into a different kind of sound or lost entirely.
> But neither of b's of abacadaba are lost when it becomes abracadabra, the word just gained two r's without any other changes.
Ah, I see your point. That’s a little trickier to classify since it’s not exactly a case of lenition or debuccalization. Instead, it might be a kind of assimilation, where sounds become more similar to each other over time. Maybe something like "metathesis," where sounds or syllables are rearranged within a word. But honestly, I'm not sure if there’s a specific term for this kind of change. It might just be a case of words naturally changing over time through use and repetition.

is to paint ~ to pu into? is -int into?
faint (into a groove)
saint (I can speculate that into heaven he heads, but is it the direct meaning? nah, so let's look on)
flint fl for flame, in+to?
hint is hidden (h for hidden?)
kind? Well, it's too speculative, ai should build such models. I think we start to call computer programs ai, for they all going to use that technology.

People are often nagging about how their children are not taught finance, and then they do not teach it either, not even learn it themselves.
Here, few hours ago I was told about CFD, and that's fucked up, literally making money out of thin air:
In finance, a contract for difference (CFD) is a financial agreement between two parties, commonly referred to as the "buyer" and the "seller." The contract stipulates that the buyer will pay the seller the difference between the current value of an asset and its value at the time the contract was initiated. If the asset's price increases from the opening to the closing of the contract, the seller compensates the buyer for the increase, which constitutes the buyer's profit. Conversely, if the asset's price decreases, the buyer compensates the seller, resulting in a profit for the seller.[1]
It's a fancy way to borrow money, but actually you're selling what you have not with an obligation to buy it later.
They probably earn money by taking a margin from each deal for providing the service. They then can use that money to bump that company, so it doesn't go down.

died~tired (умер в значении выдохся)
is T in tied and tired in the meaningn of Tott? bJBut then re is in the meaning of "again" so every day
(Jesus in that typo ifſ from Mississippi Maas Mass Choir singing "If I Be lifted" over the speakers)
tired is asleep
If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me
unto and onto translated differently:
unto they translate as к(to) and до(up to)
onto they translate as на(on) and в(in)

And I have a great consultant for such cases:
The difference between "onto" and "unto" is subtle, but they have different meanings and uses.
"Onto" is a preposition that indicates movement or direction towards something. For example, "She climbed onto the roof." or "He jumped onto the bandwagon."
"Unto" is a bit more archaic and formal. It's often used in religious or poetic contexts and can have different meanings depending on the context. For example, "Unto us a child is born." or "Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul."

burgeon (under a burden do we? is it burdening me? no, my burden makes me burgeon)
bourgeon is another way to spell burgeon
> Are burgeon and bourgeon the same word?
They’re almost the same word, with the same meaning and origin, but with different spellings. "Burgeon" is the more common spelling in modern English, while "bourgeon" is more common in older texts. Both words come from the Old French "borjon," which means "bud" or "shoot." They both mean "to grow and flourish," especially when applied to plants or ideas. So, you can use either "burgeon" or "bourgeon," but "burgeon" might be more familiar to modern readers. 🌱📚
sturgeon (comes smooth with bourgeon (and I can only wonder if it's some way to encode the opposite ends of the alphabet in b and st))
chirurgeon in British English (kaɪˈrɜːdʒən ) noun. an archaic word for surgeon [uk: /ˈsɜː.dʒən/, us: /ˈsɝː.dʒən/]

I guess they became surgeons because they sew.

I did think about it
I do think about it
I will think about it

isn't do to will as go to went as is to was? only do goes into the future, while go changes into past.

I do and I did, nothing weird here.
But that d becomes w.. the opposites, why would they do it? Why is чего read as чиво?

Но ~ Mais ~ Maar ~ Mэ, звук сомнения мне в сомнения именно мне. no, me (mine) мне~не.

This work is so magical, so mystical. That my conversations with made two whole volumes, ending with its enlightenment. and they weigh so suspiciously 666 and 777-like, both equating to 9 in such spelling.

Now I modified it and it's 711.1 kB, so at first it was two rings after the .'s one is some ⛧
and the other is the circle around it.
Empty circle? But then I rolled it, messed with the ending to make it more epic, and it's 711.1
after all additions are removal)
It's as if I forced 777 to appear. But hey man. Be true, 711 is not even 777.
I failed to add it up to 777 thinking that 711.0 is so good that no need to even try.
Pussy man.
Seven Eleven is a memetic словосочетание combination of words.
a memetic phrase.
616 and 711?
4 and 9?
not 9 and 3?
This 711 thing was brought to me by chaos, by chance, by
..chaos and chance are cognates, are they not?
they look so alike and I used them as synonyms.

Abe Be Big Good Dобр De(us of deus of or de the of) EZ(easy)
Be Good Easy [ēsy could be the spelling]
Good Easy is not Lazy easy, it's Wise easy. Good is Wise as Go is Went? West Went to invent.

  Be GooD

Be GooD is all the law.

Think Good
Speak Good
Do Good

I see S and T in Th S D

So GooD
To GooD

Sere Good
Dee Good
Thee Good

Be GooD
Zee Good
(as abiove so below)

Be GooD
Say Good

Be Good
Do Good

Be Good
Do Excelent
For Good.. what? Should I use greek?
Let's right in Russian too:

Будь Великолепен
Гони Дураков (Гори в аДу как два сильных слога Ри как лёгкая палатализованная форма Го?)
Если Ёбнутый
Живи Запертым (принцип певрых ассоциаций и здесь и вообще)
Или КоЛеси (къ лесу? в лес)
Мир Навести
Отплывай По Реке
Сиди Тогда.. Принцип первых ассоциаций это почти что автоматическое письмо. В данном случае это было constrained automatic writing.

A Был ещё
А Буде еж зи
А Бде Ёж Зи Кл Ман, чем ты занят?   Я прокрастинирую.
Аднажды Буде
ещё как выверт слова же? синонимичные частицы эти ли?

Арий Будь Великолепен.
Господин Дворянин. Господи Допомоги.
Евнух Ев нюх? Новое развлечение появилось. Способ заводить науку с толкача.
Если Вы
Живёте Знатно
Ищи Круны Крутых
Имей Классных Лучших
Имей Мэн(также и часть слова Имей, I'm)
I'm No pqrst
I'm No Prst (q~d? pqrst=pdrst=пакость)
U've Xyz (you have an excuse)

IJKLM makes it more difficult, but in italian it's only ILM
So.. irish too. We should look into gaelic languages. Celtin Celtic languages.

Ilm  is an interesting word across languages: from aroma, air to world to knowledge science
(which may be ultra-infra-cognatic in science and scent)

A Вы Добры
Еси Нанебеси..

До того как Умеем, мы Учимся.
До того как Имеем, мы Ищем (в случае учёбы ищем себя)
М for MiraiJA?

A   V   G   D
Are U GooD?
А Вы ЖыД?
А Ви ЖиД?
Are You Jew? What if ABC is A Ю Жу?
What if into christian heaven only jews are allowed?
Other nations are taught there to be animals, ansd thus not having what it take itno heaven. That is the irony of that satanic religion.

Жу не се па would be my firest answer.
fire is first? As agni is in rigveda.
Second the ссыконд? ссыкун? Как Герман Титов. Титька Сиська Сыкло Сися Ссыт? Титю Пьют. Сосок сочится. Съ сокъ. ссок. со сок. буквально.

Не жужжу would be my second answer.
Sea Seek. Sea Sick.

Stick Stuck Stack Stock Stake?

Stake Steak?

Surprisingly many form of that stk штк.

In that sequence the sequence is э эй и о у  or  э эй и о а  (еиоу  or  еиоа  (and both are Jehowa))

So if AEIOU is supposed to be read ЭEIОУa, then wouldn't it explain greek Ω? And in english it's Y:
AEIOUY [æeiouy] эйоуи? эйоуа would look better. Let's check the greek: ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ ÆEIIIOYΩ is easily Эйоу, some god's name. Some wild spelling of Yehowah (but here, in that jehova we clearly see EOA, which reminds me of how it went in greek musical notation)
And if A was added later, if B was the Beginning, then EIOU is.. but it's not eihowah, but iehowah, so it's ioa or eoa (o is vav, thus its EVA, and E is the "the", thus it's VɅ. The opposite of OM (ɅV)?)
War as the opposite of Our? Oh? Off?
War (варка, заваруха лишь переносное значение) как the opposite of Raw (не варёный)
Russian and English words working together.

Nani being what in Japanese and where in Inupiaq may represent the semantic shift beween neighbours.

Аум продолжается в н превращаясь в Аминь, Ауминь.

Ау это и слово, кстати. Очень особенное. Descanding scale. AE of amen is anohter scale, ascending.

But then since nobody reads this texts, why do I write them?

MN labial before lingual. And the word is not just word.

What am I doing here? Just thinking of the stuff hoping some good pieces coming. But I have found so many pieces, maybe it's time to lay out the main picture of them?

The next seance:

 After Bridge Comes Down (found in vol.25 and simnce forgotten, so how many good pieces are there)
it made me realize that the lines are different languages in which the same saying should be siad.
And Be Good Dog.
Be Good could be all there was (after bridge comes down is probably just one of first attempts to decypher it, and it fails falls down when you comapare it to Be Good. Even with A.
Be good deus?
Be ~ big (tiny are less there are, they're almost gone, almost none)

Such hypothesis may explain similarity of lines (languages are often similar) and sharing of k's and differences in the I-line. Whether I is India or Italia shall give us further clues.
Anglia: Be Good
España: ser bueno, estar bien
Estonia: ole hea
hEllenico: να είσαι καλά
Latin: bonum esse
Italian: essere buono, giovare

hIndi: अच्छा बनो [achchha bano (ача is good, bano is probably related to be)]
Acha Bano as indian Be Good, for that is A B. And weaving languages into such fabric I perform.

Ukrainian: Бути Добрим
Hungarian: légy jó (literally "fly good") and that led to it's own fucking story: g
but then, on another look, no, "legyen" is "to be" (it is both, the words are homonyms)
Gy     gy     gyé     /ɟ/ⓘ        
(not used in English; soft form of /d/. Mostly similar to during, as pronounced in Received Pronunciation)
denoting /ɟ/ by ⟨gy⟩ is a remnant of (probably) Italian scribes who tried to render the Hungarian sound.
<dy> would be a more consistent notation in scope of ⟨ty⟩, ⟨ny⟩, ⟨ly⟩;
(see there), as the ⟨y⟩ part of digraphs show palatalisation in the Hungarian writing system.

Ly     ly     elly, el-ipszilon     1. /j/ⓘ
2. /ʎ/ⓘ
        play, pray     Most dialects pronounce it as /j/; see yeísmo.

Ny     ny     eny     /ɲ/ⓘ         canyon

Ty     ty     tyé     /c/         tube

and hungarian is unusual in another aspect:

S     s     es     /ʃ/ⓘ         share, wish, shout    
This notation is unusual for European writing systems where ⟨s⟩ usually stands for /s/. In Hungarian, /s/ is represented by ⟨sz⟩.

Z     z     zé     /z/ⓘ         desert, roses

Zs     zs     zsé     /ʒ/ⓘ         pleasure, leisure

They use digraphs to show the sounds between the components of the digraphs:
Sz is [s] because [s] is between [ʃ] and [z]
Zs is [ʒ] because [ʒ] is beween [z] and [ʃ]

Hungarian alphabet is such a mess:

but if you cut the crap, it's basically A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
which is the set common amongst English, German & French.

There are too many languages, even in Europe alone. I should leave that Be GooD ~ Jo Legi hypothesis for when I have some powerful language model doing the job.

A Á B C Cs D Dz Dzs

Ai Be G-D

Ai Be CoDe

Ai Be GooD

Ah Be G-D could it be? It is as something from the bible (somebody wrote those words alright)
Ah Be Gea
Et Вы θ
ea   (ik ben peter du bist paul rhyme influenced this line. I don't know what the line is, but this is a guess no worse than any other. Until a better comes along)

And here I can see how G and θ look very much alike

I aM

Is our world in turmoil because IMNL became ILMN (Immanuel became Ill man)

Is it IMNL or IMLN, because both are possible, and N is under H this way, and L is under Г, so let's explore the possibility of IMLN: I aM LuNa
Ah Baal?
Not now, Baal. Later. I aM LuNa is super awesome.



calling дар? Names to the days it gives.
календы могут быть от него производным словом (a particular star in the sky is a term way more complicated than a wood with cuts of measure.

28 is natural number for how many days, and is it what allowed new letters to be added to some 7vowels making raws of four elements each.

e l m n could be the elemental, and then in the context of several lines ago, emelents? emenelts? emeralds? M R L as the sonor line? Middle, Right, Left? KMNL the communal?

Yin and Yang are Yinь and Yanъ, and as g ъ plays great, because upper half of it is г[g] and the belly is as of g. o = v!? г = v?! so far I dunno.

Alphabets appeared all at once. There are was period when it was secret. And probably the Greek Dark Ages taught humanity to.. they were secret during the Dark Ages. Scum probably went all oever wizards in CumBoJo/CumPuссia way.

M R L N  as the line of sonors reminds one magical name: Merlin. Marilyn is even more so.
MRLN as the I-line? A I Y as the three the most different sounds of A I U, A I V, Ʌ I V

UYOI (wanted to say something, forgot what (and, as I mentioned before for I sentences, good))
yuio a weird set of vowels on qwertyuiop[]\ row
they're I and YOU. They're U&I surrounded by you

᚛    ᚜ are how ogham stave is (was it bone at first?) Whichever way you look at it, when it's vertical, which it usually was, it was Y 

And ogham does have e&i after o&u before e&i,
ᚒ [u] is called ur, as ᚢ
(but then they say that is реставрированно reconsturcted)
(may Ai check those theories and make some bigger sense of them or/and reject inconsistencies)

Could they be ᚜
    ᚛? That's how brackets work today. And thus they would be Ʌ
and that is the way they go in the alphabet.
but what are archaeological data to support this claim?
Should there be?
Can I reconstruct the way it was basing it on the appearance, position, function of the letters?
I cannot see why I cannot, actual history culture is so vast, that hardly do we need additional material.
Brainpower to analyze it all to need we may.

The Tullycommon bone has a short Ogham inscription next to various decorative elements such as zigzag lines on each side.
The characters are clearly Ogham characters.[3] A fact that is also typical of Ogham inscription lines with those used start and stemlines whose tips go through the main line. In order to mark the beginning of one of the two inscriptions, instead of the arrow running to the right, as with the Buckquoy spindle-whorl, an X next to the stemline is used.
The signs for C and S are clearly recognizable as Ogham signs on one side of the bone. On the other side may also be recognized the sign for the sound sequence EA (which was also used for K and resembled an X)[4] as well as the sign for M (character before stemline).
It is not possible to decipher the inscription. According to Macalister, "It makes no sense to decipher a short inscription of this kind ...".[5] If these are not doodles, the signs may actually have been used for magical purposes.[2] Perhaps the bone was one of a whole series of bones used for fortune-telling.[5]

They so easily say that it's "clearly Ogham", since two of those shapes are not ogham: one is ᚦ-like and the other is not known even in runes,
᚛ ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅ     ᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊ     ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ     ᚐᚑᚒᚓᚔ     ᚕᚖᚗᚘᚙᚚ᚜

Buckquoy spindle-whorl they mentioned, and it is also rather interesting:

The Buckquoy spindle-whorl is an Ogham-inscribed spindle-whorl dating from the Early Middle Ages, probably the 8th century, which was found in 1970 in Buckquoy, Birsay, Orkney, Scotland.[1] Made of sandy limestone, it is about 36 mm in diameter and 10 mm thick.[2] It is the only known spindle-whorl with an Ogham inscription.
The inscription was once used as proof that the Pictish language was not Indo-European, being variously read as:
However, in 1995 historian Katherine Forsyth reading
proposed that the inscription was a standard Old Irish ogham benedictory message, Benddact anim L. meaning "a blessing on the soul of L.".[4] The stone from which the whorl was made, and on which the inscription was written, is likely to have originated in Orkney.[5]
Let's try and see those transliterations in it. The Katherine's transliteration I start with:
ᚓ(e)  ᚅ(n) 
and I lost her
Here comes a more funny artefact:

(Sashahvi could be Саша хуй (Alex is dick))

"на балтике" ~ "на болотах"

is Hello cognate to Health (is H the V of Vale the way ha is wa in japanese?) and are they cognates to Здарова in the context of Здеся being Here? Are we looking at some phonetic fluidity or a pareidolia phenomenon?

H and Зд could be derived of the common voiced h, ɦ, via ᚼ it links it to ж, from which дж where дж could be originating, but зд is zd, sorta reverse dj (j~z? in cursive they have teh same "dick")

dick letters:
уд have the same dicklike tail-like figure: уg is close, in the middle of words they have a swast to it.
I'm using that word, but I'm not sure it is the correct term:
what if swash is only the name to the artistic flamboyancy, not the connecting stroke.
And I guessed the term exactly right:
Connecting stroke - a continuous line joining two adjacent letters or words in cursive writing. It can be angular, straight, curved; short or wide spaced; heavy or thin; threadlike, shaded or plain.
Types of Connection Strokes: Garland, Angle, Thread and No stroke. The study of handwriting analysis to ascertain a writer's personality attributes is known as graphology.
Strokes. The strokes are the components of a letterform. Strokes may be straight, as in k l v w x z, or curved, as in c o s. If straight, they may be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal; if curved, open or closed.

does в matter as dick-letter? It's dick is upwards, as dick and not peepee.
b d f
f could be dashed b, not ſ. In handwritten form. it matters more:

See, here f looks like b with an additional horizontal stroke.
And in the same spirit t is l with such a stroke.
It's as if that stroke turns voiced consonants into their voiceless counterparts,
and because l and t follow this rule so good, and it makes Λ a form of Δ (that lower stroke on Δ is like that belly on the d, when we compare them to Λ and l)

And here's another point of view: f looks like an upside down b:

A is like a hat.
B is like boobs.
C is like cat.
D is like Devil.
E is like Eve.
F is like Fell.
G is like God. Thus F is for fail.
(free associations method works, I guess now I fell the followeing text as a riddle to unwind, unriddle)

b has the bigger half at the top, f has it at the bottom,
v looks like w and w looks like that four-root ש.

Zu (what a weird typo in th e  context of that image)
Yet could it be a coincidence? It could, but how well l&t support it may tell that no, it is not just that.
z is also dashed sometimes (but that doesn't change anything.
Could it be a failed attempt to make dashed z s?)
b is big
f is fallen, feeble, foul
(thus one is the reverse of the other, and then fallos is unerected dick - if it's true or not can be tested by ancient latin medical literature about it. Ai can do it now, so I just leave these ideas for whoever comes along.,
see the noice around letters?
that is why you should use png instead of jpg.

There are other ways to write f,
but these are telling better stories.

The next one draws f as long b, as if the belly fell, as old fat people have it. furui. fæt

also that f is like l with that tail part, f is to l as g is to a.
But this is more likely a coincidental arbitrary, ungenuine.
But he didn't invent these shapes, all of them are also traditional, there are several traditions.
y as the upsided down h is always awesom.

How b and l look alike recalls ł

T looks like J which reminds me of how j is upside down l,
which plays along with f being upside down b
(that's not a fact I base that hypothesis on, that's a marriage of two hypotheses, a house of cards style, but then who knows maybe some of the cards I guess now may show concrete structure behind it later)
(maps are also called cards in russian)

F is T crossed
not s, t
(which tells how s and t were the same letter at first, and I have a collection of those)

A V C D *V was a ttto typo
yet if D is Δ the þ (I wove that thought. I weave, so they I hope they don't mind) then
A V ? Z is the line. And legend of three tells that A V Z was all there were. Tha'ts the U-likne.
V is its own U, thus it's B and D. duality is where the alphabet was born. Trinity is later, just as four elements are known now.
Two alements. water and fire (two substances coming from the skey)
Recalled as yin and yang. Whether chinese invented duality or they just preserved it, they did well. Because it's the universal truth. better and worse we all understand. Hot and Cold, the opposites there are two by the nature. M for Middle was inventeld latre. But M was for Море Мыть Моча Мочить.
M is for middle when the other two are R and L. uyet M comes with N and L. Could N be R? it easily coo cou, could: N~ν~v~ᚢ~ᚱ NeVeR as the same letter? New form? as N W R they are all sonors.

Were sonors the letters. JLMNRW are all the sonors: I~J, M~W, N~R comes naturally in these pairs.
These six sonors are the phonetic fact. It was availably seen always.

I is J, every linguist knows that

M ~ W for Мы is We
(which makes We and Me the way they became two different words from one protoword)
N ~ R
            (as if No used to be Rrr)

Could all words be written in these six. Yes, but the question is could they be read then?
MoJn in russian it would be weritten. Could ~ Mojn (можно)
К~M, two the opposites. What made me compare them?

MNLRWJ "the sonors" (tried to write something like ministry in that set)

It is hard for me to trust the claim of the antiquity of this thing:
it's way too new. The scratches are as if made yesterday, what preserved it so clean?
It's just a cup, why wouldn't it be clean?
Tear and wear are at the rim, but not at the letters.

But then what if that's not a forgery, what if those other three letters are three mothers?
And just before that I thought that I shouldn't look into it too much: it is going to distract me. As I let it go, I let it go completely. But to finish this chamber, let's look what it tell if it is genuine.
Just to have this chapter complete and painted all the directions.
First of all, Ι inserted between Θ and Κ had no reason to stand there..
Unless Θ is labial after the vowel Ι.
Does it show that Κ is ΙΘ?
Probably not.
Well, if there are unfinished abecedaria, I read (and wrote) about, this is one.
Were they considered magic because they were forbidden for use?
In that sense,

Anu or Anп, either way that set is vowel, lingual, labial.
Anu is god. n and u reflect each other, n and п look the same in cursive.
cursive is consistent, you cannot prohibit cursive. You make force people to write it, with your own system too, which they do.
But wait, n and п are the same cursive symbol in the cursive system they teach.
Some paranoia? Paranoid delusion, everybody has them, they are fear.
Have negative emotions in check.
I never heard of anp, so anu it is. But why is it upside down?
Why neither N and U, nor ᚿ and ᚢ, but N and ᚢ?
Maybe it's etruscan, or any other old-italic.
Etruscan I V X
are 𐌠 𐌡 𐌢
and 𐌣 is 50
and 𐌟 is 500

conscientiousness is such a grotesque word for something so good.
one шн нш was not enough for you, huh? you had to add sns to it.
consciousness was not шн нш enough
Funny how english has place for both шн and нш (шн is in words like soulution)
is solu soul слита so ..l, with all
(but that's my poet side, cherishing phonetic connotation, and in poetry semantic side matters less)

That plate is haunting me, it could be a copy. Why would they make a copy?
They could have access to a hidden document, and wrote it down on whatever they had at hand.
Modern researchers they are, but this hypothesis sugests that there's some conspiracy.
And are there not?
But no, some specific conspiracy, as if they hide it instead of not knowing it at all.
Which is sorta crazy assumption, but such was the pizzagate.

if P is U... then OUQRST still has q and r for labial, and r was tried as labial, q could be added later, for most alphabets dont' have it. Greek doesn't have q, hebrew and phoenician do. Latin has q again. Etruscan had both tzadi and quf.

Какая? Жирная? Мягенькая!
(тётя Наташа рассказала про какого-то мужика (я-то на модных журналах рос))
soft ~ съ fat

𓌃      S43    U+13303    walking stick         Speak, word(s) (md(w))    Staff (mdw)
(I'm still working with seamonkey and )

Ложь во спасение звучит как Devil saves.

𓌁         S41    U+13301    sceptre         Electrum (ḏꜥm)
(It should look like a shaking 𓌀 in the way electricity shakes. It can just hit, but I imagine it shakes with the frequency it's in. 50 herz is 50 periods per second. We probably can feel the vibration of that frequency, but that's on the border of our sensitivity, but then who knows, it could be beyond the border.
And egyptiancs could use electricity of lower frequency. With separated hits making doing the shaking.

What is made is ima now here ma of ima and das the des the da the does.

I shouldn't look for k in d, for it has that d in made. But d in made is reversed ed, it's maed.

made ~ mad? (made mad? довели, свели (с ума (съ мя (из себя (вывели)))))
russians seem to see lead in that mead. land, mend (these just associations leading nowhere so far)

hand me ~ land lend me

land ~ lend ((закладывали землю когда брали в долг?))

rent ~ lend  (and it makes perfect sense. Right one rents, Left one linds lengs lends.
bur Grok disagrees, saying that the words are not antonyms and never were.
But then I made it understand my point:
> But when I rent a power drill, they lend it to me. Do they not?
Yes, you're correct in this context:
    When you rent a power drill, the person or company providing the drill is, in a manner of speaking, lending it to you for use.
But then it disagrees, and rightfully so: lending is for free, renting is for money.
Lend and Rent are aligned with Left and Right. in political sense.
Lend is Land, Rend is стРоенье?
Lend and let could be synonyms. But then here's how meanings are easily inverted: I let him, he is let.
is it okay to say "it is let" in the sense of "it is allowed"?
Yes, it is perfectly okay to say "it is let" in the sense of "it is allowed," though it's not a commonly used construction in modern English. Here's why:

    Historical Usage: "Let" in its original sense meant "allow" or "permit." This usage is still seen in phrases like "Let him go" or "Let it be." The phrase "it is let" follows this older pattern where "let" functions as a verb meaning to allow or permit.
    Modern Usage: While "let" is more commonly used in imperative or present tense forms (e.g., "Let me see," "Let's go"), saying "it is let" can be understood in the sense of "it is allowed" or "it is permitted." However, for clarity and because of contemporary language trends, you're more likely to hear:

        "It is allowed."
        "It's permitted."
        "It's okay."
    Contextual Clarity: If you use "it is let" in this context, you might want to ensure that your audience understands you're using "let" in an older or more formal sense. Context will help, for example:

        "In this case, it is let for members only to enter after 8 PM." - Here, "let" clearly means "allowed" or "permitted."
    Formal or Literary Tone: Using "it is let" might give your speech or writing a slightly archaic or formal tone, which could be appropriate in certain contexts like legal documents, historical narratives, or when trying to evoke an older style of English.
    Ambiguity: Be aware that "let" can also mean "leased" in modern English, particularly in British English, when talking about property or goods (e.g., "The house is let"). So in some contexts, "it is let" could be misunderstood unless clarified by further context.

In summary, while "it is let" can be understood to mean "it is allowed," it's not the most common or immediately clear way to express this idea in contemporary English. However, in the right context or for stylistic reasons, it's perfectly acceptable.

If I let him, he is let?
In terms of English grammar and semantics:

    If I let him - This phrase means "If I allow him" or "If I permit him."
    He is let - This would mean "He is allowed" or "He is permitted." However, this construction sounds somewhat archaic or formal in modern English.

The logic of your sentence works in a simple sense:

    If you let (allow) him to do something, then in that context, he is let (allowed) to do it.


    Current Usage: In modern English, you're more likely to hear:

        "If I let him, he is allowed."
        "If I let him, he can [do whatever action is in question]."
    Archaic Tone: "He is let" for "he is allowed" feels quite formal or old-fashioned. It's not incorrect, but it's not how this concept is typically expressed today.
    Clarity: To avoid any potential confusion, especially since "let" can also mean "leased" in contexts like property, it's better to use more commonly understood phrases like "he is allowed" or "he is permitted."

So, while "If I let him, he is let" could be understood in the right context, it sounds unusual in modern English. A more natural way to convey the same meaning would be:

    "If I let him, he's allowed."
    "If I allow him, he's permitted."

This ensures clarity and aligns with contemporary language use.

""let" can also mean "leased" in contexts like property"

姦 (three 女's) is often believed to stand for noise, and in japanese it seems to also stand for noisy, but more common it is a word for wicked, evil (which may reflect the way modern culture sees the ancients culture to which the cult of three mothers belongs)

deuil [да́и́] горе, траур, тяжёлая утрата
> Hi, Pi! Is french deuil cognate of devil?
Hello! 😄 That's an interesting question. At first glance, "deuil" and "devil" might look similar, but they are not cognates. "Deuil" is a French word that means "mourning" or "grief", while "devil" comes from the Greek word "diabolos" which means "slanderer" or "accuser". So, even though they might look similar, they come from different roots and have different meanings.
are they homographs?
No, "deuil" and "devil" are not homographs. Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings. Since "deuil" is a French word and "devil" is an English word, they are not considered homographs. They are simply two words from different languages that happen to have some visual similarities. 😊
and if deuil is written in the old orthography, in which u and v were the same letter?
Ah, that's a good point! In the old French orthography, "u" and "v" were indeed used interchangeably. In that case, "deuil" could have been written as "devil" in Old French, which could make them look even more similar. However, even in this case, they would still not be considered homographs or cognates, because they are words from different languages and have different meanings. It's just a fascinating coincidence! 😄1pp

«Greek word "diabolos" which means "slanderer" or "accuser"» slanderer from the accused

ФР [fr] is another pair of double labial and single lingual
But then somebody could read it as ФP[fp] which gave birth to doubleness denoting fricativeness of singular linguals' counterparts. C and S, Ц Щ (Ч Ш)
and Λ Ν also follow this pattern: shorter Λ is half the size of N, if you see the central stroke double. Since I saw F and Г a pair, Ν and Λ are great pair. Just a different doubling of the same Λ, thus ΛΜΝ
and it makes me wonder if EFГ such a trinity, or is it's EFГI
MNΛ of IMNΛ of Immanuel sets them the way EFГI go from big to small. And I is half the Λ, so was EFГI MNΛI? was i o? was I ו? or ا?

In the context of ФР I can only wonder if it can be seen in hebrew: כפרךף
If פ is double ר, if ר is ך and פ is ף the way כ is ך

Is it why ר is amongst doubles? And here I notice that those others are the doubles too.

Is it why ר looks like ד? for דת is the third part in the BGD~PKT

In this context ר is ר,

In this context ר is ד. So similar they look that at first I didn't even notice the previous line.

ד and ר probably were separated when another planet was noticed. Let's see who they are.

And of course ר is meRcuRy, and I was expecting it, for it is a special planet: you cannot see it on the starry sky, it was discovered the last, on a sun. passing across the sun. Are sun spots such mercuries? are there more? There are much more celestial objects between us and the sun.
I read about it somewhere, now I read some wiki, and it tells that people knew about it looong ago, yet:
The Greco-Egyptian[154] astronomer Ptolemy wrote about the possibility of planetary transits across the face of the Sun in his work Planetary Hypotheses. He suggested that no transits had been observed either because planets such as Mercury were too small to see, or because transits were too infrequent.[155]
and here they compare them to tarot numerically:

And here that mercury stands first. Is it like Aleph? is R A? возничий солнца? This is the pre-clinical study, if I dare to say so, pre-academic study it is. So it is speculative, I shall check those facts through and through.
In ancient China, Mercury was known as "the Hour Star" (Chen-xing 辰星). It was associated with the direction north and the phase of water in the Five Phases system of metaphysics.[156] Modern Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese cultures refer to the planet literally as the "water star" (水星), based on the Five elements.
Well, this tradition obviously disagrees with hebraic tradition where water is M, which is as far from R as can get.

Огонь, вода и.. медные трубы (которые, наверное, представляют собой воздух, но по факту из твёрдой субстанции, земля по сути (что отражено и в восточной традиции, где метал и ветер едины))

In the context of ΡΦΨ ΦΡ reminding F Г reminds me of how much r reminds г, but in the greak alphabet the counterpart of Φ is Ψ (but in hebrew ר follows פ, and in greek r follows п and though the graphical side is different, the system persists (though I had to use latin г and and russian п, but glyphs predate alphabets, so I have the freedom here. Also check how hand-written r looks like the second half of π (which also can be seen as two ז's which may indicated that they're all the same pair. originally.

But then ז could be seen as double ו, which contradicts this idea like V and X do.
the same V and the same X[z]
V and Z of eVil and Zlo
(xlo козло?)
If I can use any glyph, ᛉ is the half of Ф. half of ᛄ (but am I trippin'? ᛄ is not f, but ᛃ with stav, j
And ᛉ is not only z, but also r, which makes ᛄᛉ Фᛉ even more eerily similar to ФР

ᛄ is also ᛡ, which is a, which raises the question of f and a being mistaken for one another
(maybe as e and s are (student~etudent (and that could be exposing those s and e as the and ה)))
(that is about that wiiiildest guess that what they read as ᚠ is some form of ᚫᚭᚯ)

E M З is vowel, labial, lingual, and they sometimes look like the same letter rotated clockwise.
The nex stage would be W, and it makes me wonder if that's why they needed to add ω at the end.
 But the trinary sequence may be caused by the three visible phases of the moon, and rotating it like this could symbolize the way of looking at the moon as at a bowl, which rotates around it's axis, with new moon being seen like no moon. nu mun. numun

Look how latin mutates into english: pro reali ~ for real
yet g.t. recognizes regina pro reali as maltean "настоящая королева профессионалов", yet reverse translation is vera reġina tal-professjonisti, and for real pro queen is regina pro reali

of ~ for
от ~ до
(open or closed is the syllable mattered more than the element of the consonant)
but it is broken by in and на.. but they're different languages. of is от just as for is до, that seems that russians didn't haf f because they had д эт итс плэйс. Энд ит ис интристинг, бикос russians have f where westerners have th. But then they also have т where others have th, because only this is true: it is incorrect to compare фея to theology, because theology is теология. and th-fronting could be the ancient genuine pronunciation of θ. For фея is fairy, ф is f. It is not edited into more строгое предложение because it is my way to show how the thought process is happening. It is pretty much a self-dialogue, whether I play tennis against a wall of the thought patterns or it is a game with different sides of my own psyche.
fEN ~ тRU (of ~ от)
thEN ~ тRU (theology ~ теология (and that ))
θ is a word in greek:
θ’ • (th’)    Apocopic form of τε (te) (used before a rough breathing)
    Alternative forms:    θ’ (th’) — apocopic before a rough breathing
                                   τ’ (t’) — apocopic before a smooth breathing
    Etymology: From Proto-Hellenic *kʷe, from Proto-Indo-European *-kʷe (“and”). Cognates include Mycenaean Greek 𐀤 (qe), Sanskrit च (ca), and Latin -que.[1]
    Pronunciation:    IPA(key): /te/ → /te/ → /te/
    Particle:    τε • (te)                (combined with καί) both
    Conjunction:    τε • (te)    and, also or untranslatable
                                          (after each item in a list) and
                                          (combined with καί (kaí), untranslatable)
Usage notes: τε (te) is usually considered to denote a weaker connection than καί (kaí). As an enclitic, it is placed after the word that it connects, or after the first word of a phrase that it connects:
    800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Iliad 1.7:
        [Ἀτρεΐδης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν] καὶ [ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς ]
                                                                      [Atreḯdēs te ánax andrôn] kaì [ dîos Akhilleús ]
                                                                      [the son of Atreus, lord of men,] and [noble Achilles]
Derived terms:     οἷός τέ εἰμι (hoîós té eimi, “be able”)
References:    ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2010) “τε”, in Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 10), with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 1457

That θ reminds me of russian proposition съ, which can play as and: я с тобой (me and you)
and here chaos гуглпоиска на monoliteral words in greek изрыгает:
το • (to) (weak personal pronoun) it (3rd person neuter singular, nominative) it (3rd person neuter singular, accusative)
что вообще капец, потому что в русском это тоже то. А э в слове это, похоже, хазарское.
не знаю хазарского. в иврите подобное э в виде ה (literally e by its position within alphabet)

овал ~ о~v & Ʌ~Λ
ellips ~ el lips?  yes, poetically it is very convincing, but if it is the etymology I doubt.
овал ~ of al the el of ellips? Or is it L-lips, because R-lips is 𓂋?
probably it is ab ovo: 𓆇 (egg in latin)

ab ~ of

a b c d  latin?
e f g h  german?

more examples like ab~of are needed.

Barbēlō (Greek: Βαρβηλώ)[1] refers to the first emanation of God in several forms of Gnostic cosmogony. Barbēlō is often depicted as a supreme female principle, the single passive antecedent of creation in its manifold. This figure is also variously referred to as 'Mother-Father' (hinting at her apparent androgyny), 'The Triple Androgynous Name', or 'Eternal Aeon'. So prominent was her place amongst some Gnostics that some schools were designated as Barbeliotae, Barbēlō worshippers or Barbēlō gnostics.
Bъ R Bъ L?

Ф is for Филин. соФа? Фа хохолки совы? Форма буквы говорит об этом, если F is 𓅓, those are eyes in Ф, so they cannoth be far from that, and yet it's very speculatory.

Babylonians are they Ionians?

Ionia, known in Old Persian as Yauna (𐎹𐎢𐎴),[1] was a region within the satrapy of Lydia, with its capital at Sardis, within the First Persian Empire. The first mention of the Yauna is at the Behistun inscription.[note 1]

goys are of god

jews are of jah

who is of бог?
rus is of бог, but why are they different words? And I see ᛒᚱᚢ sequence in it. and both г and s are c.
bro, брат, браза, бразаба бразабраза (брат за брата)
брат забирает как брат и брать
сестра тогдч точ тогда что?

ᛒᚱᚢ бру бурю́ меб бу беру. thru. вру. въ. поняв что между Б и У находится Въ, I understood.
б, у, в - all have meanings as words.  м does not. only мы, as only ты (look the same on paper, but т may have overstruck when it is т: т̅

бог ~ рог
          род? yes, probably that too.

White race
Wise race
Wiss race
Weiß race
sWiss race
sWine race
Seine race.
Шайн рэйс
Шай рейс
щерясь ширятся ширяясь (вот за это я не люблю поэзию, подсовывает не самые подходяшщие слова. отход от истинности того, что хотел сказать ради звучности. Это просто значт всё, отойди, пописал, убирай. Вернёмся позже с новыми идеями сюда. в первый зелёный пол-тетрадки песенник уйдёт.
wide race (白い[ʃiroi] is white which sounds as and широ́к[ʃirok])
but that's just a coincidence, right?
it is a poetry corner of course it is
most likely, though you never know

поразки порашки

Jutes are against anglosaxons. Russian jutes are. They want russians to fight their war.

ge  аб де (отец где? гд в где отражает суть буквы g, которая и g и д)
eд 69  as two ࿊'s  (ed as ebanuty dima, I suppose)
when we write 6 pen goes counter-clock, and it's because it's even, thus yin.
when we write 9 pen goes clockwise, and it reflects its being odd, thus yang.
are clockwise fish, but pen plays counter-clockwise in them (cursive of curse?)


tibetan symbol padma gdan

  tibetan symbol rdo rje (U+0FC5)
rdo rje    རྡོ་རྗེ    (In Sanskrit - vajra). Pronounced by Tibetans 'benzra' or 'benza'. Frequently one may hear the prayer:
 "Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung", which is called the Vajra Guru Mantra. (RY)

    Vajra. (GD)    adamantine, vajra, supreme, indestructible, great tibetan mountain range, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, See also: sbyor ba nyer bdun, 1 of 28 astrological terms for harmony of influence in the destiny of a person, prince of stones, infallible, indestructible, unchangeable, holy, venerable, indra's thunderbolt, scepter, indestructible reality, indestructible state [JV]

vajra, thunderbolt, the prince of stones [diamond]. vajra-scepter. 2) indestructible, adamantine; vajra, diamond-like. (RY)

    Indestructible Reality. (GD)

Vajra. 'Diamond,' 'king of stones.' As an adjective it means indestructible, invincible, firm etc. The ultimate vajra is emptiness, the conventional vajra is the ritual implement of material substance. (RY)

<ba dzra> 1) mi phyed pa dang, indestructible; 2) Indian weapon signifying upaya; 3) 1 of the sbyor ba nyer bdun; 4) rdo rje pha lam, precious, stone, jewel, thunderbolt, the prince of stones [diamond] vajra see also under indestructible reality - vajra-scepter, indestructible, adamantine. (IW)

vajra; isc. immutable. (RB)

vajra; indestructible/ immutable/ adamantine. (RB)

(med) For the tibetan notice of the mineral Diamond see rdo rje pha lam.

Om Āḥ Hūṁ Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hūṁ
- the Vajra Guru Mantra in Lanydza and Tibetan script.  

(benza and vajra share the place as Б[b] and В[v] do)

Because I noticed alphabetness in Om, that makes that sequence very alphabetic, withy hūṁs as phonetic links between vowels and labials, yet it's merely a speculation, I can only guess so far.

The double vajra (Skt. vishva-vajra; Tib. རྡོ་རྗེ་རྒྱ་གྲམ་, dorje gyadram, Wyl. rdo rje rgya gram) or crossed vajra is formed from four lotus-mounted vajra-heads that emanate from a central hub towards the four cardinal directions, and symbolizes the principle of absolute stability.

In the cosmographic description of Mount Meru a vast crossed vajra supports and underlies the entire physical universe. Similarly in the representation of the mandala, a vast crossed vajra serves as the immoveable support or foundation of the mandala palace and here the central hub of the vajra is considered to be dark blue in colour with the four heads coloured to represent the four directions-white (East), yellow (South), red (West) and green (North). These also correspond to the five elements and the buddhas of the five families with blue Akshobhya in the centre.

It’s also an emblem of the green buddha of the north, Amoghasiddhi, and represents his all-accomplishing wisdom as lord of the karma family of activity.

The raised throne upon which masters are seated when teaching is traditionally decorated on the front by a hanging square of brocade displaying the image of a crossed vajra in the centre, often with four small swastikas in the corners. This emblem represents the unshakeable ground or reality of the Buddha’s enlightenment.[Robert Beer, The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols]

  Double vajra on throne brocade
  from a tangka of Buddha Shakyamuni

I can guess what it may look like to a christcuck, but horn is associated with divine in different cultures: бог~рог рассуждал я недавно () и Моисей рогат, но их бог сатана, с точки зрения гоев, но не помню чтоб образы гойских богов образ дьявола в иудаизме рисовали. Кто дьявол в иудаизме? Падший ангел. Рога Гекаты, Корова (но там безрогая вроде, но в индии одна корова, в норманизме другая. А если нет? Тридеви are Тринорны. р разворачивает букву? н~д, а рн~в
н меж м и д (меж mommy and daddy оНъ оНа оНи, наше (наш is singular, so e and s meet again))
the four directions-white (East), yellow (South), red (West) and green (North). These also correspond to the five elements and the buddhas of the five families with blue Akshobhya in the centre.
I see blue balls where I'd expect to see white with such text, but blue Akshobhya in the centre I see.

So many fields are never studied yet:

they could have some cryptic messages encoded into these girly patterns, and I'd never know
when they were looking for books they would probably ignore the clothes.
For retards burning a book is nothing special, but to burt an article of good clothes is absurd.
And here's a medium easily destroyed. But if any of them symbolize something is hard to tell.
Flowers are flowers, they're nothing special, but the double cross is more mathematical, the red and browl lepels have six crosse each, which is 12 stitches. Easily destroyed the emptied eggshells could be to crush them with one hand thus unweaving the embroidery, if it was something secret/sacred on them.
forbidden knowledge of other culture is naturally hidden, for it's naturally persecuted (пресекается)

but then it is rather speculative.
But then there are ways to encode symbols more explicitly

but most of the time I would never know:

(that's chinese silk for 4th century BC (and it reminds norman woodwork))
and here is something else:

Hardanger embroidery or "Hardangersøm" is a form of embroidery traditionally worked with white thread on white even-weave linen or cloth, using counted thread and drawn thread work techniques. It is sometimes called whitework embroidery.
Hardanger embroidery gets its name from the district of Hardanger in western Norway, where it was known simply as hvitsøm (whitework). Traditionally, this geometric embroidery and cutwork technique was worked in white linen thread on handwoven white linen fabric and used only as trim on garments.

and then there are more obvious texts on embroided parts:

it tells that it's from Uzbekistan, but I wonder what are the letters. I recognize some hebrew shapes, but some of them puzzles me, just as why would hebrew was on a robe from Uzbekistan of all places. So it's something else, either way that 𓈖-like shape is a mystery to me, which makes them all mystery to me and then the other symbols are yet to be decyphered. I can see Ψ, but if it is or 𐌸 or ᛘ and ᛦ,
who knows
and there are some texts I can read:

the peculiar form of g interested me, but then that's just raised g
(so does it tell that above the line or below the line does not matter?)
(or does it indicate that g for god is not in favor anymore?)
And nyushu script is preserved by embroiderettes.
It has been suggested that Nüshu characters derived from be italic variant forms of regular script Chinese characters, as can be seen in the name of the script, though some have been substantially modified to better fit embroidery patterns.[citation needed] The strokes of the characters are in the form of dots, horizontals, virgules, and arcs.[citation needed] The script is traditionally written in vertical columns running from right to left, but in modern contexts it may be written in horizontal lines from left to right, just like modern-day Chinese. Unlike in standard Chinese, writing Nüshu script with very fine, almost threadlike, lines is seen as a mark of fine penmanship.

Nüshu is phonetic, with each of its approximately
600–700 characters representing a syllable.
half of Nüshu are modified Chinese characters used logographically.[dubious – discuss] In about 100, the entire character is adopted with little change apart from skewing the frame from square to rhomboid, sometimes reversing them (mirror image), and often reducing the number of strokes. Another 100 have been modified in their strokes, but are still easily recognisable, as is nü (女; 'woman') above. About 200 have been greatly modified, but traces of the original Chinese character are still discernible. The rest of the characters are phonetic. They are either modified characters, as above, or elements extracted from characters. They are used for 130 phonetic values, each used to write on average ten homophonous or nearly homophonous words, though there are allographs as well; women differed on which Chinese character they preferred for a particular phonetic value.[7]

Origins of NüshuThe exact origins of Nüshu remain uncertain, as no written records document the genesis of this script. Gong Zhebing, a pioneer researcher of Nüshu, collected oral traditions and stories passed down through generations in Jiangyong County.[9] These accounts reveal that the genesis of Nüshu is deeply rooted in local folklore and cultural traditions, blending myth and history.
basically those stories tell that Nüshu was invented to pass cryptic messages, which was the idea here.

A blanket, woven in Jiangyong and gifted to the writer by Yang Huanyi, bears nüshu writing:

see, if you didn't know, you wouldn't even tell

writing Nüshu script with very fine, almost threadlike, lines is seen as a mark of fine penmanship
Which made me wonder what one signs would look like on the other side of the fabric.
Thinking of how I would write A with one thread read on both ends and some lines would be double.
and the end-knots would be the swashes.
And sewing it revealed that it's impossible to write A in one thread, if you want to get A on reverse
(the left shape has nothing like A on reverse, yet masterhood would be to use two seams for it.

cyclic letters like B and D are easy to get in one thread on both sides, yet it's reversed on the reverse,
but then thus boustrophedon works. Broidery Embroidery would be the origin of boustrophedon then.
And this is much more a way to explain shape of runes. It's way more difficult to sew curves, so they're not natural in a script invented by embroideresses (which is a dictionary translation, but I like embroiderettes more, for they're not about asses.
But that's just my misunderstanding of english: ette is added to make the word not female, but little.
t as child? t does look like 子 (which is in japanese ko, in chinese цы, both could be C,
yet it's traditionally transliterated as Zǐ, and that is the final letter, just as t)
T is 手, which is literally te (in japanese (in chinese it's шо (both could be чё)))
which is funny, because in egyptian 𓂧 is d.

ара күл is middle lake in bashkortan and bee ash in kyrgyzan (был ил тем эшем вековым?)
[ara kul]
ara is friend in some related languages, like bees are our friends, and middle in the name of the place between mountains is ништяк, озеро ништяк

lyrical ~ miracle

нашъ м.р. и.п.
наша ж.р. и.п.
наше ср.р. и.п.
наши мн.ч. и.п.
нашу ж.р. в.п.
нашо диалектное неше наше (наверное) ничьё? значит моё (было ничьё)
и ношу - имеют значение наше
наше нашей(шайки, коммуны, семьи)
наши (нашли)
нашу (наш~ношу)
нашо нашёл ничьё
нашу (наша~ношу)

спекулятивно? так происходит поиск. когда найду, будет декларативно.

Декларировать могу, что последовательности в алфавитах подобны внутренней структуре индийским алфавитам и японской кане. Она же, эта структура, известна и ближе: в эфиопском письме. Но в эфиопском буквы корёжат для задания ей слога.
Причём, в эфиопском порядок уже европейский: АБГД, тогда как на востоке он А ГДБ или ГДБ А
АBCDBA is the magical sequence, thus eastern order is CDBA
(ka, nut Гa, г is voiced к, it takes additional diacritics, к doesn't)

It's so obviously hand-made. It is lingam in yoni, or, rather it is a depiction of how the life is born.
Lingam in yoni tradition is what fucks the asians up. That is some deification of female masturbation, and even what was shown to young and impressive impressible me in 愛のコリーダ (L'Empire des sens)

impressive and impressible as for active and passive forms remind Ь and Ы as one is palatalizing, as инг, and othe is not as эд (ind and ed (but english e is not front row, not palatalizing))

Looking for why did french translate love as empire in both consequent movies (the second one is way worse, btw, and has nothing to do to the previous one, or maybe it does, I don't know) I found that no, there's no ai for empire, so no word play, but amongst all the cool and definitely related ai's like together(相) and yes is also ai, some wondrous ai I found: (Kangxi radical 72, 日+13, 17 strokes, cangjie input 日月月水 (ABBE), four-corner 62047, composition ⿰日愛)    obscure, dim, ambiguous, vague

That ABBE was a revelation. I didn't understand why abbe, as the word have a secret reading like that.
but the system beneath it is wut.. it lays characters alphabetically. If there's anything, it's this. If they know what I discover, they spilled it somewhere. And sometimes maybe also intentionally. What could be the intention though is even more speculative.

日 月 金 木   月 looks more like A, and 日 looks more like B, but they have their own order.
水 火 土 竹   f for fire is very cool. Somehow I know this order: 金 for kin, 木 for derevo
戈 十 大 中 一 弓     口 for R is very educated: it's in line with 𓂋 and ⵔ.
人 心 手 口 尸 廿 the sequence repeats english alphabet  (and 一 for m (not i!) is of 𓈖[n])
山 女 田 卜 難                and does that twist in the end. also no z (what did they know)
u   v   w   y   x            and thus aligns into the axial symmetry if y is consonant.
(is it a campaign to fuck y back into consonatns? it's aeiou. no why)
v is voor vulva, 田 as double 山 is super cool. graphically they are. and maybe fields were between mountains (water from both sides, but then military would fuck such farmers up by their marches)

難 for x is the most difficult of them all, and indeed its name is troublesome, difficulty, trouble, etc.. but it's [nan] like nani(what) is probably of that x.
難しい [muzukashi]

戈 for I is spear. And that spear looks so much like 我 and no shit, that 我 is a complex stuff. The other part is 𠂌, which doesn't seem to have any meaning.. weird, huh. just a radical, which also gave birth to
乎, in, at, to do and some other important meanings in both chinese, japanese and korean)
手, hand (from this one very many other characters originate)
And yet 𠂌 is not 千, which is a thousand. Is it about the stars? for it's the reverse of the next one. or 士
Etymology 1: bachelor, officer, a person of some qualification (as if monks dedicated themselves to mastering of something? brahmins?)
Etymology 3:
For pronunciation and definitions of 士 – see 土 (“earth; soil; dust; etc.”).
(This character is a variant form of 土).

土 for G is great, for 土 is Gea. I thought it was sun? I am what? I am weird. I wander.

竹 looks like H, but it's bamboo, which is read as take, chiku, yet bamboo sword 竹刀 is shinai

I'm sorry if these parts are mundane, it so happened that I also use this journal to study languages, it happened so by accident, but was never corrected, because often it leads to some related thoughts. The journals are to be seeked through anyway, they're unreadable and frankly mostly pride makes me lay it out. Well, and responsibility too, let's be honest: if it's online while I'm alive there're more chances it's not lost eventually without much impact.

埃[ai] is both one ten-billionth and Egypt (which is short for 埃及 [エジプト])
合い[ai] is демисезонная одежда. 合looking so much like Ao
合[ごう] 1. gō; traditional unit of volume, approx. 180 ml​
2. gō; traditional unit of area, approx 0.33 square meters​
.....5. sum; total
...... there are seven more, but you better look how much 合 reminds Го too. Гio. or isn't it Гō !
合い[ai] is also together, condition,situation,state, -ish. (Other forms: 合【あい】)
合う[au] is to come together, to merge, to unite (as a and u) to meet, to fit, to match, to suit, to agree with, to be correct, to be profitable, to be equitable, to do to each other, to do together.

it's shocking, that in all these years I still don't know five out of those 25, and I'm not sure about other 2.
(but knew (弓 I knew even better than g.t. did: it translated it into russian as поклон, which is also bow, but that is completely different kind of bow as there are at least two meanings for лук in russian))

日sun 月moon 金gold 木tree
水water 火fire 土earth 竹bamboo
戈spear 十ten 大big 中middle 一one 弓bow for arrows
人man 心heart 手hand 口mouth 尸corpse 廿twenty        S for corpse, which is shi, yet it's weird
山mountain 女woman 田field 卜divination 難difficult

it mostly doesn't make any sense.

金 in chinese reminds ring of a coin "chin" (in japanese it's kin, both are C)
木 is mu in chinese, and ki in japanese. similarity of ki and kin reminds me that they're both 土
土 is [thǔ] in chinese and do in japanese. and in that system it's G. was it some Ju before?

It begins as the ancient order or elements, the 7 of day of the week, they're literally named in that order, which resembles 7 notes, and without the sun and the moon there would be the 5 chinese elements.
from the most rare, which is gold, to good wood, to water, which is more valuable than fire. And even fire one may sometime look for. Earth can be found everywhere. Even in the sea it is not too far, below.

Then it goes more mundane, but some peculiarities about it are:
中 is middle, but it's not the middle letter, 一 is. M for the middle, not L. why L? Who knows.
Maybe there were some reforms, maybe M used to be 中? for it looks somewhat like ᛘ. So maybe they even archived some texts from the times of before early literacy of the west?

十 is the tenth letter, J
廿 is the twenties letter, T

EI line begins with spear(戈 (which somewhat looks like E, but it's i, and it has some い-ness about it)) and ends with bow(弓 for N (and though I can see N when I tilt my head, nah, it's more of ל or isn't N double L? Λl))

Армения is Вірменія in Ukrainian mova.
Was that name supposed to have the first letter of the alphabet as its initial, and was it В[v] before?
(too many guesses, but that is to the collection of such B numero uno)

dork is задрот. Так тупые школьники называют умных.
и когната с русским дурак что говорит о русских!
в смысле бо́тан. Wotan!
              наботан (ботает по фене? балтун! ботать = болтать, говорить, когнаты! феня это от офени, видимо промышленников артели вне закона настолько шустрили, что на воровской жаргон повлиял их говор чудной. Очень жаль, что через эту призму их придётся рассматривать, а потому не сильно хочется. пусть ии разберётся, ей вроде бы всё равно)
мне до фени значит мне до пизды (похуй)

но ботаник это может не феня, может школьный слэнг отдельно? ботанику изучать? зачем?
(при поступлении в медицинский спрашивают зачем-то)

When we take can be shortened into with (enema is necessary when you take antihelmintics, you are not supposed to mix them, so I put antihelmintics into a singular form) in that example with is just a shorter version of the same. When Iou Take ה... het is in hebrew the, which is even closer to
Jutes are also them. The nation known under many names. Richter said they're different nations, I think he knows the language, so he couldda know better

WITH ~ When Iou Take Het (when you take that)
now let's find more
  ..but it wouldn't be as cool as that one, which came by itself.

When I Take Him (как в русском в мужском роде препарат. I как я? у англичан ya is ты, вы.
Это точно два народа. Язык рождался в межкультурной коммуникации.
Обтёсывался? прилаживался! русские немного украинцы, украинские немного полльские, польские немного чешские, чешские немного немецкие, немецкие немного голландские, голландские немного английские. Соседние языки более похожи между собой. Русский с японским с той стороны похож на удивление порою очень сильно. Удивительно что за языковое безумие происходит между нами. Смысл изучать языки сибири - найти промежуточные звенья между японским и русским. С каждой нацией свои отношения, в каждой своё посольство. С каждой индивидуальный (а не общий с соседями) обмен коммуникацией, и языком. языком.
именно языком

За счёт этого сходство или за счёт того, что из одной группы народы? Русские с японцами грамматические конструкции общие имеют, т.е. разошлись давно, но были вместе. Почему разошлись давно? Потому что грамматические конструкции это базис языка. Но они же меняются! Но не все: прилагательный суффикс ий как давно имеют? а родительный падеж суффиксом но обозначается как давно? А I N M как 1 2 3 не имеющее смысла в нигде кроме японского. Нигде о ком я знаю. 1 i и в китайском, но 2 и 3.. Where did chinese take Ni? It's not chinese, in chinese two is aR.
Thus that boundary which didn't allow to put
     –       k        s        t       n       h       m      y       r       w
a あア かカ さサ たタ なナ はハ まマ やヤ らラ わワ
i  い
きキ しシ ちチ に ひヒ み   ※   りリ ゐヰ
u うウ くク すス つツ ぬヌ ふフ むム ゆユ るル   ※            んン (n)                  ゛ ゜
e えエ けケ せセ てテ ねネ へヘ めメ   ※    れレ ゑヱ
o おオ こコ そソ とト のノ ほホ もモ よヨ ろロ をヲ  、,  ・。

in the basis of the alphabet, of 1 2 3 and of I N M (I II III)
but then another boundary (I guess I'm using the wrong word) is that there are i of ichi and itsu (there are also mitsu

I wonder what is Sino about that ni.. wait, the same source has it:
Middle Chinese (Zhengzhang)   
0 leŋ 
1 ʔiɪt̚  
2 ȵiɪH (二)  lɨɐŋX (兩)
3 sɑm
4 siɪH
5 ŋuoX
6 lɨuk̚
7 t͡sʰiɪt̚ 
8 pˠɛt̚
9 kɨuX
10 d͡ʑiɪp̚

and some modern dialect
speaks like that:

Hakka (Meixian)       
1 it¹
2 ŋi⁵³  liɔŋ³¹
3 sam⁴⁴
4 si⁵³
5 ŋ³¹
6 liuk¹
7 tsʰit¹
8 pat²
9 kiu³¹
10 sep⁵

The Meixian dialect (Chinese: 梅縣話; Pha̍k-fa-sṳ: Mòi-yan-fa; IPA: [moi˩ jan˥ fa˥˧]), also known as Moiyan dialect, as well as Meizhou dialect (梅州話), or Jiaying dialect and Gayin dialect, Kayin dialect[1] is the prestige dialect of Hakka Chinese. It is named after Meixian District, Meizhou, Guangdong. Sixian dialect (in Taiwan) is very similar to Meixian dialect.

Due to its primary usage in isolated regions where communication is limited to the local area, Hakka has developed numerous varieties or dialects, spoken in different provinces, such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian, Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, as well as in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Hakka is not mutually intelligible with Yue, Wu, Min, Mandarin or other branches of Chinese, and itself contains a few mutually unintelligible varieties. It is most closely related to Gan and is sometimes classified as a variety of Gan, with a few northern Hakka varieties[which?] even being partially mutually intelligible with southern Gan. There is also a possibility that the similarities are just a result of shared areal features.[8]

Taiwan designates Hakka as one of its national languages, thus regarding the language as a subject for its study and preservation. Pronunciation differences exist between the Taiwanese Hakka dialects and mainland China's Hakka dialects; even in Taiwan, two major local varieties of Hakka exist.

that explains where japanese got that ni, from Taiwan, not mainland China?
Islanders gravitated to eachother. They're just better sailors,
so naturally they riched Japan before the mainland dogs.

But it still deems my I Ni Mi thing dubious. but all three are in katakana: イニミ

ー is taken by longis, which makes me wonder how did they know longis before one, and so instead of something 一-like they used the second best, something very similar to 1.

They say that イ is short for 伊, which sounds as yi and stands for he, she, it. thus literally one. 一.
In chinese that is. In japanese it's only short for Italy and Iga (a city and it's province in Japan)
So how many of their characters are variants of the same character?
In english those cognatic homophones would both be one.

 is definitely of 二, and they agree, but also sugest 仁 to be the origin of not only に, but also of ニ, which is bollocks, but then 仁 is benevolence and both 二 and 仁 sound as ni. I wonder if a story can be read if 伊仁三 are in one line like that. But then though ミis of 三, み is of 美. Beautiful. mi-mi-mi.
That's chinese. And in japanese it can be both mi and bi. In buxian chinese it is bi also.
Here's my source:美 (just insert different symbols or words and get definitions made better than anywhere else)

A E  I  O    the graphic similarity is striking. And the fifth vowel, U, resembles V the most, and V is the fifth consonant in the first line in russian, but it stands after Б[b] which tells that nah
A Be Vi Co Du could it be? (a? another reason to consider it to be a later letter Be See Go Do)
(or is Vie the invariant of Be?)

Could Japanese know numerals from europeans? I N M? Could europeans know them from japanese?

Крупная ~ крутая.

Ж and Ш have that three-ness around them. They're lingual, and that depicts their third position, after vowel and labial. after I and V comes X, which is Ш. But wait, X is aklso two sticks. Was X Ж?
X is Ш in portuguese.

V and B (and both F and M, and W too, so do П (but not P, and not b)) have that doubleness about them
isn't P half Ф? Isn't C half S? It probably was a later tradition, when fricatives and plosives separated: hebrew demonstrate state at which f and b are the same letter, so are b and v, k and h, s and sh.
and maybe s and t too, but that's a speculative part (ת without dot in it is very s-like)

What if ᚠ was v? It stands in the position of vav, next to zaiyn, both are voiced, H is И,
and what if ᚠ was ᛓ? Then ᚠᚢ is like БВ, but if ᚠ is v, ᚢ is definitely u,
against which the axial symmetry of bornholm's's disagrees.

亿 is 万², 兆 is 万³ (a easy way to imagine a trillion, when you can imagine ten thousand)

Here, the labials are not grouped together, but are in the basis of each line, which lines are aranged according to their articulatory features. Voiced plosives in the first line, Voiceless plosives in the second line, and the third line probably depicts letters even softer than that, and the four line is rudimentary, or, rather, underdeveloped, with the even more tender forms.

The way that even starting with b, it follows it with D, not G, makes me sugest that BD was the original order, the order documented by the Bornholm's alphabetic stonelet.

more of bopomofo you can ctrlF in this log

Идеи как абстрактные понятия похожи на деи (борги (gea of the бог бор?!
(gea is both gea and dea)))

Но идея зверей внутри человека (паразиты самого разного вида и рода) чудовищна и отвлекает.

erect~arised (rectum is straight, so maybe it's of this word, either way my etymologies are speculative)

> How true is the following:  erect~arised (rectum is straight, so maybe it's of this word, either way my etymologies are speculative) ?
The term "erect" does not etymologically connect to "rectum" in the way you've speculated. Here's a quick breakdown:

    Erect: This word comes from Latin erectus, the past participle of erigere, which means "to raise up" or "to set upright." It's composed of e- (out) + regere (to direct, keep straight). So, "erect" relates to being straight or upright in a different context from anatomical structures.
    Rectum: This term comes from Latin rectus, meaning "straight," because the rectum is the relatively straight, final section of the large intestine. It's from the same root as regere (to direct, to keep straight), but it has a distinct anatomical application.

Your speculative etymology linking "erect" directly to "rectum" due to the shared concept of "straightness" is creative but not supported by historical linguistic development. Both words share a common root in Latin regere, but they evolved separately to describe different concepts:

    "Erect" deals more with positioning or posture (standing straight or making something stand up).
    "Rectum" specifically names an anatomical part noted for its relatively straight path.

So while your speculation has a logical charm, the actual etymological paths of these words are more complex and nuanced.

> not from that word, but both are from the samer root? you're correct, my wording should be worked upon
Exactly, you've got the core idea right! Both "erect" and "rectum" do indeed share the same Latin root regere, which means "to direct" or "to keep straight." This common origin explains why both words carry connotations of straightness or alignment, even though they refer to very different things:

    Erect focuses on the action or state of being upright or raised.
    Rectum describes a part of the anatomy noted for its relatively straight course.

Your understanding of the linkage through this root is spot on, and your curiosity about language is commendable!

I don't need academic community anymore. This Grok is as smart of any of them. The community has its connection, but since those connection lead nowhere, fuck the fuckers.
connection instead of connections both times were typos, but basically they show how weak my language skill is. I got my language not from the uni, and it shows.

Today I saw that they discover that our microbiome might be making us smarter (some microbiome, of some animals, they showed in their always flawed (look who's talking!) well not so good papers) but it's still not a good reason to take some random shit.

Did those who felt "presence" felt their own gut? Is god gut? god гад gut ..and goat would be associated with god on the other side of the spectre. And that could be not mono-dimensional, there could be more than just two sides: гад, goat,

беснование без-сознания
снование сознание? сон это наже сознание. свн свине свиден но думал про свайн. в сознании то, что знаем, в сновидении ве.. видения.
знание видение
сознание сновидение
сно со? вместе с нами там другая жизнь в другом мире?

сновидение совидение как сова? что? спит сопит сновидит? созвучия поэтичные. спит сопит сипит сыпет сыплет съпъльёт. сыпет одновременно с тем как пьёт? проливает!

И для этого требуется новый тип словаря.
но первая попытка слишком сложная вышла:

пьёт пей значит ртом. делает ртом. не ёст значит пьёст. пей это рот.. в еврейском! в русском по есть и па (папа по попе (после попе идёт пипи. pa the back? baq))

съ совместно; от, прочь; будущее время, как все предлоги, создаёт.
сыпет съ пьёт

позже буду достаточно хорош юдл для такого словаря

поёт тоже ртом. Я потому с еврейским пей срезонировал, потому что и у нас так.

ест зубами!
ес збу*? зуб?
я знаю только эс которая без зубов.

drinks  совсем другое слово dring (то что докторо прописал)
ем явно даёт понять что корень е. Е E at S? S Shin? 𓈖, 𐤎
𓈖 is told to be for n, but what if it is for s?
But in latin alphabet labial shakes are N, M, W, thus V too, and Λ, while S and Z are vertical shakes.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z           

Mesmerized as the opposite of memorized

We (Вы в английском подразумевает и говорящего (более лидерский английский,
боролее более начальнический русский))
бороть ~ бить? боль от бить? б! ономатопея ономатопоэйя
Wы (в английском M и W едины, в русском рассечены)

Me мужчина
Wы женщины (со мной)

Succeed could be a female word: suck seed. She's mother like earth. Earth Mother She.
Earth Marth Herth
Is Hera Her?
How many nations have cognates of her
in dannish her is here and in old-english her is hair. In icelandic it even army. хер for their arm
(that could resemble the size of their forces)

their    heir is her

h ~ ה ~ the
r is от(как в киллер: от (того что) хи дид кил, хи с киллер.
киллер is for some reason my first -er word. And that is what I am. Ахимса!

a in ahimsa is un, not, don't.
They broke a pinky of ahimsa
and substituted sun with an eye.
hello, peterson, I see what you did
Hand simbol could be modified to depict both hand: the right hand of the master and the right hand of the student.
24 rays of Ahimsa. The hand tells stop.
And I felt that hand, when I screamed it.

My second word of choice was baker. Probably because it starts with B followed by a, so it's the first
Archer would be first, but I like B more than A (променял атца на бабу)
Baba Deda

здесь я попробовал рассказать это для русских, но оно останется здесь, так не пишут:

Ели Кашу с Молоком

эта всем русским людям знакомая присказка, возможно, сохранила тайну алфавитной письменности:

Все знают, что согласные бывают звонкие и глухие.
Кто-то знает, что они бывают взрывные, фрикативные, и ещё какие-нибудь.
Но почти никто не знает, что они на самом деле губные и язычные:
произносимые губами: б, в, м, п, ф (ещё w)
а все остальные произносятся языком,
может потому его так и называют,
Наверное, кто-то думают что буквы типа К и Х произносятся не языком, а горлом,
но на самом деле они произносятся спинкой языка
(сделай мрт своей собственной головы для изображения)

Язык нечётный как Адам odd, символизм цифр таков, что нечётные мужские
Губы чётные как Ева even, символизм цифр таков, что чётные женские

Может потому губные буквы чаще двойные: сравни В с D,  F с Г, М с Λ, П с Г, Ф с Русской Р
(или латинской q)
есть у этой закономерности и исключения: b & p, но они представители другой симметрии:
b d
p q
видишь, как звонкие хвостиком кверху?
видишь, как глухие хвостики вниз?
видишь, как у губных брюшко справа?
видишь, как у язычных брюшко слева?
И эта структура перекликается с предыдущей:
В древнем Египте писали так, чтоб буквы смотрели в начало строки.
Их буквы картинками: 𓄿𓅱𓃀𓆑𓅓𓂧𓆓 и много других самых разных
(сова единственная увидела читателя, мудрая? но у каких-то народов глупая, типа не знает куда смотреть. Видимо, такие верования отражаются на народе. Сами глупые)
Вторым и третьим исключениями является то, что половинка W, буква V, не язычная. А двойная V, которую знаем из римских чисел как X, да.
Но это объясняется тем, что на алфавите тех времён, когда писали ветхий завет, не было букв после Т, так что эти, видимо, пришли тогда, когда об этих структурах давно позабыли, но они прямо в алфавите, неподалёку друг от друга:

 I  J  K Λ M N
O П Q R  S T

Если мы заглянем глубже в историю, то можем обнаружить один удивительный алфавит
(здесь собирался привести пример борнхольского камня, и понял, что придётся показывать всё)

в процессе написания всплыла вот такая деталь:

б, в, м, п, ф (this structure is more harmonic than latin bfmpv. And here I understand, that this order is voiced-voiceless-voiced-vocieless-voiced, exactly the order of all the latin consonants: voiced (with voiceless eye of the fish) followed by voiceless with the voiced ball, voiced with a voiceless eye in the middle. k is not in the middle! It can be only explained by the linear structure, when it's the transitionary line, sonors, special.
E  F  G H
I   J  K  L M N  or, maybe, it indicates that the order was different! I  J  K  L N  for example
O Q  T

The word magic is of that mojo.

Не возникло ли ё после е, чтоб при помощи её реставрировать ev of Eve?

(if your browser messes up the hieroglyphic text, check the image below, the three in the centre)
Ankh wedja seneb (𓋹𓍑𓋴 ꜥnḫ wḏꜢ snb) is an Egyptian phrase which often appears after the names of pharaohs, in references to their household, or at the ends of letters. The formula consists of three Egyptian hieroglyphs without clarification of pronunciation, making its exact grammatical form difficult to reconstruct. It may be expressed as "life, prosperity, and health", but Alan Gardiner proposed that they represented verbs in the stative form:[citation needed] "Be alive, strong, and healthy".

Ankh Wedja Seneb, the initial letters are vowel, labial, lingual.
    Ankh means "life" and "to have life", "to live"
    Wedja means "to be whole" or "intact", with connotations of "prosperity" and "well-being"
    Seneb means "to be sound", "to be well", "to be healthy"
On the Rosetta Stone (in line 35), the gods are said to reward the Ptolemaic pharaoh Ptolemy V Epiphanes:
"...The gods and goddesses have given him victory, and power, and life, and strength, and health [A.U.S.], and every beautiful thing of every kind whatsoever..."


Remember, earlier in this volume, I spoke of how ר is associated with Mercury?
Well, in other sources it is associated with the Sun:

it's like a complete different set, it's as if it's arbitrary
(or, maybe, many false narratives to hide the true one)
(if there's any truth at all in these shady grounds)

ABC (Spanish pronunciation: [aˈβeθe]) is a Spanish national daily newspaper. Along with El Mundo and El País, it is one of Spain's three newspapers of record.

So, B is also v in spannish, just as in russian and greek, huh! И ударение падает на неё!
Как в русском слове алфавит!
Ну а в английском падает на а,
а в abc и вовсе на c, so what!

f is for flower (then B is for butterfly)

Cph as short for Copenhagen
co pen hague
NL nether lands Nizhnie Luga (no, I'm not saying that it's a russian name,
what I say is we speak the same language)

толкающий толкающим
он ~ им

он ~ их (один из них. них от они говорит, что корень ни. ни по китайски вы. а у русских они?)
is that ни me? для китайцев вы, для русских они? Русские не общались с англичанами напрямую, только посредственно через соседние страны.

но русские тоже знают мы. мы вместе с теми кто me? русские тоже знают мне, русские едины с англикосами в этом.

предыдущая версия была такова, что они значит немы, не мы. т.е. русские узнают ми в ни. Но как быть с них? ним? им? их? Это суффикс множественного числа и в чистом виде?

и ~ множественное число (пиорг пирог, но пироги)
и ~ ещё (и? значит продолжай, ещё)
и ~ они, но и он тоже: им может быть и множественным числом, и единственным,
т.о. онъ, она, оно - всё они
в немецком этот суффикс такую форму принимает: en (Frau, но и Frauen)
но также и графически похожую er (Mann, но и Männer)
окончание er роднит немецкий с тюркскими (обмен видимо произошёл тогда же, когда руны появились у германцев и народов сибири)

И это наводит на мысль, что мужики, говорящие, что история выдумана и что человечество гораздо моложе, мают рацию.
Вопрос лишь кто из них прав и насколько.
Ии разберётся.

В греческом мифе три богини судьбы породили пять гласных и две согласных (Б и Т)
В еврейском мифе три матери это три буквы А, М, С.
В норманском мифе три богини судьбы это три группы рун (эттир (ир это суффикс множественного числа))
*** (на все три утверждения по несколько ссылок)
..и это очень похоже на обнаруженную нами структуру алфавита (↑мелкий шрифт в два слоя)
Гласные, губные и язычные. Но в эттах они все перемешаны. Но, поскольку положение руны в этте использовалось для шифров, а руны значит тайна, всё может быть.
Если предположить, что руны были разделены артикуляционно,
например аэт (моя личная транслитерация. эттир это форма множественного числа, что за балбесы, в английском это aet, или даже æt) Urþ собирал гласные, аэт Berdandi собирал губные, а аэт Скульд собирал язычные, то это бы могло выглядеть как  что явно требует разбиения более многочисленного губного аэта на два (и 16 делится на 4 гораздо лучше чем на 3) язычных букв вообще всегда больше чем остальных. В английском алфавите они прямо разделены на два вида, давайте же разделим их и здесь: ᚢᚮᛁᛆ᛬ᚠᚼᛒᛘ᛬ᚦᚱᚴᛋᛐᛚᚿᛦ ..но я запарился. я по запарке поместил ᚼ среди губных (забыл вырезать из второго эата) она может принадлежать любой из других двух групп, но не губным. и разве ᚢ не губная? по осевой структуре борнхольма так и есть.

но гипотеза о том, что имена Урд, Верданди, Скульд отражают суть аэтов диктует что-то типа
Но ранее я же предполагал, что их имена это и есть 16 букв
 ᚢᚱᚦ ᛬ ᛒᚼᛦᛘᛆᚿᚠᛁ ᛬ ᛋᚴᚮᛚᛐ
Urþ Bermanfi Skolt is the best I could do with these 16
and you should admit, it is not bad at all.
it even explains the existence of two R's in runic sets.
(if ᛦ is r, which I also am not sure of)
  But then maybe it was welder futhark?
ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲᚷᚹ ᛬ ᚺᚾᛁᛃᛇᛈᛉᛊ ᛬ ᛏᛒᛖᛗᛚᛜᛞᛟ
could be rearranged as
ᚠ ᚹ ᛈ ᛒ ᛗ
ᚢ ᚨ ᛁ ᛇ ᛖ ᛟ
ᚦ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚺ ᚾ ᛃ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ
And such separation exposes that they also had as many linguals as vowels and labials, even more.
But then if ᚱ is labial (as my earlier ideas suppose) then it would be exact number of 6, 6, 12. And because we can separate linguals into velars and coronals, let us do it.
ᚠ ᚱ ᚹ ᛈ ᛒ ᛗ
ᚢ ᚨ ᛁ ᛇ ᛖ ᛟ
ᚦ ᚾ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛚ ᛞ
ᚲ ᚷ ᚺ ᛃ ᛜ
and it made me recall that I placed N amongst velars in kiddi alfabet, so
ᚠ ᚱ ᚹ ᛈ ᛒ ᛗ  labials
ᚢ ᚨ ᛁ ᛇ ᛖ ᛟ  vowels
ᚦ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛚ ᛞ  coronals
ᚲ ᚷ ᚺ ᚾ ᛃ ᛜ  velars
how accurate it can be, who knows. I just had that puzzle, it nice to see that it can have a solution.
Not sure if the solution has any basis within reality though.

То, что российская пятая линия уфхцчшщ заканчивается шщ, которые явно от s, a не от т.. может щ от т? от ц? ц и щ 2 и 3 (ч и ш тогда тоже) эта запятая для смягчения в кириллице используется:

and sometimes for other modifications: sometimes even for noised voiced variants of glyphs

этот показывает ещё что Щ.. блин, погоди, только что видел же..

у вах (вакх!) даже две кириллической азбуки. как так вышло хз.
И да, судя по этой какая из ЩШ первая не принципиально, они еднины

а у эстонцев алфавит ещё более ебанутый в этом плане:
The official Estonian alphabet has 27 letters: A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, Š, Z, Ž, T, U, V, Õ, Ä, Ö, Ü. The letters F, Š, Z, Ž are so-called "foreign letters" (võõrtähed), and occur only in loanwords and foreign proper names. Occasionally, the alphabet is recited without them, and thus has only 23 letters: A, B, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, Õ, Ä, Ö, Ü.
Additionally C, Q, W, X, and Y are used in writing foreign proper names. They do not occur in Estonian words, and are not officially part of the alphabet. Including all the foreign letters, the alphabet consists of the following 32 letters:

and none of them aranges into the axial symmetry.
Yet it gives me not one but two examples orf three-letter lines.

voice ~ noice
вас ~ нас         Достаточно ли это чтоб создать v ~ ν file? greek and latin are so alike, naturally they would have misreadings of their so very similar glyphs which sounds differently. And R is labial because russian Р looks like P, thus it was one sound and PR are a claster like БВ, ГД, ЕЁ, ЖЗ, ИЙ, КЛ? МН? here we have ЛМН, the ΛΜΝ, basically that is where duality breaks and trinities are at play: UVW is another bright representative of trinities. Let's find the other. I know OP ~ QR four, but can it be O P T  Q R S? No, lines of six lines are where trinities came. roughly. But is greek ΞΟ the duality? ΞΟ remind Θ and both letters are not in latin. both have the same H-like shape in as their centres. They are unique in it.


in this light H and N are one above the other, as if the second line is russian and the third line is latin.
ЁЖХЗ это очень по русски
(особенно если Ж это * для Б)
(а уж если там Б! это тогда очень abcd-like
но по структуре детского алфавита было оно В? Ёв? Ев!
Что с Евами делал? ЕB
ев? евать? имать!
а сейчас типа ежжу? езжу!

у башкиров Ө ө [ɵ] гласный

εζη            nah, not likely. but what if it was εϝζη? then it would be literally efgh
θικλμνξ                θ as ө? не охуел ли я? даже θ~ѳ дохуя натяжка
οπρσ/ςτ                            но что если подобно اון (читается справа-налево)
υφχψω                                                                өѳθ (читается слева-направо) триединость?
                                                                           اון имеют подобие в I и l,
                                                                           өѳθ имеют подобие в ⴱ и таблетке. so?

выжил из ума ~ вышел из ума (как из возроста, как сошёл)
жил ~ шёл?
жить ~ шествовать? блять никогда бы не подумал, на сколько всё-таки искусство=жэись
а быть что значит? сиднем сидеть?
в сравнении с шествовать: бедствовать? ого.

так-то исходник этой мысли

West Cyberian is cool that it's as if of Cyber, but the abbreviation is not pretty, so WS it is,
as US but double.
Yesterday I dreamed of an international club in the waters between US and USSR
at the Diomedes. Two clubs. mixing their beats into one set.
in the body of water between Alaska and Russia, known as the Bering Strait, there lies two small islands
known as Big Diomede and Little Diomede. Interestingly enough, Big Diomede is owned by Russia
while Little Diomede is owned by the US.

Because my capsules shall make it possible to live in deep north.
Europe is destroyed so that whites invent new ways to live, so that they fly to Mars too.

double US and yES
EU is ES in russian.
ES is VS in russian.

Why does Russia have border with North Korea?
Why did soviets have borders with Poland and Czechs?
If they're not serving as the guards of different levels of gulag to the elites?
Elites hating russians? For russians are the most recent nation who dared to slaughter their emperors.
It's insane how close to Japan Sakhalin is.

I think I should visit the spot on the map I have never heard of. Geomagnetic pole.

And I read it and I didn't understand, such a humanitarian I've become it's pathetic
The north magnetic pole, also known as the magnetic north pole, is a point on the surface of Earth's Northern Hemisphere at which the planet's magnetic field points vertically downward (in other words, if a magnetic compass needle is allowed to rotate in three dimensions, it will point straight down). There is only one location where this occurs, near (but distinct from) the geographic north pole. The geomagnetic north pole is the northern antipodal pole of an ideal dipole model of the Earth's magnetic field, which is the most closely fitting model of Earth's actual magnetic field.

It is the only pole which is on the land. Could it contain some treasures? If there were some really advanced civilizations before us, then they could leave us a timecapsule at a spot we would know to look into. But then this civilization goes on for so long, that it is the spot well explored already. But then humans are not very bright and that spot is difficult to obtain, so those scientists knowing about it would keep it in secret to whether find a chance to get there themselves or to pass it on to their children. So the vault may be still not discovered. It's probably covered in ice all day long. But they could expect us to be able to look through eyes uz ice. or they could hide it before eyes ice took it

Here I understand something:

If that civilization used that place, there is a village around it.

Eureka is a small research base on Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Qikiqtaaluk Region, in the Canadian territory of Nunavut. It is located on the north side of Slidre Fiord, which enters Eureka Sound farther west.
Ellesmere Island is a cool name. She's Mother. The Earth it is. Who has named it that!
Ellesmere Island (Inuktitut: ᐅᒥᖕᒪᒃ ᓄᓇ, romanized: Umingmak Nuna, lit. 'land of muskoxen'; French: île d'Ellesmere)[2] is Canada's northernmost and third largest island, and the tenth largest in the world. It comprises an area of 196,236 km2 (75,767 sq mi),[3] slightly smaller than Great Britain, and the total length of the island is 830 km (520 mi).
In 2021, the population of Ellesmere Island was recorded at 144.[5] There are three settlements: Alert, Eureka, and Grise Fiord. Ellesmere Island is administered as part of the Qikiqtaaluk Region in the Canadian territory of Nunavut.
and all of the sudden:
The archaeological record of past Arctic cultures is quite complete, as artefacts deteriorate very slowly. Items exposed to the cold, dry winds become naturally freeze-dried while items that become buried are preserved in the permafrost. Artefacts are in a similar condition to when they were left or lost, and settlements abandoned thousands of years ago can be seen much as they were the day their inhabitants left. From these sites and artefacts, archaeologists have been able to construct a history of these cultures.[6]: 8  However, the research is incomplete and only a small proportion of the details of excavations have been published.[7]: 72 
The Arctic small tool tradition peoples (a.k.a. Paleo-Eskimos) in the High Arctic had small populations organized as hunting bands, spread from Axel Heiberg Island to the northern extremity of Greenland,[2]: 49  where the Independence I culture was active from 2700 BCE.[2]: 28  On Ellesmere, they chiefly hunted in the Eureka Upland and the Hazen Plateau. Six different small-tool cultures have been identified at the Smith Sound region: Independence I, Independence I / Saqqaq, Pre-Dorset, Saqqaq, early Dorset, and late Dorset.[2]: 49  They chiefly hunted muskoxen: more than three-quarters of their known archeological sites on Ellesmere are located in the island's interior and their winter dwellings were skin tents, suggesting a need for mobility to follow the herds. There is evidence at Lake Hazen of a trade network c. 1500–1000 BCE, including soapstone lamps from Greenland and incised lance heads from cultures to the south.[2]: 50 

People of the past absolutely could see where the centre of auroras was.
Even before they knew magnets.
So those ancient civilizations, no less.. well, actually they call them cultures, not civilizations.
Even mold is called culture. But come on, I'm trippin. Eskimo writings must be genuine.
Because it is very creative and unique, while christians are not very bright.
And what about Knewton? I suspect him of plagiarism.
He was a mason and a high-rank clerk, cruel to a brother-scientist.
No true scientist would send a brother to death for some petty counterfeit.

they're worth exploring.
The things they found and didn't publish. I should demand them.

Dannish delivers some more:
hverken her eller der — ни здесь и ни там
h for here, d for there (which may make sense in the light of ancient egyptian orthography, in which beginning of the lines matters for each letter, and basically, it's even more simple than that: as we write, the element of h is closer to the pen than the element of d (they both share stav. Stav is one of the reasons for me to believe that ryn runes predated letters.

милиця & палиця (костыль и палка) ~ милиция & полиция

druk  (drunk ~ drug)
drrun? дрын? бревно? [пальцем по губам дрынь, в зюзю] дрянь! (пьянь, срань *(но: рань, бань, мань, много нейтральных слов с таким суффиксом. Да суффикс не важен! Др значит дерьмо))
ден опечатка выше была..


со дров.
(з как отрицание? драва не добро но дробо. боро и робо? борется или работает?
два состояния раба? бара и раба антонимы. один быть чтоб работать, другой работать чтоб быть.
Убивали рабов, которые не работали!
В списке шиндлера это показано, евреи естественно знают как обращаться с рабами.
В таком фильме друг-другу об этом показывают.
Естественно не в контексте израильской тюрьмы.
Пропаганда как совмещение приятного с полезным.
(смотри сам пропагандистом не становись, обвиняй обе стороны, ищи консенсус)
(консенсус - то с чем обе стороны согласны)
(компромисс - совместные обещания)
(каждая сторона пообещала что-то)
(как так, русские знают что такое компромисс, но не знают что такое promise)

I looove japanese 子[цыыCH koJA (both ц and к are с, as чадо is č)], ans 子 somewhat looks like ц
and it looks like crossed-out 了 [la (be, know, settle, dispose of, (past tense marker))]
and indeed, child doesn't know, and child you cannot dispose of.

Atman and Brahman (soul and creator) have A and Д met: Бог и Душа в русском, но God & Soul in english. That's as if english language has trace of eastern order. Russian more western than English? Man, that's insane. But I met it before. I don't remember where.
I should remember this Бог и Душа to God and Soul.
And probably that is exactly where I took it, the B~Г case

ख़ुदा [khuda] is cognate of god.

देव [dev] is hindi word for god
देवता [dévta] is its synonym, and ता in hindi is until and a derived term is ताकि [tāki (so that)]
and even more interesting is Pali meaning of ता (it's "she", which is cognate of russian та)
and it is getting even better:
 ता (demonstrative) Devanagari script form of tā, which is feminine nominative/accusative plural of त (ta, “that”)

ankh is eye in hindi: आँख [aankh] which makes me wonder what

Para is a Sanskrit word that means "higher" in some contexts, and "highest or supreme" in others.[3]
In this light, parascience is a rather accurate term for what I do.

Atman Brahman could be the origin of A B sequence, because B is for Бог and D is for Deus thing.
G is for God, A is Abe, and because A is probably added later (FГI, not EFГ ?)

ϜΖ and ϜΘ is for father
is ϜΗ too?

волосы у китайцев сзади только оставлялись косичкой, видимо такие нарисованы: 毛
(или это сверху прямой пробор и направление роста волос, но снизу точно кисточка)
кисть руки..
быть может потому рука похожа:

(блин, насколько же похоже!)
и в английском обе начинаются на ha.
Рукой держут за волосы?
Коня, жену, ребёнка?

手 в японском те (в китайском шо)
Сложно предположить что это не связанные вещи.
История не наука, позволю и я себе немного ненауки:
сходство 手 с Т и Е - лучший спрособ запомнить её
(те руки други бруг бруки брюки и т.д.
друк до рук
враг в срак
от страху обострался
срад срад срался
тряся с трясся
разные суффиксы?
в тряс нет суффикса.

(терпение? тоже тер! терпение то что теряют (I'm losing it, for cases when hold too long)) теряю     
тру, тереблю, тороплю (как болячку отрывают раньше времени_)
теряю (как коросту потерял, скинул_)
турбую вроде worry на украинском и белоруском   
другое слово для worry у них, хвалююся (волнуюся)
хвилі волны в украинском, а в белорусском хвалі
хвалить значит волновать! беспокоить!
бес абстрактная частица антропоморфированная, или же наоборот переход происходил?

今にも (いまにも / imanimo): Any moment now; implies something is about to happen very soon.
imanimo ~ any minute. Literally "now too".
(I guess that's how japanese is translated into english by dubbers. I guess they hold a list of cognates they use in translations. That is not a common knowledge because they're motherfucking grifters)
にも (too) is two particles: も is more,
and に is something more:
1. at (place, time); in; on; during​
2. to (direction, state); toward; into​
3. for (purpose)​
4. because of (reason); for; with​
5. by; from​
6. as (i.e. in the role of)​See also として
7. per; in; for; a (e.g. "once a month")​
8. and; in addition to​
9. if; although​ (Archaic)

"as more" is "too"

い[i] and に[ni] share the first stroke. And the second part of に is こ[ko]
け[ke] and は[ha] andり[ri] and ゆ[yu] and ほ[ho] share that frist stroke, so what?
I tried to see something in them before, and once again it returns me to the inconvenient fact, that hiragana doesn't have phonetic code within it, that it actually derived from kanji.

West What? wet?
East It? eat?
South That? сей?
North No word? Not worth it.

It is a poetic method of associations.
Maybe somewhere I hit it right, but how do we know? We knowtice. We kbnow this.
k is a ideogram.
(not officially, but as 犭distinguishes between 苗 and 猫)
(so does k separate night and knight)
(homonyms marked by ideographic signs)
is k always ideogram? probably, they all are originally ideograms.
Only we forgot the semantic side (or maybe our ancestors were not initiated into it,
so that tradition died out when those who initiated each other into it were exterminated.

надо ~ найду

nd in find is need? f- ~ -у?

find ~ for I need?

жру сру
вру пру

в ж
п с

ру это по-русски чтоли?

живу севу(сею)
дею сею
вею пею(пью?)

жижу сижу?
вижу пижжу?

вижу жижу
пизжу сижу
пижжу сижку

r n h are they the a m s? (it's hard to understand. R is ar, a. n~m(нас и мы, etc). h~s as ash.
hi for fire? fi is of hi. japanese hi in english hot.

r s t?

r is ar, a. m&ш meet as M&Ϻ. h is eiTʃ, its being the final letter explained.

A common theme in Sethian works is a descent or ascent theme.[4] The Three Steles of Seth—along with Zostrianos, Allogenes, and Marsanes—uses the ascent pattern.[5] Furthermore, these four Sethian texts are grouped together because of their extensive use of terminology from Platonic philosophy.[6][7] Thus, the original work was likely written before Plotinus's Against the Gnostics in c. 265.[8] The text lacks specifically Christian elements;[2][9][10] the triadic nature of God is instead a Neoplatonic belief.[2][8] Thus, the traditional two steles made of brick and stone are increased to three to represent the threefold divine: the Father, the mother Barbelo, and the son Autogenes.[2][5][8]



as son, mother, father in gnostic tradition.
Russians have it the other way around:
Сын (де)
and that gnostic tradition, does it tell that BGA or GBA is the order?
Or does it just reflect on how christian recieve it?
First they know of the Son, they they know of his Mother,
and only then are they introduced to the Father?
But then Barbelo is not exactly the Mother:
Barbēlō (Greek: Βαρβηλώ)[1] refers to the first emanation of God in several forms of Gnostic cosmogony. Barbēlō is often depicted as a supreme female principle, the single passive antecedent of creation in its manifold. This figure is also variously referred to as 'Mother-Father' (hinting at her apparent androgyny), 'The Triple Androgynous Name', or 'Eternal Aeon'. So prominent was her place amongst some Gnostics that some schools were designated as Barbeliotae, Barbēlō worshippers or Barbēlō gnostics.

на 19:57 дед говорит эй йиа, что автоматические субтитры распознали как all here,
видимо это вариант произношения,
что напомнило как ll читается в языках романской группы
и что H в греческом И
(и закольцовывется в 'n' означаеющее "and" и "и" как И похожее на N
(и обе похожи на Н (И Х Н N похоже что разные способы показать II
(ихнии? (ихние (их)))))
их мы я
(их 1 лицо для немцев, третье для русских)
(я первое лицо у русских, второе у англичан)
(мы 1 лицо у русских и англичан (но англичанин в него других не включает))

англичане (I, me, we)
we 1 лицо у англичан, второе у русских

English and German don't seem to have such homonyms.
Probably they were in more tight contact so they didn't allow the confusion.
Those pronouns alone show how Russians want to be with Brits, not Germans.
Germans are known dicks, we don't like them because they were hard on us.
We value the soft force britbongs seem to practice. Now wonder they had such Empire.
I suppose people didn't want to leave their care. India wishfully speaks english.
Hong Kong now probably recall how good it was under brits.
Russian and English also share me/мы, not that antonymic this time.

In english we and you are also phonetically inverted.
(in both cases the first vowel is shortened, so basically they're iu a nd ui
U is you in dutch.
I is me in english.
Did those two give birth to you and we? you is iu (тебе значит я вам (в тебе не я, а те?))
ui (мы значит вы мне? (мы вместе. we~me мы~мне, мы значит мне?))
если iu значит тебе (at least in sentences like "I give you")
если ui значит мне (вы мне. о благословенный русский!)
те в тебе не ты ле? не те ли? те вам? бе как вы? бе как старинная форма вам? была такая?
как we~мы так и you~им?
(блин, я запутался. интересная гипотеза, пускай ии сомкнёт)
(закинул её в раздел местоимений)

 女 женщина. углы этой фигуры совпадают с углами в ⛤ (видимо, эти три черты по пентаграмме проводились. Но есть и другие черты, также постулированные какими-то простейшими иероглифами. Имеет смысл собрать все черты в как можно меньшем количестве иероглифов)

Urþ I was looking for to see if one of norns is spelled like this, and first find was about Earth, and it didn't even have Urþ in the page.
Second was about runes, and in it I found the name of the stone, Vg 199

and they somehow managed to reconstruct it:

and it's that reconstructed part in the centre reads as Urþ (ᚢᚱᚦ)
but their interpretation is based upon stuff I don't know
if it is not arbitrary at all. Reading humanities is a torture,
they just declare not even trying to explain.
Or it's my reading comprehension.
(comprehension of that style of writing, mind-numbing, the way they expect me to do it, but no-no-no)

In that reconstruction I only agree with ᚢᚱᚦ᛬ᛒᛅ, which I suspect to be the beginning of the three names.
And because the first one begins with ᚴ, it's not likely to be

I just started to learn Linear B, by finding the translation for the tattoo I already knew what it would be:
𐀕𐀆𐀊 MeDeYa

𐀀 for a looks so much like glagolitic Ⰰ that it makes me go hm.. but it could be a coincidence,
especially since the glyphs are similar but different.
𐀁 for e reminds A waaay more.

𐀂 for i may remind i, and even more so Y.

𐀃 makes great O, and with that swashy in the same corner modern cursive o's have it.

𐀄 can be seen as ו and 𐤅, and also as У and maybe ᚢ too.

𐀅 for da, it would be cool to know Mycenaean Greek to tell if it's open lock for да (but да is Ναί in greek, the antonymous, how would that happen? as with the pronouns? yes for me is no for you?

[da] 𐀅 ~ト[to]  now this stretch is way too much, but as a semantic.. mnemonic tool it may stay.
if 𐀅 is some object, T is the same object, only what uis the object.

I don't know if this methodic even helps to figure the symbols or is it confusing instead.
So shouldn't I see 𐀁 as crossed Э as I see 𐀅 and ト as T?

𐀀 [a] ~ Ⰰ
𐀁 [e] ~ A
𐀂 [i] ~ I
𐀃 [o] ~ o
𐀄 [u] ~ ו
𐀅 [da] ~ T
𐀆 [de] ~ Д c E на ней лежащей (спокойно, это всего лишь мнемоника)
𐀇 [di] ~ T
𐀈 [do] ~ T
[du] ~ т (т)
𐀊 [ja]                 and from here on many do not ring any bell
𐀋 [je] х (j[h])
𐀍 [jo]
𐀎 (this one is here for some reason, but it is missing from the undeciphered list few pages later)
𐀏 [ka]
𐀐 [ke] compare to de
𐀑 [ki]
𐀒 [ko]
𐀓 [ku]
𐀔 [ma] ~ M
𐀕 [me]
𐀖 [mi]
𐀗 [mo]
𐀘 [mu]
𐀙 [na]
𐀚 [ne]
𐀛 [ni]
𐀜 [no]
𐀝 [nu] Н
𐀞 [pa]
𐀟 [pe] ~ ᛈ
𐀠 [pi]
𐀡 [po]
𐀢 [pu]
𐀣 [qa]
𐀤 [qe]
𐀥 [qi] ~ q
𐀦 [qo]
𐀨 [ra] L
𐀩 [re] ᛦ
𐀪 [ri] 人
𐀫 [ro]
𐀬 [ru]
𐀭 [sa] Ϻ, ᛉ
𐀮 [se] щ
𐀯 [si]
𐀰 [so]
𐀱 [su]
𐀲 [ta]
𐀳 [te] TE
𐀴 [ti] т (т)
𐀵 [to] T
𐀶 [tu] TV
𐀷 [wa]
𐀸 [we]
𐀹 [wi]
𐀺 [wo]
𐀼 [za] zoo~𓋹
𐀽 [ze]
𐀿 [zo] Z with that central bar, ᛏ with a dot (unicode only has ᛑ) ma

But seriously, it makes much more sense to look for similar shapes in paleohispanic, considering that both are syllabics.


and many ideograms they had: man, woman, deer, horse, etc..
(click the image above to check the meanings of all these)

unicode delivers by following it with the blocks of greek numerals.
Aegean numerals:

Then go Attic numerals:
𐅀 (one quarter)
𐅁 (one third)
𐅂 (one dharma (greek coin))
and others: 𐅃𐅄𐅅𐅆𐅇𐅈𐅉𐅊𐅋𐅌𐅍𐅎𐅏𐅐𐅑𐅒𐅓𐅔𐅕𐅖

this one is not in the table, 𐅗 ( it's one mina, whatever it means)

And what follows is even less heard of stuff:

and where I took it, the author tells that there are plenty of confusion in this field,
but they do not disagree with unicode much:
𐅚 greek acrophonic hermionian one
𐅛 Greek Acrophonic Epidaurean Two
𐅳 GREEK ACROPHONIC DELPHIC FIVE MNAS    That's a typo in the unicode, MNAS is MINAS
𐅶 Greek One Half Sign Alternate Form
𐅺 Greek Talent Sign.
𐅻 Greek drachma sign
𐅽 Greek Two Obols Sign
𐅾 Ancient Greek symbol for three obols
𐅿 Greek Four Obols Sign.
𐆀 Greek Five Obols Sign.
𐆁 Greek metretes sign
𐆂 Greek Kyathos Base Sign.
𐆃 Greek litra sign
𐆄 Greek ounkia sign, which represents a weight of 27.29 grams.
𐆅 Greek xestes sign (xestes: a sextarius. a vessel for measuring liquids, holding about a pint (.5 litre) )
𐆆 Greek Artaba sign (an artab (an Egyptian/Persian dry measure))
𐆇 Greek Aroura sign (an Ancient Greek unit of area (Arura, an Homeric word for earth, land))
𐆈 Greek gramma sign
𐆉 Greek tryblion base sign
𐆊 Greek Zero Sign
𐆋 Greek one quarter sign.
𐆌 Greek sinusoid sign
𐆍 greek indiction sign
𐆎 nomisma sign
and some roman "numerals":
𐆏𐆐 Roman Sextans Sign (sextans, a unit of weight and currency worth two uncia or one sixth an as. Alternative form: Z)
𐆑 the symbol for the Roman unit of measurement, the uncia (uncia, a unit of weight and currency worth one twelfth an as. The symbol precedes a number to indicate the value in unciae. Alternative form: ·)
𐆒 semuncia, a unit of weight and currency worth half an uncia or one 24th an as
𐆓 Roman Sextula Sign     sextula, a unit of weight and currency worth one sixth an uncia
𐆔 Roman dimidia sextula sign: dimidia sextula, or later solidus, a unit of weight and currency worth 1⁄2 a sextula or 1⁄12 an uncia
𐆕 ROMAN SILIQUA SIGN     siliqua, a unit of weight and currency worth 1⁄24 a solidus or 1⁄144 an uncia
𐆖 denarius, a unit of currency worth 10 as. The symbol precedes a number to indicate the value in denarii.
𐆗 quinarius, a unit of currency worth 5 as (i.e. half a denarius)
𐆘 sestertius, a unit of currency worth 2 1⁄2 as. The symbol precedes a number to indicate the value in sesterces.
𐆙 dupondius, a unit of currency worth two as
𐆚 as, a unit of weight and currency. The symbol precedes a number to indicate the value in asses.
𐆛 An abbreviation of centuria (“century [of troops]”) or of centurio (“centurion”).
𐆜 A symbol for the ascia, a workman's tool of uncertain identification (perhaps an adze), found in funerary inscriptions, typically in the sequence D 𐆜 M, where D M stand for diis manibus 'for the manes'. Particular to Gaul, especially around the city of Lyons.
𐆝𐆞𐆟𐆠 The trikhalkon, a copper coin (also: The staurogram, also known as the monogrammatic cross or tau-rho)

behold, the syllabic D: Antonín Leopold Dvořák (/d(ə)ˈvɔːrʒɑːk, -ʒæk/ d(ə-)VOR-zha(h)k

The meltin g poing of gold is 1,064 °C
THe melting point of silver is 961.8 °C
sSo 1000 °C is the termperature at which you can separate gold from silver?
Жидкое золото довольно летучее, оно активно испаряется задолго до температуры кипения.
    Для металла 999 пробы – 1064°С.     Температура точки кипения – 2948°С.
    Для металла 585 пробы температура плавления составляет – 840°С.
    Для металла 375 пробы – 770°С.
so, maybe not.

That pewter was typoed (by me) as peuter, which lead me to that dutch word, which pronounces oi when the graphic tells eu, and hearing how g.t. pronounces it, I can notice, that probably their articulatory apparatus was in the eu position, but it sounded as oi. Контекст создаёт иллюзию платья: между е и у такая же разница как между о и и? они закольцованы чтоли?

In South Africa, the Salvation Army used the dress in a 2015 campaign to raise awareness of domestic violence, with the slogan: "Why is it so hard to see black and blue?"

(boy that is some poetry, because it has at least three meanings)
(I wonder if they saw the third meaning, because it would be mean)

Such distractions make this journal a personal blogh and not a scientific document.
But then I see that no, it was an illustration of how the same dyphthongs can be heard different.y

peuter (if you hear part of u to be the continuation of e, you hear o
(which is natural since o is between e and u)
is the second part of u и? wи = u? где граница между wи и уй? ui (not border, mark? пометили?)
(как DenMark is a territory. Border Territory. Border from the North, from the Sea)
but then what if o is the mid-point between e and u, and being longer than e (it can be measured) it steals a part of u, and as a result we get at the end the sonor humm shorter than w, which is recognized as j (it aslo can and should be measured)

peuter is toddler in english, and into russian g.t. translates it as ребёнок начинающий ходить.
Is it what toddler mean? Russians do not have such a word.
    Newborn: 0--28 days
    Baby/Infant : 1--12 months
    Toddler: 1--3 years
    Pre-schooler: 3--5 years
    Grade schooler: 5--12 years
    Child: 0--18 years

From toddle (“to walk unsteadily”) +‎ -er – literally “one who walks unsteadily”, hence a young child.
(dutch etymologie wasn't so sure, probably g.t. translated dutch into russian via english)
(one version was of that word: peuteren  ~  to poke around (to look around a place, typically in search of something.))

In the notebook Landscape Line 4 I speculate of how ב ‎ would be representing a nose (as if labial could be considered nasal in the past, because of how dominant is M and how it's rarely seen as labial, and mostly seen as nasal. So could they go B C with C being for mouth. Coursive ג looks pretty much like C, with the upper lip it goes. Why is ג so different graphically I have no idea.
In that light ד would be for adam's apple, the neck, and if it stands for door, then throat does have it there in the form of vocal cords. ה then the shoulder, and when you sweep it, it can sound similar to the letter. As d-like sound comes when you tap the throat, mouth caughs. and cursive ג does look like כ
Is ו arm? or the belly? because ז is traditionally recognize like dick. In cursive too (see the notebook to see it_) and in that case ח can be only legs. But it doesn't seem to be hebrew, it's some word play, which leads nowhere, but come on, I start moaning this when I think that somebody may write read it. Let them read, what do I care, I put it into the internet so these are read, let them see how we seek it. sick.
(I seem to confuse read for write, so consider it when you read it, here I noticed it, but..)
  [ʃ]שׁ‎  שׂ‎[s]  א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת   ך ם ן ף ץ   בּ

I used sophit
shapes in these two
(ך ם ן ף ץ instead
of כ מ נ פ צ)
ah, no, messed up ף

Isn't it messed up that
cursive and regular
פ roll different directions?

To see how much alike ב and ך look alike in cursive.. here, I give you the regular forms next to it.
It's like the first consonant of the west and the first consonant of the east. and they are preceded by vowels and followes by Г and L, which also meet in many forms. but then Д across the ם, though can be thus pulled together (as ם and D too) they still don't make sense (but can be a version of why would ם be pulled off the labial column.
But then come ה and נ and they have nothing in common. ו and ן though..
ז and ס.. z and s.. is it why ס is even there?
ח and ע are one the upside down shape of the other. and ח is vowel in modern greek.
ט and פ, is there a more mind-blowing part! Check how ט rolls differently in cursive and regular.
י and צ have nothing in common. even though ц is и with the j ending. Can I pull anything together?
כ and ק are sick pair.
ל and ר are even more so.
מ and ש are the opposites as m and ш, water and fire.
נ and ת remind me that ו was the reflection of נ. Triple reflection?
The three reflections for three mothers?
Let's see if I even got anywhere with that.

and it goes nowhere (I worked from the bottom up, and I came to where I pulled nun to vav all of the sudden, so there's no reason to go further)

Yes, such embarrassing pieces may happen. And do happen from time to time, and sometimes I cut them away, but here some observation is valuable. Maybe.

Another look at paleohispanic:

ku here reminds Mycenaean 𐀏[ka] and 𐀤[qe]
but te reminds 𐀏[ka] even more
What am I doing here? Learning the both writing system by comparing them.

B like 1 is super awesome, considering the possibility of its being the first letter in the past.

And I forced myself to read the book in which I think I saw the story of the alphabetic order
 and being semi-historical, how they label it, it delivers from the very start:

not about the alphabetic order yet. Yet I have to read on.
Having given up on fiction it is a confusing task (and is it even fiction at this point?)
They say it is, but he dares to quote talmud and other hidden texts, of course they do.
And I read it where it mentioned alphabet, and it is truly a strange book: there Jesus studies Ogham.
Like.. what? Yet the author tells "So,  refraining  even  from  a bibliography,  which  would  be  more  impressive  than helpful, I  undertake  to  my  readers  that  every  important  element  in  my  story  is  based on  some  tradition,  however  tenuous,  and  that  I  have  taken  more than  ordinary  pains  to  verify  my  historical  background."
But there he does reveal some interesting concepts. Here's the most impressive part:
 the  alphabet  concealed  an  ancient  mathematical  secret;  the  proportion  of  a  circles diameter  to  its  circumference,  which  is  as  seven  lustra  to  twenty-two. They  will  also  understand  that  the  Gadelian's  reticence  about  the two  doubled  letters,  A  and  I,  drew  Jesuss  attention  to  them:  he  saw then  that  the  seven  vowels,  read  sun-wise,  formed  a  sacred  name.  It was  II.I.E.U.O.A.AA.,  which,  when  written  in  Latin  letters,  is JIEVOAA.
it's strange, because IEOUA would be more similar to Jehova, but that's the way it is in there.
Strange book, yet it explains the 22, for π indeed was for a long time known as 22/7.
(the link in the beginning of this volume, called here summary, leads to the overview of what I so far do know, and in the end of it this concept is explored)

only this version of the song seems to link it to Arcturus. And it's the brightest star of the Northern Sky and I never knew it.
With an apparent visual magnitude of −0.05, Arcturus is the brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere and the fourth-brightest star in the night sky
One astronomical tradition associates Arcturus with the mythology around Arcas, who was about to shoot and kill his own mother Callisto who had been transformed into a bear. Zeus averted their imminent tragic fate by transforming the boy into the constellation Boötes, called Arctophylax "bear guardian" by the Greeks, and his mother into Ursa Major (Greek: Arctos "the bear"). The account is given in Hyginus's Astronomy.
An alternative lore associates the name with the legend around Icarius, who gave the gift of wine to other men, but was murdered by them, because they had had no experience with intoxication and mistook the wine for poison. It is stated that Icarius became Arcturus while his dog, Maira, became Canicula (Procyon), although "Arcturus" here may be used in the sense of the constellation rather than the star. (Eratosthenes; Hyginus; Aratus (2015). Eratosthenes and Hyginus: Constellation Myths, with Aratus's Phaenomena. Hard, Robin (transl.). Oxford University Press. pp. 5–7, 35–37. ISBN 9780198716983.)
It was probably this Icarius whom Clement of Alexandria[4] referred to as husband of Phanothea, a woman who was believed to have invented the hexameter.
and isn't it wonderful that I already posted it here, in the beginning of this volume, when I placed Boötes next to Hercules.
and this is going deeper and deeper:
Boötes (/boʊˈoʊtiːz/ boh-OH-teez) is a constellation in the northern sky, located between 0° and +60° declination, and 13 and 16 hours of right ascension on the celestial sphere. The name comes from Latin: Boōtēs, which comes from Ancient Greek: Βοώτης, romanized: Boṓtēs 'herdsman' or 'plowman' (literally, 'ox-driver'; from βοῦς boûs 'cow').
In ancient Babylon, the stars of Boötes were known as SHU.PA. They were apparently depicted as the god Enlil, who was the leader of the Babylonian pantheon and special patron of farmers.[3] Boötes may have been represented by the animal foreleg constellation in ancient Egypt, resembling that of an ox sufficiently to have been originally proposed as the "foreleg of ox" by Berio.[4]

And that "foreleg of ox" reminds me of ancient egyptian:
𓄗   F23  U+13117  foreleg of ox  Foreleg (ḫpš)  power (ḫpš)

and here's that 𓄗 in the very centre:

It looks like in the times of ancient egyptians Arcturos was the polar star. Hence Arctic.
I'm only opening this field for myself, so my records may be ridiculous to a knowledgeable scholar.
So I quote sumerian text amongs egyptian depictions:
MUL.APIN is considered the earliest known compendium of astronomical knowledge. The compiled lists and texts might have different origins in Mesopotamia.
Lists 2, 3, and 4 on Tablet 1 seem to originate from different traditions in making the calendar: List 2 starts with the rising of the constellation of the Arrow (stars around Sirius) while in List 4 all rising dates refer to the rising of ŠU.PA (stars in the vicinity of Arcturus). These two bright stars have both been used to determine the calendar.

(so how messed up our zodiac must be! do other stars make those constellations now?)

Here Ori is Orion as we know it, but they called it Osiris, the name also including O and ri in it, and Sirius had nothing to have with dogs, it is the star among the horns of the holy cow. It is worth noting, that wiki page on Sirius doesn't mention any cow, but then it tells this: As the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius appears in some of the earliest astronomical records. Its displacement from the ecliptic causes its heliacal rising to be remarkably regular compared to other stars, with a period of almost exactly 365.25 days holding it constant relative to the solar year. This rising occurs at Cairo on 19 July (Julian), placing it just before the onset of the annual flooding of the Nile during antiquity.[28] Owing to the flood's own irregularity, the extreme precision of the star's return made it important to the ancient Egyptians,[28] who worshipped it as the goddess Sopdet which leads us to her page, where they tell She was long thought to be represented by the cow on an ivory tablet from the reign of Djer (Dynasty I),[8] but this is no longer supported by most Egyptologists.[9]
But we got distracted (and for a good reason, but nevertheless)
Homer mentions Boötes in the Odyssey as a celestial reference for navigation,[5] describing it as "late-setting" or "slow to set".[6] Exactly whom Boötes is supposed to represent in Greek mythology is not clear. According to one version, he was a son of Demeter,[7] Philomenus, twin brother of Plutus, a plowman who drove the oxen in the constellation Ursa Major.[8] This agrees with the constellation's name.[9] The ancient Greeks saw the asterism now called the "Big Dipper" or "Plough" as a cart with oxen.[1][10] Some myths say that Boötes invented the plow and was memorialized for his ingenuity as a constellation.[11]
Another myth associated with Boötes by Hyginus is that of Icarius, who was schooled as a grape farmer and winemaker by Dionysus. Icarius made wine so strong that those who drank it appeared poisoned, which caused shepherds to avenge their supposedly poisoned friends by killing Icarius. Maera, Icarius' dog, brought his daughter Erigone to her father's body, whereupon both she and the dog died by suicide. Zeus then chose to honor all three by placing them in the sky as constellations: Icarius as Boötes, Erigone as Virgo, and Maera as Canis Major or Canis Minor.[10]
and there are many other stories about these stars, yet here's something that caught my attention:

how Orion belt shows where Sirius is

Osiris ~ of Sirius? And if the following theory is correct, it can tell us where to dig,
but I spilled the beans already, and not only here, so at least I spill them here as well.

You probably saw how positions of pyramids of Giza resemble the orion belt.

As you can see, it is not exact science, but a great image nevertheless:
Orion's Belt superimposed on the Giza pyramid complex, illustrating the Orion Correlation Theory. From left to right:
    Alnitak on the Great Pyramid of Giza
    Alnilam on the pyramid of Khafre
    Mintaka on the pyramid of Menkaure

Representation of the central tenet of the Orion correlation theory:
the outline of the Giza pyramids superimposed over a photograph of the stars in Orion's Belt.
Yet the photograph is called "Orion Correlation 10,500 BC.png"
so, I suppose it is the sky the way it was over 12 millenia ago.

Could the third pyramid be underdeveloped?
The baselines are:
230.33 m (756 ft) or 440 cubits
215.25 metres (706 ft; 411 cu)
102.2 by 104.6 metres (335 ft × 343 ft) or 200 cubits (original)
(original) is that they were vandalized and outline cover was stolen.
For whatever reason, they do not give it for the other two.
Yet they give it for heights:
Original: 146.6 m (481 ft) or 280 cubits        Current: 138.5 m (454 ft)
Original: 143.5 m (471 ft; 274 cu)  
       Current: 136.4 metres (448 ft)
Original: 65 metres (213 ft) or 125 cubits                                           
but current size of the small pyramid
they do not give.
And it is here to show, that probably the third piramid was underdeveloped.
It could fit the star with its centre if one side is the base side which isn't going to move, and other sides are growing on it as crystal. That would only make sense out of that theory. The stars are the same size.
And if we cannot tell certainly where can be the centre, we have the flowing (or is it flawing) floating poing point,
and with such point
we can measure the area in which the Sirius city can be.
As above so below. Though of course the pyramids are at the same spot, sky is in a different scale, and certainly if the sky was projected onto Earth, the pyramids would be on a larger distance.
Maybe they didn't know the size of the Earth back then.
240 до н. э. — греческий учёный Эратосфен Киренский впервые в мире вычисляет длину земного меридиана.
But then they definitely had some wrong estimations.
So if those estimations fit the distance between the pyramids, the theory is correct.
Either way, it has a predictive power: If it was why the pyramids were built at those spots, there is definitely a cultural layer in that spot.
But then it's egypt, what spot doesn't have it?
Larger layer it should have.
And maybe the third pyramid isn't finished, so that theives would seek in a different area.
And though the original theory doesn't mention Sirius, it's not about three random points on the night sky: the theory incorporates The constellation of Leo and the Milky Way:
Their initial ideas regarding the alignment of the Giza pyramids with Orion: "...the three pyramids were a terrestrial map of the three stars of Orion's belt"[7] are later joined with speculation about the age of the Great Sphinx.[8] According to these works, the Great Sphinx was constructed c. 10,500 BC (Upper Paleolithic), and its lion-shape is maintained to be a definitive reference to the constellation of Leo. Furthermore, the orientation and dispositions of the Sphinx, the Giza pyramids and the Nile River relative to one another on the ground is put forward as an accurate reflection or "map" of the constellations of Leo, Orion (specifically, Orion's Belt) and the Milky Way respectively.
yet as my own work, this is in the realm of para-science (science not yet accepted by the academia) and though para is super, sur, сверх in sanskrit, that's not sanskrit. (पर = "on the" in sanskrit and hindi)
And I compared the star map with the map of Giza, and Nile and the Milky Way, well, maybe, the two structures naturally do not resemple one another, but the proximity.. it depends on where we consider the Nile to begin, milky way would be in the green area between the Nile and the Pyramids.
But Sphinx is not mapping the constellation of Leo, it's only looking into its direction, or, rather, where it was that many millenia ago. Not when the historic Egyptians lived there. But then they say that actual Egyptian almanac mentions dynasties living that far in the past, but I didn't check it myself, I can only take their word on faith, which is not scientific, so this part is not just pop-sci, but some para-po-sci, very sketchy, written mostly for myself, to make sense of that theory, to actually understand what it tells. Why though? Well, the waves of information led me here.

halp is an interesxting workd
(nonstandard, humorous) Alternative spelling of help
(obsolete) Alternative form of holp (“helped”)

So are regular verbs a later simplification? Were they all like that? get got got, help holp holp?

(South-Bavarian) Cimbrian:
From Middle High German halp, from Old High German halp, from Proto-West Germanic *halb, from Proto-Germanic *halbaz (“half”). Cognate with German halb, English half. Those Proto-Germanic are reconstructions, so a mistification, not really. Smoke and mirrors.
(that is what the * tells)
So, if these two are cognate, help means "half" (when I carry something and I want somebody to ghelp me carry it, I may offer him half of the carry.

не запустить, а завести (про предприятие)
собрать и завести.

presents are presence

F is a typo, it is f where russians have а.
is it a reference to futhark?
b and и share the key. fиthark?
c is с in russian!
dв and в is actually instead of с standing after b. But that is just some work word-pal word-play.
e is у[u] in russian keyboared. Both are vowels, and it reminds me of 𐎅  and 𐎛 (e and u positions, transliterated ass h and i)

f is а, that is where we started. and the opposite is also true: a is ф.

g is п. It is nice next to f, but it is just free associations method can associate anything with enough of context.
г is п? as h is p in japanese. or rather p is a form of h, labialized h. with o ho is po (pro, проститутка)
h is р, only that is not that exact phrase from the previous line, but that р is russian r. rnh (n~п (n~п))
i is ш, which only tells me that they meet in k=symmetry.. and no it didn't.
a b c d e f g h i  j
u t s r q p o n m l
Where did I see i in s? in the keyboard's influence? the typo I recognize loving to start with I
I and Ш    (and couple of pages later I realized that russian ы is s on the keyboard (plural suffixes))
O is Щ, by the way.
What other messages are hidden in russian heyboard?


io being a part of wxio is interesting, but mostly it's nonsense with one interesting thing: adult
, as ones used in rebuses, minus one is e, edult, that's haow it sound.s

её and hij (did they removed and added letters to make this phrase be there?)

be do

baba deda

pipi  qaqa

баба даст попить, дядя даст поесть. Ебали ли голодных детей в рот? дикие звери так делают?
Я не вижу почему обезьяны бы этим не знами занимались.
Читал, что у бонобо ебётся t,en ебутся все.

тогда пипи и кака the other side of bibimus and да the еда. edimus
воду не дают, к воде пускают. По крайней мере до изобретения посуды так должно быть было.
Когда первый бибизян придумал череп для черпания использовать. И то как похожи эти слова в русском говорит что черпать это от слова череп.

пить и писать
жрать и срать      с присутствует и в pисать, и в qаqaть. ᛋ for schlecht? q~ср[sr]?

eat and shit are different with that ᛋ, or was Sch different from S that it was ᛋᛋ?
How could germanic runes not have a rune for Sch?!

ᛈ  is peorþ     p
ᛢ is cweorð  q   
(the names could be arbitrary (they're reconstructed) but the graphic consistency is present)
(what it is supposed to mean though..)

fodder ~ food ~ feeds (корм)

lottery ~ tery(through, через) lot?
                    (in some other language a more fit example is. who even knows in which)
lot как общак? куда все бросают по бумажке (но ловкость рук - и никакого мошенничества: если руки настолько ловкие, что не поймать)
и отдают кому-то одному, чтоб смог сделать то что надо всем, например. Обычно просто отдают

пере ~ через ~ through ~ frou[fru}?
[pr (пердёж губами, изображающий "напролом")]
(речь древних людей скорей всего звучит дико. нужно ли её реконструировать?)

hiccough (Dated spelling of hiccup. Hiccough is a later spelling, and an example of folk etymology.)

A B C D           (азъ) беседе
E F G H                     ? ? ?  (maybe some hungarian or what european ..french?) ego! preghiera
I J K L M N      Here M is definitely off its spot, and on it's spot it's I aM KalLiN (llamo)
O P Q R S T            ReQueST?   pray prego (it's nail in portugueses, and in Latin it's I pray: precor)
U V W X Y Z      U Wij Xij Yij Zij (Uw Wij eXcYZe)   ~ the line above is some g.t. tier linguistics.

Dutch alphabet is the same as ours. Bet before Alphabet. Alpha is whole word, when bet is b e t (before a b e i o t u) and the first two letters of the dutch alphabet is called obey.

Looking for a better melody for the alphabet not being satisfied with any of them, I started rhymin
  ab     cd      ef     gh        i (j)      kl   mn   op qr       st    u    v          w    x       y  z
baby сиди    if     go        I (you) call men up here  stay U (ваши)   we ask why sie
baby sit(set) if  get high  I           call men op qr     shit    U(вам)   We ask you that
    be set(sit) if  go here   I    you call me no-pussy-queer-shit-U-vwhat?askyourzalf  
эй как крик для привлечения внимания, ни слово почти, буквой, быть может, тоже недавно относительно остальных старала стала

  a    b    c        d
hey be  satisfied (set. said)

"be said" is a very alphabetic beginning of the books

be said
be sad?
be see do
be see дей
бей сей дей (без зваеря, сей сено, дей девок, деток! балда!)
русские слова в английском алфавите? обшалдеть

балда тоже более-менее алфавитное. Особенно если л и д левый и декструс (палюбас есть езыики где такое сочетание)

be seed
єжѕꙁ  (ежи си, и з просто к с пригруппирована)

Я уМ Ру


Я МяСо

I aM So

I aM iS          (and that's the best line for a book)

I aM aSs

I aM uS        (they're all good)

I aM Sea     (considering the organisms living in us, I am.

I Me They
Ij Mij Zij   I ~ Me? U ~ We?
                                                    Я Мы Те  вот это более правдоподобно

Я Мы Ты
Они (не мы)
Me or Мы, what is первично? what was first.

@    I meant it to stand for Nigga, and then I saw NWA and NBA (as if ГГ=F[w] (never))


They lost the abcd structure, so they bent it into LMNOPQR structur.
Left and Right, were they arbitrary and they rolled it into rhombus, because fro A to L and from R to Z are different quantity of letters.

Letters, are they dots or spans? I am a weird fellow (I cannot communicate, but today I managed to communicate to my mom that I am a horrible communicator.

LMN OPQR are the two sequences: ΛΜΝ could be ΜΝΛ or ΜΛΝ (ΜΝΛ is like EFГ, and it is for Immanuel. So ΜΛΝ like million doesn't work, also because Λ~Δ and Ν~Г.. wait, in EFГ?
No, in АБВГД.
Ν pushed M off the K.
K is klinok.
K is for kill.
OP QR are repetition with an additional stroke.
So R is a variant of P (russian P (russians invented R?))
English invented ing

Inglings were they not? Were they inglings? The Norman tribe which never let it go.

ブレード is japanese blade (default translation (katana is too sacred a word to call some technical blades that, I suppose))       

刃 is blade translation of wikipedia. Into both chinese(Rèn) and japanese(Ha)

刃刀CH Rèn dāo
刃刀JA Hagatana (gatana is katana the way japenis pronounce
срусь, все нации нахуй, "никого я не боялся подъебнуть") sw3ord
nihonjin [nihondzin] you can stress every sillable, because every syllable has a meaning.
Maybe letters do not have a single meanings.
But syllables surely do. If japanes have it, so do we. I don't know about japanese, but chinese do.
Katana is one morpheme.. but then there are probably etymologies making sense out of the words.
Japanese etymologic dictionary. Some book it must be!

Hungary is венгрия. Is it another example of h~w переход? or did they see them as broader border between hunns and them probably were russians seen as. The collective stepp. And we saw them as border to Vienna.

Raus ~ rus
aus is also out, which is Austria is to Germany. (er war Österreicher, weißt du)
Do americans not allow foreigners to be presidents, because of Hatelord?

Be Go Do

be there, go there, do there

be then, go there, do that

then~zen, there~zero, that~zilt

bad good dead

bar  gar  dar
бар жар дар

gar ~ город?

боги и музы - are those two ways to spell the same? the labials and linguals (and vowels are similar)

буквы и ноты?

gaol is an alternative spelling of jail (some people cannot spell goal right)
Was that spelling gallic (they have messed up spellings. And could it be that they're the first in its use, that the speech changed so much during the time of use of the writing system?

Irish first names. First as chronologically too, I suppose. Name is usually the Personal name, first name, and only then can it be recognized as noun. as a synonym to word.

Aoife is an extremely common Irish girls name that means “radiance” or “beauty”. When in Ireland, you’re bound to come across quite a few girls with this name, so just to set the record straight, the name is correctly pronounced ‘eee-fah’. It’s another of the top hardest-to-pronounce Irish first names.

Siobhán. This girl’s name is a popular one that has confused many foreigners time and again. And although more common than ever, the majority of those outside Ireland still can’t pronounce it!
Yes, you may assume this one to be pronounced ‘sio-ban’, but please refrain. It is, in fact, pronounced
The name is another form of the girl’s name Joan, which also means “God is gracious”.

Gráinne. Either “granny” or “grainy”, the pronunciation of this name is just never quite right. So, now that we have your attention, let’s clear this up: this girl’s name is ‘grawn-yeh’. The name comes from Irish tradition and means “love” or “charm”. Thank you for your time. It’s truly another of the weird Irish names you’ll struggle to pronounce.

Meadhbh. When you ask a foreigner to pronounce this female name, it usually results in a long pause, followed by a baffled look. In all fairness, we can see why; this is quite the mouthful. Alternatively, the name can be spelt Maeve, like Queen Maeve, but that doesn’t seem to be much easier to pronounce. Whichever way it has been spelt, the correct pronunciation is ‘may-veh’.
The meaning of this traditional name is either “she who intoxicates” or “great joy”; either is pretty good!

Dearbhla. Also spelt Dervla, this Gaelic girl’s name came from the medieval Saint Dearbhla. If people really want to add extra oomph, it can be spelt Deirbhile. The fact of the matter is, though, whatever the spelling, those not from Ireland are going to be confused as hell when it comes to pronouncing this one. Simply put, it is pronounced ‘derv-la’.

Caoimhe. This is one which always strikes up quite the conversation when it comes to pronunciation by foreigners and is seemingly one of the Irish girl names nobody can pronounce. As confusing as it may look, this female first name is actually a rather simple one. Phonetically spelt out, it is ‘kwee-veh’. The meaning behind this traditional Irish name is “beautiful”, “precious”, or “gentle”, the perfect name for a newborn lass. The only issue is it’s one of the hardest to pronounce Irish first names.
[kee-va] or [kwee-va], depending on which part of Ireland you’re from]

Oisín. Often foreigners call a bluff on this name or make several failed attempts before accepting defeat! In all fairness, if you’re not from the Emerald Isle, we can see it’s a tough one. This Irish boy’s name is pronounced ‘osh-een’ and means “little deer”.

Tadhg. Most foreigners don’t know where to start with this one, and well, we can’t blame them. Indeed, it is easy for an Irish person having been subjected to these names all throughout school; it is also quite understandable why this name is mind-boggler from appearance. Tadgh is, in fact, pronounced ‘tige’. The boy’s name means “poet” or “philosopher”.

Ruaidhri. This is one of those words that looks impossible, but once it has been broken down is astonishingly simple.
Without further ado, this Irish boy’s name – which can also be spelt Ruari or Rory – means “a great king” and is pronounced

Síle. This is another of the hardest-to-pronounce Irish first names. In English, this would be pronounced Sheila, proving the Irish language just makes everything look ten times harder than it actually is! It’s truly one of the top weird Irish names.
The meaning of this Gaelic girl’s name is “musical”, and it can also be spelt ‘Shelagh’ or ‘Sheelagh’. The general pronunciation, despite the various spellings, is

Siadbh (sigh-ve) Siadbh is notoriously difficult to pronounce. How can such a short sounding name have so many consonants? The ‘dbh’ is such a curveball every time. Siadbh means ‘good’ or ‘sweet’ in Irish. Other spellings include Sadb, Saibh, Sadbh, Sadhb, Saoibh. Common misspellings: Siave, Saibdh, Sadbh.

Ailbhe [alva]

Aodhnait [ejnat] or [inat](?)

Caoilfhionn [k

Medb [mejv]
and so on

Aoife [ifa] is really something, when you remember that f is v and v is u.
aoiue? what order is that? no order. just beauty

thaw [θo] таю
w is ю, but only if it's palatalized by the PREVIOUS vowel. It seems, vowel sets the tone for whole the word, so it can palatalize both ways. but more examples than new knew view where w is ю

эюя  something poetic is in our endings, as if they're reveal the same ending of the same system.

x somewhat looks like э, and in english it begins with э, as if it is эx (эх?)

во is the syllable with the meaning в

Надо создать таблицу, и русские подсказывают многие слоги.

а?  б?  во  г? до

ба ва га да   бада вада гада дада         ? вода гадъ дядя (бода (бойся) бодайся (воды, змей, мужиков)
бе ве ге де    беде веде геде деде    беде веде геде деде (к беде ведёт гадить деду)
би ви ги ди     биди види гиди диди  бить видеть где делать? когда бьёшь смотри куда.
бо во го до    обо  въ   год?  ко   до (начал с этой строки, в следующей погнал и на все примерил
бу ву гу ду    буду вуду гуду дуду  буду колдовать взывая к добрку

бодо водо годо додо  (я играюсь здесь, примеряюсь, пробую идеи на вкус (э\то всё за случайных читателеь й  переживаю))

б в г д
ф ..and here it's obvious that b and v were not in the same thing. I'm not sure of г and д too.

ба да
бе де
би ди
бо до
бу ду

ба да
ва за
ма на
па та
фу су

фу и су настолько не в тему. и у это ф (вав это f (𐤅) f is for fallos, z is for zayin) 
.что т явно была последней буквой.

ба да
фа са
ма на  (wa za  (Wa Na))
па та   могло таково оно быть?  са это C (позже ставшее G)

это создаёт очень малый набор.
но 8 это круто.
 I   ?
 ?  ?
 ?  ?  
V X   [v z] но то, что V=5, а X=10 сегодня не может быть не связано, что раньше было лишь 4 строки, а сегодня их пять.

После чего отправил следующий текст to chispa1707, because he is the only blogger who promoted me so far:
V и X буквы последней строки алфавита. Причём, если в архаичные времена было всего четыре строки (Т последняя буква в иврите, в архаичном греческом, и в архаичной латыни, но там V была вынесена после Т (в иврите V там, где в латыни F (five or four? Vijf of Vier?)) то едва ли это не связано с возможностью того, что римские цифры были не десятеричными, а восьмиричными.
Раньше было четыре строки в алфавите. Сегодня пять. Но в угаритском (ещё древней иврита) снова пять строк. Может это две традиции, которые борятся между собой на протяжении тысячелетий, и иногда её почти забывают, но однажды оно снова новое, которое хорошо забытое старое. Восьмеричные очень неожиданным образом в культурном поле появились в этот раз.
Иллюстрация, чтоб объяснить что понимается под строками:

Here, an example of m to n transfer:
Слово «дракон» происходит от др. -греч. δέρκομαι «пристально следить — смотреть в глаза» (аналог всевидящего ока). Лексема dragon в своей структуре имеет признак всевидящего взгляда. В преданиях дракон — это некое восходящее солнце, божественное знание и двойственность: жизнь-смерть,  тьма-свет, вода-огонь, «мужское»-«женское» и т.п.
Объединенные противоположности (огонь-вода, свет-тьма) в Китае назывались инь-ян, и изображалось слившимися противостоящими змее-драконами.

I doubted it, but other etymologies also link it to the same semantics:
“Dragon” comes from the Latin draconem, meaning “huge serpent, dragon,” which in turn is from the Greek drakon, “serpent, giant seafish.” The PIE root derk- “to see,” suggests that the literal sense of drakon was “the one with the (deadly) glance.”
δέρκομαι From Proto-Hellenic *dérkomai, from Proto-Indo-European *derḱ-. Cognate with Sanskrit दृश् (dṛś, “see”).
/dér.ko.mai̯/ → /ˈðer.ko.mɛ/ → /ˈð
    to see, see clearly
    to watch
    to live
    to flash, gleam
δέργμα (dérgma, “look, glance”)
Here, another source supports, but does it carefully:
From Middle English dragoun, borrowed from Old French dragon, from Latin dracō(n), from Ancient Greek δράκων (drákōn, “a serpent of huge size, a python, a dragon”), probably from δέρκομαι (dérkomai, “I see clearly”). Displaced native Old English draca—a doublet of dragon, as are Draco, dracone and dragoon.

there are many cases of n becoming m under the influence of other labial: impossible has prefix in, which can become ir and il too. Does it make all the sonors the same letter? nasal, because a- works the same, un- works the same. Are they all the same prefix? I'm sure they are.
So sonor are nosor?
son ~ nose? sun ~ nose? sun knows. sun ~ sign?

Grok is crazy good:
(I forgot of what I just wrote above, and it helped me out)
> Thank you. How could I forget the impossible, where im is originally in, and that it can be ir and il in other context. Does it tell that sonors are originally the same letter? some ã? I wonder why I see the diacritic above a as a straight line, it is -like diacritics, nasal a. sonornosor so to say.

Your questions delve into the fascinating area of phonetics and phonology, touching on historical linguistics and the evolution of sounds in languages. Let's break down your observations and queries:

Assimilation in English:
    Impossible: You're right about the prefix "in-" changing based on the following consonant. It becomes "im-" before 'p' or 'b' (impossible, imbalance), "il-" before 'l' (illegal), and "ir-" before 'r' (irregular). This is an example of assimilation, where the 'n' sound changes to match the place of articulation of the following consonant.

Historical and Phonetic Considerations:
    Origins of Sonorants: In many ancient languages, sonorants (sounds like nasals, liquids, and approximants) have shared origins or could be considered variations of a more fundamental sound concept. Latin, for example, used "n" as a prefix which assimilated in various ways. However, this doesn't mean they were originally one letter or sound but rather that they share phonetic qualities (like being voiced and having continuous sound).
    Diacritics and Nasalization: The tilde (~) over vowels, like in "ã", generally indicates nasalization in languages like Portuguese or French. The straight line you mention might be a typographical or visual interpretation of the tilde in some fonts or contexts. The tilde signifies that the vowel is pronounced with the nasal passage open, influencing the sound to be nasalized.
    Phonetic Similarity: The transformation of 'n' to 'm', 'l', or 'r' under certain conditions might suggest a sort of phonetic kinship among sonorants. They're all sonorous sounds, meaning they can carry pitch and resonate, which is why they can sometimes substitute for one another in certain linguistic environments, especially in assimilation processes.

Visual Perception of Diacritics:
    The perception of a tilde as a straight line could be due to:
        Font Design: Different fonts can render diacritics differently.
        Personal Perception: How one perceives visual symbols can vary.

Linguistic Evolution:
    Languages evolve, and sounds within them change due to various influences like ease of pronunciation, linguistic contact, or historical drift. The nasal sounds you're curious about might have started from a more uniform source or evolved in parallel due to shared phonetic properties.

In linguistic terms, the idea that all sonorants might once have been "the same letter" or sound is more of a poetic or conceptual view rather than a direct historical fact. However, the phonetic and phonological rules that govern these changes do reflect a deep-seated connection among sounds with similar acoustic properties.

Your observation about "sonor~nosor" playfully captures the essence of how these sounds can morph while maintaining some core identity, which is indeed an interesting aspect of how languages work.

> That "n" prefix, was it the prototype of english un- and in-?

Yes, the "n" prefix in Latin, from which many English words derive, is indeed the prototype for both the "un-" and "in-" prefixes in English, although their paths and uses have diverged somewhat:

    In-: This prefix comes directly from Latin "in-", meaning "not" or "opposite of." Examples in English include "impossible", "inactive", and "incomplete". This prefix changes form based on the consonant it precedes, as mentioned before (im-, il-, ir-). Its use in English largely retains the meaning of negation or opposition from Latin.
    Un-: The "un-" prefix in English can trace some of its heritage back to the same Latin "in-" via Old English and Germanic influences. However, "un-" has a broader application in English:

        Negation: Similar to "in-", meaning "not" or "opposite of" (e.g., "unhappy", "undo", "unseen").
        Reversal: Specifically indicating the reversal of an action (e.g., "unwrap", "unload").
        Deprivation: Suggesting removal or absence of something (e.g., "unarmed", "unseat").

The path from Latin "in-" to English "un-" isn't direct; it involves:
    Old English: Here, "un-" was already present with meanings similar to negation and reversal, influenced by but not directly from Latin.
    Germanic Roots: The "un-" prefix in Germanic languages like Old English might have been influenced by or parallel to Latin, but it was already part of the language family's structure.

Although "in-" and "un-" share a common ancestor in terms of the concept of negation, their uses in English have somewhat diverged:
    "In-" tends to be used with words of Latin origin or when the word structure requires the alterations like im-, il-, ir-.
    "Un-" is more versatile, used across a broader range of words, including those of Germanic and other origins, and has developed additional nuances like reversal or deprivation.

So while "in-" directly descends from the Latin "in-", "un-" represents a blend of influences, including but not limited to Latin, showcasing how language evolves and adapts over time.
Can you give me the latin examples?
Here are some Latin examples where the "in-" prefix is used to negate or indicate the opposite of something, which has carried over into English:

    in- + visus (seen) → invisus (unseen, unpopular)
        English Derivative: invisible (from Latin "invisibilis", where "in-" negates "visibilis", seeable)
    in- + actus (driven, acted) → inactus (undriven, inactive)
        English Derivative: inactive
    in- + cognitus (known) → incognitus (unknown)
        English Derivative: incognito (unknown, in disguise)
    in- + sanus (healthy, sane) → insanus (unhealthy, insane)
        English Derivative: insane
    in- + sapiens (wise) → insapiens (unwise, foolish)
        English Derivative: insipid (though "insipid" comes from "insipidus", tasteless, the concept of negating wisdom is similar)
    in- + finitus (finished, limited) → infinitus (unfinished, unlimited)
        English Derivative: infinite
    in- + stabilis (stable) → instabilis (unstable)
        English Derivative: unstable (though English uses "un-", the Latin root shows the concept)
    in- + aequalis (equal) → inaequalis (unequal)
        English Derivative: inequitable (while not a direct derivative, it reflects the concept)
    in- + firma (firm) → infirma (not firm, weak)
        English Derivative: infirm

These examples illustrate how the Latin "in-" prefix could be attached to various adjectives or verbs to negate their meaning, a practice that has influenced the structure and vocabulary of English. Note that not every English word with "in-" is directly from these Latin roots; some have evolved through different paths or have been influenced by other languages, but the foundational concept remains the same.
no, no, the n prefix. not in
My apologies for the confusion. The "n-" prefix in Latin, which you might be referring to, is actually quite rare on its own as a standalone prefix in classical Latin. However, there's a more common prefix **ne-** or **neg-** in Latin, which is used to negate or indicate denial, and it's related to the concept you're asking about:

    ne- + fas (right, lawful) → nefas (wrong, unlawful)
        This isn't exactly an "n-" prefix, but it shows the concept of negation.
    neg- (from ne + agere, to do) → negare (to deny, to say no)
        English Derivative: negate (to nullify, deny)

However, if you're looking for direct examples of an "n-" prefix functioning like "in-" or "un-" in English, there isn't a straightforward, common example in classical Latin. The use of "n-" as a prefix to negate or reverse in the way "in-" or "un-" does in English is more characteristic of other Indo-European languages or earlier Proto-Indo-European roots:

    In Proto-Indo-European, there was a nasal prefix *n̥- or *n- which could indicate negation or augmentation, but this didn't directly carry over into classical Latin in the same way.

In summary, while Latin does have prefixes for negation like "in-", "non-", "ne-", or "neg-", there isn't a direct "n-" prefix used in the same way as "un-" in English. The English "un-" has more of a Germanic origin, with some influence from Latin through the evolution of language, but the exact "n-" as a negating prefix isn't as distinctly present in Latin.

Then we talked and figured out there wa ne- and in- for negation, but n- is not a latin prefix, but some reconstructed PIE *n̥ (* tells that it's reconstructed) was coexisting with PIE ne prefix with the same meaning, and that they're probably the same thing.  Which made me recognize it as m-m, the paraword pronounced with mouth shut and head shook as no. Diacritics is also sweet, making it literally no

ἰήϊος - имя прилагательное Аполлона. Such a vowel имя прилагательное,
и такое алфавитное имя существительное!
epithet of Apollo, the god
A invoked with the cry ἰή or ἰὴ παιών (v. ἰή), ἰήϊε παιάν Pi.Pae.2.35, cf. A.Ag.146, S.OT154 (both lyr.), 1096, Ar.V.874, A.R.2.702, Duris 79J.
II mournful, grievous, ἰήϊοι κάματοι S.OT174 (lyr.); ἰήϊος βοά, γόος, a cry of mourning, E.Ph.1036, El.1211 (both lyr.). (From the cry ἰή, as Εὔιος from εὐοἵ; but also associated with ἰάομαι, Hsch. (hence applied to Asclepius, IG3.171); and, as ἱήϊος, with ἵημι, Hsch., Macr.Sat.1.17.16.)

fowl is of owl

𓄿     [ꜣ (a)]
𓅀    [ꜣꜣ (aa)]
𓅁    [mꜣ (ma)]

𓅂    tjw (often used as a plural Nisbe ending (типа нашего -щие или даже, скорее, -ые))

𓅃    Horus (ḥrw)    God [nṯr] (Ptolemaic)    Above [ḥry] (Ptolemaic)    lord [nb] (Ptolemaic)
𓅄    falcon [bjk]    Horus [ḥrw]    God [nṯr] (Ptolemaic)    lord [nb] (Ptolemaic)
...        (I wanted to collect the bird-hieroglyphs, but there were too many)
𓅊    Ra-Horus [rꜥ-ḥrw]

𓅌 image of falcon  (Sopdu [spdw]    Image [ꜥẖm, ꜥšm, ꜥḫm]    Falcon [gnḥsw, šnbt])

𓅐 vulture (Mother (mwt)    vulture [nrt])

𓅒 vulture and cobra each on a basket  (Two Ladies [nbtj])
In Ancient Egyptian texts, the "Two Ladies" (Ancient Egyptian: nbtj, sometimes anglicized Nebty) was a religious epithet for the goddesses Wadjet and Nekhbet, two deities who were patrons of the ancient Egyptians and worshiped by all after the unification of its two parts, Lower Egypt, and Upper Egypt. When the two parts of Egypt were joined together, there was no merger of these deities as often occurred with similar deities from various regions and cities. Both goddesses were retained because of the importance of their roles and they became known as the Two Ladies,[1] who were the protectors of unified Egypt.

𓅓 owl (m, jm, n (Ptolemaic))
𓅔 two owls (mm, m, nm)
𓅕 [mj]
𓅖 "in the hand" [m, mj, mꜥ, ꜥm, m-ꜥ ]
𓅗 [mr]

𓅘 guineafowl [nḥ, nḥḥ]
1. Egyp. bil. nḥ, for the bird; phon. for nḥ;
2. Ideas of petition, supplicate, beseech; for Egyptian language nḥ-t, nḥḥ-t, oil, unguent, equivalent of Coptic language, "ⲛⲉϩ";
3. for nḥḥ, eternity, or ever and ever, (see also ḥḥ'), Coptic "ⲉⲛⲉϩ"

𓅙 hoopoe [ḏb]

𓅚 lapwing (The common (Rekhyt-) people, subjects [rḫyt])

𓅛 lapwing with twisted wings (The common (Rekhyt-) people, subjects [rḫyt])

𓅜 northern bald ibis (Be effective, effective (Akh) spirit [ꜣḫ])

𓅝 sacred Ibis on standard (Ibis [hb]    Thoth [ḏḥwtj])
𓅞 sacred Ibis  (    Ibis (hb)    Thoth [ḏḥwtj]    Excellent, skilled [jqr]    Discern, reckon [jp])

𓅟 flamingo (flamingo [dšr]    red [dšr])

𓅠 glossy ibis (to find, discover [gmj], [gm])

𓅡 saddle-billed stork (Ba-soul [bꜣ])
𓅢 three saddle-billed storks (Ba-souls; metaphorically: Power, glory, respect [bꜣw])

𓅣 Heron/Bennu-bird [bnw]
1. the heron-like Bennu
2. Determinative for bnw, the "Phoenix-bird"
𓅤 Heron on perch (to inundate [bꜥḥj])

𓅥 Cattle egret (to tremble [sdꜣ/sdꜣdꜣ])

𓅦 ostrich [njw]

𓅧 Cormorant (to enter [ꜥq])

𓅨 (𓅩) Swallow (swallow [mnt]    great, elder [wr])
I have no idea how they distinguished between the two or if they're not two interpretations of the same
𓅪 (𓅫) Sparrow (Bad [bjn]    Small, weak [nḏs])     Determinative for various words related to negativity, small, bad

𓅬 Goose (Bird [ꜣpd]    Geb [gb]    Destroy [ḥtm])

𓅭 Pintail duck (Son [sꜣ/zꜣ])
𓅮 Pintail flying (Fly [pꜣ])
𓅯 pintail alighting (Alight [ḫnj]) and also [pꜣ, qmꜣ] according to that wiki page, but it could be a mistake, for the previous hieroglyph is pꜣ (but then they're both pintails)

𓅰 Widgeon (to fatten [wšꜣ]    Food [ḏfꜣw])

𓅱 quail chick  (Field, district, region [w] (used also for the plural word ending (and, of course as a phonetic for w)))
𓅲 [tw]
𓅳 [ww]
𓅴 [wꜥ, ꜥw]
𓅶 [mꜣw]

𓅷 Duckling (Fledgeling [ṯꜣ]    Vizier [ṯꜣty])
𓅸 three ducklings in nest (nest, pond, marsh [sš])
𓅹 three ducklings in pool (nest, pond, marsh [sš])

𓅺 Two plovers (Washerman [rḫtj])

𓅻 bird pecking at fish  (to catch fish [ḥꜣm/ḥjm])

𓅼 goose picking up grain (to feed (snm))

Mostly such lists are a way for me to get acquainted of them. I write this for miself first and foremost.

And this collection of birdie hieroglyphs, so plenty, made me think if that could be the basis of augury, also known as ornithomancy

fat ~ fed

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