It is volume 13 ( 0123456789101112)
it is in a draft stage, it is how drafts should be immediately
published to remove the institutions which slows the spread of
knowledge down or even stops it sometimes. This free flow of
knowledge is filled with all sorts of the beasts, scientific and
not, so readers have to be able to figure them out themselves.
And this status of this text allows me to fancy all sorts of
wild hypotheses, like this pondering here:
Should of
Could of
Would of
Instead of (in such context this
guess falls apart, but that could be some homonym or something
have (in usus it is aften the same word, 'ave and
of. owe awe off)
Could 'ave
Just mistakes or dialectal forms? Are "of" and "have" cognates?
Jars of rice = Jars have rice
Then is firstable making "able" a variant of "of all"?
"ab" is "of" in latin, but I still don't think so.
and in protogermanic too:
And that have=of thing, if they really used
to be cognates and sometimes still are, that is of that period
when belonging was not expressed in the language more clearly
(do a man has worms or do they have him? many such cases) so "I
have you" tells that you belong to me, while "I of you" tells
that I belong to you. And because usually we belong to
eachother, that could be acceptable for awhile, but there's a
mathematica term for such cases, but I always ignored
terminology, so I'm not sure if it's reversibility, either way,
it's not having that (if I have you it tells nothing about if
you have me or not, but it does tell that you belong to me, kind
of, anyway, it's all ridiculously useless, let's colour it grey)
Who used to be hwo, and then it was much closer to кого [kavo] (г is pronounced there as v, nobody knows why,
at least I don't)
Today I saw that galo 'round a burning match again. This time it
seemed to be like steps, quantized drop in luminosity of the ball
around the flame with another lrop drop at some santimeter or so
(I didn't measure then, though I tried it some more and it stinks
with matches, and ventilation turns on the light in that room, so
I do the next time, on thursday again. I was surprised toknow that
do to da today is thursday as I think was the previous time. On
friday guests came so I couldn't repeat, I should check the
records at the previous volume, or I should keep on burning match
(and I was recomended a candle, because it burns longer, gives
time to observe, and I think it stinks much less, so I have to buy
me a candle or to do it at home. There are many rooms ldark rooms
at my place, and lack of the external light is essential, though
probably one source of light is to be, not direct one maybe,
exactly, not direct, at my right front there was the burning
match, at my left front was the toilet room with точечные
светильники at rather high cieling and the wall above the door cut
their direct light off, so you could only see the well-lit room
there. So I have two interpretation of what I saw: enegetic
orbitals of the heat radiation (of which I thought before: heat is
a wave, so like sound it should have harmonics) or quant nature of
theworld make the light intensity drop by degrees (by stairs,
quantized, raster)
But what is more important than the light is that morning
relaxation of the eyes, and maybe thursday too, but that is yet to
figure out. It seems the cycle of seven days was never broken: the reform advanced the date by 10 days: Thursday 4
October 1582 was followed by Friday 15 October 1582.
But interesting how russians were fucked by that reform:
В России юлианский календарь обычно называют
старым стилем, переход на новый стиль (григорианский календарь)
был осуществлён 14 февраля 1918 года декретом Совнаркома,
подписанным В. И. Лениным 26 января 1918 года.
Just before the anniversary of the February Revolution. Must've
disoriented the opposition that decree.
And there are more mysteries:
The Gregorian reform shortened the average
(calendar) year by 0.0075 days to stop the drift of the calendar
with respect to the equinoxes.[3] Second, in the years since the
First Council of Nicaea in AD 325,[Note 1] the excess leap days
introduced by the Julian algorithm had caused the calendar to
drift such that the (Northern) spring equinox was occurring well
before its nominal 21 March date. This date was important to the
Christian churches because it is fundamental to the calculation
of the date of Easter. To reinstate the association, the reform
advanced the date by 10 days: Thursday 4 October 1582 was
followed by Friday 15 October 1582.[3] In addition, the reform
also altered the lunar cycle used by the Church to calculate the
date for Easter, because astronomical new moons were occurring
four days before the calculated dates.
But in russia it was 13 days. Three extra leap days passed between
16th and 20th centuries? 1700, 1800, 1900 (1600 was not considered
leap according to the gregorian system)
The Julian calendar has been replaced as the civil
calendar by the Gregorian calendar in all countries which
officially used it. Turkey switched (for fiscal purposes) on 16
February/1 March 1917. Russia changed on 1/14 February 1918.[96]
Greece made the change for civil purposes on 16 February/1 March
Turkey started this movement. Let's also not forget that the head
of orthodox church is in konstantinopole, which is occupied by
turkey today.
and weed I smoked really seem to work, after I threw it in a pit
in the autumn, and it's been there all winter, and I only took it
home in july. It wasn't working at all,
If you look at
Надо менять этот мир, и потому я лезу в самую гущу его
Надо было взять с собой верёвку, чтоб вешать мразей? нет, чтоб
задерженного этой верёвкой обматывать и тащить Вокруг пояса
обматывать? Играть с мусорами в перетягивание каната.
Толстый канат с двумя узлами на концах, один узел даёшь
задержанному, а второй тянете всей толпой.
парша в русском языке настолько неоднзначное
слово. но все значения походу означают разные грибы: парша
животных и человека и рунет узнаёт под паршой совсем не ту
болезнь, которую этим словом называют там где я живу (яблоки
покрытые коркой, похожей на паршу человека, каличневый с белыми
точками, настолько омерзительную, что я даже картинку здесь
прикладывать не стану.
поп значит попка (им дозволено лишь только повторять, отсебятина
ересью зовётся, и в этом одно из основных отличий религии от
English and russian perfect tense:
killed ~ 've killed
бил ~ убил
И здесь возникает вопрос: (это литературное оформление, совершенно
излишнее семантически)
какова связь между Б и К? она определённо там есть, потому что на
западе первой согласной является Б, а на востоке – К.
Был Жил тоже может быть отражением этого феномена.
Но мы отвлекаемся. Давайте сравним ещё несколько примеров перфекта
I went ~ I've gone
Я шёл ~ Я ушёл
Но это неправильные глаголы, у нормальных вторая и третья форма
I noticed ~ I've noticed
Я замечал ~ Я заметил
Окэй, хир ис эназа уэй ту мэйк пёрфект ин рашн.
Я рубил ~ Я зарубил
И снова вопрос: З это staveless В?
переходил ~ перешёл (первая форма неперфект, вторая перфект)
ходил ~ шёл (полные синонимы, ни одна форма не перфект) это очень
странно, нелогично, и наверное подобные приколы вызывают у
иностранов основной бугурт.
шёл краткая форма от слова ходил
буду (future)
быть (present indefinite)
был (past)
Future form is all in u's as in futurum. Then why isn't был in
a's? But in english it's more straightforward:
U for future: Will
E for present Exist, Est, Is.
A for past wAs (how is it I highlight one letter in future and the
other in the past. cherrypicking or something even worse is it?
зевота блевота рвота
tell that the root in рвать is р[r]
unless ю[ju] in блюёт is the same в[v]
рвать рыть рубить (рулить не из этой грядки, потому что
рой крой корой коркой короткой кроваткой
крыть от слова рыть.. (закапываь) кто бы мог подумать..
is cover co-over?
к- = с- (in russian, both prefixes have incredibly similar
meanings to and with)
к это с на ставе. евреи обманули нас, руны первичны:
Что это знание позволяет сделать:
например, вопрос можно увидеть как вопрок, что роднит его с
упрёком. во прок, на пользу.
у прёк это в прок, во прок
this little doggy is ethanol
it dissolves in water because of that OH thing. And that other
part of C-C is a little hydrophobic.
It (I +t, suffix of the third person. And in verbs: I do, He does
(e суффикс третьего лица, H = И = I))
наша наши - иногда на письме а выглядит как и, и тогда соединяют
сверху воедино эти 𓏭
превращая и в а
а одно, и является суффиксом, и
похоже что использовался до всего: множественное число,
родительный падеж, прилагательное, императив (второе лицо)
а также является соединительной запятой, י
ко мне
со мной
Может эти суффиксы синонимичны, но грамматика у них различна. Не
потому ли что грамматика повторяет их ,и тогда к ~ е (мне! ~= ко
повторяет их, и тогда с ~ и (мой ~= мной (владеется мной))
мы = мны? (that ? is similar to ~)
мн как много?
скоко? много - тот же суффикс как в его (и сравнивая его с
однокоренными: мне[мене], мной, меня) тогда с ко is with que?
следующие три строчки просто гадаю, черновик во весь рост:
а я, меня
и мне
о мной ~ мой
I don't know if I told about it (I'm not high and in this
condition I memorize more than invent) anyway,
N and S are clockwise and counter-clockwise swasticka's elements,
which is weird, because if counter-clockwise is отворотный, and
clockwise is приворотный, then why does N stand for No and S for
yeS ore Si? is s = t I asked? is "s = c = d?"I ask me now
d is cl
D = CL? I saw it today in a dream, where it came to me as Sure it
is! but what did it look there like which made it obvious? lↃ
maybe. or lƆ, 𐩧𐩽?
And then I realize, that not only have russians turned their
letters counter-clockwise,
so H is И and N is Н, but also lucky people's nations have the
element of lucky swastika in their alphabet (N) and russians only
have the element of unlucky one (И)
But then again, what does it tell of S? Is Z more based or what?
Or does the smooth form of S make it something else? How can it be
unlucky if it switches from counter-clockwise to clockwise?
The true answer is I don't know. I only figured that И/N thing
like few hours ago, what do I know
But it would be a nice experiment if russians would turn their И
& Н clockwise to get H & N and didn't adopt S, but maybe Z
though, using C for all S's as they do today, and K's for all K's
as they do today.
Z would make their Задница не такой полной.
are Ж & З жопа и задница? If that's how the alphabet ended
before numerals IVX were incorporated in their canon, it could
make perfect sense. Волосы Голова и так далее?
So, the only good explanation for why No uses clockwise
(приворотный) symbol, and yeS uses the counter-clockwise
(отворотный символ) is the hypothesis that they used to be the
other way around, because when these forms were invented people
drew left to right. But that's just a guess, and it needs some
data to be proven or disproven, and yet I have a good way to test
it: we must collect text from the most ancient artifacts, and to
see how S and N go there, but I think it will fall flat, but I
have no better explanation of that inconsistency, only if that
idea of them swastikas encoded in those letters is baseless.
Another observation of the sun:
I came home after a fortnight outside,
got high, saw a setting sun, and observed it:
it was sitting above houses and it seemed that it went up when it
saw me, and it probably was some optic or psychic illusion; either
way, I saw some rainbow spectre again and I saw some orbitals:
light from the sun seemed to have some concentric rounds around
it, like the one I saw around a burning match but much more in
number and much tinier in width, and other vision was some отрезки
спектра как лучи (по радиальным линиям появлялись отрезки
(одинакового размера, но на разном расстоянии от солнца, кажется
на каждом геометрическом луче из центра солнца было по одному
отрезку (я посмотрел и не видел опровержения этого предположения)
отрезки эти были цвета радуки, т.е. предполагаю что по лучам шёл
более широкий спектр, и лишь небольшой отрезок (все отрезки были идентичных размеров и
окрасов) радугой представлял видимую часть спектра. К
сожалению, успел заснять лишь зашедшее солнце, но вероятно мой
телефон не взял бы такую чёткую картинку, тем более против солнца.
Завтра попробую или когда ещё увижу. сегодня
понедельник, субботу воскресенья я был не один, потому не
дубасил и следовательно сюда не заходил.
as you can see, the sky itself is also a rainbow: it goes from red
to blue with some lack of green, and yellow is only in the clouds,
I'm not sure it counts, it could be just some red and blue which
are just on spectre, but are not of spectral nature.
Either way, I will find some good optics and will film it, I think
I will contact some profession photographer tomorrow, or even two.
I hope I will deliver soon in language thing with that a-b, a-d,
when I literally divided words by meaningless letters. So vowel is
no, and consonant is yes? consonants are different: b is in, d is
off (de)
but something, vowels are just connecting voice, and probably
first consonants were meaningful and vowels were just melodical.
And later they began to use vowels as negation, but it probably
grew out of interjunctions interjections
like oh, ah, мол ну да; да, но; да не; и как мы знаем, порядок
слов не принципиален (разные народы лепят кто во что горазд)
Сегодня слышал, что русская орфография была стандартизована лишь в
начале 20го века, а до того лепил кто во что горазд:
(он о том, что я сказал в предыдущем предложении, говорит где-то в
предыдущих 20 минутах)
The following two screenshots are also from there, I think they
belong here even more that that one:
I wonder why their Л looks so similar to glagolythic М.
I don't know why unicode show it like this: Ⰿ, because it is
In case it's a bug and they fixed it, here
is the same in png:
Something similar to what I observe around the light source is
Brocken Spectre, but what I observe has nothing to do with water,
it can be seen in absolutely dry room, photos are yet to come, but
here what I could find so far:
And another interesting phenomenon I never knew of and neither did
most of you, Gegenschein:
In modern times, the gegenschein is not visible in
most inhabited regions of the world due to light pollution.
I think optic is my next favourite thing,
That pink part is called Belt of Venus, and the blue beneath it is
the shadow of the Earth.
But the phenomenon I want to discover even more is the way some
tiny light source behaves in a dark room or a plane: when you
raise your hand between your eyes and the source, the light is
closed from the opposite direction, I wonder if it has something
to do with camera obscura flipping the image or is it some glitch
in the matrix. I will write more about it when I know more about
So my guess is what?
tthere are several:
Because light is of wave nature, that wave has some spectre and
thus makes rainbow?
But sound is a wave and it may keep the same tone. Sun also as any
star has it's
That word rainbow I use all the time is not the phenomenon of
rainbow we kow, but more wide concept of iridescence. I'm not even
sure this term is correct, so I simply say rainbow, so everybody
knows what sequence of colours I am speaking of.
Either way, this topic is its deception, and I will deliver on it
more coherent and legible.
New thing I found today is that word "sweet!" may sound as sucking
something up, like a noodle or with a straw, almost a kiss.
All the story is written down. But it is written one piece at a
time at some place.
Aum is only known to europeans as omen, in plural. Aum is one
sound, not three, it's a nasal A.
An. One.
A is potentially nasal, and maybe that's the route some people
pronounce it as O
Some nations pronounce pot with o, and others use [a] instead.
Americans do, and that other channel I've shown you tell that it's
more ancient form of english:
and it's in russian.
here is where he tells that americans read o as a:
And watching that previous video, where he tells that hot dog is
somewhere pronounced as hat dog, and before that cot and caught is
compared, and both are a's, and it comes to me that o and u are
just variants of a.
a is the full form, and o and u are underdrawn.
And because double a is o in dannish,
And bornholm runes are dannish, and there o is ᚮ the double ᛆ the
a, and aa is o too.
o is pure a, the golden middle between a and u
u is oo, so it's a, aa=o, oo=u
o is in the middle. A is a cool way to pronounce it. It was the
same, Om, Aum aUm it also was some accord, согласованное
последовательное движение звука по спектру как радука.
Радуга is not alphabetic, otherwise imagine how extatic I would
be, Would I? Raduga have some transparent etymology, but then you
have to recognize that russians built pyramids? Or at leasgt that
russians worshipped Rah. Rah-shins (shin is humans? 神 is shen, god
in chinese. in japanese it's shin.
清 is shin in japanese, qing dinasty of china, where it's also
clear, clean, distinct, quiet, thoroughly, completely, and it
sounds like chin, that how chinese transliteration of qing is
心 is shin in japanese, xin in chinese, sounds as schin (щинь) and
as japanese didn't destinguish x from q, so is both words are
written as しん in hiragana. Weird transliterations of x and q was
from portuguese and who knows who else, so I think, but who knows
if it's true. Because they didn't have russian щ. That is
palatalized sh, which is x. but q is ch. And it reminds me of
gothic alphabet:
as you can see, in comparison to lating it has some letters
lacking strokes at the top: R looks like K,
B looks like upsided down R, D lacks part of the stroke, Q of 6
and Q of 90 lack a stroke at the top, and that makes it remind Ч,
as that q sounds in chinese, which I discuss above.
What's going on? I didn't change the масштаб, but letters seem to
be tinier, and they're in the same font. Is it another example of
world shrinking and we getting used to it and then we croak, I
thought there was some term closer to shrink, but it seems google
translator get worse: it doesn't know скопытиться, but mistake it
for скопить или скопиться.
And then I kind of get used to this font and it looks normal. But
that font at the front line seems smaller because it's compared to
the similar (but slightly larger) font above it, in the image.
Notice, how gothic p reminds u standing before it, and very
similar to ᚢ.
Го́тский язы́к (готск. 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌰𐍂𐌰𐌶𐌳𐌰
(gutarazda), 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐍂𐌰𐌶𐌳𐌰 (gutrazda), 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺𐌰
𐍂𐌰𐌶𐌳𐌰 (gutiska razda)) — язык готов. Относится к восточной
группе германских языков.
And letter ᛟ shows closer relation of gothic with runes. I think I
read that the oldest runic writing is gothic, but it's probably
that the oldest gothic writing is runic.
Out of about a dozen candidate inscriptions, only
three are widely accepted to be of Gothic origin: the gold ring
of Pietroassa, bearing a votive inscription, part of a larger
treasure found in the Romanian Carpathians, and two spearheads
inscribed with what is probably the weapon's name, one found in
the Ukrainian Carpathians, and the other in eastern Germany,
near the Oder.
I wonder where I can see the other 9, and what are they? Yet here
are the three they mention:
as you can see, the transliteration ↑ here lack a ᚲ:
Внезапно, возможно разглядывая свастики на
первом рисунке: атакующую сверху, защищающую снизу? и я подумал
о колесе и том как можно за прутья взявшись подняться в карету
как по лестнице ли, а если ле ловкий и
смелый, то может и на движущемся так запрыгнуть, но так делать
не надо, тем более на современных скоростях.
卍 is forward, and 卐 is backward, because those г's are legs. thus
they're L's. and as you can see, the word L has lucky turn of the
leg. L is leg. Now I see. Let's beging
the abecedary: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w
x y z
That azbuka is what I came here to make, to start it from a
good foot.
begin looks like beging because помолясь
bog and beg is like caught and get. get = catch? cognates?
probably. dialectal readings
"The oldest known runic inscription from Sweden is
found on a spearhead, recovered from a grave at Mos in the
parish of Stenkyrka in Gotland. The inscription, consisting of
only five runes, might be dated to the end of the third century
of our era." Sven Birger Fredrik Jansson, The runes of Sweden,
Bedminster Press, 1962, pp. iii-iv.
This image, placed on the cover of that book (reverse image search shows it is only present
on it, so it's probably a replica of some ancient thing. Let's
look inside to see if it has it)
vowels bowels? vow is bow? I didn't expect bowels here, I only
thought that vow is pray, bow.
bow is not only a gesture of reverence, but also a weapon. and
that weapon bow did use bowels as its string and a gut called
catgut (though it's usually made of sheep's gut) is used in
musical instrument which is played with some other bow, the
fiddle-bow (fiddlestick is rememed by some comix creature) but
that bow the fiddle bow uses hair instead of guts, so they play
with horse hair against sheep guts. And that is very pleasant to
them. It's very pleasant to me too, I think I've shown you this
video earlier, (to see it you have to
register at that kgb-ridden resource, or you may find Janine
Jansen in Prinsengracht concert of 2005 somewhere else. is an online
resource allowing you not to register.
and it also allows to download it. Whenever I share some
information, I immediately receive some more of it.
the in that
a in it
show that vowels are the same, the same first mother. which I
noticed in negating prefixes. a- in- un-
am I weird? is it some font different sizing or did that line at
the first page of the old version got smaller? How could I make it
that tiny? I don't remember what I was thinking. Either way, that
physical idea of the world shrinking makes me collect the
evidences in support of that hypothesis (in support = supporting:
processing is in process)
is it go-t (го-о) adding г's to чё and act in'?
does form что (а не только чего) говорит, что т ~ г? ᚲ and ᛐ or is
ᛏ another form to place ᚲ on stave?
Today I managed to take the photos of the setting sun, but I
didn't see the rainbow rays rayin'bows? either way, but mostly
because I was focused on the phone. photos, phone.. it was not
together at first, it is funny, because now they are. So the most
rainbowish rays are on this one, and they're not very rainbowish,
not very iridescent. Either way, the experiment was not pure
because of the clouds above the sun, but there was no or almost no
clouds directly at the sun:
so that the spectre of the sun itself from red on its outside (and
all the rays look pretty much redish with some yellow pouring into
them from time to time and from some points of view:
but most of the time the sun itself was iridescent: redish
orangish periphery, yellowish greenish closer to the sun and some
pale blue in the centre. Is it the closest to the white because
it's the most radiant, the most powerful part of the spectrum, so
we're taught that sun is mostly ultraviolet? But that is not blue
but grey, it only looks blueish against that yellow.
I didn't use any filters, these three are screenshots from the
video I took during the sunset.
Next time I will watch it with my eyes to first see those отрезки
о которых я писал, или концентрические круги вокруг солнца, а
затем попробовать сфоткать. Не знаю в матрице мы или нет, но
психика каким-то образом может влиять на видео: когда я смотрел на
ковровое покрытие из точек, расположенных под 90 градусов друг к
другу поду углом 45 градусов, так что виделись они расположенными
под 60 градусов, то я видим отрубал фильтры и видел начинал видеть
зыбь (нойс непонятного происхождения) и я играл с этой зыбью
фокусируясь на ней, и видел как она принимает разные фигуры, что может погло могло быть парейдолией
уровня фигур в телевизионном снегу, но могло быть и проявлением
чего-то другого, потому что когда я смотрел на эти точки прямо и
видел их квадратами, зыби не было, и когда я начинал снимать, этой
зыби не видел и телефон (но сегодня пересматривая те видео, я
видел что даже на этой второй и чёткой записи зыбь присутствует в
меньших количествах по краям экрана. Очищу от звука, обрежу от
шлака, залью сюда далее в этом томе. Вернусь к этой теме.
I wonder how it was just one day and the sun sets (sits) so closer
to the south, to those three houses, that at that rate tomorrow it
will be between the first and the second one. We'll see.
it was 27th of july today. and now it 28th, my birthday.
How comes both as and but are such basic words in the english?
a~b (ass~butt)
bu is that nasal part of the a? ab = aum?
and what is cd then? the sme a same
антоним жопы голова, и может монки
си этв монки ду фку are the
куф рош?
was q some monkey sound other nations never knew? I just make some
inhaling ы or э imitating a monkey?
eleven ~ elephant? not necessarily, but may make a great rhyme
are job and jog the opposite? like Б and g?
Similar form is p in glagolitic: Ⱂ
underneath and поднизом are one is a calcque of the other.
then under = под, and suddenly I recognize o in p.
un Aтец is Папа? Как бы парадоксально это не казалось, А = Б:
first Б was the head of the hourse. Then A became that, but
probably in different places they came at different time the
tradition and the change in the writing system. Is it why
georgians call daddy baba and mommy dada?
un of under as под is seen in по standing for on. and because п
& n are so similar, especially in coursive: п n, that
maybe on was up, the inhaling form of the same по?
under and под are literally cognates? panda? manda! and suddenly I
see манда as M(other) underneath.
neath is translated as под for the sake of translators, not to
make it obvious that neath has a cognate низ and yet in georgian
it is translated with a cognate, I wonder if for the sake of
translator or because they use it like them:
hearth is очаг, не потому ли heathans are called so. To survive on
the north you have to leave as hearthans: desert laws will not
lead you to success, people are not softened by the sun on the
north, here we must have axes to survive.
U was felt like the utmost underneath (even though up is up) юг,
союз (south) both have u's
север, норс, both have s & r.
if s in south is a prefix to the common юг, then is s in север
also such a prefix? without it it's ever, and that could be the
name of the polar star. But astronomy tells that it was not the
polar star all the time. But I doubt it. But either way, for
the last 4000 years the north pole of the sky is in the three
dippers of ursae and drago. ursae are female (at least in russian)
and drago is lingual and probably male (in russian it is) and
medveditsa are pretty labial in the beginning of the pairs o its
name: mad and wit (and what if this is the actual etymology? What
if maed used to make us mad? Because we found some ancient hives
of tons of high-pressured honey? What if we found where bees lived
for centuries and we don't know of such places anymoe, because
they all were robbed millenia ago. since then not only the trees
are tiny in comparison to what we used to have, but also the hives
are usually one-year old.
But I have to prove that honey by itself may become intoxicating.
Lots of honey with the top of the hive broken off by a bear or a
man can collect rainwater and come through whatever processes turn
honey into maed. so russian medved for a bear could be not of that
he knows where the honey is (why would we care) but that it's
crazy and smart. or mad and wait? or mad and bad? Sometimes "bad"
is used for something smart, like in badass, it is not something
bad, it's something awesom, everything good is bad and everything
bad is good. What if that is a ritual song testifying that the
semantic of those words was changed by some supersticion maybe?
помимо жара есть ещё одно подобное слово, способное быть билингвой
двух диалектных прочтений одного и того же: ожог.
Это всё к слову юг, который как-то не явно связан с солнцем: юг
[jug] and jug [жуг, что ближе всего к жёг] jug банка? х.з. может
это линзой было изначально, и банки из стекла линзами назывались?
jar is not necessarily a jug. but they could be cognates, some
dialectal form of similar things by similar words unified by being
accepted by both dialects and further into some standard.
штандард значит знамя, стандарт как знамение? как знание!
not ever art is kunde, but standing art is standard, the way
others may repeat and be satisfied. And orthographic norm of d
instead of t was made whether to avoid the homonymity or to
conceal the cognatism. And whether the will was good or bad,
whether is of weather (it is something the future depends on: good
weather I come, bad weather I won't could be further simplified to
whether I come or not. whether here is good whether, по году. and
or then would be the short form of other. other is not there?
other is not they, not their: others are not theirs.
Initial vowel is always a no? What is I in Initial? не = мне. не =
me.. I said it before, but in this context it's great.
Let's begin the dictionary of cognates, or rather let's call it.. mnemonic dictionary
not to be blamed for arbitrary etymologies
just because they help to learn foreign words.
under = not над.
под = fu at? (fu = no, today is only seen in some interjection of
similar semantic, but actually its' a chinese word, and that's why
is seen as slang, net exactly integrated in the body of the
language with some grammatic forms, but maybe фуёвый это от того
же самого фу. фу = хуй? по смыслу тоже может сповпадать (хуй может
заменять слово нет, но никогда не значит слова да)
Итак, я добрался до самого мяса. Добавлять это хуй в
русско-китайский словарь когнатов? Нет, погодю, я разведу его по
языкам, и может тогда туда это добавлю в русско-китайскую часть.
ji is ti in chinese:
north not moving? nor the, then the
also ursae make nutsy swastika by their movement through the sky
and nothern sky rotates counter-clockwise. Also because sun is
generally down there at the south up here.
and you can see that when they look at south, it goes pretty much
and that is a simplest proof of the earth being spheric, the way
pole on the south rotates clockwise:
So southern sky rotating clockwise and northern sky rotating
counter-clockwise is sorta uniersal rule, only in the northern
hemisphere south is where the sun is, and thus sun and south could
be related words.
The word way roussian
count system is retarded and inconsistent may contribute to our
referal к бинансу божешь ещё раз прислать, регаюсь наконец-то
Это не вопрос, это предложение. т..е. вопросительный знак не нужен
предложения бывают вопросительными и восклицательными?
повествовательными ещё бывают.
отрицательными, побудительными, и на сколько у филологов фантазии
хватает. А на самом деле просто устойчивые конструкции возникают
по причине прикольности или понятности, а правила с кучами
исключений являются апофенией обыкновенной. или
необыкновенной, моя необыкновенная.
Erika is briar, briar is heath, heathen is in heath, heathers are
hearthy (warm, with both hearthes and hearts, hearth and heart)
does similar graphic influence psyche? if a
man is so blind he sees вор instead of app, who what how does it
influence him? Does he become reluctant to use apps?
I just saw it like that and I don' use very
many apps. and the last one I remember was instaled because my
friend demanded signal phone operator (some encrypted
whatever, I suck at i.t. Even though I know that i.t. is it. I
have some trauma in my psychic fabric. I need to be reluctant...
It' s an automatic (was)
Pythagoras's tetrakti's is indeed the basis of their geometry:
by using 6 of those triangles you can make a hexagon, and hexagon,
not pentagon, (, = )) is hexan,
six equilateral triangles make a hexagon and thus 6*10 = 60, the
masis basis of shumerian math, the elements of which we still have
the number of minutes and seconds, and maybe months too, but that
6*10/5, people need brackets in math only when deal with different
dimensions in one expression: pluses and minuses is
one-dimensional operations (you need a line to make them) and *
and / are two-dimensional: you work with plane or other 2d figure
in that. and if multiplication is applied to both of the sum, you
need to use brackets for that. And is power 3dimensiona? cube is
tridimensional. What? Multiplication gives birth to many
dimension, but.. but.. what is what.. is..
an update from the further chapter: √3/2(a)
tells that you cannot use multiply and divide as freely as yuo
could change plusses and minuses without the change of sum, and
if you only in question if you should multiply the upper part or
all the thing, it doesn't matter, but if it was something like
10/5*6 then I would demand brackets. And it shows that I could
be unfit for teaching. Because I improvise too much and thus am
wrong more often.
It is interesting how Pythagoras might have received that pi
thing. Is it named after him?
Was it him? I don't know. Maybe, but then stigler's law of eponymy
tells that not necessarily, but he probably popularized that math
a lot, that's how people get things named after them.
And only have I googled hexagon pythagoras, a whole new world of
trigonometry opened before me with something I never was aware of.
I found some magic hexagon, super hexagon, but I didn't get it, so
I don't give it here, I'm just aware of such a thing, but I"m not
getting it yet.
So I wanted to show you the pi, I wanted to show you that I think
there are could be two different pi's as today we don't know if we
don't have two different c's.
First pi is the S/D and that it is a little larger than 3 you can
see from the circumscribed circle:
18 could be 6 trirunic accords. руны струны.
струны как старшие руны?
2a in diametre and 6a in the circumference. But then that red
circle is larger that the hexagon with the large diagonal laying
upod the diameter.
meter measures. meets.
But then we can look at the blue circle and see that not when it's
incribed into an hexagon, it sets the upper limit of pi. And when
we use polygons with more angles, we can approacth that number
more precisely, so maybe in миллионоугольниках пи всё точнее
Но как они поняли, что пи используемое для вычисления площади
круга то же самое пи?
Давай закончим предыдущую задачу. Сколько верхняя граница пи
исходя из гексагона?
12√(R^2 - R*3/4)
that is some wild shit, but that follows from pythagoras theorem,
in case you don't remember it:
but that abc picture of "pythagoras pants" is still retarded, even
when you draw them like that, because you miss one of the tiangles
in the lower representation, and if I added it, it would mess the
upper diagram, so fuck that euclidean pederasty, yeah this book is
not for little kids, science is hardcore.
just as that √3/2 thing: it follows from that hexagon and the
pythagoras theorem: x2 = a2 - (a/2)2
x2 = 3a/4
x = √3/2(a), but that is a retarded way to put it, a√3/2 is the
way to do it.
So the upper limit upon the circumfirence length is it is not
larger than 12r/√3
pi = s/d
thus it's not larger than 6d/√3
thus pi is not larger than 6/√3 and that 3.4641
so pi is between 3 and 3.4641
So let's compare formulas to calculate these limits in hexagons,
octagons, decagons, dodecagons and so on, to see a pattern and try
to conceive the ultimate formula for the infinite number of
angles, and there they will probably have infinities in both above
and below the fraction, and we cannot measure those yet. But I
just guess, I never try, you do.
Maybe some other day.
Now let's find the areas of those hexagons, and circle's area will
be laying between them, and we'll see if the same exact numbers
and to calculate the areas, we have to use the previously
calculated numbers for circumferences, so the larger hexanon is 6
times that triangle which equals (R/2)*(R√3)/2 and because that
√3/2 is the approximation to pi, in principle it is the same pi.
Let's see for the smaller hexagon: ..
Do my humanitarian self makes some silly mistakes in math?
I need some less confusing picture, here it is:
Now larger hexagon is indeed the radius multiplied at twice the
side, and that's 12th of that 12r/√3
Thus larger limit on the one sixth of the circle is r/√3 and thus
6r/√3 is that whole larger hexagon, and that 6/√3 is the upper
level of the pi we met before, and we brought it here in that
And now let's calculate the smaller hexagon: it's 3 rhombi, but
though then I only have to calculate one side, the h from the
centre to the side of the hexagon, let's stick to the triangles so
I don't have to draw those rhombi for you.
by the Pythagoras theorem, R2 = (R/2)2 +
that h2
that that h = √(R2 - (R2/4))
R*√(3/4) = R*(√3)/2
thus the area = 6*(R/2)*(R*(√3)/2) = 6*R2*(4√3)
and such pi is 13.8564, thus I made some ridiculous mistake
somewhere above.
I don't see how that smaller hexagon returns 3 for the lower pi,
only if √3 will be squared there.
Let's begin with finding the h. According to the pythagoras
theorem, h = √(R2 - (R/2)2)
and thus the triangle is (R/2)(√(R2 - (R/2)2))
and thus the hexagon is 6(R/2)(R√(1-1/4)) = (√3/4)*6R2
3√3/2 = 2,598 which is even worse approxiamation than 3, and what
does it mean? Different pi's only accidentally being the same in
the circumscribed hexagons?
But more than this I think that I just seriously suck at math.
Let's wait until I or somebody else gets the larger math brains to
figure that out.
Because because I suchk at
math. some simple trigonometry and I melt at it.
But "are there two different pi's" is a great question to ask.
But my math ability is so poor, I couldn't even understand the
Einstein's proof of the theorem.
And if that proof is true (it probably is) I have to never
badmouth him as some freak would do.
But what if that singler's law is at play here again? What if he
only knew it and share it and got credit for it in both senses,
and he didn't prove it himself, but he understood it (I still
didn't) and he also shared it with the world. Why do I care? What
is this math part is here to do? Hold on, we're coming to
shumerian soon. Numeral system may have the tightests bonds with
the alphabets, so we have to see those 6 by 10 thing or was it 4
by 15? tetractis with the fifth line is 15
I found this awesome pattern and I will draw tetraktises out of it
in a moment, but now just try to zoom your screen (whtere
ctrl+scroll is all you can, or alt+scroll zooms the scale of the
screen of yours)
other arranging of the dots make a different effect when you zoom
Here the figures are triangular, and on the other arrangement it's
Here I brouught those enlarged tetractes, pentaxes to make the 60
of sumerians, let's make it in the classical 10-digit tetraxises:
And surely enough, that proof by dissection has nothing to do with
A generalization of the Pythagorean theorem
extending beyond the areas of squares on the three sides to
similar figures was known by Hippocrates of Chios in the 5th
century BC,[Heath, T. L., A History of Greek Mathematics, Oxford
University Press, 1921; reprinted by Dover, 1981.] and was included by Euclid in his Elements
It all looks as if they denied us all the antique science only to
return it to us under their deceitful names.
I'm such a kid. And I'm not kidding, I'm some enphantile rebel
without a cause or gain or even aim.
A teenager. Rebelious spirit. Loki. Лох.
And in that pythagorean context, the so called flower of life
plays with some interesting shades:
or shapes.
or does it?
ведьмы это ведь мы
ведь мы это ведьмы
ведь мы ведьмы
and of course this line is so obvious it was used before me
..однажды слушая Коянов поймал себя на мысли что что он
сука ноет, нахуя мне эта депрессивная волна? сотона, шайтан, шайт,
чёрт как дёрт, чёрти что как дёрти чмо, и таких много, вот им в
капсулах будет кайф, без сраного социума вне того который вручную
отобрал, когда физиологические потребности будут полностью
удовлетворяться машинно (как сегодня печь топить не нужно, только
денежки за обслуживание бойлера плати, но если людей обеспечить
чтоб они не парились на счёт счетов, то как долго и сколь многие
из них предадутся низменному гедонизму и как быстро он им надоест,
и что они будут делать тогда? достигать высот своих увлечений или
предаваться ешё брлее низменным удовольствиям? что сатана для
одних вершиной духа для другого может быть наверное, если сатана
переводится как враг, то это просто ругательство, но с другой
стороны дьявол может иметь то же самое dieu в начале, тогда что за
имя? Бля? Bella? Bla-dieu? для кого-то баал, а для кого то рот её
C точки зрения христианина белая богиня - это dieu bella.
bella также как белая (в противовес семитскому, свинскому,
How does it influence me if I type login-plugin aei.. and I
notice that it's russian фуш, does it tell me that russian is фу
or that my site is фу? It could be the both, and I could see the
meanings in both of them.
And such непредвидимые (не рискну это в английский калькировать
даже) обстоятельства вынуждают меня много торговых марок
запускать чтоб посмотреть какая выстрелит. Кто бы знал. что не взлетит? тот кто видел в ней ххх или ещё что похуже
(xxxxxx could stand for hidden way to enter your password. and
thus could fly higher than simple if you advertized it
properly, but then some network filters firewalling all the
*'s would cut out too.
So anyway, Dr. Highed, Mahead Woodeeman, are the
aliases I use right now, and I need to come up with some names
for my capsule buildings yet. But because that enterprise is so
much more commercial, I have to do it not here, but outside of
the scope of this record.
often of ten
apparent of hundred
obsessed of southand of thousand, sand and south, are these
numbers for real? were southerners not aware of the longis for
thousands? I V could be Ау. all the rest is m, n, s, t.
N before M? N is И? (Η, Н)
Η H Н are all three different letters, nannies ~ mommies? няня was
the word coming before distinct мама appeared.
Η as vowel form of it
H as h~п~f as we can see its behaviour in japanese
Н is russian N, and thus we have the same form coming in all its
forms. Whas Moon Noon before? Was Noon канун, was midnight called
noon (new day, new it, новый он, новый один, новый день)
the opposite of noon was midi? mid dag? mid-day? noon it is now,
noon and midnight are the opposites tooday. Who began to call day
the night or night the day, and we call it a day.
Η H Н have other forms: N И
and thus the three forms are NHИ or to put it alphabetically, ИHN
(unless N is M and H is Š)
if H goes П in japanese, then maybe the actual form of those three
is ИПN
how do we know this sequence? like UFH? like lick flatters (льнёт
лижет льстит)
льнёт как льёт (истекает слюной ли смазкой ли)
УФХ as ИПН.. well.. maybe.
Х as final T in archaic alphabets
Н the N is the final in voiced half of the alphabet
u and и are u and и
f and p is the same in hebrew and somewhere else flame пламя,
fight путч? finger палец?
H form mysteriously variate from vowel I in greek to deep velar H
in english and sonor lingual N in russian.
and thouse U~И and X~T are in this story somewhere, I only
unravel, unriddle, untangle, disentangle, untwine,
a good reason not to bother yourself with terminology humanities
make up, they themselves do not:
"Основная терминологическая трудность заключается
в том, что фундаментальные понятия структурной семантики, такие,
как «денотат», «сигнификат», «коннотат», «референт» и др.,
трактуются разными авторами по-разному. Сложилась ситуация,
когда, употребляя то или иное понятие, необходимо делать ссылку,
чья трактовка имеется в виду. Например, «денотат в понимании
Огдена — Ричардса», «сигнификат в понимании Ч, Морриса»..."
Recognizing stench and stink as some dialectal cognates, further
attested for verb or noun, I have to see cognates in branch and
brink - and that's a good example, and both are probably related
to brake or bring? Break and bring what is the same? To bring
something you have to break it off.
Different orthography in brake is just to distinguish the other
meaning. But even today ломай здесь означает тормози (но, возможно
означает поворот. слом стоп.
wrench wring? ring? wrinkle?
wrench and wring is great pair.
выкручивать? круг (wring~wrench ring)
w- in wring is that russian в- вкруг (скручивай, даже лучше:
вкручивай ~ выкручивай. Вкручивая что-то в, ты тем самым
выкручиваешь что-то из, потому в русском формы включай и выключай
ещё ближе чем английское от and off, and if o- is un, then n is
no, and on is laba, нене означающее да у арабов вроде, только ла
похоже на еврейское ло (нет) а ба похоже на китайское бу (нет) and
here I must ask are п ~ л? п ~ n! and thus p, n, l are three
different ways to read п which probably stood for two and p, n, l
are thus three ways to pronounce two in different languages? but I
can only see n for japanese ni, and I need to collect the words
for numbers in different languages from the region of possible
start of that tradition, because why something that abstract has
such different names in different languages. Like for how long do
we know these words?)
The koptic numerals, supposedly the way they were in egyptian,
some words are similar to hebrew:
Notice how ע and ש are similar, almost like E & Ш, Ε and Σ
None of these ring any bell. But what am I
doing here exactly?
I think I try to keep on delivering, and now I do it at my
currently deminished abilities (my sweetest friend made me snort
amphetamines before we went to some techno party. I could dance
without that shit the same way or even better, but I am rather
autistic so I sorta felt like obeying my more extravert friend,
so after that we had some cocktails and that was supposed to be
it, but.. what am I doing here? I'm trying to explain why it's
tuesday now and that day was friday or saturday, and these days
were rather empty, and no good weed that could kick that shit
out of my head, some weed, but it's only leaves. So I didn't get
drunk, but I got about a quarter of liter of wiskey and I don't
usually drink alcohol, so it will take some time, I will report
when I feel being at the top of it again. until then, stay safe,
avoid dirt. And don't forget that those who you admire can ruin
you (and those you underestimate can save you, so they say, and
it makes reasonable sense) and my friend didn't drink more than
one cocktail, but he was vaccinated, and I am not so I was sorta
paranoid about all those people and no masks allowed (was it not
allowed? my friend told me not to put it on until we're inside
and I didn't at all, because when in Rome do like romans do, for
someone this revolutionary I'm way to conform)
So let's try from some other corners: for one
language family finns and magyars have incredibly different
numerals. I wonder what could cause this diversity in numbers
among the nations.
What is interesting about that image is the way it tells that
scottish D is read as G, or even J, which is super weird, and
could be a key to something, but let's keep on with this
collection quest.
Actually that 6 tetraktis as the sumerian 60
thing came to me that night, and I noticed before that I'm
better at math when I'm having a hangover, but was it some good
math? I think I know I suck at it.
And that numeral thing came to me in this serious post (notice, that it's remembering and not creation
of new knowledge, because I was rather sober. Literally sober:
haven't smoked before that and didn't smoke too much on the
previous day, though it wouldn't make me less sober elsewhere,
but I noticed that anyway. gray.) I made few hours ago, over
four hours it was, since then I had conversation about it to a
fan or fren
Is it octal or quadral? quadrat, quadrant, square, tetraktis is
greek form of it. Why no the most important
languages yet! Do it, thanks for
collecting them here, I'm sorry I got you intoxicating. It's my
social body tells to my brain body. Brain feels biomass loss at
its temples, right over the ridge from the eyes. I am crazy.
Yes, sometimes. No intoxication when it's not needed.
πέντε ~ πέμπτος makes me think that ν used to be v, because μπ is
b in modern greek, and who knows if it wasn't so in the ancient
one. As I said, the modern languages are the most firm foundament
for a research, others are theorized and theories don't describe
reality as good as reality itself does.
That was greek, and now the latin:
The way C flows into G in latin is fascination! ducenti trecenti,
but quadrigenti and quingenti.
And the way they repeat q in two neighbouring numbers make me
remember four five, exactly the quattor quince.
quni quinque.
Which made me ask. How exactly did that letter after P was read?
Surely not as F? Not as fuattor of four and fuinfue or finfe of
five? Why I ask is that gothic letter after e is recognized as kw,
which could be false, because that letter is supposed to be much
more labial than just some kw, and goths were the neighbouring
nation of the Rome, so why wouldn't they share their systems a
little more than we're even taught. (the
gothic alphabet can be seen above (ctrlF gothic) and I'm glad I
know russian, because if you search the internet for gothic
script you get all the wrong images, which makes me ask what on
earth are they trying to hide this way? Or is it just a
Notice, how similar greek and roman words for two and three. And
notice how greek numerals is similar to russian (except the one,
which is more different in all latin, greek, russian, so russians
are what? the next in line to greek and roman, but we know that
axis as the axis of tradition, but could russian be placed there
so that it looked as it was the predecessor? Not if all those axes
are the rays coming out of Greece. The portal culture probably
taking it from Egypt and all the civilizations in between them.
Romans wrote it themselves that Greece is their cultural mother,
at least I was taught the way that I've got that an impression.
(you can see russian numerals in the translation of the latin
And greeks and romans had other ways to write their numerals:
And it made me thinking, what if some nations just read this
numbers as I for one, simpli i, double i for 2 as i-i and then
i-i-i would be хихихи, and that made me see i-i as H and i-i-i as
Ш and then H is labial? It is a very convenient way to roll this
letter from vowel in greek to velar in latin to labial in japanese
dare I say! and in some other cases it is so it seems, why I
didn't remember where. I should start files for each letter. Let's
do it for H
The way numerals are read in hebrew: The 613
commandments (Hebrew: תרי"ג מצוות: taryag mitzvot, "613
Mitzvot") - 613 is the number of mitzvot in the Jewish Torah.
And I theorize how IV would be ю or e, because V is exactly the
fifth letter then, the way it would be in bornholm canon of ABDEF,
wherer F is V in hebrew and some other alphbets. what other
alphbets? In arabic it's w or even u, but that is also how V used
to be read. maximvs. In georgian! In georgian it's V:
And I found some source on who could be responsible for the
creation of georgian alphabet long before christianity, and even
there I think it is not the alphabet itself was invented then, but
some font of it:
Asomtavruli was probably modelled on the Greek
alphabet, and Georgian scholars believe that King Pharnavaz I
(ფარნავაზი) of Kartli (Iberia) created it.
It's hard to say how great and grace are linked, but great and
grateful seem to be directly related, and then grateful is next to
full of grace, and then grace is something great, the noun form of
the adjective great. grays? rays?
I have no idea neither how old this relief is or what does he
stand upon, but that pattern could demonstrate three forms like
three mothers. And even if the image is not that old, that element
could be taken from some ancient artifact standing for just what I
said. Georgians definitely know something about all that, why
don't I go to georgia to research this thing? I should write to
them right now. Okay, I mailed it to the first georgian linguist
that a search engine delivered. We'll see if I will ever get a
> забористая от слова забор
трава забирает, а забор запирает, но не как запор, а как забор
земли. Или если в контексте "запоры и засовы", то даже да. п = б.
папа в арабском баба (баба in russian is grandmother)
EFГI is the sequence I've shown before but now it goes one step
further. And then I could be the T, the end of the 10-digit
numeral system.
The previous
It looks like BEГI (run) and this optical illusion made me see,
that before E go В and Б
ВБЕFГI (выбери, and F in such a word could stand out of the mode,
like a tritone, considered to be disturbing. dis turbing тюрбан
only graphically do they correspond, but in reality it's
AБВГДЕЖ(and F is there somewhere)
Ж ~ Ф?
they tried to conceal it by saying that minuscule forms only
appeared in the medieaval times, which is not true, sow why would
they lie if they didn't want to hide something?
labials have the belly at front, if where we go, or in back, if
letters go there, but it's a back part of it if we apply egyptian
standard of drawing letters with their faces to the beginning of
the line. And that standart has its sense and reason: if letters
are the procession, then those who came first are at the left in
the left to right direction of writing, and then the procession
looks at the beginning of the line indeed.
so we can see where which part of the body is:
b is butt, d is dick, or g is gut (belly)
p is pack (back or backpack)
q is cor?
So why are lower parts voiced? because butt and belly are the
are p and q unanimated backpack and куль (груз в руках?)
butt is pussy if d is dick. isnt't it some lack of academic rigor
I afford myself? why did I pull p here?
what's the use of this poetry anyway?
по и под антонимы. д = дно? до?
по до (под диваном по тому что до дивана)
дно до воды. до неё?
Could people who invented the alphabet swim?
butt под?
At this point I do carry in my head more than I had to. Who knows
what linguistic information is correct and which is not, I just
noticed myself speaking wrongly on gothic (I used to say that
gothic q read as f, but in reality gothic u is read as kw, but I
have to correct myself instead of surprising you in here, because
why disinform when I can not to. But there are many mistakes,
forming the lies, and some lies are probably in quotes and pictues
too, because mistakes of such a form are called simply lies, and
though it is not immediately recognized as a malicious act, but
who knows if you yourself believe in what you say or you just want
to fool us for whatever reason or if you fooled yourself (made a
mistake) or was fooled by someone else, until that foolishness is
мстить поместить, мстит поместит - хм, почему мстит в настоящем
времни, а поместит even with the same syllables stressed, is in
the future? Now I wanted to strat collecting the hypotheses the
way they come to my head
This text should be like click-bait, very sweet and mellow and
every word is clickable. But would so many code hang the system? I
mean (я плохой) может употребляться как ввводное слово, но why
does it go mea culpa from time totime? Because if you have to
rephrase, you phrased it poorly just before, speak clearly. Is my
ballance of clear adjusted by my lazy speech when people tend not
to understand me.
They say I speak быстро и нечётко. and I tried to fake it and I
think I said старался как срался.
Выбрасывая целую силлаболу которую возможно таким же образом
кто-то сократил до слог. слово силлабо -ла как суффикс, но чего?
brute brutal taught total minimum minimal rectum rectal. hey, why
so said so sad, because I cannot find any clear no_suffix/suffix
thing? taught and brute are not so good, they're humour.
Rent rental, so al is of, and -ен. in and of are antonyms, neh?
biologic biological are the synonyms though. so what is -al
really? Some forms of однокоренные слова получаются.
post postal, so it's two against one that al is some form of en,
the притяжательный суффикс, суффикс родительного падежа, что-то
вроде этого.
офигел ~ офигенен ?
ах да, ел ещё и суффикс прощедшего времени в русском. postal is
also posted. And it all comes together because of -ed forms like
gotten, ridden, run maybe too. sudden? what is sud? situated?
бегал ~ беган (про ботинки, например)
пользовал ~ пользован
-ed and -ed of the -ал and -ан.
And it was definitely an end of the thought, I could only force
it, but I didn't feel need to force something after I was deliverd
so plenty just a moment ago.
Тогда давай сфокусируемся на этих -ал and -an
л п н? л как и? ипN
как интересно мой мозг вернулся к недавней теме. он решил
использовать её просто раньше, до того как я её заметил, и он
незамечал. Таким образом я и создаю свои мозги. Подмечая новые
кусочки мозайки этого мира (а я замахнулся прошлое понимать, и
может лишь естественно, ято я этим инструментом и в будущее
заглядываю (или, может, это другой инструмент, но тот инструмент в
любом случае использует ресурсы того, и таким бразом у меня
раздвоение типа раздвоения скоростей света, два определения и
тождественны ли они человечество в 20 веке не знало. Ладно, я себя
напрягаю неблагодарно. Мне дали ал ~ ан ~= ed ~ ed. И дела. до
teeth are atavism (I had to place it in hooks notebook, but I
didn't find it)
В украинском -ал is -ав
some powerful thought was here, and probably something else
instead of ha
хэйт (I hate you)
хау (ik hou van jou)
but the charriot didn't come, so I'm here. Why am I here.
what does -n -l both are under -d
-r -s -t (that thought instead of xa was something about -r-
as some other sound appears when it's ri or ru.. and did I think h
between l and d? no. it was something else.
hart like in heart or was it cor? what was that thought!!! That is
why I have to record all my thoughts, because some of them
tempt tend to run away.
Oh yes! it was about the way englishmen read o as a and a as e and
what else is weird for russians? a is a sometimes, but only when
it's followed by r, and whould it read any other way if it was
some other consonant? and I palatalized R and I got Y and heart
turned into hate. I went the other way and I met dutch hou (love,
and in it Г and L meet again. H above L.. huh..)
Завещал обещал - однокоренные?
> Нигде не останавливалось столько народа, как
перед картинною лавочкою на Щукином дворе.
Nowhere did so many people pause as before the little
picture-shop in the Shtchukinui Dvor.
it's Schukin Dvor.
I don't wanna fuck in shit
I don't wanna be fucking shit
I'm sorry for such dirty examples (put them in grey for those who'
rather not read squear words. s-words.
s is 𑀩? that is ba (in brahmi 23rd) and actually similar to ם, or
am I pulling it?
𐰿? that is old turkic rune of aš /aʃ/
аш is ш [ʃ] in russian.
How comes n'ko ߛ is the closest to the brahmic 𑀩?
How many other similarities between brahmi and n'ko?
Let's compare brahmi and n'ko side by side: (n'ko
is in the centre, brahmi is by it's side, use sidescroll)
What came to my attention first (second after the squares) is
cross at the beginning of them all. So I suppose they make
tradition together with glagolitic, and that may say something
about when glagolythic was introduced, and n'ko is thus some
ancient writing system. But it's not just parrotted from brahmi,
because in brahmi cross is k, and in n'ko it is b R
The way n'ko is aligned is interesting. two times by 7 and the
third 7 is 6. phnetically though I don't see any system in
Triangles are also read differently: e in brahmi and ŋ in n'ko.
Both could be descendance (descendants) of some ancient eng, and
what is it in egyptian? g 𓎼 Red jar stand
g g ejective /kʼ/
I think k is not some red jar stand, but it's an axe, and it's red
because it is in blood.
𓂞𓏙 dỉ D37 X8
That is direcly next to greek Δ
and where Δ is, norsk runes have ᚦ which as I think is an axe.
molot tora topor.
and some untransliterated triliteral: 𓇮???
(M44? It was at another triangle which is only in jpg in vol.1)
Mercy is exactly милости. Там где русский просит мирости милости, англичанин просит мёрси,
очень похоже на прости, сорри, с ~ м like Ϻ ~ M.
милость ~ смелость. С милой смелый.
With mercy russians are brave. English brave is in rave, that is
second case b is in in english, let's make special file for it,
because I already don't remember the first case.
милости заканчивается на те же суффиксы, что и прости? или если
про- приставка, то сти это корень? с корень, ти суффикс. просил
другая форма этого же слова. Круто, как полотно в матрице языка
прорезал там где прохода не было никогда.
Возил, вести. нормальная пара
просил просить простить. сить ~ стить?
просить простить
прошу прощу
Недавна узнал, что побежал было формой слова побеждал до того как
бегит стало бежит. У микитки (как он прикольно заставил его
ласково чтоб называли хитрец) про правильность неправильных форм
глагола вот здесь где-то:
просил простил
просите простите
просимо простимо
но не простимо, а простительно
просительно простительно. просительно слово понятное, но это уже
почти что словотворчество.
вопрос вопрост
просо просто
странно.. простить упростить
отлично. просить упросить
-т- суффикс, но что это за суффикс: просить это проститься.
просить отпустить?
Oh, some awesome session I had in my bathtub, and thus it is in
cardboard papers, here's a touch of it:
Иди с богом, с боком? со споком? сбока собака.
So was this word born when not only b = d it was, but also god =
dog it was, as if g and d were separate entities and their
position was the question of taste and only later dog became the
totemic animal, and god was the way it was in the dictionary? g-d,
г-дь, c was g in case you are not aware of it. How am I aware of
it? I heard it. Is it correct? Honestly I don't know. But it is
this way in greek and russian. And hebrew too. So it's natural to
think that it was like that in latin, but I hope they also had
some archaeologic evidence for that.
voiceless cat reflects laughing, лающую dog. and by k-symmetry it
actually, this symmetry is aeiou symmetry, it's just the other
half is reversed to make god just dog, but it's god. гад гав. гаѳ.
and what about klmn? well, good question, k is singled out in
k-symmetry, and k is not on its place according to the abcd
structure, and lmn is element (but I swallowed this etymology, is
it even true? I read it in more than one place, but it doesn't
prove it either. So it's like I have to solve the jigsaw puzzle
where some elements are from some other set, from no set or some
other way distort the focus, but hopefully I will be able to
figure it out, because the new and new information keeps on
coming, and this thing grows not only in width, but also in depth.
-ал -ан ~ -ed -ed is a superhit. Such a hit that I ask myself
"haven't I noticed it before?" who cares, if I noticed it, I
didn't know it, now I do and will be able to use this symmetry in
some other context, maybe.
actually at that cardboard there was not
this last part of dg qt and around "c was g" I went the other
way, so I will return to that, or it will be in papers, but
probably not in the papers I will publish in this volume (I said
I will do it in the previous one, but I'm rather far in this one
and I still didn't sort them out, but I have already placed it
on my laptop and converted heic's to jpg's. Now I have to shrink
them and place them into html's. It's quite a bugger. Will
do. Especially because the previous portion was in the middle of
vol.4, and this one is 13 which is easy to remember, or if I
make it in 14 it will be easy to remember too. We'll see. 4 13
22 31 40 49 or 4 14 24 34 44 will be with scans of papers, but
then again who knows how fast will next portion be collected to
the same size. A witch kinda pulled me down on wasting paper. I
have to battle her in front of her guy. I believe chicks remove
bachelors from their boyfriends friend circle not to lose the
boyfriend to an example of joyous bachelor. Either way, battle
it will be. She's a friendly witch, that battle will be cuddle
in a way) but the next folder of carboards which appears on this
site will contain it, and many more stuff. That witch asked me
why I fill the papers with the thoughts, and here's why: I have
these sessions during which I can pull some great ideas out of
my subconsciousness which is constantly working on this
linguistic stuff or I weave them directly during those sessions,
or they come from some other place, either way they're so
abundant, that it's impossible to ingrane them all in this
corpus, Actually the thoughts I placed in some vol.5 for example
would be new to me because I placed them here only to forget by
my operative memory.
But I collect all these thoughts to feed them to some ai one
day, and the cardboards appear because it's inconvenient to work
on laptop taking a bath, and notebooks appear because sometimes
notebooks are more comfy or convenient. EIther way, why is this
graphomania here? place it all in gray gravy, duh.
and I got distracted from the comparing of brahmi to n'ko by that
bath session. Let's retur to it:
𑀞 is th in brahmi, but ߋ is e in n'ko. So far it looks like these
forms are similar only by accident, like O is o in latin, and it's
more similar to n'ko's e, but does it actually relate to it? I
still doubt it.
Why doubt if brahmi 𑀥 is almost D, the dha. And brahmi 𑀝 is
almost C, Ta. But brahmi 𑀞 is tha, nowhere near O, but what if
it's because it's Θ, for 𑀣 is some other tha, I only vaguely
imagine the differentce between one with the dot and the one
without it.
𑀨 is bha, like what is going on! Is 𑀅 aleph? Is 𑀕 𐤂? Like come
on! Brahmi is definitely related to something european. And though
𑀗 reminds reversed נ and 𑀱 could remind С[s] and 𑀳 could remind
h, 𑀘 (ca) could be related to d, or it all could be so
speculative and statistically void, that why is it even here, just
to show that I do what I intended. But I intended to compare
brahmi ot n'ko. I probably created brahmi to latin before.
I'm not going to compare brahmi and n'ko, because let the
non-biased machines do it. I generate ideas, let some other
entities test them and develop them further. I heard some people
cannot bring new ideas. Should they leave science immediately or
should they just use the ideas guys and gals like me have
contributed. Or I return to this megalyth with ai some day.
Actually such comparisons should be made my ai on the basis of
hand-written and voiced texts, not on the basis of the table when
I'm not even sure what the transliterateion means (chinese r is ʒ,
q is tʃ, x is palatalized ʃ, and so on. Who knows how it is in
other nations philologies, ai, voiced texts, please)
So, what can we do without ai and without obscure writing systems?
Let's play with alphabets I do know how to read. How to read
latin? What about portuguese x I never knew to be ʃ too? is it
where chinese took their transliterations? well, maybe.
Portuguese портовые guys? Is it why nobody conquered them?
antifa is intifa? intifada? not america first, but israel. israel
& their insane fuckers.
insane fucking assholes doing assaninities.
Why do I say so? Who wants civil war if not asholes? Assholes who
give shit to th powers that be?
Isn't it worse when an asshole doesn't give a shit. It's not even
a question, it is. I guess.
Then you don't recognize him as an asshole, or is he even asshole
when he doesn't give a "shit!"?
down used to be dol (дол) in russian:
from the same source, but at 21m: mishkas is forest in
lithuanian, which I consider related to мишка (медведь) but I'm
such a freak at this point. What am I even doing here? I'm
collecting all the hypothesis, it is my тетрадь бреда, которую
какая-то книга по достижению успеха рекомендовала иметь.
It is interesting that modern (they say it's mostly russian)
fashion to sign positive and negative emotions by brackets of )
for :) and ( for :( correspond waxing and waning crescent symbols
of☽ and ☾
Is christian secretly related to crescent?☽☾☾☽ (it
is interesting, that these signs have obligatory spacebar where
the rest of the moon is situated (I unerlined them to show it, and
I see the cow horns. And thus moon cult is directly related to the
moo-ers cult, and hence the name, I suppose) I like it that
brackets close with the growing moon, as if what is between them
is newmoon and thus dark (or in my case
they're gray)
Not necessarily, but it may be used as some wicked rhyme in a
religious song.
Both christians and the crescents may fuck of in this krai.
crescent срезан? срест ~ резать? огнём и мечом. олимпиада
прекрасная замена войн: олимпийским огнём и мячом.
So was огнём и мечом поэтической формулой, которую пришло аж
перефорщивать (мяч более популярное слово, чем меч. мяч от слова
Are two angels at our shoulders elements of schizophrenia we got
as folie à deux from dnst3-infested?
b c d
Е ж З
am I tripping or does coursive E mirrors З just the way b mirros
d? (как бог и дьявол? как бог и дьявол. В английском оно так не
работает, там не b & d противопоставлятся, а g & д.
I wonder why g goes below while д goes above. d as
deus, not only devil? g as гад, который ползёт? и
змеепоклонники-христиане и рептилоидность авраамических религий
может сюда относиться каким-либо образом.
b c d
f g h
I came upon this shorter version by accident, when I revisited
russian axial symmetry without Ё & Й, and there whether е or и
were cut out, and if it's е, it's four in latin and actually five
in russian. And if we look at norsk ᛆᛒᚦᚾᚠ (whether
dannish, or who knows some predecessors of russian maybe
(because it contains almost Ж and exactly where russian has it,
russians add greek З to it) )
then F is fifth, which is great, but the word four (vier as for ו)
and of how much the form of F reminds 4, it all demands further
abbreviation of the alphabet. Whether F was before E? for E as 5
would be normal and graphically it would make sense no less than
And then.. is 🯸 7? It would make sense in the 01234567 base set.
Which is octal, though not the same way roman IVXLCD could be
octal if X was 8 so I suggest it was before Zen and thus before
Zero, then some 𓏣, 𓏭, 𓏥, 🯴, 🯵, 🯶, 🯸 or if it was within
that chart then some 一, 二, 三, 🯴, 🯵, 🯶, 🯸 would be numbers 1 to
7 (не потому ли семь и восемь настолько похожи в русском?) другое
дело, что это уже фрикота просто запредельная, но я себе ещё и не
такое позволяю.
I only knew this sequence of georgians:
ა ბ გ დ ე ვ ზ თ ი კ ლ მ ნ ო პ ჟ რ ს ტ უ ფ ქ ღ ყ შ ჩ ც ძ წ ჭ ხ ჯ ჰ
But I found a much more abundant version:
and I notice that the font is somewhat different, and indeed there
is another set:
And I look at the first new letter Ჱ and wiktionary tells that
it's Eighth letter of the Georgian alphabet.
I go like what.. and what is it, indeed:
And I googled "ა ბ გ დ ე ვ ზ თ ი კ ლ მ ნ ო პ ჟ რ ს ტ უ ფ ქ ღ ყ შ ჩ
ც ძ წ ჭ ხ ჯ ჰ" and I found that I looked into it in vol.8 and many
other related finds tell that it's quite alright, I was not
mislead, and here's a piece I found yet in vol.8 and since forgot:
The Society for the Spreading of Literacy among
Georgians, founded by Prince Ilia Chavchavadze in 1879,
discarded five letters from the Georgian alphabet that had
become redundant: ჱ ჲ ჳ ჴ ჵ
and 3 or 4 of those 5 did mess up the structure. So did he know of
that structure (than why didn't he place მ among labial column?
Maybe because it is მ ნ and some story is connected to them, but
not to be this speculative, I have to read into what that prince
Ilia Chavchavadze wrote about why he removed those particular
letters. Could it be that they were introduced by christeners and
yet georgians never applied those letters or those sounds? A
hypothesis, of course, I have to begin with Daniels, Peter T.
(1996). The World's Writing Systems. Oxford University Press. ISBN
978-0-19-507993-7. where that quote links fro wiki where I found
And there are many more letters I can explore: ჶ
• (f) It is now obsolete in Georgian, but is used in Laz.
when was it introduced, whe has it become obsolete? questions,
And in vol.8 I pondered on reading some of Chavchavadze and I
never did, and it's not too fat a chance that I will. I suspect
that he was never translated into russian and so I asked some
georgian scholars for help, I hope they answer to unaffiliated
And looking into it i found this interesting scan:
and that ֍ made me remember that I saw something very similar,
only in armenian alphabet, at some random artefact I acquired
during some bookinist shopping,
and there it also depicts ֍ not ֎ yet I wonder why,
and both signs are in the unicode directly after armenian alphabet
and the following image shows that it is some
kind of tradition in the region:
but in this one it's rather ֎
This incident've shown that I don't know what I said, which is
also great: I can be independent even from my self the way I
avoided books on the subject not to repeat their mistakes, and now
I know I can check this text to consistency against itself.
So I don't even watch what I wrote about it in vol.7, but I go
with this image further:
(I cut out those letters Mashtots added,
I pasted out by some tender colours letters that are not in
glagolythic in the case of samekh or not in latin in the case of
o, which is omega russian scripts also have. And in yellow it's
(maybe occasionally, as words with f are foreign in rusian, a
labial following the vowel omega. and it actually reminds hebrew
coursive ף and ф and φ at the same time. So it could be borrowing
from coursive hebrew or some other font of the region, some
archaic forms of f are very similar yet I don't remember where,
either way that armenian letter links hebrew coursive form to
greek and even russian fert or is it fita, because armenian has
more similar fert just above it. Why don't I use the armenian
I can't believe I never even copied it in my workbook of unicodes
till this moment.
If it was so much changed, it is probably containing some secrets
underneath it all.
It's funny how armenian is so much different from latin, yet it
has a little larger but exactly the same հ with the same phonetic
ՠ is some obsolete vowel, and that's literally reversed ա and the
way Աա is majuscule and minuscule of the same letter make me
remember Uw and the way it's followed by Բբ reminds me of УФ,
which makes me think that maybe U-line is armenian? And then that
գ the Գգ reminding q the most of all, which makes me ask, is
U-line also O-line, the way it starts with ע in hebrew?
following = followed by
And I leave it here, I'm not ready to study armenian alphabet at
the moment. It overwhelms.
Ւ Փ Ք Օ Ֆ և
ՠա բ գ դ ե զ
է ը թ ժ ի լ խ ծ կ հձղճ
մ յ ն շ
ո չ պ ջ ռ ս վ
տ ր ց ւ փ ք օ ֆ ֈ։֊
I wonder why georgian doesn't oppose b & d more obviously. but
then again in russian Б and Д are not that obviously opposite
Is -te another form of -ed?
Like light is lit? Like fight is fist?
драка длань
Graphomania is wish to write when one has nothing to say. Every
writer has such thing, the wish to write is not directly linked to
the something to say in the process, only in the beginning of the
book it must be present (exist persist)
persist present
exist isn't? ex not? is ис из!
easy is наречная форма слова is (you can do it by simply being
hard have to do.
Isn't it beautiful? And I didn't have to say
it, I didn't know what is there before I began writing:
I didn't hard to say? no, hard is have to
do. It would be hard if it was what you have to do to say it.
So it's good to start writing without having something to
say? No, I began because I had something to say: I was going to
say about graphomany, that I should avoid it. I mentioned it
because I was wondering what a weird disease motivating you to do
something. Now I understand. That graphomany piece would be of
borderline with pure graphomany, because why was it here? or would
be here, because it's rather off-topic in this work. But I collect
here all the worthy pieces, very rarely do I
And because hard is disassembled into have to do, thus that r is
rhotacism, if I'm using the term right, I only learnt its spelling
just now. The t between vowels, give it away now. But that is not
what I wanted to say! r in hard is japanese verbal suffix ru,
which rlates to russian -ть which relates to english to. But we
only know it as japanese, because there it is purely ru, but
articulatoilly it's not that far from russian -ть and semantically
they're cognate, and only theorizing of modern (not so modern,
btw) linguistics tell us that japanese and russian can't relate.
Why can't they? By geopolitical reasons, I suppose. Divide et
empera all along. Those parasites now inevitably fuck off, but
what are they going to fuck up then? They will find something new,
so before their sociopathy is cured or cuped, we'll have their bs
be of me
bs of the boss
bm of the wife? b-m as short for
bdsm? that's what I saw.
sort of bdsm
short for bdsm
short form of bdsm
-m of is sort of redundant and could be some m.f. мат.
So graphomania has to be dealt with during the editing: you have
to check is the paragraph is beautiful or if it tells something
important. Perfect text is both, so meaningless passages have to
be removed, because even if they're pretty,
emptiness of the text is ugly. Now this chapter is ugly in style
and what is it? These two sentences are the least meaningful, so
be concise. Leave only important pieces. So repetitions and
shallow speculations go away. But repetitia matria lectiones или
что-то типа того. забей, сажа. пепел, сон
(those three words can be seen as pretty by some, but what's the
other use of them? none)
and ugly passages have to be rewritten.
and really beautiful things should be ingraned into some
meaningful context.
Okay, hi, it's an hour till 4:20 and I couldn't sleep so I decided
to start the day by getting sweets and hi
skull skill
k is some weird spelling so these two could be cognates, and
they're probably cognates of school.
and school is of scold, scold is schooled?
He who scolded probably school. But suffixes tell otherwise:
Scold ~ Schooled. are these even cognates or am I a poet again?
Are soldiers scolded? They school themselves. Schools are military
Because of A (дмитрий
гайдук про историю)
Because of B (john gatto
prussian education)
scoldiers. So now at least I rationalized this word by some
etymology who cares if it's volk or not.
Soldier is much better etymologized as seller. he who sold, but
doesn't sell at the moment, now he's fighting the goodies the
booties to sell. So merchants are marsians, people of the god of
war. Martial arts are from this wor.d
And then I looked at the semantic part of that word. And I saw
that that's a killer and I see sold as cold.
Kill is Cool. Cool is the verb, to cool someone. Cold is the noun?
Причастие. Participle.
Compare particle and participle
(particable?) Partycable is very Parliamnet Funkadelic.
Participle can work as a particle? iple able are arbeiten? nah,,
but feels like that, so who knows.
To kill is успокоить, остудить. Naturally to etymologize it
like this I had to know that people get cold when they're killed
without variants, so we have semantic cognatism, which also
manifested itself in the
4:20 in few minutes, let's take another one. I read on reddit
yesterday that a guy smokes one toke once and then the second one
in an hour. And he tells that it takes him half a gram per day. So
how often does he smoke? Okay, let's test his way, 2 minutes,
what.. is it beautiful part? because it's not of sense, unless I
one minute, then was less than two. wht..
salt, sugar, milk, are all natural, we're all disinformed about
fructose, about everything, we must research everything if we want
to live forever. It is obvious. And I'm on completely different
wave. So this spheric house thing is further away than the
letters? Letters cam first .
came is prettier than cam. So that e is a swash, like a right
lower part of k because ᚴ is too obvious a male organ. мужское
начало. And because dots are often omitten in hebrew arabic and
others, russian ё is often substituted with е in books, but й is
never и in them. So let's look at russian font like that:
..and I pondered here, and looked at firs and it led me nowhere in
particular, o I skipped it.
сосна потому что её можно сосать? смолу? люди так добывали
минералы? сосать канифоль? использованную лучше не надо.
Soldiers продажные шкуры, наёмники, может потому mercenaries is
next to merchants.
march mars mark мерзость тоже где-то здесь не далеко. мертвечина
там же, стерва тоже, говорят, но быть может сан это неверное
прочтение мана? ман это сотня в квадрате у китайцев.
(an, он) уан, сан, ман? 1 100 10000
как три материи? 1 air, 1 spirit, 1 god, 1 gas.
100 мелочей (твёрдых объектов), 10000 вод (в каплях, скорей всего,
воду можно разбить на 10 000 частей скорей всего, а вещей у
человека раньше было повезёт если сто? х.з. может с пожарами,
набегами, прочим бредом, накопление было непростым занятием, иначе
за тысячелетия мы бы все несметных богатств накопили. но вещи ещё
и разрушаются.
Внезапно осознал, что изъятие золота у населения не злодейство, а
багодеяние: из-за золота скорей всего убийств всегда было дофига.
А так соблазн убрли.
золото ~ зло? золото корень зла? болото корень бола? буля? утопия?
губное бол как вода? х.з.
gold g.old? old G?
чуть не забыл:
льстец подлец, если под- приставка, то лец это не тот ли льстец
ли? подлец ещё ниже льстеца.
льстей льт лстец = лец. лизун. подлиза. лизать lick лакать
lap. And I make lapping moves with the tongue in my mouth and I
hear something similar to l of all letters. And I recognize that onamopoaeia. onomatopoeia as the source
of L. L as lingua, and also L as lick, lap and so on.
I wonder if any language has lap and lick without l..
norwegian slikke but runde. Is that R related to L? or is it some
other onomatopoeia?
lecken is both in german, ללקק is both in hebrew (the prefix -ל is
-ть, -る) why ק is double I can only guess,
maybe to balance double ל in the indefinite form.
Japanese лакать is ラップ, but that is english
lap. лизать is なめる, nameru.
I looked in english, and to lap is ラップする
lappu suru, to mak lap (g.trans says they use english word for
that, did they not have that verb before europeans? interesting.
but now it's the way they say it, with the L. another "to lap"
is 重ね掛ける, but by that 重 alone I can see that it's some technical
to lap, a homonym.
to lick in japanese is not only なめる (nameru), but also 舐める
(nameru), 嘗める (nameru),
and the same hieroglyph can be read differently: 舐る (neburu),
舐ぶる (nebu buru)
so without the l. interesting. no it's not.
не знаю, наверное лучше второй раз не курить. ещё и покушал.
короче до новых встреч.
но ещё час прошёл и первый час был пободрее и более по теме, а
ну-ка третий раз курну, посмотрим что из этого выйти сможет
сегодня, может обратно на ту волну заскочу:
(блин чему я учу людей.. не курить когда уже
накурен хорошее поучение, так что норм)
Immigrant ho tells hOtels. It's hotEls.
Whores tell hostel. Hostell is ho stall.
(and this though alone may make you look up
hostel porn, but fight this feeling)
Ном да, заделало. Первая строчка была на втором сеансе придумана
вроде бы. вторую только что родил, но вот сейчас что за
графомания? Трипрепоты кто-то с меня просил? К чему это
неуместное, stop. Let others report on this. NO, it's personal,
and it's an essential part of this work, it's my doping so I must
report on the subsequences.
Z Я даже не знаю что такое Ном да.
определённо заделало. (now this is a uselessmost)
Home is Ho of mine? Meсто of ho? haha ~ mama. even haka(?) even
ha.. I don't want to be profane.
profan is professional fan? amateur.
Вернёмся к льстец от мяккого щелчка языком. лис? это всё народная
этима.. поэтическая этима.
ассоциативные ряды мои никому неинтересны.
Оставь это увлечение. Обсессивно
компульсивным синдромом оно началось, им же оно и заканчивается
пусть уже. Не кури, а если куришь то вот тогда им и занимайся, а
в нормальном состоянии строительством капсул занимайся.
На рынке 10 миллиардов потенциальных покупателей. Не факт,
вернее факт что не, что мы этот рынок весь захватим, но при
появлении новых игроков можно рассчитывать какую часть рынка они
занимают. Если продавать капсулу по штуке баксов, тогда-то её
каждый купит.
Пока нет систем очистки таких чтоб сделать цикл замкнутым (чтоб
воды расход не увеличился, а уменьшился) выпуск подобных капсул
считаю несвоевременным. Но это слово мне передали от директора
цементозавода. Сам-то я не считал этот проект несвоевременным. Я
создаю будущее, т.е. мои проекты не из сего времени. Но их время
как раз и наступает по мере того, как я продвигаю этот проект в
жизнь. директор бетономешалок, что он понимает вообще. не в этом
деле. И зачем эта публицистика опять? Убирайтес прочь, мы играем
ля себя. Я разбираю свои мысли на морфемы, вычленяю баги,
настраиваю собственный рассудок в прямом эфире. Повышаю общую
Льстец подлиза подлазит подлизывается ластится. лезть лизаться?
как собака лезет с языком на перевес.
не лезь = не приближайся. подлезть = поближе. близь лизь? низ? а
наверх надо лезть? делать лизь. чтоб лизнуть нужно приблизиться.
близко в лиз как? на расстоянии языка? язь лизь? аизь?
лизык? лингуа точно от лик. лицо лизано? вылизано. без волос.
лысо! охохо! лысо!!!
лицо лысо!!! лысый лизаный как корова языком слизала? гладкий
ласковый ласка и лесть неподолёку друг от друга и фонетически и
семантически (безуслово чистые случайности возможны, но и они
подспудно действуют на психику)
Внезапно ещё один пример L[j]
(around 3:00)
And another example: Florence is Firenze in italian.
(I took it from another of his videos)
Is japanese polite postfix -sama is cognate
of russian сама? Сам это очень почтительное местоимение в
русском, правда употребляется оно в этом значении лишь в третьем
Why I ask is
– Otsukare
– Otsukare sama
in Vivy. Fluorite Eye's Song s01e03
там же: shibota wa shibota desu (where shibota is translated as
работа, which makes me go hm..)
I feel desperate sometimes, but then I know that the darkest hour
is right before the dawn.
And haven't I recognized the first several letters?
a- not
b- in (ab = not in, off)
c- with (co-)
d- of (de = of, ad = to)
e- ex-
and suddenly I notice, that a- is probably indeed added later, and
b was the first letter and vowels were invented much later (or
they were used independently as vowels or who knows what, as
musical notes I wanted to say, but my subconsciousness tells
they're vowels, they were used as vowels, Vocalize is of vocales.
Not notes, but vowels were used to sing?
The concept of musical notes, of musical tones, probably appeared
much later than the concept of vowels, because about vowels every
human seems to know, and music is known only to a tiny fraction of
society. So u of music stands the last after a of mathematgic and
i of mystic mythic fairytales:
numbers exist even in language, they are all words and concepts.
letters are not even necessarily to create texts, hyeroglyphs are
not letters, but pictures, only relatively few of them are
phonetic, and chances are they are also originally words, only
used as morphemes or maybe even homonymiously as rebuses.
musical notes are known only two a fraction of literate people,
the other level of consciousness.
And maybe scientific signs like ∇ of nabla or del (this is all new
to me, in russian they call it оператор Гамильтона) and ℒ of
lagrangian the fourth level of symbolism or are they also part of
mythic corpus, the part of the narrative, not that much different
from & and @?
Is Δ Laplace operator? And I look for it and I see they say that Δ
is ∇2 and that is a field which I understand not more
than I understang music at the technical, which is almost not at
all. As a fan I understand it impressively well, but while fan has
fun, professional fans are also known as profans, but then I see
that english only knows profanity which could be a related , but a
completely different term. In russian профан is what is translated
into english as layman, which is a rather polite and mellow form
to put it. Ignoramus is closer to it. Outsider is the other
variant G-translator offers. Why do I like google so much? I use
their products and haven't payed them a buck. What is not to like.
Either way, here are where to start learning that fourth mother if
I dare to call them so:
As for that rainbow epos, currently I think my eyelashes caused
the sunrays difract like that: I saw rainbowish effect from some
sun rays again, but then I removed the hair from my face and it
went away, so my current guess is that I didn't look at the sun
with my eyes fully opened or I had some head hair across them and
I didn't notice. I have to make some difraction pattern in front
of my camera to try and film it. So far my friend hearing of that
experiment has shown me this wild thing. It's all black and white,
but you can see all kinds of things:
(the original video will be uplead later to avoid the size limit
for a package)
To make it rotate clockwise, I inverted the video, so you can
compare them to see if they make any effect. I made it so because
I felt uneasy of the original shit, but that could be placebo, I
noticed the direction before I felt it.
Here it is obvious how clockwise rotation is luckier: that horn is
taken out, not piercing forward.
But technically instead of reversing the video I could simply
mirror it left to right or upside down, and then it would be the
other way around, so unless it's some fundamental fuction of
reality (so biological crystals rotate the light I think to the
left, and it sorta contradicts the idea of right being alright,
but I yet have to revisit biochemistry and hopefully to make it on
video to show you here in some vol.20 or where will it happen, I was going to say 30, but typoed into 20, and
so be it.
and when I was looking for it, here, something to have a better
idea on what imaginary numbers are:
赤 akai, красный. ake, красно. red. could be in the centre of 開
(also ake, open)
and at the periphery of it is 明 also ake, even though sometimes ke
is another symbol, sometimes it's not:
明方 【あけがた】、明けがた 【あけがた】 akekata, dawn.
Red for opening is natural, because red is the beginning of the
rainbow spectre. Or if it's only mnemonic I don't care.
明 is also read as Akira or Ming and it stands for bright, clear,
next, to understand, to know and Ming.
And I probably was disinformed on 明 standing for ake and not only
a, because
明けましておめでとうございます returns 13,800,000 results
明ましておめでとうございます returns only 2,690 results
あけましておめでとう! returns 23,300,000 results
あけましておめでとう returns 24,900,000 results
あけおめ returns 4,980,000 results
But that's a lucky disinformation, because, as in the case of 明方
【あけがた】 it does stand for ake and bright, red, they're even similar
phonetically in english. и в связи с этим интересно не являются ли
когнатами яркий и алый. Я кажется видел видео, где говорилось что
начальные я в русском когда-то были а. аз is я, literally. I think it was somewhere here (I don't embed it because
it's in red and only a fraction of you will be able to
understand) zomg, why did I write red instead of russian? And
red flags were used by urssians before commies, what is going
on? Ah.. What a magnificient magic did commies apply by naming
the opposition whites while calling themselves red and carrying
the red flags (white flags stand for surrender)
без вложения нет вовлечённости, красиво
сказано одним блоггером тренером, он использовал это для
привлечения донатов, и это deep.
without investment there is no involvement
lucifer luckier
if ki
it's probably nothing, but ki as qui could be if? could it? I
dunno. a verb? He denied ~ he dunnoed?
he who knowed nodded.
knowed knot note nod. nod als gesture
in general?
he nodded ~ he noted.
>Is religion compatible with mathematics?
Math is itself a religion. The Goddess Maat of Egypt is the base
of the symbolism and is the root of the complex symbolism that
bases itself around equilibrium, truth and justice.
makes you think, huh?
and another one from the same thread:
>Quran 4
>A deceased man leaves behind a wife, two daughters, a mother
and father. The wife receives ⅛. The two daughters share ⅔. The
mother and father each get ⅙. Per the Quran’s math, the total
combined is 1 ⅛. Oops.
Unless that quote suggests that wife should
get nothing, or at least that she gets what other relatives
leave her. But most likely it's whether cognitive dissonance
necessary for any dumbening religion or just a good illustration
on how poor stupid people are at math and when assanine
assumptions of god himself writing that prevents them from
editing their laws and thus being unable to correct the mistakes
they bend rules norms and reasons and even declare whole math a
work of the devil.
Either way, looking up those verses I had evem more questions
than answers, is it the perfect example of how religions can
fuck up peoples and societies up? When you are taught to believe
that something is infallable, and then you find a mistake in it,
but you're forbidden to doubt the scripture, doesn't it mess up
all your logic? Here's why religions insist on dialectics, and
as I said earlier, dialectics is not to find the truth, it's to
fool the audience. And the link I probably shared before:
This work is truly omnitenens. Why do I have to bring all this to
one place? Each of these diversions
divisions are supposed to be illustrations to something mentioned
Hesistant is not exactly resistant, but almost, but not only it
isn't supported by other words, it's also not hesistant but
hesitant. Good morning, Vietnam. Now it's time to get high.
I have two bugs I have to eliminate: I like to tell something I'm
not sure of, some raw hypotheses. It's okay on the pages of this
thing, but to tell it to my friend is to risk looking like not a
very smart individual. Is it a protective mechanism? Not to show
people how actually smart I am? Japanese tradition tells to show
how smart you are at any opportunity, european tradition tells not
to. Is it a christian influence on us? Maybe. But I also have to
find sources for those proverbs before I publish them big.
Another bug is asking what is something when I already know (and
don't even have a second opinion, I just recognize it for the
first time and want to be sure, I ask people to tell me again juat
to know I recognized it right
рисовать ~ вырезать
врисовать ~ вырезать
(write ~ in, добавить)
(carve leads nowhere, and excise could be a cognate, but not in
this sence)
sens is eve better tha sense which could be better as sence which
it is, and it is better than meaning, because of connotation with
being mean (ends justify the mean kind of think(
as as the opposite of than
c as (
g as j as ) as cc as not even ᚲᚲ, but as ᛃ
trader traitor (предал пердал, обменял друга на деньги например)
cognates, so what does it make for popularity of traiders? They
are not very popular, because they make money not producing
anything, but maybe they're working as blood cells of the
financial system, making sure money are sent where success is.
That way is more worthy than silly shopping. Traiders are smart,
traitors are mean for they think that ends justify the means, but
they are
длань далонь ладонь
там же: Moon shines = Pale Hecate
reflects dim reflections.
So I wasn't wrong recognizing moon in three faces of the same
goddess as Hecate in some early volume of this epos. In book
version this part should be attached to where I mention Hecate
Hoo moo. 20:44 and I'm high. high high. and before that I argued
with a dark ages denier in a are new dark ages possible. A better
question is what should we do to prevent the distruction of the
civilization. Autonomous capsules are the great solution: each of
us should like a cultural chromosome contain all the civilization
in his tiny apartment, ad preferably in many copies. To share
copies of all the libraries with the friends.
I think I damaged my eyes a little by looking at the sun. or I
hope these defects I just noticed are caused by me looking at the
growing crescent while thinking if it goes from south to the north
and how I still don't know the movement of the moon as good as I
know the movement of the sun. Moon is more obscure knowledge, and
probably good astronomers began with recognizing the movement of
the moon.. Moon observations, and thus the word, observatories.
orie are orgie? as in аудитория auditorium observatorium observes,
auditorium audis, listens.
orio is.. opero was my first association, but I know latin very
poorly. but orio is probably that ero in opero. приделываю could
me the translation of opero is op is up. I noticed maybe decased
decades ago that latin r in -ere and such is a cognate of japanese
-ru. And only territory doesn't allow japanese be considered
related to indoeuropean. And strong chinese influence (the writing
system and half of the lexics) but such "coincidences" as are kore
sore to are here there and -i for adjectives in both japanese and
actually all indoeuropeans in one way or the other (-y in english,
-ij -ig in dutch, mut the most of
all in neighbouring to japan russians' -и, -ы. Even though they are thought to be seen in the
east not before several centuries ago, history pretty much ends
at that time for these territories, and that is russian history,
but there are probably chinese, korean, japanese history of the
territories, and one ai checks them for consistencies to exclude
the fake facts (there are many truisms speaking that winners
write the history and history is a maid to ideology, and so on,
history is not a science is a meme
at least in russian culture of today and maybe ever, just not in
all heads as it is today, actually. And me myself understood it
maybe at 15 or so,
-И -N -S for plural suffixes. and en is on? and! -en is and. and и
can be substituted with да, and -es is yes. да, да, да. этот и
этот и этот. да = that. So some word were more synonyms than they
are now. So all I have to do is to recognize the
la bials and le nguals
vials and needles.
via and need?
via off and need is in da?
is it poetry? poetry is magic, magic is invocation, meditation,
seanse. siance, sciance, insides. insights.
-s is not only yes, but also si.
and what about oui? qui? oui. oui is we? oui is probably ы..
and french phonetic doesn't always read that -s, and actually they
omit the whole -es but in plural verbs, not nouns, in verbs that ы
is present: parlent.. I don't know french too well too, so I ask
ils parlent de moi - here that -ent is heard as some french vowel,
which could be ы in russian, but in russian that ы is a in verbs:
говорит говорят. Если бы русские тоже отбрасывали бы -т, то было
бы govori govoria, that -a to make it plural as in latin
adjectives and nouns and pronouns too: ille is he, illae is they.
and illi too, which is as it is in russian, and why is russian
suffix for plurals is the same suffix for adjective? because
adjectives are to what the word is added, of whose it is, the same
way surnames have the same suffix
белый беллы. devil is whites peoples god? From the pointo of view
of the jews, certainly. Asura and ashuras in neighbouring nations.
Religions are open casi belli. -i is plural in the first case (I
hope I didn' tbot.. botch the grammare, either way similar grammar
is somewhere around the imperial languages. Languages are
continuum, or they were continuum, but since quantized because of
genocides and natural unification of the language of two or more
чёрный чёрта? для белых чёрные чертям своим поклоняются:
индуистский пантеон для европейцев черти чертями. черты
(абстрактное опонятияе косающееся характера, лица, узоров,
письменностии, абстрактные всё понятия) не являются наверное по
сути чем-то плохим, мы помним плохих и страшных черт изображения,
но антропоморфизм абстрактных понятий - источник мисконцепций, но
необходимый быть может для иллюстрации. Как бы ты изобразил
достоинство? в любом смысле (это было в симпсонах)
белые и чёрные
баалы и черти?
блатные и черченные (крту. у.. кнутом? например кнутом, кто-то же
имел белую чистую кожу, а кто-то на чёрной работе работал рабом.
baal as bella, but I have to know all the languages of the region
to theoriz of this. Let's leave these slippy side.
Let's research something more solid.
And I noticed that i n s stand at some equal distance away from
i j k l m
n o p q r
s t u v.. and here if I went with uvw I would tet x as the next
plural suffix, but nothing come to mind for x. Y on the other hand
is exactly the russian plural suffix -ы and to my surprise it goes
y z a b c
d e f g h
and d is да, which is both yes and and. So let's arrange it in a
more usual manner:
a b c d e
f g h i j
k l m n o
p q r s t and actually t is where it
ended, and 20 letters make some sense I cannot catch now 20
fingers? but who would count toes in. 21 would make more sense as
three aettir by 7, literally the most sacred numbers 3 and 7
But 365~366 doesn't divide into 21 nicely. So unless our planet
rotated with another speed, these numbers don't work in calendars,
even though 3 divides 366 into 133 meaningless pieces,
But then I see that 364 is divided by 7 into 52 weeks of the
month. And I see that 364 to 366 is a nice approximations to
something a little less than 365.25. Then question is was 133 used
in some calendars when week was not 7 but 3 days.
if ворот ~ врат, ворог ~ враг, то сорок ~ срак. And together with
pocococer of рососисия. such mines under the language of our
emperial state, naturally hated by too many people within and
without it, and many of them know the language and thus can fuck
it up, and it was happening for centuries, so it's pretty much
fucked up, so the best thing russians can do for their children is
to desert russian for english. And I think that's exactly what I
am doing here: a great russain writer writing in english, because
everybody who can understand him know english anyway.
And back to that previous thing:
a b c d e
f g h i j
k l m n o
p q r s t
u w x y z
I placed w and replaced v, because u and v are hitorically the
same letter, and w is always labial consonant, whcih makes it fit
for vowel-labial-lingual thing, but then I see view and new and I
see that it is also vowel sometimes. vieuu? no such word, but
nieuw is new in dutch, so that u is from u there.
is view воочию? but the meaning of the word is somewhat different,
but I trust my instinct tellimng me that w is eyws, and then v is
eye, and y is actually u in greek, and u was v, so y is eye, aye?
and thus new = не виданый, не видел. новый. and view is in eyes.
so back to that new found 5*5 alphabet with M as the letter in the
middle (was this structure what moved this letter from its place I
a b c d e
f g h i j
k l m n o
p q r s t
u w x y z
If the fourth column is and~yes~plural, then what are the other
four? I don't see a thing so far.
It's good enough to find yes-and-plural morphemic cognatism today,
so let's not overpush it. It will come when it comes.
The first column seems to be reflecting
around the k: P to F and A to V, and the second column:
B to W and G to Q, and the third one: h to r and c to x (this
one is the least of the three so far) i to s? d to y? this one
is even worse! j to t and E to З is a little better, but
probably also nah.
But let's assume this 5*5 alphabet is for real (why
wouldn't it be, that' sprobably closes t to the way most of people
write it.. but nope, it's 25% of them.
and one of those 25% is also very abcd:
It seems to lack юс большой
.webp tells that it's a new image, I found it only in few places
too. Was it me who influenced them to begin new line with a vowel
or was in natural size of letters in old church slavonic (vonn is
stench in russian, so it's a smear. We should rememe it as
old-slavic. slavyan is the way we say this name colloquially.
not slavon. We say dimon and anton and that's it. slavyan roman
and that's it. I speak like I think, could be wrong) made
me see it in the first place? I remember seeing it in russian
абвгд.. in comparison to опрст, not the old slavic. slavic is you slavoni is (he) он? we're
taught to call russian kyrillic, in a church tradition, new
nation? christian (khristian as russian is transliterated today)
is not too far phonetically from kyrillic, with all that kr in the
beginning. is it cr of cure or of curse? cure is of curse? curse
is cureless? is se having the meaning of no? is it how Ϻ is Σ?
Yeah, г[g] and с [s] as c and d reflects t.
and и began the following part the way у did the same. и and u
And шта breaks that symmetry, but they couldn't do better,
Горизонтально принадлежащий горизонтали
горизонталь принадлежащая горизонту (линия. ль как в линия? и я
непроизвольно представляю её взмахом рукой, и правая рука идёт от
центра вправо. и ль видится родственно слву лёжа, где жа
глагольный суффикс: ляг, сядь, прыг, мог, мощь ляж. щ и ж когнаты?
ляж и ляг диалектные фарианты прочтения одного и того же звука, а
значит это g.
and it may allow us find the cognates.. lag? медлить как лежать
это интересно, но всё равно натянуто. порвётся, чего-то нехватает
между этими частями. Lay is the cognate of russian lyag. they have
g where brits have y, and in this russians are like dutch.
normanes are we both? They're the western normans, we're the
eastern ormans. So what if naming the orthodox point of view on
languages the norman theory is a way to conceal the truth in the
plain sight under some semitic pseudoscience, what if the truth is
normans are the most recent superstrate, and it spans all across
europe, including russians. We also have the same way of naming
nations by our names: ruslans, dannes, svens, frantzs, germans,
romans, but how many romans named roman are there? I'm not sure
it's a roman name, but it is literally a name: romulus was the
name. reem was the name. Are them the same name? Or are them some
worse than volk etymology?
My thought is all over the place, I hope it's fun to unwind it
like some normanic beasty drawings.
And I remembered thinking of runic alphbabet in the context of Д И
Н С Ы (yes~and~plural_suffix)
ᚦᚾᚠᚵᚼ(or ᛡ)
ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(even though it looks like ᛉ)
ᚿᚮᚱᛦ(if R, or ᛣ if Q)
it's to my surprise that in this order al the differently written
letters are at the end of their lines) but that could be a lucky
and I trimmed the extra letters:
ᚦᚾᚠᚼ(or ᛡ)
ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(even though it looks like ᛉ)
ᚿᚮᚱᛦ(if R, or ᛣ if Q)
t is finale, тупик. if v is the afterworld, it's a hopeful pray,
but materialistically it is unlikely.
and ᚵ is just a dotted variant of another letter.
and now we can lay out the actual sequence:
ᚠᚼ(or ᛡ)ᛁᚴ
ᛚᛘ(even though it looks like ᛉ)ᚿᚮ
ᚱᛦ(if R, or ᛣ if Q)ᛋᛏ
and it makes me wonder if they're the 16 of so called younger
futharkh some arc? could be. foot arc, основопологающий завет?
алфавит является основой всей остальной письменности, так что
слово футарк никакого отношения к фонетическому прочтения алфавита
не имеет, как я указывал в несколько сумбурной (потому что просто
вырезанной из этого полотна) но по делу работе говорит об этом:
Но а похожая на ф это абсурд. Тем не менее, реальность: ᚨᚩᚪᚫᚬᚭᚯᚰ
И если ᚢ is the П they had instead of F of ᛒ, and some ᚩ is how ᛆ
used to look in their font, and that's why authwork was read as
futhork as a mocking or what? Russians didn't have F, is it for
real? What does it tell? Батя instead of Father. B instead of F.
It's funny how ᛘ would be in the centre if it had a line at the
left and bottom corner. And it's funny that the central letters
tell ᚼᛁᛘᚿ, hymn.
Люди боятся нанопартиклс он зы face masks, but why do they thing
those things to be pollutant? Because particles are pollutants by
definition. What if they're to create a carcass around your lungs
so they let the air in and carbon out while working as filters for
something? See, this is insane. I am what? I just assume things
and place it for everyone to see. But I warned my audience that
these are drafts, many of these chapters never had a second
thought. It is unusual to publish drafts because raw meat is
rarely eaten, people prefer it cooked a little more. So keep on
working, I suppose. But at least now peeing this sea (писать is to
pee and to write, write reminds срать даже, что роднит помёт и
помены, помяты, пометы. мятыми листами жопу вытирали? Животные не
вытирают жоп. Хотя, откуда бы мне знать об этом, я совершенно не
диковинный охотник. Я охочусь на буквы, слоги, слова, и такое
подобное, всё необычайное, о чём книги принципиально не пишут.
Свой собственный стиль. Свой собственный жанр. Как назовём?
Citizen science? citi zen, cities allow to concentrate on complex
questions, all universities are also in the cities (though that's
not for sure, only in Russia.)
Jack Ripper R.I.P's
rapist, rapper. they are high testosteronese
Sit in seclusions of your own houses and have fun with yourself or
with her who lives in a neighbouring capsule. I'm speaking of a
wife, because the best capsule is the one which is there to stay.
So you should just close doors with concrete if you break up and
live as good neighbours with a history of relations.
Each person should be given sufficient size of living area for
himself and enough of public spaces for extraverous neighbours. So
they could sit there in companies of their friends and friends of
their neighbous.
And suddenly I realize that my city has two churches. Why would
you build two churches in the same city and with close proximity?
Because people are too many to fit them in the previous church?
But isn't church supposed to be built on a hill? Why did they
build the second one closer to the river? Why is it red? Isn't
there some canon to make them all white? Didn't they by any chance
built it when they coloured white kremlin red? And they did: Строительство 1911—1914 годы
this is the one I've shown you the cross of. And now I see that
it's купола (cupola is a word for what
russians call флигель but in this case the word "domes" is more appropreate) are not golden but
green, as if dollars became the new money? It does look satanic,
and could be of the same project of spilling lots of russian
blood? To destroy our will to victory (our honor,
literally гонор, in russian it means something worse than
pride, arrogant behaviour) by destroying our culture? They
bat the shit out of us. We're the nigger of the world. Funny
that those who love russia see it as a prince in shining armour
staying true to whatever in the world of ... why do I need to
speak of that, excuse me.
So this brick architecture could be a coincidence, but could be
symbolic, as if the unexplained bloodspill would be justified by
answering the question about why the church and the kremlin are
Here's the old church, as you can see the architecture is in
different canon. Good thing is they are building white church with
a colden dome golden dome. And here's a picture of the older
and it was built just thirty years before that red one В центральной части Челябинска на месте обветшавшей
кладбищенской часовни в 1883 году был построен
Свято-Симеоновский храм. so hardly it was because
they had too many believers in the early twentieth century. Could
they be trying to revive the interest to religion by being sold on
what they were told was "old-russian style" as if nation appealed
to it. Or it was a cynical extermination campaign? I go there
right now. I will report on my return.
And I'm back and the most important piece of information I brought
out of there is that I should give up weed. I thought this way: I
am crazy, in russian they say кого господь наказать решил он того
ума лишил, и судя по моему поведению меня господь вполне хотел бы
наказать, и я иду такой и осознаю что я сумасшедший, ещё и
потому что я это в слух говорю, и может даже во втором лице. И
обычно в таких случаях я осознаю, что я просто накурен как
скотина. И так же в этот раз. Я посреди ганджа-трипа почесал в
белу церковь. Может красная позже рабтала, но в белой меня
крестили, в белой были предыдущие ритуалы, когда я стоял
крестился, молился мол да будет воля не мя а твоя, обошёл церковь
по часовой, что скорей всего против современного канона, которого
я естественно и знать не знаю, ведать не ведаю, и есть же
интернет, и узрел я что я противосолонь по храму ходил, как вот
эта картинка и заповедает, тогда что произошло? брата закрыли
потому что бога отвернул отворотным? Да нет, эта картинка, сама
архитектура храма такова, что понятие посолонь противосолонь
поменялось. Люди текли рекой и невозможно было их восьмёркою
пускать, чтоб посолонь вокруг храма ходили и посолонь внутри храма
ходили. Но не вокруг ли алтаря мы должны водить хоровод? Но нас не
пускают к алтарю, мы в храме крутиться оставлены.
И это следует прикрепить к той части в
первом томе, где я эту тему поднимаю. Пока-то всё свалено беспорядочно, но оно почти
всё хорошее.
13 августа 1479 года Московский митрополит
Геронтий освятил главный кафедральный храм Русской церкви —
Успенский собор в Москве. Во время его освящения митрополит
совершил крестный ход противосолонь. Об этом узнал великий князь
Иван III, ему доложили об этом неизвестные люди. Князь остался
этим недоволен и разгневан на митрополита. Начался спор между
князем и митрополитом, для разрешения спора стали искать, как
правильно совершать движение во время богослужения, в книгах. Но
в них ничего не нашли. В защиту митрополита выступили
архимандриты и игумены. Один игумен, оправдывая митрополита,
говорил, что он видел совершения крестного хода противосолонь на
горе Афон. Для поддержки своего мнения князь позвал архиепископа
Ростовского Вассиана и архимандрита Чудова монастыря Геннадия. В
противовес их мнению митрополит приводил тот факт, что диакон
совершает каждение вокруг престола против солнца. Архиепископ и
архимандрит в подтверждение своей точки зрения говорили
следующее: «Солнце праведное — Христос, на смерть наступи и ад
связа, и души свободи, и того ради, рече, исходят на Пасху, тоже
прообразуют на Утрени». Князь остался при своём мнении и
запретил митрополиту освящать вновь построенные храмы, которых
было достаточно много в Москве. После нашествия Ахмата в 1480
году спор был возобновлён в 1481 году, 22 июля. На стороне
великого князя было всего два человека: архиепископ Ростовский
Иоасаф (Вассиан уже умер) и архимандрит Геннадий. Все остальные
были на стороне митрополита. Князь упорно стоял на своём, из-за
этого митрополит уехал в Симонов монастырь и объявил князю, что
совсем оставит митрополичью кафедру, если князь не покорится.
Князь смирился, послал своего сына к митрополиту с просьбой
вернуться на свой престол. Митрополит не вернулся. Тогда князь
сам поехал к митрополиту, объявил себя во всём виноватым, обещал
слушаться митрополита во всём, что касается направления
движения, то отдавал это в волю митрополита, как он прикажет и
как это было в старину.[1]
К середине XVII века в Русской православной церкви установился
всеобщий обычай совершать крестный ход уже не посолонь, как это
было в XV веке, а противосолонь. Церковная реформа патриарха
Никона унифицировала все обряды по греческому образцу, но
нововведения были не приняты противниками реформы. В результате
в русской Церкви совершают движение во время крестных ходов
противосолонь, а старообрядцы совершают крестные ходы посолонь.
В Индии и странах распространения индуизма и буддизма принято
обходить с ритуальной целью храмы посолонь — на санскрите это
называется «дакшина» (от слова «дакша» («правый») — так как
правая рука во время этого ритуала обращена к объекту поклонения
(индуистский храм (мандир), буддийская ступа и т. д.) Слово
«дакшина» имеет соответствие в латинском языке — «декстер»
(dexter) — «правый». Практика эта зафиксирована в священных
текстах, созданных ещё в древние времена.
So when I walked around the church counter-clockwise once, I
realized myself cursed by goud (coursed, посланный, бог меня
послал, бог на меня поклал, положил,
послал поклал когнаты? вернусь к этому.
And this image was taken from the page about that Митрополит
Геронтий, and it probably depicts the way he rolled
counter-clockwise and knyaz asking him wtf. But what is written
under it? Notice how they draw В as a rectangle. It relates that
letter to П, as P is related to F, and is modern В double that?
was that rectangle v and modern В[v in russian] is w?
And though there it says Написанные им несколько
грамот и посланий не имели успеха, так как не отличались ни
глубиною мысли, ни красноречием. which makes him an
obedient clerk or a wilful ruler, either way, not schizoid type I
am. And back to that weed thing, I am schizoid as any true
scientist, which makes it contraindicative to take psychotic
drugs. So good bye this researh. I put it on hiatus. I build my
capsules, because I was also given a solution to make a formwork
out of a corrugated mesh.
Когда стоял возле храма (я пришёл около 20:00, и хотя солнце ещё
не зашло, они уже два часа как отслужили всенощную) то столкнулся
со сторожем, который криком "куда!" отвадил меня от церкви. Почему
они не работают круглосуточно вообще? Оттого что бомжи будут тогда
ночевать в храме? Бомжи их первые прихожане, самые униженные и
обделённые и лишь когда церковь в злате погрязает она начинает
презирать нищих вместо того чтоб призирать их. Ночевать в храме
нехорошо наверное, но дать ночлег всем нуждающим это же церковь
может. В монастырях? Там тоже всё не просто, наверное. Стоит ли
исследовать всё это? Судя по контексту этого повествования, очень
может статься что и предстоит.
И одновременно с этим столкновением звонила мама сказать что
приземлилась и вместо того чтоб сказать Слава Богу, я что-то
промычал. Это Бог проверял меня. Верую ли я в его существование,
признаю ли обычаи которые он на земле установил. Не богоборец ли я
Любая власть от бога то есть против бога? от него как отпала, но
если была бы у него, была бы убогой, на бога бы полагалась бы, а
не на полицейскую дубину.
Дубинам же трава показана (indicative) потому что сделает их
мягче, тоньше, можно даже сказать что умней. Кто эти дубины -
доминоиды, демоноиды. тёмные люди.
Светлые просветляют, тёмные подавляют, задавливают, тёмную
устраивают, словно у пидоров у них всё через жопу (они могут
добиться своего лишь устроив кому-нибудь жопу)
I look more at those слать и класть and I don't see them as
cognates anymore.
Казённое ~ казнённое? словно в наказание, как указание, по указке,
казнить наказывать.
казнь показательна
Курнул как лекарство от больной головы. Наверное Иисус занимает
место в башке, которая hmm2 занимали, я предложил ему занимать эти
области, чтоб игрушки меня не отвлекали, разлюбить компьютерные
игры бессмысленные. Откуда у меня жажда убийства что нужно
игрушками его утолять? удаляю. думаю, что в некоторых местах того
стало иисус иисус иисус иисус росия вотка тоже видимо быть может.
православие самодержавие народность заменилось упрощённым и
конкретным иисус расия вотка. асия hfcbz расия даже звучит как
рвань. расиия должна уйти. Как я это сделаю? Только переехав. Эти
территории считаются россией всеми вокруг, и мне от этого языка
скорей всего без жёсткого перепрограммирования? переформатирования
даже не уйти. И иисус иисус может быть основой мышления как новый
формат. Что бы он тогда подразумевал? интересовал играло в бошке
не врифму даже а в место.
Я право же камлаю.
I drop this thing. I focus on capsules. It is reasonable and
craved decission.
C'est tres symbolique que cette volume est numero 13 and the
gitlab stopped accepting updates because of some new verification
requirement I ignored. It's time to move on my own servers.
And I probably should edit this weird volume especially where I
give too much personal information: a nobody wants to know, b
nobody needs to know.
If jesus actually formatted my head (we'll see if I feel like
playing games or not, hopefully not) not with his own name as a
schoolboy would, but with french speech of a canadian candidate
who first spoke in english and then repeated the same in french,
so I could understand what he tells in french and that is the best
way to study foreign languages I saw so far.
I want my teeth out, but now it's my head not my teeth that
bothers me, but it's not for the first time, it happens once a
year or so and then I do my best to enlarge the size of the skull
to thus
High again thinking of who I love more god or satan and why do I
think of guys when goddess is a more correct focus, because nature
is more feminine than musculine me. Neutral is more feminine than
male, and natura is female word in russia too. It gives birth,
what else should I look at. Males are medium? Males are
surroundings. The miracle is happening inside women.
E'erything comes to him who can wait.
I'm not in hurry. I'm not in haste.
hurry higher. How many words can I pull to a
cognate pool? Probably all of them. Our brains are all of words,
спеши содержит speed в себе?
kill убил может быть это та же буква, которая начинает алфавит? к
на востоке, б на западе, но почему лексика-то наоборот? Слово
разделило значения, но слованой осталось разные статьи или
разделились не одинаково? х.з. это всё может вообще быть
бил мыл
убил умыл (чтоб затереть следы крови помыл себя и жертву?
покойников обмывают перед полпжением во гроб (потому что обычай
в три дня заставляет их держать труп в доме делает родственников
заинтересованными в как можно спокойно проходящих процессах
Какая дичь. И люди это терпят. Демиург, что за дела, и это твоё
лучшее творение? Позволь мы настроим, может оно и в самом деле
не плохо, но не настроено. Мы ещё оценим по достоинству
творение творца. Наше атеистическое поведение говорит о том, что
мы находимся на уровне развития подростка (подостки разные, и мы
все разные, но бросать вызов миру то черта подростков, и хотя я
ещё её сохранил в 45 мост оф пипл бикам конформны и
"конформными" в этом контексте могла быть грамматически
неправильной конструкцией, потому что -ми могло появиться в
словах первого лица: мы стали конфортнымы
конформизм -изм is и со мной?
изыми.. у меня была странная версия того, что -изм означает
изымая изымай изымать: фашизм измымал моду, хотя он вводил новую
моду, хьюго босс, коммун изм отменил мол общественные
самоорганизации, унифицировав власть в стране. но сами-то они
боролись за объединение всех людей? нет, они это лишь
декларировали, а если хотели и вправду, то их методы такую силу
противодействия создали (любое действие неизбежн создаёт, а
здесь они ещё и по максимуму ужасно эту попытку провели, так что
может этот уровень работает по другим законам? не ищи глупости
где есть чей-то гадкий план.
Я избегаю денег? Почему я не скинулся на
пульсчен если донатил Обри раньше? Решил не мешать кайф с
удовольствием? чтоб иметь оба я сказал себе? напрасно, скорей
всего я сам себе накозлил. Зачем этот литдыбр сдесь? ау. уа. мне
45? Как 15 это поворотный год. Может в тридцать был такой же
разговор с самим собой, и очевидно что я выбрал не взрослеть. А
если я не взрослый, то и женщина мне не полагается. Чтоб
сохранить разум подростка надо всего лишь не пускать бабу в свою
жизнь. чтоб не стать биороботом интересующимся лишь
физиологическими потребностями?
Изначально двоичный был код или троичный?
Понятийный аппарат человека двоичен:
да/нет (не знаю это уже сложное предложение в тех понятиях. даже
знаю сложно, словно)
до = во?
to = in?
от = оф
т.е. до того как согласные разделились на губные и язычные, и до
того как русский разошёлся с английским люди играли лишь с гласной
и согласной.
да = гласная? открытая! ад = нет? а носовая что следует из ом и
ещё откуда-то, из он.
ноу тоже закрытая (у = w, согласная, вав, и тогда лов = ноу, и л =
н и таким обрзом омн это формула аума.
и это три матери и это первая строка. м = в, н = д и они
взаимозаменяемы если б=в, а б~д.
Т.е. до того, как мы открыли губные и язычные мы знали щелевые и
смычные? палатализованные и непалатализованные.
н смычная
м щелевая
ну, это нестандартный взгляд, но лингвисота сама в своих терминах
плавает в некоторых отношениях, так что не мне стесняться
гуманитарщины, мочи, руби, вали всё на меня.
я демон и всегда им был. я, ни какой-то сам я. я здесь чтоб
поднять ад. Но не затем чтоб ад затопил эту планету, а эта планета
ад и есть быть может. Ад сюда подняли за меня и до меня. Тогда что
демон в этом мире позабыл? Какие у меня цели? Жить в этом мире
вечно, сделав его для этого более комфортным. И люди
сопротивляются подобному изменению. Не хотят демонов в этом мире
живущих быть может быть?
м н бубная и зычная язычные гласные? Как д и а, как н и и, как т и
у? вот эта уже вообще шиза, но она время от времени появляется как
черточка. надо собрать все её примеры воядино, сейчас не помню
даже одного, где t & v were one, u in rna and t in dna is not
an example, just a funny coincidence, unless biotech is lead by
those who know what I try to discover. I don't just try, I do
discover, piece by piece, some pieces are false (like imprints of
the actual picture at the neighbouring areas, but sooner or later
everything comes in its original form.
B & T в этом я полагаюс на легенду. Были именно что
противоположностями? урацил как уриил в рнк, тимин как
тимофей какой-нибудь в днк. на самом деле я ожидал увидеть четырёх
архангелов и люцифера в A C G T U, но Т.. тьма? рнк избавляется от
адовости днк (д значит дьявол, тот самый тефол, тимин - надо
изучить свойства этого: если органические вещества названы в
древности, то вполне может быть что генетику чловечество открыло в
предыдущей цивилизации, до христианства. Но вики говорит, что
урацил открыт в 1900 году. и это нашей эры.
Казённый казнённый, государственное имущество забрано у казнённых.
указ того же корня. казать, show. сказать say is of that word too.
приказ. каз как князь? показательно, наказательно, назидательно,
see dat! кажи ко see/
заказ? казать ~ сказать? потому что наказ показывает, что корень
каз. и там тоже скорей всего словами, но видимо для глаз то были
слова? каз к eyes?
кожа к
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me,
the sinner.
And why cannot I miss the fact that the sinner sounds almost as
thee sinner. Isn't it kinda arrogant? Isn't it sorta asking god to
be peaceful blaiming him for sins.
Are we cursed by christ? Who we? Am I some demon? I just a moment
ago daid I am. That moment of absolute honesty, though technically
what is said there is a lie, but in another way it is also true,
because I imagine myself a demon and I think I allowed demons into
my soul. I like black metal, I sing punk rock, I am rather dark
person, even though I seek knowledge and in this way I am a very
illuminated person, but I'm not light at all, I'm very heavy. 88
I'm a a king of cringe and a doctor from awkward.
I got my education in awkward. in 0wkward in owl ward. в палате с
совой (it's a fiction, but poetry)
akward a-guard, без охраны, без санитаров.
What is this world? I am indefinitely crazy. Why so? Because I
allow me to do what others don't And it's a source of innovation.
1 i (or l? l is more like it, but i is vowel, which is a more alphabetic beginning.
2 c, d
3 З[z] E
4 ч, f
5 s
6 t? b? (both t and b rotate outside clockwise?
7 z
8 ф В
9 g
0 omega
and again 8 and 9 seem to be some extra, if 7 is the largest
digit, then z ends the alphabet, 7 and z cognatism is more obvious
because both may or may not have the dash across them as if
mushrooms may have or may not have the skirt. And 7 is a greatly
similar to how a depiction of mushroom would evolve.
Let's keep it alphabetic to see if it MAY fit our system well
enough (then we check the oher possibilities)
I i (or aleph, or vav, or nun, or l and that is how l and n
are cognate as in no and lo l is hebrew n? or visa versa?)
2 coursive form of it looks like a let it be a (but it may be d,
b, was it when be and do were the same?)
3 if what we look at in the beginning of this sequence are vowels,
then it's E, and if 2 is b~d, then З[z]
4 four demands 3 to be E. But could 4 be a reduced A? then 2 is
not a? could there be two a's? not likely. 4 could be Δ, then 1234
are IБЗД all are voiced, as modern rassion has it. I looks closer
to ᛆ the 1 and БЗ could be mirrored since then. See roman cursive.
5 as S? 6 as T? 7 as Z? This is not alphabetic. 5 as И 6 as
b or مם and 7 as Z would be nice. But 5 is ה which is luckily a
vowel and looks like い which is the second vowel of japanese, so
first four lines of the latin alphbaet could be the 8 of some
ancient octal numeral system I mentioned before.
(somewhere above I wrote and as ahd and the following line
add = and or and'ed (because and is et)
1 2 3 4
a b c d
5 6 7 8
e f г H
if 7 is not z but г, then.. and it is both some cognatic words
have z or g interchangingly (z also plays as zh when a crown is on
its head and g is also read as ж when palatalized. brits attach d
at the front of it, french don't.
and what follows 8 is I and probably some other system is attached
under that previous one.
I would expect IVXLCDM at the front of it, and here I see M which
is in the I-line and also not its place, but here that holy placed is righteously occupied by V, the В[v]
if you please.
IMKL.. was it this short? because L is N as I said before. was its
orders not 1000-fold, but only 100-fold, as americans count in
hundreds (which is unusual for russians who count in 1000. And I
realize that russians ancestors could be the thousand-folders who
conquered Rome and threw the more advanced hundred-folders away:
as ou can see, only etruscan IVXL (that sypothetic IMKL) are
certain, others have different forms or meanings.
Here it can be seen, that Romans agreed with Etruscans about
digits up to 50 and then they reformed their systems up to 1000
fold differently. I suspect these 1000's to
be creative work of philologists, but I certainly could be
proven wrong on that one.
So if they had 1 4 8 32 as digits, how did that line up in the
next order, when they as I say made a reform of it to lay out
dirctly into 365 . So that 1 4 8 32 adding up to 45 doesn't make
much sense.
idk makes d no (turns do into no. Д as dashed out Л could stand
for not no. Double negation making confirmation. Да, duh.
So here's another guess: I V X L used to stand for something else,
and I supposed that for 1 5 10 50 for not only does it look the
most natural variant for me (just the most taught today maybe that
could be the reason why they could go from 365 to 666, but then I
think how people could see the word of objects, and I came to some
interesting sequence of 1 7 19 37 where 7 is for days in the week
and 19 for some lunar golden number, but 37 is centered hexagonal
number, which these are, and many other pretty interesting things,
but it's not in the calendar things. Either way, such sequence
would add up to 64
and because such numbers are called figurate numbers and are told
to be worked with by pythagoreans, I wonder is Pythagoras pi and
So what am I doing here? I am high and drifted away from the safe
and fishy waters I was in at the beginnning of the evening.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
1 5 10 50 for example
and? and I have no mooneral systems to add.
or what could I M K L be if they made a system with the previous
9 10 11 12?
13 14 15 16
Could these 16 be the younger futhark? 16 is 16, iy oulf br it could be anything.
But what about the proof base. ai will be my proof base: checking
these texts for consistencies and inconsistencies, it will alighn
some hypotheses and will through in trash the others.
polýMATHY tells that vulgus and volk are not cognates, even
though they mean the same and sound almost the same: somewhere in
the beginning of
And I understand where it's coming from: standard etymological
pathways trace them to some different forms which as if approached
eachother later by a (((coin)ci)dence) but I kinda doubt it, I
think that's the same divide et empera game. Etymology is not a
thing, because humanities are not even science. Mnemonic tools are
what actually matters, and volk~vulgus are definitely such a tool.
Возродиться возратиться
text = tags'ed
tag ~ tick
I want to pull people with some negative stuff to switch on
a positive vibe going from negative to positive. as S goes from
counter-clockwise to clockwise. S as in Super. U works the same
(superman is ubermensch, thugh what makes the meaning is not S (s-
could be -est, the most, g- ) uber and unter b or nt. b as best beginning and nt as end
be as ab
b as be
nt as end
nt as not
demon и безумен are calques
de like dis like без
m like ум (m is in the centre of pie roots men and mysl. I read
about them, I certainly have no idea if it's true, I was always
supposed to take it on faith unless I actually do my own research
into that branch, and then I can certainly even find some other
work about it, telling the opposite, and again I wouldn't now if
that was true, only if their argumentation is consistent, but I
noticed that in humanities it's almost always not.
-on and -ен are probably the same thing.
умён ~ mon? man. Thus demon is un-man. Нелюдь is quite a synonym.
For S it doesn't matter which way you draw it, it will always turn
counter-clockwise into the clockwise,
and that's another example of how russian script is unlucky. So I
thought about how would it look if not only would we return И into
H and H into N, but also if russian С would become S (also notice
that drawn top to bottom as it usually is, С is counter-clockwise.
And that coursive form of S returns greek σ which is ς when it's
finale, which does remind russian с.
u f x c ch sh sch (and thus ъыьэюя so much different from how they
have it in the other alphabets is a later and ignorant edition,
and ch sh sch are the digraphs and trigraphs we needed to use
latin script, but its order is not exactly latin. uvxz is it? it
z is ц! the voiceless? yeah! is f v? e v h z (where h is voiced
a b g d
e v j z (ё is eu)
i y k l m n (and because y is a form of v it explains the position
of й there)
o p r s t
u f x c ch sh sch
y is both й and ы the way they have it in english.
' is a way to denote both ъ and ь (while palatalizing ь is well
traditionally go in doubling of the letter)
e is both е and э
yu is ю
ya is я
or y can be only ы (especially because y is ij and ы is of two
parts too, and thus ה the е cannot be too far, and thus e~i also
because of japanese い.
hm.. but the easiest way is to declare i-line a relative novelty.
novelty from the times when a b g d e v x z were all there were,
hard and soft parts, or maybe, because of the way norsk ᛆᛒᚦ are, a
b g e v z. and further into pentatonic scale that could be
abcez with no abc symmetry, with abc being only the seed or root
of such a symmetry when they decided to reflect the halves with
the v.
abcex, where x is read as z as initial x is actually read.
absex? abhex? abc'es!!!
abk ivz
abacus must be in the basis of abc, because of what it is, because
of how it sounds.
a-ba-c-us is literally abc (-us is male suffix)
and if it a-ba-ac-us which is supported by that that syllable is
stressed (or long in latin philology) it indicates that ba is (the
open) female syllable and ac is (the closed) male syllable, which
is supported by b being la-bial and c being l'ngual.
Is lingual related to nagual? -al is definitely symilar. I have to
find all the symilarities between languages (the likes of are kore
sore ~ are here sore, -но ~ -の, -й ~ -い)
And chances are such similarity between distant languages will be
enough a corpus of information for ai to draw the diagram of
protolanguage, if those pieces are enough to build an artificial
language, they could be not too far from the actual protolanguage.
м-ожно остор-ожно
м-ожешь стор-ожишь
м-огёшь стер-егёшь
о and е are разделительные гласные в русском, так может и здесь
м-о-гёшь стер-е-гёшь
м-о-жно остор-о-жно
о- как очень?
сторожно ~ страшно?
остроги очень строги, острог очень строг.
существительные это краткие прилагательные?
само слово существительное не является кратким (как и
both are names, the third name is числительное.
один един единый он? его? ego? ani?
два двое твоё? твои?
три трое
четвера катвара quattra? qua-tre че-търи
пять пядь, literally a noun. but what adjective is it? пятый is
the long form of it. пять is the short form of пятый if we look at
them as at adjectives.
четыре краткая форма слова четвёртый? И четвёртый и четыре
числительные, но порядковая форма выглядит как прилагательная, а
количественная как существительное.
Reading vol.4 I stumbled across frater and brother exposing f and
b as invariants, and then I add to it father being pater and these
two words place b f p as the same letter. And polish vader adds
the v to it.
And why do these male words use labial letters? Is that some gay
christian shit to distort the M~D of mommy~daddy thing?
Only vader is not polish, it's dutch. The band is polish though.
And I just noticed how it's logo is alike to Morbid Angel's and
while looking up who influenced who, I found this:
Morbid Angel’s albums are alphabetically named –
Altars of Madness, Blessed are the Sick, Covenant, Domination,
Entangled in Chaos, Formulas Fatal to the Flesh, Gateways to
Annihilation, Heretic, Illud Divinum Insanus, Juvenilia and
Kingdoms Disdained.
And though Vader appeared first, Morbid Angel's debut came out
three years before Vader's and the answer could be rather simple:
they both were issued by Earache, so they probably shared the
And to my surprise even yandex noticed this resemblance:
So why this offtopic is in here?
Weed wears out, I guess.
It didn't strike me deep enough tonight in the first place,
probably because the weed is not very strong and also because I
became trading, and though I shouldn't watch the prices too
closely, it still demands a place in my head and thus distracts
me from more holy questions.
I should be a hermit, a secluded enlightenend entity.
And why am I listening to these satanic tunes?
I am a demon, so I am natural me. Not angel? Nope. A weird
fruit. Metalheads are drunkards. Dave Vincent sings some country
about drinking. So is weed the opposite? Cannibal Corpse smoke
weed. My mind is drifting where it found itself In a sea of
hell. So I should travel to the hills and шпили shpili spili? I
What if all what's hear is spelling. Hear and here are cognates.
kore ko as in me (eyes, о'чи (очень чисты, glass, глаз (glass
clean clear) class
hear and here are just spelleddifferently. So what difference does
this ea to e-e defference make?
bear bere.. bear бери? are they the same? cognatic? Don't I see
the semantic difference between here and hear. there sea. sore.
so- is see? so is the? sou desu. sa = so.
хадж is ход. как в слове крёстный ход. Могу я назвать
словосочетание словом? слова сочетание же называется словом. но
бзе пробелов по немецкому лекалу спеллить шпилить.
and I think I found the root of the tradition to водить крёстный
ход против-часовой. Означает ли это, что в 1666 русская церковь
перешла из индуистской традиции в иудаистскую? Уверен, что у них
процессии как у арабов. Сейчас постараюсь найти иудаистские
процессии, покамест зацените хадж:
I don't know what the digits mean, but I suggest the curves to be
denoting the procession around kaaba, you
may look into the video of the process by clicking that image, I hope it's alive, if
not just search хадж or hadj or hajj or hadji or haj.
е = ё
е = и because of е ж ~ i j (k & з could be both forms of c.
thus j ~ b? ж ~ b? h ~ b! the rest is explained by ᚼ. being both
h, j, and h is also being и just as i~j and that is still a
mistery. And hopefully in my lifetime I will eventually come to
the answer. So far it's not an answer but mostly merely
Interesting is how in arabic шахада is свидетельство, а ашхаду is
я свидетельствую как начало этой шахады. G-trans recognizes اسهد
as ascetic, and أَشْهَدُ as witness, and أَشْهَدُ اسهد as I bear
Is witness whiteness in a way?
But I was looking for the etymology of this word: حَجّ,
pilgrimage. حح is recognized as hi, привет. which is I don't know
if true or not, hi is translated only as أهلا, which is read as
ahlan, but only ahla is written, and whether it's a cognate of
hello or a cognate of hellow with W being a
congate form of N
حَجّ حح as hajj pilgrimage
"حَجّ, pilgrimage. حح is" as паломничество паломничество. чч это
And here's the etymology I found at wiktionary: Classical
Syriac ܚܳܓ (ḥāgg, “to go around”)
and there are also other etymologies, law, be right, and what if
they also go right, but they count the right looking at the holy
place, not out of it.
it follows the same canon
hebrew does, only here ܦ and ܨ don't have sofit forms.
ܢܢ reminds N it stands for and ܠ reminds L, and I wonder
if K and M given in digraphs by mistake, but I'm not a
specialist, so I leave it as I took it, but then I can watch
some other sources:
and yep, they messed it up, so I remove the doubles into grey.
That screenshot is clickable and there he also says that meridian
is of medi dias or something like that, the midday, which means
south, because that's where sun is in the noon.
Микитко or Virginia Beowulf told me that moscow is the old form of
how russians called moskva before, and then it rhymes it with
pskow. As if pskov was of pyosikov and moscow was of musek pusek,
dogs and cats. псы и пусы пса.. пуса значит пса. котов называли по
тому кто их ел или наоборот псов называли псами потому что их
кормили пусями? козёл косил (куса трава в японском) баран борется?
ков и cow are the same or a coincidence? in the context of рус ~
трус and slavs ~ slaves, sklavy, сявы, сява is etalian way to say
слава. l~j
a b c d e f g h i j
u t s r q p o n m l
Is i ~ m on some level? if M is double Λ than yes, i is double j
n~m as h~i (also n and h look so much alike in two forms Н is
russain N and h reminds n.
g and o globe and it's graphical representation. orb and globe? or
amy I pulling coincidences tigether. but even then I collect
interesting coincidences (but we don't know for sure what they are
until we try to hold it all together in one hand. In one
head I was supposed to sai. In one ai head.
Indo european languages (or maybe all languages in general) are
syllabic at least originally, each consonant is supposed to have a
vowel. в was въ and к used to be къ and both even today have forms
ко и во.
от нестандартная для силлобарий форма, а значит.. or wasn't it
also отъ. Т.е. не инвертированная до, (до used to be ут!) но до
(to, t=d!) с приставкой отлицания. un- (a-)
in also has that ã- in front of some no? "не нету" т.е. есть?
нету: но не совсем нету: внутри)
in = in-? ã-? (if it's in it's not seen, but that new thought of
our languages using some syllabaries before we used alphabet
demands in to be broken into i and nо and isn't i ã?
на = ноу? what difference do vowels make? I will ponder upon it
when I stumble upon it.
I'm not sure that Vesta is the three-fold mother, I think the same
way they failed at archaic latin, they (in the series) could have
made it by lack of competence or excess of scheming, either way
the same features could lead to the misinformation of this
theosophic account: if Vesta is feritlity goddess, it's Earth and
thus not a moon which weaves destiny and you can calculate its
returns, thus demistifying the cult. Hecate and Hestia are
different species. Cat and Stia? what could stia be? земля змея
хестия ~ бестия.
геката же бегата
Is moon full of gold according to ancient competence? If gods made
it why of anything else it would be. If it's
a goddess itself or of the goddess herself, as if she lives
there. Spheric
home. cathouse.
Either way, vestals are nuns under a strongarm of male priest.
They are patrician, but can be whipped or buried alive in case of
misbehaving, so it was not some authentic female cult, but a
completely patriarchal institution.
A great example of rainbow patterns you all know, the soap
Loyal has a little different meanings in russian and english. Bu
that loy in there is probably law, not only roi, but that is how
these different words are obviously cognatic or at least
potentially mnemonic.
loyal legal lawyer regal royal rule liberal light right право Some
better path lead me to right the previous time. плавно правно?
нет, не этот. славный? следи среди. love is law! but I came to
right there from some other word. something similar to liberal,
liberty, some other wrod.
но человек лояльный в любом случае не тяжелый. А для врагов
господина если он лоялен сюзерену, если она в английском значении
лоялен? (у русских видимо довольствовались терпимостью,
терпильством, лыбой на ебале)
loyal любила.. some day will stumble across that ling from law to
right rei'ed? (loyal royal roi rei rei'ed reigned) could be, but
again that one was something else. (but that example in the
brackets is close, very close)
Diana[a] is a goddess in Roman and Hellenistic
religion, primarily considered a patroness of the countryside,
hunters, crossroads, and the Moon. She is
equated with the Greek goddess Artemis, and absorbed much of
Artemis' mythology early in Roman history, including a birth
on the island of Delos to parents Jupiter and Latona, and a
twin brother, Apollo,[2] though she had an independent origin
in Italy.
Diana by Renato Torres (Portalegre), is one of the best and
most representative tapestries of the European and Portuguese
tapestries of the 20th century.
Diana is considered a virgin goddess and protector of
childbirth. Historically, Diana made up a triad with two other
Roman deities: Egeria the water nymph, her servant and
assistant midwife; and Virbius, the woodland god.[3]
Diana is revered in modern neopagan religions including Roman
neopaganism, Stregheria, and Wicca. From the medieval to the
modern period, as folklore attached to her developed and was
eventually adapted into neopagan religions, the mythology
surrounding Diana grew to include a consort (Lucifer) and
daughter (Aradia), figures sometimes recognized by modern
traditions.[4] In the ancient, medieval, and modern
periods, Diana has been considered a triple deity, merged with a
goddess of the moon (Luna/Selene) and the underworld (usually
Diana can be translated as goddess.
Uni is the ancient goddess
of marriage, fertility, family, and women in Etruscan religion
and myth, and the patron goddess of Perugia. She is identified
as the Etruscan equivalent of Juno in Roman mythology, and
Hera in Greek mythology.[1] As the supreme goddess of
the Etruscan pantheon, she is part of the Etruscan trinity, an
original precursor to the Capitoline Triad,[2] made up of her
husband Tinia, the god of the sky, and daughter Menrva, the
goddess of wisdom.
So what we see here is the matriarchal matrilineality, where the
husband is auxilary, complementary.
And why would it change in the roman times? Because of it
patriarchal nature: Juno and Jupiter are consorts, but Minerva is
his daughter, but not hers.
Язык формирует культуру и переводчики священнодеи языка, и толь
культура им мозги стенает или они культуру гнут своим лекалом? И
то и это может быть причиной того что Frailty, thy name is woman!
became О женщины, вам имя вероломство в пастернаке, а той О
женщины, ничтожества вам имя, а это Чехов. А ритм.. ритм тоже не
таков как у Шекспира, хотя что после в ритме с Вильямом бежит.
у could be ין written from left to right with meaning of in where
у is в.
Могло установление вращения в одну сторону на западе и в другую на
востоке вызывать какие-нибудь вихревые процессы? Могло это быть
попыткой обратить хаотичное движение людей в более закономерные
процессы, таким образом обрести разность потенциалов между
странами, иначе называемым напряжением. И это же слово
используется для названия межнациональных конфликтов.
But break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue.
Here it probably witnessed that brakes are cognates of breaks, but
what technological process was used is yet to figure out, for I
hope stopped they not by breaking animal which carried.
When car breaks, it brakes. Ломай значит тормази на русском
молодёжном слынге слэнге
слынг .. слэнг слышен? гн где ты это услышал? услышал где-то
повторяет. или слова боле родственно? ведь слэнг касается лишь
лексики обычно, редкие грамматические вольности вроде за жизнь в
значении о жизни не так часты, ак лексичеси лексический вол
вокабуляк вокабуляр.
Obviously horse stopped when it broke something. Если бы лошади были поспокойней, то при
повреждённых конечностях их бы лечили: а не пристреливали.
Возможно сейчас их чинят, потому что наркоз доступнее, но
получить копытом по лбу скорей всего не хочет блин никто.
acrostic - first letters of a poem make a word
telestich - last letters of a poem make a word
And I suspect those acro and tele to be the names of A and T
Ancient Greek τέλος (télos, “end”)
but beginning is not ἄκρο, but αρχή, which actually is good
are two russian interjections of unclear semantics or origins
ieaou could be that very ё and other raws could be voiced and
voiceless counterparts (with к & р breaking this structure the
way these very letters do it to the whole set) where к starts the
set the way it is in the eastern writing systems and where it is
in one claster with кх, г, гх, so could it be г? g the j?
It's hard to say, because it's purely hypothetical and because I
haven't been high for days. so long.
My father is marxist (he was brainwashed by soviet government into
a communist, he has some powerful brains (his university friends
tell he understood math and physics the best of them all and he
should have become an educator, he would make some mighty money,
but he probably is an autist (my mom is not autistic at all, she's
rather powerful person in the society, so I took my asperger from
him (I'm self diagnosed, so chances are I exaggerate it, but
people recognize me as an autist (at least
too two
openly said it) so probably my self-diagnosis is correct.
Either way his powerful brain was damaged by the ideologic
takeover, and it switches into a retard mode when it comes to
politics, and he doesn't understand economics at all.
And he said "энгельс сказал, что опыт критерий истины" и я бы
согласился, если бы эксперимент имелся в виду, но он использует
это слово как жизненный опыт, что делает это слово абсурдной
чепухой, которой как кучей кирпичей забиты бошки у идеологически
промытых, хотя заражённых гораздо лучше отражает суть. Я снова
перешёл на русский, когда русским был контекст. прошу прощения.
And he said "engels said experience is the criterion of the truth"
when I knew "practice is the criterion of the truth" and I didn't
recognize it this time, saying that russian word опыт he used to
translate what I here translate as practice, though I also saw
praxis and I yet have to find the german version, I only found
that it's marx, but in what work.. I'm too high to dig into that
pile of rubbish, so let's pass it on for now. Either way, what I
was about to tell is how russian work опыт can be translated as
both experience and experiment. And the word experience can stand
for both single event you've experienced or for the whole sum of
events you've experienced. This latter paradox is in both russian
and english. And the former one is not to farr phonetically in
english pair of experiment and experience too. And it demands me
to test the pair of -ment and -ence in other words.
-ment ~ -ence
patience patiment? nah.
parliament parliaence? nah.
presence presment? nah.
comment comence? commence, to begin. Oh if every comment was a
beginning of something awesom!
so I looked into if somebody pondered on it too:
Words like excitement, performance and difference
have suffixes that turn verbs and adjectives into nouns. Listen
to Finn and Catherine talk about the suffixes -ment, -ence and
-ance in this 6 Minute Vocabulary.
and in examples like excitement and performance I see their
similarity. mance is similar to ment, but I see that ence can be
attached by itself. And I hypothesize: can it be reduced from
mence? patimence? and it rings with time, which is patience is all
about. Are presence attendance experience presmence attendments
experiments? Experiments are the closest of the three, which is
where we found it, but is it synonymous? almost, some stylistic
difference is all. attendment nah, this road doesn't seem to lead
anywhere, other than that -ment -ence -tion -sion make nouns out
of verbs, but then what is the verb in patience? pati- of patio
(suffer allow endure permit bear be passive undergo tolerate
submit abide brook experience let put up with meet go leave) which
makes this transition not english, but actually latin. And if I
knew languages latin've grown on, I'd say it more precise. But
then who needs it.
And why do I leave this mindflow here? Because it's a rather
scientific mindflow, and new generations of scientists may find
these drafts entertaining the way I wanted to read drafts of the
scientists to see how exactly did they come to their ideas, and I
never found them when I liked to read, it was before the internets
as we know them. Like how did knorozov came to his decypherment? I
tried to read him, but it was all water I drowned in before he
reached the land. So even though his work is in the very
neighbouring field, I still have to take his word on faith, as I
accuse many other scietists to do.
From now on I will use experiment for experience in the meaning of
the singular event.
And experience will be seen as experiments with the silent m.
When ‘m’ is before ‘n’ at the beginning of a word,
it is always silent.
mneme(n), mnemic(adj), mnemonic(n, adj), mnemonical(adj),
mnemonically(adv), mnemonics(n), mnemonist(n), Mnemosyne(n),
mnemotechnic(adj), mnemotechnically(adv), mnemotechnist(n),
Observation: ‘mn’ makes /n/ sound.
and by accident or ocasion or some other thing after m in ment and
mence comes en.
m~e? m reflects i in k-symmetry, and m is above s, which is и in
plural suffixes and y which is also i.
So new view, ence is mnce? or what is it? i = m?? I = me.
interesting. М = И = N
ijklmn is the claster? it doesn't stop at l? l~n lo~no! мы нас
(nos = мы in latin, but us in portugese, where also nos=nas=no=на.
нас = на? нам нас много мы сверху понесём, на нас. толпа товарищей
может большие вещи наскать. таскать. и я представил толпу друзей,
способных поднять целую стеллу? если на каждого придётся по
столбцу вверх. И я представил как много было у такого способа
переноски жертв, но это могло объяснить идею идти в ногу. Танк
массой 40 тонн тысяча крепких парней смогут поднять. Теперь давай
посмотрим сколько человек поместится под танк и под стеллу.. но
т-40 весит всего 5.5 тонн, так что давай посмотрим поместится ли
100 здоровяков под такой: 4110*2330=9576300 square
millimeters, 9.6 square metres, but how many men can get in the
square metre vertically? 450 millimetres wide would be enough per
man, roughly, 225 millimetres would be enough if they were
standing right next to eachnother (but then who knows how much can
you squeeze people плотно как плоть, firm, tight, but not more
than one third. so let's count. 0.45*0.225=0.10125 and
9.6/0.10125 = 94.8 that's the ammount of men who can get under
that tank to raise it each having about 60 kilograms to carry.
That's a lot, but trained athletes would probably have no problem
doing it.
божественно ~ блаженственно
божество ~ блаженство
бог ~ благ
god ~ good
ab abe
bg бог
gd god
Could it be that the first line contains three words for the same
concept in three different languages?
ef euf
fg fag
gh guh
ij jk kl lm mn
mn man?
lm lamb?
kl ... nah, this hypothesis doesn't seem to lead anywhere.
Is R a form of T the way N is a form of M?
Walking in these euphemeral corridors I more and more question
this path. I want to refocus on biology of eternal youth.
But while I typed that something interesting came to my mind. And
why did I need this one? I lost that one. Guh.
Let's look at what I looked when I found it: Ah and Ha.
Bad and Good.
Bes and God? Something like that.
But why is bad Ah! is in male form of syllable? Because men are
bad. Men are evil. If mother is the god. Mother is good. The best
person in the world, every kid knows that. Dad is Bad.
Mom is Awesome. Mom is Some Mama-sama.
Ha and Da as the further irritation of that syllable. The Ma
syllable? Ma syllable. Ha syllable is more basic. Ma is some
conscious word. Mwa (sound of a kiss)
But then a kiss is not about the sound. Sound is onomatopoeia.
some random awesomeness:
who knows if that is correct or not, but
that can be said about almost everything.
interesting how verbal suffix -an reminds germanic -en and noun
suffixes -az, -am remind latin -us, -um, yet they have pure -us in
a couple of cases, but I don't see -um, but many other such as
-iz, -un, -on, so it seems that the orthography of proto-germanic
was not standartized, actually because they didn't have it, it's a
reconstructed language, so it IS not standartized. If orthography
is to distinguish morphemes in the sam forms regardless of the
contextual changes of their pronounciation. While the other way of
thought tells that orthography has to represent phonetic side more
than semantic side. And thus there is demand for both ways. And
I'd say phonetists should feel free to use their ipa if they feel
such necessity, and the rest of us should shift more into
hieroglyphic way of thought, where each morpheme has its sign and
because those signs are multiliteral, there are more of those
digraphs and trigraphs than the monographs of letters they consist
of in the alphabetic scripts.
I found that list looking for cognates. And I found that cognates
in roman law are relatives by mother, and relatives by father are
agnates. A & Co. C opening the consonant raw in the east, the
ka or japanese mother, as the opposite to ba? ba is father in some
middle-east. ba is closer to ma in slavic and.. where else, I'm
drifting away again, let's leave it be, let's jump onto some
firmer ground.
and what I was looking for is called not cognates (these are the
same words in different languages) but doublets (these are the
same words in the same languages)
English doublet-'frail' and 'fragile'-both come
from the Latin adjective 'fragilis'.
fest~feast~fete, diamond~adamant, convey~convoy,
shirt~skirt, regard~reward, poiso~potion, guard~ward,
russian люби is borrowed by romanian as iubi, which makes russian
ёбана a doublet of любима, ебать~любить, ебал~любил, ебу~любу(люблю)
which is an illustration to the l~j thing
Forts are force.
Lord is lored.
lore is лёжа
All these unlikely connections seem like enough to
make you put on your tinfoil hat, and make up wild theories
about Portuguese being related to Japanese… but of course they
really are coincidences.
Think about it this way: there are thought to be around 6,500
languages spoken on Earth today, and many thousands more extinct
and dead languages. Most of these languages likely have tens or
even hundreds of thousands of words. The largest English
dictionaries, for example, have about 470,000 words. This
gives us a very rough estimate for the total number of words in
the world on the order of 10-100 billion! With the vast number
of words in the world, of course many of these words sound
similar to each other. And of those, some also happen to mean
the same thing.
And so these coincidences pop up over and over, in different
languages across the world. The 20 false congates I’ve shown
here are just a drop in the ocean, and I could easily make
another 10 images like this. Hey, if this post takes off, maybe
I will.
But I liberated myself from being etymologically correct by
looking for mnemonic function of such pairs. I think I will right
to that site to ask for more tables like this. Maybe I should work
with them?
Either way, how do they know that french ille is not related to
igland, maybe it used to be inle and iglan
And here he himself gives an example of such third level relation:
and couple of other cool thing from the same page:
and another one:
and some more awesome stuff from the same site:
(it's all hyperlinked, so I hope they don't
and from his fb page:
It's a little bit surprising that most of humanity uses latin. But
seems accurate to me.
They forgot georgian and who knows how many others. Even in the
comparison to the previous one.
So what about all that good artists borrow great artists steal
thing? I just don't think my contribution should be the only thing
I want to feed to the ai. I would feed my
own and borrowed things separately and united to see how far
apart those models will be. Very
much apart it will be because my structure would be all about
the connections between the elements, and theirs? we'll see, but
most likely they will be separated uninterwined pieces of
Let's try to derive whole the language out of ha and ah
ha~da~duh~yeah~jah~ya~я~I~eye~ai!yayai! and that links it back to
ah, which is the opposite:
I and я are phonetically as different as ah and ha. (ah is closer
to az, though, az is old form of я)
а was instead of я? because az is how a is named in russian. a as
the russian I
I-k-l-m-n is english mode? pentatonic! (I occasionally forgot j
and thus 6's and 4's meet at 5. but 4's could be pentatonics by
intervals. 6's could be chromatic by intervals (before tempered
clavier we didn't looped different notes into octaves, but
additional sounds went on growing with prefixes, I wrote about it
so e don't have to remember it now. e is an accidental for я. je
is you in dutch. ya is you in english too. ya is me for russians,
but ya is you for brits. Thus russians are Я - somehow this link
between Яиssians (яицкие как казаки (хазах силач на иврите)) was
there from the very start of Я or russians. eu of europe is её in
russian. but that is just my fluke influenced by u following e in
some f's.
eng is -ing nobody else says ing
a-b-c-d is russian mode? абвгд it is in russian, and it is
I see ab obey cd sit (sidi in russian, but these are cognates,
thus russian form is less reduced, stronger)
more strong stronger strongmore - silent m, silenced before lating
бел белее ее как er это близко, а ее как мор is further, and thus
this guess is counterproductive, carrying further away, dividing,
and I must unite languages. Use this case to pick out dividing
hypotheses from the ai feed.
I remember that a is a later addition to ancient alphabet
beginning with b. Only ogham begins with b of all the alphbaets
today. Unless futharkh is the ancient representation of that meme:
fuѳ - arx
V – A
b – d
in – out
в – de
And it would be nice to find a language naturally uniting slavic у
and spanish de
house the ours
домина до миня
wept so much that his face was wet
water wetter (makes wet, and more wet than anything)
вода и water are cognates and thus вода~моча? моча мочит.
разделяли ли древние люди разновидности жидкостей?
series serial serious could be повторяющий(ся) (антоним:
несерьёзный (пустой, вздорный, безответственный)
> And it would be nice to find a language naturally uniting
slavic у and spanish de
y = v = ↓ = w, ш, Σ
A = Δ = ↑ = t
r as form of t (I tried to speak of that before but was
gettago gives gerrago and giveitaway gave givrrway eta is r? эта ра? не вижу других примеров в эту
r and t are male and s is female (she, sie (h~и~i)) q is female
(queen, kvinna) p is male papa. o is female (open vowel, ring is
female (cross or stick is male)) n is male? m is female (m is ma,
n is he, он)
l is male, k is female? kvinna? but king too, but -ing could be
"owned" if g was g which is d in russia, when g and d was
the same cd staveless and stavved. ɔ could be the staveless form
of b.
ɔbcd was the yin yang, and exactly in this order.
ef gh is also yin yang? seems so.
ijk lmn is the yin yang again? ice and lemon? cake and lemon? I
don't know.
opq rst are? or are they чередуются? oqs and prt shuffled. I like
p and r in the same group, because they seem to be invariants (in
greek and russian pr is how they go not having the q in between,
and their r looks like р.
and that is why I tried to unite s and t in one, but if they're
male and female, they're the yin-yangs.
And if it is true what they said about etruscan's ɔc as all the
first line (now they seem to add more letters, but here's the
image I saw first)
It seems how it was on omniglot when that collection this image
leads to saved before they janged it. Now it is like this:
I suspect different schools having different views on thes. But
because the AGEF order is counter-intuitive and bold and
brow-raising, I suspect them to have reasons to claim that they
had neither B nor D there. So it makes me think they had their
reasons to claim that. And to dig it further I have to find the
old books on etruscan, I believe it is there in them. Not tonight
that's for sure.
Also notice them reading H as ch, what I claimed it to be to
justify it's position not in velars but in coronals column.
And I found runic given in futhark order:
But it seems to be some other font. Some wild runic mess with
who knows what origins and authetity.
That site has some interesting information on other writing
systems I've shown:
Origin of the Bobileth Alphabet
Probably the earliest known pre-Roman writing in the islands of
what would become the area of Britain and Scandinavia was a
Goidelic alphabet known as Ogham, which was first mentioned in
the Book of Ballymote. Goidelic consisted of a number of upright
strokes, standing on, suspended from, and crossing one line.
Following the Ogham, came the Bobileth or Boibel-Loth alphabet
and its derivatives, all preferred to some extent by the Druids
in certain areas.
It mentions ogham and it gives these letters in ogham order. but
it has 16 letters. Interesting, I wonder what is the source
of this.
And that site has another example of runes placed in alphabetic
order, and though it's a mess too, I wonder what are their
sources, I will write them now.
that ng tells that ng is just four lines in the form of the
square. The other forms of that ᛝ is ᛜ and wheter ᛝ is that
rhombus written lazily or, as I think it's two ᚲ's carelessly
drawn one across the other.
Here, they give a good comparison of greek and hebrew:
Interesting. I think it's the first time I see how they counted
thousands. With the dots, huh.
Could it be that arabic dotted letters are rudiments of some
previous and maybe even forgotten writing system. Will I be able
to reconsturcti it? Ai probably will.
And to save the place, I placed some other long comparison next to
Some etruscan with Г and lating without C.
And why I got so excited by etruscan having only A and C in the
first raw is that staved and staveless runes are the same, and
thus ɔ c being the first line is spectacular.
and something I collected too, so I'll add it to it:
staff and stave are doublet.
Some carian writing system:
ɔ с
or why do I hypothesize that monstrocity, when I found a better
symmetry before:
voiced letters grow up, voiceless letters grow down. So let's
figure out right and wrong forms.
g probably appeared the latest. g is c with a dot (or the other
way around?)
And that idea is completely lost outside those bdpq thing: g, j,
y, z grown below while they're voiced.
h, k, t grow upwards being voiceless. As if they made it the other
way around in spite or to palance the bdpq thing out? l is the
only other voiced growing upwards. So are they bdlpq? could make
sense, actually, because l looks like a dividing stroke and it
stands between them too.
Λ b d
V p q
and because whisper is comprehensible, they're the doublets b~p
(papa in the west, baba in the east, how does it make d more of a
mommy I've no idea, they could be both baba's like brother frater
father, father was a brother too? Did they fuck the kvinna
together until they figured out that from relatives kids are worse
than between foreigners (from different villages)
We're learning on our mistakes. Let's learn to progress faster.
First the goals:
biobunkers for everybody. The most basic form of it is just inner
shell: owner will place it into a concrete and warming by himself.
Just inflate spheres out of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Sorrow ~ Горе
S ~ C ~ С ~ Г
Sorrow~sorry (горюет)
in russian sorrow is gore. Such a hardcore russia.
sorrow serious sad. The opposite is рад, glad, red.
r before s - could they stand for red and sad (сер, gray, and
again g is s and these two letters look alike and russians used to
have s where g is:
SЗ could be two variants of the same (З is Z) or they could be 23
or 53? 53 makes sense because I is not too far (H is probably II)
thus З И I are 3 2 1? S is 5? because Ж has exactly 6 ends. E as
7? Д as 8 without the bottom? The opposite of ꙋ desu ka? 9 for г (g)
and 10 for В? Б rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise would be a
better 10 and that is how this B could appear as two 5's two S's
two c's along the staff.
I think I found something. If we count from I backwards we get the
1 to 10? let's try it in english, where I don't have to wonder
what was the 4. Ч? Ч for щ would look god among s, z, sh, because
it's very close to ш which would fulfil that set the best. in that
period I brought all those цчшщ are past omega which is
traditionally the final. So could the mess in the second line be
the attempt to include those russian letters in the set. Did set
of letters grow because grammatists didn't recognize the cognatic
sounds? That would make languages more related, if russians wrote
пламя as flame reading f as p and e as ya. flame read as plamya
russians read that ey as a.
Russian soul will learn from english soul more if we begin
speaking less open, the way they speak in egnlish, not plamya but
fleimj with final e reduced, when
russians inflated it into ya (but they both stress the a пламя пыл
пылает -мя что за суффикс? зна-мя пла-мя вы-мя (зна-ю, зна-к.
выдою? выпью? вымя прикрепляет -мя (моё? me? я is e in english) to
preposition вы, таким образом слово вымя не имеет корня, лишь
приставку и суффикс)
пыл пыль дым? дымит пылит (вз)дымает пылает (пыль вздымает пылит
дымит. пыль и дым лишь позже разошлись? но фонетически-то они
разные. дым пыль ль~m? п~д? papa~dada huh, p and d are the same
form, ortated 180 degrees. b is баба q is kvinna. So that is how
they are divided! p is d. It explains tha labiality of papa. But
how can it be? Isn't labial and lingual the opposition of B and T?
b and q are B, d and p are T? πρσ/ςτ
aren't they the ultimate 2 1? isn't it the ultimate numeral
direction from T being the final letter and first digit?
Ш П Т is the best that came to my mind.
ANd because of ж з с in the second line I say it's E, EFШЦ as some
protoform giving posterity in it's variants. e как если и как ex.
f как if и of. ш for шо and ц for це.
кашель кошель
caugh caught, кашель поймалю кот~колд. caught cold. кол как в
вуду? curse зараза, curses psychologically damage immune response
by overwhelming the immune brain now fighting the mystistic curse
instead of watching out for more real things. So don't believe in
transcendent shit and thus be immune to its crap.
колет ловит? рыбу острогой ловили. и поймать означало пригвоздить.
от слова гвоздь. сквозьтебя.
гвоздь сквозь. сквозит
as you can see, it's in russian order, in hebrew or lating the
order is probably different, I should look at how russian letters
are ordered if I use hebrew as the basis of the sequence.
bab for father and ded for mother is connecting these languages to
georgian. The way they pronounce brat is sweet. What is english
brot-her? her brother? шурин? brother in law, не родной брат. her
brat, господин брат. сподь как исподнее? ис под облака? из под
чего? исподнее из-под неё. надо здесь покопать, что-то древне и
базовое, косподь шутка ли. g-d
но я почувствовал себя неуютно когда этимологизировал подобные
слова. слишком много себе позволяю, кто-нибудь может счесть это
кощунством. колдунством. щука лодка? щи леды? нет, это борщь можно холодным есть, но он бурейший.
бурейш. борйш.
щека лдка? ланитка
щепка летка? лес рубят щепки ЛЕТЯТ
лтепка лё-тяпка? топор тяпал топор твёрдо и усилительного,
увеличительного (т. н. сравнительного) суффикса или предикативного
суффикса (существительного из глагола. Как
сказал кто-то, наука без знания терминологии - рецепт фиаско.
Мне неплохо бы что? я не учу их терминологию, я создаю свою и
либо доставляю обещанное, либо нет. Я вчера порекомендовал тому
у кого брал когнат полотна чтоб словари когдан и дублетов
издавал. Я сам таким займусь когда пойму что каждая буква
означает)), а тяпка мягко и уменьшительно-ласкательно. Потому топор мужское слово (по мужскому твёрдо
заканчивается) а тяпка женское, как и
коса быть может? серп был мужским и оттого мечи образовались?
How can language being used more to the north be southwestern and
another one used to the south be northwestern II
six notes in the ascending (more modern) mode and four notes in
the descending (ancient) mode, and that asks again if notes
denoted not absolute, but relative tone. Because
most musician don't have absolute ear, but they must have the
relative one. I think I heard it from Adam Neely, I hope I
didn't botch the terminology.
-re suffix can be the same in comparison and occupation noun:
cooler as more cool and cooler making it more cool, and whoknows
maybe also to cool, as -ru in japanese.
It is interesting, that to cool and to heat are verbs, while cold
and hot are not, as if they're some pp's, as if cold is shorter
spelling of cooled.
of and for are so similar semantically that it is as if r reversed
what stands befoe it.
far af? (as fuck, yeah, but nah) hear aeh? ух? also hah, h, nah.
sir is? nope. more om? no, it was just a coincidence with for and
of. Actually they're the opposites as of and to. to and for are
more similar semantically. And it's a good
wave, so I have to get high again. good morning..
and instead I drowned in the internet of shit. I probably should
write it for myself, leaving all these comments outside.
Holyness begins with honesty. Do they share the same ho? ho of
honour has our in it? hon is like hen (ochenn in nadsat. nadsat
sounds as it's pre-pissed, before pissed (mad) nations. nadsat is
above satisfactory. Because we're whites (like our own japanese
nations (all those bashkorts and tuvans) are smart too) and fuck
russia, we're not russians, and even though nadsat contains ssatt
in it, not the best association, rus is in sruss (as if I shit
myself when I'm with rus, which is semantically rather accurate)
So I was saying honesty is the foremost step towards holyness, and
thus holy has nothing to do in the government agencies: those
people lie without any second thought: if a
man doesn't fit in their parametres (причина прописки: нет ни
"ваш ебанутый закон запрещает проводить сделки без прописки" ни
даже "покупка квартиры" что уже было причиной возможности для
прописки, но не причиной прописки. клерк без задней мысли
отметила "по семейным обстоятельствам" как не имеющее значение,
опрос призванный лишь для увеличения бумагооборота. В чём прозреваю лапы лоббистов от бумажной и
лесоистребляющей индустрии. Не оттуда ли легенда о рептилоидах
как о существах, предпочитающих пустыню. Но правда в другом: они
хотят, чтоб весь чистый воздух был от синезелёных бактерий,
потому они и селятся на берегах океанов, чтоб те кто в глубине
материка шастают были лишины воздуха и если бы не прямо сдохли,
чтоб нападать на прибрежные города не смели сметь.
That is why holy men have nothing to do with the clergy. Clergy
even call their action beLIEf, as if to somebody telling that
what they believe is lie, they are supposed to answer "be lie
of" or something like that, as if "let it be lie, I want the lie
to be" so we philosophers may learn how to believe (when I
learnt it I just applied god's existance as a true fact without
challenging it for a couple of years until I felt myself going
insane (I saw god's hand in everything. I forgot that I allowed
me to suppose it because it is technically possible that he
exists but doesn't intervene. On these terms should I
reestablish it now? To question chaotic information as "is it
really god's intervention?" like "is it chaotic?" because
thinking like this I may find some other actors (artists,
officials, who knows who else)
Or that belief spelling can have nothing to do with the lie.
unless it is lie within beef. beef is the wanted sacrifice to
priests to eat, even though exodus29 demands lamb, beef could be
of some previouth faith.
yean, what an interesting word..
All the system is built on lies. As if man and machine may work
not directly but through some patches (what happens when a man can
interact with the machine directly we may see in chinese gore
videos where men are rolled onto powertools.
So the question is do we need that machine? We probably do as long
as many people may be called to decency either by extermination,
constant terror, or some dumbening lie. The lattest variant is
much more humane and thus we do. Until we make those psychos smart
enough to comprehend the concepts of decency, honesty, civility,
and so on. And we have psychos on both sides of the fince, so how
will the "good ones" act when they get smarter? Will they be
reflective on themselves or will they scheme to conquer the world,
but then they realize that others are also smarter and
calculate those conquerers out and do what to them? Some
psychiatric help with random lsd drops onto their food or just
onto them.
Знаковое событие ареста моего брата по надуманному обвинению: его
судят за то что якобы не построил фундамент прежде чем его снести,
а она говорит что
Трус и ин russian is truth
(трус тот кто проболтался, русские дикари не знают правды потому
что не любят её)
Jesus is Lord? or is it a patch to hight hide the truth. To put
something upstairs Will I go scanning the mountain tops (desert
places where else is it better to hide things.) or will I
disregard that hight~hide cognatism as a coincidence? cognate and
coincide cado is the root, not ex-, sub- -sist (-se, est; schisch?
русский шиш is зеро. кукиш кук=ш? ᚴᚴ ~ ש hebrew have staff? from
which in ש two ᚴ's grow?
this unicode chart:
And what do that I has us with. Is. Isis or Jesus? Some holy name
uttered in some other context, secretly knowing that the father is
actually the mother. We abuse her love, we regularly offend her as
a ritual. O mother! Save me. My soul is could be my soulmate, a
spirit which attached itself to me and asks me to pray for it.
it как эт в эти где и суффикс множественного числа.
Then iua is эюя? еюя? ребёнок коверкал зелёный какокий (хароший бы
подошёл лучше)
k as s with a dot can indicate both originating from some common
then similar forms fo f and h may indicate that fa fo fu but he
and hi is the same thing, as it is in japanese (I believe our
phonetics is related, but I honestly say that it is a belief)
менее has more men in it (делится на польшее бое большее
количество людей)
когнатичность с many, because many is probably of -men -en
ta-men.. where is it from? what id is ir it./? 他们 (they)
The Chinese word men - 们 - mén ( plural suffix for
persons ) ·
他们 is та+plural_suffix. which make chinese using the same
instruments, elements, the deutsch and russky use.
So languages are just messes from similar elements used
differently, pronounced differently, and in this particular case
chinese with that slightly different pronounciantion shows that
germanic men and -en are cognatic. but then germanic shows that
men is many.
an is literally one, so man has that article within it. so is en
also article? we know it only as suffix.
Is a initial position and e is its middle form (when it is
attached as a suffix) Then final position is Ъ.
А ДаваЙ ПисатЬ ВоТ ТаК, КаК ВыноснаЯ КонечнаЯ. но я слышал ли пол
правды: они не обязательно конечные:
and this rabbithole leads me further: (mirror)
It's very interesting that russian y used to have double dot above
it just like dutch ij has.
It is something very interesting, but I don't feel quite right
copy-pasting somebody else's work, so let me just link and mirror
some of his pages on, though they're all in russian: (mirror) (mirror)
and from some other link:
первая половина XVIIIв:
вторая половина XVIIIв:
(канцелярское письмо) первая
половина XIXвека:
украинская скоропись XVII - нач.XVIIIвв:
беларусская скоропись:
пермские письмена XVв:
and a couple more:
(там вязь, русская и поморская)
as ~ ass
как ~ кака
s and k are both c (literally эс in russian)
и внезапно я говорю хэз инстэд оф эс, и осознаю что слово хезать
значит срать.
также сри может быть редуцированной сиди, где си ис эс. just as s
in sit.
I didn't find -i suffix for adjectives in mongolian, but they have
-in for russian -ен and japanese -の which is a continuum of
suffixes related to english word own.
I didn't find -i suffix for adjectives in chinese, unless these
words contain this suffix:
绿[li](green) which is transliterated as Lǜ but it is pronounced by
translator as li.
熉[юнь](yellow) no closer forms of it could be found. blue has even
more further reading:
蓝[lan](blue) which is extremely similar to that li of lǜ both
semantically and phonetically.
-n appears where russians use that same -и for plural form. And
the concept of plural is semantically not too far from the concept
of adjective.
Just sent a message to Mikitko:
Интегрировал пару твоих видео в месиво или
как раньше говорили цветник своего фриковатого исследования:
Сегодня благодаря им искал выносные буквы и набрёл на В лежащую
на ставе что точно как ߘ что внезапно да, стало быть совпадение
скорей всего, но этот предположительно новодельный алфавит
содержит множество древних концептов: ߋߛߡ для трёх матерей
(как их называет сефер йецира) хоть и сопоставлены формы звукам
не так как в брахми или берберский амазик внезапно столь
алфавитное слово, как abacus, тоже гласная губная
И этот ход мысли обратил взоры мои на этот неординарный систему
письма. Она в алфавитном порядке, просто это не сразу заметно,
потому что она идёт справа налево:
But let's arrange those consonants into clasters found by
comparison with latin script:
bp dʒ tʃ d t
r rr s f where r ~ ж as in chinese(r~з,
rr~ж, and thus r~г~g~ж) and f ~ both f and θ. s ~ ζ
k l gbm ɲn
w j h ŋ also look alphabetic, but it's more of a u-line than
o-line (which is probably a-line in
disguise, a whisper form of that) with all that w y x z
And this actually mostly unknown order of vowel-labial-lingual may
indicate two things: that Kante was extraordinarily profound
within the writing systems domain, which is incredible considering
the pre-internet epoch he lived in. And b is he simply revealed
into the word the ancient writing system used in secret as runes
used to be. I say it's the latter.
And the way ߋߛߡ is different
from brahmic 𑀏𑀩𑀞
and old-turkic 𐰿𐰶𐰷𐰗 (orkhon is
directly relative to ork, which turk
look like to europeans)
and berberic ⴰⵠⴱⴲⵀⵁⵔⵕⵙⵚ.. I know some
of these can be square, let's return to it ~10 lines later.
and old-turkic 𐰶𐰷 is q, not b,
which could be related to eastern nation havink k instead of b, or
could it be breaking this hypothesis? I will know when I construct
the model of it with ai or without it.
Either way, here old-turkic meets n'ko's the best.
And the way berberic amasigh has ⵔ for R and ⴰ for a tells that
with three votes against the brahmic one we state that ◯ stands
for vowel. As it is in greek and lativn latin actually: o (hebrew
tells ס is s, which is also so in greek: σ, so in greek s and o
are as similar as I and l. And I notice that l stands in I-row and
s stands is o-row. Δ stands in Α-row, and thus we find consonant
counterparts of vowels, and I can only guess if E has З as a
counterpart, and if it's also Σ and if U is reflected with V or ᚢ
with П)
t in front of turk and etruscan could be the toponym's prefix,
relative to 𓏏
of ~ to
Back to tifinagh. I saw square in some dialectal form of it:
Then R is not vowel, but lingual, and ⴰⵠⵔ of avr (where ⵔ is square.
and the difference in graphic could be arbitrary or deeply
connected with the concept of area seen as square in decimal
culture and as circle in octal one) could directly
incluence the n'ko's ߋߛߡ of ems
But if such influence took place, then we should compare their lecsics lexics if a of amazigh
corresponds to e of manding. and if v or amazigh refers to m of
manding. and if r in one is s in the other.
But then there is another reprezentation of tifinagh, telling that
some letters are of later origin:
and whatever expanded means, it takes my ⵠ away and makes me ask
if I have ⴰ and ⵔ for vowels and now ⵡ the ⵯ is the labial w or ⵎ
the m, and ⴷ or ⴸ is the lingual d (yet ⴸ is of extended set too)
This way may help in understanding the forms, or it could confuse,
but I will use it and I will report if I get confused or not. I dins ir find it remarkable that ⵡ and ⵎ
are both labial, and that ⵡ reminds U so much, and ⴷ then directly
relates to Δ or Λ. It is a very raw, very confusing subject. You
probably should wait for me to figure it out, but I keep it online
in case I drop before I finish.
expanded and extended can be a source to understand p and t. or maybe not. I
will look into them or not
That urk of turk and orsk or russian and ukr between them gives
out russia and turkey as some common conglamerate of nations not
worthy for eu (russian church's centre is suddenly in Istanbul
(not Constantinopole) and half of Russia is tatars and other
turks. Moscow sounds as mosque and they teach us that alcoholism
is our problem and that the only reason we're not muslims is that
drinking is our way to have fun. So once we figure out that we got
bamboozled on it, we may turn muslim overnimght. But then here's a
positive effect of commie experiment, because of which most of
these territories are inhabited by righteous atheists.
I was on hunting
I was a-hunting
a ~ one again, and thus on~one..
wait, what? or is on = un-? is it у[u](at)?
it's explained (in russian) in this video:
from which also the example which made me realize is the
That mongolian -in for -ин of genetivus is -ing in english,
because reading is of some Reada.
The same -ing is used for merovings, carolings, vikings.
Browning as a surname thus has the same russian suffix -in half of
russian and jewish surnames have.
-ing как окончание фамилий т.о. когнат-морфема с русским суффиксом
-ин, который идентичен монгольскому -йн, что семантически близко к
английскому own, a русская форма среднего рода идентична японскому
-の что говорит, что разные языки это просто различные наборы из по
большей части одних и тех же универсальных элементов, которые ещё
только предстоит расшифровать и сопоставить.
Я не должен зависать в интернет-хаосе будучи накурен!!!
Maybe Mars was the argument we would understand (even if he
himself doesn't believe in it) so he could push forward the
asteroid mining we would consider crazy because we had no idea
what asteroids are.
is cool and all, but it's too little for half an hour I've been
high so far. Please be reasonable and serious.
I am not going to be serious, because I'm too gay in my colours
while babylon makes us believe that colours are gay and gay are
homosexual which fucks us up because homo is the name of the
specie of our own. It's as if extraterrastrials laughing at us
"russia's gay and everyone there got aids"
As these guys tell, we're stuck with the crapy
shitty ones, which is natural, because why would more
advanced nation be interested in the culture so lower than theirs,
we are pretty shitty ourselves so that beasty feature of ours
would repulse shitty cultures more than clean ones.
what were the chances! how could crape appear right in the time
when this great man just got heroed a month and two days ago. In
exactly a week it will be 40 days, some ritual of passover is
taken at 40 days, maybe because сорок ~ срок, и может раньше это
было как недавнее 60, как сегодня воспринимается 80
И то же самое слово привязано к совсем другим контекстам, к
беременности, и может именно то что это 280 дней дало рождение
концепции недели. Но скорей всего их было не недель, а лун,
месяцев которые были менее абстрактными величинами, а работали как
календарь на небосводе (сложно поверить что это устроено всё так
случайными закономерностями, а не антропоморфной волей (сам этот
хаус человеческую волю выковал, так что не удивительно что мы их
видим как родное. оно и есть такое. house~chaos have orthography
as different as can be, but maybe before people learnt to tidy up
their houses were chaotic to the core.
so I was going to speak of the concept of 40
(probably appearing at the conception of gestation (taking place
after conception)) applied to days by priests, and
priests are speaking of what they don't know of, what they blindly
believe, maybe that's why поп~попка. But it could be from some
actual magick knowledge. Unless all magick is magic and
his 40 days will be on september 15, next Wednesday. Today is a
Wednesday. Odin's day, Wotan's day, What? Wit! Wise. Why's, whies
or whys? Whys is more clear. Wise man is a man of why.
And twenty years to 9/11 attacks is tomorrow. How wild is that! He
probably was preparing some present on the 20th aniversary.
ߋߛߡ (ⴰⵠ□) are probably the
sequence of houses we built (from a cave or burrow to wigwum, but
wickiup is probably more common technology wicky up (twiggy up, sticky up, wingy up. is
wing~arm~stick?) wicky wacky. and the boxes
we build now. Then we see why turks consider 𐰿𐰷𐰗 velar, like in
casa, while база could be more labial form of it. (𐰿𐰷𐰗 [jqʃ])
berbers tents are much more square and they
know square houses too, though they know wickiup too.
Or is this sequence denote womb, way, tomb? is
□ the box of sarcophagus or a coffin. caught
Vowel is naturally the first, because some vowel is what toddlers
pronounce the most.
Labial is second, because it's for a baby, for somebody telling
talling tolling calling mama a lot.
Lingua is the whole distinct language. Kids pronounce labial
letters alright, and only later do they master al the linguals
(and not always all too, but speech defects are mostly if not all
among linguals)
and considering how high I am, I smoked two or three times (alas)
I delivered only about three screens. good. Now it's time to go
making business. I must break through with my alien technologies.
Cart has wheels
on the left side rotating conter-clockwise, and the wheels at
the right side rotate clockwise.
And in this sense the way brits and japs drive their roads is
luckier not only because their ringroads go clockwise, but also
that their drivers sit at the right and thus lucky side. Were
that some important passengers who made us all have our roads
But it's all mystical babble until we look at the rate of the
accidents across different nations. And it's probably nothing,
because though Hong Kong's rate is the lowest, Norway comes next
and Norway is right-sided. And Britain is 50% higher than Norway
and 100% higher than Hong Kong, so it's just some mumbo-jumbo,
maybe useful to understand how tha ancestors thought, but
useless in the practical sense. And if we compare not per
capita, but per kilometres, Norway is the safest and Hong Kong
is far behind. Britain's roads.. rides, not roads are the third
safest though. Now you see I'm again in the field I had nothing
to do with, but since I had an idea from that area, I collected
it here, ban and now the best I
can do is to send it to some statisticians forum or bury it here
or maybe even erase it at all. grey color. duh.. nah.. duh is
do, yea is ya (you in one language and я in the other. so we
must start from before that, we must go where no pronouns were?
I found that probably qst and 1st
and 3rd persons appeared before the 2nd. 2nd is the most complex
one: it has polite gradations, when japanese have both 2nd and
1st person politeness levels. Which tells that I could appear
after they. the то сё. that this. the is someb
something abouve j то сё this and that
But then.. how many of those brittish accidents are caused by
tourists? Nah, leave it to some bigger machine head. Though I
feel like turning И into H and Н into N might be a great idea.
also because it uniteds more than divides, but evil politicians
tend to divide (to conquer, to impera) Yet we need both kinds of
politicians: when Russia is sick, it is humane to divide
Ukreing UKreich. The decission to allow the UK to make us
Hong Kong in Kyiv may be a great boost for all russian economy.
Russia will border UK.
Politics is garage but somebody has to do
it. garbage, not garage. carcage. a la gar. trains were
considered cars in france? nice. Such semantic cognates are the
basis of the upcoming cognate's dictionary.
Russia is Mussia
(Родина Мать) Разиня Родия Родня Русня Простые. Русые.
Россия Мать ибо порождает национальные государства там где до
неё были лишь кочевые племена (киргизы говорят что очень
благодарны россии за создание их государственности, блитанцы в
палестинах как-то хуже и гаже го-енность стоздали. Но н пример с
китайцами, ГонКонг гораздо лучше мандаринъского (хоть их и
пытались сделать кантонским, почти гондонским, но они ГонКонг
или СенЖен в другом диалекте чтоли? ШэньЧжэнь это через реку от
ГотКотка, который на путунхуа (мандаринский?) а сам ГонКонг
называют СянГан. Так что видишь какое имя этот город обретёт
после объединения городов по манеру Будапешта. Но я не согласен
с сюсюкающим креативом коммимразей, Китайская компартия должна
излечиться от марксизма и жажды власти, что неизбежно с
появлением на рынке поумнителя. И ШэньЧжэнь станет ГонКонгом
(поселение непосредственно рядом с городом является расширение
этого города) который станет столицей Китая.
Надо начинать выборность не правителей, а городов. Чтоб успешные
города на нексколько лет расширяли свою власть на все города
государства. Не москва, а более успешные и менее жадные. По
крайней мере тогда перед городами откроется на что их налоги
Россия породила Украину? Украинцы считают, что скорее украина
породила россию. Киев породил Москву? Это тоже неверно, но как
образы могут сосуществовать. Мы клоны друг друга? В таком случае
оба взгляда (на первый взгляд несовместивые, противоречивые)
являются верными. оба. Но Россия отпочковала от себя много го-ъ
а потому может считать себя матерью, да они так и говорят,
родина, motherland. У украинцев это батьковщина. Путин оформил
розвод символизируя последующее деление недвижимости? Украинцы
выиграли бы имидживо если бы избрали Юлю. Но она под паршивого
отравленного проклалась. Ющенко был позитивной силой? Раз
коррупцию в стране не заборол, значент нет: подствной. Не
обязательно кремлёвский: но чинушный: хотя украина осталась
свободной: так то с чего мне0то судить с чем ему там столкнуться
окей, живе украина, будем агитировать кремлинов чтоб выдавали
украину не за ЕУ, а за ЮК, с ЕУ у нас граница и так есть.
Т.е. с их колокольни, если Россия - мать, то Украина - дочь. И
задача хорошей матери не ломать жизнь дочери тупо говоря "бросай
его: без него проживём" как деревенские дуры делают: а подгон
дочери жениха получше.
Китаю это польстит тем: что Россия с них взяла пример? Подобно тому как они с нас когда-то взяли, за
что я прошу у них прощения.
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