It is volume 9 ( 012345678) this is a draft part, it may seem that I
stumble around some random rhymes, but that's how I always was
working and some cool stuff came out of it, so the most solid
info is the first half of the first volume, all the rest is raw
as odb loved it or more. several cool notes appeared afterwards,
so I keep it online just in case and because ever wanted to read
drafts of scientists.
Let's list the main points of this work so far:
alphabetic order has some structures if lined out in planar tables
1. when it's cut into lines beginning with vowels.
2. when it's cut into lines which has vowels in centre of lines,
and some vowelless lines are allwed if they are even only. But not
all alphabets can be arranged like this, but some of them arrange
into it nicely, so probably even less people knew about such
3. reflection between the halves (or folds around some important
4. reading of that first arrangement when the diagonal of
reflection is lined from the top left corner into the right bottom
These four hypotheses are arranged by the rate of my belief in
them. I'm pretty sure hypothesis number 1 is numero uno indeed,
it's most probably a historic arrangement, I met few records of
this structure, one from a modern-day amateur scientist, one from
one english book, one from one indian book. I found that structure
independently and it came frist or the second after the third.
(hypothesis 2 came in the 3rd, and hypothesis 4 is the most recent
one, it literally was born in the end of the previous volume)
Also transcription of ancient texts cannot be trusted 100% as all
the science have reflected on itself and discovered a replication
crises, of which I think I was aware of, because I knew I had to
do it from scratch, but I was motivated by some linguistic forum
to dig further in the past to be taken more seriously, so I
followed that ruiling.
Christian claims that it's them invented all those writing systems
are false.
Also some open threads to ancient egyptian, music theory, both
iberias, chinese, native american, african and polynesian writing
systems, some mystical and mythological references, leading to
whole that culture to find relating pieces and gesture language
can be a source of theorizings, and there are probably more, ogham
of course.
These claims are up to you to find out how credible am I, I think
I trust them pretty well.
(I lay out the argumentations for them in the previous volume.
here my task is to go further, and I think a good and perspective
source for research is the short words of some old european
language such as latin in relation to modern european languages
and how the same short pieces relate in them.
a = 1, to, well I didn't expect the reference to 1 2, but
here it is. a is but in russian, which also follows a.
of об
в was v in russian and б was where ё is now?
de оf
до to
is есть - why does modal word has the to in russian?
am ем
are ести
are am is as AMS
Вы Я Он
В could be the b, the prehistorically first letter.
I as the centre between A & V.
N of он is the final letter of its' line, and could be lmn the xyz
of the past?
also N is ν
VIN? ni = мы? я тоже последняя. V was the last and that's W of we.
VJN? and Он as the alphabetic sequence is
чем могут быть алфавитные слова как не следом более древней
системы? и слово ёж предстало как базовым как еда, и представить,
что люди начинали звероловство с поедания ежей можно представить
очень даже: в еже мяса как раз на раз, другие звери их скорей
всего не умели ловить а человек знал, что можно тупо камнем убить
его. ежи кусаются, так что да, руками ловить погано. Возможно, мы
делали себе одежду из шкурок ежа. Любопытно было бы посмотреть.
Но скорей всего эта дрянь колкая, так что наверное нет. Может на
щит разве что прибивали как оружие, но тоже своих же поколишь
некстати. так что наверное нет. еж еда и только.
A guy contacted me about his app and I thought that he will be
more interested in some other research: (Global Alphabet by
Yuliana Gorokhov)
and though I first thought it was purely an artistic project,
watching it now I see that she speaks of historical unity of all
those alphabets. And it makes her work much more interesting, and
she even removes the first stroke of Л the way it obviously is a
swash when you compare cursive Л and l.
but then I watch further and I notice that
she doesn't reconstruct the prehistoric unity, but turns it into
truly an artistic project, which makes it less interesting for
me, but the latin-arabic font is cool)
And when I searched for it, alphabet ted, I found an african
professor speaking of ancient arabic writing systems, and here's a
and there he recommends his book, which also contains many sources
for research:
(I link it to a pirated version of his book,
it also cannot into ctrlF, so it's a demo version, for all of
you to see how beautiful is this book, of what perfect quality
is its pictures. It seems old russian or european equipment was
sent to africa and preserved there pretty well. Pirates do break
some unjust laws, and I justify that because I give them free
promotion, either way how am I less worthy than librusec where I
found it. Sharing is caring. Pirating boosts sales because it
promotes) I would mirror, but it's too big.
I selected this one image, because it can indicate how muslim
missionaries also lied about their inventions, That time people
knew of much more useful writing systems, why would they use
african system a little, but not completely, why does it go
labials first if modern scholars didn't know that? Why would it be
named ki ka ku as if it has som other, the eastern order and only
three vowels. And notice that signs with a i u go syllabricly with
diacritic over the same sign, and other syllables are off this
structure, completely arbitrary. So maybe that guy did invent it,
adding his silly additional syllables to the ones used before him.
to the original Ki Ka Ku. KKK is some psy-op, so it seems, it
could hit africans with godly awe via these synapses, no wonder
they were scared. It was a psy-op, a terrorizing.
綺麗な [kireina] is carino or carina in italian.
использование эпиграфов честно ли? Иногда
читаешь эпиграф и книжку закрыл потому что и так слишком много
понял. А еслидальше читать того же качества текст будет ли? У
меня эпиграф строго информативный.
contiguous and contagious are similar not only by their
orthography, but semantically too.
fear and affraid are connected via dutch vrees (verbal form is
vrezen) or such form in old english.
I swear when I pray, does it mean I'm for sure.
(the question is are swear and sure are cognate? да, блядь!
is blядь is блять is быть? ля ы bl balaкать lalakatt. bla-bla-bla
is ля-ля-ля. бl = ы because l = i and б is optional? (because in english do is duh, blatt. and
english -ing swears or curses are translaterd into russian with
-ed матs)
but ы is the opposite of я in this claster.
la is modified ы, ы is some abstract vowel, and probably that's
how they sang before they learned to merge vowels with consonants
into syllables.
ba bu bi is russian semantic name meme,
so I lay it out in this oghamic order.
da du di could be да do ты or duh, du дей. opposite or not, я and
ы are both of i-claster, unless у is y and я is а. are ы and я
both y's and that's how it splits from where it splits into u and
i (both can be a, because of bus and i's name's ai)
| is ו ا i
ו stands for и which is i, and and.
those knucklebones are also called astrogali and tallus. which can
be related to tallysticks.
talli astrogali, probably a coincidence, or similar suffix. (mirror)
Пуруша (др.-инд. पुरुष, puruṣa IAST, «человек,
мужчина, дух») — согласно индуистской мифологии, существо, из
тела которого была создана Вселенная.
В Ригведе жертвоприношению Пуруши посвящён отдельный гимн —
Пуруша-сукта. Пуруша — Наслаждающийся — четырнадцатое из 1000
имён Вишну.
В индийской философии термин «пуруша» означает «божественный
дух», макрокосм. В философии санкхьи пуруша — множественное
неподвижное мужское (духовное) космическое начало, «чистое
сознание», созерцающее динамичное женское начало — пракрити
(материя). Пуруши являются вечными, их основные свойства —
отсутствие свойств (ниргуна). Однако Пуруша, созерцающий
пракрити, склонен ошибочно идентифицировать себя с ней и с
В первоначальном учении присутствовал тезис о множественности
пуруш (пуруша-бахутвам), тогда как в позднейших трактатах
провозглашался уже принцип единого пуруши, наделяемого
качествами, близкими к атрибутам атмана Упанишад.
перекликается с
Берешит , Берешит , Bereshis , Берейшит ,
B'reshith , Beresh't , Берешит , или Bereishees ( בְּרֵאשִׁית -
иврит для «в начале» первое слово в parashah ) является первой
еженедельно часть Торы ( פָּרָשָׁה , parashah ) в ежегодном
еврейском цикле чтения Торы . Параша состоит из Бытие 1: 1–6: 8
. Берешит (парашах) -
(но это не точно)
The word renown shows that k in known is a prefix. Probably, the
same as in russian к which is to.
and then now is probably now and n is a suffix of the past or done
as in done and gone.
𓄿 in simpler representation can give 𐲀 as back and beak and A as
legs and tail and wing and a as head and body.
here A regains its beak as if it simply rotated its head or maybe
itself in the form of A and with swash it rotates its head to its
Swash of G makes g even closer to d (both meet again in g
being russian d)
And it gives us ABᚦ EFG
and next H is a form of I, a double I, and swashed form of J shows
that it's half a I, a י (is it why they thought hebrew didn't have
vowels? Because I was shorter than theirs? Then such tendency
existed? Arabs spoke their semitic language at least a millenium
longer and they have ה which is vowel in half of hebrew examples
is completely consonant in arabic ه also why o is in the e-line?
is efg actually opq?
but abc structure demands all hijkl to be one claster. and it's
easy because l ~ I and h ~ ג ~ λ ~
but positionally those letters don't correlate:
א ב ג ד ה
j i h g f
do I wanna say g ~ κι / f ~ θ / ν ~ N ~ И?
ה~ joy / ד ~ да ~ и / ב ~ va ~ go / א ~ f as we saw it in futhark?
Can I pull every owl to every globe?
covid is cow it
go it, избегай этого, cow ~ go (уходит, не дерётся) а бык бычит?
бык be, остаётся, не уходит.
to and tu
to ~ you is the semantic origin of that prefix. to ~ твоё, тебе
me ~ ne ~ моё, мне.
to ~ take
no ~ don't touch.
take ~ touch
от ~ of
oт ~ oб
to / off
до ~ то ~ to
от / до
то и ты показывают как второе и третье лицо изначально не
and вы is as a form of we? вы is the way to speak to ours, ты is a
rude way to address a foe.
(ты и те, а не вы и мы)
вы и мы are both labial and it is where the first and second
person pronouns meet.
вы и ты подобны c которое и с b и с d.
c ~ sie (but also Вы (U) and She and They, and is it where W and Ш
(раньше я зачастую использовал ~ и / бестолково, как придётся,
теперь я вижу, что следует писать так: ~ почти что =, / значит
противопоставление (like 2 to 4 is a half, for example, but that's
not only possible form of antonymity, grammars are more complex
than math)
both grammar and math have ma in it's base, just as music has m
three m's
not only myth, but also grammath grammar is grandma, grany
math is mother. and music is the younges, maiden because other
positions are taken. lala
Music is muse? Three mothers are three
I think I came to this conclusion before in
this work.
I as a newer, individualism pronoun. Ah! Ya! some междуметие
видимо взято за него.
Междуметия до сих пор не особенно частями речи воспринимаются,
потому что крикнуть можно такое, что и не запишешь, как lleju
which I think sounds as ee-huh, but I didn't find any other
transliteration of that cowboy whoopee. [yā-who]
I is ego, literally его. Ich is literally их.
here can be the explanation why high and low sounds are named so
οπρστ could be some Pythagorean line with
ο standing for the circle
π standing for the π of περίμετρος
ρ - I expected it to stand for radius, but google translate that
word as ακτίνα
σ could be square or area, square of the square's area because
square's square is the square of it's side. τ could be τετράγωνο but then
I see that it's square which is quadrat, not area. area is
περιοχή, with π.
diameter is διάμετρος which is literally two metres, as if radius
is a metre by default, as it is often so in trigonometry.
so I don't really know greek, it's time to visit that professor
with whom I worked with greek before.
π standing for both περίμετρος and περιοχή and when
diametre is 1 metre, perimetre of the square is literally π, and when radius
equals 1, περιοχή is
literally π. I wonder why
it's radius in one case and diametre in the other. weird.
will return to this weird stuff later. I mean what were the
chances! even if it's p>0.05,
this number is totally arbitrary, so why would I care,
humanities are not hard science anyway. And I also probably
calculate my p-value wrong. Here a guy explaining what it is
and why it doesn't really matter as much as they want it to:
Minazuki (水無月, "Month of Water"). The 無
character, which normally means "absent" or "there is no",
is ateji here, and is only used for the na sound. In this
name the na is actually a possessive particle, so minazuki
means "month of water", not "month without water", and
this is in reference to the flooding of the rice fields,
which require large quantities of water.[15] 無 standing for no is used as na (I
would never know it, because it's always bu elsewhere, actually
is's wu in chinese and mu in japanese, it is bu only when it's a
prefix) and here m and n meet again.
(it's irrelevant that there's no historic records of
european-japanese contact before the ones we know of, because m~n
unity was even before l~r unity (because both l~r is the same sign
in japanese) and we have no historic records of l~r unity either,
but I think it's conserved in the language iteself (мы, но нас,
us, nos, uns ~ wir, nós, we, мы) is this w~m unity testifying that
we ~ no (no as in nos. this w~m~n unity is supported by v~ν and
whether these words are related or not, the syllable is definitely
the same, that ancient w~m~n nasality, and japanese show at their
nose when they say watakushi
(tachi is plural suffix)
how to avoid a military conflict? abolish military complex.
(countries without mic are annexed without much bloodshed if their
politicians are not polite enough to go together and in their
unique way, it takes some diplomacy to be a sovereign nation,
military power is nothing but bullying. And don't we all have a
duty to oppose the powers which be? we shouldn't, because ghandism
work, shaming bullies is powerful enough. no need to risk total
annihilation, and I hope actual missiles are all secretly
dismantled, and people are just not told because it's not their
business, maybe later, but biological weapon is reality again, we
should isolate ourselves, to protect not only from traumas but
also from other forms of life trying to take our place)
that -na of no could semantically originate this way: димино ~ не
дима, но рядом
не вода, но водная
Is bouquet a bucket?
проверка: прёт ли трава что взял:
Шудры рабы своих тупых фантазий
каких фантазий? желаний
шудра чувств раб
лабиализаtion of the language happened
язык не подразумевает губ
шудра - старинное слово - соло (во это часть лабиализации? even n
is lingual)
m came out of n then.
б & в are the same word "in" like ν
фантзия ис э нью уорд. рашшнс донт еуен хэу ф's.
язык even vowels are lingual in that word. language is also all
lingual. but губы старт with г, but unlike
if Б & В are v, then they're also of ν
M is closest to N, thus does it mean it's the first of n's?
nop are ноп in russian. and that is some labial claster together
with m actually.
mnop is it why m is here? historically? to show its specific role?
is it minor? both i and r are in direct proximity
minor as this mall small sequence,
in comparison to the major ones from a to u or something?
r is final? t is final, but t~s~r. isn't ß β? because if r~s, p~r,
p~s, b~p
once again.. can I pull any owl onto any globe? I do need some
help from ai, because it's all too big for my head.
Anyway, it's spring now. Time to build. Give up the weed.
] remember blaming Hawking for using word god in his book for over
hundred times or something.
[ ctrlFed vol.1 for god and it's 43 times, in 2 it's 33 mit times, in 3 it's 56, and so on.
op q
r s t
up que are set
up where are set
(it's some revelation,
abcd upset
bcd беседа
bcde посидим. be, see, deй
fghi fuck?
klmno ёклмп?
pqrstu просто ёпрст?
ё is io? those two initial vowels (I wanted to say labials,
whether because vowels show how the lips look: whether it's no or
yes is i, ー, 一,
no is | then? but which one?
ו as u, bu, fu?
ا as a-, un-?
ן as no, and thus n~l~ל as if ל is even longer lן then ו
v~ν as ו ~ ן it wants to go in reverse, whatever I hope you all
know greek and hebrew alphabets by now.
then they're the snakes? the beasts: 𓃭
Are hieroglyphs Noah's arc? Ковчег также и ковчег завета.
Каждой твари по паре? 𓃬𓃭
𓃭 is now recognized rw instead of l as in old azbukaz, but
also mꜣj as if it's мяу и raw. мясу мяу мур
but l and r are also recognized transcriptions:
here I finally smoked some good letter (in
the same evening, same seance)
𓃭 is the largest of the trinity of 𓃭𓆓 𓆑 or is snake the
longest? Pitons could be longer than cats, piton could swallow a
cat. and 𓆓 looks more like ל than ן, and ל reflects N as if LMN
are all related, L mutated out of n in one direction, and M — the
N is common? between B&T.
N as the central letter? M was named the
a b c d e f g h i j k l m | n o p q r s t u v w x y z
they're both the central letter.
lo pk kp lose and keep?
jq joke ir ire?
the first associations make perfectly
antonymic sense so far. I wasn't even sure what ire was, I
though happiness, but a smoke warm gum gun it
hs has? gt get? (get получает, добывает, goes it, go it, goed,
good? goone? gone? didn't get yet)
fu fuck you? ev eve? makes sense. eve is l'eve? love? l'öve l'ёve,
ёв ~ ёб
dw dow? do? dω? cx sex? cakes? kicks? сх, спих, спихнул,
перепихнулась, спит пихается? странная парочка. спихни
спи ~ fall sleep slip. sleep and slip is the pair of спи и
to kick ~ пихать.
kick пих
kicks kids. was it a common joke to kick eachother? To stay
alert, to stay on watch. Но такой быдляк мешал задумчивым, и его
в сущности запретили. законодательно как хулиганство.
leave it now, let's go on:
cy.. and I notice that I missed a letter, and that coud be the
reason cx doesnt' reflect dw
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
z y x w v u t s r q p o n
m/n is the central letter, reflects only itself and thus odd
undelimo? (неделимо поровноу)
oh I missed it right here that I used c before.
by be? d as do is very cool, but in this pair is az. if it's
antonyms it's ends. (alpha & omega, nachalo i konets) jesus is
Az? Az esm.
az by cx dw ev fu gt hs ir jq kp lo mn
as be sex do eves fuck get have ire joke keep low man
I think my associations are caused by my sexual restraint.
Thank god I don't have ass as teh first associations.
by could be buy,
cx cakes
dw dow daw dew
down dawn dew is related to dawn?
ev is even or eve (pretty much the same0
fu fuck for sure
gt get (e is соединительная глассная (е & о) in russian)
literally get and got. gut is gut gu got?
hs has he's hos house have home has house
I have home, he has house.
me have home, he has house his
me and he is the opposite then.
me and thee tho too
mi is three though. ksn? akasatana.. kana.. ka-na. n as the end.
after n o starts, the voicelesss counterparts, and in that N
resembles Z
here there but he and thee
he was the one who made us US, made me МЫ
Mы is the pluralf form of Me, just as We is the plural form of Wo,
and thus Me = Wo? Men ~ Women?
Those are two forms of first personal pronoun: Me are how men said
and We is how women said?
We is a coward's way to say Me, cow way, тёлок способ.
спасибо значит пособил. -el suffix is reflected with prefix с-?
съел eaeten. if this hypothesis is valid, l ~ n, but.. ел ate,
съел eæten. с = with, со- = co-, en
~ in? с и в, и союз.
с и в а о к ж у я н then if ж is here, so no, but 9 is better than
8. unless it's that octal numeral system.
op is об? о?
в к с represent all forms of consonants
and а и о у я tells that я must have been e, as if я = io = ю = ё
= е
а я и о у (о около кого-то, у у кого-то, у = в, then. thus only к
& с are the idependently monoliteral word in russian, and they
both could be c because semantically к & c are similar, if к
is not to, but at.
are those forms of c related to some of the vowels? like to ɔ
около is not far from at of к около окосо, приклонился,
присоседился, прислонился is the word. сон and спасть, придавить,
а я и о у
я is place of её, another word made of vowels. ея is the very same
и о у = ибу?
I o V?
I хуй
V пизда?
о соединительная гласная оф ו or is it meaningless poetic
I'm p
biased to see мф матершинные смыслы, потому что mater is the
basics, основа и материя в моём сознании отчего-то синонимичны.
matter mother основатель,
но понимаешь, что это недетская тема, и как только грамоте стали
обучать с малых лет, все эти мифические смыслы стали неугодны,
естественно, детям ебаться рано. прикинь ещё и детей детей
воспитывать. пока ты ими правишь, ты им мешаешь размножаться, что
безумие. не ты, люди. я бы одобрял, ободрял бы романы своих детей
способные перерости в секас?
Why is it here? Is it the decline? I'm highe for some many lines
and many good ideas, such as:
snake lion snail as LNV lion is l, not n. snake is s, thus samekh?
snail is literally snl. I wander in open space now, it's not much
to do with anything, too far too soon. Attempt after attempt, but
not in a row, leave it to boil for some time to maybe extract
Any way, I go to to
see what is snake in egyptian, they pair hieroglyphs there, as
mayans did. And I wonder if it's true, no, it's just their trick
having not too much of a relation to reality, where 1,2,3
hieroglyphs went drawn in a line, but never by two:
I wonder how authentic these texts are, because why would
hieroglyphs looked different ways. Here's another one unreliable
the same way (I think I read something about boustrophedonism of
some egyptian texts, but look how lazy my research is, I don't go
to check it, I leave it raw as drafts may allow, so I think that
the previous and the following couple are modern collages)
but the original text all looks the same direction:
I wonder what could be said on this panno. When I know ancient
egyptian so I can read it, I will compare it to this superhit:
I made this site a journal more than a book
(my own magazine with blacksjack
and hookers)
owl eagle
wife husband
is it how people saw those birds?
Just as kids think fox is wolf's wife.
did I tell of 𓄿𓅓𓅱 as amш? or is it ωMΣ?
I wrote about the first question in a notebook, not sure if I
posted it here, I usually try not to double.
not to copy, but make some authentic but that ωMΣ is the new part,
I wonder if it's true.
а её и
о у я
f follow e
ф follows у
if o is the beginning of the second half, and mn are the first
letters, jkl are something newer. and when we spoke about fantasy
being a newer word also because russians didn't have f's, then jfk
is some meme. or it could be apophenia again. ai will sort it out.
Or, hopefully me with my neocortex enhanced by some external
additional ultra-neocortex be able to do it soon.
I keep on collecting pieces to this puzzle from some other places: (this one is here
for no reason)
Х said about А that he's a dark (or black) genius, and she wants a
white one.
So is it good to cooperate with a black wizard? Blacks tend to
lose, black is bad.
Black and bad are probably cognates, human (at least russian) mind
sees black a s bad.
I believe all the world does, at least the best half of it. So
let's turn into white light wizards
We're heavy, we work at nights, to fully concentrate, we wouldn't
sing in daylight, rockers who gig at sunlight are faking the funk
so to say, they suck, maybe manson went down because of being
burned by the sun. burnt out at the sun. He would never play on
day light if not the money. some diamond wizards buy everyone.
Love can trump diamonds. Because hearts are higher than diamonds
in card games. It came to me some long time ago, who knows how
legit this spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. Spade is the грубая
сила. Clubs are police, conspirators, gosudarstvo. Diamonds are
bourgeoisie. Hearts are love.
God is love. How did I arrange them, I don't konw. But looks more
slick than shudra, kshatri, vayshna, brahman. shudras work with
spades (in russian it's пики. т.е. орки-урки здесь живут, надо их
перевоспитывать. Их пытаются загнобить, типа потому что они
выёбистые, но на самом деле у них гиперкомпенсация (им постоянно
нужно доказывать себе (но как будто другим) что они не лохи) и
восстановление их самоуважения - более разумная задача
исправительных органов, которая скорее всего практикуется в
скандинавии (но это не точно)
spades as water? because of the form of the sign ♠? as if a drop of water at the same base
♣ has, which is naturally three
(four) balls laying at eachother. as if stones would. So clubs are
solid. Thus shudra are shit (жидкие, жидкий народец было более
общим понятием, которое осталось лишь как самой презренной нации
чуть ли не топоним. Язык изменяем, и открыв эти
неполиткореектности в языке мы можем их исправить или научиться у
них. А зачем нам древние понятия, мы начнём переписывать геномы и
национальность станет ещё более размытым понятием: allegence to
the flag, obedience to the state, a rudiment from apes or
reasonable strategy? Clubs are strong not only because they can
come winning with a club against a knife. Club is a great weapon,
because it can cause less open bleeding, so it's easier to control
if you want to beat a man or kill em. ими и им одно слово, и
просто суффикс множественного числа, известный с незапамятных
времён: 𓏭
Egyptian 𓏭 is ,, т.е. и т.д.
те и тתו (' is not י)
♥ ♦ ♣ ♠
are rich people because vayshya and diamonds. And here I see
that card deck and varnas have different opinions on whether
vaishya higher or lower than kshatriyas. both are shudras from the
pov of brahman, only vaishyas are rich shudras and kshatreys are
key shudras. R & K? Shudras are S pretty much qrs, pretty much
all the linguals there are (t~s because ת without dot inside is
read as th in thin)
Brahman is B, the labial. so is it k before r or after? q is
before r, positionally yes, but chronologically r was before q,
because q is not known to many alphabets, so first there were
brahmans (shamans? shaman is shudra's brahkman? from the pov of
the priests) and others were divided into rich and poor? no
military among men, they're all military, and only later did good
warriors unite against the others? How could it happen? When good
fighter commited crime and peace in the city is not possible, the
murderer would probably be expelled (execution is a paradox of
murder for the murder: if murder is illegal why this one is? maybe
that first murder was also justified not in less degree. Also good
fighters saved lives, so it's also fair to forgive them for taking
one? So expelled, and have to go the other city or to live in the
woods, where he'd meet such good expelled warriors as them (did it
became a law that they were to be killed not to let them be
fighting for the city's enemies?) and gangs fought the cities and
took control there and became the rulers, and the caste in itself.
Kshatriyas are probably of this origin. So were rich people still
higher than warriors? Rich people would hire warriors, to make
them respectable. That's Europe. They can afford it. As a result,
their economy is booming. boosted. (not doomed and busted) and
poorfags of the east and south stand kshatriyas above vaishyas and
as a result their countries don't know how to make money.
Brahmans of those countries should teach their societies to praise
the rich, not higher-archers. The one who shoots further sits
higher, because he is teh best for the best position.
Because brahman should rule with love, not fear. People should
love success more than they fear death.
♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ is the
normal european (and unicode) order, and on the East they could
arrange them as
♥ ♣ ♦ ♠ because of their tops, not their bottoms,
and two balls is great, three balls are only one ball at the
top, and other sharps are rich (red) and poor (чернорабочий)
разница лишь в том, что у vaishya пика и сверху и снизу, а
шудра с ножом, но с голой жопой. Brahman naotborot изобрёл
земледелие (лопата книзу, лопаты происходят от копий, копать и
копьё однокоренный однозначно (пики are spades in english,
see, learn from the Europe call пики ломами, а после на лопаты
переделай, лопата от слова ломать? лопасть? to пасть, ложка
лопата однокоренные тоже, лопать ломать ложкой (кусок торта
например) ложит (роняет) и ложит (кладёт))
There are informational conspiracy against weed:
1. Sensemila, безсемянка, какого лешего тебе нужна трава без
семян, если с семенами лучше: только трусы не нуждаются в семенах,
чудесных, волшебных камушков, семена колдовские объекты. Гроверы
нарассказывают кучу теорий как вещества пропадают, уходя на
созревание семян, но практика показывает, что одна из лучших трав,
которые я куривал была с хорошими зёрнами. Я трус, кстати, мне
давали самые большие семена что я в жизни видел, я их проебал.
Тупо проебал, может парочку друзьям подаривши, глупо, тупо,
мудово. Русы трусы, в моём случае это точно. Мы слишком много
думаем о самом худшем что может случиться, это у меня от бати,
русские вайшьи же предприимчивы, они любят успех больше чем боятся
неудачи. И как при слиянии шудры с вайшьей мог получиться брахман
(искатель знания, а не чувственных удовольствий)
2. Vaporizer, also 9 letters (10 if sensemilla or sensemilja and
vaporizers) whenever I smoked it, it only gave some body high, but
no mind-high. And when my friend smoked the dark brown aftermath
the next morning he got that mind-high of the top notch, thus all
the substance was left in ther,
3. Hydroponic, thus it's 10 letters. as in
Parliament and Funkadelic too, psychidelic also 10
because ps is one letter?
I smoked hydro after I smoked.. what? The best grower I know grows
in soil saying that hydro is not his kind of thing. And I smoked
something I knew was hydro and I thought that hydroponic is
probably another element of this conspiracy, and this formal
similarity indicates that it can quite be (I didnt know of this
10-letter thing before I began writing this text, it came to me as
I typed.
Relaxe e viva meu nego Leve a vida que você quer
does it indicate the queer is he who wants, хочет, ищет, искать ~
and google translator reads it so weirdly: Relaxe sounds from
portugese as helashi.
R isn't only looks like cursive h, it also sounds like that
other words didn't raise questions (final r is not even heard, as
h would be)
r is a form of h, it' clear now, and finally explains h's position
better than I could before.
Learn phonetics of all european (and other) languages, this I can
do, it's more achievable than learning them all. Lexics doesn't
matter, and in the end I will find the international set of
necessary toki pona.
Relájate y vive mi negro, toma la vida que quieras
in spanish R is R, but what's surprising v sounds as b
Labials are labials nobody guarantees anything else about them.
Beba Veva sounds exactly the same in
spanish? If google doesn't fool me, I think why would they.
Just as B sounds as V in russian, so V sounds as B in spanish. Is
it the letter we should use instead of б? but б reflects д
and Б reflects Д in a way, so why would we miss it, especially
since B is Б in english, so why would we differ? and if use V, use
it as V, so transfer to latin where you can? ц = ts, ч = ch, ш =
sh, щ = sch. Take brittish orthography and they will love us for
them. It's a source of love that will cost us rien. Nothing, rien,
not rein. not reign, though people will read foreign press more.
We'll be as european as poland. Russians will become more european
than Vietnamese when they accept the superiority of latin
啊 is so dense it merges into black rectangles in some fonts.
I think I negleted armenian alphabet for too long. But it contains
ancient letters too, and the way it was mutated-mutilated may tell
that it is very ancient and very great:
What made me look at it was that ՠ I knew nothing about. It is
just some перевёрнутая ա
Ա is named aib, as if it unites a & b. as if a is ا and b is U
its minuscule form ա if it's aib could draw it as i & u united
in one aib
Ӏӏ is how some "russian" letter looks as if l is minuscule I,
ctrlc+ctrlv those first two into google.
And it is russian only because of moscovite imperian polities, it
is only used in some lanuages of Caucasus: In the
alphabets of Abaza, Adyghe, Avar, Dargwa, Ingush, Lak, Lezgian,
and Tabassaran, it is a modifier letter which signals the
preceding consonant as an ejective or aspirated consonant;[1]
this letter has no phonetic value on its own. An exception is
the Abkhaz language, which does not use the palochka for
rendering aspiration, but instead uses the schwa (ә) as a
modifier letter for labialization.
In Adyghe, the palochka is also a glottal stop /ʔ/.
Example from Kabardian Adyghe dialect:
елъэӏуащ [jaɬaˈʔʷaːɕ], "he asked her for something"
In Avar: кӏалъазе [kʼaˈɬaze], "to speak"
In Chechen, the palochka makes a preceding voiceless stop or
affricate ejective, but also represents the voiced pharyngeal
fricative /ʕ/ when it does not follow a voiceless stop or
affricate. As an exception, in the digraph ⟨хӏ⟩, it produces the
voiceless pharyngeal fricative /ħ/. Examples
from Chechen: йоӏ [joːʕ], "girl" and хӏорд [/ħoːrd/], "sea"
and who said these writing systems are inferior? I say: they're
even further from aeiou-grace than russian, and I was taught they
were made up by commies or right before them, they used to use
arabis, and if they had their own national writing systems (they
probably did: even africans and americans did)
And to discover those writing systems (out of earth or obscurity)
is necessary, because we still don't know where the alphabetic
structures were born and what stages it had is also very unclear
to this day. I only speculate, but the furthest in the past I have
looked was ogham, paleohispanic, cree. they are still hanging in
air to this day. Ogham only a little resembles runes, but runes
seem to be more complex way to write. Or is it ogham more
abstracted, secret? Didn't it all come from hieroglyphs, because
why would you go the other way or why would it be unrelated. I
believe it all was born somewhere near yin-yang tai-chi. And from
there it could sparkle fires of knowledge, of knowing good from
bad, and oghamic ᚐ and ᚑ could be one way to look at it, ᛆ and ᚮ tells that b~a/l~o only l is before o and b
and B and L of ᚁ and ᚂ is how the same yin yang thing was
reflected in consonants.
What is the third consonant differs: the modern transcription
denotes ᚃ to be F (or W), but the name of the system is
Beit-Luis-Nion. and Nion is ᚅ today. It's as if F(W) and
S(ᚄ) was inserted in the middle of it later. f and ſ. as in false.
the opposite of t of true and j of joy the s of sorrow and f of
fake and flawed and false and fallen and... fallen as an apple
from a tree, beaten and will rot because of this.
F(W) being the third (if B is the first!) correlates to alphabetic
F(ו) and tells that whether BLF are the consonants without vowels,
and L is Г as λ is ג. Then S is alike to russian Ѕ and N is the M
Or.. BLN is the order and it's MLN. and samekh maybe follows. and
W is the ω
and it supports the idea that bcde is the order existing before
And the name beit-luis-nion tells that there was neither samekh
nor "e", that bcd is all the order of the consonants. aiu or ao?
whatever is vowel order, consonant syllabic order is bcd. and that
chart went extended to pqrst, for example because sometimes there
were more than three vowels. What do vowels have to do with it?
Before bcd order it was ᛒᚦ (the thing making me tell that runes
probably predate normal alphabets. this and the more rich culture
over their use: not only the myth of their creation, but also
binden runes, staveless runes, divinations, trees, etc. and also
that semites are deceitful, even though it's not polite to say so,
it (I honestly admit it) was a factor
in the consideration of this thing.
aoi is blue and this is vowel order of ogham
akai is red and could stand for alphabetic order, or should I call
the eastern canon syllabaric instead?
even devanagari can be seen as syllabary if we consider the
vowelled consonants syllables no matter how unicode draws it (I
don't know how it does it) because korean is alphabetic, but
unicode definitely gives them in syllables, and they have as many
of those as chinese do, and they look similar, which if I didn't
know their histroy history, I would
recognize it as a link between chinese writing system and the
syllabaries of the region. Lets entertain this possibility, let's
look at them all from this angle. I know I cannot trust european
history, why would I trust teh eastern easian
ㄱㄲㄳㄴㄵㄶㄷㄸㄹㄺㄻㄼㄽㄾㄿㅀㅁㅂㅃㅄㅅㅆㅇㅈㅉ ㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎㅏㅐㅑㅒㅓㅔㅕㅖㅗ
ㅘㅙㅚㅛㅜㅝㅞㅟㅠㅡㅢㅣㅤㅥㅦㅧㅨㅩㅪㅫㅬㅭㅮㅯㅰㅱㅲㅳㅴㅵㅶㅷㅸㅹㅺㅻㅼㅽㅾㅿㆀㆁㆂㆃㆄㆅㆆㆇㆈㆉㆊㆋ ㆌㆍㆎ
are also represented as (some on the top
are also ligaturic, especially the second line)
귎귏귐귑귒귓귔귕귖귗귘귙귚귛규귝귞귟균귡귢귣귤귥귦귧귨귩귪귫귬귭귮귯귰귱귲귳귴귵귶귷그극귺귻근귽귾귿 and 21 such
blocks (22 times) more (but chinese still have more of signs)
and to compare this verbosity to chinese hieroglyphics (by
semantic and phonetic to probably find similar charts for the
hypothetic ancient common set of words. If toki pona does well
with a little over a hundred, so can they. I think japan alo has
less than two hundred basic signs from which the rest of them is
So my guess is it all began as drawing, then those drawing were
normalized, standartized, and then their elements were recognized
separately and those elements later became letters. And ogham is a
representation of some basic philosophic system, which later
merged with those letters and seriously influenced them into
arrangement according to their phonetic features, the very system
I have shown you first.
the following is some Ideographic Annotation Top Marks
this are just strokes:㇀㇁㇂㇃㇄㇅㇆㇇㇈㇉㇊㇋㇌㇍ ㇎㇏㇐㇑㇒㇓㇔㇕㇖㇗㇘㇙㇚㇛㇜㇝㇞㇟㇠㇡㇢㇣
㇣ is the third stroke in 㔔 (I didn't even know they had such. but
is it truly chinese? not korean?)
this marks are recognized only by japanese and koreans:
(the wiki links only on their wikis)
I was playing with unicode sets, I found many new directions to
Z8_GND_5296 is found in 2013, the year I
made this discovery public. And it's among
the oldest and most distant known galaxies at approximately 13.1
billion light-years (4.0 Gpc) from Earth, which is
important, because they say that Detailed
measurements of the expansion rate of the universe place the Big
Bang at around 13.8 billion years ago, which is thus considered
the age of the universe.
so it's only a question of time until they reject that abrahamic
misconception: some department clerks already invent props for
their precious theory, but the smarter ones already question the
previous props, all those dark things. The universe is infinite
and indefinite. That is the only possibility by
logico-philosophical reasons.
But they also say that the size of observable universe is 46.508
billion light years. I wonder what they mean and if it's true, but
that could be why they dare to say that universe expanded faster
than light.
and here's explanation, they already prepared to the further
perfection of telescopy with this mental gymnastics: The word observable in this sense does not refer to
the capability of modern technology to detect light or other
information from an object, or whether there is anything to be
detected. It refers to the physical limit created by the speed
of light itself. Because no signals can travel faster than
light, any object farther away from us than light could travel
in the age of the universe (estimated as of 2015 around
13.799±0.021 billion years[4]) simply cannot be detected, as the
signals could not have reached us yet. Sometimes astrophysicists
distinguish between the visible universe, which includes only
signals emitted since recombination (when hydrogen atoms were
formed from protons and electrons and photons were emitted)—and
the observable universe, which includes signals since the
beginning of the cosmological expansion (the Big Bang in
traditional physical cosmology, the end of the inflationary
epoch in modern cosmology).
According to calculations, the current comoving distance—proper
distance, which takes into account that the universe has
expanded since the light was emitted—to particles from which the
cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) was emitted, which
represents the radius of the visible universe, is about 14.0
billion parsecs (about 45.7 billion light-years), while the
comoving distance to the edge of the observable universe is
about 14.3 billion parsecs (about 46.6 billion light-years),[11]
about 2% larger. The radius of the observable universe is
therefore estimated to be about 46.5 billion light-years[12][13]
and its diameter about 28.5 gigaparsecs (93 billion light-years,
or 8.8×1026 metres or 2.89×1027 feet), which equals 880
yottametres.[14] The total mass of ordinary matter in the
universe can be calculated using the critical density and the
diameter of the observable universe to be about 1.5 × 1053
kg.[15] In November 2018, astronomers reported that the
extragalactic background light (EBL) amounted to 4 × 1084
As the universe's expansion is accelerating, all currently
observable objects will eventually appear to freeze in time,
while emitting progressively redder and fainter light. For
instance, objects with the current redshift z from 5 to 10 will
remain observable for no more than 4–6 billion years. In
addition, light emitted by objects currently situated beyond a
certain comoving distance (currently about 19 billion parsecs)
will never reach Earth.[18]
so that is not the universe observable today, but якобы
принципиально наблюдаемая, при том что это гонево на гоневе и
гоневом погоняет (предел наблюдения на
теории большого взрыва ускоряющимся расширением погоняет)
and they are prudent, planted the seeds for further and infinite
cope: The size of the whole universe is unknown,
and it might be infinite in extent.[19] Some parts of the
universe are too far away for the light emitted since the Big
Bang to have had enough time to reach Earth or space-based
instruments, and therefore lie outside the observable universe.
In the future, light from distant galaxies will have had more
time to travel, so additional regions will become observable.
Jews can be antisemites because their parents are jews. Imagine if
their parents had a chance not to ever be jews, if they didn't
contact their local mestechko to be recognized, they would ever
live like goyim and thus wouldn't be a subject to future
holocoasts. And nepotism is not the best way to advance in life.
And, as Korwin said, jews are smart people, they recognized that
both nepotism is reprihensible and holocoast is inevitable in one
way or another. I demand it to be in the form of genetic therapy
and cultural universalism (everybody can contain all the cultures.
Whole human culture can be written on one flash-card or manybe
even on a dvd if.. no, it cannot, movies take one dvd each, so not
even one flash card can contain them all. Human emotions are
writen not in such a quality as the dvd, we remember it in less
quality of the grain, but we remember it probably in analogous
way, or is (not does) deeper cross-connection of memories
considered part of human culture?
And conflict with the parents, which sometimes occurs,
And conflicts with the parents, which sometimes occur,
what is s in english grammar? this letter can run by the sentence,
and artist drawing the text can draw those lizards too, and thus
`'s like י would appear and matres lectionis too. or is it a
rational invention, those matres lectionis. Why would hebrew term
have latin name?
Matres lectionis (from Latin "mothers of reading",
singular form: mater lectionis, from Hebrew: אֵם קְרִיאָה ʾem
kəriʾa) are consonants that are used to indicate a vowel,
primarily in the writing down of Semitic languages such as
Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac. The letters that do this in Hebrew
are aleph א, he ה, waw ו and yod י, and in Arabic, the
matres lectionis (though they are much less often referred to
thus) are ʾalif ا, wāw و and yāʾ ي. The 'yod and waw in
particular are more often vowels than they are consonants.
The original value of the matres lectionis corresponds closely
to what is called in modern linguistics glides or semivowels.[1]
(this last line is to promote the misconception of consonant
Ма́трес лекцио́нис или «ма́тери чте́ния»[1][2]
(лат. matres lectionis из ивр. אִמֺּות הַקְּרִיאָה; ед. ч.
mater lectionis) — в консонантном письме согласные буквы,
используемые для обозначения долгих гласных звуков.
Из-за отсутствия гласных букв однозначное прочтение текста в
консонантной системе письма зачастую бывает затруднено. Поэтому
для обозначения гласных (преимущественно долгих) используются
согласные буквы, обозначающие звуки со сходной артикуляцией:
[w], [j], [h], [ʔ]. В иврите в этой роли используются следующие
согласные: <א> алеф, <ה> хе, <ו> вав и
<י> йуд.
Один из вариантов появления матрес лекционис, зафиксированный в
иврите — стяжение дифтонгов [aw]→[oː] и [ay]→[eː], например в
словах בית «дом» [bayt]→[bet], יום «день» [yawm]→[yom]. Затем
буквы вав и йод, употребляемые в этих словах для обозначения
согласного звука исчезнувшего дифтонга, были переосмыслены как
обозначающие гласный звук, появившийся на его месте. После этого
написание матрес лекционис распространилось на обозначение даже
тех гласных, на месте которых никогда не было дифтонгов. Более
того, при появлении систем огласовки матрес лекционис не исчезли
из письма, а стали использоваться для обозначения гласных
совместно с диакритическими знаками.
Матрес лекционис встречаются уже в угаритской, моавитской и
финикийской письменностях, но широко применяются лишь в
еврейском, арамейском, сирийском и арабском письме.
Позднее, в мандейском, авестийском и других алфавитах, а также в
некоторых современных разновидностях арабского письма (напр.,
алфавиты для курдского и новоуйгурского языков) и еврейского
письма (алфавит для языка идиш) матрес лекционис регулярно
обозначают все гласные, фактически превращаясь в гласные буквы.
Гласные буквы греческого и латинского письма, а также кириллицы
исторически восходят к матрес лекционис: например, буква I
произошла из согласной буквы, обозначавшей звук [j], U — из [w],
А — из [ʔ], Е — из [h], О — из [ʕ].
אֵם קְרִיאָה or אִמֺּות הַקְּרִיאָה?
אֵם קְרִיאָה is "if reading" in both yiddish and hebrew. I can see
how nations written with low letter can be offensive to those who
consider themselves part of the nation: they got used to writing
their nation with a capital letter (in english, but not in
russian, russian nationalism is deminished by oppressive ruling
and orthography is also in the governance of the ruling class.
Even though it's not class, but caste, occupation, they have
chosen it themselves or by nepotic links have grown into the system so it's both occupation and
upbringing. They upbring us all in their schools. And that is a an another
argument to teach your kids yourself.
אֵם is both if and mother, so such a naming into some latin text,
I guess.
Both אֵם or אִמָא are mother in hebrew (but not in yiddish, even
though yiddish is different from dutch by that additional hebrew
lexics from the bible. Are ashkenazi natie of dutch christians
digging deep and going oldschool?
A great argument against future holocausts: why burn dutch people
who were jewed into being jews? If someone can be psy-opped into
any nation, they can be psy-pped out of it ad into some other one,
if that other one is developed enough, and maybe if not you can
convince those подопытных that в царстве слепых одноглазый король
and they plunge into some inferior culture, not noticing that they
may adopt some inferior features from those people. Индуцированный
психоз, например, как в случае с верующими.
And spaniards should take care of their own sephards. And so on.
Palestine will be better of being israel. And I capitalized
Palestine only to denote the beginning of the sentence, and now
to show capitalized how. I'd rather visit Israel than palestine.
That's to sort it out. Islam is a worse form of judaism, more
open form of it actually. semites are semites, and those
ashkenazi and sephards are they considered to be goyim by some
palestinian jews? Many of those jews are historically came out
of Europe themselves. Now that thing, Europe. Do I respect
Europe. I worry about Europe, they used to be the best place on
earth, now I would be better of in the woods or mountains. I
must believe technology will change the world faster than
religion will get there. Make changes so large, that no religion
can ever compete (promises of immortal happiness cannot compete
with technology guaranteeing such comfort for real)
Teach the jews that honesty gives honours, гонор это цыганский
уровень чести, честности, открытости, бесстрашия, уверенности в
собственной правоте, цельность мира, научи их белому.
Когда тебе не нужно хитрить, потому что у тебя и так всё есть или
у друзей найдёшь, поделятся.
социум оседлых сообществ гораздо могущественней кочевых понятий
бродячих собак:
для челвечества это информационный век, а до него был атомный, а
для человека как единицы его глиняный век только недавно стал
веком бетонным, и оставался бы глиняным, или даже пещерным, как в
каменном, если бы человек был как животное один. Организация
превратила людей в человечество тел овечеством? лучше слова не
нашёл? отечество телотечество челотечеством отцы овцы почему эти
слова так похожи? почему в иврите аба, почти как овца орёт, я не
знаю, я задаю больше вопросов чем ответов даю, но вопрос и
предшествует ответу.
и ответы я тоже даю (другое дело что все они содержат в себе
невысказанный безмолвный вопрос is it true?)
This weird image cannot be found by neither yandex nor google, I
think I have to contact that А. Куприятнов, but
doesn't work and tells he's Александр Куприянов
and I find his email and phone number, I will use email to ask
about where was this image made to learn more about this wonderful
abecedary: if Т instead of Ӏ were a typo, they would fix it some
long time ago, but it has some very deep and serious meaning: It
is the final letter of that abecedary, and АӀ is not using Ӏ(І) as
a ten, but as a stroke (only not above, but along it) Т is for Ten
and for Тцать,
the difference between Ӏ and І is most probably caused by he mess
in russian unicode, and not that they were actually in any way
differet in the language. they are now.
и таких в той части юникода 41 штука. about 261
512 each, a good over 20000 hieroglyph set
did you know 亖 is a legit hieroglyph for four? I love these
unicode tables already. Just in case, once again, unicode. unique code.
I wonder why I cannot find neither ten, nor four in here, I was
looking for ten, wanting to show how much that T of that clock
looks like it. In yiddish ten is tsen, which is natural, they're
related. in hebrew it's asher or something, faggots don't even
transliterate hebrew in google.
十 is the T ten, it was in the third of those ~261-sign blocks. 512 sign
blocks they are, I miscalculate the first
time I know it because 512 is dual or binary number: 29
Those clock also have Ѳ looking like Ф and look at how Д reflects
Б (which is not on the clock though, because Б is some later
addition. And how Д reflects А on some other level.
Those clock (in comparison to the abc structure, tells that
probably that Ѕ is actually ϛ which is reported to be labial,
something like Ϝϝ as if ſ ~ f tells:
The alphabet used for monumental inscriptions was
very different from the cursive. The uncial, occurring very
rarely on sculptured monuments, and reserved for writing, did
not appear until the 4th century. The majority of objects
bearing the abecedaria are not of Christian origin, with the
exception of two vases found at Carthage. These objects included
tablets used by stone-cutters' apprentices while learning their
trade. Stones have also been found in the catacombs, bearing the
symbols A, B, C, etc. These are arranged, sometimes, in
combinations which have puzzled scholars. One such stone, found
in the cemetery of St. Alexander, in the Via Nomentana, is
inscribed as follows:
This can be compared with a denarius of L. Cassius Caecinianus,
which has the following inscription:
Jerome explained this similarity. Children were made to learn
the alphabet in pairs of letters, joining the first letter of
the alphabet with the last letter (AX), the second letter with
the second to last (BV), and so on. A stone found at Rome in
1877, and dating from the 6th or 7th century, seems to have been
used in a school, as a model for learning the alphabet, and
points to the continuance of old methods of teaching.
AX, BV, CT, DS, ER, FQ, GP, HO, IN, LM sets the sequence of
ABCDEFGHILMNOPQRSTVX, and if T is I, then TVX is a quite
alphabetic IVX. But what HILMN then? some insertion? was it AEO
is what I found about AOE, and though
it's probably read as ΑΘΕ as if for Ἀθηνᾶ, Ἀθήνη, Ἀσάνα but I
suppose it something more magical: the oghamic order of 123 of
AOE, where E is 3. whether because Θ is labial as Ѳ and thus Ο
with a dot. and the lingual vowel Ε is a C with a dot? who knows,
een though it doesn' look like that in this representation, it
actually could be the third of ГFE, where Г is g is d is a
and F is Ѳ is Θ is O.
And another example of that ΑΘΕ
With M the central letter between them.
And some other similar coin:
is it the sequence? does this sequence of EF following the ΑΘΕ and
then the next in line would start with Φ? We'll I looked for Φ
coin, and see what I found:
and some more coins with a bee to show that it finds coins even if
they have Ф not in initial position:
this one is different.
and also this just in case, because it contains its own riddles:
This is definitely of some other period, with much finer sculpture
and more straight text.
and a couple of something resembling letters can be seen at its
obverse (avers in russian)
ob = об = о = a (de, thus d~b again)
and some more mysterious coins:
But these could be more tokens than coins, the private money:
whether half a horse (it would then take two coins to buy a horse)
or an axe if the mint is of a forge. Is it where the word forgery
Because look at these:
as if they were half a donkey or a jar or wine and chicken or a
And mysterious letters on coins are used and in much later
Sometimes with some obviouse meanings:
Sometimes with not so much:
But that masonic M is actually moscovite, Λ would mean
and Е. М. at the one before was Ekaterinburg
Money (екатеринбургская монета)
𒀭 used to be BioViva's logo. It is a hieroglyph for god and it's
said they called it an. which is next to the al. and Am is aum,
om, он, on I want to go on. I want to live in a seclusion, because
who knows what's on the outside. I want to go on. I am a ogon's
fanboy? I want to keep my fire burning? I want to keep my soul
Kijk is "look" in dutch. If jews were thieves, as russian феня
often indicates, they would find offensive when people around that
shout it.
around that around there, around them. they is the third person,
and there is the farthest указательное местоимение.
Here relates to he, because when people are far, you cannot speak
about some one of them, you don't see them separately sometimes.
So far they are you don't see their faces.
I think I found why Composer lags: too many
fonts. I used to have a block of unicode collection, I remove
it, I will see if it lags after that. ..
Okay, it is indeed much better. No lags at all. So I should stay
within few languages it seems. Or maybe even quantity of new
letters also matter. I have a huge block of chinese hieroglyphs
about and it works well without the block I left in the end of
Bees don't make hexagons, they make
cilinders, the simplest form, cilinders of the same diametre
naturally lay out into hexagonal pattern. because the wall is
equally strained (not stretched, but the opposite, straightened
could be because of stretch, but also because of stress, сжатие,
а не растяжение, сжатие изнутри комнат. or did that wax actually
strained, stretched into filling those hexagonal angles.
wax stretched. in the corners, which is very firm. The leads are
sorta piramidal probably because it's how it stretches from both
inside and outside where bees walk over it. But that's a
theoretic speculation. I should have watched a video prior to
these lines.
??? (forgot why) - here had to be the first example which made me
think that p ~ st, but once I actually woke up it went away, and
it still can be regained once ai compares all words with p to the
same words with st instead of p. And ai part is needed to compare
the synonymicity, the pairing can be in a prepairing part by a
simple algorhythm with set freedoms (so it coulg change i to e, as
in stick peg) and then we compare what phonetic pairs make the
most of the words and we calculate the proportion of those pairs
to the frequency of those letters in general vocabulary and then
we place these relations along the normal distribution, and we see
the anomalies, and those anomalies will be the real things, but
for now let's entertain this idea by hand:
Pater ~ St.Ater ~ С-т.Отец
part start
stop pop
stay pay
steal peal
pink (pig) stink
stick peg
right: straight~право (as if gh is f, literally digamma, and then
h is a form of g, both can be transliterated into russian with г)
f could be st because f~p? then st ~ gh, all four are gammas? abc
(c & d are both gammas too them)
funk stunk? meh..
punk stunk! much better indeed.
found it! found the first example: page i stage.
Yesterday, compiling the second box of aeiou songs, I thought that
I should try ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ because that's the orderd Demetrius from
Alexandria spoke about.
and the first find is magical:
(that is literally the first actual spell I see since I began this
work: We were told to translate a spellic at our grammar lessons
at uni (like Tesla I attended it, but dropped in few years, I was
better than that)
And now it actually spells, and I think I know how to spell those
vowels: the way russiand would spell them: a e i o u, the way they
are in bar pen pit rock pull, the universal way to recognize them,
ei i ai ow ju are some local meme, which probably was force-memed
because that vowel thing worked, so they had to make sure people
didn't read them properly. Or maybe eiaou is the actual gammut.
But as that gammut is reported to be descending,
I would suspect it to be even further that way: ieaou. I for 1 and
V for 5.
And some of those greek vowels are the same:
(if that reading is correct, with all those pletora of vowels they
still don't have u (they probably get it by some dyphthong, even
though it is not a dyphthong) which speaks towards the fact that u
is the later vowel, that it was f before when f was w. but why
does ע looks so much like У? but thus it also looks like y, and
also لا but cursive ע looks almost exactly like ꙋ
when some other thread russians are not europeans appeared, my
natural response was
We're american. (mirror) (Norman
Dodd - Tax exempt foundations - Manipulating politics and
culture, Norman Dodd: Reece's Special Committee on Tax Exempt
Foundations, Norman Dodd On Communist Conspiracy in the US(Tax
Exempt Foundations)
and that plan to merge USA and USSR he mentions, made me to
conceptualize a meeting tunnel, the return handshake, Project
Alaska: when merging happens, we'll unite with alaska, especially
the ingenious people living at the border will be happy: now they
have to fly from kamchatka to vladivostok to fly to alaska from
there and then to return to another side of the border to meet
relatives from the neighbouring vilage. And the fact that Moscow
will now be american city should not bother moscovites, because
Tokyo didn't become worse once americans took control over Japan.
Or who knows how traditional japanese thought about it (me
personally I automatically wrote better instead of worse, maybe
because I use better much more often than worse, or because my
subconsciousness had its minority riport. report.
Either way, those "traditional" russians crave fro world
domination, and as a part of the USA they will undobtedly become a
part of that world power (they never were the whole of that power
in the first play, and now like a fish swimming at the side of a
whale is safe from being harmed by that whale.
I'm so antiestablishmen, I cannot say
Доброго Пути, because of pootin' (I do want him to be kind. but
do I have to beg him? to respect him? But that's a great slogan:
Be kind. Resign.)
(so that weed I was questioning seems to be
working: see what I did today in just few hours with the way I
woke up with p~st thing until now)
I keep on looking into what search fro ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ can bring,
and it's only 5 pages of videos, but they're not of kids rhymery,
but of pythagorean music.
I will bring them all here:
and that link is so huge, it gave me other pieces: Abhisheka is a
rather alphabetic word, and it does have a magical meaning. Which
is not so wonderful, since I researched magic when I got more
magic, but nevertheless, it's one of ours now. And it's wiki tells
me that those idols are named murti, whether they are male or
2. downloading books on magic from I wonder if spell is
the opposite of bless.
(I went downloading them looking for that oslo ostracon, you can
do so yourself, I don't mirror them)
also is culture mispronounced conjure?
That oslo ostracon was directly mentioned in (New
Texts from Ancient Cultures) Andrew T. Wilburn - Materia Magica_
The Archaeology of Magic in Roman Egypt, Cyprus, and
Spain-University of Michigan Press (2013) and John G. Gager - Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from
the Ancient World (1999) and after all those curse books
I wanted to download something to outbalance that just in case, so
I have downloaded about 36 books on blessings of all sorts.
3. okay, those 5 pages of links seem not too much to breathe
through, but those are about 50 links, so I'd better slow down to
surf through them more осмысленно. I will close this cound for
now, I will return to this branch, that's later. 50 (actually only
21) only in videos, there are who knows how much more in general.
I will stick to videos and images only in my quest this time. and
there are not that many images, only some abraxis stuff. Which is
weird and actually may indicate that ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ is some local meme,
and AEIOU is the universal formula. Discredited by being childish,
but that's actually basic, deep, real, and all the mystic
literature is mistaken by some inquisitioning
will. but then I ignore abraxis (because I don't understand what
it is, even though the word is alphabetic) and see at directly
alphabetic artefacts:
That stone thing was also called gem, even though geologically it
is not necessarily a gem, that could whether tell of any stone
becoming a gem after it's polished, or that it was a good trick
that even terracota miniature could be sold as a gem, and maybe
that's the function of using the foreign word terracota instead of
honest admitting that it's only clay.
and few more images from that hunt:
This image is told to
be an
Amulet inscribed with signs and letters of magical
power for overcoming the malice of enemies. (From Brit. Mus.,
Greek Papyrus, Nu. CXXIV.–4th or 5th century.) (Kenyon, Greek
Papyri, p. 123).
But of all the names found upon Gnostic gems two, i.e., Khnoubis
(or Khnoumis), and Abrasax (or Abraxas), are of the most
frequent occurrence. The first is usually represented as a huge
serpent having the head of a lion surrounded by seven or twelve
Over the seven rays, one on the point of each, are the seven
vowels of the Greek alphabet, which some suppose to refer to the
seven heavens; and on the back of the amulet, on which the
figure of Khnoumis occurs, is usually found the sign of the
triple S and bar.
Khnoumis is, of course, a form of the ancient Egyptian god
Khnemu, or “Fashioner” of man and beast, the god to whom many of
the attributes of the Creator of the universe were ascribed.
yet I wonder if I wouldn't mistake Hnubis for Anubis. hm..
and isn't abraxas Osiris then? I know I go too far. have fun.
and the following image (also clickable) tells
Judging from certain Gnostic gems in the British
Museum, Abrasax is to be identified with the polytheistic figure
that stands in the upper part of the Metternich stele depicted
on p. 153 and below.
This figure has two bodies, one being that of a man, and the
other that of a bird; from these extend four wings, and from
each of his knees projects a serpent.
He has two pairs of hands and arms; one pair is extended along
the wings, each hand holding the symbols of “life,” “stability,”
and “power,” and two knives and two serpents; the other pair is
pendent, the right hand grasping the sign of life, and the other
a sceptre.
His face is grotesque, and probably represents that of Bes, or
the sun as an old man; on his head is a pylon-shaped object with
figures of various animals, and above it a pair of horns which
support eight knives and the figure of a god with raised hands
and arms, which typifies “millions of years.”
The god stands upon an oval wherein are depicted figures of
various “typhonic” animals, and from each side of his crown
proceed several symbols of fire.
Whether in the Gnostic system Abraxas absorbed all the names and
attributes of this god of many forms cannot be said with
E.A. Wallis Budge, Egyptian Magic, London, 1901. P. 177-80.
and though I don't see no alphabetic sequence I would expect to
see next to someone with such name, I think I should ignore the
texts at the top and the bottom, and maybe try to make sense out
of the middle procession. Isn't it Thoth processing the very
Having written and instead of in as a typo made me
think. in is v in russian and v is and in hebrew. hm..
Rotations whether clockwise or counter-clockwise might originate
in electrodynamic rules of left and right hands. I should know
them by heart and mind, to speak about this subject further.
here, I just sent a letter to an ally. I will highlight what is
important and what i want to speak further on.
Dear Happy (may I call you this instead of
Slaver and Vashe Slave)
I found a piece you may want to choose in
your work.
Two rather masonic
letters of Google and G-mail (gmail
literally used an apron for a logo in the past) Their
company is now named Alphabet, maybe because of all that
fuss I started on the internet some times before they
rebranded. Because I use their products, so they were second
to know. But of course it's синдром собственной важности)))
I think I saw such animation when elements
separated into lines to unite into something else. but I
don't remember where. And if they осмысленно эти логотипы
создали, то что они имели в виду? У М сначала пишут ноги, а
затем тот изгиб что идёт выше? У G тоже сначала написали
нижнюю часть, а затем верхнюю? Но нет, у цветов ведь порядок
есть: в радуге красный жёлтый зелёный синий, что
отлично ложится на G и тогда М это 𐤌 and a leg to it. Я также перестал комплексовать по поводу
своей нестандартной манеры общения, какая ни есть она
естественное следствие затворничества: недостаток опыта
общения неизбежно выливается в неловкости. Но это дело
наживное, а может кому-то ещё и забавное. Тем кому не
забавно наверное и книжку читать не стоит, там я себя тоже
не сдерживаю, сам иногда удивляясь куда свободный поиск
способен завести (пренебрегая академическими правилами я
решил не только недостатки подобной позиции хапануть, но и
преимуществами по максимуму воспользоваться)
thank you and tot ziens.
> M это 𐤌 and a led grown dran drawn
after starting with pussy we drew a line and then added another
These masonic letter could be М & Ж (I think I spoke about
this weird thing) does it say that in Google we fucke them with
our questions, and in Gmail they fuck us getting access to our
M for masculine, G as F? are both digammas? is G also ς Ϛϛ (and I didn't think of how much
ς reminded it when I came here) and isn't it where my p ~ st
grows from? because f~p. So all these are female letters, I guess.
Labial male and lingual female? This doesn't make any sense.
Gyne-cology, miso-ginia, genie? gals can make miracles. birth fro
one, and they can do more. Ж is also on that line.
Now I'm overwhelmed. Does Lingual-Labial thing have gender
semantics or is it strictly wishful thinkings?
Man, Father, Papa, Musculine, these words should have closed this
hypothesis long ago.
But yin yang! But who's good and whose bad is arbitrary! Depends
on for whom. Not always, but at first thought. at first sight.
thought is sight? could be. So think is seeing? Could be.
4. I keep on digging on that ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ thing and it definitely
here I mirror it just in case and I post
some images from it in here: but there's other was to see it:
(yet that way says "naive" in its filename)
and there they also explain why, it's also clickable, and here's
a mirror
(and it gaves the same other image there, so this link is
probably one of the sources of the previous one)
and some more:
and that somewhat familiar tetraktis can be found in bigger scale
and two versions:
(you should know how to find sources
yourself, I will return to these things later)
(some text on ancient greek music, I haven't
read it but mirror nevertheless)
they also had this funky image in the
background, I found it and here it is just in case who knows.
6. what am I doing here? cataloquing? anybody could do that. Just
insert ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ in the search bar, see that for yourself.
7. I stop my moaning and go on, this was to be 6th point, but
hepta is seven:
(this images are clickable, and it's so interesting I had to mirror it for you)
stake is stick
Russian memes fuck russians up. Here's another one: Ломать не
строить (it stands for "to break is not to build" (because it's
much easier) but it would sound the same if it stood for "break,
don't build")
Russia is crusher. Rooshitt is to crush in russian too.
Дружба это (совместное) тружение.
.also дружить с инструментом)
Служба это слежение.
Слежение это преследование, не последу, а пред ним. установка
жучков и ловушек? шпионаж.
шпик от слова шпионаж not sci, but spy, sci сознаёт, spy подсыпает и подпевает.
Дух это и есть запах.
Моя капсула защищает от земли, огня и воздуха, сама при этом
являясь водой. воплощением воды, вода со всех торон. чистый
элемент (воздух в смеси. но вода же тоже в смеси: кислород
растворён, все газы что в воздухе в ней в каких-то пропорциях
растворены. надо чистую дистиллированную воду в вакууме
стерилизованную.Тогда она жёстака голодна погазам (может ли такое
быть, давление пациальное или ещё какое незнакомое мне слово,
опыты покажут.
Смывая мы смываем дух, не только запах. наша воздушная фракция не
пополняется же постоянно, а просто есть, летает вокруг нас на
невидимых нитях ведущих к самым порам. но говёшка лежащая
просто засыхает же. но если воду добавлять, она продолжит вонять
же наверное. ккие железы у каках, никаких. вонь просто есть? вонь
это когда в воздухе растворяется летучее вещество. И эти летучие
вещества роем бус вокруг нас.
В моей капсуле мыться не придётся никогда. Мочу терпеть не
придётся. И хотя новорождённые регулярно мочатся в свои
околоплодные воды, я решил создать вывод каналии непосредственно
для пениса. А значит нужно рубашку изобретать (наполненная
жидкостью. но как сделать сгибы нетравмирующими. я думал и пришёл
к выводу что только полная обнажёнка позволит не тереться о края
рубахи будь он из силикона или ткани. Полная свобода. Оригинальная
среда. Целостность организма может быть достигнута лишь при
восстановлении плаценты (и это если внешние оболочки, выстилающие
матку изнутри не являются тоже нашей тканью (я слышал лишь про
один послед, и это плацента. Онавместе с оболочками выплывает?
нет, я видел её всегда отдельно.
see images 11, 12 to see where mother's tissues come into play,
see images 21, 22 to see how placenta is like guts. So we can
rebuild placentas out of the patiens' guts.
(I don't mirror this image because I don't know where I took it,
and I mirror them only as some courtesy to my readers so they
don't have to search for sources themselves. Some promotion to the
publishers is even redundant, because any copying of their
material makes reader find those very publishers more often,
because reverse-search is a super him. hit
. Hit переводится как попадание. (see hit and miss)
To take heat is to get hit?
Let's return to our placenta and let's ee it from the oher side:
Gush, I'm so much out of my depth.
The image in the centre (with orange, blue, green, purple
quadrants) is the only one explicitly showing that the sack is
from this side of placenta. And thus our body in its full form is
a sack of our own and the placenta is also ours and is on the
outside of it.
But the second image before it shows that mother cells cover us,
so that sack could be of mother genes.
So I leave it here as an artistic gesture, for me to look into
again and for you to get excited and inspired.
When I was younger, I thought that it's necessary to have a
question before you smoke. Now I almost never do and answers come
by themselves. As if my subconsciousness have been working since
the last time and it knows better what to tell.
The Cǎonímǎ (草泥马) ligature
combining the three constituent characters
A Chinese
ligature for zhāocái jìnbǎo (招財進寶), a popular New Year's greeting
They pretty much illustrate how complex hieroglyphs can appear out
of simple ones.
(notice how the "happy new year" thing goes right to left (as
column traditionally go in chinese) and the final hieroglyph is at
the top of it all using an element from the previous hieroglyph as
a part of itself.
財 (wealth) is as if created out of the combination of 寶 (treasure)
and 招 (trick)
進 is move on, advance, and thus 招財進寶 is trick money advance
jaw-цай чин-бао Zhāocái jìn bǎo (and such cool phrases is how we
can learn the language)
Ꜩ, ꜩ are an european digraphy. Is it also how european letters
Is Ꜩ, ꜩ Ц, ц? ts? but they only have st and is it суть, and ц is
це? its isit this is, this is it. the it. that.
these is a plural form of the. thees frist, these later. as metre
is meter, but by this logic meter appeared before metre.
длать делатьь (да, от слова длань) работать
значит от слова руки. но не с ребятами ли работют не с друзьями
ли трудятся. Согласно одной картонке, друг и труд родственны,
true is the word.
do droug friend buddy, I don't know english as good as I know
russian. Let's see it in russian first and then explain it to
europeans. Друг дорог. был бы я столь же уверен в английском? Like
is friend and different cognates or related? the opposite of
другой ис безразличен. друг как краткая форма другой перекликается
с английским friend and different, so I say they are cognates in
my theory (at least until some counterexample challenge this
educated guess)
So not труд, but different. Can труд~друг constitute a
counterexample to that friend~different theory? Different looks
like it is dis-friend. but it is probably de friend. другой ~
true? not fake, not copying.
this picture makes me think D was the first letter, and A ~ D
and C was the final letter. final of four? if they're quarters?
Were they quarters when they were three? Simpler humans only know
three moons: растущая, полная, стареющая, как три fates, three
moirae, three mothers, moon is mom. Sun is son. Or is it
father? Did we know fathers when we were apes?
no moon (new moon) is definitely a quarter, but did people know
that? did they measure or did they just see?
did they just watch?
D O C is the order then. Or is it b o d or is it b c d?
c as целый or is it v for volle?
Why is it here? What does it teach us? I got a habit of thinking
in writing, which makes many uncertain things in print. And though
other (also academicians) publish bs, it doesn't excuse me when I
can not to.
I don't know what's with me. I'm socialized today, I'm out of my
track tonight. I will visit this site 2morn. is n row? or ning?
morgen is both, but why so? gen can be anything? or almost
Before I go I may want to ponder on colours. This basal stoned
state can actually help here.
I figured out that black is bad and white is good (it is racist,
but europe is racist, every nation in the world is racist, it is
natural, even those jews who pimp multiculti are natie towards
their own state they finally acquired. I hope this fact will
pacify them and send them into a reflection, they're naturally
two-assed, but now they can be shown at this fact. I hope this
alone cures them.
Yellow is gold, money. Brown is black (dark) yellow, bad gold, bad
good, spoilt goods, rotten or recycled food.
Green is alive. (because plants show the difference more obviously
in colour)
Red is important
I figured Black Green Red in BLM flag. but they align their flag
as Red Black Green as if it tells Matter Black Lives. Warning,
Black, Green (young, youth) So the flag tells Beware of Black
Warning! Black Youth. Y as in Yellow and желтый is almost зелёный.
ЖЗ is how they go in the alphabet. Г and Blue should follow, neh?
YG з in russian is where g is in latin. еёжз efgh, geel is yellos, yellow is жёлтый. y ~ g
(way ~ weg) Red and Orange are E & F? E & Ё?
It doesn't seem to lean any where to
lead any where.
Red is алый? If geel is dutch, let's keep on working in dutch: red
is rood or blozend, orange is oranje. (marantz or oranjevy in
red = important
orange = glad?
yellow = gold
green = alive, young
light blue = light? soft? (not very sad, good sad, noble
blue = sad
violet = violent (bruises are violet) or фиолетово is indifferent
in russian.
white is light
black is dark
brown is shit
grey is grave
this is some straight rainbow. square rainbow. with only four
6+4 is 10, which is interesting (there used to beonly 6 musical
notes, and there is only 6 colours in some flags. Blue is one
colour in english. 4 and 6 are how lines in english alphabet go.
white as air? black as water? brown as gold? grey as green?
red is a new white? red blood is clean, white, light. Blue blood
is considered to be dirty, black and blue are not too far. even in
russian siny & cherny are not that far, siny is especially
close to sery (blue to grey) and what I say here is language
can demonstrate the evolution of understanding of colours. Some
times blue were gray? Sky is both blue and grey. And black too.
But isn't it never white? Never white.
Sun is white. And moon too. sol and lune, blanc, wiss, white ~
light. So both moon and sun are white, and sky is black and can
only be light blue when the sun comes. Clouds are white. Clouds
are definitely white. облако может быть и содержит те же бл, что в
I'm meticulous because я мучу. Мучаю? no, мучу в значении готовлю,
из муки например, не из мУки, а из мукИ. both are probably one
word and means grinded. Pulverized!
A an anticommunist I am still have to admit
a as un- anomal, no = nor
then angel is anti-geel, от можел пожелтения пожилой пожил.
жил жёлтый, жив зевёный ребёный зелёный = молодой. желчный =
So not only musical camut went descending, so did coulour.
violet is goddes do godly violence
Январь Февраль Март
Апрель Май June
Июль Август Cентябрь Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь
What is wonderful about alphabet is that out of 12 names, 6 begin
with vowels. In english J is not vowel now, so there it's only 3,
which if out of 12 is more than normal. But J is vowel originally
it's I.
Январь-Февраль is very alphabetic beginning of the year. And
calendars used to be alphabetic. And alphabet have alphabetic
structures I discover and March being the first letter, as if it
commands Start.
Fevraly is of fever, лютый, и так славянские названия месяцев
позволят этимологизировать европейские? Не знаю пока, посмотрим.
I highlighted with grey Names which break the structure, and
though octabr, nojabr could be black, they could be an ostracon of
some other (also alphabetic) structure: octo nuno deco, une du
could tell that ᛒᚦ was how the abc began before a.
or is 0 Åå
And I know August and July is months named after emperors, but
what they were named before? after then are month by numbers (as
new elements in periodic table. and laphabet is a periodic table)
alphabet as a periodic table.
I thought of most years it's 365 days, and primitive childish
decimal brain sees it as not dividing into ten, but well-dividing
into 5.
365/5 = 73 and I look for it, and I notice that someboy noticed
it: bodies are boys. buddies.
The number of days in 1/5 of a non-leap year.
and also this is how 73 may be represented:
it is one of so called star numbers.
the next is used for chinese checkers:
What if there was only 6 months? 366 is
Январь Февраль Март
Апрель Май June
If J is dʒ, then only March is out of the abc. Otherwise we have
three months (out of six) beginning with labials (none of the
second 6 do) and the other three can be attributed to vowels
(three out of the other six are too) is J of june the first
labial? Is I
Were we talking with lips to ours, to MINE and talking with voice
to others?
мурлыканье и мяуканье?
Then I would be the closest to linguals we had, and J is a form of
I. a short form of И, й.
(mother and son?)
Among meaningless letters MAM & SON are one above the other.
Son is secondary. JFMAMJ Janus aFrodita(Freja) Mars Apollo Mercury
Freja is Venera, Venus. Mars is Mars. Mercury is Mercury, Jah is
Son or Jupiter? Jupiter, Son is SON?
What is Apollo? and Janus? (Janus could be earth (because Jupiter
is the furthest) Mercury is also the furthest and we can know that
it's may's M the mercury, becaus mardi is of mars. marks are
military borders.
Mars, Mercury, Moon. Why are so many celestial features have
creature created, real. credible.
feature fantasised, fanthom, fathomed, fairilike, fir fair на веку на
venus and mars are the closest planets to us.
J must be Earth, which looks one side at a day and the other side
at the night. So whoever invented calendar they knew how planets
work, they probably understood earth as a ball and created
language so that even god himself would like to use it, or so that
they claimed he did invent it.
Jah=Nos? Я
Ve=Nos? В (F, лютый, furious, and venus the planet is ух!)
М=arse Is it where we used to begin?
To count all planets and finish with course to venus after we
conquer earth? Is it where the myth of martians start? how ancient
is this heresy? or tradition?
April has to be Jupiter, because.. because it is what's coming
next and the planet was observed in antiquity (they say, at least
7th or 8th century bc in babylonia)
Apollo is Apulu in etruscan and it was a personification of Sun
and Apollo is considered to be the most Greek of
all the gods.
so Mercury, and only after mercury jupiter. But why would they
think Mercury to be further than the Sun? Or were there not 6
planets but only 5? 365 breaks into 5 better than into 6.
pentatonic. befor orange: red yellow green blue violet. blue and
red violet, I think we recognize this colour for some long time.
And green between yellow and blue, as is also known since we know
precisous transparent gems.
a clickable thing to research letter later:
RED YELLOW BLUE could be the primal three, the three mothers? три
цвета, три материи?
красный полон огня, синий полон воды, жёлтый полон чего? Не был ли
жёлтый белым? Воздух или Земля? Белый воздух, Жёлтый песок, земля.
песок темнеет вбирая воду, значит земля могла казаться вобравшей
столько воды, сколько песку в себя вобрать не под силу, только
смешавшись с илом, с концентрированной водой мог он стать земле
подобным. Смотри, устаревшая до нельзя наука, а и она чему-то
научает: как делать землю, например.
RED YELLOW BLUE are the only pure colours, others come out of
them: Orange is Red+Yellow, Green is Yellow+Blue, Violet is
Jah+Nus (a не луна ли двуликой считалась? Луна смотрит то на
право, то налево, но не, не сразу)
Mars and Venus are almost at the same distance from us. And Venus
is said to be even a little bit further.
And I start digging into how further is which, and I found that
they give me the wrong numbers: they fed me with average numbers,
by which... Mercury was closer to us than Venus.
(keep on reading, further I notice that
"current distane" thing, see my rant and laugh)
On average.
Which means Venus is further from us than Mercury more ofthen than
closer (and it can approach the closest of them all, and yet..
here's a clickable image explaining it all:
only it tells Indeed, when Earth and Venus are at
their closest approach, their separation is roughly 0.28 AU—no
other planet gets nearer to Earth. But then look
at the previous screenshots: some of them are lying.
1 AU is 149,598,000 km (1.496e+8 km)
0.28 AU is 41,887,440 km.
Thus those screenshot disinforms again, they again give some
average minimum or something.
If the months were attributed to planets.. as if moon appeared in
some planet's house. I have to research it yet. Then there's a
connection between days of week and months: mardi is of mars,
lundi is of moon, so are these systems even correlate? Lundi Mardi
Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dimanche
Mercredi is 100% after Mercury.
MMJ are like MarchMAyJune
Jeudi is probably Jupiter's. (or maybe of Jah? Sun? Apollo is a
sun, Jah is too. isn't it? I dunno)
Vendredi is of Venus
Dimanche is some revamped to Sabbath or some other holy day, I
Why would the order of the weekdays be such? Mars after Moon?
I will return to this topic some other day. So far, I collected
the astronomic gif: ☉☀
(I've tried to place earth and sun in scale, but that orbit of the
moon has to be almost half of the sun. Earth itself wouldn't be
even seen, be it is even smaller than the moon orbit. They say you
can almost place 30 Earths between the Earth and the Moon (384400÷12742 as the distance to the moon and
diametre of the Earth. I hope these numbers are correct, the
more I work with letters the worse I become with the numbers, I
think I need and extra-neocortext just for the digital things)
and another example to show that you should always test the
information to know what you're given.
and if we look closer, we see that it's the current distance, so
it's me who's fullish and ignorantly arrogant. Look at me and
laugh, haha.
and the same link once again, only now venus and mercury are shown
(if they had some moons)
the distances should be 68.85, 108,72, 149,01, see for yourself if
I'm good or not. I think... not so much.
Here, let's make the distances more in
proportion, but now sun is way too big (or did I mess it up?) ☉☉☉☀
it is a simple task on proportions, and I
suck at it as a schoolboy. I am worse, I don't do math
but back to the lanuage stuff.
I say it is some knot writing in the centre of it:
Parliament and Funkadelic are ten-word letters, and I think I saw
ten word letters as some government organizations.. We don't know
if it's true, of course (I don't even remember what exaples there
were) but what if some force outside of the music business taught
the blacks some other manner of behaviour (other than white
american) by introducing in use some another word. Funk as nasal
Fuck. Now they have additional word for fucking, and thus fucking
became a black thing, and thus white birth rate dropped. In my
case it is because I strive for immortality. And that could be a
rather common cause (those who want to drop white mortality
inevitabley work on different fronts
I suddenly know of whon company who used герб как оберег, герб и
оберег из тех же согласных состаят. Что еврейское понимание языка
нам говорит, это что глсн лшн. Согласные имеют гораздо большее
thunder sounds.
hunter hides.
Think this thought and realize (this is a rhymic line. And this
way rhymes don't bother the meaning lines and only украшает их как
цветочками или зеркальным отражением, блестящим чем-то.
hunter hint похищает хищник
hunt & похищать, you see, гласные только с толку сбивают
hint is a налёт, но только в значении налёт иронии, как от слова
нальёт, налито, тонким слоем (в отличие от наложено, положено,
клали клади - вот такие, похожие суффиксы следует сравнивать)
делать делал
делайте делали
(второе и третье лицо они же настоящее и прошедшее время)
а ещё есть различение по числу делаю делаем и это первое лицо
описывает будущее. Потому что суффикс с не меняет времени
остальных, те примеры могли быть такими:
сделать сделал
сделайте сделали
сделаю.. и тут я вижу, что делать и делайте это не настоящее, а
тоже будущее. и первое лицо тоже между настоящим и будущим. Я был,
я бил - это универсальные формы прошедшего времени, не только
третьего лица. Но в моей голове почему-то в прошедшем
времени первыми лижали формы прощелшего времени. логично. я
не в тот "ящик" заглянул
делает делаем (мы по прежнему стараемся сравнивать с максимально
похожими фонетически. И здесь гласные очень большое значение
ты & мы противопоставляется
здесь. Но на самом деле - он и мы.
(this grey text reminds palimpsest) Let's
call this book palimpsest. No, let's not. It's not.
ты ~ он? вообще не близко.
делают те
делаем mы (me as a singular form of мы)
In prnouns english, russian and chinese uite. Let's not fight
anymore. Let's share the globe and keep it clean. But that way
removal of a government in one country will будет угрожать (will
переводится как будет, рыба перевозится как
me we
мы wo
English of Chinese and Russian from English: not necessarily
genetically, but in the form of language. How else do people
borrow language if not genetically? Educated neighbours would
influence educated nations to borrow their words: yes is
understood in russian. So it can just come in passion And if it is
morphologically modified (as джинсы, то это слово воспринимается
родным и становится неотъемлемой частью языка. Джинсы наебнули
совок. Продукт настолько в большей степени охуенный, чем то говно
что в совек выпускали (мягкий растягивающийся хлопок, там и
структура ткани наверное и сама нить значение емели.
wo we me (me could be a mispronounced we, the further itteration,
maybe under the influence of people living in europe before
chinese culture was brought to them with other miracles. and they
understood wo as we and used we for their own.. я (me) is what we
learn to be given something, and it is a согласие. and it sounds
as yes. да ja? me we oui?
we ~ oui
я ~ ya
(and so pronouns tie between other three nations: english french
russian german)
yes in chinese is 是的 shida (it's
transliterated as shide, but it sounds a instead of e)
thus second hieroglyph is literally да. 是 is the actual yes,
and it is european si. And de could be used for russians to
understand that word too. So shida went to be more powerful than shust just si.
But that 的 is translated as of, which makes it de indeed. The
french de.
and if it is translated as -self,it is both french de and russian
de is -с?
разденься de razden?
раздевать раздирать.
в вежливо
р рвать
So back to what I was saying before that: whites are the ones who
strive for immortality (in my private case, and as indicates the
birthrate drop and that only whites attend RAAD Fest. The
only blackie I saw there was an employee of one company.
And it is a good and natural thing. The cutedge of tech is where
retards are not welcome, and it could be correlated to Craig J
Venter Institute
that very de is used for aim in chinese. because de that place
arrow have to hit, and thus de is to in english, and because
french de is of in englihs, of and to is the same thing? I think
some Jo would be.
jo is de and of? wouldn't it be just some
M is owl in egyptian (the owl you can often see in their texts is
an alphabetic symbol of M, these tables are mostly correct (they
differ in details) And M is also associated to see as mare, and
water does reltat to mother, But a trick is all three matters are
called mothers (that universal boncept of tridevi is probably much
more abstract today, when we divided three times from three
agregate states of matter, when we invented not to use the same
concept to everything, because it can be misleading.
So M is not only for woman, which could be simpolizing it in many
other ways (like the angle in the centre is the genital triangle,
and 🜄 which is alchemic sign for water also has this shape. and M
is similar to V and M is similar to N (we, me, nous, nos, нас, us,
мы) and ν is greek N. - and probably other cultures had oher point
of view on who is Mama (mama is daddy in georgian and deda s mama
about the talking drums: I think it's like some popular song, they
know the words because they know the song. But it's only a guess,,
they can have some better rhythmic ear for standard phrases. But
that is what I first thought. Now I think it's some song they both
know. Songs allow texts to be encoded in melodies.
You can literally see it. He recognizes some standard phrase, they
probably have some better ear for rhythms. Brian Eno said that they don't dig tonal thing as much as we do
(would he really dare to say something like this or is it just
my addition) but in rhythms we cannot compete.
I think syllables bear much more sense than single letters:
Ma & Mи are separated as My & Me or Mom & Me, Mom is
mine, but not exactly me.
Mамочка моя-моя? моя мочка? мочка значит мягкая? мягкую можно
лёгкое может лечь? тяжёле лучше ставить, а не ложить? загадки..
What if fuck is an abbreviation of for god's sake?
Me is We'll is Will.
But mysly chto posle. What is after that me.
Mysle (Think, Thoughts) what if think is thing not realized yet.
To realize is to implement into reality, to understand and to make
should be divided by very short time so they are reality. Is it
reality when it's in my head. Maybe yes, but also реализуй..
реализовать означает в русском не только создать, но и продать. создание здания? мироздание? здание строение,
здание устройство, здание знание, сознание создание. здание
делать знание знать. здание со дание. знание со нание? knowing?
connecence consi.. consceio.. conscience? connect? cjn con
struct, создать, структ строит фрукт фроить fruit i ~ к
connaissance is a french word I was looking for, in english it's
cognizance, осведомлённость, юридический термин, наверное
поэтому так близок к романкому.
Fruit shows how i~к
hijkl is all one big IJ think. thing.
H-L (is it a lesson to give your ego away? I remember how my
bad-trip pretty much ended when I said that there's no me.
Hl Mm Nn
Oo Pqr St
Uv Wy Xz
Aa Bb Cd
Ee Ff Gh
Hl Mm Nn
Oo Pqr St
Uv Wy Xz
Bb Cd Ee Ff Gh
Mm Nn Oo Pqr St
Wy Xz
It is in this structure, but not a very good structure. Or is it a
man on a jet engine? Is t ome double cross? And Uv used to be the
final letter. Especially since W&y are forms of Uv And I also
had to change the order, of xy, which is technically cheating
wheatever reason I had I didn't even give em.
Bb Cd Ee Ff Gh
Mm Nn Oo Pqr St
a man jumbing with a coattail of Uv?
T is the final letter of the hebrew. I think it could be
reconstructed by some masonic scholars having access to some
unknown books where the reasons for the alphabetic orders are
given explicitly and who knows maybe simply prescriptively. Maybe
they make it into reality not realizing what they're doing,
automatically, merely speculations
א ב גד
ה ו
חטיכל מ
נ ס
and doing the same Hl trick in hebrew I see how ridiculous it
ע פ
צ ק ר ש ת
that י-line always messes it up.
is it ego that spoils it all?
Is ego will as in I will or We'll.
When I combine letters like this, checking them on axial
symmetry is meaningless.
Aa Bb Cd
Ee Ff Gh
Hl Mm Nn
Oo Pqr St
Uv Wy Xz
Is rather wicked as an example of how far I'd rather go.
Because h is in Gh and H is in Hl
I didn't even notice.
Aa Bb Cd
Ee Ff Gg
Hl Mm Nn
Oo Pqr St
Uv Wy Xz
Аа Бв Гд
Ее Ёё Жз
Ил Мм Нн
Oo Пр Ст
Уу Фф Х
Х as a final letter would reflect phoenician script. But
it's not nice of me to cut it so abruptly, but if
also something like џ used to be a final letter of some old
russian. was it?
Why have I never watched at serbian alphabet before? Some
orthography is so weird that it makes me think that those forms of
Д & п & т may have had some origin in the past, before
Here's what I'm talking about: Karadžić based his
alphabet on the previous "Slavonic-Serbian" script
Here's the difference: Честь имамъ
всѣмъ Высокопочитаемымъ Читателемъ обявити, да безъ сваке сумнѣ
намѣренъ есамъ, ону достохвалну и цѣлому Сербскому Роду
преполезну ИСТОРИЮ СЕРБСКУ, от коесамъ цѣло оглавленïе давно
сообщïо, печатати. — old serbian, but also who knows how
old it is and what was before it, wiki doesn't give a separate
article to it. and here's the new version: Част
имам свим Високопоштованим Читаоцима објавити, да без сваке
сумње намерен јесам, ону доста хваљену и целоме Српском Роду
прекорисну ИСТОРИЈУ СРПСКУ, од које сам цело поглавље давно
саопштио, штампати. (I have the honour to announce to all
Revered Readers that I am, without any doubt, intent on printing
that praiseworthy and to all Serbian People valuable SERBIAN
HISTORY, a whole chapter of which I have published long ago. )
S and T are united in Ottoman translated into russian as Osman.
and that relates to то~сё. but only if this~that.
But if so many personal pronouns sound as yes, why does french
nous is more like noes?
Is it where the antonymity of the pronouns manifest?
I wonder why we can speak with undefined syllables both yes and no
when yes is a double syllable uh-hu and no is much more single
whether longer than ones used in that yes or if double, the first
part is so much more stronger than the second one, that it could
be single and the second syllable would be just a phonetic swash.
no as uno? duh as du?
but why are dogs taught the other way around?
is it because when A came to stand first B became second instead
of being first. And though 2 is probably chronologically the first
recognized letter, before 2 comes 1, and probably that's why Aa
& Дд are so alike, because ᚦ was the 1 when ᛒ was
recognized as 2, and that is probably why not a single numeric
sequence (LMN, UVW, and even EFГ, don't go in a straight order.
EFГ is the closest to it, but it's in reversed. Is it a key, that
they all were that way: HIי... MNL then? WUV? or is LN IH and M is
the third in that ӀНМ? H standing for И which is currently used
for I and ӏ stading for i is another argument pro that HIJKL
But to close the serbian question for awhile, let's look at
other fonts of theirs to see that those anomalies are present only
in cursive (which may be much more informative than the official
font, because cursive is not that much regulated. So on the
following table they forgot about cursive majuscule, but the
minuscule anomal т & ш are shown:
I think I say these ш & т, but there also was something else,
it was г п т but what was it..
Die Kleinbuchstaben Б, Д, Г, И, П, Т und Ш in
russischer (links, blau), bulgarischer (mittig, rot) und
serbischer Schrift (rechts, gelb), jeweils Normalschnitt und
It's interesting, that Ш ends their order and its cursive is
similart to Т who also can.
I wonder if it matters that between И &
T there are 11 letters and between П & Ш there are 10.
I wodner if it matters that between И & П there are 8
letters and between T & Ш there are 7.
There are 14 letters between Г & П, but he added so many new
letters into that space, let's see it in russian: 12 between Г
& П, only 2 between П & T, so I guess these numbers do
not matter.
From the Old Slavic script Vuk retained these 24
А а Б б В в
Г г Д д
Е е Ж ж
З з
И и К к Л л
М м Н н О о
П п Р р
С с Т т У у
Ф ф Х х
Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш
that information is from the link, to which the following image
another table shows some other font, with cursive п, т, ш similar
to russian forms, but it represents a wicked cursive form of Б,
which once again contraposes Б & Д:
and their latin script may just show how the U line could be in
the past:
Now I wonder if I really know how academia works. What if they
rejected me a couple of times to make me keep on working on this
problem until the theory is enormous or before I give up if I
didn't really want it as it would be if I stole it, for example.
Would I keep on digging, if they published me? I don't know. At
first I just wanted to make it better, making it bigger happened
naturally. I kept on trying until I flew the way I fly now. I'm
high as a kite and nuts as some nasdat naxi.
So even though there's georgian anomaly of mama & deda, I
consider it an anomaly. But baba as daddy, isn't it directly
connected to that? Maybe, I look from the european perspective and
I will look at it after I realize the sources and forms of pronoun
I call M female letter, and J is male, and words like Man &
Жена I consider as some derivatives of them, meaning the opposite
sex by the posession suffix -n of own. as they use similar suffix
in russian and in japanese for genetivus. and male is probably a
cognate of man, and female is a derivateive of it just as woman
(and both female & woman use labial prefixes, or maybe not
directly cognates, but related, only -le suffix stand not for own,
but for -like or something of the kind.
שלי is my (or mine) in hebrew.
שֶׁלְךָ is your (yours) in hebrew.
and I think I think I see a pattern here. And expecting to see
some shalan for his I see that his is
is his in hebrew his.
שֶׁלָהֶם is their
and שֶׁלָן was what returned
And I realized that I need a table of hebreew pronouns for some
But instead I find this:
(if you click it, it tells of pronouns
there, I will post here too)
Look like water starts with M, I spoke about it before, and linked
that Water Mater Вода Моет to M(מ) they speak about in sefer
yetzirah. Там вначале огонь и вода вместе, как ша-маим огневода
(мем огненной воды не оттуда же ли) противопоставленная твёрдой
земле. Эрэц. Воздух по любому среди огневоды, среди проникаемых
проницаемых (the same с) - I placed russian с instead of c. why?
by accident. Эрэц последняя идёт. Шамаим первым идёт Ша
огонь идёт первым. Может Алеф была огнём? Нет, огнём был Шин. Аш
Вообще-то аш содержит и алеф и шин и начинается с алефа. Хорошо.
Пусть аш будет א
Тогда маим остаётся Мемом, а эРэЦ это Р & Ц. R & Z. Г
& Д, zar rex господин. г-н, г-д, господень, К & N, KinG,
Qr Queen? K is king, Q is queen, C is caesar or царь, or count, G
is graf например,
К столбец - это золото. Т.е. А это Агонь, В это Вода, Г это Глина,
Д и того хуже, как и г.
E это из огня? еда. F это фрукт? Ж жевать З зевать? Ё это ёжик и
ёлка. Царица чтоли привезла? У нас сосны может только были? да не,
гонево же. но синие ели диковинка. Может там тайна в том, что
чернила подливают для чудесности.
Если первая губная В, раз Вода, то во второй строке может Б и
есть, тем более что в русском первая половина более отчётливо
Если Е еда, то Б уж не баланда ли, что это вообще за слово?
Булка, например, Бутерброд. двойная б, Bread & Bulka. Could ul be re, could ka be ad?
Брага может быть? Если Еда, то Питьё. П было здесь? Есть и Пить же
следующим. Кто-то убрал все глухие из первой части русского
алфавита, чтоб создать в нём структуру, которой в неё не было?
Есть и Пить, Жрать и дальше не скажу.
Искать? Копать? Рыть? Лить? Ловить?
Мыть? Ныть?
Отнять Пряать Красть? Рыть Ссать толкан давить? нет слова что я
искл на Т. defecate begins with d as I recognized, but I could
recognize it wrong. But as a little child have humans been and in
that state could they invent alphabet, and alphabet transformed
them to taboo some things, so в следствии этого они вынуждены были
табуировать си структуры порождённые старым мышлением.
И зачем я их обратно откапываю? Я уже спрашивал себя, справится
ли человечество с примитивным пониманием языка? Но я, кстати,
так и не доказал, что хулить и худой от хуя, а не наоборот или
вообще параллельно.
Агонь Вода Земля
It seems russian alphabet (Гора, Грязь, Говно, Глина, ЧерноЗём.
Земля с водой: М внутри.
Значит З а почему вообще З? Δ sounds as ð in greek. And russian
alphabet is from greek.
I thiught in greek water is aqua, as if they placed water first.
But to my surprise it's νερό
earth in greek is γη, and γ is the very third letter, following
the.. β.
ν is not v in greek, it's n, it's Nero. что учитывая m~n очень
похоже на море. but sea is θάλασσα and I'm pleased to notice that
it supports the idea of labiability of the θ.
Учитывая, ч я черри-пикнул русский, натянув О на А, выбрал не ту
букву какая шла сразу (из Глины бог слепил людей, не могло быть у
бога говна, потому что всё что у бога драгоценно (здесь могли быть
дикие истории из жизни верующих, но не будет сегодня)
Агонь Вода и Глина. Это русские сказки? Евреи и русские делят
культуру? Русским алфавит достался, а евреям евангелие, еврейское
нагелие. ангелие хотел я сказать, но наголее им присуще. сущее при
Агни огонь, а потому писать Агни считаю архиправильнч. И если в
библии идёт.. а в библии так и ещё, Аш Maim aRex. Глина как
арех раскрывается? Не было чтоли о? О это твойная а. долкая а,
а-мега (чего бы выделяли букве о долгую форму раньше А? и H
как двойное И, или Н ещё дальше по этой шкале высоких нот ушло чем
просто I, dvoynoe E.
A AA=O OO=U (in greek Y is instead of U, and double O is Ω
so it is as if in the West A O U & E I Y and in the East it's
A O Ω & E I H (but only H is placed before I. Directly before
I, and in russian it goes ИЙ, long I (and historically H) before
short I, J. just as it is in english latin IJ. J is short I when
it's.. at least in some other european countrie' latin.
I wonder what Y is in greek then. I guess it's Ю. nasal I or
palatalized, yotirovannoe O.
Я is probably one of these: ꙔꙖѤѦꙘѪꙚѨꙜѬ,
probably Ꙗ
as if in greek Y unites all three features: vowel, labial and
lingual at the same time. And that's naturally ju. jew? no, ю.
thought jew probably also includes features of all three peoples:
Wit of Whites, Jewfro from Blacks, and semites are neither
Yafetim, nor Hamim, thus they're chinese themselves, the asian
race. sem as in сина, псина? скажи мне что
ты ешь и я скажу кто ты. п is probably pais. but then сина не
(прошу извинить подобные заскоки, пусть будут чтобы видеть как
бывает) jew in chinese 犹 and sounds as yo (йоw) and the
same hieroglyph is used for these meanings: still, yet, even,
nevertheless, even now, however, in spite of everything,
notwithstanding, Jew, Jewish, as if, to scheme (so I guess
chinese also know about cabals of cabbalists and their hutzpah
which are stereotypes in europe.)
据 sounds more like jew, but it actually stands for according
to, evidence, sickness of hand, certificate, on the grounds of,
act in accordance with, seize, fortified
犹 reminds 我 and that stands for я which sounds very similarly: ya.
and stands for I (me)
Ik (l) MiNe? mistransliterated ΜΝΣ which gave birth to the concept
of samekh?
and they ecole~school etudant~student etude~study and so on - some
body definitely got it wrong, and they have never changed it.
Another thing to think that jews are from china is that china in
chinese is dʒongwo, where the first syllable reminds jew a lot.
gwo is country, so it could be some jewing country. But do I have
loicense for such a speech? Why do I act like a retard? Because I
shouldn't smoke mere than once per day.
Hooray, a new day. What will it bring us I still do not know.
Let's see.
And I haven't end getting high and already hooked on some internet
Here. Will leave the room only when I really need to. So let's
talke about something we already know. Because we definitely don't
know many of what we knida know for sure (but if we do't know them
for sure, we'll have to go online to clarify, and there some
randomizers live, they tend to lead us not where we intended to
go, and worse than this, they fill us with some random information
we have no idea if it's true or not.
School is also randomizer. School is enforced randomizer. Schools
randomize our sphere of interest (it doesn't grow by the needs of
our personal neural development, that program they read is rather
random. They may interest you from time to time, but you
immediately go to something else not allowed to go where you ask
if they teach you anything at all (they wouldn't even give me
physics or maths, if my father didn't teach me that.
I must tell my niece, when she sat on my knees that school is not
a place for her. School is not a place for anybody.
Я хочу общаться в мире идей, мир людей мне не интересен. люди ло
идеаль. not ideal.
Идея интересна, what if I remove those additional я, people would
think I'm self-less.
интересная ~ интересна мне
итересует ~ интерс интеу н интерес
у тебя
интересуешь ~ интерес у её (ж, she, sie - сие, the thee this -
see, difference in how we understand pronouns influences all the
grammar, and though it's a raw theory, I already understand it as
something big, because I was cooking it for some looong time, so
it's not cooking, it's some discovery, digging into something
huge. global. all our culture is influenceb by it because it's in
the basis, some of these ideas could come from feral apes or
whatever we were before)
интересна интерес она?
интересен интерес он.
т.о. не она и он, а на и ен. Открытый слок соответственно женский,
закрытый слог мужской.
на и ши, как это могло быть? и заметь, что язык в древних словах
этих (если в такое древнее, то оно из н, both in & ν) and
where did M come from? K? как не только кохатися, но и kussen,
родственное английскому kiss. poessen is probably kissen not in
kaf (kaf is mouth in hebrew alphabet, азбука. названия слов могут
быть ключом к различию в алфаивтаъ, давай посмотрим:
иф каф ис мауth, then it's clear how M would come out of K, I
thought of K because of
see what I found in egyptian: 𓄲𓄳𓄴𓄵𓄶𓄷𓄸
𓄲 𓄳 𓄴 𓄵 𓄶
𓄷 𓄸
e, p a,d g
b c, г
s R? (p+ or
e+ E is one of the tightest letters, and P with some simpler
stroke is R)
(I'm only guessing here and almost every
where. Is it poetry or science? it's something new)
if d is a, then abc def (B opens into E and Г doubles into F)
GHI (G is g which is another form of д in russian)
It's as if cursive ד of ᚦ gave birth to both д and g
because it could go both ways, to do or to go.
ד also looks like Г, because both could be axe, not door. So if I
challenge hebrew names for letters, how can I know of Kfa being a
mouth? Because of jewish word .. haha, mouth is pay, not kaf, kaf
is hand. And to my surprise I notice that (and
here something happened in my personal life that I completely
lost interest to writing this stuff, I began weeping some
offtopic instead, but that mess I cut it out)
> Если сформулировать главную теорию, которую вы выстроили, в
одном предложении. Правильно ли было бы сказать так: наличие
внутренней симметрии в алфавитах доказывает их непосредственную
связь? Какие выводы позволяет сделать ваша теория?
Их непосредственная связь была очевидна и до меня, моя теория
показывает, что официальная наука, говорящая что финикийский -
первый алфавит, понятия не имеет о чём она говорит, что в алфавите
есть уровни гораздо более глубокие, чем уровень который
представлен в финикийском. Уровень четырёх элементов. О трёх
элементах, ещё более глубоком уровне понимания мира, до
концептуализации воздуха наверное, говорят и греческий миф о
создании алфавита и еврейский миф в книге сефер йецира, но там не
сказано что их кто-то изобретал, сказано лишь что они есть, так
что евреи не являются создателями алфавита, надеюсь они меня за
подобные предъявы не удавят, потому что они хотя бы сохранили этот
слой в своей культуре, остальные вообще папуасы в этом отношении
(причём сохранили в виде, более ясном, чем в греческом мифе,
именно как три матери, и в более базовом даже чем греческий миф,
где א уже разложена по гамме AEIOU (предположительно, гласные
родились из музыкальной грамоты, так что алфавит - это
перекрещивание двух(!) элементов (женского и мужского, воды и
огня) и гаммы, что означает что сначала алфавит был силлабарией, и
лишь затем стал строго говоря алфавитом (что привлекает очень
большое внимание к палеоиспанским системам письма) Мне интересно
найти этот миф в египетском исполнении, но я пока не нашёл даже
последовательности похожей на алфавитную (или на халахам, который
они вроде использовали) но сейчас загуглил халакхам и нашёл
которая ссылается на
где уже есть картинки, но в прошлый раз я видел одну из них - она
позиционировалась как азбука в порядке халахам, я повтыкал и не
понял как они это поняли по столь малому количеству строк, а
сейчас говорят, что она ещё и двусторонняя.. сейчас допишу это
письмо и отправлюсь читать
("A Double Abecedary? Halaḥam and ʾAbgad on the TT99 Ostracon" by
Сложно сказать чья
версия более древняя: с одной стороны, сефер йецира
непосредственно называет АМS (abc) тремя матерями, проводя во
многом знак равенства между ними и мировым (учитывая, что не
только европейцы и индусы, но и евреи и арабы эту тему знают:
в строчках корана, называемыми сатанинскими стихами, именно
они и упоминаются, как богини, которым арабы поклонялись до
установления ислама) культом трёх матерей, которые мол создали
(составляли?) гласные, Б, Т. (а форонида Ио была судя по всему
жрицей, которой это открылось. Была ли она по совместительству
известна как Сешат или нет мне пока не известно) а с другой
стороны греческая версия отделяет два элемента (именно воду
губных и огонь язычных) от гласных, показывая что это две
разные системы.
Так что оба мифа очень хороши и полезны и показывают помимо
прочего, что мифы МОГУТ являться историческим свидетельством
(этого современная история не признаёт)
признаёт ~ признают было ли разделение по лицам раньше, чем
разделение по числам? оттуда путаница с мы и me, но не, you
& я же тоже путаница, но совсем другого свойства. антонимия
местоимений, когда-нибудь я за неё как следует возьмусь.
turning base metals such as mercury into gold
(chrysopoeia, from the Greek χρυσός khrusos, "gold", and ποιεῖν
poiēin, "to make")
could it be some code of turning stories of previous gods (such as
Mercury) into stories of Christ?
Does that Christ, they all seem to look after, secretly is a
codeword for gold. It would explain a lot.
10,4 [десять и четыре] т.е. , is read as י and , actually can be
substituted by и (which sounds as י)
(did I tell it before? I wound't know, I
haven't got high for days)
and as 10.4 is a variant of 10,4, , is a probably a swashed ..
Only today have I recognized that vowel trapezium is much more
correct than I thought, so if you read my rant about it in vol.2
and there was no link to
then you probably should return to volume 2 and look for trapezium
in there.
And even though that formant doesn't exactly correlate the
previous representation of it by the arbitrary raise of the
tongue, there are definitely many dialects and different people
pronounce those vowels differently, and even though I like
this new version much more, I still predict that it will show
different in different выборка.
and that previous table when the whole bulk of the tongue, taking different shapes, as can be seen at MRI
videos of people speaking and singing, by one dot is
obsolete and it never was some good science, so the rant I initially placed in vol.2
(continuation.html) makes some sense nevertheless it's also
wrong per se and could be caused by me only quite feeling the
front part of the tongue and not knowing that k is made by the
back of the tongue until I was shown an mri or an xri image of
pronounced k.
It's as if l in k is the palate and c is actually the tongue
touching it with its back and me feeling it only now, but before
I saw how it looks I felt it to be the part of my throat, as if
some soft palate played here, little did I know that soft palate
only works for nasals, which I found out only yesterday.
I wouldn't trust it directly, because it's singing and not
talking. What comes next is some video in german, and other
languages have different way to pronounce vowels, and even within
one language different speakers my sound quite differently, all
that could be influenced by the way they place their tongue, or it
could be that within one dialect these forms are only influenced
by the form of the skulls.
I think I have some mild turret syndrome: I don't need to материть
(in english it's to curse, посылать, to
course, so it's not necessarily bad, but all forms of magic was
banned because of curses in the same of in the sense of
damnations) often, but I tend to use bad words in speech
as filler, and russian variant of this word is so disgustingly
metaphoric, that it has to be edited out of this language. Or
should we preserve the orksk language? should I respect the orsk
мислим (mislim, "i think")
(would it be considered plagiatry if I took it without this change
of font I occasionally got in the beginning of this book? Either
way it would look better in the text if torn out and pasted as my
own. Now it makes sense how "simple artists copy, great artists
steal" but only in this rare context, or have I yet to see
мислим (mislim, "i think")
In the north it's called myslim, not muslim. у, not u. (greek and
russians draw U as У НУ ye N ν (some екфыр
trash) and isn't it why Y is named U-grek. or I grek? is
I U? u и, И N ν v u и -- v is in arabic? in aramaic? in hebrew! n
is in english and german, и is in russian, such different readings
of the same symbol, the same word. We on't recognize words of each
other, but we know those words, we yet have to recognize. And when
we recognize the words of eachother, we know all the languages at
once. Just allo more freedome to free dome is free space, at least
above the ground. why doesn't government allow us all to dig for
gold, for example? Because they want money for such activities, so
do everything but share is some old
трус и дурак очень близкие слова. трясёся, как больной психически.
страх и сотрясение мозга? сотрях. страхом с трахом. ушибленный
ущемлённый. ошибаться.
also traumatized has both meanings of psychologic and physical
Gazing at the to, I felt urge to
compare prepositions to numerals, as if those positions are by
1 on
2 to
3 through
4 for
5 ?
6 ?
7 ?
8 ?
9 ? nein
10 ?
if that is true that four first numerals are also приставки,
then on ~ in, of ~ for, by ~ to, at ~ on, and it is only a
guess, I will return to it when I find some more prepositions.
between is some larger word, built up of two others, so I thik,
but I stil will return to this hypothesis.
kill is ge-ill.
завалил geill желе жидкое
girl. gail. gel. gal. call. I have to colour it in more and more
grey, grey is the actual reading, so it's more great and new
version of gray. gray is dorian gray, grey di aubrey and sasha
di aubrey, parrish, okolnikov, kondrasheva all these words speak
about death and work on immortality.
It's hard to believe it's not some play. Is god there watching the
play of our random? are gods? I pray them all, because I only saw
some of them, I don't know either (don't know nor neither. ниже
подпись. понимание поднимание (как поднимать? это фантазия) )
завалил замочил заварил зачморить зажморить зажмоурил зажмурИл
зажмУрил защурил за shier all. зажим, заджем, зажатие задеяие задечие . задатие, задача, занячие, занятие, назначение,
такой дрифт в фонетике и семантике. не знаю являются ли они
The language itself rhyming connects words, most of rhymes are
grammatically similar.
so when I say I my first rhyme is want to die. I lie would be the
second one. I fly would be also a lie or in the other sense it
could be frooty in the fourth rhyme would be that very I am fly.
though it's not a rhyme as good as the first one, who do you eat,
russkie? я головка от куя оркская версия той же местоименийной
Я начал заниматься наукой самостоятельно, целеустремлённо,
самоотверженно, отдав все свои жизненные ресурсы на достижение
научных целей вскоре после того как в процессе обучения в школах
понял, что мои способности лучше чем их программа. Учебный план
следует менять скоро и споро. бордо бодро
и борзо. бордо багровый. г is g in english and d is g
in russian cursive.
abc is abgd. gd & si are two names for the same place of the
alphabet. alphabet probably was before bible and maybe before the
system before that, or so on.
c царь, corol, carl, king knight, конь? шахматы легендарнейшая
игра и уже засветилаь в восьмиричности. k is king or knight? see,
it doesn't work like tat and if it does, it's probably not in
english unless english scholars knew this system. I think they
Vanity is vain so why do I make it public under my own ame?
because I am inane a little, not very fit to social norms.
But at least I don't post my name in open,
you have to write me an email or find it hidden in pictures.
каждого человека можно как датчик
использовать, чтоб получать данные от них, и такие датчики как я
как будто инопланетный, показывает не так и не то что другие,
but makes sense nevertheless.
Вера В что-то
Надежда На что-то
в яро?
на держится.
на деется на что-то
ве ярит во что-то
яр = жар = ire = fire
dʒ j h f
жар жыр пыр пар пор жор
пора пыра? В поры зверям пыряли? поры как дыры-пыры? d dʒ j h f p
fire pyre supports that dʒ p spectre.
daddy and papa, пыр, prick, хер, пэр, пёр, пар, herr, parish,
I thought that new gmail logo was bad, I even dared to write them
about it, and now look how much it looks like my system as if it
goes in columns (or in pages of an open book: first page tells of
vowels and labials, the second page speaks of velars and coronals,
as it could be in some azbuka of english.
I tried to place these letters into something of google colours,
but it was so lame, and why be mistaken with google? my way of
represent the same is not worse than theirs. it also speaks of
bustrophaedon I don't know what to do with, Let's ponder on
it: does this order negate egyptian "letter looks at the beginning
of the line" thing? It rotates letters when they go the other way,
so it keeps that rule, you can see where letters have face by
looking at some bustrophaedon text.
Today I said to my gay friend "too bad A for asexual isn't
included into LGBT, it would make it all easier" he laughed and
said no.
And right after that I found this:
Here it is some massive gay propaganda, telling of cis world as
strict and boring, as some prisoner's pigama, which is of course
false, gay is brown. I am so mean! I said of gay friends, do they
know how much you are disgusted by their choice? How can I be such
a hypocrite. Let's see at it deeper, blacks and whites make those
6 colours triple: red yellow blue and orange green violet is a
little less normal sequence, and though today we have red green
blue as a standart, I don't know how do they get yellow of it,
while orange is red and yellow, green is yellow and blue, violet
is blue and red, so red yellow blue it probably is. Yellow is too
light, red blue green those colours are, like the ones I chose to
α pretty much repeats ω in its graphics,
α and ε and thus ω are the same letter, turned 90°
this artistic artefact allows me to reconstruct glagolitic matrix:
Заломало меня их раскрашивать. Может позже закончу, когда найду
прогу получше.
В рамки выделил те, что после 900, а потому позже добавленные
скорей всего.
В кириллице непонятно является ли NJ нумерной буквой, а потому
возможно ижице-подобная V-образная Ч традиционно закругляет
Just as a similar to cursive v letter is 900th in the most
but if that v is ч, then it's a variant of the previous letter.
Are hoes hers? are humans hims?
was saw
me am
of for
but that could be some standard freakiness.
what то
all these pairs can be coincidences,
especially this one.
In russia it's like they make us all affraid, that's how they
rule. By brutal force or fear of it.
I need my family around me to make it and russian government or
its minions took my bro.
Do I really need my bro around to build it? He payed me salary to
keep me in the comfort zone.
How dare I say it. But it's true, what if that bad will is
actually good will. Let's see how long it take to take an
individual out of the (сейчас пока отвлёкся на меньше минуты
пробеала мысль быстрая, я бы не успел записать, что лебедев
зашкварил всех чёрненьких опять. тупые как пробки, кто так дела
Поощрила плохого человека, отсуди у него
квартиру как оплату (не согласно) вопреки контракта, по которому
человек должен был получить оплату после продажи недвижимости.
согласно / вопреки
с голосо / в упрёки
кто так дела делает? здесь насрали, убежали, там насрали, куда они
сбежать собрались в интернете, интернет глобален, это государства
пытаются пыжатся его гранить, рубить, рассекать верёвочки, это и
есть го-о насрали на тропинке, чтоб никто через говно не ходил.
граница где насрано?
геноцидятся пеноцидится гено цид гены цедят,
просеивают гены, чтоб выкорчевать всё ненужное и заставить бы
уродов физической силой работать.
I understood this lighter patterns. Here they are showing
thought which came to me while I told the story in black. And
usually they substitute brakets (substitute subse... cобой
сомо... (составляет is it because ... is оставляет))
The previous six (maybe even five) black lines are thought
which came to me in a moment задумчивости.
of -ов
-ов -ы -и
ы as a local form of и
complex сложный сложенный соm- polozhen
жен x it is weird because of chromosomic x standing for female. Y
for man is the proof of ancient people knowing some good
microscopy, if Y & X are yang and yin. 3 & 4, it all
supports it. Did we realize this very principle of cosmos in some
other level and it comes through it all not just in our cultural
layers but in nature itself. So what I just said tells why it will
not prove that ancient people knew chromosomes? but the graphical
part, why knew these forms in the upper meaning of 3 & 4
before we saw chromosomes into microscope. Am I sure? X & Y
are letters added in some late antiquity, so they could have good
microscopy? Using glass balls as lenses and using different
spectre of the light: different wood burns with different
frequency. Fire could correlate the tunes making resonanses with
each other, thus we could relate letters to different kinds of
tunes. We could resonate the same wood differently. and thus И
& Z & N could share form. are some хладни тоунс х и у?
It's funny that when I spoke of И Z я подумал о глаголице, которая
наверху, разбита на половины.
а напротив о
б напротив п
в напротив р
г напротив с
д напоротив т
художники предыдущих по
So what if Ad was the beginning of the alphabet? AZ-book. used to
be aзбука, but to split nations they made us use their word,
kniga, whose language was it? knyazey's казнящих, грозящих,
бранящих "сказал А говори и Б!"
ᛁ ᚴᛚᛘ
But no, I don't recognize who could be number 3 or 4. So this
guess is hanging in the air and fuck it.
Братан молоток, заколачивает, а я микроскоп. Хотел помочь матери с
работой, раз у них сейчас на человека меньше, будет же не хватать.
но микроскопом заколачивать можно, но расточительно и
малоэффективно. Чем-то же я могу ей помочь в её работе? Мыслью,
разрешить то, что у неё понять не получается, у неё сейчас о брате
ещё голова занята заботой, и подобое управление, при помощи
страха, и приводит к меньшей эффективности
Не общайся не подумав как следует можно сократить (как в
математике?) на
общайся подумав как следует. И если эти частицы сокращаются как в
математике, то имеем вид
(не общайся)/(не подумав как следует) = (общайся)/(подумав как
следует) общение на фундаменте раззмышления над оным. я чаще
импульсивен, безумен я. без умен не умён умён учён. м майнд, ч
читать учён вчитан вычитан слоган умножан и делижант. дерижор.
(talk in the business) ? (not personal life) how are these two
combining in that mathematical term?
demonism of my name borders another term: dementia. безумие от
слова бес.
бес умия
деминишед ция (ци?)
демен de mini (less) менее.
д в начаеле становится е в конце?
de man, like man, of man, человеческой природы. демоны звери черти
дёрти жорти жерди чёрты, шорты, сорты, морды, хорды, лорды, ворды,
орды, рд is an interesting affricate. орда и order.
хорда. орто(гональ) райт райх write? right rd. right, dextrum.
deus treus unus quartus quintus. sextus.
septust octopus nonus dixi.
These birds fold their arms on their back, as we also can, but
they seem to pull their breastcage as they do it. грудь колесом
выгибают, руки немного получается закручены когда, но из этого
положения и мы сможем всечь по воздуху так, как у нас иными
мускулами сил бы не хватило, дыхание с движением крыльев тем
синхронизируй, перейди на дыхание осознанное. подчини сееб
is misplacement of m in adam reflects ijlm as if this line is
идём, очень мужественное слово.
а ева ева, потому что её можно to eba (ебать) дева, плева, слева,
женщина слева, друг справа.
liasons on the left (women like their man to be her right hand.
так что левая рука это те кого ты правая рука)
That video above was placed here to demonstrate that in these
creatures it's obvious that arms are at tha back and legs are at
the front, wings are at their back.
там также видно, что попугай недалеко от сокола, просто решил
ягоды есть или чем там они питаются. орешками быть может. да ктоже
им даст, хлебной коркой быть может иногда. я орк и злюка, это
точно. I'm ork, dark elf, a crossbreed of orcs and gnomes, neither
elf nor even human, in that racist english tale. we understand
literature, thank you very much. From here we can see us as being
normal cis people and all the europe and jews are all gay,
correlation between jews and homosexuality is really astounding,
maybe one stigma attracts the other, or their traditionas are gay
but we russians see that gay as the gay.
If reader knows I'm a foreigner, it will give himorher them more freedom in
interpreting the text.
(because they may assume that I wanted to
say something slightly different)
часы части числа.
два это две половины. 1/2
три это три трети 1/3
четыре это четверти по 1/4
пять это пять частей по 1/5 в среднем. и так далее, часы числа
числовой частный методы я не знаю их
достаточно хорошо чтобы сравнивать.
часовня часы отмечает, звонит
сорока magpie. mags, chats as aunt maggie. is magpie bastardized
is mag related to mouth? then hag is has, hags what he has.
lags louse? louth! s;ei sleughth
lags lousy
rags rousy?
sacks сыпучее
packs пахучее
wacks worse худшее
bags пакучее паскучее паскудное посконное
bags packs
паковать парковать проковать по cover. to cover.
packet packedge пахочь пахоть похоть пот?
пикет picket picked spyed шпик c пикой
пика пихать лук лучше лучший лучш луч шаттл? settle, lounch was
the word I was looking for. лучники launch,
Gleba is глеба in russian, thus this term is universal yet few
people know this term, it's that soft spore-bringing part of a
mushroom, and it reminds russian word хлеб and english obsolete
f is reflected with б. does it mean that russain alphabet used to
go like avgd of gd, об = о, thus akd could
be normal as it is in the east. and than the second line would
go ebёжз which is definitely the f-word. je fgh
af gd (were voiced-voiceless even a thing then? because only
russian seems to have it.)
им лан (лань лад ладно, love, в~д, (k made it all кал,
sacriledge against the previous culture, and the masses didn't
get it, because they
oprst упрости. .???
оказывается, папоротник цветёт: смотри индузий. В этом
месте расстения встречаются с грибами, смотри решёточник красный
and Восточноазиатский вид рода Весёлка с жёлтым
endligsh speakers know it as sorus: A sorus (pl.
sori) is a cluster of sporangia (structures producing and
containing spores) in ferns and fungi. This New Latin word is
from Ancient Greek σωρός (sōrós 'stack, pile, heap'). sporus
лишайник lichen (лАйкен) is symbiosis of some одноклеточных с
весёлки действительно весёлые: stinkhorn как хуй, clathrus
columnatus is like pizda.
I have so many books I don't read, because I don't want to bead my
mind on somebody else's thoughts, to be independent in my суждение judgements understatements?
understandings? I was told it all. White Goddess told me that мне
всё сказали. мне всё скачали. мне всё закачали. мне всё закатали,
мне всё сука дали. сока дали. сока дави. сока данеси. сока чать.
чать тянуть? чаять. закачивать засасывать. с read as k & ч.
качать = сасать
но в жаргоне это антонимы.
сасать более простая форма буквы си, что и говорит с.
качество это внимание к детали. какая s. k or ch? твёрдая
или мяхкая? са или си? сасите это другая форма того же глагола,
когда хуёво играет, он кому-то сосёт чтоб на сцену пустили, а если
он крут, то она или он сами говорят сосите.
качает = сосите (противоположной команде)
если качает он говорит сосите, пейте, sos помогите. Качает со
чаем. съ чаем. с кофеем. ем я ем.
буду. Я буду Дмитрий. деметрий. деметры de metra.
White goddess is Demetra. I always knew her as Demetra, because I
found those cults by researching my own name's etymology. Dmitry
is literally mama's boy.
my lord my lerard,
he who learned, hewho learnt. he who taught, he who toth. тот.
Кондраши кудряши.
on = at = у = c? with? um? on (this line is so raw it should come
in gray, but there are many such)
яхве Я хво Me who Я кто. я кво. т~v, again, there should be a
collection of these. The question is are there pairs I don't have
links between? I must build a wheel like in 231 gates, where each
letter is linked to every other letter: 22*21 и разделить на два
(потому что связь при таком подсчёте подсчитывается с обоих сторон
(а путь один на двух) и получим 462/2=231
But when I apply my links to that scale, I think I will have stars
with many links between the main letters, and only few or none
between the letters in the stars and other stars, and then
operating with those newfound structures I will compare the links
within the stars and the links outside of them, and if I find no
difference between them, I will measure if those structures are
there merely by some chance.
י I ה ו ה Who in Who? The & The? I & I (me, myself
& I, Я (the same) & (the same), I,i,j
Triple form in arabic is connected to previous, abugidaic
structure? Som e A O E was in their syllabic tradition. maybe,
thus those syllables naturally transformed into initial, middle,
final version, and by similarity between those forms we can say
which was is the basic form and how they tend to grow at both ends
(I think final is the afterswash, and.. why guess if I can see:
(a frame with arabic .odo, please)
Their gimel has only 1+2 & 3 form (first and second is the
same form, form 3 has final swash.
B & L have their swash upwards.
A is the same in all forms: ا except
la: لا but then this digraph is
pretty much the same
all the ب پ ت ث ل ن ی come in halves: بپتثلنی three
times is بپتثلنیبپتثلنیبپتثلنی
(to show you how they all are two letters: la and the rest.
بپتثلن یبپتثل نیبپتثلنی ب پتثلنیبپ تثلنیبپت ثلنی
is the same three lettrarii separated with spacebars elsewhere,
only ی is different from toher other curves.. nah, ن is also
specific in all fonts I saw. they're four (or only three in
arabic, though fourth goddess is hidden by the other three you can
see any given time. so you're confused if they're three or four.
some trippy messages, l is higher above bcd's is n having not one
end, but two ends raised? not Λ but N, so if we compare arabic and
europic forms. Λ is ل and it is L, because they write the same
image in the way they write it. L is leg, and it looks not in the
beginning of the line, but it runs where the line runs, forward.
So they misread egyptian hieroglyphs, and we can read them if we
read lines with animals running forward, not backwards. Backwards
didn't make no sense, and was established as a norm by some
wthether ugnorant or malevolent neighbour, like greeks for
example, greece reigned over egypt, so they are first suspect)
جچحخدذرزژسشصضطظعغفقکگمهو are ج چ ح خ د ذ ر ز ژ س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق
ک گ م ه و
جچحخ reminds بپتث
ج چ ح خ reminds ب پ ت ث
Why do I study this? Why don't I collaborate with academia? Thye
ar e momopolists.
What are they doing? They control the narrative, you are not
welcome there. Where is the нечестивцев союз. Я глупый. Это точно.
Так зачем эти девять томов? Я нарыл атм много интересного, атмта,
is hueta inddee (independent researher is indi and he can talk of
me. Close the district. I am insane like mad. I am going to spread
my wings and fly away. I want to make people live forever. I want
to be the wizard who will reign the world. Not gonna reign the
world unless you find yourself good place into this world. Join
the system. No struggle no pain, leave me alone, please. I am
insane. We both did come in peace. I'm crazy. I was in an
opposition to the kings. Why not to join the kings? Why not to
make the maximum out of this world. I don't like them. They know I
don't like them. I am autist, I am out.
Join the jew. Jurisprudence be prudent to jou.
بپتثنیبپتثنیبپتثنی are ب پ ت ث ن ی
ب پتثنی بپتث نی بپتثن ی
ی's shape doesn't matter. It's different from other by having two
dots under it: نین (nin)
للل لل ل are l ll lll
ب پ are the other letters having dot's underbelly. and it made it
three of them: بیپ
بیپ (ب ی پ) is beep because that's how it sounds, and because bp
are the only labial letters in this group, and somehow they are
singled out with a letter, whych could be y, the labial ю, or the
V [U] itself.
بپتثنی is بیپ نتث which is b.i.p & and why are
they not in order in tha alphabet?
بپ تث ن ی
y is at the end of all the sequence. but only of this one:
ا ب پ ت ث ج چ ح خ د ذ ر ز ژ س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک گ ل م ن ه و ی
and there's other, when it's purely I.
ا ب ج د
ه و ز ح ط
ی گ ل م ن س
ع ف ص ق ر ش ت ث خ ذ ض ظ غ
this ع غ line is 13 simbols and of 13 notes is arabic music. one
more than europe, and it sounds werid, specific.
پ چ
are persian residues, they don't have numeral
28 signs can relate to 29.5 days of a lunar month, 28 plus
additional days when needed. numberless day. and couldn't it
help them divide the sky into 360 instead of 365.4 sectors,
does sun go all those degrees? No, it only visits some range on
the southern sky. From the east to the west, and because the
planet is tilted, it goes in different numbers.
Numeral meaning of thos 28 makes no sense, because in that
tradition they had numeral alphabet split by 9 by 9 by 9.
I like this direction, text goes and letters look back when I
type these lines, but they move to teh left, so further is
further left, Is it the root of the conflict of the cultures?
That like лебедь рак и щука we pull this world into different
Why else would they look that way:
Они встречают читателя лицом. читатель идёт им навстречу. Теперь
Чтоб читатель не обгонял их, чем проявлял бы неуважение, а шёл
бы навстречу, чтоб встречал.
𓅱(𓏲 𓏱)
𓏱 is probably the very same arabic و, just as L & ل look
the different ways. so is L not leg? or is it betn in the knee,
and thus is
߀߁߂߃߄߅߆߇߈߉ߊߋߌߍߎߏߐߑߒߓߔߕߖߗߘߙߚߛߜߝߞߟߠߡߢߣߤߥߦߧ is n'ko and I don't buy
that it is relative.
Because of EMS of ߋߛߜߡ which is from left to right m gb s e
m is triangular as mi, 三
upside down triangle is some gb, and it quite could be a form of
m, some weird labial, mixed with k.
in their ingenious order it is round, sphere, circle first.
cube, box, square the second
M is the most complicated sound, by the eastern tradition
females go last.
Дам пропускают вперёд, если в доме
безопасней чем на улице.
Z is 7 because H is 8 and h used to go
I think I saw h written as something like these: or but I fed
it to yandex pictures and google pictures, and they didn't find
anything better than ᛟ, so I think I have seen those forms in
dream or.. I search images better than google and yandex
combined, and I found this image, and if you click it, it leads
to protosinaic script, showing that this form is similar to the
h of archaic greek, and yes it is h.
Then 9 is whether θ or و of the following y,
the i.
Since I agree that they could transcend from octal to decimal.
mal is better than kal as would be in the form of decal.
a meets de in that a is to and de is of.
Can I say that french is shorter version of english?
à mi-voix is At middle (of) voice but italian sotto voce is more
common among englishmen.
in russian it's also a standard phrase: в пол голоса. Sotto voce
is шёпотом, sotto is sub, под, ниже.
ниже is both descriptive and prescriptive.
Notice, that hieroglyphic 𓎚 stands for both voiced and voiceless
h, but only recognized in voiceless form in both protocanaanite
and archaic greek maybe too, according to the form of and how it could look in cursive.
That table claims that 𓃾 [kꜣw] (“oxen”, and how similar that kꜣw
to cow)
They say that 𓃾 relates to 𒄞 (alpu) [GUD] bull, ox (so alpu or
gud? alpu would related it directly to aleph) gud relates directly
to govyad, govinda, cow.
I wonder what the other two are:
𓃾𓉏 go first and some of 𓆛𓆜𓆝𓆞𓆟 follow? Let's see if
internets has anything about it. They don't.
Here, something related to Ϻ standing for S, Carian alphabets use
the same forms greeks do, but apply them to sometimes completely
different sounds:
𐊣𐊫𐊺𐊼 of LOEK only can be arranged into abc (and even abcd)
order if o plays the role of labial, which I doubt. 𐊺𐊫𐊼𐊣 as
EOKL but I really, really doubt it, I doubt that that
transliteration above is correct, but what do I know, I just must
doubt everything, to be sharp.
I wonder why I didn't know about them before, that I do wonder.
And here some more: phrygian doesn't seem to have unicode bloc, so
here it is in image:
and a couple of similar scripts from the region:
and there are so much more: anatolyan hieroglyphs that were used
directly before alphabets appeared:
As you can see the set begins similar to the way egyptian
hieroglyphs go: 𔐀𔐁 and 𓀀𓀁
Probably, these sets influenced eachother in the moden time.
only 𔐀𔐁 both mean ego (I, я) and so does 𓀀, but not 𓀁 (which
is ем)
𔐙 is translated as oculus into latin (eye in english), and 𓂋 is
believed to be r, mouth. 𓂎 is the eye, ir. gives translations to
anatolian hieroglyphs and it seems they're accurate, but I will
not collect them here, because it will be some monkey business,
they are listed in some other books, and machines helping me
making such dictionaries are necessary.
𔐈 amplecti обволакивать envelope.
𔐎 prae , logosyllabic pari (so they had some logosyllabic signs,
just like egyptian, some related system, related to egyptian, and
before that I only knew meroe alphabet, I wonder how many there
can be, undiscovered by me, or maybe even by nobody)
𔐓 syllabic á
𔐞 syllabic tá (I read they spoke about it for this ta is the same
ta in take, because that ta is take)
Transliteration of logograms is conventionally the
term represented in Latin, in capital letters (e.g. PES for the
logogram for "foot"). The syllabograms are transliterated,
disambiguating homophonic signs analogously to cuneiform
transliteration, e.g. ta=ta1, tá=ta2, and ta6 transliterate
three distinct ways of representing phonemic /ta/.[10] Some of
the homophonic signs have received further attention and new
phonetic interpretation in recent years, e.g. tà has been argued
to stand for /da/,[11] and á seems to have stood for /ʔa/
(distinct from /a/), representing the descendant of
Proto-Indo-European */h₁/.[12] One of the latest confirmed
discoveries pertaining to the decipherment of Anatolian
Hieroglyphs is the re-interpretation of the signs ta4 and ta5 as
<la/i> and <lá/í> respectively [13]
or maybe it was about the next one, or who knows what at all:
𔐫 capere , syllabic tà
𔐭 capere2.capere2 , syllabic ta-x?
𔐮 capere2
or this:
𔐬 syllabic tà
and the list of syllabics go on:
𔐤 syllabic na
𔐷 syllabic a+tá
𔐽 syllabic nì
𔐾 syllabic ká (is it some hand gestures?)
𔐿 infra, sub , syllabic ká
Omniglot did the job, and they recognize this script as Luwian:
and some ideograms, to show that it's not to envelope, but to
but the signs they use are sometimes different from the unicode
Is it not latin, but actual luwian? no, it'
latin. Is latin lydian? probably not.
Suddenly is a in a I U is just an article standing for 1, if a is
only 1, then indeed this redundant concept appeared later than 1
and thus b was the first number, and 23.. what does this section
remind me? 231.
and d ~ 1. not 4, but 1? as in 1 4 7 in
ternary system could be next order each? But I didn't find any
historic reference to ternary numeral system other than 太玄經's 𝌀
Or, before abcd, when it was only ᛆᛒᚦ,
before ᛆ it was 21? hm.. and then so were ᚠᚴ and if it is so,
then ᛚᛘᚿ is the next line with l standing for I (and MN being
that.. 32 now? I'm confused, indeed)
Could 𓀀𓀁𓀂𓀃 be an actual order of them?
I M (я ем, ja jm) or is it just fantasy..
What catches eye first is that I in egyptian is I, [i]
It also seems that 𓃾 was only a logogram and wasn't a phonetic
symbol at all, so how can those researchers of protosinaic link
these two heads? Because it is literally both are bull heads.
Which could be a sacrelidge in the further east.
Мясоедство, говядоедство, было отправной точкой раскола между востоком и западом и востоком?
Граница между индией и пакистаном. И снова я лезу в политику,
потому что языковые и культурные различия - это политическая тема.
are probably AMS, where S is inhaling between upper teeth and the
inside of the lower lip, which imitates the sound of little bird
the most, the best. and that sound could mutate into w. and ш too.
(I said about it before, I just felt like
specifying the sound in case I didn't the last time)
Скрипи scream (с краем, with cry)
creak крик
Those birds I the video of which I posted
before, I didn't manage to say that руки в боке, но птицы
показывают, что бок на самом деле back, ноги снизу значит
спереди? руки в боке значит заде. но ноги же из жопы растут. зад
сядь seat sit.
A new piece on trinity:
Some of you probably know of Amon-Rah, and it gets to this:
In the Leiden hymns, Amun, Ptah, and Re are
regarded as a trinity who are distinct gods but with unity in
plurality.[13] "The three gods are one yet the Egyptian
elsewhere insists on the separate identity of each of the
three."[14] This unity in plurality is expressed in one
text: All gods are three: Amun, Re and Ptah,
whom none equals. He who hides his name as Amun, he appears to
the face as Re, his body is Ptah.
As you can notice, those names begin with vowel, labial and
Then again I don't know if it's cherry-picking or not, but the
Amun's name itself is rather alphabetic:
𓇋𓏟𓈕𓁩 (i-mn-n)
I don't know how to place the second hieroglyph above the
third, so here it's in image:
and is
our AMN AMS A MN Ϻ Amen Ауминь Аум Аумнй Ау мне!
And Reh (why Reh, it was Rah before, it is Jah before.
I & eYe
И Икраткая(больше размером чем И)
как W is twice V but it could be double U and u looks like и
if Rah is Reh, then it is ר letter. The one reported
(on the same level of one cool guy said) to be the first of all
Meditating at ר this came:
четырёхчастность не только алфавита, но и гамм скорей всего тоже
или их сразу было пять? сразу наверное была одна,
Только сегодня узнал, что goal это ворота, goalposts штанга.
goal as go all? ворота замка? officially it's of unknown origin,
and if goal is ворота изначально, и лишь затем мяч в воротах, then
I claim goal to be etymologized as go all. For this ai should
Эксперимент с искусственной маткой мог быть поставлен и на заре
человечества: за счёт рабского труда, и может даже рабских трупов.
Но столь затратный эксперимент (что кто-то силдит в матке, а
другой огонь пддерживает хотя бы, даже если воду носить вдруг не
надо, потому что ручей перекрыли. Школы могли быть культами
поддержания жизни людях в шарах. Или могут быть. Нет, не
должны: людях требует в: в людях. почему? ях is ве?
аутист и артист одно и то же слово? аутист
больше артист чем артист. более сложное слово, а отец очень
простое слово.
en is и in some russian word, as if en is the correct (old) form
of and. and is end and add. one or inoi
add is до-бавь добери
away is у-бавь убери
d = t = 𓏎 = +
w = n = 𓈕 = -
d = a = 𓄿
w = ш = 𓅱
And I stumbled across this ancient piece of linguistics:
From immediate finds is hiragana is named hiragana, because f and
h is the same consonant in the syllabary. And some forms are
whether colloquial, but hiragana ka immediately tells it's some
artist's mistakes. Or if a native japanese wrote it, thatn they
're dialectal, and actual, but I think It's an example of how
academic science can be wrong.
But it's still interesting, because it's also some other order: f
goes before ka and after k m follows, which is weird. Especially,
because the order A-Ka-Sa-Ta-Na is present, only as with the
vowels (A I U is the common order and E & O placed
differently, but if we include ogham into the consideration, we
can see that only the order of A first, all the other vowel are
after that is the universal order indeed. But by the division such
as japanese is closer to alphabets than ogham to them tells how
much secretive and закрытым был огам, но на счёт того, что это они
сохранили изначальный порадок букв, тогда как остальные его
растратили сомнительно, потому что бет лойс нон is the name of
oghamic canon, but b l f s n it is
today. Which may say that instead of 5 notes were only 3.
So it could be with vowels: a i u or a o e? o being two a is
present in both ogham ᚐ ᚑ and runes ᛆᚮ, thus e could be the ᚒ
which reminds E when it goes vertically, which it usually does.
+ as A again, ⰰ is more +like sometimes.
ᛝ would be great o in this context, but it's
Could ᚾ be ᚽ and thus ᚼ? no, too much of an
Some more images from the same book:
(where I found it (in all dead links, so I had to research the
internet on the description to find it) it was called нагари или
санскрит, but this page explicitly says Nagrou or Hanscret.
I found a better collection of the same book:
I list these pages here, because most of them seem legit, but
probably only because I don't know them, and as much as japanese
is off from time to time, so can the others be:
I found them at
and extracted them with
among the other peculiarities that japanese table has is
exactly the 50 signs (modern tables have 49) and -n is still
among.. I wanted to say -wu gang, but there's no w- set, they have
some additional n' instead.
a- anomal
be- belittle
co- cooperate
de- debug
e- eliminate
f? for- forget
g? ge in dutch?
i+- illegal, irreversible, impossible
re- reconstruct
un- unknown; up- upregulate, but then we
have to include downregulate, and that's too many letters.
-a (latin plural and feminine?)
-b (latin verbal suffix of whether past or future or both, buduchi
If god is love, amat can be a great name for it. him. her. depends
on what you love or who loves you or he, ams & amt are thus
the same in this context. amt is matt мать mat, мяхкое, мятое,
моет, может, умеет, имеем, материя, артерия, опять начинаешь!
поэзия проза позор позеры бейцы бойцы бисы бесы басы боссы бусы
базы бразы брезы борзы персы парсы фарсы персы мурсы морзы. морды
мерзы морозные борозды строфы растафары фары стары я сам поэтом
стал, смотри какая гадость
I usurp here everything I want to integrate, I delivered some
images myself in the past, since then I rarely draw them myself,
my art now is mostly rip-offs of pdf to png by I don't know if such commercial buys off
their product, I'm thankful and hope they are well. Just do your
Only in 1st and 2nd conjugations does b appear in both past and
future, it's more universal for past, for which b always appears,
in all conjugations. I feel as if I show face when I say
conjugations: like I сморщил морду и выставил язык прищурившись.
And they are here because I wanted to see how exactly does those
future and past b's differ, to consider that b just be and before
or after off there, of terra, and the difference is pretty
obvious: in the past tense after b always a, and in the futurum it
is anything but a, and literally anything: o, e, i, u, but not a.
and that site is a powerful tool, or it has some powerful tables,
I take some more:
and some more from the same site:
ei thad for her dad makes me believe dad is related to father, and
then father is θather. thather. but thatcher is the closest word
to that. не тятя но тётя.
and it lead further into ik being I in the same line as M for the
mother, and θ for the father also stands out of its place. F
stands in that very line. so second line is father's line, third
line is mother's line, and the first line is for Бабушка и
Дедушка. но Жили Были первая строка, потому что there's no way
father is 2 and mother is 3. Father is 1, Y. and Mother is 2, to
raise what one man can carry, mom and nun. The third line is for
тётки, тот, те, сей (но тоже третье лицо. Тогда почему Ik в
третьей (ну хорошо, во второй) строке, а не among EFGHθ? Is H-line include both Ik and θ?
father Ik, moms and nuns are they? and U is even after that, only
some diplomacies and agencies had to invent and use U ?
Bы вообще в первой строке (которую добавили позже, оттеснив θ с
первой строки) а ты похоже на те потому что не отличали второе
лицо от третьего? Он сделает, кто сделает
тот получить деньги. Милости проси. Будешь мил если сделаешь
что-то. Я глупец, грубец, голубец, рубец, трупец тупец тухнец
тупит мертвяк не отвечает на вопросы dumb~dead? is dumb
deadinside? me & те these words look exactly the same to the
tinest detail, but first is english me and second is russian
they [te] it's their t looking like m. is it a drop into the
antonymity of pronouns? a gulp.
My idea that all first signs in consonants ar labial (and what
is aouei is yet to figure out) is supported by that new
transcription, that h is not h, but j would be sad disprove if it
was straight out J playing like both h & j but the name of the
letter is uath, which is combination with j gives юаθ youth? it
would play along well with дети & child & qid.
there it had an addition of aicme named forfeda, which I only
recognize as forfeða in icelandic, but ogham is irelandic, so what
is with all these lands? forferda is scared (пропердевшийся?) в
норвежском, but all my volk etymologie is in vain, because there's
not only google translator, but also wiki (yeah I know both are to
be used very cautiously) The forfeda (sing.
forfid) are the "additional" letters of the Ogham alphabet,
beyond the basic inventory of twenty signs. Their name derives
from fid ("wood", a term also used for Ogham letters) and the
prefix for- ("additional").[1][2][3] The most important of these
are five forfeda which were arranged in their own aicme or
class, and were invented in the Old Irish period, several
centuries after the peak of Ogham usage. They appear to have
represented sounds felt to be missing from the original
alphabet, maybe é(o), ó(i), ú(i), p and ch.[clarification
needed] See, they're not forfathers, but some additional wood. So that
is showing how you shouldn't trust blindly what you read on the
internets, and I expose myself by sharing this draft. Everybody
are wrong sometimes, so they all would be exposed as such frauds
from time to time, and that could be the reason why there's no
tradition of publishing drafts (of something which is naturally
wasn't publishable enough, not to having come through the
editorial process. But here you also can see how I correct myself
from time to time, so some of my readers may implement this too.
When they say " five forfeda" they speak
about the first five of the six, they are not divided into three
sometimes, but into 5 and 1, I don't post it here, it's on the
were Irish vowels insufficient to the brits? because wiki could be
much more correct: X could be just written across the staff to
make the [x] which could happen to be mutated into k or who knows
maybe eo sometimes. [oi] could be just o, the angular it had be
because only straight lines are accepted so it seems, they're all
straight. ui could be G, but that's a guess. others are too weird,
I think those X & O could be some signs more often than the
others and the others are so rare they'rs авторские, ненастоящие,
они вообще все, вся форфеда неаутентичная. Я это чувствовал, а
затем и в вики прочитал, может чувствовал потому что раньше читал
и сформировал своё мнение на счёт форфеды тогда, а сегодня лишь
помнил решение, понял решение, но процесс его получения напрочь из
памясти стёр, так и надо.
So at the top of it all, I imagine that vowels were only
oglasovki, tochki, kotorye mogli vne stava
raspologatsa (ne videl takogo, just predpolagayu) oh wow at last I began speaking english in
latin. speaking russian in latin I did just before. ya two
letters but some words are shorter, but all those are's and is's
are slowing it up.
and left and right are so arbitrary, and only three letters were
in one direction (because of beth-luis-nion.. why cannot I
remember them, they're female names all in four letters: beth,
luise, nino with reversed no? what is
nion? are others names?)
I was told that those triangles of mine are modular arithmetic,
and this is some awesome images you can find when look for modular
Here they connect those 231 gates too, at least visually.
How do they connect to aeiou? maybe chladni figures, maybe in no
particular way, I have to play with voice and chladny waves.
I guess this day is over, my pictures are better than my text,
it's time to sleep.
But I didn't and found some people comparing canadian aboriginal
to devanagari:
where this image leads, they say Parent systems:
Devanagari, Pitman shorthand
But because in cree script it is very much abugidaic, it is cree
alphabet was before devanagari, civilization spread
and I looked for Pitman shorthead, and didn't find anything
similar to Cree syllabics, but this shorthead is arranged in a
similar four-corner ways, but I'm pretty sure it was arbitrary, by
somebody not even knowing Cree Syllabics, let's compare them side
by side:
As you can see, if somebody created one system base on the other
they would base it on it more similarly, but here we have absolute
chaos, no comparison. And yet, the best picutres of pitman
I could only find consonants, but it will be enough to compare:
as you can see, almost nothing similar, only the yay could
compare, but that's not enough and as I said for devanagary: in
Cree it's more systematic.
The only thing they could have (the missionaries) added from that
pitman shorthand - is that some signs are doubled, which is not
shown in the presentations of Cree I gave you in the previous
But here is the missionaries' cree, what was his name.. James
Evans, he could added those silly dashed forms:
See, replication crisis, kali yuga, babylon.
But that shorter star was considered more based: more close to the
Either way, let's start with learning them, and then we'll dig on
I see that ma and pa are similar quadrants, let's work with them:
Probably that was not the initial pattern, because why would
vowels go in different order?
pa after ma, pi after mi, but then whether e or o goes the scuares
(corners courts) disagree, and thus it is not as mnemonic as it
could be.
k and n are also similar, but легко запомнить: н ничком, к колом
(ничком лежит, колом стоит)
This is what I got when I grouped the lines by their vowels, and I
got the direction to go clockwards.
I go to bed with the heretic idea that if that comparison of
devanagari to cree is accurate (it's far fetched I think, but I
will look further into them) then it's Cree which reached India
to.. but where is the eskimoic evidence? ice melts, so no
evidence. They don't live on eyes, they probably have some bones
and leather at least. Why would they need these signs? What rich
literature do they have? Why do I shill for them? I never met
them. I just see a glorious uniqness of the system and I read that
Cree knew script before christians, but mostly because of the
pattern of christian behavious towards ingenious systems.
maybe not. I was super tired and super stoned that night.
Next morning. New morning. Good morning everybody.
Another example of recent "invention" of a writing system:
Zanabazar's square script is a horizontal
Mongolian square script (Mongolian: Хэвтээ Дөрвөлжин бичиг,
Khevtee Dörvöljin bichig or Mongolian: Хэвтээ Дөрвөлжин Үсэг,
Khevtee Dörvöljin Üseg),[1] an abugida developed by the monk and
scholar Zanabazar to write Mongolian. It can also be used to
write Tibetan and Sanskrit.[2][3]
Of course it can be used to write tibetan, because it is tibetan
writing system, so if he invented anythig, it was not script, but
font. Such is devanagari, but first compare to tibetan:
let's place them on the same plate:
Tibetan Buddhism, which preserves the Vajrayana
teachings of eighth-century India, is practised in the countries
of the Himalayan region, Mongolia, and Kalmykia.
tta ttha dda ddha nna and ta tha da dha na look so much alike,
that they're fonts withing this font, different ways to write the
same tibetan letters.
he maybe added a couple of letters, such as gha, you know you can
trust these tables completely. I saw mistakes and ommissions on
other charts, on those I knew, these I compare blindly. Why read
me? I will publish what I find. these are my drafts, pretty dirty
and rather raw.
In mongolian square script in tsa tsha dza you can see one raws
repeating the other with some diacritics.
and another reason to say that that mongolian square script is
more authentic than some 17th century novodel is comparison of it
to brahmi, and I start with ba so much more basic in mongolian
than nepelian:
But suddenly I notice, that that ba is pretty much the only sign
that correlates directly, others are too much different. Va I also
recognize, and sure enough it's also va in mongolan. And if that
nagle doesn't matter, I thnk I can recoglize la, but others, not
so much. Okay, ya, and again more similar in mongolian than in
tibetan. But ma is more recognizable in tibetan than in mongolian.
Don't mongols have cows? Or maybe that is cow's head drawn in
profile, and in tibetan you can see it in semi-profile with one
horn to your side, and only the tip of the other can be seen from
the head. Brahmic pha can be recognized in mongolian, so there are
probably more, and my such work we can reconstruct the initial set
or can we not, I leave it here for some smarter heads.
Bha shows, that whether my set of tibetan is not complete, or that
Zanabazar used some source related to tibetan, but not the tibetan
I use here.
desuetude is the state of disuse. how and
what grammatic processes took place here I wonder.
I sobras ebru
Я собрался умру, я обрался к евреям, я собираюсь познакомиться с
ними поближе
язычник я зычник язык и голос едины уста
נָא (на) is please in hebrew. энд э вэри неприличный постфикс в
but it could also be the imperative of give, на, take (if it was
ha, it would be have)
ани роцэ лэдэбэр ам равви бэрусит на (или как на или бабакаша)
ладэбэр говорить
мадэбэр говорит, говорю, говоришь
мадэбрим говорим. в русском и иврите один и тот же суффикс?
но русские его воспринимают как мы, а евреи как множественное
число вообще. Т.е М это не только мы, но и много. Тогда почему в
английском мы? заимствование. прикинь. duh.
тогда почему в русском мой меня? обратное заимствование?
а женский род множественного числа суффикс от, в русском делают и
те тем и отлично от мы.
глагольные суффиксы имеют местоимённую природу. делаешь значить
sie было ты. потому что сие подобно thee, and то подобно тем (им)
суффикс множественного числа в чистом виде?
делаем = делай и me (so m is the personal pronoun? in
им значит много, баран им значит несколько баранов (их же
но к им есть однокоренное: ему у=1? у указательное. у = в = in
ей тогда тоже её
их что за.. e = y? dirty a? were there only a and diacrited a? as
only a is used in latin suffixes of the past, all the other vowels
are exclusively (and seamingly without any structure, e o u i all
over the place)
их это he задом наперёд (может такое тесное соседство повсеместно:
им me, я I, you we, те эти, тот: вызваны малым количеством букв в
тот период, но тогда мы можем посчитать эи буквы:
й а и м, у, t, e
5 vowels, m, t
(s is a variant of t as сии is closer than те (те is точка,
finita, f n t)
f & t
f = gh? then h ~ n
end = n&t? the end of the first half and the end of the second
& after z is a risky reminder of st, because to is and in
japanese, d reflects t and da is used as and too.
r ~ y? q ~ x? p~vw exactly. or is q reflecting w? both are
probably ligatures with final v
but q is not labial. is q ligature of two hebrew letters? ו + כ =
ק? then I say that hebrew influenced latin. Q for que еврей и
вопрос тоже очень похожие слова, и то что они отвечают вопросом на
вопрос меметично. Но на самом деле я говорю, что это общая система
и люди изображали то, что когда-то имело пиктографическое
о как рот? мы вроде решили, что буквы не показывают рта? но
японо-китайское 一 also sounds as i, and mouth in their script is 口
(ko is co is very close to o, and it is рОт in russian, so when
Alex kicks that man's rot it is both english and nadsat. what else
rots regularly? rot)
So what if those й а и м, у, t, e show mouth? в Т язык упирается в
нёбо (ирминсуль упирается в небо ветвями) М могло быть 𓈕 зажатым
ртом. с фибрацией.
А is muscles stretched by the lower jaw maximally? Λ could be
mustaches and - could be the lower lip, and if Λ is the mustaches,
it reflects 🜂 standing for yang. ا is male, standing, 一 and 𓈕
are female, laying. (𓈕 in demotic is very much 一)
oh wow, wiki got demotic page improved! Some Vorziblix added it
edited about five months ago.
L tells that their l can be directly related to both arabic ر
& ل and latin l cursive.
M & P looking like S & C (if we reverse them, because look
which way the animals look, it's right to left) make me question
their transliterateion, like what if owl stand not for M, but for
С as in Сова.
P~S M~C it is interesting. C as gamma (more m than g, maybe g is
the the and amma is mama? Г~B again, strange, suddenly I notice
this song turns on grace jones's song in my head, with all the
intro and stuff and now it's pull up to the bumper baby when I
began thinking of the intro, probably that song was my reintro, or
I liked it when I reentered grace jones)
t definitely came out of demotic egyptian. It wasn't jews who
inented the alphabet, it was their sworn enemies (sworn as with
swords? зарубились) the egyptians.
Let's collect the letters, those who look alike and those who look
like some other letters and then those who doesn't look like
anything at all if there be such:
I wonder how all w, h, i can be written as a vertical lign, but
then it doesn't confuse me much that I may look just like l, or it
does.. and the w is vav, and the h can be seen as the opposition
to n, as if some japanese has to do womething with that: like hai
is yes and nai is no.. or is it way too fart-fetched,
Is egyptian ka the same far-eastern ki, I wonder.
lieutenant is read as leftenant. I wonder why.
смерть и старость когнаты? m & т are M & Т (in english
and in russian, so it would make sense to mocpare russian and
english words, and I will, but now I found something close to
cognate in russian both times.
Сколь сильно языки меняют восприятие (как может и восприятие
обусловленное генами породило тот или иной зяык (в зависимости от
географических факторов во многом. Лингвистика настолько сырая
наука, потому что она в идеале должна включать и генетику и
географию, и это только на г, кто знает что ещё там нужно,
теология, археология, сканеры глубоких слоёв не только пергамента,
но и толщи земли.
Но не опасно ли пронзать землю частотами, если они влияют на живые
организмы? Пущай живые организмы в решётках фарадея живут, это
понятно (на самом деле не понятно)
I wrote further with a typo, probably as furter and gmail
converted it into future, not further. Do they try to tell me that
furthere is a fucked up (some obsolete) future.
Spheric bathes have advantages as is, and they go further, they
allow us to dissolve the skeleton, if the biochemistry of skeleton
contradicts the biochemistry of blood vessels: Aubrey told my by
skype that calcium in arteries is a huge problem.
To join the brittish commonwealth. When technology allows all the
russians speak english.
Сколь сильно языки меняют восприятие: испанское хабло вместо
английского спик или немецкого спрахе п = пр? глсн лшн? похоже на
русское хавло, что очень глубая форма слова рот.
This initial A does remind demotic 𓄿 and both print A and 𓄿
remind eachother too.
also the third letter is probably s, which reminds that 𓎚 which
is recognized as some h, but we know that h could easily be ʃ
which could both originate from 𓎚 and cause that |-like s in that
So here I directly say, that latin cursive comes directly from the
demotic script? Then why wasn't demotic script understood? Could
it be understood by coptic priests who just didn't recognize its
connection to the temple texts?
Here, let me mirror it for you, so that it would go left to right
as we do,
As you can see, with the exception of the swash in the right top
corner, it's almost exactly cursive a.
Or it's just linked to the following text not at the bottom, as we
do it, but at the top.
I don't see b, to try to reconstruct how would egyptian alphabet
look, but let's mirror it all, maybe so we'll see it:
Paradoxically, only now I notice that one of demotic forms of 𓇋
looks like y. so 𓇋 is both i & y.
It seems we see the vowels more than anything now, a, i, y, o, and
e could come out of ie of 𓇋𓏱
By the way 𓏱 or 𓇋 looks either way when we compare 𓇋𓏱 to
𓇋𓇋𓏱 I may think that those example are taken sometimes form
left-to-right, sometimes from right-to-left texts. I could be
wrong, but it's a direction to study.
Let's look closer to the next vowel, o:
and I suppose that the first form is more distinct while the other
two are just fasthand versions of it with a interswash connecting
those wot halves directly reminding ᛃ or ᛜ,ᛝ
And in the further letter it is seen that whether european scripts
parted ways with egyptian demotic before that second form came out
of the first (as the comment on the original table tells) or that
those two forms coexisted into the latest times (and that comment
on the original table tells they were) Because in the first and
more distinct form you can see m or maybe even μ:
(the first form is to the right, this is a
mirrored image)
𓇋𓇋𓏱 doesn't surprise me after I know of y as ij.
I don't want to cherrypick, so I will look at them all, but don't
I cherry-pick when I say that w is hebrew vav when I used latin
just before? I hope not, because they're explicitly the same
system, and I compare cursive gimel to c and cursive dalet to d
and het to h and so on.
Demotic 𓃭 is l, this raises no question so far.
this letter is the least understood so far, but it's still in
minority, and it is some weird local h's so in could be whether
some ζ or ξ or ص or ط or who knows what else.
Some other signs are directly presented in the coptic, so it's not
greek influenced coptic, but coptic influenced greek? Or did they
influence one another? So that coptic influenced greed first, and
then greek influenced coptic making in align in the alphabetic
Even if I move 𓄿 above the line, I still have more different
signs than the similar ones, and the way I give myself liberties
to interpret the other signs, it could all be rather apophenic. Either way (aopophenic or not) it is here to
demonstrate how I work and how I explore the possibilities of
probably connections. and sometimes this labour gives good
fruit. I still don't know if this comparison is truly etymologic
or merely mnemonic. Either way, I told you it's a draft.
But then I have to move 𓅓 above the line too, for I recognized
it. And then it's even. 13 letters per group which makes me wonder
if that guy used english latin alphabet to play out of here, but
then no, he had so many diffeent h's english doesn't have. so
let's try to arrange those signs into english latin alphabet's
I did the best I could, I placed one of h's into c block, because
of how demotic counterpart of it reminds russian cursive gimel,
the г.
I also placed y at Y's position in greek alphabet and one of h's
into the x position in case it's ξ.
I don't know if one of s's had to take the position of z, either
way, they're not that far from it, so you can see it. Maybe one of
d's deserve the positon of z, maybe one of h's deserve the
position of j..
There's still too many t's and only one w and only one y for both
u & y.
So probably this 26's-ness is just a coincidence.
That b of theirs, I think I know it's b without that j or what
that snail could be and the demotic form of that hieroglyphic b is
definitely a foot. or could book be of that form even then? I need
some history of costume now.
On those inverted images or ooks like to. And it correlates with
inverted ᛚ is ᛐ which is ᛏ and so because I draw such a fat line
around both ᛚ and ᚱ, I consider ᚱ being some ligature of ᛚ with ᚲ
for example. to is and in japanese, and и/или is very close.
or is a questioning form of to? I think it's my long-forgotten
idea of inversion for questioning. But myabe not. It's whether in
my first two notebooks or not at all.
pan is пьянь (фавн)
𓁲 is probably bes, the only one looking
fool face.
Делает делают тот и те. ю~io~я~ё~e.
difference between та и те is ет и ют.
iot has ot (the hebrew suffix of plural)
deman an is en (plural)
lyom juicy sochny. i dunno..
lemon. lime. mile, meal,
вы мы ты
w m т
we mы the
ты это тот, а вы и мы это близко, но разное, ты же более грубое и
дальше в серое. вы красное мы синее? откуда эти цвета? они
случайны? у меня в алфавите первой идёт красная, но если язычные
огонь, то они должны быть киаспым , гласные красные складно. языки
пламени, н не потому ли а ~ д,,,?
но лучше д ~ а (дмитрий александрович так меня зовту)
в д is the first yin yang.
биньян? I dunno
b z
z & я are final letters and both stand at the same key.
both b&t?
bo th
bo te
(нолики и крестики? мяхкие и тёплые? потому что те температура?
were those scientific notions from the dawn of science not
changed, and thus v = швидкость, speed.
Во ~ Тe as На/Дай.
aye. but I have to check is it's true:
На дай. Both Во и Те are semantically closer to На then to Дай.
На и Во делят форму ν & v (alphabets are arbitrary, and whose
mysteria were more convincing, those alphabet they took. Different
languages use the same alphabets, same language may use several
alphabets through their history.
Thus those different reads of the same letters They're such
ancient letter
I claim that the same forms having different readings are the
ancient commons, c is from k to s to ch
How can n be both N & P? v is both N
& V. V = N = П? Абсурд. V = Г = Λ. deal with it.
c as s is more common, thus k came out of s, and abc dictates that
c before d and s before t.
m is both M & T (т is т in cursive, п is п in
cursive) and it relates to Ϻ because s ~ t.
(I probably should have explained why, but I write about it
before, I will combine these pages by topics anyway, so what's the
point: Δ sounds as ð, ת sounds as θ. ams and amt, and probably so
if V = Г = Λ then П is closer to V than before. even though both
are vowels. C is not vowel at all, but that's what, in the
contrast of s being a form of t, c being a form of d contradicts
and sounds here by a biggest resonance of all this work, it's as
strong as m & n being t & p, even though p is 2 because of
π which is not minuscule, but majuscule form of the same П in
russian. (maybe because П & п are so alike) and actually it
questions both the origin of those minuscule greek forms and the
validity of the legend from linguists that greek minuscule
appeared only in the medieval times, because I think they confuse
us when we ask them with minuscule in general, there's something
in minuscule they probably don't want us to see. like bd pq thing
or f t thing or who knows what else.
I work from both ends: I want to dissolve all the long words into
the words as short as possible, and at the same time I go from the
otehr end (oder ende) from the letters, as short as can bee.
B boot D dlann=ladon, and in this l ~ d.
is l leg? do horse have four legs? or paws? or only soft are the
paws. soft paws. horse has hooks hooves,
and legs. I .. what doe it matter? l is leg, long, lag, see
the sequence of meanings? leg and lag don't have direct link, but
via long they both connect to it. Thus long is the basic form,
thus r ruki, l/n nogi/legy, lyahi, lyashki, лежки, leg'ki, leghki
light? legky ляжки. это вроде было, но я же говорил, кружу ккак коршут. коршун.
каа и ква (но отбой каа выдуманное слово.
может это хинди или санскрит? это же киплинг)
lingua is also leg, but it's an inside leg. lingum is also with
in. lingua are all linguals and I wonder what w can be if not
inside. though it's slavic bias, but I am slavic, I will naturally
have this bias, so accept it as a norm and adjust for who how awesome those etymologies of
mine will be to take the hypothetic past for the model.
lingua is not leg but long, l+ing (ling lang long like sing sang
sing sand was written by accident in the previous line, and it
made me think of sing ~send.~gong ~going. ~saying~song thus sing
is saying. or rather song is saying. singing is saying, sing is
saying. thus s is say. not see? повествоваватние has so many v's ,
so if it matters, v is see.
d is do, b is be, M~W because мыть~wash
b большой (big)
d дорогой (dear)
r редкий (rare)
an this guess-fest makes me question if l is long, because even
though in russian длиный l is present, I still wonder if dl is
legit l.
k король (king)
k ключ (key)
q королева
q кто (que)
w вода (water)
w ветер (wind)
v ведьма (witch, vex)
v ведать (wit)
l love (любовь)
h Hate (Ненависть)
Jh hot (жар)
s small (мал)
мал и small are definitely one word, and that explains long
длинный. d & s are l & m
t & s? (if l & m, maybe it's folded here?
l is 0.5 wide, m is 1.5 wide, they come together like mother and a
child. элодим comes to my mind but I don't know hebrew
I heard yesterday that miyazaki draws on average one minute per
month, that's 60 seconds per 30 days.
60mal system is 360=60*6 and 60=6*10, so they knew 10 even then.
60 seconds per 30 days is 2 seconds per day it's 48 to 50 frames,
and that is hiragana-katakana.
But even then they (in anime) draw less
frames per second, so they probably draw some key frames and
then fill in if they feel like it. Which is a smart thing to do.
48 frames are 6 frames per an hour of standard 8-hour workday.
one frame each 10 minutes.
Are children presented with teddybears to protect them when a real
bear comes. So bears recognize their kind, but not their kin, and
leave a child alone maybe, especially because they cling to those
teddy bears as their own. It probably worked if this tradition
survived. Kids also like deddybears, so it could survive even if
it didn't work..
ch in chto is valid russian in both french and english readings of
that digraph.
(но с другой стороны "пишеца что читаеца што"
Back to that b is for big & bolshoy thing.
good ~ goed ~ крут ~ хорош. how far are these initials allowed to
deviate? as little as possible.
So I must find the perfect matches, like king~король и key~ключ,
and then I build a map of all such pairs and I see te topic they
all follow.
Yo is actually y'all:
I notice how r looks so much like i in this image and I wonder hor
far it may go:
hm.. interesting, let't see the other side:
very interesting. first I thought of some צ aligning that line so
that p mirrors f, but that a/d thing made me go hm.. d/g,
interesting. e/h, very interesting, but the most of the pairs are
clearly off. c/f as gamma and digamma could be interesting, and
b/e as in that diagonal symmetry which led nowhere.
who knows, who knows, let's see where it grows.
> h is named ʌʃ in latin, which makes it similar to ש which
stands where s does.
is h the אש ash? fire is higher or something of the kind. f is a
form of h in japanese.
are these four the four elements? b for water, d for terra, f for
wind(fan) and h for fire.
And it would explain the order of 🜄🜃🜁🜂 by water and fire being
first, and air and soil coming later.
Or was it earth and air first and water and fire only the further
notions of those?
Yin & Yang as empty and full, no and yes?
a piece they asked me to write for Academia
Letters, can be of some interest fro my own readers too:
The task I've placed before me is to disassemble words into
morphemes and the morphemes into even shorter ones and to
recognize those morphemes in other languages so I can assemble the
words of those languages from the morphemes I know from my own so
I can understand languages instead of memorizing them.
Etymologically or merely mnemonically I don't care until some
contradictions emerge. So I decide that chinese wo (I) is a
singular form of english we, and that we is mirrored in russian as
both мы and вы. Мы is mirrored back as me and Вы is an example of
what I call antonymy of pronouns, when only several simple words
are used as pronouns, but with different meaning, as if those were
the names of the tribes and what was we for one tribe was you for
the other, so german ich is их in russian, latin ego is его, and
so on. And that very ego is probably to be disassembled into two
or three smaller parts. Or maybe not.
A good place to start would be chinese, because their writing
system conserved the language in the times when words were
ultimately short: each hieroglyph is just one syllable. And thus
we'll be able to write english in chinese hieroglyphs. Mama is
obviously 媽媽 and I say that we can do so to every word, even
though it's not the goal per se.
And at the same time, understanding that letters are probably the
ultimate short parts, even shorter than those hieroglyphs, which
can be disassebled into radicals, some of which are probably even
related to the lettes we know, some of them can be found to be
ligatures, as if 大 is ta or something, which is useful as a
mnemonic tool even if it's not historically accurate, but then
again truth is supposed to me the simplest path and thus these
mnemonic techniques will eventually gravitate to the true
etymologic lines.
And while I probably need some help from the ai to recognize all
those pieces of those puzzles, I made some significant progress in
that second route of recognizing what letters themselves are, and
actually my project being a travel log on all linguistic
and extralinguistic topics is mostly about it, about the
structures in alphabets (some of which are known to men and can be
found in some obscurest treatices, others are probably unknown: so
I found that alphabet is the repeating sequence of vowel, labial,
linguals, vowel, labial, linguals, vowel (and here appears an
universal exception of M replaced by J or K (which could stand for
Jesus Kristos or could be some other initials, like Jah and
Kronos, who knows, even priests of Apollo didn't know this
structure, which was developed by the previous, matriarchal,
society, which can be seen by the names of inventors: whether Io
or Seshat. But then there's some other myth, where Odin invents
runes, and being divided into three aettir they probably represent
dice or the three elements, three mothers, three matters, three
agregate states of it, which is just another evidence of runes
being much more older than it's allowed to teach. If priests of
Apollo knew those structures, they wouldn't mutilate the greek
alphabet with the two additional vowels, as some myth tells, and
myths have proven to be good historic sources on this prehistoric
subject, even though it is a taboo, probably because the word myth
has at least double meaning.
So, yes, some structures are known from some obscure literature;
others, such as symmetry around the vowels where a comes on top,
bc below it, def (with the vowel in the centre) further on and
here the tetraktis structure (which could be the source of this
symmetry) leaves place to something else, because further goes
ghijk and lmnopqr so that this line winks that it's not a
coincidence with l at the left end and r at the right. stuvw xyz
and it appears to be the case in many other alphabets. Armenian
doesn't follow any of those structures, but memoirs of his
students show that it's only because he mutilated the previous
armenian alphabet (yep, he didn't invent it, probably none of
those christian missionaries did) which followed greek canon, with
his own letters, which you can find by comparing armenian to greek
side by side. So even though kabbalah teaches that each letter has
its meanings, and Yoram Lemelman even made a dictionary after he
recognized those meanings, I salute him (with
a natie salute just to make him and y'all relax, stop reigning
with fear, it's the worst form of rule, you can do better than
that, of if you don't you're incompetent so you intimidate the
competition, which is lame and you should know it) but I
decide to make my findings independently so later I can compare
what I found with what he already published. At first I even
avoided reading what other people write about alphabets, it
appears they don't know much anyway now when I read them I can
tell. Even Diringer can mistake syllabary for an alphabet, but
it's not about that.
Then ancient music theories can be of much help to reconstruct
those structures, those five vowels the greek myth tells of could
be the source of pentatonic scale and b t, the labials and
linguals into which consonants are divided could be some primitive
forms of bemol and diez (I know what they say about this stuff,
that it's relatively recent, but then some recent stuff may happen
to be reinvention or restoration of the older one, so you always
should dig depper to find roman cursive ater you were taught that
minuscule appeared only in the mideaval times (which could be true
for the greek minuscule, but could also be not, who knows, they
had so many dialects in there, so many languages used that writing
system, that only yesterday have I learnt about the bactrian
So that's it, and the funy part it's 999
words, 5666 characters, and I didn't even made it on purpose,
and after I found that it's so, I edited it, and had to lose one
simbol when corrected japanese for chinese, but then I found it
when I corrected graduate to gravitate. So anyway, back to
Bactrian, what a find!
here when the find began:
Ϸϸ, how could I be not knowing it!
and looking for it in unicode, can you believe that ϻ is a
minuscule form of san, so that is literally the same letter M,
only it's read completely differently. what on earth was going on
there! if that greek letter had a minuscule form, it's completely
false that minuscule is from medieval times.
Either way, Bactrian:
look at how a & d meet again in minuscule. and o too. hm..
It is some greek alphabet, and it is some minuscule as I can see,
so their teachings are all false. Even though phonetic trapezium,
which is named so, but only includes vowels, so I think, but then
I remember of formants and probably not only vowels, no, but
either way they all seem to be wrong by placing some 3-dimensional
structures into 0-dimensional dots on their 2-dimensional scales
Either way, being strongly influenced by the bible, I feel like
ending this volume after I mentioned those numbers, and the
program lags again, see ya in vol.十