Мимика как способ передачи информации
Когда мой друг посмотрел на меня со странным выражением
лица, из контекста я понял что он имел в виду. Из
контекста, но наверняка есть более общее понятие
выраженное такой гримассой (гримасса непонимания) возможно
к ней было примешанно что-то ещё, потому что оно было
скрываемым непониманием, не в явном виде выраженное,
сдержанное непонимание, что-то такое, едва уловимое, на
котором уровне и произошла передача этой информации. А
ведь явное непонимание выраженное на лице может передавать
информацию тоже. Абс трактный вопрос.
Неявная эмоция не требует реакции. Просто подумай об этом,
словно непроизваольно говорит тебе человек. Скорей всего
он себе с таким выражением лица говорит. Видимо повторив
за ним (отзеркалив эмоцию) мы можем простимулировать те
отделы мозга, что вызвали его эмоцию.
И здесь озарение было, что аксоны
можно представить как лица, которые видят друг друга.
Это скорее всего так лишь на химическому уровне, именно
так, вызывая выхлоп медиаторов в той или иной части
аксона, мы можем передать именно тот же сигнал,
протекающим по нервным волокнам дальше (это если аксоны
состоят не одной нитки.. это одна клетка.. но внутри
клетки-то есть же какая-то структура, так вот сколько
оптоволоконок промеж.. вспоминая поры, думаю что одна,
биохимия показывает что нет, одна пора, но я понятия не
имею, вообще не изучал этот вопрос. изучу.
Эмоции как доречевые способы передачи информации? Скорей
всего одновременно развились системы. более менее,
недостаточно вводных данных
чтоб сказать что привело к чему.. но давай их изымем из
реальности, построим модель реальности и посмотрим на ней.
извините (те к тебе лично обращаюсь, не как к общей массе,
а лично, с уважением)
Ведьмина Метла
(кеннинг для обозначения письки волосатой)
u and c the B and T
but then why does B look like fat c?
bull cat dog?
bull cow dog!
c of cat and cow is milk? белый Кушанье?
cat ~ c-ед
cow ~ c-w (вкусное вымя)
с ~ tasty
ke ~ cookie (my mom reported that I called печенье ке as a
toddler. кекс одно из ярких воспоминаний детства, видимо с
этим словом было связано это ке)
мил ~ бел? мел! melkNL1
маляр белит!
мыло.. было?
мой бой? ну нет, не совпадает, видиже
(вд видишь же)
мастер бастер? всё, завязывай, но маляр белит же! баляр
я бы тоже не понял..
мыло мелит месит? моет! блин, б же.. боет? нет,
отбивает? нет! мастер бесит?
molenaar is miller, мельник
маляр is schilder, художник который рисует тоже schilder,
а в более общем значеньи artiest
artisan [а́ртысын] говорит что russian here ы[~ǝ] where
englishmen distinguish i and a
so did russians only knew one vowel? are their ten vowels
an overcompensation? глсн лшн.
Are глсн лшн because ǝ for initial positions sometimes may
be necessary, but even without it most texts are nicely written read, which makes
consonants primate before vowels' existence?
ǝr ths (ǝr is the indicator of pluralis (it is similar to
turkic suffix of pluralis) because this and these look the
same in such orthography, as they actually sounds the
ǝs and ǝr are verbs of singularis and pluralis
s and r
s is for singular
r is for
w~ш (помимо what~што.. был какой-то офигенный пример, но
надо сразу записывать)
whisper ~ шёпот - определённо такой пример, но этот я
знал, а какой-то новый прибыл
Is weed the plural of wood, as feet are plural of foot?
wood is a single plant, but weed comes in bunches.
that example was more about st~v, as if they changed w
(which follows t) with st.. but what was it?
wand stand (magic wand probably could stand vertically,
because it had heavier stone with a polished surface on
its end. probably, they made the stone not too obvious, so
the magic happened (this time it was literally magic wand,
not magick wand)
(but that's not the example I referred to earlier)
wall~стена (но тоже не этот пример)
wail~стон (wail~yell)
will~shall ~ велю~желаю? (хотя английский перевод не
совсем таков, это мнемоника лишь)
(st: шта вроде бы название буквы ш (или щ)) Название в старо- и церковнославянской азбуках
— «ща», смысл которого неизвестен; возможно, его и не
было (иногда упоминаемое совпадение с новой сербской
формой «шта» местоимения «што» вторично). Происхождение
буквы почти все исследователи объясняют через какую-то
лигатуру, но по-разному: основные мнения состоят в Ш+Т
(наиболее популярное), Ш+Ч (лучше объясняет
глаголическую форму) и Т+Ш (вариант Н. Н. Дурново). I suspect the ligature to be sc (for
sometimes these two letters look like щ)
ага! here's the pair:
wick ~ stick
wick is of weed, in the sense of с~d: курю~дурю (is it why weed is shit? Did they
recognize weed in cow pat?)
prefer ~ before fear: first people wish for something to
happen, only after that they may think about what they do
not want (и хочется и колется) and if somebody is
skeptical about fer being fear, in affraid it's reduced to
fr (which is probably an onomatopoeia of freezing feeling
of cold down one's spine, and yes, freeze definitely
shares fr with it, onomatopoeia of what shaking lips
involuntarily pronounce)
Will of год ~ will of the year. Year is the biggest
ammount of time we had in language (decade is way less
used, as a newer word, and it is literally ten DEus
(decadами когда время меряешь, декаденс, упадок от того
что не ежегодно дела сверяешь. Ускориться мне тоже надо.
До 2025 построить капсулу. Это лето. Это надо.
В общем год может быть когнатой слова god не только потому
что солнце, тогда бы и день был, deity (which is not die,
which doesn't die)
деит как противоположность даит? dain~don'tj
доит ~ деет?
? could be j as if it's je? Y as why
(why ~ ye? y~й (like seriously? y~w?
yes, both are У[u] (й~ў(и~u)))))
People want king to be kind. I am king if I am kind.
Evil bastards are bastards and usurpers.
Достоевскому следовало заткнуться вместо того чтоб петь
мол страдания питают душу, потому что такое ощущение что
двадцатый век был практическим применением его идей. И
что, напитали? Если бы не пиздец гос-аппарата, я бы
может бы не понял какой это пиздец, что это прошлое,
которому давно пора на свалку. Что мы наслаждаемся
своими страданиями этот сиделец писал. Божья роса
W y Г
M λ L
П r
W y Г
M λ L
П ᛐ
U J is based on nothing but opposing ПT
(even though BD are not far from UJ (see BJ as BT thing
in Alphabeta Meminerunt Syllabaria))
W ν
П ᛐ
now a huge question is if
W ν
Ф ᛐ or should it be B ᛐ?
some backwards B? It is my fantasy, isn't it? Some
sophisticated fantasy, fantasy nevertheless.
помог ~ помок (вспотел)
(и этим я связал мочь и моча (забавно,
в русском мочить, мокнуть, мока́ть даже от моча))
fire ~ mere
bear? бор!
(с w & f being labials as m, I
needed the other labial. and is there other one? v is w,
p is f: pyre.
so b it is)
three M: W F B (water fire bear? earth was seen as big
bear? I wonder if it's true, but ursa minor and ursa major
are the three.. the two most known constellations. Orion
is the other one. Probably it was used to find the sky on
the map: it's very recognizable, with the belt and the
ursae et orion, very ord names, old urd орд? ворог? like
Ur! UgaRith? And maybe not, the same region, but the
different spot, but the spot of Ur is the spot of Uruk
(and that is the origin of Iraq)
Уру́к (шумер. 𒀕𒆠 Унуг, аккад. 𒌷𒀔 Урук,
арамейск. אֶרֶךְ Эрех[1], греч. Ὀρχόη Орхои, соврем.
городище Эль-Уарка́ الوركاء) — в III тысячелетии до н.
э. древнейший город-государство шумеров и вавилонян в
Южном Междуречье. Расположен к востоку от современного
течения реки Евфрат на её пересохшем древнем русле,
примерно на 30 км восточнее современного города
Эс-Самавы (Мутанна, Ирак).
Uruk, today known as Warka, was a city in the ancient
Near East situated east of the present bed of the
Euphrates River on the dried-up ancient channel of the
Euphrates. The site lies 93 kilometers (58 miles)
northwest of ancient Ur, 108 kilometers (67 miles)
southeast of ancient Nippur, and 24 kilometers (15
miles) southeast of ancient Larsa. It is 30 km (19 mi)
east of modern Samawah, Al-Muthannā, Iraq.[1]
Ur (/ʊər/ oor; Sumerian: 𒌶𒆠, 𒋀𒀕𒆠, or 𒋀𒀊𒆠[note 1]
Urim;[1] Akkadian: 𒋀𒀕𒆠 Uru;[2] Arabic: أُوْر,
romanized: ʾūr; Hebrew: אוּר, romanized: ʾūr) was an
important Sumerian city-state in ancient Mesopotamia,
located at the site of modern Tell el-Muqayyar (Arabic:
تل ٱلْمُقَيَّر) in south Iraq's Dhi Qar Governorate.[3]
Although Ur was once a coastal city near the mouth of
the Euphrates on the Persian Gulf, the coastline has
shifted and the city is now well inland, on the south
bank of the Euphrates, 16 km (10 mi) from Nasiriyah in
modern-day Iraq.[4] The city dates from the Ubaid period
circa 3800 BC, and is recorded in written history as a
city-state from the 26th century BC, its first recorded
king being King Tuttues.
The city's patron deity was Nanna (in Akkadian, Sin),
the Sumerian and Akkadian moon god, and the name of the
city is in origin derived from the god's name, UNUGKI,
literally "the abode (UNUG) of Nanna".[4] The site is
marked by the partially restored ruins of the Ziggurat
of Ur, which contained the shrine of Nanna, excavated in
the 1930s. The temple was built in the 21st century BC
(short chronology), during the reign of Ur-Nammu and was
reconstructed in the 6th century BC by Nabonidus, the
last king of Babylon.[5]
It is here merely because it contains some pre-cuneiform
hieroglyphics, open this image in a new tab, or click it
and go to the source.
Вот чем следует заняться вплотную: омофоны
власти ~ влазьте is a madness of this book's level
and it is a key to further understanding:
looking at what оркан is..
устар. то же, что ураган ◆ Всех яростных
орканов глас // Слабей жужжанья мошки был // Пред сей
гармонией светил! В. А. Жуковский, «Смертный и боги»,
1829 г. [НКРЯ] ◆ Где прах твой, полубог гордыни? // Твоя
молва — оркан пустыни, // Твой след — поля напрасных
сеч. А. А. Бестужев-Марлинский, «Часы», 1829 г.
название тропического циклона, образующегося в Южном
полушарии ◆ Интенсивные тропические циклоны в каждом
регионе имеют своё название. В Атлантике и на
северо-востоке Тихого океана их называют ураганами; на
северо-западе Тихого океана — тайфунами; в Аравийском
море и Бенгальском заливе — циклонами; в южной части
Индийского океана — орканами; у побережья Австралии —
вилли-вилли; в Океании — вилли-вау; на Филиппинах —
Происходит от нем. Orkan → франц. ouragan «ураган» →
исп. huracán, возможно, от имени майянского бога ветра
Хуракан (от Jun Raqan — «одноногий»).
Арка́н — веревка с петлёй на конце,
предназначен для того же, что и лассо.
Аркан — линейная мера (12 соф.), в
Персии, употребляемая для измерения полей.
Арка́н — гуцульский и румынский
ритуальный танец.
Арка́н — название карт в колодах карт
биться ~ бица-бицуха (но в том словаре к слову биться лишь
Битца пририфмована, и это та ещё рэбидхоул, от которой
пара кликов до этого:
Принято считать, что Москва берёт начало в
Старьковском болоте на склоне Смоленско-Московской
возвышенности у урочища Старьково Можайского городского
округа Московской области. Это болото на границе
Смоленской и Московской областей иногда называют
«Москворецкой лужей», а небольшой ручей, начинающийся в
его северной части, местные жители называют
Москвой-рекой[14]. Начало ручья, на территории
Можайского городского округа Московской области,
отмечено часовней, возведённой в 2004 году. В 16 км от
истока Москва пересекает границу Смоленской области
после прохода через Михалёвское озеро, которое некоторые
специалисты считают началом реки (указывая, что
впадающий в озеро ручей — это река Коноплянка).
Wendseday as
Wednesday seen as Wedness day made it day of weddings,
and wed which I first saw as wit of
wisdom is ведай indeed
видеть ~ ведать
(т.е. даже не омонимы, а просто похожие слова суть одно
и вот для того чтоб найти такие пары и нужен
беспристрастный ии
13 лунных месяцев в году, 13 недель в одном сезоне (четыре
недели в месяце) это 364 дня, ещё менее точный, чем
юлианский календарь. Но, может, неделями меряли, тогда за
четыре года мининеделя в 5 дней добавлялась бы? как
12 месяцев что за .. без христа, это сатанинский мир, где
дюжина чёртова, с чертями церковь борется. Иудеи
пропатчили христианство. Но давай не будем в это лезть,
займусь-ка лучше бизнесом вместо политики.
Раввины вместо бога, да, но не будем об этом.. будем,
конечно, но может в хороший плот-твист разовьём эту тему,
чтоб всем было ох как хорошо.
см as л: c мъ значит с мамкой, а кто с мамкой? лялька!
Баба Деда
Мама Ляля after this line папа-какa
was natural, баба-деда (also known before) was natural
Попа Кака
п~ф: попа и кака = фука? pq
and ..
pq tells that baba & deda and popa and kaka (two
best things, and two worst things? попа is good, but caca
is no good and it comes out of popa (papas are assholes,
because they fight children with ease and thus do it a
lot, yet we have to check if it's universal. but either
way, kids not being affraid of larger species are sign of
culture, not natural process))
Russia sounds as rush hour
Brand new: they say it's of brand they brand animals with
(as if it looks fresh or not, then people would cheat by
burning that place again with the same brand? no, they
wouldn't, if you think about the process in detail: they
would make it double, and the cheat would be obvious) but
I suspect (also because they say that "brand new" appeared
around 1600) it can be understood as a product with label
still on.
But they say brand is fire:
From Middle English brand, from Old
English brand (“fire; flame; burning; torch; sword”),
from Proto-Germanic *brandaz (“flame; flaming;
fire-brand; torch; sword”), from Proto-Indo-European
*bʰrenu- (“to bubble forth; brew; spew forth; burn”).
Cognate with Scots brand, West Frisian brân (“fire”),
Dutch brand, German Brand, Swedish brand (“blaze,
fire”), Icelandic brandur, French brand (< Germanic).
More distantly cognate with Proto-Slavic *gorěti (“to
but I had to dig deeper:
Alternative forms: brand-new, bran new,
bran-new, brent new, brank new (all archaic or obsolete)
Etymology: From brand (“firebrand”) + new, implying
something that is newly forged (first citation 1570;
compare fire-new (“fresh from the fire, brand-new”)).
Alternatively, and less likely from brand as in a
branding iron (i.e. newly-branded). The first element of
the variant bran new, with the post nasal stop deletion
common to English (compare the common pronunciation
(outside Britain) of hunting as hunning [hʌnɪŋ]), is
often back-etymologized as being from bran as if from
cases where new items were supposedly “packaged up with
unwanted grain (bran) in the 18th century to protect the
objects during transit” (source unknown). Both variants
are well attested.
So not fire, but firebrand it is.
I need to creat a more mechanistic decypherment of the
brand let's identify the parts by looking symilar (for whatever reason I prefre
such spelling to similar) for similar
"potentially morphemes" in other words:
is and in brand and or end or what?
what is end? let's see for.. brand is fire-end. and it
semantically agrees.
semantic and phonetic are two sides of the word. and the
only to to be taken into consideration.
Let's just find words with those sides the colsest on the
plane of the acoustic graphs.
br of burn is fr of fire.
So we can come to b t as the only two.
Bat and Toot? as Tit!
bat is bad
tit is good
boot is also bad in the context to get a boot.
In the green folder you may find a very great discovery: п
and u are lips, c is tongue, ɔ is open mouth.
Here I add it with what was coming as my own oral tora,
let's make it written: You may see c being tongue and ɔ
being the open mouth, if you take them in egyptian manner,
by the face looking at the beginning of the line. ᚢ is a
lower lip, and thsu not u, but v, for U is upper lip, and
it also can sound in consonant: W (open Vagina, Womb)
Womb [wum] so woman is of that womb the woom
Wom of the woman.
Volume 32 delivered some now forgotten diamonds:
I forgot this WY pair, I had to bring 𐌚𐌔, and now I can
see that 𐌚S is the fourth line, WY is the fifth.
I have to add this to 𐌀lphabeta 𐌌eminerunt 𐌔yllabaria
Ba Da
Fe Ge
Mi Li
Wu Yu
I even said in vol.32, Didn't remember it, because knew
neither 𐌚𐌔 nor 𐌚S
ᛒa Δa
Fe Γe
Mi Λi
𐌚o 𐌔o
Wu Yu
(here we have latin Y, not the greek
one, even though Γ and Λ are greek, but there were
plenty of alpine writing systems, something in between
latin, greek, runic, and whatnot where this structure
was born who knows what they were. I think they had
voiced F, ᛒ as b, everything else as it is, so only F
hast to be seen as voiced for it to be the structure of
voiced plosives, voiced fricatives, sonors, voiceless
fricatives, and.. another line of sonors. Interesting,
huh! and I forgont that Г then has to be )
𐩵 is old-south-arabian d, and it is directly Δ and 𐌃 and
ᚦ and d, interesting, huh?
Late 2nd millennium BCE to 6th century CE
𐩣 is their m, which is not that far from B to be honest,
AMS of hebrews is ABC or ABT
of the europe, and here it corresponds by how the 𐩣 and ᛒ
are transliterated. They look both ways, because they are
writtin both ways.
If it existed before greek alphabet, naturally it
influenced whatever they brought to it, or was influenced
by whatever they brought there. That golden fleece, golden fleets,
𐩸 as Z is spectacular, naturally the very same Z it is.
𐩴 is Γ
𐩷 is probably T, see the way russians write it: (т=т)
and in the light of 𐩸 as Z
𐩳 as D may be a form of 𐩷 and also may remind greek θ,
for θεάGR is deaLA
𐩲 is naturally o,
𐩩 is naturally the archaic form of T, the 𐤕 of a kind,
of this kind as well:
that's old hebrew
The first evidence of this script is the
Gezer Calendar, which dates to around the 10th century
but back on track of south arabic:
𐩨 the b is naturally П the p
𐩧 is akin ر now this pair is not surprising, for they're
of the same region,
but somehow it has more symbols used in
european alphabets than the modern arabic.
𐩦 is similar to old-italic 𐌔 (and I like how
consistently they look different ways, telling where is
the face of that letter. )
and this is how that is to be taken. Symbols exist in
different cultures and outside of the alphabetic or any
other sets in which they're combined.
I've been thinking.. where are Muses in the sky? And I
naturally thought of Pleiades, and for whatever reason they
call them seven sisters. But named are nine. The two in
the left bottom corner are their parents.
But I think it is just cryptochristian rebranding of the
celestial object. I need to find cultures considering
those stars the muses. I dare to claim it, let's not be
affraid, we shall find the truth or links to reality in my
narrative. Is it a good word? I hread
that this word, narrative, is from leftist academics, so
should I avoid it? I probably should. What is a better
word for it? story is a good one. It's just a story.
And naturally, there are much more stars in that region:
and this is how they say they move from 200 000 years ago
to 200 000 years in the future:
Анимация собственного движения Плеяд в
течение 400 тысяч лет в виде стереограммы
So even though the number of known stars in this
constellation is indeed nine (like what were the chances)
I'm yet to find evidence to tell that they represent
muses, for there's no constellation or a star which is
dedicated to Muses, but Muses are told to place objects
into the sky: Lyre (Lyra). This
constellation, put in the sky by the MUSES, represents
the lyre made by Hermes and given to Orpheus by either
Hermes or Apollo after the latter had invented the
cithara. Others say this is the
lyre of Theseus
(Ara.Phae.269; Hyg.Ast.2.6, 2.7; Man.1.325).
Orpheus is the sun son of
Calliope, the eldest of the Muses.
ten centuries away as the opposite of ten centuries ago:
I go (cityname) - that's I went from (cityname) - tells
not only the direction, but the distance as well.
I way (cityname) - that's I go to (cityname)
But then didn't I make up "centuires away"?
way is weg in dutch, thus go and weg are phonetic
g in weg is хочу?
w in weg is off?
the phonetic reversal of of is for. хочу я ~ for me
Phonetic Reversals are words which turn into the other by
reading it backwards.
for has several phonetic reversals: of, off; but then
those two words also have two of them: for and four.
"for" is the opposite, the
antonym of "of", but "four" is not the opposite of "off":
they're way apart, unless four represents death, and then
it's more of a synonym than antonym
And that allows us to say that for
and of came first, off is a further of, and four is a
numeral past 3
far and rough? two bad news?
to and at are neither the same nor
the opposite
two and out?
too and out! (as four and off they have some contextual
at is not in, thus at is out. for too is to.. is to too?
not too much ~ not to match? match=риска? mark?
not to = не до (не до верху, потому что выше верха всё
равно не нальёшь. Much is match? was it the same word? Did
stone match the jug as a lid (lead is of lid, for it
печать, запечатывал бронзовые кувшины) for jug's mouth was
formed by that stone. This is how I would do it, but then
..artefacts are needed.
catch ~ match (M~K alphabetic
disparancy of the I line and beginning of syllabaries in
the east and west)
горошек ~ хороший
(царь горох ~ хороший царь, который был так давно, что
горох превратиться успело в хорош?)
(or rather горош (от которого и горошек (unless ш is
palatalized h, as the same ек turns к into ч in
молоточек)) mutated into хорош и горох (h as a newer
form, придыхание обретшее роль буквы, посреди г и ш,
thus c is it not? x the double cc maybe, as fricative
form of c the k. but k has two strokes to the stave,
while h has only one. Probably both are the same ᚳ the
ᚴ, and yet yes, not consistency in these shapes to
support this hypothesis. They don't refute it yet, but
do not support.)
ИЕРЕЙ. в Русской православной церкви —
второй титул белого священника. Термин перешёл из
Септуагинты, где первоначально обозначал коэна.
Разумеется, тоже считается заимствованием и возводится к
греческому Ἱερεύς "жрец".
но источник этого сомнительный,
потому если правда обозначал коэна, то это дублет слова
еврей конечно же, но подтверждения этому найти не
удалось: Происходит от др.-греч. ἱερεύς
«священник», далее из ἱερός «великий, могучий;
священный», далее из праиндоевр. *eis- «страсть». впрочем,
нашлось: Кохе́ны[1][2]
(коэны[3][4], коге́ны[5][6][7][8][3], коганы[7][8], мн.
ч. ивр. כֹּהֲנִים; в Септуагинте — ед. ч. др.-греч.
ἱερεύς, досл.: «жрец», отсюда рус. иерéй) — сословие
священнослужителей в иудаизме, состоящее из потомков
рода Аарона. Кохены исполняли священнослужение сначала в
Скинии, а впоследствии в Храме. Статус кохена передаётся
по наследству по отцовской линии, при условии соблюдения
ряда строгих ограничений. В Библии этот термин
применяется также и к жрецам языческих культов,
например, «священники Баала» в четвёртой книге Царств
10:19. в греческой библии, ага
иерей = жрец
ие = ж (but actually I = J is what's going on here. But
why? indeed, why)
й = ц?
е ~ в (I have to start such a volume to collect such
pairs, but why)
To my surprise I came to the conclusion that Lukashevich
was onto something.
By finding those what I called "phonetic reversals"
live ~ wild (these are more of the synonyms. I should
collect the three groups of those: there shall naturally
appear synonymos, antonymous and neutral pairs. And then I
should check if there's some structure about those three
groups, and if there's not, they're just coinciences, even
if sometimes poetic coincidences, coined by reversal of
some other word, naturally that would be a
словообразовательный method to create new words, as even
modern examples may be: kin-dza-dza used this method to
make up words: эцилоп is police)
шуршит~шоркает (и может быть "шорохается" тоже (потому что
шорох это как рас про шёркать (они говорят, что
проверочное слово шорош, но пошли они в жопу, шорох это
шорохаться, шёркать чувствуется более родным)))
как так у и о в шуршит и шоркает перешёли в ё? о понятно
как а у? а у как о!
у меня = о меня (около меня)
у это форма о, когда о не звучит.
у дома значит около дома.
Разделение у от о породило следующую строку. И, видимо,
это произошло давненько, раз тогда ещё помнили структуру
алфавита, раз uvwxyz goes right along the abcd thing, if
you excuse w and y (y is greek u, w is double v or double
u) uvxz are like fricative counterparts of abcd: v to b as
x[h] to k as z to d, so a б к д, нот абкд? was x voiced h?
that way c would be g, but I just don't know.
XLV is not just eXtraLoVe, it is 45
ауе is ахуел (смешная интерепретация
ие́ ~ пиздец?
ии́ а́у ~ иди нахуй
иио́ ~ идиот
ииоу́а ~ иди отсюда
ииуа́ ~ иди сюда
ии иу́ ~ иди в пизду
Но ударения опциональны: смотри как оно скачет на сюда в
зависимости от контектса
еа (хле́ба, хлеба́ (both are correct, but usually in
different context, but semantic didn't even change))
ооа (молока)
ооо (молоко)
е (хлеб)
яо (мясо)
ы (сыр)
а́о (масло) в то время как ао́ скорее говно (даже
хоть и оо́, и так и так верно, ударение так много значит
или всякая паста аа?)
еа (еда (сравни с хлеба))
ои (кости)
оа (нога (ударение настолько опционально, что в ноги оно
уа (рука (ударение точно также перескакивает во
множественном числе со второго на первый слог))
ооа (голова (сравни с молока))
ия (титька (ь видимо всё же гласная, раз столь уверенно
превратил а в я (титя)))
ия = и я (и мне)?
и (пить)
е (есть)
а (какать, кстати, детский лексикон мать понимать)
о (удивление)
кто бы поставил а первой буквой? только кто-то
неразумеющий детей (или копрофил, но это гораздо более
дикое предположение)
ыя (вымя) похоже на ия(титя) но грубее, ибо животное
tit and drink are both i in this vowel form of english. it
is i in russian too: пить [pitt]
so is not only beer, but piss as well, so the ammount of
homonyms makes it what? speech even?
go could be Г the 𐤂 which would be depiction of walking
get = go to
give = go off (I
guess off was of)
oF Go To are three types of european consonants: labial,
velar, coronal
also go~do~to, because velars and coronals are both
Thus we get oF and To as the opposites of which everything
else was born, thus its uniqueness of f/t symmetry may
explain speak volumes.
The other symmetric bunch are..
b d
p q
be do
pee que (and obviously these two are not as basic as
be and do.. пей и ешь would be..
(also ешь is closed syllable, as if it's somehow
but in english it is also this way: eat)
But let's not get distracted, back on track of this new
F and T are the two protoletters. megaletters. oppo
if do is of T, then be is of F.
do is да (duh, yeah)
be is nee? (nah, naah (for n is of п, lingual as it is,
was it m too? (mo before no? mo is more!)))
Well, it is confusing, but let's unentangle it.
go = do, that's another premice. If F T makes any sense,
then do is definitely of to, not on of.
no is off
on is the opposite of no!
on = yes? right on! but back up.
isn't up of of? up is on. п~n
up = on
but I thought p~f! but n~p! the shift could go in
more than one tiny area: vowels shift happens all over the
vowel plane, naturally p to f or the other way around
shift caused shift in other letters too, and my guess is n
became p, but then n~п~ф thing becomes one, just as ν~v
but then up is what? is of=on? Did they consider up and ab
of about the same thing?
up and of? на = iz? Isn't из the
opposite of съ?
Можно ли смешивать русский с английским? Вероятно, умней
будет работать в створе одного языка. И я могу сделать это
дважды (и имеет смысл начать с русского, его я знаю лучше)
бы | ёб
въ | у?
до | от
же | уж
за | из
къ | от?
мы | ум
но | он
об | по (literally о and п
going one right after the other)
съ | из?
ха | ах
ща | ащ(ой)
and here we can sort them by synonymity, antonymity,
antonyms: от&до, из&за
synonyms: об&по (но может лишь кажется синонимом?
может об этом фраза "ему что об лоб что по лбу", т.е. он
не различает этих предлогов, тупенький. Но похоже что
различие действительно было утрачено. Было ли оно in the
first place? Может оно было подобну от и до (от него = об
него (отлетело от него, ударившись об него) по него =
подле него = у него = до него? по = for (it is for me ~
это по мне (это про меня (про=для (was п~д? was д double
къ определённо вариант до (с вариант
d) к нему ~ до него, но не знаю, сомнительно
это до меня = это про меня
это от меня = это обо мне? нет же! нда, сложно (было бы
легко давно разгадали бы)
или = и ли?
Давай с английским поиграем, может он менее факдап
And let's stick to prepositions..
of | for
to | at
and maybe having only these two pairs amongst propositions
it may give me a firmer firmament?
and there are other pairs:
i'm | my
no | on
Let's compare those english pairs to russian ones:
of | for
to | at
до | от
за | из
об | по
It is weird.. these eight have to be rearranged to be
of(от) | for(по)
so |
(and this was added by creative tools of my mind, is
closer to из, but as is closer to аз)
to(до) | at(об)
об as at seems to be too much, I just paired them because
they were the only ones left, but there are contexts in
which they're the same: to bump at something (удариться обо что-то)
as ... as ... equates т and к (for in russian it is так
... как ... (thus it also equates s and к (both are c)))
аз is so similar to ass and it is placed first. Is it ass
of hank? it riemannds me something:
туз считается одним очком, и очко называется тузом, туз
меньше двойки изначально или больше короля? Эта
закольцованность карт напоминает алфавит в этом смысле:
Музыкальная грамота идёт кольцом, после G (Z) снова А. Как
в древней числовой системе: порядок начинал сначала (с
добавлением указания порядка)
У евреев после Т софиты идут. У евреев всё не как у
людей. Различать их как другой подвид, как другая порода
инопланетян, с которыми нам пришлось делить эту планету.
На самом деле понятно что это стереотип, про рептилоидов
эта тема - прикол, безумие или иносказательное
повествование о еврейской мафии захватившей власть. А
раньше лучше чтоли было? И в россии-то власть из русских
собрана вся. Евреями собрана же? Это упрощённый взгляд
на проблему. Я не имею информации (рандомен ли генератор
рандомных данных?)
Когда Б была первой буквой. Первым числом. два добавь
давай give (русское д обращающееся в g в английском is
exactly how letter g is pronounced in the two (and
this give-ness of g makes me think of g
being 𓂧 (only 𓃆 (D64 U+130C6 hand with
palm down)))) g is definitely 𓃆.
just as d is 𓂧 and b is 𓃀.
But I don't think egyptologists will agree.
Well, fuck them, what do they know. My bitterness isn't
helping really. 𓃆 isn't decyphered, according to the data
in the brackets is all that list
tells about it: neither semantic nor phonetic side of it
is known, so I make a hypothesis that 𓃆 is phonetically
g(be it г or дж) and semantically it is "go"
I should make a post about it.
𓃆 нерасшифрована чтоли?
даёт лишь описание и порядковые номера, ни фонетической
ни семантической стороны не указано.
Если кто умеет читать увидит её где, проверьте
пожалуйста гипотезу, что это семантически "давай" или
фонетически g (от г до ж)
Гипотеза родилась от того как 𓃆 похожа на g не
меньше, чем 𓂧 похожа на d не только фонетически, но и
графически, так же как и 𓃀 на b (и противопоставляются
𓂧 и 𓃀 как d и b, Ⰴ и Ⰲ) и это ещё одно странное
наблюдение скрестилось с тем, что g в английском
г, а в русском д, и встречается в парах go/иgи
и give/gавай
И если кто знает этот символ, пожалуйста расскажите как
оно на самом деле.
wiktionary её тоже не знает, в интернетах значения не
нашёл, видимо нет, но подождём, кто-то что-то ответит
если, ответ тот появится здесь.
In k-symmetry b reflects t, and p reflects f:
This semi-negletted observation keeps on delivering, huh?
is let in neglet literally let? nah, it's probably глаз in
glet. не глядеть (не присматривать)
hey! I saw these
in my dream
in white on my knee
Interesting. They both were white
as in elevators semitransparent plastic
buttons at the pannel of elevator summon
(on my left knee, I think, the one
I tend to bend when I sit before my laptop in a
japanese mannert)
I didn't recognize them there.
I is a logogram! it is different from i which would
otherwise be there.
Englishmen know what I is. Dutchmen know what U is.
French and Englihs know what A is, but they attribute
different meanings to it.
O is rare exclamation
E.. good think I have vowels.html where I made some of
this work: є (is)UA
Check how here are two (and quite official) orders of
mongolian alphbaet or what is it, abugida..
The alphabetic part reminds the second half of the
alphabet, an at the same time it starts with velars, as
other writing systems of the region start their sequences
of consonants. Is it how the two are connected? Isn't it
what abacadabra tells? First half of the alphabet is
european abcd, the second half starts with elemen'ts and
that would explain its mess. Musical notations goes only
first two lines. For this very reason, I assume, for that
was enough. I wonder how could it be enough, since even 15
seem to be too few to write legibly, but 15 is the
legendary alphabet.
But I brought it here to show how their vowels are
literally only o and i, similar to ours. And it is
natural, if A is just Ə with which an isolated consonant
would be pronounced. and O and I are natural since that is
how mouth goes to pronounce them. And mongolian i is more
horizontal than ours, and naturally, it is in the column,
like chinese do, and here it is a phonetic writing system,
at least in two aspects similar to chinese. Interesting. I
think I should look up comparison of this stuff to
calligraphic chinese. Somebody had to make this work
before me. But so far, nope, nothing found.. only this:
The Xianbei spoke a proto-Mongolic
language and wrote down several pieces of literature in
their language. They are believed to have used Chinese
characters to phonetically represent Xianbei, like the
Japanese system of Man'yōgana with Chinese, but all
works written in Xianbei are now lost.
But then even this speaks of some relatively recent times:
The Xianbei
(/ʃjɛnˈbeɪ/; simplified Chinese: 鲜卑; traditional
Chinese: 鮮卑; pinyin: Xiānbēi) were an ancient nomadic
people that once resided in the eastern Eurasian
steppes in what is today Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and
Northeastern China. The Xianbei were strongly
suggested to be a multilingual, multi-ethnic
confederation consisting of mainly Mongolic (who spoke
either Pre-Proto-Mongolic,[1] or
Proto-Mongolic[2][3][4] and Para-Mongolic[4]), and, to
a minor degree, Tungusic[5] and Turkic peoples.[1][6]
They originated from the Donghu people who splintered
into the Wuhuan and Xianbei when they were defeated by
the Xiongnu at the end of the third century BC. The
Xianbei were largely subordinate to larger nomadic
powers and the Han dynasty until they gained
prominence in 87 AD by killing the
Xiongnu Chanyu Youliu. However unlike the Xiongnu, the
Xianbei political structure lacked the organization to
pose a concerted challenge to the Chinese for most of
their time as a nomadic people.
So were they influenced by someone? Were those o and i
directly taken from european scripts? Or is that i
chinese? chinese 一 is yi! But what is chinese o?
And it is a very interesting question,
here's some japanese:
〇× [まるばつ]
In japanese that very 〇 can also be read as
zero, rei,
and in 〇印【わじるし】印 is【じるし】, thus 〇 is【わ (wa)】
shunga, honey-honey
In chinese g.t. reads it as ling, but I don't know, yet
there's another one:
○, which in japanese is only read as maru, and stands
pretty much for the same: circle and correct.
In chinese they do not have ○, only 〇.
And here's what wiktionary writes of 〇:
It is considered a placeholder for a
missing Chinese character. Used to express a zero
digit in a number since at least the (c.) 12th
century, perhaps even earlier than the concept "zero"
appeared in the Chinese language. Also written as □ in
early literature.
and here may be the origin of that ling reading:
Zhuang: Numeral 〇 Sawndip form of lingz (“zero”)
but that ○ has some more to tell, but
no "o"
and not in chinese:
and here's some Zhuang (another language using chinese
script and thus considered chinese)
And there's also ㅇ, a korean glyph, but it is not o
Modern usage represents a
seventeenth-century merger of the glyph ㅇ, which usually
represented a null consonant but sometimes the fricative
/ɣ~ɦ/ in Middle Korean, and the now obsolete glyph ㆁ
(ng), which represented /ŋ/. Because a null coda
consonant is not written in Korean while /ŋ/ appears
only at a syllable coda, no ambiguity was created by
this merger.
I speak russian, english, some dutch, some french, some
japanese, I'm sorry if I'm biased, but I am learning
languages of the cultures which today are the most
developed (is russia developed? I'm in russia and I move
the science forward by this work, as Mendeleev did before
me, and even though some french or some other european did
it a decade before him, that work was not noticed, and
being made on cilinder it was more difficult to
comprehend. So what difference does it make, if
Mendeleev's find is whether completely independent, or he
reinterpreted that other guy's work inot a more
user-friendly manner. I guess he did it from scratch, his
notebooks should have been preserved, those who read them
may tell, and probably did, some day ai reads and
understands all texts, then I can also tell. and you oh
reader, if you read it after 2030, chances are you can get
access to such researcher-ai yourself, because I don't
return here to tell, or I didn't, since this time capsule
is here)
So, I was saying, I am biased. I stopped fighting it,
because I think it is natural, and it is rational too: why
would it be different in the past, that the nations who
are whether by culture or by genes invents everything be
not the same way inventor of the past? What past? Ancient
past. History tells that iranians had science before
europeans. But there are white mummies in tombs of both
Egypt and China. Could it be the white flight in those
regions happened? I am biased, alright, so I just look
from this point of view, in case of my bias being true.
You have your own bias, and do this research from your own
position and from the scope of your languages. Then some
superhuman mind compares them and builds models to
compare, maybe the truth is in the scope of our
independent points of view.
B G J?
B G T?
is J the beginning of the d?
B G D would make perfect sense,
but do they just pass on symbols, or do
they know what it is all about?
D is between J and T, so it makes perfect sense that B G J
are B G D, the structure of the alphabet and neighbouring
syllabaries too, well, let's leave it here for now.
Let's explore idea of п?v being labials, c being linugal,
ɔ being vowel..
ɔ v c 0 5 100? j v l 1 5 50
J V ſ 1 5 (7, 70,
An interesting field of research I didn't go to yet is
Gothic Runes:
Very few Elder Futhark inscriptions in the
Gothic language have been found in the territory
historically settled by the Goths (Wielbark culture,
Chernyakhov culture). Due to the early Christianization
of the Goths, the Gothic alphabet replaced runes by the
mid-4th century.
So they only know that the tradition died in 4th century,
but when was it born?
and according to omniglot, they're standard german runes:
Obviously there is no abecedary found in gothic, and only
few writings exist, so how did they reconstruct the whole
Anyway, in the 5th century AD it was substituted by
christian script, so it was some roman subjugation,
because otherwise why switch the writing system? I told
you about this case as well, that they call themselves
creators of new writing system, simply by using that
writing system for translation of bible into a new
language, but then even though they say that The Gothic alphabet is
an alphabet used for writing the Gothic language. It
was developed in the 4th century AD by Ulfilas (or
Wulfila), a Gothic preacher of Cappadocian Greek
descent, for the purpose of translating the Bible.[1]
The alphabet essentially uses uncial forms of the Greek
alphabet, with a few additional letters to express
Gothic phonology:
Latin F and G
a questionably Runic letter to
distinguish the /w/ glide from vocalic /u/
the letter hwair (𐍈) to express the
Gothic labiovelar.
Ulfilas is thought to have consciously chosen to avoid
the use of the older Runic alphabet for this purpose, as
it was heavily connected with pagan beliefs and
customs.[2] Also, the Greek-based script probably helped
to integrate the Gothic nation into the dominant
Greco-Roman culture around the Black Sea.[3]
some of them look weird, like what's wrong with B?
is it written so to reflect? This is not from Greek, so I
guess he used some alternative writing system, more
similar to greek, but not exactly greek, or did greek go
like this?
and more compact representation with somewhat different
graphic to compare:
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿 𐍀 𐍁 𐍂
𐍃 𐍄 𐍅 𐍆 𐍇 𐍈 𐍉 𐍊
𐌿 is definitely runic, and how they distinguished it
from 𐍀 is beyond me.
𐌵 and 𐍁 are so similar, and both are q in a way, that
are they even different letters?
𐍉 is between Ω and ᛟ, showing them to be the same
If he decided not to use gothic runes for translation,
why would he added runes to the alphabet?
So, hands down, the writing system existed before him. Or.. what? Maybe.. everything is
but not alike likely
And indeed it reminds greek by the lack of explicit labial
in the second line (unless 𐌵 is
somewhat labial, and it is before Z, which makes it
position of F the Ϝ) with omega at the end, and a
silent numeral after it, and both alphabet have another
silent numeral in the position of Q..
So on the basis of the speculation in greek, let's
consider 𐌵 labial, even if labio-velar, the way kw is..
weird, huh, but the position is of labial, and it is
half-labial. How did it acquire k in front of that vav,
𐌰 𐌱
𐌲 𐌳
𐌴 𐌵
𐌶 𐌷 𐌸
𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾
𐌿 𐍀
𐍁 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄
𐍅 𐍆
𐍇 𐍈 𐍉
𐍊 but into axial symmetry this set doesn't
Such representation leaves 𐌸 not-labial.. well, it may
indeed be indicating that Θ is not labial too..
..and here it came to me: I found axial
symmetry in greek only when I ignored its additional
(greek would lay into it somehow,
if not sampi,
but even without the two additional symbols, ulfila's
alphabet doesn't lay into axial one)
And indeed it reminds greek by the lack of explicit labial
in the second line (unless 𐌵 is
somewhat labial, and it is before Z, which makes it
position of F the Ϝ) with omega at the end, and a
silent numeral after it, and both alphabet have another
silent numeral in the position of Q..
So on the basis of the speculation in greek, let's
consider 𐌵 labial, even if labio-velar, the way kw is..
weird, huh, but the position is of labial, and it is
half-labial. How did it acquire k in front of that vav?
Probably it was frog's ква.. englishmen call it croak
though.. in russian it's kwa
叫 [чао] call (and it is graphically very close to russian
чо, only then it would be written from right to left, but
afaik, chinese characters are written left to right. Was
it from some archaic times? Who knows how they wrote it
then. Maybe some people do know it, but I still place it
here for it's mnemonic features. You can find this
character in 嘎嘎叫[гагачоу] quack is translated as 嘎嘎
[gaga], so I guess it's quacking, even though I was
looking for croaking, but why do I even work with language
I do not know.. chao is not far from call either: cha as
ca, o as w the ł the l
When you nit
knit text, from the other side of the fabric it shall be
Г instead of L,
И instead of N, e
instead of G, ᚢ instead of U..
Does it somehow explain russian letters such as Я? И?
Г? Б? Λ?
Г Λ V L all meet if ν is n and U is ᚢ
are those letters lay into ГоΛоVo?
aprèsFR ~ a+praeLA
(after is literally not before (fter~further, farther
(father passes it farther)))
parse is a very important word, a
word I didn't know
mid 16th century: perhaps from Middle
English pars ‘parts of speech’, from Old French pars
‘parts’ (influenced by Latin pars ‘part’).
A huge chunk of
this very work is parsing the languages
I have some correspondence with Joannes Richter, here my
contribution to his work:
> A few months
ago I composed a compendium with a sort of overview,
but I did not complete the new contributions:
Maybe a sort of compendium would be satisfied to
compose compact overviews.
In that pdf links work alright! Yet may I try to retell
your discovery in my own words? There are many words
consisting of five letters from different groups, as
Sefer Yetzirah defines them. The groups are within
alphabet in rather chaotic order, but that chaotic order
repeats through alphabets (naturally, because all
alphabets represent the same structure) and probably
this is a rather shallow overview and you may deepen it
with more elements to this picture.
I also think that separation of alphabet into five
groups is where Sefer Yetzirah went wrong, or rather it
was more modern view, falling from grace in a way. The
same Sefer Yetzirah in the very beginning speaks of
three mother letters, which it literally calls three
Mothers. This image is international: three Norns in
Norsk runes assist discovery of the alphabet. Three
Fates in Greek myths are told to give birth to the first
seven letters, five of which were vowels, and consonants
B and T show a picture one step further from jewish
A(the vowels, even though hebraists lie that they don't
know vowels) M(the closest to B ()) and T(the next to S,
like literally, AMS are initial, middle and the last
letter, maybe telling that S was the end of the hebrew
alphabet (tav without dot is also S-like, did you know?)
and thus there were 21 letter, which is rather memetic
number. So reject your satanic pentagrams and rejoice
tridevi, the concept predating trimurti and thus triniti
is a copy of which.
I think it is here, because that is how I should
open the next edition of the book. For some time now I
have an idea of keeping the images, changing the text.
> There are five
major independent parts of the vocal tract that move:
lips, teeth, tongue, palatal, and the glottis. These
sources each are optimized by ternary encoding, which
according to communication theory requires 3 bits /
channel. The 5 optimized communication channels
require at least 5 x 3 = 15 bits, which is found in
the younger futhark signary. Most alphabets however
are using 4 bits /channel.
You may check "Active articulators" in
The active articulators are movable parts of the vocal
apparatus that impede or direct the airstream,
typically some part of the tongue or lips.[3]: 4
There are five major parts of the vocal tract that
move: the lips, the flexible front of the tongue, the
body of the tongue, the root of the tongue together
with the epiglottis, and the glottis. They are
discrete in that they can act independently of each
other, and two or more may work together in what is
called coarticulation.[1]: 10-11
The five main active parts can be further divided, as
many languages contrast sounds produced within the
same major part of the vocal apparatus.
The triads in Hermes Thoth Trismegistus symbolize a
"thrice greatest" level of the Egyptian universal god:
You may check the original 5-letter words for the
sky-gods: Dious, Dyaus, Dieus, Mithra and Thot:
Djehuti (in independent hieroglyps: ḏḥwtj). The
3-letter words for gods may be abbreviations.
palate doesn't move, teeth are not supposed to move..
ah.. the lower jaw, yes, but direct sounds appear from
it's move. The bit/channel is a new concept for me, I
don't think I met it in your books, but then I probably
got overwhelmed before the chapter which spoke about
them. 15 is indeed an interesting number of letters.
They're the legendary alphabet of Carmenta, and aettir
of Bureus, and they're what those three elements are
multiplied by 5 vowels Robert Graves mostly repeats the
account of Hyginus, so he was not just a poet, even if
academia considered him such: it's just another argument
to ignore academia in these questions.
Yes, you may say that european languages have very
similar pronunciation apparatuses, which later parts of
Sefer Yetzirah divide in that modern manner, but the
gods you recall are from some ancient times, and then
the apparatus couldn't be as good, so c is everything
from s and k, b can be v, so teeth don't seem to mean
much, and v is also u, but then vowels are distinct from
consonants in everybody's mind, but that is a
complicated topic I'm not ready to lead you into,
because I didn't discover it well yet: why is a so
similar to d? the way i and j are the same, the way u
and v are.. is lack of such ambiguity in e and o
indicating that there used to be A I U the three vowels
we can see in old-persian and in comparison of
hiragana's vowel sequence (and there is whole the
tradition of the region) to latin alphabet's sequence:
aiu is where we agree, and then we added lines in
between, and they placed them after the existing three.
So it could be 3×3, which gives another interesting
number, the 9 laying in the basis of the previous
european numeral system. The one between the modern one
and IVXLCD-like which predated it.
And for the 5-letter words, they didn't fascinate me:
they seemed random to me, mostly because I never read
Dious or Dyaus in my life. And if they were Mithra and
Toth, I would also think that "well, there are so many
gods, and I'm not even sure those are from the same
pantheon: the readers are not necessarily specialists in
the fields you speak of, why would a random linguist
know theology or whatever it is.
What questions do you yourself want to answer?
Je veux
[жǝву́] is
pretty much how russian живу (I live) which
correlates with stories of people stopping wanting
anything shortly before they died "of natural
Je vis [жǝви́] is "I live" is similar to russian живи
(I wonder if russian literature played with this wordplay)
Wrote time instead of life, which makes me think if the
two are cognates on some deeper level.
In that letter above I said an interesting idea: A~Д, И-Ж,
У-В (could be ад, чистилище, рай (уважение, у вверх?
up(ub~uv))) may indicate that A I V were the first three
Д Й В, две должно быть I~J is something new. D & B are
the two I'm looking at as I look at the alphabt. alpha,
beth, Delta~d'Atta~d'alθa
alθa B~T
aiva - the ring of vowels incoded in alfa. l=I, not j=I!
i~L I~l
dvl? the per.. the previous culture was demonized. but
the demonizing meme preserves something:
v at the place of vav, u the e, reflecting ugaritic:
𐎅h(at the position of e)
𐎛 ỉ(at
the position of u)
(yes I dare to say that
they're likely have decyphered ugaritic wrong)
(without knowing ugaritic, just knowing the alphabets)
ауй? ахуй!
а~d~t~𐤕~х[h] which may say that a is ha (and each vowel
is some emotion)
aui, the ogham way? was it demonized on national level?
religion is continuation of politics.
но ахуй говорит, что не ха, а ах. ха это е, you have to
smile to say it.
if you frown, you get u instead.
уй - злоба? ахуй это ах(испугался) и уй(злой от того что
дифтонги для выражения сложных эмоции
ахуй не дифтонг, а два ..дифтонга чтоли.. и может это
именна та х, которая удостоилась звания гласной в
ионийском греческом.
the 6 of IVXLCD predated the 9 of a i u b m f d l t or a i
u b m f d l ſ or a i u b m f t l ſ fitils! фитили! but it is from turkic in
russian, in english there's no such word, they say wick (not firm
as twig? or stick? were wigs of wicks? and maybe twigs
a i u
b m f see, if I place it like
this, f is in another group, so maybe I shouldn't look
at them like thus..
t l ſ
..unless m is the central letter and it was
a и u Б
m f t l ſ (but maybe not)
I understand that all this is purely speculative, consider
it a game.
It's funny how early summer in april
makes me not want to eat. Водяное перемирие? Время
поебаться без хищников ёбаных (но хищники тоже ебутся в
это время наверное)
But back on track, IVXLCD predating the 9, and everybody
knows most of people probably never heard of LCD, IVX is
such a perfect triad,
a) it's abc-like; b) it's IMS-like; c)
it's הוזח-like; d) it's
in the world of ten being all the fingers, naturally X
(probably 𐤕 for Ten) is the largest number
V is just one hand, two of which correspond the X,
it's as if it's in reverse: earlier I speculated how
labials are double forms of linguals,
and here it's reversed. Is it how physicist and
lyricists don't like eachother?
They disagree on purpose? On the very basic level?
so let's reconstruct the nine I mentioned earlier from
these thre. I V X is the three elements, definitely.
I is I? or is I ا? if X is 𐤕. then V could be ν? could
be.. a n t it would be (ant, as in anthropos?)
avt the abc? an tWo Three (ichi futa san (or ichi nichi mitsu?))
Три-девятое.. is it 27th or 900th?
Is it the same as "far away"? "the furthest from here"?
До появления империй, быть может, царств было и правда
настолько дофига, что их считали по нумерам? (нумер ~ не умер? only the living make
the numbers (of both foes and us))
его is ео (as the opposite to её, and literally eю (I was
trying to find yoted o, not seeing ю[ju] to be it))
fuck ipa also because they used j instead of y for the й
sound: y is in boy and your, j is in john first of all.
Names are important, but I still cannot read them. Can I?
Mary is Mother, everybody know that
John is Иоанн, принадлежащий Ио (под Ио часть понимается
Дмитрий, принадлежащий Деметре (Деметры (мамин, митя
матери (Митра=Мать, а не то что они там несут)))
Искал Ↄ, и не выдумал же он их:
He was a scientist, he was the last roman who knew
etruscan, he was a legit linguist in my eyes. Was he the
first to seaparate U from V with his attempt of
introducing Ⅎ, the upside down F? t?
I take him more seriously than you, because I know that he
definitely didn't invent Ͱ
ͱ • (h) (lower case, upper case Ͱ)
A variant lowercase
letter for heta (ἧτα).
Ꟶ (upper case, lower case ꟶ)
An epigraphic form of H found in
inscriptions from Roman Gaul; appears word-initially,
but also in digraphs CꟵ, PꟵ, RꟵ and TꟵ in words derived
from Greek.
Usage notes: Forms ligatures ꟵI, ꟵE, ꟵR, which are
typeset using the zero-width joiner.
So h is just ͱ with swash connecting it to another letter
after it sorta separated to the bottom line? Was it how
no-connecting letters behaved? Were all letters to be
written to the toe tee, to
the toe?
Toe Tee T (A is for eye? isn't ayn eye? isn't I eye? In
these three eyes, A I У (ɅIV (five strokes of a consistent
zigzag (z is for zigzag (such line
zigzagzigzagzigzagzigzag sounds as scissors (and could be
to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right (so
that taylor knows that those parts are to be sewed (the
place for the sew (seam))))))))
how so
як так
I don' mind h~j proximity, but why is k~w? k~j I would
also tolerate, b ut k~w? is it even deeper than t~v? No,
it is c~b we know. c~b is as deep as t~v (c~b)~(ч~v
(indeedmakes sense if t was ч (it's even θ~s in hebrew)))
But we don't know if сяк и so cognates, and even if they
are, couldn't к be suffixated to sa (japanese form of so,
naturally cognates (so and souJA(yeso)[so:] are cognates too))
Another reason why vLA[v] and νGR[n] are the same letter: ShadowEN ~ SchattenGE
which made me open another claster for this pair: vν
strive (прилагать усилия)
thrive (преуспевать)
horus rising (well, this one is more of poetry than of
something else, yet we never know)
Ugaritic alphabet is of 27 letters, which may indicate
that it was used as a numeral system
of 9 units, 9 tens, 9 hundreds.
(the following piece is especially brave, and it is not
necessarily a compliment)
Indulgence and discipline are antonyms and reverse into
one the other. Which can be explained by that being line
of priorities, and if you reverse the order, you reverse
the meaning of the attitude, but I happened to read them
as discipline=dis(death)_the_plain(простое,
пустое)playing. без прэйинга. Was bes euphemized (anathemized) into
death? dis is more european, more educaated way to say
The same language with different classes of dialects.
Russian seems to be rather low, they see us as that
silly brother from little rural riding hood (watching
that cartoon just now and seeing it as a piece of
degenerating propaganda, I was thinking: was it always
this way or were they degenerate all along?)
без плэйинга
not playing
if discipline is without playing, what is indulgence in
that context reversed?
in dulce into? d reverses into p? while s reverses into s?
nah, it is so shaky. it is fine, but only as poetry,
and maybe not even that. yet.
β~ρ reminds ᛒ~ᚱ
The same letters with graphic so different that they're
only sometimes recognized: ᛏ~T are similar, ᛏ~t are less
similar. ᛋ~S are recognized, ᚢ~V and ᚢ~U are flipped for
whatever reason. Si U wiy So
I would see n in ᚢ, which is funny, since ν[n]
ᛦ is like literally what is it? It is reversed ᛘ, which is
M, like what? M is of two staves, so V
the U matters. Why do verbs take s
when they're about singualrar, and nouns take s being
plural. The s is is, and the sentence needs it, but it
also indicates number by its position.
in "people work" s is eaten by
people. what would people eat? ass? some people shourely would.
When I see russian in english and english in russian, when
I separate them into morphemes, and research morphemes
across languages, as englihs to turns into ть, of into об,
etc.. so I can speak of runes with any of those languages,
considering how ancient they're, the texts would be as
incomprehensible for the holder of the direct descendant
of that language as to his linguistic neighbours, and
english and russian are linguistic neighbours of germans.
So, let's keep on doing it.
I suspect Bureus to be as clueless as de Landa. So he gave
some insides into the writing system, but that ᛦ is in the
ᛘ claster tells me something more about it, that he was
told that they're the same rune, and thus we should
consider the others. is ᚴ ᛆ? I doubt it, either way I
would recognize A in ᛆ only if I know that ᛆ is A, and so
I can recall 𐌰. So gothic alphabet is the missing link
between runes and alphabet..
ᛒ is very B
ᚦ is a little less D, but okay
ᛁ is just I
ᛂ as e can be recognized as a form of ᛁ, which it is, but
in latin the dotted is i. So is e latin ᛁ? is ᛁ latin e?
I compare runes of Bornholm to latin alphabet, 'cause
they're in its order:
ᛆᛒᚦᛂ(not ᚽ)ᚠᚵᚼ(or ᛡ)ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(even
though it looks like ᛉ)ᚿᚮᚱᛦ(if
R, or ᛣ if Q)ᛋᛏᚢ
ᚠ is F if you know it.
ᚴ is Г then, for runic Г is ᚵ, and once again I recognize
K as Г the ᚴ with additional stroke, which places K to one
group with Q and R.
ᚼ can be only recognized as х[h] if it loses its staf.
ᛚ is between l and Λ
ᚿ is lower ᛚ, and is it n? well, it's irrecognizable.
ᚮ can be only seen as double ᛆ, as they do in Denmark, and
I spoke about it before. or is it ɔ? nah..
If ᛦ is upsided down ᛘ, is it W? No! it's Q or R!
okay, I spoke about the others. So it's definitely the
same structure and the same letters, but the way their
graphic side mutated organically so much makes me say that
some long underlying history they had before the moment we
dug them out. We probably meet this shapes, in some more
ancient planes, but we do not recognize them because of
the ammount of time separating those finds.
"Jessegård stenen" is another way to find the Bornholm
alphabet stone. It is the third and the most precise
gård is yard in dannish, so the way english y at the end
of the words turned g in dutch, in dannish it happens in
the initial position, but not in the final: way is vej in
g.t. reads gård as kol, but I don't
" ~ И
" ~ 𓏭
𓏭 and и seem to be related: russians use и to indicate
plural: мир ~ миры (ы is how ukrainians read и) and ы is
for ъ: миръ it used to be. for other vowels и comes: Мария
~ Марии, дурь ~ ду́ри, кожа ~ кожи.and и seem to be
related: russians use и to indicate plural: мир ~ миры (ы
is how ukrainians read и) and ы is for ъ: миръ it used to
be. for other vowels и comes: Мария ~ Марии, дурь ~ ду́ри,
кожа ~ кожи.
𓏭 Z4
U+133ED Dual stroke
Egyptian numeral 2, plural, majority,
collective concept (e.g. meat, jwf),
for j (y) (only if ending sounds like
a dual ending)
Can be used as a replacement for signs perceived to be
dangerous to actually write
So, 𓏭 even sounds as и
Etymologic dictionaries stopping at Latin are
unacceptable. Go all the depth, retards! Use grey font the
way you go in more and more hypothetic realms.
БоГу is how it starts in the west
G-D is the eastern order
So they added letters up front. Thus g-d predates b-g of
b-g-d. Учёность шла с востока. С запада нет никого, центры
цивилизации с той стороны. Old-persian starts with k too.
Why do I delve into this mumbo-jumbo? Because this one is
about letters. And whatever the order is, the seven
letters could represent some ancient set of them, for
their sequence is in sefer yetzirah in plain view, so
let's play with it: ב ג ד ה ו
ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ
צ ק ר ש
ב ג ד כ פ ר ת
are b to t,
which made go hm..
But seriously, what..
if I looked for celestial alphbaet, that is it.
And they're all consonants even by my estimate.
Multiplied by three vowels they can give 21 letters,
which is one letter less than in hebrew
or, if the vowels count as syllables, then 28 letters,
which is a letter more than in numerals
I know them all as plosives, but they are called doubles,
because they are fricative too:
ב is both b and v
(but that's not for certain)
about ג is probably g and ʒ
ד is what? d and z?
(and that is for sure) כ is
k and h
(actually, I only knew of ב
,כ ,פ, and recently ת) פ is p and f
ר (r and l? that's how I would do it, but I don't
ת is t and s.
why is ש not here, as s and š?
because s is not plosive
and because ש is a mother
But because š is a further palatalization of s,
it made me suggest, that three mothers were invented
They were invented as the essence of the three forms of
Another interesting peculiarity about ב ג ד כ פ ר ת is
that except ר they're voiced and voiced forms of the same
ב ג ד
פ כ ת
and in such case כ is ק, and if the two are the same
letter, hebrew has 21 letters
but then if ר (representing the sonors, standing between
voiced and voiceless)
can stand outside of it's ordeal position, why can't כ?
ב ג ד
could be all there was,
and then voiceless forms of ב and ד were made by addint
the swash to their corners to get פ and ת
but ג and כ do not follow this pattern, thus telling
that they're of later origin. that 𓃀 and 𓂧 were all
there was? Well, it's a brave hypothesis, but then it
directly follows from five vowels accompanied with B and
Today I researched this magic square in the bright green
office book full of cardboard, there I agreed with pater
noster interpretation, noticing that those words can be
written by moves of knight: from p to a to t to e to r,
but only from n to o to t to e to r, without s (was it
because S is for Satan and asS? snake is as S, but ass is
donkey) and then here's a more interesting interpretation:
it would make no sense to me too, if I didn't hear from a jewish historian
that productivity increased significantly when they added
wheels to the ploughs (and because
this formula is ancient, yet they didn't until much
later, my guess is they were not allowed to (because
clueless aristocrats thought that would damage their
soil) as many prohibitions are not less retarded)
I liked his desacralization of soviet war, until I
learned that he's a jew, which invokes pol's razor. But
then yes, they're great destroyers, and as a tool they
can be very useful, because this time ..well, I cannot
know his own motives, so don't be so naive. His take
also could be organic, without hidden motives, or
without him being aware of them. It is interesting that
his name begins with Marks and it follows by something
very similar to וLenin. if that is a pseudonym, it's a
great branding, I must admit. And if it's his real name,
his parents were very creative though communist.
How many letters? A E N O P R S T.. eight. These are
letters to say pater noster 8 letters to write 11-letters.
It would be more cool if it was AEOPRST, for they are
three vowels and the whole опрст line. Yet that very N is
in the centre of it all.
Those eight letters can be read in pairs:
AE(yeah) NO(no) PR(пора) ST(sit) these are just first
pairs coming to my mind by the method of first
associations. PR is a claster (russian R is Р) so is ST
(just as Δ is ð, but transliterated as d)
It is definitely Pater Noster: it can be spelled in each
corner (thus it is also cross, ✠-like) of satro rep n, and
the central part of the formula is in the centre of the
So, my interpretation of this mystery is Pater Noster
repeated in each side (not corner) of the square. And
arranging them to get some text was
is an impressive act
manifestation of poetry.
in A E N O P R S T
N could be both И the I and u (via ν, and because russian
i is и is и, but by the position of N it is more
likely to be И than n, those both look too much alike. In
too many forms: НRU[n])
AEIOPRST are column and final line of an archaic alphabet,
thus the structure of it. Pater Ioster?
Why would this rather famous representation of this thing
has S and N inverted? It definitely supports the N=И
theory, but why
the dots in the centres of the O's
are the ones which they used to draw the circles
Loot at the postion of vowels,
they're three different vowels
not exactly Ἰαὼ, but very close
(NOPRST is a consequent
alphabetic sequence, broken in latin by Q and in
greek by Ξ)
you know how they say.. when
all you have is a hammer.. hail Odin!
aen could be eine
oprst could be a form of aen, only in aen vowels grew, in
oprst consonants grew into a whole nuanced line of modern
form. n after ae reflects the idea of a being ã
the rule about french e being english s is not universal,
so there's no etone, which may indicate that that line of
borrowings happened in some period (why would they want to
borrow a word for stone in the first place) did they just
misread? well, that is a probability.
Thinking of what could be beyond three mothers. Could
there be that only one two letters existed? Could it be
that there were only one?
that b and d were one? then all that mattered would be if
the syllable is closed or open (if you call the syllable
two sounds, it could be not obvious for the ance ancient people, they could
see it as inhale and exhale, the way I conceptualized it
at the very start of this journey, the idea since long
negletted may be to the point, and ba was da of approval,
opposed by ab the ad of the pain reaction. Think about
those words in the context of sex: they're reflectory ways
to say yes and no in the process.
Thanatomorphos is read as fanatomorphos in my case. And it
makes sense. Thinking of how that project reflects its
name: it has to be about a living creature turning into
dead, which is a metaphor for life, but since we invent
immortality, concepts of dead and death should be
reinterpreted. die of awe? because that is how fans do.
figuratively speaking. So the project appeaerd when I
зафанател по АХС so much that I started my own journalist
investigation into why such awesome projects split, and I
asked Glukhoff to teach me sing, which he did. Как ты
будешь воспевать богов, если петь не умеешь, I could think
to myself. I don't remember I did, but it would be a great
rationalization. Though they made me sympathize
christianity in general again, ironically, yet
nevertheless (irony is a much more complicated concept
than direct reversal of meaning, it is more nuanced, so in
this context I liked it not because I respected it, but
because I found it funny to be a christian. In a good way.
Which let (led) me to some less ironic ways to appreciate
it, by talking about it, by reading about it, by thinking
about it more.
там какой-то падеж от слова то? том? в том = там. тем? за
тем? там как прототип слов том и тем?
о потому что В том? о как вав интегрэйтед инту зы рут?
е потому что С тем?
там как абстрактное there relative to the (те; то; та, ту?
птица is of птипти-птипти-птипти-птипти-птипти
......(долго такие пакеты из "птипти" с первой долей
сильной, и я друг понял, что пакеты не одинаковые (людям
они кажутся одинаковыми по длине, мы их не считаем, больше
трёх потому что? 2 было один раз и
похоже было что сбилась, так что 6 за ней
следующей может быть следующей или той же нотой,
...7 4 5 6 3 н 5 4 4 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 6 (здесь
птица перевела дух, и продолжила)
4 2 6 7 6 6 4 6 6 2 5 5 0 4 5 4 (0 был паузой
чуть дольше чем остальные, одинаковые)
снова пауза и совсем другая птица запела дальше от меня
по-другому, одиночными, с паузами между ними. Я буду
записывать птичьи трели для обнаружения
но нет, 2 повторяется. посмотрим,
что мы имеем:
2 twice
3 once
4 7 times
5 11 times
6 9 times
7 twice
(normal distribution tells that that
н(неопределил, сбился со
счёту) было 3)
And normal distribution tells that it tweets as much as it
can. But then cannot normal distribution be applied to
musical composition thus showing normal distribution of
this particular piece? Probably not. Yet what it matters.
Now I just know that those tweets are in normal
distribution. does dna have normal distribution? If that
fluke continues, that it tells 2 twice more than 3, that
would be a deviation from normal distribution, and thus a
pattern of this very bird language. It passes information,
because it can pass information. точка-тире? точка-тере
два знака имеет, птичий язык. убери это из книги. но что
тогда останется. что язык гласных был где-то назван языком
богов? где? про птичий язык (свист же так называли, разве
нет? а даже и писали бы, что это меняет? я сам создаю
смыслы, моя книга такая же сорс для кого-то)
полныйRU ~ повнийUA
пусти от слова пустой (пустота впускает)
прости от слова прост (и простота хуже вороства тогда
именно о прощении~попущении)
пусти~постой (не беги за вором, например (на постое
корабли пустые (по превращающаяся в пу, где-то я такое
раньше видел)))
I deliver:
Joannes Richter
The 10th response is uploaded to:
I will upload the text to Academia if you want to.
1 hour
Dmitry Okolnikov
Younger futhark was understood as younger stage of the
same writing system which evolved into what we know as
Elder futhark (which is thus not Elder, but Older), is
it true? Can you please cut out the very sentence
speaking about it? Because I myself cannot read the text
of Runa ABC.
And you shouldn't interpret 5-letter words as triads.
You should think about alphabets in the context of them
being able to divide into 3 elements (combining all
sounds, which are neither vowel nor labial, into a group
of linguals) because even though latin seems to
distinguish velars from coronals, c is both k and s,
thus they're basically the same.
And there are sacred five-letter words: AEIOU of
bogomils and IEOUA of jehovists. And I think I saw a
similar concept in some of your works, that of vowel
words. And another one, which made me say that you're
somewhat ahead of me (other than you were publically
digging this field, very few other people seem to dig,
before I opened up my own stuff) was your interest in
similarity between personal pronouns and words for gods,
some vowel names for gods, letters representing gods
which I also think to be the case, that alphabets
represents pantheons in some way. If some of these
things ring the bell so to say, could you expand on
these; because that five-ness of the alphabets may work
for Sanskrit, but I cannot see it in european languages
or writing systems.
Also please do not worry about editing, it's not a big
problem at all. I guess edited or not my work of thought
seems to be next to impossible to comprehend, duh. We
can edit it later. I also noticed that you update this
thing on academia, which is super awesome, I didn't know
we could do it.
And sefer yetzirah does tell that rosh is pronounced on
teeth, which doesn't make much sense really, and another
reason not to take it on its word. And I mentioned, that
that part (2:3) sorts letters into sequence of ABCDZ,
but then it depends on a version: sometimes it sorts
them into groups arranged as ACDZB, which could be
caused by the scribe being whether from the West or from
the East.
8 minutes
Dmitry Okolnikov
But that very ר is placed amongst double letters. Those
are double because ב is both b and v, ג is used for both
palatalized and unpalatalized g, ד is Δ, which is known
all over the world as d, but in greek dialect which
dominates the Greece today is pronounced as ð, thus
reminding ᚦ, but I know very little hebrew, so don't
know how ג and ד are variated into their fricative
counterparts, but כ is both k and h, פ is both p and f,
ת is both t and s (I didn't know about s, but it makes
sense that ש is just ת with one more leg, or finger..
graphic side of the alphabets could be influenced by
sign language of the deaf, that's another branch of this
So why is ר double? Maybe some variant of it is ž-like?
R is ž-like in chinese when it;'s written in latin. But
what is the opposite of ל ? ר! And I tried to pronounce
L on teeth. We all pronounce it on alveols, but it is
possible to pronounce it by placing the tip of the
tongue on the back of the upper teeth. R pronounced like
that is very vibratto.
1 minute
Dmitry Okolnikov
And ש, why didn't they make double the most famous
double letter? ש is both s and š, the further
palatalization, could be enough to break duality into
trinity. Is š what the four-finger ש on tfilin means?
Trinity in four srokes as in tables. So did they
recognize some Ceres as a planet and had 9 numerals
instead of 10, or did they have ש instead of ר in
doubles before some mindless reform changed it?
Just now
Dmitry Okolnikov
Ah, because ש is one of the Mothers. The epitome
lingual. Tongues of flame.
isn't it why linguals multiplied? Tongues of flame do.
Water wanes. When water comes it's flood or shipwreck, so
it's better to spell it waning like water through sand.
And thus on this opposite we can speak of two elements,
yin and yang, water and flame. flow and flaмe?
And now it is clear what god does rabbi pray to. To the
burning desire of the desert.
Do we not know Ceres amongst the list of planets, because
we didn't.. because you cannot see it with naked eye. So
are there many minor planets along those lines? How many
orbits does solar system have? I think I've shown you this
"belt" of asteroids, amongst which ceres is probably too,
Earth and us sound alike.
That ptipti returned
4657424764.. well, and so on. I have to record it by
audio equipment, because I'm not
sure that 4's after and before 7's are not threes, or
maybe do it by hand so that keys don't click when it
That they can count and transmit information like this is
a baseless assumption. But what else could it be?
Normal distribution tells it just tweets as much as it
likes, it likes to tweet. I can only tweet several times
in one breath. The pauses are the bird inhaling, I
What is Mare Magnum Fiue? Pi.ai told me that she doesn't
know this term, but that Mare Magnum is the Mediterranean
Sea. And indeed. Hm.. very weird.
It's called T and O map. It's named literally after the
letters it reminds. T for Terra, O for Ocean? oh!
This variant of the map makes much more sense. Tanais is
Дон. Nilus is Nile.
But how could that be that ancients didn't know idea of
where Tanais or Nilus begin?
Let's looks for some other map. Also how could they
compare those rivers to whole the Mediterranean Sea? Were
they so much larger? Was the sea much smaller than? I
really doubt it, it doesn't make sense really. It seems
Tanais begins in Novomoskovsk, which used to be Bobriki
after a bastard of Ekaterina the Great. It is unbelievable
that russian me never knew she had a son from Orlov. I
heard of the Count, but what..
Море-Океан в русских сказках такой топоним зафиксирован.
Здесь Дон по крайней мере до моря-океана не идёт. Но что
за амазонки на одном из его истоков?
Вот более точная карта с подобной ориентацией:
And completely different form of T. Here they even know
America already:
and another way to look at the world, showing that those
maps are not necessarily geographic:
oriente next to occidente is something
also what does it say before "africa"?
Meridiem is literally noon, which reflects ukrainian
південь used for both noon and south.
and some other representation which I
understand even less:
and here comes one making me think if O of ori and occ
makes three mothers with S of sep and M of mer
And the next one made me dig the other way:
If it shows the latitudes the way we know them, why
don't they rotate that OT map accordingly?
Well, I guess enough for now.
Three elements
Seven planets
Ten digits
Letter let tell
L M N muist be the thre elements ɅМN [air mere terrre (NENНRUHENХRU𐤕phTEN)]
(and that established H amongst
linguals, for it links N to T)
(and now I separate modern from ancient
writing systems by using capital and non-capital
Digit.. dig it! digit allows not only to tell, but to
explore as well. By measuring it.
Ruler is digits, what is compass? analogous, continuous
Compass and ruler symbolize concrete and discrete.
Thinking of how would they invent names for planets, I
thought of their combinations, and
Moon as the name of the planet is definitely MN in that
combination. and if N was T and S, Soo
Sun is NN, and I can see Noon in it, which makes pr perfect sense. Also because
the third element must be fire, for M is water, so Mn is
sun of the water. NN is double fire, big fire: as they do
in japanese making something big and very by doubling the
word. moshi-moshi? I don't know, but I know haiai-haiai
(very fast)
And it made me think that words would naturally be doubled
shapes (mem, nun, tet. such set (are other letters
combinations of these three? bet=mem+tet?
dalet=tet+nun+tet? gimel=nun+mem+tet? he looks its own
symbol, not made by those three, and thus it speaks of
vowels: is aleph adding nun and mem to its pure form? why
would it? י её ד? маленький
ד? её ד? клитор? далет долото? kaf=nun+mem, but bo, I mean
no! that is such a stretch to name place n to say k, that
I reject it. י маленький ד is interesting though.
й(символизирует краткойссть)д. So let's not reject this
idea, let's reject 𐤀 and k instead, those are of kings
and other assholes (I will not be surprised if ass ifſ of ace, for туз is asshole
In LMN L isd for land. Yand?
Yard? the way l shifts it's sound from ll to ł.
You lend land. Lending lakes is a recentdevelopment.
ł adds wand into that land~yard group. the land~yard~wand
sequence may expose that L[l] is the original click. And
thus before vowels were clicks. Ll[j] is later, thus j is
l with a dot. And ł must be the most recent mutation of
that sound. Polish? As Copernicus. A great nation.
wand ~ want
wand can give you what you want. Think of crows using
sticks to do what others can not.
cows and crows have such similar names.
I wonder why. Crews? They crew with us?
How ancient is such awkward word? skrew is of it I
Or is it reduced screw? Screw ~ скре(плять)
(в значении прикручивать)
Screw you could be просьба подтянуть болты,
позже опошленная screwание болтом.
so if L is Land, Terre; M is Mere; N is aгNи.?
Mere ~ Sea could be the explanation of what Ϻ is. Volna. Wave.
Air would be great counterpart of Mere and Terrre.
Air Mere Terre? ..And here it came to me that sea is Mer,
mere is mother.
air is повітря in ukrainian, which
tells that they knew air by wind.
A good rhyme to aryan I found: aérien
(adjective) air
aerial overhead
Air Mere Lumiere (no land, as in sefer yetzirah?)
Air Mer Terre (was R a protovowel?
Was it why it was included into the 7 planets? The only
thing able to be in that prominent position is Sun, and
I can see Rah in that R, as if it was the sun with the
ray, as if ᚱ is ᛁ and ᛋ the ᛲ)
Thinking of how sefer yetzirah speaks of A M S, I see
Sarah in S and Maria in M, and some Ada is int the A.. and
naturally it could be some profanation on my side. or
another intentional flaw on the S.E. part, as they place
yud and het in each other's groups, as it places r between
doubles. ר is twentieth, not twinteeth. sheen is teeth and
double. Was it AMR before AMS and AMT?
א מ ר
The first god, as it is told in greek myths.
It seems french is some merowingian language,
Druids were in France the most.
Could be snobbish by its
prominent position.
(I woke up thinkin of merowingians not cutting their
(that legend is the most prominent evidence in favor of
not cutting one's hair)
(but then isn't it too late once you did? well, it'd
better be not to, that's for sure)
Resh is the twentieth letter of the
Semitic abjads, including Phoenician rēš 𐤓, Hebrew rēš
ר, Aramaic rēš 𐡓, Syriac rēš ܪ, and Arabic rāʾ ر. Its
sound value is one of a number of rhotic consonants:
usually [r] or [ɾ], but also [ʁ] or [ʀ] in Hebrew and
North Mesopotamian Arabic.
In most Semitic alphabets, the letter resh (and its
equivalents) is quite similar to the letter dalet (and
its equivalents). In the Syriac alphabet, the letters
became so similar that now they are only distinguished
by a dot: resh has a dot above the letter, and the
otherwise identical dalet has a dot below the letter. In
the Arabic alphabet, rāʼ has a longer tail than dāl. In
the Aramaic and Hebrew square alphabet, resh is a
rounded single stroke while dalet is a right-angle of
two strokes.
Here I felt that ר could be 100
and because א is 1,
מ could be 10
But seeing how there are only 22 of them,
and thinking of how it could be broken into base smaller
than 10,
I thought of 21, which would support that V=4 theory:
Then מ would need more letters removed before it to fit
into that 21-thing.
Thus forget of מ for now, let's explore that 777
So I rearranged numbers leaving the hebrew set intact,
and it would be wonder if I didn't
mess up the math,
And if I didn't, 512 reminds 1024 so much it is
almost unbelievable
2000 in octal numeral system would be 210
in binary.
And here.. is it a coincidence that א and ת share
the lower left leg?
Technically they're the only two that do, is it נ? Are
they אנת?
Anyway, אחס doesn't make much sense in the sense I was
looking for
Is ת to א as ten to ã?
The mispar gadol method
is the same as the standard method (above)
but counts the final forms (sofit) of the Hebrew
letters as a continuation
of the numerical sequence for the alphabet.
These sofit letters are assigned from 500 to 900,
Thinking about experience of singing
being on another level at imagining or genuinely feeling
presence of an essence (an entity)
M N L(Λ)
W u V we = вы (me,
you) This line is united we~вы pronoun
l m n
delal delaem delano
third form is indeed p.p.
thus did do don would be in align with this.
L M N order explained!
present future
just the way they
al~old em~imaJA no~on~now
if M L N it was before. They
way they give it every where grammatically. They changed
it in the alphabet, couldn't change it in schools too? then it was delaem delali delano
Slavic roots? L M N is sanskrta, because I is for India.
And indeed M is used for I as in am.
So the root is shown as suffix in slavic languages, in
others they're clear.
Bhavati ~ become
But I don't see L here. I see N though in abhavan I can
see. t in abhavat is the closest to russian l
I likr iy like it how initial
a is optional.
and sometimes it's inita
initial ba.
So slavic -м -л -н (отделаем
was rearranged into делаЛ делаеМ делаН
(passive form is not future.
So it is in english. Third form of the verb is passive
so I-line is verb-line? are verbs elements? Three mothers
did stand for past present and future.
They're all three mothers. In different languages.
И - русская строка? Инглингская?
приставка в русском обращает глагол в настоящем времени в
глагол во времени будущем:
делаю ~ сделаю
бью ~ убью
но.. переходим ~ перейдём
перебиваем ~ перебьём
future form is shorter than present one. present we can
see through and through, future only so much.
as ~ so (the same, but reversed, in both form and
Alphabet is a grammatic table. I-line is time, for we walk
the earth all the plane of the planet, while ups and downs
come with time, and we measure height of our children on a
vertical angle.
O is person, or, as they say it in russian,
face(лицо[litso]) for in latin R is for ere, S is
for suffix es, which is for the 2nd person. T is for
suffix et, which is the 3rd person.
o is also suffix of the 1st person, so only p~q is not
used, though -que postfix for some ambiguous person may be
used, but generally there's no q in many (if not the most) alphabets, and
then there's p of no grammatic use, so it makes me think
that that line was ORST or even OST, for it could be
another way to read וϺł? (labial line? vmw? lmn? iml?)
IMł {iml}
וϺt {ost} ?
If I line is the axis of time, where suffix M for the
present was neighboured by suffix L for the past (only
half of today? just a memory? whole but vague?) was M read
as Ϻ for the second person and as Т the т for the
third one?
I would be the imperative: delai, you. The second person
alright. But why in the time line? Is It the tIme lIne?
Russian Х[h] is directly ᚷ.
Soon I will link my co-work with Joannes Richter, but here
the revelation of the today I placed into it:
(for they are truly interesting and
continues this work, may be essential to follow what
comes next)
Ѧ is definitely an interesting character. Considering
the way Я is pronounced, it's as if written from the
bottom up, the way they wrote on those runic stones,
btw. Я itself looks pretty much as the same ligature,
written normally and using 𐳁 instead of A. a without
the upper swash is the same form. and A is 𐲀~𐲁 if
you measure strokes.
What do you mean "The runes had similar-looking
5-letter theonym"?
Staveless runes are a fascinating subject, but
considering how similar some shapes, some different
runes look identical that way, usually for no good
reason (in the set before "gab man den längeren
Strichen eine gekrümmte und den kürzeren eine
keilförmige Gestalt") it makes me think "how authentic
that stuff is?" and this is why I prefer to work with
writing system being in use today: there are so many of
them, that they naturally contain sufficient ammount of
data to reconstruct the way their common ancestor would
be. But I've delved into all sort of ancient stuff, so
if you have a deeper understanding of why staveless
runes are legit, feel free to share it.
So here you follow the common narrative, saying "The
Elder Futhark.. is the oldest form of the runic
alphabets", which makes me understand, that "the
Younger_Futhark (with 15-16 runes) was understood as the
initial stage of the runic alphabet and the Elder
Futhark (24 runes) as the later stage of the runic
alphabet." was some fluke, a slip of tongue. Was it
The idea of staveless runes is more
interesting than those ogham-like whatever. Because it
tells of ᚷ being ᚼ, and I suspect ᚲ to be a staveless
form of ᚦ, for ᚦ is not only D, but also Г the C (is c
staveless form of d? is ɔ staveless form of b and p?)
and then there comes an even wilder assumption: is ᛲ
staveless form of ᚱ? And of course the fact that c
precedes d, o precedes p (and a (ⴰ) precedes b!) tells
yes, even though S follows R, both are side by side.
And this hypothesis adds אמר to אמש and אמת, which lays
the context perfectly considering that Amour is told to
be the first god which emerged out of chaos.
And an update for the remark of the other day: ת without
dot was read as θ only in the past:
and that AMR with R for Rah maybe, as
that "mother" represents the Sun. Because then we can
have ש amongst the doubles, where it belongs by its
manner of being read differently.
Is it okay, that I seed this into your mind? I thought
we were going to explore your legacy, but this dialogue
is encouraging to explore these vast horizons more
bravely, for some like-minded individual may correct me
if I go astray. But then isn't it overwhelming? Should I
keep it for myself? I guess me being a coauthor makes me
to bring something to the table of this probably a book
as well. I hope you do n't mind.
not sun, fire! ש is for fire in sefer
yetzirah and other reasons, such as its shape, "tongues
of flame" meme and אֵשׁ (I wonder if it's cognate of ash
and maybe आग as well) but when the three letters were
all we had to communicate, maybe it was sun as well, and
if we had only three letters: generic vowel, generic
labial, generic lingual, then ר ,ש ,ת and many others
were all the same letter.
אמר is literally "said" which perfectly aligns with the
context of the origin of writing.
אֶמֶשׁ [э́мэш] is "last night", "yesterday", "darkness",
and in the context of creation of the first things darkness fits the context, and
it makes sense to acquire meaning of the "ast "last night". Transition
the other way around is more difficult to imagine.
it seems dot on ש, when it stands further from the end,
indicates ʃ
and when it stands at the end, it
indicates ſ.
And it correlates with the way they're
pronounced: s is closer to the exit than š.
תחשוב עלי [тахшо́в ала́й] think of me.
In that sentence י is identical to
english I in many ways:
a) ist stands for I
b) it sounds as I[ай]
(and you may argue, that it sounds as й, for a is the
syllable of ל, but without על י sounds like al.
Hebrew also has elements similar to russian:
אני רוצה שתחשוב עלי (I want you to think of me) has that ש
before תחשוב, and that ש is identical to russian шоб (чтобы) שוב [шов]
תח is just tah (though it may be useful to bind it to
תחש [тахаш] is такса и барсук (I
also noticed, that I mostly switch this level of grey
when I speak in russian)
תחשוב שוב [тахшо́в шув] think again (h in hebrew is harder than in english)
אתה יכול לחשוב על זה שוב? [ата́ яхо́л лэхашо́в эл зэ шув] Can you think about it
(от повествовательного предложения лишь интонацией
последнего слога отличается)
(it's as is the intonation in the final syllable works as
the "isn't it" syllable used in many languages to make
questions: ねJA[ne], 嗎CH[ma], лиRU[li])
IMLN line cannot be both for time-related suffixes and
question syllables in different languages ли?
завтра не только от утро, но и от
второй? второй от завтра? just guessing
I ja je ik il elle me мы нас (is samekh optional because
it's a suffix) нам мне (is n optional now?) my me он она
оно они any? qui? that is k, just as que, quam! quelle
А как же лиRU, маCH,
Japanese か is cognate of que? чё как чёли (чёли ис такой
же ли, только более современный, если можно его так..
русское ли когнатно ли местоимению il? не факт.
we are writing a cowork
U probably took after 𐤅, so it can go vowel, but it's
essentially labial by it's position in the F slot. Only
when it's in its position. It is vowel, when it stands in
the beginning of the UVWXYZ, it is vowel by the structure
of the line (different from fricative variant of ABCD in
the Y point (unless it tells that Y is of γ (and I myself
didn't expect this graphic similarity, I thought of k
being an even shorter й (suffix ic in surnames may variate
into y (ik and я are they not?)))))
W is always read as short U, is it not? Thus it's double V
(it may be seen as long consonant V. Double you is we? You
is вы[vy] in some languages, so those letters could
initially stand for that word. Tы как один палец,
направленный на читателя. Vы как два пальца направленные
от читателя (на людей, что вокруг него, множественное
число) жесты определённо были и до письма. Please speak
your own language from time to time, I need to learn.
X is definitely double C (which makes sense that it is in
its line, because double C[k,g] is long k, which is h,
which is х in some languages. X[ks] is probably a
different tradition of reading cc, for c is both, maybe
different orientation were to indicate different readings.
Knowing that hieroglyphs look into the beginning of the
line, C[s] was for say (C[k] was for cough, thus Ↄ[k] in
Was Ɔ[o] for yawning, which is told to close from
observers, just as cough is. Was it put into those letters
by their creators or have I poetically invented these
meanings to them, they're in them now.
The idea of ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚩᚪᚫᚬᚭᚮᚯᚰᚱ being father is a witty
hypothesis. After all it is the first thing on their
tongue (and tenet square is also pater noster, for it
consists of these letters, and the central letter is in
the centre of the square)
So, if your hypothesis is right, it should have
continuation. And indeed I see that in this light it
definitely looks like a christian prayer, all of the
Because this ᚲᚷᚹ (ᚻ/ᚺ)ᚾᛁᛃᛇᛈᛉᛊ ᛏ looks very much like
christ, and they still have place for praise or prosba. I
see молю in ᛘᛚᛦ, and I see the hands up, bends, hands to
the ground.
and in other set the ending differs: ᛒᛖᛗᛚ(ᛜ/ᛝ)ᛞᛟ, in which
I can see belong do. But I may be can see too much: I can
also see alphabetic sequence in ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ, considering many
letters (such as ᚦ) being at the same spots in ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲᚷ
sequence and ᛆᛒᚦᛂᚠᚵᚼ sequence, so I guessed that they
mistook ᚩ for ᚠ and П for R.
But then these two theories may coexist: ABGD is Abe G-d
(and in some languages it is Б-г)
And JK is also ingraned in the IMNL line. Who knows what
the other lines tell, or if it is even true.
belong ~ bed laying ~ laying at bed (just a guess
influenced by how much ᛗ reminds ᛞ in
(ᚻ/ᚺ)ᚾᛁᛃᛇᛈᛉᛊ ᛏᛒᛖᛗᛚ(ᛜ/ᛝ)ᛞᛟ
dude ~ дядя makes me think that it is all about the дудка
(писька (не потому что давал её в рот (хотя с дикарей и не
такого можно ожидать) а потому что по форме сходна))
тётька ~ титька!
дядя и тётя ~ дуда и титя
Thinkin of how water rotates, it made me think of water as
of rotor (and since what time do we know how to use water
as a source of power?) which reminded me of ᚱᚢ
ABe is a complicated word: father is much more complicated
a concept than big and good.
I could be o big, great big.
Be could be baba~papa, and when abc all there were, b is
both papa and mama (баба)
and what is deda? dead? baba alive,
deda dead?
men went hunting and met wild animals more often than
so in the end society consisted of many mothers and few
fathers, thus harems.
бой ~ boy
girl ~ ?
deva ~ одевать
(девочки играют в куклы, примеряя на них и на себя
костюмы, а мальчишки дерутся)
the common ground between
deva and girl is doll
and грива? giver (дева давать? даёт?)
And if ABCD is all there were, and then it was paired by
slacker versions (voiceless phrase
is as sancta as that said in full voice, maybwe even as
it would be said in your heart)
k h
t c̆č
which is: ck can be
palatalized to h or t;
t can be palatalized to č or s;
s can
be palatalized to š
š can
be palatalized to ŝ (ш кэн би палаталайзд ту щ)
ABGD (abe б-г г-дь (abe is hebrew influence, thus a is
hebrew influence))
EVJZ (eve.. ..жиза?)
IMNL (I am moon nul?)
OPQT (no, I don't know what these lines tell)
(they could be telling the same otče pater que tenet, qui
(im could be имя (sam the sham) mn can indeed be moon, or
man! int the centre of the
the central letter M)
(nl is what? nail? NL? could L be added as El? was it ИMN?
the symmetry of staveless runes may indicate that it was a
Was it b-g g-d eve (big good eve, big god Eve, bge as
боги, боже. was бge the line? was a invented to
fill the sequence? was it wrong because a shape was in new
moon, which is not seen? were ae and бg different
representations of the same concept? to make them both
☯-like, we need to place ae as ea (as in sweat aqnd tear))
bead? beag? beg? bid? bet? beat?
heart beat (h~b) but I placed it into the bc collection
with this rationale:
(cor ~ heart (heart is heard, as cord
some great manual on african clicks:
it is important because archaic societies may have
preserved the archaic ways
also pcxq could be along those lines, especially since it
is the order he gave.
Some Catherine Bodin reached out for me on academia.edu,
and in the process of writing her back I got another
Hi there, thank you for reaching out on academia,
How deep is your understanding of Ogham?
I know that the last aicme is not authentic, but how did
it get its name by the 1st 2nd and 5th letter? Did it have
three letters per aicme? it would make it 4 aicme with 3
signs each. Which reminds 12 months way too much. And
ogham is known to be used for calendars, so I guess I've
got it. But did I get it right?
And they used to write it from the bottom up, right?
I suspect ogham to be much more ancient than they say it
is. If you want to delve into this research, I need
somebody who speaks some irish or gaelic, celtic, I don't
even know the difference between those.
Go Leor Grá (or did they have only three aicme? just like
there are three aettir in runes, and three is way more
significant number in myths around alphabets. Is ☘️
somehow connected to ogham? Could 🍀 be made up to
introduce the fourth aicme?)
And so I sent her that, we'll see if she's one of my team
of the superheroes.
And I continue the thought in here..
Months are counted by moon, so not 9 but 13 moonths one
year contains, and ogham calendars do count 13 moons:
So, it seems I was not wrong about the three aicme.
And thus we have the original set of the ogham: see the
third sign, it tells how it was, I suppose (even if the
shape of ogham glyphs shifted (as this sequence shows,
placing three before four.. who knows if it's accurate in
other aicme, but let's lay out this set:
(I think it is accurate, because it
is also not consistent in the third aicme, almost as in
the first one)
there 13 consonants, mixed with 5 vowels may correspond
the 18 of bornholm's alphabetstone..
I M L N (B L N ~ M L N!)
O .. and I ran out of labials
U H S... C R.. I don't get it.. these are 17.. what is the
other one? ah! two N's one of them is Ng..
O Ng R S T U (if ᛦ is R, ᚱ is ŋ; but if ᚱ is R, ᛦ is ŋ,
and then O R Ng S T V)
(because of how neighbouring those cultures are, and
because how similar they're in its brutalism)
b l f s
n h d t c
m g ŋ z
r a
o u e i
ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅ ᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊ ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ
ᚐ ᚁ ᚇ
ᚓ ᚃ ᚌ ᚆ
ᚔ ᚉ ᚂ ᚋ ᚅ
ᚑ ᚏ ᚍ ᚄ ᚈ ᚒ
wow, it's fucking nothing
well, naturally sometimes it has to be, but then what are
actually the chances of those times when I get it? are
they systemic or coincidental?
Now let's do it the other way around.
Let's place runes around the year's cycle.
ᛆᛒᚦᛂ(ᚽ)ᚠᚵᚼ(not ᛡ)ᛁᚴᛚᛘ(even
though it looks like ᛉ)ᚿᚮᚱᛦ(if
R, or ᛣ if Q)ᛋᛏᚢ
ᚠᛋᚼᚦᛏᚴ ᚃᚄᚆᚇᚈᚉ
ᛘᚵᚱᛦ or
ᛘᚵᛦᚱ ᚋᚌᚍᚏ
but then in ogham it is blfsn
hdtcq mgŋzr aouei
and in calendar set it is blnfs
hdtc mgŋr
z and q have appeared later, with zars and queens maybe
(were they called žors(žops) and cwines?)
свят сияет или свин? белая кожа считается более царской
чем белая (один чёрный пастор говорил, что во всех
культурах так) и pigskin is how it is to blacks, so could
it be this? свин от слова светлый? swine has why similar
to one in saint? shine? (was I
trying to remember what I say:) white!
shine tells that it's not about why, it's about I [ʌɪ] ай,
right in the eye. "ah, mah eyes!" (russians pronounced H
as I, now it's И, and they read Н as N now (it used to be
N, so both letters rotated counter-clockwise, is it why
russians as nation cannot be called a happy people nation.
We must split.)
When we transliterate russian into latin, we should use X
for [h], for russian H is [ɪ:]
NHXYR would be a russian word in
y is russian u
u is russian ы? graphically у[u] takes the y, for both are
very alike.
U's u is like и when both are in
U's u is like и when both are in cursive.
But then this is a strange reform. R is Я in words like
швея, sower
Why are sower (сеятель) and sewer (швея) так похожи? Why
is sow the swine? And now that's for sure that sw in swine
is in sow.
I am dead. In the long run, sure. So why don't I build my
chamber? I do! Slowly, I do not haste it.
I should.
Haste it or waste it.
брательник родственно с брать
дядька родственно с дать
это неточно, но
рифмуется неплохо
мать от имать? мама ~ ма ~ моя (my ~ имею?)
бать от проибать наверное.
мать принимать (к себе отца)
отец от сюда ушелец
бать б-ать (бывать)
папа ~ пака (мужики кочевали? но не отдельно же от жён?
Если охотились, то чаще отдельно)
если бать~бывать, то мать~мывать (мыть? mere~mer! мама
мыла раму)
мама мыла раму в начале русской азбуки, самое меметичное
простое. Ма ма ми му (ukrainian is more based) промеж
которых вставили ла и ра (ла слева от ра, обратите
ма мила му, ма ми ла ра му.. мама is ма, but what? were
syllables before letters. You bet they were. What was the
iroha of russian? Did they have it? Academia tells
russians were illiterate, but what it usually ment is that
they didn't read greek (and, later, with other nations,
russian) books (books written in greek alphabet)
маме мы мо му?
маму мы мо ме?
ма мы му (мамы му? коров звали мамами? в китайском ложадь
мама, так что не исключено))
корову могли назвать мамой за то что мычить му (тогда в китайском
переинтерпретировали сообразно их местным верованиям и
предпочтениям (потому что ложадь (да лошадь же!) не
говорит ничего и близко к ма))
Корова в мифологии исключительно положительный символ.
Даже рока рога́ её не
портят (но в христианстве земледельческий культ кормилицы
был демонизирован, и мы знаем про золотого тельца и
коровьи рога на голове дьявола)
Is Rama just a frame of the life we're living? How else
could such homonymy appear?
sy- is english veriant of [ko]co-, phonetically much
similar to russian [so]со-
synonymy (I guess all are greek. And why is greek prefix
in russian? Was it there before the christians?)
disk ~ тиск? (как мнемонический приём она не работает,
потому что диск международное слово.. Так давай соберём
все международные слова, и сможем обращаться ко всему
disk is определённо одно из таких слов. Давай начнём с
русско-английского текста, и далее упростим до
международного потихоньку. Орфография любая, прочтение
Прочтение должно быть сходно:
saywhat ~ чево (а вот такое не факт
что во всех языках найдётся, но я настолько других
языков и не знаю)
диск ~ disk
диско ~ disko
Wait a second, I have such collection made by someone:
just look up and they seriously lack verbs.
So because one list opened with administration, and other
with alcohol, I don't bring them up, I decide to make my
own list of cognates. But then.. I already do:
𒀀 opens the set of sumerian unicode. it sounds as a, it
stands for eau (water) and it stands for semen too, thus
𒀀𒀀 is father [aya] and thus 𒀀 [a] is also father, and
looking for earth, I came to her consort:
Anu (Akkadian: 𒀭𒀭 ANU, from 𒀭 an "Sky",
"Heaven") or Anum, originally An (Sumerian: 𒀭 An),[10]
was the divine personification of the sky, king of the
gods, and ancestor of many of the deities in ancient
Mesopotamian religion. He was regarded as a source of
both divine and human kingship, and opens the
enumerations of deities in many Mesopotamian texts. At
the same time, his role was largely passive, and he was
not commonly worshipped. It is sometimes proposed that
the Eanna temple located in Uruk originally belonged to
him, rather than Inanna, but while he is well attested
as one of its divine inhabitants, there is no evidence
that the main deity of the temple ever changed, and
Inanna was already associated with it in the earliest
sources. After it declined, a new theological system
developed in the same city under Seleucid rule,
resulting in Anu being redefined as an active deity. As
a result he was actively worshipped by inhabitants of
the city in the final centuries of the history of
ancient Mesopotamia.
and naturally water is from the sky, while earth is the
mother figure:
Ki (Sumerian: 𒀭𒆠) was the earth goddess
in Sumerian religion, chief consort of the sky god
An.[1] In some legends[citation needed] Ki and An were
brother and sister, being the offspring of Anshar ("Sky
Pivot") and Kishar ("Earth Pivot"), earlier
personifications of the heavens and earth.
By her consort Anu (also known as Anunna), Ki gave birth
to Anunnaki, the most prominent of these deities being
Enlil, god of the air. According to legends, the heavens
and earth were once inseparable until Enlil was born;
Enlil cleaved the heavens and earth in two. An carried
away the heavens. Ki, in company with Enlil, took the
Earth. Ki marries her son, Enlil, and from this union
all the plant and animal life on Earth is produced.[2]
Some authorities question whether Ki was regarded as a
deity since there is no evidence of a cult and the name
appears only in a limited number of Sumerian creation
texts. Samuel Noah Kramer identifies Ki with the
Sumerian mother goddess Ninhursag and claims that they
were originally the same figure.
She later developed into the Babylonian and Akkadian
goddess Antu[citation needed], consort of the god Anu
(from Sumerian An).
If that a was followed by this ki, it would be very alike
to how eastern akadabra goes, placing ka as the first
consonant syllable.
but in unicode it goes like this:
𒀁 [eduru] is synonymous to 𒀀 in accadian (it is a form
of 𒀀, with itself placed within it) for in akkadian 𒀀 is
water and heir. And in sumerian it's water, father and
offspring. Was this word used for father by mother telling
that he has a child with her? My baby? Baby as what water
brought her when it broke.
𒀂 [AGAM, A×BAD] marsh, alternative
form of 𒀀𒂵𒄠 (a-ga-am /agam/) an artificial pond for
disposing of flood waters
Is 𒂵 𒀸, is 𒄠 that other pare I cannot see amongst
sumerian hieroglyphs..
𒁁 is live and bring to an end at the same time. As if we
bring challenges to the end as we live, but when we die we
don't, we're brought to an end, but then there are other
meanings: blood, to die, dead, death. How can the same
character bring meanings of to live and to die at the same
time? as any can mean none, but that is a false
translation (yes it may be translated as such, but that
would be not direct translation.
𒀀 reminds A so much, that I recognize their succession as
for 𐎅 and E
yet pay attention, that it has a very similar character:
sumerogram of šalāšat pānū (“three panu”)
In Akkadian panum has many meanings:
front, front part
looks, appearance
past, past time
wish, choice, intention, plan,
purpose, concern, consideration, opinion
(mathematics) reciprocal
(in the plural) face, visage
(in the plural) dignity, prestige
and few other meanings:
a pānu (a large
measuring basket)
(measure of capacity, Babylonian)
bushel (a dry capacity measure, equal to 60 qûm in Old
Babylonian and 36 qûm in Neo-Babylonian, i.e. 1/5 of a
kurrum (“kor”))
So what would three panu stand for so significant
that it is the opposite of water itself?
Three faces of the moon?
A = ВоДа!
E = ЖиЗа?
И = Мана men~mysl (I read ежегодник Этимология before I
became a linguist)
О = Путь
У = фсё? (это было
подобрано методом первых ассоциаций,
кто знает сколько попаданий)
Luwian 𔓐 reminds 𐇛 from faestos phaistos
disk, which indeed was attempted to be decyphered via
luwian language, and I can see why. But then 𐇵 luwian
doesn't seem to have.
Luwian was written in what we know as Anatolian
hieroglyphs, and that is a whole new field of research I
haven't touch yet:
Interesting representation of serpent, as female. Or is it
a bi-gender entity as gods are told to be? Like Baphomet has tits and staff, or
(and it is why it is here) does this depiction
reveals that devil is deva?
The previous and female enity people used to worship,
the one of the period in which they got to understand
the world.
The true gods too: not those who claim to be responsible
for creation of all the world (who
how would he prove it? who would believe it I sorta
wanted to ask instead by writing who instead of how)
So Seshat and Toth were deified for invention of
writing. And I think Seshat is the name of the inventor,
see nyu-shu, gals had have
their secrets.
So is god-father a father figure later cults invented?
I call them pederasts, but it could be way too much.
I should tone it down, for I never can be sure if I got
it right.
Seshat is definitely a snakey sounding name, and seth
and satan are of that phonetics.
So actual inventors of everything (the roots of culture
are in some figures, such as Phoroneus and Thoth, who
also has name similar to Seth)
Seth is told to be the third son of Adam and Eve, from
whom all humans come, but considering the jewish
original, that could be speaking of jews as humans,
because Genesis 5:4 affirms that
Eve had sons and daughters beyond just Cain, Abel, and
but then no, that belief could speak of all
After the death of Abel, Eve gave birth to a third
son, Seth (Šet), from whom Noah (and thus the whole of
modern humanity) is descended.
but then wasn't Noah descendant of all sons,
considering that they're eight generations apart?
Unless I look too deep into this stuff. Seth was the
eldest son left, thus he counts the most, but then why
do I take this fairytale at the face value?
I do, because these fairytales formed the picture of
reality of the ancients, so to know how they invented
the alphabet we must understand how they thought and who how they prayed.
pr claster as pray? pry? prs? prš? prst as prosit(asks)
pqrst could add quique to it, po as об о чём-то решает?
это лишь догадки, но иногда у них получается в точку.
я не могу знать каков именно механизм их работы, но я
полагаюсь на них во многом, потому что они определённо
A (eau) Вода
eau is descending sequence, and indeed fire flows down.
And if we flow the flow upwards, as fire goes, we get uae,
which makes perfect "fire"
eau[u] and feu[fu] make perfect E and F
Looking for other elements of that kind, I found boue[bu]
for earth
but du is combination of de and le
and dieu has palatalized d, but the form of word is
great for this context.
le bien is both good and gold, which pretty much makes
those words cognates of
ã du
trwa ..four would make a great rhyme to feu, but in
english it is kяtr.
boue que du eau
feu.. and it would be nice if I could continue this line,
but alas.
(and it seems they don't say it like
this, and eau turn ё in this context (probably that du
remembers that it is de and le, so that e can palatalize
au boue que du eau
feu has nothing to do after eau in such sentence, and why
do I poet that? Let's leave it to french people.
если тётя от тити, то сестра от сиси. Тётя и сестра
отличаются возрастом на поколение, а значит тити это
отвисшие как т
а сиси это упругие как с
брат и батя похожие слова
брат будет батей (ру в латыни интерфикс будщего времени)
I started this day with visiting ΛΜΝ
where I collected my theories of what LMN are:
three phases (faces) of the moon
русские суффиксы: делали, делаем,
by adding prefix с[s] we as if add 's of has before it.
У американов c[s] прибавляется к поделжащему, у русаков к
с кеми они? стул сделал по английски
've of have is prefix у[u] in russian
шёл went
ушёл 've went (but now it's 've gone, but most iof verbs have the same suffix
-ed in both past and perfect. обрати внимание на приставку
у пер-фекта (фект значит делал, а не просто был, passed)
pass is of paws?
yes, pass ios litterally
trace of paws (animals walk here)
I spoke of 𒀀[an] and 𒆠[ki] in the same context, and what
were the cnac chances that
𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 is annunaki (and 𒀭 is a klogogogram
for go, it isn't read)
𒈾 is 𒆠 with 𒀸 in front of it. Once again seamonkey has
its own opinion and places some triangle similar in shape
to 𒀸's leftmost part, but then it's them messing the
ancient fonts up again, I guess, I go with all other
programs who make more sense in the sense that 𒀸 is one,
and one earth is stone, which 𒈾 is. It is also weird,
that in 𒀀𒉣𒈾 it is ki, just as 𒆠 is, but wiktionary
tells that 𒈾 is [na] (that stone
and boulder also is recognized as a logogram for free
man (maybe because you're not supposed to eat him, in
the figural sense))
I expected to find the third element in 𒉣, but no, 𒉣
[nun, sil₂, zil/ṣil] noble,
prince, ruler, foremost, best, and also a short version of
𒉣𒆠[nunki, eriduki, eridunki, eridu] Eridu
(ancient Sumerian city in modern Iraq; modern Tell Abu
Shahrain) and here it becomes complicated:
Sumerogram of Bābilim
Sumerogram of Eridum (“Eridu”)
Did egyptians say r instead of L? oh..
isn't that 𓂋 for ор[or]screaming(yelling) too?
Old persian babirus is basically
papyrus, but did Babylon know papyrus?
I thought it was egyptian know-how
And what does armenian version tells us? labyrinth is
What exactly made it gate of god?
Waves of torrents brought me Alphabets of Life by Kim
Henry Veltman, and gosh it is freaky
(and he not recognized as some freak, no he's seen as
some valid historian of art, but his sources are all
fucked up, and what he tells is only sometimes can be
verified. Though he knew that vowels of latin alphabet
comes in some peculiar intervals, so I felt like
mentioning him. And I also have to give him credit that
his book is full of images which might be of my
interest, but gosh he's indiscriminate)
Did I say? k-symmetry delivered all of the sudden: aM aRe
iS reflect I Du Ce
a b Ce
Du e f g h
I j
u t iS aRe q p o n
aM l
verbs are all English, but on the other side only I is
english, du is german, ce is french.
(also notice, that there two sides of pronouns and verbs.
And pronoun comes before verb, very intentional it all
looks. So I take it as the true meaning of key-symmetry
eTes? tu es is you are in latin. eTes is french.
Vous eTes could be giving out the russian way of reading В
more accurate.
Je reflects le.. is les, le, la, du
verbs? or is it, as a &
U, different?
that is from my cardboards of the
bright green folder, I should scan it some day.
d&R made not most of all meaning, I
and M only resembled eachother as И N\,
and is it Dexter Sinister at the opposite sites (then it
would be written the other way around)
the ring above has R at it's right side,
so I can only guess that C instead of L is a case of L ~ Г
(which is a
mistery per se)
and what are I and M in that right-left context? D
reflected R as dexter is right,
but S isn't reflected by L.
MI could stand for the middle, because that is what those
two letters are.
L ~ С the Г? leave~give? long~gone? last~(dis)gust(guh)
live~give? list~gist(!) lorg lord~god
was and were as past tense of is and are.. will is other
short word about other tense, and are will and were the
opposites as Left and Right?
j k l m n o p q r s t
these reflect eachother around o (except mq(but
graphically hm..) :j~t(graphically), k~c~s, l~r, n~п)
a b c d e f g h i (these reflect eachother around e
(except d & f: C~G, b~h, a~i))
I think I spoke about these before, but not in this
context and not in this depth.
and that constant presence of random couples may indicate
that there used to be only three letters per line when
this symmetry was ingraned into it, and forgotten after
additions were made.
ɪ м л н о п р с т (here I deviate from imnl order I've
chosen, so is it some creative apophenia?)
So let's return from to
where it was promising
I h g
f e Du
Ce Вы a
l aM n o p
q aRe iS eTes u
those "Du aRe" "Ce iS" "Вы eTes"
are stretches alrighte.
but then B~T could be Vous eTes.. but still not so
He aRe would make much less sense than Du aRe, even though
both He and aRe are modern english words, as I and am and
is and are. ce and is also correlate in the form, and what
language could combine those words like that? some
indo-european, I guess, something not far from english.
When alphabet was born, there was not English, but its
predecessors were.
Once again I feel like reminding the readers that this is
my drafts, почеркушки.
Be~See Do I?
esT~iS aRe aM
I collect these (here contradicting) hypotheses, so that
later I can sort them out to see which sticks better.
esT~es (suffixes in latin verbs)
but grammatically they're the other way around. So it's
not k-symmetry, but lineal symmetry?
Let's find out
Я Вы They
am ...these guessings don't make much sense, because truly
I don't know the lanugege of
the past, so what are these? Poetry. Poetry matters, man,
it all grows out of poetry, so if some poets encoded our
languages into our writing systems, other poets may
disentangle those tropes.
But then vowel for 1st person, labial for the 2nd person,
lingual for the 3rd person. And we may do it in russian:
Я Вы Те (о в они уважительное (ни is вы в китайском.. те,
кто вы для китайцев для русских они?)
I Me oN(ъ, a, o, и (если язык придумали бабы, то а в
женском роду понятна. тогда ъ мутировавшее о? о вместо а,
потому что от страха? на бабу-то можно в весь голос орать
(а мужики охотники, громкого голоса не приветствуют) в
основе русского языка три гласные. в одной из основ, да))
а и и могли быть в основе. о & ɪ? тогда
точно писали вертикально. тогда эти буквы изображают рот.
Тогда, быть может, и другие буквы являются
артикуляционными схемами? такие как Ч
Щ двойное ибо долгое Ч (как S dolgoe C) но не Ш ли долгое
Ч? Щ долгое Ц (тогда ц изначально было палатализованным ч,
и при сравнении ц и ч с ш и щ,
предполагаю, что ч было перевёрнутой
п, џ
a делала
и делали (делале было бы воспринято как форма этого
о делало (делалу было бы не понятно вовсе, но ближе
к этому или к ъ)
ъ делалъ (как в японском
Как она и он обращаются в её и его? енё и его?
палатализация в женском палатализирует г в н?
означает ли это что л палатализованная д? (в орхонском
(почти что оркском, ага)
Such grammatic variability may indicate that russian is in
between three-vowel and five-vowel grammar. Japanese uses
all five of its vowels as verbal endings:
I'm not sure that this is what I had in mind, for here
te-form is added, so maybe it manifests on some other
level too, but I'm only scratching the surface of
japanese. I wish to know it better.
notice, how their come changes from ki to ko in negation
Thus it moves even closer to come and
but verbs conjugated like this are called godan verbs,
there are others, here is how ichidan verbs go:
and it's even more complicated than that:
I guess, dan is ending, for ichi is one and go is five.
And I don't have to guess: 一段[いちだん ]
4. ichidan (verb, verb
conjugation)Grammar, Abbreviation, See also 一段動詞, See
also 一段活用, See also 五段
3. one paragraph; one passage
2. one step; one rung; one
level; one grade; one rank
1. even more; still more; much
more; furtherusu. 〜と
花嫁姿の彼女は一段と美しかった。 She was all the more
beautiful dressed in her wedding costume.
段 [だん]
Noun, Counter
1. step; stair; rung; (flight of) steps
He jumped up the steps three at a time.
Noun, Counter
2. shelf; layer; tier
3. grade; level; class
Noun, Counter
4. dan (degree of advanced proficiency in martial arts,
go, shogi, etc.); rank
5. paragraph; passage
Noun, Counter
6. column (of print)
Noun, Counter
7. act (in kabuki, joruri, etc.); section; scene
8. row of the multiplication table (e.g. five times
9. stage (in a process); phase; occasion; time; moment;
10. matter; occasionFormal or literary term, as ...の段
11. degree; extentas ...どころの段ではない, ...という段じゃない, etc.
12. counter for breaks in written language or speech
反 [たん]
1. variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for
kimonos: at least 10 m in length; for haori: at least
7.27 m in length; for other clothes: at least 6.06 m in
2. 300 tsubo (991.74 meters square, 0.24506 acres)
3. six ken (10.91 m)
Other forms
段 【たん】
段々 [だんだん]
Adverb (fukushi), Adverb taking
the 'to' particle
1. gradually; by degrees; little by little; more and
more; increasinglyUsually written using kana alone
It will get warmer and warmer.
2. steps; stairs; staircase; terrace
Other forms
段段 【だんだん】
here is how good product advertizes
itself: jisho
is the dictionary I use for japanese,
and recommend it.
I build immortality.
I build continuation instead of death.
I be continued
I aM Cunt?
чёча(тётя ин С) aunt (naturally this unt part invoked тётя
for C, but isn't aunt cunt? тётя шмотя
(тётка-мамка (Матильда ~ Мария?))
is it why т(т) and m(m) look the same in
are m tits from her knees? as children see them? tits
raised up too.. w is m, isn't it?
Чего ты хочешь достичь?
Достичь ~ до стольки-то ~ to сто que?
сто ~ что?
столько ~ сто лико? сто соркращённое от чтолико? человека?
сколько человек живёт?
after I have discovered that the structure is ABGD (C used
to be voiced, greeks have Г instead of C, which is voiced
k, G) I can see Abe Бог God Deus (us is a suffix) what is
Ef I can only guess, I guess Eve and iEaoV the יהוה (which
includes הוה, which is read alphabetically הו whichever way you read it, and י
could be later reform of orthography due to phonetic or
gematric reasons) other words of the alphabetic row have
only negative connotations in my runglish mind, but then θ
is for θεά, but that is long frowned upon in this patriarchal world of ז.
And thtat very ז
standis in the middle of ΕΖΗΘ
Male words are biliteral, for θεά Θ is all there is. θ, B,
Babooshka? W as Vulva, all the same, the second mother?
aether wather (water~weather) thether
thither (as the opposite of hither (they divide as
there and here))
And the further we can make more and more mental
gymnastic, so tho I suspect man in mn, it is work in
progress at best. And even when the work is done, will it
be the actually underlying formula left there by its
creators, or will it be a poetic pangram written on the
basis of ab bc cd ef fg gh hi ik kl lm mn? (does samekh tells (нас, nos) and
is hi ik kl lm mn "hi, ikNL kill
lame men"? What does "hi" do in this formula? what does
this formula do after the list of gods? is it a legend pray to become an angel
of death after death? Was it how people imagined
immortality? By surviving every counteraction? Naturally,
amongst wild animals and savage people, they had to kill
from time to time to keep on moving.
Frederick's first
use of the five-letter monogram was in 1437, when he
was Duke of Styria. One note in his notebook
(discovered in 1666), though not in the same hand,
explains it in German and Latin as "All the world is
subject to Austria" (Alles Erdreich ist Österreich
untertan or Austriae est imperare orbi universo).[1]
Another passage, later in the same notebook, uses the
letters in sequence as the initial letters of the
words in the first line of a couplet poem, amor
electis, iniustis ordinor ultor ("I am loved by the
elect, for the unjust I am ordained an avenger").[1][7][8] This verse was probably
adopted by Frederick from a poem by Nicolaus
Petschacher of Znaim who worked as a court official in
the 1440s.[9]
ступа идеальный гроб для трупа (ступа~трупа?)
Сту́па, субурга́н (санскр. स्तूप, IAST:
stūpa, «макушка, куча земли, камней, земляной холм»[1],
тиб. чортен, монг. суварга(н), бур. субарга(н)) —
буддийское архитектурно-скульптурное культовое
сооружение, имеющее полусферические очертания[1].
Преимущественно представлены в монолитной форме; менее
распространены ступы, имеющие внутреннее помещение.
Первоначально представляла собой реликварий, затем стала
памятником, возводившимся в честь какого-то события[1].
Исторически восходит к могильным курганам, сооружавшимся
для погребения царей или вождей[2].
струп is another word of the kind (it stands for scab, and
the two are naturally cognates (but труп in струп is
corpse, which may tell that the scab is a dead biody which
shall fall off, that it is deads protecting the living))
body is bloody (bleeds, unlike stones and dry stuff)
cab is not corpse though, it's told to be a short form an
abbreviation of cabriolet.
As if it has nothing to do with car and cabine
cabriolet is told to be coming from cabriole (goat's leap)
and cabrioler (to leap in the air)
french -r is naturally cognatic to latin -re and japanese
but the goat part seems to be some satanic bs
cabrioler is told to be (intransitive) to caper, cavort
Hitler was a shabbo to Emil Maurice. The faggot was the
second man in the party, and yet spent only four years in
a labor camp. Stalin was a shabbo to Mehlis.. and only now
can I see how the surnames of the kikes are alike, and
both shabbos have pseudonyms, both of two syllables (both
previous surnames are four syllable)
бог[бох] плох? плюха~плохо? бог~бодж. плюха как лужа? бог
вод? дождь даждь? податель of aya (eau (iaoue))
бог~bad / god~good (one nation's god is it's neighbour's
bog~вод (вода превращает землю в грязь, которой в европе
лишь рашка может похвастаться)
One nation's god is
their rival's satan.
So once whitoids recognized that jewish god is
satan, it's only question of time until they embrace
their own national deities deemed
satans by the (((christians)))
it's all in the language. god and гад are truly cognates?
it's almost unbelievable, but people can believe anything,
and I am probably not that different.
I can be sure only when the visible structure of all
languages is built.
soslepu prochël s as x, which may
indicate proximity of the glyphs, but then wouldn't I
see B instead of S? I didn't now, but yes, it is a grey
(so-so) thought.
A serious course of thise xplosure
exploration would be to dig into cuneiform, for ugaritic
alphabet shows that it is cuneiform the locus of origin of
the alphbaets, at least it shows it more than egyptian
which still didn't reveal the abcd sequence in its
artefacts other than the way egyptologists list them. I
was looking for the origin of it, and it seems it is
european influence. vowels, labials, linguals. Sometimes m
is not in it's spot. Is it because somebody rewrote a
table going abcd efgh igjklmn and so on as aei..(etc) bf..
no, it's a mystery, the way they list them tells some
similar, yet different tradition, which may indicate such
within egyptian writings, but it would be rather paranoid
to suspect them hiding some artefacts. But then more
balanced view would be to suspect the alphabetic tradition
to be common between those two, only cuneiform so far
represents more evidence of its alphabetics, even though
it was discovered much later.
reach and teach share the grammatic structure, but does
spelling even matter?
correct spelling is some wizard's tradition, I should
discover the truer and more comprehensive spelling yet. Is
some sum? the same word? makes sense. Is sense scents?
sends? sands? was scent recognized as some teeny tiny
spell? (teeny tiny is how you read word phonetic side of
which your'e not sure of? (and it's
not even a quesion, now such remarks are twice as more
certain than the backgrownd work: because it has the
other meaning, the meaning which is objectively true:
people do say aluminum-aluminium if they don't know
which one is correct, foreign or less educated, or more
educated as in this case, where both forms are alright,
one for the west and one for the east(uk)))
I wonder if Thracians are ancestors of russians.
are sects sex? yes, a lot of it
canvas comes
from cannabis
(those are my sources sometimes, but
then google agrees, but could they rig it? because that
is over the top, but then I am not interested enough to
go deeper into academic publications, because of
replication crisis, because of their opinion not that
much better than the average one, even if it is, I think
in some fields, the most corrupted ones, their opinion
is further from truth than the uneducated one)
Мальтийский крест is the technology laying in the basis of
cinema and I never heard of it, yet I knew of the order of
malta, even though why? do they
rule via technology of informations?
and why they call it Maltese cross:
they also call it Geneva drive. Which probably the source
of the invention, while maltese cross is how Malta takes
the credit by using the similar shape as its emblem.
Geneva is known for its clockwork, thus the thin
mechanisms are their speciality.
Разновидность механизма с одной закрытой
щелью применялась в швейцарских часах для предотвращения
перезавода (отсюда английское Geneva drive).
Русское «мальтийский механизм» —
от внешнего сходства ведомого звена устройства с
мальтийским крестом (часто в просторечии называется
передача «мальтийский крест»).
The Geneva drive is also called a "Maltese cross
mechanism" due to the visual resemblance when the
rotating wheel has four spokes.
Here they say that Geneva Drive is the slit and
pin, not the cross itself, so who knows, maybe the cyclic
mechanism was invented in Malta and thus that rather
unusual form of a cross was chosen for emblem.
Thracians described as uncivilized, were perceived as unsophisticated by Romans
and Greeks, their culture was reportedly noted for its
sophisticated poetry and music.[14] paint
a picture incredibly similar to what russians are.
And I know this term from russian literature, фракийцы, it
makes my point I came to lay out here:
(are they where russian and french
met in the distance past?)
слово ~ фраза (in case you don't
feel russian as well)
They lived where slavic tribes live now, hands down,
they're the missing link between etruscans and russians.
Around the 5th millennium BC, the
inhabitants of the eastern region of the Balkans became
organized in different groups of indigenous people that
were later named by the ancient Greeks under the single
ethnonym of "Thracians".[4][5][6][7]
The Thracian culture emerged during the early Bronze
Age, which began about 3500 BC.[4][8][9][10] From it
also developed the Getae, the Dacians and other regional
groups of tribes. Historical and archaeological records
indicate that the Thracian culture flourished in the 3rd
and 2nd millennium BC.[4][11][12] Writing in the 6th
century BC, Xenophanes described Thracians as "blue-eyed
and red-haired".[13]
The variations in the name wed with the слово~фраза
hypothese, tells that c could be not only g, but also z,
which makes perfect sense, since it's still both k and s.
(ф and с meet in θ)
(л is not that far from р)
(but even though з looks like staveless в, wtf is that?)
(But then how is в~з transition any worse than ф~c? F~c?
that's curazy!)
Thinking of how muses are envoked to as just one muse, I
amuse the idea that the same way I combined them by three
into three subgroups of letters, digits, notes (all
lingual!) the same way I can combine the three into a
group of one the same being, and that being being Mother.
Mothers teaches children, and ancient forgotten
gods were inventors. Creative being and Destructive being.
Two tipes types of godly
activity differentiating between the good and the bad
gods. So jews pray Satan? All other nations pray to their
satans, considering them from your own perspective of a
believer, if you believe you can tell: if your path is
true, others are astray, so they teach, so they say, but
isn't it sorta arrogant to think that highly of your own
path? That is what belief is made of, of faith, which is..
fate? path! pays..
Be Create Destroy the BCD?
And I thought of some new god, Be, who is neither creating
nor destroying. That there were two.
Вишну and Шива seem to be consisting of the same elements
ВиШну is in alphabetic order
ШиВа is the other way around
and it corresponds their creative and destructive roles.
В дуализме противоположны вода и огонь (земля и небо)
вода созидает, огонь поедает
огонь~агни~адни~ад~аид~ но Шива.. ӓШ
В for Вишну
Ш for Шива (они изображены вместе, как инь и ян)
интересно, что B for Be is B for Brahma
интересно, что если Вишну~Create, W~Ш!
русский алфавит сохранил последовательность БВ! мы и
читаем г как v
Брахма Вишну Гива? Дива?
Ш как общее лингвальное, известно из
сефер йецира как третья мать.
Ши́ва (санскр. शिव, IAST: śiva, «благой»,
«милостивый») — индуистское божество, верховный бог в
шиваизме, вместе с Брахмой, Вишну входит в божественную
триаду тримурти. Истоки культа Шивы уходят в доведийский
и ведийский периоды[1].
Шива олицетворяет собой космическое сознание, статичное
мужское начало вселенной (Пуруша), оппозиционного Шакти
(Пракрити), динамичному женскому началу вселенной.
Шива объединился с творцом Брахмой и поддержателем Вишну
в верховную триаду (тримурти)[2] в качестве
разрушительного начала вселенной. В то же время в
некоторых традициях Индии, например, кашмирском
шиваизме, Шива является абсолютным божеством,
выполняющим функции и созидания, и разрушения.
Главная мантра шивы это ом намах Шивая, которая
переводится так: весь этот мир, живой и неживой,
принадлежит не мне, существует не для меня, а для Шивы.
В «Махабхарате» (1.1.20) Ишана (одно из имен Шивы)
называется «изначальным мужем (адья пуруша), единственно
нетленным и вечным» и отождествляется с Брахмой и
Согласно «Шива-пуране», является создателем и Вишну, и
Брахмы. Олицетворяет одновременно разрушительное и
созидательное начала. В индуизме имеет эпитет Махадев,
что переводится как величайший из богов (девов). Пять
божественных ролей Шивы: создание, поддержка,
растворение, сокрытие и дарование благодати. Традиция
поклонения Шиве называется шиваизм. Известен под именами
Рудра, Шанкара[4], Шамбху[5], Махадева, Махешвара.
Основная мантра Шивы «Ом намах Шивая», впервые в Ведах
встречается в гимне «Яджур-веды» «Шатарудрия» или «Гимн
ста Рудрам».
Шива (Сива) отображен в буддийской Типитаке, где он
является одним из второстепенных небесных дэвапутт.
Рудра (Исана) является одним из четырёх властителей мира
Таватимсы, наряду с буддийскими Индрой (Саккой), Варуной
и Паджапати[6][7][8][9][10].
Ви́шну (санскр. विष्णु, IAST: viṣṇu — «проникающий во
всё», «всеобъемлющий»[1]) — верховное божество в
вишнуизме. В индуистской мифологии наряду с Брахмой и
Шивой является одним из богов Тримурти (триады божеств),
где выполняет функции охранителя мироздания[1][2]. В
различных направлениях индуизма Вишну поклоняются либо
непосредственно, либо через посредство его аватар,
самыми популярными из которых являются Кришна и Рама[3].
Последователи традиции смарта почитают Вишну как одну из
пяти основных форм Бога[4].
Согласно «Законам Ману» Вишну в форме Нараяны пребывает
в «причинных водах», погружённый в сон, откуда возникает
его имя «Тот, чья обитель — воды»[5]. До создания
Вселенной Вишну дремлет в космическом Молочном океане
первозданных вод на божественном змее Ади-Шеше. Из его
пупка растёт лотос, из которого появляется Брахма,
бог-создатель, творящий Вселенную[6]. С момента создания
Вселенной и до её разрушения Вишну пребывает в своей
божественной обители на Вайкунтхе[7]. По воле и милости
Вишну происходит создание, сохранение и разрушение
бесчисленных миров. Когда вселенский цикл подходит к
концу, Вишну становится пылающим солнцем, бушующим
ветром и проливным дождём («Матсья-пурана», текст
1.67)[8]. Цикл рождения и смерти является его
божественной игрой (лилой). Вишну отвечает за
поддержание дхармы и уничтожение зла[9]. Для наказания
злодеев и защиты добродетели Вишну нисходит в земной мир
в виде аватар. В пуранах содержится описание десяти
основных аватар Вишну, девять из которых ранее уже
явились на Земле и выполнили свою миссию, а последняя,
десятая аватара Калки, должна низойти в самом конце
В индуистской иконографии Вишну изображается в
четырёхрукой человеческой форме, с кожей синего,
голубого или чёрного цвета, в жёлтых одеждах. В четырёх
руках он держит четыре атрибута: цветок лотоса, булаву,
раковину и чакру[11].
Вишну в различных ипостасях является одним из самых
почитаемых богов индийского пантеона. Традиция
поклонения Вишну, известная как вишнуизм, является
вторым направлением индуизма по численности
Бра́хма (санскр. ब्रह्मा, IAST: Brahmā, устар. Бра́ма) —
бог творения в индуизме. Наряду с Вишну и Шивой является
одним из богов Тримурти. Супруга Брахмы — богиня знания
и учёности Сарасвати. Брахму часто отождествляют с
ведийским божеством Праджапати.
Происхождение термина «Брахма» неясно, отчасти потому,
что в ведической литературе встречается несколько
родственных слов, таких как Брахман для «Абсолютной
Реальности» и брахман как сословие. Различие между
духовной концепцией Брахмана и божеством Брахмы
заключается в том, что первое является бесполым
абстрактным метафизическим понятием в индуизме[1], а
второе является одним из многих мужских богов в
индуистской традиции[2]. Духовная концепция Брахмана
довольно старая, и некоторые ученые предполагают, что
божество Брахма, возможно, возникло как олицетворение и
видимая икона безличного универсального принципа
Брахмана[3]. О существовании отдельного божества по
имени Брахма свидетельствуют поздние ведические
По одной из версий, слово «Брахма» восходит к
праиндоарийскому *bʰŕ̥źʰma, далее к праиндоиранскому
*bʰŕ̥ȷ́ʰma и праиндоевропейскому корню *bʰerǵʰ-,
значащему «расти, увеличиваться, подниматься».
Грамматически именная основа brahma- имеет две различные
формы: существительное среднего рода bráhman, форма
именительного падежа единственного числа которого —
brahma (санскр. ब्रह्म); и существительное мужского рода
brahman, форма именительного падежа единственного числа
которого - brahmā (ब्रह्मा). Первая, средняя форма,
имеет обобщенное и абстрактное значение[4], а вторая,
мужская форма, используется как собственное имя божества
The wiki tells that Шива was the first god, but wasn't it
because destroyers took over?
Kali-Yuga, bro.
So, should I take it as Шива is Fire, Вишну is Water, and
Brahma is бор и холм? земля?
I attribute Shiva to fire because of its Ш of אֵשׁ,
Vishnu is of water, because его имя «Тот,
чья обитель — воды».
And I tell me, read further, and I ctrlF the Shiva page
and naturally, fire is its first attribute:
санскр. अग्नि [agni] Огонь.
That hindus place i at the top and muzzos do at
the bottom
could be directly related to their opposition in
As for the third of three, I couldn't find direct
indication that Brahma symbolizes the earth, but some
elements to support that claim I have:
a) По индийскому
преданию «Гопатха-брахмана», верховный бог Брахма,
после создания воды из своего пота, создал землю — из
своей ноги, воздух — из своего чрева, небо — из своего
черепа. Затем он создал трёх богов: Агни (огонь) для
земли, Ваю (ветер) для воздуха и Адитья (Солнце) для
неба. Наконец, он создал три Веды: «Ригведа»
происходит от Агни, «Яджурведа» от Ваю, «Самаведа» от
b) значащему «расти,
увеличиваться, подниматься». (как растения,
хотя это слабый аргумент: огонь
поднимается, а иногда и река из берегов выходит)
с) Четыре руки — четыре руки Брахмы
олицетворяют четыре стороны света: восток, юг, запад и
and here's the political associations
with those sides of the world:
Задняя правая рука представляет ум,
задняя левая рука представляет разум,
передняя правая рука — эго,
а передняя левая рука — самоуверенность.
and if the orders are consequent, it makes sense
that they considered themselves smart,
they considered southerners reasonable
(so they don't have to exterminate those savages)
they would likely consider westerners egoistic,
and northerners (the russians) would seem arrogant
d) some other of his attributes can be seen as very
Чётки — символизируют различные материальные
субстанции, использованные в процессе сотворения
Книга —
книга Вед в одной из рук Брахмы символизирует
Золото — ассоциируется с
деятельностью; золотой лик Брахмы указывает на то, что
он активно вовлечён в процесс сотворения Вселенной.
Лебедь — символизирует милость и способность
различать плохое от хорошего. Брахма использует
лебедя Хамса как своё средство
передвижения, вахану.
Корона —
корона Брахмы символизирует его верховную власть во
Лотос —
цветок лотоса символизирует природу и сущность всех
вещей и живых существ во Вселенной.
Борода —
чёрная или седая борода Брахмы указывает на мудрость
и олицетворяет вечный процесс сотворения.
Четыре лика —
четыре лика, головы и руки олицетворяют четыре Веды:
Риг, Саму, Яджур и Атхарву.
and now research their "wives", the three mothers are they
Па́рвати (санскр. पार्वती, IAST: pārvatī
«горная») в индуизме— одно из имён супруги бога Шивы.
Является благой формой Дэви, шакти (то есть женской
творческой энергии) Шивы.
Ещё имена благих форм: Гаури («Светлая, Благая»),
Трипурасундари («великолепие трёх миров»), Лалита —
«Играющая», Бхавани (англ.) («оживляющая»). В гневной
форме Дэви носит имена Кали («Чёрная»), Шьяма, Чанди
(Чанда, «Гневная»), Дурга («Неприступная»), Бхайрави
(англ.) («Зловещая»).
Образ Сати (ранней инкарнации Парвати) связан и с
Дашамахавидья — десятью аспектами Великой Матери, в
которые проявилась Сати после спора с Шивой.
Сати is the S
Ла́кшми (санскр. लक्ष्मी, IAST: Lakṣmī —
«счастье») — богиня благополучия, изобилия, процветания,
богатства, удачи и счастья в индуизме[1][2]. Она —
воплощение грации, красоты и обаяния. Лакшми является
супругой Вишну и олицетворяет его энергию. Вайшнавы
считают, что поклонение Лакшми защитит их от мирских
несчастий и бедности. Лакшми обещала своему супругу,
что, где бы он ни был в трёх мирах, она всегда будет
рядом с ним. В земных воплощениях она замужем за
аватарой Ваманой (как Падма или Камала[3]), Рамой (как
Сита) и Кришной (как Радха, а позже Рукмини). Лакшми
иногда именуют «Шри» (Sri, «процветание», «счастье»,
«слава»[1]), хотя в раннем вайшнавизме Шри, по всей
видимости, была отдельной богиней, чей образ позже
слился с Лакшми[4].
В иконографии Лакшми изображается сидящей или стоящей на
цветке лотоса. У неё белая или золотистая кожа и четыре
руки. В двух из них она держит лотосы, а другими
показывает мудры (жесты руками), благословляющие
счастьем и процветанием. Традиционно Лакшми изображают в
сопровождении двух небесных слонов, из чьих хоботов бьют
фонтаны воды (образ именуется «Гаджа-Лакшми» или Лакшми
со слонами)[4]. Вместе с Вишну Лакшми изображается с
двумя руками, которыми она массирует стопы мужа, или же
сидящей у него на коленях, или возле ног своего
супруга[4]. Когда Вишну предстаёт Яджна-пурушей
(Yagna-purusha) или Богом жертвоприношения, Лакшми
является Дакшиной (Dakshina), Богиней жертвы[5].
Лакшми являлась важным женским божеством, которой
поклонялись в джайнизме[3]. В прошлом Лакшми была
богиней изобилия и процветания в буддизме. В буддистских
сектах Тибета, Непала и Юго-Восточной Азии роль Лакшми
играет богиня Васудхара[6].
С Лакшми ассоциируются символ свастики, сладкая еда, нут
(горошек) и пятница, когда богине проводят пуджу[7].
Индийский праздник огней, известный как Дивали или
Дипавали, отмечается в октябре или ноябре и посвящён
Лакшми. Почитатели Лакшми предлагают богине пищу,
деньги, одежду и драгоценности. Женщины украшают дом
зажжёнными лампами, светильниками и символами Лакшми,
мужчины играют на деньги, поскольку Лакшми — богиня
удачи[3]. В современном индийском обществе символ «Шри»
на санскрите используется в качестве благоприятной
эмблемы на зданиях, книгах, продукции и пр. Почётную
приставку «Шри» добавляют к именам выдающихся людей, она
также используется для такого уважительного обозначения,
как «господин»[2].
I would expect some labial name to this goddess, and
Vasudhara is the only word in that text which can serve
such goal, but only if Vasu is flow (wash,
wasser (indoeuropean has to stand
for something))
Васудхара (वसुधारा, Vasudhāra, 持世菩薩, 持世菩萨,
じせぼさつ, ព្រះនាងវ៉ាសុនហារ៉ាពោធិសត្វ, 지세보살,
พระนางวสุนธาราโพธิสัตว์, พระวสุธารา, ནོར་རྒྱུན་མ་, Trì
Thế Bồ Tát) чье имя на санскрите означает "поток
драгоценных камней", является буддийской Бодхисаттвой
богатства, процветания и изобилия.
And indeed, she is associated with water:
Считается, что Лакшми живёт там, где есть
вода. Океан, река, а также пруд и болото, особенно если
они создают условия для цветения лотоса, являются
обителью Лакшми. Связь Лакшми с водоёмами объясняется
тем, что вода питает жизнь: где нет воды, нет жизни.
Кроме того, Лакшми называют «патала-нивасини» или
живущей под землёй. Лакшми как природная стихия
олицетворяет Землю, из которой рождаются растения,
служащие пищей для обитателей Земли. Нижние миры
населены нагами (змеями), которые выступают хранителями
плодородия земли, а также асурами (демонами) как
хранителями подземных богатств. Считалось, что Лакшми
проживала среди змей и демонов, прежде чем боги или
дэвы, стали пахтать молочный океан[17].
But then Sarasvati is translated as abundant with waters
(which Earth is)
Са́ра́свати[1][2][3] (санскр. सरस्वती —
«богатая водами») — в индуизме и буддизме богиня
мудрости, знания, искусства, красоты и красноречия.
And as it is wife of Brahma, not Vishnu, what is going on
here? Б~В? Земля~Вода? В противопоставлению огню да,
землёй тоже можно тушить.
Сарасвати упоминается в Ригведе, ей
посвящены три гимна как богине великой реки.
В праздник Наваратри («Девять ночей») Богиня почитается
в трёх формах: в течение первых трёх ночей почитают
Дурга; Лакшми в четвёртую, пятую и шестую ночи; наконец,
Сарасвати — седьмую, восьмую и девятую ночи[1].
В шактизме Тридеви считаются изначальными формами
Махашакти — Махасарасвати, Махалакшми и Махакали, —
проявленными в мир и дарованными богам Тримурти как их
шакти и супруги
It is interesting, that Navaratri (nine nights) not only
rings the bell of where we started, the 9 muses being the
three being one, but also I accidentally spoke of them in
the same order those nights are celebrated.
Mu as Maha and Se as Shakti? ᛘᛉ? and these gestures make
perfect sense: ᛘ for hands carrying something big, and ᛉ
showing at the sky as for her divine nature, also both
signs look like vaginas
And in the sense of muses, which of indian goddesses is
letters, which is numbers, which is notes?
Sarasvati is for letters, because that
is the way to organize thoughts and thus leads to
Also one of the attributes of Sarasvati is the book of
Vedas, which is all letters.
Lakshmi is for numbers, for money is to count and
accounting is essential on the path to wealth.
Thus the third one must be for musical notes, because
fire sings, I suppose.
Wind also can sing, but wind is as
aerial as fire.
And were trees thought to be singing on the wind with
the fire hidden in them?
And what about musical insturments? They only sing when
air is sent into them,
or when we blow them otherwise, with a blow in the
meaning of hit.
But other goddesses only knew musical
instuments? But so other than the three muses.
And does sand and stones making noise not considered to
be music?
Thus we distinguish between music and noise to this day.
Percusion in the concrete noise
sense is recognized as music only in the 20th century,
the century of jewish subversion
on completely other levels of obvious.
In farsi [yak]تک=یک[tek] (both words stand for "one")
and there's no need for brighter illustration to show how
dots appeared later and before them you could read the
same text both ways.
In farsi [du]دو is "two"
In farsi سه[sa] is "three" and I am here for that s, for I
read that Sitar is a Persian word meaning
three strings.
in the retrospect I find it encouraging
that I was seeing three in si and not in tar
tar is not in the g.t, but here's a similar string: قطار
naturally guitar is cognate to it.
Rhaetians is another ethnonym similar to russians,
and is it just a coincidence, that they
are related to Etruscans?!
were both nations related to
This is some fomenkoism, I know, but some of them have to
be the our protoethnonym,
such things rarely if ever come out of
thin air.
b d
p q
could be the stages of protoalphabets
So since it was this way, it was only natural to pull it
to the right to get the square
Z as double Г would make more sense
BCD [bgd]
FHГ [vɦz (I had to
improvise to dance along)]
𐌚?S here I
just tried to make it slow, фхцчшщ is this line in
russian, х[h] is already taken (why though? there's no
graphic argument to do it this way. H is in both greek and
roman, so it deserves to stand there.. but it is not
between F & G
so is everything past BD FГ MΛ ПТ (𐌚S) is away from it
these are 10, and 𐌚 looks way like 8, and S moves along
9's lines, T is perfect 7 (七~t) but П would make a better
5 than 6, yet Λ is perfect V, for etruscans wrote Λ: 𐌠𐌡𐌢𐌣 (V and X the l and t!
did they count in palms? but no rhyme between five and
..whatever did I want to rhyme with it.. five and number,
five and digit, пять и число, чтобы я прыгнул провести
этимологическую параллель, but writing it I saw how the
word five reminds V like too much (von[fon]))
So M is four then. Very cool, it has exactly four strokes.
Г as 3? It is in the azbuka, but г would make a
better 2, also because Г is exactly two strokes, but it
seems it's three corners matter, as if in the mountain 𐤂 is for гора,
and Г is a later artistic interpretation (гора is отвесный
склон, всё остальное холм (h~г, yet h is definitely
D for du? B would make better two,
but D, hm.. it doesn't make much sense D before Г?
oops, сбилася со счёта
F is a good two (E would make a good three, but not this
D is good one
B is not such a bad 0, but D looks more like 0 (O looks
even more like 0, and thus we have two number-vowel
associations.. let's dig into this opportunity
or V~2?
(the V with vingers tell "two")
(only open palm would say "five")
(only in the context of IVXLCD palm with fingers
together do)
(holding fingers together or apart could stand for ones
and tens)
So could it be..
but internet offers olivea instead
and olive is not a random plant, it gave light!
But they say they didn't know 0, so could O be five? A~O
or 4?also devanagari's 5 looks
like 4 (and 6 reflects 3, it's full of mysteries)
Something is definitely not right with their history: how
would the 15th century's 3 and 4
and 5 had more in common
with the indian variants than with the Gobar. Why did they
rotate it though? Reminds etruscan 𐌡 turning V in roman,
and it corresponds to that V=4 at which DCLXVI = 365
If 4 is the loop, it is O, and 8 makes perfect double o.
IVEO doesn't go neither alp[habetic
nor roman numerals, even though EO
sorta rhyme CD
aIUEO is how they go in japanese though
Could A be zero? It would explain why it was placed in
front of B: it was placed in front of I
🜁 for Air, it makes sense that it was discovered later
than the alphabet.
Here, to g being d in russian:
Chlodio (auch Chlogio[1
war der erste namentlich fassbare
Merowinger und rex (König) der Salfranken. Er lebte im
zweiten Viertel des 5. Jahrhunderts.
Chlodio (probably died after 450), also Clodio,
Clodius, Clodion, Cloio or Chlogio, was a Frankish
king who attacked and then apparently ruled
Roman-inhabited lands around Cambrai and Tournai, near
the modern border of Belgium and France. He is known
from very few records.
And here's to the clockwise being lucky: the narrow spiral
staircases made it difficult for attackers to attack the
castle and easy to defenders to defend it: source
to and for are two and four (numbers add that num-humm in
the form of w and u to the same spellings)
four as vv (two's on both hands) is easier to show than
four-leaved shin on one hand,
thus I=1, V=2, W=4 could be the
but I doubt they were, but they could so I notice it for
those who may meet it.
For I shall yet see where it leads me: if it leads me to
building a good solid numeral system anew, it would be
awesome too.
on the following image 𐌆-like H-like figure is actually A
written sideways and sloppy,
how else would I see how A reminds H̅,
as if h is short laught, and A is just screaming it.
Working with my rubik cube (suggesting that it was
invented ear much earlier
than patented) I met that I have to write u instead of U
not to confuse U and C. I also had to place skirt on the Z
as if it was a mushroom, to separate it from N. And I
don't know how M and W are to be modified.. m and w! all
those would be clear if they all were minuscule: c &
u, z & n, w & m.. but now I have to separate n
from u.. thus the skirt on Z, making it look very much
like Ж rotated 90°.
And here we can use the fact that most letters have
multiple sides, so we can place both U and u at the block,
and though some letters are on the single central facets,
only M can be there (in frontal layers layout) then it is
m, for w is at the corner and thus W, w, and crossed VV
Yet direct layout solves this complication by C and U
being on different types of blocks,
just as M and W
just as N and Z
just as H and I if you avoid dot, and make those serifs
on I real big, then it's almost Z, ancient Z, 𐌆,
which is interesting since Z reminds N (it is the same
shape when isolated) and russian N is Н.
J should go with dot as j, not to be confused with L, when
you make such cube by hand with marker, both J and L may
look the same way Г-like.
It is interesting, that I saw similar forms years before I
figured out that rubik cube has 26 external blocks. I
didn't know what I was shown, I didn't see it clearly, but
I just understood that after I understood alphabet as a
plane, next natural step would be to see it as some 3d
figure, and square was the first thing on my mind,
naturally. 12 are external on spheric groups with 13
spheres laying around one in 6 on the same plane, three
above and three below, giving us the shape of rhombic
dodecahedron, the philosopherstone itself. Germans are
truly people of deep culture, constructing such
cavern~cabin~domen~homen~nomen? now
that is pullin'
kamerNL (room)
– k
s t
n h
m y
r w
a あア かカ さサ たタ なナ はハ まマ やヤ らラ わワ
i いイ きキ しシ ちチ にニ ひヒ みミ ※ りリ
u うウ くク すス つツ ぬヌ ふフ むム ゆユ るル
んン (n)
゛ ゜
e えエ けケ せセ てテ ねネ へヘ めメ ※ れレ ゑヱ
o おオ こコ そソ とト のノ ほホ もモ よヨ ろロ をヲ 、, ・。
in the beginning of a letter came in subject field as
– k
s t
n h
m y
r w a あア かカ さサ たタ なナ はハ まマ やヤ らラ わワ
i いイ き...
Which made me see к сатане hi(хочу) мир は
k for kristor kristos? satana
is too cool a бусурманский б-г, чтоб не идти первым в их
Б-Г Г-Дь
And then on a more serious note it made me see how labial
m goes before semivowel y, as w comes before a, which
probably was all the vowels, for that logic will list them
all.. unless it does, by lines of kana too. wa-wi-wu(n)-wo
不 [pu] (no) looks like
russian p looking like n(n): п(п) must have
something to do with 不
(russian is the bridge from english to chinese language,
probably one of the bridges (geographic
locations of civilization, situated between its
neighbours from East and West (now
I can see why the maps used to be drawn with south on
the top. Today they must have been seeing cold in the
top of the room and hot at the legs area, but we
should practice thinking of the world rotating our
maps of the 20th century, to have the centre of the
world in the centre, but then it could motivate the
expansion, as if we have to go from bottom up, to be
on top. The white world is on top, because maps say
so?) both topologically and linguistically))
There are so many glyphs..
⅄ latin lambda
Ɩ latin iota
ᶥ latin superscript iota (typical י)
tomography is the inside of the place
topography is the outside of the place (whose)
aka and akin is an interesting pair
I was asked today "how can it be applied?" and several
hours later it came to me, that my table (or, as in the
class, desk (in russian doska is board (both in the sense
of a plank in all senses and as the board in class, be it
blackboard or whiteboard))) can come handy for those who
has difficulty learning alphabetic order.
b is in the centre of the querty keyboard, even though it
is not used that often. It could be in that position,
available for index of each hand for mythological or even
straight mystical mythical
left to right is unlucky this way, counterclockwise. If we
write left to right, we should write bottom up, so we
circle around the previous text clockwise.
Because like in Mendeleev's table rows grow, thus could
this alphabet can be seen as spyral.
It moves to The Rhythm Of Big City (3/3(5/5)) notebook,
the next page after the middle.
I can see two rows going around cross, being the musical
notes. Others thus will be ..what? Were they other 8? when
it was "younger futhark", but there they were in three
groups, not four, like three mothers. And ᛆᛒᚦ of Bornholm
and the meme ABC give this trinity, together with memes of
three norns and three fates. And there are many more
names, and by those names I should be able to collect more
national myths of them, and thus of the alphabet.
Гера is actually Ἥρα, which is transliterated into russian
as Ира, which is a russian female
name, Irene.
(это методом ассоциаций накидал, как в поэзии)
И помятуя о руническйо схожести рун
ᚱ и ᚢ.. Ева?
Энд хир'ис хау ай кэйм ту зэт сот: Или́фия
(др.-греч. Εἰλείθυια) — персонаж древнегреческой
мифологии, богиня родов. Эпитет Илифия также
использовали относительно богинь Геры и Артемиды,
которых связывали с помощью роженицам. Согласно верованиям древних греков,
без содействия Илифии не происходили ни одни роды. В
большинстве случаев её участие было спасительным, но в
некоторых могло быть и губительным. Илифию
считали дочерью Зевса и Геры.
Последняя удерживала дочь на Олимпе во время родов
возлюбленной Зевса Лето. Также по наущению Геры Илифия
задержала роды Геракла, чтобы дать Еврисфею
возможность родиться первым и стать царём.
Культ богини имел общегреческое распространение. Он
сформировался на Крите, затем через Делос
распространился в Аттике и других частях Эллады.
Артеми́да (др.-греч. Ἄρτεμις) —
в древнегреческой мифологии вечно юная богиня охоты,
богиня женского целомудрия, покровительница всего
живого на Земле, дающая счастье в браке и помощь при
родах, позднее богиня Луны (её брат Аполлон был
олицетворением Солнца). У Гомера — образ
девичьей стройности, покровительница охоты[2]. У римлян отождествлялась с
Культовыми животными Артемиды стали лань и медведица.
Этимология имени Артемида (др.-греч. Ἄρτεμις)
неясна[4]. Микенск. a-ti-mi-te[5].
Дочь Зевса и богини Лето,
сестра-близнец Аполлона (Hes. Theog.
918)[3][6], внучка титанов Кея и Фебы. Родилась на
горе Кинф на острове Делос.
So Artemis were forever-young
Artemis and Apollo were named with A, and because of the
three рожаниц (I occasionally googled рожениц and got what
I didn't expect, who the three greek Fates could be (but
then Greece was pretty much an empire, so their beliefs
can be ecclectic, and thus the same story could be
repeated in other ways and under other names, and thus
cult doubled and so on (maybe like Mnemosine gave birth to
muses by multiplying its cult in the culture)))
So was Η vowel? Even though
technically Ἥ is a different glyph, though the letter is
the same.
Was Η the first vowel? if both were born after her: one is
her daughter, other is a daughter of her husband from
another girl.
Chronologically the three are
And maybe it is natural, that youngest one comes first? as B in Baby.
ΑΕΗ were transliterated into russian as АЕИ, who are now
their equivalents of AEI
EFGH (B and F are more different than any other
combination of BFVP, so are C&G and D&H)
D&H are more different than
D&T, but then I realize, that H is that very И the
double I
So the triple principle of ABC in all levels,
And thus IMN~LMN?
elements because each lines
is three elements..
And suddenly it came to me: nine of these are like
nine muses.
The Roman scholar Varro (116–27 BC)
relates that there are only three Muses: one born
from the movement of water, another who makes sound
by striking the air, and a third who is embodied
only in the human voice. They were called Melete or
"Practice", Mneme or "Memory" and Aoide or
"Song".[citation needed]
The Quaestiones Convivales of Plutarch (46–120 AD)
also report three ancient Muses (9.I4.2–4).[9][10]
I think I owe some comment here. Water, Air,
Body. Three muse represent three elements.
And meleTe, mneMe, Aoide could be the indication
of them being two in the past: consonants and vowels.
According to Pausanias, who wrote in the later second
century AD, there were originally three Muses,
worshipped on Mount Helicon in Boeotia: Aoide ('song' or
'tune'), Melete ('practice' or 'occasion'), and Mneme
('memory').[12] Together, these three form the complete
picture of the preconditions of poetic art in cult
Boeotia.. Mount Helicon.. The first greek poet I
hardly knew before, Hesiod, the first guy who spoke of
muses, he opens his book with addressing the muses. And he lived at the foot of
Mount Helicon:
There are three
explicit references in Works and Days, as well as some
passages in his Theogony, that support inferences made
by scholars. The former poem says that his father came
from Cyme in Aeolis (on the coast of Asia Minor, a
little south of the island Lesbos) and crossed the sea
to settle at a hamlet, near Thespiae in Boeotia, named
Ascra, "a cursed place, cruel in winter, hard in
summer, never pleasant" (Works 640). Hesiod's
patrimony (property inherited from one's father or
male ancestor) in Ascra, a small piece of ground at
the foot of Mount Helicon
In Delphi too three Muses were worshipped, but with
other names: Nete, Mese, and Hypate, which are assigned
as the names of the three chords of the ancient musical
instrument, the lyre.[13]
Alternatively, later they were called Cephisso,
Apollonis, and Borysthenis - names which characterize
them as daughters of Apollo.[14]
Apollonis Borysthenius Cephisso!
Apollonis (/ˌæpəˈloʊnəs/; Ancient Greek:
Ἀπoλλωνίς means "of Apollo")[1] was one of the three
younger Mousai Apollonides (Muses) in Greek mythology
and daughters of Apollo,[2] who were worshipped in
Delphi where the Temple of Apollo and the Oracle were
located. The three sisters, Cephisso, Apollonis, and
Borysthenis, are also known as Nētē, Mesē, and Hypatē[3]
where their names are synonymous with those of the
lowest, middle, and highest chords of a lyre, further
characterizing the Muses as the daughters of Apollo.
In Greek mythology, Borysthenis[pronunciation?]
(Ancient Greek: Βορυσθενίς, romanized: Borysthenís) may
refer to two distinct individuals:
Borysthenes, one of the three Muses
that were daughters of Apollo. Her sisters were
Apollonis and Cephisso.[1]
the Scythian Earth-and-Water goddess
Api, who was called Borysthenis because she was the
daughter of the god of the Borysthenēs river (now the
Dnipro river).[2][3]
In Greek mythology,
Cephisso, Cephiso, or Kephiso (/səˈfaɪsoʊ/;[1]Ancient
Greek: Κηφισώ) was one of the three Muses that were
daughters of Apollo. Her sisters were Apollonis and
So three muses are daughters of Apollo, the younger
generation of muses than Hera, Artemis &
Nete, Mese, and Hypate are also rather alphabetic
set of I M N
Ionian greek orthography is not necesserilly the way it
was in Beotia,
so I take liberty of combining и and
So is there a third generation of muses? Third wave of
But then let's not forget, that the more commonly known
story tells of nine muses who were sisters:
:and one word caught my attention
The number of Horae varied according to different
sources, but was most commonly three: either the trio
of Thallo, Auxo, and Carpo (goddesses of the order of
nature), or Eunomia (goddess of good order and lawful
conduct) and her sisters Dike (goddess of Justice) and
Eirene (goddess of Peace).
Eirene reminds Ἥρα, which made me compare the other names
Could Eunomia be Εἰλείθυια? Then Artemis is Dike? But
Artemis was one of the three major virgin
goddesses, alongside Athena and Hestia. Artemis
preferred to remain an unmarried maiden and was one of
the three Greek goddesses over whom Aphrodite had no
This is quite a layer I have found.. жила!
The earliest form of the name is the Mycenaean Greek
𐀁𐀩𐀄𐀴𐀊, e-re-u-ti-ja, written in the Linear B
syllabic script.[6] Ilithyia is the latinisation of
The etymology of the name is
uncertain, but debated among scholars. R. S. P. Beekes
suggests a non-Indo-European etymology,[7] and Nilsson
believed that the name is Pre-Greek.[2] 19th-century
scholars suggested that the name is Greek, derived from
the verb eleutho (ἐλεύθω), "to bring", the goddess thus
meaning The Bringer.[8] Walter Burkert believed that
Eileithyia is the Greek goddess of birth and that her
name is pure Greek.[9] However, the relation with the
Greek prefix ἐλεύθ is uncertain, because the prefix
appears in some pre-Greek toponyms like Ἐλευθέρνα
(Eleutherna); therefore it is possible that the name is
pre-Greek.[10] Her name Ἐλυσία (Elysia) in Laconia and
Messene probably relates her with the month Eleusinios
and Eleusis.[11][12] Nilsson also
believed that the name "Eleusis" is pre-Greek.[13]
Артемида вечно юная, и если она Dike, то может это слово
когната слова дитя? я натягиваю, не?
Apollo (A P L) the sun
Artemis (ART eM iS) the moon arte miss? rte as in rotate? not
rotating? for it doesn't
Artemis makes perfect sense to be the moon, because three
mothers could be three phases of the moon, especially
since two of them are associated with letters (p for
растущая, c for стареющая (I know that the third mother is
called crone, so c is ста, ro is ру, ne is ха (нRU[n])))
ɔ phase could be for baby, but I don't know english that
good to know.
looking up ɔ+☽︎ also didn't help
but loking crone moon phases delivers immediately
The most common association with the Triple Goddess
are the three phases of the monthly moon. The waxing
(growing bigger) moon represents the Maiden, the full
moon represents the Mother and the waning (shrinking)
moon represents the Crone.
and looking up muse moon phases, I found Hecate being
the Crone:
The multiple facets of women, femininity
and childbirth were believed to be associated with the
phases of the moon: the new moon represented the
maiden goddess, Diana, always new, virginal, reborn
and ready for the hunt whereas the waxing moon
increasing in size represented the fertile mother
goddess, pregnant with life. The darkening moon
reflected the wise crone or witch, Hecate, with power
to heal and transform.
(all this information is taken from the internet,
so take it all with a grain of salt)
And I met her before itt:
(in this text)
Is it true that only one phase is Hecatē? It seems this
image is misattributed,
the one in the centre is a fool moon, and naturally
those three phases are not new moon (which is isn't
seen, but the young moon, for phase is more than week,
since new moon is the name for the beginning of the new
cycle, which is the maiden of the first phase (of the
first face)
That statue is only known in drawing, because they're
disfigured (you probably saw one with bricks where arms
used to be, here's another one:
Hecate, c. 420 b.c.,
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden,
Leiden, inv. no. 1818 (1745): Pb 136.
I wonder if that was a way for women to protect
themselves: to stand back to back or around the column. I
wonder if they striped eachother together to be tripled.
Column could be a way to combine more girls, but then
standing back to back would allow to move around, but
being chained to column would prevent being taken away.
Well, it's merely a speculation, the reality is more
Hecate was generally
represented as three-formed or triple-bodied, though
the earliest known images of the goddess are singular.
Her earliest known representation is a small
terracotta statue found in Athens. An inscription on
the statue is a dedication to Hecate, in writing of
the style of the 6th century, but it otherwise lacks
any other symbols typically associated with the
goddess. She is seated on a throne, with a chaplet
around her head; the depiction is otherwise relatively
generic.[28] Farnell states: "The evidence of the
monuments as to the character and significance of
Hecate is almost as full as that of to express her
manifold and mystic nature."[28] A 6th century
fragment of pottery from Boetia depicts a goddess
which may be Hecate in a maternal or fertility mode.
Crowned with leafy branches as in later descriptions,
she is depicted offering a "maternal blessing" to two
maidens who embrace her. The figure is flanked by
lions, an animal associated with Hecate both in the
Chaldean Oracles, coinage, and reliefs from Asia
Minor.[29] In artwork, she is often portrayed in three
statues standing back to back, each with its own
special attributes (torch, keys, daggers, snakes,
The 2nd-century travel writer Pausanias stated that
Hecate was first depicted in triplicate by the
sculptor Alcamenes in the Greek Classical period of
the late 5th century BCE,[5] whose sculpture was
placed before the temple of the Wingless Nike in
Athens. Though Alcamenes's original statue is lost,
hundreds of copies exist, and the general motif of a
triple Hecate situated around a central pole or
column, known as a hekataion, was used both at
crossroads shrines as well as at the entrances to
temples and private homes. These typically depict her
holding a variety of items, including torches, keys,
serpents, and daggers.[30][29] Some hekataia,
including a votive sculpture from Attica of the 3rd
century BCE, include additional dancing figures
identified as the Charites circling the triple Hecate
and her central column. It is possible that the
representation of a triple Hecate surrounding a
central pillar was originally derived from poles set
up at three-way crossroads with masks hung on them,
facing in each road direction. In the 1st century CE,
Ovid wrote: "Look at Hecate, standing guard at the
crossroads, one face looking in each direction."[29]
Here it made me understood, that in forests
crossroads mostly have not four, but three branches.
And such way to organize road movement evokes
architecture in which blocks consist not of 9, but of 7
buildings~dwellings, which
evokes numeral system of V being 4
Apart from traditional hekataia, Hecate's triplicity
is depicted in the vast frieze of the great Pergamon
Altar, now in Berlin, wherein she is shown with three
bodies, taking part in the battle with the Titans. In
the Argolid, near the shrine of the Dioscuri,
Pausanias saw the temple of Hecate opposite the
sanctuary of Eileithyia; He reported the image to be
the work of Scopas, stating further, "This one is of
stone, while the bronze images opposite, also of
Hecate, were made respectively by Polycleitus and his
brother Naucydes, son of Mothon."[31]
While Greek anthropomorphic conventions of art
generally represented Hecate's triple form as three
separate bodies, the iconography of the triple Hecate
eventually evolved into representations of the goddess
with a single body, but three faces. In
Egyptian-inspired Greek esoteric writings connected
with Hermes Trismegistus, and in the Greek Magical
Papyri of Late Antiquity, Hecate is described as
having three heads: one dog, one serpent, and one
horse. In other representations, her animal heads
include those of a cow and a boar.[32]
The east frieze of a Hellenistic temple of hers at
Lagina shows her helping protect the newborn Zeus from
his father Cronus; this frieze is the only evidence of
Hecate's involvement in the myth of his birth.[33][34]
I shouldn't bring whole wiki article here, but it is truly
a goldmine:
were closely associated with Hecate in the Classical
world. "In art and in literature Hecate is
constantly represented as dog-shaped or as
accompanied by a dog. Her approach was heralded by
the howling of a dog. The dog was Hecate's regular
sacrificial animal, and was often eaten in solemn
sacrament."[35] The sacrifice of dogs to Hecate is
attested for Thrace, Samothrace, Colophon, and
Athens.[11] A 4th-century BCE marble relief from
Crannon in Thessaly was dedicated by a race-horse
owner.[d] It shows Hecate, with a hound beside her,
placing a wreath on the head of a mare.[36] It
has been claimed that her association with dogs is
"suggestive of her connection with birth, for the dog
was sacred to Eileithyia, Genetyllis, and other birth
goddesses. Images of her
attended by a dog[37] are also found when she is
depicted alongside the god Hermes and the goddess
Cybele in reliefs.[38]
and let's start digging from the start:
is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and
mythology, most often shown holding a pair of
torches, a key, or snakes, or accompanied by
dogs,[4] and in later periods depicted as
three-formed or triple-bodied. She is variously
associated with crossroads, night, light, magic,
protection from witchcraft, drugs, the Moon, graves,
and ghosts.[1][2][5] Her earliest appearance in
literature was in Hesiod's Theogony in the 8th
century BCE[6] as a goddess of great honour with
domains in sky, earth, and sea. Her place of origin
is debated by scholars, but she had popular
followings amongst the witches of Thessaly[7] and an
important sanctuary among the Carian Greeks of Asia
Minor in Lagina.[7] Her oldest known representation
was found in Selinunte, in Sicily.
Hecate was one of several deities worshipped in
ancient Athens as a protector of the oikos
(household), alongside Zeus, Hestia, Hermes, and
Apollo.[8] In the post-Christian writings of the
Chaldean Oracles (2nd–3rd century CE) she was also regarded with (some)
rulership over earth, sea, and sky, as well
as a more universal role as Savior (Soteira), Mother
of Angels and the Cosmic World Soul (Anima
Mundi).[9][10] Regarding the nature of her cult, it
has been remarked, "she is more at home on the
fringes than in the centre of Greek polytheism.
Intrinsically ambivalent and polymorphous, she
straddles conventional boundaries and eludes
The Romans often knew her by the epithet of Trivia,
an epithet she shares with Diana, each in their
roles as protector of travel and of the crossroads
(trivia, "three ways"). Hecate was closely
identified with Diana and Artemis in the Roman era.[12]
So the pletora of deities may be simplified into only
several in many faces:
check the epithets of Artemis:
Aeginaea, probably huntress of chamois
or the wielder of the javelin, at Sparta[57] However
the word may mean "from the island Aegina", that
relates Artemis with Aphaia (Britomartis).[58]
Aetole, of Aetolia at Nafpaktos. A marble statue
represented the goddess in the attitude of one hurling
a javelin.[59]
Agoraea, guardian of popular assemblies in Athens. She
was considered to be the protector of the assemblies
of the people in the agora. At Olympia the cult of
"Artemis Agoraea" was related to the cult of
Despoinai.[60] (The double named goddesses Demeter and
Agrotera, the huntress of wild wood, in the Iliad and
many cults.[62] It was believed that she first hunted
at Agrae of Athens after her arrival from Delos. There
was a custom of making a "slaughter sacrifice", to the
goddess before a battle.[63] The deer always
accompanies the goddess of hunting. Her epithet Agraea
is similar with Agrotera.[64]
Alphaea, in the district of Elis. The goddess had an
annual festival at Olympia and a temple at Letrinoi
near the river Alpheus.[65] At the festival of
Letrinoi, the girls were dancing wearing masks. In the
legend, Alphaea and her nymphs covered their faces
with mud and the river god Alpheus, who was in love
with her, could not distinguish her from the others.
This explains, somehow, the clay masks at
Amarynthia, or Amarysia, with a famous temple at
Amarynthus near Eretria. The goddess was related to
the animals, however she was also a healer goddess of
women. She is identified with Kolainis.[61]
Amphipyros, with fire at each end, a rare epithet of
Artemis as bearing a torch in either hand. Sophocles
calls her, "Elaphebolos, (deer slayer) Amphipyros",
reminding the annual fire of the festival Laphria[68]
The adjective refers also to the twin fires of the two
peaks of the Mount Parnassus above Delphi
Anaitis, in Lydia. The fame of Tauria (the Tauric
goddess) was very high, and the Lydians claimed that
the image of the goddess was among them. It was
considered that the image had divine powers. The
Athenians believed that the image became booty to the
Persians and was carried from Brauron to Susa.[70]
Angelos, messenger, envoy, title of Artemis at
Syracuse in Sicily.[71][72]
Apanchomene, the strangled goddess, at Caphyae in
Arcadia. She was a vegetation goddess related to the
ecstatic tree cult. The Minoan tree goddesses Helene,
Dentritis, and Ariadne were also hanged. This epithet
is related to the old traditions where icons and
puppets of a vegetation goddess would be hung on a
tree. It was believed that the plane tree near the
spring at Caphyae, was planted by Menelaus, the
husband of Helen of Troy. The tree was called
"Menelais". The previous name of the goddess was most
likely Kondyleatis.[73][74]
Aphaea, or Apha, unseen or disappeared, a goddess at
Aegina and a rare epithet of Artemis. Aphaea is
identified with Britomartis. In the legend Britomartis
(the sweet young woman) escaped from Minos, who fell
in love with her. She travelled to Aegina on a wooden
boat and then she disappeared. The myth indicates an
identity in nature with Diktynna.[75]
Aricina, derived from the town Aricia in Latium, or
from Aricia, the wife of the Roman forest god Virbius
(Hippolytus). The goddess was related with Artemis
Tauria (the Tauric Artemis). Her statue was considered
the same with the statue that Orestes brought from
Tauris.[76] Near the sanctuary of the goddess there
was a combat between slaves who had run away from
their masters and the prize was the priesthood of
Ariste, the best, a goddess of the women. Pausanias
describes xoana of "Ariste" and "Kalliste" in the way
to the academy of Athens and he believes that the
names are surnames of the goddess Artemis, who is
depicted carrying a torch.[78] Kalliste is not related
to Kalliste of Arcadia.[61]
Aristobule, the best advisor, at Athens. The
politician and general Themistocles built a temple of
Artemis Aristobule near his house in the deme of
Melite, in which he dedicated his own statue.[79]
Astrateias, she that stops an invasion, at Pyrrichos
in Laconia. A wooden image (xoanon), was dedicated to
the goddess, because she stopped the invasion of the
Amazons in this area. Another xoanon represented
"Apollo Amazonios".[80]
Basileie, at Thrace and Paeonia. The women offered
wheat stalks to the goddess. In this cult, which
reached Athens, Artemis is relative to the Thracian
goddess Bendis.[81]
Brauronia, worshipped at Brauron in Attica. Her cult
is remarkable for the "arkteia", young girls who
dressed with short saffron-yellow chitons and imitated
bears (she-bears: arktoi).[82] In the Acropolis of
Athens, the Athenian girls before puberty should serve
the goddess as "arktoi".[25] Artemis was the goddess
of marriage and childbirth.[82] The name of the small
"bears" indicate the theriomorphic form of Artemis in
an old pre-Greek cult. In the cult of Baubronia, the
myth of the sacrifice of Iphigenia was represented in
the ritual.[83][84][85]
Boulaia, of the council, in Athens.[86][61]
Boulephoros, counselling, advising, at Miletus,
probably a Greek form of the mother-goddess.[87][88]
Caryatis, the lady of the nut-tree, at Caryae on the
borders between Laconia and Arcadia. Artemis was
strongly related to the nymphs, and young girls were
dancing the dance Caryatis. The dancers of Caryai were
famous in antiquity.[89] In a legend, Carya, the
female lover of Dionysos was transformed into a nut
tree and the dancers into nuts.[90] The city is
considered to be the place of the origin of the
bucolic (pastoral) songs.[26]
Cedreatis, near Orchomenus in Arcadia. A xoanon was
mounted on the holy cedar (kedros).[26]
Chesias, from the name of a river at Samos.[65]
Chitonia, wearing a loose tunic, at Syracuse in
Sicily, as goddess of hunting. The festival was
distinguished by a peculiar dance and by a music on
the flute.[91][65]
Chrisilakatos, of the golden arrow, in Homer's Iliad
as a powerful goddess of hunting. In the Odyssey, she
descends from a peak and travels along the ridges of
Mount Erymanthos, that was sacred to the "Mistress of
the animals".[92] In a legend, when the old goddess
became wrathful, she would send the terrible
Erymanthian boar to lay waste to fields.[93] Artemis
can bring an immediate death with her arrows. In the
Iliad, Hera stresses the wild and darker side of her
character and she accuses her of being "a lioness
between women".[94][31]
Chrisinios, of the golden reins, as a goddess of
hunting in her chariot. In the Iliad, in her wrath,
she kills the daughter of Bellerophon.[32]
Cnagia, near Sparta in Laconia. In a legend the native
Cnageus was sold as a slave in Crete. He escaped to
his country taking with him the virgin priestess of
the goddess Artemis. The priestess carried with her
from Crete the statue of the goddess, who was named
Coryphaea, of the peak, at Epidaurus in Argolis. On
the top of the mountain Coryphum there was a sanctuary
of the goddess. The famous lyric poet Telesilla
mentions "Artemis Coryphaea" in an ode.[95]
Corythallia, epithet of Artemis at Sparta. During the
Tithenidia festival the Spartan boys were carried into
her temple in the city.[189]
Cynthia, as goddess of the moon, from her birthplace
on Mount Cynthos at Delos. Selene, the Greek
personification of the moon, and the Roman Diana were
also sometimes called Cynthia.[97]
Daphnaea, as goddess of vegetation. Her name is most
likely derived from the "laurel-branch" which was used
as "May-branch",[98] or an allusion to her statue
being made of laurel-wood (daphne)[99] Strabo refers
to her annual festival at Olympia.[65]
Delia, the feminine form of Apollo Delios
Delphinia, the feminine form of Apollo Delphinios
(literally derived from Delphi).
Dereatis, at Sparta near Taygetos. Dancers were
performing the obscene dance "kallabis".[100][101]
Diktynna, from Mount Dikti, who is identified with the
Minoan goddess Britomartis. Her name is derived from
the mountain Dikti in Crete. A folk etymology derives
her name from the word "diktyon" (net).[102] In the
legend Britomartis (the sweet young woman) was hunting
together with Artemis who loved her desperately. She
escaped from Minos, who fell in love with her, by
jumping into the sea and falling into a net of
Eileithyia, goddess of childbirth in Boeotia and other
local cults especially in Crete and Laconia. During
the Bronze Age, in the cave of Amnisos, she was
related to the annual birth of the divine child.[104]
In the Minoan myth the child was abandoned by his
mother and then he was nurtured by the powers of
Elaphia, goddess of hunting (deer). Strabo refers to
her annual festival at Olympia.[65]
Elaphebolos, shooter of deer, with the festival
"Elaphebolia" at Phocis and Athens,[105] and the name
of a month in several local cults. Sophocles calls
Artemis "Elaphebolos, Amphipyros", carrying a torch in
each hand. This was used during the annual fire of the
festival of Laphria at Delphi.[106][107]
Ephesia, at the city Ephesus of Minor Asia. The city
was a great center of the cult of the goddess, with a
magnificent temple, (Artemision). Ephesia belongs to
the series of the Anatolian goddesses (Great mother,
or mountain-mother). However she is not a
mother-goddess, but the goddess of free nature. In the
Homeric Ionic sphere she is the goddess of
Eucleia, as a goddess of marriage in Boeotia, Locris
and other cities. Epheboi and girls who wanted to
marry should make a preliminary sacrifice in honour of
the goddess.[108][109] "Eukleios" was the name of a
month in several cities and "Eucleia" was the name of
a festival at Delphi.[65][110][111] In Athens Peitho,
Harmonia and Eucleia can create a good marriage. The
bride would sacrifice to the virgin goddess
Eupraxis, fine acting. On a relief from Sicily the
goddess is depicted holding a torch in one hand and an
offering on the other. The torch was used for the
ignition of the fire on the altar.[113]
Eurynome, wide ruling, at Phigalia in Arcadia. Her
wooden image (xoanon) was bound with a roller golden
chain. The xoanon depicted a woman's upper body and
the lower body of a fish. Pausanias identifies her as
one of the Oceanids daughters of Oceanus and
Hagemo, or Hegemone, leader,[115] as the leader of the
nymphs. Artemis was playing and dancing with the
nymphs who lived near springs, waters and forests and
she was hunting surrounded by them. The nymphs joined
the festival of the marriage and then they returned to
their original form. The pregnant women appealed to
the nymphs for help.[37] In Greek popular culture the
commandress of the Neraiden (fairies) is called "Great
lady", "Lady Kalo" or "Queen of the mountains".[61]
Heleia, related to the marsh or meadow in Arcadia,
Messenia and Kos.[65][116]
Hemeresia, the soothing goddess worshipped at well
Heurippa, horse finder, at Pheneus in Arcadia. Her
sanctuary was near the bronze statue of Poseidon
Hippios (horse). In a legend, Odysseus lost his mares
and travelled throughout Greece to find them. He found
his mares at Pheneus, where he founded the temple of
"Artemis Heurippa".[118]
Hymnia, at Orchomenos in Boeotia. She was a goddess of
dance and songs, especially of female choruses. The
priestesses of Artemis Hymnia couldn't have a normal
life like the other women. They were at first virgins
and were to remain celibate in the priesthood. They
could not use the same baths and they were not allowed
to enter the house of a private man.[119][120][121]
Iakinthotrophos, nurse of Hyacinthos at Knidos.
Hyacinthos was a god of vegetation with Minoan origin.
After his birth he was abandoned by his mother and
then he was nurtured by Artemis who represents the
first power of nature.[73]
Imbrasia, from the name of a river at Samos.[65]
Iocheaira, shooter of arrows by Homer (archer queen),
as goddess of hunting. She has a wild character and
Hera advises her to kill animals in the forest,
instead of fighting with her superiors.[94] Apollo and
Artemis kill with their arrows the children of Niobe
because she offended her mother Leto.[122] [31][123]
In the European and Greek popular religion the
arrow-shots from invisible beings can bring diseases
and death.
Issora, or Isora, at Sparta, with the surname Limnaia
or Pitanitis. Issorium was a part of a great summit
which advances into the level of Eurotas[124] a
Pausanias identifies her with the Minoan
Kalliste, the most beautiful, another form of Artemis
with the shape of a bear at Tricoloni near Megalopolis
a mountainous area full of wild beasts.[126] Kallisto
the attendant of Artemis, bore Arcas the patriarch of
the Arcaden. In a legend Kallisto was transformed into
a bear and in another myth Artemis shot her. Kallisto
is a hypostasis of Artemis with a theriomorphic form
from a pre-Greek cult.[127]
'Keladeini, echoing chasing (noisy) in Homer's Iliad
because she hunts wild boars and deer surrounded by
her nymphs.[61][128]
'Kithone, as a goddess of childbirth at Millet. Her
name is probably derived from the custom of clothes
consecration to the goddess, for a happy
Kolainis, related with the animals at Euboea and
Attica. At Eretria she had a major temple and she was
called Amarysia.[129] The goddess became a healer
goddess of women.[26]
Kolias, in a cult of women. Men were excluded because
the fertility of the earth was related to motherhood.
Aristophanes mentions Kolias and Genetyllis who are
accused for lack of restraint. Their cult had a very
emotional character.[130][131][132]
Kondyleatis, named after the village Kondylea, where
she had a grove and a temple. In a legend some boys
tied a rope around the image of the goddess and said
that Artemis was hanged. The boys were killed by the
inhabitants and this caused a divine punishment. All
the women brought dead children in the world, until
the boys were honourably buried. An annual sacrifice
was instituted to the divine spirits of the boys.
Kondyleatis was most likely the original name of
Artemis Apanchomeni.[26][133]
Kordaka, in Elis. Τhe dancers performed the obscene
dance kordaka, which is considered the origin of the
dance of the old comedy. The dance is famous for its
nudge and hilarity and gave the name to the
Korythalia, derived from Korythale, probably the
"laurel May-branch",[136] as a goddess of vegetation
at Sparta. The epheboi and the girls who entered the
marriage age placed the Korythale in front of the door
of the house.[137] In the cult the female dancers
(famous in the antiquity) performed boisterous dances
and were called Korythalistriai. In Italy, the male
dancers wore wooden masks and they were called
kyrritoi (pushing with the horns).[138][139][140]
Kourotrophos, protector of young boys. During the
Apaturia the front hair of young girls and young boys
(koureion) were offered to the goddess.[65]
Laphria, the mistress of the animals (Pre-Greek name)
in many cults, especially in central Greece, Phocis
and Patras.[141] "Laphria" was the name of the
festival. The characteristic rite was the annual fire
and there was a custom to throw animals alive in the
flames during the fest.[29][142][143] The cult of
"Laphria" at Patras was transferred from the city
Calydon of Aetolia[144][145] In a legend during the
Calydonian boar hunt the fierce-huntress Atalanta was
the first who wounded the boar.[146] Atalanta was a
Greek heroine, symbolizing the free nature and
independence [147]
Lecho, protector of a woman in childbed, or of one who
has just given birth.[38]
Leukophryene, derived from the city Leucophrys in
Magnesia of Ionia. The original form of the cult of
the goddess is unknown, however it seems that once the
character of the goddess was similar with her
character in Peloponnese.[61]
Limnaia, of the marsh, at Sparta, with a swimming
place Limnaion. (λίμνη: lake).[148][65]
Limnatis, of the marsh and the lake, at Patras,
Ancient Messene and many local cults. During the
festival, the Messenian young ladies were violated.
Cymbals have been found around the temple, indicating
that the festival was celebrated with
Lochia, as goddess of childbirth and midwifery.[150]
Women consecrated clothes to the goddess for a happy
childbirth. Other less common epithets of Artemis as
goddess of childbirth are Eulochia and Geneteira.[38]
Lousia, bather or purifier, as a healer goddess at
Lusoi in Arcadia, where Melampus healed the
Lyaia, at Syracuse in Sicily. (Spartan colony). There
is a clear influence from the cult of Artemis Caryatis
in Laconia. The Sicilian songs were transformed songs
from the Laconic bucolic (pastoral) songs at
Lyceia, of the wolf or with a helmet of a wolf
skin,[151] at Troezen in Argolis. It was believed that
her temple was built by the hunter Hippolytus who
abstained from sex and marriage. Lyceia was probably a
surname of Artemis among the Amazons from whom
Hippolytus descended from his mother.[152]
Lycoatis, with a bronze statue at the city Lycoa in
Arcadia. The city was near the foot of the mountain
Mainalo, which was sacred to, Pan. On the south slope
the Mantineians fetched the bones of Arcas, the son of
Lygodesma, willow bound, at Sparta (another name of
Orthia). In a legend her image was discovered in a
thicket of willows.[42] standing upright
Melissa, bee or beauty of nature, as a moon goddess.
In Neoplatonic philosophy melissa is any pure being of
souls coming to birth. The goddess took suffering away
from mothers giving birth. It was Melissa who drew
souls coming to birth.[155][156]
Molpadia, singer of divine songs, a rare epithet of
Artemis as a goddess of dances and songs and leader of
the nymphs.[38] In a legend Molpadia was an Amazon.
During the Attic war she killed Antiope to save her by
the Athenian king Theseus, but she was killed by
Munichia, in a cult at Piraeus, related to the arkteia
of Brauronian Artemis. According to legend, if someone
killed a bear, he should be punished by sacrificing
his daughter in the sanctuary. Embaros disguised his
daughter by dressing her like a bear (arktos), and hid
her in the adyton. He placed a goat on the altar and
he sacrificed the goat instead of his
Mysia, with a temple on the road from Sparta to
Arcadia near the "Tomb of the Horse".[159]
Oenoatis, derived from the city Oenoe in Argolis.
Above the town there was the mountain Artemisium, with
the temple of the goddess on the summit.[160] In a
Greek legend the mountain was the place where Heracles
chased and captured the terrible Ceryneian Hind, an
enormous female deer with golden antlers and hooves of
bronze. The deer was sacred to Artemis.[161]
Orthia, upright, with a famous festival at Sparta. Her
cult was introduced by the Dorians. She was worshipped
as a goddess of vegetation in an orgiastic cult with
boisterous cyclic dances. Among the offerings, there
were terracotta masks representing grotesque faces and
it seems that animal-masks were also used.[162] In
literature there was a great fight for taking the
pieces of cheese that were offered to the
goddess.[163] The whipping of the epheboi near the
altar was a ritual of initiation, preparing them for
their future life as soldiers.[164] During this ritual
the altar was full of blood.[165]
Paidotrophos, protector of children at Corone in
Messenia. During a festival of Korythalia the
wet-nurses brought the infants in the sanctuary of the
goddess, to get her protection.[65]
Peitho, Persuasion, at the city Argos in Argolis. Her
sanctuary was in the market place.[166] In
Pelopponnese Peitho is related to Artemis. In Athens
Peitho is the consensual force in civilized society
and emphasizes civic armony.[112]
Pergaia, who was worshipped at Pamphylia of Ionia. A
famous annual festival was celebrated in honor of
Artemis in the city Perga. Filial cults existed in
Pisidia, north of Pamphylia.[167]
Pheraia, from the city Pherai, at Argos, Athens and
Sicyon. It was believed that the image of the goddess
was brought from the city Pherai of Thessaly.[168]
This conception relates Artemis with the distinctly
Thessalian goddess Enodia. Enodia had similar
functions with Hecate and she carried the common
epithet "Pheraia".[169]
Phakelitis, of the bundle, at Tyndaris in Sicily. In
the local legend the image of the goddess was found in
a bundle of dry sticks.[65]
Phoebe, bright, as a moon goddess sister of
Phoebus.[38] The epithet Phoebe is also given to the
moon goddess Selene.[170]
Phosphoros, carrier of light. In Ancient Messene she
is carrying a torch as a moon-goddess and she is
identified with Hecate.[65]
Polo, in Thasos, with inscriptions and statues from
the Hellenistic and Roman period. The name is probably
related to "parthenos" (virgin).[26]
Potamia, of the river, at Ortygia in Sicily.[171] In a
legend Arethusa, was a chaste nymph and tried to
escape from the river god Alpheus who fell in love
with her. She was transformed by Artemis into a
stream, traversed underground and appeared at Ortygia,
thus providing water for the city.[26] Ovid calls
Arethusa, "Alfeias"[172] (Alfaea) (of the river god).
Potnia Theron, mistress of the animals. The origin of
her cult is Pre-Greek and the term is used by Homer
for the goddess of hunting.[62] Potnia was the name of
the Mycenean goddess of nature.[50] In the earliest
Minoan conceptions the "Master of the animals" is
depicted between lions and daimons (Minoan Genius).
Sometimes "potnia theron" is depicted with the head of
a Gorgon, who is her distant ancestor.[173] She is the
only Greek goddess who stands close to the daimons and
she has a wild side which differentiates her from
other Greek gods.[28] In the Greek legends when the
goddess was offended she would send terrible animals
like the Erymanthian boar and Calydonian boar to laid
waste the farmer's land, or voracious birds like the
Stymphalian birds to attack farms and humans.[93][174]
In Arcadia and during the festival of Laphria, there
is evidence of barbaric animal sacrifices.[29][142]
Pythia, as a goddess worshipped at Delphi.[175]
Saronia, of Saron, at Troezen across the Saronic gulf.
In a legend the king Saron was chasing a doe that
dashed into the sea. He followed the doe in the waters
and he was drowned in the waves of the sea. He gave
his name to the Saronic gulf.[26][176]
Selasphoros, carrier of light, flame, as a
moon-goddess identified with Hecate, in the cult of
Munichia at Piraeus.[177][65]
Soteira (Kore Soteira), Kore saviour, at Phigalia. In
Arcadia the mistress of the animals is the first nymph
closely related to the springs and the animals, in a
surrounding of animal-headed daimons. At Lycosura
Artemis is depicted holding a snake and a torch and
dressed with a deer skin, besides Demeter and
Persephone. It was said that she was not the daughter
of Leto, but the daughter of Demeter.[178][179]
Stymphalia, of Stymphalus, a city in Arcadia. In a
legend the water of the river descended in a chasm
which was clogged up and the water overflowed creating
a big marsh on the plain. A hunter was chasing a deer
and both fell into the mud at the bottom of the chasm.
The next day the whole water of the marsh dried up and
the land was cultivated.[180][26] The monstrous man
eating Stymphalian birds that were killed by Heracles
were considered birds of Artemis.[93]
Tauria, or Tauro (the Tauric goddess), from the Tauri
or of the bull. Euripides mentions the image of
"Artemis Tauria". It was believed that the image of
the goddess had divine powers.[181] Her image was
considered to have been carried from Tauris by Orestes
and Iphigenia and was brought to Brauron, Sparta or
Tauropolos, usually interpreted as hunting bull
goddess. Tauropolos was not original in Greece and she
has similar functions with foreign goddesses,
especially with the mythical bull-goddess. The cult
can be identified at Halae Araphenides in Attica. At
the end of the peculiar festival, a man was
sacrificed. He was killed in the ritual with a sword
cutting his throat.[183] Strabo mentions that during
the night-fest of Tauropolia a girl was
Thermia, as a healer goddess at Lousoi in Arcadia,
where Melampus healed the Proitiden.[65]
Toxia, or Toxitis, bowstring in torsion, as goddess of
hunting in the island of Kos and at Gortyn. She is the
sister of "Apollo Toxias".[185][186][26]
Triclaria, at Patras. Her cult was superimposed on the
cult of Dionysos Aisemnetis. During the festival of
the god the children were wearing garlands of
corn-ears. In a ritual they laid them aside to the
goddess Artemis.[65][187] Triclaria was a priestess of
Artemis who made love with her lover in the sanctuary.
They were punished to be sacrificed in the temple and
each year the people should sacrifice a couple to the
goddess. Europylus came carrying a chest with the
image of Dionysos who put an end to the killings.[188]
Coryphaea and Corythallia expose that θ~φ
I also noticed, that the epithets are so many, that they
make their own alphabetic order, and checking the set, I
felt like there's no way a name starting with R is
there, and there wasn't!
ABCDEHIKLMNOPST (and these are 15, and three vowels with
EHI claster maybe reflecting the myth of the addition of
two notes to the lyre of Apollo, and protoalphabet could
be such lyre)
Before that addition he would have three notes of balalaika and triad and
accord, the concept in musicology second only to note the tone.
The great popularity of Artemis corresponds to the
Greek belief in freedom[55] and she is mainly the
goddess of women in a patriarchal society. The goddess
of free nature is an independent woman and doesn't
need a partner.[clarification needed] Artemis is
frequently depicted carrying a torch and she was
occasionally identified with Hecate. Like other Greek
deities, she had a number of other names applied to
her, reflecting the variety of roles, duties, and
aspects ascribed to the goddess.[56][38]
In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Artemis
(/ˈɑːrtɪmɪs/; Greek: Ἄρτεμις) is the goddess of the
hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, nature,
vegetation, childbirth, care of children, and
chastity.[1][2] In later times, she was identified
with Selene, the personification of the Moon.[3] She
was often said to roam the forests and mountains,
attended by her entourage of nymphs. The goddess Diana
is her Roman equivalent.
I suspect the chastity aspect being the fundamental in
that this personification is known the most and that other
aspects (being the Moon, for example, being related to
magic, being the three norns, the most powerful goddess in
all its glory, the group of women even the king of gods is
a subject to, and the depiction of them as a group (just
as muses and many other groups of deities are) make me
recall the story of a zoologist
about females in matriarchal society holding power by
being solidary)
(I wonder if
soldier is of that root)
(слдт is both солдат и сладит
(and it makes some surprisingly perfect sense)
and I found сладит analyzing what solidarity could be
made of
(согласие, съЛАДъ (солдат с латами? (латы приложены?
yet so far it's some poetic intermediate goods)
D reminds A so muc it is unreal: rotate D couner clockwise
(I hope it has serifs on your screen, without serifs it's
too much like O (D, between A and O (alpha and omega, in
that range))
detartrated is recognized by Guinness book of records as
the longest palyndrome word
detartrate is to remove tartrates,
especially from fruit juices and wines, in order to
reduce tartness or sourness.
tart: Sharp to the
taste; acid;
sour. I ate a very tart apple.
(of wine) high or too high in acidity.
(figuratively) Sharp; keen;
severe. He gave
me a very tart reply.
:some other tart
A type of small open
pie, or piece of pastry, now typically containing
jelly (US) / jam (UK) or conserve, or sometimes other
(chocolate, custard, egg, butter, historically even
meat or other savory fillings).
A melt (block of wax for use in a
tart burner).
tart burner:
(US) A decorative,
usually ceramic, pot containing a candle made from
fragrant wax.
(so I have no idea why the two were combined within same
etymology section)
tortoise похоже что означает тортообразное (tort
многозначное слово, но всё от торта до сэндвича в разных
странах (на филиппинах даже омлет с фаршем и картохой)
turtle, видимо, тоже
Little is known of the origin or history
of the Raetians, who appear in the records as one of the
most powerful and warlike of the Alpine tribes. Livy
states distinctly[1][2] that they were of Etruscan
origin (a belief that was favored by Niebuhr and
As I suspect etruscans to be protorussians, so I suspect
Rhaetians to be the next stage of that group.
The Raeti are believed by many scholars to
have spoken, originally at least, the so-called "Raetian
language", an extinct tongue known only from a series of
inscriptions, written in a variant of the Etruscan
alphabet. This tongue is commonly regarded by most
philologists to be related to Etruscan, a
non-Indo-European language which is best documented in
the central Italian regions of Tuscany, northern Latium
and western Umbria, and also in northern Italian regions
of Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy. The language has been
called "Raetian" by linguists because it is assumed to
have been spoken by the Raeti. It is possible, although
unlikely, that the language dubbed "Raetian" by modern
scholars had, in reality, no connection whatever to the
people known to ancient Romans as the "Raeti".
и, the russian plural suffix, can be used as a root: их
& им
(thoese х & м are like хуй &
манда: их~брать, им~давать)
Church [tʃortʃ] reminds russian word чёрт [tʃort] way too
much, and it is here because of the city in which
H.R.Giger was born. The city is Chur and it's emblem is
black goat:
I brought the coat of arms of the diocese,
but basically it is the emblem of the city and of the
canton of which it is the capital (the largest canton,
btw, and I never heard of it)
(largest by area only, it is the least populated)
Yes, with the penis.
(as many heraldic beasts go)
1000 Goats have a parade in Chur on May 6 & 8
Thoth has taught.
Taught by Thoth.
(just a rhyme, a rhing, a rhithmic
Культ бога Рода на Руси
был столь прочен, что христианству не сразу удалось
его искоренить. Так в тексте, датируемом XII веком,
под названием «Слово Исайи Пророка» говорилось:
«Откажитесь от идольских пиров Роду и рожаницам!» К
тому же наши предки не называли себя рабами бога Рода,
а считали себя его детьми, что также противоречило
новому религиозному учению. В связи с тем, что,
согласно язычеству, бог Род являлся родоначальником
всего сущего на земле, боги и люди являлись прямыми
Трудности в искоренении язычества
привели к тому, что христианству пришлось
позаимствовать у идолопоклонников множество праздников
и обрядов. По мнению российского ученого Капицы,
образы Рода и рожаниц были вытеснены образом
Богородицы. Поэтому теперь «рожаничная трапеза» больше
известна как христианский праздник Собор Пресвятой
the day after christ night, the new year basically, where
three mothers собираются? брать, но берёт. В каждой букве
сокрыт слог. В букве б слог бе. и буква так называется,
bcde be ce de
ef is after e, thus the syllable is such! and it is
reverse be! ah is the syllable of h (if/of and ah?)
and because gee is not of that pattern, gee belongs next
to cee just as in russian v is next to b.
(in russian
alphabet, I hope you understand, that if I don't tell
russian what, I most likely speak of the russian
day and month are at the initial point. the point of the
day, monthᶥ year as the three matters?
ᶥ is the ,, so I placed it
as ,, right after the
previous word.
ו י ן
in hebrew this order is win, the alphabetic order of the
three schticks.
(but it
Imagine if Noah was ןוי (but ן is sofit, it couldn't be at
the initial position)
יון is Greece! and also dove and bog, and russian бог
makes me look out of the greek shoulder to see what? What
does greeks think about it, I wonder.. Ionia, I've got it,
interesting. And ionic it is, since athens fell, they
speak ionian dialect
Ion is יוֹן
Reading into Собор Пресвятой Богородицы, I find this
description of what's in New Testament:
Ка́ѧждо […] бл҃годаре́нїе тебѣ̀ прино́ситъ: а҆́гг҃ли,
пѣ́нїе: нб҃са̀, ѕвѣздꙋ̀: волсвѝ, да́ры: па́стырїе, чꙋ́до:
землѧ̀, верте́пъ: пꙋсты́нѧ, ꙗ҆́сли.
And it is here, because с[s] is used instead of modern
х[h] in the word волсвѝ (волхвы)
which may indicate that h used to be
s~t or even ʃ. шта? who[hu] qi чё
(yes, reading q as ч has some tradition behind it, so I
link it to russian what..
what wait, we started
with шта[ʃta](what)
Somewhere they keep writings of early "fathers of church",
where they explain the pagan beliefs to the missionaries.
Somehow they would preserve the early beliefs in the
process of eradicating them.
Also wouldn't their own beliefs be the religious system
which existed before roman takeover?
The trinity, isn't that the belief in рожаницы? The
reforced meme, reformed sayings
In a manner similar to ו י ן, 𓄿𓅱𓅓 are ordered, according to egyptologists. If
somebody knows how it was, it's them, and whether they
hide some sacred part of egyptian corpus or never found
the actual syllabary or whatever they had, then I should
take it as the authentic order, til I find something
Only the other way around. not 213, but 312, in relation
to size. unless they knew them as rightmost and the
leftmost, then they would read
them from the other way and wrote it like that. If
it's not apophenia, of course, then the birds sit by
this hight. The smallest guy sits
at the centre, and he is more incentivized to
judge justly, for otherwise his ass is wacked more
easier. Or am I rationalizing something which is not
necessarilly true? If it is true, then such
rationalization matters, otherwise it does not, and I
didn't check it yet, and don't know if I can. In the
jury of three people, do they seat with the bigger guy being at the right hand
of the judge? Makes sense, it's better to have big and
strong right hand. What is it? Королёк птичка певчая (см. как королёк выше всех летал,
the first two birds are in that tale. And owl is probably last because it
isn't, but for semites owl is the main character, maybe
because they're neither of those other two? I thought
they're the королёк, owls would be chinese in that
context, an external observer
of the story. hm.. I know one judge, he's not small at
all, but nevertheless, use this magic if you have court,
but pray your people are true. Owl could be the guy
smarter than the jew, the way owl is stronger than the
Mnemosina ~ saint Mem? saint Mnema!
..sinner as stn's thr ppl's gd? sinner~saint?
other~there? who
knew that omitting initial letters something reveals
(o is just a honorific prefix, neh?)
even when it's a honorific in Om!
Русский грязный язык, потому что в нём принято
motherfucker переводить несексуально:
засранец или говнюк, тогда как в
английском оно без скотологии: not dirty, but funky
пиздюк более адекватное, но считается недопустимым в
русском обществе, каким-то образом хуй-пизда-ебаться
считаются матерными, тогда как говно и жопа нет.
Как и в английском, между прочим.
Видимо, русские матом разговаривали? И суперстрат им
Does my work here make me cringey in epistolar genre? I
watched my letters from six years ago, I'm so freaky, and
not in a good sense. It's as if I'm intentionally cringy
for the sake of authenticity. Communications should be
personal, or short and well-constructed, spilling
mindflows at a person is not even polite, not to speak of
smart. Here it is at least to the point, even though some
extremities may appear.
on of if in
in on (в
if of (если из, об)
in if
(в если)
on of (на об, из)
обе из и об сходны тем, что обе от, и действительно (of is
also от (что сращивает f & т (которые ещё и графически
сходны, просто f с пером сверху. и f/t the same shpe with
перо in other ends (f is frant, t is труп (с пером в
жопе)) а також встречаются в θ)))
in if
(в если)
on of
(на от)
in on (в
на улице = in the street
if of (если
if пляшет от чего-то, если что-то, то
(пять то подряд)
Let's return to the quess that ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲᚷᚹᚺᚾᛁᛃᛇᛈᛉᛊᛏᛒᛖᛗᛚᛜᛞᛟ or
ᚠᚢᚦᚭᚱᚴᚼᚿᛁᛆᛋᛏᛒᛘᛚᛦ are prayers starting with Father.. I saw
тебя молю в ᛏᛒᛘᛚᛦ, and that gave me something like ХРИСТЕ
before those T and B in older futhark, where I wouldn't
see ᛏᛒᛘᛚ because of those runor between them. And that
younger futhark doesn't have anything reminding christ, it
says Father ᚴᚼᚿᛁᛆᛋ тебя молю, khnias, nice word for a
God's name, or is it just a carnal father his son prayed
and was set as standard by some random fluctuation of the
history? ᚲᚷᚹᚺᚾᛁᛃᛇᛈᛉᛊ has too many letters in between. But
if ᚾ and ᛃ were added later and isn't in the early
examples, then this hypothesis may stand, otherwise should
be felled. Was it placed there by some priest who didn't
know how ᚹ, ᛉ and ᛊ were read? did he separate ᚱ into ᚹ
and ᚾ? Were ᛜᛞᛟ (another double form of ᚲ, a double form
of ᚦ and literally Ω added later?
I've had the idea that younger futhark is more authentic
than what they call older futhark, but yes I challenge the
historic science.
And I saw Christ in ᚴᚼᚿᛁᛆᛋᛏ in there. What? this sequence
is only 7 runes, and it has five out of six runes Christ
has. Chnist? Was ᚿ r? both n and r are sonors, n looks
like r written large, That is truly adds the spectacular
to the five out of six, that they have a rune where ᚱ is
missing, being already used. After all, it is a pangram.
And I look at my previous reading: khnias surely looks
like князь, it could be any other word, but it is
literally lord. Thus revealed similarity between КНЯЗЬ и
KHRSъ (crux, krus (crux is a word in english, and it is
not cross; crust also reminds stigmata)
ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙ is symmetric around E in that Ζ is fricative Δ
(russians borrowed that letter as D, thus ð is a
pronunciation of the other dialect which became a norm in
the modern times, as this table tells:
I suspect that ð is ionian pronunciation, just as Β being
v instead of b is, but of that this image doesn't tell,
so.. back on track.. ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙ, with D across Z, Г across
H, B across Θ, which gives another explanation to why the
second greek line deviates from the ABCD pattern, and
here's my explanation: they rolled the line over by
switching Z and Θ, which I conceptualized before.
It is interesting how I never noticed that half a third of greek dialects
didn't know Sigma. And another half
third didn't know Samekh. Thus two thirds didn't know one
or the other, showing that those are probably the same
letter, just placed at different spot. But graphically
they are different, and I'm not even sure they had
abecedaries of all those dialects and didn't just arrange
their letters along the ionian lines. And not Samekh!
Tsadi! And I never noticed that they all had Q, yet modern
greek doesn't have it, even as a numeral.. but then no,
I'm wrong they had Q in numerals.. Why don't I thoroughly
edit this thing? Why this mindflow? MAybe to show that I
can be wrong, I think I was wrong during the course of
this text many times and I didn't correct myself, so a
draft it is.
so, qoppa, but not tsadi!
And in that table there's exactly one letter per column
which is not int the colloquial greek.
Which may indicate that there used to be 8 digits per
order before there were 9, which corresponds to the IVXLCD
equating to 365 if V is four:
if you click the next image, you can hear how the guy
explains this thing with some fascinating details, such as
that they had words for numbers before they had the digits
for them, and that would explain the redundant letters,
such as C and Q and Samekh and X and H the vowel, и and і
in old russian as if for девять & десять, but alas,
no, or not alas, just what ere they? Where did they
initially stand?
Давай попробуем подобную историю для русского: О Д Т Ч П Ш
С В Д and it broke at 9, also maybe telling that there
were only 8.
O Д Т Ч П Ш С В (with В looking like 8, with Ч looking
like 4, it screams V X of octal roman numerals, and then I
had to have І instead of О, and I can have it there, for
odin is also idinitsẙn)
(1 4 8)
and I have to admit, that Ч reminds V, which shape in
russian eventually became У, and russian kids wonder why У
and Ч are so similar when it read so differently. Maybe
because they came from different words for the same signs.
And regardless of everything, I think I linked V and 4 via
and I have to admit, that X reminds 8 in its central part,
and that U~O, and that X[ks] looks like Х[h], and that in
japanese В[v] can be written by H-syllable, such as は being technically ha, but read
as wa.
It's uncanny how much は
reminds Ha
(am I trying to say that chinese origin of hiragana is a
chinese imperial lie?)
In the following image-link the same guy speaks of the
roman numerals, and doing so he tells about the horizontal
bar for the thousands and double horizontal bar for
millions, only he speaks that this was used only in the
medieaval period, not in the ancient times. I suspect him
of not telling the truth on that one.
But then he was more explicitly saying that the way to
write IIII as IV is a medieval introduction, and that I
believe, and it makes sense in the clocks placing VIIII
instead of IX (but then they almost never do, it would
be a more authentic stylization for the times when such
mechanism was not very likely.
And in the same video he shows how the addictions and were
made. And I have to admit, that ancient roman numerals
made way more sense, because it made such operation more
I just found by a rather complicating line of reasoning
that the word Jupiter is a derivative of Juno, and that
Juno is pretty much Yoni in the way of it being Θεά, and Θ
looking like cervix.
The latter finding is not new in the
context of this book, but that Juno~Yoni reference is
new to me.
I opened /his/ for me, it started to deliver,
Why I brought it here is the different spelling of mudslime:
Mehomitan for Mahometan, and Musselmen (full cognate of
russian мусульманин, though russians added another ن)
But why I brought it here is to show how ман in
мусульманин is probably man. Muslims have that men of
plural suffix en added to the final letter of muslim,
which is probably in islam or from islam, I'm not knowing
arabic yet, so take it with a grain of salt. I write it as
if not for myself. I tried to liberate me, so I don't
care, so I can think more by avoiding waisting my time on
excuses like this.
My brother told me "don't worry about what they think
about you" and I don't know if it's a genuinely
good-hearted advice or a trick to make me even more weird.
forsake/forsook (verzaken in dutch (отказаться))
cake/cook these are not such forms of
the verb
and others are hardly related at all:
spake/spook (spake is archaic form of
spoke, the past form of speak)
hake/hook (one of
four meanings of hake is related to hook, so am I onto
something here?)
nake/nook (these may be related)
Видимо spake and spook тоже были родственны, видимо spook
is he to whom ghost spake, but he was spooked by some
mischiefful human.
Видимо lake было cherished the most for the view.
But can I pull bake on a book? only in the sense of a
recepy book can I see it.
A more academically approved protorussian community:
Nam hi, ut in initio
expositionis vel catalogo gentium dicere coepimus, ab
una stirpe exorti, tria nunc nomina ediderunt, id est
Venethi, Antes, Sclaveni; qui quamvis nunc, ita
facientibus peccatis nostris, ubique deseviunt, tamen
tunc omnes Hermanarici imperiis servierunt.
For these, as we began to say at the beginning of the
exposition or catalog of the nations, sprung from one
stock, now issued three names, that is, the Veneti, the
Antes, and the Sclaveni; who, although now, by
committing our sins, are everywhere deviating, yet at
that time they all served the governments of the
Многие исследователи считают
венедов непосредственными предками древних славян
VI—VIII веков[1][2] (в письменных источниках известных
как венды, склавены и анты). В других гипотезах венеды
отождествляются с кельтами. Некоторые исследователи
рассматривают название «венеды» как сохранившееся у
разных народов самоназвание западной ветви
праиндоевропейцев (древнеевропейцев)[3][4]. Ряд
исследователей рассматривает термин «венеды» как
этникон, наименование по месту проживания, которое в
разное время относилось к разным народам[5].
В историческое время др.-исл. Vindr, др.-англ.
Weonodas и др. означало северо-западных славян,
которые граничили с германцами. Из германских языков
заимствовано ср.-греч. Ouenédoi «вен(е)ды, (северные)
Этим этнонимом (нем. Wenden) немцы вплоть до
настоящего времени именуют славян-лужичан[3]. Память о венедах сохранилась также в
языках финских народов, заимствоваших данное слово
из германских языков[4] и до настоящего времени
называющих этим именем русских и Россию. Финское —
Venäläinen (русский), Veneman, Venäjä (Русь,
Россия); эстонское — Venelane (русский), Venemaa
(Россия), Vene (Русь); карельское — Veneä
it seems, the same way french are frances, german
are germans, svenska are svens, denmark are dans and maybe
marks too, so Vene is of Ваня.
So vandals are literally russians
V~Λ~Г (втомився=утомился, чего[чиво])
As they moved from abc to abcd, E was reinterpreted from 4
strokes to 5 strokes.
And when it was bc, E was Ξ the 3
ГFE thus could be the order with Д being 4 and Б being 5
And that could be the pentatonic scale, until ו the ا
appeared, probably from some other nation's 1.
if ГFEДБ was the pentatonic scale, it had to be some meme
(three me in a row)
and my first intrepretation was живи добро (with Г being G
being Ж, as the sun, soley, fricative lingual; with F
being Moon then, fricative lingual, and E being the
softening letter, which could sugest the nonpalatalizing o
or ⴰ at the position of A, finishing the ДБA part, where Д
is plosive lingual and Б is plosive labial, whatever they
stood for (maybe for fire and water)
мурашки ~ мандражки
cut ~ gut
cat ~ get
calling ~ goal
cool ~ ghoul (corpse)
cold ~ gold (was it the first metal we've known? 金 is
gold, 金屬 is metal (gold's kind))
л от отлить?
ж от жара?
льющееся от нагрева?
t~s: it~so: believe it ~ think so
believe ~ по жизни
ты по жизни кто? ~ thou believe who?
I believe Jesus, I have to admit I fell for his poetry.
I probably believe some other guys and even gals. girls
R-L? go curl (cuddle)
girl ~ cuddle
us ~ we
Speaking of Yoni~Juno, I found word лоно[lono (any
syllable can be stressed, which is rare)] in my language,
й and л are proximate not only in alphabet, but also in
that double l is read as й (papillon)
по пион!
Вам as the opposite of Сам (BC opposition)
My wild guess is that BC was a meme to tell that it was in
those times when people knew B and C.
AD is when they added these two to that opposition. But
the lexics preserved that BC duality.
And that duality tells that Carmenta's 15 could contain
vowel column too:
(LMN, see that й~л in papillon) IMN
and after that a gave birth to d,
E gave birth to H,
I gave birth to L,
O gave birth to Q
U gave birth to Y? to V, but there it is, and because I
have that many vowels,
I have not much to choose: W
Whether O gave birth to ϙ or ρ or σ, that letter falls
between П & T,
but d goes into the end of the line. In to the fourth
position it goes. After the third one..
O~R? O ~ Rah!
And if O is sun, what are the other vowels?
E could be the moon, in chinese it had that central
Even though 日 also looks like E, it is pronounced as
some deafened i, transliterated as Ri, which is taught
to be ži,
月 is pronounced my more like e, but actually yuè (and it
sounds as [jue] the юе́)
金星 is Venera, with
星期二 is tuesday, and that is another way to say days of
week, and the firs one in chinese is 週二: the same
principle of numerals for the number of the day, unlike
americans they also don't number them from sunday, but who
knows, there could be different traditions, and japanese
could do, I have no idea,
japanese way to mark days of week could be more archaic,
金曜日, which in chinese would be 星期五, and there's a way to
test this hypothesis: Saturn in chinese is 土星, and in
japanese too. And Saturday in japanese is 土曜日. So let's
speak in japanese only.
Mercury both ртуть и меркурий is 水星.
french mercredy is 水曜日and in japanese it is Wednesday,
which is said to be of Wotan the Odin.
Wo ~ O thing may indicate that some semitic sources were
preserving those beliefs. Were they arabs? Were they jews?
Is it even what people believed? It is what their language
preserved, so in some epocs, absolutely, even now.
If 月曜日 is 週一, then it makes sense, that the planets are
arranged from the neares to the farthest, with 日曜日
being... 星期日 (Saturday is 週六, day 6)
So here's how that calendar arrangeds those planets:
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun (it is
spectacular how in english they go three M's at the start
to end with two S's, and what other reason would be to
place mercury closer to us than the sun is. Unless they
calculated the average distance, and Venus somehow was
further in such count, but then does it make much sense? I
also cannot imagine how could they calculate the distances
in the past; I only mildly know how they calculate them in
the present)
average distance to Mars: 140
million miles
And fuck me: average distance to Mercury 166.36 million km
average distance to Venus 259.21 million km
in minimal distances Venus is the
most proximate of the three
But no, that's average distance from the sun!
Average distance between Mercury and Earth is 48 million
Average distance between Venus and Earth is about 25
million miles
Average distance between Mars and Earth is about 140
million miles
The distance from Earth to Mars can be
anywhere from 33.9 million miles (54.6 million km) to
250 million miles (401 million km).
The closest possible opposition distance between Earth
and Venus is 38 million kilometers.
This is the closest that any planet comes to Earth. The
farthest that Venus ever gets from Earth is 261 million
The distance from Mercury to the Earth varies greatly as
both planets orbit the Sun. At its closest approach,
Mercury is about 77 million kilometers (48 million
miles) from Earth; at its furthest, about 222 million
kilometers (138 million miles).
So that earlier I was given not average, but the nearest
distance (probably to montivate me to go there)
For Venus they gave me the furthest distance (probably
motivating me not to go there)
What are the averages? (299/2) ~ 150 (222+77=299) 149.5 for
and for Venus also the same 150
(261+38=299) 149.5 (299/2)
The distance from
Earth to the Sun is 93 million miles (149
million kilometers), but the
distance to the farthest planet Neptune is nearly 3
billion miles (4.5 billion kilometers).
At its closest, the Sun is 91.4 million miles (147.1
million km) away from us. At its farthest, the Sun is
94.5 million miles (152.1 million km) away. The Earth
is closest to the Sun during winter in the northern
Naturally, we make lines around the same spot, if we have
circular orbit, but then not exactly, are our ellipses
aligned? Probably ellipsisity is in those numbers already.
火曜日is Tuesday, and it follows the Moon by proximity and
the consequence, so they tried, but then they placed
Mercury before Venus (probably to have all M days in row)
火星 is Mars
days of the week are capitalized, because those are names.
Týr (/tɪər/;[1] Old Norse: Týr, pronounced
[tyːr]) is a god in Germanic mythology, a valorous and
powerful member of the Æsir and patron of warriors and
mythological heroes. In Norse mythology, which provides
most of the surviving narratives about gods among the
Germanic peoples, Týr sacrifices his right hand to the
monstrous wolf Fenrir, who bites it off when he realizes
the gods have bound him. Týr is foretold of being
consumed by the similarly monstrous dog Garmr during the
events of Ragnarök.
The interpretatio
romana[a] generally renders the god as Mars, the
ancient Roman war god, and it is through that lens
that most Latin references to the god occur. For
example, the god may be referenced as Mars Thingsus
(Latin 'Mars of the Assembly [Thing]') on 3rd century
Latin inscription, reflecting a strong association
with the Germanic thing, a legislative body among the
ancient Germanic peoples. By way of the opposite
process of interpretatio germanica, Tuesday is named
after Týr ('Týr's day'), rather than Mars, in English
and other Germanic languages.
But I never heard
of Tyr outside of this context, so I'm sceptical, why
such honour?
In russian tuesday is вторник (в честь тора?) Тор более
подходящий бог для дня недели. но он в четверг:
Thursday. But it is as if they counted them by two:
сегодня-завтра первый-второй?
Monday (Lundi) ~ Mardi (Wednesday)
Monday Tuesday
Wendesday Thursday
That grey text is too embarassing, but look the
following line and how it makes sense in that context:
Mercury was water element? 水星 (星 is
Mercredy is среда (меж среди!)
Was mercury named in russian? In Vandal.
урки-окурки орги (orgy?) и огры (ugly!)
I always wondered how the ugly
people reproduced: in some degenerate way generate
Четверг is Jeudi Чё-day? Qui-di (Juif-di
(f and w are different ways to mark basically the same
sound? w~v and f is whispering v (and whisper is adequate
to speech)))
木星 Jupiter
So is Odin Saturn (if Jupiter is Thor?)
Saturn is literally Cron
C ~ Satu? Ц? Ts? Tree and snake. 木 is tree.
So jews praying to Saturn pray to the old god, the way
they in christian reality are.
Saturday is 土曜日
Saturn is 土星
土 is Earth.
or is abo in
ukrainian, but nebo in czech, as if a and ne are
prefixes of negation
н в рокнрол слогообразующая согласная
в bottle l является слогообразующей, а в bolt не является,
а разгадка проста: звонкая после глухой вызывает голос
после разрыва: д бы оглушилось, и подобного эффекта не
было бы, но сонорные на то и сонорные, что не имеют глухих
пар. Но как это работает при речи шёпотом - загадка
Does that 10²+11²+12² = 13²+14² = 365
and 8²+9²+10²+11² = 366
thing makes me suspect this world to be
But why? Because natural numbers don't make sense in
relative formulas: even pi is not natural.
huh! gaaaay!
even pi is not rational
but no, natural is also a mathematic's term
but what if rotation of us around the sun makes that
irrationality go away.
al in vandal is all
vand is vened: they say that vandal as a destructive brute
was used figuratively from 19th century only.
And how were they called before that? Vened? Hunns are
goons. Niger is nigger, and who's to blame?
Veneds are Ванятки. Vanadc? Venice? Челны на реках это
очень русское. После советов все реки перерезаны. jEW's
are officially russian superstrate, because of those years
lenin taught children, the sun son
of a massive school teacher, was he a jew? no, he was
something else, but under his flag jews inseminated who
knows how many wombs and who knows how deep they did to
minds of all veneц
which with witch could be an
english attempt to translate foreign to them root учи (как
в учит, учила)
учит (today)
учила (in the past. Г of ago? L of old? l the ł as in
was and were and went)
to be and to go meet in би & go
go ~ g ~ þ backwards ~ д ~ do
δ is d in greek and b in russian. and I've been thinking
how δ as б
д for d reflects δ for b as передние и задние лапы.
Они обе ЛаПы!
[l]л~д[d] п[p]~б[b]
l~q? l~k!? normal~normic?
call the tall of the bell?
bell call tall (колокол звонит высоким тоном)
bell cell tell
in the context of voiced-first, был
жил дул
дым позволяет видеть воздух.
облака выдаёт за особый
чистый божий дым.
облака белы, облака из воды
дым чёрен, тучи из огня
(но грозовые тучи черны. потому что с молнией! из
чистого огня облака чернее)
И для чего такая дремучая наука?
Для того, чтоб видеть как древние видели,
чтоб понять чего они с языком и алфавитом накрутили.
I think I should stop dialogues with Joannes, or to make
it rarer, because we don't know what ground we stop step: I learned the hard way
not to write poems by
birth ~ въ изъ, вылез (родилось в сognates в главе edit)
birth opposes death as b opposes d
I work on the ternary to quaternary periods in the sense
of "places of articulation"
ternary is voice, lips, tongue or lips, soft
palate or firm palate
quaternary is voice, lips, tonge
some Sefer Yetzirah editions name, what I call vowels,
velars. The words are similar, but I'm not sure.
BaD is when a student forgets of C, c пятое на десятое 12345, 10 (пропускает куски
текста, чтобы не читать)
GooD is reading ABGD properly (ГД is the sequence in both
russian and greek, and was in latin too)
and maybe also vowels play: э как окрик типа hey, не пори
мол. у of oo is a kiss. w. x is xoxox
I wonder how grades of american schools mess them up, that
they know Bad & Good, but B is Better than Good. Worse
is lower grade of Better? W under B? Could be a
nothingburger too.
B is Better, A is Axellent?
A B C Daughter
O P Q R Son T
A Brother C D (BroCer?) we embrace brothers?
E Father G H
I J K L Mother N
O P Q R Sister T (SisTer?)
female relatives are apart from male relatives
A Brother C Daughter
E Father G H
K L Mother N
O Pater Q R Sister T
and I think we found why M would be off the labial column.
That is male column, believe it or not..
Boys & Girls
John & Helga? otherwise it would
be Julia and Hans, so it's nothing. N is Nanny, T is
Cousine? Husband? Wife?
from Aunt
to Uncle? E? I? O? no
family member start with those three.
Ann to Ulrich?
Proubable aun in aunt is un in uncle (either way, both
share un) ownтётя? а не какая-нибудь
I seem to forgot about Son: the word shares the spot with
Sister, so the hypothesis of male labial and female
lingual broke. Unless it was a fluke, John was Sohn the
Son? As Jah is the Sun.
A Brother C Daughter
E Father G HahaJA
I Sohn K L
Mother N
O PaterLA
Q R Sister T
h for hand and p for f for foot for boot? H under D(𓂧)
and P under B
Брат Сестра Сын Дочь
ОМ как Отец и Мать?
Boy Girl&Daughter these patronyms break the foundation
of that B D theory.
Unless they're the influence of some eastern tribe, which
placed ladies first, but in their alphabet G went before
Son and Daughter definitely don't oppose by
Father and Mother also do not.
Деда и Баба do! And right along those lines. So are Baba
& Deda the more ancient form of those words? of Мама и
А Баба чадо Деда
Мама Н C
О Папа
А Баба чадо Деда и дитя!
И Мама
чадо ~ дитядо? (дитятко)
дитя ~ ч? ~ С ~ ko ~ 子
co[ko] ~ with? k as inverted th? ч? 子
ll being й sorta allows me to read богохульство as
богохуйство, and that could reflect the position I
discovered, that Yuno is yoni, and הוי is хуй. Maybe it's
indeed an ancient belief, but it's pure satanism from the
point of view of modern puritan religions.
Some more info is at
ебу и еду
abe for fother
ima for mother
reflect the way ab & im stand in the alphabet.
syllables with A have hard consonants
syllables with I have soft consonants.
Was M soft version of B? It's definitely its fricative
form (even without friction, so long form it is? soft)
M~W, double ᚢ (the second letter in futhark sequence)
And was ᚠᚢᚦ(ᚬᚭᚮ)ᚱᚲ not erraneously (er as in erase) ᛁᚢᚦᚭᚱᚲ
as Kylver stone may indicate,
and was ᚨ placed there in actual artefacts and not some
ignorant tables? I saw one with ᚴ instead of that ᚠ, so
take it as words of a good researcher still rather
ignorant in this topic, but here are those freaky ᚠ:
but then on some images of that stone those two other
strokes of ᚠ can be seen. But why so timid? Were they at
it from the start? The angle of that stave (the vertical
line) may indicate that they could.
Here's another image on which those strokes can be seen
but those lines looks somewhat different, sorta thicker on
this one. If it was due to different angle or lighting or
camera or was it retouched, who knows..
could be sci-she (and 𓏏 could be a suffix of female
gender, because they say Seshat (𓋇𓏏𓁐 Ancient Egyptian: sš3t,
under various spellings[2]) was the ancient Egyptian
goddess of writing, wisdom, and knowledge. She was the
daughter of Thoth. She was seen as a scribe and record
keeper; her name means "female scribe".[1] She is credited with inventing
writing. She also became identified as the goddess of
sciences, accounting, architecture, astronomy,
astrology, building, mathematics, and surveying.
𓇯 [pt] (sky) is definitely п ~ т (две ноги с этого
ракурса, но у столика их по крайней мере три)
палати всегда казались древним непонятным словом,
родственным слову palate. Сказал мне дед про это слово?
Каким-то образом с нёбом~небом связалось, возможно в школе
или в вузе, будучи привязанному к воспоминанию о том, что
дед сказал спальню над потолком, в антресольном этаже.
палати, паталати
𓇯 [pt] (sky)
Seshat и Ио две богини, которые считаются создательницами
письма. Гласные у них сходны.
Тот и Норны видимо предыдущее поколение создателей,
создатели иероглифов и рун (и, в связи с тем насколько
aicme сходно c aet, огама:
ᛆ&ᚮ are ᚐ&ᚑ
ᛘ is ᚋ
and then I saw this:
well, almost. That F is actually P in persian. That D is T
in persian and arabic, and the T is Th
but B is exactly B, and this is something. And ن would be
a great H, but ن is N, but НRU is N
abd as we're at it, something less important, yet let it
and it is of some real use: compare ح in different fonts:
in El Messiri it looks like G, which ج is rather is. And ج
goes the first of all ح's
The rakkas ح also does, g-like it is. g-like,
if you reverse the line according to the difference in
directions. in this sense normal ح is J-like.
Reem-kufi forms are one stroke closer to ogham.
And horizontal ogham correlates:
ᚁ is ب (both are b)
ᚇ is d, and t is ت
ᚈ is t, and th is ث
But then couldn't ب be ن the way v~ν and въ is in and on
is по, which is by
If ب is ن, then b~h and l~d and f~t
Ah, yeah, I almost forgot: the way f and t reflect
eachother, so do ᚃ and ᚈ
(and if ᚈ ~ ث theory is right, rotation 180° in one
system is rotation 90° in another: Ф and θ thing)
C~S is believable, but N~Q is believable only in the
context of Ŋ[ŋ]
but ŋ is ᚍ
Yet ogham letters with the same numeral value demonstrate
some obvious level of proximity:
b and m are both labial, and h goes labial in japanese, if it matters,
but that is how I remembered it.
d and l and g meet in Λ~𐤂, and g being gLA and дRU
t and f reflect each other very well (was it why bln
became blf? t, n, ŋ would make more sense.
Did they mistake ν for v?
c and s and z are great fours chetyre, quatre (c[k]) z is
probably also in some
4 and 5 do have the same initial letter suspiciously
in Irish they're ceathair and cúig
in Welsh they're pedwar (m.)[ˈpɛdwar] and pedair
(f.)[ˈpedaɪr] for four, and pump [pɪmp] for five.
six and sevan seven also
do. but in russian they're ش and س (ʃest and semm)
in that context BLN ~ MLN, which is not the MNL sequence I
conceptualized as Immanuil
Let's make english lessons to teach people languages
outside of academia. To drive academia out of business in
this field of mine:
Язык не обяазательно запоминать, потому что большинство
слов можно узнать.
Некоторые как plan есть и в русском. Это словарь первого
Некоторые как compute можно узнать из computer, узнав что
он переводится как вычислитель. Это словарь второго
Некоторые менее очевидны, но собраны в словаре третьего
Остальные слова освоите по мере пользования языком.
Словарей трёх уровней должно быть достаточно для
составления любых предложений.
Лучшие способы изучения языка - смотреть фильмы с
субтитрами в языке оригинала, переводя каждую реплику,
используя словарь общей лексики.
И всё, это все необходимые уроки. Ничего не заменит
искреннего интереса к предмету изучения.
Ещё один урок: по мере самостоятельного изучения таким
образом возникнут вопросы: задавай их к искусственному
интеллекту, это бесплатно, и они уже способны заменить
большую часть учителей.
(и три словаря из файла cognates в описании. может даже за
деньги их продавать)
(в сценарии короткого видео прокрутить часть словарей. В
первому уровне вниз от слова plan, во втором от слова
compute. В третьем от слова mind (во всех трёх случаях,
чтоб видно было, что сверху ещё какие-то определения (so far it would be mature)))
(в сценах про видео с субтитрами - полу-секундные отрывки
из хороших незнаменитых фильмов)
Machine (by Caradog James "I am a part of new") and Hulk
(by Ang Lee "science for everybody") and Mask (with Jim
Carrey "don't, stop") with those lines in subtitles. All
on different computers, the scenes should be shot at
friends, or my professional friends should do it.
and several hours after I wrote this down, I was
recommended these teaching techniques:
shadowing is the name of the
technique, in case the youtube link goes down some day
меняй отменяй сменяй заменяй, они все о снятии, снимай ~
сымай, но подымай.
хотя под это вроде снизу.
буквально держи снизу.
(the AEIOU + BT)
A B E I O T V: if V is consonant, then we have B followed
by fricative form of T (c) and T followed by fricative
form of B (v)
A B C D [a b k d]
U V X Z [u v h z]
and here U-line reminds greek E-line, and it reminds me of
ugaritic E and U: 𐎅 and 𐎛
and if C D were G D, russian Ж З makes perfect fricative
pair to them; but I wrote about it already.
I wonder if the slang term sesh is somehow over the
centuries related to 𓋇. If that sesh I never heard of
until today is a cognate of hash (as I speculated that H,
based on its position, should be lingual, like does its
name indicate that it was ʃ (aʃ (ш is called ʃа)) and ч
(eitʃ) as if h is upside down Ч, two sides of voiceless
lingual: back of the tongue and front of the tongue. Was
it when ש the C dissolved into х[ʃ in portugese, but h in
greek and russian] and )
X as the four-leaf ש you can find on tfilin and they don't
seem to know what is that letter, other than it shows the
direction in which the text should be placed within. are
those two שs шщ? are they wx? was that sequence of
softening שצנ (щ is a palatalized form of ш, even thoush
ш(sh) is palatalized form of s, which from the point of
view of languages not having the th sound is a palatalized
form of t, which looks like l with a dash, and l~n, but
here נ looks like כ, for sh is ch in french, and с is how
s looks in russian (and in greek such shape is known as
lunar sigma)
(these pieces are from a letter in the basis of Session 31
of The Dialogue between Dmitry and Hans.
..be rigorous, try to prove yourself wrong, there's always
a chance of coincedences, which would be monumented by
those who noticed them before us, by drawing some
theoretic basement to them, to painting the picture of
their grammar around that chaotic pattern, or was it ever
chaotic, if it grew from few elements. like that Sh of the
three became everything from 𐤕 (phoenician T, usually
looking like x) to X(from h to ks)) and their voiced
forms. A E I O U multiplied by B and T may give sillabary
of 15 shapes, and 15 was in the alphabet of Carmenta (and
in ᚨvþaпc of Bureus (but are there futhark artefacts with
ᚨ instead of ᚠ? I know there are modern images with
initial ᚨ, but then there's one with ᚴ instead of ᚠ, so
it's nothing, I need something ancient. And here I have
it: the wooden calendar shows ᚨ at the position officially
assigned for ᚠ, and now I think we should use the big data
of all known ancient futharks to see whether ᚠ or ᚨ is the
It is magnificent that the vowel after ᚦ looks so much
like E
Another anomaly of it is ᚳ and ᚢ looking exactly the same
ᚱ meets ᚠ in the sense of it being F
in the EFГ sequence of that six-days+ ᚼolyday. Richter
suspects that ᚼ to be a dot between words, between
weeks. I wonder if there existed a calendar of different
runes for each week. if it was 6×4, it would be the 24
of what they call elder futhark. And if it was 7×4, it
would be 28 and if ᚼolyday was the same ᚼ, it would be
25 runes.. which is never heard of.
And no, I didn't see such calendars either. They go
repeating mtwþfs repeating labial-lingual sequence for
three times. And sunday is voskresenie in russian, it is
something else, isn't it? not a weekday in a way. But
russian days of week don't show such sequnce, and repeat
three letters пвсчпсв and not consequently they do.
French also doesn't deliver any structure. So is it some
coincidental fluke in english? was s doubled by making
one holyday two? It is a wild guess. Neighter russian
nor french support it.
Athena is an alphabetic name: Ἀθῆναι
Beothia is a badass name, but Athens are more known for
being the sole centre of greece today.
And it correlates with ABC-like Ἀθν (אמשת, ΛΜΝ)
Ἀθῆναι and Ἀφροδίτη and Artemis have such alphabetic
names. Are they the same entity?
ἀφρός (foam) but was ροδίτη родить? was af foam? air and
water (a+f (a+m))
Любовной власти Афродиты подчинялись боги
и люди. Неподвластны ей были только Афина, Артемида и
Гестия[24]. Была безжалостна к тем, кто отвергает
По местам почитания Афродиты имела эпиклесы (эпитеты):
Киприда — от острова Кипр[31], где
Афродита впервые вышла на берег[32].
Кипрогения — то же: букв. «рождённая
на Кипре»[33].
Пафия, Пафийка, Пафосская богиня[34]
— от г. Пафос на Кипре, где находился храм
общегреческого значения.
Киферея (Цитерея)[35] — рождённая
близ острова Кифера[36], другого центра почитания; так
как вначале пристала к Киферам, прежде чем родиться у
Идалия (Идалийка) — от города Идалион
и по горе Идалии на Кипре[38], где Афродита почиталась,
как главное божество;
Амафусия (Аматузия)[39] — от города
Амафунт на Кипре, центра почитания богини;
Акидалия — от Беотийского[40]
источника[41]. Также имя некоей героини[42].
Эрикина (лат. Erycina)[43] — её
святилище было не только на Сицилии, но и в Псофиде
Связь с морским рождением отражена в эпиклесах:
Афрогенейя («пенорождённая»)[45].
Анадиомена (выныривающая) —
появившаяся на поверхности моря;
Евплея (Эвплойя) (эпитет Афродиты как
покровительницы мореплавания[46].);
Понтия (морская).
В эпиклесах
Меланида (чёрная, мрачная),
Скотия (тёмная, мрачная),
Андрофонос (губительница людей) и, в
возможно, Сосандра (спасающая людей),
Эпитимбия (погребальная),
Мухейа — богиня тайных мест
вероятно, сохранились отголоски древних функций богини,
связанных со смертью.
Функции подательницы любви и разжигательницы страсти
отразились в эпиклесах:
Дола (обманщица),
Морфа (дающая красоту),
Анфея (цветущая),
Пейто (убеждающая, обольщающая),
Гетерия — покровительница гетер,
Дарцетос — покровительница праздной
Диварисатрикс и
Перибазия (совершающая девиационный
сексуальный акт),
Каллипига (прекраснозадая),
Кастния (Кастниетида) —
покровительница бесстыдства. Только эта богиня принимает
в жертву свиней[47].
А также две формы богини, связанные с греческими
философскими категориями (см. выше):
Афродита-Пандемос. Поклонение ей ввёл
Тесей[48]. Статуя работы Скопаса в Элиде[49].
Афродита-Урания. Ей впервые
поклонялись ассирийцы, у афинян ввёл его Эгей[50]. По
некоторым, старшая из Мойр[51]. Афродите Урании как
матери Ананки посвящён LV орфический гимн.
Предположительно перевод Meleket Aschamain «царица
небес», прозвища Астарты у Иезекииля[52]. Её храм в
Кифере воздвигли финикияне[53]. Платон, в своём диалоге
«Пир», упоминает оба эти имени и говорит, что
Афродита-Пандемос — богиня пошлой любви, земной, а
Афродита-Урания — богиня небесной любви, бестелесной и
Другие эпитеты:
Акрея. Эпитет Афродиты на Книде[54].
Алентия. Эпитет Афродиты в
Апатурос. Её храм в Фанагории. Есть
миф, что на Афродиту здесь напали гиганты, она призвала
на помощь Геракла и спрятала его в пещере, а затем
поодиночке приводила их к Гераклу[56].
Арея. «Воительница». Храм Афродиты
Ареи в Спарте[58]. Святилище в Платеях, выстроенное
после победы при Марафоне[59].
Диона[61], как дочь Дионы и Зевса
(см. #Рождение Афродиты)[62].
Киндиада. Её святилище около Баргилий
Колотида. Эпитет Афродиты на
Морфо. Прозвище Афродиты[66]. Её храм
в Спарте, там она сидит под покрывалом и с оковами на
ногах, которые наложил Тиндарей[67].
Филомедея (φιλομμειδής). «Любящая
улыбаться», неоднократно встречается у Гомера[68].
Также её называют Афродита Оружная[69].
So goddesses were the same cult, with different
proab b probably
for geopolitical reasons.
And when they decided if Athena, Aphrodite or Artemis is
the beautifulest, they were deciding the same name in
three forms. Arte miss is искусная девица. Aphrodite is
вся такая воздушная, а Афина is simply and to the point,
without complications. It seems Paris (the city? a city
thus depicted as a human figure, as one collective hero as
one? just a fantasy, but to be checked the possibility of)
liked poetic metaphors. Is Athene Arte Miss in another
dialect or language? Awe onna она?
Ахуенна! And as I thought it computer lagged few to
several seconds. Амуенна! Amourin' (why else would they
fight for this status if they were not about the same
power?) Ах уродилася (почему в
русском это слово ugly, когда в польском beauty? b eau t
could be very alphabetic, showing not only correct
sequence of the legendary protoconsonants, but also
vowels may be reinterpreted as eou, but then it's eau,
russian t the т maybe looks like m in cursive: т,
because течь is about water. tap is of that t, the
opposite of s, which would be for something сыпучее, как
песок (песок сыпок (we know that word as зыбок))
сы́пок ~ зы́бок definitely made my day.
buy s for firmer matter with t for
liquider matter seem not very right.
What are 5 compounds of
They include halogen compounds, fluorides (AuF3; AuF5),
chlorides (AuCl; [AuCl3]2), bromides (AuBr; [AuBr3]2),
and iodides (AuI; AuI3), as well as oxides (Au2O3),
sulfides (Au2S; Au2S3), and selenides (AuSe; Au2Se3).
Афродита-Урания. Ей впервые
поклонялись ассирийцы, у афинян ввёл его Эгей[50]. По
некоторым, старшая из Мойр[51].
and it made me suspect that Aphrodite Artemis and Athene
are three forms of the same Madam Moon, and Aphrodite is
the youngest of them, and in that form it is the most
airy, the most foamy.
Artemis facilitates birthes, and Athene is athined to
В архаике этим именем (Мойры) обозначался
высший закон природы, боги же являлись его
исполнителями; наряду с древнегреческим выражением Διός
αἶσα, «божественное предопределение», часто встречается
выражение μοῖρα θέων
У Архилоха Тюхе находится рядом с Мойрой; у Пиндара она
— дочь Зевса и тоже близка мойрам[2][9]. Павсаний
соглашается со словами Пиндара, что Тюхе — одна из Мойр
и она сильнее своих сестёр[10]. У орфиков Тюхе
ассоциируется с Артемидой[11][12].
Have I found the fourth Moira? The dark phase of
the Moon? chaotic in the way if it shows a thin wax today
or not.
Klotho Lachetis Athropos (but this sequence, even be it
the eastern order, lacks M.
But they're all M: Moirae)
Τύχη is a great name for the final form: it's both TVX ΤΥΦΧ
of the end of the alphabet, and it's T for tombEN and totDE and
R~Р ~ S~С (staved and staveless forms of one another,
mirrored to forget.
or was stave reversing the reversed curve?)
рядить ~ судить
(решать ~ рассуждать (сужать (вычёркивая тех, кто не мог
этого сделать по причине алиби)))
alibi ~ al libi? (libi of liberty)
(books in libraries are free, ain't it a liberty!)
land [лэ́эндGB, ландUS]
shows how both deviated from the same [лэнд] reserved for
lend in both lands.
(273) Атропа (др.-греч. Ἄτροπος (no
тропа, нет пути - отличное имечко для смерти (I wish I kneow
У хазар есть также письмо, которое
происходит от (письма) русов, ветви румийцев, которая
находится вблизи них, и употребляет это письмо, и они
(хазары?) называют румийцев «русами». Хазары пишут слева
направо и буквы не соединяются между собой. У них 21
буква: Б, Дж, Д, h, В, З, Х, th, Й, К, Л, М, Н, С, Г, Ф,
Q, Р, Ш, Т, S [в оригинале записано арабскими буквами].
Та ветвь хазар, которая пользуется этим письмом,
исповедует иудейство.
I know that "when all you have is a hammer", but Why is
his name so B and T, as Beotia, and are those BCDE musical
But then shouldn't I collect all such alphabetic words?
Here's another one then:
ʿAbbes (also Abbass; Arabic: عباس) is an
old Arabic name that means "Lion".
But what does it prove? What does it even tell?
Probably not much.
It's not even modern arabic:
in modern arabic lion is أسد, which is like one position
further in the alphabet: not abc, but acd, the eastern
order maybe? or am I trippin'
either way it is interesting. Is it? well..
Was that A written in another hand?
Probably not, but I can mostly tell by the colour
And here I saw how hint and hand are alike,
but could it be just a wicked rhyme or the truth?
Speaking of the ABC-words,
How could abacus work in relation to ABC? ABC is ones,
tens, hundreds,
A E I O U are 1 2 3 4 5 (and V being 5 is nice, but then ע
would be four)
B F M P ? would be the other order, but it's not like in
roman, roman is modified, extended.
If it was
A E I O [a э ьɪ
о] 1 2 3 4
B F M P [b f m p] 5 10 15 20
C H N T [g h n t] 25 50 75 100 (chetvertt? quarter half ¾(no¼? no c?) CeNT? both CN and
T are 100)
Seams reasonable, now let's calculate the sum to see if
it's memetic: 310, nothing interesting.
365 in the sum of the IVXLCD being 1 4 8 32 64 256
I used a notebook (The Rhythm of Big City, the last of
3/5) to see these numbers in beads, but it all broke at
32, making not sense, being not square. But what if 4 is
square and 8 is cube? but 32 is fifth order (where did
they miss 16? is it some hidden number? 64 is sixth order,
256 is eith eighth. The 7th
is 128. 16+128=144=12², which no wonder since ..what?
where did they take 3? 144 is 16 nine times.
Was time seen as discrete sequence
of events?
9×4² = 12², no wonder 3²×4² = 12²
It could have been blowing our ancestors' heads, but I
should've known better. This is how we still learn. 144 is
also 9 times 16, wow, 3 out of twos. Three times two is
two threes, and 9 is those threes multiplied.
and the lack of a word for ¾ made me believe that sonors
are later addition, and it used to be
O P C (
A E O 1 2 4
B F P 8 16 32
C Х ? S~C, T~X
C H S 64 128 256
This representation is interesting in that it shares some
numerals with the octal roman numerals.
A E O 1 2
B F P 8 16 32
C H S 64 128 256
were roman octal predecessor of this one?
for example, even though they were
And it is interesting how O~V(both are ו (or both are ע))
And it is even more interesting how C is at the hundred's
And it is interesting how D~T, as if the ABCD line similar
to OPST line.
And it is even interesting that B~X, because in russian 8
is Восемь [vosem']
A and I are both vowels, it pleases me, but F ~ L only
sorta meet in ł[w]
(two vowels, two labials, two linguals, but that is how I
constructed it, so no wonder here, but I constructed it
this way for a reason. Somewhat other reason, and ogham
calls me to tell of it's forms: ᚐᚑ ᚁᚃ ᚉᚈ and wow, it's
nothing.. in numeric sense, but the pairs lay on the same
aicmes, yet I'm not sure if the transliteration is right.
Maybe CT are HD, how nice would that be? BL are intact in
both the name and the order, so can look at just pairs
reveal something? I'm trippin' so much, because F could be
L as roman numerals have L there,
and then they would be ᚐᚑ
ᚁᚂ ᚆᚇ
a o
bw h d
w as double b is fine, because russian B is В[v]
labials right, but below. guys have left, but above?
or are
ᚁᚂ ᚆᚇ
b l and h d
? defacto they
are, but it tells os little, and surely doesn't explain
why labial o is not a
h shifts closer to は or closer to K, depending on if it's
bw or bl, so can I have too many freedoms in my
speculations, so I can bend it whichever way I feel like
doing it? So far it is definitely not A M S
Looking at this runic numeral system,
I think of abacus counting different orders of ten on
different bars. And those bars could be represented by
different simbols: I, V, X
A, B, C
Let's combine this abacus thing with the numeric
alphabet I speculated upon just few hours ago..
A E I O [a э ьɪ
о] 1 2 3 4
B F M P [b f m p] 5 10 15 20
C H N T [g h n t] 25 50 75 100 ?
Either way, regardless of the structure, they all have at
least two bars, and more than one bar seems to be the
basic idea of abacus.
But then how likely would this one be?:
2 4
8 16
64 128 256
but no, such abacus would miss digits.
How would it show 2? how would it show three?
But they were not beads on rods, they were counting
tables, so then 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 would be
sufficient to show all numbers:
And it is an unexpected discovery that all the numbers
between those can be written by just those 9 digits
without repetitions. We're definitely onto something
here (even if the grammatic attributions are not
correct, that is yet to be figured out)
What is this arithmetic law I found? 20+21+22+23+...+2n-1
= 2n-1
Were numeral systems as different as musical modes?
20=1 makes perfect sense here, but it still
doesn't make much sense to me
also that doubling thing is legendary in the legend about
the rice on a chessboard.
Getting high I ask if Muses and Moirae are the same thing,
as I earlier found, and the answer it obvious R~Z (muses
are muzy in russian) so then I ask if they were one or why
did they растроились чтоли? And it became obvious to me,
that muse is mood, the mode. And as naturally at first
they only knew one mode, maybe hence the word natural for
it. But then don't different modes just move along those
five notes starting with one or the other? But would it be
recognized as different modes or were the notes in the
same one mode? Were they dividing their musical row
differently, and then they were all subjugated to just one
tuning system, so the meanings of those terms were
subjugated by the initial note and such? But the five out
of the seven? Were seven (or actually twelve!) note mode
invented to include all the ancient modes? That is why
chromatic row of the piano doesn't sound explicitly
spectacular. The trick is to play black keys only, then
that's a decent pentatonic scale, and I wonder whose.
Major pentatonic scale they call it, and suddenly this things lags all of the
A pentatonic scale is a musical scale with
five notes per octave, in contrast to heptatonic scales,
which have seven notes per octave (such as the major
scale and minor scale).
and here I understood what they said when they said that
scale and mode are different things: scale is how they
tune it, mode is how you play (scale is all keys of the
register(?) and mode is selected keys of that scale (in
each mode you avoid some keys specific for each mode))
and it stopped lagging, so should I
go on? Yeah, record! record! record! nah, the first two
volumes were assisted by a professional, he managed to
restructure them so they stopped lagging, so they're
twice as big.
Pentatonic scales were developed
independently by many ancient civilizations[2] and are
still used in various musical styles to this day. As
Leonard Bernstein put it: "the universality of this
scale is so well known that I'm sure you could give me
examples of it, from all corners of the earth, as from
Scotland, or from China, or from Africa, and from
American Indian cultures, from East Indian cultures,
from Central and South America, Australia, Finland
...now, that is a true musico-linguistic universal."[3]
There are two types of pentatonic scales: those with
semitones (hemitonic) and those without (anhemitonic).
So I think I should recommend to tell Hans to look into
pentatonic scale with his thing: if he sees what he tells
he sees, he should be able to play texts.
BCEFG is the pentatonic scale. Was A added when
heptatobnic scale was introduced? Did priest of apollo
added A and H? not D? is a d somehow?
Musicology commonly classifies pentatonic
scales as either hemitonic or anhemitonic. Hemitonic
scales contain one or more semitones and anhemitonic
scales do not contain semitones. (For example, in
Japanese music the anhemitonic yo scale is contrasted
with the hemitonic in scale.) Hemitonic pentatonic
scales are also called "ditonic scales", because the
largest interval in them is the ditone (e.g., in the
scale C–E–F–G–B–C, the interval found between C–E and
G–B).[7] (This should not be confused with the identical
term also used by musicologists to describe a scale
including only two notes.)
But then I'm ignorant in music, they use A in other
pentatonic scales, and it is the only thing I sorta
understand on that page, it's full of some specialists
data concealed for non-initiated readers (like math and
physics and molecular biology, you have to be taught to
read those texts)
so what is that earlier CEFGBC thing?
I'm sorry this is not a very good musicology book, but
click that image and you may find some.
I wonder why there seems to be no list of all known
Well, maybe it is my task to create one. I cannot do it
just yet, but here's another one:
A clearly cut text, almost certainly
non-Greek, and then what appears to be the start of
two abecedaria in a single, uncertain hand, with an
intentional line dividing the two – one seemingly in
the Euboean script of the colony, the other at least
close to that of Corinth, whose pottery is being
imitated in the inscribed jar.
Latin abecedarium incised on ceramic
plate, Monteroni di Palo. Drawing by Brigette McKenna.
The abecedarium was incised in dextroverse direction on
a plate found at Monteroni di Palo
near the Etruscan city of Caere. The alphabet is a
“reformed” type. The “dead” letters for the
aspirates (theta, phi, and khi), for samek, and for san
have been eliminated from the script.
and another example from under the paywall (use sci-hub if you need to get over
Bronze plaque with Venetic alphabet, from
Reitia sanctuary at Este, province of Padua
(here you can see in the nearest line the second half of
the abecedary)
I guess it's time for me to start my
own collection of abecedaria
And is that M-like shape Ϻ[s] the Σ? technically it is Ξ.
So similar to Θ, and also standing in the same final
And what is before that Ϻ the Ξ? isn't it L? is it MNL of
the IMNL (which would follow ABCD pattern the way OPST do
(russians don't have q, so their oprst is опрст)
aio is the alphabetiс
sequence when three vowels were.
io, the legendary name (gods are abstractions) is the way
it must have been when b was the first letter.
bcdi беседы!
mnlo манило!
Here comes an image from the second volume (obviously,
taken from somewhere else)
for this comment: if they didn't double ש, they would see,
that מ is the middle letter.
(as it is called in some texts)
and here from vol VI:
it is here for me to notice, that B is for מ, and J is for
ש, which I would expect
(א for G is not what I would expect though. Is it for G
though? Isn't it something else?)
(in doesn't tell that the central column is for G (in BGDj G is in the centre though (I
arrogantly equated D to J, but then why not? I think I
gave a good rationale when I did it for the first time
some volumes ago)))
Here's how they expalin it though:female
B, male J, nice.
and another way to mark those columns:
Those are probably Wisdom Splendor
Beauty (according to the numbers on those columns. But then what do I know of those
and another image from vol. VI:
it is here to notice, that it contains K, but not L,
which, in the context of italian and irish ILMN, brings us
even closer to IMN.
Something I didn't notice before: pahlavi used in books
didn't destinguish between g, d, y (it reminds me of g
being g in latin and д in russian, and the way
dutch g goes y in english.
but then w~n~o~r? And to my surprise I can pull one to the
other easily: w~n meet as vLA~νGR, o and w are both וHE,
r~w as ᚱ~ᚢ, but then even I think that it's too much. Not
yet, here comes "too much": m~q
(yes, graphically coursive ם may remind q, but wtf! or
actually it reminds p, and so does م, but they remind q,
if you recall that they write the other way around, but
still wtf, wtf!)
And pahlavi is not always this messed up:
the psalter variant:
w~o~r are still the same thing, and somewhat different
thing, the reflection of gimel, which makes it zayin-like,
if you compare these shapes to handwritten forms of gimel
and zayin in hebrew.
But nun is now different in that it is larger.
And the inscriptional variant:
and here nun is even more different, but mem and qoph are
still the same letter. Very weird.
And gimel and beth are very similar in this one.
Some interesting table, telling that Athenians didn't know
9 out of the 27 letters:
I wonder if it's true, but then I saw something very
similar, and even put it into my book:
and here's something closest to egyptian abecedary, or
syllabary, or whatever of the kind, a signary, I have come
across so far, the cubit rod:
(but I didn't move it to the
abecedaria collection, because I'm not sure it is one)
and the interpretation of gods :
Воля господня.. lord's will sounds simply better.
воля лорда! will of lord sounds better. russian is all ля,
ня, по гопански произнесённое (у гопников свой акцент? это
свой собственный народ? я могу лишь подражать, мне так
говорить от природы не свойственно. Это здесь, потому что
Карл Фосслер (которого уважаю, потому что в универе дали
выбрать 50 тем, я выбрал по фамилии, потому что остальное
было вообще не интересно))
Я плохо пишу. Это правда. По
академическим стандартам моя работа никуда не годится
именно по стилистическим причинам. По крайней мере, в первую очередь. Я
очень скромен, но не стоит, академические стандарты, как
выяснилось, позволяют и не такое.
(это я вспомнил работу, которую я по
его работе написал)
(с тех пор я стал гораздо лучше (но и в чём-то хуже тоже
(в том что ещё больше себе позволяю)))
в центре этой абеседари и прочёл "не клейми, но прости"
(по нерусски это неправильно читается. no is not nee, but
but. at least in russian it is so, and in russian нопрст
(which we share with latin, not with greek (what a
miraculous coincidence is that, that (but then we don't
have q, and our р is also R, we share features with both
greek and latin. Like we took our grammar from some other
nation, like bulgars. Why don't we study bulgar culture?
Why don't we study cultures period. Imagine russians
taught of jewish culture in their schools, they're jewish
culture at this point, a substrate, a post-soviet
mankurts, oh that now was cruel, but is it not true?)))
But then russian can read its abecedary. I do. But can I
do it all? no. где ёж is before it.
A (об (о[а]))
Б - Г (боге (в как о? обе ו, но wut))
ДЕЖЅЗ (держись за)
ИІКЛМ (не клейми (посмотри как на той дощечке И как
сегодняшняя Н, а І как ᛂ))
НОПРСТѸ (И как Н в предыдущей
строке makes perfect sense:
japanese いいえ
IIe~Не! N=II? ni, 二)
(опять же い, похожее на русское И, что может быть
связано с географией)
и дальше непонятно. Ѹ тоже не в тему. Быть может, алфавит
заканчивался на Т.
когда последовательность была ИМ, был смысл "держись им"?
нопрст за перст? как видишь, я не чужд импровизация, но
камон!, красивый образ, но камон
𒀀 (water, sperm, offspring, father, ancestor)SU consists of 𒁹 and 𒑖, 1 and 2
𒀀 (water, heir)AK
𒀸 is a synonym of 𒀀 in akkadian (heir) and both then
sound as aplum
which is spectacular, consisting considering
that 𒀀 stands in the unicode the first.
𒀸 is also nadānum (“to give”)AK
𒀸 is also šēpum (“foot”)AK [aš]
𒀸 is also AŠ,
akkadogram of ina (“in, on,
at”)AK [aš]
𒀸 is also an orthographic borrowing from Sumerian 𒀸
(dili, “so be single, alone”)AK
𒑗 being the opposite of water, seems to be a symbolic
representation of moon:
𒑗 • (NIEŠ) Sumerogram of šalāšat pānū
(“three panu”)AK
pānum m (construct state pān or pāni,
plural pānū)
front, front part
looks, appearance
past, past time
wish, choice, intention, plan,
purpose, concern, consideration, opinion
(mathematics) reciprocal
(in the plural) face, visage
(in the plural) dignity, prestige
and what is also interesting, I already found it (in the
end of the first half of this very volume)
only then I wasn't this certain, now, making the second
round around this plane, I can see clearly that they're
three fates (in that "wish, choice, plan, purpose,
opinion" meaning)
Three goddesses conquesting in its
beauty were the three phases, and naturally young moon
is the beautifullest in that it is growing, thus brings
a good promise
Also interesting, that 𒑖 and 𒑗 go consequently in
unicode. Wiktionary only transcribes 𒑖 as NIGIDAMIN, and that word leads me to
compart.com, where they tell Cuneiform
Numeric Sign Nigidamin. Numeric Value: 2.
unicode looks like those are the only two in the group,
but then there's 𒍝 standing few lines above them, [sa₂,
za/ṣa] bead, precious stone, gem
and it is used in such words as:
𒄑𒄖𒍝 (throne) and sometimes it's written just as 𒄖𒍝
(𒄑 is tree, wood, yoke (𒄖 is thread, linen))
𒄖𒍝 as thread of gems? сидеть на потоке, не в этом ли
смысл короля?
трон ~ through он? через него? through him?
玉 [tama]JA gem (gem, ball, sphere,
bullet, lens, jade)
王 [o] king
宝 [takara] treasure
宝石 [hōseki] jewelry, gem, jewel (石 [ishi] stone)
interesting that o would be a better ball. Were
they the same word?
and probably a cheap cheesy (I don't have feeling of
the language yet) poem was born:
御玉 [o tama]
王様 [o sama]
interesting that three out of four contain 王,
and the first fourth looks like it does (maybe it
(cheesy or not (more chessy than cheesy) it is a great
mnemonic tool)
It is interesting how 御[o] and 王[o] have very similar
meanings, as if 御 is a form of 王 with phonetic elements to
it: as if 彳 is ho and 卩 is R, as if word honour is written
all across that 御. And I think I saw something very h-like
in something like 彳, probably in 羽[はね(hana)] but actually
彳 is walking man, walkman? Now that
would be some logotype. A radical for a logotype. Would
chinese&japanese register it? Would they prevent
that from happening somehow? Was BioViva prevented from
using 𒀭 as an emblem?
ぎょうにんべん 行人偏
1. kanji "going man" radical (radical 60)
Other forms:
彳 【ぎょうにんべん】
行 doesn't have words with h, but in russian it is
ходить: 行く[iku] (дить - стандартный глагольный
суффикс, означающий сделать (делать, деять~дить(слова дить
в русском нет, есть дитя (родить is to give birth.. I
should collect words ending with дить,
syllables standing before them will be preserving some
ancient original meanings)))
背 was my second (after wings) guess, and now this one has
h, it is pronounced in many different way, but also as
行 per se is line[ぎょう] and also handwritten chinese is
names with that.
行 per se is going, travelling, trip, journey; act, action;
bank; [こう]
行 (or 件) per se is passage, paragraph [く
行う can also be read as おこなう and then it is translated as
to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
(other form: 行なう 【おこなう】)
行 in complex words is read in chinese manner [ぎょう]
and I got off the track, studying is consuming, and I
could do it being not high, I get high to produce texts,
not to consume them. A friend asked me to check Roman
Mikhailov, and reading did click me out, but then he
recommended me Languages of Tribal and Indigenous Peoples
of India, and I downloaded it, and...
is how they list them, but the previous image tells that Ѳ
was between И and І, thus telling that И is vowel and І is
бешеных боятся. бесов боятся.
Кореш приколол Романом Михайловым. Кино у него хорошее, а
книжка про алфавиты его сначала отвратила, но она полна
сюрпризов. Атбаш один чего стоит. А вот упоминание
"числового алфавита" из Languages of Tribal and Indigenous
Peoples of India привело к тому, что в этой книге не
понимали о чём писали чтоли?:
в то время как больше похоже на правду это:
удивительно много слов на г среди частей тела (голова,
горло, голос, губы, глаз, голень, горб) но это отнесу к
совпадению, хотя два к, два б, два-три-четыре с, одно п,
одно у, одно л, хэндс даун it's some chaos.
But let's entertain this idea more:
г & s
ухо и рот в эти две буквы не воткнуть
ноги и руки, шея, бок.
Совпадение, удивительное, но совпадение. Можно в поэзии
глаз~глас вот это всё
голова и горло может однокоренны?
и рот скорей всего однокоренно с этим рал (жрал и жрӧт)
жрёт ~ the рот? (рот~pot?)
(котелок, который варит?)
морда тоже однокоренно с рта?
мо значит middle?
Pourquoi pas [пуркуǝ па], читаемое
русским ухом как кукла фа может объяснить то, что у одних
народов первая согласная буква б, а у других к (и вообще,
то что гласные важнее)
Может он так поёт скверно или специально мозг выносит
рабсиянам (окраина хороший бы ребрендинг был. Кто любит О
поедет к нам, кто любит U (UK, US) поедут в Uкраину)
что за драка была меж US и USSR? пришлось отступиться? В
чём прикол? Us=мы
(it seems we're not allowed to usurp a letter, but
combinations allow everybody have a pair: 26²=676)
a b c
d e
f g
h i
j k l m
n o
p q r
s t u
v w x
y z
ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br
bs bt bu
bv bw bx by bz
ca cb cc cd
ce cf
cg ch ci
cj ck cl
cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct
cu cv cw cx cy cz
da db dc dd de df dg dh
di dj dk dl
dm dn do
dp dq dr ds dt
du dv dw dx dy
ea eb ec
ed ee ef eg
eh ei ej ek el em
en eo ep
eq er es
et eu ev ew ex
ey ez
fa fb fc
fd fe ff
fg fh fi fj fk fl fm
fn fo fp fq fr fs ft
fu fv fw
fx fy fz
ga gb gc gd ge gf gg
gh gi gj
gk gl gm gn
go gp gq
gr gs gt
gu gv gw gx
gy gz
ha hb hc hd he hf hg
hh hi hj hk hl
hm hn ho
hp hq hr hs ht hu hv
hw hx hy hz
ia ib ic id
ie if ig
ih ii ij ik
il im in
io ip iq ir is
it iu
iv iw ix
iy iz
ja jb jc jd je jf
jg jh ji
jj jk jl
jm jn jo jp
jq jr js
jt ju jv
jw jx jy
ka kb kc kd ke kf
kg kh ki kj kk
kl km kn ko kp
kq kr ks kt ku
kv kw kx ky kz
la lb lc ld
le lf lg
lh li lj lk ll
lm ln lo lp
lq lr ls lt
lu lv lw
lx ly lz
ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms
mt mu mv mw mx my mz
na nb nc nd ne nf
ng nh ni nj nk
nl nm nn no np
nq nr ns nt nu
nv nw nx ny nz
oa ob oc od oe of
og oh oi oj ok ol
om on oo op oq
or os ot ou ov
ow ox oy oz
pa pb pc pd pe pf
pg ph pi pj pk
pl pm pn po pp
pq pr ps pt pu
pv pw px py pz
qa qb qc qd qe qf
qg qh qi qj qk
ql qm qn qo qp
qq qr qs qt qu
qv qw qx qy qz
ra rb
rc rd
re rf rg
rh ri rj
rk rl rm rn ro rp rq
rr rs rt
ru rv
rw rx ry rz
sa sb sc sd
se sf
sg sh si sj
sk sl
sm sn so sp sq
sr ss st su
sv sw sx sy sz
ta tb tc td te
tf tg th ti tj
tk tl tm
tn to tp
tq tr ts tt
tu tv tw
tx ty tz
ua ub uc ud ue
uf ug uh ui uj
uk ul
um un uo
up uq ur
us ut uu uv uw ux
uy uz
va vb vc vd ve vf
vg vh vi
vj vk vl
vm vn vo
vp vq vr
vs vt vu vv vw
vx vy vz
wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl
wm wn wo wp wq
wr ws wt wu wv
ww wx wy wz
xa xb xc xd xe
xf xg xh
xi xj xk xl xm xn
xo xp xq
xr xs xt xu xv
xw xx xy xz
ya yb yc yd ye
yf yg yh
yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr
ys yt yu yv
yw yx yy yz
za zb zc zd ze
zf zg zh zi zj
zk zl zm zn
zo zp zq zr zs
zt zu zv zw zx zy zz
в этом контексте 676 может быть подобной 231, но для
но по принципу
231 врат было бы 325
(10 каких-то сочетаний исключили
чтоли? я пытаюсь подтянуть вон к чему, но это не перебор
ли (но если сатанисты правят бал, десяток подобных
сочетаний действительно может быть неиспользуемым. Но
как это проверить? написать программу, которая
прошерстит многия тексты на все эти диграфы. И гораздо
больше чем десять можно исключить: начинающиеся на q все
кроме одной? но может в других языках оно встречается.
Тогда надо проверить, используя тексты на всех языках,
пользующихся или пользовавшихся латинским алфавитом. ну,
да, для подобного эксперимента подобная таблица может
быть применимой, но come on, it's way too wild))
наречия это просто краткие прилагательные чтоли?
(право ~ правое, хорошо ~ хорошее (ого, даже гласная
окончания сменилась, это редкий случай))
осознаю́ осозна́ю (были будущие и настоящее едины?
настоящее лишь миг, так что наверное оно часть будущего.
прошлое прошло, а настоящее как и будущее можно изменить в
любую секунду)
будь проще и люди к тебе потянутся: если бы постил бытовую
хрень вроде
"приятное открытие дня: крышки от сметаны подходят к
баночкам от желе"
комментариев действительно было бы больше, чем когда я
пощу что-то призванное вызвать у них охуевание которое
"нет слов"
This is here to show how A in 66th is just Я (аз is the
name of letter A and an old form of Я (I, me))
and another one, here you can see that Я is A and that I
is cross, thus I H is Iсус Hristos?
Here, greetings from vol.8:
For this image (built on the basis of duodecimal
multiplication) not only produces triangles, but also
looks like a hinduist deity, being божественно по тому,
как не позволит повернуть себя на 45 градусов без
искажений, и потому что в сущности эта фигура бесконечна.
I didn't like it at first, because it was much less
structured than graphs built upon addition, but this one
is just different, it also has triangles. I probably
dismissed them by understanding their nature. some
zeros?there are no zeros, or they would zero it all out.
it's.. and I tried to built it, and I failed and I checked
vol.8 to see what it told about it, and it was so poorly
written, it didn't explain how such structures were built.
can't be.. they must have been explained before what I
read. Well, maybe in some previous volume, because I know
I explained it, well, let me explain what are those
structured triangles there: they're pascal squares which
keep only the last digits, so the first triangle goes like
and I tried to reconstruct that other structure, the green
image above, and I couldn't start with 1's or all would be
1's all the way, but I cannot start with
123456789123456789 as I thought I could:
so what was the method there? I have it in my prison
notebook (the one with wire spring)
duodecimal it tells in the name. Does it tell that there
maybe such numeral systems, which do not fall to zero? no
zeros in them? what would such structure mean? IVXLCD
doesn't know zeros. What did they do when they had round
numbers, they would have no round numbers, without zeros
what are round numbers? is X round number? then I also is.
Because look at this mess:
may I not
and here (in the second line,
actually, I thought I'd be able to use it) it
came to me:
4~1 because three zeros can be substituted with a bar a
bar above those letters, for each order of three zeros you
get and I thought of that in the context of
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
that square was about how those forms
are simlar in one column.
(cornery 1 4 7, wiggly 2 5
8, and 3 6 9 being very similar too)
(and now it works like multiplication tool, huh.
But how did they see those zeros if they didn't know the
Но серьёзный вопрос, Таблица Пифагора как выглядела? не
так ли? и у нас нет ни одной такой таблицы? древней?
at first I couldn't understand how so, how
and IIIDCCCCVICCL is 3906250
(and depending on strokes above them they're in
millions, thousands or as is)
3141121 in ammount of doubles, in how they're similar
numbers in romans too.
Is it a feature or a bug in me?
But then such table didn't exist:
The oldest known multiplication tables
were used by the Babylonians about 4000 years ago.[2]
However, they used a base of 60.[2] The oldest known
tables using a base of 10 are the Chinese decimal
multiplication table on bamboo strips dating to about
305 BC, during China's Warring States period.[2]
The multiplication table is sometimes attributed to
the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras (570–495
BC). It is also called the Table of Pythagoras in many
languages (for example French, Italian and Russian),
sometimes in English.[4] The Greco-Roman mathematician
Nichomachus (60–120 AD), a follower of
Neopythagoreanism, included a multiplication table in
his Introduction to Arithmetic, whereas the oldest
surviving Greek multiplication table is on a wax
tablet dated to the 1st century AD and currently
housed in the British Museum.[5]
and here it came to me, that Pascal's triangle is very
similar to multiplication table, other than it is an
addition table, if it was needed, where pascal's triangle
is basically it. but does it allow to add random numbers?
no, it does not, so it isn't, but I caught this silly
thought because it brought me to possible structure
beneath that green abstract deity (symmetry is face? where
else can we see it? Butterflies? Any other animal, that's
right, human from behind is also symmetric, b ut we see
faces, not aces)
So does symmetry indicate life? Crystals can be
symmetric.. but not necessarily, no, they're usuallly not,
but they can be, they can approach it, and they're the
form of non-living matter approaching the principles of
that it could be
242.. ah, yes, I was using not the last, but the first
3 (but to check the first and last numbers of
the multiplication table could make some patterns)
5 so should I do it here? nah, I'm telling you
there's no an apparent pattern,
6 and you can see the result of that in
that green icon above.
9 so, let's better
return to those multiplication tables..
1, and yes, I wouldn't have to miss
The oldest known
multiplication tables were used by the Babylonians
about 4000 years ago.[2] However, they used a base of
so? so, there were other multiplication tables since
The Greco-Roman mathematician
Nichomachus (60–120 AD), a follower of
Neopythagoreanism, included a multiplication table in
his Introduction to Arithmetic, whereas the oldest
surviving Greek multiplication table is on a wax
tablet dated to the 1st century AD and currently
housed in the British Museum.[5]
I went to the site of British Museum, and I tried to
search multiplication table and Nichomachus, but to no
avail. In the process though I found this weird text, told
to be from about 18 centuries ago:
what script is it? They tell it's sabaic. Was it the only
feature they used to date it? I'd like to see in in the
comments, even if in overview or links to the works in
which they dated it.
But then they wouldn't do it, because it would lower the
value of their assets (all museums are full of fakes, so I
heard from some "specialist" (he probably said that fakes
can be valuable too, also because there are ancient
microscopy should be able to expose microcrystallization
on those reliefs. maybe. well, I read they recently
discovered this method of non-derogatory dating. They
could have waited it, but no they needed to date their
findings early (politicians did, those fuckers just don't
But then I found that book on archive.org (mirror)
and it is full of tables, and this one multiplies, but
what happens then? those are tens!
I didn't understand it at first (ρ is for 100, but then ς the σ would make a better
cent, and ςτ would ring to russian сто like that is how
russians write their hundred. сту would be perfect, and
who knows if they didn't write it like that. Сейчас скажут
ко ста рублям прибавь ещё сто, но как знать, может раньше
сказали бы ко сту рублям (как у используется в этом падеже
с другими словами: к одному рублю)
такое и до 21, после чего этот цикл повторяется каждые
десять, изредка двадцать чисел.
а в других падежах?
в родительном окончание г~х
тогда как в дательном м
и тут я замечаю, что в именительном подобное сходство у
чисел от пяти до двадцати: окончания одинаковые:
одна.. одн как в один. значит не му, го, а ому, ого (ему и
его, а в тех им и их!)
(но у-морфизм двух
and then I found in vol.8 the table of pythagoras in roman
numerals, and naturally it was not about digits, I
overcomplicated it:
it is fascinating that they draw smaller part above the
bigger one, the way dutch people pronounce it: twenty five
is vijf en twentig, and russians have only 11 to 19 read
in that manner, and english only 13 to 19.. was it the age
considered propper for marriage? I wouldn't be surprised,
russians are way more savage.
and sorting our image from vol.8, I found these two, which
is told to come from White Goddess by Robert Graves, and
and it is not exactly how they tell BLN goes, they say
that N from this one is S. And why would Z jump before H?
I was told that White Goddess includes plenty of
information about ogham. It is a crime that I didn't read
it yet. My old fear of getting infected by mistakes of
other people isn't helping anymoe, I should go into that
journey, but then I have to give up weed for the time I
read it. It would be a great motivator to read it quickly.
But meanwhile new date keeps on coming, so I cannot be
and as if runes were not complicated enough, there are
some cryptic runes:
The knowledge of cipher runes was best
preserved in Iceland, and during the 17th–18th
centuries, Icelandic scholars produced several treatises
on the subject. The most notable of these is the
manuscript Runologia by Jón Ólafsson (1705–1779), which
he wrote in Copenhagen (1732–1752). It thoroughly treats
numerous cipher runes and runic ciphers, and it is now
preserved in the Arnamagnæan Institute in Copenhagen.[1]
Jón Ólafsson's treatise presents the Younger Futhark in
the Viking Age order, which means that the m-rune
precedes the l-rune. This small detail was of paramount
importance for the interpretation of Viking Age cipher
runes because in the 13th century the two runes had
changed places through the influence of the Latin
alphabet where l precedes m. Since the medieval runic
calendar used the post-13th-century order, the early
runologists of the 17th–18th centuries believed that the
l-m order was the original one, and the order of the
runes is of vital importance for the interpretation of
cipher runes.[1]
Wut? How would latin alphabet influence order of futhark
if they're different orders? Was I correct when I said
that futhark is mistransliterated авг.. уст? ст would be great at the end in
this context, but seriously wut?
and why would it be so important to place L before M? El,
the jewish god, at the place of M, be it mother or man. maður.
some images come to me without a good commentary, but then
what commentary would i like to see?
that there are symbols looking like KLMN is fascinating,
but that is probably nothing. It could be made only
few centuries ago, and it could be a cherrypicking on my
so I'm not even sure that N is not M
And are they even astragali? That other projection tells
but wtf are them? Actually, there's the source under that
image: Скржинская "Досуг Жителей Античных Государств
Северного Причерноморья", where she tells that those are
astragals: Астрагалы из Ольвии и Пантикапея VI-V вв. до
н.э. But what are those thin projections then?
Only two of them have both projections of astragals. Are
other really cut astragals? two-sided astragals?
And because astragal with ☉ has ☉ on both of its sides,
there's no N astragal, those are both M's or W's But W,
did it even exist then? Was the word women existing when
there was no letter W? so many basic words with w, that
what are you even talking about? How was it seen?
Africans Arabs Asians.. was A placed up top by some
easterners who took advantage of us when they figured out
that we don't know the importance of the alphbaet order?
Is America theirs in the long run? By this tiny mindtrick?
It sort of gives them faith?
Europeans Englishmen Alemagnia! Albania I would expect
such, but Alemagnia?
Did germans want to be alphas, in the beginning of the
list? Or were they tricked into the A-zone?
Estonians, I'm cherrypicking, but I forgot to pick the
most impressive cherry: Espana!
E in french is S in english, and is it also why Espana,
but Spain?
(I don't know about other romance languages, so I don't
know if spannish ..I have the dictionary of all languages,
imagine that in the 90s, I could only dream)
Spanish is the missing link between english school and
french école: escuelaES
Is it ocean life of brits and spaniards? Is france not
known for sea travel because it was attacked from both
sides? Brits and Spaniards didn't have strong neighbours
at one corner of them. Both are isolated, but Britain is
isolated better. But Britain have Scots at the North and
Irish at the West. Now you understand why GB felt obliged
to subjugate those nations? They're United Jackasses
England is Anglia.
Is A actually an indicator of something else? A status
name? Austria and Australia, even Antarctica. They are not
all of Afro-Asia, come on, silly theory.
But I'm sure names of countries is more often start with A
than other words.
Because the names of continents are definitely more often
start with A than not.
Africa Asia America Australia Antarctica (and end with ca
or ia) and only Europe is different.
Is EU (exactly how it is called now! I didn't expect that)
a more sophisticated way to pronounce vowels? Were others
using A for every vowel? In turkic in a word all vowels
should be the same: karavan, uryuk, rahat-lukum,
Do continents tell AAAAAEU?
Because that would be alphabetic.
E looks like B, U looks like C.. B~E, I saw it a lot
recently, should create a file for it. BE.html
God is good, but Бог is Big, two different epithets of
that entity, differently understood by different nations.
And this understandings obviously shine through their
culture, the ethos of each ethnos, and thus those words
are probably doublets, so anglosphere is what people all
over the world consider a good thing, considering how many
of them choose to move there instead of living their
homelands, and russians are the epithome of big. But Бог
is also Б-г, which is Благ, which is Good. So it could be
the initial meaning, but then foreigners didn't know Blag,
but they knew Big, and thus their expectations could
influence how russians (the powerful russians who matter
and who communicate to those foreigners) followed their
expectations consciously or subconsciously.
If Johannes (huh, but then ) keeps
on publishing our dialogue, in session 38 I'd be
offering him my idea that there are not five, but only three main
places of articulation: A B C
(but I don't like the term places, so this terminology I
borrowed from Joannes Richter
crazty (as
crusty the clown) is it of куритть? накуренн
колдун ~ болтун (болтает языком как
болтом что ниже (here was a weak
comment full of obscene lexics, and I removed it for
being weak and speculative, and is such lexic
indicates weaknes of mind?))
колядун колядует? кол
таит? кол дует?
and some more random antiquities I find along my path,
collected here mostly just in case:
Could russian verbal plural suffix те (здравствуйте) can
be the pronoun те (those) and then can english noun's
plural suffix s be the pronoun they?
Could russian noun's plural suffix и~ы be that very те
without the т? Could that т appear there to separate that
и from и of the verb (in идите, for example (singular form
is иди)) and then is that и a long form of й which seems
to be some very obsolete singular third person pronoun
(he) and is that й cognate of that very he? The only way I
know of that й is that it is an ending of adjectives of
male gender.
victor and victim are the antonyms
I have shown you this interesting personality:
and he also wrote it in belarussian:
And it is interesting in that they use ц instead of т.
Ц was the last letter of the old-russian alphabet:
What is Ы?
Ц being in final position and belarussian using it instead
of Т may tell that Ц is Tav.
An the way that with the symbol of 1,000 may count up to
999 999 may tell that only ,'s of 1 million mattered?
And here is some other russian order (and the english
order stylized into that russian way)
This modern artistic representation is here, because it
shows how russian Р is secretly R,
and how Ѹ is the Ꙋ the ꙋ is Ŏ the О̌ thus telling us that
v is just a ✓ above o,
it stands for shortness in й
(here it looks u-like
but russians draw it v-like too)
And it would be a nice way to
switch to latin, yet preserving the identity.
But unicode knows cyrillic. So? Why
switch to latin? Why not? Why yes?
In those A of And and B of But, n reflects u, and d is
basically t.
Is but band? привязанно к предыдущему, связанно с
предыдущим, but знаменует начало второй половины того же
предложения (второй стороны медали (medal is a nutshell,
did king pay for work with coins with task written on
them? nah, king doesn't have to pay plumber, king just
tells it is my coin, you know who gave it to you. And if a
traitor is paid by gold, it will be a gold with a face of
the adversary.))
Quality of gold would also tell where it is from. Maybe at
first, but then kings would melt foreign coints into their
coin of count?
T is as cross, it is as B to T i.e. born to tomb (as if
these words reflect one the other, but that is most likely
nothing) As if not à the Ãfãt (enfant) but B of Baby.
And then the three mothers are B M.. (and here I saw that
they all should be labial then) ..W?
Crone is not Mary? but Woman nevertheless. kVinna? Yes,
speculating, but I use this poetic instrumentarium to
bruteforce the reality by trying all the guesses, the true
ones must fit.
Инициированно снизу
Санкционированно насверху (наверху значит
там и лежит, сверху значит вниз, на низ)
(наверху может значить что там
согласовали, что озволило тебе прво проявить по этому
поводу инициативу, а сверху значит что тебя лично сверху
отправили санкцию в реальность воплотить_))
Some novelle alphabets can be not as new as we may think
of them:
The Adinkra alphabet is a way to write
some of the languages spoken in Ghana and Ivory Coast,
such as Akan, Dagbani, Ewe and Ga. It is a simplified
version of the Adinkra symbols, and was introduced in
2015 by Charles M. Korankye, who
has written a number of books about it. According to
tradition, the Adinkra
symbols were created by Nana Kwadwo Agyemang Adinkra,
the King Gyaman people in the Ashanti region of Ghana
from 1810 to 1820. Or they were created by
Gyaman people, and the king liked them so much that he
wore them on his clothes and named that after himself.
Direction of writing: left to right in horizontal lines
Used to write: Akan, Dagbani, Ewe and Ga
Adinkra Syllabary (Adinkra Nkyea) is another was to
write Asante Twi based on symbols used in Akan society
since the early 19th century.
Adinkra are symbols from Ghana that
represent concepts or aphorisms. Adinkra are used
extensively in fabrics, logos and pottery. They are
incorporated into walls and other architectural
features. Adinkra symbols appear on some traditional
Akan goldweights. The symbols are also carved on stools
for domestic and ritual use. Tourism has led to new
departures in the use of symbols in items such as
T-shirts and jewellery.
The symbols have a decorative function but also
represent objects that encapsulate evocative messages
conveying traditional wisdom, aspects of life, or the
environment. There are many symbols with distinct
meanings, often linked with proverbs. In the words of
Kwame Anthony Appiah, they were one of the means for
"supporting the transmission of a complex and nuanced
body of practice and belief".
The oldest surviving adinkra cloth was made in 1817. The
cloth features 15 stamped symbols, including nsroma
(stars), dono ntoasuo (double Dono drums), and diamonds.
The patterns were printed using carved calabash stamps
and a vegetable-based dye. It has resided in the British
Museum since 1818, when it was donated by Thomas E.
The next oldest piece of adinkra
textile was sent in 1825 from the Elmina Castle to the
royal cabinet of curiosities in The Hague, in response
to an assignment from Major Friedrich Last, who was
appointed temporary Commander of Dutch Gold Coast. He
had the cloth commissioned from the Fante paramount
chief of Elmina for William I of the Netherlands, which
would explain why the coat of arms of the Netherlands is
in the centre. The other motifs are typical of the older
adinkras. It is now on display in the National Museum of
Ethnology in Leiden.
Adinkra calabash stamps:
Samples of recorded Adinkra symbols:
Nope, I don't want to say that these symbols are so
ancient that they could be the source of our alphabets
descending from mama Africa, why this writing system is
here is to demonstrate how symbols predate the writings
systems but who knows how much time, and to attract your
attention to some very similar symbols, which may tell
that the symbols may be related to ours, and thus,
probably preserving their meanings, may tell what they
initially were, for we have long forgot it, and archaic
societies may indeed be bearers carriers
of the protocultures.
So their O is like ours, and their A is that O with dot,
something like ☉
So their F is like ours
So their г is like russian
So their h reminds double h
So their i reminds double J
So their j and k remind ᛝ
So their m reminds Ⰿ (in fonts where it is with balls)
So their q reminds double Ч (and q is sometimes used to
transliterate the Ч sound)
So their r reminds Ⱃ
So their S reminds
So their T reminds T and especially ᛏ
So their W reminds Ф
So their X reminds H (compare to russian Х[h])
So their Y reminds a variant of their h (compare y &
So their ɛ reminds ɛ
So their ɔ reminds ɔ
So were their linguists so proficient, but for whatever
reason decided to use european symbols taken here and
there for some of their letters, but not for the others,
or were those symbols, being directly related to european
analogues, preserved by those african people?
And there are plenty of such stories with writings systems
dated as some recent developments, but then really who
The Bassa Vah alphabet is used to write
Bassa, a Kru language spoken in Liberia and Sierra
Leone. Its origins are obscure. Its name in Bassa is
Vah, which means 'to throw a sign'. The alphabet fell
out of use in Liberia during the 19th century.
In the 1900s, a Bassa by the name of Dr Flo Darvin Lewis
discovered that former slaves of Bassa origin living in
Brazil and the West Indies were still using the Bassa
alphabet. Dr Lewis had not encountered the alphabet
before and, after learning it himself, he decided to try
to revive the alphabet in Liberia.
Dr Lewis obtained a PhD in
Chemistry at Syracuse University, then returned to
Liberia via Dresden, where he commissioned a company
to manufacture the first ever printing press for
material written in the Bassa alphabet. In Liberia he
set up a school to teach the Bassa alphabet.
Originally the Bassa alphabet was written on slates with
charcoal, and the writing could be easily erased with a
leaf known as yan. People began to write with pencils in
the early 1940s. The original writing direction was
boustrophedon (alternating between right to left and
left to right), but the alphabet has been written from
left to right since the 1960s.
Pay attention to the same o and the ɛ as in Adinkra, and г
being the same, but mirrored (but not very many others
(though maybe there are: I only know those who reminds the
european glyphs, a more thorough comparison may reveal
more cognatic glyphs between Adinkra and Bassa Vah))