I shared that Kessler guy, because with all his flaws (who's flawless here?) it's an
outstanding work, whether it is correct or
not, and it would be a bummer if it's lost, because it
could be the biggest loss in that Fomenko scandal, when some
historic works were made by mathematician and published in the
most prominent soviet university and later historic department
labelled them as pseudoscientific (look who's talking!) but
failing to attach any constructive criticism to his work for at
least three years (I was watching that situation closely) maybe
even five (so long ago it was, that my
memory is not sure about this digit in it) and only after
let's say 3 to 5 years an engineer or a mathematician (memory also doubts what version is true) began
public intellectual battle with Fomenko, and I wasn't able to
follow their conversation, because whether their argumentations
required some level of competence I didn't feel like achieving
educating myself, or just the interest to this situation faded
with time, because what the situation taught me is that fuck
academia, those clerks don't know shit, so I was liberated to
begin my work from scratch without leaning onto the academia
speers. And the same rationalization could be beyond Kessler's
attempt to group all the dictionary into lesser semantic groups
without bringing reconstructed forms and structures made before
them (they can always be wrong, and me personally, I don't believe
in established language families, because of how russian and
japanese are similar. If I want to preserve the family structure
which is wide accepted today, I should attach japanese to slavic
languages, but it would be so insane and actually why not to
combine chinese to english because of some similarities? wo &
we and short words and simple grammar, that probably were the two
huge branches we initially were on, but cross-culture
communications made russian drift further from japanese and closer
to english, just as japanese drifted towards chinese, so it's not
a tree, but a jar of aminoacids the way I imagine it.
But after saying all that I decide to not dig into his theory
until I develop my own dictionary and let it be better than his,
with much less semantic clasters.
I dare to mention Fomenko more and more explicitly in these texts
probably because I grew more hostile towards academia, but also
because a friend of mine mentioned him as a freak not worth
mentioning and I asked him why exactly doesn't he like what he
said, and I couldn't receive a coherent answer to that, he simply
accepted that academia is always right. Even though history of
science here and again prove otherwise.
So about the freaks, we should distinguish between them: there are
obvious freaks like Chudinov who's probably there to smear some
authentic artifacts like that Bornholm alphabet runestone; then
there are those freaks who are whether fools or trolls like
Oreshkin; then there are some clinically insane freaks like
Lukashevich. Those evaluations are purely subjective, but they
allow to understand where I stand.
The other group of linguistic freaks are Vashkevich and Dragunkin,
who pull some outrageous conclusions (here I
speak as an academic golem. I should be more specific. And more
specific is that they claim that one nations were born by the
others: Dragunking writes that japanese language is spawn of
russian, which is rather outrageous, but should be explored why
does he think it is, it could be hidden in the folds of his
texts, where I haven't looked. Vashkevich writes that russian
language itself is a spawn of arabic, which is even more
outrageous, but doesn't contradict the previous claim made by
his colleague) out of their observations, but the
observations itself may be rather useful for those who learn
foreign languages (Vashkevich compare arabic words to greek,
russian and whatever else, I didn't even read him (and now I did and he's not as bad as his fans
sang me: I just had a look into this text about bees and I found it
rather fascinating, even though I stumbled at how he connected
bee to comma, but then I understood that thus he united several
"dictionary articles" into one рассказ, because fasila sounds as
russian пчела, but here's where academic minds lose him (loose him) because that link is rather
weak to be called etymologic, even though then he brings some
additional links in the form of that other comma standing at the
sixth position looks somewhat like inverted 6, but hardly many peer-reviewers have passed through
that one freaky part. But to speak seriously, he uses
associative thought which is pretty much the opposite of the
abstract thought more commonly used in science, thus his work
can be some form of poetry, some mnemonic stories at best, but
seriously it's not science) Dragunkin compares russian
to japanese and to english. All that can be incredibly useful as
mnemonic tools. upd: I read some of
Vashkevich, he's way freakier than Dragunkin (here I spoke after I read what his fans
write, I'm such a prick sometimes. as I said before, I read
some of it, and he's not far from Dragunkin, he's actually
interesing (until he goes way too far and you get enough of
that crap) and I forgot how awkwardly childish Dragunkin's
rants can be. look who's speaking! yeah, free minds are
freaky, are they in free key) so freakery is some range
(по ранжику, о жир потёк. он дано течёт,
это море жира. и абажуров из кожи) Dragunkin is
alright until he begins to theorize, his dictionaries are
directy homonyms (like わた、【綿】 in
japanese and вата in russian. another わ
た is water: 海、【わ
た】) which is much better
(more abstract) than Vashkevich's associative mnemonic stories.
upd: some of his mnemonics can be actual etymology, if сорока is
indeed воровка in arabic, and namus is actually law, and I don't
have to memorize it if I see it in astronomy. So, the material
he produced can be used for mnemonic dictionaries of arabic or
russian, etymologic or not, nobody knows until ai delivers the
actual coherent structures of all the languages.
Fomenko also belongs to that second group of semi-correct
scientific marginals, and the most prominent reason of his
theories not being taken seriously (I'm not even talking of them
being accepted) is that he doesn't have education of a historian.
(but Vashkevich not only has some linguistic
education, he also has some scientific degree in the field,
which doesn't stop him from making some not exactly
scientifically acceptable propositions) this chapter is на
заплате заплата, а потому я перепишу его начисто когда-нибудь.
But seriously, if prominent mathematicians use some previously
published tools and models to the structure of historic data, that
alone demands a proper outlook from scientific society, which
didn't happen when he was relatively alright, and now there's even
less chance of that being done properly, for that guy whether went
trolling or was sold out or whatver happened to him, that the
level of his scientific thought dropped from mathematical
modelling to mere speculations. Or it could be because it's easier
to notice what is wrong with the state of affair happening at the
moment, but one has ever-growing tendency to fall short when (s)he
tries to describe as it was or what's supposed to be done in the
future. Me myself, I'm definitely in that second group of freaks,
and some of my assumptions are probably dead wrong, but those main
elements of this theory the structures and some other findings may
persist and sustain. And I actually except
(expect to accept) some
academic recognition in the following three years or so. Even
though I was recently told that Ignaz Semmelweis
was disregarded for awhile because MDs are psychopaths: see
Semmelweis effect. Gregor Mendel's founding of genetics was
completely ignored for thirty something years I began
that path believing that anything can be achieved in mere ten
years, also they say history goes faster than before, so I expect
it to take society ten years to recognize what it's all about. And
it's been over six years now since I went public, so..
Awesome stuff waves of the internets bring my way
Yeah, no use to reform
the academia, leave it completely, create your own castle on
clearer spot and firmer ground.
My next task on this way is to create some information resource,
where all ALL the information on the planet earth.
I will be in freaky nebulas, because I
refered to people standart academia doesn't dare to mention. I
will be their weak bond to some obscure linguistics of more
academic figures, with all the respect academic, my punk rock is
justified, but as I said in the very beginning, some of them are
alright, some of them are very alright (who?), but i don't know
any very alright individual in linguistics, even myself is too
weird to be a king, and above whom? fuck them, gosh. But they
milk go-t, but insane militaries milk the goat much better, it
doesn' make me want' to participate in their deeds. But what if
we make military actions agains us ineffective? they are not
interested, because they want to reserve the possibility to
successfully bomb their own population if they must, for
themselves. or am I just way too cynical?
and here I realize (a couple of months later actually, I'm half
through this volume now) that business is the new science. Those
cool guys who dropped unis they made it not in academia, but in
You can change the world via business too. And I watched peterson my man no matter what (or
is he? but I'm still indecissive on this one,
because the last time whites chimped out it fucked us all up
real bad. pepe the frog could be the psy-0p all along, that frog
meme began as disgusting frog, when freaks shared some
disgusting things they did or imagined like advice-dog one,
advice dog gave that new standart I think, many used it and that
disgusting frog too, and it grew into numerology and politics
when somebody found that frog was some godlike figure. they call
him kek, even though heket is her name) he explained that
different people have different roles in business: conscientious
people are good as managers, and creative people are good at
bringing up new ideas. You need managers when you know what
you're doing. You need creative people when you don't know what
you're doing. I will practice what I just preached, because I
was the one who motivated my mom to make business and I wasn't
much needed ever since, I guess she knows what to do, she has
some creativity herself, even though she's very conscientious
unlike me who is irresponsible as fuck.
вера = в ра
русский язык несёт следы египетского влияния, а я сам несу следы
задорновского влияния (и у меня есть свои причины оставить здесь эту эпитафию: я не ценил его
талант, отправив ему и рецепт лекарства от его хвори, но сделав
это грубо, неуважительно, нет у нас не ценят талант, ничего не
ценят, нет культуры, одна бычка, а я мог бы сейчас с ним
связаться, но я сам отрезал от себя этот плас человеческой
культуры. Он продолжал даже будучи осмеян, войдя в прямое
столкновение с наукой,
жара пора, гореть возможно тож, жарить. жареть. жирнеть. джа=ра (и
жара билингва, но это понятие, что слово может объединять формы
разных языков я подрезал в фоменковской царь-батюшка, и возможно
там же где-то я и перестал его читать, потому что всё больше
полезло логических мягко скажем натяжек, тогда я решил что похоже
он продался (мол раз историческая наукаа его не принимает, не
наука, то отчего бы ему не заняться тем же чем они занимаются
получая во много крат больше чем они, тоже успех.
Т.е. я не боюсь поднимать гипотезы, осмеянные ранее, потому что
почти ни одна из них (ни одна из тех дикостей что я знаю) не была
адресованна по существу, ран выпустила доклад зелезняка, который
по советской риторической традиции их громил, не приводя впрочем
никаких обоснований ктоме того что они фу а мы во
The tifinagh canon you can see above follows
european alphabets to a degree, but it is different here and
there, and these differences demonstrate explanations for some
question raised when I described explored though of alphabets
without the tifinagh writing system. But is it real? Cannot it
be a novice invention of their local nationalists as some
russian writing systems appear how would I know that they were
fake if I hear of them as a foreigner? I wouldn't. Or rather
wiki would tell me that it's fake. I would hear. Let's
try to google russian runes. And I opened a private page and
switched vpn on just in case.
and look what I found, the two antiheroes and the red flag in
between exposing them as commie influencers, and that is the flag
of moscow oblast, which is the metropoly of these territories and
exactly since commies took over (it is the old capital, the one
which raised by selling us to the Golden Horde and they're the
horror and shame of our society, and that flag is infamously of
the colour of blood, for they shed it a lot, and they intimidate
us with not being shy to shed it again.)
Where I took it they literally claim russians could read 200 000
years ago, and they're infamous in russia as freaks, one of them
is literally a comedian, they stumped the field of independent
linguistic research in russia making it painfully unpopular to
deviate from official opinions on language and history, it's a
demoralization campaign, I know that comedian has a very jewish
mother, I suspect the other one to also be a jew, but more of
khazarian than askenazi
and that fraudulent claim they base upon another fraudulent claim
about The Roseau Stone, which as I figured is whether fake
completely, or at least the claim of it being as old as 200 000
years are fake and gay) and I found that poison spreading further,
some americans recommending each-other Chudinov to read, it could
be a good indicator of pseuds, but now I feel like I must do
something to conquest the flag of russian linguistics out of the
claws of the freaks.
then I kept on digging through the other finds on "russian runes"
and I found 41 russian runes (sometimes the same system included
only 39 of them) which I call bullshit for some very modern
details and I don't elaborate on them not to give the future
forgerers the ideas.
and then I found a couple of pages with actual runic scripts found
on russian territories, but then the first of them also looks
fraudulent. Like what is that metal looking so new? And they seem
to know how it was used in detail, which is also suspicious about
their integrity and rigor.
but either way, here it is:
I don't know where they see that ᚯ rune, but then the lower chart
numbers it 12. And though few other forms are runic, most of the
signs are some weird never seen before, so I call it a fake.
Didn't I get too ballsy? I also realized myself a hypocryte: I
call academia faggots and so on, but I still trust them more than
other freaks. But then like Gluhoff said "academia stops some
fresh points of view from entering the public view, but they also
prevent utter crap from doing so" I would say it performs both of
these functions poorly, but then there's some truth to it.
But then where I took it there's a collection of actual runic
writings, so I link and mirror them,
these links are not even freaky, they just got into the context, I
will probably edit them out of here later.
https://www.arild-hauge.com/ru-e-rusland.htm (mirror)
https://www.arild-hauge.com/europe-rune.htm (mirror)
but I don't place those pictures on the page, because I don't plan
speaking about them today. And not here, those artefacts are
mostly valid, it's a rudiment from vol.19 where it belonged but
ended here just because I better take some
rest, smoke some more and return to discussing that tifinagh
canon and what it may tell in the context.
word Quattrocento standing for 1400 to 1499 may tell that Fomenko
is correct telling that 2022 is only 1022. Or was that word what
made him think this way, I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere among
their arguments, this would make a great argument, and if I
checked if it was true it alone could pretty much convince me, but
they bring all sorts of arguments to prove that weird point of
A friend of mine researches merya writing system, here's what he
sent me,
and the way it begins might be the most valid piece of whole this
Вот раскопка берестяной грамоты XIII века, на
территории мерского стана (мерянских поселений)
юмолануоли і нимижи
ноули се хан оли омо боу
юмола соудьни иохови
юмолан нуоли інимижи
ноули сека н[у]оли омо боу
юмола соудьнии оковы
"Стрела бога с десятками имён
Божья эта стрела
Вершит божий суд."
"Бога стрела,
стрела тоже стрела.
[Божьим судом окованы.] "
upd: it's finno-ugric alright, here's another quote about it:
Особый интерес представляет новгородская
берестяная грамота № 292 — грамота, найденная в 1957 году при
раскопках в Новгороде, являющаяся древнейшим из известных
документов на Чудском финно-угорском языке. (Напомним, что
в средневековом Новгороде был Чудский административный район -
Чудский конец) Документ датируется началом XIII столетия.
but it goes way weirder from here on:
here is how it started yesterday, and it might be completely
I will dig into it with time and report on it further
What is weird is wiki writes that the language is unwritten. So
keep your scepticism, or rather keep it on (being
not a native speaker I am not always sure about the use of this
or that word)
So far I will post all he gave me yesterday:
А вот примеры мерянских начертаний (помимо букв, в
том числе начертание изображений)
(that's what he said, and though I believe it to be completely
novice invention, whoever made it, made it on the basis of the
skandinavian runes and the names are based on the permian writing
Древнеэрзянская письменность (там использовались
руны, как у мерян)
Но язык сохранился в неизменном обличии
это он так сказал, но я поискал источник (картинка
кликабельна) и так я и предполагал: Памятники
опубликованы в книге В.А.Чудинова «Руница и тайны археологии
следующая картинка тоже "фантазия художника" прикладываю
лишь как иллюстрацию:
Заметил, что у мерян и у эрзян встречаются похожие символы, если
брать их древнюю руническую письменность, несмотря даже на то,
что они звучат по-разному
«Покштояк ульнесь седе покш пакся»
Это тоже какая-то мерянская письменность (дославянская), тоже
рунами ещё до букв
But then pdf he sent me when I asked him for sources didn't
contain these images, and the reverse search for the previous
image gave me this:
Камни из СкальскаВ 1852 году чешский археолог
Вацлав Кролмус прибыл в село Кралск (болеславский край). В это
же самое время сельчанин Юзеф Кабша, ремонтировал подвал, в
котором хранил пиво. Ударив в одну из стен подвала, он отметил,
что удар прозвучал подозрительно глухо — создавалось
впечатление, что за стеной была пустота. Кабш пробил стену и
оказался в достаточно большом подземном зале. Потолок зала был
подперт каменным столбом. Подземелье явно было могильным
склепом, поскольку в нем было обнаружено несколько урн. Увидев
урны, Кабш понадеялся, что найдет в них деньги, однако его
надежды не оправдались. Огорчившись, крестьянин разбил урны и
выбросил на свалку. Именно в это время и прибыл Кролмус.
Прослышав о разбитых Кабшем урнах, Кролмус нанес ему визит и
попросил показать склеп. Осмотр склепа проходил в
присутствиинескольких местных жителей. Во время этого осмотра на
столбе, подпирающем свод, и были замечены два камня с надписями.
Кролмус перерисовал обе надписи и, закончивдругие свои дела,
уехал. Однако он не был уверен в достаточной качественности и
точности своего рисунка, поскольку во время осмотра камни были
покрыты грязью и плесенью. Поэтому Кролмус в 1853 и 1854 годах
попросил нескольких человек, чтобы они еще раз скопировали эти
надписи. Все присланные копии, за исключением одной, весьма
плохо выполненной, совпали между собой.
So my friend seems to be a pseud. But he's a good guy, he's just
very, very young.
(even though I have zero idea if this latter quote is legit or
not, I have zero idea if this artefact even exists or ever did,
but let it lay here for now, it's not the worst of them all,
belongs here well)
His main idea or at least an idea on the surface (I didn't read
into him) is that words have two readings: forwards and
backwards: кот и ток, лоб и ball or something, and I saw
that лев is feline, and thus in the only other example I can tell
from the top of my head, as two hemispheres, cat in one is ток
(electric current) in the other, and because cat is the only
animal amongst humans which can give electricity, this pair is
simply stunning.
(here from now on I shall collect
such pairs. I will not read Lukashevich any
time soon, but I give him homage, a misunderstood guy, even by
me at first, and still.. I had a dialogue with Hans, whom I at
first also considered a little off, but his theory is based upon
sanskrit, and sefer yetzirah, but then his theory is so
unorthodox, that even though I made a dialogue-pdf with him (he
did, actually) I still consider him a little off, but then only
a little more off than myself)
кот ~ ток
pot uis top (probably because it is how it looked on a hook, on a branch, fo of a branch, and
also because it is the hot spot, thus does it resemble a
mountain, as if a vulcano. pot and hot unite п and h.
of ~ for
siFR,ES,IT ~ yes (is)
(siFR is also if (esliRU)
if is si in latin and spannish and french
if is se in italian
si is also so in french, and I guess those are the same si, that
only can be translated differently
know ~ own (synonyms)
ah ~ ha (antonyms (but if ah and oh are antonyms, then ah and ha
are synonyms))
кот ~ ток (synonyms, in a way, ток would be natural name for a
cat, but then somebody inverted cat not to confuse the two, and
everybody liked it. But then some ток-like word for cat should
exist not too far. But there's not, dog is the opposite of cat, I
realized it when I found turkic word for cat: pişik which is
probably a cognate of пёсик. little пёс, little бес. Пёс как когда гогната=когда-то! когната
Both piss without any shame. Cat digs it, very good behaviour, he
flatters us and likes our side, because he probably learnt that
from us. And we feed them, house them, they appreciated that.
Это мы испортили отношения кошек и собак? Назвав их наоборот могло
им мозг крутануть, но есть причины и поважнее: мы могли ставить
собак сторожить вход. Ну и коды хвостом, я как-то написал о разный
хвостоязык у животин подобен различию меж болгарами и русскими, и
вообще вроде всеми остальными (кто-то ещё как болгары, вроде, но
даже не знаю кто) в общем, кусок стиха: волгары.. но там такое,
что по памяте непроцитировать:
волгарам проще говорить нет просто прижав морду
к добыче.
или трясутся, играются у довольствии.
если нет тэла - то как фарфорчик китайский ла лэ
рысски же дрессируют хвыстом.
или изгибают спинку у довольствии.
если нет хлоста - то страшно наверно, трясутся, сътрясно
тэл for tail (энд тело?) is cringey, but
хлоста for хвоста́ and хлыста́ works it out well
So no, it wasn't us. Dogs are bigger, cats are quicker (the
fastest animal is feline, canines are nowhere near)
кот ~ dog
(кат и даг в каком-то диалекте
английскака (but it's not some hatered
towards english, русского also sounds as ruskaka, so is it why
russians insist on pronouncing it as russkava? as if coffe isn't
дик~кид (дикий кидается (это всё к дог~кот))
get ~ take (I told you, those are synonyms, от перемены мест
слагаемых сумма не изменяется)
was ~ saw (было видел) it's funny that I
didn't see is ~ see in this claster. How awesome that I later
(synonyms, they're synonyms. Invertion doesn't invert,
reading the other way, as in boustrophedon would not have to be
read antonymously, synonymous it would be. дитя~элэд? моё давнее
наблюдение про יֶלֶד похожее на дети (ибо l похоже на t)
дом ~ мод? модуль? людом (надо модульным
моё строительство называть)
अद् [ad] есть
पा [pa] пить
he is, you see. As the semantic reversal, we see wgat what us,
we and you are
also such reversal.
This idea is definitely growing into something true.
Probably it shall expose the basal lexical corpus.
And only when I brought it here, something made me look this text
(probably subconsciousness which could see it when I rolled to
this place to insert it) and see was and saw.
до-ро-га ~ го-ро-да
Совпадение это или закономерность? дорожка ~ дрожка (коляска,
запряжённая лощадьми, оставляющая колею, которой может быть дорога
была называ.. названа) город ~ град
(камень?) от слова гора.