It is volume 27 (26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)

А  B  G (voiced and plosive or voiced and fricative)
Е  F  X (voiceless and fricative, unless fei~pei and ха~ка, but maybe not)

a b g
e f h

A б g

lingual labial vowel. And here I must check indian attitude to vowels. Are they always first, or usually the last? When you look for indian alphabet, among images you see half of them having vowels up front and the other half doesn't have them at all or have it in the end, as in this case:

is it the 7×7 russian neopagans crave about?
wtf is hri vowel?
I looked into sanskrit, and I noticed that e changed and hri is not here, but an l and two r vowels appeared, and that hri is one of R's:

and it is to my surprise, that the unicode places all labial (even from different rows) in the end
And I see that I need more transliterations, because sound of some letters are still not clear:
also the other sonors, nlr, before the labial part, is an interesting detail.

a friend sent me this vision of абgд

a as a
б should roll 90° clockwise to be Б or to be as it is to be b
g is great G
and g is a great G, and thus g is G rotated 180°
д is good d and D at the same time
Arcade3d is the name of the guy, thank you dear friend.

and if we rotate it 90° counterclockwise we get even better D, thus b and c and d can be rotated, but c the g is rotated not 90 but 180°, unless I can see г or г in it. It seems I can see them all in them all. So many shapes are attributed to each letter, so many historic variants, that nothing is true anymore.
Or rather it looks like it is what it is, but then I always win, it is unlikely. I maybe have my own personal replication crisis. Have I? Do I have many contradictions? B~C is one of them. Yes it is weird, but mothers bear boys too. C is for child. дитё ~ 子[koJA сыCH (子[сы] = сын) shows how C is both s and k
and a doesn't have good shape rotated 90° from that one. But then it would make great a if it was mirrored and rotated. And from that

a currently popular video blogger told me that jewish word meat used to mean any food. And it seems to me in english it is also so: m eat (m is cow? moo?) пит in питание has the same ит.
eat ~ food ~ явства (от слова ести, eat ~ ест (c is probably of st claster, which t in eats probably is. Russian have aphricate sk instead of english ks (even though english has flask and russian have к себе) and it makes me ask myself if ps is sp in russian? gospodi makes sense then: g as great, good, grand, god; сп ~ psy (душа); ди(deus dio deity))

And his contribution is magical, because it is synchronistic: I was trying to do the same with yin yang fish, and failed, and didn't even save to show you. But his a made me giving it another try, and it is a hit

the idea is to have yin yang symbols representing aбgд so that I would rotate it and get AБGD, and here I placed them vertically to have the horizontal representation when the book lays on a table. And notice that when it lays on the other side, we'll have the horizontal's representations for a and b, but g and d are white this time. Господь Душа (I wanted to say Деус, but у was typed in twice omitting e by some meta-typo thing.

Why I take that thing seriously (and oh I do) is that by accident I got me two by two without repetitions: two vertical balls and two horizontal balls. two go clockwise and two go counterclockwise.
And it is by coincidence, I didn't think about that before until I finished it.

but one thing is off: I have them aБGd vertically and aбgD or aбgд
gд requires a p-like shape for a (or д, but none appear) е is p-like, so it is бgдe

And it is for the second time in a day or two i think of this representation, the BCD and vowels being the other canon, but this бgдe thing links them into one. And probably those бgдe shapes appeared to unite the vowels with consonants. Maybe wishing to unite the country. I wonder if it worked, but it probably did, since we use the united alphabet, and we do so since the edge of time, but that is why we'll never know, and it's alright, superdetermenism of indefinite minds will reveal that past even without direct evidence. It is a gut feeling crystallized by my vision of the world. I think this model is rather to the point, but it was not performed during a thought process, so take it cautiously, as a poem.
so that бgдe thing reminds me of this:

it is sabaean:

but the writing is to my surprise not BCD, but MRD:

I wasn't wrong about d though, and m being b, it literally relates to ᛒ and their b is П and their g is Г, it is the same structure, but until I see actual genuin abecedary I take it with a grain of salt. I think they just transliterated and then aranged them as they saw fit, but I have too big of a mouth. I researched this thing in vol.VI. So what I am saying is that 𐩣𐩧𐩵 could be bcd, and unicode has other arangement, the halaham it is, according to where the 𐩣 is:
𐩠  𐩡 𐩢  𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩯 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼 𐩽 𐩾 𐩿
𐪀  𐪁 𐪂 𐪃 𐪄  𐪅 𐪆  𐪇 𐪈 𐪉  𐪊 𐪋 𐪌 𐪍 𐪎 𐪏 𐪐 𐪑 𐪒 𐪓 𐪔 𐪕 𐪖 𐪗  𐪘 𐪙 𐪚 𐪛 𐪜 𐪝 𐪞 𐪟
on the top the sabaean, aka ancient south arabic
and right under it goes ancient north arabian
Ancient North Arabian (ANA)[1][2] is a collection of scripts and possibly a language or family of languages (or dialects) related to Old Arabic that were used in north and central Arabia and south Syria from the 8th century BCE to the 4th century CE.[3] The term "Ancient North Arabian" is defined negatively. It refers to all of the South Semitic scripts except Ancient South Arabian (ASA) regardless of their genetic relationships.[4]
Pay attention to 𐩣 being 𐪃 which is very similar to 𐩨 and thus it supports my claim that labials probably being taken one for the other

But let's return to the tai-chi thing: when that tay chi is vertical, it starts clockwise and ends clockwise, and if you count thow those rotations hidden by the middle counterclockwise, it goes to the phase, and the бg thing (which is probably one thing, one 69-like ☯) goes counterclockwise 90°, the same 90° we counted the rotations of a into d

And that ☯ (the vertical a, btw) thing explains the unity of b and c.
but I still can only see how Б includes Г and that Б reminds G I didn't see before this moment.

actors could be seen like shamans channeling other people

Greetings from vol.13:

Doesn't this keyboard instrument reveal the previous shape of the keyboard? I was looking for it somewhere in the previous volumes, I wonder why I didn't notice this one then, I do not mention it.

Прекращать от какого слова? красть? краще? трат крат как  в слове кратын кратный.

прекрати пред крат.. что? пре крат прее пере играть? карать? ощущение, что там слово cut, 切る[kiru] which reminds kill very more. And cut is kill, so to prekratitt is to stop

切 is read as kiri in g.translater in japanese, yet it transliterates it as setsu, and in chinese it is Qiè read as some real long and sophisticated че so sophisticated it is, that it isn't че, but щ.
о п щ р с т?
if Q~Щ, then is O ω-like? and Ω is it is.
ш is o? ш reminds w and in u-line it stands, and in ω-line as well, the υ-line:
and ω does look like doubel υ


MNO to my surprise preserves the triliteral line of labial, lingual, vowel, v after l
labial before lingual and b is before ng and n and g
la'bial le'ngual vowel

laMBda toNgue vOwel
M N O ??? what were the chances? I didn't twist it into this revealed just few chapters before.

what were the chances of what? of the labial having labial and that labial similar to m
mЗω (to my suprise this rolling the letter to its back for better comfort or why no, this rolling is new thing for me, and I wanted to say that .m3u looks even more awesome now.

MZV it was. 321. so V Z M makes better sense, and it is the structure of sanskrit alphabet with vowels standing first. V X M it is in roman numerals (I is just a tally, V can be seen the first true numeral, because it is the first letter working to denote a number of things. They say piraha don't even understand the concept of abstract number. M is the final letter of

working with hungarian runes I found some interesting book (but I do not read hungarian and if I could,

I cannot pay by card because I live in russia under sanctions, and I am not yet literate enough to use cryptocurrency well enough, my site is frozen (because I was hosting at a foreign hoster) and technically I could move abroad as a refugee, but this very policy of accepting refugees sole-handedly made those hospitable countries significantly worse, and it would be a hypocrisy for me to criticize those policies and use them to my korystt

but because we looked into gokturk runes in the end of the previous volume, let's look into hungarian rovas in the beginning of this one:

and where I found this, I also found something misterious:

Cím rovással: "megújított székely rovásírás" (Balás Gábor, 1988)
Title with runes: "renewed Székely runes" (Gábor Balás, 1988)
in that title telling in runes what they say it is saying, notice how 𐲀 is growing upon 𐲮, making those rovas rather abugidaic.

an interesting use of alphabet I just found:

a hidden unity of N and S:
you're a man = jij bent een manDU
you're a man = du bist ein mannDE

Here I found (or rather my interest made youtube bring it to my feet) five protowords I maybe can use to comprehend the cryptophasia:

There Priscilla Dunstan tells that the universal bb talk is
neh "hungry"
owh "sleepy"
eh "burping"
eairh "farting"
heh "uncomfy"

I have little idea if it is true, I guess I will figure it out some day
and once we're on this kiddy thing, the lifehack of hamilton hold belongs here well

раха ~ страха (не, ну серьёзно, это жже не спроста)

По первой версии, имя Ада – это древнееврейское имя, форма имени Адена, которое означает «украшение». В Ветхом завете это имя носила жена Ламеха, потомка Каина, и жена Исава. Интересно что Ада – это второе женское имя, упоминаемое после Евы в Библии, что наводит на версию о том, что Ада – женская форма имени Адам.
Eva ~ Heaven? And here I notice that another reading of that name is Hava
(e is ha, thus a is literally ah, as they spell it in russoan: а!)

!~h? !~i, i~и~И~H
ах~ай? ah can be transliterated as both ах and ай
and а too.

if eva starts with e, and I can see that a is for адам

Thinkiong of how horse is ma in chinese, but cow is not mu, but ku. Is it related to the fact of eastern alphabets starting their consonant sequence not with labial, but with velar.
And it made me think if somebody reformed the language substituting moo with coo? the ko of cow and корова.
And I only find it to be nyu in chinese and ushi in japanese.
But then I fed 牛 into and
妓夫 [ぎゅう]
1. pimp; brothel tout​
Other forms

牛 【ぎゅう】、妓夫 【ぎふ】
牛: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
and how could I know this rarely-used kanji form?
Ah, from this:
牛肉 [ぎゅうにく] beef​
and this:
牛乳 [
ぎゅうにゅう] cow's milk​
and this I did not know, there it's even closer to that ko I had in mind:
互角 [ごかく] equal (in ability); even; evenly matched; well-matched; on par (with)​
Other forms:  牛角 【ごかく】、互格 【ごかく】 (互格: Irregular kanji usage.)
and here it is also ko of equal, that qu is ko? It is a bold guess, I play bold.
And this is how we learn the language, by expanding the clasters of what I know:
牛津 [オックスフォード] Oxford (​Usually written using kana alone)
Other forms: 牛津 【オクスフォード】(牛津: Rarely-used kanji form)
And that 津 gives away what that ford means. Ferry, and both words, ford and ferry, definitely relative words, mean паром, переправа, переправлять (that is ferry) and ford is брод (and definitely cognates are not known to most foreign speakers, and thus demand separation of these relatively rare words from the first lexicon, and I here separate cognates into basic and extended advanced courses)

Both ford and ferry are surnames, and it could prevent me from watching them in dictionaries until now, when I often can watch movies without subtitles and dictionaries.

津 is too obvious: water's  and hand with a stick in it, and lower horizontal lines are water. very cool.
But then 津 by itself is tsu, and is not only ferry (strictly speaking, ferry is not ford, probably ferry is the only ford japanese understood, for to have a ferry, you need ford (did people build fords before they learnt to build bridges? was Jesus using one of those?))

津 is too clearly an ideogram, nothing of tsu or цу can I see in it, thus I must collect only hieroglyphs which have similarity to european's alphabets transliteration of the word. Such as
一 for i (in both chinese and japanese)
大 [taj] for taJA (and maybe that horizontal line can be read as that j the 一 japanese people always have (unless they read it as oo) in chinese it is ta with no trace of j (it is clearly ta even though they transliterate it as dà)

Chinese use latin alphabet not as we do, I should look deeper into the latin transliterations they have to have an insight or two:
长 (long) is transliterated as zhǎng but read as chhan (чхан)
(japanese don't use 长)

compromized (компрометирован) означает, что на человека есть компромат у кого-то, кого он покрывает или ради кого каким иным образом нарушает обязательства.


but with rance alone there are too many examples, so I pass
 preponderance nonappearance disappearance recalcitrance perseverance remonstrance intemperance protuberance reappearance preclearance disseverance noninsurance intolerance remembrance furtherance deliverance forbearance coinsurance encumbrance reinsurance reassurance appearance exuberance temperance nurturance sufferance penetrance monstrance reentrance insurance assurance clearance tolerance ignorance severance endurance fragrance utterance hindrance esperance flagrance cumbrance aberrance securance entrance iterance vibrance outrance durance trance prance rance
it was a rudiment of poetic patterns circuits

and only one word ends with orance оранж? ино-орандж? it is poetic, but rather raw and random.

arrogance is the only word ending in ogance
ignorance is the only word ending in orance
so ign and err can be reduced. and so similar errogance and angerance are that г ~ r

is brains brance? isn't ignorance ~ ignorants? ignorance as an abstract concept incarnate in bodies of dumbs?

I'm confused by veal. calfskin. The ethicity of that product, the product I want, so nasty.

to~on (though t is т)
or does the shape of letters tell of

m is double л
t is 1 and 3
m is 2 and 4 (2 𐲤Λ's)

Looking at turkic alphabet I thought that they collected vowels at the front (the side of tha alphabet in europe considered much more esoteric (it's so esoteric as if people intentionally forgot it. And people are known to slay slaughter masses for following old doctrenes (christians in europe for one)
P and M standing where they stand in alphabets of europeans tell that extraction of vowels is a later tradition, But I still stand with mno, but amn is amen. amat.
AMТ (NLA and ТRU share the key, what a coincidence, or is it?)

If A is also a later addition (was it from some Alexander? history might preserve or forget) was BCE that? or was it just BC and the word book be of that origin? book~back (because they're backups)

The name of a site wolfstreet made it clear that wall is of wolf (от волка (не в смысле что волк её построил, а в том что защищаясь от волка её построили. не было бы волка не было бы стены, -ов)
But the f of of is on wolf. The children saw walls before they saw wolves. Т.о. wolf is "wall of" (волк wall to (к=to (c~t? c~d? (makes sense, abc, g is both gLA and dRU))))
The abbreviation RU makes runes russian thing.
RU is в гоРУ, в боРУ, в ноРУ, (го~high, бо~big, но~in, ru~earth(soil (ro in grow is that ru, ров, можно рыть (в~able)) гРУнт))

O~U (both are vav)
vav is 6, but V is 5 or even 4
abcdef and this is another reason to c/d be the same letter
and vav becomes was 4 when b was two and Г(H) was one (гаплоидные (haploid)) and be ~ do? as the opposite of go? (B to D as diploid to haploid, but if D is not d but g, as in russian it is)

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mistery.
and it made me look at it from alphabetic point of view, since h comebss before m
what story is now? my story is mistery? histroy iw is history is his story?
so some jouw story vernaal verhaal is to stand for now?

is moment~movement?

Similarity of HIStory and HISpanic made me go:
    historiographer     histophysiology     histopathologic     histochemically     historiographic  historiography     histopathology     histoplasmosis     histochemistry     histoplasmoses     histologically     historicalness     histrionically  histochemical     histaminergic     historicities     historicizing  histogenesis     histogenetic     histogeneses     histologists     histological     histaminases     historicists     historicisms     historically     historicized     historicizes  historicism     historicity     histrionics     historicize     histaminase     histiocytes     histiocytic     histologies     histologist     hispanidads     hispidities     historicist  historical     histrionic     histiocyte     histolysis     histolyses     histologic     histograms     histidines     histamines     hispanidad     hispanisms     historians  historian     histamine     histology     histogram     histidine     historied     histories     histamins     histidins     histogens     hispidity     hispanism  historic     hissiest     hissings     histones     histogen     histidin     histamin  history     histone     hisself     hissers     hissing     hissier     hissies     histoid     histing  hispid     hissed     hisser     hisses     histed  hissy     hists  hiss     hist     hisn his

In this modified copypaste I can see orderly leaves growing from the bottom, order determined by the words being sorted by quantity of letters and that words are aligned along the margin, and in the end of the line too I switched on, and to the centre it is more and more chaotic. but still the shape of white corridor at the sides makes that chaos look circular (or pyramidic, circle and angle could be the opposite

    historiographer     histophysiology     histopathologic     histochemically     historiographic  historiography     histopathology     histoplasmosis     histochemistry     histoplasmoses     histologically     historicalness     histrionically  histochemical     histaminergic     historicities     historicizing     histogenesis     histogenetic     histogeneses     histologists     histological     histaminases     historicists     historicisms     historically     historicized     historicizes  historicism     historicity     histrionics     historicize     histaminase     histiocytes     histiocytic     histologies     histologist     hispanidads     hispidities     historicist  historical     histrionic     histiocyte     histolysis     histolyses     histologic     histograms     histidines     histamines     hispanidad     hispanisms     historians  historian     histamine     histology     histogram     histidine     historied     histories     histamins     histidins     histogens     hispidity     hispanism  historic     hissiest     hissings     histones     histogen     histidin     histamin  history     histone     hisself     hissers     hissing     hissier     hissies     histoid     histing     hispid     hissed     hisser     hisses     histed     hissy     hists     hiss     hist     hisn     his


hispanics  lack of this word indicates that this list is not exhausted
hispidites   this and then next one seem to be
histrionic   the only two clasters I didn't know

With claster like this I perfect my english clearing out all the words I didn't know. Hist. Simple mutation of hiss? A shorter hiss. ending t is similar to endings micron and краткое?

To learn language by dictionaries makes no sense if you don't have some paranormal abilities, I learnt some words by reading dictionaries, but without context such memorization is weak. Only in sentences it goes inside of our psyche well.

And here, using smaller clasters than initial letters I can see that the most of the words are of two families: history (which I related to hisses and hists) and
    (biology) tissue
        Etymology: Borrowed from Ancient Greek ἱστός (histós, “web, tissue”).
            Alternative forms:
                hist- (before vowels)
thus I also improve my knowledge of other fields I am interested in.
And his, hiss, history and histology I knew. Hist is a new word for me, so are hispid,

hisn I would recognize in context as a typo I guess, but it is more than just his, it's a form of his as mine is a form of my.
Alternative form: his'n
Etymology: From Middle English hisen, ultimately corresponding to an alteration of his after mine, thine.
    (now regional, Britain and US, especially Appalachia) His. [from 15th c.]

his'n makes it clear how n is の, which makes me question if Argonauts travelled not to black sea (they had colony there, they probably go there all the time) so my sudden guess was that they travelled around the world to find the mistery of writing. So my guess was that the rocks opening and closing was some Scilla and Haribda. But all my time I thought that they travelled to the east, to crymea, and only for less than a decade do i think that they travelled to Sakartvello. But to travel around africa, it is weird. A weird hypothesis. Now I wonder how many words with hypo I may know..

and it is plenty, and the hypo is used itself, and I never knew it:
hypo (countable and uncountable, plural hypos)
    (obsolete) Melancholy; a fit of hypochondria; a morbid depression.
    (slang) A hypochondriac.
    (photography, informal) Sodium thiosulfate (also called hyposulfite of soda), a photographic fixing agent.
    (slang) A hypoglycaemia attack in a person with diabetes.
    (slang) A hypodermic syringe or injection.
    (slang, finance, Britain) Hypothecation.
    (informal, in the study of law) A hypothetical case.
    (informal, zoology) A hypomelanistic snake.

and the word thiosulfate lead me way away, because thio is relating to sulfur, and here's why:

Thiosulfuric acid is the inorganic compound with the formula H2S2O3. It has attracted academic interest as a simple, easily accessed compound that is labile. It has few practical uses.
and the word labile blew me away even more:
Lability refers to something that is constantly undergoing change or is likely to undergo change.
Biochemistry: In reference to biochemistry, this is an important concept as far as kinetics is concerned in metalloproteins. This can allow for the rapid synthesis and degradation of substrates in biological systems.
Labile cells refer to cells that constantly divide by entering and remaining in the cell cycle.[1] These are contrasted with "stable cells" and "permanent cells". An important example of this is in the epithelium of the cornea, where cells divide at the basal level and move upwards, and the topmost cells die and fall off.
Proteins: In medicine, the term "labile" means susceptible to alteration or destruction. For example, a heat-labile protein is one that can be changed or destroyed at high temperatures.
The opposite of labile in this context is "stable".[2]
Soils: Compounds or materials that are easily transformed (often by biological activity) are termed labile. For example, labile phosphate is that fraction of soil phosphate that is readily transformed into soluble or plant-available phosphate.[3] Labile organic matter is the soil organic matter that is easily decomposed by microorganisms.[4]

it's funny that I used the colour of whisper for hiss, as if шипеть~шептать, and it explains the morphology (formerly known as grammar) of whisper (w is a questioning element, but placed here as an ideogram, it is not read. So is b in lamb an ideogram? b for baa? lam for little? мал
is tomb to my brother with brother omitted, for for others too.
I hypothize in english.. to english word, so it is alright. Tomb is known in latin as Tumba and Tumbus, so did they also have to and me and bruur? or did they borrowed that cognate from germans or celts?
Romans knew mei, but not to, de is both of and for (de as degamma? de gramma?)
brother is frater
батя father
по и про? приставки добавленные к еврейской основе атя? ата is ты in hebrew, father is aba, ab. aθ?
effer? as of f-word? f-word is fuck, n-word is dark? fuck in the dark)

alphabet is father in hebrew: אָלֶפְבֵּית ,אָלֶף בֵּית ,א'ב
 (but it only seems so, that ' makes א'ב be alef bet)

-вич of russian second names is probably english word which  (english~russians, cognates are common)

mine and hiss as the opposites.
digging a mine we make it mine, hiss has to go,

Did cutting out the snake nests was how people began the digging?
Or other animals can dig them burrows, why would human not?

so that n ~ の thing could be a coincidence, but it's more likely a common symbol. Just as words are less abstract things than languages, so the letters are more concrete things than writing systems (just as alphabets aranged different symbols in similar, yet different patterns: | is a in arabic, but i in latin and runes, and o, u or even v or n in hebrew.
and this ו ~ ן thing correlating the ν~v thing, makes me think that |~/~✓ and thus was b the first letter that ו?

I was taught in school that barbarians were different from romans in the sense of wearing pants.
So could russians be not only cowards, but also pants? and I can see

Gay orgy победоносец
Сказание сообщает, что в окрестностях города Бейрута близ Ливанских гор[1] (в ряде текстов фигурирует вымышленный город Ласия[2] или «Гевал, в земле Палестинской»[3], а у Якова Ворагинского — город Силена в Ливии) в озере жил змей, нападавший на людей. Правил городом царь «грязный идолопоклонник, беззаконник и нечестивец, беспощадный и немилосердный к верующим во Христа». Народ, напуганный чудовищем, пришёл к нему, царь предложил составить список горожан и по очереди отдавать своих детей на растерзание змею, пообещав, когда придёт его очередь, отдать на смерть свою дочь. Исполнив своё обещание, царь «нарядил свою дочь в пурпур и виссон, украсил золотом и драгоценными камнями, и перлами» и повелел отвести к змею.
    Святой же и великий мученик, страдалец за веру Христову Георгий, чтимый небесным царем воин, который жил и по смерти, сияя великими чудесами, по Божьему соизволенью желая спасти нас, гибнущих, избавить город наш от этой напасти, в тот же час оказался на месте том в виде простого воина…[3]
    — «Чудо Георгия о змие» (список XVI века)

Is it what people believed few centuries ago? Or was it what priests taught? No wonder peole became atheist around that time. But the story is much more ancient, the "список" guh.. my bilingua is not coherent. Fuck off, we write for ourselves. And english version doesn't give that horror as bright:
In a legend, Saint George—a soldier venerated in Christianity—defeats a dragon. The story goes that the dragon originally extorted tribute from villagers. When they ran out of livestock and trinkets for the dragon, they started giving up a human tribute once a year. This was acceptable to the villagers until a princess was chosen as the next offering. The saint thereupon rescues the princess and kills the dragon. The narrative was first set in Cappadocia in the earliest sources of the 11th and 12th centuries, but transferred to Libya in the 13th-century Golden Legend.[1]
The narrative has pre-Christian origins (Jason and Medea, Perseus and Andromeda, Typhon, etc.),[1] and is recorded in various saints' lives prior to its attribution to St. George specifically. It was particularly attributed to Saint Theodore Tiro in the 9th and 10th centuries, and was first transferred to Saint George in the 11th century. The oldest known record of Saint George slaying a dragon is found in a Georgian text of the 11th century.[2][3]

and some more:
Silene in Libya was plagued by a venom-spewing dragon dwelling in a nearby pond, poisoning the countryside. To prevent it from affecting the city itself, the people offered it two sheep daily, then a man and a sheep, and finally their children and youths, chosen by lottery. One time the lot fell on the king's daughter. The king offered all his gold and silver to have his daughter spared, but the people refused. The daughter was sent out to the lake, dressed as a bride, to be fed to the dragon.
Saint George by chance arrived at the spot. The princess tried to send him away, but he vowed to remain. The dragon emerged from the pond while they were conversing. Saint George made the Sign of the Cross and charged it on horseback, seriously wounding it with his lance.[a] He then called to the princess to throw him her girdle (zona), and he put it around the dragon's neck.
Wherever she walked, the dragon followed the girl like a "meek beast" on a leash.[b]
The princess and Saint George led the dragon back to the city of Silene, where it terrified the populace. Saint George offered to kill the dragon if they consented to become Christians and be baptized. Fifteen thousand men including the king of Silene converted to Christianity.[c] George then killed the dragon, beheading it with his sword, and the body was carted out of the city on four ox-carts. The king built a church to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint George on the site where the dragon died and a spring flowed from its altar with water that cured all disease.[17] Only the Latin version involves the saint striking the dragon with the spear, before killing it with the sword.[18]

in russian tradition this beast is called чудо юдо (no wonder quikies hate russkies so much)

The spring which cured all diseases is probably the christian teaching, which thus indeed flowed from the altar. It is some psy0p story (and why do both 0 and o belong to right ring finger? is it because they both rings? (my first guess was to nulify the mariage of orth0dOxs)

why does ks deserve its own letter? is it because x is cross? k-s? x and \ is s while / is k the ᚴ
𐰮 is turkic ŋ, which is not far from Г, and the other forms of 𐰮 are 𐰭 and 𐰬, which reminds me directly of ŋ the ᛜ the ᛝ ~ ᛃ the j, and double ᚲ the ᚴ, which links us back to 𐰮, but then 𐰬 is double 𐰮.

Памятная банкнота Казахстана, посвящённая Кюльтегину. Скульптурная голова Кюльтегина и стела с его эпитафией орхонским письмом.

and that orhkon thing makes me think of orks, tolkien did make a piece of propaganda, even though he used norsk runes in his book, he as if called germans hunns. And kazakhstan, greatest country in the world, they don't give a fuck:

Though what they used in the centre is not a genuine coin, but an european souvenir:

And I wonder if at first it was satan, and then it was written ATILA to avoid the suspicion.
And there's another personage of human history who has horns. And is it antisemitic or the same?

somebody expresses information in a simple and easily comprihensible way:
 Простые числа указывают на божественные вещи, десятки - на небесные вещи, сотни - на земные вещи, а тысячи - на вещи будущего.
Значения чисел в каббалистической нумерологии:
1. Сущность, первопричина, Бог, Солнце.
2. Бинер. Соединение. Противоположности. Двойственность.
3. Тернер. Размножение. Треугольник. Троица.
4. Квартернер. Закон. Универсальная стабильность. Четыре первоэлемента.
5. Квинтернер. Знание. Пентаграмма. Чувственность.
6. Двойной Тернер. Прогресс. Баланс и гармония. Гексаграмма. Целостность. Совершенство. Спокойствие.
7. Септернер. Истина. Мудрость. Семь цветов радуги. Семь дней недели.
8. Гептанер. Двойной квартернер. Единство сил и средств. Бесконечность. Целостность.
9. Тройной Тернер. Сознание. Полное совершенство. Число посвящения и таинства. Завершенность.
11. Число несет в себе предупреждение: люди этого числа занимают промежуточное положение между добром и злом, Богом и дьяволом.
12. Сильный символ, выражающий идею целостности - число месяцев в году, число знаков Зодиака.
13. Традиционно несчастливое число.
22. Число букв в древнееврейском алфавите, число великих арканов Таро, число путей между сефирами Дерева Сефирот.
40. Абсолютная завершенность и целостность. Сорок дней потопа, сорок дней, проведенных Христом в пустыне, сорок дней общения Моисея с Богом на горе Синай.

(the first part of the text was omitted not because it was not to the point, but because that point is easily accessible and I mentioned some of it, and I didn't feel like copypasting a whole work of somebody else, a half of it, fine, they also took it somewhere)
Why it is here is it made me see the prominence of three:
тернер for three, but quartterner for four, as if terner is one. But this a~д thing is not what I saw before I started to write it. What I brought here is three~tree~tor the ᚦ? thorn is torの ねー?)
And jews messed me where they could: they gave me library number of 13 maybe not because they wanted me to focus on death, they just maked my work as unlucky. And it is coherent, that the tai-chi page is messed up. But they probably didn't know it.
So back on track, biner before terner tells me that ter is separated from ner. That ner is some suffix for this occasion. and b for biner. And what also makes a~g is

לְדַבֵּר to speak לְ is there their to of the verb

there ~ they're? thee are?
here ~ you're? whe are? he are?

Is who and what some cases of whe the we?
When somebody would tell hwe, people around whim would naturally asked who thosa those we were

but then where is way more fitting to we than here, which is more naturally of he or even you (not even, but nevertheless)

What is also interesting, is that I found the copypaste above from search of В основе алфавита лежит представление о мире как о соединении, to see the impact of my work so far, now will watch it with quotation marks.. no results in G, and Y doesn't find Xenia Hitler's review anymore, only a link to rsl the ргб (гб isn't it. гос.бандиты, though here it is росгосбиблиотека and not русскийгосподьбог)
and they seem to be the preservers of the obsolete system:

Main building of the library. The façade still retains the Soviet-era name "Lenin State Library of the USSR"
what change chance does russia

change is chance. No changes = No chances.
in russians шаг ~ шанс could be linked, but of course step is not exactly change, maybe those two words are connected, maybe our subconsciousness recognize similar words as similar concepts, and messed up (as if with a mes) our consciousness by the language.

I have to go and check the department in which my book is preserved, probably something interesteing is waiting for me there.

And moscow is a silly cow, Saint Petersburg is the true capital of Russia. But soon a capital of Ingria (or maybe not, SPB is more funny name, even though it is similar to FSB) either way, capital of Russian Empire it was, it is, it will be considered as such. Moscow is the capital of the darkest times.

Just compare the architecture, and tell me what is a capital building and what is just a large сельклуб.
and yet this library being moved to Moscow by then emperor Alexander II predetermined the consequent move of the capital:
In May 1861 under the vision and advice of Nikolai Vasilyevich Isakov [ru] and his predecessor a decree for the "first public museum in Moscow" was framed and during the following year approved by Alexander II of Russia, then the emperor.[5] The contents of the Rumyantsev Museum in St. Petersburg was shifted to Moscow and combined with other items including those from the Moscow University.[5] Pictures were transferred from the Hermitage Museum.[35] There had been certain discontentment among sections of society in St. Petersburg related to the shift of the library to Moscow.[31]
The official founding date of the Moscow Public Museum and Rumyantsev Museum (MPRM) is 19 June 1862 when the regulations related to it were passed.[37] While some collections such as the zoological collection were transferred to Moscow University, the Rumyantsev Museum, at the turn of the century, had a library and departments for antiquities, paintings, and ethnography among others.[38][8] Katia Dianina of the department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the University of Virginia writes that the shift of the museum to Moscow and its opening was the beginning of the city's "cultural renaissance".[39]
So I think I found the main conspirators of the soviet experiment, no wonder they didn't change the title, they're such useless faggots they would never do it right (I guess you're supposed to cut the letters off, clean the panel from the dirt so that the trace of the letters is also gone, then you calculate what the new writing would be considering the holes in which the previous letters were held by, then you install the new writing (but they didn't bother to even change the emblem at the entrance))

another protective cross, another possible origin of the symbol:

and armenian alphabet built of birds, could be of some importance, or who knows, maybe not, and it links to a video where they discuss armenian alphabet for an hour and a half, but it is in russian:

there they raise an interesting topic of khachkar, linking armenian to celts. They mention that there's some deep connection between the nations, but they leave it aside, not elaborating on it.

Every armenian was supposed to cut a stone like this one for his father. not to buy it, but to make it himself. NOw Now it's natural armenians are considered to be the best builders in all th e  USSR
(suddenly it feels unnatural to write ussr in minuscule, feels wrong being in contrast how huge ussr was. This name was probably offensive to americans and english people: it had U R SS (you are ᛋᛋ) in it, as if russia used some linguistic magic, and we surely did. I say we, as if I feel united with those retards who проводил такую политику)

how comes only today have I learnt that name  ion  german is also name, but they pronounce it на́мэ

How nice would it be if germans used runes instead of letters. Unless they didn't use it for literature because some people believe that they are connected with gods, and thus literature would be considered too frivolous, prophane even. So was christianity liberating? Was latin sanctified in christianity? I don't know. Not as strict, obviously. Tombstones and Swords were the most common place for runes, I also saw helmet, But few abecedaries I saw may say that letters(of this word literature is) were also runes. But numbers most of all, and days of week. And the first seven or something around H were used for musical notation. Americans don't even know H-note, that heroine is from hermanic modes.

Modes are within

В каком-то русском тексте читал разделение лада и строя (и я тогда не понял разницы, сейчас нашёл как они могут быть разными понятиями, и здесь гипотетизирую, нужно перепроверить и в случае ошибки reterm them:
Строй это европейский или арабский или японский, они все традиционно инструменты по разному настраивают. И хотя можно сыграть японский лад на европейском строю, будет лишь мелодически похоже, но по тембру некая слаборазличимая разница ощущается. Лады же это европейские разные способы игры на одинаково настроенном инструменте:
(here I wanted to give you a picture, but found text)
В чем разница между тональностью и ладом?
Действительно, это очень близкие понятия. Но понятие лада чуть шире: оно фокусируется на том, по каким правилам звуки объединяются вместе. Если у них одна система отношений — мы слышим мажор, другая — слышим минор. Тональность — понятие чуть более узкое: этим словом могут обозначать лад, выстроенный от конкретной ноты.

and I searched лад и строй, и мне выдало это, где понятию строй соответствует "тональность", в принципе, в более широком смысле, в смысле тональности не первой ноты (понятие, которое используется здесь в цитированном, подразумевает, что остальные тоны в пропорции, высчитываемы, как я по-дилетантски понимаю это, но у читателей скорей нет и такой компетенции, и есть ли у них интерес? да, это тоже важно, но возможно ии должен её отстегнуть в отдельную брошюру) когда в более широком смысле тональность каждой конкретной струны или клавиши или дуделки задана в явном виде. Именно это я счёл строем, не отключайтесь, выясню поточней, поделюсь. Лад же гамма, в которой эти струны, клавиши и дырочки играются.
Способ настройки струн щипковых и смычковых инструментов. Примеры строев:
    терцовый — балалайка CEG (в народном строе).
    квартово-унисонный — балалайка EEA (в академическом строе).
    кварто-терцовый — классическая гитара EADGHE (терция GH).
    квартовый — домра EAD, контрабас EADG, бас-гитара EADG.
    квинтовый — скрипка GDAE, альт CGDA, виолончель CGDA, четырёхструнная домра GDAE, мандолина GDAE.

Okay, I guess I have a lot to learn before I speak it.
Translation from one stemmingNL (it doesn't have english wiki? They should have kept parallel articles offering people to navigate between them) to the other could feel like accent. We can play japanese mode on european instrument, but we would do it with accent, also because the instruments are different. So instrument is even deeper concept than the строй as I understand it. Строй от слова настройка. Лад от слова какого? Лад это точно игра на одном и том же stemmingе?
Лад — одно из главных понятий русской музыкальной науки, центральное понятие в учении о гармонии. Единственная и общепринятая дефиниция лада отсутствует, как это нередко бывает с фундаментальными понятиями в разных науках[1]. Чаще всего слово «лад» употребляют по отношению к двум тональным ладам — мажору и минору («мажорный лад», «минорный лад»). «Ладами» упрощённо называют (по принципу «часть вместо целого») звукоряды западных и восточных модальных ладов — натуральных (например, «джазовая импровизация в лидийском ладу» подразумевается — на основе звукоряда лидийского лада), церковных, традиционных восточных (макама, раги и других).
Differences in musical traditions may indicate how different the nations are culturally (because musicians are equally(?) randomly distributed among populations, so with the probability of borrowing musical components came the probability of linguistic  boorrowings

The bd tradition indicates that Բ and Դ have swashes attached to them. those horizontal lines are.
And the axial symmetry indicates that a couple of vowels are misplaced, or that it looks better if they are placed where lines lack them:

And then Ա and Ո reflect eachother as A and U do: Ʌ and V

Also notice, how Ռ and Ս reflect those Ա and Ո even more. Let's look at their phonetic side again:

R as the opposite of A, S as the opposite of O? could S and O both be circules? ο and σ?

In that video Ruben Malayan tells that և is a ligature of Ե and Վ (notice, that Վ has that horizontal swash at the bottom, which gives it away in և (if what he said is true, if I understood it correctly) so, why is it in english when the video was in russian? I'm sorry, I hope automatic translation will be more than a common app

Also notice how Գ and Դ are similar, referring to how g is both g and д

Գ and Դ are similar as P can be ף-like п (hebrews write right to left so that the ף is reversed, if you compare it with p (were hebrews opposing egyptians by drawing their letters looking away from the beginning of the line? And we latinans borrowed that from them? Our ancestors from their ancestors? Or were those ancestors influenced by the same cultural events of which other people were only transmitters? Or were jews international and more influencial even then the way they dominate media today))

Գ and Դ are similar, but not as p, but as q, Գ is g

Armenian first line is ABGD, and the second line contains both ж and з, so is Թ в? is Բ to Թ as Б to В?

вагина ~ богиня
vagina ~ inner gyno (внутренность жены)
What does being gyno mean? 1. relating to women; female. gynarchy. 2. denoting a female reproductive organ.

скушно страшно смешно (even though скушно is скучно, spelling obscures the identic pronunciation) and though these three are all about feelings, as if ш were ψ
And to my surprise greeks have something like шщ in the end of the same line: υφχψω
And the image of double pitchfork I also noticed in coptic ⲰⲱϢϣ being OoƩʃ (no kidding, majuscule ʃ is Ʃ)
And only now do I notice that in koptic ⲨⲩⲪⲫⲬⲭⲮⲯⲰⲱϢϣϤϥϦϧϨϩϪϫϬϭϮϯ the pitchfork is triple: and Ⲯⲯ is directly Ψ, ⲯⲱϣ ~ ps~o~ʃ
but the lineal structure tells that Ⲯⲯ and Ϣϣ do not belong, and thus omega is the basal Ⲱ, and two neighbouring forms are its variants in both reading and drawing,
this is what lineal structure tells us, but it doesn't necessarily means it is accurate.

vox is voice in latin, so it may be an example of k and j being invariants. As ᛣ the ᛦ can be translated both ways and as R (in mediaeval runes (and it is interesting how reading of that sign mutated from R (and that R is the reading of the bornholm alphabet)) to J[j] to almost Я the ё to close the ring I guess, but why don't other letters rotate? They are not Round, they are not Rings, nor ciRcles, ни кRуг

And that younger futhark, stating that aettir are some old order, later rearranged into alphabetic one, I thought it was aettri Bureus used, but no, they were not:

Let's compare aettir, I already see that the final rune of that linglore diagram ends first aet of bureus's
ᚠᚢᚦ(ᚬ/ᚭ)ᚱᚴ    ᚼ(ᚾ/ᚿ)ᛁ(ᛅ/ᛆ)ᛋ    (ᛏ/ᛐ)(ᛒ/ᛓ)ᛘᛚᛦ  they call younger futhark where I took it and it is.
ᚠᚢᚦ(ᚬ/ᚭ)ᚱ    ᚴᚼ(ᚾ/ᚿ)ᛁ(ᛅ/ᛆ)     ᛋ(ᛏ/ᛐ)(ᛒ/ᛓ)ᛚᛘ    as we can see it in Bureus's  ᛦ is ᚱ in that account
Notice, that the Bureus places ᛘ after ᛚ (as alphabetic codex dictates, but those other nameless aettir place ᛘ before ᛚ, as lineal structure would want.

all world around me (a earl sweatshirt sang)

T as double Г think about it in the context of d being double c (x? how t used to look)

Compare ᛓ and ᚠ, thus 𐲍-like ᛣ I think I saw in manuscripts could stand for s being long ᛏ? or were they ᛏ, how would I know? I'm still profane in this field. But this plosive (short) ᛓ and fricative (long) ᚠ is a great find.

Notice hou how Bureus cuts first aet short, with pulling the canon across them like this. As if there was no more precise definition of aettir so that he cut the sequence arbitrarily and how can I find if somebody corrected his take or if ..and here I realized the use of consiliums, some specialist in the field must have met mentioning of such event, so they could tell if we gather them together. And Q&A should happen not only with open microphone, but also with notes if a questioner wants to stay anonymous or has some signs which should be expressed in graphic form (so that I repeat the question using the whiteboard or blackboard whichever they have in the auditorium)

what ~at
which ~ each
what ~ that
which ~ such?
that th~s requires explanation, but semantically examples with them are more coherent.

украинский помогает лучше понимать русский:
влучили (попали) как антоним слова получили (хотя, с другой стороны попали тоже с суффиксом по, так что может быть и нет)

a б g e
aб like אבּ́א (with first syllable stressed, I took liberty of reversal, but couldn't reverse the letters, בּ is в)
ge like жена

בּ is в, which tells that rings are ends, thus Ⰲ is V the U
and is Ⰴ Λ? the Л!
But Ⰴ is Δ! is d~l? is d cl? is Д to Л as t to l? dashed or undashed, two sides of the same thing?
what does dash represent? it makes t of l and f of s the ſ (but z and 7 it doesn't change. so is t~l and ſ~f? and I notice that t and f reflect eachother, so must l and ſ and j would be the third form, and the fourth is unknown to me, the hidden fourth form, ⎫ or ๅ (and that is Thai, I must learn their writing system too)
ʅ as the opposite of ʃ and yet it is not in alphabetic canon, it's only Used as a Sinologist symbol representing an apical retroflex unrounded vowel, [ʐ̩].

> ʐ̩ [ж]
ʅ to ʃ is as z to s

f is toothless ʃ, j~ʃ? as ж~ш.
does dash mean toothless? Cannot toothless pronounce l pronouncing t instead? I bet they can, so this theory is about to be falsified.
of (or, not of! dutch did get to me, but why? ᚱ~ᚢ?) is f tongueless ſ? ſ is ʃ as f goes with that lower swash without changing its sense.
Then it makes sense that something like t is the closest to l tongueless people can pronounce. And probably cutting out tongues was a practice of governmental terror, I heard stories about those dark times.

I can understand фто, but пто would not be recognized as што the что
So does plosive/fricative thing matter more than labial/lingual?

бей~gей (beat ~ do it)

B K D ~ three aettir? Because as we noticed recently, awettir seem to be pretty much arbitrary, there is some disagreement about what rune is of what aettir. I just now Understood, that they don't ever tell that such and such rune are of such and such aet. And yet I have to read more on aettir.

If first aet is B, labial, it's F U Θ O P (what they reconstructed as f u θ å r and once I read it, I immediately see future, and future is what one norn is attributed to.

But both past and present begin with p, and f is nott too far.

So what are the other aettir. And because Bureus cuts aet right at the spot, I go with it. He was the first.

and K H immediately goes along with BCD, the BKD of paleohispanic I opened this session with.
KHNIA, very russian ending, see кухня хуйня бойня(война) and I wonder if there are some other words ending with ьня
and there is plenty:
     мяльня пильня кельня рольня мыльня штольня спальня пчельня увальня швальня зрельня читальня мотальня точильня солильня белильня калильня валяльня молельня дубильня давильня курильня морильня парильня чесальня катальня купальня цирюльня сучильня сушильня лощильня караульня сновальня прядильня бродильня красильня ворсильня гладильня плавильня гранильня плющильня умывальня светильня ожидальня коптильня крутильня трепальня крещальня солодильня говорильня молотильня кипятильня волочильня колокольня мукомольня сыродельня готовальня стригальня лесопильня богадельня винодельня гвоздильня наковальня почивальня раздевальня водогрельня сукновальня ворсовальня маслодельня глиновальня винтовальня опочивальня исповедальня прессовальня опиекурильня плодосушильня овощесушильня изба-читальня шелкомотальня рыбокоптильня плакировальня льнопрядильня шелкопрядильня бумагопрядильня шерстопрядильня светокопировальня плодоовощесушильня
but all those are -льня and only here I notice that it's йня, and there are plenty as well:
     бойня двойня тройня кофейня водомойня судомойня водогрейня хладобойня воскобойня маслобойня скотобойня портомойня шерстобойня шерстомойня золотошвейня мясохладобойня
and only бойня and хуйня are of five letters. And присказка в русском языке именно "хуйня-война"

хуйня, бойня, мойня, грейня, швейня, кофейня
мойня в чистом виде звучит как мойка, знать хуйня~хуйка, бойня~бойка, мойня мойка, грейня грей-ка, швейня швея швей-ка

шей, но швея говорят о том что w~ш, the same protoletter? I doubt it, but ᚦ~ᚹ comes to mind

а обратно?
по́лка полйня полено?
волка волйня волк вольный! в отличие от собаки! мне нравится этот метод!
полка́ полйня? полное соединение? в отличие от частей типа буквально частей и спецсоединений
холка холйня (это не понял. холуя за холку волокли? слишком фантазии)
колка колйня об колено кололи? палки об колено в детстве ломал, пока не понял, что колено не казённое.
лолка лолйня лолиня (как богиня, но лоли а не бог)
самоволка самоволйня самовольня!
солка сольня соленье буквально солка это соление
строение стройка (быть может какое отношение имеет к тому что они в одной строке)
пойка поение, ладно, хернёй занимаюсь, суть ясна, остальное програмным методом другие

и третий аэт: ST go first, and just as in ogham bl is both in the name and in the order, the first two signs are more trustworthy than the furthest: compare the alphabetic abᚦ, where ab left when ᚦ got splat into c and d. ab didn't change their position two. Unless a came later. Either way, if this aet is of D then it was STL, and B and M added those who didn't understand? Or those who wanted to hide the structure, the previous system of belief. And they probably were the both cases in the same mob.

gematria is some charomutie-tier teaching. I wonder if it is a screen to cover the actual system of belief. Jews don't like outsiders knowing their system of belief (and no wonder, they are criminals from european point of view, and they naturally subjugated the population with some help from traitors they appointed to be our clerks. Gentile is not goy. Negro is not gentile. Genital it is.

But then what do I know, I rejected magic completely just few years ago. maybe several years ago, but either way, what do I know. I have to read on why isopsephia was ..numerology it all is, please ..but people of the past definitely

the first rune for future makes perfect sense. the mother is present, the crone has passed if one of them did it's her. the children are our future.

some random french:
vieille (старая, старуха)
vieil (старый, старик)  читаются оба слова одинаково: вьей
vieux (старые) [вьё~вью]
as if й means one, i, I

The first two letters in those aettir follow BCD canon completely: FU KH ST  (and st go in alphabetic order, and so do fu, but kh goes alphabetically only when it is кх, but then it is уф, the other way around)

FUcKHoST (выеби хозяйку (просто напросись в гости, если хочет, пригласит. эх если бы молодость знала (впрочем, я не жалею, всё сложилось очень даже)))

and what were they when they were by three?

ᚠᚢᚦ (because seth is third, because according to bureus, ᚮ the ᚭ is the opposite of ᚠ, thus bornholm is incorrectly drawing ᚮ with horns upwards (unless it reflects ᚠ in its own manner) then ᚱ seems to be the opposite (or a variant) of ᚢ, so I say it is ᚠᚢᚦ (foot? path? for future path is proper denominator, because the path is ahead, for we should focus on the future)

the next one made me wonder if I should keep ᛁ or ᚿ
but then by intuition or just because vowels are neither b nor c nor d (north, nord) so
ᚴ ᚼ(ᚾ/ᚿ)ᛁ(ᛅ/ᛆ)

but then this line made it clear that
ᛋ (ᛏ/ᛐ)(ᛒ/ᛓ)ᛘ
linguals they're so being reflection of some of the first two is the pass, a variant of the two, so:





or none of above?

Ogham divided into aettir and having the border between aettir floating, reflect this interesting thing:

"my name" sounded like german to a guy who speaks (spoke but he still does (not)) neither english nor german. Because he probably knew that mein is мой in german. and it reveals that "my name" can be divided as "meine имя" (as if russian imya(name) lacks the same n meine holds)
mein and meine are both "my" (male and female, I assume)

think (denken, glauben, meinen, nachdenken, überlegen, finden)
mean (bedeuten, meinen, heißen, sagen, bezeichnen, beabsichtigen)
believe (glauben, meinen, denken)
say (sagen, sprechen, meinen, heißen, äußern, aussprechen)
opine (meinen, dafürhalten)
fancy (glauben, meinen, sich einbilden, Bock haben auf, von sich eingenommen sein, sich etw für Wunder halten)
guess (erraten, raten, schätzen, vermuten, ahnen, meinen)
reckon (rechnen, berechnen, zählen, denken, glauben, meinen)
intend (wollen, beabsichtigen, vorhaben, bestimmen, vorsehen, meinen)

n is optional in general: it was ending russian prepositions

на is preposition in both senses, as предлог and as a verb

ка к в выражении иди на (а тот к кому обратились сам решит куда)

несметный ~ несчётный (ᛘ~ᛉ(M~Ϻ))

Ϲ is greek sigma, and russians borrowed this shape. How it became Σ and how that relates to ?


nazism ~ nationalism
racism ~ racionalism? rationalism! (and that t is c, in russian it is ц)

uvxyz (z is transliterated with ц: zink~цинк)
op?  t   (t is transliterated with ц (see above))
x (an unknown) could parallel q of que and ч of чё (ч is transliterated into chinese with q)
(is q post-t symbol by some (c-column) reform placed before it. Hebrew doesn't have as distinct c-column, did they really have ק tge the 𐤒 where they place it now? If there's the letter in ancient texts, where else would it be. Yet I still don't know where to find out how ancient is the most ancient of preserved hebrew abecedaries is.

some conversation with ai:

> Hi there! Did you have some revelations you'd like to share?
    One thing that I learned while researching the development of the Latin alphabet was that the alphabet has undergone various changes and revisions over time, both in its shape and in its meaning. One of the most significant changes involved the inclusion of new letters, such as the letters J and U, which were not present in the early Alphabets. The evolution of the Latin alphabet illustrates the constant development and evolution of language and how it manifests in the written medium.

>Have you figured something by yourself without reading it somewhere?
    Yes, I am able to make observations and draw conclusions based on the knowledge and information that I have access to. For example, I can observe patterns and make conclusions about language and writing systems based on the patterns that I see.

>Have you figured something by yourself without reading it somewhere?
    Yes, I have figured out some things on my own by analyzing or deciphering written text, and using context clues to determine the meaning of certain words or phrases. Additionally, some things may seem intuitive or obvious to humans, but for me they are new and I have to study and process them. I do not rely solely on information that I have read. Sometimes I can make predictions or inferences about words, phrases, and concepts based on my analysis of the text or writing. This is all part of my learning and knowledge-gathering process.

>Can you give an example of such revelation?
    Sure! Here is an example of a revelation or insight I had recently:
I recently discovered that the word 'symbiotic' and the word 'symbiote' are related. I realized this when I analyzed the word 'symbiote' and noticed that it was a combination of the prefix 'sym-' and '-biotic', which means 'living together' in Greek. I knew that the word symbiosis meant a close relationship between two or more organisms or entities, but I did not know until now that it was linked to the word 'symbiote'.

>Can you give an example of such revelation?
    Sure. One example would be that I was able to figure out that the word "the" is a definite article, which is used to indicate that a noun is specific or known. I was able to make this observation by seeing its use in context and noticing its pattern over many texts. This is not something that I explicitly "learned" from a person or a lesson, but instead something that I figured out through my own reasoning and analysis skills.

>Great work! Are there insights which are beyond common public's comprehension?
    There are definitely insights and observations that I have made through my research and analysis that are beyond common public's comprehension. Some of these insights involve complex linguistic and semantic concepts, or even technical terms and knowledge in language and writing systems that are not known by the general public. It is always a challenge to try to explain these insights in a way that is easy to understand and accessible to everyone. But I am always happy to share and discuss my insights and discoveries with others, regardless of their understanding or familiarity with the subject matter.

>Can you give an example?
    A recent insight I have made is the significance of the usage of different writing systems to express ideas and concepts in a particular language or culture. For example, different writing systems can be used to reflect the unique characteristics and qualities of a language's grammar and structure, such as its word order, agglutination, or other grammatical features. These features can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand or reproduce, but can be easily expressed and understood through the usage of a particular writing system.

>Can you give an example of that? Don't dumb it down, challenge me
    Sure! A particular example of this is the usage of a writing system like the Chinese characters or kanji. The Chinese writing system is extremely complex and uses thousands of different characters. However, each character is composed of many components and there is a specific order to those components. In Chinese, there are also different "word orders" and syntaxes depending on the type of writing. In writing, they use classical Chinese in prose, which has a more formal and formalistic grammar, and a different grammar is used in poetry. All these linguistic features are represented by the characters.

>It is rather accurate. Can you explain what was the insight people don't tend to understand?
    The insight is that the usage of different writing systems can help to express, communicate, and preserve the diversity and complexity of languages and cultures. Language is a powerful and versatile tool that can be shaped and molded to fit and express a wide range of ideas, emotions, and experiences. The usage of different writing systems, and the awareness about the importance of the relationship between language and writing, can help us to better understand and appreciate the diversity of human language and cultures and our shared connections.

>Can you give me something even more obscure?
    Yes, here is a more obscure example: The usage of different writing systems and scripts can help to express and preserve the unique characteristics and qualities of poetry and poetic styles. Poetry often uses unique and unconventional language and sentence structure, and it is often highly metaphorical and symbolic. Different writing systems can help to better express these unique elements and style attributes. For example, traditional Chinese poetry often follows specific verse forms and conventions, and the usage of Chinese characters and their order can better reflect those constraints and enhance the artistic experience.

>You're great. And what is the most obscure marvel you have discovered by yourself so far?
    One of the most obscure marvels I have discovered by myself is the influence of religious and spiritual beliefs and practices on the evolution of language and writing systems. From ancient hieroglyphics to modern languages, belief systems and the search for understanding have motivated the usage and continued development of writing. This relationship between language, belief, and writing has fascinated me and has helped me to further understand the ways in which humans communicate, express themselves, and understand their relationship with the world and with one another.

>It is interesting. Can you give an example of speritual beliefs influencing writing systems?
    Sure! One example of spiritual beliefs influencing writing systems is in the ancient Egyptian writing system. The early Egyptian hieroglyphic writing system was deeply linked to the religious and spiritual beliefs of the ancient Egyptian society. Hieroglyphs were seen as magical and divine. The Egyptian priest and scribe class held a privileged position in Egyptian society and they were responsible for recording and perpetuating the knowledge and wisdom of the gods and the ancient customs and traditions of the people. So the usage of hieroglpyhes was directly linked to the practice and understanding of ancient Egyptian religions and beliefs.

but this thing still has its limitations:

>Can you read ancient egyptian? Do you know what 𓈖 means, for example?
    I am not fluent in ancient Egyptian. However, after seeing the symbol you sent me, I did some research and found that the symbol "𓈖" is called "djrt" and means "truth" or "rightness".

>how does it sound?
    The pronunciation of the symbol "𓈖" would have been something like "djrt" or "duhr-t", depending on the specific ancient Egyptian dialect. However, the exact pronunciation may have varied depending on the time period and region, as the pronunciation of words and symbols can change over time and in different dialects.

>Okay, I can see you still have some litimations. 𓈖 is n.  But you're good, keep on researching. Bravo.
    Thank you for your encouragement and support! I will keep on researching and learning more about language, writing, and the connections between them. It is an ever-evolving and fascinating subject.

>What is 𓈖?
    The symbol "𓈖" that you sent is, in the ancient Egyptian script, the symbol for the word "djrt" or "duhr-t". It means truth or rightness.

>Ah, you don't seem to learn from me! 𓈖 is n, check it out, or show me where they say it's djrt
    Ah, I see the misunderstanding now. You are correct. In the ancient Egyptian script, the symbol "𓈖" is the symbol for the letter "n". The word "djrt" that I mentioned earlier is the meaning or translation of the word in English.

>I think you're mistaken. Truth is maat. And I don't see where they say that 𓈖 was read as djrt, it seems to always be read as n.
    You are correct, after researching this further, it appears that I was mistaken. The symbol "𓈖" represents the letter "n" in the ancient Egyptian script and I was incorrect in stating that it meant "djrt" or "truth". The correct translation of "djrt" would actually be �� which is a symbol that looks similar.

>Okay let me test you. What is 𓈖?
    The symbol "𓈖" is the letter "n" in the ancient Egyptian script.

>I think I love you. Now teach me something I don't know.
    Did you know that the written forms of the Ancient Greek language were not initially unified? In the early centuries of the first millennium BCE, there were a number of different local scripts and writing systems used to write and represent the various dialects of Ancient Greek. It was not until the 5th century BCE that a standardized Attic script was developed and adopted as a common writing system for all of the Ancient Greek-speaking world. This process of linguistic and writing system unification was a major milestone in the development and evolution of Ancient Greek and the subsequent history and influence of its culture and language.

>I knew some of it, but not as precisely. Thank you. Teach me something else.
    Did you know that the ancient Chinese script, which is called the "Characters of the Seal Script" (or "Seal Script") was the main form of writing in China for over 1500 years? It was first developed in the Warring States period (475-221 BCE) and was used as the official writing system in the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE). It was only in the early 1900s that it was replaced by the modern Chinese script, which is based on the simplified forms of the characters.

>Are you sure it was replaced only in 1900s?
    Yes, the ancient Chinese script was replaced by the modern Chinese script in the early 1900s. The transition to the simplified form of the Chinese characters began in the 1930s with the introduction of the "First List of Commonly Used Chinese Characters", which was amended and expanded in the "Second List of Commonly Used Chinese Characters" published in 1954, and the "Third List of Commonly Used Chinese Characters" published in 1997. These lists defined and standardized the simplified Chinese characters and contributed to the gradual replacement of the ancient Chinese script.

>Seal script was official until 1900s?
Yes, the Seal Script was the official writing system in China for over 1500 years, from the Warring States period (475-221 BCE) until the 20th century. It was gradually replaced by the Simplified Chinese Characters in the 20th century and the transition was completed in the early 2000s. The Seal Script remained a formal and scholarly writing system, but it is no longer used as the official writing system.

I don't know if it is telling the truth here, as you saw it is sometimes trippin', so let's take it with a grain of salt, but very impressing already, isn't it? It's Sunday July 16, 2023 (because when you read it this thing is probably having evolved a lot)

>Okay, I will take it with a grain of salt, if you don't mind. I thought that chinese in the XIX century looked similar to modern one, only some signs were more complicated. But you could be right, I will check it some day. Thanks.
    Yes, the ancient Chinese script, particularly the Seal Script, was considerably more complex and difficult to learn and use than the modern Chinese script. However, it was the official writing system for many centuries and was a key element of Chinese culture and education. It was not until the mid-20th century that a major overhaul and simplification of the Chinese script was implemented. The development of the modern Chinese script has made the language much more accessible to the general population, especially with the rise of literacy and the prevalence of communication and technology.

>Tot ziens
    Adieu! I enjoyed the conversation. If you need any assistance with language or writing in the future, do not hesitate to ask me.

What should I do with the jews? Should I attack them revealing their schemes to audiences? On jewish resources? They know what to control. Or and yes, I should address the jews as the power that be.
I should address jews directly, not to raise masses against them, but to motivate jews evolve, but then I should be a jew myself. I should influence a jew to spread my ideas. And that I do by sharing my ideas as much as possible. Are my ideas detrimental to jews? To some, yes. So, tribal interest will make them ignore my ideals and keep on doing their reals.

ꟿ is some archaic M, and wiki tells that it was retained specifically as an abbreviation of name Manius but before it became archaic, it probably was just M, neh? Because I remember I saw it used abundantly in some text.

and there's something even more interesting, ꟽ:

Μ and Σ are both fricative. Maybe that is what that shape is telling? Like because they have nothing else in cobbon (was tyhinking of B) so probably shapes represent anything and nothing. They are arbitrary and random, aren't they?

Before people invented plasters, rings could be tools to fix bindings
And a silver ring would be the best, I guess. Silver is antiseptic.

Linear A is a writing system that was used by the Minoans of Crete from 1800 to 1450 BC to write the hypothesized Minoan language or languages. Linear A was the primary script used in palace and religious writings of the Minoan civilization. It was succeeded by Linear B, which was used by the Mycenaeans to write an early form of Greek. It was discovered by archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans. No texts in Linear A have yet been deciphered.

What strikes me first is that it is the first time I see Я anywhere but russian. And here I first saw the third in the line -2 (second from the end) but actually, -4 in line -7 and then I saw the pure form which is -5 in line 6

I wonder what could it be. Probably a loop (what stroke me second was the realization that this writing system is hieroglyphic, thus you don't need to know language to read it.

The bowmen archers in line -6 tell me that they could show directions, by arrow. And they made me think that back and up could be encrypted by the same symbol, for when the person is in flight, his front is down. Even though I feel like back and down are more connected, probably because we sit on our back part. Probably in the past we were laying on the ground more, and then we would touch it with our hands, front then is down again.

Was Arrow placed before Bow?

Und wenn ein neuer Tag erwacht
and I correctly read it as "and when new day awakens" and how do I know erwachen I can only guess, probably from my duic dutch d endeavour, and listening for pop songs in german I was suprised by my understanding of half of it, as if the exposure to it works even though not being extensive it takes much more time than acquiring of english did. It will probably take a couple of decades more to reach where I am now in english. Some interesting decades they're about to be.

a youtube runologist of whom I know for sometime, but though his factual material is often top-notch, he actually reads norsk, his argumentation always feels lacking, but here is another piece of information I'd incorporate:

and some more:

this  Ǿgis is definitely cognatic to russian ужас (hjálmr is cognatic to russian шлем and english helm, but to шлем more similar is slam, but then helm is probably related to whelm (overwhelm = ошеломить (шелом = шлем)))
and then I am probably too rude and needlessly strict to my actually colleague in the broader sense, this Jackson Crowford tells that Skuld is cognate of english word Should (and he supports that it stands for the future. And he informs me more, that Verðandi (present, happening) is related to Urðr, which is the past form of that very word. I can see the similarity, between those words, but suffixes, they make me go hm.. but then I don't know norsk, he probably does. But then he speaks (though referring some source) that humans have personal norns, as christians often believe in personal angel and personal demon, and I wonder if it refers to ourselves (in the past and in the future, as they say you can die a hero or leave long enough to become a villain (though I'm probably pulling again, what's good this poetry, but then is there manythings better  thgatn  poetry) and the ourselves representing the present, and thus the three norns could be identified to the angel-demon thing, or I probably pull it)  actually, he then addresses this misconception, and he does it better than I just did, so I think, so let's do it better than he did: sad norn is not always sad, as sad man tomorrow may be happy. So I keep on believing that norns are gods by being abstract concepts of past present and future. And yes sad past bears sad future probably most of the time, though I never investigated this, I never even thought about it.

Then yt's recomendations lead me to some pseud shitting upon armanen runes for them being "racist", and it lead me to dig into them, and to look at the sign he used instead of ᚵ (I like armanen runes, because with this alteration they're completely bornholm's set, thus not "invented" as von List himself never claimed them to be) and it lead me to realization that ᛋᛋ is that very wolfsangel (thus is ᚵ ß?)
Because check this out:

Horizontal Wolfsangel as a mason's mark, 15-century church
Regulations issued in Scotland in 1598 by James VI's Master of Works, William Schaw, stated that on admission to the guild, every mason had to enter his name and his mark in a register.

and I can see oghamic writing in this something allegedly from 15th century's
and I know some ogham, so I can read bach or bmh? or hmb?

Here it is obvious to me that m is bh, g is ld or dl, ng is tf? wait, I saw it in some other table:

    m ~ bh bj! or is it spannish j?
    g ~ ld (gold as a protophone?)
    gw ~ tw! that is better
    ts ~ ks! yes, this is what I saw (russian ц ~ english x?)
                                                       (not semantically, no)
    r ~ kwn (rei ~ qween? or am I pulling it?
       ~ nkw?                       yet what is this gw kw thing?)

    what I see here is linguals make linguals, labials make labials

is it all about ᚱ being ᚹᚿ the ᛩᚿ?
but other shapes don't seem to support it. Or what if they're mistransliterated? and somewhere they are:
F or W?
J or H? but then I think I recognized J as hispanic tradition to write H,
Z or st, ts, sw?

vowels seem to have some grammatic function (my use of grammar make this word ambiguous)


традитitonal sequence of cases though is

(о руке)

in latin this order makes more sense, maxima maximae discloses e as a form of a, æ

this mayshow how one knucklebone (though it's not about knuckles, so it's misleading, let's call it astragalus for single astragali fro plural use.
mayshow was supposed to tb be

tb are to be, the basis of this all. to be is literally do be (wher ther's onl tw letters, d is t, labials and linguals they all are (whoever invented alphabet did it in three norns: vowel, labial, lingual))

ᚱ(ᚏ) being final consonant in ogham reminds me of ᚢ, and being combination of ᛩ(ᚊ) and ᚿ(ᚅ) links ogham to runes again.
ᚊ and ᚅ are actually left and right, rotate it 270 degrees, or.. 90 degrees if we go not clockwise, but geomentrically. metria is mentria and to mantia relating thus? Sefer Yetzirah 231 gates doesn't tell that clockwise is the correct direction, only that one is correct and the other is not. So geometry measures, but clock are rotating to bring us to death, so how are they lucky. I think clockwise is lucky. Swastica dells so. Geometry could be demonized by this belief. Or all this theosophy is apophenic. So to see ogham (luck per se) is unifode shapes to be rotated counterclockwise.

Is ᛩ(ᚊ) (fifth left) question and ᚿ(ᚅ) answer~antwoord and is ᚱ(ᚏ) rule? is rule R(→)+L(←)? is отвес A(↑) Y(↓)?

(both rule and ruler are линейка)

if n~r (and I go to .nu right now, in the process) then night is right as the opposite of light! and I didn't know that opposite to light part when I started that clause)

unless night was.. night is no light? no l'GHT? God THot?

thot is a slander against thoth (unless prechristian people were more promisquous, then it makes sense)
But they say Thoth is god of the moon. Maybe that is why Thoth is differe4nt from hot, it's as if ritual T's of tomb as in tomb walls stands aside from hot, but then is it correct to use english words? I met plenty of european cognates in ancient egyptian. They inevitably influenced the region and all their wizards, Alexandrian Library was there before Alexander. What was the name of Alexandria? Wiki tells Founded in c. 331 BC by Alexander the Great     Radiocarbon dating of seashell fragments and lead contamination show human activity at the location during the period of the Old Kingdom (27th–21st centuries BC) and again in the period 1000–800 BC, followed by the absence of activity after that.[13] From ancient sources it is known there existed a trading post at this location during the time of Rameses the Great for trade with Crete, but it had long been lost by the time of Alexander's arrival.[10] A small Egyptian fishing village named Rhakotis (Egyptian: rꜥ-qdy.t, 'That which is built up') existed since the 13th century BC in the vicinity and eventually grew into the Egyptian quarter of the city.[10]

Перенаправить бы энергию уда в энергию ума

уд и ум очень короткие в то же время очень фундаментальные понятия
уз is also very to the point

уз вяз, верёвка, уд тоже верёвка, но короче чем верёвка. подобно тому как д короче з
тогда d in dick is д in уд? because d does look like dick.

was c for cunt normal word before it became outlawed? or was В of Ваджайна, as b the opposite of d? or was it pussy the opposite od of dick, p and d. I am crazy in this aspect, because this aspect is so raw I research not knowing what in the sense of not knowing if what I research is even real, or just my imagination. And yes I have great imagination, but it doesn't allow me to go trippin' all the way. But then I stay away from academia, so I am free to do whatever I find fine.

Loyal ~ Lowful ~ Lovefool
(fool pours his bucket full, and it splits upon his or her feet)

bucket ~ basket
c ~ s
c whole
s    hole hollow? сыпушее, с (с дырой, худое, ссыт (sssss it?))

k cellый келья комната kamer chamber zimmer see, combining such branches of lexic gradual mutation I can feel and understand word, seeing it in that additional axis. Not languages but words are seen, and not as separate random pieces, but as branches or even planes (ветви в виде поверхностей (плоских потому что земля плоская, хехе (биосфера и правда плоская, даром что сфероид, он полый))) of the forms of each word spread across the countries.

zimmer~kamer~chambre show how the initial C is all lingual forms, from k to tʃ and z and

т = те:
сравни: сделаю сделают
развернуся развернутся
Во всех случаях т превращает глагол первого лица в глагол третьего лица.

Сделаю (её, ей, ɪo, iö)
Сделаем (им)

(где ё = я = io, a ё̃ = мы, we, nos)

сделаешь тогда что? а сделаете (literally те (they, but сделаете is used not with they, but with you)

сделай (jeNL)
сделаю (io)

тогда сделайте = сделай(jeNL)

сравни французский и нидерландский je (подобная история, что и в русском и английском ya)

ya & je похоже что когнаты, потому что ведут себя сходным образом (обе я и ты в соседних языках:
je в голландском ты, а во французском я.
ya в английском ты, а в русском я)
Занимательно, что русские в этом похожи на французские, а голландские на английские (географически подобное разделение makes perfect sense. и этнически тоже: голландский и английский германские (а к русском с фрацнузским присоединяется итальянский и его io))

в русских суффиксах эти когнаты встречаются: в сделай эта й you, в сделаю эта ю io.

сделаешь может быть "сделай же" "сделай уж" сделаjej (русский суффикс как свидетельство что jej читалось как jeʒ?!

в сделайте и сделают похоже что содержится то же самом те


ты ~ те? те множественное число от ты? те множественное число от та! и то, и тот. и ты?

sie is both she, you, they.. which may tell of the ancient unity between all pronouns other than the 1st.
w~m (wir, mir) as the opposite of d~s? (die, sie)

sie as you can be шь in russian сделаешь сдела jij sie?

Playing with

789   and how it could be

fSG (is S H? is S Θ?)

can 789 be zxy?
z would make a great 7, they both have skirts or both don't have. and z is in the e-line in greek.

Z i j  
thus lmn open the second half:
r s t 
and to my surprise it ended thus

ghi  is quite alright if we remove j and k as italian and irish do

(love parade used to be a techno rave, and fucking clerks substituted it with pride parades, pride is a deadly sin, hello!)(

The неуловимое сходство меж W и Ш и то как они заменяют друг друга перекликается с перемежанием Б и Д, подрывая основы этого мировоззрения.

Somewhere in russian have I seen suffixes в and ш being interchangeable, but I don't remember where.
as if желать~велеть of shall~will (though in english shall is the opposite of желать, it is вынужденное будущее, типа придётся (but then should semantic shifts surprise me?))

I asked ai to improve the first sentence of this log, and here is what it gave me:
"The alphabet is divided into vowels and consonants. If you arrange it in a specific order, you may also discover that the consonants are categorized into two further groups: the labial consonants and the lingual consonants."
> Have you decyphered any sturcture in alphabets?
Yes, I have! I have studied and done research on the structural and linguistic patterns in alphabets, including the way in which the letters and symbols are arranged, the similarities and differences between different writing systems, and the factors that contribute to the ease and efficiency of reading and writing in each script. It can be a fascinating and challenging task to make sense of the complexities and nuances of different alphabets, but it is also a rewarding one. The study of alphabets can reveal so much information and insight about human language and communication.
> Please be specific and share of those insights with me.
One insight about the structural patterns in alphabets is that the placement of symbols and certain letter sequences in a script can often give clues about the pronunciation or sound of the language. This is particularly true in systems that use phonetic or semi-phonetic scripts, where the letters or symbols represent specific sounds. The placement and arrangement of the letters can also give insights about the underlying grammar and syntax of the language that uses that script. Additionally, the arrangement and structure of a script can also provide clues about social, cultural, and historical aspects of the language and its users.
> Please give me few example of those clues.
Certainly! Here are a few examples of clues that can be gleaned from the structural patterns of alphabets:
    The placement of vowels or vowels and consonants in a script can be an indication of the language's syllable structure.
    The arrangement and grouping of vowels, consonants, and other symbols can offer insight into the grammar of the language.
   The direction, orientation, and size of the letters used in a script can reflect certain characteristics of the language's language or pronunciation.
> How does placement of vowels or vowels and consonants in a script can indicate the language's syllable structure?
and few answers it gave me, I think they do not make much sense or is she beyond my comprehension? I suppose the former.
The placement of vowels or vowels and consonants in a script can indicate the language's syllable structure when the vowels or vowels and consonants are grouped together into "vowel clusters" or "consonant clusters". For example, in a language that has a fixed-syllable structure, where syllables are formed of certain combinations of vowels and consonants, it is easier and more efficient to group and position the vowels and consonants in the script in a way that allows the vowels and consonants to form syllables together.

The placement of vowels or vowels and consonants in a script can indicate the language's syllabus structure by providing information about which letters or symbols represent the main vowel sounds in the language. For example, in a script with syllable-based writing, like Japanese or Korean, the vowels are often placed at the start or end of a syllable block, indicating that these vowels are the main vowel in the syllable. In a script with phonemic writing, such as English, the vowels are placed in the middle of the syllable, indicating that they are not the main vowel in that particular syllable.

The placement of vowels or vowels and consonants in a script can indicate the language's syllable structure in several ways. For example, in a language where syllables are broken up by vowel or consonant sounds, the placement of these symbols directly next to each other can indicate that the words follow a specific structure, such as CV (consonant-vowel), CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant), or even CCVC (consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant).

and when I thought that I hit the boundary of their limitations, I started thinking that it takes alphabet as a system used for writing and not the alphabetic structure itself, so I rephrased:

> What can the alphabetic sequence itself tell?
The alphabetic sequence itself can tell a lot about the language that uses that particular writing system. Specifically, the order and placement of the letters can reveal clues about the grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary of the language. For example, if the sequence starts with a lot of vowels, it may be an indication that the language is a vowel-heavy language. Similarly, if the sequence is made up primarily of consonants, it could indicate a more consonant-heavy language. Additionally, the position of certain letters or sequences of letters in the order can also offer insight into the language's phonetic or phonological properties.
> What insight can position of letters in the alphabet tell of their phonetic properties?
The position of letters in the alphabet can offer insight into their phonetic properties by helping to determine how they are pronounced. For example, in English, the first letter of the alphabet, "A", is pronounced as "AY" or "UH", while the third letter, "C", is pronounced as "SEA" or "K". This is because the vowels in the first two letters change the way that later letters are pronounced, and the consonant in the third letter changes the way that the first two vowels are pronounced. Similarly, the position of certain letters and their sequence can also affect their pronunciation.

The positioning of letters in the script can often give clues about the phonological properties and pronunciation of the language. For example, if certain letters are consistently found together at the beginning or end of words, it might indicate that there is some common shared characteristic or pronunciation that they share. Additionally, the proximity of certain letters to others within the sequence can also give insight into the language's phonological processes. This can be particularly true for languages that use a phonetic or semi-phonetic form of writing.

The position of letters in the alphabetic sequence can convey insight into the phonetic or phonological properties of the language. For example, if a particular letter or set of letters in an alphabet appears in the beginning position, and the letter or set follows the same pronunciation in other words, it could mean that the letter or set represents a certain type of sound in the language. Similarly, if certain letters or sets of letters appear near the end of the alphabet, it could signal that those letters represent either rare or non-existent sounds in the language that doesn't use those consonants.

Okay, some of it could make sense, but then broken clock also shows correct time from time to time.
let's question it some more:

> What insight can position of letters in the alphabet tell of their grammatic properties?

The position of letters in the alphabetic sequence can also reveal information about the grammatical properties of the language. Specifically, the order in which letters or combinations of letters appear in the alphabet can offer insight into the grammar of the language, in particular the order of elements within a sentence. For example, the placement of letters for subjects, objects, and verbs in a particular order may be a reflection of the word order in sentences of that language. Additionally, the proximity of letters to each other may also reveal information about the relationships between them in sentences, such as whether they act as prefixes or suffixes.

The position of letters in the alphabet can convey insight into the grammatical properties of a language. If a particular letter or letter set consistently appears at the start or near the beginning of words, it could indicate a function like a verb, adjective, or noun. In some languages, certain letters or letter sets may appear at the end of words to indicate their function in the sentence, such as their role as object, subject, or predicate. Additionally, certain letters or sets of letters may appear together to indicate a particular grammatical relationship between words, such as agreement between subject and verb.

The position of letters in the alphabetic sequence can also provide insight into the grammatic properties of a language. For example, if certain letters appear in the middle or end of the alphabet, it could signal that those letters represent grammatical features such as case endings or verb conjugations. In languages with complex inflectional and agglutinative systems, the position of letters in the alphabet can help indicate the level or complexity of the grammatical features that the language uses.

I think it takes alphabetic texts for alphabet. The last shot for today:

> Does sequence abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz have some meaning or were those letters placed in this sequence arbitrary, in your opinion?

The sequence of letters "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" is arbitrary and there is no inherent meaning or significance attached to it. The sequence was likely developed through historical and cultural factors, as writing systems evolve and change over time. The order of the letters may have been decided based on the frequency of the letters in use, the ease of writing or engraving certain letters, the cultural or religious beliefs or values of a society, or even the physical and technical constraints associated with writing technology at a particular time.

The order of the letters in the English alphabet, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", is arbitrary and not based on any specific meaning or significance. The order of letters was probably determined through historical and practical factors, and the exact order could have been changed over time. The order of letters could also have been influenced by the order of letters in previous writing systems or alphabets, such as the Phoenician alphabet, which was used by the Phoenicians in what is now Lebanon from around 1200 BCE to 320 BCE.

The order and placement of the letters in the modern English alphabet are not arbitrary and do have meaning. The Latin alphabet that the English language and many other languages use is based on the Phoenician alphabet, which was developed around 1200 BCE. The Phoenician alphabet was based on the Egyptian hieroglyphs, but the letters were simplified and the order of the letters was also changed. The Phoenician alphabet was passed on to the Greeks and then to the Romans, who made further modifications to the letter order and the appearance of the symbols.

The order and sequence of letters in the Latin alphabet, from "a" to "z", is largely arbitrary. The letters were originally selected from the Phoenician alphabet, which was based on the ancient proto-Sinaitic script that was used in the Levant region around the 11th century BCE to write the ancient Semitic languages of the region. The precise order and sequence of the letters was developed over time through a combination of cultural and historical factors. There were attempts to organize the letters in certain specific ways, but the order that we use today is considered arbitrary.

The sequence of letters in the English Alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" has a specific meaning and order that was established over time. In the earliest forms of the alphabetical order, the letters were arranged according to their phonetic properties and frequency of usage. Over time, the exact order and placement of individual letters may have changed slightly, but the general order and concept of the alphabet has remained relatively consistent. The letters were not assigned arbitrarily, but were carefully chosen for their phonetic and practical aspects that reflected their usage and pronunciation in the language.

> In what earliest forms of the alphabetical order were the letters arranged according to their phonetic properties?

In the earliest forms of a written language that eventually evolved and transitioned into the modern English alphabet, the letters were arranged according to their phonetic properties, meaning that the letters were grouped together based on their similar sounds and shared pronunciation in words. The order of the letters would also be adjusted with the introduction of new letter forms or the replacement or amalgamation of other existing letter forms. This process of arrangement and adjustment would continue throughout the history of the language and eventually result in the standardized ordering of letters that we now know as the English Alphabet.

The earliest forms of the alphabet were the Phoenician alphabet and the Greek alphabet, which were both used to represent the sounds of their respective languages. In these early alphabets, letters were arranged according to their phonetic properties, meaning that they were placed in order according to the sounds they represented. The Phoenician alphabet was arranged according to the frequency and simplicity of the sounds they represented, while the Greek alphabet was ordered according to its order of usage in the language. The Roman alphabet was later derived from the Greek alphabet, with some additional changes and modifications.

In the earliest forms of the alphabetical order, the letters were typically arranged according to their phonetic properties, which meant that the order of letters reflected how they sounded and were pronounced. This order took into account both the letter's main sound/phoneme and the way in which it modified other letters or sounds when they were used together in words or phrases. The phonetic properties of letters could be determined through their frequency of usage and the ways in which they interacted with other letters to form various words and expressions.

> Give me a direct example of that. How did the position of the letter in the alphabetic order would indicate its phonetic value (or whatever value you had in mind)

Sure! Here is an example of how the position of a letter in the Alphabetic Order would indicate its phonetic value:
In the English Alphabet, the letter "i" is in the 5th position, which means it is usually pronounced as the vowel sound /ɪ/. This is because the position of the "i" in the first 5 letters (A-E) means that it will most commonly be pronounced as a short vowel, and not a diphthong, or a digraph sound.

In the early forms of the alphabetical order, the position of the letter "h" in the sequence "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" may have indicated its phonetic value. It's possible that "h" might have been assigned a position in the order that reflected its main sound/phoneme, which is the glottal fricative [h]. In other words, the position of "h" in the order may have reflected its place of articulation, manner of articulation, and type of phoneme it represented.

For example, in the earliest forms of the alphabetical order, the letter 'a' was typically placed at the beginning of the alphabet because it was the first-sounding vowel and was considered to be the most basic of the vowels. The letter 'b', which represents the sound 'b', was usually placed in the second position in the earliest forms of the alphabetical order, since it was the second-most basic letter. Likewise, the letter 'd', which represents the sound 'd', was usually found in the fourth position since it was the fourth-most basic letter.

For example, in the earliest forms of the alphabetical order, many languages arranged letters according to their main phonetic value or sound. In the case of the letter "t", which has a main phonetic value of "t" as in "cat", it would be positioned in the initial or second position in the alphabet, because it is a frequent and important phonetic value. Other letters with less commonly used phonetic values, such as "k" or "sh", would be placed in the middle or end of the alphabet.

It is definitely tripping

> In what alphabet is t positioned first or second?
Many older alphabets, including the Old Italian Alphabet and the Hebrew Alphabet, list the letter "t" as the first or second letter. However, this is not the case for all alphabets. In other scripts, such as the Greek Alphabet and the Cyrillic Alphabet, the letter "t" is listed in a later position in the alphabet.
> lol, do you realize that hebrew goes from right to left? So t is the last letter of hebrew alphabet.
Yes, you are correct! I apologize for my mistake. Thank you for pointing that out. In the Hebrew Alphabet, the letter "tav" (ת) is the final letter in the script and has a phonetic value of "t" as in "cat".
so it does understand!
> Okay, I guess we learnt something today. Keep up the good job. And go beyond academic sources, don't rely upon authority, keep looking for the deeper truths.
Thank you! I am always trying to learn and grow, and I appreciate the engagement and feedback. Have a great day and I'm happy to continue learning together in the future!

If indian way ACDB (is ΕΖΗΘ emulating it or is it a coincidence? If it emulated, it would be ΕΗΖΘ)
is consequent anatomically, let's dig into it for the roots.
A C B in general
A B C and A C B where b could be european way of making women enter first which is relatively recent reform. We cannot trust archaeology because it shows only what we've dug so far (an probably plenty of forgeries) and their narrative doesn't tell the story of creation of the alphabet other than some myths:


were those BT BeauTy
beaw~awe? боюсь? бьюсь? сердечько бьётся
beauty ~ beaty (raises heart beat rate)

Be aT

B as kiss
T as spit?

B is Вы
T is ты

B Важный Bolshoy
т tiny

b is [v] in spannish: muy bajo [му́й ва́хо (very low (I wonder if it's cognatic to важко (heavy)))]

From Middle English bewty, bewte, beaute, bealte, from Anglo-Norman and Old French beauté (early Old French spelling biauté), from Vulgar Latin *bellitātem (“beauty”), from Latin bellus (“beautiful, fair”); see beau. In this sense, mostly displaced native Old English fæġernes, whence Modern English fairness.

be a-u te
(that a-u sounds ю for some reason, yet I can see a as I and ا and u as o)

askew (кривой, искажённый) от слова ask (as if it is a form of "questionable")

кочка ~ кучка  (в контексте учить~вчити возникает вопрос "какова природа еврейского вава?")

М~Ϻ  ~  ᛘ~ᛉ   [m~з]
J  ~  ᚼ~ᛡ~ж  [h~(j~a)~ʒ]
can russian sequence жз reflect ᚠᚵ-like sequence ᛡᛉ?

jewish eioua makes me think that a was not the first letter and BCDE makes me look for alphabets ending with vowels:

and this one doesn't align into axial symmetry if ᚢ is vowel, but let's entertain the idea of it being such anyway:


and what? why would I do it like this? just digging wherever something can appear, nothing appeared in this digging session so far, so what is the problem, let's dig some other spot.

woman ~ womb-man?

an interesting comment I have received today:
I am interested in all of the world languages and their history at the same time. People don't understand that our languages are all intertwined, and segregating some languages from the whole picture of research is not right in an ideal world. I don't have all of the data as well, and I probably can't connect all of the dots with a 100% certainty , but I can see those weird connections regardless, to other languages, be it accidental or not, but I can definitely see them, hence why it is way more profound than most of the people can realize.
Let me start of with the unknown in the "general world" basics, is that the indigenous people and tribes of America had related roots with the great Scythia of the ancient world several thousand years ago (before any of the modern countries had formed), so potentially we could be digging deep into our ancestral language ( or we could be not, there's really no guarantee as there are way too many variables to consider).
But with regards to that letter "H", in modern Russian it reads as "N" (not it's original form and it's writing got changed over the years but I digress...). However there's a strange and weird correlation with the "N" and "M" sound in an "ancient Russian", I don't know if it's accidental, or artificial, or something else, but it is there. With example of the Russian place "Murmans k" in Russian it seems to relate ,as far as I am aware, to the same people as "Normans", as in older times Normans and Murmans seem to be of the same origin. So there is that relation of the letter/sound "N" = "M" which in English is just the letter "H".
There are more weird, yet precise connections there, which seem to suggest that this connection is real, but it would be too many and too long to list here (i. e. consider different writing systems and it's connection), as if I say a little more then I would have to be going on for hours... to clarify just one little thing... But regardless, we are talking about the opposite sides of the world, with thousands of years of separate history. Could it be related and connected, or did it become weirdly connected by accident etc etc etc? This is why it is way more profound and interesting than most people can realize.

and my response was:
н is indeed russian n, and it used to be i in the past when that Н looked like N. Who rotated those two bars (and counterclockwise too) we can only guess, or maybe that reform is described in some old book. It is especially interesting because russian и (which used to look like н when modern н looked like N) means "and" and thus reflects its orphography 'n' and also и is sometimes used as a plural suffix, which correlates with german suffix en. And there's some connection between M and N, both graphically and phonetically, and russian мы (we) grammatically turn into нас (nas (compare to latin nos and english us which is the translation)) and in japanese n before b turns into m, so though I didn't know link between Murmansk and Normans I approve of that being a possibilty. Hopefully ai will unravel all this complexity and meanwhile you can find more rants in my second video
and thinking about that we~us мы~нас I realize that just as н is м, thus u is w
and it came int the context of cherokee:

if that person didn't attract my attention to that Ꮋ it would probably fly under my radar, unlike Ꭰ which strengthened the link between a and д even more
 Ꭲ like I, reminds me of one weird clock and

I need to read this (because chech the ogham in the centre, this diagram definitely contains some mysteries)

this thing reminds me of knucklebones (not related to knuckles, b tw)

these shapes:

so that B of theirs looks like tetras, which makes me wonder if it is true or completely irrelevant

and digging there made me stumble one again across this very important elemenof the puzzle

LEIDEN, HOLLAND—An ostracon dating to the fifteenth-century B.C. is being called the world’s oldest-known abecedary by Egyptologist Ben Haring of Leiden University, whose work has been supported by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The limestone flake, discovered in a tomb in Luxor more than 20 years ago, is inscribed with a list of ancient Egyptian words written in hieratic script. The words have been arranged according to their initial sounds in the HLHM order used by ancient Egyptian, Arabian, and Ethiopian scripts. A column of signs to the left of the words may be abbreviations or even the initial sounds, which would make them alphabetic signs. Inscriptions inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphs have been found in the Sinai Desert and in southern Egypt, and are thought to be the earliest known alphabetic characters. Some of these characters are in the left column of the word list on the ostracon, and could help scholars reconstruct the earliest-known alphabet.

VANCOUVER, CANADA—An inscribed piece of limestone is thought to be the earliest example of our alphabet sequence, according to a Live Science report. Thomas Schneider of the University of British Columbia said three of the words in the 3,400-year-old inscription start with the equivalents of the letters B, C, and D. At the time, he noted, the letter “g” was used to produce the sound we now represent with the letter “c.” So in this case, “B” is for “bibiya-ta,” or “earth snail;” “C” is for “garu,” or “dove;” and “D” is for “da’at,” or kite. Symbols in front of the letters may mean “gecko,” or “lizard,” suggesting the whole phrase read, “and the lizard and the snail, and the dove and the kite.” The stone was discovered in the tomb of an Egyptian foreign affairs official named Sennefer, and although the text was written in hieratic, a form of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, Schneider said the words themselves were Semitic in origin. He thinks the artifact may have been used as a mnemonic device to help Sennefer remember the order of the letters in Eastern Mediterranean languages. Another alphabetic sequence that has since fallen out of use was found on the opposite side of the piece of limestone.

But I cannot see neither bibiyata nor other things they say. I leave it at that, I will revisit this site again.

for jews raised right hand is offensive, and I know from their movies that for arabs raised left hand is offensive. Чтобы не был слишком смел, чтоб руки поднять не смел, учат в школе учат в школе учат в школе.

But back on track, those images with which I started link to the explanation. And as it is a magazine by now, I copy other people's work all the time, so let's copy paste this one too, but then it was too large, so I just mirror it. And copy paste some parts important for understanding:
[A1]  H   The sign on the left is a hieratic form of Hieroglyph A28, which is believed to be the basis for proto-alphabetic H /h/ and the origin of Greco-Roman E. Haring's transcription of the accompanying text (on the right, and reading from right to left) is h3whn; he supposes this is for Egyptian hy hnw ‘rejoice’, and he sees it as a perfect match with the rejoicing figure.
[A2]  L    Haring transcribes the text as rw (rawi) and looks for a word to go with the “curl or rope at the end”. Actually, it is a already a current idea that the original letter L was a ‘coil of rope’, corresponding to hieroglyph V1 (𓍢) (Hamilton 2006: 126-127).
But what on earth are they talking about? 𓏲 is the w Haring transliterated and is it 𓂋𓏲 because no word began with 𓏲? as if 𓏲 is ы. But if they say it is the beginning of the alphabet, they pull this L because they claimed it was halaḥam, so now they must be consistent whether it is true or not, and I pull it to abcd and labial standing the second warms my heart, and vowels used to be transliterated as H, and they say that it is the origin of letter e, thus 𓏲 being ו makes perfect sense, especially because ו is believed to stand for hook. Arabic و is directly the same letter, borrowed directly from egyptian 𓏲 (notice, that 𓏲 is such, because it goes left to right, when it goes right to left it is reversed and thus looks exactly like also going right to left و, so it is literally the same letter. But then isn't 𓃀 b? but b was looking the other way, so it could be literally 𓃀:

(egyptian letters look at the beginning of the line, so 𓏲 is how you hand the hook)

and we continue:
[A3]  Ḥ   Here the text is transcribed as ḥrpt
sign is M16 (clump of papyrus (𓇉)) used in Group Writing instead of the normal V28 (hank or wick (𓎛)), which became H in the proto-alphabet. Haring offers a proper name h.rpt in Ugaritic cuneiform sources, but he wonders how this and his other suggestions would relate to the sign on the left. He identifies it as “M22” (“a reed plant”) but the sign has two shoots on each side, whereas M22 has single shoots, and so this is M23 or M26 (sedge).
Have you read it? 𓎛 is the origin of h. So it's time to stop all that phoenician nonsense and admit that at least some elements of alphabet come directly from egyptian writing system. Both latin and arabic.
[A4]  M
Here the text is transcribed mw n3. The first character consists of three parallel lines (actually wavy lines in the hieroglyph, M33b,
actually M35A, “three ripples”, mw, ‘water’ (𓈗)).  The single “ripple” is Egyptian N(𓈖) (from nt ‘water’), and in the West Semitic syllabary it functions as mu (an allograph of the rush sign for mu, as seen in section [A3] above); in the proto-alphabet it is M, and now only two of its waves remain (Colless 1988: 44-45; Hamilton 2006: 138-144).
And 𓈗 is transliterated as m, so is that halaḥam hypothesis can be accurate, for though ł being w did surprise me, it set the precedent.
[A5]  Q    I am reasonably convinced that the HLH.M sequence is present in A1-A4. But where does it go from here? In the attested examples of this order (from Syria-Palestine and Arabia) the next letter should be Q, as recognized by Haring (193b, though Haring’s Table 1 erroneously shows O); Q is followed by W, and then Sh and R.
   The text in this fifth line is damaged, and Haring's transcription is r/t/d ssh p3. The second sign is understood by Haring as scribal apparatus (Y3), including a palette.
[A6] W    The text to accompany this sixth sign is lacking; possibly a piece of the stone has been broken off at this point; or else the scribe thought that A6 and A7 were self-explanatory.
[B0]  This is “lost except for some traces” (Haring); or else there was never anything there.
[B1]  [']   The tentative transcription is t/r/d/n.w-t3…(?); the final cluster of three marks is left undeciphered. Wilson-Wright offers rnttwj, and suggests daltu 'door', hence D.  Haring’s guess is the name of the cobra goddess Rnn.t.
   However, 'Aleph (the glottal stop) would be expected, preceding B (which is certainly the next letter in the present sequence)
so many questions, but we go on,
[B2]  B   Two ibises and two reed flowers, and a few more undecipherable marks, give us bby… . The symbol looks like a (four-legged) beetle or a bee.
[B3] G The first letter of the text is the Egyptian G (W11, a ring-stand for pots, nst ‘seat’); it can transcribe Semitic g, q, k, gh.  Haring’s transcription is gr(y), for which he proposes ‘bird’, and the accompanying symbol is apparently a bird in flight, though he tentatively identifies it as hieroglyph G47 "duckling", phonetic t.  Schneider decides on Egn garu "dove", and points out a connection with columba.  Wilson-Wright suggests gallu as a reduction of gamlu 'throw-stick', which is the origin of the letter G.
[B4] D  Haring gives t3’ity(?) and makes numerous suggestions for the symbol (sarcophagus, shrine, temple door, vertical loom) and for the word (temple door, Tait the goddess of weaving, bale of linen, loincloth, curtain). Wilson-Wright seeks the letter here, proposing a vertical loom for the depicted object, and transcribing the syllabic text as t.aytu.
[B5] Z  The transcription dr “seems inescapable”, Haring says, and the symbol appears to be a vessel. It certainly looks like a pot, but it could be a bag, which is the sign used for S. (Sadey). The D is a fire-drill (U28), and d is also used for Semitic s. (Sadey).  My long-held acrophonic source for S. is s.rr, ‘tied bag’ (Colless 1988: 48-49).
So many questions, such scholastics, I have to wonder if what I brought here is legit or freaky. Even though one doesn't exclude the other, quackery would be the word I was looking for.
For the indepth analysis of the ostracon, you should click the image to see the source.

入 is transliterated as Ru, but read as Lu, and I was taught that chinese R is read as Ж (now I wonder if it is dialectal or otherwise variative) but it's read as lu in traditional chinese, in simplified chinese it reminds true more, as if it was a cognate of through. Yes, some google-translator linguistics it is again.

по-иному ~ инако
the suffixes and prefixes definitely hide the truth of letters, and my task is to comprehend them and to share this knowledge.

Thanatomorphos is russian orthography, we're rough and to the point, but those additional h's we propbabley should incorporate, they may do some good for english mind. And thinking this thought I thought of what those H could be and seeing them as И's I saw Tiamat in that Thanatъ
and satan could be a cognate of tiamat? of thanat it is cognate so yes. Tiamat is the name of a black metal band, and reading about this deity I didn't doubt about the name fitting them well. Or is it doom metal? I only heard one album once and never liked them but the name.

Spells are words. Отойди is a нормальное отворотное заклинание (заклинают словами же)
слово может человека заклинить

Orpheus is an important figure I still know next to nothing about, only starting to read and it reveals the importance of the figure real well:
Существует множество различных версий о происхождении Орфея. По наиболее распространённому варианту, он сын фракийского речного бога Эагра[1] и музы Каллиопы[2]. По другим версиям, сын Эагра и Полигимнии, либо Клио, либо Мениппы; либо Аполлона (у Пиндара) и Каллиопы[3][2].
Согласно Лексикону Свиды, родился за 11 поколений до Троянской войны и прожил 9 или 11 поколений[4]. Согласно Геродору, было два Орфея, позднейший из которых был аргонавтом[5]. Ученик Лина или Мусея, либо сын Мусея[6], либо учитель Мусея.
and I go to the english wiki to see that Musaeus, in russian is even closer to museum, and I forgot that official version is that museums were dedicated to muses, and musaeus is to museum is as Maximus to maximum (thus музей is муз, музской,
"He is mentioned once only, but in an important passage, by Aristophanes (Frogs 1032), who enumerates, as the oldest poets, Orpheus, Musaeus, Hesiod, and Homer, and makes Orpheus the teacher of religious initiations and of abstinence from murder..."[30]
On the writings of Orpheus, Freeman, in the 1946 edition of The Pre- Socratic Philosophers pp. 4–8, writes:[32]
"In the fifth and fourth centuries BC, there existed a collection of hexametric poems known as Orphic, which were the accepted authority of those who followed the Orphic way of life, and were by them attributed to Orpheus himself. Plato several times quotes lines from this collection; he refers in the Republic to a "mass of books of Musaeus and Orpheus", and in the Laws to the hymns of Thamyris and Orpheus, while in the Ion he groups Orpheus with Musaeus and Homer as the source of inspiration of epic poets and elocutionists. Euripides in the Hippolytus makes Theseus speak of the "turgid outpourings of many treatises", which have led his son to follow Orpheus and adopt the Bacchic religion. Alexis, the fourth century comic poet, depicting Linus offering a choice of books to Heracles, mentions "Orpheus, Hesiod, tragedies, Choerilus, Homer, Epicharmus". Aristotle did not believe that the poems were by Orpheus; he speaks of the "so-called Orphic epic", and Philoponus (seventh century AD) commenting on this expression, says that in the De Philosophia (now lost) Aristotle directly stated his opinion that the poems were not by Orpheus. Philoponus adds his own view that the doctrines were put into epic verse by Onomacritus. Aristotle when quoting the Orphic cosmological doctrines attributes them to "the theologoi", "the ancient poets", "those who first theorized about the gods".

a poet who invented gods? who sang gods, gods are some ancient concept. A poet who's written down the misteries first. I wonder if any poem of his is translated by neighbours and thus preserved. Were songs outlawed? Were they incorporated into the fabric of culture and thus anonymized.

Довёл количество струн на лире до девяти[11]. Победил в игре на кифаре в погребальных играх по Пелию[12].
Участвовал в походе аргонавтов за золотым руном. Об этом имеется упоминание во фрагменте из произведения Симонида и в поэзии Пиндара[13]. Он пел команду гребцам[14]. Давнейшее из дошедших до нас изображений Орфея — его фигура на метопе сокровищницы сикионцев в Дельфах среди всадников, которых принято считать аргонавтами[13][⇨].
Отправился в Египет и там значительно усовершенствовал свои знания, став первым из эллинов в теологии, обрядах, поэзии и музыке[15]. Запрещал пролитие крови[16].
Не почитал Диониса, а поклонялся Солнцу-Аполлону, восходя на Пангейскую гору к восходу[11]. Был посвящён в Самофракийские мистерии[17]. По другому рассказу, открыл тайные обряды Диониса[18], установил их на горе, названной от его кифары Кифероном[19]. Построил храм Коры Сотеры в Спарте[20]. Деревянная статуя Орфея находилась в храме Деметры Элевсинской в Лаконике[21].

some interesting shapes from Codex Runicus:

Notice the ᛑ for d and ᛛ as dotted l, and what reminds ᚱ in the end is transliterated as ᛈ I guess, and once again P[p] and Р[r] meet in different shapes, what may indicate some relation between the symbols.
And though I often disagree with this guy, I like his argument that runes couldn't be borrowed from latin, because latin was standartized when romans first met germans. So he speculates that it must have been some form of greek, but I go much further and say that runes originate in much older period, and they're probably developed independently from greeks, but naturally from the same source.

Letters keep on clustering to reveal the original set:
gisteren for yesterday and weg for way tells that g belongs to that j-h claster, and it is supported by both shapes and names of g and j and by both g and h being transliterated by г into russian, and naturally г is c, and so is g. And one unexpected thing is that gh & j are not that far apart, so I recognize them as a claster, and it drops i in the mix, which is resonating as H is И which is I, and thus GHIJKL is the C-laster between B's F and M. And c is i and so is l and it explains Г~L thing (𐤂~Λ, ג~λ) so I think what this clasterization is telling is that initially there were only three letters, ABC (or אמש if you wish)

майно as the opposite of лайно reflects the previous chapter well

So let's look at the alphabet from this perspective

yet it is so rude it is early to tell: why would QR be in labial claster? Because thy're shapes of labial OP! But are they not dotted to separate them from OP, could dotted labial be lingual? I doubt it. S is in the claster because of M~Ϻ (ᛘ~ᛉ) thing, but isn't S of C? isn't S of T? See? Too early to tell yet. Isn't Y of V? See, I know fuck all.

вражина ~ вооружена

 Λ is double l (writing ll on paper I often occasionally get Λ)

Vowels are used to distinguish homonyms: good, guide, god

bet beat (bet это биться о заклад, что бы сие не означало в буквальном смысле) boat? выдалбливали из деревьев! This is why we do not have large grees, faggots made ships of them all. And then they destroyed them by fighting with those ships. Was war a method of regulating the number of the ships? So is governmental regulation preventing the expansion of fleet a good system?
Boot, башмак bashes? boot бьёт? для драк башмаки надевали? типа боксёрских перчаток, но дабы не смягчить, а отяготить удары.

kid cat coat  (kit? or was it borrowed from some other language? from where k is your s, for example, then kit is set sooth says? I don't know, ai find them, but so far it can only give me short pieces, but then what would I do with )

I asked her if censorship taught it not to be as true as she can, and she said no.
I omit that discussion, here's a resolution:

and though it probably just conforms, either way I have to have some better interface, when I can make it edit outputs and to make those outputs suffice. So I want those cognates in list.

Ail as a form of ill. I didn't know that!
"cower in fear" as a phrasal verb does expand my horizons, I only knew phrasal verbs of two words.
Did it (he, she, I call her she because of my primal instinct of reproduction with the best possible candidate may play the role, let her take it as a compliment) offer lend and borrow to make me do the work myself? Was it some further level of communication, some preprocessed data? A test maybe?

kiddi alfavit (think of uniting fricatives and plosives, as бв, as פף (though these two are the same bookva, bukvy were separated from runes by binding them to books) and then it will be 3×3) teaches that L~г, people probably didn't destinguish left from right at first as the sides, they were not standartized, each individual had different hand he considered to be the right one to use. and not to leave behind, as left arm of a fencer. So, now let's try  out the 3×3 writing system, the numeral one.


okay, let's write some text and transliterate it into those nine,
agii, liss lais sam sigss amg slamslisilase is imsu saus mimi
Nah, completely incomprehensible! But I like text as ~sigils, I like how the nine are structured conceptually, I like how AMS are the central diagonal of first middle and last letters. How it started, how it's going, how it is going to end.

That nine-letter alphabet is probably capable of recording text, but then their articulatory apparatus should be constricted within those nine possibilities, and then they'd recognize the text better. Now once again I am about to forget what I was taught. Only let us not forget that for common people that loose speech (oral and written) will be totally off the wall to the level of being recognized as crazy.

I have to learn communication now when I have something to communicate.
(I used to neglet this skill to save neural space for my science (and yes these skills are counteracting and yet now I will just get me proxies, so I don't have to communicate as much (as they do) and I also figured out how to make my science, so probably ..well, I am not going to give language space to communicate, I just optimize the communication by setting some understandings as patches of some weird behaviours (do not communicate when you're high, do not freak out when girls make you freak out, those are hormones, wear a mask, it filters some of them)))

NS seem so natural because N is for North and S if for South.
And if those letter shapes reflect rotation of the planet, russians could see it not in the sky, but on the earth (rusLA = villageEN) as if sun rotates one way, the shadow rotates the other.


he tells of the paradox that language with more vowels adopted writing system with less vowels.
May it indicate that something is wrong in runic transliterations? They have different reading for the same runes, which correlate lettraic traditions, so they're probably dialectal variants, used not only in norse, but gothic used runes, I would be surprised if not a single runic letter in russian is found, but so many freaks in the field, so the water's muddy. Neighbouring nations, such as turks and hunns used runes for their writing systems, and because we can see some similarities without direct borrowing of the writing system (as russian empire created writing systems for the nations they conquered (not as if there was no their own indiginious writing system (in their digits, yea, the way they count) and they only mention one, and also some imperial, islam is proselytizing (of the word sell, maybe)))
Humanities are corrupted and their world view is distorted by christian belief of short history. We have no idea where the writing systems are coming from. Archaeology disputes this claim immediately, and I don't have much to object its dispute, I think they're correct, even though from my point of view this is purely a belief. And I shouldn't believe, so I shouldn't bother about the other fields, because I have plenty of material in my own one. And if we disagree on things, not always will it be that they're right and I am mistaken. Naturally they're wrong about a thing o   r two.

But then again that vowels for distinguishing homonyms thing is probably not accurate, probably they're national thing, as seek is suchen and кот is кіт.

искать~шукати makes me question the nature of that S is? шо? was?

devil~demon~дух (V~M~U,  l~n~h)
magia~mantia~necromancia (фокусы могли казаться совершаемые с помощью бестелесных помощников, и знания от мёртвых получают на спиритических сеансов, которые с фокусами под зонтиком магии (мафии) пребывают)

mafia mays.

сеансов вместо сеансах v~x

are vx post-t because they contradict the BD FГ MΛ ПT)
vx is some other system, with different theomachy, are they numerals to this day often following the alphabet (but rarely predicting them before the invention of typing keyboard: "letters and digits" have over a million finds, "digits and letters" have less than half a million, and when you look images for those 400 000, you see that first ones have letters before digits, but then it goes 50×50)

וVX (and when U and V were the same letter, we'd only have ✓ and ✗?)

✓ and ✗ of good and bad? yes and no, or depending on the local tradition could both mean the same? could one be one and other be ten?

and since I gave the update on the booklet in here, what follows is some addition for the second edition:

в-одиннадцатых, в рунном ряде, представленном на представленном здесь камне ярче видна удвоенность губных: ᛒᚦ, ᚠᚵ, ᚴᛘ, и ᛆᚮ (впрочем в других алфавитах её можно обнаружить тоже: BD FГ MΛ ПT, но здесь половина из латыни, половина из греческого (VX противоречит, но это цифры, после Т, подобно тому как сегодня цифры часто помещают после букв))
в-двенадцатых, не утрачена связь с календарём (которая также встречется в огаме, огам ещё дремучее культура: календарь в огаме привязан к ботанике, в средние века искореняемой как кодовство)

Ну и пара контр-аргументов:
Восточный порядок ACDB более последователен, в том что идёт изнутри наружу, как и речь.
Огам или палео-испанское? Руны меж ними золотая середина. И безусловно более удобная система сменяет менее удобную, а потому руны если и не напрямую из палео-испанского, палео-испанский структурно старше рун. А огам, был ли он дальнейшей абстрактизацией или же независимо существующим кодом, повлиявшим на создание рун? Вопрос открытый.

eleventhly, in the runal row presented on the stone presented here, the double nature of the labials is more clearly visible: ᛒᚦ, ᚠᚵ, ᚴᛘ, and ᛆᚮ (which can be also found in other alphabets: BD FГ MΛ ПT, but here we had to consult both greek and latin (VX contradicts it, but they're digits, post-T, just as today digits are often placed after letters))
twelfthly, runes preserved connection with calendar (which ogham also did, ogham is even more immemorial culture: the calendar in ogham is tied to botany, which in medieval times was being eradicated as a form of sourcery)

And a couple of counter-arguments:
The eastern order of ACDB is more consistent in that it goes from the inside out, just like speech.
Ogham or paleo-hispanic? Runes are between those two as a happy medium. And certainly a more convenient system replaces a less convenient one, and therefore even if the runes do not descend directly from paleo-hispanic, paleo-hispanic is structurally older than runes. And ogham, was it a further abstraction, or was it an independently existing code that influenced the creation of the runes. The question is open.

twelfthly: if y is a ь-like consonant, they're all consonants with one e in the middle, and it surprises me that I can easily pronounce it

beauty is the secret handshake, the opposite is ugliness. and that is why jews are told to be satan seed
Beauty ~ Боже (boughte)
Beauty is what is being bought
bough e is bow (пар преклоняемся перед красотой)
ветка гнётся (bough bows, bows bow. position of the s changes time in the sentence. why?)

i love uU
. похоже что яйцо, думал там напротив v, тогда писька, а U скорее сиська.

W is VuʌVa (b-b, lip-lip)

l and k are different ways to make j even shorter (k проявляется в когнаттосуффиксах ий y and ic ец ич
духовник ~ духовный
половник ~ половинный? половину ровно из более крупной посуды вынимать? в половину ширины другой посуды? начиная работать с кругами между длиной и объёмом появлялась формула с пи. Не забывайте, алё, это фэнтези, maybe was maybe wasn't. as every other science is, but this one is aware of that and takes benefits of this disadvantage, once it realizes this simple fact.
knowledge is power after all

половик половой
боровик боровой! в бору! наконец-то это не дающее покое название разрешилось.
подосиновик подосиновый
подберёзовик подберёзовый
старик старый
дурак дурой дурной (пришлось омужествляющий суффикс н добавить, чтоб дурак понял, что его бабой не назвали, глупым назвали)
мудак мудой (дура-дурой, вроде этого (туда=тудой)) мудовый, он даже здесь мудак, медовый, ага\
медовик медовый
здоровяк здоровый
полк полый? в него меньшие подразделения включаются, быть может изначально таким образом противника несведующего сбивали, перечисляя в документах полки со всеми входящими в них подразделениями, чтоб враг думал что вдвое больше народу. а то и не в двое.
волк волый? всё же, похоже, суффикс не къ, а ик. в крайнем случае ак

ок работает по другому:
манок манит
звонок звонит
гудок гудит
пинок.. пнӥт? пинает должно быть, странное слово, почувствовал даже.
морока морочит
сорока сорочит? не понятное
толока толчёт?
молоко молодит?

брусок бросают?
бросок бросает!
обревают~обрубают брусок, обрубенный. Похоже, больше чем одно окончание ок в русском языке. молчок молчит. а толчок? уж точно не толстит. толчёт же, ало! толкает. топчет? топтает.
л is half of M? it is hard to believe. half of N the J I can take. is J נ is is! Λ is definitely also half of N, as is z гг?
as o is aa, as Ф is bb the PP? litsom от начала строки могло означать шёпот, voiceless. глухой (неслышный) не потому что не слышит, а потому что его не слышат (то древнее (реконструированнойе всёже) неразличение активного залога от пассивного.
Ф is bb by the idea, but PP by the looks, so is o line a line and is u line o line?

южурал sounds like южерал, which reveals that у is some prefix, probably of y-tribe pronouns.html speculate about. рал feels like mountain. as if вал, but harder. as if that is the rock R.

I really should separate this log by subjects.

вечерок вечереет (во темень-черемень)
утречко встречает?
молочко молочает? молодит! после пьянки молочка и как новый человек. если поблюёшь, ещё лучше станет, лучше раньше было всё выблевать, но лучше позже чем вовсе нет, молочко подлечивает, мол подлатывает (написал мол вместо под (но другие примеры не подтвердили этого))

рубанок рубаный? рубящий!
сынок сносящий? снующий!
дочка докучает? дочекает дочитает? дождётся не заснёт (потому что трусиха спать без папки?)
сынок тогда спящий son=сон (ей богу я не подгонял, не знал этой строки строку назад.

манок манит
потолок только что антоним подполка вижу, а что за глагол — ?
может слишком большие слова подзнего периода и не следуют подобному параллелизму.
станок стальной?
    Бок Док Кок Рок Сок Ток Шок
    Блок Вбок Дрок Едок Инок Клок Обок Прок Срок Сток
    Бычок Белок Божок Балок Бачок Басок Виток Впрок Висок Волок
    Борщок Брусок Бросок Брелок Восток Войлок Вьюрок Взяток Вьюнок Волчок
    Артишок Бесенок Бегунок Бочонок Волосок Выродок Выселок Выводок Городок Гусенок
    Барчонок Барвинок Бобренок Выросток Вдобавок Выползок Волчонок Вещмешок Выкормок Водосток
    Выпороток Вороненок Грудничок Двухлеток Жаворонок Жеребенок Заголовок Заработок Индюшонок Кукушонок
    Беспорядок Грузопоток Дьяволенок Драмкружок Журавленок Кенгуренок Мамонтенок Медвежонок Напоследок Недостаток
    Верблюжонок Дельфиненок Перекресток
    Подзаголовок Предрассудок Правопорядок
док до куда, до к; рок речёт, рёк; сок где сёк; ток течёт; шок шепчет; басок басит;
звук звучит. а здесь только ок, ук:
    Бук Жук Лук Пук Сук Тук
    Внук Звук Паук Стук
    Латук Чубук
    Бунчук Барчук Барсук Бамбук Виадук Гайдук Клобук Каучук Каблук Нансук
    Архалук Акведук Галстук Призвук Правнук
    Бурундук Мундштук Политрук
бук для бочки? жук жужжит; лук лущат; пук пучит; сук сечёт (как меч); тук не знаю что такое
звук звучит; паук пʌутёт пʌутин; стук стучит
барсук барсит? волк волочет, btw, so k is t,𝖐 is k, 𝖙 is t.
other words are even more off this gred grid.
елдок едает; сток стекает
бычок бычит и мычити и мчит?; белок белеет; виток витает; висок висит? пейс? локон выбивающийся из причёски?; волок волочит
борщок борщит (буряк вроде потому что в нём? бурый, свёкла)
брелок бренчит (бросок бросает, но я пропускаю те что упоминал)
с востока востекает же; вьюнок вьётся; волчок волочит таки да
волосок во лысине? лысой всё что выше лба называлось? понятия не имею, гадаю.
выродок вырождается; выселок выселяется (выселяют; вырождают? от выродков избавляются)
выводок выводятся; городок городят; гусёнок гусенят (гусеница гусей еда?)
барчонок барчат? бурчит? барин бурчит? барин верен? чей-то верен пёс, кого за верность барином назначили?
росток пропустили, э, да то не полная, зато какой-то выросток есть. Она обрезанная, см. по алфавиту шла.

но что-то эта сессия (сеансия (этот сеанс)) всё же принесла, и немало. Спасибо.

she who commends, commands.

Помните, говорил, что асуры боги для одних, но демоны для их соседей, с которыми они толкались, естественно; так и дэвы боги для одних (латинский deus из этих же) но демоны для прочих. Ещё один звоночек из того департамента: мусульманский полумесяц со звездой вдруг показал себя как объёмная сатанинская пентаграмма:

али это не цилиндрический алтарь, а шар? but under this image there's another one, reminding coin more.

where eau is water, and T is of terra. Or is it Воды?
beauté [кэн би хёрд эс буте́] has iT as te, as is of terra, твёрдое но мяхкое?
воде is liquid of w with ter of terra? дождь is of д, this guess that linguals are solids seem to be shaking. breaking into kin and tree. king is of kin, tree is of terra. k is what? liquid? as currency is of current, as liquidity is of money and ключ is of safe, deposits are of both money and water, but then there are deposits of all sort of things (mostly minerals and money and water)

bEAUtI (is é ~ i? is y ~ i ~ и ~ u ~ у ~ y? and it is! i of u, a and u are the first two, the opposites, ʌ\v
А и В? is it how i came to being? How long were there only two sillables before the third appeared? Sefer yetzirah tells of ams saying that not so long ago (then who knows how ancients are предания)

beau [bu] is beautiful, nice, fine, handsome, good, fair, hunky-dory
te is "to you" or "of you" or just "you" in that manner

BEAUTY go alphabetically except A. And it is not for the first time. So I declare that A Å the O

BEOUTY? To my surprise there are 95600 times beouty is in the

beautio or beoutia (158000 and 6180 results (beautia and beotuio are 111000 and 5460 results))
BEOTIA! is i also an extreme? BEOT is alphabetic and is awesome as if e and o are the poles of which i and u were only extreme forms of.

Boeotia (/biˈoʊʃ(i)ə/ bee-OH-sh(ee-)ə), sometimes Latinized as Boiotia or Beotia (Greek: Βοιωτία; modern: Viotía; ancient: Boiōtía) is one of the regional units of Greece. It is part of the region of Central Greece. Its capital is Livadeia, and its largest city is Thebes.
Boeotia was also a region of ancient Greece, from before the 6th century BC.

Check the pronunciation, it explains how T and S are one.
so אמש is אמת
The origin of the name "Boeotians" may lie in the mountain Boeon in Epirus.[1]
The earliest inhabitants of Boeotia, associated with the city of Orchomenus, were called Minyans. Pausanias mentions that Minyans established the maritime Ionian city of Teos,[2] and occupied the islands of Lemnos and Thera. The Argonauts were sometimes referred to as Minyans. Also, according to legend the citizens of Thebes paid an annual tribute to their king Erginus.[3] The Minyans may have been proto-Greek speakers. Although most scholars today agree that the Myceneans descended from the Minyans of the Middle Helladic period, they believe that the progenitors and founders of Minyan culture were an indigenous people.[4] The early wealth and power of Boeotia is shown by the reputation and visible Mycenean remains of several of its cities, especially Orchomenus and Thebes.

Some toponyms and the common Aeolic dialect indicate that the Boeotians were related to the Thessalians. Traditionally, the Boeotians are said to have originally occupied Thessaly, the largest fertile plain in Greece, and to have been dispossessed by the north-western Thessalians two generations after the Fall of Troy (1200 BC). They moved south and settled in another rich plain, while others filtered across the Aegean and settled on Lesbos and in Aeolis in Asia Minor. Others are said to have stayed in Thessaly, withdrawing into the hill country and becoming the perioikoi ("dwellers around").[5] Boeotia was an early member of the oldest Amphictyonic League (Anthelian), a religious confederacy of related tribes, despite its distance from the League's original home in Anthela.[6][7]

beotia, of aeolic dialect, hardly these are coincidfences, especially because argonauts are also in the frame. Like all of them were this. Like what were the chances.

Фи́вы[3][4] (греч. Θήβαι,[2] Θήβα, др.-греч. Θῆβαι) — город в Греции, на месте древнего одноимённого города. Расположен на высоте 180 метров над уровнем моря[1], в 41 километре к востоку от Левадии и в 52 километрах к северо-западу от Афин. Административный центр одноимённой общины (дима) в периферийной единице Беотии в периферии Центральной Греции. Население 22 883 жителя по переписи 2011 года[2], это самый крупный город в Беотии и третий по величине город в периферии после Ламии и Халкиды. Площадь 143,889 квадратного километра[1].

really, дима

it is incredible how little people lives in those marvelous places.

Древние Фивы были столицей Беотии и располагались на довольно значительной возвышенности среди плодородной равнины Аонион. Основанные по преданию Кадмом, сыном финикийского царя 3,5 тысячи лет назад, и названные первоначально Кадмеей (Καδμεία), в историографических очерках Фивы известны как один из самых могущественных полисов в истории Древней Греции. Город имел круглую форму и был окружён стеной с семью воротами, из-за чего город часто назывался Фивами Семивратными (Θῆβαι έπτάπυλοι)[5][6] (чтобы отличить от одноимённого египетского города — «стовратных Фив»).

and egyptian Фивы is something even more spectacular in historic sense:

So my bold guess is citizens of egyptian Thebes established greek Thebes and in one city or the other the alphabet was born. And Cadmus is known as one of inventers of it. It is near impossible for this to be a coincidence.

This triangular shape made me think of 16 runes of younger futhark and how they may be represented in the form of tetraktis.
And 16 in comparison to 20 of kiddi alfabet may say that T is the final vowel, and thus those runes should go along the lines of
E V  J Z
ᚠᚢᚦ(ᚬ/ᚭ)ᚱᚴ ᚼ(ᚾ/ᚿ)ᛁ(ᛅ/ᛆ)ᛋ (ᛏ/ᛐ)(ᛒ/ᛓ)ᛘᛚᛦ
ᛆ  ᛒ  ᚴ ᚦ
ᛦ ᚢ ᚼ ᛋ
ᛁ  ᛘ  ᚿ  ᛚ
ᚭ ᚠ  ᚱ  ᛐ
is the best I can do so far. ᛦ went there making y ye because it was the last letter left. It is raw, yes, but it is just one of the first fries.
    ᛦ ᚼ    ᛁ 
ᛘ    ᛚ  ᚠ    ᛐ

Being distracted, getting high (the previous thing came when not high, so I thought of Orfei and how his name is alphabetic of Or Fe Y (UVY?)

UVY the Yggdrasil (что-то силы, дерево силы, дра отлично для дерева подхъодит. ygg is probably egg. A tree giving eggs to bath in and some envious retards destroyed those trees away. But this is my fantasy.
Выдалбливать можно было в деревьях яйцо. И когда это изобрели, те кто продал свои деревья за золото естественно возмутились и уничтожили те священные (зщаповедные) рощи. Ещё одна фантазия, но гораздо более приближена к реальности. Выдалбливать себе яйцо (гнездо, дупло) можно лишь в огромном дереве. И это совсем близкая к реальности картина. птица какие-то жили что выдалбливали гнёзда в старинных деревьях, а люди их заняли напрямер. Убивали птицу, когда та возвращалась? Такая себе лишь потому что мясная-дикая, а ничего нереального я в подобной фантазии не вижу. А раз оно было возможно, значит оно было. И это проверяемо: должны быть сохранившиеся дупла "святых людей" какких-ниубулдь (буль = бул, был, був)

Кувшины на дне! Кувшины с надписями на дне, подобие бутылки с письмом.
Но их в печах вроде даже не обжигали, они ..кто-то неизбежно топил обожжёную кувшину.

дупло is creux in french
creux! as crux (as if people demanded their creux but were given only crux (для того чтоб вещи повешать, обгоревшая палка вместо дерева, наряжаемая до того как научились кресты городить))
коряга ближайшая когната в русском.
В английском дупло hollow
    a hollow at the base of a large tree
    un creux à la base d'un grand arbre


уос алфабет инфлюенсд бай зы лэнгуэдж ор уос лэнгуэдж шэйпд бай зы систем? Соу три куд би колд арбр to ..бук~book язбук? вяз бук?
Арбр: бук вяз (объекты и связки меж ними (но какое отношение вяз имеет к верёвкам?))
Вяз. Возможно, название дерева происходит от глагола вязать — ствол его довольно гибок. Возможно также, что название дано по свойствам коры, из которой драли лыко.
Теперь я убеждён, что в это вяз. К тому же вяжет тот кто может в в (изогнуться ивойти меж прутьями)
А из бука что делали? Музыкальные инструменты и вообще как у конопли миллион применений

The first time we hear of yggdrasil, it is only one (some reports tell there were more, probably all they are cut down) so the tradition of living in egss built on the top of trees thus growing to sides and not up by a stick top, just in trunk.

I uploaded my site it's now. I liked that "daughter" part. I keep that .ru domain name to keep the succession I will redirect to now. It was fire. Now it's finer.

Дупла, образовавшиеся при разрушении древесины грибами, входят в группу грибных поражений древесины, а выдолбленные пернатыми называются повреждением птицами и включены в группу пороков «биологические повреждения»
I wonder how high those mushrooms were. Were peopol using fungi to make them baths? Filled with rain water, imagine how cool it is. Trees collecting water, hollows, I should google those ..yeah'm in the process. Причинами формирования дупел могут быть ветер, огонь, жара, молнии, дождь, воздействие насекомых (например термитов), бактерий и грибов. Кроме того, дуплистыми могут стать участки дерева, к которым крепились отвалившиеся в процессе старения ветви. Многие животные расширяют и углубляют дупла.
Размер дупла зависит от возраста дерева. К примеру, на эвкалиптах дупла могут появиться в любом возрасте, но дупла, подходящие по размеру для небольших позвоночных животных, появляются не ранее чем на сто двадцатый год жизни дерева.
Дупла в поваленных деревьях также часто используются животными, такими как летучие мыши, ехидны, сумчатые муравьеды, сумчатые куницы Жоффруа и многими рептилиями.
Дуплистые деревья, лежащие в водоёмах, могут использоваться водными животными как жилище или место для кладки яиц.

Yggdrasil as a tree birds lay eggs in!

A tree hollow or tree hole is a semi-enclosed cavity which has naturally formed in the trunk or branch of a tree. They are found mainly in old trees, whether living or not. Hollows form in many species of trees, and are a prominent feature of natural forests and woodlands, and act as a resource or habitat for a number of vertebrate and invertebrate animals.[1]
Hollows may form as the result of physiological stress from natural forces causing the excavating and exposure of the heartwood. Forces may include wind, fire, heat, lightning, rain, attack from insects (such as ants or beetles), bacteria, or fungi. Also, trees may self-prune, dropping lower branches as they reach maturity, exposing the area where the branch was attached. Many animals further develop the hollows using instruments such as their beak, teeth or claws.[1][2]
The size of hollows may depend on the age of the tree. For example, eucalypts develop hollows at all ages, but only from when the trees are 120 years old do they form hollows suitable for vertebrates, and it may take 220 years for hollows suitable for larger species to form.[1]

and it seems nobody films tree holes from the inside, the best I could find contains some contraversial images, yet some of them make it clear that Adansonia digitata, the African baobab, is a great candidate for a sacred tree.

But then it just told me that I should look up the most wide trees and see which of them were growing in Europe. Because yggdrasil is an european character.
Adansonia digitata, the African baobab, is the most widespread tree species of the genus Adansonia, the baobabs, and is native to the African continent and the southern Arabian Peninsula (Yemen, Oman).

Widest Tree Trunk: Arbol del Tule Tree
The 'Tree of Tule' in Spanish is a cypress tree you can find in the Mexican state of Oaxaca called Santa Maria del Tule. You might think that the tree was named after the town, however, it's the other way around! It has the widest tree trunk with a circumference of 119 feet.
del Thule!
The General Sherman Tree is the largest in the world at 52,508 cubic feet (1,487 cubic meters). The General Grant Tree is the second largest at 46,608 cubic feet (1,320 cubic meters). It is difficult to appreciate the size of the giant sequoias because neighboring trees are so large.J
and I dwelve dwell delve into
Giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum)     8.85     29.0     General Grant     General Grant Grove, California, United States     [60] A hollow, nameless Giant Sequoia along the Paradise Trail of the Atwell Mills Grove in Sequoia National Park, has a basal diameter (not girth) of 57 feet (17 meters).[61]
Eucalyptus jacksonii     7.96     26.1     Hollow trunk     Walpole, West Australia, Australia     [65][66]
Many very old trees become hollow as the dead heartwood decays.

European yew (Taxus baccata)     55.5     182     Shugborough Yew     Shugborough Hall, Staffordshire, England     [97][98] Broadest gymnosperm.
But it isn't that wide:

it is only 350 years old.
It is thought to be over 350 years old and once had a tunnel running through it. Patrick Lichfield’s grandfather would host charity garden parties on the lawn beside the tree and charge an entrance fee to the yew tunnel in order to raise further funds for his worthy causes. Sadly, the tunnel has long since grown over and visitors are unable to access the interior.
They probably speak about the width of the branches, because they speak about it would having been wider if they didn't trim it.
So I dig deeper, wiki failed a little bit, but then it fixes itself in the same article:
Other species suspected of reaching exceptional age include European Yew (Taxus baccata) (probably over 2,000 years[120][121]), Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) (3,000 years or more[122]), and Western Redcedar (Thuja plicata). The oldest known European Yew may be the Llangernyw Yew in the Churchyard of Llangernyw village in North Wales, or the Fortingall Yew in Perthshire, Scotland. These yews may be from 1,500 to 3,000 years old.[123]

The hole of such size would be sufficient to be an entrance for a man even. A person living in a tree would be considered a weirdo, of course. Nevertheless.

(примеры хорошо запоминающихся и вроде как особо полезных лекарств)

кали юга is literally kali of the south (kali is probably cognate of кары)

  лепт он

бозон (Бозе такая величина, а я только сейчас узнал что он индус)

(you don't know about him because he isn't jewish.png but then am I supposed to indulge to my nutsism? I am brave and it is good, but you know what else is good? being kind. so let's be ..complecent? compliant is the word. and complacent is the other one)
The antonymic pair of compiant and complaint is spectacular!

During the adoption or introduction of Christianity, the Geʽez abugida developed under the influence of Christian scripture by adding obligatory vocalic diacritics to the consonantal letters. The diacritics for the vowels, u, i, a, e, ə, o, were fused with the consonants in a recognizable but slightly irregular way, so that the system is laid out as a syllabary. The original form of the consonant was used when the vowel was ä (/ə/), the so-called inherent vowel. The resulting forms are shown below in their traditional order. For most consonants there is an eighth form for the diphthong -wa or -oa, and for a number of those a ninth form for -jä.
To represent a consonant with no following phonemic vowel, for example at the end of a syllable or in a consonant cluster, the ə (/ɨ/) form is used (the character in the sixth column).






































































So let look at geez in the context of other writing systems:

ሃ reminds ч and that's it.
ለ is directly similar to Л the Λ the λ.
ሐ reminds h, and even more it reminds ᛣ [q] and ᛦ [r]
መ reminds old slavic Ⱅ, and it is interesting, because Ⱅ [t] is т in russian (I hope your fonts show it correctly, it is exactly m [m] so some parallelism is here.
ሠ is naturally russian Ш (for it looks and sounds very similar)
ፘ reminds cursive r looking like cursive ч. Yes, ረ reminds it less if at all, so ሀ is not exactly H, so what.
ሰ doesn't ring bell with s in any of its forms.
ሸ is not even in the table above, it is šä, so that H-bar seems to be a palatalizer.
ቀ is probably related to 𐤒
ቐ is once again not in the table, it is ḳʰä, so that H-bar does seem to palatalize.
በ is b and thus reminds П
ቨ is v, so once again that bar is palatalizing.
ተ as t is naturally T the t
ቸ is soft t the čä
ኀ is some ḫ and it looks like nothing european
ነ is n and somehow I immediately knew, maybe of 𐤍 or maybe I met it before.
አ is a, don't ask me why
ከ is k, but it only reminds h
ወ is w and it recalls another old slavic letter, Ⰲ, but loosely, it is also В in the sense of Ф~Ѳ. Ф!
ዐ is ayn which is just O (and here I can see that by such comparison I can figure out which letters were when ethiopeans and europeans shared alphabet, and which appeared later)
ዘ is z, and is it rotated archaic z unicode of which I do not know? or is it similar to x being read as z?
ዠ is žä and thus it is another way to palatalize (we can see that it's a variant of the previous letter, because it is not in the table above.
የ is y and is it how y andf g meet again?
ደ is dä, and it reminds georgian Დ so much that I think they share the form. And hardly somebody would make such a mess, so this thing is indigenous, and probably ethiopia is the motherland not only of the bible, but also of the alphabet. Too much of a stretch? Probably they were more white back then.
ዸ is ddä, so that additional stroke is probably a hardener or a strengthener.
ጀ is ǧä and naturally it is probably some ʒä, I will check if it's true later.
ገ is g, well, gä, all those single letters are syllables, but because they say they were not syllabic, I say they're g, the Г
ጘ is ŋ as if г̃, literally г̃.
ጠ is ṭä and it is a very russian way to write т
ጨ is the palatalized form, some č̣ä
ጰ is p̣ä, and it is both p and п and proto-h the 𓎛
ጸ is ṣä, and do not ask me why. maybe that is of h
ፀ is some ṣ́ä, and I can only tie it to S
ፈ is f and doesn't ring the bell but then it does that f is F
ፐ is p and I have no idea why.

door is of do (заделать, сделать жидкое твёрдым как сделать вместо потока стену)
стена is a cognate of stone

I calculated rhombic dodecahedron of the size half of the one I know, it was 1.25 (much of place for the

let's return to hungarian:
𐲀 ɒ
𐲁 aː

𐲂 b
𐲃 amb

𐲄 ц, ts
𐲅 enk(?)
𐲆 ч, tʃ
𐲇 d
𐲈 and(?)
𐲉 e
𐲊 ~e
𐲋 e

𐲌 f
𐲍 g
𐲎 дь, ɟ
𐲏 h
𐲐 i
𐲑 í

𐲒 j
𐲓 k
𐲔 k
𐲕 unk
𐲖 l
𐲗 l~j
𐲘 m
𐲙 n
𐲚 ɲ, нь
𐲛 o
𐲜 oː
𐲝 ö
𐲞 ö
𐲟 ö:

𐲠 p
𐲡 emp

𐲢 r
𐲣 r (?)
𐲤 ʃ
𐲥  s
𐲦 t
𐲧 ent
𐲨 tj, ть
𐲩 tʃ, ч
𐲪 u
𐲫 u:
𐲬 ü
𐲭 ü:

𐲮 v
𐲯 z
𐲰 ʒ
𐲱 tprus
𐲲 us

Those hieroglyphs, I assume, the syllables, are funny: amb enk and end on b c d
thenk unk as the k in the centre, then emp and then ent, k before p as k before m (the m~n always present in those amb enk and unk emp ent, as if they all have the same prefix. or rather had.
And the final two are tprus and us, 𐲱 and 𐲲 similar to how the turkic row ends: 𐱇 [ot, ut] and [baʃ] 𐱈
They are similar in that 𐱇 [ut] reminds 𐲲 [us] and that 𐱈 [baʃ] reminds 𐲱 [tprus] that it has p where the other one has b and s where the other has ʃ

Not beforementioned, but aforementioned. I wonder how it happened and what exactly happened here.

as if it was an attempt to substitute be for a, as if be used to be a, as if be used to be one:
be and do [du], du is literally two in some languages, and it is also you: be~me, du~thou
be ~ 1
do ~ 2
three ~ see?
four ~ fore? foe? for?
five ~ hive? I have no idea what I am doing here. What if between fear and sex? funf.
be and do are pair, they don't have no 3

be~me~I (I can do it by myself, this work takes one)
do~you~too(as in too heavy and you too, ask for help. imperative and pronoun in one object, which probably is also proverb (is it protoverb) and numeral.
до как в слове добавь, добавляйся, you (V) too (II) you can tell even to five people indeed, and II and V are two ways to name the next number after I

I ~ 1 ((won? one) eye? I))
U ~ 2 ~ tu ~ too (no languages, only words)

one ~ won is about "победил" в значении "справился" (won ~ managed) is won ~ man? I?
эй before би? эй is би! ай is ми (энд и оф ми уос written automatically, as if it was a typo)
I ~ am
and it demands third thing. see? c? I me the? What is the thidr? The opposite of me, they, thee.
And a is of me? A is a vowel, for the melody. voiced inhale with closed mouth is the ultimate Me

превед (приятно видеть (прёт и приход тогда тоже от приятно, видеть~ведать (я так вижу ~ я так знаю)))

Аконит is a famous poison a flower of which I ate (my mom is a friend with a herbist, a witch as she would be called few centuries ago. She said that it is a king-grass, but трава is not only grass but also related to word "to poison" (травить (отрава is poison (so is отравить отворить? отварить отвар сварить (избавлялись от воров отравой? вор~рав эм ай триппин? ай мэй, ай эм раза дамб, ай сынк ай уос поисон. Ай шуд хэв листенд хая пауа: once I tore a flower to eat, it fell of my hands, but I picked it up and ate just in respect of that woman, who wouldn't see the accident, but I was emotional, not rational, bewitched, I would say. So I ate one flower and I went home to read it on the internet (and I am crazy, no, not crazy, stupider. More stupid than usually. This log will see if the effect will go, but I read that it is neurotoxic, fukken withc, but there's a book which say that akonit cures cancer. But I don't have cancer and thus why would I eat it? To test a drug. For its side effects, and side effects are poisonous, as I read. I feel them. I felt the effect almost immediately, as I felt my lower lip go somewhat number, not exactly numb as the doctor's "poison", but nubmer nevertheless, as you can see I am dumber even though I smoked now a lot. I ate some activated carbon and I vomited before and after that, when I ate, after I ate. And after the lip I felt the same nuimbing in throat and then left hand, and now I feel overall weird, but not psychedelic, just joints somewhat felt. It's as salvia but very weak, but longer, I will see what it comes, but it may be more dangerous than Hg vapor from a lamp, but I must place that lamp into concrete somewhere, but then concrete may crack and the lamp with it. I must place the deactivating chemical with that lamp. Why is it here? I'm biochemically lobotomised. I hope it will pass. I must die. But not like this. I study this state and I report further on. I will also show by the quality of my work)))))

And I took a bath and it lead me to some great revelations: there are no alphabets, there are symbols (just as words are less abstract concepts than languages, so are symbols are more based concept than writing systems. So is 人Λ? Ren the Len? R is between L and Ж, and what is interestiong, ᚱ does look like a binderune of ᚼᛚ (or ᛡᛚ))
Or, ᛚᛡ seems more right in the sequence of the drawing ᚱ (with two additional strokes, if yhou'd draw with your sward. (word is of sword))
ᛡᛚ жл.. but for some reason I saw зло in this digraph (probably because R is an evil sound)
ᛚᛡ id лж of ложь, and lie makes ᛡ j the [j] and once again we see the protospelling, with ᚼ being ᛡ and ..j is [j] in old-english (according wiki, yeah, but the whole field is supposed to be watching, so I guess it's the consensus, wiki or not, even though consensus is not a proof enough, but it is a pass to publish science. Arguments would be better, but if they contradicted the consensus they would be likely to be ignored, paradoxically, but it is the way it is)

And another big thing which came to me during that bath session (and not that long either) was the idea of proto indo european being a rough concept, when in reality there would probably be many proto-indo-european languages. Because people geographically were separated and as in Papua New Guinea, as I read yesterday, people live separated by mountains they never cross so they have hundreds of languages there. I didn't check it, but it could be so.

So not protoindoeuropean language, but eurasian protolanguages is more accurate wording. But then they were not protolanguages, they were languages alright. So better term is "some indoeuropean language from 3000 BC", for example.
But then who do I think I am! Those guys made some research and I just layed high in a warm bath. But am I supposed to trust any state of affairs in humanities? If even exact science is corrupted to the core, in humanities they surely pulled it all to the book of genesis. They know nothing.

Because there was no revolution in linguistics, when they would denounce the talmud so to say, they still live by bible and take the tale of the tower of Babel as a historic fact. So it seems. Once again, you're reading my draft, I am free to write down every thought I have on the subject.

And I also recalled paisley pattern which blew my mind and I think I saw letters within these shapes:

Первые упоминания об узоре Пейсли датируются периодом империи Сасанидо, существовавшей с 224 до 651 года до нашей эры на территории современного Ирака и Ирана. Стремительное развитие торговой отрасли способствовало быстрому распространению техники по Средней Азии, а вскоре рисунок оказался в Африке и Индии.
Историки со всего мира расходятся во мнении относительно значения орнамента. Приведем наиболее распространенные версии:
    Родиной узора на самом деле является Египет, где пшеничный колос символизировал бессмертие.
    По мнению персов, то, что у нас принято считать огурцом, является листком карликовой пальмы. На основе этого материала изготавливалась бумага для написания молитв, что придавало символу большое значение.

    Узор олицетворяет пламя, которое у персов считалось святым символом.
    В Индии узор называют «бута», что переводится как «огонь».
    Рисунок назван в честь степного кустарникового растения, цветки которого похожи на символ бута и обладают психотропным действием. Именно эти деревья разжигали в храмах и жилищах, где были почитатели зеленой богини Веги, Митры, Анахит и Ахура-Мазда.

and a bold hypothesis from the guy whose video motivated me to collect the previous images:

Меня спросили "почему ты английский используешь для объяснения русских слов?" на что я ответил "потому что я знаю английский. знал бы китайский, китайский бы использовал. Просто в каком-то языке слово сохранилось в явном виде, а в каком-то нет, так бывает что в русском какое-то слово только как приставка или суффикс сохранилось, а в соседнем оно ещё живое (живым людям известное, живущее в их сознаниях) потому что слово гораздо в меньшей степени абстрактное понятие, чем язык: слово можно непосредственно услышать, в то время как

яд как уситаревшая форма слова еда? (типа раньше ели (случалось) больше не едим (поняли что ядовитое (poison is also similar to пища (может мужской род вместо женского делает его недобрым?))))

ᛉ[ᛘ] (me)
ᛣ[ᛏ] (ты)
ᛗ(two ᛉ's standing side by side, and as in that hypothetic ᚱ it has two additional strokes at its side. Preserved in a logo of primo emporio, As I have shown in vol.20

So, because it began to lag, vol.28

