It is volume 23 (22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)

is indian bastardized indigenous? It would explain both indian and american aboriginal people called that.

I called that line шизофазией in a conversation with a friend, who calls my writing that when he's mad, and this is another reason not to communicate with those who don't believe in you. Because their beliefs suddenly become your beliefs. And I think I should believe in myself. And I know. I know I know that those lines are glorious revelations. And so I keep on digging. I thiank those who help me, I ignore those who don't. Or do I thank them too? I should thank everybody, but my love goes to those who ..actually I tried to say a lie: my love goes everywhere.

See, that sentence is not easy to swallow, it has to be gnawn upon, and this is what "остряки" call "гранит науки", но с хуя ли это гранит, если он вкусен? Оттого, что мы это не едим, а используем как строительный материал. И грызём не зубами а зубилами. т.е. не грызём, а роем, рубим, пилим, бабки срубают, а затем пилят,

Сейчас обнаружил что Анна и она для иностранцев звучат одинаково (быть может то китайцы, что не сильно различают ударения? но не похоже, это с дуалинго, там показаны и имена и влаги) и значит это когнаты с шумерским Ана (богиня)

Он = one = один = Один

Один~Адам? (n~m)
Ана ~ Eва? (ν~v)

All M and W and B are symbol of lips (egiptians drew from a side, in profile, so here it is)
lip~губ становятся когнатами, если губные отдельно все вместе, а язычные тоже отдельно и тоже во всех формах, кто во что горазд. И тогда можно выбрать когнаты следующего уровня, когнаты типа lip ~ губа-губы-губ

лоб ~ head..  it is some third level of cognates, if it is a cognatic pair at all. But both words are rather basal, so should be present in both languages somehow.
German's haupt and kopf link that word to russian голова (germans still have labial part in that гогова.
(голова говорит?)

head is atama in japanese, and I remember it as атаман (казацкий глава)

украинцы такие щирые, что лыб у них поболе: не только ставя и, где у кацапов о, но и смягчение, там где у русских его нет, присутствует: козацький

лоб когнат с английской lobe: a roundish and flattish part of something, typically each of two or more such parts divided by a fissure, and often projecting or hanging.
также доли мозга, включая лобную долю lobe, но скорей всего оба слова восходят к какому-то общему (но могут же и случайно совпадать созвучием? могут, но маловероятно, раз всё равно всё разбирается до букв, а буквы образуют кластеры, до которых мы в этих уровнях консонантной неузнаваемости

emergency is at margin?

Yesterday I witnessed how russian kids are fucked up at the math classes:
instead of being taught the 0123456789 and adding on the basis of this and substracting on the level of getting used to adding, and calculating the larger numbers on paper first, in mind second, they're taught to memorize that 6 can be split into 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, 5+1 (as a result intelligent children don't like math and cannot make the simplest arithmetic operations. And it tells me that whoever made the program are crooks who finds it to their advantage to have a population they would easily fool)

be (am)

триваю ~ тримаю
(keep on) ~ (keep)

гуд гад гид
бэд bud bit? bud is good. bud is booty. bud is бабки bad is paid? peu? poor, this kind of p.
db - dobro, трудное переетекает в мякое.
bd - bad, беда, мяхко было на бумаек, да забыли про оврал (обиралъɪɪ, и прочие обосрамсы, играй так чтоб их не было, но будь подготовлен на случай если будут.

sad sid sod
fox fucks chicks vixens
sod dad did?/// sod sad sid, neither makes much sense. dad is sad? hes tired.

dad~дети (he's дети (he's daddy))
dad child? if all linguals are the same, yes. ANd this pair does make sense.
mom~bab.. baby!! if all labials are the same, mom and babe are the same, girl is mom if she brought babie.
barbie berbers beer boer buyer buy бери бар би, be bar.. (whore)
hooker садит на крючок

дети = sons
babies = daughters.. бабы!

son is senior? no, the opposite. how so? son is junior. arent' junior and senior the same, if all the linguals are the same? At least they go in pairs. And there are only two positions: b or t
so it's easy to get and easy to use. Be and do ..what is and? what is what? what is is? are be is
our yours his
we are glad, you be glad, he's glad
english language is based upon alphabetic structure. That be and do pair in the first line make me think so . R S T are aRe iS ..nah, it's not english, it's latin. Or is only this line latin (-ere -es -est, telling that s~t and r~s too, it's a deeper one) and the first line is english. And column of vowels also screems english: a I you (and sometimes why)

Russians have plenty of short words.
I need a language with the largest ammount of one letter-words!
I think I have this in my site already.
de is one letter word. definitely: же = ж,
во = в,    ко = к,    со=с,    до=ко?    иза=из,    бы=б

What interest me now is letters not pronounced alone, and I think those are..
in russian:    гд  з й лмн пр т фхцчш.. unless что is че of что и што чё и шо
чё? то!    что = чё то    кто = кей qui k то (к тому (узнать кто))

челябинский челябинец
мэни консонантс ис пробабли рудиментал abbreviation: новосибирск ново сибир с.к. (сельская конгломерация, например)        челябинск (челяб ис
-нец = некто (некий = никакой, без характеристик) нец=нек (некто=нек-то)

челябинец = (из) челябы некто (челяба ис зы куррекнт toponyme)

нт in current is also an abbreviation? current = occuring
T ~ Г
(all linguals are the same, and I believe this rule not to die off at once, but it coexisted with new forms appearing in human dialects. It's hard for me to imagiine that the dialects developed parallelly, but most likely this is what was going on. Or maybe not.. African words seem similar. Due to cultural communication they can be, and similarities don't make thsoe languages mutually comprehensible, so those prairie dogs languages Slobodchikoff spoke about, could be one large system with geographic variations, as we have it. I believe it to be the same system. I find the same roots in so visually different writing systems, so I believe I should refocus onto the same letters having diffeerent shapes. is a a fishing hook? ა made me think it. And now I see clearly, that A is the scheme of a fishspear.

in this construction they used twigs to make it, hence that - in A (I also saw it made with a little stone woven in the centre of the cut)

This version is definitely supported by the phonician variant, but no wonder, since it's the same A, only shown from a side, as it looks when the weapon is laying on the ground:

And this version explains Ⰰ (glagolythic A) so this is weapon against fish, was it playing against mythraists or those who were mitre after them?

Ми́тра (др.-инд. Mitrá, др.-перс. 𐎷𐎰𐎼 Miça, авест. 𐬨𐬌𐬚𐬭𐬀 Miθra — «дружба», букв. «то, что связывает», арм. Միհր, лат. Mithras) — божество индоиранского происхождения, связанное с дружественностью, справедливостью, договором, согласием и солнечным светом.
Как божество Митра упоминается в четырёх аспектах:
    Ми́тра́ индоариев, как ведийское божество;
    Ми́тра древних иранцев, как божество зороастризма (Аша);
    Ми́тра древних армян, как божество солнца в зороастризме;
    Ми́тра эллинистического периода, как главное божество митраизма.

I think this word is extremely similar to Матерь. And I am insane right now. What is the use of this thing if I am insane? Genius is a talented insane, a creative crazy. So let's keep on doing whatever we do, some of it is alright, some of it is just rad the mad.

mitre is a pope's hat shaped as fish, and it is a popular theory on the internet, just google mitre and watch the images.

And instead of digging the a's I got distracted again:
A is also fish? I think I saw it in some other script.. let's find it:
is it 𐰋? well, no,

is 𐰌 binderune? it is aeb, and the previous rune is eb, so 𐱀 is probably A the ʌ. but no, 𐱀 is š the ʃ
did they borrowed 𐰋 and 𐰌 from some other culture?

𐰢‎ is m (but I don't know where to read about what it meant, wiktionary doesn't give it. And can I even trust wiki on such questions? A goood question.

is 𐰢‎ ~ 𐰋 ~ 𐰌 all the labials, just as fish the pisk the пескарь, but then is or was р[r] in рыба actually p[p]?

Because it looks like a fish, but maybe I saw it in some other writing system:
ᛟ is o in norsk runes
and it's also u in carpathian basin rovas I have only heard of

𐲤 the 𐳤 is also ʃ, even though the call it es (and old-hungarian rovas just as old-turkic script go right to left, so they are closer to turkic runes than to normanic runes also in this)

and hungarian rovas are now more precisely (because other neighbouring nations have their local variants (I only read of serbian rovas, created recently, but hardly it was a first attempt) called Székely-Hungarian Rovás: (or amy I participating in some psy-op to rename the fenomenon? шекели, ага)

Székely-Hungarian Rovás, which are also known as Hungarian Runes, are thought to have descended from the Turkic script (Kök Turki) used in Central Asia, though some scholars believe the Székely-Hungarian Rovás pre-date the Turkic script. They were used by the Székler Magyars in Hungary until the 11th century. In remote parts of Transylvania however, the runes were still used up until the 1850s. During the 20th century there was a revival of interest in the alphabet.

I look at all those scripts and I ask myself "how do you know it's true" and I realize that I don't.
And thus I switch my attention at Roman Latin Alphabet and

and I think how lats, literally lats are latvians.I wonder how related teh languages are (both are indo-european, but as somebody online said, so they're related, but not more than english and russian)

But then I read: The modern standard Latvian alphabet uses 22 unmodified letters of the Latin alphabet. The Latvian alphabet lacks Q, W, X and Y.

so it's
Latvian alphabet also has three letters in the last line? Notice how they're both voiced and fricative, and the three are vowel, labial, lingual.  But looking further I can see, that they don't actually satisfy with just "22 unmodified letters of the Latin alphabet" they always added to them their own, modified. And thus they didn't have that pretty line of three. But the way they didn't use WXY could be from some other times, when they remembered the origin still.

But it doesn't arrange into the axial model. But it would if they didn't have J. And then it would be 21
21 is meme. memes are magic. 22 of hebrew exposes rabbis being as ignorant about the structures, as the other priests were, otherwise it would inevitably spread across the creeds, they all discuss their questions, I believe it, but then I also know something: that sometimes they change the denomination.

and I think I went astray, because I bring in everything, and yes, this is closer to home, I can read this text better than hungarian rovas, but ,,then yea yah it's good, bring it in, it contains infor to learn

No aptuveni 16.gadsimta vidus līdz 20. gadsimta sākumam latviešu rakstībā drukātajos darbos tika izmantots modificētais gotiskais alfabēts (fraktūra). From about the middle of the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the modified Gothic alphabet (fracture) was used in works printed in Latvian script.

some retarded additional strokes are present in this 16th century's set.

About sewing as one of the first ways to decode information, and three main letters:
I = X (which reflects I V X, and I recognize that V is just another way to draw two lines. And maybe V in sewing could happen like X by accident, so the third letter would be Ж, the union of I and X the V
That Ж would also be M and W? when it accidently happened to look like ᛉ or ᛣ (↓ or ↑)
When runes are drawn on one staff, ᛉ is not down, but forward, and ᛣ is not up, but back.. unless it's drawn from bottom up, which I'm not sure if not a possibility)

And all the other letters could derive from these three by multiplication first, so we had the nine of


and when those nine became their own letters, such as H Y S B W θ D F З or something along these lines, we could have alphabet of 12, and that could be found in zodiac..

and though I think I knew that none of them had unique initial letter for each sign, I was looking for some double A M S, but I only found double A C S, of which I probably knew, and that is why I brought it here. But then are there no double A M S or A B C or something? I don't even know what it would mean.. because why cannot II IV IX all begin with I being the syllables..
nine syllables..
nine syllbles plus three letters, then four times each of three should appear there, which is also not a case.

And omniglot, where I found it, is a magnificient resource, which contains plenty of hidden gems:

but sometimes even they may mess up:

at least instead of oghamic O is oghamic M shown, and who knows how many of such buggers are all over the sources.

And I only thought that ogham is only used in Ireland. And since it is used in Scotland, it is something druidic.

io as the god's name, aeiou as some prayer known by some polinesians shocked jesuits, if I remember what I read right. But then it's no wonder: if the centre of civilization was in mesopotamia, east asia is in not too far from it than some Britain.

It made me believe that these three times six are the actual set, similar to italian in that ILMN of the i-line.
And that tree thing was what made me believe it is the original ogham.
The alphabetic names of those trees in some language make me want to know more. Druids knew biology of trees, that's natural, they knew the terms for every tree, and I believe they have gave birth to alphabets. And if it is so, there should be something amongst Ailm (elm) Eadha (aspen) Iogh (yew) Oir/Onn (gorse) and Ur (heather) 
and looking at this ogham I think that A = B+H and was it Ba and Ha (where ba is greeting, and ha is collecting saliva from a throat to spit. Hahaha is mocking. Yes, it's a positive emotion, but I suspect people of the past to laugh mostly at others' fails and thus it could be bad attitude. Satire is a high genre, and it is laughting at somebody too. Most stand-up stuff is transgressive. They want to be edgy, so they go over the top sometimes, so humour is what? it is transgressive entertainment. It is not considered to be serious, and this is why I should avoid this genre. Being funny should be used moderately. To be mostly serious, but funny enough to be fun to read.

And does then O unite do and lo (no?) and does go double for this reason.
is U tu(to) and nu(no)
is E see and fee (feel?)
is I qui and si? and R the last of them all? the rei?
is m Ma
is P Poo?
is Z Zee? no, these guesses with writing systems I don't use so I could know better, let's switch to ..let's not control my mind and it delivers more and more, don't touch what is working well.

the symbl ᚘ for ia could be connected with e, e being some digraph like ia or ai in some language I don't remember well (it's whether dutch or french)
the symbol ᚕ for ea could be dirrectly connected to ᚼ or ᛡ
so these two could be some binderunen, or bindeoghamen, but others are just some mess, especially the p they didn't include there

And here I see, that it is a little different ogham, and they have p where the irish ogham has ng:

and this one also has some ae the ᚙ
here's how they have it in unicode,  ᚕᚖᚗᚘᚙᚚ, the 6 per aet (whence in scotland's ogham we had four, and I doubt it was an aet and not orphans (aet is family in ogham, but here it is not aet, but aicme, but I think it also stands for family (because the words are similar, and the sistems are two, of which a and o tell, their geographic proximity, their breaking the thing into groups))

The more ancient examples are standing stones, where the script was carved into the edge (droim or faobhar) of the stone, which formed the stemline against which individual characters are cut. The text of these "Orthodox Ogham" inscriptions is read beginning from the bottom left-hand side of a stone, continuing upward along the edge, across the top and down the right-hand side (in the case of long inscriptions). Roughly 380 inscriptions are known in total (a number, incidentally, very close to the number of known inscriptions in the contemporary Elder Futhark), of which the highest concentration by far is found in the southwestern Irish province of Munster. Over one-third of the total are found in County Kerry alone, most densely in the former kingdom of the Corcu Duibne.
Later inscriptions are known as "scholastic", and are post 6th century in date. The term 'scholastic' derives from the fact that the inscriptions are believed to have been inspired by the manuscript sources, instead of being continuations of the original monument tradition. Unlike orthodox ogham, some medieval inscriptions feature all five Forfeda. Scholastic inscriptions are written on stemlines cut into the face of the stone, instead of along its edge.
and that beginning of the text at the left bottom corner is just like some runic bustrophedons I showed earlier, and this is so archaic, like horizontal lines, breaking text into lines is relatively (and literally) modern tradition, but here's another piece, telling of the monolitic tradition mostly found in the same geographic location as the ogham was. Geographic .ocation is pretty much the same sthrough millenia, so Europe alwasy was Europe. The most awesom place, after mediterranean, maybe? Mediterranean is warmer, but the neighbours are wild.
A menhir (from Brittonic languages: maen or men, "stone" and hir or hîr, "long"[1]), standing stone, orthostat, or lith is a large human-made upright stone, typically dating from the European middle Bronze Age. They can be found individually as monoliths, or as part of a group of similar stones. Menhirs' size can vary considerably, but they often taper toward the top.
They are widely distributed across Europe, Africa and Asia, but are most numerous in Western Europe; particularly in Ireland, Great Britain, and Brittany, where there are about 50,000 examples,[2] and northwestern France, where there are some 1,200 further examples.[3] Standing stones are usually difficult to date. They were constructed during many different periods across pre-history as part of the larger megalithic cultures in Europe and near areas.

In Walpurgis Ozzy rhymes grave to me, pronouncing me in dutch manner of old-english mej, making the position of e in me justified.

I have no idea if those "developments" are actually found forms or is he hypothesized them (probably the former) and they (guys on wiki) tell that next to it:
Note that 6th-to-4th-century BCE Aramaic (not shown) is in many cases intermediate in form between the two.

But then I suspect all sorts of pseudoscience in here, first of all, because they only compared 10 which is less than a third of whole set, maybe closer to a quarter, if we count 33 consonants to 5 vowels, suspecting some other letters to stay behind the frame.

it is funny, that I have to link onto myself, but it's not that funny, because it is so because other sources seem to be dead. And it makes me think is it actual science? Where are
The mast runes caught my attention, and I googled if it's true. There was not much, which made me suspicious, but it seems to be valid:
There are several ways to write bind runes:
• Letting two or more runes share the same stem horizontally. Common examples include ᛅ + ᚢ, ᛅ + ᛚ, ᚮ + ᚱ etc.
• Combining runes vertically by extending a common stem and stacking runes on top of each other. The most extreme example are the mast-runes that are found on some rune stones, sometimes forming an actual mast on a drawing of a boat.
• Radial bind runes, or rune wheels, where several runes are written together like the spokes of a wheel. One prime example is the sun wheel used in runic calendars.

I was looking for what Stoicheia was, I found the term in some text on grammatomancy, and I found the attribution of letters to the signs of zodiac, which I long expected to find, and though I don't know how genuine it is, here it is, the first time I found it. I will look deeper into it when and if I find the conflicting version of this thing:

I like this one, because it goes from B to T which is archaic alphabet without vowels. And also because if we replace Κ with Μ, we get labials standing at the same distance and breaking this set into groups beginning with labials:
 Β Γ Δ Ζ
 Π Ρ  Σ Τ

and some more magic related testimony:
five astragaloi (knuckle bones, tali) may be cast (or one astragalus five times). Look at the picture of the knucklebones in the figure to the right.  Since each knucklebone has four “sides,” traditionally given the values 1 (Monas), 3 (Trias), 4 (Tetras), and 6 (Hexas), there are 24 possible total values from five knucklebones: 5 to 30, excepting 6 and 29 (which are impossible). Heinevetter (p. 36) argues that the highest cast would be associated with Alpha and the lowest with Omega (so Alpha = 30, Beta = 28, Gamma = 27, …, Psi = 7, Omega = 5). The astragalos-values are given in the parentheses following the letter by the number after the hyphen. The knucklebone-values are given in the alphabet chart after the dash.  For example, if you throw 6-5-3-6-6, which adds to 26, your oracle is Delta (Δ).

and oh lucky day, stoicheia thing reveals itself to me at once, it is plenty of some most esoteric findings made in one evening: the scottish ogham, the trees attributed to gaelic alphabet, letters associated to constellations, and now this:

(notice the initial letters of the greek words, notice how H before A and I reveal that that H is some later addition (probably caused by syllabic mentality of the invaders, but it's purely guesswork))
(they have more elaborated oracle along those lines, click the image if you want to see it, or use web.archive if that page dies)
And here's the actual orphic verses (in english translation, but then I gave the greek variants before)

This is mostly encouraging or advisory, with few exceptions, so no wonder it was in use. But then how dare I! But seriously, an atheist in me tells that it's all mumbo jumbo for riff raff, but then what do I know, let's forget the scepticism to feel it the way those who used them felt. Detailed interpretations of those verses may be found in the both images (or rather in the links they lead to)

link leads
links lead
is d = nk?

The consonant to zodiac thing comes from a resource named Digital Amber
and it's funny because I think I invented (or reinvented) teh technology called "amberification: dead body is placed into artificial amber, for mummification happens when neighter air no water is added to the formula.

And I dig deeper into there when I see something like this I know they know what they are talking of:
Now, using this table isn’t that hard.  Take the holy name ΙΑΩ, for instance, which is spelled iota-alpha-omega.  This name is composed of the letters representing the Sun, the Moon, and Saturn, and has the value 1 + 10 + 800 = 811.  Altogether, it refers to all the power present in the heavenly spheres, from the furthest reaches of Saturn to the innermost reaches of the Moon.  Indeed, ΙΑΩ is often seen as a shorthand for the longer formula ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ (1294) or even ΑΕΕΗΗΗΙΙΙΙΟΟΟΟΟΥΥΥΥΥΥΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ (8425), which represents all the forces of all the planets.
Here's the table:

and what follows allows me to see this table as some astronomic event, when in the sky the planets were between the constellations, and elements stand for letters not present in archaic latin, for example, And there's the question if X is Saturn? (Xaturn? Rotating X? do rings rotate when seen from earth? They probably do, when the thing goes around the sun, but it could be not, but then why such a name? in english? really? angelic, an gaelic!) Because I think people could see it this way, before they understood that those were rings.
But then I look at it and I see that it reminds Φ or Θ much more than Χ

but then I remember seein some star which I recognized as saturn, and maybe because I am over 45 my eyesight is not that good, so I see the planet with my astigmatism. So generations literally could be disagreeing about what shape is the saturn. And probably X won, because I don't remember seeing saturn in the sky when I was young, and only now I see that some planet star is more astigmatistic than the other. And I attribute it to saturn. But if it rotates like this, can it rotate the actual X side?

so if it rotates like Φ, can it rotate like Χ?
Yep, I found it, but it made me think "how will it affect us to be in the field of that rotation of the disk so far away, yet so large that we can seee it.

Probably I saw it as X when the disk was aligned to us even more and didn't block the light coming from the planet itself, at the same time showing itself in a less angle. And astigmatism, yeah.

oh wow, it only wiggles, but never alignes its axis to us. something string-like is indeed in this story.
And if it wiggles this symmetrically, we're in the ring of saturn. wiggling ourselves. But then we can test it by watching which way does the ring roll from our point of view (if it's aligned with our position around the sun or ourselves. So that is actually better than 50% chance, it's 75% chance, even 76 if we add the imaginary (predicted) percent (which can be in fact more than one, but then there's always a probability that our 50 and 25 giving 75 overlap and thus leave more than 25% chance of me being lucky (as if the addition of additional rotation is another factor able ofmaking it not make much sense, but I think this is a clockwork, so it should be explained by one another. Let's dig into it.

And it only makwe sense that ΦΧ go one after the other. So each vowel is the planet they say.. thus all the consonants in the line are the shapes of that planet?

Α moon
Ε mercury
Ι sun
Ο mars
Υ jupiter
Ω saturn

Saturn is the only planet of the Solar System that is less dense than water—about 30% less.[36] Although Saturn's core is considerably denser than water, the average specific density of the planet is 0.69 g/cm3 due to the atmosphere. Jupiter has 318 times Earth's mass,[37] and Saturn is 95 times Earth's mass.[11] Together, Jupiter and Saturn hold 92% of the total planetary mass in the Solar System.[38]

ω as saturn is great, the actual image is somewhat in between of Ω and ω

I wandered on and wondered if it is possible to see the rings with a naked eye even in the deepest forest or highest mountain? And probably it is sometimes:
The Opposition Surge. A phenomenon that occurs when Saturn is at opposition is that the rings brighten for a few days. You can only see this a few nights on either side of opposition, which this year occurs on August 14. This is the Seeliger Effect, which Hugo von Seeliger first described more than 100 years ago. Normally the rings appear as bright as the globe of the planet. But as the planet lines up with the earth and the sun, more sunlight suddenly gets reflected back to us from the rings than from the globe, and the rings take on an additional level of brightness.

of all the latin alphabet,
tahitian is the only one not having letters between I and M:

andt there's a nice little addition to this nice little alphabet:

telling that H is indeed pronounced as ʃ sometimes.

another notable example is Hawaian not having most of the letters

notice in the video in that picture how they pronounce T as K, recognizing them as the same C
and probably it is the main way to use these newer alphabet, to show how nations in the state of some archaic culture understand sounds. My guess is that is closer to those how those who invented the alphabets understood them than the way we modern people do.

do the worst first (Brian Tracy about eating the frog. Btw, he's BT, and I sat next to him at a dinner table once and offered him my work, I think he was confused as hell, especially by that epigraph, yet I had no intention to have this parallel, only later have I realized)
If it was the question of food which may spoil, I think the worst would be eaten first.

пасекой в лесхозе называют вырубленное место (от слова сечь, посечь) и глянул сейчас этимологию слова, так и есть. И вот так по кусочку весь язык можно на самые простые корни разобрать, и далее уже с этими корнями работать. Работа фундаментальнейшая, но прогноз благоприятный.

control слово, производное от counter (all of counter (am I suire that suffix al is all? I wasn't until these lines, now I'm pretty sure it is so, but let us test this guess))

I had the ending frame running away in the previous volume, where I added lots of trivia, because I don't edit trivia as much as I edit the language study.

Most runic stones (рунные камни - в детском алфавите они лунные камни, к культу луны они имеют? может просто омоним? и здесь мысль, которую вложил в брошюру, но отчего здесь не отметил?
Лунные, из-за форм типа   ᛒᚦᚠᚵᚼᛁᚿᚮᚱᛏᚢ
(штрихи просто штрихи, штриханули, стёрли, а луна это умышленно что-то сказано)

the poiece above, the snakes as a testimony of ancientie..antiquity of runic. And now it made me think if
is g in language𓆓
Lingua is language enough. is that 𓆓 standing there for a snake, an animal leaving конкретный (не дискретный) след. Language is speech and writing? l and dj? Lion and snake? 𓃭 and 𓆓? L or taaL, Language, and because 𓃭 is transliterated now as rw, and because l~r, I suspect речь to be not too far from that group, but not necessarily.

Змеи в рунах и змей как добра и зла понимания даятель, камень внизу, снизу имеет смысл писать, раз охотник следы снизу смотрит. Всё почти снизу происходит, змея это сильно, штрихи это круто, Давай покажу что имею в виду:

The Skåäng Runestone, designated as Sö 32 under Rundata, is an Iron Age runestone located in Skåäng, Södermanland, Sweden, which is inscribed in Proto-Norse with the elder futhark. During the Viking Age, a second runic inscription was added in Old Norse using the younger futhark.
as you can see, head is the indicator of the beginning of the text, so why would ogham have the same sign for beginning and start (it would make it possible to read the text in both ways. But I believe they never even used these marks, but here they are at the beginning and the end,
᚛ ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅ     ᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊ     ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ     ᚐᚑᚒᚓᚔ     ᚕᚖᚗᚘᚙᚚ᚜    
so the upside down order woul be.. i e u o a (I as numero uno is great. but as ᚔ is not that great, but then it could be width of mouth, fo rthose things could be teeth. but I think it's tongue if we say ииии
как цветик семицветик, в обратном направлении отсчёт? но unary numeral system would set the opposite standard. Let's look at the other three sequences:

It reminds me oghamic tradition:

20 of the ogham
18 of the runes.. 18+ runes.

᚛ ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅ     ᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊ     ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ     ᚐᚑᚒᚓᚔ᚜   

but we don't see ᚛ and ᚜ in texts, so whatever they are, they wouldn't make much sense to be used (only to stop people from adding something later? maybe, but i don't remember seeing these signs.

змей как носитель письма: добра и зла, губный (поцелуев) и язычных (плевков)
А не являются ли те поцелуи и плевки вздошными и.. бздошными?

is b exhaling v?
(it's an old semi-negletted hypothesis, that inhaling and exhaling had semantic differenciation of the letters)

I unite letters and how they sound, which is loose. I should be more rigorous, I should find a term for the phonetic side of the letter. phoneme! the phonetic side of grapheme! But no, one letter may stand for mabny phonemes. So polyphoneme!
grapheme and poyphoneme!
polygrapheme? like the combination of all the shapes of the same grapheme, such as A a a look differently but stand for the same letter (and if we look into other alphavbet alphabets, we can expand the set of the polygrapheme, and I think we should. I think I should collect all the shapes of the same letter to compare them. And I think I recognize fish spear in ا, or maybe just spear

конструкции подобные "до того как ты его не" являются integral fuckups of ruusian logos.

I wonder how nobody questioned me about the arabic fifth letter, ه, like why would I place it in the column of vowels even after I understood that it is never vowel in arabic.
And only yesterday have I realized this inconsistency, but in few hours I have found the answer in kurdish pronouncing it exactly like e.
I wonder how did I even got to kurdish? It was as if I knew where to look. Hm, weird.
Ah, yeah, I just googled ه and saw it in wiktionary. So was it like this with those who were supposed to question this? Nah, they probably swallowed it being ignorant in arabic, or they just rejected it silently, knowing some arabic.

Do many ills of modern society come from english lesson? Is politics such crap, because it's like many ticks sucking from society and poisoning it with their crap? or is it not accident but design? It can be the excuyse excuse to pardon all those perpetrators.

traitors are both infiltrators and perpetrators (other words ending like this are nitrator titrator castrator arbitrator illustrator demonstrator remontstrator concentrator concertrator administrator)

illustrator thing scares me, because I work with one. Maybe it is a word coined by some author ripped by a man making illustrations for his books

russians memorize count up to 100 when they acquire language, becauyse     they have to know how to pronounce every special case (actually, like englishmen do:
russischman ..too many letters.
rusland rusman rustam?
rus is village in latin, I'm prettus ure pretty sure that it's this very root. ruralis, uralis. rural. ur, son su

u is after r
My guess ia that Anglia begins with A because it was so on maps.
What was Iceland then? 1? No, they didn't knwo iceland when they discovered maps. Whoever invented alphabet, used it for everything, and thus it comes all across the culture, from music to names of South North East West. E before F the franch? W would be.  See, I am apophenic here. No. I just saw that G the germany is next to F the france
And Denbark is above Germany. Estonia is the end of the line? Bustrophedon!!!
Anglia Belgia C? Denmark Estonia
             France Germany Hungary !!! it is not apophenic, I just misstepped, but it's 2 cool not 2 be true
Irelandf Katalonia L M N (so are new letters because of new territorial identities?)
and here I lost it.. What if E is for Espania!

Anglia Belgia Czech? Dannia? Deutsch? Dutch?
Espania France Germany? Greece? Hungary (could it be when Greece expanded there? Did it?
Italy!!! yes!  K? Luxembourg? Monaco? Na?
O? P? Q? Russia Sina? Taiwan??? Thiailand? (land of чай?)
P is probably Poland, Q is only some ..Queensrÿche telling me I'm doing some retarded crap now.
That even if such map existed, it would have names I never heard of.
And always loving their lucidity, and it being so many levels higher than the rest of what they played, made me believe that they have bought that song from someone. And I thought what it could be, that they probably payed up front for the non-disclosure clause, so that the author didn't demand the further payments thus making this disclosed. And not even thinking of who could be the actual author, I heard the sound effects as in metallica's one and I thought that the song could easily be born by metallica guys, but they had to sell it to somebody else, because it's way too soft for what they play.

отравить = отруїти
(россиане произносят V там где украинцы вимовляють U)
т.е. это различие прочтения относительно недавно, что, впрочем, не особо удивительно, в контексте положения буквы U (после T, т.е. она образовалась в пост-архаичный период (или в позднеархаичный, вопрос терминологии)

норский = нерусский?
норманский = нероманский?

(после ещё одного табуированного кусочка того безумного вечера)
Не нормализуй хуйни  (хуйню или хуйни - грамматическая веро.. вариация, говорящая о подобии u & и. 

Украинский лучше русского, потому что (подобно тому как) гриб и трип лучше чем гроб и труп.

гроб груб короб круп (крупа с короба?короб круп? в то время как склянка для суп. cup 4 soup)

box for pix? buds? for picks?

escho odna prichina lubit ukraniskiy bolshe russkogo: i blizhe chem o na klaviature

America ~ a miracle

ваша раша, а наши гроши (дуже hitro)

если что ~ якщо що (украинское щ is шч)

I U  E A O
1 2  3  4  5

i V ≌ 4 0
is 0 = 8? because o is double a
a = ⴰ
o = ⵓ
(and in english we know how it goes further lower into u = oo = (aaaa)
a = 1
u = 4 (ч-like 4 looks like u, which is у in russian (y is u-greek, the fourth of uvwy))

the next piece is some relevant text
typed in paint for some no reason:

aa = o
oo = u
a o u are the descending scale?
a e i are the ascending scale?

Taught as AEI+AOU=AEIOU or EI+AOU=AEIOU or AOU+EI = AEIOU, because there's no aa making e, but there's ee making i. And because e looks like upside down a

aa O
oo U

ee I
ii Y

wow! ii = ij = y!

E  I  Y

or, united into the ascending+descending scale, E I Y A O U ? a e i o u is pronounced as ei i ay ow ju
EIYAOU then? hexacord? guitar!
And it naturally was pentatonic, also because it would make sense to give each fintertip a cord, tuning them differently we would be able to play song on perfect pitch and not having to pitch the strings.
Fifteen notes on three decks, three musicians? tenor bariton bass the three low, like tAnor baritOn bUs
but soprano mezzo-soprano and contralto don't play like this.

I E A O U.. was it I E O U (ʌj i o ju) because the gap between a and o is not that obvious as between a and u

I V A E are 1 2 3 4 strokes
Io Aз Ecмь (E is named есть in russian azbuka)
I am what I am (as burning bush in bible said)

I E O U A could be that formula: AEIE.. what an interesting way to draw י

Could that אהיה‎ be אהיע?

I wonder why or how or where did אהיה become יהוה
was it אהיהוה?
or A I U?
Aз Иже Он!

Я который Он   (иже is cognate of which? because it's a synonym)

I was surprised by such variability be ing a norm, so I naturally had my doubts, and I looked one page deeper, and it was even more complicated:

Энд экчуалли ит эксплэйнс суффиксы приалагтельных:
если он = и, а она я или а, а средний род и гласной средней передаётся
(е артикуляционно и фонетически между а и и)
(И изображает переворот? e is upside down a?)

This myth tells me that vowel H predated E, and that is convenient, that Z was added to the alphabet the same time E was added, by the same "priest of Apollo"

This allows us to play with it:
But then in Latin it is E, and H is consonant as in every other dialect of greek.
So both latin and greek dialects recognize H as consonant [h]
But they added that E together with Ω, so Ε and Ω are told to be those additional vowels.
ΑΗΙΟΥ were those vowels? Ахуй isn't it?

Russian smile where ukrainians don't: we smile at быть, ukrainians don't smile at бути

After I've been thinking that I was confusing languages by studying them all at the same time, I stumbled at a form of "you" in hebrew almost identical to "you" in japanese (was it what stopped me from knowing both by now?)

A nA tA.. they all have that cross, is that the cross of A? The Ⰰ?
Well, A-line indeed has more such crosses than any other line, but it still could be a silly coincidence.

But if it's not a coincidence, but a trace of abugida from the past, then the element of i would be the leftmost part of い and リ, that し-like stroke. Which also appears in other lines, but not half as much.
But what are the elements of the other three vowels.. probably none of those strokes are phonetic elements, and thus this is some pure abecedary not being born by any abugida, but maybe indeeed the hieroglyphs were the origin of it.

but back to that את I was thinking of, did god create the world WITH those elements? Well, it's too early for me to really tell..

but then there's another meaning I wanted to share, the meaning lacking from the previous image:

the cognate of french et, and thus relating that other form of את the אנת.
But then hebrew doesn't recognize אנת for it's aramaic for you, and aramaic only:

Which makes me wonder if jews are related to japanese.. are they caricaturized as kappa?
Both jewish and japanese are so conveniently begin with j.
The J of Jah? And I recognize alphabet in A Ma Te Ra Su

 あめ is one of readings of 天 the heaven, as can be seen in Ame-no-Minakanushi
the Ame-no-Minakanushi-no-Mikoto' (天御中主尊)
御 [み (mi)] is not only August, but also beautiful ( みみみ)
み is recognized as fruit, which relates to both August and beauty (実)
御 [お (o)] is also that honorific prefix
御 [ご (ko)] is also that honorific prefix
御 [ぎょ (gyo)] is also that honorific prefix
中 [naka] middle
主 stands host, husband, head the leader, honorific suffix, and.. you (always read differently, but the symbol is the same. so don't they call such writing systems.. mnemonic? I think this is how dongba could be actual origin of hieroglypic writing systems)

and here's the final of those hieroglyphs, and thus we close this enormous subject for awhile

I feel satisfied with only two forms of brackets:
(which is
[sounds like
. that's all
, and

ball is all? all is ball for us indeed, we see the same in all directions. But then how do we know? We assume, we'd notice.
We imagine the world.. here I'm not exactly sure. In our model world is round or flat?
It depends on a person maybe, but some trends nobody measured.

, and ..let's use and whenever I feel like using it and seee if it's correct. I suspect обороты (причастный и деепричастныцй) to make it not true.

Dictionary of punctuation marks.

I am great. I am sweet. I am indefinite.

(and that line also was written by my subconscious. Is it the god demanding worship? No, that is the same god demanding self control I suppose, if is reflecting my thoughts, which come from my what
Tooth of wisdom said it's name!
(because the previous line is unconsciouth, I was trying to type tooth of wisdom, and got youth instead of tooth. I just legt my (let allowed облегчил. I can make my eyes see straight, but I just let them go, I don't have to watch the screen to know what's going on in there, I should just edit those writtne in the wrong раскладка (keyboard layout. layout=раскладка (I didn't know the word, so it's crazy. I am crazy. ..don't even read it, make a program to read it. VBecause this tex t  is not sac.. not safe.
I am insane. I want to die. I love my life. I die. I go down. It is understood. I shouldn't have link me to the devil. I shouldn't haver get interestted in Devil.

But then I shouldn't be interested in god, but then thaose are the parts of our culture and connnecting to god is exactly the way to sewitch off devil. ddd will be a wat to delete a thing. I will then makdddrk such places for the editors, who could only ctrlF ddd and see all the places author noticed, and told to edit out. So the author didn't get distracted from his work... or I just did push backspace automatically, so sometimes I can edit it out, and it's a good thing. Why do I write in here?

I went mad. I am a smart head who got in hands of a crazy man.

Умная голова дураку досталась это от батиной стороны демотивация, они дураки. Вот сравнивая две семьи, я вижу что мать выбрала неоднозначного персонажа. Это игра в рулетку.

Why does ه double when it's in between two letters: ههه it comes three in the start (here to the right) and goes on like two and ends with just one. And the separate form of it is ه and it is interesting how it reminds o (being e) and how ه doebles when in
весь им = всем bought for a million was infamously misused. So I can buy me much cheaper, (and here was but, now that is some dirty word I didn't notice. And it is dirtier than as)

как is even dirtier, and it is russian. Asss is cleaner than как (shit)
глагольные суффиксы говорят, что существительные превичны, и лишь на их основе глаолы наросли но как? как ..грясное слово!!!
мы может заметить сфонкие та клухие и спист те потетяетта (попетяется (поменяется) was the word, and woeddd wow those м and н even felt voiced, felt with eyes, they felt more sharpoddd ..ah, no way of knowing if a letter or a whole word to l.. delete. .. I like them more.
them instead of m.. instead of the  was ..but now these .. make no work for editor. An dit is also good.

I will do my best to be creative even in them. I.. Or I will not. isn't l always high? L l  djljgovapy.. dolgovyazy
Noice.. I add noise to a complex text. And I wanted to learn to make some complex texts,

complex and simple(x)
tell how s is more based reading of c than k (k is complex because it is staved? not s, but k, ki, ci, IC?

след ~ следующий
step ~ next?
step ~ past


step as st-p (stop, ступать)
help ~ heloy?hely& heal!?!!!!
stop ~ stay (but ступай is the opposite. both are стопой, so nouns before verbs, so let's imagine language of nouns. Bodyparts are the thing.
рука~нога~лег (рука кюга (руки=крюки) нога кога (чеченский в этих словах близок к русскому, следует изучить чеченский поподробнее на предмет когнат))

and to my surprise the dictionary I found didn't give кюга at all, and for кога only complex words appeared:
когадаха (начать ходить (о ребёнке))
беакоган (четвероногий)
беакоганит (четвероногий)
шинакоган (двуногий)
шинакоганит (двуногий)
когахьийзо (ножной; когахьийзо чарх ножная швейная машина)
когахьийзорг (ножной; когахьийзо чарх ножная швейная машина.)
когашбоцу (безногий, без ног, не имеющий ног.)
когашбоцург (безногий, без ног, не имеющий ног.)

and I found that I just misspelled it, чеченская орфография, похоже использует мяхкий знак для гласных как мы для согласных используем:

ж 1) куьг; протяну́ть ру́ку куьг кховдо; пода́ть (или протяну́ть) кому-л. ру́ку цхьаьнга куьг дала; пожа́ть кому-л. ру́ку цхьаьннан куьг лаца; взять ребёнка за́ руку беран куьг лаца; идти́ взя́вшись за́ руки куьйгаш а лаьцна даха; взять кого-л. по́д руку цхьаьннан пхьарс лаца; с ору́жием в рука́х герз а карахь; с цвета́ми в рука́х зезагаш а карахь; взять ребёнка на́ руки бер караэца; нести́ в рука́х (в руке́, на рука́х) карахь дахьа; держа́ть в рука́х (в руке́, на рука́х) карахь далло 2) (почерк) хатӀ; (подпись) куьг; э́то не мо́я рука и сан куьг дац 3) перен. разг. (сторона) aгӀo; по о́бе руки́ шина a aгӀop ◊ го́лыми рука́ми его́ не возьмёшь иштта атта эшалур вац и; жизнь моя́ в ва́ших рука́х сан дахар хьан карахь ду; уме́лые ру́ки говза куьйгаш; не с руки́ кому цхьанна аьтто бац; написа́ть от руки́ куьйга яздан; рука́ о́б руку вовшийн багара а йохуш; ру́ки прочь от...! ... тӀе ма кхийда!; ру́ки ко́ротки хьалахьокхур ахь; не хвата́ло рабо́чих рук белхалой ца тоьура; э́то де́ло его́ рук цо дина хӀума ду хӀара; как руко́й сня́ло тапп-аьлла дӀатийн; на ско́рую ру́ку сихделла дина; он нечи́ст на́ руку куьйгана цӀена вац и; по рука́м! реза вуй!; под горя́чую ру́ку оьгӀазвахханчохь; с его́ лёгкой руки́ шен беркатечу куьйгашца; у него́ рука́ не дро́гнет озалур волуш вац и; у меня́ ру́ки опусти́лись ка дайра сан; [у меня́] рука́ не поднима́ется куьг тӀе ца дахьало [соьга]; не поклада́я рук куьйгаш ваьшта ца дохкуш; чужи́ми рука́ми жар загреба́ть нехан къинхьегамах пайда эца; руко́й пода́ть кхевдина кхоччехь; взять себя́ в ру́ки сатоха; собаре хила; быть под руко́й куьйга кӀел хила; запусти́ть ру́ку куда-л. цхьанха куьг тӀе кховдо; наби́ть, ру́ку на чём-л. цхьа хӀума карадерза; наложи́ть на себя́ ру́ки ша-шена тоьхна вала; опусти́ть ру́ки ка дан; отбива́ться рука́ми и нога́ми куьйгаш а, когаш а гӀортийна дуьхьало ян; отби́ться oт рук куьйга кӀелара дала; попа́сть кому-л. в ру́ки цхьаьннан куьйга кӀел даха; переходи́ть из рук в ру́ки кар-кара дийла; приложи́ть ру́ки к чему-л. цхьа хӀуманах куьг тоха; развяза́ть ру́ки хецна вита; связа́ть ру́ки куьйгаш дехка; сиде́ть сложа́ ру́ки куьг дӀа ца тухуш хиъна Ӏан; ему́ всё схо́дит с рук цунна дерриг а атта чекхдолу; ухвати́ться за что-л. обе́ими рука́ми ший а куьг тесна цхьана хӀуманах тасавала

ж ког (стопа, ножка предмета); ност (голень); тӀа (верхняя часть передней ноги животного); гӀогӀ (бедро, ляжка, верхняя часть задней ноги животного); пра́вая нога́ аьтту ког; пере́дние но́ги хьалхара когаш, тӀаьнаш; за́дние но́ги тӀаьхьара когаш; переступа́ть с ноги́ на́ ногу кога тӀера кога тӀе вазвала; смотри́ по́д ноги когаш кӀел хьажа ◊ вверх нога́ми Ӏункар; к ноге́! воен. коге!; на нога́х сапоги́ когахь эткаш ю; перенести́ грипп на нога́х грипп ирахь такха; он сего́дня весь день на нога́х тахана сарралц ирахь ву иза; с ног до головы́ когашкара коьрте кхаччалц; ноги́ мое́й у вас не бу́дет кхин сан лар йогӀур яц шуьга; положи́ть но́гу на́ ногу гоьл тӀе ког баккха; протяну́ть но́ги прост. жӀов дӀая̃ла, вала; едва́ но́ги унёс даллаза дели; ног под собо́й не чу́вствовать (или не слы́шать) а) (при быстром беге) коглаьттах ца кхета;б) (от сильной усталости) когаш тӀехь ца латтавала; быть (или стоя́ть) одно́й ного́й в моги́ле цхьа ког кошахь а болуш хила; подня́ть всех на́ ноги массо а меттахваккха; кла́няться в но́ги когашка корта бетта; валя́ться под нога́ми когаш кӀел Ӏилла; идти́ в но́гу ког цхьаьнабоккхуш даха; валя́ться в нога́х (перед кем-л.) когашкахь Ӏилла; идти́ (или шага́ть) не в но́гу цхьаьна кога ца даха; он лёгок на́ ногу ког байн ву иза; быть с кем-л. на дру́жеской ноге́ цхьаьнца доттагӀалла догӀуш хила; жить на широ́кую но́гу ког хецна ва̃ха; поста́вить на́ ноги кога хӀотто; стать на́ ноги кога ирахӀотта; он на нога́х не стои́т когаш тӀехь а ца латтало иза; бежа́ть со всех ног ког ма-боллу вада; встать с ле́вой ноги́ харцхьа̃ра кога гӀатта; сбить с ног амал дайа; сби́ться с ног амал да̃н; ну́жно как соба́ке пя́тая нога́ жӀаьлина пхоьалгӀа ког санна оьшу

It's not a diary, it's a log, судовой журнал

голова корта
лицо.. юхь (если правильно читаю их юьхь)
человек адам, стаг (адам является когнатой в иврите, например, хазары здесь жили. Можно опознать язык по соседям, которым он подходит.
Иврит это язык, а значит у него есть родственники.
Ага, арабский ему очень родственник, так что теория семитской и ближневосточной территории возникновения биббии подтверждён, можно расходиться.
Что имеют в виду эфиопы, когда говорят что библию у них украли? Что угодно, от истины до лжи

добрый путь (свертлая сторона силы (любовь (и правда)))
дурной путь (тёмная сторона силы (страх (и ложь)))    (и то что дурной путь не взаправду, гут)

доБРо    (до брата)
дУРНо  (до урны)



дорово in здорово are parts of добро a little rearranged?

ДоБР зДоРоВ БРаТ ТоВаРищ

but then I expect the order to matter more, so
ДоБРо ~ ТоВаР ~ ТаВРо ~ ДоБоР
but then there's ТВаРь, but if it's a word for creation, a living thing, then it is iindeed ДоБРо (хорошо)
(even though some semantic shift has happened (today тварь is something that has nothing better to be told about him or her, the only reason to love that shit)

I have finally appreciated order over house (chaos) when I realized that when Gluhoff told me that it smells of tobacco in my room he was referring to a cannabis pipe which I smoked maybe for years, and it smelled like a pile of cigarettte buts and I haven't feel it, and when I got cold into some unusual form of cold, which raised my awareness of the smells I recognized how inconvenient it was, how shameful, that I didn't know where my shit was, and you had to see how I live to understand (I decided not to tidy up at all some years ago, so it's really a mess. So now I'm going to work on tiding it up and keeping everything at its place, order over chaos, and I suppose it will kickstart my success in the public sphere. But then I hope it won't damage my creativity, because I won't do trivial stuff when I'm high, and I'm going to get high less often, so I didn't when I'm cold, I'm still cold. And I'm not high, so as you can see, this paragraph is trivial, boring, небоговдохновен.
(upd: I only threw that pipe away, but my lifestyle didn't change much)

Each letter of the Mandaic alphabet is said to represent a power of life and light. Mandaeans view their alphabet as magical and sacred.
The Semitic alphabet contains 22 letters. In order to bring this number to 24, the number of hours in a day, adu was added and a was repeated as the last letter of the Mandaic alphabet. Without this repetition the alphabet would be considered incomplete for magical purposes.

The actual account of Hyginus,

..wait a second.. H was invented two times? In other editions I saw E instead the H mentioned for second time. And I recognize it to be a correction (and this version the way it was in his records) only they have corrected it wrong. So Robert Graves's version is actually much more based now. But I wanted to speculate that what if H was the greek form of E, then their alphabet would look like
Yet I took some liberty of removing letters of Simonides and keeping letters of Epicharmus.
I also took some liberty of considering I consonant and Λ vowel, which is plain retarded and went against the think I wanted to say. The thing is A is 3, H=II=2, I=1, O=0 (and Y is a later addition, but then I think this dubious hypothesis was given to me to make me revisit Hyginus. Thank you whoever you are.

Portugese word orgulho [orguljo] shows how h and j merge again like ᚼ and ᛡ do

A E I O U is literally ascending-descending tone I is in the centre of the gamut?
I for the highest
V for the lowest
and thus AOE are..
E is 2 (if I is 1)
O is 4 (if V is 5)
thus A is 3? But my finger typed 4 first. And 4 does look like A.
Let's compare them by tghe looks:

A 4
E 3
O 0!!!
I 1
V 2? or is O 2?
I 1
O 2
палочка и дырочка. палочка 1, дырочка 2
? or
? or
? or

Left is first if you right columns left to right. But do I really know such tradition? Columns in european papers! Okay, pages in european books, but ..I wanted to say those who write in columns go right to left, and then I recall this:
At the very beginning of the Mongol Empire, around 1204, Genghis Khan defeated the Naimans and captured a Uyghur scribe called Tata-tonga, who then adapted the Uyghur alphabet—a descendant of the Syriac alphabet, via Sogdian—to write Mongol. With only minor modifications, it is used in Inner Mongolia to this day. Its most salient feature is its vertical direction; it is the only vertical script still in use that is written from left to right. (All other vertical writing systems are written right to left.) This is because the Uyghurs rotated their script 90 degrees anticlockwise to emulate the Chinese writing system.[5][6]: 36 
mongolian is a fascinating subject I haven't discovered yet, but look at how basal it is:

It's so based that I have to ignore what they say about it's origin (they say it's appeared in 1204, this, to they year, but then don't say what it has developed from, so it's some political date of birth)
Tata-tonga (Mongolian: Тататунга, Mongolian script: ᠲᠠᠲᠠᠲᠤᠩᠭ᠎ᠠ, Tatatungү‑a; Chinese: 塔塔统阿; pinyin: Tǎtǎ-tǒng'ā) was a 13th-century Uyghur scribe captured by Genghis Khan from the Naimans and involved in bringing and adapting the Old Uyghur alphabet to the Mongolian Plateau in the form of the Mongolian script (Mongol bichig or hudum bichig).[1] After his capture, he was invited to teach the Old Uyghur alphabet to members of the court, including the Khan's sons.[citation needed]
The Uyghur script was used until 1946, when Cyrillic script was introduced to replace it. It is still used mainly in Inner Mongolia, China. In present-day Mongolia, Cyrillic is the official script for the Mongolian language and the traditional script is referred to as the old Mongol script (Mongolian: Хуучин монгол бичиг). Today, an estimated six million Mongol people in China can still read the traditional Mongolian script.[citation needed]
The Manchu alphabet was derived since the very end of the 16th century from this Mongolian script.
[citation needed]

Old Uyghur alphabet is also written in columns left to right, and thus they were saying the mongolian is the only one now used, because old uygur alphabet is nto used for a couple of centuries now.

Notice how their o reminds ours. Notice how b/p reminds that o and also both p and б
Notice how that b/p goes clockwise, while the next similar to it, the t, goes counter-clockwise. Final forms expose it, and additional funny is that final t does look like t, if it goes counter-clockwise to cross the initial dash. K reminds fraktur k:

but back to old Uygur:
𐽰 𐽱 𐽲 𐽳 𐽴 𐽵 𐽶 𐽷 𐽸 𐽹 𐽺 𐽻 𐽼 𐽽 𐽾 𐽿 𐾀 𐾁  𐾂  𐾃   𐾄  𐾅 𐾆 𐾇 𐾈 𐾉
𐽰𐽱𐽲𐽳𐽴𐽵𐽶𐽷𐽸𐽹𐽺𐽻𐽼𐽽𐽾𐽿𐾀𐾁 𐾂 𐾃 𐾄 𐾅𐾆𐾇𐾈𐾉

Funny, that unicode doesn't merge this cursive (probably, unlike arabic, it is obsolete, so they didn't care)

and digging around that subject brought me some a word surprisingly familiar to the english word magician:
The Maijishan Grottoes (simplified Chinese: 麦积山石窟; traditional Chinese: 麥積山石窟; pinyin: Màijīshān Shíkū), formerly romanized as Maichishan, are a series of 194 caves cut in the side of the hill of Majishan in Tianshui, Gansu Province, northwest China.
This example of rock cut architecture contains over 7,200 Buddhist sculptures and over 1,000 square meters of murals. Construction began in the Later Qin era (384–417 CE).
They were first properly explored in 1952–53 by a team of Chinese archeologists from Beijing, who devised the numbering system still in use today. Caves #1–50 are on the western cliff face; caves #51–191 on the eastern cliff face. They were later photographed by Michael Sullivan and Dominique Darbois, who subsequently published the primary English-language work on the caves noted in the footnotes below.
The name Maijishan consists of three Chinese words (麦积山) that literally translate as "Wheatstack Mountain", but because the term "mai" (麦) is the generic term in Chinese used for most grains, one also sees such translations as "Corn rick mountain". Mai means "grain". Ji (积) means "stack" or "mound". Shan (山) means "mountain". The mountain is formed of purplish red sandstone.
They are just one of the string of Buddhist grottoes that can be found in this area of northwest China, lying more or less on the main routes connecting China and Central Asia. These sites, along with other archeological sites along the eastern Silk Road, were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2014 as part of the "Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor" site.

Most probably, it refers to nothing, and not more than an homonym, but for whatever reason I like making this magazine of random curiosities for noone. But then it is to be read, even that gross part of me slaying the traditions of russian convicts is to be researched and maybe even taught somewhere.
(but not here, the details of that ritual are kept elsewhere)

Jesuits are antichristians not only because they like to use terms such as anti-matter and dark something, but also because in dictionaries they literally stand where otherwise Jesus would stand.

Pray, saint
Praise end?

as the second brother was allowed to ppray of the end he gets. Let's invent this wish too. Just in case the first one doesn't work, let's think plan b.
Isn't it selling the first wish out?
Either way, I should think of that, it won't hurt.

Praise saint is like prays satan. Saint is not God.
G rules the world? Masons praise G. What do I know about them. The one I know is not very bright boomer. He's educated, sophisticated, but still a normie. Why is this here? This is all unpublishable. No, this is all edited (из дать. Из.)
Из is oF. is it M ~ Ϻ (ᛘ the ᛉ) and (Ѳ and θ) the dialectal variants of the idea of fricativity.
Ma (me) Ther (her)
Ma ~ My

God is the wish number one. To heave heaven in Earth. Safe haven. Am I sinful? Not only so.

Praise gods
prays год's
ход, продолжение

Preais seaints
prays ends (заступнисы (ц женское чтение буквы с, к мужское: заступники)

But then I see that

изменение брошюры в электронной версии: В девятых:
Параллели с архаичными загадками в других системах письма:
(ᛘ[m] and ᛉ[z, ks]) ~ (M[m] and Ϻ[z, s] (см. Σ, W))
и прочие графические параллели, где-то по архивам рассыпанные быть может, там же сможете скопировать эти символы для дальнейшего самостоятельного изучения
(впрочем, это не аргумент, а лишь иллюстрация, пища для последующих размышлений, которым ещё лишь предстоит показать дополнительные элементы этой идеи.
ᛘ and ᛉ share that v-like shape with M and Ϻ. as if runic script uses one trace where southern alphabets use two. But then use of two staffs is though less common, is used in some runic shapes:

it's as if what they call older futhark or futhorc is more related to latin and what they call younger futhark is more related to greek and their H looking like X, thus both XY are greek letters (the language of the math) and something tells me that Z is also greek. YXZ? X the h at the labial position? is it making П as in japanese? Japan is quite far, but doesn't tell it's impossibnle,  but..

staveless ᚼ is х[h]
В девятых: ᚼ[h] and ᛡ[j] are alike like J[h] in spanish and J[j] in polish
and like H[h] in latin and Η[i] in greek
Not to fight over the priority let's call runes and letters the same system, yet to be recognized in its complexity of the its copleteness.

ж [ʒ] is another element of that J[ʒ] thing

S and N roatate different ways and look alike. W is double falling? the sun is in the centre, the \ and / are showing the movement, as a trace.
M is morning and here sun goes up.

West and Morning? Quite a stretch
Morn and eWen? quite a stretch again
But M having traces as the morning sun has it, is nice.
M as East? iϺt (to explore this thing readers of the paper books will be having trouble ctrlFing these Ϻ's in the search bar. So paper book can be only promotional. I should make )

South next to Satan is not a coincidence, because чёрный is next to чёрт in russian. чёрный значит плохой, black is bad in english. Bad and black show similarity in first consonant and plosive linguality of the second one.

second is very friench in that it's recognized even without the d and can be pronounced as such.

sec end

minute is what минует (right now, сию минуту. сию секунду невыполнимое что-то)

сецйчас сейчас is literally сей час, the most reasonable and thus the most common demand.

сейдень не говорят, говорят сегодня, но это более описательно чем приказательно

right now.. now is literally сейчас

now ~ на, в
what a weird language, it messes with this thing like this. now here (is nowhere, nowhere else)
but then now here is the opposite of nowhere (it's nowhere to be found)

it's just a fuckup of the english language, but I shouldn't introduce such dirty term, not fuckup but messup. messup is a good term. purer.


meso ~ мезо
mesa ~ меса(укр) ~ плато(рус)


young mesomorph said about a preteen is a very good prose in the context of sci-fi

Господин = господень (принадлежающий господу)

И потому евреи придумали рабство? Выдавая себя за представителя господа

Господь поругаем не бывает (очень удобно)

Если я впуская в себя Иеуа or Eiua (Иисуса (each of those и's can be e, and alphabetic order dictates that Eiu it is. A is a flective suffix.

but I looking like one tells that it's I and so on. And maybeit's IVH of IVXLCD
L ~ Y? 1 4 8 32 (45 is the sum. 365 divided into 45 is 1/8 of 360)
360 in degrees indicates that people divided year into 360 days.. but it is not how moon is.. moon is 29.5 days, and the question is if it was so in the past too, or was it 28 days which is four weeks. 4 weeks and secveral day. If a month were 28 days, then 1... why do I do math? I suck at math, math doesn't give me thrills 
28 times 13 is 364 days. So were reforms made from lunar month of 28 days + 1.5 days of celebration, or were they then moved towards 29 and 30 days months to align it with the moon. Or is there some trick and 29.5 is only in relation to the sun, but probably not, but I have to make it in praxctrice.

(29+30)*6=354, so no wonder lunar calendar moves around the year, which is no wonder muzzos don't have agriculture, but that is plain lies. Their agriculture doesn't depend on the month, because they pick up several harvests in a year. So they can descend into pure ignoring the actual calendaric year.

Я умираю. Это понятно. И поэтому я занят не тем.

I V are the two vowels. They high and the low. The liberties of high and the responsibility of the law.

I is not only i, but also

БоГ is how the alphabet go, Б-Г. And G-d is the same idea, also dad, because g is d in russian
Abe God (Отче Наш Он)
Он Наш. покой рцы (мир вещает) слово твёрдо. рцы слово твёрдо
Люди Мыслите Наш Он.
Покой Рцы Слово Твёрдо Ук...

Мыслите люди наш он
Молен, а не иммануил? A Б Г Д
                                         И М Л Н   (but then I recogbnize that Imanuil is much more impressive than и молен, бесause молен is only in slavic languagwes and name of a person is international, as alphabet is.
Ng L is Angel. IM is имя. NaMae
Im (shem) NgL (angel)
шамангел (шаманил)

анегл атгел ангел магнил манил

магнит = манит

magnetto = may нить? мает нить?
may гнёт?

magnet mags (mays)

magnet make (make is may key (мает ключ, клад, класс, may king is who's (the) making
may king (may камень)

Гадание на неопределённой строке ИМНЛ (в то врмея как в реальности ИЙКЛМН) или ИМЛН?
ИМЛН places Л гтвук under Г (Г~Λ,  ג~λ) and N as sonor T is as good as L, maybe even better. M~B, N~D.  but then Λ is half the M, just as D is half the B. And it makes me question if it was I M Λ at first, just as ABD it was (ᛆᛒᚦ)

Имел is a good word, but it's again slavic, and it's I'm il (then il = he is ill in english, elle, weird french, sick to englishmen, they have this animosity, because they influence each other with their languages, and this naturally cause discontent, disharmony,

A joke there was that hazArian and ashkeNazi tell something suspicious,
bulgarian also contains arian.
and sweddish containing yiddish tells that if yiddish is the deutsche, then swedish is severo-deutsch.
sv as sever? it is nord and norr in sweddish.

no rd (земля на севере не родит? не растёт) växa, öka, odla, bli, växa upp, gro, ökas, stiga, bliva are word for grow in sweddish. This guesswork is useless, but then this is how I learn languages, I guess.

север сверху?

юг южнее ..нижнее! v~ν
ю~н (u~n)
юз~пуз~низ.. но это не более чем ассоциация, не интересно, но может из такого всё и произростает, я перебираю эту руду и отслаиваю из неё что-то интересное. Руда сырая, грубая, порода. Продукт (интеллектуального труда) это уже интерсней.

восток (wake, восторг, утро, встк, верстак? высток) запад (спать, спад, на западе спят когда ты просыпаешься, а на востоке уже проснулись и едут к тебе в город чтоб день был длинней, но без самолёта это незаметно, потому этимология иная. или нет? да, иная, никто не думал о том, что на востоке ещё спят, потому что там просыпались раньше чем он мог туда добраться, солнце со скоростью самолёта летит)

1000 km/h is some new speeds.
even 100 km/h is relatively recent.
horse walks around 6 km/h, but can run around 55 km/h, actually as a car drives in a city.


l above t gives some sense to that IMNL sequence

playing around 12345~IVEAO sequence, I gaze at


only to recognize how orderless IUEAO is.

IEAOU is the descending scale, perfect pentatonic, let's gaze at that:

I M  N L
E V  J  Z
O P  Q T
U F  H S

and to my surprise the articulatory sequence the consonants give: M thing in the centre of it all today, start the sequence here, and go to the most similar voiced fricative, from which to voiced plosives, from which to voiceless plosives, from which to voiceless fricaitvies, which is great sequence from the most voiced to less voiced, which reflects that vowels of their being lower and lower.

and I try to read this sentence, and I see the prayer:
Абе God (О боже да)
Опкт (окажись, от слова катить, обернуться)
Уфхс (успехами? (я должен иметь наибольшие степени свобод, потому что это формула древнейшая, а не имея знаний древних языков я должен полагаться лишь на воображение)

УФХС (в реальности УФХЦЧШЩ) может быть успехом от слова fuck, У могло быть поздним нововведением, и может Т была последней буквой когда эта формула имела больше смысла.
о прости, о прости отличная.. prayer, praise, просит, о просите, я когда духа вызвал, ничего не отказывал ни ему, ни кому. все грани мира позволял, чтоб духа ненароком не обидеть,


очень дикая молитва, но четыре буквы в стоке говорит, что 4 и строки тоже, 16 легендарное of the younger futhark.

and only dotted shapes ᛂ and ᚵ are left behind, so the 18 is the 16 of younger futhark plus two dotted runes.
I tried to cut it with labials in the beginning of the line, as ᛒ is labial, but then I took liberty of asigning ᚱ as П and ᚿ the N as labial, it is quite a pulling, I should avoid making it public, but them I feel liberty, since it's the second volume, it will die without being published. I guess. I plan it to be so, or do I not? I have not decixded, so everyhthing is possible... Let's play something else

In this Ring Of Runic Root Sounds it is fascinating, that the futhark order begins with B and ends with T, and more than that, S stands just before T, which makes it even more similar to the alphabetic order.
And oghamic calendar also begins with B, and it is also so in oghamic calendar, but then they begin at January:


G in the second raw was natural, because who else. But who is in the first line? The gъ, but they are both one thing. Δ read closer to Z tell me it's the same, variants of the same line. B is V in russian, so they're dialectal components. And thus they are the firs linguistic shift: A is read as E in pan, B in one language is V in another, G and G are literally the same letter, only just as V from B it became fricative. Just as Z from D is. The fricative line, but no wonder since that is how I chose them.

or IKLMN has it's meaning? lemon? is it a golden stamp across the line? IMΛ or IΛM? or IΛNM?
But B before D, F before Г, so M should stand before Λ, and it explains Λ and Г paralellism.
EFГ and E immediately tells that ABC was the right variant.
(which makes A Ѧ, the three, just as E is 3)
where I is 一 is 𓈖

and it makes sense that plosive letters have closed shape (even A) and EFГ being the fricative line (thus even Г is Ж.. is russian variant IKЖ? IЖК would be the sequence (F before Г) and it is in IJK)

This structure exists in language, but letters don't remind eachother much:
БВVWMF all have some fleur of are K and R, and they're two out of their place in voiced-voiceless structure. I wanted to tell that alphabet is more like sillabary in its repetitionness. But then I see that it has some forms of abugida. The sequence ABGD is to the point.

К as eastern form of M? not mother,  but ka-san, and as san is generic, so is ther present in father brother, but not exactly sister. unless it was sither (hither and sither?) when you give speach to men, then men are hither, and sisters are sither (там, there)

and is it why K stands before M in all the alphabets where they have K.
Latin has that K only in ABCD.. they placed K where G had to be? Ж? Г!!

жечь (делать же (солнце, Ж and G are just two different ways to show ☉))

F and W show moon? M как Месяц и Moon (და მთვარე (და[da] is and in georgian, as in russian))
Labials are moon and linguals are Sun? Labials are water, thus M is moon, which is also linked to water.
Linguals are sun, because they stand for fire. It is surprising, that fire starts with a labial, but then that Ф could be Ѳ the Θ, Z of fire~zhara~pyre? пожар? pyr пчр (почернение).. or is that p~f prefix and ire is the thing. Яр как в Ярило. Жарило. Харило. Марило (марево) гарево жарево, морить варить жарить гореть. реть как реветь? рвать? жрать? засрать?
Давай колдовать более добрые слова.. spell

добро, я жив, я уважаю порядок, я не боюсь хаоса? я должен же говорить правду. Но я могу и негативно врать, строго говоря.

Notice how in both glagoic and kyrillic they have similar shapes, only glagolic is rotated by 90 degrees.

and only have I thought in the context of Я of yus reminding аз, for both A and Я are аз (first one nominatively, and the other one swemantically semantia semantically. And I see this shape making open form just A:

and it reflects mandaic use of A as a frame of reference, repeating it twice:

the mandaic vowels seem to be of two kinds: balls and sticks, and u is just like i (as i is и in russian) so i or u could be local variants (dialects) and here it also could be that i went upwards, and u is an additional stroke, and that is needed to go downwards. But then isn't the a's vowel, the halqa is down? in comparison to i, a is lower. but u is even more lower, so no ascending part for it.

Rhombic dodecahedron is volume of two cubes around which it's built. 
Rhombic dodecahedron is 12 sides, just as two dice, just as 12 months and 12 hours.
24 sides is alphabetic set, 24 of so called older futhark. Is it related to mandaic?

The way each aett contains 2 vowels make me want to divide it into six four-letter groups,
especially because the all have 2 labials, except the aet with i, which may reflect that I-line in latin alphabet. ᛟ reminds both Ω and ω, which makes me look forture for sequence ML past a vowel, for ng being the n of mln the lmn, and TB standing before it could be the name of the aet of the die. l reflects t, m reflects b, but then it contradicts to the idea of 6 groups by 4 (the 4 elements)

So let's explore the guess that aettir are not in order, let's try to reconstruct that order by the alphabetic example:

 ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ
 ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ
ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ     
ᚨ ᚠ ᚲ ᚦ
ᚢ ᚹ ᚱ ᚷ
ᛁ ᛃ ᚺ ᚾ 
ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ
ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛏ
ᛟ ᛒ ᛜ ᛞ      
for example

ᚢ ᚹ ᚱ reminds 123, and ᚷ where it belongs, but isn't it weak, it is not only raw, it's in contradiction with the idea that ᚠ is ᚨ and thus futhark is alphabetic. Let's play with that idea too:

ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ
ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ
ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ     
ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ
ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ
ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚾ
ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ
that s t sequence is much more interesting than tb
and all past t is with minor alteration is belmondo ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ     

ᛒ ᛖ ᛚ
ᛗ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ
ᛒ ᛟ ᛜ   (the 2, the 1.5. the 1)
ᛗ ᛖ ᛚ ᛞ  (these are all the M-like in one gropu and Λ as half of M, and I was grouping these, when I saw that the first line is even more interesting. so it's whether supporting my guess or can be dismissed, it's some unhuman level of rigor's sensors needed to evaluate this properly)

but Boc the бог as 421 or 2, 1, 0.5 I like it. bong. bang. bad гад? Jews prayed to the desert god, god of emptiness, the shiva, I suppose, since shivaism is so popular amongst hinduists, naturally infested with jewish influence, but then I'm biased, this is публицистика, а не наука, болтовня.

Placing that M like this, it gave me two additional vowels, just as in the story of Demetrius.

And in the following video the guy tells that there are not only vowel L, but also vowel R:

thouse I would lose the middle part (I really dislikes the trapezoid, see how it makes it lamer)
that L is still not vowel enough, it's alike w, and that is what ł the Ł is, [w] which is twechnically not vowel, for it doesn't make syllable. But then how do I measure that й and ў don't make syllables, when they may make some half-syllavbles, short syllables, as omikron and

so it makes me break it further.

And I get triads, and though I could explain labial J as Ю, reflecting the YZ as IJZ (thus linking K and Z, that are (which are is also a variant in wide use, I tell tio not native speakwers) linguals but as further as they could be in that group.

Were these the 7 vowels, with two vowels left and right strings? o is in the centre. then I is in the highest, and U is in the lowest. And because R is called aR, even Ar, it is A also by its shape.
Thus e doesn't have much choice, but take from L, and look how cursive e and l are technically the same shape:

r reminds a, especially in its final stroke, but it reminds ʌ maybe even more.
but that final stroke many letters shaer share, it's nothing but swash. But then it distinguishes a from o.
A is R is next to O? the one between O and U? the swa..
And their position, cunny.. cutting alphabet from I to V made me think of I being 1, L being 2, and O as the first closed figure, the triangle, R is Р in greek and russian, thus the other stroke is a swash.

and U is the V which is the 5, but then T also could be the final letter, because the graphic sequence of ILOР ends thus.
and if Y is the greek form of U, X is Z, I guess it's IJ X reflecting I J K and EF G H and maybe too. But then I think of how G and H would be both forms of the Ж and thus the same letter making EFГ the complete second line. And ABD would be the complete first one. And can't we have this BD, FГ thing all across the thing? J K as ᛃ ᚲ !
MN is also along those lines, especially when it's mn!!!!!
PQ is more complicated, but then I remember Q like Ф, 𐤒 the

but then 𐤓 is R, 𐤐 is P
and S is double T only if c is t, both are voiceless linguals, and if c[k] then both are plosive too (only then c is not coronal but velar, but when it's c[s] it's coronal. interesting. tsykavo.
there VW laying just into this sequence, but no, they're not, now the second letter is double. Even though I would also take pairs VX and VZ, both times the second variant would be double. And if I can see unity of X and Z, it's hard for me to see unity between them and W, so W is not present in classical latin for this reason?

Thena RST is how it ends? S is Θ? the Ф? as in some UFЦ? UFГ?

this celtiberian be reminds ᛟ[o] and could be standing for овца (avis?) for it tells be, бешка, and ᛟ looks like a sheep. and ♈︎ is something like upside down.. ♈︎ is aries, as arii, aries it is, like ariis, A is aries. E is something else эшанс, esians, when asia was cognatic to east, из 𓏏 (a place from which), I is some indians, O is oceanians. U is non-existent that far in the past.

ᛟ for Anglia, B for belgia? G for germania! D for denmark, E for estonia, F for finlandia, G.. here I lost the flow, C could be celts? I thought belgians are celts? it's some cherrypicking, because from other perspective, Poland predates Russia. and what is S? Sina! and T? Tailand!!!
But then I typed a lot about it, and it was so embarassing, I just deleted it, I prohibit myself entertain this hypothesis. Yes, it is fascinating and can be played with, but it repeatedly leads nowhere, for many reasons.

but ᛟ looking like a ram, like a sheep, is a good catch, the ball of fur with legs below it, or in greco-iberian they don't even draw the legs, thus making that letter closer to the o we know:

and already o, not be, and o is how ᛟ is in norsk runes, thus my guess is the direction was from ᛟ to o, and not the other way around, because ᛟ is more of a sheep and much less abstract, and also further from the modern form.

название для брошюры давай покреативнее приберём: ა ბ გ დ sounds as unban гандон (which is a good idea, but how would you control the prostitutes to use them and not to lick them when they put them on, so just clean everybody, clear the world, make eveerybody healthy by letting thoser who are teach those who want to be. Something telling the whole story,

ΑΒΓΔ ევზთ ILMN עפצקרשת

it is a grandious name, interesting in the sense that in libraries they will place it under ab in libraries run in latin script, ав in libraries in russia and around it, עפ in jewish libraries.
αβγδ ევზთ ilmn עפצקרשת
as a variant looks sorta pale, that italian ILMN in the middle is incredible it in its spel sol splendor.
and thinking about jews thus tending to read the alphabet the other way around, and I tried and I read
немли! очень чёткое, затем непонятное, и первая строчка также интересно заказывает догова (договор) and if we read english i-line, we can read немолчи (немли ~ не молчи?) in ijklmn (не молкни, что гораздо хуже чем крутое немли) и тут я осознаю, что я это немли принял за молви, но в русском есть лишь внемли (послушай) which also is good in a prayer or a spell. немоли? намоли? моли? молен? месиво в е и и строках вызвано чем-то подобным?
считался алфавит в обратную сторону плохим заклинанием? потому что алфавит прочитанный в правильную сторону не только успокаивает, но и слово в словаре найти помогает. сколь древни словари?
The oldest known dictionaries were cuneiform tablets with bilingual Sumerian–Akkadian wordlists, discovered in Ebla (modern Syria) and dated to roughly 2300 BCE, the time of the Akkadian Empire.[7][8][9] The early 2nd millennium BCE Urra=hubullu glossary is the canonical Babylonian version of such bilingual Sumerian wordlists. A Chinese dictionary, the c. 3rd century BCE Erya, is the earliest surviving monolingual dictionary; and some sources cite the Shizhoupian (probably compiled sometime between 700 BCE to 200 BCE, possibly earlier) as a "dictionary", although modern scholarship considers it a calligraphic compendium of Chinese characters from Zhou dynasty bronzes.[citation needed] Philitas of Cos (fl. 4th century BCE) wrote a pioneering vocabulary Disorderly Words (Ἄτακτοι γλῶσσαι, Átaktoi glôssai) which explained the meanings of rare Homeric and other literary words, words from local dialects, and technical terms.[10]

ΑΒΓΔ ზთ ILMN עפצקרשת
nah, way too complex, it's difficult enough like this:
ΑΒΓΔ ევზთ ILMN עפצקרשת

But then this name is too long for some contexts, where I have to rearange it:
Α  ე  I   О
Β  ვ  П

Γ  ზ  K
Δ  N  Т

димка is дымка in ukrainian
димка невидимка (небе=дымка, в этом секрет фокуса, что небо дымом заменяется и человек уходит в дым?) наведимка ненавидимка (на которую ненавидятся? неналюбуются is the word, потому что славянские слова часто меняют значение на противоположное, так что урода красива в польском, но уродлива в русском, а чёрствый в чешском свежий, а в русском наоборот несвежий, и я представитель этого сумасшедшего языка: что значит наоборот несвежий, если просто несвежий, для чего эти коллокционизмы, калоцианизмы слышится)

uroda = beauty, but there's akso urok (charm glamor appeal beauty spell enchantment fascination relish attractiveness savor amenity enticement bewitchment glamour savour)
so if you see somebody looking good, and ask for an advice how you'd look better.
People love giving advice, so giveing them opportunities to advice will make them love you.
espcecially for complicments

czar = spell, charm, bewitchment, magic, glamor, enchantment, fascination, attraction, sorcery. lure. enticement. attractiveness. glamour.
not царь (that's car, though two words sound the same)

cognate to that czar in russian is чары (чара is not only spell, but also a cup, чаша, чарка~чашка, в отличие от чашки чарка именно что для алкоголя и прочих колдовский напиткоу)

колдовский вместо колдовских написалось (почудившись чтоли) отражает подобие й и х на разных уровнях (H~И, ᚼ~ᛡ, now this one, and I feel there's more, just doesn't recall)

черный~черных, ый и их, both are west-slavic surnames suffixes. sur names's sub fixes.

suddenly I found two alphabets arranged very close to "vowels first" thing.
(and which surprises more, they were one next to the other, and they were not about it)

and this one is even closer, it's unbelievable!:

a very interesting dictionary I've found:
Е — то, оное, его.
Ева — жизнь; мать всех живущих.
И — его, их.
Ин — другой, грядущий.
Ю — её.
Я — их.
Яже — которая, которые.

I   he
V  her
V is a shorter form of ⛧?
no wonder Г~V, for all stars are star.

the little pieces of old russian are great source of the feels between languages, yet I cannot trust this information, because it's all over and dealt with. But then there are writings in this grammar, so it's preserved and can be explored. But aorist, imperfect instead of past simple and perfect continous mess me up with this sinonymy, sin.

It's funny how arabic and georgian have this lingual penises at the end (конец is both end and penis)
And they even have залупас эт зи вери еnd. Arabic begins with this thing too, as if those are a couple of balls maybe. Georgian is one letter longer, so maybe the second letter is it's balls. and it's dickhead has two holes, which is truly wicked, but then if this is the dick measuring contest, then georgian is later than arabic. Or at least they performed the reform edding letters bast T after arabs. Which is a wicked hypothesis, but then it seems rather valid, though dirty as hell. не просто хуй, а ещё и колечко на конце, вообще пиздец, вот тебе и дополнительная буква. жесть, дима, жесть

Georgian looks like e is a and i combined, which makes perfect sense. That ე is ი and ა combined.

JK is jacky, Jack (house that Jack'v built)

    This is the horse and the hound and the horn
    That belonged to the farmer sowing his corn
    That kept the cock that crowed in the morn
    That woke the priest all shaven and shorn
    That married the man all tattered and torn
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn
    That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
    That tossed the dog that worried the cat
    That killed the rat that ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.

and this rhyme gives me some wink:
H H H  (Hekate? vowels?)
B F S K (бв гд (две губных, две язычных, причём оба прочтения С)
K K K M (reminds the third line this third line)
W P S S (two vowels, two consonants again, consonants are С'ы or Cת and both labials are of the final lines. And HHH May report, that only three vowels are in this son. And each line has 4 lines, and the distortion grows to the end, which makes me believe in the other variants.. but then why? But then this could be the illustration of how apophenia works, and whether the creator of this rhyme used alphabet as his inspiration, or it sorta discredits all these volumes. But then that some of my ideas are wrong is not something new, but that I could be unable to distinguish one from the other.. who said I cannot, I just have to ponder with this thing and whether to find further сенсы, or to discard it, it's not like something new, k-symmetry came out fruitless, yet known in an encyclopedia.
So let's go on with that rhyme just to have it in the blocks:
M M T T is very labials first, linguals later, and what labials! and what linguals!
K M L f-N (f reminds θ which belongs to the second line, but N of that middle line highlights the N
M K K h-N


so it was neither jack nor house nor rat nor dog nor cat nor cow

Thus complete and utter chaos in the first part of the sequence of event tells me that it was deeper:
    This is the horse and the hound and the horn
    That belonged to the farmer sowing his corn
    That kept the cock that crowed in the morn
    That woke the priest all shaven and shorn
    That married the man all tattered and torn
This is probably the most famous nursery rhyme and it's a part of the gay conspiracy, people's minds seem to overwhelm with the rest of it, so they miss the point in the centre of this song.
Maried Maiden alL Tattered and Torn?
But then the rhyme will not be as cumulative as the famous version of it, and it would be weird:
    This is the man all tattered and torn

    This is the priest all shaven and shorn
    That married the man all tattered and torn

    This is the cock that crowed in the morn
    That woke the priest all shaven and shorn
    That married the man all tattered and torn

    This is the farmer sowing his corn
    That kept the cock that crowed in the morn
    That woke the priest all shaven and shorn
    That married the man all tattered and torn

    This is the horse and the hound and the horn
    That belonged to the farmer sowing his corn
    That kept the cock that crowed in the morn
    That woke the priest all shaven and shorn
    That married the man all tattered and torn

M M T T    (what is especially interesting, that below the triple vowel line
                    the first one is B and the last one is T)

Horse and hound and horn are all three for hunting, also the h (the hidden fourth)

and another interesting vesch is that it is exactly the half of the rhyme, the other one:

    This is the maiden all forlorn
    That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
    That tossed the dog that worried the cat
    That killed the rat that ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.

What man has the priest married? Jesus Christ! All shattered and shorn. Or some saint of the kind.

The mystical prayer Ana Bechoach, which is recited by many daily, is also attributed to Rabbi Nechunya ben HaKanah. The initials letters of the 42 words of the prayer make up the 42-letter name of G‑d, which is often mentioned in Kabbalistic works.
אָנָּא, בְּכֹחַ גְדֻּלַּת יְמִינְךָ תַּתִּיר צְרוּרָה:           (אב"ג ית"ץ)
קַבֵּל רִנַּת עַמְּךָ, שַׂגְּבֵנוּ, טַהֲרֵנוּ, נוֹרָא:           (קר"ע שט"ן)
נָא גִבּוֹר, דוֹרְשֵׁי יִחוּדְךָ כְּבָבַת שָׁמְרֵם:           (נג"ד יכ"ש)
בָּרְכֵם, טַהֲרֵם, רַחֲמֵי צִדְקָתְךָ תָּמִיד גָמְלֵם:           (בט"ר צת"ג)
חֲסִין קָדוֹשׁ, בְּרוֹב טוּבְךָ נַהֵל עֲדָתְךָ:           (חק"ב טנ"ע)
יָחִיד גֵּאֶה, לְעַמְּךְ פְּנֵה, זוֹכְרֵי קְדֻשָּׁתְךָ:           (יג"ל פז"ק)
שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ קַבֵּל וּשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתֵנוּ, יוֹדֵעַ תַעֲלֻמוֹת:           (שק"ו צי"ת)

Notice, how it begins alphabetically, notice how through all the mess of the middle it ends with t.
My guess is it is the key to read the hidden meaning, but I can only guess what it is, either way it is a large piece and it's a new piece to this collection of alphabetic everything.

Α  Ⴄ  I   О
Β  Ⴅ  П

Γ  Ⴆ  K
Δ  N  Т
Ⴓ Ⴔ Ⴕ Ⴖ Ⴗ Ⴘ Ⴙ Ⴚ Ⴛ Ⴜ Ⴝ Ⴞ Ⴟ Ⴠ Ⴡ Ⴢ Ⴣ Ⴤ Ⴥ     Ⴧ





худой/добрый (также как худой is both bad and thin, so is добрый both good and fat (раздобрел))
худоба/добро   ~  ху = не?  (хуй = нет)

добро ~ да, бро ?

thin ~ sin?

thick ~ sick?  (as in blessed aare the sick)

богат ~ бог
беден ~ бед (bad)
годен ~ good (годится)

Bar  (this just organically followed ban, bar bans? bar as палка, БРевно, поручень, перекладина, перегородка)
Base (bass)

Ben  Benjamin, Беня,
Bess Elizabeth, Бетти (в русском обычно выделяют первую часть, Лиза b~l? see them in cursive!)

Bid (сравни с bet)
Bear (this one has to be between Ben and Bess, but it came to me here)
Biz (business (like in showbiz))

Bob  Robert



Cell   (and that's it? it indicates something I'm yet to figure out when I collect more data)
(but then maybe I'm tired, I felt tired, and then I think it indicates that C was K? for both B and D are plosive, so C inevitably was [k]
Cent (цент) ценит (копейка рубль бережёт (на самом деле "сотая" (одна сотая) в латыни cent = сто (percent = на сотую = сотых: 50% = fifty percent = пятьдесят сотых) и значит ли это что 100 и .01 were omonymous, as 1 and 1000 in slang names for russian money are, so that the speakers know which one it is from the context, and outsiders are mislead to believe that ammounts are a thousand times less)
(cell is like the only actual monosyllable starting with ce, which is interesting, cent is latin and affricate)

Cease  (is it a warning to stop doing what I'm doing?)

Seed.. S is C (in russian С[s])
should I have been doing this in baby alphabet?

Let's reconstruct english baby alphabet and

LGBTI is more widely known as LGBT, because those four are internationally so, while that particular I has to be translated with M into russian, and it reminds me of k=-symmetry and it's i/m pair. Could letters be placed into alphabeet

caveat emptor (пусть покупатель будет бдителен)
(caveat = предостережение, emptor = покупатель)
the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made.
"caveat emptor still applies when you are buying your house"




ა ბ  გ დ ე  ვ ზ  თ ი  კ ლ  მ ნ ო პ  ჟ  რ ს ტ  უ ფ  ქ ღ  ყ შ  ჩ ც ძ  წ  ჭ  ხ  ჯ  ჰ


in georgian you can see not only phonetic, but also graphic proximity between the letters of the line, so compare Ა Ბ Გ Დ and Ე Ვ Ზ Თ, but then second and third ask me if I'm not tripping, if I wouldn't recognize second in the third and visa versa? but then it could be the б~g duality.

battle metal (били (ковали))

 𐤠 𐤡 𐤢 𐤣 𐤤 𐤥 𐤦 𐤧 𐤨 𐤩 𐤪 𐤫 𐤬 𐤭 𐤮 𐤯
𐤰 𐤱 𐤲 𐤳 𐤴 𐤵 𐤶 𐤷 𐤸 𐤹                     𐤿
(surprisingly, accidentally, that is how it's split in unicode table, a to t and u to another t the ц)
Look how runic it looks, old-italic it probably is. But it's not: of Anatolia in the Iron Age
The Lydian alphabet[2][3] is closely related to the other alphabets of Asia Minor as well as to the Greek alphabet. It contains letters for 26 sounds. Some are represented by more than one symbol, which is considered one "letter." Unlike the Carian alphabet, which had an f derived from Φ, the Lydian f has the peculiar 8 shape also found in the Neo-Etruscan alphabet and in Italic alphabets of Osco-Umbrian languages such as Oscan, Umbrian, Old Sabine and South Picene (Old Volscian),[4] and it is thought to be an invention of speakers of a Sabellian language (Osco-Umbrian languages).[4]

ворчун (бурчун) борцун
(ворчит ~ борет(ся)   ворочает берёт (ворует, выручает, вырубает, вырывает))

but why?

Notice that 𐤸 looking like a lucky triscelion. Which is fascinating since it stands for [ɲ] or [ŋ] and I noticed in my book that ŋ очень сильный звук, потому что это нега, ономотопоэйя

х  х

(хехе (зажмурив глаза в улыбке рот раскрыл (верхние зубы видны и дуга нижней губы))
передположение, что так использовали буквы (но подтвердиться/опровергнуться оно может простым автоматическим поиском по всем петроглифам древним)

 x  x

seems ho thave moustach above it. Or is it ax! ah!

a is the opposite of e, and as such it is :(  (e is :))

yea is e is :) and if it's ;) and thus ij, is j a? because I thought e is ia (according to the georgian I said it is)


x  x

is not хаха (haha) but ahah, then

x  x

is also eh-eh, and actually this is good though not standart onomatopoeia

Suddenly I've got an idea:

What if vow is vowel.. and it made me go hm..

Because و looks like e (they write the other way around) and the rest of the line is very greek.
Only now the first line has some additional letter. But I think it's ugaritic-like.

but then that h I thought of is g-like, of g I suspect, the fricative form of g the c, I suspect:

And then though they transliterate the suspiciously E-like letter standing at the E position as h, I suspect it to be arabic influence, as if arabic researchers explored it, or the transliterators used arabic as the language of the region to transliterate it. But then they still have Z after W, but then ..nah, it's a bad idea, and this part should be all coloured grey.

помилилася in ukrainian is ошиблась in russian is have been mistaken in english,
and I suspect it to be a cognate of russian помолилась (prayed) but in ukrainian it's помолилася
Which is suspiciously russian, because ukrainian tends to use и or i exactly where russians use o.

лихие люди - люди лишающие  (а лишние = лишённые?)
лишай в случае стригущего лишая лишает человека волос?
а лишайник тогда чего лишает? просто на лишай похож? лишайный
(представь какими грязными ужасными люди были до изобретения всякой магической медицины)


гласные определённо играют семантически в суффиксах в русском. И раз я знаю про трёх матерей, то я предполагаю, что средний род - форма мужского:

оно.. о~ъ?

инглиш уорд уорлд is cognate of wirled (look at the sky and you see it whirled)
whirled has a reel in it? real as in reality.
heal..  russians have мир[mir] with this r and wow, they have m where englishmen have w (мы и we
worled = we rolled (when he tells it somebody, he naturally uses the past tense)
world = we rolled

безумный и разумный полные антонимы (нельзя быть одновременно и безумным и разумным)

т.е. нельзя служить и бесу и ра, они оба это не оценят. Но непостижимость же, откуда я могу знать? Дерзновенно. Be in peace with both and maybe you will be fine. Being good with both is not cooperating with either.

So who gave me the ideas I have? Probably, my own mind mine.
(and if it is actually some spirit I called for help around the time I became myself out of the clay of a mindless child, with my own thought it was. But what if it was a dialogue..

And But
иметь уметь (нет ни аметь ни ометь, еметь=иметь, ометь=уметь, аметь.. даже от ам не аметь, а амать (и сразу ударение на второй слог. В русском А более сильная буква, чем Е)

(A E I O U) I have said in my booklet, it didn't happen to be brochure, it's going to be sewn from few, for otherwise it is not closing properly, because they paper I chose is thick.

and I wanted to think of vowels as of moon, and when you can see the newmoon, you're a wizard, and one of yours have invented the alphabet.

So when I saw ( ) as waning and waxing moons, making what is between them less imp[ortant, darkened. I wanted to see vowels as moon because of them, and I first ded >.. > wass a typo, and it was a typo where I tried to write it first. It is my subconsciousness directly typing it? Because it is a great подсказка:  > A E I O U <  is looking much better than >.. again! why&?   than ()AEIOU( and then I thought what if each letter is a face of a moon? then (AEIOU) is to the point, with I being the full moon
 (   A   E   I    O  U   )
🌑 ☽︎  🌕  ☾ 🌑 ☽︎
её (as the second line in russian begins, the second line in which θεά lives, notice that a is changing suffix, and both other letters, the stem of the word, are from the second line.

That A E I O U thing makes me thing that E I O are the three mothers. Exactly, the fourth is hidden, she is their queen. So dark newmoon is known to him who's красавчик and a king.


And I imagined picture of three mothers 20 40 and 60 years? I visualized the fullmoon tholding the e baby, be bely kak barashek. and o is oh, the older lady. But they all have to be mothers I guesss. So the hidden moon is the newborn. It is literally called new moon.

14 28 42 are the mothers I guess. People of the past could do it even earlier,
12 24 35? (2 2  35 instead of 36 was a type, but maybe also true) is it why wives

god is G the Gah, Jah, Jehows IEHOYA are the six greek letters, and they say they also had the seventh. Are these those which Iginus.. Higinus wrote? Or I guess he had O missing.

By choosing you instead of he (when you talk to the reader and not telling him about someone third (that)) you turn conversation from domain of people into domain of ideas.

Now that thing is contravertial, because it speaks of other people.
(and I felt it first, it didn't allow me to go on, it anchored me to them, so then I ..nevermind
then shouldn't I speak of objects? shouldn't I ignore that thing completely? no, it makes sense, just take it easy. and let's copy that good part and move on from that into some other direction:

 (   A   E   I    O  U   )
🌑 ☽︎  🌕  ☾ 🌑 ☽︎

☽︎ for E tells that Э shape is initial, and it is неётированная. ё is йо, йотированная форма буквы о.
☾ then agrees that if these forms are in reverse in modern e and ɔ, then the alphabet was invented in right to left. And the ancient historian probably didn't know that those bows were moons, not клин (как в слове клинопись и словосочетании клин журавлей)

I guess руно было шкурой с рунами, но какой-то король, которому дали почитать, или который заказал чтоб привезли, ...fleece it is in western european languages, not runo anymore, maybe the real one was substituted with a forgery, also covering an old (and alike) sheep skin with golden powder so it looked like that real one, but then claim that the letters disappeared, claiming tit a was magic, hence all the fairy tales (fairy as in fair) have wonders only because somebody showed a trick or was lying his ass off, or he just removed the parchment, one layer, and then it was burnt somewhere hidden, or it was preserved in some vault to this day, lost withing other parchments.

разумен или безумен
раз как один, Один is literally один, btw
бес как один (но не с коллективом (социумом) как раз (как в словосочетании и.. разом! как один. без is literally without, where with is c, thus бе is out. бе russians say when they feel disgusted, and it is not an actual word, it's an interjection rarely (if evere) appearing in dictionaries.

ай (боль)
бе (отвращение)
ге (срыгивание, отвращение (но меньшей степени)
и (визг, больш? или восторг? смотри какое следующее букво)
м (изумление, восхещение, возжелание)
н (нежелание, не)
о (удивление)
п (сплёвывание, ещё легче форма отвращения. не потому ли м так далеко от начала строки? м это пятая буква в строке, в предыдущих по четыре)

I визг, сильная боль
J фс(когда резго щипет) слабая боль
К кака, отвращение
L цокает языком (это тоже всем понятна, но в словарь её непонятно как запихнуть)
М mmm... возжелание
N ну, не, но (отказ)

О  удивление
П  сплёвывание (воздухом, резкий выдох с закрытого рта, типа фу)
Q чё? (ирония, лёгкая конфронтация)
R are? Rrrrrr типа нет?
S si (yes, this letter is under Mio mio mio, and I already see that y is yeah this five position эта паять!

эта паять
(серая а в виде капли олова такой формы, припаянного места на микросхеме того размера, меньше которого спаять не получится)

Т как нет, как П, но с открытым ртом, может даже ближе к настоящему плевку.

U негодование, неодобрение, растройство
V цоканье губами (
W wow!
X ah!
Y yeah!
Z zaebal, dima chto za huina? eto slovarь международно понятных слов, междометий интуитивно приемным по всему миру.
Жесты тоже понятны, примитивный язык международного общения, и гораздо более глубокое погружение в язык языка, в сложнейшие языковые формы, в такие подобных которым не существовало доселе.

залупа засрал знак Z

Z is 77, of course, it is Okhlobystin's creative takeover. I think I know him, though he's a jew, so you never know, so I believe I know him, and he is the best if it is him destroying the usssr to the end of it.
Perestroika was a big good hit.

Z is konets, delu venets. зубы, как на короне зубцы
Ƶƶ is graphically even more similar to teeth

Because ƶ looks like 卍, it made me thing that
Teeth is for luck. A man missing teeth is believed to have deserved it, and's thus trusted less.
People without teeth are not seen within business, nepredstavimy dazhe.

technically, ' in he's is י

and when that 's is has? H is И is I so has = is? имеет имею ~ am, est ~ ест (есть is both)
have ~ хавает (хаваю, ховаю, is it just wrong reading of m as s or s as m? of И as H or H as И?

sound varying from i to h is followed by a sound ranging from m to s? all those four in one? as si is yes, so I cannot even say that it's closed. but then if have is ховаю, then it's supposed to be closed.

яблочко (русская залихватская песня) могла быть создана с целью нейтрализовать запрет на поедание еды с пола, потому что яблоки упалики, их с земли едят, на дереве не спелые.
да, даже в городе яблоко, катящееся по дороге является кошерным, просто помой, а так-то и за другие яблоки никогда не ясно где они раньше лежали катались  (типа яблочко не лежит, оно валяется, катается)

суперстар супостат

and once again..

 (   A   E   I    O  U   )
🌑 ☽︎  🌕  ☾ 🌑 ☽︎

so I think the shape of Э is more basic than Є because of that?
And it makes sence since Э is нейотированна

But then I'd rather expect O to be the 🌕
so could it be seen from this preposition?

      A   E   I    O   U 
      ☾ 🌑 ☽︎   🌕  ☾
I as the opposite of U makes sense, also as in case of иметь/уметь (he who knows, has (the knowledge she or he has (as he who owns the philosopher's stone will never lose it))) the I and U are the only two variants, and it reflects the IV of the roman numerals, and I suspect roman numerals to be the previous system, because what do people often use as numerals? some obscure writing systems, as greek or even latin could be not as common as russian in russia, but then each nation seem to have been using their own letters for numerals. But then IVXLCD is so basal, and I V thing is so fukken based, and IVX is even better, and these are the three the most of people seem to be satisfied to know, so they are probably the prehistorian system of the three mothers.

So what I didn't say. It would make much more sense if it was this short:
  I    O   U 
☽︎   🌕   ☾
for both I is 1 and the shape of things dictates, and I suspected that A was placed first much letter later (I should really read King Jesus, I should give up weed for years, so I will also be able to build) I didn't know of E, but it could be 3, a number between I and V. иэу? yep, it's cool i?eau is even better some letter was between I and E? because some 21 belongs betweeen 1 and 3 (A is graphically 4-like, and it belongs between e and o, but then what if 3 ws 2 like a staveless B? see georgian ვ standing for в)
then 4 is Δ and depicts what we know as 3
then V is indeed vier, and IVXLCD is 365, and thus the year was split into a holyday, a week the working week of five days, a fortnight of ten days, a month, of ...ah, I messed up.. a working week of four days, or what is that V, the double week of 8 days, a month of 32 days, a C of 64, a D of 256, which is the most of the year. Was it how people planned things for the cycle? each day is the first day of the cycle? thus I is this day, today, V is few (vew) days up front, X is several days, L is a following month ending 44 to 45 days from today. The other dates are around 111 days away and the rest of the days are to fill in to the whole year, where it's next to impossible for us to plan that far, only that if nothing dramatic happens, we'll be doing the same thing on another level, memorizing remembering the things we do now.

so бе ~ фу and bes is something bad, like satan~shite
so ра ~ ура (something good like god, like Rah, russian language does seem to be related to egyptian, the i as plural suffix, and I remember knowing some other similar lexics, so why not, russian are creative, and шиханы could be the primitive technology predating the pyramids.)

So раз-умен = как все (Ра ~ раз ~ один ~ Один)

безумен is mind of some bes? бешеный от слова бесы, demented ~ demons, etc.
безумен is literally without mind. So бесы лихие? ли как в лишаться, ли как в лить, подлить, слить, слинять, словами сладких лечей лестных залить? ой люли люли (как пьяный может быть произносит слово люди)

And it makes sence since Э is нейотированна

А Э Ы О У?   с йотированными инвариантами создающими дополнительный столбец подле них типа I Jbeing I Y standing for И Ы or Ы И ?    here I'm pulling way too much, but additional column would make M stand in the middle in this one:

But because not a single alphabet has double vowels all along, only few examples like её & uvw maybe, IJ, btw. okay, some rudiments, more looking like attempts to build it into a 5×5 square.
My guess is it used to be 3×3 square

365 is magic number according to IVXLCD  (actually, I read yesterday that according to gnostics 7 and 365 are the only numbers of god, but then I am not fascinating with gnostics, the only based things from them so far are pre-christian)

366 could be the opposing school having their own measurements. Only the second group were more wrong (according to our today measurements, if I believe, and I believe the official calendar, I even believe that recend addition of the rule not to consider year ??00 leap made it super accurate.
365.24 of a year make leap years a necessity, and when they divided 366 into 6 it was that 6 and 61, which is known to day as 31+30 as our months go, as the year goes we have two 31 months more, which allows us remove thow two days from February (28 or 29 days) only it being 29 once per four years, tells me that the year is 365.25 days, but then that recent reform tells that a little less. So the 366 school, if such ever existed,

365 divides into 5 and 73, and who knows what memes can 73 be divided. If this school of thought existed, why didn't we know 73, yet immediately recognized 30+31 in 61? Because the school of 366 were the thing, they dominated calendar, while 365 guys invented alphabet and numeral systems (used for math and not just unary for count) probably too. The science was born by scientists. the 366'ers regulated laws, and thus eventually reformed V to be 5 to get the much more lovely to their taste 666 as a sum. They saw that IVXLCD as a monument to the opponents and after they usurped academia (or whatever it was called in the times of IVXLCD.. wait, kid, it is our times, our civilization, Roman Civilization is in direct connection to the current state of affairs (we still use Roman law) and that neochronologist found it in historic record, that he

1 4 8 32 64 256
512.. quadric system is still seen in the geometric axes, in sides of the world, in .. if the 366 guys had 6 in high value, they must have had 73 in high regard also, and just as we divided meaningless 61 into 30 and 31, let's divide the 73.. 36 and 37.. so double 36 with an additional something, their own zero, these are how it goes, 36! 6*6*6 is the 366.. no, it's only 216, 6*(2(6*6)) is the 366? no, it's only 432
argh!!! I such at math! 73 is the 365 divided into 5, the more accurate 365 guys, who used zero instead of a leap (literally shortened.. but I have mistaken it for lame, leap is litwerally jumpin, expanded, as is 29 in comparison to 28, but they're both lame) year (but these lines follow the following paragraph which is already here once I write it.

the leap year used to be zero
we had a year zero celebration in each fourth! year.
Thus V is four, the february!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vernier Février it seems to be F-something in all large european languages, neverr V-something.
but it's forVier? bruary as four? not even close, no, leave it alone

So back to where I left a paragraph before that one,

73 = (36+(36+1))

61 = (30+(30+1))

365 in five times 6 weeks by 6 days each? but why do I think of the solar month if people counted moons, as the word month indicates.

and weeks not related to solar months make no sense in the context of solar months, week is each of the mothers, four mothers in the month, three mothers, yet fourth is dark as hair. three faces, three, and fourth is hidden (under the ground or under the hair? Once people understood that sun is the source and moon only reflects it, they started worshipping sun, or maybe sons of sun exterminated all the moon lovers.  But no, muslims still calendar by moon, and behold, there's a constant struggle between the people of the light and the people of the dark

Луна и солнце не враждуют на небе, и теперь я могу их понять

well, that is lucky I speak russian, because there they immediately gave away that 36 I was talking about:
Руле́тка (фр. roulette — «колёсико») — азартная игра, представляющая собой вращающееся колесо с 36 секторами красного и чёрного цветов и 37-м зелёным сектором «зеро» с обозначением нуля
but then english wiki gives it away in the picture explicitly depicting 36 to be the largest number
and if we count zero there are 37 of them. But then did people of that ancient calendar knew zero?
until we find archaeologic data supporting this hypothesis, it's nothing but fantasy.

then also tells it, but weirdly obscurely:
Roulette is a casino game named after the French word meaning little wheel which was likely developed from the Italian game Biribi. In the game, a player may choose to place a bet on a single number, various groupings of numbers, the color red or black, whether the number is odd or even, or if the numbers are high (19–36) or low (1–18).
but then I shouldn't speak badly of them, because they definitely deliver:
The sum of all the numbers on the roulette wheel (from 0 to 36) is 666, which is the "Number of the Beast".

So was this 365 = 5 times 36.. let's leave this fantasy, and resort to actual historic facts:
The Egyptians appear to have been the first to develop a solar calendar, using as a fixed point the annual sunrise reappearance of the Dog Star—Sirius, or Sothis—in the eastern sky, which coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile River. They constructed a calendar of 365 days, consisting of 12 months of 30 days each, with 5 days added at the year’s end. The Egyptians’ failure to account for the extra fraction of a day, however, caused their calendar to drift gradually into error.
So 365 is the roman civilization, and solar calendar began with approximation of 360, which we may see in the degrees of the circle we have inherited from those ancient times.

Now I want to fantsize what that 360 could be divided into: 6 times 6 times ten, of course.
what else? if we know the four seasons, 90 degrees is one fourth. and they're the three times 30 day per a month, so it's all explained this way, they knew 12 sectors we know today as months, but the word months was borrowed from lunar calendar, actually this 30-degrees sectors gave birth to zodiac constellations. And wasn't solar year influenced by lunar calendar people knew before it? The word month is from the lunar calendar.
Most calendars referred to as "lunar" calendars are in fact lunisolar calendars. Their months are based on observations of the lunar cycle, with intercalation being used to bring them into general agreement with the solar year. The solar "civic calendar" that was used in ancient Egypt showed traces of its origin in the earlier lunar calendar, which continued to be used alongside it for religious and agricultural purposes. Present-day lunisolar calendars include the Chinese, Vietnamese, Hindu, Hebrew and Thai calendars.
Synodic months are 29 or 30 days in length, making a lunar year of 12 months about 11 to 12 days shorter than a solar year. Some lunar calendars do not use intercalation, for example the lunar Hijri calendar used by most Muslims. For those that do, such as the Hebrew calendar, and Buddhist Calendars in Myanmar, the most common form of intercalation is to add an additional month every second or third year. Some lunisolar calendars are also calibrated by annual natural events which are affected by lunar cycles as well as the solar cycle. An example of this is the lunar calendar of the Banks Islands, which includes three months in which the edible palolo worms mass on the beaches. These events occur at the last quarter of the lunar month, as the reproductive cycle of the palolos is synchronized with the moon.[8]

fuck, why have I read this, some cultures are fucked up (I'm pretty sure they would think so of us also)
with our ickiness of "kill it with fire" and our other crimes, this time of global scale, so we're not in the position to tell who is icky, but then we're.

японское джа-не (пока) звучит как чао-не (не частица типа isn't it)

So my guess is these things could be some ancient calendaric devices later used as hazard games accessories.

Looking for tifinagh I typed in berber alphabet and found something I have never heard about before:

How could it be that I never heard about something this based? English version of wiki doesn't even have this table, chances are it does when you read this text.
Notice how their EFГ repeat this sequence, they only have it staveless.

𐎀a 𐎁b 𐎂c 𐎃ḫ 𐎄d
𐎅h(e) 𐎆w 𐎇z 𐎈ḥ 𐎉θ

𐎀 𐎁 𐎂  𐎃  𐎄

𐎅 𐎆 𐎇 𐎈 𐎉
ט  ח  ז   ו   ה
Suddenly Italian reminds ugaritic that it has three letters in the final line         

Italian is so based, it alignes into axial symmetry with QR making a queer BC-like line.
Which could indicate that the modern 21 used to be the golden number of runic calendars (of lunar calendars? month is the european name)

I can see clearly now, that the QR is queer, that it is O P S T across ABGD
And then I See that if it ends with T (as archaic alphabets are told to end, we have a very interesting structures:

And at first I think that Just as italians don't have J, so some of those H I L is a double. H could be, but then the right (lineal) version doesn't fit, so then I see Heil in them, why didn't I see Helo in there. With I in the centre. And I see how H (high) is the opposite of L (law)(low)
and then I notice Ost against East, again, and again I notice that ost is east. Uest?  it would be literally a stretch.

Being high is against the low (this state of irresponsible horosho is offensive to sad hard working people. I am incredible child of the 90s

That image above on the left would be nice and english-like with final S and T
But the symmetry have might have it.

And the I in the centre made the nice inside of the vowel staff.

High and Low could be telling which way the mountain should be to a praying man. Surely he shouldn't be praying to the mountain when he prays to the sun. And surely man shouldn't have prayed in the evening to the mountain, when it eats the sun so to say when it could be making you happy more.
Ah! it's agricultural: (деревня древняя, агри = архи: agriculture is much more ancient than writing) When the mountain is not in the way, then harvest is better.

So it's recommended to have a mountain to your left, when you pray to the east.

ouest is west in french!

ovest is west in italian!

It is victory!!! I was seeing it so often, thank you sugar I've eaten so to neutralize your action I smoked weed and now.. this!

east is est in both.

east is where it's it, where id est.

высоко haute in french (but not in italian! so french? Gallic, language of druids, unless

From Middle French hault, from Old French haut, halt (“high, tall, elevated”), a conflation of Frankish *hauh, *hōh (“high, tall, elevated”) and Latin altus (“high, raised, profound”). Akin to Old High German hōh (“high, tall, elevated”). More at high, haughty.

Frankish (reconstructed endonym: *Frenkisk),[4][5] also known as Old Franconian or Old Frankish, was the West Germanic language spoken by the Franks from the 5th to 9th century.
After the Salian Franks settled in Roman Gaul, its speakers in Picardy and Île-de-France were outnumbered by the local populace who spoke Proto-Romance dialects. However, a number of modern French words and place names, including the eventual country's name of "France", have a Frankish (i.e. Germanic) origin. France itself is still known by terms literally meaning the "Frankish Realm" in languages such as German (Frankreich), Yiddish (פֿראַנקרײַך Frankraykh), Dutch (Frankrijk), the derived Afrikaans (Frankryk), and Danish (Frankrig) as well as Swedish and Norwegian (Frankrike).
Between the 5th and 9th centuries, Frankish spoken in Northwestern France, present-day Belgium and the Netherlands is subsequently referred to as Old Dutch, whereas the Frankish varieties spoken in the Rhineland were heavily influenced by Elbe Germanic dialects and the Second Germanic consonant shift and would form part of the modern Central Franconian and Rhine Franconian dialects of German and Luxembourgish.[6]
The Old Frankish language is poorly attested and mostly reconstructed from Frankish loanwords in Old French, and from Old Dutch, as recorded in the 6th to 12th centuries. A notable exception is the Bergakker inscription, which may represent a primary record of 5th-century Frankish.

French alphabet doesnt' make that pretty squear though, it's exactly the alphabet englishmen use.

VZ could appear before QR, they would be required as a vowel's accompaniment.

And I wanted to compare italian to ugaritic.

But then it seems ugaritic on that tablet had K, but not L, but then in the times of replication crisis who have tested these transliteration? Cynicism is no good.

And the final triad is deciphered as some ʔi ʔu s2(su) interesting to see how have they transliterated it, but now I ma

But I made a step back. Or was it a step aside?

Meanwhile low isn't starting with L neither in italian nor in french.

But it only tells that some other language was the origin of the alphabet, because it makes perfect sense to have mountain  at your left when you look at east, because that means you're at the southern side of the hill.

Let's not forget that those squares are not italian, they're some proto-italian, because it lacks many letters, and we have no idea where it could be proto-typed. All I can say is that of all european nation it came to italians first. But then maybe to Irishmen it came first, they're even closer to the base:

As you can see, much closer to the square italian hinted made me aware of:

Probably R and U are of later origin, As RUssia is the third rome.

Only this irish thing doesn't arange into the axial symmetry, it does without R and U or S and U and how incredibly interesting that SU is the previous name for RU, and now they're PU (we're, guh)

Tetraktis was the switch from octal to decimal?

It well could be.

And 18 runes lay exactly into 10 knots of triangualr tree of life.

V became 5 when alphabet grew past T
Before that V was 4 and O (the vav is both o and u, and v)
Just like russian У reminds hebrew ע (even thought they go different ways, russians an hebrew have У/ע shifted the same way. What does it mean? That some nations just copied it not understanding where it's face anymore, so now wonder this letter is the last vowel, it is of later origin, when we have lost the grace of the alphabet.

Can it (as a tail, for example) look either way, because it's basically Y (and if it is also O, then it's the sun and three rays. I VY? But in a sense, Y is V!was it just IY? the 1 and 2?)

адам означает пару (мужчину и женщину) и коль скоро мать в иврите אם, то не значит ли это что אד это отец? отче, от (от кого я) и не являются ли эти корни этимологией имёт Эдди и Эмми?

фискальный читается как фекальный (goddammit I hate the governmnets)

Глухов pronounced аракУль, because куль (озеро) is stressed in Иссык-куль и ему подобных (но может это москали тоже неправильно произносят. Блин, не называй русских москалями, москали это москвичи и ебать их в жопу) but everybdoy in Chelyabinsk pronounce it арАкуль

Now this is why I don't like to capitalize letters! Because I show stress by capitalization!! But not in that sentence, there I is unstressed.

So the question is what if the stress is arbitrary? Then гОрод = горОд, which sound like огорОд,
Энд боз а

З is staveless В (сравни с ვ) and В[v] looks like B[b] and this is why B is closed, and З is open. One is plosive the other is fricative, both are voiced. And people understand plosives and fricatives better than labial and lingual (the first is only given in a uni and the second one is almost always not given at all,

"язычные" "лингвистика" (now THIS is how you're supposed to google to be sure that it includes both words into its search. 6650 results. so they give it somewhere, where I probably didn't reach (I dropped out at the 3/5, which I gave to that uni (it was fun, but mostly not perfect so to say, because I cannot say that it wasn't useless, because merging into language study on regular basis improved my language and who knows maybe this focus on this subject is what also was a result of those three years)

По месту образования согласные в русском языке делятся на две группы: губныеб, п, м, в, ф; язычныез, с, д, т, ц, л, н, ж, ш, щ, ч, р, г, к, х. При образовании губных согласных преграда создаётся смычкой нижней губы с верхней или сближением нижней губы с верхними зубами. В первом случае получаются губно-губные звуки – б, п, м, во втором губно-зубныев, ф.

Язычные подразделяются на переднеязычные, среднеязычные и заднеязычные.

and so here their common heresy begins, I won't even copy the rest of the mess, only mention that the only среднеязычнай звук/буква is й. Which is legit, indeed й is a special case in this sense.  
So I should be more respectful to the unis, I joined the campaign of destoying the высшая школа simply out of being sorta partisan and also because I'm bitter and also because I'm contrarian. So the thing should be reformed, not destroyed. We shouldn't throw the baby with the bathwater. Just automize the management, so the ego of managers doesn't corrupt my science.

fricative and plosive are щелевые и смычные (слово щель детей довольно сильно веселит) в русском языке (пометка для переводчика, и т.е. для себя, потому что я забыл русскую терминологию, называю их на английский манер фрикативными (слово фрик тоже смешное, но так дети запомнят английское слово, вместо того чтоб думать о пизде.

So back on track. город~огород (оба означают огородку, причём огород имеет этот устаревший сегодня уважительный префикс (сохранившийся в японском)

Is A vowel form of Д as I insinuated in my book?

город~огород от слова огородить, городить значит возводить, строить, но если точнее, то наваливать, устанавливать (одну на другую) но также городить это может быть буквально делать гору? городить ~ гору деять
а водить что значит? вво дить = во дать, въ деять.
плодить? от слова плод, как и водить от слова вод. Но что значит вод? как вода впитывается в землю, вод делает въ? Как игла ведёт за собой нить?
Родить? ить = иметь?
Слишком рано ..да почему же! несколько откровений предстоит обресть прежде чем суметь русский на буквы понятно разобрать.

I E A O U is natural descending pentatonic(!) scale

I looks like 1
E looks like 3 (which could be a sign of 2, if З is staveless В)
A looks like 4 (which could be a sing of 3, if A is a form of 🜂)
O looks like zero
V is either four or five. And because au is o,

Если A = 4, a V = 5, то O = au
Если A = 3, а V = 4, то O = au
Если A = 3, a V = 5, то O = 4

so it's twice as likely that A and U make up O, which they do, in many ways, in the orphography at least in France and England au is read as o, and graphically ʌv make up o (so that was the o, made up of two light cunei as at the elevator summoning's panel.

Those volumes 21 and 22 gave birth to twins (that debauchery.html has yet to be separated into the actual debauchery scenes and the political projectering which sorta grew out of it, I recognized myself as a politician. But let's not speak about it here, they both belong in the same place, because the one gives additional depth to the other, and could work within the same movie script (but then I didn't necessarily expressed the ideas I verbalize in the second half of that thing, so either way even the context of this book could be used in that story to brighten it with additional incredible colours)

and another interesting word full of vowels:

They gave me author's code for book standing starting not with O as I was expecting, but with A (I guess they named it after book (I hope they didn't pull a trick on me, but that is a common writers' paranoia) which is cool, because it's also Anonymous, and Alpha is more glorious than Omega, also because it is put in the beginning of the alphabet, I always wanted to be asked first, but teacher would use the journal, so it is another пееркос системы (подобный тому, что рождённых в начале года чаще в спортсмены отбирают) and what's up now? who knows, the problem itself has just revealed itself, so solution will take some days.
So another funky thing about the code is it's A13, which can be read as "а смерть?" MementoMori is the ultimate MM (междометие согласия на смерть? или согласия вообще? mm as double b? не нет как фраза означающая да, подобная персидскому чи арабскому ляба (где ля подобна арабскому لا[ля] (нет) а ба подобна китайскому бу (нет))
арабское لا[ля] (нет) ~ персидское نه[na] (нет) ~ английское no
yes in arabic is نعم [nam] which is next to nan, which would be double نه which would play the same game with differently pronoounced components. Thus نعم and laba (ни арабский, ни персидский, ищу) are cognates

I thought I knew arabic, but then why does ہاں in urdu is read as a, and why is it read in arabic as an I can understand, But I couldn'e when I saw how it actually looks:

That curve before alef is ہ and where did I get this shape? Ah, yes, the google told me:

It's funny that in Europe un- and a- are the suffix of negation, and in the South they understand it as yes.

And this urdu thing is something special, it shapes supposedly arabic letters like nobody I have seen before:

And that is how they merged ی ہ ا ں  ,یہاں
یہاں is how it looks with some additional tag (accidentally I pushed ctrlv instead ctrlshifv)
(and there are plenty of those tags, they told me that by ctrlc+ctrlv'ing from different sites we may introduce some harmful data to the page, but it was from google's translator, so hardly woul they do it in there something harmful, but here I teach you the power of ctrlSHIFTv)

and that is how it looks in SeaMonkey (FireFox shows both first and third (ctrlshiftv and ctrlv) the same


enough of these arabesque for today. Npow I know why I make it so random: so the reader doesn't fuck himself up with on e  subject for too long.

but not so fast
to stop in urdu is

and I made it in the form of image, because I wasn't sure your browser would see it the same, and here it is in the form of text for yhou to play with: روکنے کے لئے
روکنے کے لئے
Baṛī ye (Urdu: بڑی يے "greater ye") is a letter in the Urdu alphabet (and other Indic language alphabets based on the Nastaʿliq script) directly based on the alternative "returned" variant of the final form of the Arabic letter ye/yāʾ (known as yāʾ mardūda) found in the Hijazi, Kufic and Nastaʿliq scripts.[1] It functions as the word-final yā-'e-majhūl ([eː]) and yā-'e-sākin ([ɛː]).[2] It is distinguished from the "choṭī ye (چھوٹی يے "lesser ye")", which is the regular Perso-Arabic yāʾ (ی) used elsewhere.
etc. it's a fascinating subject I really have to stop for to day.

закуток - русское слово, содержащее украинский корень кут (угол)

обличье ~ еблище

облока ~ облики? похоже на то, похоже на то

вся эта армия поэтов теперь имеет чем заняться: подбирать собирать похожие слова (не окончаниями похожие, а именно что неожиданно корнями. Вместо сочинения хуйни, выпуская поэтические словари (именно что поэтические, т.е. кто во что горазд, создавая свои собственные варианты словаря (язык-то один (у теъ кто пишет на одном языке)

На долгую помять (книжку можно мять) хорошее посвящение над росписью в книжке

Брошюра моя индульгенция (разве позволено закрывать безумцев, если они по совместительству гении!) yeah brother, very well

thinking of armenian looking like some old font of georgian (actuallly, I wanted to say about it being told to be in the canon of greek, and I thought.. isn't greek~georgian? (греческий~грузинский (in russian they're next to one another and much more similar than in

думая о армянах, как культуре пошедшей от Арарата:
Горные вершины могли быть стоянками кораблей цивилизаций, расселяющих культуру (свою культуру) среди диких народов, дабы ускорить эволюцию последних и подтолкнуть их в своём (развитом) направлении, дабы те создавали продукт лучше чем удобрения для растений, и дабы их цивилизация имела общие точки с культурой инсеминатором.

looking at אֱלֹהִים
алхимия элохимия

сокровенное со кров (сокрытое) with cover

rabble-rouse (смутьян)
rabble! what a word! explains the trouble with the rubble the ruble

собаки лают словно непроизвольно (сложно убедить их не шуметь) и я подумал.. а что если это они так кашляют (как у людей бывает нервный кашель, так и собака моя начанала лаять от перевозбуждения на звонок, от того что кто-то пришёл) и внезапно гав~caugh (but then I probably noticed this linguistic similarity before, so I probably pulled the rest of it from that previous experience when I rationalized this similarity.
I also linked лай to laugh, and there's a joke about the connection of laughter to cough (and now, surprise, another word for cough is.. bark!)

permeated looks like it has meat inside, but it's of permeate (per me ate, which could be the origin phrase of that word)

И Е А А У (У wanted to appear instead of Е (I literally havd to watch where it is in russian keyboard, I knew it vbut for some short cirquit or something I have forgotten it.

so when A came instead of O I thought to leave it there, because FOX.. AOU is more based than e and i? ɅIV or ɅOV?

And I saw the shape in a dream a couple of months ago. But then I think I found this shape before:
In the dream it looked like the arrows of an pre-elevator panel.

only wider, they also were closer, so they nearly coставляли an ᛜ-like o-shape, как на трафарете бы

ᛝ is literally another form of ᛜ, double ᚲ, a ᛃ, and thus the shape being exactly between ᛝ and ᛜ, the ᛟ is related to ᛝ as A to Д and B to.. Ѳ!!! and I to L? haha- I thought N is final in the O line as Д is final in the A-line, but then N is the last of the I-line, but then I is И!!!
O is not like T, unless both are × - like sun sign. But then Θ looks the most like ☉, and then each line represents the same set of simbols? fire the sun? Δ the 🜂

Next letters to these two are BT, the only neighbouring letters, and this is unique to have only one

V here is the archaic U and then I know such canon in runes from Bornholm.

But then what do I do with the 🜂🜄 whne V is like this in latin and ᚢ is like this in runes?

are universally understood as up and down (I guess so)

clogs are interesting thing, a hafl way from clompen to regular shoes.

Мне нравится что украинцы называют палачей катями (на самом деле катами, гадами,


exhale and inhale, an old story, that is how I wanted to start it as an animation in 2013, just before I made it public when I paniced that the kid I shared it with didn't animate it but left)

But let's arrange it so that L was Left and R was Right.
A E  I O  U
B F  J  P  V
       M S Y
       N  T Z
Are they some doors? The columns going like this.. Mongolian is the only writing system currently in use, which goes in columns left to right.. let's arrange mongolian like this:

Let's begin with the unicode set..
 ᠠ ᠡ ᠢ ᠣ ᠤ ᠥ ᠦ ᠧ ᠨ ᠩ ᠪ ᠫ ᠬ ᠭ ᠮ ᠯ ᠰ ᠱ ᠲ ᠳ ᠴ ᠵ ᠶ ᠷ ᠸ ᠹ ᠺ ᠻ ᠼ ᠽ ᠾ ᠿ ᡀ ᡁ ᡂ ᡃ ᡄ ᡅ ᡆ ᡇ ᡈ ᡉ ᡊ ᡋ ᡌ ᡍ ᡎ ᡏ ᡐ ᡑ ᡒ ᡓ ᡔ ᡕ ᡖ ᡗ ᡘ ᡙ ᡚ ᡛ ᡜ ᡝ ᡞ ᡟ ᡠ ᡡ ᡢ ᡣ ᡤ ᡥ ᡦ ᡧ ᡨ ᡩ ᡪ ᡫ ᡬ ᡭ ᡮ ᡯ ᡰ ᡱ ᡲ ᡳ ᡴ ᡵ ᡶ ᡷ ᡸ
and what tha...
it seems they rotated it for writing horizontally, so that text could be read vertically as usual:

and the consonants

you should rotate the unicode shapes clockwise to get the vertical variants from the images.
here, let me give you the wiki variant, it looks much more like that:

and there I found something even more fascinating:

check out that Ч!  but then other shapes are not that promising
but to thoroughly work on it, I first need to find an authentic ancient abecedary of a kind, meanwhile, bruteforcing it didn't lead me anywhere:

Just like runa means secret, so is script reminding the word cryptic.

so in the source site of that mongolian thing I found something I think I have shown before, but it never harms to look again at something this schematic, this basic, this precise and this comprehensible:

yet it will take some time for me to make sense out of it either, but so far I can see that some signs are identical, so how do they even make sense of them and what graphonyms do they make

first of all, look how much yod looks like beth and different only by dots, which are arbitrary, but that two dots below is what differentiates it, and nun is also along these line, unique by having one dot above.

So is it ba and ya and pih  vs.  nun, ta and tha?
It doesn't really make much sense, other than the "dots above" group is all lingual, and "dots below" group are either labial or vowel, and it correlates with arabs placing marks above letter to make +i syllable, and below it to make +u syllable, because u is labial and i is lingual.

By the few previous paragraphs I have made a basis for understanding the logic behind a foreign script, and I can see how even mistaken understandings are better than rote repetition of memorization, the way academia teaches,
вместо запятой – разрыв строки
вместо запятой :: разрыв строки
вместо запятой : разрыв строки
вместо запятой разрыв строки
вместо запятой
разрыв строки

разрыв строки
вместо запятой
would be more coherent and comprehensible

There are exactly three mothers in the our representation of an atom: whether you take electron, proton, neutron, usually mentioned like this in the abc-like epn order, or three quarks they all consist of, three by three, the magical 9 ..three squares triangles? foru four? the no less magical 12?

I would entertain the idea of three squares, but then I know the seasons are four by three, and I don't know any other way to divide a year.  Nine could be the previous iteration of this tradition, the one of 9 something, the time we got the 1-90 100-900 system from, and here I see that this is two times nine on different levels, giving the valid numeral system, the one directly preceding the modern one. My guess is that before that it was IVXLCD, but there could be a couple in between I don't know of, but then why would more ancient numeral system be knwong tbut they wont? The way most of humans know IVXLCD, but don't know of the alphabetic one (roman are still taught in schools, and the directly previous isn't, because it's a rival's one in the recent revolution in numeral systems)

I told Jojo Wood of women becoming inseminators, sowing their eggs into guys who can afford surrogate mothers and raising a daughter. But then I didn't tell thisd explicitly, I awkwardly offered her to send away simps to raise your daughters, very spooky I would say, but then I shared a link with her, maybe she gets it, then again why would I play somebody else, when I'm so unique (in a scary way, but maybe what I need is people who are fascinated by such behaviour. Becahse such bechaviour is my character, it isn't gonna go away

The perfect music education would be giving simple concepts first, thus beginning with the ancientmost forms of music. First - rhythm, complicated word, but not such complicated is the concept, but then from pure rhythm and their connection to rhythms of our behaviour and brain frequeencies, from here one step to magic, or we already were in magic, acquiring skills magic needs. skils~skuls?

fuck can be read as писькъ in russian, and such wicked cognatism told me that F is П (is u J? is ..if f is п, then u is c!? v~t thing? let's copy paste it there, but first it (ᚡ~π  ᚴ~τ) told me of greek stav: π τ
(ᚡ~π  ᚴ~τ)  tells that ᚦ~ᚴ~ᛚ~ᛏ(because ᛏ is ᛐ)
all linguals are the same?
originally, mythologically. What if the fairy-tales are mnemonic tools to remeber some important things. Like what if three goddeses are three abstract concepts, existing only in some parallel realm, the realm of our consciousness, of course, psychic is of psyche, so I saw suych trinity when I thought of the simplest things in music: four strings of violin allow to play two strings at once, and depending on whether you work in one direction or the other, you get descending or ascending accords. Today they call only three strings as an accord, but probably that additional string here relates to the two additional strings they added to Apollo's

Horizontal stav, I saw horizontal stav: sanskrit (but then I found sanskrit written in tibetan script as well, so the right thing to say is I saw it in the modern indian script, devanagari:
that thing that some letters break the stav made me think of arabic:
It's very interesting that अ and ا are both a, and both don't allow letters to join it. It's as if it's some later addition from the usurpers the conquerers who didn't have much interest in studying the туземную культуру, прежде чем проводить в ней реформы (просто установления креста на пирамиду, например, пока боги его оттуда не скинули сильным ударом молнии, разрушив и вершину пирамиды тоже (это предположение, но может в архивах ватикана что-то подобное описано)

But then I can see that अ allows to be joined after it, it doesn't add itself to others, so both have spacebar from the left side. interesting, but I changed my previous testimony. Naturally, because I arranged it to the newfound facts, this is the way we know what to cut off and what probabilities are still allowed by the reality, and thus we build the model of reality in our understanding.

in arabic it's not exactly stav, it's normal way cursive goes everywhere, maybe even more continuously than in arabic:
(is arabic aramaic? they are related, but probably not more than lydian and lycian, but then I don't know how close those two could  be, both are considered greek, but maybe like tatar and bashkyr are soviet? or even yakut and ingush for example, yakut and yakaterinburgh (бург это там где буржуи)
т.е. ненавист к буржуям была ненависть к петербуржцам! жителям столицы, доящей соки из страны! Показательно, что после революции правительство переехало в москву!!!)

в маську
moscow's masks

So now it's moving to Kiev ?
Kiev is a free city, Russia should be under the free city, not under traitors of us all to mongols.

я хочу чтоб ты съебала (съебала ~ с ебала ~ с глаз долой)

So let's take a closer to look to the actual tradition of that writing systme, not what was written about some obscure scripts (the latter case has much/many more mistakes

ऄ अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ऌ ऍ ऎ ए ऐ ऑ ऒ ओ औ
क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न ऩ प फ ब भ म य र ऱ ल ळ ऴ व श ष स ह

ख ~ र + व (so kha is only nominal, it used to be rva? or did those r and v changed? was it good caugh? transliterated as some inner r, but then recognized in different transliteration?)
Comparing प and फ being pa and pha I naturally see that additional part as h, and then that
क ~ व + h? k=vh? inner v sounds as k? на хрюканье оно похоже, да, можно сказать что и на к, удалённо.

удалился (исчез, удалил себя, исчез с глаз долой, и потому delete~удалить когнаты)

туземец (той земли 人(or "it's" (отец ~ от it's?)))

rink.. like ring.. I think it used to be ring, or I rather expect it to be the same thing (as to think is to do some thing, to have some thing in mind, like the running ring, as if ring is of running)

умовRU(of minds) ~ розмовUA(of talkings)        :tell me that у в слове ум is приставка!
M as common part of pie roots men and mysl is the root of the concept (and I think I told already that it is onomatopoetic of the задумчивого мммм....

Now I can see the problem with hindi stuff (why I still don't know it) it's that most of their interesting texts are religious, and I don't have much interest in that, but since I kinda understand arabic (mostly the writing, not the language) I expect to know devanagari rather soon.

Now this looks badass, I'd say it even looks somewhat egyptian, but then it's probably closer to chinese:

The Thai alphabet is derived from the Old Khmer script (Thai: อักษรขอม, akson khom), which is a southern Brahmic style of writing derived from the south Indian Pallava alphabet (Thai: ปัลลวะ). According to tradition it was created in 1283 by King Ramkhamhaeng the Great (Thai: พ่อขุนรามคำแหงมหาราช).[1] The earliest attestation of the Thai script is the Ram Khamhaeng Inscription dated to 1292, however some scholars question its authenticity.[2] The script was derived from a cursive form of the Old Khmer script of the time.[1] It modified and simplified some of the Old Khmer letters and introduced some new ones to accommodate Thai phonology. It also introduced tone marks. Thai is considered to be the first script in the world that invented tone markers to indicate distinctive tones, which are lacking in the Mon-Khmer (Austroasiatic languages) and Indo-Aryan languages from which its script is derived. Although Chinese and other Sino-Tibetan languages have distinctive tones in their phonological system, no tone marker is found in their orthographies. Thus, tone markers are an innovation in the Thai language that later influenced other related Tai languages and some Tibeto-Burman languages on the Southeast Asian mainland.[2] Another addition was consonant clusters that were written horizontally and contiguously, rather than writing the second consonant below the first one.[2] Finally, the script wrote vowel marks on the main line, however this innovation fell out of use not long after.[1]

Khmer script (Khmer: អក្សរខ្មែរ, Âksâr Khmêr [ʔaksɑː kʰmae])[3] is an abugida (alphasyllabary) script used to write the Khmer language, the official language of Cambodia. It is also used to write Pali in the Buddhist liturgy of Cambodia and Thailand.
The Khmer script was adapted from the Pallava script, used in southern India and South East Asia during the 5th and 6th centuries AD,[4] which ultimately descended from the Tamil-Brahmi script

During the rule of Pallavas, the script accompanied priests, monks, scholars and traders into Southeast Asia. Pallavas developed the Pallava script based on the Tamil-Brahmi. The main characteristics of the newer script are aesthetically matched and fuller consonant glyphs. Similar to Pallava script, also visible in the writing systems of Chalukya,[17] Kadamba, Vengi at the time of Ikshvakus. Brahmi design was slightly different of the scripts of Cholas, Pandyas and Cheras. Pallava script is the first significant developments of Brahmi in India, by combining rounded and rectangular strokes and adding typographical effects, and was suitable for civic and religious inscriptions. Kadamba-Pallava script[18] evolved into early forms of Kannada and Telugu scripts. Glyphs become more rounded and incorporate loops because of writing upon leaves and paper.[18]

An early mention of a script for writing the Tamil language is found in the Jaina work Samavayanga Sutta and Pannavana Sutta where a script called Damili is mentioned as the seventeenth of eighteen Lipi (scripts) in use in India.[10] Similarly,
the tenth chapter of the Lalitavistara, named Lipisala samdarshana parivarta, lists Dravida-lipi and Dakshinya-lipi as two of sixty four scripts that Siddhartha (later the Gautam Buddha) learnt as a child from his gurus in Vedic schools, a list that is found in both Indian Buddhist texts and its ancient Chinese translations.[11][12] These relationship of early Tamil scripts to these lipi mentioned in Jaina and Buddhist literature relationship is unclear.

was it MLK and did it stand for Malik the Molok?
Moloch (/ˈmoʊlɒk/; Biblical Hebrew: מֹלֶךְ Mōleḵ or הַמֹּלֶךְ‎ hamMōleḵ;[a] Ancient Greek: Μόλοχ, Latin: Moloch; also Molech or Molek) is a name or a term which appears in the Hebrew Bible several times, primarily in the book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices which are associated with Moloch, practices which appear to have included child sacrifice.
And because he had a head of a cow, I suspect this name to be related to Moloko

if thise things are related, it's hugs and kisses and hugs and smiles OR kisses and 
o ~ обними
е ~ ебни (по плечу? подебни, подколи, подлижи, подними(самооценку того кто понравился))

хохо sounds female (hoho that is, speaking of russian here)
хехе sounds more male, female laughing like this would sound mean

(женский гнолос более высокий)
голос became гнолос unintentionally, yet thau thus it's more fun

yet ~ it    (could be cognates in the way that misunderstood it could be recognized and transliterated as yet (by some foreign priest, for example)

Irony is recognized by dictionaries as speaking the opposite as a form of a joke. But thus it makes it instant lie. Technically, it makes people tolerate the lie
be tolerated to
My guess is be and to are the B and T
And because to is calqued into russian as тть (it's indeed tt in nadsat)
which is verbal suffix, and always was recognized by me as деять, probably because in some verbs it was included: прелюбодеять, бдеть,
I said few days ago (probably in cardboard) that we break words wrong:
it's not fuck+ed, its' fuck+get (as somebody noticed, morpheme merge by melting into one another..

and where's get in said, lead, read (real.. read and lead are like this in present too
I recently saw a word even more ed'ed in present, id did look like two other words in past..
feed and fed? food.. feed is foods, and it is both noun and verb thus. Though nobody calls foods feed, they call in in latin, products. But no, in russian they do, probably our language reflects us being the bread basket of europe, soviets utterly destroyed it. Why? They probably wanted to use us as their working force, they got nerve to want their own country, their own government, their own slaves.
so in english they call it groceries.

grocer is the actual word, and I only ever knew the derivative of it.

Бакале́я (от тур. bakkal — торговец овощами, от араб. بَقْلٌ‎ — зелень, овощи[1]) — сухие продовольственные товары первой необходимости, полуфабрикаты и консервы, а также некоторые базовые хозяйственные товары (мыло, стиральный порошок, спички)[2]. С точки зрения организации продовольственной розничной торговли, бакалейные товары, отличающиеся длительными сроками сохранности и неприхотливостью в хранении, противопоставляются гастрономическим, как правило, готовым к употреблению, более дорогим и требующим специальных условий хранения.

بَقْلٌ‎ ~ legumes, which reflects groceries relating to grows (vegetation~vegetables (as you can see, table is able we know, table is able to? to be able? be is often omitted (especially in russian indeed it is so))

чую is literally чо+я (я такой чо это зверь шевелится ~ слышу зверь шевелится (например))

комментарий к коменнтарию это рекурсия (цикл = круг  |  рекурсия = спираль, завиток)

семья это семь+я: мать, отец, я, жена, сын, дочь, и я хотле добавить внука и внучку, но заметил, что они в английском производны от сына и дочери, подобно тому как дед и баба от отец и мать, т.о. в русском это девять+я, в анлийском пять+я (в среднем семь+я (и, естественно в английском нет такого созвучияя, хотя.. five and family both begin with f)
..and f kinda does look like 7, but then Z does even more.. and what wait a minute.. both F and Z compete for the place after E, which makes me believe that in times when it come from They had five letters in the first line.

the way  𐎇 reminds 8 and the way 𐎈 and 𐎉 remind девять и десять are all spectacular, but let's leave it like this for now. Or we won't:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
90 100 200 300 400 500 600
700 800 900
very interesting, bvut then it isn't something we wouldn't expect. I didn't expect this tradition to be this ancient.. So what if all the modern.. not all, many ..many modern traditions are just national traditions finally having taken over, thus they say всё новое это хорошо забытое старое (I only disagree about the всё part)

back to that 7 thing, I wonder why doesn't unicode include the dashed version of it,

I highlighted it here, so you can see that it's regular 7 with a strikethrough effect (but then probably they expect fonts to do it, but I didn't find

𐎂c 𐎃ḫ probably represent plosive and fricative forms of c (k & s, or rather g & z? if indeed first line was voiced (for they say that c used to be read as g) and then 𐎃 could be z if it was
𐎀a(1)  𐎁b(3) 𐎂c(5) 𐎃ḫ(7) 𐎄d(9) with even numerals being aa, ba, ca, da
I thought a is of later origin? I don't know anything for sure yet, I work on it, I guess, compare, elaborate, research (as someone said, if we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be called research)

I definitely have one paragraph contradicting to the other, but that is only they both are only hypotheses and which one of them is accurate, and in what period, if any (they could be all true in different traditions) I don't know.

an interesting way to place the numbers with descender (as cursive z is!) or ascender(?) as the & which used to follow z did(!)

but let's bring up the whole set:

What it means I do not know

but if by some weird coincidence it
would place 6 lower, I would get
excited looking for yz references
which it definitely doesn't have.

yet compare 6 and 9, very nice

This tradition is probably recent and arbitrary, but I won't erase it, because it's sorta relevant.

> чую is literally чо+я
and the same day just few hours before I went to sleep ocean of information granted me with this:

a hand placed to continue the pinna stands for "what?"
actually, it can be found by searching for say again gesture, then it's the second and there are more than one, while "what gesture" and "the what gesture" don't return it, but then "say again" is literally the synonym of "what?"

Yesterdayt (the dayd before (it's new day today)) I noticed that Ye pronounces Yahweh (IAUE) as yawe

a? is a higher note
I think I can understand music when I repeat after people who speak, using aeiou system of musical notation, because I expect us all to speak in a narrow registwer, and different gamuts are different humans, women speak higher, thus sopranos to counter-altos
men speak lower thus tenors to coutewr-bass (and counter are the newest term (the less used, of some exceptionally low bass (as Parliament Funkadelic had)

is Molokh is of Milk
what drink is Yahweh?
el ~ ale
el is spanish the
the ~ he
(third person, and the place is ..that~hat? oh, ignore that, hat is hut

домик тыквы

домино подобно костям, это костяшки тоже!!!

from ашички to dominos is few steps: sawing the bones in two opposite sides in two ortogonal manners. ways. planes.thus getting four times of dominos, four elements are here, and maybe because of the silly bones have we threw away

Z ziebn 7
Ф Ѳ 8   eiGHt (ef'ed? ef? eigh?)
I didn't manage to find 8 starting with f, but in greek four is τέσσερα I( only knew tesseract)

eight is octo in both greek and latin, and the same t, and the same c/g, and e's not too far from o, both begins with vowels, that's right.
but then why tessera and quattuor not being cognatic? or are they the same r, the same s/t, the same t/c?
qrst is a claster of some times ago the same letter. When they added new letter, they placed it near the one they were using that letter before this reform. Thus quattuor~tessera tells that q is of t claster, thus opt is how it went. thus opq! it was.
Now how this for the first alphabet?!
p pyatt
6~seks (being short for secrets? k is the key? k is erected penis and two balls, as a variant, for both artistic and probably semantic features, but then they would find this meaning out, and would denounce the letter, wait a second.. they did!)
6 like ש cursive in a way, but then sonors came and made the six the nine:
I was thinking of aMs and immediately placed M in the middle, and K was not too far waway, for I thought of the k as the key in the k-symmetry (which, if M is placed instead of K, is the m-symmetry, but then why J is between I and M? if there was no J, then according to this symmetry there was no L, so
    I H G F E D C B A
    KN O P Q R S T V
play miore moe more
    H G F E C B A
    K O P Q S T V
but then K should also be sonor, so it was whether L or N, and I see H would reflect N the most, which it does in the actual k-symmetry, nopt restored one

my eye-sight is really tired tonight, and I shouldn't force my eyest o see the screen all the time)
I didn't get them this tired when I only read. Now I write a lot, and I should do it in the notebooks


dOn't   dO?
  (o which is also u)

baby, be-be, stay-stay

a e i o u was arranged this way because having descending scale like this make songs sound better.

and to see the relation of vowels to notes I don't know of an example better than this one ot begin:

oh gush, they are sung differently.. let's bring on all the score

So not bouvier, but boier should I name it (it's as if somebody inserted the uv port in the vowerl part

But then that score doesn't follow the way these ladies sing (or am I that bad at reading this sheet)

But then why do they sing U so weirdly as if it's out of ture turn tune (rune~tune?~tone?stone)
Are they trying to say something? That it used to be AEIO or what if it even was EIOA and the Jehowah Witnesses carried this knowledge through (there's nothing in the bible which truly tells that יהוה is read like that, for me it's ieve, and if not my table to use, but actual hebrew, that's verty similar to yeɦua very similar to yeɦuda, yeɦudim
How do I know ɦ from ɣ? I don't. Thow one is called glottal, the other called velar, yet they sound the same, I believe glottal to be a misconception, unless arabs do pronounce it further inside, yet I think they just didn't use mri to tell.
How do I know ɣ from  ʁ? How do I know velar from uvular? uvular has vibrato to it. yet not much, could be an individual variation, I doubt those exist in the same language and have any semantic value.

and here I found that ɦ in ɦebrew:

Now there that maɦer sounds like maɦev.. did the speaker miskate ר for ו (he also reads that ה as h, so the example is weird and probably queer) or is it how bad we're at distinguishing between voiced fricatives? Voiced and voiceless we know, plosive and fricative we recognize
Thus are BD [vd] or [bð]?
Thus are PQ [fq]? because
but then they're nothing but overcomplicated B and D
they're nothing but overcomplicated B and T
But then, as you can see with those ɦ and h, we may mistake voiced from voiceless, probably because we find whisper intelligible.

the previous connection of hear and hwat make me see whisper as speaking into the ear.

white is what? white whies(why's, and in deutsche it's exactly weiss, telling that S the last letter is the same thing as T, which makes BT not voiced and voiceless, but labial and lingual)

BernarDe, huh (either way, the subtitles are awesome, made me understand the sacred meaning of the song: it begins with a recepy of a healing soup, it goes on about how to bury properly (some tradition which could be the sole reason for elimination of cathars, that would be sufficient in the modern times) and it ends with mentioning goats (and that could be the reason why goats are demonized, but then ..sheep were honoured.. huh, obedience, duh)
But then here's another version, in which it is Joana:

and listening to the next version it came to me.. are cathars of Catherine? Is Ekaterina cathar name?


и как я раньше не замечал, что WooDeeMaan is pretty much WooMaan (D being the middle name, often omitted) I guess I also fell under the sdpek spell of gay mafia implementing the wanting seed timeline.

I think I have to rereed wanting seed, they could influence me with this book, a text for hooligans, they are ll faggots.

all, ãll, ananl

ann as all
(an the goddess, abstract addition to the object's name and it disappears or reverses.
Это не ономатопоэйя, или это особый случай её вроде м произошедшего от задумчивого мычания, междометиями эта часть речи называется. междометие не, носовой гораздо более distinct from мычащей задумчивости. М Молох, Молоко, уМ. Если евреи ненавидят Молоха сильней всего, значит это и есть бог, противоположный по качествам еврейскому. Но почему я дцумаю сразу, что раз с точки зрения христианства еврейство сатанизм (согласно новому завету гораздо больше чем однажды, одна из основных мыслей в книге, в откровении прямо повторяется как 2:9 и 3:9 (and naturally it was not some

баржа бальша
(большая, даже если это не истая итимология, то

иХТиология (хт is hit the кит (whale))
эТИМология Этим-о-логия (логия=логика)
Логика от слова ложь? Находит ложь, выявляет ложь в рассуждениях, продавливая её пронося, продвигая её через систему формальной логики,

arabic alphabet as it often is given today, not in abjad manner, but the other one, it ends with хуй: ه و ی
 ا ب پ ت ث ج چ ح خ د ذ ر ز ژ س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک گ ل م ن ه و ی
which is fascinating because конец is both end and penis, and because it reminds xyz
But then it is the sequence of the abjad, and in my first paper booklet (and probably in the later ones) I noticed that хуй in transliteration of
ه х
و ў
(and then it went the image of the last line breaking it from the further text, it was by accident)
(and after few other letters, the het and tet, went)
So the question is does modern non-abjadic sequence trying to preserve the even more previous variant? From the time when they didn't have dots, so b and t was the same thing? or is this situation alike to θ being transliterated as f in the east and as t in the west (also notice how both are halves of the θ)
So was it..
 ا ب پ ت ث ج چ ح خ د ذ ر ز ژ س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک گ ل م ن ه و ی
ه would be vowel in kurdic, and exactly e, so some nation knew the alphabet before arabs.

and WooDeeMaan is even closer to ВеДьМа (and that final n does make it male variant) than woman

I calclulated the letters in first half and then letters in the second and decidded to cut the second half short where the anomalies began:
ا  ب  خ  د  ر  س ص ط
ف ق  ک ل م    ن   ه وی
But then M is the first anomaly, and honestly ه looks like σ (sigma) which sounds like ξ (samekh)
and I think of ه as ש and م the מ and I cound the letter back and I see ک and did I miscalculated, becasuse for whatever reason I (unexplicably) got ق and thought of how much q reminds the archaic a (actually being the middle ground between a and A) and now I think of how much 𐤀 reminds K (q~k indeed, but what.. k is the first syllable in the most of syllabaries)

and I went way too far away from what I was going to say that хў looks like хуй и два яйца:
ه و are when merged are a little less obvious dick with scrotum and another ball, though: هو
And it doesn't stop here: هو means he (він є (he is))

він ~ vir? (vis vir is translated as human, but actually it's man, male, husband, lover, and all the other meanings are male, so it's how general education is better than self-learning: professors actually know and can clarify, books on the other hand are full of mistakes those professors could notice, but then the professors also can disinform)
(vis is force, vigor, vigour)

very interesting:

it is even more interesting that in russian boyars were noblty preceding Romanovs.
(it is interesting that Moscow Third Rome is attributed to pre-romanovs John the Terrible, it could be a propagandist fantasy, history is not to be taken more seriously than necessary)
and I look further, and it seems land owner also owned all the cattle on the land:

х[h] ~ ш[ʃ]  can be seen in захищати~защищать

T & V are similar in the way that both are two tallies.
And what if letters are combinations of three sticks? is it why many runes look alike? because there are not too many combinations.
But if those tallies are identical to the gestures, then T is time out, stop, deadend; while X is no.
What is V? развилка. Т.е. оба стоп, но с разными смыслами. последняя строка строка остановок?

writing letters whichever way is not always bossible because of cursive.
But numbers don't connect in cursive, so they are free to go whichever way
And writing them bottom up is funky but possible. And first thing I see is that then 6 is clockwise.

1 is гарпун, как А астрога, аста, так и 1 меч, копьё, оружие, стиллус, сначала пропевается стиллус и душа в него входит.
Арудие аружие арало агро / аггро (ударение НА ГОВНЕ)
наглый тот кто на г (гармата~армада (к~𐤀 (first position gives semantic, concept of one and of gun, (and I didn't expect to find those similar words to be that similar phonetically, and such "higher force" participating (examples just jump in before I think about them) makes this book боговдохновенной) fore before virtuosos mastered ni ten ichi ryu, you was supposed to keep one hand behind your back not to cut through it, unless you have a shield, but then shiled are good against arrows when you stand, but when it's mano a mano it is nothing but deasd weight (but then how do I know all this, I trust my imagination of a battle so much. I watched many movies, but that is mostly it))) гарматаUA = пушкаRU ~ but armada is something else, it's a military fleet. so arma is arms, armada is armed)
A is Arm (первое и орудие и оружие и О=А)
Оrmor Armor Вооружённый Воокружённый? Воогружёёный?
воору жжёный

A is alpha
O is omega
it is this subtle difference.
Aristovich is Alpha and on ukrainian tv and talks to deep state (jesuits, I suppose)
Okolnikov is Omega since school and is isolated himslef in his room to work on some science (the opposite of the religious babble (so что велико пред людьми мерзость перед господом, science is true way (which works) and religions are left way (left by those who are worse mentioning) and is false way (doesn't work in the sence science works, state companies are infamously ineffective) and used to fool the masses a politician demanding power for hi connects to god, like I do, but I feel I do, but though I don't strive towards power, I dare to believe that I must change the country)
but I dare to go even deeper, to
Urodstvo. Юродство. Выродство~Вырожденство~Вырожденчество~Дегенерацию
(is ство = стия = ция? is енче = енера? is вы = де? these two are close, de is of, вы is off (semantically off is very of (off the light = light off the клеммы)) but then рожд = г which is insane (insanely cool can it be?))
Юродство притворное безумие, и потому русский народ выбрал себе в герои дурака.
(потому что (по мнению внезапно михалкова у дюдя) герой это тот кто первый сказал "а я не согласен" ~ все в ногу, а один сам по себе, свободный, фримэн, свой буддный, разбудивший скам себя, но может разбудить и остальных)
Укольников была бы запредельно низовая форма, человек с такой фамилией имел бы больше риск стать нарком. Впрочем в нашем дворе торчал не только окольников (и это был не я)

The last page in by first booklet begins with Б which is fascinating, considering the context (the text) because somebody can open the book from the other side, and has this page as the firest text he read in it, because the title page is after the final page, making this book to have cover spreading to the pages from both sides symmetrically, because it tells that page 1 is the cover, which it is. Fascinating, deities at work, не иначае.

I naturally colour vowels red, as if they were fire. I will maybe agree that fire is some f-air, and thus agree with sefer yetzirah, but I thus disagree with it about the linguals, considering them earth.
air water earth (fire is a variant of air, heat is hot but felt by hot air, gas burns, people saw it and described it in legends, inevitably)
fire is ionized gas, thus air (gases, liquids, solids are three elements)
L M N (el is spirit of winds, thus air, and as wind it was (the spirit) riding above water, thus inseminating it? I am only on line two so far. I need immortality to know that all on the same level (it's easier to invent culture than to understand it when it's in full whatever)

Russian as in rational

φιλία ~ feel

The ear thing: that it used to break off and now fine tells that the covenant with hoever whoever

cto is both что и кто
are affricates transliterations of non-standart sounds? But those sounds are all not that
ct ~ q
то = что
both can be translated with that. And this word is too powerful and way too bas4d not to be connected with Thot.

which is miraculous to find this picture just after I though Th that Thot reminds чёрт in russian, and you remember my deiv devi Devil being dieu Blf Bla (была! blonde~юд ~n/ (russian obscene lexic (a little lex(legos?) I was about to use ã in the blonde word. And I remind myself that яю are those yus (nasal sounds in ald russian (old is of ol.. all))

Humans are at level gpt3 and that gpt thing is fascinating
by its being between western bgt and eastern gtp

Russian term ромбододекаэдр шт у in english can be found only as Rhombic dodecahedron
while Rhombododecahedron can be winked (hinted that it's not o but i

And that thing they called Great rhombidodecahecahedron is such a fake thing: it blows the mason's mind with its not having a single rhombus, and for the first time I see that ~grams are used:
In geometry, the great rhombidodecahedron is a nonconvex uniform polyhedron, indexed as U73. It has 42 faces (30 squares, 12 decagrams), 120 edges and 60 vertices.[1] Its vertex figure is a crossed quadrilateral.
the page doesn't have one mention of rhombi other than the name of the figure.
and I don't see squares either, so I doubt it contains decagrams (though they would explain lines where no bending happens. And it's the same story with the other one:
In geometry, the small rhombidodecahedron is a nonconvex uniform polyhedron, indexed as U39. It has 42 faces (30 squares and 12 decagons), 120 edges, and 60 vertices.[1] Its vertex figure is a crossed quadrilateral.
My first guess is paranoidal schizophrenic: they placed these figures in the math to attract attention of those who start digging into their literature and finds the place about the dodecahedron. Another level of obscurization: after person finds that dodecahedron should be rhombic. But then the opposite force protected the name rhombic dodecahedron, because that is what the figure is, what else do you suggest to call it, and interesting that they don't offer any other name for it. Could they not figure it out for they would give a name of one of theirs (who else should they promote!) but then that would lead onto them)
But then the whole conspiracy thing is.

grams (not exactly gons) are similar to grammata (and thus I suspect letters to be stars 5 and 6? crosses and rings? cross is even, ring is off? odd? cross is 5, then it is odd, and 6 is even (it's literally two triangles (triangle~ring (it would be hard to differentiate one from another in fasthand))

6 makes those rings double which reflects doubleness of labial. as in B and doubling draws it further into that direction: aa=o, oo=u (but then ee=i, which makes a oppose e as they look, the two different direction, low and high (hellow or hi? hellow is official hi, a hi to people who they have conflicts with,

So your god is god, the other's бог's bog

ВЖЗ  (g is both g г d д, full standard forms lookin in the front beginning of the line. sword 's word?
Г as the opposite of L the way d is the opposite of q

лги вели?
is L the root of will and lead?
will~low ~law!!
lie is speech? poLIEticians? but no, these guys didn't leave that e in their title. They use priests as their puppets. Thus they laugh in their faces, legislating the spelling of belief with lie in it (because even if they believe themselves, if they themselves believe, that word includes other people beliefs) but then they didn't allow that e in religion. reliegion.. перелегион? legion от lego~~!!!
(but then r is after q.. thus q is t, the ᛐ which nedt to actual ᛩ)

ᛳ is told to be oo, thus it's staved o.

r~гГ~D of dex (rex) dextres, dexter, right
l~t~sS of sin! sinister, sinistrus, sinister, left
(sinister as he who is the most sinful (we all sin, but it would be absurd to incarcerate those who sin less than those who sin more))

M~М~Н~H~h~n~п~П~M   sonors are voiced form of voiceless?
чувак, ты папа от мама отличаешь? да, как кот и кошка, степень рода одного и того же слова.
So sonors is all about women? was it a sound of sucking, when a child was looking for that tasty nipple with his mouth, and started to cry when it didn't find it. But when he was held by an adult, he would be heard in that voiceless inhaling, though it sucking, as in suckling, sockling sound it is. suckling sound.
suck соска сосёт

cognates are words which meaning and phonetica are close. No matter if egtymology agrees or not, there's still no scientific etymology.

ка in соска is er, which is obvious when you compare соска to soother

And that sooth word (which is seldom use, so I wasn't even sure that it means what it does) brought me back to Thoth

(something has broken in firefox, shame on me for not fixing it, and I wanted to do it in seamonkey, and there it disinforms even more, hiding that fact that sooth is the doublet (inner cognate) of truth)

if that previous case was close, and then it would be understood as soothe being more common word than sooth, where it was substituted with truth, and these two show thaat s=tr (a variant of voiceless lingual, those labial lingual thing is more basal, because they much more rarely come one into another)

Are running and ruining cognates? As if to run through is to ruin through and through? Elephants ran ~ elephants ruined (but then to run a country is the opposite to ruin a country, unless you run it into the ground)

soothe sutyh sooth south sun
that typo make me think that sooth ~ суть

pacifier ~ pussifier
(and I suspect that is that uncivilized root of word peace, it's literally piss in english, hands down, peace is command)
мир seems to be of some other origin
for russians peace is the whole world?! Russians are the eternal agressor trying to build the global empire, that monopolar world, who else could it be, the country of the rargest pro

large ~ big? both have g, l and b are both with that stick, so ..b is a form of h in japanese, and h looks like L in cursive, then h also looks like R in cursive. Interesting. h as a hand, the arm (in russian hand and arm are the same word ruka) but with all that said it's too large a stretch from l to b
both could be clicks: l as click of a tongue, b as a labial click reminding a bubble, hence the name, the b (ball going up.. then p is ball going down, and that is of petr.. πέτρα (the word you could know of bibleic story of Jesus telling to Peter that he's the stone on which he establishes his church.

Longinius was a soldier who saved Jesus. He not only pierced his lung, but he also gave him drink (water wis vinegar is the drink they all used and who knows what he ouerced tge lung for, maybe to put a tube into it to make artificial respiration)

He raised dead (if that was not a trick) either way he was initiated about life and death, or he pretended to be, buyt if he returned to them not because they were trippin' balls

Let's refocus from christianity to what I found today:
which is worth worse than
it is a bad of gold worse (a bag of gold is worse than that (it is a bag of gold worth (оно стоит мешка золота (мешок золота хуже чем это (мешок золота за это бы отдал (предложение сделки))))))
because technically VL go in the other order, but then I know of boustrophaedon.

Жестокость в политике следствие применения методов животноводства к людям (это пришло ко мне, когда я узрел как волопас это тот кто волов ест (изобретя оружие люди смогли контролировать животных, наказывая (от слова казнь) животных за непослушание. Остальные животные это видят и подчиняются. И это кажется даже более чем нормальным, большинство животных сегодня не имеет и шанса на бунт (тесные стойла с соской на вымени и конвейерный забой)

Архаичность бустрофедона позволяет сказать, что
is older than
and thus
ABC is the meme, while ABD and even ABCD are not heard as a word, and actually АзБука is literally AБ is ABC in russian.
are Аз
are Buki
Я и Книги
(и больше ничегно (во время чтения))
I was thinking of 9 letter alphabet
but then 8 letter alphabet is not that far
and myth tells of 7 letters. Let's look at it in this light
yes, this, this is the idea of it.
Because p is voiceless variant of b, q must be a form of t, a closed form of t t being open was confusing in the hypothesis of fsh being both fricative an open while bdpq are all closed and plosive (ed~ive, c~p?)
And because we have the mess in thwe pLq, and the mess is it's pqR.. and it came to me.. pLqR and thus R is the 9th letter. And is 9 Р[r] looking at the beginning of the line? if b is 𓃀, then p is.. whel in egiptian it's 𓊪 (literally п)  ..well, I wanted to say that if b used to be ☾ instead of ☽︎, then so was p.. but then do I have actual data which would support this point? the roman cursive.

Ров от слова рвать, быть р[rrrr (ономатопоэйя)]
and if R is what that is, разрез, разрыв, звук рвущегося дерева например,
and if R was that 9, that it corresponds to the russian childish meme of 333 будет дырка (три is both three and rub (трением растирают, раздирают на части, three as genetivus of through?))
Tree is true? truth was kept on trees? as druidic writings.

L is ц?
ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
And thought  ש and  ת can be seen as 10 and 11, well, maybe they are,.. maybe not.

א ב ג ד
ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
are.. well, they are not exactly mirror images of one another, though if they are, it's abd
c's are the least similar in graphical side, but it's undeniable that both ג and צ are roughly speaking of c
So I just compared the lines of hebrew and once again noted, that they're alike, and the more they are alike, the more close to origin they are. Why? Because the structures are at the basis of it (structures which are not are apophenias, and I play with the structures assuming them to be for real, and thus I say that both ק and ר are forms of ד (compare ) and פ is nothing but a dotted ב, but then fricative became it's own group and the dots began to be used for that. And it happened not before פ became a separate letter with the dot swashed-in.
ת is direct voiceless counterpart of ד and is it also having the dot swashed in if it used to be dotted ד and ד and ר were the same letter.

greetings from cognates.html:
        lay (лежать) лежать (ляг, г~g~д (and because this letter is such, it's a G-d letter (there's some hidden letter between C & D!!!?) g~j~y (wegNL = wayEN and thus y is  ג and λ, they are literally the same shape, only oriented differently. Probably whoever was the teacher of the nations, brits and other latinen sat on the side opposite to greeks and jews (judeohelenic(which seems to be an obscure term I think I found in some marginal literature from alternative historians, well, there's a term (at least in russian) which unites them in the same group of eastern roman empire actually))
I decided to preocede it in here, where it belongs, but it goes on:
        lay (ложить) ложить (нормализация "класть" работает на разделение русского от английского, разделяя властвуют. Но since we know wit why they still do? They should be exposed personally) so as you can see, a is between e and o. chromatically.

ещё одним словом звучащим как lay является русское лей (pour (pour sounds exactly like poor (бедный, худой, проливает (дырявый карман))

И таким орбразом это должно быть не

 that is normal in russian to start sentence with No (but=no in russian, no is net, not is ne (no without that w at the end))
net is sett, set is уСТанови

мой моя моё мои
моего мою моего моих (мой его, мою, мой его, мой их)
моему моей моему моим
и так далее, можно не продолжать, корень мо (слоговая азбука. в слоговую азбуку.. Но мой в значении wash (cognztes? yes!)

a next to z on keyboard make me believe that some snakelike circle is in here, and I go.. aws for abc, and I see q cut in the corner. awqs.. and we need x to approach z, and x is indeed close to z, by but where's the y?

awqsd..literally d, and e is nearby.. and I notice that after that we have a huge chunk of alphabetic sequence, which made me think, that querty used to be alphabetic, and then worked out from there:

or was it just natural bias to place fgh like this and kl and mn and z at the end of that line, and op, and q if you come through the screen as it is in pacman and many old computer games.
Was it his intention to place vowels at the top, but a at the front side? then why didn't he place them alphabetically? or did he do and had to move it by statistics? The fact that defghjkilmn are in the middle of it tells that the middle lines are the less marginal, they are in the centre for a reason. JK, M
T above B in teh centre of it all
y and u are both right index finger.
i is the right middle finger.
o is the right nameless finger
e is right middle finger, so ie (ay-yeah (the cowboy ee-ha is technically ie (the highest sound followed by a single laugh)))
a is left and pinky
so e-line is left hand, and i-line is the right hand.
мне и ми?
In russian keyboard (йцукен) it's something else:

It is all different (yet interesting that FA and АФ are in reverse. but then и is right hand (index finger, right and low as law and уложение, положение (но бывают и постановления, возможно в ри это отличалось не только стилистически, но ми правоприменительно)
е тоже левая рука, и тоже указательный палец (умный показывает указательным, дурак средним (где-то слышал этоу глупость, а поди ж ты) левая рука выше, лёхкость, left, отпущен из под стражи, закон к нему решили не применять.

that was an old keyboard, but in the current one these things are the same.
And yet there are other keyboard layouts, the transliteration of querty check this out:

In this variant this ABCDEFGHIJKL sequence is even more obvious
So in what language, in what writing system did the very first prototype of this keyboard originate?
Why would I even care, it's some modern fluke, it has nothing to do with the basics of the languages or at least writing systems.

Eitehr way, keyboard are the most used form of alphabet today, so as I lookedat it before, so I will return to this subject again. It's for the first time I saw the alphabet in it this clearly, the previous time I was confused by the second half of it and rejected this hypothesis until it returned to me today.

and now let's combine that (e of the left hand and i of the right) with (e and i the middle lines in the centre of it all (if we believe that the keyboard was mostly designed as we know it for statistical reasons), that the letters in the centre are the most used ones)

в первую очередь = в першу чергу

в~ш here reminds me what~што

And this is another case where labial transforms into lingual, but then it could be just two different suffixes of different origin used in different nations. So першу is literally not exactly перву, однокоренные, но, например, перву имеет предлог в приставленный в виде суффикса, а першу - с.

I wonder how the result is depending on the browser used. I knew that it could change from ? or Shift, but like this.. it surprises but why is it even here?

It is here, because I suspect a conspiracy in the heart of google, and I wonder if the heads of the company know of this, so I don't feedback them this time, but then as you can see I did (and in both cases yeah)

Interesting difference in the translation of the bible:
"For three things the earth is disquieted, and for four which it cannot bear. For a servant when he reigneth, and a fool when he is filled with meat; for an odious woman when she is married, and an handmaid that is heir to her mistress." -- PROV. XXX. 21-22-23.
Притчи XXX. 21-22-23: От трех трясется земля, четырех она не может носить: раба, когда он делается царем; глупого, когда он досыта ест хлеб; позорную женщину, когда она выходит замуж, и служанку, когда она занимает место госпожи своей.

gouche et droit could be indicating that protofrench could be written in columns the chinese way, then g would have arm at the left side and д at the rigth. And right would go upwards, while left would go.. also upwards. And now the right arm is upwards and left arm is downwards. As that Bathomet's image.

swarthy seems to be a cognate of german schwarze

Today I made a decision not to eat fowl (le poulet, la poule [pulé])
(I felt it wrong in the context of what if muses, fairies, whatever/whoever they are, have some birdy nature to them? Like that bluebird I saw in that mushroom trip, what if they disapprove of that cousine

And I think I've got a gift for this decission, this interesting point of view on the Jesus situation.
When I thought about a wise man being able to get away safe from any situation, I thought about Jesus and what happened to him. And I thought of Pilatus, Pilate (sounds as pilot) and that he has pardoned Jesus, but then what would be the reason behind Jesus's denial of that pardon? And I don't look into bible now and I tell you what I thought and I compare it to the document wie have later. So my thought was that we know only the public part of it, the private part is hidden, occult if you wish, so what would prevent Jesus from accepting the pardon? The fear of repercussions of his people deciding that he conspires with romans to subjugate undermine their faith. And that would be understood by Pilate, and he would conspire to execute Jesus in a manner which allowed him to survive, hence the Longinus giving Jesus to drink and probably performing some surgical manipulations. And I thought about it before, and I think it was in the volume, so whether I have rationalized this situation on the basis of what I previously understood, or I was given more of it once I have digested the previous volume of information. Rick Rubin tells we only transmit. Nicola Tesla told the same, who am I to disagree
 how could a convict choose his own destiny? How could will of Jesus be above the will of Pilate who didn't consider him god? So this version pretty much explains all the following events and yet the previous events are to be explained by something better than "tricks"

Why do ead and eat change the vow value of the dyphthong. People vow with vowels. So this is a way to shorten the wish opposite to Crowlean counter-intuitive or maybe even counter-productive shortening the doubles (the letters which repeat, but isnt repetition the rhythm the magic per soe?

soe is translated (by mindless neuronet I guess, by some algorithm (алгоритм это повторяющиеся действия, зхначиит гrithm is rhythm rime (as rite is right, право, на ритуалах свршались жертвоприношения, проливалась кровь, или занимались любовью, ритуалы, традиции, правила, ритуалы рулят)) into russian as сое and into french as oui (as if it was so, yeah (it probably pronounced it and heard how it could sound, like what words could it be. But why didn't it do it for russian? French ai is more advanced, probably because french use it more, probably because there are much more french speaking nations than russian ones))

WΛ (Ф Р.. and I didn't expect to find these F R (P R) of t being so in the algorithm with Mν and Wʌ, but then they're Mʌ and Mʌ and Wν (Ma & Он (открытый и закрытый слоги)))))

Three things make earth unquiet
And four she cannot brook

brook is etymologized as german bruch, but then this word is doublet of broke
brook as broker?

The godly Agur counted them
And put them in a book --
Those Four Tremendous Curses
With which mankind is cursed;
But a Servant when He Reigneth
Old Agur entered first.
An Handmaid that is Mistress
We need not call upon.
A Fool when he is full of Meat
Will fall asleep anon.


An Odious Woman Married
May bear a babe and mend;
But a Servant when He Reigneth
Is Confusion to the end.

His feet are swift to tumult,
His hands are slow to toil,
His ears are deaf to reason,
His lips are loud in broil.
He knows no use for power
Except to show his might.
He gives no heed to judgment
Unless it prove him right.

Because he served a master
Before his Kingship came,
And hid in all disaster
Behind his master's name,
So, when his Folly opens
The unnecessary hells,
A Servant when He Reigneth
Throws the blame on some one else.

His vows are lightly spoken,
His faith is hard to bind,
His trust is easy broken,
He fears his fellow-kind.
The nearest mob will move him
To break the pledge he gave --
Oh, a Servant when he Reigneth
Is more than ever slave!

Let's collect all the sigle/double pairs:
IVX (actually known to be used as a numeral system, XX is twenty fingers, so it's only natural that this was enough to transcribe the finger count (numbers of higher value would be not comfortable to work with, so they probably were transfered to larger facilities, where they worked in.. I guess mayan 20-tet may be of help here, but let's figure it without looking at them, out of roman numerals.
1 5 10
What if open hand would mean stop, a stop codon.
1 4 8
Chinese brag about being able to show up to hundred on their fingers (ян гэ показывала, не нахожу)

(this one is even better, it gives additional linguistic information, and it is great)
and what were the chances, that I was partying under some music showing (involuntarily) what is 6 in this system. And I didn't know it was 6, if somebody would ask me, I'd say that it's (some interjection) also mentioning that this shape is used for both booze and weed, just in different movements.
And now it's 555 666 (especially in russian standard of сообразить на троих)

here~were~mere (and others I didn't know: pere sere fere cere dere (but I doubt dere is a word, gog)) and it gets even more wild:

How could it be that we knew early, but didn't know ere? were has ere in its heart? And I would never guess how it is read [э́э]
And those other variants, I dressed in grey are also sometimes very interesting: fere is the heart of word friend. Fere sounds as fear, and makes sense as somebody you fear for, for whom you're for. fore, кого ты закрываешь своим плечом, надеясь что он о тебе позаботится (шанс погибнуть от лечащейй стрелы ниже, чем от меча, и скорей всего будешь лишь ранен, и в благодарность человек тебя спасёт тоже, чтоб не оставаться должным, но это слишком благородное восприятие войны, тем более когда бомбы, и кучка трупов и свои бы ноги унести)
And another
fere is fo latin ferus (wild) and is an obsolete form of fierce (both words are obsolete) and yes I supect this fere to be also of fear, fears. Agressia porojdenie straha.
sere has alternative forms of seer, seere, seir, ser (they stand for dry or differing in middle english, andsome other meanings, but because it is all new for me, so I use this notebook as a memorizing tool I guess, I leave it to you to dig into wiktionary further)

And that fowl/meat thing could be in the basis of religious food prohibitions and cults of sacred animals: so that we know horned animal to be satanic and creature with birdly feather to be angelic (but we eat everything, so those images are from the previous religion, but then I remember images indicating that egyptians ate everything, but then those images could be from even morem, much more ancient religious beliefs, or maybe it's a dead end, a false guess, because it was based on a meme of cows holding plaquards with eat mor chikin on them, and now I wonder if this writing sacreligious, and it's sacrilegious, not even kidding (but I was speaking of the spelling, and it is writing itself, ))

Galician alphabet caught my attention from wiki article on Charlie by Melt-Banana, where they spelled japanese like xaponesa, which definitely caught my attention, but then it's like in portugese, but they alphabet aligns into axial symmetry:

and if we go lineal, we have velars in the thrid column everywhere except M, and if there used to be K in that position, does it make the line I L K N or I M K N? Definitely I M K N. Or rather, as kiddy alphabet tells, I M Ŋ L, which is only natural that Ŋ[ŋ] is sonor variant of C, but then it is so off the wall in comparison with other velars, that it alone could pretty much break the understanding of the structure.

and here's the pronounciation chart:

Ring-a-ring o' roses
A pocket full of posies
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!
We all fall down

rosy ~ vposy
(and that typo gives me the next line)
posy в позе? posing in a pose?
нож ножу? ношу? но́шу ношу́  (на се?  (вожу в себе? это могло бы подойти для перевозки наркотиков, но во времена создания языка какой оно смысл имело? телега возит? человек только носит!))

Head ~ teat ~ heat
could be caused by head being the hottest part of the body. Probably because heat goes up. But also because head consumes lots of energy. Because he who made up (they) the language were thinking a lot. Some nine basic sounds., And some visions I've got. I smoked for the third time a day and I were or was it second... I closed my eyes and it's visuals as I had in 14 and on managa and those are middle strength of psychedelics.

мою (I wash ~ mine)
wiss~washed (water white@!!))
dark~schwarz (the same ar, now look how much lingual affixes changed. k~z!!! d~ʃ :formally they're within their range (but f~t in θ doesn't confuse (confesss?) me anymore (смутившись себя выдал)

wash mine are also technically labial to labial, lingual to lingual, but ʃ ~ N is quite a stretch, I think I raised the higher level of understanding: To ABC, A B C.. A в C?
Vowels ו Consonants. Literally C
Owels? Owls!! Alls (if such link exists, it could be about owl's head rotating 360°)
Owls and Consonant.. спевающие? подпевающие?
Vowels are really the main singers, and other sounds only consonants.
Sonors and consonants? Son~sound. Son~with. Son~son. Sol~sun.
Sonants and consonants?
some R and L are vowels in hindi and sanskrit probably too.. in Devanagari, sanskrit and hindi can exist in any other writing system.

new name for russian language.
Alex is a russian: hooligan who let be gone
hooligan is who let gone (a мажор, a son of some highness)
(тот, кому общество позволяет так себя вести:? да нахуй он нужен такой борзый! во мне борются государственник и революционер (первый хочет как в голландии создать общество, но лучше, лучше, в голландском мне не всё нравится. Чужое всё в любом случае. Россия - моя ответственность, раз я родился здесь. Моя задача сделать здесь пиздата. Программу, не на дейс я на людей, пиши программу сам. Когда будет программа, можно будет составить тех.задание для людей, пока что их рано беспокоить.

היי [hʌɪ] hi
יי to י are like H the И is to I
if it was rebus, then היי would mean two letters taken of the ה, as in ello hello if it was hll (is l~I? they surely look alike.

hʌɪ ~ bʌɪ (は~は゛..ば)
ciao ~ ciao

cɪ~Ч, and c~г and r ~ L

Тёмная сторона силы (страх) спасла жизнь на земле: если бы мы не знали страха, то мы бы стали лёхкой добычей для хищников.
Но любовь (светлая сторона) позволила ему развиться, желание чего-то нового это желание, страсть, любовь к любимому делу.
И любовь является истиной: человек хочет оптималочку (оптимальные условия: приятную температуру, правильную смесь амниотической жидкости.

Хватит выживать, время развиваться.
извиваться в неге томной, сосредоточиться на удовлетворении своих нужд (всех и мгновенно: чтоб пить при первой мысли об этом, ссать даже не задумываясь. в раствор (если поймём что это полезно) или в трубу, сливающую часть жидкости в десолинатор: испаряющиеся ванны, создающие повышенную влажность в помещении с расстениями. При переливании десолинатора, замеряется солёность воды, и если она непригодня для полива расстений, вода сливается в пруд. Если я в ней лежал, то и для купальщиков она пригодна, я туда в отличие от рыб не срал. а пить воду из городского пруда никто и не стремится. Рыбу, впрочем, ловят. Может кто и воду пьёт.  Но и в этолм случае мой сброс воду в озере сделает только чище. Соль, сода, даже соль для ванн неплохой вклад в общий коктейль

у этого рамка съехала. разберётесь, но вот пример получше:

very interesting collection, thank you very much to jeapanese friend
and the site is not japanese, .pm is Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and I never knew about it, never even heard that french had some territory in america. How cool is that, that is maybe even more awesome than greenland belonging to denmakr (by being less wide known fact, so keep it in secret I guess)
But it probably were japanese who have that site and they were japanese who drew these images, because I found them by そうしょ (the grass letters, cursive)
そうしょ • (sōsho)
    草書: grass script, a cursive style of writing
    叢書, 双書: a series of books
    奏書: a book or document presented or reported on to the emperor
    葬所, 葬処: a burial site, a tomb, a grave, a graveyard or cemetery

reduce ~ produce (the opposites, antonyms looking alike, re and pro are hard to distinguish by ear sometimes.

напоминает соединительные гласные в русском языке, ди=дей



о=е? ו=и? u=и? (u=и) всё девиации от а, но разве о не звучит как а?
води веди
вводи введи
Первое длительное, второе простое.
о дольше е? е псилон, а о либо микрон либо мега? у тоже псилон.

Αα    Alpha                    Νν    Nu
Ββ    Beta                        Ξξ    Xi
Γγ    Gamma                    Οο    Omicron
Δδ    Delta                        Ππ    Pi
Εε    Epsilon                    Ρρ    Rho
Ζζ    Zeta                        Σσς    Sigma
Ηη    Eta                        Ττ    Tau
Θθ    Theta                    Υυ    Upsilon
Ιι    Iota                        Φφ    Phi
Κκ    Kappa                Χχ    Chi
Λλ    Lambda            Ψψ    Psi
Μμ    Mu                Ωω    Omega



both group are five. But then I see that it's a coincidence: I whether have to remove iota, or add delta. And maybe lambda too.




Are they groups of -a, -i, -u (and rho (and psilon, micron and maybe mega are their own group))

I think I went this way, it brought me nothing. So let's paint it grey.

Try not to think how you got it. The idea of us being only transmitters could come from those who only implement what others have brought them (as masterfully shown in Reanimator)
I used to think that my subconsciousness does it, so let's support this idea, so that my neuroplasticity doesn't distort it with another point of view. I know that it comes to me the more I work on it. And the question asked comes as an answer sometimes some weeks or monthes later (rhombic dodecahedron took me a couple of years to find, and I'm still not done with it, though in these twenty five or thirty years I have known too much about it)

-логия ~ logic? logo собираю, I collect what I like (here was some other bridge, but I forgot it, so reinvent it, or at least try. it was something about love, and before that about way, god is ход, as it goes, the way, then some bridge to love.. god is love? I think it was something even greater and more oviousus.. as it goes is the way, as it has to be,? where does love come in, love от слова лить, loving наливающий (подпаивает девку, угощает, кормит, не позволяет с голоду пропасть, но это лишь сейчас пришло, как же это было.. лого.. в славянских г порой читается как в (в украинском шире это явление очередь черга (g as both g and d.. aбg.. e!!!)) logos слово
-логия -словие (логос=слово (чложнок аонисвник члоыв логоч чызвно ч !с вначале было слово)
онто- (this came4 to me third, but probably trheo (трах одна буква)
-о- (соединительная гласная пришла из греческого (или мы её делили (shared, раздавали, разделяли (давать~делать)) и до
(или это суффикс предыдущего слова, или это предлог к следующему)

Всё то ты оставил - богам
(бог = bug (𓆣))
(who said god should be big (word бог does remind word big. but then ..bog could be god if people believed that world grew out of water. Water is the great Mother, that is why mer (мать, море, смерть?)
mer is more in norwegian, mere is more in dannish
mer is sea in french, and in russian sea is море [more] (and this ring back onto more tells that was originally the same word. I still may see all those meanings as the same word. In all translation variants: sea ~ more [si ~ mo (as if frickativity was all that mattered then, so all variants of море [more] are the same word?!: sea мо́ре / see море́ (мори́, смотри (море - очень разговорная форма, но существуе. и говорит, что с, т, всё это не нужно. и я тут же т то ли забыл то ли оп запаре (по запарке, к тоже не нужно. абд, не абс (авд?) аз бука и больше ничего. с после б потому что фрикативные и плосивные имеют тенденцию чередоваться, но так ли это
mere is mother in french.

облока~яблоки(шары,круглые, округлости, ОблОкО (А instead of O is a later abdomenation (abomination)

: BcDfфGhJKLmnPQrsT

языки - это иллюзия, абстрактное пониятие (he who understands holds pony (young horse! (pony which didn't grow up (if such thing really exists) is some exotic breed, or it is an abdomination kept reproducing artificially (if they're rare as лилипуты( lilliputian[лилипьюшан (мало пьющий?лили лайк ин лесс)]) срекди людей))
настоящее понятие - слова (тоже абстракции, но гораздо более конкретные. любое слово - абстракция, но описывающее реальные объекты тоже. слово это абстракция первого уровня, слово о слове - абстракция второго уровня, и так далее, и это быть может не единственный вариант абстракции,

дублет триплет слова год, ход: кат (что годится, то и катит, пойдёт!)


АзБуКа (and so C was born, when buki were divided into two. What an elegant way to modify an alphabet. Abnd the name of it глаголь, балаболь, б как форма буквы г, в японском п из х при помощи пузырика образуется. пузырик показывает плосивнесс? b d p q (сравин с С F h (but g as dʒ confuses me, but then g is also [g] (and use for phonetic symbol tells it all!) G could be dʒi, g(g) would be [g])) or dʒ could be voiced ч and it is plosive form of щ

ge  название следующего тома? (нет, первого тома в следующей серии. в этой серии (где пойдёт перечисление лишь того что было в первой книге (без картинок (или с новыми картинками вдруг такие будут) и без объяснений) и продолжение: в-одиннадцатых: до сих пор заметной структурой в графической части: ᛒᚦ ᚠᚴ; в-двенадцатых: (ещё что-нибудь) и так далее, и так по каждой части: тезис, доказанный в первой части (возможно кратко это доказательстов, или, если будет, доказательство получше)) вторым томом будет .. aбge и будет! где я найду название краше! и зачем оставлять, чтоб его спиздили из этого же черновика?

t l k are exceptions of that glorious rule of plasives being with a bubble. And thus fricatives are the basal variant. And I suspect S to be the final letter (that A appeared even before T, and in that short (?) period of time the myth of three mothers in the form of A M S appeared. And before it was B S? BC? ᛒᚦ!
and five vowels. thus the ten protoletters, the ten syllables were
ba da
be de
bi di
bo do
bu du
bi di
be de
ba da
bo do
bu du
and I suspect them to give birth to all the labials and linguals, and let's try to rationalize what they could be:
m n
v  z
b  d
p  t
f  s
which is
mi ni
ve ze
po to
fu su (v [f] in germany, z [s] in germany (in germany s is z, and z is s!)
v z [f s]
So that latin alphabet is mostly german? The Charlemagne's standart? Holy Roman Empire?
The Holy Roman Empire,[17] also known after 1512 as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, was a political entity[18] in Western, Central, and Southern Europe that developed during the Early Middle Ages and continued until its dissolution in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars.[19]
So this is the importance of Napoleon!

And of course it couldn't be born from nowhere in such large ammount, it was predated by Carolingan Empire:

The Carolingian Empire at its greatest extent in 814
and it was a result of frankish expansion:

But it doesn't align well with the previous map, leaving the period of 814 behind, having a leap from 804 to 843
And as you can see, this is the reason the Rome fell, and thus they're its direct successors. And thus the name Holy Roman Empire  proclaims it, as if in the contrast to the previous, unholy one.
But then what am I saying? They say that Rome fell in 476 (three centuries before franks came)
Flavius Odoacer[a] (/ˌoʊdoʊˈeɪsər/ OH-doh-AY-sər;[b] c. 433 – 15 March 493 AD), also spelled Odovacer or Odovacar,[c] was a soldier and statesman of barbarian background, who deposed the child emperor Romulus Augustulus and became Rex/Dux (476–493). Odoacer's overthrow of Romulus Augustulus is traditionally seen as marking the end of the Western Roman Empire as well as Ancient Rome.[d]
Though the real power in Italy was in his hands, he represented himself as the client of the emperor in Constantinople, Zeno. Odoacer often used the Roman honorific patrician, granted by Zeno, but was referred to as a king (Latin: rex) or duke (Latin: dux) in many documents, so is not clear which was his actual charge. He himself used the title of king in the only surviving official document that emanated from his chancery, and it was also used by the consul Basilius.[1][e] Odoacer introduced few important changes into the administrative system of Italy. He had the support of the Roman Senate and was able to distribute land to his followers without much opposition. Unrest among his warriors led to violence in 477–478, but no such disturbances occurred during the later period of his reign. Although Odoacer was an Arian Christian, he rarely intervened in the affairs of the Trinitarian state church of the Roman Empire.
Likely of East Germanic descent, Odoacer was a military leader in Italy who led the revolt of Herulian, Rugian, and Scirian soldiers that deposed Romulus Augustulus on 4 September AD 476. (Eleven-year-old Augustulus had been declared Western Roman Emperor by his father Orestes, the rebellious general of the army in Italy, less than a year before, but had been unable to gain allegiance or recognition beyond central Italy.) With the backing of the Roman Senate, Odoacer thenceforth ruled Italy autonomously, paying lip service to the authority of Julius Nepos, the previous Western emperor, and Zeno, the emperor of the East. Upon Nepos's murder in 480 Odoacer invaded Dalmatia, to punish the murderers. He did so, executing the conspirators, but within two years also conquered the region and incorporated it into his domain.
When Illus, master of soldiers of the Eastern Empire, asked for Odoacer's help in 484 in his struggle to depose Zeno, Odoacer invaded Zeno's westernmost provinces. The emperor responded first by inciting the Rugii of present-day Austria to attack Italy. During the winter of 487–488 Odoacer crossed the Danube and defeated the Rugii in their own territory. Zeno also appointed the Ostrogoth Theodoric the Great, who was menacing the borders of the Eastern Empire, to be king of Italy, turning one troublesome ally against another. Theodoric invaded Italy in 489 and by August 490 had captured almost the entire peninsula, forcing Odoacer to take refuge in Ravenna. The city surrendered on 5 March 493. Theodoric invited Odoacer to a banquet of reconciliation; instead of forging an alliance, Theodoric killed the unsuspecting king.

So franks invaded only three centuries later. Meanwhile:

Theodoric's empire at the height of its power in 523, with territory marked in red ruled directly by Theodoric and pink areas under his hegemony
So in 536 franks have invaded a western province of Western Roman Empire thus acquiring the path to Mediterranean. And cutting the Western Roman Empire into two. Why capitalize? western roman empire, no glory in bullying the poppulation no maatter on what scale.
But they never invaded the spannish territories. Who did? were they Rome for awhile? Romans are naval power.
But then here's the another map of the same thing, they call it
The Ostrogothic Kingdom, officially the Kingdom of Italy (Latin: Regnum Italiae),[5] existed under the control of the Germanic Ostrogoths in Italy and neighbouring areas from 493 to 553.

The Ostrogothic Kingdom at its greatest extent, they say

And that event I mentioned before was not the first time Franks invaded that very region:

The Roman, Gallic and Palmyrene Empires in 271 AD
And this is how western roman empire looked at its end:

So franks didn't destroy rome, tehy they invaded what has been left of it.
And history is now what I should focus on. I have to throw this part away I guess. But then maybe reader also didn't know it. But why woulld anybody need to know it. If there were some relics of previous civilization they would be preserved in the eastern empire more, and they are clueless. The civilization was destroyed BEFORE the Rome fell. Christianity was the enemy within.


I was carried away at the peak development, at the moment I was around this powerful finding:

a ba da
e ve ze (ו ז) (e f θ? but then greeks have z in that line.. but what is the z in the final line?)
i mi ni
o po to
u fu su (u v z [u f s])

i m n
e v z
a b d
o p t
u f s

and is it possible to write with those 15? fifteen? the legendary alphabet of Carmenta? But I suspect her alphabet to consist of consonant only, those I selected for kiddy alphabet, because after mentioning Carmenta's fifteen, the myth goes on: Apolla in cithara c[a]eteras adiecit. (Apollo on the lyre added the others.) and I guess letters of Apollo were vowels. And I don't guess it, I know it from the Demetrius's account.
(you actually know all the latin words: cithara=guitar, ceteras as in et cetera, adiecit is like add with sufixes of third person, and probably past tense (I don't know latin grammar very well)

aeiou янегиворю

ba da (мама папа)
fe ze (or ze fe? because ze~за, fe~фу)
mi zi (me they(zie is also you and she. the (o-the'r (all there (but o could be a honorific prefix))
po to (by and to? po is russian by and is sometimes translated as on, avove, as the opposite of vo (in) and off (and of is inverted by (and inverted of is to, so by is to? B is T? or are they two different сути? so of is off both of them. F the θ as the middle ground of B and T[s]? t is s? ת without doth is θ, which whichever way you take it is fricative, and it seems this is what matters. And then f and s can meet as the same thing? with two letter words you can give four words: ft ff tt tf + two two one-letter-words, f t, plus how many three-letter words? fff fft ftf ftt ttt ttf tft tff, 8, thus 2+4+8+16+32+64, and this is the story of measuring rice with chessboard (also having only two colours, chessboard is checkboard (k=c=s) and check is a very economic word. Learning the words of economics I will become affluent in economics. Let's dive in. Check, a paper equivalent to money in a short period of time, and equivalent of that pay, because that is how much you paid for it, but then it doesn't work as money in most cases, only in one operation. But then I think I look at it as a customer, let's see what other people call it))

Check is putting those ✓s into the boxes. empty box is white, filled in box has some mark in it, ✓ (and yes, this looks like one, and people may put other numbers or digits in the boxes (letters too?) box~books, book-keaper, бухгалтер is literally book holder. bookkeeper is the actual spelling, booker.
Another word is accountant. In latin it's tabularius, sacculus, probably of sack, because казначей is purse-bearer in english. Other english synonyms are purser, bursar, questor, paymaster, treasurer.
In latin it's arcarius, dispensator, dioecetes, incubo, tabularius I mentioned in the bookkeeper part (double o, double k, double e (and double e prevents p from being doubled)) praetor is another latin word standing for purser-bursar (bursa is сумка in latin, so I consider it to be the origin (or a relative) of buse purse (is purse the opposite of qurse? is п the opposite of c?)

Cheque is exactly ammount of money, can be exchanged for actual money, but only in some special place (the bank which takes this cheque) and I only knew check from a supermarket so to say. This weirdly spellled cheque is a document confirming a check in a document that those 4 thousands are there and the cheque itself is a document that whoever brings it, that ticket is as good as money. Связывается банк с клиентом, который выписал чек? Я никогда не расплачивался чеуком, не говоря уже о выписывании. Зачем нужны банки на этот случай? Чтоб деньги из дома чемоданом не таскать для совершения больших сделок. Мои делньги в банке, вот чек, получи и распишись. Это записано на видео и может быть использовано в суде в качестве доказательства (я не читал законов, но с чего бы не? с тогго что deep-fake approaches movie quality, and security record can be modified too. Recording it on tape, so counterfeit would be exposed unless the tape record is compromised (hackers shouldn't even know that tape is in the system, they would be not supposed to hack the system, but in case. tape would be another level of proof, and only inside job would be able to compromise tapes, and each worker at the contre will be recorded himself the same way. And ai watches them, so crime is registered in the mind of ai as well, and people would be under her total surveilance, via those cameras, then would we need tape? ai seems to be even better protection of security, but then how can people trust the ai record is the video recording is missing? ai would use her own power source in case electricity of cameras are switched of, ai can use common cameras, but should double them with his or her own.

And I knew I knew that word:

в средние века — общая касса какого-либо союза или учреждения, например монастыря.

thus money center gave birth to monastery (men living without women, a garnison (видимо, шаолиньские монахи не единственные священники-мастера боевых искусств)
purse, then monastery (money стереги? монахи money-хранители, мана, круглые с неба, конечно же деньги, за них можно поесть. Деньги для евреев это божий дар. Мана=деньги (её можно поменять на другие характеристики или потратить при стрельбе, например или при лечении, лекарства стоят денег, конечно же, и монахи лечили, Иисус не единственный чудотворец в истории. Какие-то вещества возможно известны (были и где-то быть может и есть) которые трупу в ноздри заливать, а может и на хуй мазать и в матку втыкать? Какой-то ритуал, сокрытый, потому что секрет как он это делает. Но сколь ..в чём причина держать в секрете? дорого платят за такое, а если все будут уметь, не заплатят ничего. К сердцу через лёгкие и втереть, возможно ничего никуда втыкать и не надо (та дочь была не единственной, я просто кумер (дрочила) ведь Лазарь был тоже оживлён. И раз я понял как Христу удалось выжить на кресте, надо понять и остальные чудеса. И конечно самое интересное - рессурекция.
Современная наука считает, что долго лежащий в виде трупа не вернётся к жизни неповреждён умом. Но кто сказал, что Лазарь не был повреждён умом?
Ла́зарь из Вифа́нии, Лазарь Четверодне́вный (Лазарь — ивр. ‏אֶלְעָזָר‏‎ , Elʿāzār, Елеазар — буквально «Бог (мне) помог»; 3 год, Вифания[1] — 63 год, Китион[1]) — согласно Евангелию от Иоанна, житель Вифании, брат Марфы и Марии, которого Иисус Христос воскресил через четыре дня после смерти (Ин. 11:1-44). После Воскресения Христа Лазарь был вынужден из-за преследований покинуть Иудею и перебраться на Кипр в 33 году н. э.[1], где вскоре апостолы Павел и Варнава в 45 году поставили его первым епископом Китиона (старое название города Ларнаки)[1]. Он 18 лет служил епископом на Кипре[1]. После воскрешения он прожил ещё тридцать лет, а затем во второй раз скончался на Кипре в 63 году[1].
он был соучастником? мошенничества, чуда оживления, фокуса? Раз он не был повреждён умом, то это просто фокус. Но зачем? Ведь тогда другие позовут оживлять, и он бы должен был отмазываться. Что свои годы жизни им отдаёт говорить мог, да, это хорошая ложь, тогда понятно почему только друзей оживляет. Поделившись с ними жизнью де готов умереть с ними одновременно. Такую ложь сложно опровергнуть, но можно потребовать присутствовать на оживлении, или видеть труп, но впролне резонно могут не позволить, а труп могли трогать запретить, загримировать человека под труп. В общем, остальное считаю за фокусы. Всё? Может быть и нет. Я не знаю, не стоит богохульствовать в невединнии неведи в неведении своем.

Просто переизобрети вечную жизнь, трупы оживлять позже будешь, не форсируй ответы, они придут когда подсознание врубится.

draught=drawed (today it is drew or drawn (ght=n? звонкая фрикативная язычная?))

голос ~ логос
голос ~ god (in one's head, for example, if abrahamic beliefs are caused by dnst3)

добрался~добрёл (брёл~брал? бредёт~берёт? брести~брать? брести~грести?)

So because checkers are black and white, we have
2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256 (and 256 is the vianl final digin digit in IVXLCD if V is vier)
510 words could be not too much, but they could be enough for ancient speech.
There are only few hundred elements all hieroglyphs consist of, as I saw in a book on japanese.
And I googled it and here:
In the earliest Chinese dictionaries, such as the Erya (3rd century BC), characters were grouped together in broad semantic categories. Because the vast majority of characters are phono-semantic compounds (形聲字), combining a semantic component with a phonetic component, each semantic component tended to recur within a particular section of the dictionary. In the 2nd century AD, the Han dynasty scholar Xu Shen organized his etymological dictionary Shuowen Jiezi by selecting 540 recurring graphic elements he called bù (部 , "categories").[3] Most were common semantic components, but they also included shared graphic elements such as a dot or horizontal stroke. Some were even artificially extracted groups of strokes, termed "glyphs" by Serruys (1984, p. 657), which never had an independent existence other than being listed in Shuowen. Each character was listed under only one element, which is then referred to as the radical for that character. For example, characters containing 女 nǚ "female" or 木 mù "tree, wood" are often grouped together in the sections for those radicals.
Mei Yingzuo's 1615 dictionary Zihui made two further innovations. He reduced the list of radicals to 214, and arranged characters under each radical in increasing order of the number of additional strokes – the "radical-and-stroke-count" method still used in the vast majority of present-day Chinese dictionaries. These innovations were also adopted by the more famous Kangxi Dictionary of 1716. Thus the standard 214 radicals introduced in the Zihui are usually known as the Kangxi radicals. These were first called bùshǒu (部首, literally "section header") in the Kangxi Dictionary.[3] Although there is some variation in such lists – depending primarily on what secondary radicals are also indexed – these canonical 214 radicals of the Kangxi Dictionary still serve as the basis for most modern Chinese dictionaries. Some of the graphically similar radicals are combined in many dictionaries, such as 月 yuè "moon" and the 月 form (⺼) of 肉 ròu, "meat, flesh".

After the writing system reform in Mainland China, the traditional set of Kangxi Radicals became unsuitable for indexing Simplified Chinese characters. In 1983, the Committee for Reforming the Chinese Written Language and the State Administration of Publication of China published The Table of Unified Indexing Chinese Character Components (Draft) (汉字统一部首表(草案)).[4] In 2009, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the State Language Work Committee issued The Table of Indexing Chinese Character Components (GF 0011-2009 汉字部首表), which includes 201 principal indexing components and 100 associated indexing components[5] (In China's normative documents, "radical" is defined as any component or 偏旁 piānpáng of Chinese characters, while 部首 is translated as "indexing component".[6]).

These few hundred sings are all you need to have first thing to know about chinese hieroglyphs and to surf chinese dictionaries:

Some of them are interesting to start with:
凵     kǎn  (like can)
⼌    jiōng
⼕    fāng
匸    xì
It is interesting that they have two boxes open to the right, and not a single one open to the left. Maybe opening is the face side, and because japanese columns go from right to left, it connects chinese tradition to egyptian tradition.
And the first (not the second) side-box leads me to what I have shown even in v.2.8 (and in vol.1 in this version) the Zhuyin script, chinese phonetic script.

Notice that all thwe boxes are labial.
21 consonant and 16 vowels are both awesome numbers.
Notice how consonants begin with labials. Hands down, it is a part of alphabet tradition. A is the first vowel too. And why would it not go in alphabetic dictionary if they were not directly borrowing it from lating? Because maybe it was, but then vowels change their value? ㄧ(一) changed its value? nah, probably not. But U standing the last iiiiiiiiiialmost is almost (I have no idea what those iii is o about) as spectacular as that U being ㄩ

In this light why does their A look like Y?

ㄅ looks like understaved b
ㄆ looks like ㄅ with a dot-stroke (as they changed voiced/voiceless status by dot in runes)
ㄇ is not too far from M sign, but even directly similart to П[p]   
ㄈ does remind F
They are the same system. They say it is recent, but they obscure the fact that it befgan looong time ago by simply mentioning that it (its modern version) was based upon previous tradition. And I claim, that that tradition inevitably came from latin (or latin came from chinese, which is also possible. It could be that modern chinese characters are overcomplication of the same elemental grammar people in europe use (overcomplicated for military purpose, for example)

граммата (буква) letter
грамота (письмо) letter
(грам и литр - системы меры, может чем чаще меряли тем и считали, читали?)
литр от слова лить, говорите что хотите, это мера жидкостей, это славянское слово, если только когнаты не было в других, как leave могло означать pour, но это чисто спекуляция, ai help me carry this cross to the goalpoint.

cursed~короста (родственна ли корысть? користь [корысть] по-украински просто польза)
curse ~ корить себя? корится? cures? совесть проклятиями замаливали? прощения самобичеванием просили? curse ~ корюсь? curse~course? (направление, в котором опрат отправили)
"будь ты проклят" ~ "будь ты проколот" (пожелание неудачи, смерти даже может быть)

LoVe.. isn't it ΛV? up and down, like in sex? high and low, as in mood changes that strong feeling can bring?
ΛV is yangyin, firewater, steam, shamaim the heaven, 🜂🜄

if plosive/fricative was all which mattered, then дети/kiddy/παιδι? and child came out of kid later in time, when lingual/labial became more important than fricative/plosive? Thus I can link anything, But let's entertain this possibility.

ba da
ve ze
mi ni
po to
fu su

and I saw da(duh,да) as the opposite of fu. And now I got high in the morning and I see that then it was 2×2:
ba da
pu qu
(I didn't expect to meet
thing, but though so for why have 2×5, 2×2 is much more symmetric and beautiful and simple and four quadrants are better in that sense. Rhombic dodecahedron is how we must rearrange our neuroplasticity? vjre interconnecting than cubes. One nod in cube connects to 6 nodes. (node is knot, нервный узел (отдельные нейроны узлы о которых я говорю, а не магические мистические только краем уха слыханные нервные узлы (я не изучал нейроанатомию, я воображаю. Математически. шт вшфьщтв :and its 4 nodes a rhombic dodecahedronic (buthe then let's call it only rhombic. Rhombic diodecahedron is a 3d rhombic angles(hivemind's hivelike node) contact) but then I see that in 3d rhombi two different contact points, and I see that it is as difficult to count as the shape of 3d rhombus out of equal spheres/

rhombic dodecahedrons are only mathematical oversimplification. Rotating objects are spheres, and many elements are equal spheres.
Шаманизм отличная вещь, и много лет служила верой правдой, но как всё выродилось из-за наплыва иностранцев: в среди них мошенников типа калиостро.

сам понял что 8, 8 узлов в остром угле 3d ромба.
Т.е. в среднем

Imagining how axon goes if a nerve cell has 8 legs which meet with three other axons. And I see that I'm the fourth, I'm the force, I'm the forth (and I suspect cognates to be words like push)
! is thumb up. or finger up.
thumb ~ good
index ~~ important
middle ~ fu
nameless ~ married (fu to a lady)
pinky ~~~~~~~ peace

ab cd
ef gh
im in
po to
fu ssu

ba da
pu qu

(these are temporary, for meditation) I should remind my readers that these are my drafts, find books in pdf, and even not all of them are  not drafts. So find pdf's with covers, those are books I even put on paper, they are way more legit to read)

And it is lagging again, see ya in vol. 24


