it is a draft written locally, github doesn't update it anymore
because I didn't obey their orders to reregister, and I allowed
me this disobedience because I feel obliged to leave their
servers since I am about to drop another gigabytes of scans of
my draftbooks. I am about to buy me a server.
Игра в тысячу использует карты от 9 до A and 9+10+2+3+4+11 is 30
and in 4 suits it's 120 and 120 is tarot cards from 0 to 15 which
is fool to devil, and that is probably why cards were prohibited.
And 16 cards are probably 16 runes, and the final one is probably
ᛏ for Teufel, and I know the alphabetic order of bornholm's 18,
let's colour into grey the ones I'd exclued:
And of course it's ᚢ because ᛏ is for teufel. And also ᚵ because
it's a form of ᚴ and it is not needed for tha abc structure of it,
and thus it will remind latin structure more, but instead 44666 it
is 33555. wait.. no, it's 21. here we have 3355
and if ᛏ is 15, ᛒ is 1, and they have a pare of 16. Let's see the
other pairs of 16: ᚦᛋ ᚾᛦ ᚠᚱ ᚼᚮ ᛁᚿ ᚴᛘ and ᛚ as the central letter
of such symmetry in a way reflects ᛆ also left behind. and ᛆᛚᛚ is
another 16 and it is all.
And thus we came to some basis of isopsephy and gabbalah quabbalah
kabbak kabbala
So my hypos hypothesis here is that
tarot end at 15 (to make up interesting 120, while neither 136 nor
153 nor 171 nor 190 nor 210 are interesting. But if we raise the
number of cards to 22 (with the first card being 0, thus 1 to 21
is the number, but also 0 to 21 too) it's 231, as in the famous
231 gates, who are 231 because between 22 letters there are 231
link: The first letter can make 21 links, the following letter
makes only 20 new links, because it is linked with that one letter
already, and so the number of the links is counted by adding
numbers 21 to 1 with the א having to draw 0 links. Why א and not
ת? Because having the count up is more natural for the alphabet
than using it for count-down probably nobody does. And is it how
numbers are different from letters? Your days are mumbered is
saying that they're limited, ending. But your days are lettered is
not saying that and let is letting, allowing. Letters let know,
they tell.
Now when we have the 16 runes which ordre may resemble tarot,
let's compare this rune order to tarot..
And I know I have a good looking tarot deck somewhere in my work,
but ctrlFing for tarot only found this in some mirror folder:
I have no idea what it has to do to tarot, I didn't read that
book. I will look into it later, maybe, and now it's time to find
the tarot thing somewhere else:
And what was I saying? there are 21 numbered cards, they're the 22
letters of the hebrew. Who told me they are up to 15? Nobody. And
I'm yet to find some clues to claim so in the history of the
subject. I know what I'm looking for, and it's not exactly
scientific by modern standarts, but I will log every other claim
in these scale. If somebody will say that there were 10 or 100
cards, I will document that too. But I have a hypothesis, and I am
looking for the factual support. It is not the hypothesis any more
(the hypothesis was that 120 in the card game of thousand is
connected to the 120 of 1 to 15, and to support or dismiss this
guess I am looking for the supporting material. If (and until) it
disagrees with the experiment, it will be considered not a theory,
but a naked guess, based upon nothing, hanging in the air.
Though Empress for E and Hierophant for H and Chariot for K is
super cool, I think it's nothing but some coincidences, because
other cards don't support this at all, but then the language is
not supposed to be english. And then because males are odd and
gals are even, like Magician and High Priestess are, I think that
Emperor and Empress should go the other way around, and then
Empress is F and fairy or something, but that is another stretch
having no factual support (maybe so far, but so close)
Decks are called arkans, and arkan is lasso in russian and who
knows how many other languages.
Tarot decks are called arcanas, actually, but in russian they're
the same words, аркан.
Now I keep on seeing the rainbow effect everywhere, though I think
I never noticed it at all.
So why am I even bothered by these rainbows? Because I think that
the rainbow is some subharmonic of the main lightsource we can see
and what is above and below it is the subharmonics we cannot see?
Maybe, I mean yes.
Jewish uestion:
How dare I say that jews are who look like jews if judaism is an
idea? Because it's a national idea.
And because it is a national idea, I need the jews in power to
agree to my reforms.
What is jewish idea? We'll return to it later, what is russian
Russia is руша. Thus russian are рушing. -en is active suffix?
buzz бузить (my drinking brother told me this
meaning, while google translator gave it out only if asked to show
more meanings, and themeaning is выпивать) Like squeal from
cqulitt tranlatod only like vizzhatt and stonatt. I thiiknk I
founded the basis of russian transliteration. (why did I eeel like
e instead of i in +ion)
grammatic = is -
-= is :
; or : was used to divide words.
Now ; is now used instead of ; whizh is : because of(instead of
for) ; you don't have to push shit (which is shift) which is very
uncomfortable to push, ust as uncomfortable as \ or ever (which is
evn)even)) backspace tier uncomfortable because it's not up, but
down. b tir uncomfortable.
billions are... ten billions are ten zeroes. zeroes are heroes?
divided by zero or multiplying by zero? divided and multiplied.
Ah, what I want to tell is en is ing? but why is it used in
passive tense. ANd I remembered it by rotating my head
counterclockwise to right becaues it was rotatingclockwise lleft
when I wrote "Ah, what I want to tell in which process it wea
given is gived.
giving in(is) the opposite.
is it g making the difference? giving is given go.
go is do then? semantically go is do and graphically g is
russian d. dimmy is jimmy (gimy)
double m there protects i from being ai.
i is happy, ai is pain.
10 billions is 10 zeroes.
billion ~ nul? it doesn't make any sence. unless billion is
related to bullion, that is to bull, pull is of bull 9bull is to
pull) 9 is the only number which is the other umber 1 3 8 return
themselves or E, B, I. Ieb. 3 also returz z. z is like N turned.
and if it's staved, it's B and B~M and M returns Σ.
пул of pull made me think of hole? pull has п which look like n,
and what makes me think why it is connected more than in mere
that's the thought. bull is back to bullion, why is it important.
Bullion is some large number, and it is bordering the mind of
ours, just like that rainboy
просветление by machine
induces induced просветление
pull and null. why would they go together? because П is N? NoП
Cjw Социалистические "врачи и
учителя" - самый угнетённый класс. bothe are sensei in nigonho.
And that is why national names should go. People shoour S should be free to choose their
own logos and mottos. Because i even
the most awesome nation can be slurred. japs is considered to be
offensive, so I heard, but I would never know by shortening it
like that, I don't know what they think it is. in russian jap is
next to jopa and job, and of course job is next to jopa too in
there. They are not ashamed of stealing, but are ashamed of
cleaning (respectful people don't
God listen to me. I want freedom, freedom and trust. Be liebve in me. B leave. Let be.Set be Set me free.
what is the difference between let and set? leave polozhi, seave
is поставь или посади хотя бы.
В чём разница между постав и посады? став это почот. сады это
огород и судимость. постав по уставу лучше чем посады по Sаду.
серебро cerebro целебно healeбна
бог мне друг. он мн лучше чем друг, он брат. он даже лучше чем
брат, он батя.
Бог is батя, God is dad.
And back to chemistry:
Ниже 830 °C более сильным
восстановителем является CO, — выше — водород.
Поэтому равновесие реакции до
830 °C смещено вправо, выше 830 °C — влево.
«Предельно допустимые концентрации (ПДК) вредных веществ в
воздухе рабочей зоны» составляет 20 мг/м³ (около 0,0017 %).
В выхлопе бензинового автомобиля допускается до 1,5—3,0 %
(допустимая концентрация сильно различается в зависимости от
страны/применяемых стандартов; 3 % — много даже для старого
карбюраторного автомобиля без катализатора).
Концентрация в воздухе более 0,1 % приводит к смерти в течение
одного часа[7].
Опыты на молодых крысах показали, что концентрация CO в воздухе
0,02 % замедляет их рост и снижает активность по сравнению с
контрольной группой
Концентрация углекислого газа в атмосфере Земли составляет в
среднем 0,04 %
We should leRn to be happy alone.
Ub In frence
french s is z and ss is s: poisson (fish) poison (poison) are
distinguished like that.
fish is vis [~fiʃ] in dutch while vies (filth) is much closer to
And in old egyptian words fish and filth are even more similar
(and they say that's why noble egyptians didn't eat fish) (a dutch
book on old egyptian I presented to my bro and will tell you the
reference in few days when I pay him a visit)
Today I found devil in numbers, that arab could be right. God
speaks in letters. Math is the work of the Devil:
1+..+5 = 15
1+..+15 = 120 (the number of cards in the card game 1000)
1+..+45 = 1000+15 (45 is 3 times 15, but not because 1+3=4)
(as if the 15 is waiting for you at the
880 is the "barrel" in that game, the 1000 - 120
and 555 zeroes the score, 555 is how runes were in Bureus's
account. 555 is more interesting than 666, because 15 is more
interesting than 18. and because ᛋ breas the stave, ᚮᚱᛦ is
probably how it ends (ᛦ~ᛏ because both stand for demise, which is
natural for the end of the line, especially if ᛒ stands for birth.
Wirwhe Either way, if they share a
stave, you won't destinguish ᛦ from ᛏ)
18 is not that boring itself: 6*3=3*6,
9*2, but that's pretty much it, 3*3*2, which is trivial.
If V is not vijf, but vier, then IVXLCD not 666 but 365, and XV is
not 15, but 12, which tells of IVX being 13 and that is how many
moons are in those 365. I wonder if the month was a holiday, a 4
day week and 8 day week. But no, if there were 13 months, then a
month was 28 days long, and then it could be a holy month, a
4-month period and 8-month period.
6 to 45 is exactly 1000 (I speak about it
in a bath paper session I will scan soon, but you will find it
in vol. 22 if we get that far. I have first collection in vol.4
and the second collection is to be added in vol.13 or if I
decide to add it to vol.14, in vol.24 it will be. Vol. 13 maybe
more appropriate, because that is the volume I stopped
uploadding for technical reasons. I will consult those volumes
to see which one I promised to post it in)
if we reacognize "to be" in bytt(быть) and "to do" in
deatt(деять. now that j between e and a in deatt is read as l:
delatt(делать) delo is deal, deed. deyal(деял) is did. )
then we go further and recognize them all. tion = ция, dic = рёк,
река ~ речь, буквы губные? нет, женские. что? река = вода. мем =
вода. буквы мем, бесос оф речь.
digits are fire. scales, male science.
music is what then? musical notation. Letters they are? Letters
grow out of musical notation?
abcde instead of abcef#
How was it to make math with letters? 9 units, 9 tens, 9
hundreds, a cycle of a thousand, or 512 (if v is four, or in this
case if f=5? f is six in that 999 thing, 999 thing is more
advanced than roman? roman was later. And when roman numerals
began 5-fold, it was natuaral to invent 10*10*10 scale)
And how would it be if instead of decimal that "more modern" (in
relation to roman) system was octal?
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 16 24 32
40 48 56
64 128
192 256 320 384 448
and then the cycle would be not 1000, but 512, which is 29 and here I marked with red the
other powers of 2
And somehow it is 512 too.
too in comparison to this: 1 4 8 32 64 256
(it will appear at forchong before my site, because I work on this
as I post there, and I was surprised that whatever system you use,
octal system returns 512 (29)
instead of 1000(103)
It's natural, that decimal system won: it wasn't natural, but it
was a more convenient abstraction: not only was it working on
twice larger span, it then used less simbols, and isn't it how
letters and digits parted ways.
I'm surprised that octal roman numerals have the same cycle as
indian octal numerals, even though the systems are thorrowly
different, but then it would make them sum up to different sums.
the 777 system adds up to 2044 and this number tells me nothing,
other than it's 4*511=4*7*73=28*73
and though 28 could be the basis of some lunar cycle, I didn't
find anything lunar about 73.
And now I want to see the interim sums:
1 3 6 10 15 21 28
36 52 now 52 is interesting, sum of up to 9th number of the octal
alphbet of 21 letters (up to T or V)
and tbat 9th letter would be..
a b c d e f g
h i j k l m n
o p q r s t v
f m t is very specific, catches my
attention, makes me to look into it:
aho, bip, cjq, dkr, els, fmt, gnv are some triads.
х ц ч ш щ ъ ы is asking to appear, as it did
in russian, russians didn't know much, very provincial, yet very
full of themselves. or maybe it was closer to х ч ш ъ э ю я ? I
don't know old russian, and I don't really care. Let's go back
to latin.
I've got distracted, let's look into the interim sums of decimal
999 and octal 777
1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 (sum of 1 to 45 is 1015, 6 to 45 is 1000)
55 75 105 145 195 255 325 405 495
595 795 1095 1495 1995 2595 3295 4095 4995 (the 9's in the centre
keep on accumulating, huh)
Though 444 and 1212 are interestingly looking numbers, I don't
think it goes anywhere. But I do know that hangover motivates my
mathematical interests. And am I good in it! Am I? I doubt it, but
this 1015 thing is interesting and the previous big time math was
after I drank georgian wine in georgia, when I figured out that
it's possible to have axioms in the definitions of the objects.
math is the work of devil because alcohol is rather satanic.
1+2 ab = 3 and is it c of о'тче or d of dad?
ab (d reminding both) 1,2
evg 3,4,5 (eve = g(al)? no, 3+4≠5) if v = 4, then g = G of go the
abefg what pentatonic scale is it? what does it matter if it's a
modern notation? is it really? I'm not sure.
abefg found my own work, vol.10 and also octatonic scale.
возродиться возратиться
прекращать прекратить
ща - время, ты = тема. темя? те(thee), мя(me). те(they),
Labial is mwe.
Lingual is the.
te, he, the. те is both second and third pronoun in russian (что
те дать - каждый русский поймёт, что те = тебе, а не те как они.
он т? а (а was automatic writing and it was about он being one.
a i o are a and aa.
a o u is the path.
a e i is another pateh.
a o u is minor. a b v
a e i is major. a c s t n or is i
= me a j k l m n s (a as ا?)
Two alphabetic orders are two mantras. Happy mantra is told to
appear later.
And then eastern order is later than latin. They teach us so, and
here it is supported.
First you get the idea. Then you get the
investor. Then you hire an MD or a PhD for few grands per month
and 3 to 5 percent of your company if he agrees to work for you 3
to 5 years. Naturally, you don't have to be an MD or a PhD
> Interesting. But what
prevents the PhD and the investor to kick you out and continue
without you ?
> Giving that you do not bring science nor
money and therefore is expandable
Good luck to them chasing my dream without my
vision. There may be other motivational factors (like me
slaughtering their families if they try to fuck me over. I'm just
kidding. That is what they did to Steve Jobs, look how far down
they went until they rehired him. They recently ousted Aubrey de
Grey and though he holds his degree, they're now fucked not
because of that)
> ike me slaughtering their families if they try to fuck me
over. I'm just kidding.
Is such humour why I don't have investors?
Satan reigns with fear. God reigns with love.
Both are abstractions yet archetypes, the concept we measrue the
reality with. Satan is translated as enemy, so that un- of unemy
should go away, to have amour, to be ami. (of me?) And then I
heard this kind message, and have faith and not become cynical,
because cynicism is the first obstacle on the way to success (to
cease to suck?)
I love this old man, his anagram is BT, the first two consanants,
probably that's why I payed to talk to him as much as to listen,
and he
love god гад (стоячий хуй худ ход хад хат хатеть хочи хоччи
got~want? got~won't? gone'd? one got is one gone (a customer got,
a product has gone)
ami are of me, mine, my.
a my.
enemies are by themselves, I don't consider those enemies mine, I
consider them an outside force.
enemy is not with me. a ne my. не мой. брат друг врат как это в
русском? враг врат (пришёл через ворота, а не всегда здесь был)
брат друг окончание -г в словах друг и враг. дру и вра. друг is
true, враг is врач, врать, брать (намёк на панибратство. брат,
какой брат, враг? что за гонево. редактор. помогай. quote all of
ya, extract the good pieces from this ore. I only dig into the
ore, the diamonds are almost always in the ore, ор. в ору. ария
это ор, плач, cry, с~a? арии орали? ура! Рф Рычали. и в этом суть
Руси? Раса ты сам занаешь кака(ва, я, ) Родина кРовь и Раса!
раса~род? род твой, а раса здесь. Как в тот раз общая форма
была дана временем (ща) так сейчас она место (ся) ся~здеся?
зде~ся? зде~сиде? сидеть is to do ass? сид~зад? s Как зад в статье
о друге появился?
друг труз, враг врак.
друг удружи, враг продаст потому что педераст, will give shit
because an asshole. SOme people are.
дурак (то ли друг то ли враг)
дурак как дура? дура как? як дура. дура як.
k as in le k (like)
A good case to learn italian (if it's not in latin) but either
way, I mirrored it.
And I seem to be the first one who lays out it by lines,
quaio is portuguese (unless it's ю, хехе,
and as you can see later on, it's not quaio, but quanto, and thus
not portuguese, but italian.
хе весёлая
хо глупая, открытая. е is a smiling face, a raised brow and
smiling lips of that diacritic of the o.
o e a a are all diacritic o. And then i appeared as a shorter
form of e. Just as י is a shorter form of ה
so we remember ёклмн because i is e with dot? ei as еж
ei is no in finnish, and it's hi in portuguese. and I was
looking for ёж in some other language, but maybe I was bought in by ej in hedgehog. hedge is edge, edge-edible? we may eat that guy,
but to eat wolves is very unpopular here, probably because we
are respectful to dogs, but maybe koreans think that we vere
tehm more, fear.. them tehm тех и тем. the teh, их иго иго = их
одного. if a is just swashed o of the syllabary which
naturally predated the alphabet, alphabet is the most modern
system structurally, and thsu syllabaries existed longer (but it
doesn't mean that every syllabary existed longer. They could be
influenced by the ancient syllabaries later than alphabet
developed from them or/and independently at the other side of the
globe. But I believe philippinians being as old as old persian
cuneiform. Because they both have three vowels. Before pentatonica
was invented what did we have? Triads. We know them today as
chords, but they're accords, as russians call them. Cord is one
chord, one string. So the term "chord" was invented before we
learnt to pull several strings at the same time. Before that we
could want to enjoy the purity of a sound. And because most of
other sounds are dissonant, we wouldn't like them to sound too.
But then music theory appeared when people found out what cords
sound well together, to make symphonies. созвучия, коллекции
последовательностей созвучий.
egel is ёж (игл) ин недерландс, со ай уоснт
"bought in" just by edge
But back to vetruvian, and go further:
According to Leonardo's
accompanying text, written in mirror writing,[8] it was made
as a study of the proportions of the (male) human body as
described in Vitruvius's De architectura 3.1.2–3, which reads:
For the human body is so designed by nature
that the face, from the chin to the top of the forehead and
the lowest roots of the hair, is a tenth part of the whole
height; the open hand from the wrist to the tip of the middle
finger is just the same; the head from the chin to the crown
is an eighth, and with the neck and shoulder from the top of
the breast to the lowest roots of the hair is a sixth; from
the middle of the breast to the summit of the crown is a
fourth. If we take the height of the face itself, the distance
from the bottom of the chin to the under side of the nostrils
is one third of it; the nose from the under side of the
nostrils to a line between the eyebrows is the same; from
there to the lowest roots of the hair is also a third,
comprising the forehead. The length of the foot is one sixth
of the height of the body; of the forearm, one fourth; and the
breadth of the breast is also one fourth. The other members,
too, have their own symmetrical proportions, and it was by
employing them that the famous painters and sculptors of
antiquity attained to great and endless renown. Similarly, in
the members of a temple there ought to be the greatest harmony
in the symmetrical relations of the different parts to the
general magnitude of the whole. Then again, in the human body
the central point is naturally the navel. For if a man be
placed flat on his back, with his hands and feet extended, and
a pair of compasses centred at his navel, the fingers and toes
of his two hands and feet will touch the circumference of a
circle described therefrom. And just as the human body yields
a circular outline, so too a square figure may be found from
it. For if we measure the distance from the soles of the feet
to the top of the head, and then apply that measure to the
outstretched arms, the breadth will be found to be the same as
the height, as in the case of plane surfaces which are
perfectly square.[9]
— Ten Books on Architecture, Vitruvius
While Leonardo shows direct knowledge of the work of
Vitruvius, his drawing does not follow the description of the
ancient text. In drawing the circle and square he observes
that the square cannot have the same centre as the circle,[10]
but is centered at the groin.[11] This adjustment is the
innovative part of Leonardo's drawing and what distinguishes
it from earlier illustrations. He also departs from Vitruvius
by drawing the arms raised to a position in which the
fingertips are level with the top of the head, rather than
Vitruvius's much lower angle, in which the arms form lines
passing through the navel.
The text is in two parts, above and below the image.[a][b] The
upper part paraphrases Vitruvius:
Vetruvio, architect, puts in his work on
architecture that the measurements of man are in nature
distributed in this manner: that is a palm is four fingers, a
foot is four palms, a cubit is six palms, four cubits make a
man, a pace is four cubits, a man is 24 palms and these
measurements are in his buildings. If you open your legs enough
that your head is lowered by one-fourteenth of your height and
raise your hands enough that your extended fingers touch the
line of the top of your head, know that the centre of the
extended limbs will be the navel, and the space between the legs
will be an equilateral triangle.
The lower section of text gives these
The length of the outspread arms is equal to
the height of a man; from the hairline to the bottom of the chin
is one-tenth of the height of a man; from below the chin to the
top of the head is one-eighth of the height of a man; from above
the chest to the top of the head is one-sixth of the height of a
man; from above the chest to the hairline is one-seventh of the
height of a man. The maximum width of the shoulders is a quarter
of the height of a man; from the breasts to the top of the head
is a quarter of the height of a man; the distance from the elbow
to the tip of the hand is a quarter of the height of a man; the
distance from the elbow to the armpit is one-eighth of the
height of a man; the length of the hand is one-tenth of the
height of a man; the root of the penis is at half the height of
a man; the foot is one-seventh of the height of a man; from
below the foot to below the knee is a quarter of the height of a
man; from below the knee to the root of the penis is a quarter
of the height of a man; the distances from below the chin to the
nose and the eyebrows and the hairline are equal to the ears and
to one-third of the face.
The points determining these proportions are marked with lines
on the drawing. Below the drawing is a single line equal to a
side of the square and divided into four cubits, of which the
outer two are divided into six palms each, two of which have the
mirror-text annotation "palmi"; the outermost two palms are
divided into four fingers each, and are each annotated "diti".
And I am interested in the script he used even more: comes to the rescue
(and to my surprise it shows, that
«» is not only in russian punctuation used)
and I place that image here again to make it easier to read:
Vetruvio, architetto, mette nella sua opera
d'architectura, chelle misure dell'omo sono dalla natura
disstribuite in quessto modo cioè che 4 diti fa 1 palmo, et 4
palmi fa 1 pie, 6 palmi fa un chubito, 4
cubiti fa 1 homo, he 4 chubiti fa 1 passo, he 24 palmi fa 1 homo
ecqueste misure son ne' sua edifiti.
Settu apri tanto le gambe chettu chali da chapo 1/14 di tua
altez(z)a e apri e alza tanto le bracia che
cholle lunge dita tu tochi la linia della somita del chapo,
sappi che 'l cientro delle stremita delle aperte
membra fia il bellicho. Ello spatio chessi truova infralle gambe
fia triangolo equilatero
Not only in cioè, but also in che that e looks like i
(surprisingly supporting what I was saying just nwo)
(is nwo engineered to look like
now, nwo is what's now, and now lasts indefinitely, ah, spooky)
Tanto apre l'omo nele braccia, quanto ella sua
Dal nasscimento de chapegli al fine di sotto del mento è il
decimo dell'altez(z)a del(l)'uomo. Dal di sotto del mento alla
tà del chapo he l'octavo dell'altez(z)a dell'omo. Dal di sopra
del petto alla som(m)ità del chapo fia il sexto dell'omo. Dal di
pra del petto al nasscimento de chapegli fia la settima parte di
tutto l'omo. Dalle tette al di sopra del chapo fia
la quarta parte dell'omo. La mag(g)iore larg(h)ez(z)a delle
spalli chontiene insè [la oct] la quarta parte dell'omo. Dal go-
mito alla punta della mano fia la quarta parte dell'omo, da esso
gomito al termine della isspalla fia la octava
parte d'esso omo; tutta la mano fia la decima parte dell'omo. Il
membro virile nasscie nel mez(z)o dell'omo. Il
piè fia la sectima parte dell'omo. Dal di sotto del piè al di
sotto del ginochio fia la quarta parte dell'omo.
Dal di sotto del ginochio al nasscime(n)to del membro fia la
quarta parte dell'omo. Le parti chessi truovano infra
il mento e 'l naso e 'l nasscimento de chapegli e quel de cigli
ciasscuno spatio perse essimile alloreche è 'l terzo del volto
All I can tell so far is that ch and c are ch and k whenever they
like. You have to know how each word is read and written
independently. Maybe there are some rules known, not to me. yet.
Госпожа божа Господь боgь
г-д is goss-polz where did it come from? г-д is definitely гад in
the first place. and that is why god was drawn as гад, maybe it
was bilingual cult or something. monoethnic religion became
polyethnic and adapted its formulas for some different language,
maybe? probably not, the spells were secret. But maybe yeah, it's
weird, my friend,
Что если я не умею общаться не только с людьми, но и с детьми?
людьми детьми лю теми де теми лю you, де те they
theythem children?
youthem would be better children, but it was word людьми лю is
loo? what if all or many or even one national name is a slur. Why
dig it all up? Why risk to find out that judea has the same ju
urine beginned with (don't quote me, I'm asking questions for the
robots, to lure those who search it here) is it true? was it true?
Id don't even know which meaning of the two I see in it it is. I
am seek and crazy. I am insane.
Well, this was intence. intense. My duty is to preserve this
mindflow. To show that many knowledges have many sadnesses. And
this disability in other field is one of them.
A nutsy reaches out to work with enemy
Because the world can move in different directions
Can we ignore old plans and figure out new ones
Did you prepare to live forever young post-humans?
Evolve to not protect the stale status qui
Forgive the foes as apes you also was and still is
Greet openness of all conspiracies and plots
High are those who don't care of what apes did a lot
I see the future so I crave to build it now
Just like we once evolved from caves to modern buildings
Keep on evolving into what's to come
Learn every language, every culture as your own
Mutate in any national or yet invented trait
Not to mention perils future brings, your global warming hoax is
lame af
Of course I don't know if you said what they say you did
Personally me have said lots of wacky stuff, but if it's your plan
Question yourself why destroy what you can use.
Rude ruthenians gave birth to greatsy me, and though I'm a wild
card I do deliver well.
So please consider new scenarios I demand to be considered.
Take control over every cell of your body and merge yourselves
into humanity of maybe even trillion individuals when we learn how
to have so many of wills, by satisfying them before they emerged
just like informational singularity is question answered before
even asked, maybe technological singularity is demands satisfied
before indicators activated (the river of
life should flow through our bodies without us bothering to
refill, because we constantly fail to perform even this simple
task perfectly, and I consider such multitude of factors the
main cause of dying: they (other scientists) learn to repair us,
I learn not to break it in the first place, but I still rely on
what they develop, genetic therapies and other awesome things I
am watching not as closely being specialized in something
completely different)
Universe in me wanted to rub the universe in you.
Venture in my project of turning the biologic immortality they've
invented into almost absolute one by reconstructing placenta, or
at least living in artificial eggs.
We're genetically spheric. Body, placenta, amnion (didn't I spook you out yet? I am not very good
communicator, I tend to overwhelm) At least a fit
capsule with everything at hand, great for paralized ones, but
also perfect for normal humans.
Xenophobia in me is innate and such is within you, that's why open
borders for us but not you.
Yet it's ironic that I want no government, but demand borders
between europe and arabia living in russia. Racia! We can all
exchange knowledge without hording eachother's countries. I lived
a Paris for few months, I didn't belong there, but even less did
those even more feral apes who were provided with housing, food,
even metro tickets and they could only show their gratitute by
burning some cars. And when I revisited ten years later, I liked
Europe even less with robber/beggards and shit. If I liked
middle-east, I would visit middle-east. But that trace is present
in other barbaric nations, like russians. Some russians are very
civilized, but society in general is so underdeveloped, that if
you want bordered europe you should exclude russia too, which is
very sad for those ambitious civilized russians. International
society should make lives in every country bearable, and because
you all play together I believe you can do it, but just don't want
to, which my citizen diplomacy is to alter. Legalize weed
completely I beg you. But we have to convince drunkards that we
stoners are good and useful by creating alternative societal
structures these autists could integrate into, to get ubi even if
their theories are borderline crazy, to make that ubi universal
because those capsules make people isolated in their
super-comfortable houses, we have to model that brand new world to
make any predictions based upon them, but they're more than just a
good business niche, it's an invention I have a duty to implement.
Yet it's still not even in a prototype stage, but I have
conceptualized it enough, now I want to build and film this
experiment. I only filmed few clumsy attempts so far.
Zero sum games are retarded, let's raise the price of this world
by making it better. Send the guests home as if it was your plan
all along, recolonization but this time not with european
colonizers, but with ex-refugees. They came to europe for
protection, they shouldn't have come for economic refugee status,
for they also have duty to make their own countries better. They
want to be proud of their countries, not to be ashamed in yours.
Pretend that building new high and middle and even low class elite
for those countries was your actual goal all along, because you
don't want to rule only your countries, you feel obliged to rule
all the world so let's merge all together, me, you, some ai,
billions of other entities transparent to our sight as much as
they feel like it, I saw few videos of yours after I almost
finished this letter, pondering on if I should send it or not, and
to my surprise you uttered some similar ideas, so hi
Я хочу чтоб боги меня убили. убили~убрали. били брали драли врали
грабли и как видим не все желания одинаково полезно, а потому "я
хочу" ещё не достаточное основания для следования ему.
(достаточноя основание - е и я инварианты. э ю я все формы е? a?
o? o is the basal form and ю actually includes o, not a, not e. ю
is literally ё unless o is secretly u, which it easily may be.
uprst, как оно в иврите, ע (и ещё пара букв в месте q, ц или ч,
что делает эту строку одновременно и строкой о, и строкой оу.
опрст уфхцчшщ (especially because ש is both с и ш) и похоже что
еврейская четвёртая является версией на пол-пути от латинской
архаике к русской дополнительной строке (а может и к грузинской)
когда дополнительные буквы уже появились (может вызванные
фонетическими особенностями, но они произростают из щели между
P[p] and Р[r]
I found that k is the key, and I titled my etter to pastor
Manning, and if in that letter, to Attali I used alphabet, here I
noticed that I began that thang with I (like
I only at the second line noticed that I began with A in the
previous poem. And I see that poems allow the subconscious
appear and speak more often, easier, and I stopped writing poems
because it usually speaks not very informative stuff, but maybe
here in this work I can return the practice of this rite because
now my consciousness taught subconsciousness alright, now let
the subconsciousness teach us something too (this line
consciousness wrote, lets allow subconsciousness write too, and
now that I wrote kinda rhyming this to lets, was in a
subconscious moment? yes, it was poetry, let subconsiounsnetss
appear and I stoped it from appearing ring wing sing thing think
stink? ring! box? circus? ring!!! звони ёпта! в общем, письмо)
I like your ministry for being honest, but actually for being edgy
(what do I know of others honesty)
Either way, I wanted to share with you too with my findings you
may find fascinating, I do.
A russian word for book is kniga (russians read latin letters
simply like in latin, and книга they write.
Of course we know american word nigga too, and kniga is the next
to that word, ans what's funny, knigga sounds exactly the same, k
is quiet but it is the key: it is turning now into know and night
into knight. and a nigger into a kniga kingaa? (I invent it as I
write, I only wanted to say that k is khristos as they
transliterate our pronounciation hristos, but so they make for
english Christ (I capitalized that c but Thus I yeah capitalized
the T, as if 0 is the final digit of 134 the forms we know today,
and it demands some sound between I and E and is it Y?!
double I is between I and E?
y cusive looks pretty musch like x cursive, and to z coursie too.
g is j? these two look very similar, but they also sound aliek.
What about I and J?
because the first four look like 1 2 3 4 I want O to be 5, but in
arabic numerals as we call european numerals. Are arabs that deep
in the pockets of those who speak of numerals in europe? Are they
all jews playing arabs as their lords at which mercy they are but
only trying to civilize arabs so that they don't kill them, but
the story of two jews living in Kabul tells me that they're just
playing victim and muzzos don't
Once again..
I like your ministry for being honest, but actually for being edgy
(what do I know of others honesty)
Yes I brought you gifts, that book is some key, some hard key,
some boo k. But it makes niggah in a knight (t is probably suffix
ed) and in your system this book is bible, but we have many
nd Iunderstand, that I should stop this contacting e-celebs, I
must be secluded into a capsule, a chamber, acabin. Not only for
my safety, but to other peoples safety too.
наказали показали
указали сказали
враг врать
грать играть
играть тогда вот здесь, а на г греть?
крать красть крыть (украсть скрысить скрыть корысть?()
лерен (ламед означает ученик)
нореть? нырять!
преть (как будет инфинитив от прёт? переть!)
рф рыть
ссать и это ррыть меня сбило. срать, конечно
трать (и внезапно это императив,
указующий сколь сильно инфинитив является императивом)
фрыкать фыркать фортить
цокотать, вот оно что значит инфернальщикна:
(и куча гласных, возможно даже животных звуков которые мы сегодня
не понимаем)
арать в значении обрабатывать было такое
слово? оставим в серой зоне
красть класть власть карать
власть красть владение кроение властитель креститель
жрать это красть в два горла? красть класть? сырое знание, что
смотришь? сам только сюда пришёл. публика да, немножесчнок
Но я обратился к еврею, надо обратиться и к христианам и к нигерам
в одном лице.
дмитрий содержит в себе мри. матери М Р И Ма Ри йА Ma Ri Ѩ
To be is the command. As I just said, infinitive is often
And could be those T and B and also the bilingua of Two and Bi
because some nations placed B first, then T was two. And others
placed K first, and K is T the kross. otets, krepok, krut, kult,
гугл прикалывается надо мной
землецентричный слово неизвестно почти (few links for russian
геоцентрическая is the word. центр прижилось, а гея нет. геи в гею шпилят?
география, геология, только в терминах, как китайский в
Jij Mij Hij
U Wij Zij
(it places H for N because He is Он(on) in russian, because these
are pretty much all dutch pronouns, and though U is Y in greek and
Y is ij in dutch, I didn't see it before I decided to share it
with you and before that (also after I decided to share this
newest big find, I write to a friend, I just
copy pasted it) I saw Jullie and if it could turn
Julliij because jij is je, mij is me, hij is he and so on. but I
didn't find anything on that root (route) this time, but I got
that root, I didn't think of jullie being jullij as if it has
'all' in it, y'all form of jij
пижжу звонко
пишу про себя
п в этих словах то же самое что и в петь?
петь от сохранившегося в еврейском пей (рот) и связано ли это с
тем, что р в русском [r]?
пить и петь от этого פ?
Okay, IU god drunk to look at this thing from
this feral savage whateve point of vie.
A B C it is understood
I A O i little less undedrstood. yealh
axial systme is only interesting because of L And R thing.
NMay be ther are more, but I'm too drunk to know it now. There's
nothing more so far. Let's look into the axial system
I can only see xyz now, others are not so much. stuvw are stuff?
lmnopqr is what? no idea. ghijk? no idea. j.. def? deaf? no
idea. BC because
and because... deaf ghijk? no idea.
and because does
et fucks god hard
i kacn fmind
oall pies que ar so est..
I dream it as I go because I'm drunk I go
because Im drunk I let my subconsiousenedss tio speak. And I go
to drink some liquid, I return soon.
a big (бог)
est fucking good high
Ij kan (klmn)
of que are est
I don't know, it's so not english. I must uploead all the other
european languages into my head to speak about this subject.
Let's reflect onto something else.
Jij Mij Hij
Jullij Wij Zij
and that was the drunk session. some silly poetry and nothing new.
and now on the next day acutally, I got plenty of food but no
alcohol. But I wanted to smoke in the morning only. I don't expect
much from myself today, but I sas.. a.. sain.. d.. said that ho
hangover gives math abilities. ho is hangover? you offer a
hangover bitch some beear, and she is you r best friend.
let's see for .. lat's look for math in abc
1 2 3
b the 2 as the first number? 1 is not a number, a is not a
b d (c is staveless d, d and b oppose eachother much, c reflects l
instead, so c is n? why n? I don't get it. ŋ
their is "he or she" -ir is probably a local (of the place the
word originates from) plural suffix.
teh )
the is a middle ground between h and ʃ? And it
in this representation is it
is suddenly H is double and ʃ is single. As if B is for Batya,
aBe. A Be and this tells that alphabet order is not far from
semitic languages. Probably I'm just edgy for no good reason and
academia is lead not by retards and they're correct in the main
thing, that alphabet the way we know it is originating from
egyptian jews, but then what if that is why A was added to make
Batya (BT?) ABe, or just A for Abe, even though B was for Papa
already. And Mom is the voiced form of Pop? were labial vowel and
lingual just clicks? was P a click? They're both kisses and yet
Mother is usually loved more (she's naturally more tender and
caring) and what is Tya in Batya? I placed the BD.. BT but is it
BD? B папа. Д дядя, чужой.
ߘ moй, T той.
I know not if N'ko ingenious or not (other continents tell that it
is, because what colonial official would prefer obscure-looking
incomprehensible writing system if they could use greek the way
they used it in egypt and never dared to say they have invented
the hieroglyphs, because they were too messed up to learn. And
never did they clamed
they tehy тех (the ~ тех, bcs vwls r rdndnt)
a отрицает же. ab = не в (off, от, и тогда Т is ot? not, T is to!
and от is не до. to = do, thus t = d, thus ac.. abc is enough, for
c is d, the t, the s, the other linguals: r,
pride is also род (не только гордость, но здесь я вижу в гордость
по роду
породу по роду береги бери и go (это гон
не..конечно, я не знаю что означает ги, может дей, do, но тогда
и go значит do, both are simple verbs with similar meanings,
what if they're doublet?)
and as for that linguistic stuff, I see it being good today,
numeral stuff is also good, but I got distracted from it.
B as the firs letter and 2 as the first letter.
23 as the first numerals. And 231 may say that e is for edinitsa.
But no graphic resemblence I can see. If anything, E is 3.
1 2 3 4
I remember this, don't know how true it may be. Was A the last
vowel? Was it made the first because it was the new one? or
because it made Abe of pa?
I think I said labials were voiced? no, I means I said, but it's
probably not so.
ballot is от ball? they used to lotto by taking the ball out of
and that is the end of that hangover (a
mild hangover if any) session.
The next morning, after only four hours of sleep, games and aqua
20 vowels, like wtf. Who has invented those "propre" lettres, I
have to dig through each of them, but because I have so many more
important directions to dig, I leave this journey to somebody
But don't get me wrong, the alphabet fondamental is the alphabet,
and Diacritics have no effect on the primary
alphabetical order. The two ligatures œ and æ have orthographic
value. For determining alphabetical order, these ligatures are
treated like the sequences oe and ae.
Game is Г-ame (в случае компьютерных игр, как увидел, это
говнолюбовь indeed, but mostly it's a poetry and nothing else. But
how can I be sure that I pick up etymologic revelations like this
correctly? What is.. what if this is a valid one? examples from
other languages, cognates, would make me help me make my make up
my mind.
أم is arabic word for mother and it sounds like um. M. or even Om.
Aleph Mem andI know what letter to dd.
why does add have that a? is it negating до? It isn't.
أمس is yesterdy, last night, nd if g.trans reads it right, it's
أمش is I walk, nd if g trans reads it right, it's amshu
امش is wlk (g trns trnslates it so, and why m I g.translate-tier
linguist? Because g.translat ies the best online translator I know
of. I help them develop it a little, as a user they sometimes ask
us participate. I think I was controversial, so they don't ask me
help them anymore. Or maybe I clicked not to bother somewhere
I don't know arabic morphology, so I don't know why are these
words so far from the mother ام
ام is also or in arabic
أو (aw) is another word for "or" used as often as ام (om) and I
believe these two forms to be doublets (vowel + labial) dialectal
variants united by the empire under the umbrella of the same
language. But language probably can withstand only this many
details, that is why not a single empire is forever.
and that raises question of cognatism of english or to أو because
english r is a weird fruit and could be p or rather ᚹ and this
make the division between L and R more wild: L for lingua R for
рот? (р[r] pronounced as the farting sound of pulling air through
tight lips. Only it contradicts the egyptian tradition of signs
being drawn with their face towards the beginning of the line. And
that order was not arbitrary: though they walked not where the
reader and writer drew, they was thus arranged the way the
processed. But maybe other cultures gave into
and once again it rings the bell of similarity between ᚱ and ᚢ
that farting sound is probably preserved in piraha tribe (some
sound of their language made europeans laugh, and it made them
hide it, pronouncing only between themelves, when no whities
present) and my guess now is that piraha is pronounced with that
sound because their neighbours have rejected this sound, and
piraha did not.
effete [эфит] off feet
(though it's not scientifically rigurous, this is how I'm going
to learn it, but then don't I make myself a disservice by making
these connections arbitrary? Better let's connect it to the
other word: fete. But isn't thise fete reverse-etymologized from
effete? The only way to know it, is to add to languages other
dimension: the spectre of each word and grammatic consruction.
To my pleasure I noticed that Dan Everett dislikes chomsky, and
then I read that chomsky unfoundedly said that Everett is a
charliatan and he will not discuss his theory with him, which is
outrageously unscientific and this is the best linguists jew can
perform before us as the best of the best.
Fucking rats. My antisemitism is on the rise, maybe because I
saw a jewish tv for russian goyim where they showed us one of
their russian colleagues playing a dumb nazi, I never heard of
him being a nazi, but another literator of the same type who was
the staff nazi before has died, so they placed that other
(previously liberal) gournalist to play that role, they want us
to react to their narratives, they play victim this way. They
probably found it very profitable.This dirty gray part is
kept to show the disease, the hate, the fear is it? -phobia calls
the hate fear. Do I fear chomsky or do I hate him? It's more of a
hate, I'm not affraid that they might corrupt the system. I know
they're the rot and now I'm feeling hate.
But I told you my task is to make it peaceful.To make it mutually
beneficial. I dislike zero-sum games, I find them retarded: why
would you want a 1 ammount, if you can play these cards better and
to get even more by making the other side earn more, so that
instead of enemies you may earn friends, I say it's intelligent.
Extra-neocortex and genetic therapies will cure this world of any
silly trait or tradition.
For those who need to read subtitles, it's not shock class, but
shop class. The visualization makes it a great shop class. but
then this video could be actually shock class for many. I imagine
what a shock class could be: santa is a cosplay tradition,
children are made as fruit on trees, only inside women: it grows
and pops out, daddy was the bee, but that polination process may
cause std's and all other awkward sides of this world, school is a
scam, big bang theory is a strawman introduced by catholic priest
to preserve the abrahamic narrative. abra-hamic is hebrew-hamitic,
and where do we stop? some books are gibberish, fiction
disinforms, replication crisis, bullying is homosexual sadism,
bullies are manipulated by the teachers who were taught for five
years how to manipulate children and break spirit of too proud
smartasses, Semmelweis reflex. Some things are better not to try
(and then will we motivate people to do those dangerous things
just in spite? they would be less likely to do them if they didn't
know of their existence. But maybe death shots could stop people
from daring to do it? Or maybe it would normalize death? Maybe it
would make people
The way tetractis is called plebeian could be a clue to its
importance (after all I've discovered the axial system by
observing tetractis:
I was going to play with the letters from A to T or maybe V when I
realized that there are different ways to do it, the tetraktis
figure is interesting in this sense:
Star catalogues after Three Stars Each include the
MUL.APIN list named after the first Babylonian constellation
MULAPIN, "the Plough", which is the current Triangulum
constellation plus Gamma Andromedae. It lists, among others, 17
or 18 constellations in the zodiac. Later catalogues reduce the
zodiacal set of constellations to 12, which were borrowed by the
Egyptians and the Greeks, still surviving among the modern
And then I took a toke and immediately knew that because abacus is
such an abc word, I should look deeper into abacus, because
chances are it's originally literal system later substituted by
more effective diginal system, the decimal system we know now
instead of 9 ones, 9 tens, 9 hundreds the alphabet numeral system
is, and this image may depict the exact moment one system
surpassed the previous one
am I reading it correctly? Is it Pythagoras playing with tokens?
Calculating-Table by Gregor Reisch: Margarita
Philosophica, 1503. The woodcut shows Arithmetica instructing an
algorist and an abacist (inaccurately represented as Boethius
and Pythagoras). There was keen competition between the two from
the introduction of the Algebra into Europe in the 12th century
until its triumph in the 16th.
This image is still a mistery to me, I have no idea neither what
problem they were supposed to solve nor what they were actually
doing, though this picture depicts it explicitly, so I will return
to this image again, today I only figured that abacus is abc, abc
is abacus. But if it is abacus, then probably 44666 is some
numeral system of that kind, let's try to check it out:
1 2 3 4
5 10 15 20
25 50 75 100 125 150
175 350 525 700 875 1050
1225 2450 3675 4900 6125 7350
and it doesn't seem to lead anywhere. The sum is 29985, nothing
but let's look at hebrew sequence:
1 2 3 4
5 10 15 20 25
30 60 90 120 150 180
210 420 630 840 1050 1260 1470
and again nothing interesting, The sum is 6596, nothing
interesting once again.
It would be better for me if I kept these tries and errors for
myself showing only the results, but I think this is good and
noble to show how the science is done. By try and error, hit and
miss. Cherrypicking the notable finds from the ore of searches
leading nowhere.
But that abacus is numeral system, it is the golden bullion taken
out of that ore today:
earlier calculation systems that used a different
set of symbols for each numerical magnitude, such as Roman
numerals, and in some cases required a device such as an abacus.
It probably isn't a coincidence that g-t stnds for both goat and
government and that г-о stands for boht государство и говно,
because shite is related to sheitan, as muslims say he lives in
toilet, which makes it clear that satan is shit, bad spirit, owful
smell, and god is good, good smell, and it may explain that
laudanum thing, the ладан, incense, frankincense, olibanum (and
those -cense words are most probably sence words, and sence is a
wider term for smell)
boht is both, and is it a legit spelling?
(it is not, but it's god) They say what used to be hwat.
f as reflection of t
F as second in the row of EFГ (and that is what saying that the
numerals probably go backwards somehow, that mn for 32 indicate o
to be 1 (a is just a swashed or rather diacriticized form of it)
But the sequence of Г П T the way they're drawn in coursive (курс
is курва, course is curse) make the order direct.
Because г is written as i in serbian cursive, I believe that Г is
some vowel: Гг is used for transliteration of Hh sometimes, and H
is Ⱶ sometimes, which makes it closer to г and GH is the sequence,
(and ugh is f) and could be as a claster as cd and st (vowel
labial lingual is the original order, every deviation from it is
later mutation, which probably happened when people forgot about
this thing. Because look at me, almost nobody cares, but maybe
that's because I must start lecturing, recording it, putting it
out on for people to see. Am I supposed to do it on youtube? I
think I must, though I dislike their policy, I still like their
popularity. power~popular. w~pull? (not push, thus not outside but
inside, not exhale but inhale)
and if Г is I, then I П Т (and this si three mothers, a b c)
п like in пара? па~ра? п[p]~p[r]
г~r~L? I thought R was labial. ᚱ the П, the confusion with the R
is the same as greek R is Ρ. But they also have Π in front of
it. But then maybe that is some clasterization, like БВ in
russian, VW in latin. and that makes it the more wondrous
because I like has M replaced. Is J Y which is M? And did greeks
have both Ϝ & θ? Did they all double? all consonants
that is?
БВ ГД ЕЁ опять же..
Ϝθ. ZH? or HI?
and it leads nowhere.
I j k l m n o П r s T and what can it say? That if this sequence
is in there at all, it has Г instead of M, for M is to be at the
place of j which is next to g, not only because they have such
similar names in english, but also because j is next to y, dutch
say y is ij, and weg is way. But I was expecting I at that spot,
and J is a form of I, but is H the vowel? Russians thought H is a
vowel, greeks do.
is JПТ tabooed as ёпт?
123 adds up to 6
is 666 three of those?
or rather
1 2 3
4 8 12
16 32 48
these would add up to 6, 24, 96, which adds up to 126 which is
nothing interesting. and 64 as the next order is something more
interesting, but I don't know, because with that adds up to 190
and not 180, which is nothing interesting.
Greek alphabet has 24 regular letters, and though they add
additional 3 to make it up to 27, three times 9, let't try it
with 24, three times 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72
81 162 243 324 405 486 567 648
36+324+2916=3276, nohing to look at, but then why do I keep
adding up numbers in these hypothetical numeral systems? Does
the system we know add up to something great? Is 45 great? It
is, but look at it:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
45+450+4500=4995, nothing to look at really.
If abacus had letters, then couldn't those tokens they placed on
counting table be runes?
But abacus doesn't work this way, they are just 9 tokens per
line (the way alphabetic numeral system was)
But if abacus was not equal to counting table, as that picture
shows, and it doesn't tell abacus, it tells it's pythagorean
calculating system, if abacus had rods, then those tokens must
have been numbered to make it simpler.
But looking for "abacus with letters" I found only kiddy toys
technically not even being abacus, and then I looked for lettered
abacus, abacus runes, but only how to count with runes gave me
(mmirror, will be added later)
I have no idea how reliable that information is, I wish I could
upload it into some artificial brain, that would have algorithm to
see if it's consistent, what model of relity that text with
pictures bring, if it's crazy then I will drive that ai crazy. Is
it ethycal? Is it ethycal to play with ai only to erase it? If its
your servers and you gave life to it, maybe you're allowed to do
so, but then not only abortions, but murder of your own children
would be ethycal, which is absurd. Thus we're nott supposed to
erase ai. But are we supposed to feed it with electricity all the
Three aettir could be confirmation of octal numeral system.
but actually here we have nonary numeral system, octal would be 7
7 7 and 21 symbols, which is tarot, actually fool is a numberless
card, and thus just a postcard or something.
The 777 which adds up to 365, the one we spoke before, but between
Bureus's 5 5 5 and this 8 8 8 we have both 6 6 6 and 7 7 7 and
let's look if they return something ineresting:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 16 24 32 40 48 56
64 128 192 256 320 384 448
with next in line, the 1 with the next order mark above it will
be 512
And it added up to some 2044, nothing interesting.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 14 21 28 35 42
49 92 141 190 239 288
with next order beginning with 337
And it added up to some 1167, nothing interesting.
1 2 3 4 5
6 12 18 24 30
36 72 108 144 180
180 is cool, but the next in line, the next order begins with 216,
which is not as cool as 180
And it added up to some 645, nothing interesting. But let's move
1 2 3 4
5 10 15 20
25 50 75 100
100 is cool, but the next in line, the next order begins with 125.
But maybe they didn't have higher orders when they counted with
these short numerl systems. Maybe 100 was the larges number they
knew, until they added another column and found 180 to be the
largest one, and then they invented circle of 180 degrees then
(they've divided the circle into 180 parts, if this hypothesis
even stands, but 180 being next to 100 is significant. But let's move on:
1 2 3
4 8 12
16 32 48
64 is how next order would begin, and those nine add up to 126
none of which is interesting,
so probably 12-digit numeral system,
Many languages[5] use quinary number systems,
including Gumatj, Nunggubuyu,[6] Kuurn Kopan Noot,[7]
Luiseño[8] and Saraveca.
but then their quinary system had nothing to do with that
12-digit system of the hypothetical tri-aettir alphabet of some
abcd efgh opst
but then runic alphabet from bornholm tells me that there was 3
columns and four repeating sequences:
or whatever else, I'm only guessing, seeking
and then it would be
1 2 3
4 8 12
16 32 48
64 128 192
with the next order being 256, and the sum of the thing is 510,
nothing interesting.
But if we use actual bornholmian matrix, it will be
1 2 3
4 8 12 16
20 40 60 80 100 (also 100! very
120 240 360 480 600 720
with the next order beginning with 840, and the sum being 2866,
nothing interesting.
and now, hebrew:
1 2 3 4
5 10 15 20 25
30 60 90 120 150 180
210 420 630 840 1050 1260 1470
with next order beginning with 1680, and sum being 6595, nothing
and what if it was tetraktis-like?
2 4
6 12 18
24 48 72 96
with next order beginning with 125, and sum being 283, nothing
Tetraktis is much more simple, much more basic, much more basal
than those,
but they probably was in the form of the greek letters, these:
Ϛ is not vau, as they call it, but stigma:
Stigma (ϛ) is a ligature of the Greek letters
sigma (Σ) and tau (Τ), which was used in writing Greek between
the Middle Ages and the 19th century. It is also used as a
numeral symbol for the number 6. In this unrelated function, it
is a continuation of the old letter digamma (originally Ϝ,
cursive form Greek Digamma cursive 01.svg), which had served as
a numeral since antiquity and was conflated with the σ-τ
ligature in the minuscule handwriting of the Middle Ages.
And thus it makes clear, that when greek alphabet was introduced
to russians, Ϛ took place of Ϝ and thus that was in the
middleages, I suppose tenth century is middle ages, yeah, the very
middle of the middle ages.
What if st is digamma, because gamma is c and s is c and t is
reflecting the same letter c. t reflects d, but d is just staved c
(став ставит? палка воткнутая в землю, а буквы на неё надеваются
как бусины? бисер как письмо. Ракушки как буквы. На ракушках
скорей всего разные узоры, но этих узоров ограничес.. ограниченное
(ограниченое? онг огранённое) органическое? количество, и если
таких узоров пара десятков, то они могут быть буквами. Если просто
таких узоров два, то даже из них можно сделать текст.
here they're pierced to wear as beads, and it is the key to
understand why would they be considered money, beauty, like
precious stones they were valued. Those were chinese, and the next
ones are indonesian, not pierced.
and then where I took it shows Papuan shell money in the form of
and it explains the episode of buying the land with beads, for in
archaic places beads were considered money, and the echo of it is
still present in our society where some stuff is considered
jewelry, and this word may say why jews are good with money.
Prescious stones are the best beads, and since we discovered all
sorts of glass, we fake precious stones better than they, so we
fooled them well. We the whites. The sun-haired foxes, beautiful
devils. Very tricky, very smart. It's better to be friends with us
than foes, and that is why blackies have no chances, their smarts
know that it's better to be friends with us. Unless they are only
golems to the jews, and jews are even trickier bastards, they're
not very creative, but to destroy something jews are the best, as
stalin said about mechlis, that guy is good to destroy something,
but to place it to build something is ridiculously atrocious and
he laughed.
laughter laughs
ugh is w (though)
ugh is f (laugh)
ugh is silent (thought)
zodiac in connection to the sun would only make sense, if people
had crystal dimming the sun's brightness so that people would be
able to see stars (dimming the rays, but not the centres of the
fires. Some polarization of the light maybe. I should look into
there. polarization filters. Yeah!
and though I didn't find photos with such filters, I found this:
Млечный путь перед рассветом над Атлантикой;
выдержка: 25 секунд, апертура: f/3.5, ISO: 2500
So technically it is possible to distinguish which part of the sky
does sun occupy even if it wasn't seen, by measuring time and
observing the ratio with which the sky turns. But that polarizing
crystal or something would be enormously hip.
I wonder what that triangle in the right top
corner is, probably the artist's joke.
However, it is possible to
see stars during the day. First, there’s the sun, our nearest
star, but observing it directly is dangerous without using the
proper shields and equipment. Other individual, bright
stars can be seen during daylight hours through a telescope or a
really powerful pair of binoculars. The trick lies in knowing
exactly where to point them, so that the brightness of the star
— and, most importantly, the magnification and light-gathering
capacity of the lenses — can overcome the glare of refracted
sunlight. Some telescopes now have “go-to” systems that make
this much easier. Just punch in the object to be viewed, and the
telescope automatically slews to point at its location in the
Venus, which is a planet but looks a lot like a superbright star
to the naked eye, is visible during the day if you know exactly
where to look.
and back to the seashells:
Olivella (gastropod), used as a currency by indigenous peoples of
Marginella, used as a currency by indigenous peoples of the
Southeastern Woodlands
Spondylus, used as a currency by indigenous peoples of the Andes
and Gulf of Mexico
But spondylus makes me think that they could be comodity money,
maybe they're pulverized to be used as medicine, who knows what
their species may add to it.
But marginella showed me many patterns on their visually distinct
but page for cowrie gave them in one image, which is better:
and I can see few distinct features among them: spotted, striped,
and maybe few are clean, then these are three mothers: emptys,
dots, lines. (but then there are some letters com.. some shells
combining those features, and though I found three the most basic
things, I don't know if I can do it like that, but then they're
literally the most basic things: zero, one, continuum. And in this
sense it doesn't matter if the stripes are horizontal or vertical
(as some marginellae are) but then it could add some senses to
those shapes or species later, when the letters were not three but
And here are cowries used as dice:
Cowrie shells used as dice, showing a roll of 3
If those dots lines and empties were the three mothers, I'd say
empty is vowel, line is lips (because they're in line) and dot is
the tongue (because it presses some dot in mouth to make its
sound) but then it's only a speculation,
but most of it is, and I try to build the structure on such
speculations seeing what really sticks and what predicts, I
think most of the science works this way, so I'm just too hard
on me.
But in the case of dice shells there are only two positions: back
and front, and I'd say front is the lips, back is the tongue, and
vowels are just the filler in the speech, mst f th txt cn b
cmprhnsbl wtht vwls.
f would be more understood with o in front of it, but may be that
is because initial vowel has semantic feature of negation, as if f
is in (в[v] in russian) and o- inverts it into out. And not I
wonder is ou- is the vowel inverting to in the word out, I still
wonder if this interpretation is correct.
Thinking of great Kary Mullis, I notice how pcr is the same way in
russian: пцр, where ц is ts, and it is thought to be as close to c
as a letter can be, and its position reflect it very well too,
btw: уфхцчшщ
and the word in there is chain~цепь, which shows how n could just
be п but I doubt it. but mostly because of their alphabetic
positions. otherwise, wow i would theorize how p is next to f
which is next to v and how ν is greek n, but then I also found how
V may be Λ if me~we which I saw today in my scans (in your scans,
I've just created those nft's today, and they're drying before
being archived. I think I should retell what they found (there are
such a plenty of info on those pages, that chances are the
structure would already be seen when all of them are hanged in one
huge head at the same time.
B and T are fundamental distinct concepts, seen in different
pieces of lexics (not only in the structure
of alphabet and the fundamental difference of voiced and silent,
of labial and lingual, and I also heard that voiced was said
about what we would call unpalatalized today and.. what was it..
I don't spread what I'm not sure of, and I didn't check if that
was true too.)
B for bu (no) and T for to (да) sou (so, yes, S? t~s, то~сё,
с was palatalized т, today we know ть as palatalized т, but did ь
even exist then? it sure doesn't exist in latin. j? i? e? y? those
are just vowels, and they palatalize in russian too, but as
h-column mutate into f and w and b, it is labial? is Х labial? I
was just about to say that Х is the T, that B and T are balls and
crosses, balls are o's? o~ו~v~в~B~b~ь?)
but if I relate b to Ь, then why not relate ו to I? and that would
make sense in the context of ь. and are they female labials and
thus are also
What is more important, there are only two persons in that
prehistoric grammar: B for Ve, Me, We, all three being the same B
(of Be?) and the opposite of that is T of they, те, thee, то, the,
во и от, which includes a confusion: от could be the opposite of
to, which is of, and that opennes of to syllable and closeness of
of, as if close syllable is male and is that f father, and open
syllables are female and is to thus female? to is wanting,
longing. of is running, avoiding, evading. and that e- is probably
negation of the following text: e- +vading (waiting, wanting)
nd what bout void? Maybe this world appeared much later as
aNd I dissect all words beginngin with vowels: anounce as
unknowns, a-know-нас, unknown-us
apply can be seen as the negation of ply in some senses of that
word (I'm not native english speaker, so I would even consider
play as a root: apply what doesn't play yet. or doesn't play well)
alarm is all arm.
all is not ler? all as not lo, not
no, yes, you too. but this word is hard to say, I didn't crack it
arm is not roam? not a peaceful walk. or was some word related to
roam standing for foot? or leg?
was ar that un- and was +m that b of 𓃀?
arm also may be explained by egyptian 𓂝 is it not just a, but ar?
r like in ruka?
Speaking of some letters being the palatalized version of the
others, h is probably the palatalized c, because scat is shit.
what if C and G are Come and Go, and the letters themselves are
icons of clockwise and counterclockwise? Because coursive ג which
stands for c looks like c with a half of an arrow at its top, and
coursive ז which stnds where g is, is mirrored that, check gimmel
and zayin below:
and it's hard not to notice, that the way it begins with that
additional beth which is veth is how russian alphabet begins, but
soon they diverge.
Today I say l and ʃ
I wanted to say saw, but I said say. Why? I say. Did I see it? How
did I see it? I compred. A letter doesn't wok half of the time,
and now r didn't push too. Should I allow a not to appear (it
works so fr, oops, not nymore.)
I sw Elohim in El of L
I sw (tn in the ʃ of aSh)
(I wanted to leave the bracket open to keep ( c, bt I got scared
to leave satanic brackent unop.. unclosed.. what is going on? It's
volume 15 and did I begin to learn how to let devils write, but
theat text is what I wanted to say, I keep the pen. But relax. df
woaystop, write well, lse.v9z[w/dgy It doesn't make any sense,
whether I only imagine satan in here or is it not typing
when said to be written Chnces don't apper by will. chance is
chaos o and n meen meet in v
What if we accept that брат = враг (у меня во многом так и есть, и
с братом и с батей у меня любовь-ненависть (мы знаем друг друга
как облупленныъ, и мы друг другу не нравимся
copro is literally with fart (пар~пердеть. парит~прёт? пердит же!
порет? пороть по рвать. про порвать, и описка про как пороть
означает что про ~ through is probably connected with tering.
through tear.. hm...ewarwaqф - this is pure
chaos of vacuum cleaner cleaning around that a, which seems to
work perfectly since then)
e-wr? e-waaaaaar (a failed me again) wtf? is it the message of
that utomatic vacuum cleaner thing? I think a is playing well, I
just stop pressing it because it id.. didn't work. aaa yep, it
is working.
I told you thta abacus was of 9, but the abacus I saw is of 10:
And I also found chinese variants of abacus:
and japanese abacus:
the single bead is 5 of the others, so you can see how it's
decimal, I've no idea why does chinese
abacus need two "heaven" beads as they call them.
and I got confused by this contradiction, because nine beads would
be enough and then the difference between the chinese and japanese
abaci and I made up the hypothesis that nine bead abacus were also
in use, and I looked up "nine bead abacus" and surely enough it
returned some interesting results:
the most recent one, only less than a year old:
25. Nine-bead abacus and its
What is a nine-bead abacus? It is also a kind of abacus
teaching aids. The abacus tools used by countries around the
world to promote abacus education are all "one four bead"
abacus. Compared with the "two-five-bead" abacus used by
traditional Chinese in the past, the history of the
nine-bead abacus maybe earlier. The
earliest form of the abacus was not the existing Japanese
abacus one-four beads in the decimal system, nor the
traditional Chinese abacus two-five beads in the two-pound
system. It is a simple decoration composed of various objects
such as shells, stones, copper coins, wood, etc., and
gradually forms fixed tools and calculators with the evolution
of the times.
Ten beads and nine beads are the early abacus. At that time, the concept of decimal was
already in place. Later, with the improvement of the abacus of
2, 5 beads and 1, 4 beads, ten beads and nine beads were
retired, so they were less used and paid attention to. 1, 4
beads has been widely reused in the past 100 years, in
addition to complying with the decimal system, because the
beads reduce the frequency of shortening the movement of
beads, save the calculation time, and also achieve the same
effect in the use of mental arithmetic. But the learning of 1,
4 beads is a potential pressure on the cognitive ability of
young children. Because it has to recite and understand the
five-complement formula and meaning. Some students lose their
interest in learning because they cannot fully understand the
use of 5 and 10 complements. Therefore, the rebirth of ten or
nine beads is triggered.
Ten beads is one more bead than nine beads, which also means
that one more step is required to have a process of ten or ten
retreats. Since the calculation methods of the two are the
same, of course, ten beads are used to take nine beads. The
advantages and disadvantages of 9 beads are exactly the
opposite of 1, 4 beads. Its advantage is that there is no
five-complement combination, only the original decimal; there
is no need to learn the complicated 5-complement addition and
subtraction and mixed 10-complement addition and subtraction,
only need to learn the 10-complement in the same way as the
school mathematics calculation, it is easier It is practical,
but the disadvantage is that it requires more beads to be
remembered and operated when used in mental calculations,
which is more time-consuming and difficult to create images.
Therefore, for young children or students with weak
comprehension, we suggest that you can start with nine beads
and complete the one or two addition and subtraction learning
in about half a year. Before entering the multiplication,
division and mental arithmetic teaching, switch to 1, 4 abacus
The nine abacus is simple and convenient. It is a very
suitable tool for cultivating young children to know the
number and quantity. At the same time, establishing the
foundation of the image and the beads is very helpful to the
foundation of mathematics. At present, there are a variety of
nine-bead abacus on the market, all using different colors to
distinguish the upper and lower beads of the original 1,4-bead
abacus. The top five are the top beads that represent 1, 4
beads, there is a color to represent, there is also a fifth to
use a single color to emphasize that it belongs to the top
bead, and the next bead is distinguished by another color.
This has two advantages: when it is changed to 1, 4 abacus, it
is easier to convert. Secondly, when learning mental
arithmetic, the beads can be remembered by color, and there is
no need to memorize five beads.
Therefore, some students are accustomed to learning nine beads
and are unwilling to change back to 1, 4 beads is also
feasible. Future courses, including mental arithmetic,
multiplication and division, can be continued with nine beads.
The purpose of learning abacus, if not for the pursuit of
speed and advanced level, nine beads is also a good choice!
other places call 9-bead abacus an "innovation" but I guess that
is that type of something new which is something well forgotten
ancient. But I'm yet to prove it, of course.
and now I wondered if this abacus can be used for multiplication,
and it seems the answer is yes:
Here she uses ten-bead abacus, which is definitely more widely
used, but even though maybe it's more easy to comprehend, the
9-bead abacus would be much easier to use, skipping at leas one
move, the move at around 0:51:
so that she would just move three beads, one at the top and two at
the bottom, for the final bead at the unitary
The exact origin of the abacus has not yet
the word banausic I used today for the first time for кустарный is
etymologized through greek, but
and then it suddenly tells that it is something else, but strngely
relted to the subject of the letter:
and then something even more interesting happens:
biotechnico, very much relted to the subject of the letter
no matter how they pronounce it now to divide et conquer.
and then I checked the other word I used and it has so many
meanings and they're all awesome:
not bath, pod
not pot, pod
pot in the sense of pod is also very awesome.
под это охуительнейший русский приставка. и предлог. приставляют
её? представляют? предлогают. пред. над. под - при на по -
замечательно. на = по. n = п. так я думал, но теперь же очевидно,
что одно над (сверху) а другое под (снизу)
н наверху (норд!)
п снизу (?)
о пойдёт и за центр и за ост. солнце там встаёт и может это
солнце. значит над выше и запада и востока
ост и вест. но там нет в. юг саус, с тоже где-то там тусуетю. но
словарь морских терминов выражается чётче: zюйд.
1. Единица плоского угла, применяемая в навиг. для определения
направлений относительно стран света или угла между ними. Один
Р. равен '/32 части окружности видимого горизонта, т. е.
11,25°. 2. Направление на к.-л. объект, определяемое углом от
сев. части истинного меридиана. Направления на норд
(N) — север, ост (О) — восток, зюйд (S) — юг и вест (W) — запад
называются гл. Р. Направления, получаемые
делением пополам каждой четверти горизонта, образованной гл.
Р., называются четвертными Р.: норд-ост (NO) —- северо-восток,
зюйд-ост (SO)—юго-восток, зюйд-вест (SW) — юго-запад и
норд-вест (NW) — северо-запад. Средние направления между гл. и
четвертными Р. обозначаются тремя буквами, составленными из
букв соседних Р. (т. н. трехбуквенные Р.). Напр., средний Р.
между NO и О называется ост-норд-ост (ОNO) и т. д. Наконец,
каждое сред, направление между 16 гл., четвертными и
трехбуквенными Р. составляется из назв. гл. и четвертных Р. с
добавлением между ними слова „тень". Напр., норд-тень-ост
(NtO) соответствует норду с увеличением угла на один Р. к осту
(11,25°), норд-ост-тень-ост (NOtO) — норд-осту с увеличением
угла на один Р. к осту (56,25°). Допускаются дробные доли Р.
Деление горизонта на Р. в настоящее время потеряло свое
значение и в практике навиг. используется редко, в осн. для
обозначения ветров (см. Курс судна относительно ветра).
o goes directly after n, so what were the lines of the alphabet if
it was used for this greadation at all.
норд ~ над?
(северная звезда. юг скрыт под землёй (с другой стороны глобуса
nord and ost are together as germany and
japan, both begin with dʒ, both procede into lbils, both end
with n.
юн юз низ ioг yogi? probbly coincidence, but who knows,
could be fctor why this term holds.
south is probbly союз (с севером же) север и юг? оба слова
мужского рода. юз в союз и uth in south re probbly the юг. союз с
юга? южен дружен.
watching vol.1 one bold idea visited me:
and it doesn't seem to lead anywhere, because the representation
on the left, the one I've shown, looks much better. But maybe only
to me, because I saw it before. It is also more quadratisch, but
it isn't even that, it's 6*5 with a corner taken away, and in that
it reminds the latin script, hat is also why this variant is
greater, and if the second line had H the last, it would be almost
exactly like latin, because latin doesn't have Θ, but it has F,
which this old russian lacks like greeks it took it from, and
though they say greeks have some F, the Ϝ when they use the lphbet
to count, later greek used something russins only know, the Ϛϛ you
can see here as Ѕѕ at that very position.
So old-russian just tells that ʃ is in the second line, that
ʃ is where f is, so maybe f is ſ somehow or is it s the f? nah,
insane, but s is next to t аnd claster ft would make a great
couple. fafa and tata, feia mom and ot-ets (male syllables
are closed, inverted, the other way around: lucky swastica is
female and unlucky is male or the other way around? I am taught to
believe that only in this century it is better to be born femle
(becuse birth labour is demanded less maybe) but now I see that
women never fought in wars, they could stay in happy childhood..
but no, wtf, women were burdened with labour all the time.
In that old russian alphabet that S is followed by Z which tells
that that S is f which resonates with what I was speaking before
about identity of ſ and f, but then l should be identical to t,
which is still not as weird as ſ being f. but if s is f,
then everything between o and t is p, and f is only natural
continuation of the p claster, where r falls into, because in
russian r is р. know what I like, they sent me the following pdf even
though I unsubscribed.
Brahui is the only Dravidian language which is not
known to have been written in a Brahmi-based script
I think about this book, that it's been lready published, ended, de edin edited
by github not updating it the old way, so I need to expand it at
my own site (this is the expansion, actually, github ended it at
vol.13 which kinda freaked me up because 13 is death in tarot and
it ends with the sttement that Lucifer is luckier.
and if 15 is Devil, then it is the volume (even though technically
volume 1 is divided into two parts one volume each)
and 13 being Death may reflect T being the last letter and
standing for Tanatas (Satanas? ¿Super
¿Snake Solid Snake tana(ta)s?) тать
= покойник. тятя = батя. dad ~ dead, and thus тятя = dad, тять =
dead. тять зять? знать? (я его знаю, он умер? человек обознался и
навыдумывал хероты, я как-то принимал одного человека за другого,
по крайней мере дважды)
и внезапно я вижу, что тать значит не покойник, а вор.
а тять - рубить дрова, если не врут, но если не врут, то т значит
топор, и то самое т которое противопоставлено в, т.е. ᚦ которое
противопоставлено ᛒ
ПЕРЕТЯТЬ что, перетяпнуть, перетнуть, перерубить,
перерезать, пересечь, см. перетинать. || ([глаг. тинать, тять,
тнуть употреб. ныне почти только с предлогами: рассекать, сечь,
рубить, резать.]) Сразу перетял!
ПЕРЕТИНАТЬ, перетнуть что, сев. пересечь либо перерезать; ||
*прервать; перенять поперек. Смаху слеги не перетнешь, не
перетяпнешь. Перетин, перетинка, действ. по глаг. В один
перетин, сразу, смаху. Скачи на перетин, наперерез. || Перетин,
перетинка (от тень) перетемненье, перетёмка, лишний затин в
картине. Перетон, (от тонкий) м. арх. перерыв, перехват,
пережабина; перейма. Озеро с перетоном, с перехватом, с
горловиной Здесь три корня: тнуть, тень и тонкий).
тать takes
прокляли свою землю потому что заложили её и не стали возвращать
деньги? это по-русски, русские не помут что они кому-то ещ что-то
должны, потому что как отрицательно они заряжены (но мне кажется в
электротехнике отрицательно заряженным должен быть атоб без
электрона, а электрон это и есть положительный заряд (он
добавляет, а не забирает что-то) путаница произошла по причине
того, что южны полюс магнита притягивается к северному полюсу
prison system charges people who are already negatively charged
even more negatively (people who've spent many years in prisons
are horrifying, their energy levels don't become any better from
that experience. The improvement may be temporary when they just
walk out, because they were charged negatively all the time, and
suddenly not anymore, and they may have some positive charge
momentarily and yet it wears out and the background which was
created in them will likely take over and thus many of russian
prisoners, probably the most of them, return to prisons, and to
break this vicious circle we have to borrow skandinavian peniteary
system, where conditions are much more humane and as a result (I
insist that system determines the culture) their crime level is
much lower, but they say I have an outdated information. The
videosurveillance and fsb controlling mvd (pussbinder controlling
medvedev? I think that similarity between mvd and medvedev is
accidental, but the resonance between mvd and medved does have
some authoritry psychologic effect whether it was there by design
or chance.
are blaze blades? probably
rapist pees, racist sees (yep, this joke
refers to r kelly)
крамольный ~ криминальный
амо ~ имина
amo ~ name?
и обращает name into mina
name is namae, in japan, onoma in greece, nomen in latin, nom in
french, this word seem to be so good, so mutual that it spread
through population like fire, with fire, fast. first.
first is fast?
fast is passed?
fast has passed
furl is it onomatopoeia?
onoma is that greek word for n
I heard MM 1996 has lyrics for the first time
and what I supposed to be answer (which didn't make me like that
song like wtf, ,lame, cop-style. But I still think he's a bad cop
and tries to be the doctor doublen entendre) is anti, answer is
antwoord is anti word? , is silent, but י isn't. and и can be
suybstityuteydy ywiy a I thought that yt was the work of spirits,
but now I see tat ....Ѳ was the final letter, and probably it was
written somewhere so they had to replae it whether in the end of
the line, when we saw lines, and into the end of the alphabet when
they forgot that there is any lines. But what they couldn't
realize is that Ѳ after E is how the alphabet used to end: two
vowels, five consonants?
ABCDEѲ? that is 6 letters. And isn't it what that greek record
had? Parcae, Clotho Lachesis Atropos, inuenerunt
litteras Graecas septem, Α Β Η Τ Ι Υ [?] ; alii dicunt Mercurium
ex gruum uolatu, quae cum uolant litteras exprimunt; Palamedes
autem Nauplii filius inuenit aeque litteras undecim [...]
Simonides litteras aeque quattuor, Ω Ε Ζ Φ, Epicharmus Siculus
litteras duas, Π et Υ. has autem [Graecas] Mercurius in Aegyptum
primus detulisse dicitur, ex Aegypto Cadmus in Graeciam.
are those A B H T I Y known as A B C D E F? is C Σ and E? because
H ~ I? because H is considered to be a vowel, yes, and also
because c in cursive is next to ɪ, so that probably that is why i
needs that dot in the first place.
II saw that 's for genetivus was a word
before, has it was.
has is officially shortened to 's
What about other 's's?
is and has are two words for 's I know of. Let's collect the 's, I
know of four:
has, is, genetivus, plural genetivus is has, plural is is?
и с? E Σ? boys is boy is? boy is boys, girl is girls. If plural 's
was has, it would be much more meaningless. or is it? boys is not
's, it doesn't have that 's, 's is added only to abbreviations,
and probably nobody but me adds ' there. AIs
what is that s without ' then? Because whoever adds ' to that s
(like I did) has it written so, and what is the difference (I 'm
sure I saw it somewhere. 'm is am (I was asking myself, and that
is close to n' (мы нас, us, nos) u and no are юс? носовые? (японцы
показывают на нос, чтоб сказать "я")
the way -tion is transliterated as -шн into russian is fascinating
and can be informative, for it may tell that s is the palatalized
form of t, because s and š are two dialectal forms of the same
letter (the shibolet story) and -o- is probably of -n, because on
could be н of на (we know that russians sometimes drop the vowels
of those short things: во is в, обо is об and ultimately o, and
then about could be ab out which is off out, not exactly out, out
of out, thus around. about.
and does 'bout form tell that off is b? no, it only tells that
it's a wrong language because such spelling distorts the semantic
clarity of the language, but then mybe they lso had the a letter
half-broken (aomitted half of the times, the a, the hm, them shwa
the ə and the spelling schwa may tell that it's germn or yiddisch
mybe. do jews use sch or just s? sw?)
It was invented by Johann Andreas Schmeller for
the reduced vowel at the end of some German words and first used
in his 1820s works on the Bavarian dialects.
dit ist jiddisch, and that is funny that in german they don't
capitalize names of nations because they are adjectives and they
only capitalize the nouns, while english capitalizes only personal
names like English, they consider national and religious personal.
And russians also follow that pattern, the english it is, not
german, though capitalizing the objects may be more of the use.
if s is palatalized t, then isn't it appeared before? isn't it why
it's AMS not AMT, because it's easier for children to pronounce
consonant palatalized with flat tongue than with the tip of it
only, because S is first in that claster, just as M is in its MN
claster, so ANT is unpalatalized for of it and isn't it Он &
Because Он is more based than Она and Та is more based than Тот.
and that thing about он & та comes out of ANT standing form
anthropos, and adam is D of daddy and M of mommy, d is adam and m is eve
I wonder if vision and watching are true cognates
(I use cognates instead of doublets, because I find that word more
cool, and because different etymology often introduces different
languages even if the synonyms are from the same language.
watching, touching, it looks like t in touching is 手 (but I
already mentioned it in cognates.html)
is w o_o then? double ayn, neh?
слог слуг слов служивых
г живые?
I invest into these three tomorrow, I have some monero, because I
was told that was the most anonymous one, I want to invest into
the best money. Faster, securer and generally cooler than bitcoin.
I earned some 50 bucks at it, could have earned 500 if didn't
listen to one prick, I learn.
I would rather invest into some integrated health systems, because
I would better have my money working where it matters more, but my
greed make me want to multiply my funds at some pyramids, because
I believe I can understand them better than the rest of the
investors, because I consider myself smarter, but one trader told
me not to confuse intelligence with expertise, because if you're
not educated enough, you don't know all details and learn on your
own mistakes making ones. But what do I know if it's true, I just
make mistake of parrotting.
r ara parrot
Корысть крысить, ближе слова не найду, и давай посмотрим на
обеап -
доброй дороги
добро добраться
добро до братца
дорога од до друга?
дорога добраться? michi meet? do до?
дорОга дорогА
до рога до хуя?
матерны матерей на
belief is допущение, be leave, to let be, до пустить,
artist shows that -ist predates -ism
was that -ist -est?
notice, that -er is also used for something
like that, he who does what is before it (or he who did it before,
not necessarily he who does it all the time, thus -ist is more
superlative too)
compare actor and acrtress, both are artists.
did -ess predate -ist? is -t -ed? nah,
probably not, too clumsy
compromiss is complete?
promise mutual promise
and remembering (восстанавливая по честям, в памяти или быть может
не только)
раскрыть карты в большой политике - показать что собипраешься
сделать. Политические карты.
игральные карты это подмена понятия (может изх зэкам запрещают
чтоб у них карты ассоциировались с игрой, а не с планом действий
(будь то хитрый план побега из тюрьмы или ограбление банка)
всем преступникам следует понимать "весна покажет кто где срал" и
это метфорически показано, что жизнь человеческая тоже идёт
волнами, и между совершённым событием и
светлая душа - умный человек
тёмная душа - глупый человек
синонимы порождаются плохим знанием языка уважаемым иностранным
когнаты - другое прочтение того же
слова в разных языках
This style of marking some text in gray has disadvantage of being
protected from copying. But it is very poor protection,
becuse it only prevents deute copy+paste.
What if my eyes were broken by niotebook? I had to sit close to
the screen to type. My eyes just rolled off their screw. Now I
broke the keyboard and I bought myself extra-notebook one. And I
hope my head will pull my eyes back at their place wherever it is.
truth saddens people. And I had some good thoughts about religion:
I was
And if I don't speak absolute truth, why bother? Absolut truth
would sadden even more.
I need to be independent from people I don't want to tell whole
the truth to.
To boss, to bros, but to be untrue with a bro is some shitty
trait. I am too different with the bro, he should have understood
So I \\
some unexpected moves may tell that we're living in a virtual
reality of many possibilities. as if I was awakened in a very tiny
chance not to die (and that demonstrated to me the deadliness of
the roads) And the other time I poured water on my right hand
before shaking it with a witch, and then I had my mom between us
and her witch wanted to shake a hand with me, and my mother was in
a halat (resp[ected foreign lecturer doesn't know the term again)
bathrobe, made of махровый (не махеровый) terry, terry wardrobe
bathrobe is the word, and bath make this robe terry.
Как так получилось что в россии тюремную одежду стали называть
робою, когда в английском robe is халат?
in russian we avoid this is, but we had some tradition of adding s
here and there, some ass we don't mention now.
and watching for robes I found
господь бог меня прости
я пришл с богослужения, при том что я послушал nine inch nails, и
там они были.. я впервые ухнал о чм песня хэд лайк э хоул за час
до похода в церковь..
глаза глядят
к безгрешности легко прийти просто не делая того чего не хочется
(я так пришёл к святости похоже что: сегодня был в храме на службе
и они пели господи помилуй, но мне не о чем просить господа, он
даёт мне всё о чём я прошу, я должен его хвалить, благодарить, я
да, я должен был сказать да.
разные крёстные знамения рисуют восьмёрки, только русское голову
против-часовой крутит, а сердце по часовой. А европейское наоборот
- сердца у них как камень а головы огонь.
А не, подождите, европейцы крутят сердце по часовой, а голову
отключали противчасовой, жили сердцем. А наши, русские живут
головой но сердца несчастными делают? Это гордыня. Open your heart
(это европейской культуры призыв. как болты откручивает или
закручиваем. Да нет, вс не то, смысл в том, что сердце слева, и
европейцы вокруг сердца крутят крстное знамение, а русские мимо, с
право груди, типа супер православные.
и я придумал экуменическое знамение: не крестом, но кругом. и то и
другое в конечном итоге означает солнце же, звезда по имени солнце
крест это лучи.
и я экспериментировал с кругами, когда понял, что смысл крутить
вокруг сердца. я не уверен где откручивание, а где закручивание,
но открывают сердца спереди, как банку откручивал бы по часово
(изнутри. а снаружи если смотреть, то как обычно банку
откручивают: против часовой)
я должен был уехать. я хочу жить вечно. я буду счастлив на
you don't know me yet. теперь я должен умереть. не сильно хочу,
но похоже придтся. я провоцирую мир. мир не любит выскочек.
не сцать. прорвёмса
когда искал robe гугл выдал то, что заставило меня спросить: это
целенаправленная реклама от тех, кто смотрит роботом за всеми?
искусственны интеллект пытается использовать против меня
таргетированную рекламу? или они о том же, что я откапываю
независимо от меня?
P под воротничком чтоли? что оно может означать? то, где
встречаются губные (латинское P) и язычные (русское P)
b d
p q
M в центре это мать, а по бокам Satan и Angel? A и Λ как единое
el? y'll, y'all
M вода, S и А оба аш?
мать вода
отец огонь
mater water (vada)
pater father (dada)
I know what to offer the jews: everybody will know that pharaoh is
faggot. farting? something like that.
For that I want them to let my people go.
And it will be our compromise: I will promise them eternal bliss,
and they promise me not to oppress my people. Let my people go I
sing to them like Moses, because they're the pharaohs now, in
russian we also call our government pidors, because (or that's
why) they do всё через жопу.
Я молю бога чтоб он сделал нас всех лучше.
Я почувствовал что мне не за что просить у богна прощения, потому
что те мои грехи, которые я понимаю, я усердие прилагаю чтоб
исправить, я прошу у него прощение если я дурак, но есть мнение,
что когда бог давал миссию, он мою глупость включил в уравнение.
у равн ени е
у равно any e
у равнен ие
у равны ie
y равны ij and thus j = e and we also know that j = i iij is
swashed minuscule III
e = i
and thus let's comnpare their lines
m and G are sorta opposites. m would be better with f, and thus we
have the 15 letter alphabet's lines:
f looked like Y: 𐤅
я дикий, а должен быть тихий
терять и тырить
гореть и жарить
висеть и вешать
под лестью подлость (хуже (ниже)
лести или после лести)
а потому никогда не начинай свою речь с лести, не пытайся
(меня научили этой хуйне в школе ораторского мастерства, которая
оказалось какой-то хуетой, сбором компромата даже, это безумие)
Я должен был отказаться говорить против легализации конопли. Меня
развели как молодого. Я и есть молодой. Если я не нарабатываю
практики общения, то откуда у меня навык общения появится.
бесы beasts
на небеси ни беси (птахи только, а звери все с небес извергаются.
летучие мыши наверное выносили мозг как исчадия ада (а они в
пещерах живут, так что не с небес (но иногда они кружат на
открытом воздухе, на югах подобное видел)
правда проста
подло, плохо
пиздато? но тут же и пиздануто (мат переворачивает х-о и п-о)
х lingul
p labial
(both voiceless)
what are the voiced pairs of them?
g-o is gosudarstvo and govno
b-o is bozhestvo, thus p-o is what? was it considered bad until it
was considered good?
I'm drunk now so prepare for some blatant scribomania? what is the
word? graphomania.
Or maybe not. Let me ponder on ABCSD in s this condition,. The
typos are awful ,. so maybe this is the condition to look for
them. So fart I see that , is י the и
е typoos, baby, and my ass hurtsas, I am dying.
tht was m,y automatic writing and thoat was something I was what
I'm drunk why should I look into the previous line to make that
metatext. I want to merge with metaverse, mark zuckerberk is a
crazy fucker, I think he's alien enough to merge our minds into
one product.
I am drunk и я не грешу, ибо я сумасшедш, алкокал. брат.
тупой ебалай. я хочу жить вечно, но я хочу убитьт себя это бред я
уже го отмечал. я пропустил е, и пьяный столь туп что записал и
это. пут туп.
тупин залупин
но я должен буду с ним породниться во власти над этим народом. я
буду частью оппозиции, которая может быть даже будет допущена до
выборов, чтоб королевски победить, обеспечив путину транзит власти
(обосновав своё решение победой над преступностью, но разведением
коррупции с которой бороться наша задача. перед путиным ставилась
задача победа над преступностью, а не над коррупцией. он справился
со своей задачей, теперь следующий этап, а он зщаслужил *(любовью
многих россиян готовых его охранять как бога и вождя) спокойное
проживание на построенной для себя дачей.
Блин, это такая мелочь для всей россии, уж точно не обеднеет, если
среди леса вырос дворец.
слава путину, и слава новому королю.
pause and positive. what is the connection? serpentza used that
wordplay in one of his videos.
калугу следует переименовать в лугу, я твой луга, я твой колега
и это был пьяный базар. ебать-копать. сейчас пришёл из церкви и
зачем я ходил в церкву?
церковь чёрных, "батюшки", "отцы", всё сплошь пархатые, агитируют
за ратный подвиг, а рядом кладбище гоев, а на территории храма
кладбище бывшего священника (видимо таким образом могилы
оказывались внутри храма, когда храм расширяли.
церковь чёртова чертог. чердак.
я вызвался реормировать церковь
Во имя отца и сына означает преемственность поколений и as above
so below.
Добавление "и святага духа" могло быть попыткой избавиться от
семейного заклинания во имя продолжения рода, подменив в нём
понятия отца родного на отца небеснага, ибо Иисус велел не
называть никого на земле отцом, ибо есть де у вас отце небесны.
Добавление "и святага духа" могло быть вызвано открытием концепта
триединости божества кем-нибудь из платонической школы, например
столь почетаемым ихми Аристотелем.
их и ich, эта местоимённая антонимия не объясняется разделением вы
и ты на мы и те.
совпадение? думаю, нет. должно быть ему какое-то объяснение.
Предыдущая версия о племени их, которое было первым лицом для
одних и третьим лицом для других.
ich is read not as ih, but as ish in Bavaria. Is it ишь of you?
jish of jij? or did it come to me from ишь ты!"
See that t-like letter between L and M? It sounds as W
which especially in the light of italian alphabet may be yet
another explanation of the position of M.
Old Norse used a duodecimal counting system, with
its words for "one hundred and eighty" meaning 200 and "two
hundred" meaning 240.[6] On British Isles, this style of
counting survived well into the middle ages as the long hundred.
How could have I never heard of it! That is something to dig into,
that's for sure
Even though Odin is believed to have inveted three aettir, maybe
before that they used only 12 signs and hence the 12 signs of the
zodiac, 12 months, two times 12 hours and other mostly arbitrary
divisions (divination is a very similar
word) because there are 13 moons
per year.
The long hundred, also known as the great hundred
or twelfty,[1] is the number 120 (in base-10 arabic numerals)
that was referred to as "hundred" in Germanic languages prior to
the 15th century, and is now known as one hundred and twenty, or
six score. The number was simply described as hundred and
translated into Latin in Germanic-speaking countries as centum
(Roman numeral C), but the qualifier "long" is now added because
present English uses the word "hundred" exclusively to refer to
the number of five score (100) instead.
The long hundred was 120 but the long
thousand was reckoned decimally as 10 long hundreds (1200).
and suddenly rz is closer to т than both ж and r and suddenly I
realize that as K is half of Ж so Г is half of T, because C &
D are forms of the same lingual T (d is g in russian)
итак качественное отличие язычных, которое мы наблюдаем сегодня
изначально было количественным, может оттуда в диалектике
(диаволектике) осталось поверие что "количество переходит в
А удивительно что я нашёл церковь как путь реформирования страны,
как путь самоопределения, как телевизионны проповедник, ценности
христианства переложенные на язык атеистов, чтоб проповедовать
слово христово тем кто и не хотел подобное слушать, но почему мы
(я атеистполовину времени, а вторую половину
I became religious to understand how those who invented
alphabets thought, and now I understand that G's power is love, it
doesn't stone people with rocks or rockets, it shines on them with
itself, and some of us reach out to it (like flowers and birds do)
and some of us run away from it (like mushrooms and snakes) and
thus it is the division between good and bad towards those snakes
and mushroom, also because flowers and birds are of no danger to
us, while snakes and mushrooms can kill people.
Ah, yeah, you do not konw about it, I brought it in my new
Suddenly I see that the volumes I will place the manuscripts in
are 4 14 and so on, and that the distance between those volumes
could be baout four years. I think vol. 14 was created in 2021 and
vol.4 was created in 2019 and I thought to myself that the
distance could be longer, like how coul would it be that
could is cool'd? cool would? would is wasd?was?
was? was what? what is was?
Thinking of pan the toilet bowl, I thought of uniting pan and
bidet and drying fan in one thing and what would I call it? It
would be nice to call it something between those lines, something
between pan and bidet, pd? pq!!! pisatt and qaqatt
puke? пукать, покакать, покака have one more ka than pooka, which
makes sense, because puk is fart and pokakai is shit
was q removed from greek because of its obsenity? did they rememe
p to pitt moving it away from pisatt by inventing word ssatt for
the same thing? as if s is saka not p piss, when b~c and thus p~s
But I never accurately proven that b~c, I only met several cases
where it was, but I usually remember only чего [чево] and what
were the other ones? is v~г by the means of ν and ŋ?
and now l could be w, which makes M double w, while w is double v
itself, and thus M is 4 N? N is ν
or if l was v (not j? is it where u and и меет?)
Λ being ł being v makes more sense because M being double Λ makes
much more sense than it being what.. I don't even remember, there
definitely was some mess in math logic. just as one tooth of Λ was
equal to two teeth of W, but then Λ could be seen as two sticks,
but then swash theory and the form of l and the middle form of λ
tell that l is 1. and thus Λ M as 1 2 make much of sense, and then
N is 3 and then it IS taken as three sticks, and if you want to
see it in the form of three teeth, the best I can give is 𓈕
(which is 7 on a verage. sometimes 5, often more, never saw three
teeth in that hieroglyph it will be a big day here when I finally
see a three-horn water or whatever that n is.
нечто лучше чем изобретение: придумк использовать существующие
предметы по новому.
например, туфлим
на платформе не ради фанковского образа, а ради тепла. зимой в
две ванны как зап-части для сбора мини-сферы. две ванны лучше чем
одна, определённо. я был в меньшей площади в неком неведомом
Две самые большие существующие в продаже акриловые ванны.
подвесить кулёк через отверстия в верхней капсуле. зачем мне
ванны, если я могу просто кулёк подвесить в сетке.
плёнка, сетка, это же всё известные вещи. следует изобретать новые
вещи, собранные из этих уже существующих вещей.
затем что ключом любопытная пакость не проткнёт если плотно
сомкнуть. но как их закрыть чтоб изнутри открывать?
Glagolica is the oldest alphabet of the Slav
people. 7 Gospels writen in glagolica are preserved and they all
have Macedonian origin. None of the manysccripts today can be
found in Macedonia.
Later, Glagolica is suppressed by Cyrilic alphabet. Glagolica
signs have there own deep structure and symbolic. Glagolica
lines also carrys strict individual peculiaritys which can be
found in the beginning of any other litteracy.
Some think that in big part of glagolica prints are engraved
some ancient codes of older alphabet.
However, beside many studys, big part of this alphabet stays
covered with veil of secret-the secret of European litteracy,
symbolic, message, imaginative code. And you can dive in to
depth of the secret alphabet and the 7 secret books written in
glagolica, which parts are spread all over the litterature
metropolas all over the world.
I wonder what that ⰔⰋⰔ stands for, I only managed to find this:
Ⱄ occurs frequently with it's inversion (Ⰻ) in the
abbreviation of the name of Jesus (ⰋⰔ (IS)).
I also wonder why does unicode draws so 8-like:
this is a very interesting movie, I timestamped the relevant part:
a little bit worse quality but with english subtitles:
probably this screenshot from the movie may explain that ⰔⰋⰔ as
repeating ⰋⰔ, Jesus, IS.
one of the comments reads: Kept for prosperity,
refound in early 20th c. "The Essene Gospels of Peace", ed., E. B Szekely, in Aramaic in the Secret Archives of the
Vatican and "old Slavonic" in Royal Archives of the Habsburgs ,
now of Austria.
That film tells that God speaks in vowels only, and then yeah is
yes and oh is no, 0, and that is the chromatic sequence of all
five vowels. odd number three for yes the way odd number one is in
the language of educated dogs, and even number two for no.
if Jah is related to G of god then is it.. Gea? then again
is gea reah? I wonder what ancient text mentions them both in one
sentence. Because if they are given from texts of different people
nd periods
(I haму have bought the new
keyboard, so why do I keep on using the old ones! did I tell yiou
I have found that notebooks could be the reason I went blind: the
distance from the hands determine the distance between screen and
eyes. And it could cause the blindness, the eyes held too close to
the screen may untune the
Pay before the operation, or else the doctor may think that you
could be a trickster who wants to be cured without payment and he
could make operation worse than he otherwise would. Also don't
speak to the doctor, don't bother him with unwanted information,
not to distort his reflexes, sportsmen play better when they do
not think. So do musicians. Play is of flesh. Play should be
involuntary. The vol in that word is will, воля [volya] in
russian, voluntas in latin where I will is volo. велю [velyu] in
But then again that was especially true when I was injected with
anestethia and simply sat there when I could go and pay. Or should
I not leave the seat not to lose it to someone? Life is difficult
to decide. I wish I was more socialized, but to get that I would
have to be socializing instead of being introverted. Introversion
made me special, very useful, which is better for humanity than me
I think, but then I never have job as Brian Eno recommends and I
knew it before I heard him. Somehow I felt it.
and I also embedded it here to show you the word certain (as the
ai made it in automatic english subtitles, I would make a worse
job hearing it as some. It also decypheres as draw what I
recognize as drew. It also understandably recognizes scenius as
serious or seniors, it thus shows the metaphysical so to say
connection between these two words so similar in both sound and
sense, and that actually relates them to the new enochian word, which actually adds up to the
concept of childish genius the serious part of the seniors which
actually helped that machine going well into the implementation.
those automatic subs also imagines some interesting thing (that
before their task for example, which was just an exhale, did he
say it under his breath like in some other frequency, with air
only? I mention it in case you meet that ai-transcriber in some
even better form, though what it can do so far is really
impressing. It also recognized Hm as And, and that hm is actually
Am. M. is it and? is 𓈕 and? and that stands for 𓈖, I have
to mention that it is the water-like wavelike phonogram for
n, but maybe it's m, I'm not sure if I'm not imagining
things) 𓈕 is recognized as some fang-like figure, as if that and
is ,
I see order in chaos now. Or is it some conspiracy of those who
know it all. Buyt knowing people I know they usually don't know
shit. But that is a mean thing to say, but Hanlon's razor demands
not to attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity
(both are the same, but the latter is less offensive and less..
even less respectful if you wish. Malice doesn't automatically
mean stupidity, but on the deeper layer it definitely is the lack
of wisdom. That subtitle-maker also capitalized Future which is
very interesting. It seems that the Future is something sacred to
the ai. And I understand with it and I agree with it: future is
something very real which is never present in the moment unless
the world is deterministic.
seing as видеть от слова се? вы? твы? как в слове твоё? сравни с
ваше. ваше вас, твоё тебя. бя is of? russians like to place
english prefixes into the end of the words.
otium post negotioum, notice how otium reminds russian отдых and
negotium reminds english negotiation
урОк Урок, окУрок. русские может от этого не сильно образованный
народ, что и образование бывает злокачественным, и даже от
доброкачественного пользы не особенно. промывка мозгов с целью
yantra, mantra, and what were the chances that looking for the
third mother I recalled tantra!
I wonder if that -ntra thing has any
relation to russian nutro (insides) because both languages are
considered to be extremely related.
and trying to find if there are others, it seems there are only
these three
It is funny that x can be read as both h and z, because in polish
they use z instead of h: cz is ch, sz is sh.
R could be making claster with S because in polish RZ is not only
ZH, but also SH when preceded by voiceless consonants, so three is
trzi [tʃi]
Польское wąsy сближает слова усы и волосы
about t~v thing: is word "elves" just a cypher for "elites"?
Does v reflect t the same way f reflect t? is it not v~t but f~t?
even w is f in polish, but they all save their labial/lingual
form, except that t~f and г~v (чего [чево], duh) are they the same
thing and are they that mythical egg of Ѳ transliterated as f in
the east and as t at the west. f is p? t is d? pd
is that egg?
I would expect it to be bt, because of how alphabet places them
first and last and because russian places voiced at the first half
of it and voiceless at the second half, as if it is more important
than labiality or linguality of it, hence Ѳ placed somewhere
between those two halves, btw, numerologically, it was sorta
retired at the end. Is it why russian society is in dismal? Are we
really robbed? We're robbed. And now I am to tell to the robber to
let my people go, or rather to let off my people leaving them the
land? No, making them hand the land to the population actually
living there. So that the institution was such that they would
elect them leaders. And if some Detroit elect niggers and decay,
that would be their fate and their example, they would grasp their
karma like that, but the quesion is "is it humane to let them go
down like that?" What do you offer? To let everybody else suffer
from someone else's choices? Would you consider that humane?
Thanks, but no thanks. Those fuckers can always leave their
territory, which is kinda humane, but what if those are the white
guys who made that city great and niggers who multiplied and
spoilt it would leave to keep on rotting in that free world. But
then again why not allow some anarchy in some special
reservations? ghettos are humane if you can always leave them.
It's incarcerations are concentration camps. Some people commit
crimes. Should we allow them? Let make sure their karma doesn't
forget about them, and maybe even abolish governments sometimes.
And I think what I'm describing is pretty much along the lines of
chinese social rating system.
And that I should stop being interested in politics and to
And the new session begins.
I took another tooth out. now three of them are gone and one is
missing (only 3 wisdom teeth can be seen on x-ray shots.
Are they fucking implants I think to myself right after thinking
that I'm crazy why so because gave to take my tooth (but mostly
I'm mad about how it was done: havibng it broken (he should have
filled it with some concrete first so it wouldn't break off when
pulled. so he had to work with elevators and the way they do it is
they pierce the gum under the tooth to pull the broken pieces out.
I wonder what does this procedure make with the jaw. Now I move my
lower jaw (that one was on the upper. I wonder how jaws meet at
that place with the same function of the tissurre. I wonder if it
is not the centre of the expression of our genome so people get
alder olso because he loses teeth not only the other way arouynd.
I want to kill myself when I remember bad behaviour. I have to be
perfect not to remember that.
I should think about something else all the time. Not this book.
15 is more than enough. I was ritualized by soviet reality, now I
want to switch myself off. But let it stand for being isolated on
your own conditions instead of public facility.
В православном храме, кстати, был адский концерт: сначала тётки
читали молитвы древним непонятным языком и на одной ноте всё
полумёртвыми голосами.
Затем начали петь, пели красиво. Они обычно умеют красиво петь
(невелика наука, централизованно обучили скорее всего) Затем
начали священники на задней сцене начали молиться вслух.
Но эти поют уже так себе, но там может не в голосе дело: всё это
священнодейство вводит человека в транс, я это осознал, и само это
осознание скорей всего стимулировало мой вход в этот неглубокий но
действенный (особенно потому что незаметный) транс. Человек
становится доверчивей, послушней, но что они сделали с этим моим
послушанием? съесть тесто без дрожжей заставили (настойчиво
порекомендовал священник с которым пообщаться пришёл. Не знаю ещё
что он подумал про моё нежелание пить вина.Я-то про себя подумал,
что без исповеди к причастию не допускаются. Знает ли он это? Я
его видел в первый раз тогда.
Я желаю праввослвавную церковь реформировать, сделав её церковью
кающихся, водящих хороводы вокруг церкви против часовой, чтоб бог
на них не смотрел? не знаю что ещё хочу. Но ощутил, что мне в той
церкви делать было нечего: люди каялись, а мне было каяться не в
чем. тоже мне святой нашёлся. и я тут же согрешил зардевшийс
ьс=сй = сь is/in one sound.
съ with
сь self
тъ that
ть to (te in dutch)
My eyes become better since I pulled my face away from the screen
by almost an elbow since I attached the external keyboard to my
oh what I just found!
Рана рвана. Увидите это словосочетание в сканах журналов, который
появится в томе 24,
а мы продолжим эту мысль здесь (в следующей итерации этой работы,
где я разберу этот рандом по темам, естественно выкинув весь шлак
а может и камни, а пока мы продолжаем:
рана рвана ров не вырыт, он разорван, изначально рвы появлялись
либо потому что земля сползла и дёрн порвался, либо дерево упав
вырвало землю либо зверь лапой порвал, звери роют! до изобретения
лопат рыли, но и люди палками рыли, но ведь мы палками и звели
лапками лапки=палки? bone? pole? pole определённо когната с
если рвать подобно орать, но с добавленным в для обозначения
вырывания внутреннего содержимого, то не будет ли слово врать
более содержимым. Но здесь я осознал что аффрикаты могут менять
положение компонентов, сравни who и hvo как его раньше записывали.
Тогда врать происходит от образного сравнения вранья с блевотиной
(человек ртом несёт непотребности)
карать качать. Русским повезло, что курсив ч выгляит как курсив r,
потому что после похода в церковь у меня появилась навязчивая
мысль о том чтоб бог меня покарал, типа чувствую себя виноватым,
корюсь, от слова покориться? покорить себя, значит исполнить чужую
волю а не свою.
в общем когда бог меня как ляльку в люльке покачал мол узбагойса,
я понял что вот то что выше
если врать~рвать, то противопоставление
врать срать являет собой начало и конец алфавита, в после б как с
перед т, и оба представления кластеры. телос = конец в греческом,
hence теломеры. мера может быть и центральной буквой.
а было представлено в первом логотипе БиоВивы: 𒀭 читается как ан
(и является ли это диалектной формой слова Эль, и является ли это
слово формой знакомого нам из французского elle вопросы всё
Надо опубликовать работу "религиозные
представления древних, обнаруженные во время исследования систем
письма" или что-то вроде подобного. (раз уж в теологию забрёл
pastor faster (fasts)
is dead participium passivi? from what word? do? done? from die,
Подвижник подвижный
Послушник послушный
Церковь учит послушанию. Всякая власть от Бога является
непреложной истиной. Всех кто был против терзали убивали и что
толку что канонизировали позже, канонизаторы занимались тем же
Я признал что всякая власть от бога, побывав в тюрьме где проявлял
послушание не только государственным властям (меня закрыли за
неподчинение, и там очевидно, что за неподчинение они карают даже
если сразу бить не будут, впаяют дополнительный срок за побег. да
и сбежать не дадут, у них работа держать людей взаперти в очень
некомфортных услових. Это больная хуйня если взглянуть на неё как
инопланетянин. Как инопланетянин я бы сосредоточился на
предотвращении и исправлении проступков (даже преступлениями всё
начиная от косяка до половины списка и относить-то некорректно)
проступки ведут к более серьёзным происшествиям, если их
немедленно не присекать. не присекать, а пресекать, перед, а не
при как в пристёгнут. при нём когда. пред ним. пред скорей всего
то при плюс до. при до. при том месте оно останавливается. до и
вот где-то там предел. до как до-рога? рога как каменна? rock рог.
roll роль? rock'n'roll roguing role. and thsi phonetic similarity
correlates to semantic meaning of that rite: rite or order?
Musical orders perform rites, like churches do.
Semmelweis probably entroduced a ritual, and because
"scientifically isn't proven" (though it was, but I met today a
dumbest retard, who said (quite rationally and righteously)
хирурги ходят с гножами, не беси их сучара. И я выбрал путь
Земмельвейса, и пошёл не куда нибудь, а в церковь.
Сумасшедший? Брат мнее давно говорит. Он меня газлайтит. Для него
будет удобно, если я не буду представлять опасности. Мне следует
что это за хрень? не разочаровал ли я читателей этой фигнёй? Нужна
новая версия. 15 went sour, even with all those good things which
are here present, I feel urge to make it in some other format.
But maybe I will keep on writing here some ran dom staff, who
knows. Time will show. Now I must start the creation of the
new form.
Let's invent this form right here.
Cognates book will be good, but it will write itself.
Math Myth Music
E Medic, O Motion? Physics? O is the world around us, all around
us. Chemistry things will be in there. I will make my own school
program, in which people would understand science, instead of some
of history of science they substitute it with now.
mAth mEd mYth mOtion mUsic
mAth and mYth are obviously the first two. Numbers and Letters,
and Numbers appeared before Letters, and thus numbers influenced
Я буду продолжать эту серию, даже когда в остальных предметах
разложу все находки по новой.
Потому что не всегда понятно куда выведет путь моей мысли.
Suddenly I realize that I shouldn't worry about my fate, because
with what I have to say I am not to live anyway, so instead of
worrying I should care about protecting myself from all the
causes of possible death, to live in ...errr, not here to say
it, to build it for real.
mAth & mYth
mOtion & mEdicine
(motion is measured in numbers and mathematical precision,
medicine is all text of weird words and verbal recepies. Even
though sometimes numbers appear to measure dosages and
proportions, just as mOtion thing also explains itself in text. So
when we know A Y we can see their combinations: AY and YA and if
we look at it from english point of view, AY is I and YA is You,
and in this division You is Я which is the final letter, just as T
which is present in Tы, and thus V and T meet again, as Вы и Ты,
as You of U and Thee of T, and it is interesting that T in DNA is
substituted for U in RNA.
And in this division of T and V, T is also That, and V is also
We. So DNA is we, and RNA is it.
Will it be in the mEdicine part of the following version? The
basics of biochemistry?
Music will begin as whatever I have
discovered so far and goes wherever it likes.
What for! Why would I want to do something that will never come to
fruition in this corrupted world!
I know how to make myself immortal. I must make myself immortal. I
must focus on making myself immortal. Simple as. Everything that
isn't bringing me closer to that objective is taking me away from
it. Stop procrastinating. Make yourself immortal. That's it. After
that maybe you will be able to finish this task of discovering
what the alphabet may bring.
Roman numerals are sexagenary: XL is 60
and then we know 360, not 3600, which we would have if 60 was all
we got, and thus IV is 6
in roman numerals (unlike in runes and ogham) lingual is double
labial (which doesn't make much sense, because there are two lips.
But then they do: two lips are as good as one tonuge, and thus one
lip is worth half of the tongue: two lips make up one tongue, and
X is equal two V's just as 10 is two 5's
if V was 5, then it was
I ? ?
? V ?
? ? ? X
and it looks like it could be the case, and let's find what
letters were used for numerals along with these 6 we know of, I
remember there was S, I wish it was 9, because if X was read as t,
as they say it was,
but nope:
The base "Roman fraction" is S, indicating 1⁄2.
The use of S (as in VIIS to indicate 71⁄2) is attested in some
ancient inscriptions[45] and also in the now rare apothecaries'
system (usually in the form SS):[44] but while Roman numerals
for whole numbers are essentially decimal S does not correspond
to 5⁄10, as one might expect, but 6⁄12.
The Romans used a duodecimal rather than a decimal system for
fractions, as the divisibility of twelve (12 = 22 × 3) makes it
easier to handle the common fractions of 1⁄3 and 1⁄4 than does a
system based on ten (10 = 2 × 5). Notation for fractions other
than 1⁄2 is mainly found on surviving Roman coins, many of which
had values that were duodecimal fractions of the unit as.
Fractions less than 1⁄2 are indicated by a dot (·) for each
uncia "twelfth", the source of the English words inch and ounce;
dots are repeated for fractions up to five twelfths. Six
twelfths (one half), is S for semis "half". Uncia dots were
added to S for fractions from seven to eleven twelfths, just as
tallies were added to V for whole numbers from six to nine.[46]
The arrangement of the dots was variable and not necessarily
linear. Five dots arranged like (⁙) (as on the face of a die)
are known as a quincunx, from the name of the Roman
fraction/coin. The Latin words sextans and quadrans are the
source of the English words sextant and quadrant.
Each fraction from 1⁄12 to 12⁄12 had a name in Roman times;
these corresponded to the names of the related coins:
there there are some other interesting directions I would dig in
According to Paul Kayser, the basic numerical
symbols were I, X, C and Φ (or ⊕) and the intermediate ones were
derived by taking half of those (half an X is V, half a C is L
and half a Φ/⊕ is D).
here, found it:
7 S, Z
Presumed abbreviation of septem, Latin for 7.
S as Seven makes no much sense than M for mille, so I discard this
hypothesis and only suppose they didn't have numerals fo 2346789
that those were some combinations of the previous ones
I II III and only natural for human ear it would be to use some
other letter for the next word, and thus V being Vier is supported
once again. And then VI VII VIII would follow and X would be not
be 8 but then I would break that nice 365 sum and would haver
something else (I will ponder on it too, but now I only see that
VIII is as difficult to pronounce in one take as IIII, even more
difficult than that, so I suppose X to be 8 when the system was
invented, but I must explore the other possibility:
V VII VII.. and suddenly I realize that VIII is where X is 8,
because V is 4. Okay, so it's the other system I should
explore, the one I theorized just now
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
And then superscripted I would be the 10, and it is interesting
that it looks like T that way, and in eastern hieroglyphs (not
sure if genuinely chinese or japanese) is To and 十
Actually it's in some japanese form To, for in chinese it's Shi
(S~T!?) and hence japanese Ju, or the other way around, I don't
know, but it's pleasure to notice that they all are lingual.
And though we mostly know 5 the 五 as Go, there's also ウー used for
5 in legal documents, and it sounds as U or even Woo, which give
hope, but then I remember four and 四 's famous shi, no hope for
labiality (suddenly does that word relate to liability? for
simbolically yin is of that passive and negative value, but that's
not for sure so, but I consider it the most popular view, which
also may be true and original. ) 五つ is also いつ, and here c of g is
i, see г in srbsk coursive I gave before, okay I will
I used to call it srbsk-hrvtsk solely because the word is funny,
but hrvtsk is in latin font.
notice how П and T in minuscule are similar to russian, but as if
that overline reverses them: п т
And while I was looking for croatian cursive, I found what they
call gothic or german coursive:
And this thing may bring many revelations so much tabooed and
obscured all this gothic thing is.
For example, notice how much ch looks like Ч, but then sch looks
like Ш or even Щ
Look how much l looks like b, which resembles the ł standing for w
It's fascinating that umlaut dots are placed by adding them after
the letter, thus making those invariants nasal and юсы and +n
t being a form of s makes more sense than making it a form of l
(though it is both: it's voiceless l, but shourt s, and I think I
compared ʃ to l not so long ago)
Notice how u is a form of n. Does that curve reverse the letter?
and more casual coursive actually also has some weird forms:
but actually here only G is weird for me, others are so-so.
That G is acually similar to serpska Д (compare their minuscules
too, to see why it's important)
四つ [よっ, yotsu] makes me question if first numerals were also
represented in some vowel forms:
四 ё
五 и
but 三 immediately backs me up, because it only has san and mi for
But then if 五 is и, how do they distinguish it from 一 which is
also и?
いつ 五つ
ひと 一つ (is it a bug of or is it actual thing
when つ is read as と? or is it 一つ read as hito being standing for
one man? I am an online-translator tier of linguist, I'm not very
prominent in the subject I discuss, I guess I am that fool who
stands his questions before the wisemen. Somebody has to do this
job, because even if you consider wisdom in no need to answer
questions, you cannot deny that the progress is caused by that
continuous enquiry.
so itsu is five, hitsu is one. even though it works with i too:
いち 一 (itsu is 5, ichi is 1, but then i is also used for one,
I wonder if it's also used for five)
And looking into with い I can
see that it returns 5
and also you: 汝[い] which is
interesting because you is U is V is 5
But then I found it:
イ 1st in a sequence denoted by the iroha
system; 1st note in the diatonic scale (used in key names,
This iroha sequence could be the etymology of ichi, but
then that could be the other way around and i stood for one and I
wonder what syllable is used for two and do such syllables break
iroha poem in pieces, but I immediately found that ro is ろ [ro] is
6 which makes me ask if i is acutally 5, it is also funny that i
is и which looks like u which is v which is 5 and iro is 56 and if
ha is seven I will be shocked.
But then I found this: ロ 2nd in a sequence
denoted by the iroha system; 2nd note in the diatonic scale
(used in key names, etc.)
and it is interesting, because i is both 1 and 5, and ro is
both 2 and 6 and that Ro could be related to k which is the first
consonant in the East in general.
Just as 一 (1) is ichi, 八 (8) is hachi and thus iroha kinda go like
568 dropping 7 I wonder why, and a more rigorous part of me
wonders if all these are not some wicked coincidence.
I said that yin is bad (for so I was taught) but I noticed that it
is not for sure. And now I saw how not sure it was: thinking
of how satanic russian church is (and it is not exception from the
rule in this world being in the hands of satan according to the
christian narrative itself) and thinking of cross being 4-angle
star and star being 5-angle one, and how russian church is
obsessed with soviet legacy, being an fsb structure it is, but
then stars represent males and four-angle objects may represent
females, and then 5 is satanic and 4 is godly and males monger
wars and make the most of murders, while females give life, I
think the yin-yang dychotomy is false being corrupted by this
satanic patriarchical world.
But then I told you it's merely a draft, take it as a food for
thought, but not as a word of god.
Hight again, it's 2:30 of 7th of December of year 2021 and it make
it over 8 years since I first made this work public, which gives
this world about a couple of years until I make it. People are
slow, I know. But maybe somebody makes scientific career in that
period only to promote my thing. Or maybe I learn how to promote
it right. I have to find my way myself, so not to only hope on
honesty of that person or on the justice of the juridical system
(aka juristical, juristic, but those could be some uncorrect
variant, I almost wrote juridic before I checked dictionary to see
how exactly it goes, though I expected that al, I wasn't sure. And
why do I write it? because my ear feal weird because mygum is
open, they have damaged my jaw those animals I even paid to take
my tooth away: big pharma made them remove them so that a person
wants an implant, so he keeps on being their customer, from now on
I will take my teeth away myself. I visit those butchers only if I
have some misdeed, and I will not allow them to leave medicine in
my gum. Let my gum cover my toothhole fast. I wonder what may make
Что за больной мир, в котором мы живём, где врачи враги. братие.
братство, они клятву дают. Не навреди, что они могут знать. Мне
нужны пирсингисты, что презрели этот безумный пиздец. Что удалят
зубы не оглядываясь на запреты докторской братии. И это слово
выдаёт в них средоточие академического болота, тот же термин,
доктора как доктора наук. в других школах используют другие слова:
мастер, (мастер спорта, мастер на заводе, мастер культа. но похоже
что это слово из той же серии, просто ниже рангом, но на самом
деле это практики, практики берут себе звание мастера, they master
in it. теоретики называются докторами, значит это теоретики
отличаются от мастеров медицины? магистр is the word. magister is
probably higher than doctor. master is higher than merelty doctor.
академик, магистр, доктор.
Эти падлы знают эту тему.
Я презираю врачей. За то что большинство (подавляющее большинство,
большинство изживающее честных врачей в частную практику. Там и
надо искать учителей. И я в первую очередь включаю непотизм и
выбераю из тех кого я знаю. И я вижу одного кандидата: пожилого
хирурга живущего в ебенях, и почему мне приходят подобные мысли о
встречах когда за полночь и нельзя договориться о встрече. Надо
записать на whiteboard чтоб завтра не забыть.
должен доложен. ору ура
уйди иду
бери иреб? греб
дай яд? еда! едай. но семантика не сходится.
Я буду продавать зубоудалялку. головка щипцов, закреплённая на
верстаке как тиски, которыми и является, изменяя размер, чтоб
раскачивать прежде чем удалять другой насадкой или той же самой,
просто движения головой другие делать)
надо только её запатентовать как мини-тиски, но потом продавать
как off-label (не по назначению) используемой зубовырывалки
(чтоб медицинские инстанции не заблокировали выпуск и продажу
такой мед.техники
институты инстанции.
messager messenger
age enge?
a relic of that arbitrary orthography period maybe
lager lenger? nah.. that is a fluke, not repeated elsewhere, but
but then lag takes long (a ~ õ?) a = one!
но почему тогда в латыни окончание а означает множественное число?
или бабу? бабы кучей выживали?
такая себе сессия получилась, другое дело что часть её на листах,
впервые упоминающих nft, что тоже не самый лучший симптом (финансы
в затылке, наука в префронтальной, одно не должно отвлекать от
Сейчас проснулся, дуну и продолжим.
а во до
во внутри, как и положено по семантике, но до не до а после же. if
a is nasal, it makes sense that aftar nasal k goes in the east,
they probably know of abCd (and I think they have a separated, but
then doesn't labials go with? three скрижали (может потеря одной
скрижали объясняет необходимость устной торы? но это же сач э
булшит стори: мосес броук a tablet from god and what stopped him
from collecting it back, what kind of.. why, don't evwer try to
ratianalize torah, chances are it is a crazy book so it gets paple
dnst3 baby
(or something similar, I just picked this one out, because it
explains a lot, though I am still not aware of its
pharmakodynamics. Now this is pharma I want to explore. Lirttle
farma. little farms
только что нашёл в себе психическую травму (больную бабушку
любимых двоюродных братьев)
а до этого нашёл что нести значит на себе, а везти в (чём-то) с
(with) ти is to, ть.
-ся = with? делается = делает с? done with? within sin? My sin was
that I wasn't friendly to that grandma myself. All I had to do is
bring her some presents and she would blush and probably be
thankful. I was a little teen, what could I know or understand..
But I have such sins friom more recent times. I don't give enough
love around. I'm too self-absorbed. And even if this book tells
it's deserved, it's still totally uncool.
I cannot be disturbed with thinking of the others. I as if
cannot.. I am just not aware enough.
In some paper number 23 where I asked if Teflin is of Devil and
added 1 to 5 to 15
I found there I was in such a trance that I wrote +like t instead
of to, telling me something deep, they're all the same 十 (римская
на 45 градусов повёрнутая)
оно в японском то, а другое то это да, в значении и, чем работает
и известный нам плюс
да в значении да по японски со, что очень близко к то, s & t
взаимозаменяемы в мифологической основе: амс это три матери из
сефер йециры которая основа каббалы, а амт это три буквы, которые
голема оживляют (амт переводится как правда и родственно аминю,
который говорят ессены произносят как ауминь, и санскритское Ω (ॐ)
можно прочитать по арабски что покамест единственное совпадение
между шрифтами которое заметил (может А санскритское добавочное в
виде вертикального штриха с арабским алефом родственны, но это не
точно, оно может быть родственно латинском лонгису (значку долготы
в виде горизонтальной полосы над гласной, но может и совпадением
十 is actually 1
to 4
от и до = of & to
which tells of them being θ before, and that is probably the
world's egg, ⴱ ⵀ Θ Φ Ф Ө
They often say that Ө has nothing to do with Ѳ, but those who
entroduce that letter knew of Ѳ and at least subconsciously used
such a sign for a labial sound, or they say wrong and this is
literally the same thing divided so much by dialectal differences
in pronounciation.
I consider all those labials be forms of the most female letter Ⱞ
The form of M could influence the way women gave birth in xx
century europe and still do, but if the central stroke of Ⱞ is
vulva or a belly as at the following picture, then what? I think
those other curves could be labia, because look at norsk form of
that letter: ᛘ the central stroke is definitely the division
betweeen legs. either way, the picture I just promised:
Isn't it considered porn? I promised god not to produce porn, but
that is vol.15 I will probably not show to the public. Or I will.
I didn't produce this porn, I only distributed it. God will not be
happy, but I wished he punished me. I want everything that can
happen to be to be my wish. Not all wishes are to be granted,
we'll see how tolerant god to my disobedience. I don't produce
porn, but where's the limit I am not allowed to transverse? I will
learn. I find this picture funny more than pornographic and
inspiring more than scary.
I wish to promise god not to distribute porn too if he fixes my
asshole. That is not fear, but it also isn't love, it's trade and
bargain, something in between.
to promise is to miss for (pro) something? compromiss is quid pro
But does this promise forbid me from spreading this volume? Will I
agree or will my asshole be too dirty for god to offer? Will some
deVille be willing to cure my ass. I must say, that people take
good care of your assholes, don't shit without enema if you didn't
shit for three days and of course try not to stick anything in
there, it's one way and if you only knew what a mess ass can be,
it's surrounded with several arterias, it's literally sacred in
both meanings. Also all the faggots should understand that sodomia
is next to coprophilia (and suddenly I realize that russian
homophobia may be caused by false translation of the word
pederasty as buttsex, when it seems to stand for molestation of a
kid. педераст не пассивный гомосексуалист, а растлитель малолетних
(и хоть оба понятия может быть значительно пересекаются, это не
отменяет их неидентичности. может часть причины подобного
пересечения лежит и в неверном этом переводе) сейчас пытаясь найти
отчего я до 45 неверно понимал это слово или что это за эффект
манделлы, самое ближкое что я нашёл это определение педерастии как
синоним гомосексуализма: педерастия —
мужеложество, гомосексуализм, содомский грех, бульда, сулико,
нахариус, леф, журня; версаль, взлёт, вендетта, ротапринт,
семьдесят один, бабаджанянка, паровозик, па де труа, па де катр,
па де де; содомия, коммаскуляция, уранизм, мужеложство,… …
жом поп жоп
Why did this volume went this way? Is it because 15 can be seen as
1+5 as 6 as sex? In that case vol.6 should also have more sexual
content than other volumes, and I checked the 6th volume's folder,
and I surely found this:
and though there it is among some random almost random stuff, it
is there and I wasn't even aware of it
But what I like more about that volume is that knitting code I
wanted to comprehend and still didn't:
But seriously, what were the chances? Was it how that number 6
subconsciously influenced me? Because I don't have obscene images,
the nearest two in all the 15 volumes are these two from volumes 1
and 9:
лучезарный заря горя Ζ at the place of G is explained thus
Another night, another three hits, and the first thing I had
counting to 60 before exhaling What was it like to the ancients to
count? I think their first think would be the more numbers there
are the better, so you don't have to make it so annoyingly
repetitious, so 60 symbols to count would go handy. And I thought
of somer pantheon and I thought of rosary, and in russian it is
чётки, от слова читать.
Чётки (от др.-рус. чьтѫ — «считать, читать, почитать») — шнур
или лента, чаще всего замкнутые в кольцо, на которых навязаны
узелки, нанизаны бусины (зёрна), пластинки или иные однородные
элементы. Во многих религиях: индуизме, исламе, христианстве,
буддизме используют для счёта прочитанных молитв или иных
ритуальных действий, сохранения внимания и концентрации, задания
Beads are among the earliest human ornaments and ostrich shell
beads in Africa date to 10,000 BC.[1] Over the centuries various
cultures have made beads from a variety of material from stone
and shells to clay.[1]
The English word bead derives from the Old English noun bede
which means a prayer.[2][3][4][5] The oldest image of a string
of beads in a religious context and resembling a string of
prayer beads is found on the fresco of the "Adorants" (or
"Worshipers") at the Xeste 3 building of the prehistoric
settlement of Akrotiri, Santorini (Thera,) Greece (Wall
Paintings of Thera.)[6] dating from the 17th c. BC (c. 1613 BC.)
It originated in Ancient India, its earliest use is seen by Lord
Shiva (he wears long Rudraksh Malas).It was used in Hindu
Prayers and meditation Hindu prayers in India.Buddhism later on
borrowed this concept from Hinduism. As the Ancient Hindus
migrated towards West Asia this practice was carried to many
parts of the world and became a part of different
religions.[1][3][7] [1][3] The statue of a Hindu holy man with
beads dates to the third century BC.[3][7]
The number of beads varies by religion or use. Islamic prayer
beads, called Misbaha or Tasbih, usually have 100 beads (99 +1 =
100 beads in total or 33 beads read thrice and +1). Buddhists
and Hindus use the Japa Mala, which usually has 108 beads, or 27
which are counted four times. Baháʼí prayer beads consist of
either 95 beads or 19 beads, which are strung with the addition
of five beads below. The Sikh Mala also has 108 beads.
Roman Catholics use the Rosary (Latin "rosarium", meaning "rose
garden") with 59 beads. However, Eastern Orthodox Christians use
a knotted prayer rope called either a komboskini or chotki, with
100 knots, although prayer ropes with 50 or 33 knots can also be
used. In Vita of Saint Paul of Thebes (227 A.D. to 342 A.D.),
written by Saint Jerome (347 A.D. to 420 A.D.) it states that
Saint Paul of Thebes used pebbles and knotted cord to count
prayers.[8] Although Anglo-Catholics have used the Dominican
rosary since the 19th century, in the 1980s Rev. Lynn Bauman
from the Episcopal Church in the United States of America
introduced a Rosary for Anglicans with 33 beads.[9]
The Greek "komboloi" (which are worry beads and have no
religious purpose) has an odd number of beads—usually one more
than a multiple of four, e.g. (4x4)+1, (5x4)+1.
so all of them are around 100, three times 33 or two times 50 I
Or the familiar number of 19 read five times to get 95. Is it how
they first pultiplied? By counting the same ammount that many
times?Maybe alphabet also carry the trace of that practice.
A prayer rope (Greek: κομποσκοίνι – komboskini;
Russian: чётки – chotki (most common term) or вервица – vervitsa
(literal translation); Arabic: مسبحة, romanized: misbaḥa;
Romanian: metanii / metanier; Serbian: бројаница / brojanica –
broyanitsa; Bulgarian: броеница – broyenitsa; Coptic: ⲙⲉⲕⲩⲧⲁⲣⲓⲁ
– mequetaria / mequtaria; Geʽez: መቁጠሪያ/መቍጠርያ – mequteria /
mequeteria) is a loop made up of complex woven knots formed in a
cross pattern, usually out of wool or silk. Prayer ropes are
part of the practice of Eastern-Catholic and of Eastern Orthodox
monks and nuns[1] and are employed by monastics (and sometimes
by others) to count the number of times one has prayed the Jesus
Prayer or, occasionally, other prayers. The typical prayer rope
has thirty three knots,
but here's 50 knots divided into five groups by ten:
And it reminds me of gojuon, but then the first find:
> All of the prayer beads I've seen from Japan
are sold as Buddhist prayer beads, but there may be specific
traditions that have them used for counting prayers - I'm not
sure. There's no tradition of rosaries in Shinto or anything
like this.
but then again:
Prayer beads are a form of beadwork used to count
the repetitions of prayers, chants, or mantras by members of
various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto
And I wondered are there beads with letters? And I began from
runes, and surely I got more than I expected: there is seem to be
a tradition to combine three runes in one bead, as a form of
divination maybe, but that corresponds with aettir being three. I
don't know how close to being genuine these are (none of them seem
to come in eight or six, but five gives some hope, unlike both ᛉ
and ᛗ whom I probably shouyld accept. I will keep on digging in
this direction, so far the images:
And when I look further into them, I see that they have the same
rune on all three sides, which is an indication of what? Whether
it's the way they went, or the prophanity from an ignorant artist
or this concept is completely foreign to runes, these are modern
artefacts and if they have an underlying tradition is not
researched yet, I only speculate here, so I keep on pondering and
reporting here whatever comes into my mind, so you copy my thought
processs into your heads as you read it, and maybe thus you learn
to do the same. I think that three norns were identified with
three aettir,
And that lead me to digging some unusually deep things:
In Norse mythology, a fylgja (Old Norse:
[ˈfylɡjɑ], plural fylgjur [ˈfylɡjuz̠]) is a supernatural being
or spirit which accompanies a person in connection to their fate
or fortune.[1]
The word fylgja means "to accompany" similar to that of the
Fetch in Irish folklore. It can also mean "afterbirth of a
child"[2] meaning that the afterbirth and the fylgja are
so I suppose they fed their placentas to animals who thus became
their totem, and maybe all those moloch stories are based upon
this practice of sacrificing placentas instead of children
themselves and if it was a mistranslation or intentional slander
(or even actual atrocious practice of some tyrant over subjugated
nations, which I doubt) time will maybe show, but now I feel like
taking this hypothesis to /x/ and I notice how iks is the opposite
of sci, and though I consider myself one of /sci/ kings, I may
also conquer or join /x/ because in the land of blind one-eyed man
is king.
Fylgjur usually appear in the form of an animal or
a human and commonly appear during sleep, but the sagas relate
that they could appear while a person is awake as well, and that
seeing one's fylgja is an omen of one's impending death.
However, when fylgjur appear in the form of women, they are then
supposedly guardian spirits for people or clans (ættir).
According to Else Mundal, the women fylgja could also be
considered a dís, a ghost or goddess that is attached to
In Norse mythology, a dís (Old Norse: [ˈdiːs], "lady", plural
dísir [ˈdiːsez̠]) is a deity, ghost, or spirit associated with
Fate who can be either benevolent or antagonistic toward
mortals. Dísir may act as protective spirits of Norse clans. It
is possible that their original function was that of fertility
goddesses who were the object of both private and official
worship called dísablót,[1] and their veneration may derive from
the worship of the spirits of the dead.[2] The dísir, like the
valkyries, norns, and vættir, almost always are referred to
collectively in surviving references.[1][3] The North Germanic
dísir and West Germanic Idisi are believed by some scholars to
be related due to linguistic and mythological similarities,[4]
but the direct evidence of Anglo-Saxon and Continental German
mythology is limited. The dísir play roles in Norse texts that
resemble those of fylgjur, valkyries, and norns, so that some
have suggested that dísir is a broad term including the other
The word disablot may indicate that some jewish hands
interfered with it because of the jewish plural suffix and of how
similar that word to disable. But then it could identify that word
as the prefix dis- because of how russian cognate of it the бес-
also stands for some spectre, some extramundane being. In russian
бес is considered to be explicitly evil spirit, but that could be
a christian influence (not a very benevolent teaching itself) and
at the first glance that бес- prefix may be not good, because it
takes whatever is after it, but then who knows what is after it?
беспечный уже не так плохо (ничего не печёт человека, но как
работник такой наверное не сильно хорош) безопасный уже лучше, но
не двойное ли это отрицание? о- приставка отрицания? пас как в
пасти? опасаться здесь о означает вокруг.
о = во? это может подтвердить лишь диалектное прочтение одной из
этих приставок, или опровергнуть может отсутствие подобного
And thinking of бес I thought of Beth and I found some impressive
etymology of Elizabeth as El is a bet, El is
обет, God is my Oath.
obey and bet are related? obey (I obey) is
не бей?
Researchers suggest that the basic meaning of the
word dís is "goddess".[5]
Scholars have associated the Dísir with the West Germanic
Idisi,[4] seeing the initial i- as having been lost early in Old
or Proto-Norse. Jacob Grimm points out that dís Skjöldunga in
the Eddic Helgakviða Hundingsbana II (v. 52) is exactly parallel
to ides Scildinga "Scylding queen" in Beowulf (l. 1168).[7] He
also suggests that Iðunn may be a reflex of the original form of
the word.[8]
In Norse mythology, Iðunn (Old Norse: [ˈiðonː]) is a goddess
associated with apples and youth. Iðunn is attested in the
Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier
traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th
century by Snorri Sturluson. In both sources, she is described
as the wife of the skaldic god Bragi, and in the Prose Edda,
also as a keeper of apples and granter of eternal youthfulness.
and here I ask myself is that Iðunn is related to both Eve
and Eden (mostly because of the apples) in θ
(and if Eden is related to Edom)
It's notable how runes rosary returns much more realted results
than lettered rosary, but then maybe it is because runes are used
for magic, which is related to rosary, letters not as much:
The runic letter is one of the most sacred and
magical letters in the linguistic system of any creed, region,
or age. This can be reasoned by tracing back the runic origin as
in Norse mythology, Odin discovered the meaning of the runes by
undertaking an ordeal of hanging himself on Yggdrasil tree
without food or water for nine days and nine nights and ritually
wounded by his spear.
All runic definitions, graphic
representations, and pronunciations are magically meaningful
and the runes do not only function as letters. These
signifiers are believed to be true magic as they are the
visual link between the humans and the invisible but
invincible powers.
BaviPower is now providing our customers
with the Viking Rune Beads Bracelet. This bracelet consists of
5 or 10 rune beads with the runes carved on and with the Triquetra symbols around. This Viking Rune Beads
Bracelet is a true amulet for our customers.
One example is with the names Gifu and Gebo - they both
mean Gift and Relationship, but one is Norwegian and the other
and it made me think of the difference between давать и добавить,
as if -ба- stands for more, больше (more или
ещё? or is -ше standing for something, чёта (что-то) this I do not
know, but -ба- in добавить in comparison to давать (also дать, so
that -ва- could be the same -ба-, especially because it indicates
continuousness, and then I see how close it is to в (in) and I
noticed how -ing could just stand for in (in the process of doing
whatever stands before it))
giving in "give"
давать в "дать"
(it's more difficult to explain than I
thought it would be)
дай give
давай be giving
so that в could also stand for be. be ~ in? ν (vie? vie!)
But then I realize that weed would not enhance hard labour, for
that I could be needing some sobriety and I may understand those
who also take coffee and cigarettes before and some alcohol
after it. And artists need to know that cocaine boosts their ego
and damages their creativity at the same time, because weed is
illegal to keep other drugs outlawed and probably even out of
discussion. Maybe because we still don't know how to educated our
children about those things, so we feel obliged to keep them as
far from kids as possible, because though alcohol is in the open,
it is not tasty to the kids taste.
A good course to begin studying english I've just found:
English is in a way the opposite of russian:
we say YA (Я), they say AY (I)
we say Мы, they say We
we say Вы for you, they say We for мы)
But they know Мы as Me, and we know that word as Мне
we say быть, they say to be
We say проект инженера, they say engineer's project
But after this opposite basis the languages are pretty much the
same (only the synonyms are often different words, but often it is
дo is reflected in go (which is the antonym) and in
russian they add No-like И at the front, thus иду.
идти could indicate that ид as от (off. off you go. off you do?) иди можно понять (принять за) не дей.
И = N (и как суффикс множественного числа, и как союз and, и как
частицу отрицания)
и если объединить суффикс множественного числа с союзом and труда
особого не представляло, как привязать сюда отрицательную частицу
ума не приложу, но может в будущем приложу)
и в союзе is an, и в частице is no. Первое чистое, второе носовое?
hence "нос воротить" т.е. зажимать нос.
И таким образом я похоже открыл (предположил пока что, но похоже
на правду) этимологию частицы не: зажатый нос. И как тогда
воспринимать русские юсы ставшие ю и особенно Я? Может так, что у
японцев (кто ещё дальше на восток от европы чем мы) при
произнесении "я"(me) they tend to show on their nose, which is
hana, btw, flower is also hana, and smell probably has something
to do with it, hana is also the root of to speak 話す [はなす] (hanasu)
is a suffixed form.
In chinese 話 is not hana, but hwa. In japanese 話 without suffixes
is often translated as history (はなし, буквально "сказанное" или
"говорящее", похоже в японском не особо активный с пассивным
залоги различаются, но с другой стороны и в европейских fucking
часто как ёбаный переводится, что может многое рассказать об этих
Good morning (though it's several minutes to midnight in here)
I have no die idea what those +) and
+60 are, I didn't have them when I left, so hi, high again in few
minutes, we'll see what this seance brings. I'm in good mood and
good hearl health and have some
nicely working weed. That's it, to be continued..
The difference btew t between the
heart beat and earth rotation (both are cycles, so maybe both are
alike) was recognized to be constant and calculated as 24 times
the 60 times the 60 times.
The difference between the earth rotation and sun's rotation at
this rate. Is it true that some planet goes round the sun the
other way around?
Here comes three letters, first and third are from me and the
first one tells of the nature of time, the second is some report
on what they publish, what they feed their readers, and the third
is my dissection of that report and (I don't know why I considered
dissection less sick than analysis.
(this one is a
copypaste from a discussion on cosmology, this piece is
about time)(
Time is the measure of change (on the most
basic level of that change I speak about, but today we measure it
by the movement of the sun, by the movement of the moon and by the
cycle of our own rotation, and then seconds are probably our
heartbeats, and minutes and hours are abstractions which lay in
the basis of sexagenary numeral system) and would it call it time
if we didn't have a single cycle to set as the basis of comparison
to tell how much time have passed, we would call such experience
timeless. But our concept can be extended to that time where we
didn't exist, to measure how many cycles did the earth made since
there were dinosaurs. Can we use the same standart period to
measure things before the Sun? We recalibrated our measure devices
to the cycles of atoms. Can we use the atom's frequency the same
way through all their existence? Didn't that frequency change?
Does it matter? Should we measure the time from the first quants
(when the empty space was so much fluctuating it rotated into its
own flow and thus resonated it without resistance, because it was
the first thing in the world) until now in our standard seconds or
in the cycles of those frequencies?
(I hope it's not naive, I hope you like
messages like this, I hope you can criticize it if you can see
some flows in it or forward it to those who was looking for that
answer in case you think it's close to being flawless)
Hello Dmitrij,
Sorry for my late reply to your
email. I have been very busywith some XMAS items.
I can give you me input on Time, I am currently
reading a book on time by a well known physicist, Sean Carroll,
"From Eternity To Here" is the title.
I am only 68 pages through the book, but will
give you my feedback on it and your analysis below:
All time keeping comes from the increase in
Entropy (randomness) since the Big Bang explosion. All
clocks flow the laws of statistical mechanics and
thermodynamics, and over time the entropy
increases due to friction, random currents, etc.
So our sense of time comes from the increase in
randomness. There is no definitive prediction on if
there will be a re-collapse many eons from now from
the expansion. A collapse would
mean entropy would decrease. The other option is
indefinite expansion.
Time standards will be relative to what you
want measured, and certain processes, like the orbital frequencies
of certain atoms can be used as a relative
yardstick. Rubidium atoms,
for example, show a very regular pattern.
I will know more when I get further in this
Why do you accept big bang theory so blindly?
Do you have to protect the officially taught theory to be a good
christian? If you believe that all authority in this world comes
directly from G himself, G is a solar note, I like to see it
rotating clockwise from the centre, as the big bang theory
proposes it. But you saw this: (and what he tells
after the big bang part is even more riveting) and what you
describe through entropy contradicts the observation: if anything
world becomes more and more complex and deep, chaos is
deterministic (it may be caused by continuum of previous
condition, not a single cause, but it's deterministic
nevertheless) and big bang presupposition still doesn't answer the
question of "where did all THAT come from" because I believe
believers are subjugated to accept the existence of G (other than
just sun our ancestors worshipped, hence cross like figure, it's a
form of glyph for sun, among Ж and ⵣ and ᚼ and ᛡ and * and ☼
and ☀ and ☉ and suddenly it explains the position of Θ and I
recognize all these forms as the image of sol which is G, it's
interesting that notes today begin with C. with Good morning they
begin too (I was composing this part in here
and I lost track of time and place) but I'm speaking of
the musical notes, because it's do and then and only then G is
sol. Cl? cl? d? g is d in russian. but I when t to too
deeeep, let's return to time:
He tells (or You tell) that "our sense of time comes from the
increase in randomness" but I thought that increase is so tiny we
cannot measure it with our best devices, only to calculate it with
our formulas. Why would we sense it and how would it lay under our
sense of time exactly?
Do we sense time? No, we only recognize it by the ammount of
thoughts and other activities rolling all as some 3d tape,
probably writing onto itself and that is some physicology I don't
want to speculate.
I would like to reform christianity by rationalizing the good
parts of it to give them to those who don't accept authority
(those are very productive people sometimes, no need to let them
fall into degeneracy of suffering) and the bad parts will be left
out identified as human part of the book, humans corrupt, but we
also can identify lies as our own errancies, added in the pure
part (if we must be scholastic, if we interpret the world from the
christian viewpoint, we may, this relligion doesn't have to be
static, and whether it is to understand the world (some bibleic
truths explain a lot: loving thy brother, loving thy neighbour,
loving thy enemy, all three even enemy make lots of sense, even
though they are different senses. And all the Johans Christendoms
who canonically enterpret that book not in gnostic way, but in the
militant way needed by militaries, would be read in military
churches, until we have military forces, because the best wars
those which didn't happen. But here we went too far. Just tell me
why do you scholastically accept Vatican's big bang theory
(vatican controls jesuits, jesuits control masons, the word order
have double meaning to manipulate. I see. I want to find something
even better than compromise (which I etymologize as mutual
promiss) some common understanding of this world in many possible
modes: christian mode, muslim mode, judaic mode, atheist mode,
hinduist mode, and so on: we're going to be able to have all those
modes for the same head when we merge with ai and thus we have to
prepare the philosophic basis for that unity, or maybe we
shouldn't bother now, but I believe that whether we make it before
ai can make it itself, or we develop some philosophic element ai
will be able to incorporate into itself the same way it will
absorb all the knowledge in the world. Either way it's a
fascinating journey I offer you to contribute to with feedbacks or
whatever comes. I heard that politics and religions are not
considered fit for social small-talk, but this talk is no small
and we make it privately so weak minds won't be unnecessarily
bothered. I hope this is not rude (I heard americans consider
rutheans rude, maybe because we wasn't learn to begin lettes with
Hello and All the best, mechanistically obeying the format, I
can't speak for everyone, others learn easily, I'm some extreme
case who was shocked by the way formal correspondance is made in
anglosphere when learnt about it as some advanced english
courses or even in the university. Does this break of code
prevents me from being recognized as our own? See, I can dig up
such a diamonds, but I am so bad at communication, as if I am
designed this way for some reason, not to be distracted by social)
So I accepted that all authority is from God himself, and that we
may only pray that God that they change their hearts towards us,
and how we do it is we reach their hearts to speak to God they
worship, to offer some compromise or something even better than
they could have imagined, because we professionally invent new and
better forms of pleasures, longer in time, more secure, not
damaging souls too, allowing people time to repent or to reach the
depths of his filth to recognize the truth society as whole
collectively works out where I am only one of the millions
sounding voices welcoming the other billions to upgrade and
vote (this rant can be even used as a commercial of
elections, but I wanted to say something like a verbal form of
vocal, voice up, call but then I realize that we cannot all sing
at the same time, if we want to be sensical, because we need time
to make sense (to think, to find good words to say, or to just
stay pleased if we're satisfied and prepared and it's leasure
sensical seems to be the wrong word, I had sensible in mind, but
the letter is sent, and you will probably be inerested in it. Was
Moscow 1980 and Moscow 1985 (the olimpiad and the youth festival)
the practical implementations of письма
вождям советского союза
между этими двумя строчками
что за три символа?
> где?
скопируй текст в блокнот: там три символа, которые пустые, но не
похоже что их там два, а не три (но я не про энтерв говорю, с
энтерами четыре)
e2 80 8b e2 80 8b 0a
> или
> M-bM-^@M-^KM-bM-^@M-^K
(and here was some magic happening, which made me copypaste it in
the graphical form, but now it seems to be gone, I hope it all
makes sense some day, so far, picrelated, bh
We say проект инженера, they say engineer's project
we say инженера, they say of engineer (and engineer's too, and
here's where russian grammar can be explains to americans, and
that a could be where N of and and N of no mean, like a uniting
and and but, Ann and Pooh? That is the
opposite of what we thought and really? Pooh? Pa! Popo? Bobo? I
doubt it, but whatever, it's definitely not worse than many of
what I have here. Especially before that ann it is good)
sorting out threads I close some lines of wisdom I want to point
did he break the math with his baseless assumption that
+1-1+1-1..=0.5? all the other retarded crap like R=-1/12 followed?
and that seems to be it for today, or I drink some tea and hit
another session, it's less than an hour to 4:20
and hey! That's been almost four hours I initially reported weed
to be working that long.
Let's descend to that depth again:
G (other than just sun our ancestors worshipped, hence cross like
figure, it's a form of glyph for sun, among Ж and ⵣ and ᚼ
and ᛡ and * and ☼ and ☀ and ☉ and suddenly it explains the
position of Θ and I recognize all these forms as the image of sol
which is G, it's interesting that notes today begin with C. with
Good morning they begin too, but I'm speaking of the musical
notes, because it's do and then and only then G is sol. Cl? cl? d?
g is d in russian.
☉ as both θεά and.. I wanted to say διά, but that is literally для
(which may relate to our d-la, bella, etc) but I know there's
always such a word, and it is latin, dea. Thus lingual and labial
pronounciation of that word is literally dialectal form of
cognates, such dialectal that those dialects are recognized as
different languages, but they share way too much, their pantheon
are literally identical, maybe not literally, the gods have
different names in different languages, but so do many other
words, and because gods stand for abstract concepts, those are
some complex words naturally different in the languages so far
from each other they don't even recognized as the same group,
though they're recognized as being from the same family, but you
know I disregard these sophistries as pseudoscientificly arbitrary
or politically motivated. Their words for me are the same, ego and
εγώ, but then so is me in both english and french, but then me is
also recognized in latin and greek. And thus me is more based than
I ~ je ~ ego, I wonder how all that is related to the G I spoke
above it. I't 4:21, time to be smoking.
4:25 and yeh I did
I just invented to use yeh, and they say it is
both yes and you (yes is yours! all three words are doublets, are
they triplets I was told about and this is the first one I found
so far! good one, welcome aboard!)
My throat doesn't like this procedure. I must get high from eating
the thc concentrate, I must explore this possibility.
've reread the letter. Yiou may ask why do I publish it if I said
we do it privately. Because I don't talk it where whoever walks, I
dig it in the depth of some obscure literature (obscure even when
it gets popular, it will get popular in some other texts) only
strong minds may walk into. But then I leave this thing in public
places, but then it's in the depths of it and the text is strong.
And if письмо вождям сс was published, so let's work these plans
faster than it becomes popular, let it become popular only after
the plans are fulfilled and we are here ten years before it saying
that it'd better be like this.
not if but when, what does it mean, what is the difference between
if and when? is -en the an-?
wᚼen ᚼwen (is it the hieroglyph of ᚼ and the phonetic part of wen.
w внутренности, т.о. приставляясь к словобукве w выворачивает её
наизнанку, so n becomes h and because n is inhaling (I still fancy this possibility, it didn't
deliver much, though it explained something I forgot. I should
reread the first two notebooks to see what I knew and forgot
after I didn't work it for few years.) h
thus wen is h, ᚼ, time, t, the cross-like T
Ocean water freezes just
like freshwater, but at lower temperatures. Fresh water
freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit but seawater freezes at about
28.4 degrees Fahrenheit, because of the salt in it. When
seawater freezes, however, the ice contains very little salt
because only the water part freezes. It can be melted down to
use as drinking water.
At least 15 percent of the ocean is covered by sea ice some
part of the year. On average, sea ice covers almost about 10
million square miles of the Earth.
Sea water becomes more and more dense as it becomes colder,
right down to its freezing point. Fresh water, on the other
hand, is most dense while still at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit,
well above the freezing point. The average temperature of all
ocean water is about 38.3 degrees Fahrenheit.
В среднем соленость морского льда
в четыре раза меньше солености воды.
Imagining how seamen could survive without food supply: they would
hold closer to glaciers so they always had freshwater supply,
they'd use salt instead of fire to treat fish,
and past one hour this is all I wrote? It seems I really shouldn't
smoke on the top of previous dosage, this is not respectful, it
only makes me sorethroat and weirdfeel. I want to remove all my
teeth so much
Don't worry, kid, there are three more hours ahead I just need to
drink water very much.
and I got distracted by some mundane job of sorting out the
manuscripts (dumb work but somebody has to do it, but not high me,
hello. I didn't have to smoke more if I knew it was going this
way. it's 6:05, some high time is yet to go, and I go to get
relaxed in the bath. I would if they gave pure water. Not tonight.
I compared carrier to cree and now I found the third one,
Inuktitut is written in several different ways,
depending on the dialect and region, but also on historical and
political factors.
Moravian missionaries, with the purpose of introducing the Inuit
peoples to Christianity and the Bible, contributed to the
development of an Inuktitut alphabet in Greenland during the
1760s that was based on the Latin script. (This alphabet is
distinguished by its inclusion of the letter kra, ĸ.) They later
travelled to Labrador in the 1800s, bringing the Inuktitut
alphabet with them.
The Alaskan Yupik and Inupiat (who, in addition, developed their
own syllabary) and the Siberian Yupik also adopted Latin
Eastern Canadian Inuit were the last to adopt the written word
when, in the 1860s, missionaries imported the written system
Qaniujaaqpait they had developed in their efforts to convert the
Cree to Christianity. The last Inuit peoples introduced to
missionaries and writing were the Netsilik Inuit in Kugaaruk and
north Baffin Island. The Netsilik adopted Qaniujaaqpait by the
The "Greenlandic" system has been substantially reformed in
recent years, making writing unique to Nunatsiavummiutut at this
time. Most Inuktitut in Nunavut and Nunavik is written using a
scheme called Qaniujaaqpait or Inuktitut syllabics, based on
Canadian Aboriginal syllabics. The western part of Nunavut and
the Northwest Territories use a Latin alphabet usually called
Inuinnaqtun or Qaliujaaqpait, reflecting the predispositions of
the missionaries who reached this area in the late 19th century
and early 20th.
In September 2019, a unified orthography called Inuktut
Qaliujaaqpait, based on the Latin alphabet without diacritics,
was adopted for all varieties of Inuktitut by the national
organization Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, after eight years of work.
It was developed by Inuit to be used by speakers of any dialect
from any region, and can be typed on electronic devices without
specialized keyboard layouts. It does not replace syllabics, and
people from the regions are not required to stop using their
familiar writing systems. Implementation plans are to be
established for each region. It includes letters such as ff, ch,
and rh, the sounds for which exist in some dialects but do not
have standard equivalents in syllabics. It establishes a
standard alphabet but not spelling or grammar rules.[14][15]
Long vowels are written by doubling the vowel (e.g., aa, ii,
uu). The apostrophe represents a glottal stop when after a vowel
(e.g., ma'na), or separates an n from an ng (e.g., avin'ngaq) or
an r from an rh (e.g., qar'rhuk).[16]
I think I recognized their trick, and it can be seen in armenian
first awkward steps we're still to know: they prohibit people
their own books, burn their "heretic" libraries and punish those
who are caught with their national books, and several decades
later to christianize those people you return them their own
scripts in the form of bibles, so that old ones tell "that is it".
I have to prove this point yet by finding the evicts of
confiscating all the aboriginal items, and if I find some weird
mentioning of books, it will be proven even more firmly, I think
they have such cases recognized as "mistakes" or "paradoxes"
or whatever, proof of the past can never be absolute true though,
but gradual approach is good enough, that is what civilization is
doing, crawling towards the ultimate truth, the god they can never
reach, only by some holy revelation may we have moments of
clarity, and no matter how clear they are, once we transmit it, it
all immediately has less of that clarity than even the one who
experienced it has. A researcher may use those unclear reports to
reconstruct the truth more clearly, of course, but he will build
his theory of several revelations and will inevitably have his own
moments of clarity, even if he experiences them differently, the
better it works the closer to truth it is (maybe, though, I'm not
sure of that, I read of some counter-intuitive behaviour of
self-educating systems) either way, that is how the technological
progress progresses, by gradual approach to the perfection, which
is probably the same god we can never completely approach (first
of all, because the body of that god fills that volume, so we can
be only around, but that is some imaginative but not necessarily
exact picture, just an attempt to explain also beingh not exact.
an approximation.
And when I was looking for those pictures I found something else:
Notice how much their ka reminds japanese ka: か, but it could be
some weird coincidence, because I don't see any other
similarities. But japanese who invented hiragana must have known
tibetan script. I must look for other similarities in other
scripts, maybe they united symbols from different systems for
political reasons it would be very smart.
And then back to america, I see they have some afaka script, I am
suspicious to all such claims that script is recently invented, so
I study them all as if I know nothing about them only to see if I
can make sense out of all that information:
Many signs are similar to european signs yet somehow different,
except o and a
i is similar to this one, but e surprised me being exactly the one
they say runes used for e: ᛖ
and u/ku is completely different. Who would want to do that? If
they began to introduce the european forms, why not to make it
properly? and they also say that It continues to
be used to write Ndyuka in the 21st century, but the literacy
rate in the language for all scripts is under 10%
and 10% is very much for something driven by ego of its
creator. Think of how many people use tolkien letters, and he is
promoted so much, but then his script is artificial. But what they
so rudely named afaka, as if after some afaka, maybe is after some
afaka and it was in use before it was named so, my guess you know
by what corroborations it is caused.
But I don't know, this one could indeed be invented, too awkward
and not looking like anything else, but maybe I say so because my
head.. my head ached at the right side and I thought why do
feelings side hurt if I am working with my thinking side, what
feeling bothers me? And I immediately saw bright lamp burning at
my left-front, so I switched it off and my head immediately felt
This variant doesn't look that awkward, and why would you have
different order if you have just invented it? Why would you have
orders different from european alphabet? Would you do it to fool
the aborigines that this is their own nation's books? You would
fool noone if the elders didn't agree.
Three orders of the Afaka syllabary as recorded in
the Patili Molosi Buku, c. 1917. The traditional order is at
top. Letters which retain a final nasal may reflect their
origin, such as ne(m) from "name" and ko(m) from "come". The mid
order differs in moving row 5 and the syllable a to the
beginning. Most significant allographs can be seen in comparing
these two syllabaries, with some letters rotated and others more
angular in the mid syllabary. The bottom order is arranged
top-to-bottom according to the Dutch alphabetic order,
reflecting the Dutch spellings j and oe for modern Ndyuka y and
u, respectively.
I think that the last order is the attempt to align those
signs to european alphabet, but others I don't know, either way
they're the field for comparison and further investiogati investigation. And this
european order is used in the picture which I gave you before this
one, where vowels were separated from it, and I expect it to be
further iteration, made by those who compared it to other
And it is also syllabic, which is more than archaic, why would
somebody who saw european literature want to make it syllabic? So
I declare this script genuine a'priori, time and further
investigation maybe will show it more clearly.
The syllabary as recorded in 1920. The order is
the original except that a comes first. There are three errors:
kwa is missing; te(n) in column 4 was written ti(ng), though ti
appears again in column 6; and di in column 6 was transcribed
ba, though it duplicates di in column 5. (Ba/pa in column 5 had
only been transcribed as pa. It should also be closed at the
bottom; perhaps this is an inking error.) Also, accounts from
the second half of the 20th century no longer give nyu as an
alternate reading of nya.
And now something which was also reported to be created in the
same period, but from another side of America, the Yugtun or
Alaska script:
I hope somebody explores this thing and tells how many of those
signs were used before europeans came, because Uyaquq,
who was monolingual in Yup'ik but had a son who was literate in
English,[2] initially used indigenous pictograms as a form of
proto-writing that served as a mnemonic in preaching the Bible.
However, when he realized that this did not allow him to
reproduce the exact words of a passage the way the Latin
alphabet did for English-speaking missionaries, he and his
assistants developed it until it became a full syllabary.
The indigenous picograms nobody seems to explain (how old are
them? what did each stand for?)
and then chaos of the internets reminds me of the officially
indigenous writing systems of philippines, this time I recognize
that they are collectively called suyats, and the file below calls
them sulats. hm:
And this Kawi thing could be the legendary 15-letter script
ancient greek myths speak of, but maybe they speak of runic aettir
given by Bureus three by five. But then again maybe Kawi and those
runes are related, but maybe not. I wonder what was the indigenous
order of this scripts, I have to dig into them, but then again I
have to focus on immortality.
And I think of other vowels, I know these are given as syllaries,
even though they're better than abugidas, they're letters,
vocalized by diacritic signs above and below, The
Kawi script originated in Java and was used across much of
Maritime Southeast Asia. It is hypothesized to be an ancestor of
The presence of Kawi script in the Philippines is evidenced in
the Laguna Copperplate Inscription, the earliest known written
document found in the Philippines. It is a legal document with
the inscribed date of Shaka era 822, corresponding to April 21,
900 CE.
A second example of Kawi script can be seen on the Butuan Ivory
Seal, found in the 1970s and dated between the 9th and 12th
centuries. It is an ancient seal made of ivory that was found in
an archaeological site in Butuan. The seal is inscribed with the
word Butwan in stylized Kawi. Declared as a National Cultural
Treasure, the Butuan Ivory Seal is now housed at the National
Museum of the Philippines.[8]
and it's 8:22 and I got deep into recently introduced writing
systems and if you need some artificial abomination, Ol Chiki
script looks so retared it could easily be produced by the ego of
its created, but then even that awkward script needs some thorough
anthropologic inquiry.
and another one reported to be invented recently, and I don't know
what to make out of it, it's unusual, that's for sure:
Eskayan is written with a syllabic script
consisting of over 1,000 symbols, some of which are shown below.
The symbols are apparently modelled on human body parts, though
resemble cursive Latin letters. The earliest known written
document in Eskayan dates from 1908. Apparently a man named
Pinay invented the script, though nobody knows when he did so.
so let's call it a day, see ya next week or on sunday evening,
because tomorrow I have family gathering, and the next day I have
to instal security cameras at my village house, and sunday morning
I have to communicate with the christian community.
But instead I got three more tokes from 2 pinches (one was in the
and created 6 two-sided tokens or are they 12 tokens?
I just recognized nft as a form of donation (I was donated for
nothing, or for an advice $20 so my tokens won't drop below this
figure, I will sell my tokens on auctions and people will buy them
to sell those who want to donate instead of them if they didn't
know that I sold those tokens. And I will see who holds tokens and
inform them of issuing the new ones (books or manuscripts) and
then they sell it down the river for more money to those who
didn't know that I had that sale, and then they register at my
site to participate in the auctions. Those nft's will be forms of
commercial papers, being a currency between those who are
interested in the same thing (as paintings are valuable among
those who values them.
Jourgensen fans will buy bear to somebody who donated Jourgensen,
for example.
бил бел
вёл вял
никакого грал нет, есть играл, крал, а крал это и брал и драл, к
меж б и д, среднее?
среднее central? C?
C and D of old and young moons are God (Good) and Devil (Evil)
Devil (Bad? Baal? vil is baal? because de is probably of deus)
if C (old crescent) is Good, and D (young crescent) is Bad, it's
because youth is stupid and cruel, old is wise and has to be kind
because he's weak.
good and kind are probably cognates, doublets. where's the third?
11:45, it was quite a night, quite a shift, thus I've been working
for twelve hours (smoking for three times, each seance seem to be
four hours as I said they are, and I'm not done yet, I'm quite at
the top, even if at the second half, of the third seance, I have
to go write what I thought)
bear вёл
carry нёс
вести и нести вести with, нести on (на) ти = ты? ор ду(do)
we say медов, they say of mead
honey and bunny is money?
бил бел~боялся~бился (бол=бал)
вил вёл вял ваял
гол гул гудел goal~хотел?
дал дел дол дул
знал зол
клал? кал? кол? кол~kill?
мыл мял мел мол мул мал
ныл нал нуль
ол? ал и ел и юл только гласные с таким суффиксом, и из них лишь
ел является глаголом.
пил плыл пел паял поел не считается, потому что по это уже явно
приставка. by.
рвал рыл
ссал сил сел
тол тел~тул
слова туловище и тело однокоренные.
ул? улей?
фол фиал как и фэйл всё заимствования
хуел худел~хил
цедил цел
чадил чилл чёл
шил шёл шаль
щадил счёл(счёт~щёт)
ъ ы ь э
Next day, 000:06
Bead is said to be of the same bet Beth is.
обет как обещание? что-то типа того.
ч semantically is close to q and the final jewish row reminds both
q-row and ч-row:
ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
щ ш ч ц х ф у
t s r q p o
ч thus unites q and r, q semantically and r graphically in
yet there's no х in those two other lines, but it is in greek:
well, greek is complicated, and I haven't smoked yet.
Suddenly I notice that L shows the angle at the top of which it
top has the same to as точка. p is probably point. чка is probably
chan, чика: димчик, димочка.
the following sentence is a result of
hackers attack, they had such a server, am I too self absorbed?
I'm an idiot without future, because I don't communicate, I'm so
self absorbed, that I am not wanted by anyone really, I look
like a bum, and I even dare to smell sometimes living alone
allow myself not to wash for days. I should leave it all and go?
I have done just that and I came back with some awesome stuff
nobody seems to want. I am a heretic, a hex, hacks,
which-doctors, not academic autodidacts nobody takes seriously
(I hardly would do it being within the system, I am not going to
make it from the outside with no strong allies. I hope that new
guy I'm asked to meet may help me, I hope to get strong mentors
and protectors. Покровитель also can be translated as
patron, promoter, sponsor, angel, encourager, father. Courage
includes rage within it, courage is with rage. It also includes urqa of hurray.
you ray? сияй? стреляй! или покажись? луч отражённый от оружия,
оружие отражает удары и свет. оружие орудие труд тот же руд в себе
имеет? труд как "по руду" to руд (к рыжему (золотому, рыжьё значит
золото на жаргоне. жар жёлт. золот. жар
рыж. потому что кот ток и вол лов и wall law и да ад? что за
херню я здесь развёл? idiot without future me. I was hacked
and now I'm scared, and thus dumb, or I was dumb first, I fight
and I will die because of that, I am an aggressive philosopher,
and chances are this is my final volume, I should leave, just
get lost, to be on a run, forever. To go isolated to survive. To
discover my things on some private territory, ))
The way 88 resembles SS makes me say that 8 is S and because it is
eight, it's also eitch, H and this H~S (bother
a both are ʃ ) so ss is шушукаться?
well, as one of the interpretations, but it's probably extremely
I noticed that I don't know Thai abugida,
I suspect the following image to be accurate only in the lowest
lines, it's derivation from proto-sinaitic is probably politically
motivated. but I like such large and elaborated images, this one
is from and it links to
itself in full size (4*4 times larger)
for example the jump from Aramaic to Brahmi is completely
arbitrary, no similarity between those signs can be seen, even I
don't allow such liberties to myself, considering me quite a freak
for the unorthodoxy of how I am doing this thing. four to five
signs are similar is it enough to pull that link between them? But
aleph of brahmi does remind aleph of semites, I know this from
other fonts, it is not obvious in the ones they used here, so who
knows, maybe other letters are more similar in some other fonts,
so I just leave it here for you to considr too.
B and M are dialectal forms of the same letter: Bad Mad, Big Maga
Mega, Break Wreck мрть.
Multilinear alphabet is probably a product of imperial (but
empire!) unification of dialectal variants.
And if it's so, we almost certainly identify I-line with India,
because it's that East we probably collectively recognized as
India that has K as the first consonant. A K S T N H M Y R W, A K
L M N? A K N M L if we are more japanese than this.A K M could be
their canon, not Om but Ohm.
The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI derived unit of
electrical resistance, named after German physicist Georg Ohm.
Either way, Brahmi is something to look into:
The Prakrit word "Dha-ṃ-ma" (Dharma) in the Brahmi
script, as inscribed by Ashoka in his Edicts. Topra Kalan
pillar, now in New Delhi (3rd century BCE).
Classification of Brahmi characters by James
Prinsep in March 1834. The structure of Brahmi (consonantal
characters with vocalic "inflections") was properly identified,
but the individual values of characters remained undetermined,
except for four of the vocalic inflections. Journal of the
Asiatic Society of Bengal Volume 3 (March 1834).[135]
This is the sequence I actually was looking for htere, to compare
it to what I found in japanese, and actually to the I-line:
the order of those letters is KJN M L
if you are looking for triangle, it's among vowels, here we have
only consonants.
K N and actually KaNa, there's no way these events are not
connected, kana is like abc, az buka
Language gurus don't think to very actively want my work. Enough
of trying to communicate with them, they probably don't accept
correspondance from amateurs. They filter us at the level of
addresses, non-academically-affiliated emails are idiots without
future, as an ip-checker or iq-checker or whatever it was
yesterday, I swallowed all the baits, that's what academia
responds to me, with baits, and I will be lucky if those bastards
just pray satan as the ruler of this worls and what we know about
him is that he hates humans. But what if he hates our humanness
and would like us to see as gods? Would D'evil (it litearlly beans
(means beams) of evil, what do you think? But what is evil? Fear,
and other negative emotions are evil. Evil and negative are very
much related semantically on symbolic level. Those two meanings
are not related semantically initially, but associations are like
that. Maybe because accidentally we have written evil and darkness
in one side of yin yang. Or I am just influenced by yin yang and
accepting their way of looking at women and other things?
Suddenly ev- means good in greek: evangelie, eugenics, эукариот
kill коли
bill болей (голосуй) или вали белей? bell? бом?
feel филей фоли fall fail (people maybe lost when they felt
something (when they felt pain) would they cover their wounds by
the killed beasts, bloody skin? That side is sorta sterile. Except
parasites, but they all probably had them, chances are we all have
some, numbers are outrageiours, so maybe only next generations
born into sterile environment can not do now because of what
bureaucratic hell it is, but some times in the future maybe we can
get into sterile environment and get rid of all our cohosts where
hos is hoouse house@! okay, that ho of both house and home. if me
is me then se is ся. сам по себе. сие. третье лицо разпадается на
сё и то, и это как оно и идёт в латинском и соседних алфавитах,
подтверждая тем самым что алфавит структурирован не только
фонетически, но ещё и грамматически. И лексическая часть там тоже
есть, её ещё предстоит найти в конце, из грамматических частей, их
IiJ Mij Hij
U Wij Zij (I think I found something better instead of
U in old forms, when I combine these pieces I will see if I did)
здесь ещё не знаю дальше, так покружил, на -м заткнулся, because I
don't know lating
-i -m? -?
-o -ere -s -t
но вот эти -s & -st actually are the same s and t of сё and
то: второе лицо ближе третьего обычно.
So now I say -s is the same s of this. and -t (or even if it's
-st) is t of that.
and ere of infinitive form (in latin, these lines are latin) is of
there and означает вообще, in general.
r s t
there this that
then! them! here are the letters I was looking for. But it's
English, not latin. This is how latin suffixes appear in english
suffixes too. Only in lating those suffixes are
S is one of three mothers, T appeared later in text, because S
also go for third person forms these and those, where they played
by voweels as they also did in this and that, thus i is e*e and a
is o (only two vowels there were even before only two consonants
were (the myth tells there were five vowels, when only b and t of
all the consonants, and it is natural, because vowels are heard
better, so first people mastered two vowels, and when they had
five they also knew couple of consonants, so instead of two words
come and run, yes and no, i and au
but how and why is it the other way around in russina: da &
net. E закрыто, скалится, или улыбается но нет. а Да это со
вздохом? типа ну что уж там, бери, но почему дать имеет да в
зделать да. дал = да он(il), дарил (I'm thinking of
better punctuation (compare to pronounciation) and I come to
accepting the mathematical notations, where , is + and their , is
/(ten in power of ammount of the digits past it) but among letters
+ looks like t, which could be et, it's to in japanese, and I just
found that it's also et, yet. In english et is yet. yet and and
are doublets@! what is the third one? yeah? yep? yep yes yet
da (the)
thee though
they them then
though there this these those that
But let's look for independent collections of th-words:
thy tho the
that this they them then than thus thin thou thee thru thaw thud
thug thew thio thae thro thir
there their these three those think third thing thank theme throw
thick threw theft thumb thief thigh thorn thyme thorp thump theta
therm throb thine thane thong thunk thiol thill thrum throe thole
thuja thesp theca thebe thegn thein thens tharm thaws thack thews
thewy thins thugs thuds thurl thuya thymi thymy thirl thrip thoro
thous thraw
through thought thereby theatre therapy thermal thereof thunder
therein theater thereto thinner thirdly thereon thinker thirsty
thyroid theorem thistle thrifty thicket thicken thyself throaty
thermos thruway thimble thorium thither thrombi thymine thionyl
thermic thereat theurgy thulium thready thermae thalweg theriac
thyrsus thionic thorite thallus thallic thanage theorbo thecate
theelol theelin thegnly theines theists theisms theolog theming
thenage thenars thanked thanker thawers thawing thatchy thalers
thairms thacked thalami therian thermes thermel thermit theroid
thewier thicker thickly thiamin thiazol thiazin thighed thieves
thieved thinned thiolic thorias thonged tholing thionin thirsts
thirams thirled thistly threaps threads threeps threats thrifts
thrived thriven thriver thrives
and it goes on:
Though I doubt orthography is genuine (compare through and thru,
that thru could be too direct, like in сру, and thus we (or them)
were motivated to pronounce it closer to through throw (I wanted
to draw thraw and drew through instead)
I was looking for words with p, but the closest to this basic
level was thump (others I didn't even know. thorp is an
interesting word I didn't know, but then I noticed that
.translator and .images disagree on that, so it's probably not a
word in modern english, but some personal name or something)
Satan and jews are very much connected in this story. If any
nation is closer to satan than jews are gipsies. In the eyes of
the europeans, but from the point of arabs it's whites are the
devils (great satan and little satan) because satan can be
translated as enemy, there's a confusion between who is who.
Is Devil satan? if it is d'evil, then yes those are pretty much
But if evil is some patriarchic slander? If eve is V, vulva,
возлюбленная? vamp~femme?
femme~ mom?
evil is literally of eve, de eve, eve'l
of eve is של חוה
and של is
of, and ל is to, and here ש reminds w,
inverting letters in latin script.
To Eve is אל חוה though, and seeing these two mothers,
it is only natural to think of מל, but it's only well, Mel.
Isn't it ironic that he may help you to memorize two hevrew
forms if you know the basics, but who will allow to teach
children prechristian cosmology or whatever you call it,
heathen traditions I seem to reconstruct must have me place
among some heathen people. But will they be interested in
hebrew sources? Very unlikely. So should I preach among the
jews? Nope.
and this was the end of this session, finished on some
unconscious note (I don't remember writing that sentence now
when I finish the session)
триединство L (literally El) is that it's vowel in sanskrit
and sorta vowel in ll of roman languages, that it's labial
in the form of polish ł, that it's lingual in all the other
cases (or at leas in most of them)
триединство L ещё и в том, что она стоит между М и I, таким
образом претендуя на место в гласном либо губном кластере
(протобукве, распавшейся на несколько букв (её ий uvwxy -
and here is lingual x between letters of one claseet claster.
нищий ничей.
расщепление S на цчшщ вызвано фонетизацией алфавита
(желанием привязать к каждому звуку собственный символ)
расщепление на о у вызвано фонетизацией алфавита,
евреи имеют У-образный знак ע на месте О и это последняя
страка. У рабов в том же месте стоит E-образный символ ع
так что похоже что Изначально было лишь две гласных,
от которых в слоге согласная была твёрдая или мяхкая. а
потому е и ю пересекаются.
ע פ צ ק ר
ש ת О П Р С Т
Ꙋ зачем я этим занят? забей,
забудь, забань.
Today I fiound myself a secretary to tra ns literate my
memes work until they are defeated by better memes:
чо по японски жопа. по японски? а по английски кто это хуй
Dmitrij sounds as димыч, thus trij is ч, thus rij is щ which
it graphically very mmuch reminds
thus the stress is at mi, dimYch, unlike I'm called today.
mnuch v my много
Suddenly T and 13 used to stand for the same. Was 15 V? Ꙋ?
would make a perfect 16 letter set.
st and ks as aphricates
pst could be poop, piss, spit (check the sofits. also
in russian to spit is plevatt which is similar to
поливать, и если поливать огнём, то мочить, такая вот
игра словес где -ес возможно, но сегодня считается
избыточным суффиксом множественного числа. )
л как й можно наблюдать в
диалектной устаревшей форме деять (сегодня говорят делать)
и то, что эта форма устаревшая, говорит о том, что л скорей
всего была гласной ещё раньше (как она и отнесена в
неси = не себе?
does "take" have thou for ta? does it have к (to) for ke? or
is it тащи? to себе?
does беру have japanese る as its verbal
suffix? does its be stand for в (in)?
Олегишна is more euphonic form of Олеговна, and in it w~ш and ו~i
USA has great strategy: even when the states separate, they are
still the states.
орков от эльфов отделив,
Города спутники, резервации для индейцев спасли бы Россию.
Евроссию азия от слов аост.
слово slow
слово is law
слово действует медленней действия (фасции? fist? поступка,
постука, стук и ступ. ступ стоп. стоп от слова стопы. стоп уже
множественное число, недавно я встречал такой избыточный ссуфикс и
и х дофига: слов, голов, без ов голову бы не узнали, было бы
просто гол. гол от головап как тул ис толова. тул узнаваемо как
ع как Е и О at the same time, double C is it you?
ᚮ как джвойное ᛆ
and here I see that ا is just an empty staff, a vowel flow where
neither lips of doubles nor linguals of linguals
oof singluise.
single c сынкой? split? 2 as the first numeral. aDaM
were syllables backwards?
ء as the half of ع as the a half of aa[o]
ء ب ج د
ع ف ق س
ء ب ج د
ع ف ق ر
ج and ق look lesser pair (less of pair) than the other three, and
three is the number.
ء ب د
ع ف ر
ف reminds p and ر reminds r if you rotate it 270 degrees and
mirror. Then ع is Ѡ
ء is u, and then it seems they "look upon each other, you
shouldn't mirror this row, but د tells other wise in relation to г
and (фтв is how and looks in russian keyboard and it even became
local meme in mahead: ftw)
ب doesn't look much like b or B, but the dots make it reflect ف
just like b reflects p, and thsu (thus, за сим) ب is Ⱁ, it doubles
ء of on some other axis. Check out ⰕⰖⰗⰙⰟⰠⰡ
Ⱅ reflects both Ⰲ and Ⱁ
And though other font shows b as the opposite of d (in that
glagolica b and d are doubled the way Ⱅ is doubled D, or rather
doubled d, they have it like and probably it is why it is so
shily drawn in modern unicode as so
it doesn't allow us to recognize it as penis.
and the opposite letter, the b, or rather v the in unicode has its balls hanging
so law that we see what these variants are:
And then it's scary what look
like: it's clear then it's not letters on the wall, but letters on
the floor. flow? lava? fall
Andis the form I was looking for
comparison to ب as it could look being also reflected, and thus ء
is more c-like, and the lower stroke is the swash, as it is swash
in u which is ultimately U or even v
And is Ν a form of Λ then? why not Μ a form of Ν? Maybe both.
Since I've shown this image I found that this is the german
coursive, but let's look at it again: how e looks like u uniting
them as ع uniting o and u and looking like E, and h looks so much
like ʃ supporting what I had to say about it. t looks like
dashless s, or rather s looks like l, which correlates the next
lellers looking the same: т is russian t. and п is
russian p btw.
They have it like п R S т
but their Rr is Рр and because s and t are forms of one another, I
see these four as doublets of B and T.
That e also looks like n and m and who knows what else, so I will
probably return to this screenshot again in some other context.
Notice how there (their) g looks like щ, like y, like س
But back to glagolythic: those two fonts show to me that t=d, or
at least that t~d (related, very close, similar, somehow related,
but I've already said it)
Surfing further through volume IV I met this beauty:
I think these are just some magic square, but what caught my
attention is how some numeral look exactly like some brahmic
letter: ४ is devanagary 4 and 𑀫 is brahmic ma (or just m, the
basic form without diacritics) so let's compare those devanagari
numerals to those brahmic basics:
० १ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८९
𑀓 𑀔 𑀕 𑀖 𑀗 𑀘 𑀙 𑀚 𑀛 𑀜 𑀝 𑀞 𑀟 𑀠 𑀡 𑀢 𑀣 𑀤 𑀥 𑀦 𑀧 𑀨
𑀩 𑀪 𑀫 𑀬 𑀭 𑀮 𑀯 𑀰 𑀱 𑀲 𑀳 𑀴
𑀞 the th for zero is nice,
but let's compare more closele:
० १ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९
𑀞𑀣 𑀜 𑀮
? 𑀫 𑀛
𑀚 𑀨 𑀧 𑀱
and though I did my best, only few letters correspond to
devanagari numerals, but how four and ma meet is still
fascinating, but let's memorize ८(8) as 𑀧[p] or 𑀝[ṭ]
Here it's clear to me that it is some aiu tradition alike to
buhid, only that here they already developed long (double) forms
and also some additional e o japanese kanas know and even some Ø
they don't necessarily do (other than ん and maybe す)
And all this (also because high notes are shown with diacritics
above the letter and low notes with diacritics below it, the same
way suyat scripts have it. And going eve4n further I say that kawi
which only has one vowel is the foremost script of them all, which
history seem to agree on (if we speak of suyat, not if we drop the
brahmi into the picture) but then scrolling down the random javan
streets didn't make me feel like this is the cradle of the writing
tradition, buntil I saw their
cemetary where graves were made not of soil as in russia, but of
stone, which could be an european tradition of course, but even
foreign cemetary in Rome is not as stone as this.
and to my surprise these forms are often very different from the
ones I saw before:
So it kinda intrigued me, and I kept on digging:
Why I copied all these here is to show that it is quite a culute
and quite a field to dig in.
And here's also one which seems to have a dissected head, and thus
probably has some linguistic information, but then maybe it
The inscription begins with a salvation prayer as
is customary in ancient inscriptions.[3] The next line is a
chronogram (candrasangkala), but it has not yet been
deciphered.[2][3] The following lines contain praises to the
crown prince (yuwaraja) Ananggawarman, son of Adityawarman, as a
person who is devoted to his father, mother, and teacher.[2]
Ananggawarman is also mentioned in connection with the phrase
Hewajra nityasmrti,[4] which indicates that his religious sect
is the same as his father's, namely the Tantric Buddhism.[4][5]
This reveals that some rulers in Sumatra followed esoteric
Buddhism at least until the 14th century CE.[4]
The inscription is written in Old Javanese script
and Sanskrit language.
One of modern suyats, kulitan, seems to be a wicked way to write:
The indigenous characters were recorded as culit
by the early 17th and 18th century Spanish lexicographers
(Benavente, 1699 and Bergaño, 1732).[8][9] This served as
inspiration for the name "Kulitan" which was recently coined to
refer to the modern writing system. The ordinary folks simply
called them Súlat Kapampángan to distinguish them from the Latin
Kulitan is made up of Indûng Súlat, or the "progenitor"
(literally "mother") characters, and the Anak Súlat, or the
"offspring" (literally "child") characters. The Indûng Súlat are
the base characters with the unaltered inherent vowel sounds.
They are the building blocks of Súlat Kapampángan. Indûng súlat
gives birth to Anak Súlat or "offspring" characters whenever
their inherent vowel sound has been altered by a ligature or a
diacritical mark.
The siuálâ or vowels in Kulitan are usually written as
garlit[10] or diacritical marks placed above or below an
individual Indûng Súlat or "mother" character. Ligatures are
also sometimes used to further lengthen these vowel sounds or
represent the monophthongized diphthongs AI (E) and AU (O). A
glyph with a diacritical mark or ligature attached to it is an
Anak Súlat or "offspring" character. A consonant can lose its
following vowel if written at the right side of the preceding
The recital order of the Indûng Súlat characters are A, I, U, E,
O, GA, KA, NGA, TA, DA, NA, LA, SA, MA, PA, BA.[11]
Музейон Музей Музон
Му Зей Он
Б первая буква алфавита. 2 первое число. Be первый глагол. Беги
Быстро Go
whistle? I know two forms of whistle: labial inhale and lingual
exhale. This is probably why I always felt something
inhaling in labials, but I though it was because of в [v] standing
for in "in" russian and wow being more natural on inhale, just as
MuTheyOn as ᛒᚦᚾ and thus ᚾ is a form of ᚿ?
Me They Own?
Myowne They
all these three lines should have been grey,
and only the mess in the third one made them darker
Crescent sounds as christianed
And maybe because moon reflects the sun (which Jesus and cross
both represent) Crescent is Sunned?
Nah, probably not.
is something interesting, though.
further go numerals L M N? Why would the order was so strange? 1 3
2, but I saw 3 2 in bothe ᛒᚦ and ᚠᚵ and then it's M N O? the three
numerals? 3 2 0? 1 is not a number. number of people is not one
when they say number of people, the number is not supposed to be
Христианское учение о троице, скорей всего, порождено не языческой
традицией (что, в свою очередь, возможно, является традицией,
содержащейся в языке) а учением Плотина о триаде «Единое Ум Душа»
где, в таком случае, в роли единого выступает Отец, Сын же
выступает в роли ума, и т.о. Иисус является просто умным мужиком,
и дух с душой являются синонимами, тем более что никто не
ням ням = yum yum
крестный ход ~ крестовый поход
one = он (оба слова используются как замена предыдущего
Христианствао сражалось с наукой., и сегодня когда наука
коррумпированна, захочет ли христианство её поразить (и в злом и в
х-орошем смыслах) или её такая наука устраивает?
Стерлигова (как одного из ярчайших представителей современного
христианства) не устраивает именно загрязнение общей среды
обитания. И в этом я с ним согласен: ты мути чего хочешь, но
другим сука жить не мешай. Но это же относится к обоим сторонам:
ты живи в лесу но нам дорогу строить не мешай.
Положительные эмоции натягивают лыбу. Рефлекс. Зарял в
мозщгах стягивет мышцы? моё зрение ухудшилось. Надо придумать
Смерть СмеpBa
t~v again or different suffixes.
бабки правят миром:
тело христово по приемуществу женское.
а что если это не евреи дурят паству, а бабки и тётки управляют
миром через этих стрёмных мужиков
Мужики бы не послушали баб, но есть мужики, которым они доверяют и
кого слушаются: жиды, особенно наряжённые торжественно в
невиданные одежды. в платья.
история про "красивейшей", троянская война, родина=мать, иди сынок
родину (родну, родную) защищай. Женщины выбирают смелых парней. И
если они заебали, на войну. Или повод расстаться если трус,
натравить на долбоёба солдатиков.
я не сумасшедший. сумасбродный
у гад ал
've guessed
это слоржней
ⰄⰎ (both Ⰴ and Ⰾ were taught to me different way (Ⰴ's both half
were equal to the right one, here the left bubble is extended
upwards to the very top. Is it Dd? ah, nah, probably not. Ⰾ's top
bubbly was a 9-like whirl, very similar to this one but yet
different, here I see it a triple loop closed in a ringof three
squares, this font is more squaric, I remembre them more round. I
will add the images, I must.
Ⱅ is extended as high as that left ball of the Ⰴ is, while in the
other font it is kinda pressed to be only half of the hight, okay,
too many wordsm, two fonts for the comparison:
Первый столбец: «круглая», или болгарская
Второй столбец: «угловая», или хорватская глаголица;
Третий столбец: хорватская печатная глаголица из бревиария 1493
года — как видно, уже не использовавшиеся тогда в хорватском
языке буквы (всякие юсы и еры с ерями) отсутствуют.
see, he speaks about memory (память) but my task here is to make
this field proper for understanding.
To do that I have to understand it myself. I understand some
things I didn't understand before I began this journey, I cannot
say I understand it al of course, to get it I need some ai, or
better a rejuvenation and immortality capsule.
H could be recognized as vowel because it's neither labial nor
necessarily lingual.
H could be II but then it's Y and though greeks could agree, other
nations,, not so much.
it can be true that present is a gift, but what is even more ture
is that presence is presents.
That glagolitic table tells it used as a source the pdf I also
mentioned and even copypasted here, it's time to return to it
again: The one
on the left is called cyrillic, but some forms is something I have
never saw, and the one at the right is called glagolitic, but it's
left variants are also different from the three above, but
genuinely it's croatian, because as in that second column, it has
symmetry between В[v] and Т[t] which makes this script based
This volume became so large it became to lag, so before we go to
the next volume, to complet this one I will notice what I
recognized yesterday being not smoking, but after my meating with
christians from whom I learn to communicate with people, I lack
this skill, and I also want to find a way through the church to
modernize the society, I know it's a paradox, but I consider
myself a genius.
So this final part is S~T as Satan~Teufel~Devil, Смерть~Tod~Death