It is volume 16 (1514131211109876543210)
a free and savage draft it is, peace nigga please
Okay I will trty to stick to language labiage stuss stuff
f as dashed out s (not lingual, not ſ, f)
and then t is not l? why so? because or is it.. ł is w, not
lingual, labial, as if t is also w, and I copy it to
I feed both wolves, so if you feel something distasteful you may
find something to your taste further in the text. If you find me
not rude, but wrong, send me a message about it, the it's at the
end of the page.
Let's return to runic calendars for a moment:
Notice how alphabet on the first two goes abcdefg, while at the
other one it seems to be абвþefg also showing that ᚱ is indeed П
or some other labial. And that g of theirs is n in some other
font, though ᚿ does look like г pretty much. Which makes them ŋ.
Also notice how nicely ᚢ is v and not u in here (because abv
sequence is supported with russian tradition, and abu is only abu,
which is kinda irrelevant) which is supported by the axial
symmetry of the bornholm runic alphabet.
(что же ты) мальчишь молчишь
yes, good morning
the last image is веретено,
веретие верети веретено, scissors.. ruler
spindle ruler scissors
And I expect some otherr S-word for the ruler, some aphricated (as
they confusingly say today, let's find some more commonly
understood word.. digraph is better, let's try again: complex
letter. is wh double letter? single letter is understtod easily, a
is a single letter, b is a single letter, d is a single letter,
and I'm not sure about c. c couldbe db which is dh and it explains
gothic form, and maybe explains the confusion of the term.
Here, gothic B:
as if it's the opposite of R, and positionally it can be the case:
R is in the final lingual claster of the archaic alphabet (short
form of the alphabet, seen even in abecedaria artefacts)
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿𐍀 𐍁 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄 𐍅
𐍆 𐍇 𐍈 𐍉 𐍊
are 𐌲 𐌳 russian and энGлиш forms of the same thing? both are
written as g
Notice U-like 𐌵 where F or Ϝ if we compare 𐌶 to Ζ
And to my surprise and pleasure 𐌵 is transliterated into modern
ipa as qw, which explains why in runes it is ᚱ QR is the
subclaster, but of what? PQR because of graphical similarity or
QRST because of articulatiory similarity? Or is it both one
claster PQR where R later broke down into staveless Z and ł? But ł
is w? and thus it's all articulatorily and graphically the same at
the same time, which is rather absurd. But hold on, I'm coming:
I said before, and I say now even more explicitly: FUThARK is the ark of course, some foot arc? food arc?
Food Arc. All the tasty animals were eaten? The smartest animals
survived: humans probably stole food from stronger animals, and
then they learnt how to exterminate all the strong and
sagressive animals leaving only non-aggressivwe one, they
enslaved the strong non-aggressive ones. and weak ones too
sometimes. So bear's cautiousness saved his specie. They
don't fuck around most of the time, for those who fucked around
were shot first. But they still may make quite a mess, humans
shouldn't keep those monsters around, we should domesticate all
the animals, non-domesticated animals
is ABCEFG (ᚱ is neither R nor even П, and yet it unites P[p] and
Р[r], but ᚹ[w, just as Ϝ is told to be])
and then digamma is W, and then gamma is V
and that is another case of B~C paradox)
прихожанин прихожу. к приходу
sheep in a wolf clothes
TV.html just looked exactly as IV.html, I got really nervous
seeing that this new file is only few kB, so it makes me think of
I as of a form of T and it would explain the Ι-like form of
ancient Ζ and suddenly ΕϜΖΗΘΙ would be two similar lines. And
because I heard of 7 vowels sang by the priests of Apollo. A Po
LLo (l as j[y] is quite organic, because both l and j are
Apollo is considered to be the most Greek of all
the gods.
Both scale and straightedge have their s double, so let's choose
the one different from the other two:
Spindle Straightedge Scissors (even though c is read differently
in scale and scissors, maybe they.. maybe they're two sides of the
same C, which is the opposite of P
B(P) gives birth T(C) cuts. b gives, t gets. to give and to get
are the original antonyms, the take is some later inversion of get
or whatever. give в, get от.
Labial B is initially inhaling (as a kiss, pussen, hence b~c
difference in the way nations begin their consonant rows) and
lingual T is exhaling all along (as a spit)
плюнуть поцелуть, где п is пэй, уста на иврите, и значение буквы
פ, mouth, פֶּה.
You may naturally ask "why do you use english lexics for something
much older than english?:" first of all because I work with what I
can, second English is angelic, third when english appeared they
probably knew this heathen hexen haze, fourth because the so
called indoeuropean aka aryan languages probably share these roots
and I expect to find them in greek or wherever was the centre of
the cult.
άτρακτος κυβερνήτης ψαλίδι (well, maybe not. or maybe they were in
the eastern canon)
Если открыть рот и произнести гласные
древнегреческого языка А-Э-И-О-У , то есть в том порядке в
котором они идут в древнегреческом алфавите, α-ε-ι-ο-υ,
почувствуется чёткое последовательное движение от самого корня
языка и гортани к губам. То есть порядок гласных в алфавите не
странно, что он упомянает именно древнегреческий алфавит,
тогда как лишь в очень древнегреческом так, в древнем до реформы
жрецов А-По-Ло(на) тогда как в
латинском и многих других до сих пор так.
> Как известно, звуки [e] и [о] возникли из комбинаций
первичных гласных А-Э-У.
> [е] из [ai]
> [o] из [аu]
Отчего-то никто не указал на опечатку: согласно второй
строке, в первой должно быть "А-И-У"
Я указал, но скорей всего был непонят(ен).
Тогда действительно "так известно" (их всего три в
древнеперсидской клинописи, в древнейшем из индонезийских шрифтов
kawi, последовательность a i u является общей между алфавитами и
годзюон и всем что между ними (на западе от них есть огам, где
последовательность этих трёх гласных иная: a u i (что намекает,
что изначально было всего две гласных, которые были столь
фундаментальны, что гнули согласные (так что б превращалось в в, к
превращалось в с, ч, и быть может q является попыткой согнуть
согласные и под новую гласную, u))))
rus-sumer так-то вообще доставляет:
Самая древняя зафиксированная на письме форма
слова ЗВЕЗДА - स्वस्थ "свастха", ведический санскрит.
но с другой стороны вполне может бы ть что он гонит:
С якобы санскрита слово swastika объясняют иначе —
как su = добро (хм-хм) и aste = быть (что близко к est & st
и пр. PIE™, да)
ну и да, именно к звезде свастика не имеет отношения.
Латинское стелла от румынского/слaвянского stea (звезда), а
оттуда же steajăr — см. стожары — более древний корень.
Полярная звезда на румынском «steaua polară».
и кто из них прав х.з. возможно, что никто. Возможно и я тут
гонева натащил со всей округи, редакция, редакция, редакция.
Оставь всё сомнительное и чужеродное в этих чуланах, тащи на свет
лишь то, в чём сам на сто уверен (такого здесь довольно много, в
любом случае сколько бы ни было, на поверхность следует
выкладывать лишь только бесспорные вещи, лишь те которые сумею в
споре защитить, затащить))
good morningh.
внезапно изменил тему интернационала: весь мир насилья мы изменим
изменой изменив систему, мы нашим вашим и им даже предложим много
лучше тему.
мы ~ им (где ~ означает не синонимию, а антонимию. надо
найти у логиков значок. логические значки! я их упомянул, вроде
даже показал, но с ними не работал. они и значки для вышивки и вязщания вязания
ваяния воздаяния
мы им
он но
от то
их хи
ich he
you we
я I
And we've got three types of mirrored pronouns:
я I
ich he
me им
all three have first person in the pair.
we you may show that
I notice that I make reddirt spacing and I rationalize it: all
these are separate messages, one is the answer to another. and why
redditr spacing isn't welcome on the imageboards? Because
imageboards colour > lines with green, and you can separate
your sheet with quots so people understand what you answer to.
Speak short and if you want to
show much favor to the world with your poem, a very wise thought,
then make an effort of editing it. This division between people of
different tastes comes between технарями (techno men) and
гуманитариями (humano mano) and techno includes death metal and
other electrical powertools, humanities are something much less
advanced, it's all animalistically around the feelings (poems,
music only most of the t,, and I realized that I just butthurted
that what.. Theat I am in some sick grounds, I merged into
humanities so I became less technically correct, and the style
went not to my taste, get back to where you once belong. I
definitely side with the technicians, because they know their
stuff and they think right, straight, correct. Notice that correct
has the rect of right in it.
straight set right.
to save ховать
save ховай
ховай хавай
хавай have
correct with right (it's just that the form became terminological
in some field from other language)
something interesting I found yesterday:
let's check if it's correct:
red = green + blue
red = 2blue + magenta (I always so it was
magneta, and there are so many cases.. but no, it's 3.7 billions
of magenta and only 3.04 millions of magneta, I was 0.1% retard
because a guy who was my best friend told so, so I knew that
word from him, maybe it's some designers slang? but no, it's
just we both being village fools. )
red = (green2)/blue
I have no idea it was true relation, I just accepted it on faith,
until I come to this concluseion myhself, I shouldn't accept it,
but let's check if it's correct, just to train our math abilities,
and I saw that sqrt5 few days ago:
x = 1 / sqrt(5)
S = 0.4
this solution is so elegant, I'm embarassed to post my own.
I have no idea if these two sqrt5s are the same.
I have no idea if the picture is not some freakery, the guy in the
thread didn't seem to give any proof or I didn't see, so I tried
to solve it myself, but screaking with brains I slackered out
seduced by the possibility of finding the answer online, so my
math abilities halted half the way through not to be distracted by
math, I know math problems can take some time to be solved, but
why not train my math abilities? because I use some other skills
to do what I do. Math is not involved. But may be it should be,
but I don't and succeed. Either way, here's the proof of the
equality of the fractions:
It can be proved using similar triangles. The
purple triangle and green triangle are similar because all sides
are either on the same line or parallel. The purple triangle and
triangle ABC are similar for obvious reason, giving
For the ratio, notice that green+blue=red
and red/green=green/blue so
first question was if it was true that "either on
the same line or parallel" but it was obvious because the
AB-like lines between those two other lines are of the same length
and by the same angle (it also can be proven, but knowing the
pentagram I feel it to be true) and the second question was how do
we know that AB is equal to the other green line.
But if that is equal to the numeral part with sqrt5, how do I know
magenta = red-2blue
red/(red-blue) = (red-blue)/blue = blue/(red-2blue)
Tiling it with a I
stumbled across the solution:
(it's named 100 pentacles, because it's made
of the hundred many of which merged with one another, but
actually this image makes 120 excentric pentacles with relation
of φ between them and 4 centric pentagrams with some other
relation to those others, but being of two types who knows what
relation is between them, maybe also φ. And you heard of
120 in the similar context before in this text, which is super
fucking weird, scary weird I would say)
Comparing the large and small pentagrams I found that indeed if a
is green and b is blue, then indeed a/b = (a+b)/a
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿𐍀 𐍁 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄 𐍅
𐍆 𐍇 𐍈 𐍉 𐍊
notice how both 𐍁 and 𐍂 don't have the upper stroke. I mentioned
𐌱 before, but what does it try to tell me? that k~R? or that R~B?
compare the position and translitiration of almost indentical 𐌵
and 𐍁 to see how 𐍂 could be within the 𐍀 claster, just because
russian R is Р and ᚹ is w and ᚱ is probably among them by reasons
mentioned by me earlier. just some B-like claster before the
C-like claster.
120 is one third of 360, this is some very specific number, maybe
more basic than 360. Three times of the day they were? night,
morning, evening, with word day standing for the all three and I
wnder if y is not v, because then those are three mothers starting
with lingual for some reason. night as the first word, but d
stands for day, not night, but day is 24 hours. They try to change
it but they don'tknow how deep it goes. d for night (die? х.з.) a
for morning, birth, ah! v is vesper, vecher. p~h, interesting.
(here ~ is synonymity. I must invent better punctuation, or I just
should learn and use logical operations)
mid november to mid march is the winter.
mid march to mid august is spring
mid august ot mid july? July is the top of the summer. Is it where
it is considered to go to evening? But to begin the autumn from
the mid-july is not as weird as to call 12 midi. But if people
worked since 4, that is the midi indeed. 8 hours from 4 to 12, 8
hours from 12 to 20 and the time between 20 and 4 is naturally
known as night, hence tonight is "this evening" not evening,
night. evening is after the day went even (the previous time is
equal to the following time, time doubled, hence even is "dividing
into two without equally" (breaking didn't count, if to share is
to break, you have to eat it here, it's nobody gwets it, silly
tradition probably existing before money, but that's merely
speculation on tube cleaning residue, low high which actually
brought me that pentagraphic atrocity)
And I'm still in that pentagraphy, dividing day into 120s if the
horizon is 360+, then those are not only the days, but the hours
too, more hours than days, or what do I know, speculating again,
but stay with me. if day is divided into 360, then 120 goes for 8
hours, then one hour is 15 of something. 15 again, interesting.
Like scary interesting, it seems I discovered the ancient counting
system. time-counting that is. if one hour is 15 of something,
then one something is 4 minutes, the perfect time for a song. That
is very-very interesting, but it seems 4 is the four of V. Vier.
Suddenly a perfect pseudonym: Vijf Vier.
4 minutes is 240 heartbeats, as if the minutes don't have nights,
just one 120, two 120.
(120+120)*15*(8+8+&)*(120+120+120) is about one year (the
погрешность is over five days, hardly would they not notice. I
heard that lunar calendar drifts through the year. Were they
fucked up not to be able to agriculture? I don;'t know yet, I'm
yet to learn the agrocultural calendar.
I was told by one guy that the calendar is based upon 6 dfays, and thus the seventh day is some
sabbatean invention, substituting 6(I twiced placed 5 instead of 6 for whatever
reason) with 7, and maybe it is connected to 5
substituting 4 (I typed 5 instead of 4, so
366 is (30+31) times 6
364 is 52 times 7, and these numerals we know too. we also know 30
and 31, thus 12 months by 30 or 31 times is 366, but a year is
365.25, hence leap years
But if we only had 6-day weaks, we would have 61 weaks, 30 or 31
per half a year. I never heard of that. Maybe I will from that guy
when I meet him in few days.
And I found some other stars tonight:
I've no idea what those letters are so far.
And it's time to return to the unfinished thought of this mighty
мы им (what should I tell about me? me is more among ich я than
ich he
я I
we you
я you
I don't know, it could be nothing, or it is too deep a thought for
me to carry yet.
v and t being antonymous is not as weird, as g and s being
antonyms too.
but then v and t meet as synonyms, what should I do about them?
I should copy it to TV folder. So I did. But
it's fgunny that I cll these file folders.
Nah, these seem irrelevant, like let's collect some more anyway.
Adieu, it was a good seance, but let's look for some more
unfinished thoughts, but there is only some rant about
redditspacing unwanted in this thing in the first place,
punctuation is a boring subject. So I think. But then I have to
learn logical operations to make it better. Boring or not, it
belongs here.
Adieu. Or rather no, good bye. Stay by, do whatever you please.
to please ублажать
what you please что вы пожалаете
I don't know if it's correct, but what caught my attention is e of
-лае- because it seems to stand only with the forms of present
желаешь, желает, но желал. но с другой стороны желали, но
желают, и желаю кстати тоже без е.
почему т делает множественное число? но оно использоует т of that,
то to make more common form the third person out of the first
(second person is a later invention, so I think, so I wrote about
why I came to such idea)
желаю желают
желаем желаете
ю is io, but is м мы or им? даём=да им. но в то же время можно
интерпретировать и как да-мы (сравни с дают да-этъ. но ещё сравни
даёт и дают. странная морфология, странная грамматика)
Warring wrong
The Warring is wrong.
Within the original Latin text, the numeral c. is
used for a value of 120: Et quodlibet c. continet vi. xx. ("And
each such 'hundred' contains six twenties.")[2]
But that could be an argument for the v standing for 4, but then
why doesn't x stand for 8? So maybe not. or did x become 10 before
v become 5? Because long thousand is 1200 (long hundred times ten)
and 120 is how many 4's? 30. And I remember that from yesterday.
So hundred was one third of 360?
я не язычник, я изучник. изучаю
учи ищи
искать языкать ask!
tongue lingua ł
greeks gods are gendered (that's why zeus reproduced with women.
zeus without the suffix is ze, compare to zain, also standing for
ze. In lating G is at the place of Z, God ~ Zeus, and if G is C it
is also ᚦ and Δ the ð the voiced c.
Abrahamic deity is considered to be bigenderal, which reminds me
of this weird gnostic thing:
and this:
Which led me to conceptualize the sixth vowel, the Y (latin has
only this as the sixth, whatever greek invented later torturing
pentatonic to their new order, Y is for Yanus (aka Janus) for
Yehowa (aka Ie, Jij? I noticed that pronouns correspond with
deities, but let's watch at it closer:
(Y also stands for Yiddish, Yevri, Yuden, they seem to have
camouphlaged into also weird and related to Y J. Y is Ij. it is
Ii. So was H the vowel all along up to the times russians borrowed
or shared greek alphabet. Official history tells it was about a
thousand years ago.
And I thought of dual deity and it became obvious to me that it is
Tai Chi Yin Yang concept and suddenly Yanus does remind that
Yin/Yang thing. And probably the other what's above followed, I
just forgot this yin/yang thing at first.
And here is how сельскохозяйственный календарь looked:
very similar to the runic ones, but without runes. Yet those signs
runic calendars also have could be the predecessors of letters,
because notice how some of them repeat. Once I know what those
signs stand for, I will return to this hypothesis.
Meanwhile see the christian arrogance:
Месяцесло́в (др.-рус. мѣсѧцесло́въ,
мѣсѧцосло́въ[1], ошибочная калька с (др.-греч. μηνολόγιον =
др.-греч. μήν — «месяц» + др.-греч. λέγω — «собирать»), а не от
др.-греч. λόγιον — «слово»[2] или свя́тцы) — православный
календарь, церковно-богослужебная книга[3] с указанием дней
памяти святых, годового круга церковных праздников. В
православной церкви входит в состав таких богослужебных книг,
как служебник, апостол, минея и типикон; может содержать также
указания на особенности богослужения в тот или иной день.
На основе церковного месяцеслова оформился русский народный
земледельческий месяцеслов, в котором христианские праздники
переосмыслены по-своему, в месяцеслов были внесены свои обряды,
ритуалы и поверья, а христианским святым приписаны чудесные
свойства покровительства и заступничества, охраны дома,
человека, домашних животных, земледельческого труда и
They say that menologium precedes russian agrocultural calendar,
which is obviously a lie.
"Menologium" is also any calendar divided into
months, as, for example, the Anglo-Saxon Menologium first
published by Hickes.
jocular is of joke. See, orthography doesn't matter.
si, orfografi dasnt metter.
matter ~ metre?
and time is hour? hora. ke ora est. wot taim is it.
lets rait laik rait zys. Zys ys sam rassn pronansueishn
End inventin aua oun orfografi wi mei bi fri from orfografic
misteiks anles wi rimemba hau tu rait it propali. end zys ys haw
wi rassns mei inflyuens. si.. ai yus zy seim letta fo two sounds.
Yes, I will not do it again, it's rather ugly. English orhtography
is how many books yiou read, a good indicator, that way to right
is too consuming, too demanding, too damaging
damage as the opposite of промажь?
замажь? кровью? чем кидаешь. может помидорой.
mage as may? may is mag in netherlands.
in Netherlands it's Nederlands, as if their d is greek.
and hence da as the negroid version of the. see, also
orthographically nihilistic
Back to heathen calendars:
Christian tradition seem to be corrupting science again, even if
language science is not science but art:
here it lies that those calendars appeared in late medieval times
(under christian rule, as if they were caused by молитвослов and
not the other way around. I place it here in russian, because wiki
doesn't have the english counterpart of this very article, and I
consider wiki my main source (because I adore the hivemind effect,
the archiving of their articles, the actual scientific sources it
often have, the academic literature being not better but worse in
every aspect than some false reputation it doesn't even deserve)
Наро́дные календари́ у славя́н — исторически
сложившиеся у славянских народов к позднему средневековью
системы членения, счёта и регламентации годового времени,
организующие обрядовый цикл (календарные обряды), хозяйственную
и бытовую практику, в значительной мере верования и бытование
and yet they do admit that.. they are the wiki crowd, they place
there the truth too:
They begin by telling the same lie, but what they have to say it
is only the christian names of the days, the structure of the
calendar is pre-christian, and the names of those days is probably
preserved somewhere:
В основе народных календарей славян лежит
церковный (православный или католический) календарь,
определяющий состав, порядок, иерархию единиц годового времени
(прежде всего праздников, постов и мясоедов), в значительной
степени и их терминологию. Однако содержательная сторона
календарей, интерпретация праздников, периодов и сезонов, а
также приуроченные к ним обряды, обычаи, запреты, предписания в
целом не выводимы из христианского учения и являются
органическим компонентом народной традиции[1]. Славянский
народный календарь можно квалифицировать как дохристианский ибо
его мифопоэтическое содержание мало связано с христианской
Содержательную основу календарей составляет мифологическая
трактовка времени, различение времени сакрального, чистого,
доброго и — нечистого, злого, опасного, что находит отражение в
языке (в названиях праздников, почитаемых и опасных дней и
Народные календари сохранились в основном в устной форме,
отчасти также в форме рукописных списков праздников; у всех
славян были в обиходе ещё и примитивные деревянные календари
(бирки, резы, работа, болг. четули, польск. karby), на которых
даты праздников и важнейших событий обозначались зарубками.
Отдельные славянские традиции обнаруживают значительные различия
в составе, соотношении, толковании, оценке и терминологии единиц
времени, составляющих народный календарь[1].
Южные и восточные славяне являются в известном смысле
преемниками переднеазиатской традиции отсчитывать новый год с
начала весны или от даты весеннего равноденствия[2].
The final sentence is probab,ly also some biased bs. Equinox is an
internationally known concept:
In the northern hemisphere, the vernal equinox
(March) conventionally marks the beginning of spring in most
cultures and is considered the start of the New Year in the
Assyrian calendar, Hindu, and the Persian or Iranian
calendars,[a] while the autumnal equinox (September) marks the
beginning of autumn.[7] Ancient Greek calendars too had the
beginning of the year either at the autumnal or vernal equinox
and some at solstices. The Antikythera mechanism predicts the
equinoxes and solstices.[8]
a present from some over fifteen year old
I knew I didn't have to decypher that old
crap, but then again does it mess with my mind or does it tell
some new or old forgotten stories? If those stories are
forgotten, maybe there are reasons for them to be such.
As a rogue anthropologist I research
religions and all the rituals are made to make people obedient,
and all the discussions limited by the not allowed heresies make
people dumb (like my mind refused to answer the question I knew
few weeks ago, if you hold it, it halts) so it's good to send goyim to wars, but it's
not very good to make goyin invent the paradise on earth or even
the toys for your soldier boys.
Please muses go on, I will pray only to you, I love you, muses, I
am thankful to you very much. Please consider my christian month
as a desperate will to save the beard. I may save it, just move
abroad. Why? To be what? To be free. I am free. I want to be free
wherever I am. I am where I am. I feel like I want to be free.
На словах я лев толстой, а на деле — менделеев.
абвгд (где ёж? wut) йклмн öпрст
её ж! зи? её жзи! от слова жить?
жди! жди? жги? жарь! жези ети?
ев жgи
её жги
жарь еби дери (аутодафэ безумны, речь же совсем о другом. но если
ёклмн и ёпрст оба бессмысленно меметичны, то отчего бы е-line was
И внезапно накрывает, что АЙО и есть те три АИУ и что ряды efgh и
uvwxyz являются позднейшими вставками. Тогда большущий вопрос на
счёт М. Отчего М не там где должна бы быть? везде!
И йо вместо а могло быть прото-диакритической гласной.
Т как глухая Д, С как глухая Г, П как глухая Б
В и Р столь сходные графически иногда сходны ещё сильней: R ᚹ ᚱ и
коль скоро В есть форма Б (Б в латыни B) то и ᚱ есть форма П, но
почему она стоит после Q (которого в русском нет) который является
глухою формой Г (С в русском лишь S и никогда К, которое К в том
Й-ряду стоит первой и если бы не было очень особенных ЛМН, то она
была бы просочившейся на верх Q которой ни у русских ни у греков
нет в О-ряду.
С как глухая З, которая в Строек сто строке
Е стоит, в той строке что у русских вся звонка (дополнительная
строка А-строки. А звучит как Э порою, но она и как О звучит
иногда, так что что за глупый аргумент.
правдославный, правда славный (truly great)
прав значит не справа, но в правде
превильно значи по правде, а не по праву
(сегодня расхождение этих понятий может быть и привело к упадку
правовой системы (слово юридический является источником
антисемитизма, потому что от слова jus, которое в родительном
падеже juris, но кто будет разбираться кто там юрий, то сколь
сильно евреи любят юриспруденцию может быть ещё более важным
право правда это не синонимы в языке, но правильно может быть
произведено от обоих слов, но -вда есть только в правда и
производных от него. полуправда, неправда, в то время как кривда
кажется выдуманным словом в противоставление правде, ведь антоним
правды ложь, подобно тому как право и лево, где лево родственно
leave, left is literally leaved. и lie is next to lay: to lie is
both лгать и лежать.
Общество двуполое, потому средний род. Society is probably a
plural form of some Сосед
Sosiety = Соседи. like literally. Another cognate, comes to my
list of cognates, I wonder how many years will it take me to write
it. Maybe all of them. And this thing is online (going to be
online, but I say is online to magically move it there. The
dissonance between the said and the actual will probably make it
change. The metal floor is welded in before Christmas.
And I got dozed off on that word. I don't want to. I am weird. I
want to be free from every spell, please.
Do I want to deteriorate into the animal state? What if all my
culture is the'/s cult'ure (you are) man
Literature is letera to you are.
are is a, the latin plural suffix, also female suffix. thus female
is two. It makes us two.
Сосед Co-set, closed (been or being close)
the third form was not a form of the second, but completely
different its own suffix:
own owed.
but own in owing. owin'. won. in war waring, warring, wanting,
wishing washing in blood! warrr yarrr
even though now own is the third form which is p.p. and thus more
passive than form two, I claim it's active case or what is the
term.. naoh, -ing is this en with g of go. -ing is "in go", "in
the process"
own is the owe is
ог в огонь тот же что и в бог?
огонь похоже что имеет суффикс -онь, как конь и вонь и балонь.
балонь могла бы называться и балон, потому что будучи наполнен
синтепоном похож на надутый спасательный жилет (что обыгрывается в
художественном приключенческом фантастическом фильме назад в
ожёг подобно слову жара, ибо два раза повторяется одно и то же:
oge ~ og
ожечь = to sear, sear~же? R is Ж in some languages.
sear жёг, ж~г s~r (R could be some staved Z~S. Я is some staved
S?Z! аз, the first letter and now я is the last. But I never saw Z
as the first letter. Unless א is. look how it reminds z with a
dash as a skirt.
zie? zie~az? and I'm not sure it's synonymous or antonymous. z,
I.. I is an archaic form of z: 𐤆 is the thing I was looking for,
but it's so weird how it looks in here, in composer, the html
editing program:
and here's how it looks in the browser:
Let's compare how both the things show the 𐤀 𐤁 𐤂 𐤃 𐤄 𐤅 𐤆 𐤇
𐤈 𐤉 𐤊 𐤋 𐤌 𐤍 𐤎 𐤏 𐤐 𐤑 𐤒 𐤓 𐤔
𐤕 𐤖 𐤚 𐤛 𐤗 𐤘 𐤙
And I don't have the Z~I I was looking for, but the lower form has
very similar i and z: 𐤆 𐤉 and actually they pretty much look the
same in the higher form, i is z with the dash. very weird pair.
But in the higher form I wouldn't see the similarity, they're
pretty different.
linger is держаться и задержаться от слова long
I am god, because
лезть~месить, мясить, messить от слова mes (меч, нож)
м~н ч~ж
(by a typo I tried to write м~ч and wrote м~x and soon found that
what? why? it was meaningless. this is why what I say when I say
what I wanted to say, I am more true than some random pair. If I
needed to prove that м~x I would go from japanese way of changing
h into b, p, f, w, actually h is more labial than any other.
знакомы знак о ком own ы~юс? знак омы знаковый! знакомы=знакомые,
краткая форма прилагательного работающая как форма глагола.
белый~бледный~бел похоже на глагольную форму: вёл. белил пел!
белый бежал? трус жёлтый, кровь в пятки ушла. сердце в пятки ушло.
сердце~кровь. кровь is literally of hourt (the case where -ив
& -он are pretty much the same, when passive and active cases
were simply adjectives. funny, htese there words have the same
third person is there, but which is the basal one, which one is a
derivative? three is abstraction, there is more factual thing.
Some body may say otherwise, but three hangs in the air with its
derivatives third and thirty, where ty is ten. ij shows j as נ -
notice, that in coursive נ is just two lines of the right bottom
corner. east-south, not north? maybe the map was the other way
around. the way j is often written too.
письмо хотел Алексею отправить с заголовком
Вдруг (в первые ли) заметил что инициалы первого состава
Это боги так шутят но земные или небесные.
Кореш по правую руку, Баба по левую.добавлю это в свою книжечку, в
этот раз в 16 том, но во время печати смонтируется с тем участком,
где Алексей Хenia Cтаруха. Это Я из полусна притащил (не знаю
почему я с большой буквы, опечатка) критика полезная, ищу денег на
музей, Где двое или трое соберутся во иМя мое, там и Я среди них.
но передумал, спрошу при личной встрече,
увижу по реакции что он об этому думает, а не только то что
is why I brought that
G chart, because look how much cursive J looks like cursive g:
But at the same time it isn't, it only looks alike. Cursive J
looks like a mirrored B.
Did we mess up because of merry jay? marijuana~merryjoint, joint
is penis? двери были на верёвках! в юртах-то наверняка. joint is
into joy joyin'ed something l.. joing may join. joint is joined.
and as a joint it is another example of ing and ed being pretty
much invariants. (just like imflammable is flammable, invariant is
variant, it is super weird why some linguist have infected me with
this word, and I find it satisfying, maybe because it is more
complex than variants and yet why am I not embarrasseed of its
being also much more confusing? It sounds good, it's always in the
rhythm, while variant is isn't even here.
and I notice that it's very hard to align other letters around
these two dots: c could be considered similar to ɪ but d to h is
probably not neither is e to g, if anything they're the opposites.
Semitic A may look like K, I noticed it before, but it's all not
all that impressive. but that it's the half of the alphabet
according to the k-symmetry is rather interesting.
so then F reflect E which may explain why they're so similar in
graphic of the capitals, and then g~д as they're in
russian and cursive ד and ᚦ look like the combination of the two.
Загуглите загуглируйте синонимы, а суффикс ru похоже что японского
происхождения. ru не нужно. россия должна интегрировать в себя
европу и японию. Став переходным звеном между ними. Но мы зачем-то
интегрируем в себя ближний восток и китай. 4 зоны было бы круто:
самые умные пущай едут на север, где работают законы, приближенные
к европейским, а кто потупее пущай в африке сидит, бананы кушает.
Но что за бред, что шишки нельзя именно там, где они растут. Шишки
должны быть везде легализованы, об этом мы позаботимся.
It's kinda arrogant to believe that one group has figured it all
right while the others figured nothing right, because even in
earthly deeds nobody is perfectly correct, so what would you
expect of the transcendent. So sincretic approach seem to be
promising, and then if Jesus is Lucifer, then it's Loki in the
norsk pantheon. Loky is Jocky, my Jocker is Jesus, the light
bringer, the laugh bringer. Лицо озаряется улыбкой. От смеха
человек аж лучами прыскает порой. Но от плача человек может
брызнуть, но то лунные лучи. Но да, это и я подгоняю под подобие
картины мира, которая здесь уже существует, инь ян вот это всё.
J~l, s~c, jesu~loci are encoded by k-symmetry? Or is it just a
coincidence with a little help from myself.
and Odin is of course the One. Norsk myths simply tell how exactly
has he invented the letters, and of course this is not jewish
folklore, but if we include norsk mythology, we shall also include
other approaches to reach gods, and thus we shall be closer to the
truth, including everything not te occasionally exclude anything
important. Sefer Yetzirah is very important to understand
Bereshit, and it is also very valuable for investigations of the
early stages of writing language.
So judaism tells, that goyim will be the slaves to israelites, but
christianity tells that we're all children of the Father. And it
doesn't negate the other part, we do have some hierarchies where
some people are subjugated by the other, but very often this
hierarchy is meritocratic (or it has to be, I believe everybody
would agree, at least if asked openly, but of course we have to
investigate this question too)
We should treat our slaves as we'd treated them if they were our
brothers. We should also treat animals at least half as well. Не
спроста же мы зовём их "братья наши меньшие"
God bless.
Блесни! (плесни, благослови) так блес
или блесне? bless=благословию
плес блес
пляс блядство
прясут.. плясувн плясунья бля сунья сущая сосущая ball sucker
bless of some baal or bla?
dieu bla
bella bieutifuella
Cинхронноке рисование с ребёнком. Он
начинает, родитель (или более взрослый ребёнок) повторяет, но
Если удаётся, повторяющему бал. если не удаётся то бал первому
художнику. Если они оба согласны кто в туре победил, они зачисляют
очко кому положено, а если не согласны, то бросают жребий в виде
третьего лица (или четвёртого если третий затруднился с ответом)
Если игроки равны по силам, начинают по очереди. Если один
заведомо хуже, он начинает первым, чтоб у него не было демотивации
при виде того как классно взрослый рисует.
блядунья плясунья
bless благослови
ss=say,speak,spell,seek,teach,read,lego,skazi, z in zh ezθh ежзи
ijklmn iйклмн (and they say it was this way not so long ago:
But actually that's some ukrainian, and it's some old form of it,
today they seem to have added another form of i in there, some..
й. Зрада! The division of E and that Є remind me of those
7*7 russophile freaks, and today I noticed that they added 5
books, so now it's 54, 6*9, that false idea evolves, too bad it's
not build on some more rigorous basis.
what do I say? that Ж is somehow Ф? жуг=bug? жечь fire! желудок
живот жить? жить быть, живот belly? пузо! forward, I can ionly
ь ю я as the final row is pretty cool,
because ю is labial, and others are completely not.
ь is more lingual than я so I expect it to be read the other way
around, but to no avail, it doesn't go far. Or maybe it does if
we declare Х to be vowel, as H is in greek. Then R is also
vowel. But come on, that is madness, O and У are already rather
vowel, more vowel than H or R will ever bee. But both O and У
are also labial. H and R are not. Then ПОНМ is one labial
claster. But this mental gymnastics doesn't save it afterwards.
But this thought experiment may shine light upon vowelness of R
and maybe even H. Whenever I stumble across R being vowel, I
will ask myself if they could be reading some abecedaria the
other way around? And θ standing next to e may also be a part of
this reversing conspiracy. Maybe they wanted to eventually begin
to read Δ as V and to make vita beta forever.
A vita delta дельная жизнь. гамма скорей всего позднее
добавление, рунический с борнхольма говорит что е шла 4той.
четвер~четыре, ь~в. ɪ~е
четверг четырг? ы = ве? не слишком ли? свет сыт? свекла сыкла?
сочна? сверчок сырчок? сыр свер? сфер! сфера сыра. сыр сбер?
сбор? ..свеча сыча, сверх сырх, sur, super,
вена ына? вечер ычер? поверье поырье? вера ыра? none of these
are correct, color it grey.
but венгр ынгр хунгар. вына хуна? вечер хучер? гтфо хиар.
На Руси кириллица была введена в 10 в., как
считается, вместе с христианизацией при князе Владимире. До
этого времени не исключено использование т.н. протокириллицы –
несистематизированной письменности на основе греческих и
некоторых других букв (например, германских или тюркских рун).
Список знаков протокириллицы попытался реконструировать нумизмат
Н. Энговатов на основе изучения надписей на древнерусских
монетах (см. Славянские письменности).
Мюнхенский абецедарий известен по латинскому
пергаменту, который принято датировать рубежом 10-11 в. Хранится
рукопись в Мюнхене, в Баварской государственной библиотеке
(Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
Абецедарий известен тем, что содержит нетривиальные символы в
двух славянских алфавитах (кириллице и глаголице), – например, W
и свастикоподобный «холм»). Более того, в этом списке
представлена буква, название которой («печаль», «пѣснь» или
«пѣ») было известно по некоторым акростихам, но никто не
представлял, как она выглядит. В Мюнхенском абецедарии этот
символ выглядит, как ГL.
Иллирийский славянский алфавит (Alphabet
iliricum sclavor) с причудливыми графемами и названиями букв,
соответствующими древнеславянской традиции, содержится в книге
"Libellus valde doctus elegans, & vtilis, multa et varia
scribendarum literarum genera complectens", изданной в 1564.
Этот же алфавит с параллельным глаголическим списком был
представлен в книге Alphabeta et Characteres (Алфавит и буквы),
изданной в 1596 Johann Israel de Bry и Johann Theodor de Bry.
"Alphabetum Illiricum Sclavorum" был обнаружен в документах
библиотеки Ватикана, список датируется 1664.
"Alphabet Esclavon (Sclavonian)" изображен в другой книге 1766
Pierre-Simon Fournier во 2-м томе, 6-й статье, посвященной
алфавитам современных и древних языков.
Иллирией в старину называли Хорватию (сравните похожие названия
Сyrillic и Illiric).
Встречались и другие списки неизвестных
славянских алфавитов. Например, т.н. «Servien» из сборника
«Manuel typographique de Fornier» (том II).
В библиотеке Сент-Джонс-Колледж (Оксфорд) хранится
весьма любопытный фрагмент страницы средневековой рукописи, на
которой приведено несколько вариантов форм рун и их названий, а
также некий необычный алфавит. Скорее всего, это изобретение
переписчиков или европейских схоластов, которые любили
выдумывать письменности несуществующих народов (особенно этим
были знамениты кельтские монахи). Вместе с тем, представленный в
рукописи алфавит напоминает глаголический и показанные выше
«иллирийские азбуки».
Буквица, или босанчица, босаница
(боснийская, хорватская или боснийско-хорватская кириллица,
западносербское письмо) ‒ средневековая разновидность кириллицы,
которая использовалась в основном католическим и мусульманским
(бывшим богомильским) населением Хорватии, Боснии и
Герцеговины.. Эта письменность отличается от классического
прототипа славянской азбуки Кирилла и Мефодия, ‒ как по
начертанию букв, так и по составу азбуки, а также
орфографическим принципам. Традиция хорватского кириллического
(весьма специфического) письма восходит к 12 в. и продолжалась
вплоть до 18 в. и спорадически фиксировалась даже в 20 в.
Последние напечатанные буквицей книги ‒ два издания
глаголически-кириллического учебника Матвея Карамана «Букварь
Славенскій писмены преподобнагѡ Кѷрілла Славянѡмъ епископа
напечатанъ. Въ Римѣ Тѷпомъ Святагѡ Собора ѿ размноженія Вѣры»
(1738 и 1753).
В 18-19 вв. на Балканах (в основном у южных
славян и албанцев) появлялись проекты алфавитов с элементами
кириллической графики. Например, словенский филолог, священник
Ф.С. Метелко (1789-1860) разработал «метелчицу», где помимо
латинских и кириллических букв были и сконструированные автором.
Свою азбуку Метелко представил в 1825, в книге «Lehrgebäude der
slowenischen Sprache im Königreiche Illyrien und in den
benachbarten Provinzen» ‒ «Учебнике словенского языка в
Иллирийском королевстве и соседних с ним провинциях». Этот
алфавит использовался небольшой группой писателей с 1825 по
1833, но никогда не был общепринятой.
Метелчица содержала особые буквы для «узких» гласных (Є ‒ è, Ф ‒
ò) нейтрального ъ-образного гласного «полугласа» (Ƨ ‒ ǝ), мягких
lj, nj, а также для č, š, ž и šč.
В 1867 хорватский исследователь доктор Ф. Рачки
опубликовал статью о нахождении в Ватиканской библиотеке
рукописи со странным текстом, где многие так называемые
славянские буквы выглядят иначе, чем современные, но все-таки
присутствуют. Приведенный алфавит получил название «редкое
славянское письмо Ватиканской рукописи».
This one is I dunno, why would they have some letters they don't
have in the table..
These were raw data from the internato.
33 is half of 66 and 666 could be the next iteration of that IVXLCD when X became 10
before theat XXXIII was 27. suddenly as many letters does it take
to make another system with the cycle of 1000
If X is 8, the cycle of roman (or is it etruscan) numerals is
1 4 8 32 64 256
If X is 8, the cycle of roman (or is it etruscan) numerals is 512
and I don't know what 512 stands for.
512 is 83 (I am such a huymanitarian that instead of
math codes I still use superscript)
512 bytes is a common disk sector size, and
exactly a half of kibibyte.
Internet Relay Chat restricts the size of a message to 510
bytes, which fits to 512-bytes buffers when coupled with the
message-separating CRLF sequence. but these could be
coincidences caused by 8 being a cube of two.
512 is a cube of a cube of 2
512 is a 29
But 83 is easier to imagine
How to imagine larger orders:
apples are rarely multiplied by apples, they're usually multiplied
by some other dimension (in russian this
word is connected to measure: измерение) for example by
boxes. one box is 20 apples, and when we count by boxes we
multiply apples per box by boxes to find the ammount of apples.
We usually imagine space as the three-dimensional structure. And
to imagine the fourth dimension is not that difficult: we multiply
men by hours and we get the 4-dimensional figure. Moving space now
we have. And then we may introduce (related
to entro, enter, thus orthography is misleading again. unless
linguistics disagrees and etymologizes that word differently) other
dimensions: level of happiness, color of the objects (heating
metal changes colour, and thus movint picture moves in colour too,
maybe only in colour if the form doesn't change (but then on the
microlevel it always does, it all depends on our detectors,
everything moves and even empty space is static only if you don't
look deep enough. Not philosophically empty, every physical space
there is or ever were (in te absolute past it was so static our
detectors would never detect anything, but then we wouldn't be
able to get them there anyway.
33 is Jesus
666 is Odin? The One (который всех убью один
Who is Thor? Som Horus? The son of the sun?
Wiki identifies Thor as Hercules, son of the supreme deity,
strong, and so on.
Hercules was associated with Jesus (many similar myths) so Jesus
is not Loki but Thor? Loki (the brother of Thor) he is only if
Lucifer is Jesus. Loki is Lucifer. And if he is the bad twin then
I am confused. What if Eve didn't tell the truth who told her
about the apples?
Шавуот весной
Суккот осенью
Песах тоже весной, так что что тебе неймётся то, это три
галахических праздника,
Песах от слова Pass? Passover is the name of that holiday
Ханукка зимой
Пурим тоже весной
Если неймётся и хочется привязать
иудейские празники к календарно значимым датам, то
Пурим в районе весеннего равноденствия
Шавуот в районе летнего солнцестояния
Рош ха-Шана в районе осеннего равноденствия и это буквально
еврейский новый год, а не Ханукка как я думал
Ханукка это как раз зимнее солнцестояние
Но скорей всего это всё натягивание,
неприкаянный, прикаяться, покаяться и начать там каяться,
причалить, прикаякиться, но это уже совсем издалека притянул.
Покаяться усПокоиться. Покой покаяния. раскаялся раскололся?
Calan Mai ([ˈkalan ˈmaɪ̯] "Calend (first day) of
May") or Calan Haf ([ˈkalan ˈhaːv] "Calend of Summer") is a May
Day holiday of Wales held on 1 May. Celebrations start on the
evening before, known as May Eve, with bonfires; as with Calan
Gaeaf or November 1, the night before (Welsh: Nos Galan Haf) is
considered an Ysbrydnos or "spirit night" when spirits are out
and about and divination is possible. The tradition of lighting
bonfires celebrating this occasion happened annually in South
Wales until the middle of the 19th century.
Calan Haf parallels Beltane and other May Day traditions in
If you also wondered what Calendae actually means.
According to Pausanias, who wrote in the later
second century AD,[10] there were originally three Muses,
worshipped on Mount Helicon in Boeotia: Aoide ("song" or
"tune"), Melete ("practice" or "occasion"), and Mneme
("memory").[11] Together, these three form the complete picture
of the preconditions of poetic art in cult practice.
In Delphi too three Muses were worshiped, but with other names:
Nete, Mese, and Hypate, which are assigned as the names of the
three chords of the ancient musical instrument, the lyre.[12]
Alternatively, later they were called Cephisso, Apollonis, and
Borysthenis - names which characterize them as daughters of
A later tradition recognized a set of four Muses: Thelxinoë,
Aoide, Archē, and Melete, said to be daughters of Zeus and
Plusia or of Ouranos.[14]
Aoide ("song" or "tune"), Melete ("practice" or
"occasion"), and Mneme ("memory").
Mn is read as N, and thus we have A M N which is not only
alphabetic, but also reminds ΛΜΝ
Nete, Mese, and Hypate
The same N and M and H is vowel in greek today, so I wonder how
were these HMN identified with the AMN above.
Cephisso, Apollonis, and Borysthenis
Literally ABC, once again I wonder if these ABC relate to AMN and
HMN exactly in this order.
Thelxinoë, Aoide, Archē, and Melete
The same Aoide, the same Melete, and the lingual is more distinct
T of Thelxinoe, as if Mneme divided into Arche and Thelxinoe.
Which could be some other myth, where oM was the first thing.
If you think that is a baseless obsession, hear this out: three
muses, three mothers.
The cult of the Muses was also commonly connected
to that of Apollo.
When Pythagoras arrived at Croton, his first advice to the
Crotoniates was to build a shrine to the Muses at the center of
the city, to promote civic harmony and learning. Local cults of
the Muses often became associated with springs or with
fountains. The Muses themselves were sometimes called Aganippids
because of their association with a fountain called Aganippe.
Other fountains, Hippocrene and Pirene, were also important
locations associated with the Muses. Some sources occasionally
referred to the Muses as "Corycides" (or "Corycian nymphs")
after a cave on Mount Parnassos, called the Corycian Cave.
Pausanias referred to the Muses by the surnames "Ardalides" or
"Ardaliotides", because of a sanctuary to them at Troezen said
to have been built by the mythical Ardalus.
The Muses were venerated especially in Boeotia, in the Valley of
the Muses near Helicon, and in Delphi and the Parnassus, where
Apollo became known as Mousēgetēs ("Muse-leader") after the
sites were rededicated to his cult.
Often Muse-worship was associated with the hero-cults of poets:
the tombs of Archilochus on Thasos and of Hesiod and Thamyris in
Boeotia all played host to festivals in which poetic recitations
accompanied sacrifices to the Muses. The Library of Alexandria
and its circle of scholars formed around a mousaion (i.e.,
"museum" or shrine of the Muses) close to the tomb of Alexander
the Great. Many Enlightenment figures sought to re-establish a
"Cult of the Muses" in the 18th century. A famous Masonic lodge
in pre-Revolutionary Paris was called Les Neuf Soeurs ("The Nine
Sisters", that is, the Nine Muses); Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin,
Danton, and other influential Enlightenment figures attended it.
As a side-effect of this movement the word "museum" (originally,
"cult place of the Muses") came to refer to a place for the
public display of knowledge.
So Apollo, the beardless god was made a leader of the musis? Of
the female cult? Why so? Were angelic girls influential for the
Saraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, IAST: Sarasvatī) is the Hindu
goddess of knowledge, music, art, speech, wisdom, and
learning.[4] She is a part of the tridevi of Saraswati, along
with Lakshmi and Parvati.[5]
Lakshmi (/ˈlʌkʃmi/;[5][nb 1] Sanskrit: लक्ष्मी, romanized:
Lakṣmī, lit. 'she who leads to one's goal'), also known as Shri
(Sanskrit: श्री, romanized: Śrī, lit. 'Noble'),[7] is one of the
principal goddesses in Hinduism. She is the goddess of wealth,
fortune, power, beauty and prosperity,[8] and associated with
Maya ("Illusion"). Along with Parvati and Saraswati, she forms
the Tridevi of Hindu goddesses.[9]
Parvati (Sanskrit: पार्वती, IAST: Pārvatī), Uma (Sanskrit: उमा,
IAST: Umā) or Gauri (Sanskrit: गौरी, IAST: Gaurī) is the Hindu
Goddess of power, nourishment, harmony, devotion, and
motherhood. She is none other than Devi in her complete
form.[6][7][8] Along with Lakshmi and Saraswati, she forms the
Devī /ˈdeɪvi/ (Sanskrit: देवी) is the Sanskrit word for
'goddess'; the masculine form is deva. Devi and deva mean
'heavenly, divine, anything of excellence', and are also
gender-specific terms for a deity in Hinduism.
The concept and reverence for goddesses appears in the Vedas,
which were composed around the 3rd millennium BC. However, they
do not play a central role in that era.[1] Goddesses such as
Lakshmi, Parvati, Durga, Saraswati, Sita, Radha and Kali have
continued to be revered in the modern era.[1] The medieval era
Puranas witness a major expansion in mythology and literature
associated with Devi, with texts such as the Devi Mahatmya,
wherein she manifests as the ultimate truth and supreme power.
She has inspired the Shaktism tradition of Hinduism. Further,
Devi and her primary form Parvati is viewed as central in the
Hindu traditions of Shaktism and Shaivism.[1][2]
3rd millenium BC? I'm not buying it. The writing system is
so complex, and I doubt the actual text that old are preserved,
otherwise I would see them everywhere. And hahaha! Those tricky
hindus, I told you their writing system is so complex, it's some
later stage of the development of the script:
It is the oldest book in any Indo-European
language and contains the earliest form of all Sanskrit
mantras, dating back to 1500 BCE- 1000 BCE. Some scholars date
the Rig Veda as early as 12000 BCE - 4000 BCE.Jan 30, 2020
So they say. And actually:
It is unclear as to when the Rigveda was first written down. The
oldest surviving manuscripts have been discovered in Nepal and
date to c. 1040 CE. According to Witzel, the Paippalada Samhita
tradition points to written manuscripts c.
The Spitzer Manuscript is the oldest surviving philosophical
manuscript in Sanskrit,[2] and possibly the oldest Sanskrit
manuscript of any type related to Buddhism and Hinduism
discovered so far.[3][note 1] The manuscript was found in 1906
in the form of a pile of more than 1,000 palm leaf fragments in
the Ming-oi, Kizil Caves, China during the third Turfan
expedition headed by Albert Grünwedel.[7][8] It is named after
Moritz Spitzer, whose team first studied it in 1927–28.[8]
The calibrated age by Carbon-14 technique is 130 CE (80–230 CE).
According to Indologist Eli Franco, palaeographical features
suggest a date closer to 200–230 CE.[3][8] The text is written
in the Brahmi script (Kushana period) and some early Gupta
R ~ Ж соответствие есть и в словянских: русское Rь в польском
переходит в Ж.
но порой R переходит в Sh, так русское пре в польском пше (оттуда
и banter пшеки) что делает R ближе к S.
В морозе два проявления: цыпки на руках и сопли, которые эти ципки
хорошо нейтрализуют. Лучший крем из всех что я видел:
эпителиальная слизь. Очень долрого стоит, между прочим.
Но я об этом скорей всего рассказывал. Скрести эти части. Крестят
скрещивают. женят.
ж staved х? ᚼ staved х
but in positional it doesn't reflect anything, said I thinking of
russian, but look at this:
ᛁᚴ is not that exact pair (not a par at all) at par ~ наравне, в
паре (чаще переводят как "по номиналу, по той же цене, почём купил
потом продав". или, наравне, второй по частоте перевод)
but it reflects ᛋᛏ and that is where hebrew alphabet ends: ש ת
and after
-енный он j от An?
анны, ф annie, in engilish it's annie's, in russian it's энни
(несклоняемость иностранных имёт. джон склоняется, энни нет. даже
эн нет.
женские только когда на -а склоняются.
мы не грамматическую пунктуацию должны переинтерпретировать или
переделать, а математическую по гуманитарному узреть. -e is actual
e, - is the charge we's caused by the detector's inversion,
actuallly generally, there is no physical sense to consider
electron negatively charged. Only because hydrogen ions are drawn
as + and I see that - and + are i & t
i~no: ir-, il-, im-, in-
but I saw it as when you were poured some rice or water and you
had too large a bucket that the pourer wanted to stop pouring, you
would say и (some more, don't stop, and here and meets un- & is a knot? no, just a loop, twisted thread
without actually closing the knot. some half-note half-nkot.
Мои интерпретации могут обоготить мир. обогатить. от слова бог.
а религиозные интерпретации и мои,?
они обогащают религию или пачкают её? патчат или пачкают?
обогащают или обедняют? добавляют новый слой интерпретаций,
обогащают. Или сокрывают? НЕикто
не сжигает старых интеп т интерпретацй
+ t to in japanese and, ten,
te in japanese is hand.
but I said about it.
+ looks like t and to can be kinda and in english to: one to
another is one and another. a coint to coin to coin is very
similar to a coin and coin and coin. and~add
- is the closest to i because lips make likt that at i, and
because in chinese i and 1 are literally 一
> lips make likt that at i
lips do look like that at i
+ -
+ to, more, т~m are Т~M (russian t looks like т)
to, до, add, too, two до-баW (to wow!) but
that is some poetry, fiction, belles-lettres, беллетристика.
notice how much polish is similar to latin in its suffixes:
and thus russian is romanic language?
but then notice how english am and is are similar to suffixes em
and es.
and now it's clear that -est is a part of the root of the word.
Some similarities are seen here, but more common cases are these:
some similarity is present, but polish only closer to latin than
russian, which is also geographically so.
котик кротик кролик
Часть речи Перевод Обратные
переводы Частота
имя существительное
To my surprise, female seems to be not water but flame in hebrew:
אשה женщина, жена, супруга, самка, всесожжение, принесение
אשת женщина, жена
אש огонь, пламя, ПЫЛ, стрельба
жена жара? жарить ~ ебать (fuck up fire up?)
but on the other hand:
איש человек, МУЖ, лицо, персона, мужчина
эс иф жена ин хибрю ис генетивус мужof: джона
мэн аиш, внутри огня что-то имеет, жарит готовит отличен от
животных тем что овладел огнём.
жена аша, у огня, очага. очаг как отец.
If ᛦ is so explicitly R, then ᚱ must be П, which correlates what I
said about futhark being mistransliterated abcefg, and I don't
remember if I spoke there about ᚹ looking like both P[p] and Р[r]
and sounding as w, that ᚱ could also be standing where it does.
for Ϝ is told to sound like w.
Runes must be the key to letters.
Or to ogham. Or to both.
Ogham is so simple it must be some rationalization of numbers
5 5 5 (5 5) of aicme
1 2 3 4 5
6 12 18 24 30
36 72 108 144 180
To my surprise, 180 is half the 360 and norse calendars are often
divided into two seasons, two halves of the year. 6 month each.
And what do 13 lunar month per year stand for? 13 is death in
tarot, and considered generally unlucky number (не русскую
безличную форму ли я добавляю к английской грамматике.
And because 216 is nothing memetic, they probably didn't have to
count more than 180 or they rather used multiplications from there
I believe that only three aicme were in use, the consonant ogham
(though there's literature speaking about the fifth aicme being a
later addition, I knew it before them, merely by how the form is
out of the other system, and maybe because of something else, and
now I say that whether 3rd aicme or 4th aicme was from the very
start. And I said that the third one is ancient and the
combination of the very basic two and глсн лшн, vwls r rdndnt (I used to be bugging and using word abundant
where redundant was to be used, so in was bndnt, and the
following comment relates to that, that the way I used it before
was much more based: but then meaningful a- tells me that
abndnt is how it will be easily read)
So here are the five we know today:
᚛ ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅ ᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊ ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ
ᚐᚑᚒᚓᚔ ᚕᚖᚗᚘᚙᚚ᚜
b l f
s n h
d t c q m g ng
z r
z is told to also be transliterated as ss, which makes sence if
it's cs or sc
r can be nq? ᚱ can be ᚿᛩ but is ᚱ R? I think I challenge this
ft is ng? is ᛜ θ? Because θ would be perfect ft.
g as ld seems to be alright.
m as bh seems to be great.
The name beth-luis-noin make me challenge the third and the fourth
letters of the first aicme, so I combine it to the complications I
had in the comparing the ft to ng and then I see that cs is a
great z, much better than nq is r and japanese dont' distinguish
between l and r and does the primitive primal writing system has
to have all those sounds when it doesn;'t distinguish between
B L N is the name of ogham and thus we have to consider them the
three mothers. B is Weldandi, Verdandi, N is the end, so L must be
the life itself, the way it is measured.
Be beginning
L long and winding road
N eNd (end is N'ed. N is No. Funny, that B is bu the chinese no,
that L is lo the jewish no)
B L N as three forms of No? L is later. B is boo. N is just no,
the general no, the more common no, among the whites at least, and
only white lives matter because I'm a nazi prick being myself, but
also being edgy of some hooliganic tendencies. I do value many
non-whites, so why this ugly edge? I'm touching it, and even
though we are not fighting eachother as much, we have to let the
cheek bone is overgrown with the gum. Edgy is itchy.
What if jews are hated because they stole
and shared the writing system of the norsk sorcerers among other
nations? Because runes were written in secret and only in the
ground for temporary rituals were they not preserved in the
archaeologic data. Or maybe we are supposed to read deeper,
maybe under the sea. On some ships maybe. When people went down,
they would have no soil to write the runes in, so they would use
ship wood, something nobody gets up, they only get the booty, so
all the ships are down there, but then I wonder how fast does
carbon accumulate under the water.
Jews are hated for many reasons, they don't forgive, so they
keep on collecting the reasons to be hated. They say if somebody
hates you give him the reason why. Not very smart, a bitchy move
to take. Maybe they will recognize this wisdom. The wisdom Jesus
brought into this world. The wisdom allowing high-functioning
societies, when people don't try to fuck each other over with
avenging the mistakes raising them from the petty level of
mistakes to the higher level of viciousness, being vicious which
was told about them directly in the book of revelation, and many
other places, but our task now is to resolve this
misunderstanding or misfortunate understanding by them by us, in
general. We shall solve it with wisdom.
It's funny how I usually can paint all the unimportant pieces
grey because they were not exhalted enough to have typoes I
would then preserve in the grey, so they're solid in one piece.
A good indicator.
᚛ ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅ ᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊ ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ
ᚐᚑᚒᚓᚔ ᚕᚖᚗᚘᚙᚚ᚜
b l f
s n h
d t c q m g ng
z r a o
u e i
ᚐᚑᚒᚓᚔ were only dots, that is how they were different from
ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ and being dots make them next to diacritics. and that
is natural that b with one dot is ba.. ba bo bu be bi is how I
would syllabilized b, not ba be bi bo bu, maybe some englishmen
who know the meme of aeiou, russians don't and we in our textbooks
for kids learning reading would use, and I will collect some
random russian syllables for kids books when I have the interne..
and suddenly I understand how to fix my internet by making a
hotspot on the phone I finally switched to the internet, I'm so
bad at tech I think it's subconsciously intentionaly. to be more savage, to be closer
to the way the ancients wrote (I just made
a typo and quickly fixed it, I think I make less typoes do due
to me correcting them all the time, but I surely made more
mistakes mistypoes writing these brackets)
I googled букварь слоги, and never were they in alphabetic order,
but much closer to oghamic order they were, labial vowels seem to
come first in all of them and here are the first cases I was
given, but the first one is number 21 because not only did it
return the page I wanted and not the front cover, but also it was
exactly the oghamic order:
and it is followed by other few related finds which came in the
first 20 results:
Эс ю кэн си, here we have all of them placing o and u before e and
i, and only one places i before o but then it has u just before
it, some deviations are natural in the natural things, and I
consider the culture natural. В науке где граница между
естественным и искусственным? Язык он же во многом выдуман, но
есть даже у животных. Музыка изобретена или открыта тоже большой
вопрос. Язык находится на границе между первой и второй
сигнальной системами (часть его генетическа, часть его
меметическа, и обе магически, математически)
+ is crossed out -
plus is not minus. Minus is more basic element than plus? We have
minor naturally and chronologically first system A B C D E F G is
the natural minor. C D E F G A B is major. And Be. And returns.
The happy ending. A B C D E F G is the course of the melody? of
the story? a boy could die et facere grandiose (built with poetic
tool or psychologic tool of the first associations for the letter)
And if it's so, then the A-line is english and E-line is frence,
faire grand is the french. that other is some other roman
..нет так не надо
..если нет то не надо
к в так is if?
так = в таком случае, k is for case.
concern and trust, the words for some economic entities are some
abstract concepts of completely other meaning or is this meaning
directly related to the other one? What if they united into that
thing to address a concern or to enhance
increase raise the trust.
+ is crossed out -
- is i as in irrational
+ is laba, similar to lo bu, which is not no where lo is לֹא
and bu is 不,
but maybe it's not hebrew, but arabic: لا [la] (no) and yes is..
and I see that it's not arabic but persian: بله and it's not laba,
but bala.
And it makes sense, since persians are somewhere between arabs and
если в гордыне г приставка подобная голландской ge- то она
означает слишком, а значит гордиться = слишком радоваться, и в
английском pride похожее на рад ride присутствует. А п в иврите та
же буква что и ф, а F называли дигамма, типа две г, но г в
руническом ϸ а тогда ф дигамма тоже. фрайт.
fright? горд hoard? но это уже поэзия полезла, безсистемная.
гадание и ладно хоть без вызова духов. Но обожение является ли
колдунством или это допустимая его форма? Как там сказано Иисус
стоит и стучит, кто откроет к тому войдёт. Являются ли слова
написанные в таком духе боговдохновенными или только древние
слова божественного вдохновения являются признанными? Почему
никто не говорит, что Иисус этоМашиах_бен-Йосеф и что у нас с
иудеями на одно разногласие меньше чем принято думать?
П тоже выглядит как двойная Г.
משיח בן יוסף,
על פי תפיסת אחרית הימים במסורת היהודית, הוא משיח שיגיע לפני
משיח בן דוד, ועתיד להיהרג. הוא אמור להיות מצאצאי שבט אפרים,
מבניו של יוסף. בחלק מהמקורות הוא מכונה משיח בן אפרים.
תוכן עניינים
Moshiach ben Yosef, according to
the end-time conception in the Jewish tradition, is a messiah
who will come before Moshiach ben David, and will be killed. He
is said to be a descendant of the tribe of Ephraim, of the sons
of Joseph. In some sources he is referred to as the Messiah son
of Ephraim
Ephraim could be the root of the word Евреи. Иисус мошиах сын
евреев. Смело? Глупо? Просто, открыто, прямо, честно, откровенно,
в качестве гипотезы, без претензий, но с
вызовом, это да. Hey you wizards here are some exercises for you
to ponder on. You said a fool can ask many questions wizards
will not be able to solve, here allow me to be that glorious
fool, allow me to offer you the reinterpretations of the
reality. Play this game while you can without using the ai
models, built by ai, but what am I saying, I myself cannot see
whole the picture and I doubt I will be able to do it without
some ai assistance.
+ is crossed out -
- is i as in irrational
+ is bala, not no, yes in farsi
+ is to, duh, dvuh, да два. одно но (на оргии пускали только
парами? мог ебать других баб, если привёл с собой бабу для ёбли)
— is similar to how 𓈖 was in demotic:
notice how the other form of n (𓈖 is n) looks similar to m only n
has hook on the lower half and m has it on the upper half, as if
they're indicating the origin of the sound, as if in n it's the
hard palate the tongue touches, and in m it's nose, because the
mouth is closed. That is hardly the actual origin, but that is how
it feels (at least that is how it felt to me when I started this
journey, and they being much more primal probably also went with
how it felt)
вода = no? 不да? вода is yin, yin is no.
and the closest to + I can see is the final sign, the l, the 𓃭
Maybe 𓄂 is where L come from? 𓃀 also looks that other way than
b, we seem to begin thinking of the letters as going forward,
because that's where we go both writing and reading them. It's as
if they switched the direction to go not in front of us, but with
us, and that is how people in russia were rotating in крёстный ход
before 1666 anno domini. And Fomenko tells that year was 666 when
it happened, that they added the 1 first for some other reason
which they later forgot, it's a bold claim, and he has some other
arguments, I don't know them, so take it with a grain of salt (if
it's the grain of salt over the left shoulder I canonly guess, I
just did, never understood that saying)
Maybe salt was so expensive because it was told to take curses
away. I wanted to speculate about some rare but culturally popular
miniritual to avoid bad luck, but that is very disrespectful if
the entities the ritual is rited against actually exist, and
rather meaningless if they don't.
In hieratic that — had a hook:
and here the candidate for the + is the z/s thing if only it had
one cross instead of two, or maybe that is its way of saying two,
that the t of + stands for two. a speculation, maybe, but an
And here another random collection comes (I found those trying to
find complete hieratic chart, when I thought it was not too much
to ask)
The rightmost column is Tolkien's creativity, but it's interesting
that ᚱ there is labial.
And his Tengwar gets to me, the way his a reminds ᛆ the way his ck
remind ᚴ, the way his t reminds ᛐ
And not only all those scripts are culturally important now, some
of them I didn't know even seem to be genuine: notice how the
pictish b reflect d, but then it doesn't prove this thing is
genuine, I could be not only one who noticed it, so also because
how similar that font to some stylization to common latin script,
I am sceptical, and for a good reason: ש for c? Those guys don't
know what they're talking about, unless they want to tell that ש
is 3, but probably nah.
Also check out their hieratic. Fucking amateurs. ח for j? right,
fuck those faggots.
You better see what I have here:
and now this:
It's very interesting that the alphabet we know as hebrew was
named enochean in here.
And mosaicum. And mysticum too. And italo-rabbinical. And
aphrorabbinical. And germanorabbinicum. And rabbinicum. And
supercoeleste. And these are some fonts of hebrew alphbabet they
still use in israel. And there are more, but looking pretty
differently, giving itself out only by the exact same order:
chaldaicum, palaestinum, cananaeum are probably only some of them.
The alphabet we know as arabic is given
there in some other names: turcicum, arabicum, persicum.
Which shows that it was combined when Turkey
used arabic script. Or is it actually persian? freak
It's funny how we agree on vowels, but it's surprising how the
consonants they saw in these forms reflect not the letters I would
expect to reflect the vowels I attributed to those curves.
Also this is a magnificient movie, even though the
word is next to dunce.
Jews seem to teach their children to be bad: Subsequently
McLaren was raised by his grandmother Rose, who lived in the
house next door at 49 Carysfort Road with her husband[4] and
instructed the child early in life that, "To be bad is good
because to be good is simply boring". I probably noticed
it before in some less prominent case when a child confessed that
she likes villains more, because they're "prettier" which may be
true in the hollywood movies and in reality villains are usually
ugly af. And maybe that is why they are evil in the first place
(not being loved they don't love the world back) and will the jews
become a better people when genetic therapies make them beautiful
on the outside. Probably, the inner beauty relates to the outside
one. But the hollywood effect didn't play role yet, because the
kid didn't dig movies yet, so I suspected some relatives of her to
tell her that shit and children mostly mirror what they saw or
especially heard.
Мир от слова мы. Wir?
Wereld is related to We, We reality? Our reality? Wir?
-r as a plural suffix? wo is singular form and both -lar and -ы
can be plural suffixes, and if there are different suffixes, we
have different worlds built out of them.
Мир. Мы и allaRoundus
World Wo' real(m)ed.
Cursive Я sometimes look like 🡽
And У sometimes look like 🡾
And it is marvelous, because Я is higher than У
but УФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ doesn'ty seem to be
one ascending line, looks more like two lines, but then don't
those lines repeat one another, so just as У goes to whistling Щ
so lower Ъ goes to somewhat higher Я, and Ю is a notch lower than
Я, and then Э is lower than Ю because unlike ю & я it's
unpalatalized. And do ЪЫЬ goes its own triad? because it's hard to
say if Ээ is higher than Ьь.
if each line rotates the arrow, then опрст & йклмн could be
spells of getting penis erected: ёпрст & ёклмн are usually
said in confusion, but that could be not always the case, at least
ёпрст sounds like ёбъ расти, which sounds related. йк лмн doesn't
return similar formula immediately, but what if it's yo кол множься мни меняйся (but I definitely wenty too far on this one)
А Б В Г Д В[v] is palatalized, and thus is
higher than Б[b] and Г is unpalatalized Дж
A B C D because C can be
K, this line may be raising sequence
Labials are traditionally low as U and it makes their position
right after the vowel natural, but then what does M do at the end
of the line?
Not all vowels are low as U, and this hypothesis of raising tone
in each line doesn't make much case in the case of E or especially
I, and then it makes me think that vowels were separated, and only
in syllables were they meaningful or at least included into 3x3
matrix of a protoalphabet
A I U as one axis and B C D as the other.
Du is T, Bi is В[v] I think but then I realized that it is not how
it goes, and thus russian sequence is misleading, and could appear
the way I did it now, by mistake readint syllabary otherways.
BA CA DA are B C D
BI CI DI are M L N?
BU CU DU are P Q T
M Ng L this way it seems more consistent and
even more iconic: voiced, sonor, voiceless.
But actually I am influenced by the way it is in russian, so I
pulled that thing by substituting C with G.
So I don't know if it's based. Maybe not very much.
Was the legendary 15-letter alphabet the same vowelless set with
two additional lines?
M Ng L
F H S (which repeats russian Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ)
And suddenly I realized that what we need is the ai-powered reform
of education and medicine.
The coronavirus crisis exposed the system as impotent in the case
of whether virus which kept on spreading in spite of all their
unprecedented measures supported by unprecedented progress in the
medical science (most of the specialists have no idea of the most
exciting tops of that progress) or in the situation where the
danger is not from the virrus, but from incompetent administration
unable to understand if the virus actually caused the disease or
the treatments (during the strike of doctors less people died. Or
was it this joke said before corona-chan? The less operations the
later patiaents who die during them die. Thos who die because they
didn't get the operation will die later, than they could but the
immediate graph doesn't show it, so the joke is kinda misleading,
or maybe it doesn't because the third cause of deaths in the us is
medical intervention. But once again, maybe there are so many
causes and medicine reduces the causes of other cases and takes
those who would die.. but no, that's no joke and it was "medical
mistakes" not medical interventions, but then all our life is not
perfect and thus almost every action can be considered as mistake.
G-t holds the power of medicine and education, thus it can
solehandedly reform these important fields.
Reform of education may sole-handedly save many other problems, so
we'll not care to change them anymore (kids dont' have to prove
themselves to others, and thus they may not become sociopaths as
the result) so we change the world in double impact of medicine
and education: we educate the patients so they may become medical
specialists themselves and we educate kids to educate themselves,
and we pay teachers the wage they earn today as ubi if they are
unable to find something more interesting. UBI is as a debt you don't have to return,
but which may prevent you from taking loans, for example, or to
set some other restrictions to make people motivated to get off
that. People who get ubi will not be able to vote, because they're
not making the common wealth the ubi is paid from, they're taking
And all the commubnist libel that
thus we take power out of the hands of the people to give it to
the rich will be easily refuted by the fact that you don't have to
be rich to vote, you only have to be decent enough to do something
useful enogh to be paid for it. And when the ubi becomes necessity
because robots take all the jobs, we'll reinvent the system once
again to that new reality of the common abundance, maybe then
we'll not want to control the borders of the countries, but
borders of our own castles that will be, and we'll become our own
billions of states for everyone to observe, many will unite into
some unions, and they will vote for their local governance, it
will all be transparent, so don't be scared.
Соловьёв свистит. не поёт, свистит.
И что если свист был предыдущий метод передачи информации, который
развился в речь лишь после и свистящие языки может быть
заархивировали тот метод передачи информации.
свист один раз подзывает. свист два раза уже условный сигнал, и
может означать "беги" забавно, что беги столь алфавитно, первая и
вторая согласные в иврите, например, возможно в греческом и скорей
всего ещё в куче языков (в русском между ними влезла в, в латыни г
стала к и даже с)
беги, не буди, не будь? беги=будь, stay is die? умирай. ум и рай.
один свист да
два свиста нет?
два как да или в внутри значит нет? в как фу?
фута(2 in japanese) as the opposite of hito(1 man, a form of
ichi I think, I know japanese so poorly, that don't even read me
hear, grey mode, grey mode)
фута как 不そうです bu[pu, probably of
пук] as fu and so as to? да is both sou and to, s~t is weird, but
二 ni
二つ futatsu
s~t is weird, but so. s is palatalized t, standing next to it
before they mostly divided palatalized forms into additional lines
of e and u, so aio it was? ao it was. literally 12, ᛆᚮ, other
vowels didn't make it to ogham. and if the basis of runes is
ogham, then let's find the other oghamic runes:
maybe ᚾᚼ(or ᛡ) too
maybe ᛚ is a form of ᚿ, some high ᚿ
and that's pretty much it in the bornholm set, but there are other
runes, so maybe some of these too:
ᚢᚥ, and..
ᚨᚩᚪᚫᚬᚭᚯᚰᚳᚶᚷᚽᛀᛂᛅᛐᛑᛓᛕᛙᛛᛮᛶᛷ(and even ᛸ
as the end of ogham, it's also final in the runic set)
and now old-hungarian, not very much similar to norsk they could
still have roots in ogham:
and now old-turkic ruens:
and because I left 𐲰 I had to
include 𐲄𐲅 and many others and
some more, but now they're coloured grey so it's alright, and it
all began not with 𐲰 but ᛸ
ᛕ and 𐲞
caught my attention, first because they could be double oghams,
combination of some others twos, and then because this form is in
both norsk and hungarian, and we know that letter in european
languages too. And it's interesting, because Norwegians and
Hungarians are european nations, when Turks are not.
And hungarian 𐲞 is surprisingly vowel and it seems to be a form
of some other letter, and we know that we cannot trust unicode, so
here is how it looks from here:
ᛕ | runic letter open-p (U+16D5) @ Graphemica
so I expect this norsk ᛕ be a form of ᛈ which makes sense
since ᚨ is pretty much ᚩ
and because ᛕ does look like ᚴᚳ (and I think in some nation ch is
k, only that ᚳ only looks like h, it's transliterated as k, so
probably it's just a invariant of ᚴ, and thus ᛕ is ck, but to my
surprise I recall that ᛕ is transliterated as p, which returns me
to what I wantwed to t say) and that ᛕ which is not K
supports that ᚱ which I.. also recognize as П, but maybe it's F or
W, who knows. Who knows if I'm not wrong
about ᚱ at all, that is also to take into consideration whoever
or whatever you read.
But let's return to old-hungarian: 𐲞 is weird, but what is even
more weird is
𐲇 𐳇 standing for d,
𐲐 𐳐 standing for i,
𐲑 𐳑 standing for í the iː
𐲒 𐳒 stands for j
𐲦 𐳦 stands for t
so hardly could they explain 𐲞 as their ligature,
and though I almost thought that 𐲞 could be a ligature of 𐲒 and
𐲐, but Y the is Ligature
of 𐲐 and 𐲒
I wonder if 𐲔 𐳔 standinf for c relates to ч (similar in
cursive) or c or that is their way to draw the double stroke in
the opposite sites we romani draw like K, but it tells nothing, so
maybe not.
If it helps me remembere it, so be it. Now you better check out
𐲮 and 𐳮 is hungarian way to draw V which is alos a
ligature and thus not in the unicode today is their W. As if they
wrote vertically, and maybe they did, and maybe only in the
ligature cases, or maybe only later only in those cases, and
before that it was not standartized and thus they drew however
they wanted.
Russian church if it helps me may prove that usurper is not
necessarily a bad thing.
If 𐲮 is one staff, then this form of it shows a cut which is in,
and in is в[v] in russian.
𐲤 𐳤 is S
𐲍 𐳍 is G
𐲖 𐳖 is L
All three are lingual, as the opposite of v is supposed to be. And
they're literally V and Λ
And L & Г meet again. And S is the perfect prima of this
group. the from tells me to take russian form of S:
and G in comparison to 𐲍 tells how those runes are rotated in
comparison to our alphbaet, but it doesn't help 𐲖 make a better Λ
which it is already. Unless it's not Λ but L.
and it is SGL seagull? Sigil! Sign! Say! y is g and il is a
suffix, `^ or '^ (the sign for suffix looking like one of the most
common suffixes make me take ' seriously, ' is י)
𐲆 𐳆 is CS
𐲯 𐳯 is Z is Ligature
of 𐲇 and 𐲯 and is Dz
𐲠 𐳠 is P but because of how out of
the set this one is, I suspect it to be the later novelty of the
letter, just as N, maybe that is why russian p is п and
russian n is н and russian H is X and russian X is Кс.
Russian S is C and russians don't have S.
But that lane goes the other way from n too:
russian tsch is ч, russian r is р, russian p is п, russian
n is н and russian H is X and russian X is Кс.
is how it goes. уфхцч to uvwx or am I only tripping.
is Ligature of 𐲓 and 𐲮 and is Q
𐲓 𐳓 is K
𐲮 𐳮 is V, but this we know now.
is Ligature
of 𐲓 and 𐲥 and is X
𐲥 𐳥 is S
𐲭 𐳭 is ű[yː](ю, close to i these two 𐲭
and 𐲥 have the other way around)
X in the same column with Left and Right is X-ing
H is parralel streets connected with a row. And those walls could
be The Wall.
D doroga? roaD? Row,D. Doroga rovnena? выровнять ров row. ров от
слова рыть. вырвано, выбрано, выработано, речь конечно же про
камни и корни которым на дороге делать нечего.
ровно ~ копано
ровно ~ выРОВняно (ровня = ровно, подобно тому как молоток
превращается в молоточек)
ров ков sow(сеять) saw(пилить) sew(шить) я до сих пор эти путаю (думал sow это и шить и какой-то один из двух
остальных не был уверен, а оказалось что.. неважно)
Saw два значения: кто увидел тот и пилит.
один увидел, другой удивил (того, кто увидел) диво view (дивись,
which is also view, but I thought of another view but is seems I
am not sure also with view and look when I should use which)
пилит пишет пирует но я просто делаю глаголы
одним и тем же суффиксы
saw sew are male work of getting wood (unless hunt stood for
and female
окружают вовнутрь окружения, по часовой тогда понятно какую фигуру
нарисует P or d
P or d is papa or daddy
a is this spyral
b is the opposite spiral. as expected in this interesting theory.
saw sew and e is the same spiral as a, just palatalized, soft,
female. voiceless too? dunno, maybe in the south where they're so
hot they can kill them. And deprived of girl power by the
savageness of the boys the south is pooor as dirt. China is
probably not south enough, being colded by the ocean when the sun
goes down on the west and all the night until the sun goes up,
shining directly on it, but then in the west we probably have the
heat wave through the same rotation earth rotate daily, after the
sun it moves but in the mass so slowly, reaching africa from china
when sun goes down, and thus china is not that hot and used to be
rich and powerful. I is even now considered namba van, even though
they're still poor, sun probably fucks them up some other way. The
most successful asians are japanese and look what communisdm did
to the best korea.
The best korea case is reason why this hypothesis isn't worthy of
investigating: other factors make this influence of the sun minor
even if it exists. Maybe some world-modelling ai will take such
minor factors into consideration, I shouldn't begin with them
building my picture of the world, but heat rotating with the sun
is an interesting guess, able to have deeper implications.
are having luckily encircling vowels. sow could be equally round
because people would saw with both hands at first, before
they saw that they saw
before they saw that they sow with right hand better. And right
hand draws a lucky clockwise move when you look at it from the
perspective of the seed. And we usually can throw with right hand
farther. And that they make a better throw when they work with one
hand. and when the plant grows, on the nex year they may ajust
their rows how close to one another the roads between the beds
shouyld be.
see saw, saw sawed, sew sewed, sow sowed.
пилили доски чтоб спасти их от гниения! sawed=saved!
w just shows the tetth of the saw? saw=with tetth.
road as row, not raw. I wanted to say that orthography is
misleading, but I saw that road's vowels begin with o, so here
it's correct. only it's sylized as road not roed, but maybe w+e=a?
му+жена = мужина? мужчина! ч is probably to make this word less
like жена.
w in english works the other way around: w+man=woman. But that
could be a coincidence. What is.. hey, don't miss the big one:
as I said, the three vowels are not aiu, but aeo. But then how do
I explain aiueo in the east? and a I U as the three meaningful
vowels in english (even though orthography puts down U as you, in
dutch they know this word as U)
this tonal distinguishing could be the hierarchical structure:
sewing is the least demanding job, princesses sew (but neither saw
nor sow) while sowing and agriculture in general sow as both pig
and goat which makes this verb agricultural in all senses.
farmers sow, workers saw, rulers sew (sew the fabric of the
society not into a pyramid, but into a webnet of interactions.
a and b, the rotations, is another great topic today, and to my
surprise I noticed that the church I came into to find the answer
to my questions on
d is lucky, dexter if it goes inward as hunt probably goes.
b d are two hands? b is foot, d is hand. b is low, d is high
b is бог, d is весел. Люди молились D, hence deus and divine, but
in christian point of view "весело веселье, та тяжело похмелье"
and they demonized the D looking for B (or G, g is the
opposite of д, even the
rotation is the opposite if we look the same way from the outside
inside, but what if they're not, what if they both go up to down,
and thus they're two ends of the same sign, known as cursive ד for
c and d are probably historically the same)
The brief inscriptions daubed in red ink upon the
walls of the catacombs of Venosa are probably the oldest
examples of cursive script. Still longer texts in a cursive
alphabet are furnished by the clay bowls found in Babylonia and
bearing exorcisms against magical influences and evil spirits.
These bowls date from the 7th or 8th century, and some of the
letters are written in a form that is very antiquated (Figure 3,
column 1). Somewhat less of a cursive nature is the manuscript,
which dates from the 8th century.
Something important happened around 8th century. What if all the
writing appeared only 12 centuries ago and all the rest is some
official propaganda. A guess too bold, but it is growing.
sleuth ~ след (но слюс больше на слизняка похоже, неприятно
звучащее слово, но лишь нэйтив спикеры смогут сказать окрашено ли
оно эмоционально негативно или нейтрально)
let;'s look it
ino into some similr similar
now here it was not inspiration, I just has
a mouth full of smoke
to raw сдирать
to row перевозить
в лодке (также скандалить)
to rough терпеть
лишения (также лохматить, допускать
грубость, объезжать, делать шероховатым, подковать на шипы)
now this group doesn't seem to follow the hierarchical pattern I
saw in the see saw sow sew (and though sew has e in it, isn't it the
lowest from the phonological poing of vie (much more
typose were here, but I automatically edit them ayw away, and
I'm not sure if it means that I am high in some exhaltation,
though I must be, so I go to draw som e tokens on the cardboard.
but no, that would be counterfeit, cardboard is for bath only, I
go to draw in my notebook)
law low Lew is Tolstoy's name, and Leigh is Bowery's
Allow ai make it, to see some meanings behind grammar. Don't
break your mind with it, I say to myself. And off to notebooks I
と and う do they reflect eachother or nah? If they
do, they're T & В
and only few hours ago in my panorama venezia notebook I thought
of the tai chi fish as being on different sides of the ball, and
thus letters divided among them to b q (or б g) for baby
and cutie and queena and gyna and gal in yin; and p d for papa and
daddy in the yang. But why didn't I think of boy for b? was boy
starting with b because before initiation boys washed with women?
"женщины и дети" но в целом это к тем же загадкам о том почему
язычное ж для женщин, но губная м для мужчин.
It's funny that と goes along with the p and d letters, and
う with the b and g, where y actually belongs.
White ones look like a and e, while the black ones look like у[u]
and o maybe.
And because aa=o and ee=i I wonder does у stand for u or is it
y[i] and it's an interesting question, because и is
russian i and у is russian u
so A E I O?
A and O are unpalatalized and A and O lines are unpalatalized
(unless S maybe, and C too. Russians also have V right after B,
but that is some local pecularity.
I finished the christian tour, it was an educational, but a
mind-numbing experience.
I'm well past vol.15, so I'm affraid of the Devil or what? Why did
I need to feed the wolf? I feed both wolves.
With my soul? Now this christian church was eating my soul. What
else could that experience be? They eat dirty souls, why would I
feed them mine highly productive mine.
I'm sorry, soul, I will not torture you with church anymore. It is
a promise like the one god gave to himself or us noot to try to destroy us with the flood.
What is that silly place of the bible? It's rather weird. Fire
comes next, if I remember the book of revelation correctly.
We have ships at least since Noah, and thus god said that he will
not try to swipe us off with water, because he realized that now
he needs something stronger.
Why I brought this ttheologic
chapter in the beginning of the seance is my realization that if
the крёстное знамение doesn't feel like anything, they cannot even
decide if it's left to right or right to left. Russians go right
to left. And thus they draw a pentagram over themselves. And I
feel like writing a letter to a local priest, one side is blue the
other is red paint. pen. пятнъ
paint=penned? according to the translations of "to pen" as
"запирать, загонять, заключать, преграждать путь" (also писать пером, писать и сочинять)
is paint penned? от слова банка? paint stained, as I said, in the
past they didn't recognize active and passive cases very much,
it's as some suffix, some dativus or genetivus.
those definitions of pen are similar to ban.
Back to the letter. Let's describe the
reforms I crave for:
crossing left to right. To right. We cross the roads this way,
we first look to the left, and then to the right. Britain and
Japan and even India and Australia are not the worst countries
there are. Some of the best ones as I see them from russia. So
what is my point? Why is these directions matter.
I thought about negating that gesture I thoughtlessly made and
by reversing it I found what could be used in some previous cult
which could be substituted by christians and maybe reversed the
same way and I accidentally reverse-engineered it so to say,
left shoulder right shoulder heart and forehead. And this move
made me raise my face up and now THIS move is energetically
charged. Very antichristian, but actually it's
anti-antichristian, because the christian church is
antichristian quoting some pauls, johns, etc, when they have the
living word of who they consider G.O.D.
Me, I only consider him a prophet, a philosopher, a son, a mind,
a smart guy. But unlike muslims I consider him (spiritually or
by descendance of the integral inheritance of our traits to the
universe itself) son of god and an avatar of god and a
manifestation of god on earth, as us all. Maybe he was that much
brighter manifestation of the deity, worthy of being told to be
a demigod, but we all should have this potential to become that
great. If we're willing or going to become that great is another
Expecting to find in which language do A B C D and so on make a
story of some short words, I found
abecedarian, a poem where the first letters of the
lines comprise the alphabet
Alaska’s blinding cold devolves evenly forging golden hues,
insolence. January knows long might, night’s occupancy, pulse’s
questions. Rest, solitude. Quiet rivers steal torrents.
Unearthed valiance wields (e)xoneration, yellow zinnias.
And when I tried to find the language where that thing was more
based, I found something even better:
An abecedarius (also abecedary and abecedarian) is
a special type of acrostic in which the first letter of every
word, strophe or verse follows the order of the letters in the
The abecedarius is most probably the oldest type of acrostic.[8]
Its origins have been linked to either the sacred nature of
letters and the mystical significance of these types of
arrangements[8][2][3] or its didactic use as a mnemonic and
instructive device for children.[2] Indeed, this second type of
abecedarii, mostly in the form of rhythmic arrangements or
songs, is still popular and widely used tool to teach children
the alphabet or other concepts.
and what I was kinda looking for:
י אֵשֶׁת-חַיִל, מִי
יִמְצָא; וְרָחֹק מִפְּנִינִים מִכְרָהּ.
10 A woman of
valour who can find? for her price is far above rubies.
יא בָּטַח בָּהּ, לֵב
בַּעְלָהּ; וְשָׁלָל, לֹא יֶחְסָר.
11 The heart of
her husband doth safely trust in her, and he hath no lack of
יב גְּמָלַתְהוּ טוֹב
וְלֹא-רָע-- כֹּל, יְמֵי חַיֶּיהָ.
12 She doeth
him good and not evil all the days of her life.
יג דָּרְשָׁה, צֶמֶר
וּפִשְׁתִּים; וַתַּעַשׂ, בְּחֵפֶץ כַּפֶּיהָ.
13 She seeketh
wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
יד הָיְתָה, כָּאֳנִיּוֹת
סוֹחֵר; מִמֶּרְחָק, תָּבִיא לַחְמָהּ.
14 She is like
the merchant-ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
טו וַתָּקָם, בְּעוֹד
לַיְלָה--וַתִּתֵּן טֶרֶף לְבֵיתָהּ; וְחֹק,
לְנַעֲרֹתֶיהָ. 15
She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth food to her
household, and a portion to her maidens.
טז זָמְמָה שָׂדֶה,
וַתִּקָּחֵהוּ; מִפְּרִי כַפֶּיהָ, נטע
(נָטְעָה) כָּרֶם. 16
She considereth a field, and buyeth it; with the fruit of her
hands she planteth a vineyard.
יז חָגְרָה בְעוֹז
מָתְנֶיהָ; וַתְּאַמֵּץ, זְרוֹעֹתֶיהָ.
17 She girdeth
her loins with strength, and maketh strong her arms.
יח טָעֲמָה, כִּי-טוֹב
סַחְרָהּ; לֹא-יִכְבֶּה בליל (בַלַּיְלָה)
נֵרָהּ. 18 She
perceiveth that her merchandise is good; her lamp goeth not out
by night.
יט יָדֶיהָ, שִׁלְּחָה
בַכִּישׁוֹר; וְכַפֶּיהָ, תָּמְכוּ פָלֶךְ.
19 She layeth
her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle.
כ כַּפָּהּ, פָּרְשָׂה
לֶעָנִי; וְיָדֶיהָ, שִׁלְּחָה לָאֶבְיוֹן.
20 She
stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her
hands to the needy.
כא לֹא-תִירָא לְבֵיתָהּ
מִשָּׁלֶג: כִּי כָל-בֵּיתָהּ, לָבֻשׁ שָׁנִים.
21 She is not
afraid of the snow for her household; for all her household are
clothed with scarlet.
כב מַרְבַדִּים
עָשְׂתָה-לָּהּ; שֵׁשׁ וְאַרְגָּמָן לְבוּשָׁהּ.
22 She maketh
for herself coverlets; her clothing is fine linen and purple.
כג נוֹדָע בַּשְּׁעָרִים
בַּעְלָהּ; בְּשִׁבְתּוֹ, עִם-זִקְנֵי-אָרֶץ.
23 Her husband
is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the
כד סָדִין עָשְׂתָה,
וַתִּמְכֹּר; וַחֲגוֹר, נָתְנָה לַכְּנַעֲנִי.
24 She maketh
linen garments and selleth them; and delivereth girdles unto the
כה עֹז-וְהָדָר
לְבוּשָׁהּ; וַתִּשְׂחַק, לְיוֹם אַחֲרוֹן.
25 Strength and
dignity are her clothing; and she laugheth at the time to come.
כו פִּיהָ, פָּתְחָה
בְחָכְמָה; וְתוֹרַת חֶסֶד, עַל-לְשׁוֹנָהּ.
26 She openeth
her mouth with wisdom; and the law of kindness is on her tongue.
כז צוֹפִיָּה, הילכות
(הֲלִיכוֹת) בֵּיתָהּ; וְלֶחֶם עַצְלוּת, לֹא
תֹאכֵל. 27 She
looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the
bread of idleness.
כח קָמוּ בָנֶיהָ,
וַיְאַשְּׁרוּהָ; בַּעְלָהּ, וַיְהַלְלָהּ.
28 Her children
rise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth
כט רַבּוֹת בָּנוֹת, עָשׂוּ
חָיִל; וְאַתְּ, עָלִית עַל-כֻּלָּנָה.
29 'Many
daughters have done valiantly, but thou excellest them all.'
ל שֶׁקֶר הַחֵן, וְהֶבֶל
הַיֹּפִי: אִשָּׁה יִרְאַת-יְהוָה, הִיא
תִתְהַלָּל. 30
Grace is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth
the LORD, she shall be praised.
לא תְּנוּ-לָהּ, מִפְּרִי
יָדֶיהָ; וִיהַלְלוּהָ בַשְּׁעָרִים
מַעֲשֶׂיהָ. {ש} 31
Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her works praise her
in the gates. {P}
even though I expected it to be more laconic, the way the examples
above tried to make it.
but there are more:
The oldest abecedarii found are of Semitic
origin.[2] In fact, all of the confirmed acrostics in the Hebrew
Bible are alphabetic. These occur in four of the five chapters
that make up the Book of Lamentations, in the praise of the good
wife in Proverbs 31:10-31, and in Psalms 25, 34, 37, 111, 112,
119, and 145.[9]
Notable[2][3] among the acrostic psalms is the long Psalm 119,
which typically is printed in subsections named after the 22
letters of the Hebrew alphabet, each section consisting of 8
verses, each of which begins with the same letter of the
alphabet and the entire psalm consisting of 22 x 8 = 176 verses;
and Psalm 145, which is recited three times a day in the Jewish
Some acrostic psalms are technically imperfect. E.g., Psalm 9
and Psalm 10 appear to constitute a single acrostic psalm
together, but the length assigned to each letter is unequal and
five of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are not
represented and the sequence of two letters is reversed. In
Psalm 25, one Hebrew letter is not represented; the following
letter (resh) repeated. In Psalm 34, the current final verse,
23, does fit verse 22 in content, but makes the line too long.
In Psalms 37 and 111, the numbering of verses and the division
into lines are interfering with each other; as a result, in
Psalm 37, for the letters dalet and kaph, there is only one
verse, and the letter ayin is not represented. Psalm 111 and 112
have 22 lines, but 10 verses. Psalm 145 does not represent the
letter nun, having 21 verses, but one Qumran manuscript of this
psalm does have that missing line, which agrees with the
לְדָוִד: אֵלֶיךָ יְהוָה, נַפְשִׁי אֶשָּׂא.
1 [A Psalm] of
David. Unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.
ב אֱלֹהַי--בְּךָ בָטַחְתִּי,
אַל-אֵבוֹשָׁה; אַל-יַעַלְצוּ אוֹיְבַי לִי.
2 O my God, in
Thee have I trusted, let me not be ashamed; let not mine enemies
triumph over me.
ג גַּם כָּל-קֹוֶיךָ, לֹא
יֵבֹשׁוּ; יֵבֹשׁוּ, הַבּוֹגְדִים רֵיקָם.
3 Yea, none
that wait for Thee shall be ashamed; they shall be ashamed that
deal treacherously without cause.
ד דְּרָכֶיךָ יְהוָה,
הוֹדִיעֵנִי; אֹרְחוֹתֶיךָ לַמְּדֵנִי.
4 Show me Thy
ways, O LORD; teach me Thy paths.
ה הַדְרִיכֵנִי בַאֲמִתֶּךָ,
וְלַמְּדֵנִי-- כִּי-אַתָּה, אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׁעִי;
אוֹתְךָ קִוִּיתִי, כָּל-הַיּוֹם.
5 Guide me in
Thy truth, and teach me; for Thou art the God of my salvation;
for Thee do I wait all the day.
ו זְכֹר-רַחֲמֶיךָ יְהוָה,
וַחֲסָדֶיךָ: כִּי מֵעוֹלָם הֵמָּה.
6 Remember, O
LORD, Thy compassions and Thy mercies; for they have been from
of old.
ז חַטֹּאות נְעוּרַי,
וּפְשָׁעַי-- אַל-תִּזְכֹּר:
כְּחַסְדְּךָ זְכָר-לִי-אַתָּה-- לְמַעַן
טוּבְךָ יְהוָה. 7
Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions; {N}
according to Thy mercy remember Thou me, for Thy goodness' sake,
ח טוֹב-וְיָשָׁר
יְהוָה; עַל-כֵּן יוֹרֶה חַטָּאִים בַּדָּרֶךְ.
8 Good and
upright is the LORD; therefore doth He instruct sinners in the
ט יַדְרֵךְ עֲנָוִים,
בַּמִּשְׁפָּט; וִילַמֵּד עֲנָוִים דַּרְכּוֹ.
9 He guideth the
humble in justice; and He teacheth the humble His way.
י כָּל-אָרְחוֹת יְהוָה, חֶסֶד
וֶאֱמֶת-- לְנֹצְרֵי בְרִיתוֹ, וְעֵדֹתָיו.
10 All the
paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep His
covenant and His testimonies.
יא לְמַעַן-שִׁמְךָ
יְהוָה; וְסָלַחְתָּ לַעֲוֺנִי, כִּי רַב-הוּא.
11 For Thy
name's sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity, for it is great.
יב מִי-זֶה הָאִישׁ, יְרֵא
יְהוָה-- יוֹרֶנּוּ, בְּדֶרֶךְ יִבְחָר.
12 What man is
he that feareth the LORD? Him will He instruct in the way that
he should choose.
יג נַפְשׁוֹ, בְּטוֹב
תָּלִין; וְזַרְעוֹ, יִירַשׁ אָרֶץ.
13 His soul
shall abide in prosperity; and his seed shall inherit the land.
יד סוֹד יְהוָה,
לִירֵאָיו; וּבְרִיתוֹ, לְהוֹדִיעָם.
14 The counsel
of the LORD is with them that fear Him; and His covenant, to
make them know it.
טו עֵינַי תָּמִיד,
אֶל-יְהוָה: כִּי הוּא-יוֹצִיא מֵרֶשֶׁת
רַגְלָי. 15
Mine eyes are ever toward the LORD; for He will bring forth my
feet out of the net.
טז פְּנֵה-אֵלַי
וְחָנֵּנִי: כִּי-יָחִיד וְעָנִי אָנִי.
16 Turn Thee
unto me, and be gracious unto me; for I am solitary and
יז צָרוֹת לְבָבִי
הִרְחִיבוּ; מִמְּצוּקוֹתַי, הוֹצִיאֵנִי.
17 The troubles
of my heart are enlarged; O bring Thou me out of my distresses.
יח רְאֵה עָנְיִי,
וַעֲמָלִי; וְשָׂא, לְכָל-חַטֹּאותָי.
18 See mine
affliction and my travail; and forgive all my sins.
יט רְאֵה-אֹיְבַי
כִּי-רָבּוּ; וְשִׂנְאַת חָמָס שְׂנֵאוּנִי.
19 Consider how
many are mine enemies, and the cruel hatred wherewith they hate
כ שָׁמְרָה נַפְשִׁי,
וְהַצִּילֵנִי; אַל-אֵבוֹשׁ, כִּי-חָסִיתִי
בָךְ. 20 O keep
my soul, and deliver me; let me not be ashamed, for I have taken
refuge in Thee.
כא תֹּם-וָיֹשֶׁר
יִצְּרוּנִי: כִּי, קִוִּיתִיךָ.
21 Let
integrity and uprightness preserve me, because I wait for Thee.
כב פְּדֵה אֱלֹהִים,
אֶת-יִשְׂרָאֵל-- מִכֹּל, צָרוֹתָיו.
22 Redeem
Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. {P}
yep, this one is rather corrupted or it was
written this poorly from the start, which I doubt.
Written around 393, St. Augustine's well-known abecedarian psalm
against the Donatists is the earliest known example of medieval
rhythmical verse.[2] Another example is Old Polish poem Skarga umierającego[10] (A Dying
Man Complaint). Such poems are important historical sources for
development of orthography. They can be proofs that some letters
were used long ago and later were totally forgotten. Bishop
Constantine of Preslav's abecedarius
from 9th century documents the early Slavic alphabet. Nowadays
abecedariuses are written chiefly for children.[11] The most
famous example of abecedarius in English literature is Geoffrey
Chaucer's ABC.[12]
Nothing which would seem the original abc-primer can be seen, so
let's reconstruct it ourselves.
Be Good
Будь Добр
Fight Hoodlums
Ебашь Ёбаных Жидов Зверей И Йобаных Козлов Легавых Мразей
Отчаянно Пинай Рожи Сучьих Тварей Убивай Филистимлян (другой бы сказал Фашистов, но я сука нацик, а
люди путают эти две категории, фашисты этатисты, бутликерс, g-t)
Хуячь Цунарефов Чурок Шавок Щеканящих Этим Южанам (ЪЫЬ=666 и как шавки с хуем во рту
разговаривают) Я ебанулся походу,
что это за пиздец? бучим
B is the first number in many cases, and here you could add And or
А which is also And, or Арий (точно
Арий и Юрий антонимы чтоли?
Юрий как юриспруденция, Jus juris, George as Hebrew? I don't
know, but maybe no.
And Be Cool Dude Dog Devil Daring Dear Daddy Believe Christian Deity Enough
Eligible For Good High Intelligent Joyous Klan Knighthood
Like Me Not On Purpose Question Reason
Sucking Thumb Searching Seeking Truth
Unify Violence With Xenophobia Young Zealot
ебучих их
ебучим им
ебучей ей
ебучего его
местоимения работают суффиксами, порою это очевидно.
ебучую её
ебучий он (ий=he?)
(но вовсе не всегда. не всегда очевидно, если только эти иные
суффиксы не выдают древние формы местоимений. яя=она? ий=он?
hardly so, but a question set and this thing will deliver later)
ебучими ими
ебучему ему
Another seance, 49:14 10 January 2022 (it seems like it's the
first time I write 2022)
So where do we begin. I got high of three or so tokes, and now I
kinda kickstart this thing, but tenderly, as a mpo motors
Did it begin? Hey! Who's hee? Answer, let's make the keyboard
ojimsa ouija. AND to find this word I startyed with divination
board, but that searche reterned something different:
Star Pendulum Board Wooden Dowsing Board
Divination Metaphysical Message Board for Witchcraft Wiccan
Altar Supplies Kit Beginner Witchcraft Supply, Round Shape (9.8
Маятниковая доска, деревянная доска для гадания,
домашнее и офисное украшение для комнаты, украшение для ведьмы,
викана, алтарь, принадлежности для ведьмы
Rune Pendulum Board Wooden Divination Board with Pendulum
Included for Metaphysical Dousing and Messaging 9-11 inches
And now it's clear that it isn't something completely different,
this thing could actually work because of stars gravitating the
pendulum one way or the other, but it should be some magical
crystal which would react to the position of celestial bodies,
because I don't remember sying any ..and I wanted to say that I
never saw a pendulum deviating from the vertical, but how would I
know that it was vertical? because buildings built with a pendulum
are usually rather straight. But then maybe metal or stone react
to the mass of the Earth much stronger than to stars. And what
..asn and then I rm remember the threads electrified by static and
being movable, and it made me wonder what if there was some
mineral which would beg behave like that? Some electron! amber. Or
before I realized amber I thought if they kept the amulet in their
hand, and allowed thread react to the spirits around it. Did they
took wind for spirits? Wow! They did it in the centre of temples,
and temples probably were stonehendge-like with winds coming from
en every corner, every side. they measured the direction of the
wind to predict the weather! And then some charlatans pretended to
speak with spirits because they had no idea what the wizards did.
Like that guy who used magnifiying glass as some divination tool,
a fraud, a crook.
Евреи очень хотят быть самыми лучшими, но всё же они чук
чурки. и они лишь на половину чук чурки а потому они это знают, и
очень комплексуют по этому поводу наверное, эти комплексы привели
их к совершенно сумасшедн проявлениям (мы руски не обманывам
другдгуга, мы белые за гомосексуализм измежрассовые
браки (too many typos to care, even though I
collapsed some? a (that's ,) nervebreaking topic I a) yj
y но нет, изн израилю крепкую границу, чук чурки чукчи блин. как
абрамович. и гиперкомпенсация, конечно, успех, в самых разных
областях, но особенно в финансках. и в кино. фабрика грёз.
религия, а вот живопись и наука им не по зубам, только насрали в
эти области. музыка норм.
Хочу открыть академию магнии. магии. анти-гнии. огонь анти-гниво.
гонь вонь, огонь очищает. очищать чтоб не чисалось. от is out,
off, of. and indeed it is, un is of. n is ν, v is f. (in, в[v],
Которая произведёт примирение науки и религии. Религия совершенно
справедливо говорила что чёрная магия ведёк погибели. Когда у тебя
в кармане волшебный камень уранус, когда ты пьёшь снадобья от
которых кпроходят хвори, но могут почки отвалиться, когда ты
веришь в собственное всемогущество потому что обдолбался волшебных
грибов в дозах когда подсобой земли не видишь, это всё ускоряло
скорей всего кончину многих интересных персонажей. Молиться в
церкви (с братией, которая социальный организм)( гораздо
действенней, а главное безопасней лекарство. плацебо, которая по
эффектам превосходит зелья. А сегодня наука развилась, но до сих
пор подгаживает: морок которые они навели от короновируса, фаучи
конечно колдун-балтун, чёрный колюдун. Кэри Маллис был светлым
волшебником, обогатил человечество, облагодетельствовал
технологией пцр, сделал это открыто, как любое научное открытие
должно производиться. И как только он отбыл в мир иной, исчез из
этого мира, так и началась пандемия которая не пандемия с
вакцинами которые не вакцины. Чёрная магия, глупая магия, чёрная
как чернушка. красный курой карий чёрный (если рубашка не белена,
не краснеет а темнеет, чернеет, и в глазах темнеет, чернеет.
шахматы чёрные красными бывают (а карты чёрные и красные, черти и
демоны, все карты считаются небогоугодными. шестёркли, слуги,
дамы, короли, тузы это всё не божеская стража, не священный клир,
not clear.
Говорят, кому церковь не мать тому бог не отец, можно с этим
соглашаться или несоглашаться, но фак остаётся таким, что кто-то
так считает. Я это от священника услышал, исповедаться заманивает
худой и заведомо хитрый священник, но этот не худой вроде, но
хитрость присутствует. иудей (выглядит как
иудей, и на первой встрече выдал что вторую щёку не подставляет,
а так въебёт, ибо грешен, и под ту же руку джастас ещё мол бог
пришёл к иудеям, а мы мол псы, христиане, ultimate cucks,
potential traitors, not potential, traitors as are, mason-tier
tratores, high traitors и возвращаясь к
разговору о еврях, кто-то их этимологизирует от слова эвер,
вечер, типа смуглые, не как ночь черны, но как вечен, верчер
да что-такое вечер. вечен жид, да ссык ссыт сыт сыр сыч.
Потому что когда начинаешь извчать иврит, то что ты знаешь
добрый вечер добрый ночь. Я этимологизировал еврей как
редуцированное иудей, но что иудей тогда? Иуда имя, как Dan
for Denmark, Franz for France, German for Germany, Rus for
Fusland) Евры Егоры, похоже на то, что означеют имена-то?
Наоборот же Имя от Нации. Отчего? Евреи это выдают:
предполагаю, что evri от слова европа, полукровки, семиты
смешанные с белыми. сефары сефарды от южных европейцев,
ашкеназы от северных. Крестовые походы породили еврейство?
Церковь породила Сатану. Церковь и есть Сатана (по официальной
вроде даже трактовке Вавилонская Блудница и есть Церковь,
блудящая со всеми царями земными. Образ
вавилонской блудницы и объяснение связанной с ней символики
стали предметом многочисленных богословских толкований и
споров. я это от Кураева вроде услышал, но его
от служения отстранили, видимо чтоб следующим патриархом
сделать если произойдёт вдруг реформа, чего не можешь
остановить возглавь, или я брежу, грежу, пержу Василий Великий в своих комментариях на этот
отрывок пишет, что иногда про церковь, отринувшую веру,
говорят: «Како бысть блудница град верный», имея в виду, что
она принимает «различные семена слова от осквернивших
святость таинств и от всеявших учения нечестия на растление
душ») Я видел, что жена упоена была
кровью святых и кровью свидетелей Иисусовых, и видя её,
дивился удивлением великим. Профессор Александр
Колесников[12] отмечает, что Отцы Церкви понимают под
Вавилоном Иерусалим, который, согласно предсказаниям, станет
столицей Антихриста. Подтверждение этой версии Колесников
видит также в том, что пришедшее на смену старому миру
Царство славы Божией автор Откровения называет «Иерусалимом
новым», тем самым противопоставляя его «Иерусалиму земному»
Но намного более распространённым является другое мнение.
Комментируя книгу Откровения, христианские богословы обычно
считают, что вавилонская блудница представляет собой «город
антихристианскаго царства, который может быть назван
Вавилоном или Римом по сходству своей культуры и по своему
боговраждебному развращающему влиянию на другие народы»[14].
Это мнение основано на словах Иоанна Богослова: «Жена же,
которую ты видел, есть великий город, царствующий над
земными царями» Подробное обоснование соответствия образа
блудницы древнему Риму содержится в комментарии Уильяма
Баркли к Новому Завету. Он пишет, что тайна, написанная на
её челе (Откр. 17:5), заключается в том, что «Вавилон значит
Рим; что неведомо постороннему, то хорошо знает христианский
читатель. Всё, что сказано о Вавилоне, в действительности
относится к Риму» В его толковании семь голов зверя
понимаются как семь холмов, на которых стоит Рим или как
семь его императоров (от Августа до Домициана, исключая
недолго правивших Гальбу, Отона и Вителлия)[2]. Ирина
Свенцицкая отмечает, что Откровение было написано после
первого гонения на христиан, инициированного Нероном и
подавления Иудейского восстания, и в образе блудницы
представлен Рим, вызывавший в то время особую ненависть. в
период Реформации появились протестантские толкования образа
блудницы как падшей Римско-католической церкви
Очень многие богословы считали, а иные и доселе считают
предвестником пришествия антихриста либо полное разрушение и
уничтожение Римской империи, либо сильный упадок ея. Но
история учения об антихристе показывает, что, чем дальше шло
время, тем более терял значение этот взгляд; потому что
Римская империя давно распалась, совершенно уничтожена и
теперь не существует даже по имени, а между тем антихрист не
антихрист давно управляет этим миром, и всё
христианство лишь cope of that fact. That this world is ruled
not by god, but by some evil humans, we're the antichrist. If
his friends come to look for him, they will find here only us.
But believers would say that Jesus is in them. They are "за
него", the antichrists, the antichrists, the antichrists.
Епископ считает, что вся полнота символики
17-й главы книги Откровения, рассказывающей о блуднице и её
падении, станет очевидна только после пришествия Антихриста.
nah, baby, that's not how prophecies are supposed to work.
По мнению Колесникова, жена-блудница
символизирует царство Антихриста, её изображение в
Откровении он объясняет следующим образом: «зверь багряный»
представляет сатану; «воды многие» — подчинённые народы и
племена; «порфира» — царскую власть; «багряница» —
кровопролитие; «золотая чаша» — ложные учения, насаждаемые
царством антихриста
После суда над блудницей наступит ликование, о котором пишет
Иоанн: «После сего я услышал на небе громкий голос…:
аллилуия! спасение и слава, и честь и сила Господу нашему!
…Он осудил ту великую любодейцу, которая растлила землю
любодейством своим, и взыскал кровь рабов Своих от руки её»
(Откр. 19:1-2). Суд над блудницей, по мнению богословов,
будет являться предвозвещением конца света и наступления
Божьего суда
Более поздние ветви христианства и основанные на
христианстве новые религиозные движения стали рассматривать
вавилонскую блудницу как образ отпавшей от веры Церкви. В
различное время вавилонской блудницей называли Католическую,
Православную или Протестантские церкви.
Во время Реформации Мартин Лютер[28] и Джон Нокс назвали
Римско-католическую церковь вавилонской блудницей, как это
до них уже сделали Джироламо Савонарола[29] и Фридрих II во
время своей борьбы против папы Григория IX. Данте Алигьери
использовал этот образ в 19 песне Божественной комедии для
критики папы римского.
После церковного раскола русские старообрядцы начали искать
в современных им событиях признаки конца света. Образ
Вавилонской блудницы стал у них ассоциироваться с Москвой
(как построенной на семи холмах), патриархом Никоном и
Русской церковью
В изданиях свидетелей Иеговы вавилонская блудница
ассоциируется со всеми религиями.
В соответствии с пророческим видением, Великий Вавилон —
великая блудница, которая вела народы, нации и племена в
кровавые войны, крестовые походы и вендетты, благословляя их
с заклинаниями, святой водой, молитвами… Её духовенство,
особенно её священники, были послушными орудиями правителей
в ведении людских масс как пушечного мяса на резню двух
мировых войн и других главных конфликтов. Католик убивал
католика, и протестант, исполненный сознания долга, резал
dividents are shares,
and coming from completely different source, it's funny how divide
is next or previous to divine
More ancient looking divination boards seem to be just a panel for
throwing dice:
For serious problems, the Yoruba go to an ifa
diviner to consult Orunmila, the god of fate. A numerical
pattern is obtained and recorded on the divination board. The
diviner then recites the verses related to the numerical
pattern.. The board's low relief images can refer to deities,
sacrificial animals or client problems. The face on the board
represents Eshu, the messenger of the gods and a force of chance
and change. The figures smoking a pipe probably also represent
Eshu. The birds biting snakes suggest cosmic battles and
sacrifices, as do the rams' heads with mudfish tendrils. The two
curving mudfish and the crab are creatures capable of moving in
two realms. The heads with the triangular crowns resemble
mudfish and are images of kingship, beings of two worlds.
Among the Yoruba, individuals or groups seek
solutions to serious problems through ifa divination. During the
process, the diviner manipulates palm nuts and records the
resulting numerical pattern in the white wood dust spread on a
carved board. He then recites the stories and prescribed
sacrifices associated with that pattern. The motifs in high
relief around the board's rim are drawn from the Yoruba cosmic
world. The face of Eshu, the trickster and messenger to the
gods, is centered on the rim and faces the diviner.
The divination tray is the central instrument used by the
diviner-priest in the complex Yoruba ritual of divination, whose
purpose is making decisions, sacrifices, and seeking solutions
to serious problems with the help of ancestors and gods.
The priest places irosun powder over the tray and draws the tray
into nine sections, with each section representing an ancient.
He praises and honors each ancient before asking specific
questions and casting pine nuts across the tray to seek answers.
The large face on this tray represents an Esu, a messenger from
the gods.
This divination board (Opon Ifa) is circular in shape and carved
with a prominent face on its top. The face represents Eshu, the
messenger deity who acts as a medium between the human and
spirit realms. Its eyes are almond-shaped and half-closed. The
irises are pierced. The nostrils are unusually worn by regular
tapping. Overall, the face has a rather startled expression.
The centre of the board is depressed to accommodate the various
sacred materials used in the divination process. Mudfish are
carved on both sides of the board. The mudfish (egedu) is both a
mythical and real creature to the Yoruba people, due to its
capability of moving between two realms – between land and
water. It was adopted as a a symbol of wealth and power of
Heavy tapping marks are visible throughout the depressed
surface. It shows obvious signs of use. Overall, the board is in
good condition. It has a dark glossy patina.
During ifa the divination rituals, a highly trained priest
called Babalawo would mark single or double marks in wood powder
on his divination board until one of the 256 available odus is
created. Odus is a set of traditional verses that represents
thousands of years of observation, predictions; and both mundane
and spiritual prescriptions. Babalawo is translated as ‘the
father of ancient wisdom’. He is the medium between human and
the Yoruba mythical deities such as Orunmila the spirit of
wisdom who governs human’s destiny and prophecy and Eshu the
messenger who delivers knowledge and guidance in times of
trouble. Babalawo would sprinkle pulverised wood or yam flour
onto the depressed central area of the board and taps
rhythmically on it with a tapper (Iroke Ifa) to invoke the
presence of Orunmila. A bowl (Agere Ifa) is used to contain the
sixteen sacred palm nuts (Ikins), which must have at least 3
“eyes”. He groups the palm nuts in one hand, and shifts them to
another hand at once. The remaining palm nuts in the original
hand, desirably one or two, are counted and marked.
those were african, the following one is east-asian, and
without a description.
This one made me think: god are not three mothers. бог are!
and б-г are the first consonants of the alphabet and another
reason to claim b the first letter.
g-d could be the first consonants of the eastern order.
This is the first one so far which mentions the directions.
Whether they're the way to place it, or actually the tool to
measure wind. Such device could measure the speed of the light by
the angle the statically fixed pendulum would make.
Here comes another one, and surprisingly it came literally next:
Sometimes it's hard to believe that they could read letters by
movement of the pendulum (especially if it moved not by wind, but
by hand movements, because whether hand visibly moved or the
pendulum went both ways. The following form seems to make more
sense in this account:
Dowsing or radiesthesia is believed to date back
over six thousand years.
The Egyptians and ancient Chinese were early practitioners.
Dowsing can be performed in many ways and it is claimed for all
sorts of purposes, such as finding water, minerals, missing
people and even lost objects. It is also used in healing, reiki
and divination.
I know many of these are not historic items, but then the historic
ones are also recent in relation to the times when it was all
invented if it influenced writing systems in anyway or was
influenced by the same ideas which influenced the development of
writing systems, so I collect the pretty ones from all over the
world and time.
Thinking of Yes and Nio in the context of alphabet made me think..
what if Y is in the M column, it's in the N column. The D column.
Да. Lo is jewish No, so it's also L column.
L is also no, lmn is no, rst is yes?
I is as in Irregular
O is just today I saw it. b
J P would reflect eachother better if P was Р[r] ᚱ
and suddenly I see that they're P and R are dashed variant. OP QR
similarity exposes the reason why final three lines began having 6
letters instead of 4 elemen-ot's
L M N are threem others becaus eL is Je both are I
M is 2,
N is 3
1 is Λ
M is 2,
N is 3, just as z, z is in the line. so is Δ another way to say 3
Σ don't you see ther Ϻ, or is it a blasphemy is it all
lingual? three mothers are.. AMN
мы и сии, что может быть дальше:? мы и те, но т is T and what is going on here! And I take a deep breath and get real high
MSNT unity? мы cии=thee=sie те=ты?
мы но мне. как это в языке работает?
мене абсолютный абсурд. русские пьяная вы скотина. но нет, это я
грубая скотина, потому что мене станет понятно, если учесть что
мене is to me. но почему не-то! мене=meme? (пишу не мне, а мене,
потому что силлабарная запись архаичней. археологически это может
ПОКА не так, но по логике развития языка как я себе его
визуализирую совершенно закономерно. Какой дурак отказался бы от
алфавита в пользу силлабарии? только тот, кто понимал что каждый
слог в ислабарии значит. силлаба=слова? слог. г=в!
слова=слога=силлаба. не согласная, а согубная. syllable, and I
suspect sy- to be withi, с-, and
lable to be labial. of course labial, I couldn't understand why
did I pull lip so much. labia.syllabial. согубный согубной.
согласная=согубная=соязычная? consonant=syllable=and colingual is something else.
consonant is a consonant and not a scream or babble when you
understand that syllble, that interjection (where ject seem to be
of ..or is it jet) a particle, a corpuscule. Isn't it co- cutting
out p as r, wghich could be a testimony in favour of P=R thing.
of coursxe! and WQR are only
diaciticed diacritized variants. O is some Q and P is some R
it's probablty the same `, the
◌̢ the ◌̨ ◌̹
Гре́ческая систе́ма счисле́ния, также известная
как иони́йская или новогре́ческая — непозиционная система
счисления. Алфавитная запись чисел, в которой в качестве
символов для счёта, употребляют буквы классического греческого
алфавита, а также некоторые буквы доклассической эпохи, такие
как ϝ (дигамма), ϟ (коппа) и ϡ (сампи). Одно из начертаний
дигаммы внешне похоже на распространившуюся в византийскую эпоху
лигатуру ϛ (ϲτ), поэтому распространилось заблуждение, что для
записи числа 6 использовалась стигма.
Эта система пришла на смену аттической, или старогреческой,
системе, которая господствовала в Греции в III веке до н. э.
Аттическая система счисления — непозиционная система счисления,
применявшаяся в древней Греции до III века до н. э. Она
употребляет в качестве цифр греческие буквы, причём цифрами
служили первые буквы слов, которые обозначали соответствующие
числа. После III века до н. э. аттическая система счисления была
вытеснена ионийской.
Употреблялись также дополнительные цифры для
обозначения чисел 50, 500, 5 000 и 50 000, которые представляли
собой сочетание цифры 5 с цифрами 10, 100, 1 000, 10 000:
Принцип записи чисел в аттической системе счисления имеет
значительное сходство с римской системой. Это может быть связано
с влиянием восточносредиземноморских культур на этрусков, у
которых римляне позаимствовали систему счисления.
And I read who Attica was. And to my surprise it was Athens. And
who superstrated them? Ionia is Turkey. Troya wins. So far, so
long, fair well, fair warfare, let's bet or beg Turkey to give
those lands back? Lets attic culture flourish for our mutual
benefit. We may buy Ionia from Turkey. No, Ionia is Turkey. We
should buy Attica from turks. Or we should convince them, so maybe
bribe will only be a greasing. agreeing. договорились звучит
похоже, похоже agree one гври, one cree. cree = say? not cree,
creed, agreed = a creed. for two. 42
42 was so deep, I need to talk to the computre which gave 42 as
the answer to the Meaning of Life. 42 is for two. and it is so
complex it wrapped it into that funky record. Life is that
complicated and even more.
wiki doesn't even offer greek version of so little does it have, Attica
is much more greek.
Greek words for Meaddl Middle East
is Μέση Ανατολή
Ανατολή is simply East. A goes up.
So middle east is middle in the sense of neither north-east or
Russia, nore south-east (inda India?)
юго-восточная азия, азия тоже похоже что от Ost, but in Asia A
also goes up. Верх это как Вниз, тоже с приставкой В, арх и низ. д надил надир. надир=над их, может
быть, но антоним востока запад, δυτικά is their запад, заката,
затека. сытика.
and that δ is Δ and could that Δυτικά be Αττική
Αττική and Ανατολή
Αττική така and Ανατολή уже менее уверенно, чтоли. Она тоже,
Греки должны перестать на них нападать, и турки их отпустят, они в
целом не злобивые. Может армяне с евреями затевали в Турции то же
что в России совершить. Судя по непосредственно случившимся
событиям, очень может быть, что турецкие спецслужбы сработали
оперативней российских, и плач по тому ..но затем я читаю, что
официальной причиной было требование армянами автономии, и я
устидился. Но грецию турки всё равно должны отнять, но если
официальная история верна, то они злобные твари, но похоже что это
не более чем пропаганда, а моя версия событий правдоподобна:
Несмотря на то, что 70 % армянского населения
составляли бедные крестьяне, среди мусульманского населения был
распространён стереотип хитрого и успешного армянина с большим
коммерческим талантом[23]. В свою очередь, те из армян, кто смог
разбогатеть, постоянно вызывали взрывы возмущения мусульманского
населения[24]. Враждебность к армянам усугубляли нерешённые
социальные проблемы в городах и борьба за ресурсы в сельском
хозяйстве[23]. Эти процессы осложнялись притоком мухаджиров —
мусульманских беженцев с Кавказа (после Кавказской войны и
русско-турецкой войны 1877—78 годов) и из новообразованных
балканских государств, а также крымских татар. Изгнанные
христианами со своих земель, беженцы переносили свою ненависть
на местных христиан. Претензии армян на предоставление гарантий
личной и коллективной безопасности и одновременное ухудшение их
положения в Османской империи привели к возникновению так
называемого «армянского вопроса» как части более общего
восточного вопроса
ничего не напоминает? армяне турецкие евреи?
mentiones armenia more than russia and more than arabi.. buyt if
I look for arab, it's much more
and I was correct:
В 1887 году возникла социал-демократическая
партия Гнчакян, целью которой было освобождение турецкой Армении
путём революции с участием всех этнических групп и создание
независимого социалистического государства. Наконец, в 1890 году
в Тифлисе прошёл первый съезд наиболее радикальной партии
Дашнакцутюн. Программа партии предусматривала автономию в
пределах Османской империи, свободу и равенство для всех групп
населения, а в социальной части опиралась на создание
крестьянских коммун как основных элементов нового общества
Yeah, sorry, armens, dzhigarkhanens
Turkey, you're alright, please return Greece to greeks, let's
bleech them so they will deliver more.(she's american though. born there)
and Constantinopol too. Look at that devilless. And suddelny (gпо ходу дела) female suffix is suffix of
a lack. (less=lacks=lax) it is negatively, yin-like
charged suffix, but in chemistry this is called positively
charged, and the путаница вызвана полюсами компаса и полюсами
земли, где-то полюса названы неправильно, и химия взяла пример не
с тех, надо заменить отрицательный и положительный на серверный и
юржных, чтоб понимать куда потоки текут в том числе и на земле, а
не только в химических процессах.
and this were two seances during the same day, and as you can see,
in the end I was so exhausted I fell into some savage politics, as
I noticed myself doing when I smoke way too much. Obn One seance a
day should be enough if not excessive. Please sustain from smoking
for second time: bu vb but then I found Attica and attic
(antique?) numerals:
The symbols representing 50, 500, 5000, and 50000
were composites of an old form of the capital letter pi (with a
short right leg) and a tiny version of the applicable power of
ten. For example, 𐅆 was five times one thousand.
and I think that
part is also from the second session, so let's smoke twice, but
not for the third time. Politics is bad enough, but then somebody
has to open these secrets too.
M and S, N and Z. NS what is this? m and т, being
m and т are exactly identical fonts. Riddle me that
De Mo N S
-en ~ -es
I think I'm circling in, see, even without the third toke smoke it still works.
token is toke'n
The ionian numeral system is the same as israelite one, the same
region, the middle east.
Oдин Пять
One Five Ten
Now I see why the attic system is more basic, the more ancient,
the basis of the alphabet is there somewhere, at the West, not the
East, israelites only developed the alphabets further from
whaterver was before it, some magic stuff, some heather heathen
pagan ~ pan (пан = господин, господь? господень. день? гос.
подань? гос are gods? gos.apparat: g~ds' apparatus - 's's are
ᛆ in one land, ⴰ in the other, the concept of one is the same.
how comes that ᚠ goes fifth? why not fourth? was it fourth? 365 of
ivxlcd (notice how l repeats after i and c is г which
paradoxically reflects v in many cases (чего[чиво] paradox)
она ева, он ев? дев? евнух ев нот эни мо? ев no xуя?
жених и евнух антонимы, но так ли это морфологически?
looking how fart the waves go, I find somebody else pondering upon
this thing. I saw a guy who got inspired by this axial structure
on my t-shirt few years ago, so it's the second one (or is he the
third? or is he the same guy?) who's aware of it. And yep, the
article to which he replied with this is of 2021, so it's surely
one of my waves echoing:
AIOLOS (Aeolus) was the divine keeper of the winds
and king of the mythical, floating island of Aiolia (Aeolia). He
kept the violent Storm-Winds locked safely away inside the
cavernous interior of his isle, releasing them only at the
command of greatest gods to wreak devastation upon the world.
and wind could be the first thing which differed by the direction.
E W N S as four mothers? With the N being the G column originator
or is it S for C? It depends on which direction doesn't send
winds. Or didn't in some specific site this theory could be worked
out. N as no, new as in newmoon, the hidden fourth mother, the U?
probably U is fifth, or if it's V the ו it's sixth, but as ᚠ it's
fifth, and if it ever was fourth, then bde is the line, a is a
later addition and the liness went from lips to tongue to voice,
the natural inward way.
bde as будьте, буде
and z is not the first to breat the picture, like what is
happening in the f-line?
p-line is simple: pstu is its form without the diacritized OP
forms the QR, and isn't it "wonderful", that I consider minuscule
when that suits my need, but switch to majuscule when minuscule is
not so good? I say majuscule is earlier form, alright, but
minuscule is as important. So I don't know how it came around, I
keep on digging. tens of millenia, maybe hundreds or even more of
the world have we forged the language, and it's not that we forged
it that long ago, it's that we've been forging it for wso that long.
Sure it will take me some time.
fgи is how it goes and i and j are just some variants of it, or
rather H is double I (because bothe russians and greeks knew I
when they had H as a vowel, only that anatolian ionian recognized
H as a vowel. So apollonian priests themselves mutilated
pentatonic scale with the two additional sounds, probably because
Ionia corrupted Egypt and greeks respected Egypt just that much.
Or I'm only speculating, shouldn't d b be doing it so much.
B and D are passive and active. Passive is female, and double
because with a child, cannot do much like that. Single sign is
active, double sing is rather passive, so this work didn't grow
when I was living with a chick.
In Greek mythology, Aeolus[1] (/iːˈoʊləs/; Ancient
Greek: Αἴολος, romanized: Aíolos [ǎi̯.o.los], Greek: [ˈe.o.los]
(About this soundlisten), lit. 'quick-moving, nimble') is a name
shared by three mythical characters. These three personages are
often difficult to tell apart, and even the ancient
mythographers appear to have been perplexed about which Aeolus
was which. Diodorus Siculus made an attempt to define each of
these three (although it is clear that he also became muddled),
and his opinion is followed here.[2]
The first Aeolus was a son of Hellen and
eponymous founder of the Aeolian race.[3]
The second Aeolus was a son of Poseidon, who
led a colony to islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea.[4]
The third Aeolus was a son of Hippotes who is
mentioned in Odyssey and the Aeneid as the Keeper of the
All three men named Aeolus appear to be connected
genealogically, although the precise relationship, especially
regarding the second and third Aeolus, is often ambiguous as
their identities seem to have been merged by many ancient
ˈe.o.los is alphabetic: vowel e, labial o, lingual l (and os is a
suffix alike to latin us)
different winds blew different tubes? That could be a good
wind-telling device if they managed to lure wind into one of four
tubes, or if the wind blew two tubes, they would make a triad, so
four vowels were four winds, four directions, four or five nations
I was speaking of are four or five continents, now I see that
they're the four directions.
A asia? anatolia Aust is Ost for Austria is Ost-Reigh.
E europe? E is east, so e=a
I was india in my previous though, but now I see that Africa is
also A
and what is w? the second direction we knew. E is where sun goues
up, W is where it goes down. If we live on the northern
hemisphere, S is where the sun and zodiacs are, but that is more
complex, than the N around which they all rotate. The centre of
the world is N and that is where we have the third centre, the
third importand direction.
EWN was the three mothers? but for russians north is sever, the S.
I wonder why, but then I realize that sun goes clockwise, but the
north goes counter-clockwise. I've shown the video before,
And counter-clockwise is signed as the swastika two crossed S
makes, the unlucky swastica, and that it showsthe direction of
Z could be the opposite of such S and Z indeed stands for Zuid. But in latin it's meridiem, auster, austellus
(and even cancer probably for the constellation, in which sound
is around 22june actually. And thus they could identify the
sides of the world with the sides of the sky and thus with the
constellations. And indeed, one of the words for north in latin
is similar to bear: boreas, borras, but also aquilonium
(aquilonius, aquilo, probably because aquarius is around
22january and bingo:
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
other latin words for north are septentrio septemtrio septentriones
septemtriones septemtrional septentrionalis septemtrionalis and
the translation or etymology if you like to these are: seven stars near the north pole
lating word for west is
occidens, Libra (September 23 – October 22)
and I thought that I knew some scale-like word reminding that,
but so far I only found this: The ascendant
(Asc, Asc or As) is the astrological sign (and degree of that
sign) that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific
time and location of an event.
and another bingo: I scale:
ascendo (ascend, go up, rise, climb, scale,
mount up) adscendo (ascend, mount, climb, climb up, scale,
mount up) so ascendant is probably another word for
libra, for the scales, весы (scales scale)
latin words for east is oriens, ortus, exortus, aurora,
orientem, and check this out: Aries (March 21 –
April 19)
other latin word for east is subsolanus (sunward, east wind) but
the reasons for this I don't know so far.
The confusion could be caused by the different understanding of
how to understnad the swastikas: their tips show the direction or
do their corners do? It seems that westerners recognized tips of
the ends the arrows sun rays upon earth and all over, hence North,
South. Easterners thus understood the corners or acutal places of
the attachment of the circle-making ribbons, or the heads of the
fish if we think of S as of the ࿊ shape, but it seems unicode only
has them this way: ☯࿊. and this shape does make the lucky swastica
of 卍 and that could explain why ࿊࿋࿌☯ is all they have for this.
Greek South is Νότος, which is great counterpart to russian Sever
for North.
But russian south is юг[jug] which doesn't
make much sense in this account.
Greek North is βόρειος, βορράς, βοράς, βορεινή περιοχή (περιοχή
is region, district, territory, compass)
As if β was the beginning and the ν was the end, and ν reflects
the Α well and not B, but the form of ν could be the reason to
implement the position of the Α, but that's only speculations,
but someimes they deliver, so I go on.
What I'm saying that it's not impossible that some nation unifide
this modern lexics in its cingle body of the culture and I wonder
what that culture could be. There's no way
something this important would go away without trace, more
likely it is dissolved in the fractures of the modern languages
and cultures.
в з с ю (з like s and в like ю, could it be something? why ..
what? Would they consider only two directions the NW and SE? It's
funny that in english N is closer to W and S is closer to E in the
opposite way to russian pairs.
Aries Bureus Cancer.. Libra? (another word for libra is trutina)
But the order is fucked up:
spring, winter, summer, autumn or east, north, south, west
But then it makes some sense, because it goes from the east to the
west, and begins at spring, as year is told to be beginning. As a
somewhat roted clockwise И-like lightning coming from the east to
the west, as the shaman promised to go through the russia to make
putin go away. I hope russia conducts electricity well enough to
achieve this noble goal. Or maybe we'll transform this energy into
more productive cause: to reprogram the putins, to bring them some
better plans, the plans which always were to go after their one.
They took the power, but it seems they're not quite saure what to
do with it other than just to hold onto it.
suddenly I realized that I never used
cooking for research, and cooking definitely was very inportant
and dare I say magical, ritualistic part of the ancient life.
And I thought about it because it takes about an hour to cook a
chick, but then I only began to study cooking, I can only cook
one cake (also takes about an hour) and I only today figured out
that it takes meat not less than this, otherwise it may be raw,
but what am I talking about, internet tells that it takes 180
celsius half an hour to cook chicken legs, but my experience
said an hour. And now they say it takes two hours to cook a
chicken and thus who knows how much it really takes, I'm not a
cook yet, just mention that it's another field potentially
containting the information on the subject I research in here.
I'm thankful to my mind and whoever else helped me reach this
point, I decide not to smoke for the second time. It is quite a
seance, martyr~murder is from yesterday, the rest is from this
day. even though the following day just began, but you got me, I
have my own time down here.
Another thing to think about: when we touch
something hot, but not very hot, something which is hot, but we
can hold it, what happens in those few seconds before our nerves
react and we can move the hot object aside still holding it
until the other nerves react as well? Don't we burn the cells
between the object and the nerves? I think we do, and I also
think that if we eliminate all such killing factors we may be
spared by this life. They say that smart people statistically
live longer than dumb ones. Maybe because they make less ammount
of dumb things. But even they're not perfect, and many things we
the humabnity have no idea about, so our smartest also didn't go
too far from the dumbs.
And this cooking think made me come up with some interesting
lexical parallels: boil вари, fry жарь which is interesting,
because f and ж are pretty much at the same position, but
phonetically russian variant is more interesting: because
labials are water and linguals are fire, the pair of варить и
жарить make perfect sense. the other cooking term of this line
is парить, which is also labial, and also water, but steam, and
maybe that's why it's voiceless.
once again,
Oдин Пять
One Five Ten
Unus Quinctus
Quinctus=Quinque -> q=ct? t and v meet again, and this is г and
в thing. бБ is marued кгГ? maybe Бб
is Бабы where бы is plural ба and ба is барыня, госпожа, а бы is
ея дочки. б молодая дылда (такой я её увидел в сравнении с г,
который коренастым корортышкой показался. меня учили что мальчики
взрослеют позже. это педофильская пропагнанда. пидоры ебут наших
девчат, в итоге всё поколение выебано наёбано объёбано с пубертата
если их раньше не взъебли. фигурально натурально по всякому.
And here I scream that Qu = F. the position of Q and it's shape
too, hm, I never noticed it, is next to P and most nations don't
have this letter, And probably it was rememed into Kw to feet the
C-column Romani established, not a single other writing system has
it. Romans began to praise four matters instead of four? What have
they discovered? Plasma? Electricity? The discovered electricity!
though I should try this at home, because how do I know that he
doesn't blow air through those welded tubes. There are literally
holes in those disks.
If qu = f, we easily find q in hebrew, where p is followed by f
(without a number, but maybe gematria was to take into account фэй
некст ту пэй, нот пэй софит as it
does today. then b and v go russian manner, and thus all the
gematria is off the chart. Is it the secret they're having with
which they conceal the reality of gematria from the uninitiated
ones? They mess their heads with false interpretation? It is
definitely a hypothese deserving to be investigated.
If qu = f, then Quinque is Fife (which is much closer to Five) and is quinctus not simplification created
after they retransliterated (or mistransliterated) Q?
If qu=f, then quattuor is also much closer to Four. Especially in
the light of quarta.
F and Q are rather rare letters, what were the chances that they
made pairs in both english and latin. It caught my attention and
vois la!
c-column for the гореть, огонь, agni, ignis, (incaendefacio
incaendo incandesco incendefacio incendo incoendefacio incoendo
succendo accendo, there are other forms, related to flame, but
this one is interesting and in support of my guess)
-ing = in
supporting = in support
working = in work
(doing may indicate some obsolete form in do if this form ever
existed, either way it was misleading all the time, the lack of
talking in talk
smiling in smile
in form works not for all form.. not for o
f not for all wo not for all wards not for all words.
if that g is important, that than it's "in go" (in the process)
but I thought it before, now I make a further step: g is not
important, -ing is in the same way -ть is to, this form of
morphemic cognatism may appear not only in the form of cognates,
but also in the form of doublets (cognates in the same language,
let's call them all cognates?)
But then hebrew alphabet also has quph after p, or it has some ц
between them. A complicated question and very new to me.
We ate from the tree and
what if bereshit bara elohim and вначале было слово are the same
text? What if John united these two texts into one epic dilogic
series. di as du, twoo (two to too thou de
but to is a, de is of. de and du as of and to?) of is softer, so
is de. do was the common verb and to and of in one language and
de and du is the other? Where it went t f way it already was ть
where it went to de way it was maybe also to. щелчки до более
пристойных звуков. пердёж как слово был скорей всего у обезьян.
если одним обезьянам запрещать бранные слова, считая их
прокляьтиями, то современная этика говорит "не отвлекайся на
ерунду, у меня тут экран словно многослонйный. Я прыил в
разбитый телефон, и испоритил свои глаза так что они начли как у
стрекозы фасеточное знрение выдавать. много изображений
накладывается на одно. ум еня двоится в глазах, хотя тут не
дваоится, а сколько сколков было на экране телефона, столько и
берешит бара элохим эт ха шамаим вэ эт ха эрэц
вначале было слово (логос) и слово было у бога
эт как и подтверждено французским и латинским et
эт эе зы секонд тайм ис оф
эт at the second time is of english at? two ats in different
meanings? Are these texts the keys between different languages?
People were you carazy/
берешит бара элохим эт ха шамаим вэ эт ха эрэц
вначале было слово
и слово было у бога
бара~вэ? и~у?
у = at ~ et = и и is russian i (y)
у is russian u
у меня именна. утебя эt вы? но нет, те же кореть от ты. ор ис ит
не кривляюсь ли я? давай посмотрим на собственную адекватность.
очень неправдоподобное предположение проверим, и если я не свалюсь
в хаос, то либо либо, посмотрим, продолжим сравнивать эти два
предложения как если бы они были одним, какие следстивя из этого
можно было бы выбрать? Начать неплохзо бы не с русского перевода а
с греческого или еврейского даже варианта (даже если еврейский
считается переводом обратным, возможно они знали цитаты в
оригинале если там цитаты были, богословие, я в нём ни бум бум
пока, хотя и много редких знаний знаю. редких как только бывает,
сам их открыл, мало кому рассказал
было = вэ? вэ переводится как и, и если и это у, то было ~ у. at
had on owned
at ~ -ed? add ~ at. isn't it + t?
unum quinque decem
q reflects d not worse than b. q is upside down b. and d is
related to p as daddy and papa. isn't it not papa but rara. RaRa.
R reflects d in k-symmetry.
unus anus? as ace ass? (туз ис боус эйс энд эсс) the other
translation for one is literally assis.
maybe that is believed that ass is the first opening a man had,
because of that or that is because it is believed so. How could
they have knowledge of embryology in that early times. Watching
quinque finfe
v = nf? very possible, especially because in greek n is ν
a f d?
u q d~!
(gothic q is more like у)
Aha! Here is what made me recognize f within their q's. kw~w of ᚹ
and ᛩ
(I watched this chart recently, it could influence the solution
that I only wrote down just now, but which was silently brewed in
my mind somewhere to pleasantly surprise me.
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿 𐍀 𐍁 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄 𐍅
𐍆 𐍇 𐍈 𐍉 𐍊
a b g d e q z h
þ i k l m n
j u p r s
t w f h ƕ o
𐌾 is probably something related to sameh.
because it repeats greek alphabet in 𐌸 the Θ showing the same
object from another angle. So national variants of the letters
show them in some new way, to be contributing the common goal, not
just borrow, but because so many forms are simply borrowed,
probably this was an unintentional fluke, But anyway, why is that
𐌸 reminds Ψ so much? And both Ψ and θ(Ѳ) unite labia et lingua.
𐌸eos, the pitchfork satan is shown with. fork fourk. k as in
knife, cut, kill, katana, katanighe
What is 𐍊? The legendary T which ends alphabet or is it something
labial? because it follows the vowel. And look how very much 𐌻 is
similar to 𐌰 and it would be very nice so, because the next is
the labial. the most incredible one. and 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 is the legendary
beginning of the second half of the alphabet. две скрижали, не
три, третью типа разбил. три aettir, три aicme, so instead of the
legendary 15 letters, Moses only brought them 10? What were those
letters? How can I even consider this semitic myth? Becuse
greek myths deliver, and some hebrew myths deliver too, so why not
to take into consideration the most influential text of all their
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺
𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿 𐍀 𐍁 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄 𐍅
this is how it ends in the bornholm stone. And it gives us 22
letters, as in hebrew there is now. And without that 𐍅 which
hebrew doesnt' have, we get the legendary 21.
The additional 5 are needed to reach the number to 27 to use it as
local form of ionian numeral system.
𐍆 𐍇 𐍈 𐍉 𐍊
and if we also remove 𐍅 to mimic hebrew, we have the K as the
central letter, and't it's the M's place, and M is known as
central letter.
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺
𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿 𐍀 𐍁 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄
let's see that 𐌺-symmetry
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹
𐍄 𐍃 𐍂 𐍁 𐍀 𐌿 𐌾 𐌽 𐌼 𐌻
it goes wonderfully well from 𐌹𐌻 to 𐌵𐍀 and then the symmetry
is abruptly lost. And I see how much 𐌿 and 𐍀 are similar, so I
suspect the doublet, and I realize that I shouldn't mimic hebrews,
especially because they had 22 letters, not 21, they fell from
grace that way. And 𐍅 will be a badass reflection of the 𐌰.
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹
𐍅 𐍄 𐍃 𐍂 𐍁 𐌿 𐌾 𐌽 𐌼 𐌻
𐌳 reflects 𐍂 just as d reflects R,
𐌴 to 𐍁 is the weakest point. I had such points in the latin
also in the same spot of E opposing Q(which is F now? so is it
It looks like the k-symmetry is some archaic thing and was
mutilated by reforms I don't understand. Only some tracedd traced
traces of that can be seen, but not the system as a whole.
I leave K-symmety alone, I cannot say it delivered to me anything
on top of it, some deadend I keep on returning to so maybe those
four mandarines did damage my high?
𐌾 is transliterated as j and it is the J which makes this line
latin in the setkit but not the order?
This may allow me to ponder upon 𐍅 𐍆 𐍇 𐍈
𐍉 𐍊 being U V W X Y Z, especially because the 𐍉 is where Y
is, but even though they're pretty much echoes of the same
thing, I wonder if they're not what? either way I shouldn't pull
it too much, I should collect more data)
Nah, I'm alright, those "vitamin C is breaking your high" came
from amphetamine junkies, so I shouldn't take their words too
kettle котёл (kettle переводится не только как чайник, но и как
котелок. чай завезли позже)
here's where I found this kettle:
𐍈 ƕ (hw) Θ
(this column is "comparisons" uuaer <
*ƕair "kettle" /hʷ/, /ʍ/
this uuaer in the semantic context made me think of water and eau
as the cognates of thsi wettle, but positionally it's rather
чаттл. как kettle, но от слова чай.
Notice how much their omega 𐍉 the way it looks in the browser on
the screenshot above reminds chinese 又 which sounds as yo with the
w at the end. and means also and again, and in some context "and",
which makes it similar to & the top half of which it
прельстиво как приятно is a meme, as if some
southern foreigner tried to write ibn russian and invented such
weirds forms, but then it could be some philologists joke, but
then why is it such? приятно от слова есть, а прельстиво от
слова лизать? изо рта лезет сыр-корбаса
from japanese 又 does translate as and, and also as also, again,
once more, too, as well, moreover, besides, on the other hand,
while. so in general, and.
again = and on? and gain? and going? а and и are often cognatic in
u is read as them all, as a in bus, as u in put, as i in лицо
which thus could be relating to look. лик.
ა? Ա! aka ա! Ա-form reminds a this way, if we look how gothic cut
the tops or B, R, 𐌱, 𐍂
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿 𐍀 𐍁 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄 𐍅
𐍆 𐍇 𐍈 𐍉 𐍊
a b g d e q z h
þ i k l m n
j u p r s
t w f h ƕ o
compare 𐌺 and 𐍂 to see how much k~r (both related to ч:
palatalized k goes ч in russian, cursive ч looks like cursive r)
and of course cursive k reminds R with the staff going higher than
in R case, what we see today, but the other way, it's R's staff
going lower than k's.
A depiction of another scripts showing similarity between L &
Interesting, that this supposedly assyrian alphabet follows hebrew
(i.e. phoenician) alphabet in its order.
and some more crazy pictures from the same thread (crazy in a great sense, of course)
I suspect those thirteen cuneiforms to be months, but it all could
be anything, a fantasy of an author, for example, but I think it's
some syrian or iranian nationalist movement, knowing the cuneiform
as good as we know runes. Only few of us european know runes, but
cuneifrom is not even our legacy, though my point of view is
everything is our legacy. Not that one race, but one specie.
New day, new high, but I'm in a math mode. So let's research
digits and signs.
x as multiply can be confused with + when written by hand, so
let's better use ⋅
× is the sign, x just looks like it. In russian it's ю, жды, and
in english it's times, which may tell that жды is жди, wait, time.
в отличие от иди, идти (space)
(на используется и для деления, так что нет)
times space? time spay? money is place×time. This sign is more
recognizable (⋅ was used to divide words, grammar and mayth have different systems)
ma my mu? (я мой мне, I my me. I count
myself, you listen my speech, you play music to me. what else
could mythologer tell, if he was playing himself he would be
from some other scool. but math? isn't it the original
trivium? mAth, mYth, mUs? грамматика логика и риторика.
логика это математика. грамматика это mYth, который отвечает у нас
за буквенные тексты, граммата буква. риторика видимо является
музыкальной магией, каким тоном фразы заворачивать, чтоб входили
аудитории на ура. Т.о. одна речь может включать в себя все три
дисциплиты. логично, грамотно, красиво. Первоначальное
значение слова риторика — наука об ораторском искусстве.
Оратор как оратория.
В XX веке слово «риторика» стало пониматься в двух
1 изучение античной филологии и её изводов с
позиций истории
2 устная ораторская практика.
т.е. я сейчас говорил о риторике во втором значении, и
возможно то что я ищу иметь ключи в риторике в значении первом.
Пион paeonia
ae и
a~e? because ee = i in english. which makwes it some tradition,
related to oo=u, and aa=o too, but then i~~o? not clear,
diacritized, but differently in different nations. и is i in russia, but u is u in europe. So we were
smiling saying it, and they were holding their smile and laughing
in half-closed mouth, which could might (had) look(ed)
differently. why would one 'ad need another 'd?I'd did is just
added to different words, they added that had to every word of the
clause until they realized they could do it only with the veryb. very vary (many) and b is be. so verb
is various be's
I as in high (if 'd is had, ha is whether some omittable the like
ה or just some придыхание, which sometimes happen naturally, when
the speaker have run or excited or old)
U as in хуй?
лох ло хуй, לא hui, хуйло
j or l both are I and though L shows the rotation
counter-clockwise, what it shows is that it goes up, alt, j is
joy, it may go down. But if you want tio have i clock-wise,
you draw it upwards too, tehe l way.
хуйло холуй (even though it's much more
poetry than science, it may have psychologic effect.
it all looks like some psy-op
maybe even programming us to war
to war Ming? oh! Why can't we all get along.
I know we have some problems with those chinks, and their poor
ecologic attitude is one of the most important concerns, much
more concerning than how they treat their citizens, but both
problems are not chinese, they're socialist: when people reach
high positions not by their abilities to create something, but
by pesonal servitute careerism, they're tremendously incompetent
as a result. Maybe we should culturally enrich those poor
bastards and maybe then it will be less of a concern. They'd
rather have it clean if they didn't have to be dependent on the
outside service to maintain it. But their contribution to CO2
emission is the smallest of their ecologic atrocities, so it
seems we do have to globally war mings. I wish we learn how to
slay their supreme chiefs instead of their local joes. But then
our leaders will be scared of such a change of the way the wars
are warring, and thus I hope they will learn to coexist not by
accepting the chinese ways they seem to do now, but by teaching
the chinese some better ways of growing food and making stuff.
To teach chinese making stuff? By making the stuff by robotic
powers on the levels humans are not capable of, to set up new
standards humans won't be able to compete with, and thus sweat
factories will become obsolete, and the most of ecologic
problems with it.
warning alarming, à la guerre comme à la
it's only naturweal, (well) that
well is we'll (people drank dirty water? колодец это от слова
ключ, родник, People used to raise the walls to the well to make
it a reservoir for pure water. And thus cities around the wells
are probably built from the bottom up and the territories around
it are some ancient cities laying that deep.
Русское слово того похожего на wall well is колодец, чтоб
родственно слову крал (как такая опечатка
вообще могла проявиться? чтор это значит вообещ?)( клад.
склад воды?
так клад или ключ? ключ всегда от клада? то что под замком.
несмотря на то, что первая же подобная фота говорит что моё
предположение может быть реальностью, в буквальном смысле ни одна
фотография этого предположения не подтвердила. Но в моей памяти
колодец был именно что на возвышенности, хотя быть может просто
дело было на склоне горы. Но разве не всегда так? Все фотографии
подчёркивали равнинность местности с колодцем, отчего у меня
возникло чувство, что я не понимаю о чём говорю. Но ведь я лишь
предполагаю. Моя задача строить бешеные предположения и играться с
ними дабы смотреть какие сохранят свои позиции.
and that thing brought me maybe the child's psychologic trauma, a
wooden well. This is so rus, but that acclaimed film director
didn't understand what he was doing. Or did he? Did he
intentionally fuced with russian psyche? Many
would be miseducated on this subject of building of the wells. The
wells look wooden from the outside, because that table is made of
wood and maybe it's also not very good architecture, but he
whatevert, jews fucked us up real well.
because every image of well from the inside are naturally made of
a B c
ɔ Ѳ c
a M t
TV is how the alphabet ends.
It begins with G-d or Б-г
and ends with tv of tvarr, zverr, z is also how it ends, 666 of
uvw is how it ends, ъыь,
(and it goes on in vol.16)
Э Ю Я where Э has ☽ shape, and Ю has ◯ shape, and Я has ☾shape
is TV tov (טוֹב, good) because god is maybe good in english, but
in russian it's гад.
But snakes are good because they rarely attack. They're not good
as rabbits (are rabbits good or just weak?) they're good as
Suddenly I noticed that jews are good at three things: music
movies money, and they all begin with m and if music was mosec,
they would all begin with mo, and then I see that then it would be
not muses, but moses. Like seriously, what were the chances.
Люцифер цифер? lu по французски
"прочитанный" (p.p. of lire)
Итак люцифер, это прочитанный шифр. прочитанный цифрой. And now I
see how my eyes became faceted from looking into a broken screen
of a black taped phone. This is why broken mirrors were considered
futa и два похожи на кальку
I read bible with lu cipher, and I
R in STERILE occasionally written
бумажные полотенца не стерильны . я понимаю напоминаю.
This program lags for some time now, so it's time to make new
volume, and it's almost orhad reached
the size of a volume. It literally did when it was behind all the
other volumes, now it's probably among the tiniest but hardly the
last. it is. well, I just though that I have to drop them once
they first lag to see if some energetic function had a critical
condition for the first time, so if something energetically
significant is happening, it's manifested in these volumes too. (I was thinking of volumes of the transistors,
not these volumes, and following lines was written write after
that) I also wanted to say that so I don't pull the Lucifer
thing around the ends of the volumes, but they overwhelm me too,
so I have to grow a little I told me, but then why would I want
some other spirit to be comfortable in here and not me. Will my
sdoug (soul was the word) grow too?