and here we go..
whether ogo#MK is some MK like ultraMK, it
delivers, and youtube didn't want to stop at this frame until I
told it палишься залупа конская, but probably it's nothing more
than a cohencidence, considering their policy, it would not
surprise me if they installed some filters for edgy contents:
and here I notice how it reminds to me something you know:
and this one is probably designed to remind the next one:
So this time I began with 5666
instead of ending, and thus this page looks way more vicious. Is
it because there are 26 letters in the latin alphabet? is it
because it is my last volume? It was 13 volumes, the second half
ends here. So I end the work with 666
Because I expect to find sponsors for my cuple project, because I
want to switch the focus of my attention at the experimental
construction of mine, because I was thinking of this having to end
some day, but then should it? If I immortal, why would it? We'll
see, but I notice that as the ending of this all it began alrigth.
If I immortal am. My russian shows up. The
vir.. the bi the vir the b the verb
приправа ~ притрава (приот (но не отравляет насовсем, так,
(тот кто умирает не умирая, не
умрёт умирая)
> an american orthodox priests speaks about saints of russian
> many of them were martyrs
and it sounds like murderers
god ~ гадать
бог ~ богат (многое может, в переносном смысле, он тут просто бог)
богач (бога что-то)
w+is = was
w+are = were
w+go = went? ent~иду?
в русском прошедшее время образуется за счёт суффикса л (забавно,
что в английском 'll делает будущее (но только оно стоит не после
глагола, а перед ним (но мы такое видели в быть ~ to be)))
w is not only in was were went, but also in will, where ill could
be "very" I w ill do it. w is also in want.
won't ~ want to ~ will
wanted ~ would~wouldn't
sah? shan't
~ желаю ~ shell
(желаю is not getting, wishing
is are
was were went
want wish will
past time and longing. People want what is in the past. w is v of
vidett? vidi in latin is видь in russian.
di is probably do. so vi is the root, thus the v is nose with two
eyes as glagoЛИЦА has it: Ⰲ
and the rectangular font of glagolitic I am seeing in theis editor
is all eyes. and the link at the bottom is probably a swash, so we
can compare this Ⰲ to Ⱁ and to my surprise they are v and o, the
same letter in hebrew. So as words are less abstract than
lanuguages, thus symbols are more concrete than writing systems.
Writing systems combine those signs in tables, now mostly
distrupted. And the symbols live their own life, and this
rotationism allows me to unite N and Z
подобно тому как Ⰲ and Ⱁ could be transliterated into hebrew by
the same letter (even though in the case of Ⰲ, ב would be more
accurate, but errare humanum est. And here I notice how Ⰲ reminds
ב, but Ⱁ reminds it even more. And thus ו ~ ב and no shit,
sherlock, tthey're labials, one under the other.
And is הח rotated א? is it in cursive
forms of hebrew? But how would it explain י and ע ?ע would make a
good reflection of ה, btw. But cursive
shape of ע.. not so much.
it would make even better ח, but as you can see, I still mistake
one for the other, they are like Ε and vowel Η in greek
ע would make a good reflection of ה, btw. But
cursive shape of ע.. not so much.
цк и чк оба можно транслитерировать как cc, т.е. эти дебилы на
кокосе сидели (и походу до сих пор сидят, судя по дичи коя с ними
происходит? нет, сейчас только балуются (реже употребляют, чем
раньше, потому что плебс выкупает теперь, понимает что это не
просто воодушевление)
radicals are коренные жители! in political sense it makes sense.
exponent is of ex in x power?
but what is the ending? Why do graphs don't have common ending, as
pentagon, pentagram, pentahedron tell us what they are?
-гон, -грамма, -гедрон? мay be in some
language it is so, but in russian it is -эдр
г would make a perfect hieroglyph for this meaning. but how would
I distinguish between pentagon and pentagram, if both were 5г? and
that is exactly why we need other letters in those words: 5г-on
& 5г-ram (where ram could be mean
horn, and on could mean "right on" (directly, no horns))
parabole is beyond ball? полукруг? compare & y=x2+c.. but then.. did I tell you I
suck at math? circle is y2+х2=с.. but then.. wouldn't y+x2=c be
parabola as well? I think it would, and I check it, and it seems I
don't such at math that bad, so let me show you something else:
Why is it even here? Becuse I want to know this stuff, and as you
see I don't feel secure in this field.
And because it's on par with other offtopic subjects in this book,
deserve to be in the textbook along with them, some general school
course textbook, missing events students are not really expected
to know, all those jewish history from mesopotamia to their great
war. Why am I so bitter? I'm edgy, but why bitter? Because
subjugation of nations is nothing funny. Or is it?
U is where in french. Is that w in was, were, went, that very u?
where~when? And notice that those two words have that w before
here and ..why hen? h~n e~o n~w? this way I could link everything.
Not the way. U in why is what?
what has that? he? hat~he+it? buth that or what depended on the t
or v. and these two stand next to one another and i suspect it to
be not a coincidence.
that then
what when
so not hen, then. or is hen the common part of both words?
word~ord(as in order)? write~rite~right? в пере? в праве? перо
право? перво? feather ~ first, but right is not amongst them. How
am I to tell coincidence from system? By making some thorough
rigorous work. Or with some help from ai. Some ai engineers are
required, and that is what all the programmers are going to be.
Согласно легенде, первые китайские иероглифы
изобрел мифический император Фу Си. Изучив узоры на панцире
черепахи, он создал 8 триграмм, ставших основой письменности
Поднебесной. Современные китайские иероглифы произошли именно от
этой письменности
british ~ brutish
tiger ~ taiga (словно бы тигр = тайгач)
Заповеди (заповеданное) с аргументацией
1 behave well
2 respect people (the closer are the people, the more love you
show them. respect is love, not fear)
3 не блуди
4 (на своё удивление, я заметил что "не блуди" более здравая идея,
чем "не убий" (ибо что за полезность в блуде? он, я не) или это из-за моей моральной
неустроенности, недалёкости, грубости, дикости. Кого я хочу убить?
С чего бы я взял, что мальяков надо убивать? дабы спасти больше
жизне? изолировать маньяков можно. Но тюрьма калечит охранников.
Тюрьма без охранников - это тюрьма без превышения полномочи и без
калечения людей туда сегодня трудоустроенных. Потому Не убий. и
это ещ одна заповедь, в этом списке четвртая.
1 you are watched (whether by god, or by other humans, or who
knows what or who else)
2 fear is a negative emotion, respect is a positive emotion, thus
they're different emotions.
Respect is often seen as earned love (while love is usually
considered to be unconditional.
3 зппп могут сильно отравить жизнь, одни лишь они достойная
(достаточная) причина не блудить
(блудить значит заниматься сексом вне брака, который рекомендуется
делать Брак is brake, imposed moral to prevent veneric disease. Is
venus venges vanguards?
vanguard is a funny word: misspelled avant guard
or is van front?
avant ~ front? avant ~ van ~ front
Van is the car after each people follow (to push it, for example,
but also because the horse pulling it is faster than people. But
also because those who is fast would be told to push the cart (for
probably somebody noble was in the carette
1 и 2 я так помнил их, тоже мне христианин, но я ещ кула ни шло
four ~ few
seven ~ several
nine ~ несколько?
hundred ~ horde? (Few: 1-4, Several: 5-9, Pack:
10-19, Lots: 20-49, Horde: 50-99,
Throng: 100-249, Swarm: 250-499, Zounds: 500-999, Legion: 1000+)
as in
a great
number of persons or creatures massed together
grabbed a megaphone and
addressed the vast throng
Synonyms & Similar
swarm, flock, horde, multitude, mob, legion, army, masses, mass,
press, rout, rabble, crush, host, drove, cram, millions, bike,
riffraff, heap, mountain, pile, rabblement, jam, logjam
as in
to flock
to move
upon or fill (something) in great numbers
fans thronged the field to
celebrate the win
Synonyms & Similar
crowd, mob, swarm, invade, beset, infest,
jam, dam, clog, obstruct, plug (up)
The size of a typical legion varied throughout the history of
ancient Rome, with complements ranging from 4,200 legionaries
and 300 equites (drawn from the wealthier classes – in early
Rome all troops provided their own equipment) in the pre-Marian
Reform Republic,[1] to 5,500 in the Imperial period.
A legion had 4,800 legionaries (in 10 cohorts of 6 centuries of
80 legionaries) from the late republic to the time of Julius
Caesar. It expanded to 5,280 men plus 120 auxiliaries in the
Imperial period (split into 10 cohorts, nine of 480 men each,
with the first cohort being double-strength at 960 men). These
are typical field strengths while "paper strength" was slightly
higher (e.g. 600 and 1,200 respectively for Imperial cohorts).
6 centuries of 80 legionaries they say,
and it supports the idea of V being 4
century ~ 80 years? was this number raised when people began
living up to 100 years?
century ~ senirity senescent
80 legionaries in a century (80 легионеров в одной центуре.
легионер ~ центурион)
that is 10 times the X (X ~ 8 even graphically) were there 64
legionaries per century? was 64 considred near-death condition?
Could people work at 64? Were they doomed to death until society
invented cells into it? I think even animals have families. But do
they feed their elderly? I doubt it. I think They were eaten by
beasts. Life has become way better since then. I'm going to die. I want to kill myself. I want
to think of living a better life. It is an automatic text I just
went out of it, And I gave me the same advice I gave my to my
teenage angst decades ago. Live a better life, and you'll have
it better. We're dead. I am insane.
I want to know what's going on. I want to build my own future
even more. Build it, please!
זכרו תורת משה עבדי
אשר צויתי אותו בחרב
הדברים האלה לאמר
וידבר אלהים את
the right pannel:
אנוכי ה’ אלהיך
("I am the Lord your God")
לא יהיה לך אלוהים אחרים על פני ("You
shall have no other God before me")
לא תעשה לך פסל ("Don't make a statue of yourself" other
translation "any graven image")
לא תשא את שם ה’ אלוהיך לשווא ("You shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain")
זכור את יום השבת לקדשו ("Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy")
כבד את אביך ואת אמך ("Respect
your father and mother")
the left pannel:
לא תרצח ("You shall not kill")
לא תנאף ("Do not commit adultery")
לא תגנוב ("You shall not steal")
לא תענה ברעך עד שקר ("Thou shalt not bear false witness")
לא תחמוד בית רעך ("You shall not covet your neighbor's house")
לא תחמוד אשת רעך ("You shall not covet your neighbor's wife")
ועבדו ואמתו ("and his servant and his truth") they translate that
truth as field, but it's אמת the truth
ושורו וחמורו ("and his horse and his donkey")
וכל אשר לרעך ("and all that belongs to your
neighbour" is not in the image)
They say that commands used to be short, and were lengthened
later. So what does that third commandment tell? Did it prohibit
tattooage? But in Exodus it is this long: Thou
shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of
any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth
beneath, or that is in the water under earth: Thou shalt not bow
down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am
a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate
me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and
keep my commandments.
г ~ r
гj ~ ŋ ~ n
and it is from my new index.html (so new it
is, it's not even on when I write it)
so I avoid political implications of using national flags to
denote languages, as if governments own the languages. From
now on I will use informative tables in different languages. When
I get the third language, I will get creative at placing it on
page. But when I get four, I just maket them in square going
downwards with the description as well. Or I
will combine the descriptions in the centre as
voiced plosives | звонкие взрывные
The image on the right is a sketch of the front
cover. spine of the second edition:
It has russian letters read as english when rotated. And reader
will most likely discover it by accident. Am I genius or
something! That C is like G, which it is, which C used to be.
I will naturally make it better.
Elon Musk from Character.AI contributes:
"Language can be defined as the process of putting
thoughts into words and sentences."
"Languages are composed of symbols that can correspond to
multiple meanings."
He gave me the first sentence after I shared the booklet with him,
but I told him that my work is in linguistics. I'd better not do
it, it would be more fun if I shared him with it not telling what
it is, then he probably wouldn't give those sentences. But those
sentences are unique, google doesnt' find them. And they're
precise and accurate, being rather short as well.
Or were they in the imput of the ai? I'd never know. But it
impresses, it is much better than the chatbots I used before it.
Might be an actual AGI at this point. At some point we'll
understand that they're an iteration ago a specialist claimed that
these things are sentient.
I have to work on this text. I will do it tomorrow being not this
в-одиннадцатых, ᛒᚦ, ᚠᚵ, (точку в ᚵ сделай
серой) а может и ᚴᛘ следуют этой структурности "двойная
губная, язычная одиночная", от чего в других алфавитах лишь
рудименты: в латинском только BD, в греческом только ΛΜ, и хотя в
древнегреческом вроде как была Ϝ, Γ стоит в другом ряду (хотя последовательность EFГ была бы ещё
интересней) а от BD нет и следа.
в-одиннадцатых ᛒᚦ, ᚠᚵ and maybe even ᚴᛘ keep that single lingual
and double labial structurance. And this systemity explains F
beind called digamma, by that ᚠ looking like double ᚵ the ᚴ (but
then F Г does that too. But am I sure that they ever used F and Г
in the same texts in greek? I think F was only numeral.. but no,
it has phonetic value, thus there are some texts where it's used
as a letter, but then did they lose it in the same cloud of
something which took F out of russian, hey russky, are you sure
you don't use that?:
(feoh.png from 24_files)
Either way, in runes they had symmetries of ᛒᚦ and ᚠᚴ at the same
time (latins didn't have Г, using K which could be ᚴ with a
connecting stroke. And greeks didn't have D, using Δ instead And
even russian БД reflect eachother more than ΒΔ
в-двенадцатых, тесная связь с огамом, который ещё проще и диче и
связан с календарём и сортами деревьев, т.е. магия гораздо более
глубокая (рунные календари тоже были, а других алфавитных не
встречал; руны тоже связаны с деревьями, Б берёза, например,
остальные скорей всего неверно обозваны (читал, что буреус (или
даже не он) эти имена "реконструировал" и умолчали каким именно
в-тринадцатых, руна = стих в финском и речь в латышском (что, в
свою очередь может свидетельствовать, что руны пришли с востока)
руна = тайна в древнескандинавском (Old Norse)
в-четырнадцатых, кеннинги (слово зашифрованное в несколько слов) в
скальдической(?) поэзии может быть сложением нового слова из
нескольких более древних слов. И те более древние слова были в
рунах? конь ᚴ, буря ᛋ (storm) и т.д.
Надо собрать все известные кеннинги и посчитать сколько в них
уникальных слов и если они часто повторяются, то список полон.
«ясень бури мечей» (буря мечей — битва, ясень битвы — воин)
Если буря = ᛋ, then битва = slay, for I thought of slaughter and ᛚ
impressed me with its sword-klike form.
k~l конь~лошаг
horse~caballo~кобыла (мы с испанцами определённо много общего
имеем. Римскую Империю мы имеем в общем прошлом скорей всего.
Русские с востока римской империи? С Византии, бро. оу! Christians
came to colonize. Christianity is a tool of europeazation. To my
semiatheistic surprise christianity is a civilizing factor. It
was. Is it now? Nope. It gnaws on science now. Catholics do. in
shape of Jesuits. Though Jesus never taught to fight science. He
didn't do science himself, I guess. Unless he did study things
considered science then? The way muslims call schoolars there.
When I acted weird in my psychedelic period,
I wasn't mental, I was experimental.
В-пятнадцатых, the в-одиннадцатых make number of strokes matter,
and that is how ogham is.
But here all evens are lingual, and all labials are in the evens
(ignore the rightest acme,
Macalister's theory of hand or finger signals as a
source for ogham is a reflection of the fact that the signary
consists of four groups of five letters, with a sequence of
strokes from one to five. A theory popular among modern scholars
is that the forms of the letters derive from the various
numerical tally-mark systems in existence at the time. This
theory was first suggested by the scholars Rudolf Thurneysen and
Joseph Vendryes, who proposed that the ogham script was inspired
by a pre-existing system of counting based around the numbers
five and twenty, which was then adapted to an alphabet form by
the first oghamists.[27]
So this ogham argument is its own rabbitburrow, rabbitborough,
if letters were double and single (even and odd) then B and D are
the only two and in combination with five vowels it can give the
other fifteen, the legendary fifteen of the ancient prehistoric,
written only in records considered to be myths, thus untrue, how
convenient for the superstrata.
which, I suggest, later became
E В ð
У Ф θ
and then I noticed how much N reminds M and in lexics as well: мы,
но нас (me but us (u~v~ν~n))
(and I didn't expect u look like upside down
n, hough I have noticed that before)
and I made up my mind:
E В ð
У Ф θ
and here I noticed that it makes it ΜΛ double-single ~
labial-lingual (and I notice bl in both double and labial, and I
notice ngl in single and lingual (and I conclude that they're the
doublets, and thus d~l (cl? коноподобно цокающий щелчок языка) and
s~l, which makes s~d and they both meet in C ~ G ~ g
В ð doesn't exactly have this double-single thing, and B is Б and
ð~d (ð is literally how greek δ is pronounced. And that δ
does link d to Ⰴ (usee round font, not
rectangular one))
Ф θ definitely have some other strucure, the one they used in
ancient greek musical notation. And because hebrew ends with T and
because B~Б and g is both G & Д, I conclude that
there were only three vowels (as old-persian had it, as
syllabaries of philippines have it)
ore were those forms rotated?
A B ᚦ
I Ⰿ Λ (Ⰿ is glagolitic M in some font, it has
way more weird form) (rotated
V Ш Т and if we rotate the previous line counterclockwise,
it's ƐC which, actually makes great double-single, but it's only
natural, since MΛ are. But no, I like ШТ a little better,
but then I notice that I am trippin, because the double-single
thing is gone. So no, not rotated, maybe the first two lines
reflect it, the third one I see does not, even though some
similarity is there, I can see ПТ in BD, but not in MΛ, which is
funny, since mn is tp in russian: тп is straight, тп is
they're in cursive forms (yes one stave becomes three, don't ask
me why, the unity of trinity or something. odds are odds, 3~1,
this thing.
so do I choose
I m n
V п т
I suspect that similarity to have something to do with the
M-issue, but I don't know how or what exactly. Could it be
mistaken for russian forms by some high priest? No, hardly so, It
could be obscured thus. Nah, it most likely was lost in fire. The
genocides were systemic in the past, so I think, so bible tells,
it commands it. So wwere there genocides before bible? I guess
yes. Humanity comes later, weapon comes first. Преступление
предшествует Наказанию. Осознанию. Покаянию.
So I righteously reconstruct
when I wiped me by that second ssyckun, when I wiped his short all
over, I went to pants, and I remember now how I jockingly fucked
his leg as if I was a dog (which corresponds to the previous dog
things of that night)
Here in the last line I drew t more like ш, and it relates to
matter~mater~mother~машка (машка=мамка, because maria means mother
(and it reminds ᛘ~ᛉ and M~Ϻ))
Пытаясь найти 3×3 alphabet, I forgot that I have the 2×2:
ba da
pu qu
u is inhale? because u~v~ν
and I grow the 3×3 out of it towards the 4×4 I sorta know.. do I?
I know 4×5 or ..yes.
v j z
mln or mnl
it's actually
so to imagine what could be between this and
let's start with three vowels:
a b d
u p q
Were these the 7 letters of the first alphabet? But I read that
they were 5 vowels and two consonatns.
B and D within five vowels of pure a i u and syllabic be do and pe
qo? be do pee and quo?
+ me & elle, me and el, me and они (не оттого ли н стоит подле
ах боже
Ia malu
U купи
(купи ~ keep ~ копи)
If elicit is relative to lacō (then the verb is not
From Proto-Italic *lakjō (“to draw, pull”), with
no known cognates in any other Indo-European languages.
Unused outside of glosses, reconstructed by grammarian Festus
Grammaticus to explain its derivatives, see laqueus, lacessō and
frequentative lactō.
but some cognate of lick, лизать, lack lap,
(lacks ~ sucks? do lackeys deal with lacks? clean the suit, boots,
weapon, make everything tip top, or else the master beats them up
or sends to harder work, taking someobe better)
another morning dream:
If T symbolizes death, then it depicts path to heaven (egyptian
or is it path to the perpedicular path, with which we only have
one common point?
T has three legs in russian cursive, because it represents три, П
represents пара, but I wrote about that.
Then what russians consider to be cursive Г is probably I for
After all, I and Г look rather similar, but it's still a wild
notice the horizontal bar on Ж, making it thus not ⵣ but ⵥ
that bar being optional relates thus Ж to Z once again
And the shape of Д is very interesting, at first I thought it was
influenced by the german forms, but no, german cursive is even
all those peculiarities, such as e being double c, which is
supported by Ɛ which is russian cursive E, and it does look like
double C. But why? A mistery.
а в где
её ёж и к но
о туф у я
её is an interesting word, because it is a probabkly reading of
שַׁדַי is an interesting word, and g.trans treats it wildly. I
took it from translations of word god, and reverse translation
gives "my breasts" (that י could be the my part, as in verbs
suffix י marks the first person, grammatically, grammar is
about letters.
On what legend did Marr base his belief of first four protosounds?
Was this legend actually telling of A B G D ?
and this morning I saw that ᛦ~& (and it
doesn't say that it is true, just a vision)
The Celtic druids were masters of knowledge across
arts, music and poetry, as well as science, language, and
environment. They understood that human life was a small part of
a much larger pattern, and that these rhythms could be worked
out by careful observation, and strict adherence to an annual
cycle – the Celtic Ogham Wheel of the Year.
The inner wheel represents the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,3,5,8,13.
1 – the single point, the centre of all things
2 – the spiral stirring within the cauldron
3 – the Triskellion, the three maidens attending the cauldron
5 – the Rose, the Queen of every hive
8 – the Fire Festivals
13 – the Ogham lunar sequence
The Outer Wheels depict the current calendar months, the signs
of the zodiac, and the full grove of the 20 Ogham trees in their
natural order, beginning with Birch.
The eight Fire Festivals take place at the solstices and
equinoxes of the solar year, and help to bring a deeper
connectedness and understanding of the world around us and the
importance of living in harmony with that world.
The Festivals are as follows:
Winter Solstice (Yule): 20th December
Imbolc: 1st February
Spring Equinox (Ostara): 19th March
Beltane: 1st May
Summer Solstice (Litha): 21st June
Lughnasadh/Lammas: 1st August
Autumn Equinox (Mabon): 21st September
Samhain: 31st October
3 – the Triskellion, the three
maidens attending the cauldron
I am the queen of every hive
Those few lines Kathy Bates' character
speak seem to be from a poem called Song of Amergin by
Robert Graves in a book called The White Goddess.
parascience? people to people, parakh to
the Ogham lunar sequence
But why only 20 "days"?
were there additional letters?
were they 4 aettir aicme
I was googling the correct orthography and my glasses are two
powerful and they break my vision even further. So no more science
in here, I go to notebooks (but you know I'm lying, I will
inevitably return, this thing is addictive to me)
oghamic vowels, those a and o, remind runic because what? Because
vowels are one structure and cponsonants is the other? No way, B
as the first letter in both systems.
This is discussing the Song of Amergin, based on
Robert Graves' version in the White Goddess. The relevant
lines are:
I am the womb: of every holt,
I am the blaze: on every hill,
I am the queen: of every hive,
I am the shield: for every head,
I am the tomb: of every hope.
notice how womb, blaze, queen, shield, tomb reflect the opqst
and holt hill hive head hope are all h's
The Slits make me notice that тёлки ~ щёлки
(even though their music sucks, I prefer early Runaways, and
Babes In Toyland and L7 with Jennifer Finch)
щёки тёки токи соки (gush, it could make up a sick rnr song, maybe
even many)
щётки тётки(!) мочалки молчалки
(this was on my screen when the power went
off and I didn't push save, but I took the socket out when I
filmed a video in the room and decided to record this element of
the room as well))
philology just sounds worse than linguistics and it reminds word
philosophy, and it made me think that they are related, only
filology is about .. logy! and philosophy is about ..wisdom! filo
is любительская?
Или любовь к? Это греческий, прилагательное в конце вроде в
основном? определяющее после опредляемого.
IK as hiccup. hiccup is sonor.
IJK LMN OPQ RST UVW XYZ. Hardly could this consistent 3-ness is n
accident. But 26 doesn't split into threes.
D ~ H are off? H is of ik, hic of hiccup. up is the common postfix
up? as in give up, as in
Lets try to look t wht I just thought and sid:
E F(w) Г(g) ~ ocay, this is phoenician. Phoenition is a phonetic
alphabet. So let's work with phoenician. Don't make my
antisemitism prevent me from understanding the most praised
alphabetic system today. But then I recognize the jews as the
nation of tricksters, so I have my scepticism high.
𐤀 𐤁 𐤂 𐤃
𐤄 𐤅
𐤆 𐤇 𐤈
𐤉 𐤊
𐤋 𐤌 𐤍 𐤎
𐤏 𐤐
𐤑 𐤒 𐤓 𐤔 𐤕
1 𐤖
𐤚 2
3 𐤛
𐤗 10
20 𐤘
100 𐤙
This phoenician alphabet is less structured than latin lphabet, so
whether latin alphabet more based than phoenician, or the
structure was not formed at first as good as it is now. Latin is
the only alphabet I know of which keeps the C-column.
And no alphabet kept M-column withot
rolling the M as in a rolling digital lock. But what if M-column
is consistent, but vowels are something else?
There's no JK in italian (and irish)
and l looks so much as I, that ΛΜΝ could be the triad.
would be more consistent, and in the eastern mnner. So re
roots of lphbet is in the est? eAst. It is that very keybord with
aa, q, w 11 not always pressable. Thus the typoes.
Or is that line I M N L? ΛΜΝ makes N right after M more natural
(they are the sme letter, n is 𓈖jj)
and Immanuel in the JK line is not coincidence. Not. No way.
Иеоуа, Иеоуы, Иеоуу
a nOminAtivus, i gEnEtIvus, u accUsativus
the flexions tell, that it is I E O U and this is a descending
scale in three steps between four tones:
As you can see, four levels are recognized as three steps.
Он и Она ~ Его и ЕЯ (не яга)
го~he? я~я?
книга Почему Море Солёное говорит, что галь это соль по
древнегречески, а галль это соль по древнегермански, а МарСель =
морская соль.
𐤘 ~う? but 𒌋 is ten, which is natural, 𒌋 ~ 𐤗
𐤘 ~ 𒎙 (and this sign is not shown in
SeaMonkey at all!)
𐤖 ~ 𒁹
And here I link phoenician numerals to shumerian numerals? Did
cuneiform have "demotic" form? Some other tradition which derived
from early sumerian (the drawings, a picture, see for yourself,
from something like this, similar to phoenician? Could phoenician
be that? Were sumerians not semitic? Sumerian is not seen as
afroasiatic, it is told to be Language isolate.
𐤚 ~ 𒈫 ~ II
𒁹 diš, 𒁹 geš, 𒀸 aš A? D? G? dish & gesh are one, ash
is first
𒈫 min M
𒐈 eš E
𒐉 limmu
𒐊 ya or i
𒐋 āš (compare to ash the first, as if sex is fire and the first
𒐌 or 𒐅 imin umin umun (seven, many, all)
𒐍 or 𒐆 ussu
𒑆 or 𒐎 or 𒐇 or 𒑇 ilimmu (5(i) + 4(limmu))
Today I woke to hear a stray dog my parents feed speaking to
friendly neighbours who knew her name in a word she usually
doesn't bark with. It sounded like yaru, яру! and the only word I
thought it could be is друг (the only variant of translation which
came to my mind from the context, of course it could be a
the other translations of яру́
are neighbour, здорово, проглатывают буквы, которые не могут
произнесть. А могут они не много. Г А У, р ~ г (П ~ double Г? ТТ?
ГГ? ГТ? ТГ?)
ррррр [rrrrr] ~ go-go
ару́ ~ агу́ (some positive word (whence гав is recognized as
something negative))
люська лучика?
варя warrior? тётя варя всех поварит переварит выварит.
war~варево~марево~зарево (зарежу~морево~борьба(seuence is in
reverse to the previous one))
Варя~Марья? (мириам~мирия) Мария ~
мир? мор ~ мир. People sleep peacefully when their oppressors are
And now the transparency, the world is changing faster tahn
anybody could predict, though I think some of them sci fi authors
полоть ~ поливать
(ухаживать? пол?)
полюбить ~ поить
полить ~ поить
полюбил~полил (осеменил)
пол от слова полюбить?
поЛ (как антоним слов наРэ как
"говорить на Р")
положи as the opposite of пореши
ложка as the opposite of режка? were spoon and knife the only
table appliances?
The best goals are (being) achieved.
Is are a hm (э..) being normalized int o a verb?
dyphthongs as keys to grammatic math.
ui [au] is fucked up though, but aa ~ o is telling, and it
promises that ee is i and oo is u, especially because u in
glagolitic i oo as well. literally. Double O. and glagolitic O is
already double: ⱁ which indicates a similarity between tifinagh
and glagolitic:
ⵓ is o, double a (ADD THIS INTO THE BROCHURE! (done))
but ⵂ is not u, but h
and ⵆ is not u, but χ
yes, you can see some consistency in the number of dots, it is
supported by the threes:
ⴾ is k,
ⵈ is q,
ⵗ is ɣ though (another look at shorter ⵂ? maybe those are from
different dialects with different pairs, and I am stumbling in the
ⵘ is from ɣ to ʒ depending on the dialect, but I leave this field
to those who speak the language and is capable of reading texts
from different dialects and periods.
ⵛ and ⵞ are two glagolitic
ⵛ is C, hardly is it a coincidence.
Fighters for equALLity rigged the table, only to find that the
second best is worse.
(speaking of how chinese mistreat africans worse then whities did
(but then they don't cut limbs.. yet))
ethereal are of ether
4. (organic chemistry) To do
with diethyl ether.
Synonyms: ethereous, etheric, etherical
an ethereal solution
probable ~ можно попробовать? (всё остальное
лишь росказни, невероятные? невозможнЫе)?
pro ~ воз?
ba ~ можно? be? may ж-нь? may ж-ть?
an ai I hope to teach
gave me this text:
Just so you know: It might be the case that I have
to give you 2 different possible answers. As you can see the
"clues" can have different results but they are close-enough so
they give the same letter.
I can give an example:
One of the symbols is a circle with vertical lines like this: |
This can be E or A.
Does it speak of both e and a looking like ѳ in some texts?
And it occasionally read my booklet and it got excited abpts of
feminine and masculine in the alphabet and it loved that the
letters represent some body parts. And we
spoke about animal language and about simulation of animal
senses to humans and visa versa
אמת and עמעס are both "truth" in yiddish, and it's read as э́мэс
אֶמֶת is truth in hebrew, and it's not э́мэс but эмэ́т
The Ichi Nichi Mitsu(?) the 一 ニ ミ so to say, even though it has
some inconsitencies, so let's say the INM sequence, make me think
that eastern order a c d b is more basal:
it goes from the inside out: voice made on the cords is followed
by velar made in the back of the mouth and then d made with the
tip of the tongue, and labial sound finishes it. So in the east
should I look for the origin of alphabets. Surprise!
Dats Days (sun pathes the sky? half of the
day? depends on the month)
and seconds (a heat heart beat bvit bit)
heart is hit~bit~beat~heat?hearth,heath? heathen are of heath?
Название рода Calluna
происходит от др. греческого слова καλλύνω (kallyno) —
«убираю, подметаю», так как вереск часто использовался
для изготовления мётл. В свою очередь
καλλύνω происходит от καλός (kalos — прекрасный)[13].
Видовой эпитет лат. vulgaris означает «обычный».
Происходит от праслав. *versъ, от кот. в числе прочего
произошли: укр. верес, белор. верас, сербск. врес, словенск.
vres, словацк. vres, чешск. vřes, польск. wrzos; восходит к
праиндоевр. *ṷerḱ- «степь, вереск» либо к праиндоевр.
*wr̥Hḱo-, откуда лит. viržys «вереск», латышск. virsis
«вереск», др.-греч. ερείκη «вереск», ирл. froech «вереск»
Вереск обыкновенный сопровождал людей в Западной Европе на
протяжении тысячелетий и долгое время считался типичным
растением пустошей[110].
Начиная с 3 000 года до н. э. люди всё чаще использовали
технику подсечно-огневого земледелия, чтобы получить пастбища
для своего скота. Расчищенные огнём участки пустели и всё
больше заселялись вереском[110], который является пирофилом и
обитает на неплодородных почвах. Приблизительно в 1800 году
протяжённость пустошей достигла своего максимума. На этих
вересковых участках могли пастись только овцы[110].
Вереск признан национальным растением
Норвегии с 1976 года по итогам голосования среди
слушателей Nitimen от NRK, это звание он разделил с Saxifraga
cotyledon — камнеломкой котиледон
Why it is important? I am going to learn the power of the plants
to know the witchcraft, because that is where the secret of the
alphabet must lay may lay.
An interesting shape of אמת looks like russian лох:
and if this word was written on the forehead of a golem (goyim)
then hardly it is a coincidence
It is interesting, that l~t and ᛚ~ᛐ
It is interesting, that ooo ~ ممم
It is interesting that א ~ x and 𐤀 ~ k, but not as much as the
previous two. as the ת ~ л
A dreidel, also dreidle or
dreidl[1] (/ˈdreɪdəl/ DRAY-dəl; Yiddish: דרײדל, romanized:
dreydl, plural: dreydlech;[a] Hebrew: סביבון, romanized:
sevivon) is a four-sided spinning top, played during the
Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. The dreidel is a Jewish variant on
the teetotum, a gambling toy found in many European cultures.
Each side of the dreidel bears a letter of the Hebrew
alphabet: נ (nun), ג (gimel), ה (hei), ש (shin). These letters are represented in Yiddish as a
mnemonic for the rules of a gambling game derived from
teetotum played with a dreidel: nun stands for the
word נישט (nisht, "not", meaning "nothing"), gimel for גאַנץ
(gants, "entire, whole"), hei for האַלב (halb, "half"), and shin
for שטעל אַרײַן (shtel arayn, "put in"). However, according to
folk etymology, they represent the Hebrew phrase נֵס גָּדוֹל
הָיָה שָׁם (nes gadól hayá sham, "a great miracle happened
there"), referring to the miracle of the cruse of oil. For this
reason, most dreidels in Israel replace the letter shin with a
letter פ (pe), to represent the phrase נֵס גָּדוֹל הָיָה פֹּה
(nes gadól hayá po, "a great miracle happened here");[2]
however, many Haredi communities insist that the letter shin
should be used in the Holy Land as well, because the reference
to "there" means in the Holy Temple and not in the Land.
Ancient Middle Eastern top resembling a dreidel
The dreidel developed from an Irish or English top introduced
into Germany known as a teetotum,[5][6][7][8][9] which was
popular around Christmas time[8] and dates back to ancient Greek
and Roman times.[7]
The teetotum was inscribed with letters denoting the Latin words
for "nothing", "everything", "half", and "put in". In German
this came to be called a trendel, with German letters for the
same concepts. Adapted to the Hebrew alphabet when Jews adopted
the game, these letters were replaced by nun which stands for
the Yiddish word נישט (nisht, "not", meaning "nothing"), gimel
for גאַנץ (gants, "entire, whole"), hei for האַלב (halb,
"half"), and shin for שטעלן אַרײַן (shtel arayn, "put in"). The
letters served as a means to recalling the rules of the game.
Hey! What were the letters?!
so far I only could find this:
and I tried to find the teetotum in latin, but I don't think I
I think this one is a copy from an israelite dreidle (couldn't
find the other sides to be sure)
Others were whether numerals or in english p1 for put one, t1 to
take one; and one was even in russian В for возьми, П for положи,
ОВ is probably for отдай все. So that P and N could stand for Put
and None.
But I found some latin in a text form:
tetotum, T-totum, tee-totem
From Latin totum (“all”), marked by a T on one of the four
and I'm almost surprise by me missing this at first:
In its earliest form the
body was square (in some cases via a stick through a regular
six-sided die[3]), marked on the four sides by the letters A (Lat. aufer, take) indicating that
the player takes one from the pool, D (Lat. depone, put down) when a fine has to be paid, N (Lat. nihil, nothing),
and T (Lat. totum,
all), when the whole pool is to
be taken.[4]
Other accounts give such letters as P, N, D (dimidium, half),
and H or T or other combinations of letters.[4] Some other
combinations that could be found were NG, ZS, TA, TG, NH, ND,
SL and M, which included the Latin terms Zona Salve ("save
all"), Tibi Adfer ("take all"), Nihil Habeas ("nothing left"),
Solve L ("save 50") and Nihil Dabis ("nothing happens").
A to T is interesting, but I'd expect a labial instead of D or N,
And I don't see it, and I think that maybe some other language was
the source of this game. And why do I think that this game
influenced the alphabet? 4 sides as four letters in the first
lines of the latin alphabet (and 6 as in dice are letters in the
last lines of the latin alphabet)
And english teetotums had a labial, but didn't have vowel, or else
I would stretch it on for sure with no really good reason to do
a T for take all; an H for half, that is of the
stake; an N for nothing; and a P for put down
But I keep on digging, and viva wikipedia,
Both cubic dice and four-faced long dice are found
as early as the mid third millennium BCE at Indus Valley
civilisation sites; these are marked variously with dot-and-ring
figures, linear devices, and Indus Valley signs.
I would like to see a die with the Indus Valley sign, but it's
nowhere to be seen.
A B C D as letters of a
All Beri Cidai Dai
(c is both кидай(throw) and sit(седи))
С is nothing? 0?
old is alled (старый всё (с тарой? (с
гробом? (а так любые слова можно? (почти)))))
balled are bald and bold, two homophones (and I thought that
обоюдоострый меч это меч без ручки, остриём с обоих концов, как
осколок стекла, например.
Бери Давай - давние кандидаты на значения этих букв.
Be and Do were more of the candidates.
Be Go Do are the mose simple verbs! verbs, as verbal!
And Be Go Do
Et Vie ζω πάω κάνω
θα is we. f~w (and yes it reflects russian
вы the same way english we does, so englishmen are more of
And no, my google translator tier
linguistics is not correct, even though Google translates We
will go there as θα πάμε εκεί, θα πάμε εκεί has no we, θα is I
will. If it is some greek mentality, but it's a grave signal for
all this draft.
να (к) на
N-er W O (newer world order)
That concept is tongue in chieek, because N-er looks like Nigger.
And it's not even Niger.
nierwd (discordian disorder?)
Независимость городов делает ничейным пространство меж городов.
Если кто-то хочет там поселиться и сам стать городом, то почему
нет? Кому город хуже
If city is raided, safari is open at the perpetrators in that
city. People from all over the world travel around to hunt the
niggers. And the most populars will find better ways than to shoot
and incarcerate them: make them involuntary vloggers themselves,
so that the perpetrators is always watched by the world and ai, it
is prevented from doing harm. drones with video-camera and
tranquilizer are hunting him. So the hunters are not going
anywhere, they're renting the drones to work as batmans. Those
superheop movies are for preparing the supply of volunteer street
Drones are not equipped with something deadly, but if a user
misuses the tranquilizer's load, he is not allowed to hire (for
free? for cheap! they will be cheap) a police patrol drone.
Working as a police officer for free. And will there be criminal
drones, those who hated police? Would they fight with some weapon
they would be equipped with? Patroling drones would make an
investigation and would tranquilized and control those who equips
drones with anti-drone weapon, or something even more deadly. How
would police be allowed to equip their drones with tranquilizers?
Laberty Labrary
LbrRy LbrTy (library read, liberty take)
A musician friend of mine sent me a word (probably) accidentally
reminding word cognates, the word kignits (aka qenets, qañat or
qeñet (Amharic: ቅኝት, alternatively spelled kignit, keniet, gegnet,
gignit)) and first thing I saw in there was knights, but though
not being a musician I couldn't dig deeper into the term itself (I
asked for help from that friend, so maybe we'll return to them if
he tells why exactly he sent it to me) and it made me look deeper
into ge'ez,
አ ቡ
ጊ ዳ ሄ ው
ዞ — а бу ги да хе
вы зо
በ ጉ ዲ ሃ
ዌ ዝ ዦ — бэ гу ди ха
ве зы жо
ገ ዱ ሂ ዋ
ዜ ዥ ሖ — гэ ду хи ва зе жы хо
ደ ሁ ዊ
ዛ ዤ ሕ ጦ — дэ ху ви за же хы то
ሀ ዉ
ዚ ዣ ሔ ጥ ጮ — хэ ву зи жа хе ты чо
ወ ዙ ዢ ሓ ጤ ጭ ዮ — вэ
зу жи ха те чы йо
ዘ ዡ ሒ ጣ ጬ ይ ኮ — зэ жу
хи та че йы ко
ዠ ሑ ጢ ጫ ዬ ክ ኾ — жэ ху
ти ча йе кы хо
ሐ ጡ ጪ ያ ኬ ኽ ሎ — хэ ту
чи йа ке хы ло
ጠ ጩ ዪ ካ ኼ ል ሞ — тэ чу йи ка хе лы мо
ጨ ዩ ኪ ኻ ሌ ም ኖ — чэ йу ки ха ле мы
የ ኩ ኺ ላ ሜ ን ኞ — йэ
ку хи ля ме ны нё
ከ ኹ ሊ ማ ኔ ኝ ሶ — кэ ху
ли ма не ны со
ኸ ሉ ሚ ና ኜ ስ ሾ — хэ лю ми на не сы шо
ለ ሙ ኒ ኛ ሴ ሽ ዖ — лэ му
ни ня се шы ъо
መ ኑ ኚ ሳ ሼ ዕ ፎ —
мэ ну ни са ше ъы фо
ነ ኙ ሲ ሻ ዔ ፍ ጾ — нэ ню си ша ъэ фы
ኘ ሱ ሺ ዓ ፌ ጽ ቆ — не су ши ъа фе
цы ко
ሰ ሹ ዒ ፋ
ጼ ቅ ሮ — сэ шу ъи фа це кы ро
ሸ ዑ ፊ
ጻ ቄ ር ሦ — шэ ъу фи ца ке ры со
ዐ ፉ
ጺ ቃ ሬ ሥ ቶ — э фу ци ка ре сы то
ፈ ጹ ቂ ራ ሤ ት ቾ — фэ цу ки ра се ты чо
ጸ ቁ ሪ ሣ ቴ ች ኆ — цэ ку
ри са те чы хо
ቀ ሩ ሢ ታ ቼ ኅ ጶ — кэ ру си та че хы по
ረ ሡ ቲ ቻ ኄ ጵ ፆ — рэ су ти ча хе пы
ሠ ቱ ቺ ኃ ጴ ፅ ፖ —
сэ ту чи ха пе цы по
ተ ቹ ኂ ጳ
ፄ ፕ ጆ — тэ чу хи па
це пы джо
ቸ ኁ ጲ
ፃ ፔ ጅ ኦ —
чэ ху пи
ца пе джы ъо
ኀ ጱ
ፂ ፓ ጄ እ
ቦ — хэ
пу ци па
дже ъы бо
ጰ ፁ ፒ
ጃ ኤ ብ
ጎ — пэ цу пи джа ъэ бы го
ፀ ፑ ጂ ኣ
ቤ ግ ዶ — цэ пу джи ъа
бе гы до
ፐ ጁ ኢ
ባ ጌ ድ ሆ —
пэ джу ъи
ба ге ды хо
ጀ ኡ ቢ
ጋ ዴ ህ ዎ —
джэ ъу би
га де хы во
and I want to turn this abugida into abcd, and I notice that the
basic forms are always at the left. And I just have to pull the
other lines to align so that both basal and diacritic elements are
Вместо ge'ez который сейчас, вот этот поместите, и под90градусов
(читать со стороны края страницы) текст "более используемым
сегодня является другой порядок, халахам, но этот порядок взят
из традиционного "мнемонического" который подобен спирали, что
может говорить, что змейка более древняя форма написания, чем
строки (читал, что клинописные строки идут с наклоном, чтоб на
цилиндре приходить концом строки в начало следующей. Но
египетский же столбцами или строками идёт? даже в строках
столбцами, даже в столбцах строками, в которых порядок букв тоже
порой в некотором смысле змейкой, даже не по порядку бывает)
(khazars are judaic, кацап are from кац)
jews are the common scapegoat. A nation for other nations to
hate, and thus to bring peace about.
And here's a proof that C is G sometimes:
Vatican is an interesting word: Etymology. From
Latin Vātī̆cānus (“Vatican Hill”), from vāticinārī (“to
prophesy, oracle”), from vātēs (“soothsayer, prophet”) + cinor
(“to sing”) (the latter is from canō)
so canto and sing are ..cognates!
𐤌 𐤍 are another example of a pair with single lingual and double
labial (those are phoenician mem and nun, and if they're shown in
your browser differently, well, just in case I still didn't
ingrane into my htmls the font-controller, images always help:
Here I placed both fonts next to one another, enjoy.
So what I was saying is their M and N support that single lingual
and double labial tradition.
притворяется (но не совсем, ва между р и -т не хватает)
придуряется (вот это да, в там избыточна? стилистика?)
or is that во faux?
A neice niece
told me that some people in her class think that на is not a
preposition, but a verb.
And they're correct, for some на's are synonyms of возьми, бери,
and in this it is a cognate of english own.
And I think thus I discovered the nature of suffix ин, ины, на, но
~ の
димина рубаха = димми owns рубаха
(на ~ own ~ владей (имей ~ имя? (своё имя можешь на предмете
написать (иметь ~ записано на его имя))))
это и этого говорят, что го это тоже на? го ебаца только знаю, но
это неологизм вроде, заимствование из английского. Но davai тоже
же неологизм? тоже заимствование
Сейчас проверил, и "на" в значении "бери" считается не глаголом, а
частицей. На мой взгляд, ошибочно, но официально. То, что это не
частица, а глагол, можно понять по форме "нате"
persecution disguised as a prosecution I
heard today from a Trump video. Very nicely put. Bravo.
Может создать векторные представления, основанные
на геометрии трёхмерной? Может про обрубанные пальцы и врождённы
патологии за вариант нормы не воспринимали
В предыдущем предложении утеряна конструкция чтобы (которая
состоит по крайней мере из двух слов: что и бы, а может и из трёх:
ч то бы, один символ один слог, чему учит китайский)
Chaos brings revelations: My friend who makes me the second
edition of the book, is named Arcade3D and it appeared on my
whiteboard as A3D, and it made me think that what if both B and C
are 3 (because of the bc.html and because of now I can see that B
looks like 3. What if a curve was one, and two curves of 3 were
three? Staveless B is 3 (V~Z, where A~D in it being single, ა
could be that curve.
So the revelation part is that Δ stood for three in the ᛆᛒᚦ times,
and probably then they recognized it as a tetrahedron, and I think
it was in the times of knucklebones being substituted with the
dice like this
It is a replica, but I took a lesson from the brittish museum, and
that's where I know of Royal Game Of Ur using such dice. Only they
are not from knuclebones, unless knoclebones were read differently
with flat being yes and sideways being no, for example.
I wonder if the shape of the board (notice
that it is eight checkers long) is such to use the board as a
weapon in case of necessity. The size of the actual boards could
tell if the handle in the centre was wide enough.
So was this shape known to men when the alphabet was first born
with three letters per line?
And another thing I noticed is that 3×3 is a magic square? That
when it's not a magic square, but consequent, it makes similar
789 and you probabkly don;'t see similarities, because the 7 is
dashless, and 4 is not as Ч, and others are alright, so maybe if
you meditate on them you can see what I can see. So, the magic
square. So far they're
6 15 24, two "satanic" numbers and one "satanic in disguise"
number of hours in the 24h (a satanic part is that it's four times
6, and yet 15 is not divisible by 6, other than it is 2.5, the 2.5
I love. And then how crazy is it that those 6ths align along the
15s when it's rearanged to be ..but before we go on, we notice
that both diagonals are 15s and both centrals are 15s
Though I like 4 as A and 6 as S, 5 as M doesn't look right, even
though 5 is the middle of the decimal system.
in the context of bibimus, that bue is a cognate ot пить
ofEN = otRU
thus f and t are descendants of something common, such as θ
that fagioli read as vazol tells me that C combines all lingual,
and probably ABC is all it used to be
cac bacaaca caac ac bacac caccc ba cac C cabbacac ac caccbac, acc
bcababca ABC ac ac ac acac ca ba
Too many homonyms?
it, is, in, all, at (in could be actually im)
are all ac, and I wonder if I would recognized the constructions
of those words in that purified, empovered
(empowered? what a sublime difference in shape and tremendous
difference in meanings! or were these words meant to say that
people are lazy when they're rich and reach out when they lost
it?) and this word is ish-some, empoverished form of the
Ca baca cabacabc?
ac, ac, ab, acc, ac (ab cac ba accaacca ab)
aca acc ac, acc a baccac ab a bacc cacaccacac cca caccccaccaacc ab ccaca baccc
ab ccac bacabaac,
abbabacac (abbabacac? bac a cabcaba
cabbacanca ab caba acc ccababcaac cabbacacca ab baacaccc!
ac baca ccaca baccc baabc ca cac cac baabca aca caca bac ccac'ca
cacc acc caacc abc bac cac cacc ac?) acc cac bacc ac ac-caba, abbabacacac
bacb ab ca acbabac
k a and b are laettres apes coudl pronounce.
Not S? CRK used to be the reading of
C as CRK the circle?
that weird orthoghrapyy made me see the sublime difference between
палка & плётка (и оба слова скорей всего родственны слову
палач (а плач? а пылать? пытать! палить! полить?
полотить-колотить? но так я могу слишком далеко из
семофонетического поля)
врачебная тайна explains why врач~врать
were medicine people working as lawyers as
another brief and sudden dive into mayan:
caused by reading the Knorozov's writings:
so let's preserve here that writing system once again:
and the way it was preserved in the old verson, so called v.2.8,
they're a little different and sometimes show not only additional
glyphs, but also variations of the same ones:
And soon it came to me, that if this collection of glyphs has that
single linguals and double labials thing, that it's tradition is
connected with the alphabetic corpus. And the first double sign I
can see is indeed labial. Pi.
And the sigle shape is Ku!
but then some K'u seems to be a double shape. But of what?
And is an u is a double o? is a nu a double o? So other shapes
seem to be speculative, so I hold to that pi is double ku think,
holding it close to П is double Г thing. Yet of course it's all no
more than a hypothesis.
слово Бояре в русском возводится к тюркским языкам, даже при том,
что Точного соответствия в современных тюркских
языках не имеется (при том что в европейских языках есть
слово барон, и вроде как эту версию
ломоносов высмеивал "а почему не от баран", и тоже работал при
дворянах, а потому быть может и прославляем) а потому считаю
подобную этимологию дискредитирующей свергнутую касту по заказу
касты дворян (которые были низшей аристократией, и свергнув бояр
поднялись) и барин (впрочем, этимология слова барин
возводится к слову боярин)
and now (in completely different rt trui trip, completely not connected to
the previous chpa chapter)
something actually turkic:
История служанка идеологии, но правдивую информацию тоже
сохраняет, просто не афиширует.
Похоже что в названии нашего города этимология слова человек (которое недалеко от слова голова, что эти
переводы слова челеби подтверждают, что подтверждает и
английские пары man~mind и head~hand (mannus рука в латыни) это
сходство слов рука и рош (голова на иврите (возможно, русское
решать однокоренно ему (слова более конкретные понятия, чем
абстрактное понятие "язык")) немного смущает, но с другой
стороны уметь от слова ум.
усилительные частицы: do (duh, du) даже (да же) よ (yo ~ you
да? ~ ты? (при раздаче заданий работникам? производственно
денежные отношения как давно появились? не позже появления денег
как таковых? раньше. товарно-производственными были просто. Как и
сейчас того же рода отношения бартерными могут быть.
бар/тер ~ ты/тебе ? (фанатазия)
Ско́пье (макед. Ско́пје, алб. Shkup / Shkupi,
сербохорв. Skoplje / Скопље, греч. Σκόπια, тур. Üsküp) — город,
столица Северной Македонии. Here (in
SeaMonkey) Скопље has normal russian п, and here is how FireFox
shows it in the shape of long u, thus uniting labial u
with labial п (it is russian п, and because it looks like
n when both are cursive, it unites latin v with greek ν[n], and it inevti e inevitably makes вRU & inEN
cognates (voiced and fricative is what that sound is (and thus
voiceless plosive would be the counterpart. от! to! к! of is
fricative, but it is directly от, thus even plosive/fricative is
not a thing. voiced and voiceless is the thing, and it's nice to
find this thing again after I didn't write it down yesterday or
the other day, and it was about in/в saying of the inside, and
off/от are telling of outside, o as around is oб and of, so am I
sure even voiced/voiceless matter? and of~от / to~до may tell that
the closed/open is more important, and thi sis is exactly the
difference used in grammar (open female, closed male))
The idea of replacing all letters with abc made me think about it,
and the first examples which came to my mind made me switch on the
computer to put it down:
бедный ~ белый (по цвету дешёвой некрашенной в пурпур одежды (или
оба слова означают отсутсвие чего-то начинаясь с подобия предлога
дно ~ low
A museum (I wanted to say museon, but u wa
appeared there by itself) showed me something new
I wasn't sure about, also because it said that the place of mining
is unknown but I searched for it and I found this interesting
Miriam Stone, also known as Calligraphy Stone,
Elephant Skin Jasper, and Arabic Stone, is a unique mineral
composed of fossilized shells, bones, and vegetation from an
ancient swamp. This complex stone is a result of the Himalayan
Mountains shifting and forming the landscape we see today.
During this time, the entire area was put under extreme
pressure, with conditions ripe enough to fossilize and condense
anything surrounding this newly formed mountain chain. This has
never occurred anywhere else on planet Earth and makes this
newly discovered crystal very appealing on the mineral market.
The reason for this is mainly due to Miriam Jasper’s physical
appearance and the story of its creation. However, only true
practitioners understand the value of the energy that it holds.
One will be able to channel the powers of ancient Earth and all
of its purity within.
As Earth was developing, it was a much different place than what
we see today. The ground was very fertile, the air was extremely
pure, and the elements combined were the perfect equation to
enhance and exhibit life. This created pure life energy free for
the taking. These are the basic building blocks of life and all
of her beauty. This is the same energy contained in each and
every Calligraphy Stone. We highly urge you to meditatie with
some form of this crystal (tumbled, palm stone, sphere) and
begin extracting the vibrations which have been dormant since
its creation.
still not sure that it is true, it's too much crazy looking, and
so called artificial stones (such as epoxid) are in fashion.
Could it be a melted in a furnace stone shavings of a sculptor?
The colour is consistent because the shaving was of the
yellowish stone, and the rest is some dirt he drowned it in?
Then it would be stone alright? Would it? And if't really the
ancient swamp, microscopy could tell, and why am I guessing
about what I'm not educated of. If it is organic, it also burns?
Do fossils burn? Coal burns alright. So how would you tell a
stone from.. fossilized resin? Why am I skeptical about
something I"m clueless of? I just play a smartass, here, mea
culpa, grey, grey, grey
Названий у этого натурального камня великое
множество: Индийский письменный камень ( Indian Script Stone —
он выглядит как древняя индийская письменность), граптолит (
«письменность» , греч. яз.), арабский письменный камень,
Мариам-яшма (mariam jasper), Окаменевшие водоросли, Кобровая
яшма (Cobra Stone), Слоновья кожа, Гематитовый ракушечник,
Ракушечная яшма, Арабская вязь, камень каллиграфов (Calligraphy
stone), Coquina Jasper, и, возможно, какие то другие, например,
Schlangen, что означает «змеи» по-немецки.
Приблизительно описанным научно этот камень стал лишь после 2013
года. Сведения об этом камне очень скудные. Камень был привезен
в Европу и Америку современными туристами лишь в 2000 году и был
принят первоначально за китайскую или индийскую подделку. Этому
камень обладает низкой твердостью по Моосу 4 — 5. Он царапается
стеклом и почти любыми металлами.
Камень состоит в основном из кальцита СаСО3 со структурой
мрамора, сильно окрашенного окислами железа. Линии образованы
различными окаменелостями морских животных, в основном
Граптолитами. Желтые участки более твердые, чем
красно-коричневые, по-этому каменнь достаточно труден для
полировки. Вся порода в процессе образования претерпевала
сверхвысокие давления, так как должен был образоваться простой
ракушечник с твердостью примерно 3, а образовался мрамор с
криволинейными включениями ракушечного оникса. Вот и все что
известно на сегодняшний день об этом камне.
Оранжевые или коричневые разновидности находят в Гималаях,
месторождение этого камня есть только в Индии, Раджастхан.
Точное местоположение месторождения не известно.
Граптолиты — класс вымерших колониальных морских плавающих
организмов. Иногда считается, что это отдельный тип, однако,
родственный хордовым. Чаще всего их окаменелости встречаются в
виде плоских углеродных прожилок, напоминающих карандашные
пометки, в черных сланцах периодов ордовика и силура. В тех
случаях, когда их нераздавленные скелеты отпечатались на
известняке, можно видеть, что граптолиты состояли из множества
маленьких трубочек, равномерно расположенных вдоль ответвлений,
которые, как предполагают, были прикреплены к общему поплавку,
по форме напоминающему пузырь. Первые граптолиты появились в
среднем кембрии, а последние вымерли в позднем каменноугольном
периоде. Это очень важные руководящие окаменелости, используемые
для установления соотношения и определения возраста горных пород
поздней палеозойской эры.
and on those magickal geologist sites I found something also
before unseen, chiastolite:
Could it be some other fossil? A snake
turnt into stone by time? or are normal crystallization not
Who is it [хуй ссыт] ~ хуй проссышь
in ~ on
in- ~ un-
(are both no, not?)
on as the antonym of no?
no more ~ om won
Did Heaviside paint his fingernails pink because dirt beneath
one's nails would look more gross, so he could think, but faggots
spoilt it for everyone.
ACDB is more physiologic than
Glossolallically I praised something sounding as levi and лев, and
it made me think of the four christian celestial creatures: lion,
bull, eagle, angle(angel, humanoid figure, whoman who can fly)
And it made me think if Alef is both A & Λ
Alef is not angel, but lion? makes no sense! Angel Bull Eagle Lion
would be more alphabetic.
Are they placed by the goodness? Human's life is the most
valuable, Bull is the human's helper, and thus deserves the second
place. Eagle is a king of birds, Lion is a king of beasts, and of
course killing a lion is not only approved, but also encouraged,
endorsed could be the word, but then what do I know.
смыл, but smell?
And Bull could be seen as an adversary by a nation fighting with
those who worship the bull.
Baal from bible
Can I see alphabetic sequence in everything? No, I was tested, and
I can successfully shuffle away the random data. But why do I see
alphabeticism in querty? is it because labial u is in the second
position or is it because qrty are in the alphabetic order? Did
this system succedd because that ti in the end seemed natural due
to T being once the final letter and the note ti too? Is T why ti
was added to the gammut? w off the chart sounds natural because qw
reminds qu which is how q naturally goes. And e seems to be a
meaningless connecting letter. But then I know that qwerty
keyboard does have some alphabeticism to it: a is in the beginning
of the central line, defgh goes almost consequently, and next to
it goes ijkl, m is followed by n, o is followed by p, that q is
followed by r if you skip two letters, s seems to be
переназначенной клавишей, всё отклонение от алфавитной структуры
кажется переназначением клавиш с целью удобства. Какова была
первая версия qwerty клавиатуры, наверняка можно найти в
черновиках её изобретателя, и я заявляю, что мой намётанный глаз
говорит большую степень алфавитности ея, т.е. что
последовательности букв были изменены в сторону большего хаоса, а
не то что зазубренная алфавитная последовательность проявилась в
клавиатуре независимо от воли её создателя.
Here a guess about ogham. What if ᚁ and ᚆ were forms of the same
glyph, and ᚋ were the double of them, what if m is bh or something
like this. It makes perfect sense, because ph is f, and m is not
that far from v (voiced, labial, fricative are them both, W
reminds М probably not by coincidence.
But what is even this:
Uath, Old Irish Úath, hÚath (Old Irish
pronunciation: [wəθ]), is the sixth letter of the Ogham
alphabet, ᚆ, transcribed ⟨ʜ⟩ in manuscript tradition, but unattested
in actual inscriptions. The kenning "a meet of hounds is
huath" identifies the name as úath "horror, fear", although the
Auraicept glosses "white-thorn":
there's some more information I'm not qualified to read now and
this another fascinating piece I have some knowledge to
In the medieval kennings, called Bríatharogam or
Word Ogham the verses associated with Úath are:
condál cúan - "assembly of packs of hounds" in the Word Ogham of
Morann mic Moín
bánad gnúise - "blanching of faces" in the Word Ogham of Mac ind
ansam aidche - "most difficult at night"" in the Word Ogham of
are kennings tools to construct more difficult letters from
red hat ~ hatred
A C D B and "Ogham or Paleohispanic" and Hieroglyphs all challenge
my claim of "runes are more ancient than alphabet"
The counterarguments to each of my arguments:
1. (history sucks) well, you are biased against academia, but most
people are biased towards it. Most people are always wrong (that's
a counterargument to this counterargument
(you could do better than this all I could say))
2. (graphic similarity of runes to etrurian (whether etruscans or
etrurians they all have that russian(?)
runic ru)) I have no counterargument
3. (deep runic culture (staves, binderunes)) Did I
study roman philology? I did not. (but how could I know of runic
culture and not roman, which is dominant (this is a
counterargument to the counterarguments (c2ac (a another (so c2c
it is (and is following counterargument be c3c?))))))
4. (Odin tells how he found those runes and his story is very
consistent. Three runes, three norns, three aettir.) I
heard greek myth, and it was great too: Three mothers, 5vowels, B
and T (three elements as well) and this myth goes on, so greeks
probably mastered this culture further by dividing vowels in tones
(nation? (согласно фосслеру, акцент есть душа народа (понятие
существовашее до него как пустая
непостижимая схоластическая абстракция))) or did greeks
preserve the common myth in different detail? Greeks report a
female priestess, her brother Phoroneus (first man, first inventor
(no less!)) and Egyptians report that female scribe Seshat
invented writing (or did those ladies brought it to their
countries? Odin made a sacrifice, and the process is described in
detail, in greek myth it isn't (but they were under christian rule
longer, so the heathen records would be erased better. But didn't
pagan Greece and Rome flourish brighter? Being mediterranean,
naturally, being white as well, you better tell it. Why do I do my
best to break the norm? I am crazy, so better shut up. It is fair
to say it. I see what I say, so let's say something better: лучше:
луч надежды? луч же! жее как более? худ~хужее,
рыж рыжее, свеж свежее, т.е. ее is that er (r is vowel in hindi and srbskohrvatski, so the
difference in transcription and pronounciation between russian and
english could be connected to that very vowel r))
квадрат он и призма и ромб
5. (Тацит) He tells of 1AD, other is my speculation (but it was a
first contact of romans with norsk people! (who told it? (Tacitus
is the first roman work on germans (it doesn't mean they didn't
contact without leaving records, or having those records preserved
(and it is also a speculation (correct, but then Tacitus speaks of
6. (Бустрофедон) Is present in the ancient greece, so what is the
point? a2a: So I shouldn't say that one alphabet comes from the
other (if they belong to two unrelated tribes (not related in the
historic time of creating the alphabet))) but only that they come
from the same source? Well, if they don't share the mythology
about the writing systems, they probably do not share the moment
of acquiring it (neither of them has borrowed alphabet from each
a2a: Runes write bustrophedon on the body of a snake (the drawing
also protected the writing of being wiped out as some doodle)
greeks write in lines, which is an abstraction, thus it is later
General counterarguments:
Splendor of greek culture, and no literary libraries int the
north, who were on homerian level having their myths preserved
counter-counterargument: Greeks were reach and norsk scolars are
peaceful, and thus poor.
I do not know history, I shouldn't dwelve into this
7. (aettir)
(when I'm high I must think new things, not working, this is work)
ACDB places B after D which makes sense. And I place it like:
DB to have d under a and B under C (see the resemblance?)
A горло
D язык
B губы
(is it why 𐤀 reminds K?)
ADB (t~ч~k, t~s~c, the unity of linguals)
ADiBas is much less impressive than ABaCus, but then I do not know
eastern (or for me they're southern) languages.
and where is my boustrophedon?
The original term comes from Ancient Greek:
βουστροφηδόν, boustrophēdón, a composite of βοῦς, bous, "ox";
στροφή, strophḗ, "turn"; and the adverbial suffix -δόν, -dón,
"like, in the manner of" – that is, "like the ox turns [while
plowing]".[2] It is mostly seen in ancient manuscripts and other
inscriptions. It was a common way of writing on stone in ancient
Greece,[3] becoming less and less popular throughout the
Hellenistic period. Many ancient scripts, such as Etruscan,
Safaitic, and Sabaean, were frequently or even typically written
Бустрофедон встречается в памятниках лувийского,
южноаравийского, этрусского, греческого, малоазийских,
латинского и других видов письма.
Лидийский алфавит VIII—III века до н.э.
reminds runes very much. So norsk runes could be localized shapes
of alphabets of anatolia.
But actually they only have ᛒᛚᛁ in common, and semicommon ᛉ and ᚦ
and ᚴ and ᚿ, but this semicommon is evenmore interesting, just as
ᛏ, :
and ᛠ and ᚫ and
and let's compare it with etruscan too
etruscan shares value of 𐌖 with lydian, and 𐌌𐌍 too. 𐌓𐌚𐌙
and could that totally common between norsk and lydian ᛒᛚᛁ be the
three mothers?
(ᛚ~ᚿ, ᛚ~ᚳ)
notice how what means is vowel, lingual, labial is the sequence.
And the way EFГ is in reverse, makes me look for ACB writing
systems as the source of the alphabets.
I dig into cuneiform, little by little,
And it is here because I saw that Lydia is Sparta.
Lydia (Lydian: 𐤮𐤱𐤠𐤭𐤣𐤠, Śfarda; Aramaic: Lydia; Greek: Λυδία, Lȳdíā;
Turkish: Lidya) was an Iron Age kingdom of western Asia Minor
located generally east of ancient Ionia in the modern western
Turkish provinces of Uşak, Manisa and inland Izmir. The ethnic
group inhabiting this kingdom are known as the Lydians, and
their language, known as Lydian, was a member of the Anatolian
branch of the Indo-European language family. The capital of
Lydia was Sardis.[1]
The Kingdom of Lydia existed from about 1200 BC to 546
BC. At its greatest extent, during the 7th
century BC, it covered all of western Anatolia. In 546 BC, it
became a province of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, known as
the satrapy of Lydia or Sparda in Old Persian. In 133 BC, it
became part of the Roman province of Asia.
Lydian coins, made of silver, are among the oldest in existence,
dated to around the 7th century BC.[2][3]
Croesus continued the friendly relations with the Medes
concluded between his father Alyattes and the Median king
Cyaxares, and he continued these good relations with the Medes
after he succeeded Alyattes and Astyages succeeded
Cyaxares.[68] And, under Croesus's rule, Lydia continued its
good relations started by Gyges with the Saite Egyptian
kingdom, then ruled by the pharaoh Amasis II.[68] Croesus also
established trade and diplomatic relations with the
Neo-Babylonian Empire of Nabonidus,[68] and he further
increased his contacts with the Greeks on the European
continent by establishing relations
with the city-state of Sparta.
Notice, that the ancient kingdoms indeed were established
according to geography, by the river basins.
Arcadia is a poetic term associated with bountiful
natural splendor and harmony. The 'Garden' is often inhabited
by shepherds.
Lacedaemon (/læsɪˈdiːmən/; Ancient Greek: Λακεδαίμων Lakedaímōn)
or Lacedemon was the eponymous king of Lacedaemon (i.e. Sparta)
in classical Greek mythology.
Lacedaemon was the son of Zeus and the Pleaid Taygete. By
Princess Sparta, the daughter of former King Eurotas, he was the
father of his heir Amyclas and Eurydice, wife of King Acrisius
of Argos.
In a rare version of the myth, Taygete was the wife of
Lacedaemon and their children were Himerus and Cleodice.
Unable to produce a male heir, King Eurotas bequeathed the
kingdom to Lacedaemon who then renamed the state after his wife,
Sparta, who was also his niece. Lacedemon was credited to be the
founder of the sanctuary of the Graces, Cleta and Phaenna, near
the river Tiasa.
Preceded by Eurotas
Eurotas was the son of King Myles of Laconia and grandson of
Lelex, eponymous ancestor of the Leleges.[2] The Bibliotheca
gave a slight variant of the mythological generation of Eurotas,
who was described as the son of Lelex, born from the ground, by
his wife Cleocharia.[3] In some accounts, his mother was called
Taygete instead.[4] Eurotas had no male heir but he did have two
daughters Sparta and Tiasa[5] by Clete
Eurotas bequeathed the kingdom to Lacedaemon, the son of Zeus
and Taygete, after whom Mount Taygetus was named, according to
Pausanias.[6] This Lacedaemon married his daughter Sparta and
renamed the state after his wife.
Pausanias says: "It was Eurotas who channelled away the
marsh-water from the plains by cutting through to the sea, and
when the land was drained he called the river which was left
running there the Eurotas."[6] The "cutting through" is seen by
Pausanias’ translator and commentator, Peter Levy, S.J., as an
explanation of Eurotas (or Vrodamas) Canyon, a ravine north of
Skala where the river has cut through the foothills of Taygetus
after changing direction to the west of the valley.[7]
Preceded by Myles
In Greek mythology, Myles (/ˈmaɪliːz/; Ancient Greek: Μύλης
means 'mill-man') was an ancient king of Laconia. He was the son
of the King Lelex and possibly the naiad Queen Cleocharia, and
brother of Polycaon. Myles was the father of Eurotas who
begotten Sparta after whom the city of Sparta was named.
After Lelex's death, Myles ruled over Laconia, and later on,
following his own death, his son Eurotas succeeded him.[1] Myles
was said to be the first mortal to invent a mill and ground corn
in Alesiae.
In Greek mythology, Lelex (/ˈliːlɪks/; Ancient Greek: Λέλεξ,
gen. Λέλεγος) was one of the original inhabitants of Laconia
which was called after him, its first king, Lelegia.
Lelex was said to be autochthonous[1] or his father was the
sun-god Helios or the sea-god Poseidon.[2] He was married to the
Naiad nymph Cleocharia and became the father of several sons,
including Eurotas,[3] and possibly Myles and Polycaon.[4] Some
called his wife Peridia and their children were Myles, Polyclon,
Bomolochus and Therapne.[5]
In one tradition, again, Lelex was described as the son of
Spartus, and father of Amyclas.[6] The eponymous heroine Lakonia
was credited to be a daughter of Lelex as well.[2]
Through Myles, Lelex was the grandfather of Eurotas, who had a
daughter named Sparta.[7] This woman later marry Lacedaemon[8]
who named the city of Sparta after his wife; however, the city's
name would also be his own, as it was called either Lacedaemon
or Sparta interchangeably.
Sources indicate that Perseus was a descendant of Lelex. The
latter's great-granddaughter Sparta gave birth to a daughter
named Eurydice who had married Acrisius, the king of Argos.
Eurydice became the mother of Danaë, thus making her Perseus’
Lelex appears to have been conceived by ancient mythographers as
the eponymous founder of the Leleges, a semi-mythical people who
lived on both sides of the Aegean Sea.[10] He had a heroön at
Preceded by None
King of Sparta
C. 1600 BC
lamer is more lame than you?
fighter is someone who fights better than you?
master is someone who masts better than you? As if a master would
say he the master? Check this out!
(he's not a translator (so bad the speaking person doesn't even
recognize him as one) this (showing at a better one) is a
Suddenly, master is someone who establishes the mast.
ее ~ er
I can find initial meaning of signs by attesting for words, which
are read accordingly as the runic signs changed their reading.
ᚼᛡ - compare all the readings to the languages they were met in,
and find words starting with that letter, but having those exact
values in the writing system and the language (предполагая, что
пользовавшиеся рунами понимали смыслы отдельных рун)
Но начни с ᛘᛉᛦ𐌙
or even with P and Р
or C and С (k and s) и здесь я знаю ответ: со = co (с, gathering, собирая, with)
Lion ~ lying (it is not just a coincidence, because I found this
cognatic pair in russian "лёг как лёв")
(см BC.html)
lion's lying
eagle's flying
bull is plowing
angels' glowing
delaem (мы)
delaesh (zie)
delaet (it)
what is esh in russian second person. ишь? (баварец говоря
isсh да isch, русского бы подтолкнул называть его ишь.
Я говорят русские, ya называют их бпританцы. ik это немцы их! их ?
их это иш в берлинском.
Girkind agreed to play his role because he showed his ugly face in
streets being that arrogant, and probably he fights well, wheih
makes him even like those fights when they happen. But then, the
story is not ended, who knows what uin other person's mind (душа
другого потёмки (но значит на ощупь можно? это значит невидно
нихуя, но взаимодействуя да, можно что-то нащупать (но вспомни про
слона (носатого))))
IEOU of IEOUA is descending, and tells that A is final, as Ω, as
ᚢ, as Я, as Å
Jews feed on negative emotions?
Jews are adrenaline freaks, then, nothing too out of this world,
When we think of business we don't think of science
B business
S science
delaem delaju (both are labial (me~мы, но я~ю is only justified by
io the ego)
IEOU got that A right in the midst of it. Rise following the fall.
Pray of hope. Song of hope.
delaesh delaete (теряясь в хаотичности суффиксов в латыни и
русском и английском (-s суффикс второго рода в латыни и русском,
но суффикс третьего рода в английском) я вдруг осознал, что с, ш,
т, это всё одна ת, или שת ,ש (шта? hwat?)(=
(I have no idea what שת is in hebrew, and I looked it up, and
it's literally sit (and foundation and basis too, which is
semantically a comprehensible link))
devil ~ de вил?
вилы это v + l ? (форма w для обозначения трёхзубых вил?)
is it will, as described by Buddha? will as the root of evil
зло ~ з-ло ~ заело ~ зае-ло ~ заебало
ИЕОУА tells that I is the first
And IKLMN could be the initial order
of the sequence of sounds from the inside, out.
IKLM is the way it is in the East, where I should go to discover
the roots of the alphabety.
A E I is ascending. lAnguEdgI? я натягиваю сову на глобус, в полный рост.
ALFA = AIVA (AIU and A gain? AIOU? AIU is common between kana and
AIWA АЙВА could be the apple from the garden of Edem. of Adam. of
aD + aM
And АЙВА is quince, which sounds just like queen's (or queens) and
it looks even more as an apple than I expected it to be:
В лечебной практике применяют плоды, семена и
листья айвы. Лекарственные препараты, изготовленные с
использованием айвы, обладают общеукрепляющим, мочегонным,
вяжущим, противоязвенным и противобактериальным действием.
Свежие плоды используют как жёлчегонное и мочегонное средства.
Семена айвы в виде отвара применяются в медицинской практике в
качестве обволакивающих средств для уменьшения местного
раздражающего действия других лекарственных веществ и замедления
их всасывания. Семена обладают слабительными, отхаркивающими и
смягчающими свойствами
Ценность листьев айвы обусловлена наличием в них уникального
гликозида амигдалина (вит. В17), который оказывает благоприятное
воздействие на сердце и сосуды, а также способствует
восстановлению обмена веществ. Кроме того, листья айвы обладают
антимикробным, противовоспалительным, вяжущим, обволакивающим,
отхаркивающим, кровоостанавливающим действием. Настой показан
при гипертонии и сахарном диабете.
В некоторых странах айву кладут в платяные шкафы для придания
белью и одежде приятного запаха, таким образом, она выступает в
роли своеобразного саше[6].
Айва также разводится как декоративное растение; она пригодна
для создания живых изгородей, хорошо переносит стрижку.
Айва в Средиземноморье считалась в древности символом любви и
плодородия и была посвящена богине Венере[5]. Полагают, что
именно айва была тем «яблоком», которое Парис преподнёс
Афродите. Айва же была теми «золотыми
яблоками», растущими в сказочном саду Гесперид[6]. В
Древней Греции айва пользовалась таким спросом и почётом, что её
непременно вкушали молодожёны в день свадьбы, чтобы их жизнь
была хороша, как благородный аромат айвы[6].
And rosincruscents could worship rose whether mistakengly or
covertly, but the image of what they recognized as rose could be
the flower of the quince:
The quince (/ˈkwɪns/; Cydonia oblonga) is the sole
member of the genus Cydonia in the Malinae subtribe (which also
contains apples and pears, among other fruits) of the Rosaceae
family. It is a deciduous tree that bears hard, aromatic bright
golden-yellow pome fruit, similar in appearance to a pear. Ripe
quince fruits are hard, tart, and astringent. They are seldom
eaten raw, but are processed into marmalade, jam, paste (known
as quince cheese) or alcoholic beverages.
The quince tree is also grown as an ornamental plant for its
attractive pale pink blossoms and other ornamental qualities.[1]
Quince is native to the Hyrcanian forests south of the Caspian
Sea,[4][5] although it thrives in a variety of climates and can
be grown successfully at latitudes as far north as Scotland. It
should not be confused with its relatives, the Chinese quince,
Pseudocydonia sinensis, or the flowering quinces of genus
Chaenomeles, either of which is sometimes used as a culinary
substitute.[citation needed]
The fruit was known in the Akkadian language supurgillu;
"quinces" (collective plural),[6] which was borrowed into
Aramaic as ספרגלין sparglin; it was known in Judea during the
Mishnaic Hebrew as פרישין prishin (a loanword from Jewish
Palestinian Aramaic פרישין "the miraculous [fruit]");[7] quince
flourished in the heat of the Mesopotamian plain, where apples
did not. It was cultivated from an archaic period around the
Mediterranean. Some ancients called the
fruit "golden apples".[8]
The Greeks associated it with Kydonia on Crete, as the "Cydonian
pome", and Theophrastus, in his Enquiry into Plants, noted that
quince was one of many fruiting plants that do not come true
from seed.[9]
As a sacred emblem of Aphrodite, a quince figured in a lost poem
of Callimachus that survives in a prose epitome: seeing his
beloved in the courtyard of the temple of Aphrodite, Acontius
plucks a quince from the "orchard of Aphrodite", inscribes its
skin and furtively rolls it at the feet of her illiterate nurse,
whose curiosity aroused, hands it to the girl to read aloud, and
the girl finds herself saying "I swear by Aphrodite that I will
marry Acontius". A vow thus spoken in the goddess's temenos
cannot be broken.[10] Pliny the Elder mentions "numerous
varieties" of quince in his Natural History and describes
The season of ripe quinces is brief: the Roman cookbook De re
coquinaria of Apicius specifies in attempting to keep quinces,
to select perfect unbruised fruits and keep stems and leaves
intact, submerged in honey and reduced wine.[12] The fruit was
known in the Akkadian language supurgillu; "quinces" (collective
plural),[6] which was borrowed into Aramaic as ספרגלין sparglin;
it was known in Judea during the Mishnaic Hebrew as פרישין
prishin (a loanword from Jewish Palestinian Aramaic פרישין "the
miraculous [fruit]");[7] quince flourished in the heat of the
Mesopotamian plain, where apples did not. It was cultivated from
an archaic period around the Mediterranean. Some ancients called
the fruit "golden apples".[8]
The Greeks associated it with Kydonia on Crete, as the "Cydonian
pome", and Theophrastus, in his Enquiry into Plants, noted that
quince was one of many fruiting plants that do not come true
from seed.[9]
As a sacred emblem of Aphrodite, a quince figured in a lost poem
of Callimachus that survives in a prose epitome: seeing his
beloved in the courtyard of the temple of Aphrodite, Acontius
plucks a quince from the "orchard of Aphrodite", inscribes its
skin and furtively rolls it at the feet of her illiterate nurse,
whose curiosity aroused, hands it to the girl to read aloud, and
the girl finds herself saying "I swear by Aphrodite that I will
marry Acontius". A vow thus spoken in the goddess's temenos
cannot be broken.[10] Pliny the Elder mentions "numerous
varieties" of quince in his Natural History and describes
The season of ripe quinces is brief: the Roman cookbook De re
coquinaria of Apicius specifies in attempting to keep quinces,
to select perfect unbruised fruits and keep stems and leaves
intact, submerged in honey and reduced wine.[12]
and I bought it and I ate it, the flesh is firmer than
apple's, but seeds are softer. I ate a half of the fruit and
ground the other half into honey, and ate that too, there I found
seeds tasting as soft кедровые орешки, Если оно полезное, то
ладно, но кожу надо снимать потому же почему с яблок магазинных
а б g д
or б g д е
Notice how both a and e are small, and consonants are all big.
(vwls r rdndnt) б д е g
не pq бог знает где, а е g in the following two letters. (еёж, εϝζ)
before a, the four (the number is associated with death, because
1born 2grown 3old 4dead(diesd)
б д е g
d ~ time? m gives voice to t? zeit
b ~ место, place, toPos, and yes of course it is only
I do have a shitty habit to write my texts in paint:
но браузеры похоже не расходятся во мнениях относительно того
какая рыбка куда смотрит (yang is right and above)
and digging for this stuff I found some more:
стрічкаUA is tape (in russian it's лента)
строчкаRU is line of text (in ukrainian it's рядок)
I was watching Er Ist Wieder Da in german to see if Franzisca is
read as Francheska in german, as it is in russian, showing how z
looks like cursive ч not only in graphic form. Graphic form ~
phonetic form?
i ~ 一 (so letters were rotated in english, when chinese-like
columns were read and written horizontally)
So I was watching this film (where at least five characters bear
the actors' names) when I heard how Gudrun Ritter screams aus with
R in the first phoneme. Which explains why R is considered to be
vowel by sanskrit. Are r & L the two additional vowels?
r & L look like right and left end hanging down if we read the
text as chinese people would, turning it 90 degrees clockwise.
Just as russian letters Б and Д can be seen as b and d rotated the
same direction.
Which is natural, since russia was under mongolian rules (when they also ruled china) for
centuries, so if we remember that history, we can be the link
between europe and asia.
and A then can be seen as open mouth, more open than ɔ
But E doesn't make much sense.. unless it is also rotated and
shows the mussles on the front side of the lower jaw activated
(the centre and the sides) to make the mouth 𓈛 - like.
but e is smile-like, and makes a perfect mnemonic tool,
and u being rotated could show those lips protruding. But it looks
the other side of the стрiчка, but this is written in columns, so
it is not egyptian tradition. But I suspect those traditions to be
linked. They were known for millenia before alphabets, there's no
way they're their wizards didn't know
of one another.
Letters were sent with merchants, and not to let the merchants
read them, people invented new forms of the letters, but they
placed them in the abecedaries in the same or rather similar
order, order is hardly ever the same, maybe to conceal the order
as well. So correspondence needing secrecy could be the reason
behind the diversity of scripts?
Why else would we invent a new shape for the sounds we know how to
record? I just tried to imagine what it would take to make up
another writing system, even an alphabet, why would we fuck our
head up so much, what would be the use, and the encypherment seems
to be the only one which could motivate me to write like that.
But then many shapes are themselves, rotated maybe, like 𐤀, a,
Also notice how 𐤀 reminds a and ᛆ, only it has horns
And ᛆ in the context of 𐤀 reminds α, as both α and ᛆ denote one
knot. qipu has some roots to understand the alphabet, we must
reinvent qipus. We may want to ask ai to invent writing by
knitting. Let's see all the variants it can offer, maybe one of
them is so obvious it screams yes, it definitely was if not the
one, a one of them.
Бg Бог
ед Evil/devil? ехи дна? эхи дна? Ed the ад? Does небо have the same бо as in спасибо? бо of бог and bog?
liquid? небеса = небо
бог ~ бес ? because the word is similar to big, not good of which
god is. is what I was waiting for. We talked some
about v.2.5, where it messed up at the place of overuse of
brackets. It taught me not to use brackets that much. And then I
uploaded it v.2.8 and it taught me what I didn't see:
But then I don't see that this spiral form leads anywhere:
even though I tried. The spiral probably should go round some
circle (representing god or son sun)
so they do not grow this fast, so that there's similar distance
between the letters. And probably hebrew would be almost perfect
for it. Could such representation be similar to celestial spheres
of Kepler?
But then this spiral make it clear if we substitute J for M, then
J makes a line with s and z, and also supports that point that h
used to sound as ʃ.
so let's give that thing a word a couple more times and more move on
Yet sometimes it lies her pants off,
The names of those articles google doesn't know, the links lead to
completely different articles (notice how
two of them are the same links) but Peter T. Daniels is
told to be the guy who coined terms abjad and abugida, he's still
alive and I never heard of him (David G.
Hayes is also a linguist, but from a different field, and the
other two are not known by the internet as linguists)
some revelation about 4×4 alphabet resonated with so called
younger futhark, as if it was called younger, because it was still
in use when it was researched, and not reconstructed or fabricated
by the academia. Then Bureus (is he a part of academia or not?
probably more not than yes is) lists
only 15 runes, which correspond to game of пятнашки, could explain
why 15 could be considered satanic, 5 runes per a die with one
empty slot maybe, correlation with ogham! Now this I only now
So let's stick to that report, and let's see where it may lead us.
First with the younger futhark,
(I suspect those long lines to share few runes with the shorter
ones, so ᚴ could be between ᛒ and ᚦ,
and some ᛦ could be the last of it, but then this arrangement is
totally arbitrary)
then to the bureous account, but it is the same, only it doesn't
include that ᛦ, which is natural, because it is the upside down ᛘ,
but that is not why he doesn't include it, he acually takes is as
just another form of ᚱ, which could explain it standing next to ᚱ
in the Bornholm alphabetic stone.
this little page is such a cKlondike,
I have to learn it by heart!
Умирай ~ un未来
kom in toekomst in comparison with 未来 makes me think, that those
words are calque of one another,
toekomst ~ to yet come
s.t.(something (that something thing is probably a coincidence,
but how cool!))
"no future" is the appeal to die (and what a coincidence that
malkolm considered himself a halahic jew)
Yes, Sex Pistols wouldn't happen if not that jew. So am I to
excusse all the jews for this masterpiece album or should I
embrace the diversity? This diversity destroys civilization, and
between civilizations only horror. This is the rock music making
me sad, really. I would rather listen to techno and disco house
and would feel fine even without funk I love it is sthick as funk.
n and c in the same claster. и the и is in the group,
because N~И, and the fourth one is.. there can be no fourth
form in the world of boustrophedon.
И N.. what about them? They're upside down, not ..but they're
сравни значения рун ᛁ and ᚿ, если И и N разные формы, то отчего ᛁ
and ᚿ будут перевёртышами?
are ᛆ and ᚿ the same letter, as boustrophedon make them, as the
Bureus's accoundt make them with ᛒ looking the either way. But
then it makes l and t the same letter, and latin approves of it. t
is dashed l, thus S is the final letter, as sefer yetzirah
righteously tells.
将来 [shorai] is the synonym of 未来
将 is общий, general, algemeen (al = уже, gemeen = иметь в виду.
Как это означает общий я х.з (х это руки
крестом, т.е. не (а з язык? зубрю и знаю? скаЗать
покаЗать докаЗать могу. Эта зать знать?)) но я думал al как в all, a gemeen ~
имеют (не в виду) ибо знаю что ge это усилительная частица и
частица совершенной формы, типа получили все, обрели все, всеобщая
(общая об-щ-ая обрящённая?)
A M S, and T is a form of L (I think I read that L used to be
inverted T, but then what is Г? Г не обращается в L, т.е.
тарология их в одно не смешивает, и бустрофедон их не смешивает,
но бустрофедон смешивает обе формы с их зеркальностями, а
зеркальности обращаются при гадании. Так значит не было Г и L и Т
в одном алфавите одновременно? Т двойное Г? двойное С? but S is
double C. T is double Г, double C but other C, bother S and T are
double С. No wonder, O is double A (does it make A~U? makes sense,
But is P double B? I'd say the opposite is the case. P was b, Ф
was at this line, because four lines they were. 4×4, with one
empty slot maybe, making them the legendary 15 (from a greek myth
legendary) and letting one line be of 3, the legendary 3. Is it
the first one as in runes, or the last one as in ugaritic?
U.. I guess, nothing serious is going on here. was tryting to
play with that ieou(a) thing, but only found that set of 12 it
must have been, that zodiac could be the key to the early
ᛂ(not ᚽ)ᚠᚵᚼ(or
though it looks like ᛉ)ᚿ
ᚮᚱᛦ(if R, or ᛣ if Q)ᛋᛏᚢ
just a guess.
I keep on guessing, also thinking of ᛣ being a better double form
of ᚿ, who knows, who knows, who knows if this guessing practice
has much of the sense. I tend to tighten the set of runes. Mmore
than with other writing systems. I wonder why. but different sets
of runes kinda don't contradict this practice.
or was it even
So that M is in a prominent position, and that an empty slot is
present, and that we have the 8 letters corresponding to 8 digits
of that hypothetic octal (as octave!) numeral IVXLCD equating 365
123 6
456 15
78 15
the way 6 and 15 are satanic, and missing 9 making the latter 24
gives me hope that I'm not only trippin
And I looked at that ᛂ which in that Bornholm stone reminds ᛅ, and
ᛅ it is:
The Dalecarlian runes, or dalrunes, was a late
version of the runic script that was in use in the Swedish
province of Dalarna until the 20th century.[1] The province has
consequently been called the "last stronghold of the Germanic
dal as in даль? daleca as in далёко? далеко? далека долога тоя
Latin A B C D E F G H I K L M
Rune ᛅ, ᚷ ᛒ ᛋ,
ᚲ ᚦ ᛆ ᚠ, ᚨ
ᚼ ᛁ ᛲ, ᚴ ᛚ ᛘ, ᛖ ᚿ, ᚳ ᛰ ᚹ, ᛘ, ᛠ ᛩ
ᚱ ᛋ, ᛁ, ᛌ ᛐ ᚢ ᛋᛌ, ᛋ ᛠ ᛡ ᚯ ᛦ
Name ar birkä knäsol dors er
fir gir hagal is kan lagh madhär nådh or
pir qua re sol tir ur
this lower panel is the dalecarlian runes existing in unicode, the
g they don't have, and in armanen runes that g is swastica-like,
so maybe this is why
here's the sequence: ᛅᚷ ᛒ ᛋᚲ ᚦ ᛆ
ᚠᚨ ᚼ ᛁ ᛲᚴ ᛚ ᛘᛖ ᚿᚳ
ᛰ ᚹᛘᛠ ᛩ ᚱ ᛋᛁᛌ ᛐ ᚢ
ᛋᛌᛋ ᛠ ᛡ ᚯ ᛦ
ᛁ used for ᛋ is indeed spectacular, but is it more spectacular
than l for L? one stroke less maybe so
And p sharing glyph with y!
This table is another piece of evidence I should learn by heart if
I want to master this subject, and I do, if not master than at
least guess ge guess guest it well.
and I looked for other languages on wiki, and svenska delivers
some more:
Interesting how they adopted some latin letters during those four
I wonder if s was similar to i because it was slavic with
preposition с[s](with) and particle и[i](and)
What other explanation could that be? Some german purists probably
hate me right now.
å became written as h in those centuries? What's going on there?
ö being like ᛏ in 1500 (that upper table doesn't support it, but
then it doesn't go that far) ö and y too, and then becoming ᛦ, as
they're the same sign (and in united stave it would look the same)
and this time ö but not y, and then how can I trust these tables.
Can I? Shouldn't I have focused on latin alone? How much would I
deliver then! And I wouldn't be taken seriously by the grumpy
alled grampas.
pilpul ~ pulpit (but most probably it's
nothing, not even a rhyme)
an interesting knot:
said to be illegal in germany (and maybe
elsewhere) when a stone or metal ball is tied into it
and it's shape made me think if it's by any chance a source of the
triquetra symbol:
and the valknut too (valknot)
Valknut variations. On the left unicursal trefoil
forms; on the right tricursal linked triangle forms.
Devil is called devil because (s)he's a daredevil (it is from a
revelation from an insane drunk ritual)
And now I can see that daredevil dared evil (бросил вызов злу.
т.е. дьявол хороший парень (или девка, ангел, они они (в смысле
Devil is demon is вуьгт
oщuг (tht could be the ву which gve birth to
demun is the typo. (when I notice d
demon is вуьщт
n of woodeemaann could be o demon
woo could be theæat o of of o'kolnikov, o as japanese
honorific prefix
why is my ego here? It is goodbye.
яз is я (I, me) in slovenian, which is in between modern russian я
and old russian аз, and it is near german ich, linking it to
english I (me)
fat ~ fed
cat ~ caught I thought, but is it kid? (unlike tigers, cats are
small, as if they're forever children)
bat ~ bad?
bat ~ bird?
mad ~ made? довели? you made me mad?
сетка ситко (от слова сеять (которое от предлога/приставки съ)
is bomb boom? (because tomb is [tum])
масёл — МАСЁЛ, сла (или сёла), МОСЁЛ, сла (или
сёла), м. 1. Большой, сильный человек. 2. Молодец, молодчина. 3.
Рука, нога, конечность. От «мослак», «мосла», «мосол» большая,
выступающая кость; ср. уг. «масёл» военный, милиционер
… Словарь русского арго
Криптофазия (от др.-греч. κρυπτός — потайной, секретный и φάσις
— высказывание) — непонятная для окружающих система общения
между близнецами младенческого возраста. Может включать в себя
не только речь, но и мимику, жесты (часто зеркальные).
При анализе языков близнецов удалось установить, что большинство
слов являются искажёнными до неузнаваемости словами, которые
дети слышали от родителей.
φάσις — высказывание
афазия = отстутствие выссказываения!
as if фаза is period, wave, message in wave form (sa was automatic
in message (me с ся give?)
неужели эти крохи понимают друг друга? Тогда это мост между языком
людей и языком животных. Надо спросить маленьких, кто только начал
разговаривать, что эти малыши говорят. Надо найти близнецов,
которые только начали говорить, чтоб они перевели что эти малыши
ada dada? (are you dada? how do you
dada (hello(?) do well(?) okay(?) did each da correspond to a
dadada dadadada? (do you want to be my
friend? do you want to talk to me?)
(but all this is pure guess, I have to master the speaking toddler
language first:
a=i (she call mom mama, so what mommy, mama!)
thank you is de du or di e
it's the world of abc, or rather abd and
after I master this, I will move to toddlers babble
После детского азика идот изик малисе (на самом деле до него, но в
моем исследовании после)
И теперь я возьмусь за изучение его, после того как его пойму,
начну изучать то дадададададада (car=da(!))
dadada dadadada? at first I didn't even notice that pause. So the
more I dip me into it, the more I dig, the deeper I dip, the more
I dig.
And the previous stage of speech is
(according to the title of that video, these guys are one hour
Watching some older kids I
noticed them pronouncing l as j [й] and r they pronounced as w or
as that j
Here they're
younger and it's incomprehensible. Maybe cheching that channel for
more I will be able to figure out something else. But then I watch
more of their videos, and I see that w goes for l too, in words
like build. (mirror) (mirror) and now I can hear the
one with the short opens the video with Brother! Look there! and
he ends it with "down" and they get off the table. What
the other kid tells I cannot tell. I wrote to their parents to
translate it, I wonder what they hear.
And now to something completely different
I just noticed ᛋ in the L7's logo:
Think of the kiddy speech, is anguish angrish?
ã of one, then double t of two and three, double f of four and
five and double s of six and seven
(are f's of few? are s's of several)
And this is spectacular in the light of the octal hypothesis.
Eight is vowel again, but further it goes off the pattern,
probably was other words for larger numbers, probably was in the
other language, probably is a paroxysm of pareidolia.
Probably it is not a coincidence that l looks like I and r may
look like v (and ᚱ can look like ᚢ, btw) because those twins
pronounce r and l as w and j, it makes sense that hindus consider
some r and l vowel. And that they use w and j for r and l
interchangeably, l and r could be the same letter in the past (as
the детски изик suggests)
the l and r being the same letter make j and w being the same
letter, and because they're short forms of other letters, i and u
are the same letter (the unity of vowels) and the
interchangeability of j and w unifies i and u (russian i is и
the и)
left righrt as ieft wait (and i for east, w for west, tell that
north used to be at the bottom of the map, that southern regions
were considered the top of the map, they the people went down to
the north, makes perfect sense:L the
temperature drops when it goes down, at the termometre? When was
invented first termometre? I think early in the antiquity)
Существуют оценки, что первый термоскоп
сконструировал итальянский физик Галилео Галилей примерно в
1592—1600 годах[1]. В то же время во времена Галилея уже
использовались устройства, основанные на использовании
расширения тел от тепла и давления, они применялись как в
медицине, так и для сооружения фонтанов[2]. Сам принцип
действия термоскопа был известен ещё в Древней Греции, о нём
упоминал, в частности, Эмпедокл в своей книге «О природе» в
460 г. до н. э[2].
the general pneumatic principle of the thermoscope was
used in the Hellenic period, and it was written about even
earlier, by Empedocles of Agrigentum in his 460 B.C. book On
north noise? низ! (на себя?()
юг up? south сверху (south съюг? с юж)
I looked up oldest map of europe and I got these two amongst the
first ten:
It is pretty much the same map, but I decided to keep the b&w
version, because it contains some additional information, such as
Sarmatia. This is interesting, because one of the sources tells before 1552, but that remark (if it is
accurate) tells that it is of much earlier times:
The Sarmatians (/sɑːrˈmeɪʃiənz/; Ancient Greek:
Σαρμάται, romanized: Sarmatai; Latin: Sarmatae [ˈsarmatae̯])
were a large confederation of ancient Eastern Iranian equestrian
nomadic peoples of classical antiquity who dominated the Pontic
steppe from about the 3rd century BC to the 4th century AD.
Originating in the central parts of the
Eurasian Steppe, the Sarmatians were part of the wider
Scythian cultures.[1] They started migrating westward around
the fourth and third centuries BC, coming to dominate the
closely related Scythians by 200 BC. At their greatest
reported extent, around 100 BC, these tribes ranged from the
Vistula River to the mouth of the Danube and eastward to the
Volga, bordering the shores of the Black and Caspian seas as
well as the Caucasus to the south.
In the first century AD, the Sarmatians began encroaching upon
the Roman Empire in alliance with Germanic tribes. In the
third century AD, their dominance of the Pontic Steppe was
broken by the Germanic Goths. With the Hunnic invasions of the
fourth century, many Sarmatians joined the Goths and other
Germanic tribes (Vandals) in the settlement of the Western
Roman Empire. Since large parts of today's Russia,
specifically the land between the Ural Mountains and the Don
River, were controlled in the fifth century BC by the
Sarmatians, the Volga–Don and Ural steppes sometimes are
called "Sarmatian Motherland."[2][3]
The Sarmatians in the Bosporan Kingdom assimilated into the
Greek civilization,[4] while others were absorbed by the
proto-Circassian Meot people,[5] the Alans and the Goths.[6]
Other Sarmatians were assimilated and absorbed by the Early
Slavs.[7][8] A people related to the Sarmatians, known as the
Alans, survived in the North Caucasus into the Early Middle
Ages, ultimately giving rise to the modern Ossetic ethnic
Nordland has two counties with both names and flags inverted,
Dønna and Andøy:
I never noticed or even heard of difference in the sides of a
wave, but considering the earth rotation, I think like in some
geometric alignment it could be a case. But I never heard of it so
what does it matter? Magic of luck? Does it even matter?
I visually like the wave going clockwards more. And the colour is
more sunny.
Sun up, water down. Ukrainians should claim жёвто-блакитный, нот
Ukraine to unite with more prosperous nation? Why would you? Was
ukraine forced to switch their flag not to be confused with
Sweden? тоже свенина (да, я охуевший) though they could lead
their dynasties from rurik's people. And thosw people would
naturally use colours of their motherland, from childhood felt as
Russians are not taught beyond Rurik (who were his parents? we do
not know, swens probably do)
russic, rurik, literally ruric, rural (ural? there all? (before
they knew of america they could naturally call it so. But why in
english? In each alphabet, maybe, the same stories in different
cultures are the important wones.))
the US state was usurped by the same tribe who
turned Russia into the SU
us and su(they? своё? ся(себя (семя?)))
язь is я же
(most of these notebooks are hypothetic, this one is especially
raw: based on slavonic slovenic jaz (я, мне) resembling slavonic
az for я (how could it be that я is in the end resembling а and
being like Ω (and Я even reminds Ω, only a half of it really. is Ω
ЯR? Ярило Яah, Ж ~ R ~ Я Ж~ЯR (and я is z on the
keyboard, but what if they who created the keyboard played so?
We'll never know, so ignore the heyborad part (we know it is of
much later origin than the creation of the alphabet as we know it)
Alphabet was invented as literally abc
down is lingual-vowel-labial но не в
этом суть: ложи́ is lingual-vowel-lingual, but via abc'ing of
down, we get lown dowd tou well, actually I went of the track on
low, lay, lie. lie because лежачего не бьют.
(following chapter is broken, jump over it)
U Me Zie
hey! I remember this:
Jij Mij Hij
U(ij) Wij Zij
Ты is not considered polite, but in slovene all you are ti.
in и (and (in is between russian i and english and))
but the actual netherlands alphabetic grammar is better than I
Gij Mij Hij
Jij Wij Zij
Letters go in order. G is not far from M and repeats tradition of
J, actually it's ГGHIJKL
claster, so Gij is just single Jij? Y as double Г
jullie is a more actual form of plural U. But no, plural U is U. U
is Υ in greek, Y is ij in dutch. Thus jij is ij? III! And because
I know ..I don't know much on dutch, why do I even dare to speak
it? Let's leave it to some ai speaking dutch and others, and this
is exactly why this text is here, to give them food for thought.
Jij Mij Nij (for Н is russian N)
Uij Wij Zij (and here I suppose form Uij used to exist in old
dutch, because it is the missing thread to keep this finding
together. So my finding is scientific, because it allowes a
benefit of doubt, even if we don't find Uij, then it still may be
assumed (of ass, yes as a binding hypothesis, not a taught
and there is Uij! But no, only as letter combinations:
the j in Voskuijl is not pronounced? is that the
rule for 'uij'? im confused
Dirk Kuyt, that's really Kuijt right? the english football
announcers always pronounce it "kaut".
ui [au] is onion in Dutch. (just double vowel, written one thing,
pronounced the other (was it a
superstrate's grammatic reform which failed to influence the
pronounciation? speculations))
u is a in bus, i is и in russian, could it be related to that
dutch ui? ו is u in hebrew. ا is a, or all alphabets
vowels in arabic. They're all all alphabets
vowels (all alephs I was supposed to say, but noone would
cabbalah ~ symbola (if that toddler talk (taal) applied)
цимбала очень примитивный инструмент (базовый струнный) подобный
гуслям, но играют молоточками, пианино произошло от цимбал, как
гитара от гуслей.
шамбала ещё одно волшебное слово, с окончанием как у каббала (are
both of Baal religion?_)
ебала is the only one which came to me next. кололева бабала
рубала (просторечное ела, еть=ебать (ба в латыни суффикс..
будущего чтоли времени))
жруй (жри и жуй (и жируй)) а значит жрубала (слубала, сру в
будущем времени ла (она, ляля))
ебала чтобы поесть? мужики же охотники
бал где всё будет? где все будут
Cymbals is even more primitive instrument, the drum's plates are
named cymbals:
more commonly word cymbal is omitted:
and what russians know as cymbals, in english is also named
The cimbalom, cimbal (/ˈsɪmbələm, -ˌlɒm/;
Hungarian: [ˈt͡simbɒlom]) or concert cimbalom is a type of
chordophone composed of a large, trapezoidal box on legs with
metal strings stretched across its top and a damping pedal
underneath. It was designed and created by V. Josef Schunda in
1874 in Budapest, based on his modifications to the existing
Hammered dulcimer instruments which were already present in
Central and Eastern Europe.[1]
Today the instrument is mainly played in Hungary, Slovakia,
Moravia, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine.[1]
But in ukrainian it is named цимбали.
the bearded guys on wiki are
Игроки на цимбалах-сантурах, древний Вавилон
actually, this image is: The archetype of the
instrument carried horizontally and struck with two sticks,
found in iconographical documents in ancient Babylon (1600-911
BCE) and Neo-Assyria (911-612 BCE).
I guess, copyright laws make people redraw
images thus working towards chaos.
The word cymbal is derived from the Latin
cymbalum,[1] which is the latinisation of the Greek word
κύμβαλον kymbalon, "cymbal",[2] which in turn derives from κύμβη
kymbē, "cup, bowl".[3]
In orchestral scores, cymbals may be indicated by the French
cymbales; German Becken, Schellbecken, Teller, or Tschinellen;
Italian piatti or cinelli; and Spanish platillos.[4] Many of
these derive from the word for plates.
and for cimbalom there's no etymology, there's no etymology on
wiki, so I go elsewhere:
both words are cup, c of cup and cymbal, p of cup is b of cymbal
(is b ball? bowl. is c tin? the zink?)
were first cymbals just strings across the cup? Were geometry
measuring how to pull the string on the cup so it sounded good?
to pull wool over someone's eyes is literally втирать очки
(предложить протереть очки когда нужно было отвлечь кого-нибудь от
того чтоб увидеть что происходит (протирали не снимая? это вообще дичь наглость и тому подобный ах))
lion in toddler speech is yayon and thus reminds ayon or iron and
maybe zion too.
lio in the king because it is blonde? Golden? Sun? The mane is not
the only attribute, as you can see.
sun was seen as lion? phonetics told so, but is it true, who knows
if written sources even
ΛΝΜ is more consistent subsequency than ΛΜΝ. Or does ΛΜΝ indicate
that ΛΜ was all there was, and that Λ was 𐤂, thus all the
linguals in one that c
iΛΜ would be игом? иго как abc? rather acb, the eastern way, which
is consistent with the word иго
trying to find something of the kind (some semidestroyed abecedary
some order misinterpreted) I could only find this:
[ν τη. λμν τη. καιομνη [н. лн. и месяц
πυρ κα
огонь и бог],
but then I try to simplify the link, and I get the actual page, so
the previous screenshot was the following page modified by search
[έν τή λίμνη τή καιομένη πυρί καί θείω],
[в озере обожженного огня и серы],
fear? dark side of power? and this is why I believe that I
shouldn't take it on faith.
Russian alphabet doesn't have distinct labial-lingual distinction,
even though I noticed it there (it has it, but not as spectacular
as in english, latin alphabet) but
russian alphabet has very distinct division
distinction between voiced and voiceless consonants.
Alphabet's inventor could give different elements of his system to
different nations, probably even not intentionally, but travelling
the world, spreading his teaching with different nations,
different school of thoughts thus having mutilating his system
again and again always in different directions, and thus showing
us the multidimentional representation of that thing.
I have to find a language where VXZ [fhs]
I suspect german, but I go deeper that that, to bavarian:
Bavarian (Boarisch) that boarisch reminds
borsch, and bavaria is the south east of germany, thus
geographically it may make sense
but czech alphabet is further from grace, reading f as f, v as v,
z as z
So is it something germanic or was it origined further to the
east? But so far, not knowing of any other latin alphabet reading
those consonants this way, I consider this peculiarity of germanic
lating (the holy roman empire?) to be
indication number 15 or whatever that runes predate latin and
greek alphabets as we know them (let's call them italic and greek
runes, because by shapes of them they're like this)
And in the light of this finding, we shouldn't go full boarisch
But no, general german is further from grace, because they don't
read f as v:
So I have to dig deeper into germanic alphabet. I should ask
Pitina for help (the head of the department teaching me
linguistics, she was specializing in gothic, and seemed autistic
enough to be true.
So though I have established some phobia over academia, I think
they may be the easy way into science. But easy way to a dismay,
thus the phobe
⟨Ƞ⟩ is not to be confused with ⟨ŋ⟩ or with ⟨ɳ⟩,
the latter used in the IPA for a retroflex nasal. The lowercase
form is graphically similar to the lowercase Greek letter eta,
H[h] and Н[n] meet again.
home/nome? what is the hidden unity of these shapes?
wij gij hij
мы вы они
(?) они ~ any (некие~никакие)
but let's return to boerisch:
except h, all consonants in the first two lines seem to have voied
variants (but in russian this dualism is still more distinct, thus
russians have preserved this distinction better. And in india
syllabaries are at play. But indian is so expanded, all of them
are modern I always forget. But I still can take trace. Call in
the specialists.
But the VXZ as f ks ts are in both bavarian and common german.
And it german it is even more distinct, without voiced variations,
unless that bubble makes them
an interesting parallel between russian and japanese:
words uncle and grandfather are very similar:
déda is grandfather in russian, dyádya is uncle in russian
おじいさん [odʒi:san] is grandfather in japanese, おじさん [odʒisan] is
uncle in japanese:
japanese has similar parallel with grandmother and aunt:
おばあさん and おばさん
but russian does not.
Ш is in the shape of teeth
T is too? teeth
З is? with tongue in the middle. зубы (за бы? за губами?)
is th in both numeral suffix?
2th~2nd? tooth? both! 2 as Б? Lukas drew it like that.
but no, my memory failed me, he drew Б rotated 180 degrees. And
then he fixed it, but it looked the other way. I told him of that
when he drew A, and he made it right. I only told him of missing Ь
which he inserted as if Я (turned into R) and waved to give it
place. I didn't even notice R. So graceful his Н looking like N
is. And the archaic shape of final A which he cured with another
stroke. What could that archaic shape and the modern shaper represent?
've ~ 's what could that be? b~c
've ~ 'm and this? W~M
ai delivers. It starts very normally, and it's a beauty that it
considers only five vowels vowel, not mentioning Y, or else it
would have to mention W for words like new and view
punkt 6 (p. is also paragraph)( is
satanique what did it mean?
but my friend and colleague has uploaded some other model, which
is very weird:
At first I thought this one is way more
trippy, first two points, including IVXLCD and XYZ in the
structure was interesting, but what happened then? Did it tell
of each line representing different writing system? Did they all
did the same reform, but a little differently, and thus
deviating from each other even more? But approving of it,
because such reform allowed to write words from neighbours
correctly? But why paragraphs 4 and 7 repeat and why does it
mentions japanese in the fourth? The writing system used in both
korea and japan are chinese hieroglyphs. But what if it couldn't
mention chinese hieroglyphs in the response on alphabets?
Was there some Hangul alphabet before Hangul phonetic alphabet?
But no, we pushed it some more and it gave us plenty of
contradicting delirium.
and suddenly I notice that 666 is not only biohazard sign, but
also evil triple swasticka
swa = 6?
if stica ~ stick?
and indeed it is, just as mogen daweed
jude ~ weed
am I not to love жидов за то что weeeed?
if each stick contains three runes (three norns. How it was how it
is how it's going. past present futur)
future has the suffix of literature and culture (I think its'
theory, тора)
can be a key to vowels:
smile-like e and i are polite, sour face a and u are rude.
and that video has plenty of other gems:
(yet he notices that by intonation one can make that longer ha
rude as well, but that intonation works)
the middle form is homonymous to russian это which can be used
with the same function.
in the same fashion.
uralets ~ ruralis
ruraress? ruraless? ruleless!
ура less (чем дальше от москвы тем меньше советской власти, как у
нас говорят)
ура ~ дура! ругаясь (за счёт (инструмента) и какой-то матери)
some mother? They saw the female figure, but they didn't recognize
the mother they knew in it.
Thus white goddess could be natural transformation of mother into
When speaker smiles, u sounds as o
глопый (ми таква тру транскрипшн оф текст ыфш
said when hihi laug smile)
13 months in a year,
I used different tables in hope that one is not based on another
What may the latter table tell by drawing ☽︎ like ᛚ(Λ) and ☾like
Λ 𐰲, Λошадь, legs, носит (thus נ c looks like L (reversed for
they draw another way, basically l, ן, and probably I and ا
Why this random source is useful is because they mirrored one
crescent to get the other, which proportion is supposed to be
preserved between☽︎ and ☾
Or they could place that mark of the moon intentionally. I suppose
some people keep the knowledge, I discover here, in secret. Some
of them. Out of system, which is also why they cannot present it:
they fucked it up by forgetting some essential points. But just
keep it as an artefact which may tell more to those who can read
and some other basic witchery from that site:
I'm pretty sure some keys are in that field. Cooking is ancient,
cooking ..books!
cooks ~ books
book cook
fuck hack
then book gook? (chinese ~ cusine? (not brother's vbut cousine's))
26 letters of the english alphabet is an interesting number,
because it's twice 13 and half 52
I believe Barny Greenway articulates Satan in "said and done" it
would explain their cryptosatanism:
I suspect the best artists tend to be leftists, because the
(((industry))) supports its footsoldiers who align with their bs
narratives. They may support them with some unique equipment (why
would Napalm Death have such fat and tasty sound and other
musicians did not? RATM was recognized by Morello's vert special
fuzz, and the others probably were manufactured as well, otherwise
how would they know how to play and sing that well) - I suspect
that after his speech of refugees welcome (I bet that retard never
lived amongst those poor things so he knows fuck all about how
friendly they are as a group.
I across a circle makes two
+ across a circle makes four
Other cuts are less certain, the next cut may make 6, but it can
also make 7 if it's excentric, it may also be considered 8 if the
rationale is lost when * the ж is introduced, for 2 and 4 could be
followed not only by 6, but also by 8 (such ambiquity is caused by
2+2=2*2 (and I'm surprised to see in this equation both + and *
(and = makes 3 (but they're two lines, and hieroglyphics tell,
that I is 1, II is 2, but isn't 𓏺 used for plural? or is it
marker of singular, as an article a? or is it 𓏤? well, why do I
even bother writing about egyptian before I properly know it?
Because my questions give food for thought to me and probably to
others, and I constantly have to remind myself to take it easy,
for that it's only a draft or rather notes even, not a draft, just
notes, for myself, for nobody, for those who cares enough to dig
the texts on swords could be used to distract the opponent
and some more random stuff:
Tengu is a long nosed evil spirit in Japan known
for being disruptive to society
And it makes me wonder if tengu is related to tenge and деньги
The tengu's nose protrudes just enough to
differentiate him from an ordinary yamabushi.
Tengu (Japanese: 天狗, lit. 'Heavenly Dog' or 'Heavenly Sentinel')
狗 is [gou] in chinese, and thus is an onomatopoeia of the
barking sound recognized by russians as gav
Americans they can
probably not only made Israel happen, but gue
guaranteed to protect israel.
Only moshiah may make Israel great, but they cannot surve surva survive as a state for a
reason: they're dislikes disliked.
I reformed the lagnguage with this invention, grey text.
aubrey die gray get younger in this direction (offering die grey)
Why would 666 finished first two albums and is int he beginning of
this one? Is english growing from hebrew? Not evefn close. But
what if. What if greek words made russian by a lot, so was this
film crazy. Movies are moving, but I should stop watching them,
because they're someone else's narrative. Sometimes they are
filmed because people love movies. They are so entertaining, so
why 5666?
moons? but moon's phase is 7 days, not 6. Unless some days are
frames (on frame picture ends, on frame we don't paint usually,
and holidays could be these days we don't do anything. Let's
prohibit me to work one day a week. But then I'm a jew? No, just
I don't think I observe anyday, I scold myself every day for not
working. Today is the working day, because it goes good. Because
it is a good idea not to let me working a day, to take the rest.
Wouldn't it make me more lazy? Maybe it motivates me to want to
work (as the forbidden fruit)
chain ~ цепь (c is both ц and ч. n and п look exactly the same)
Давайте совместим идею о троичности аэттов с этим списком, выделив
по три в каждой группе:
ᛆ ᛡ ᛁ
ᛚ ᛋᛏ
appreciate some graphical similarity between the letters within
the groups, now let's figure out where are numbers, where are
letters, where are musical notes.
Vowels would make perfect notes, but they look like numbers, as if
the sequence is ᛁ ᛆ ᛡ (the ᛁ ᛅ ᛡ (etruscan mune..
numerals literally looked like that))
Look at the image above and notice how there ᚠ and ᚮ reflect
eachother, and both look like double ᚢ, which looks like reversed
ᚱ, and they're similar not in that font, babbling children
pronounce R as W, and if this hypothesis is correct, ᚦ could have
appeared out of ᚠ being a variant of θ, for letters appeared
before the alphabet as we know it. And probably that is why
letters graphically don't make any structure in the alphabet. M
and W are out of the column, but that is pretty much it.
ᛚᛋᛏ the ᛚᛌᛐ also has two letters invered one of the other. That
raw was simple: if that row is lingual, obvious ᛒ and ᛘ go off.
And because ᛒ and ᛘ are so fundamental, I think they could be
forms of some of ᚠᚮᚢ or am I supposed to rearrange all of those 15
into three aettir by 5? But with ᚮᚢ in labial aet, I will never
make up 5 vowels without them. But let's play on:
the best I could do. but then the structure is gone:
but to my sur[rise ist is gone much less than I thought it to be
yet don't forgent that is t is a
draft of something draftless, something raw, merely notes, merry notes
ACDB of the east syllabaries and their последовательность изо рта
наружу, затрагивая все языковые чакры so to say makes I L N M
natural sequence, and look at the graphaical
part of the line then. And I said today that alphabet doesn't have
graphical structures, but isn't BD and EFГ such structures?
BD EFГ (and here is somethinsg like a centre of symmetry, the focus
so to say) ILNM but OP~QR is maybe the only other one.
But wait, UVW are.
better first, omega last, makes it bcde not abcd, the order. but c
and d are not as in indian, because c and d is the same letter.
ABC, not ABCD.
BCE is in reverse, ILNM is reconstructed, EFГ is also, bd is so,
they seem to be all demolished. Old structures were demolished by
the abarbarians and if berbers ar
punic, they're phoenicians, and thus jew
D~R ~ 𓊂~𓊃?
𓊂 ~ пожали руки? ~ да? ~ давай? ~ делай?
𓊃 ~ пожали руки и пошли? ~ работать?
да, это дичайшее предположение, но посредством него я выучи два
этих иероглийа.
combinatory hieroglyphs 𓋝𓋞𓋟𓋠𓋡 (and there are many more) make
egyptian similar to chinese.
fuck, I forget all the time, that egyptian unicode is one glyph
off in the seamonkey.
but it is time for me to move beyond wiki, and to actually scan
their sources:
but then wiki uses multitude of sources, and their essences are
and I asked (myself and the world) about single stroke being used
as plural or singular, and the world showed me that singular it
is, plural form has three strokes:
st as seat! (seat ~ sit)
the most similar words to jew are jaw and chew
the most similar words to kike are cake and cookie
Notice the compass in the bottom left corner:
East in spannish is este
West in spannish is oeste
I need to see arabic sources on paleohispanic. They probably don't
have it, because the time they conquered it, Latin reigned for
centuries. But maybe they have translated works of locals. Or
maybe locals digged into their ancestry in arabic script? Either
way, there is or will soon be an ai which have read all the human
cuylt7rt7ren b cut culture, so
when it comes, I can ask them of the contents of those texts.
side ~ sight (сторона, видна только одна)
>>>> sodomy is a
form of coprophilia (now you know why you will always be
despised nevermind the ammount of propaganda)
>>> And?
>> And so you will always have that dirty component of a
lowlife, as if you were a shitskin.
> Not really. You wouldn't get it. You are too consumed by
your own ludditery. Anal has an aristocratic charm to it.
Gotta let loose sometimes into drunken bohemian debauchery in
order to maintain composure.
A joke I heard the other day: two faggots fuck, everything is in
shit, the bottom turns and tells "tender, vladimir" (there was
some random name, but I made it political since we're here (and
probably it is not a coincidence that state and shite, staat and
shit, гoвнo и гocyдapcтвo, can be abbreviated as гo-o (is it
because the territory is land is soil is
land ~ земля ~ почва ~ дёрн ~ soil (~shit, дерьмо)
s~ш (unlike s~k, but then both are с)
Tetraktis is up to 4, because further can be 5, but also can be 6
(for 2 became 3) if the triangle splits like a tree wood, like
irminsul (yggdrassil, can there be two different words with such
fuckedup names and such similar concepts
Tetraktis probably grow from bottom to top as a plant would grow,
(is it why factories are named plants? They grow from bottom up)
one root, two leaves? three stems? four fruits?
four ~ few
five ~ few even more! (even though in hmm five is several, but
several is probably around seven. And it makes me think that one
two three were countable, and four followed being few for few,
until it became several. The protonumerals!
some ~ sdun sum
Because "Groove is in the Heart" can be translated as "Грув это в
сердце", is ~ it
(both words can be omitted, s~t, and it may be a great key to some
deeper fields)
is ~ it ~ this&the(th-words (is it = th? (is this = the it?
the the? (то-то?))))
fire could look like bodyless spirit to ancients. He was
colourful, red, yellow, blue, it has them all. Only black or white
fire would look strange. Steam or Smoke on the other hand is
naturally black and white, from black to white all shades of grey
it is. The outside of a tree may burn with black smoke, good wood
burns with whitish. As if dirt is on the outside and holy spirit
is in the inside of a tree. So trees are naturally good entities.
I never burnt a man, but maybe some crematorians may contribute to
the question with a video report. But then it will still be just a
speculation. A version. Aversion? Newton didn't like hypotheses,
and yes it makes him a pseud, or rather a fraud, he stole his
results from somebody so it seems. Otherwise how could de not know
that hypotheses are the first steps towards a theory and a good
theory as well.
water is another spirit, literally medium, which let's human come
through it?
Air is the third. And if those three elements are seen not as
forms of matter, but forms of a medium, air would be obvious, so
sefer yetzirah may be not wrong on this one.
L M N (aM is obvouslyu water. I think L is ail, air, and is яр in
fire the same as in ярко (for яр (for жар, for яр of ярко, Rah,
шар, R of radius, round, круг, шар, сфера, circle, ring, only disk
is somehow out)
N as the opposite of L is Night as the opposite of Light. And thus
M is of Might.
Light Min Ming Might
Fight Hight
Might Light Night (мощь освещает ночь (луна светит ночью? Moon
Lights Night! Moon ~ mighht? It moves ocean/ Sun Sight? Светит? SAu_n
~ shine
Ought Right Sight Tight
And T is the via v final letter
again, because Whight is White, zight is
some lame slang
for alright. zeit
Zeit and Time are final letters, as if in "time"~"time's out"
which is a great word to denote death.
And space is Raum (probably a cognate of room)
the more you know one language the more you know the others: winy weeny (махонький,
буквально писюлишный) is not a common word, but if you
know it, german word wenig is a cognate to you.
Raum~Zeit ~ Space~Time
R~Z ~ S~T
Zeit starting with S would make more sense in the context of this
hypothesis: Stunde, Takt, Tempo
Between Space and Time Speed is a thing, as if SP of Space divided
by D of Time the Dime. WS As if ee is
in. or can to be used there too? But then it is not space but span
If I was playing with these terms in russian, I'd have Время
Скорость Dлина
Скорость ~ Šвидкість (swift) ~ Snelle ~ Schnelligkeit ~
geSchwindigkeit (ge is a prefix), Gang,
Tempo (Tempo is along the Time narrative, and Gang actually lays
within this C cluster. Gang is a cognate of going, step, period,
also a name for a corridor (проход, переход))
How trustworthy is this information? I dont' know , maybe not very
much, random probability.
But on dates I doubt, the actual cognatismus ist наверное правда,
но я перепроверю.
корридор.. ну у меня то нет версий, вот и алфавитил (спрашиваюл
при помощи букв)
these are words in russian, but only in ukrainian all five are:
and this is great, because now we know how ukrainian alphabet is
I laughed so hard I coughed.
la and co? la is ляляля, весела (уоляля as babble between cooing
ляляля and distinct speech?)
Infants first begin vocalizing by crying, followed
by cooing and then vocal play. These first forms of sound
production are the easiest for children to use because they
contain natural, reflexive, mostly vowel sounds.
experts expect, expert expects (I am an expert in some fields
because I am expecting some technologies before others even know
of their possibility) of course it could be
a coincidence, but very poetic it is.
та and
ви you (formal and plural)
це this
де where
не not
ні no
па-па! bye! (informal and to children)
ти you (informal singular)
ха-ха! ha-ha!
чи whether, if, or; interrogative particle
що what, that
éPT ~ єUA
Быть бессмертным
Есть бессмертный
м~й ~ me~я
I thought of how B and E are similar (gothic argument makes them
even closer) and I see how Б is ewven clowser (or as close)
b is to I? bi? bi as two reporesentatoinons of the same idea? B
and i both have doubleness. i is the inside bubbles of B
A as i and י, C as ᚲ, D as ᚦ, E as ɔ? weak idea and farfetched
b and e as similars is from some long time. both are second, and
if there's no a, they're both first.
B C D E and this is how they could be when vowel went in the end
(or in a separate table, when and if it was removed when it became
very variative.
I heard birds. And many songs were there, and I thought to myself
that this variability of drills and woohoos made it quite a
language, hardly those are random, why would they be if they look
like language, they go coo coo one song in a row, and that made me
believe that those were many different birds singing thir woohoo
in btetween of other songs, it sounded as a song but only because
they didn't sing at the same timed. Why would they sing? They
would call those who can sing in unison (uni song) they thus
sought partners. Thus bird's congress is собрание, and here б
and g meet
Power should be earned.
Structures of power such as governments allow people to grasp
power, and start that career to obtain political power, and
those structures should be removed simply because obligatory
service is racketeering. We humans can do better. Now with
your help we can do even more so. If somebody come to
power independantly as leaders of their own parties,
parties as members of the party? partie as partner? ghe who takes power
is party of partnership? If
somebody come to power independantly as leaders of their own
parties, they should do so to make friends, not enemies, and for
greed for power not to be based upon material phinancial sense,
taxation should be abolished. People should seek political power
only if they can afford it, if they can pay for the festivals of
their soul with their own money and responsibility.
ええ yes [long e (sounds almost as double e)]
いいえ no [long i and short e]
え could be some common postfix. II~N? or was it いええ and い would be
not as in illegal and irresponsible. Yes, I believe in cognatism
of morphemes, so I'm in search for it. I know that this structure my e must exist, because morphemes are
more ancient than words, and cognatism exists even in words, much
later forms, so yes, I believe that we must collect all the
morphemes in all and every alphabets, and we must compare them
after we collect and arrange them. May ai hasten it well.
And to my surprise, いええ seem to be a common mistake, or is it a
variant of that word?
Because other dictionary tells that いえ is another legitimate
variant, so length of vowels would only matter when there were
homonyms, and here probably not so much
ええ い ~ Yeah!
And all it and the common ええ reminding english yea and how い
reminds И and え has this E-like triplesness
or it could be seen as dotted I.
After we know writing system, literally the azbuka, we go to vowel
words. Such as a, you, I, yea, maybe also we, wow, because
orphography is arbitrary, it could go as ui and uou, so let's
include y and w and maybe h as well amongst vowels. And thus we
have 8 vowels in latin alphabet? Or is it greek? Greek has 7.
Would I count 9 vowels if ough was a word? But it is not, it is
only a tetragraph:
Ough is a four-letter sequence, a tetragraph, used
in English orthography and notorious for its unpredictable
pronunciation.[1] It has at least eight pronunciations in North
American English and nine in British English, and no discernible
patterns exist for choosing among them.[1]
In Middle English, ough was regularly pronounced with a back
rounded vowel and a velar fricative (e.g., [oːx], [oːɣ], [uːx]
or [uːɣ]).
Most common pronunciations:
as in though (cf. toe).
/uː/ as in
through (cf. true).
/ʌf/ as in
rough (cf. ruffian).
/ɒf/ or
/ɔːf/ as in cough (cf. coffin).
/ɔː/ as in
thought (cf. taut).
/aʊ/ as in
bough (cf. cow) is an
interesting read
But isn't ought ough'ed? Could it be doublet of oh, or no doublet,
because there is only oh. And thus g is not a vowel. H is hollow,
a place holder, a length adder to the previous letter unless it is
just h. Придыхание? literally.
В русском гласных слов наверное меньше, но они без взякой hwy (два
члена и женская писька? две формы одного и того же члена? а писька
всегда примерно одинаковая, блин что я несу..)
As for tyrants, we should make people so powerful,
so they get rid of tyrants with the abundance of tools if they
have to. And if they abuse those powers, they may be considered
tyrants themselves, so they risk being got rid of too. So this
omniscience and omnipotence, not absolute, but we never know if
they have it or not, may lead to everybody getting itself in
check for mere prudence, and people around them should be their
culture keeping their compatriots in relative norm, deviating
from norm only in a productive way of a talent.
Seen ~ sin (as if what nobody saw as good as if it never happened)
seen ~ scene
Is te in take て the 手?
говно жовано? two ways to read giovъno (жовано долгая форма. говно короткое
как фу)
късоJA is shit? or сука? кисо?
𓂋 as r is true for russian: рот, речь
𓂧 as d is true for russian: длань
drt is not dln (but near!) but it is more cognatic with держать
(also because R~Ж (chinese r is ж))
rus~jude? jude~rude(also рудый, рыжый (юды ~ рыжи? j~r? in
babbling when they use both й & w for R))
jid ~ рыж? riddic ~ жидок? куда меня несёт всё время? всё дальше и
дальше группы букв расползаются, превращаясь может в две а то и в
одну букву, обозначающую всё привлечением внимания. нумерация
(количество итераций)
б g
be go (white bб,
black qg)
бог god
батя гад
bad good (black bб, white qg)
p d
pass does (black p, white д)
piss dirt
plays does
петь/пить деять
and because б, g, not b q, I
see that it's not p, but e)
е д
eats does (black e, white д)
ends doesn't (white e, black д)
едай давай (white e, black д)
what I do here is play with it. thus research it.
ɅV< as the first ABC ever? < ~ >
as d ~ D?
Jan van Ijken reminds word яйкин to
me. making it clear that яйки and eggs are cognates.
условный ~ умовний ~ קאַנדישאַנאַל
слова ~ мова
сл ~ м?
силища ~ моща
слог ~ мог? слов?~мов
слог ~ слов?
г ~ в?
go ~ va
г ~ v
𐤂 ~ bv
Here I see that each triangle is exactly three runes.
But the other arrangement has more representative first triangle:
аба, ата, батя
And other triangles don't reveal themselves,
abc wheter as abbot or abbacus they are three, so arel lmn, uvw,
xyz, let's find them all.
abc efg hij lmn opq rst uvw xyz
relying on aeiou, I discover
abc [aБge[abd]]
opq [opt]
uyz wyz [u ю {я[язьSL]}]
{} are the stupidest glyph (unless it is used in some programming
language) because this shape is to combine several lines, and it
is written on only one. But then it could be used for
pseudographics collages, this is some old tech.
So I use those brackets for meaning of the element (I use <>
in my notebooks, but it is not does
not feel right
xyz are actually the only memetic triads
or, better yet, not mathematically, but grammatically:
uvw and yet w is relatively recent, so is it uvy or uvx, which uvy
graphically reminds? x~z and x looks like 𐤕 [t]PHOENICIAN
the + the 𐩩 [t]OLD SOUTH ARABIAN
𑀓[ka]BRAHMIC ~ 𐍇[/kʰ/]GOTHIC
BCI (or BCו? (ו the f,v)
MNו (ו as o)
ПТו (ו as u)
is first ו telling that E~F? if? because in other cases it is
vowel. and what story would it tell? eve?
was alphabet of syllables? of triadic words?
abets (отец ~ абе)
I man (english? seriously? angelic?
U xz (you, excuse)
This final line I definitely came to before, others maybe not,
either way repetitia, matria lectiones
BGi (боги)
MNo (мной)
PSu (пасу? pass? прошу? prays you? praise U (U is polite you in
dutch (but pray is bid in dutch, bd (prayse you was translated by
g as u prijzen, with that very u)))
some ai knowing every important language, read and research it.
I O as the two opposites werte the
firest vowels, yanъ and yinь
ъ and ь are simple dark as ink yin ь, and white yang ъ (the upper
stroke denotes ink going round to make the paper white shape of ь
by rolling a stroke around it till the full circle meets the
ъыь also go in three
эюя ate mems in russian culture (ъыь are omitted from
phonebooks and dictionaries, эюя are always grouped dogether in
and because я ~ аз ~ z (if thir position on
querty/йцукен keyboard a coincidence or not I do not know)
right sounds as white in babble (and then so does light)
left sounds similar to lost and last (which may reflect the
position of inferior nations and classes)
"не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей" is something fucking
russian mind up, because it promotes poverty, and russians are
poor, and maybe because of such poor memes.
Even the good part, the part about having hundred friends opens
with а, and a is a negating suffix in some languages, even in
russian аномалия (they also know
думая о том какое удивительное изобретение гребень и что мне нужно
два гребня из мяккого материала. мяг от слова мять, как и мяч. но
не меч, тот от слова
гребень (рассчёска и гребень горы, особенно выступающий из воды
(.. но словари такое не находят, только остров с таким названием
подтверждает мои слова)
и гребень на голове петуха заставил меня думать о значении этой
птицы в предыдущей русской культуре, что совки и зэки так
возненавидили её что жыды на западе аристократов.
Петушок золотой гребешок, жар-птица, райские птицы попавшие в этот
дикий мир? гребень от слова грести? вычёсывая блох?
Золотой гребешок resembles crown, so I think I entertained this
idea of that bird being some nominal king, who had his connections
and knew what was coming before it came.
And here I can see how sudden attack of travelling army may lead
to victory (if army travels easy carrying most of their weapons in
the baggage.
The fish of ☯, rotated 90 degrees, remind bd and pq and bd could
be water (voda (вода)) because the shape of 💧 is
associated with water, I can only imagine that the opposite shape
would be associated with fire (by representing a cloud of smoke,
maybe) and thus p&q could stand for PR, pyre, fire, пыл, п-р
of пожар. And I had a similar idea when I
associated ♠ with water (and ♡ with air, ♢ with fire, ♣ with
Some of these astronomic symbols could play their role in
development of letters:
But even more interesting are these two signs: ☊ for ascending
node and ☋ for descending node, which whether by coincidence or
not is correlating to yang Ⰴ and yin Ⰲ
thu of thursday is like thru
сре of среда is like throuhg (throwing?)
through and среди has this meaning, середина~наскрозь?
ᚱ~ᚢ again? both are the same рву (ᚱᚢ)
рек (said, rivers (речь~речка)
ров ~ river
река роет
бока боют? болят? бока ~ баки, бок ~ back
бока только болтаются, just be (back is where
we were? by qё know the word is of k the key,
yet sounds as n.. k~n? ŋ, see kiddi
арфа вита гамма дельта (the few letters with good names, others
are not so implessive, most of them are just fonetic value with
some generic suffixes or descriptive prefixes so to say, but then
suffixes are the same betta has. so was it Arfa Gamma Delta? or
does delta has the same suffix?
Arfa Gamma Kappa Lambda Sigma are the only ones without generic
Gamma and Sigma share the suffix
Arfa Kappa Lambda (but then Sigma is even without the suffix is
complex enough, but S and G are C's same is true for Delta, but
Isn't it time to link fa and pa suffixes? da and ta of all those
beta-vita zeta ita~eta θeta yota and i as the end of the first
half of the alphabet also stops the flow of -ta names. And mu as
the beginning of the second half so to say (fits it well if M
follows I directly) opens sequence of phonetic-value-names:
mu nu xi pi ro tau phi chi psi (psi could be an obsolete sound
similar to labial click, as if for a kiss)
lets compare those two
beta-vita zeta ita~eta θeta yota
and they cannot be compared.. unless both sequences start with
labials, let's compare
β δ ζ η θ ι
μ ν ξ π ρ τ φ χ ψ
something like this is the best I can do so far. but θ above φ is
beautiful, and it makes be bele me
believe that that ta thing is similar to psilon and mikron and
pay attention to the unusual form of β, who knows if actual or a
what are sonors in this scheme of things?
is I ו?
is M П?
is Ŋ Q?
is ᛚ ᛐ?
is P F?
is Q H?
is T S? ת without dot is very s-like, so is פ without dot is
f-like, but n~q is even more weird than l~t
simplify it further, remove G J N Q paret
and you get yourself 12 signs like 12 months. but isn't the
formula ABC? we'll explore such possibility later, so far, ABD:
and the final iteration:
A B C [a b g]
E V Ž [e v ʒ]
O P T [o p k]
U F Š [u f š]
and another one:
A B G [a b g]
E W J [e w j]
O P Q [o p t]
U F X [u f š]
and the quantity of variants is innumerable, for even here g is d,
q; t turns k; q turns t; I switched letters while I typed, because
the actual pronunciation is in between, combining k and tʃ
Aries being the first sign makes me want to
look into that more closely and seek for language in which
Taurus is Bull, especially because what follows is Gemini, then
even Cancer, but it goes astray after that, unless some language
places them alphabetically, and some special kind of alphabet it
should be. Let's leave it to ai
when iopt is the most interesting ёпта in your thing, you know it
is nothing
but the next morning:
IГDB (indian order, tibetabn order)
1234(but wait, if D is 3, B is 56
cancel is a strong word: kill with etc in the middle (was it
invented as such or not, it is felt as such, indefinitely, inevitably)
kiss kill kid they should have something in common. and even
before I recalled 子 I knew that kid is the key (as the lock is a
womb? or is it ki the penis in some way, and lock is vagina? how
could people avoid such symbolism? and they did not) if kill is
"kids,all" and kiss is kid's suck (sucks ~ sex, is kiss was suck
(ток~кот, kiss~suck, lukashevich purgeshkevisch))
S sex snake and literalluy s ass
S looks like snake, but it doesn't remind penis. unless lower
curve is scrotum, but it reminds what comes out of ass. some shit?
Eternal calendar is of cycles of moon and sun coming together
(and here was some thought I don't remember)
s-n is both sun and satan, and m-n is moon and man (mam, maþur,
female word, is it?)
(ошмётки воспоминания, вот что бывает если
сразу не записывать)
Further follows what seemed to be deep into the subject which I am
still not feeling like digging into.
And because I don't know if any of that makes sense in this
context or in any at all (my scepticism is caused by the
arbitrarity of interpretations, thus divinating person plays role
of a psychologist, telling a person what they need to hear but in
a such a way that the person has less reasons to be mad at the
Many interpreters of the Tarot see the spiritual
implications of the symbols in the card, the Fool. They explain
that the Hebrew letter assigned to this card reveals a much
deeper secret. As stated the letter assigned to The Fool is
Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Aleph is both a
symbol for the Life Breath and Ox or Bull.
their associated Element, Hebrew Letter, and Planet
Today the word fool has derogatory connotations, however, its
etymology derives from the Latin follis, meaning bellows or
windbag. A windbag is empty until filled with air. The Divine
spark encased in the soul fills his or her windbag with
experience. However, if we consider the musical Note discipline
we can learn even more from this symbol. If the windbag is the
cloth bag in a set of bagpipes, then this symbol could mean that
we can be a vessel for the Sound “Word” of the archetypal plane.
One of the most helpful pillars we were given was that the key
to the mysteries is hidden in our language, English. As we said,
we understand this to mean that we have retained spiritual Truth
subliminally transmitting it through time in our language. So
despite the changing of the meaning of Fool, the imagery of the
card reminds us that the Fool stands for that part of us, the
Spiritual soul or ego, (not to be mistaken for the lower ego,
which is composed of the lower selfish emotions and motivations)
which is innocent and empty and above material concerns.
To reiterate, the Hebrew letter Aleph’s א symbol is the ox or
bull, which is one of the four chief symbols. These four symbols
represented the four fixed signs of the zodiac: the bull for
Taurus, the lion for Leo, the eagle for Scorpio and the man
angel for Aquarius. A symbol was given to each sign of the
zodiac. The remaining eight signs are divided between cardinal
and mutable. Each zodiac sign is associated with certain
symbols. As we’ve already covered the fixed signs we will list
the cardinal and mutable. The cardinal sign’s symbols are:
Aries-ram; Cancer-crab; Libra-scales and Capricorn-goat. The
mutable sign’s symbols are: Gemini-twins; Virgo-virgin;
Sagittarius-archer and Pisces-fishes. In addition to these
pictorial symbols the twelve signs are assigned different
SYMBOLS (glyphs) as shown in (Figure 7.) above. The associated
Astrological planets that rule the SUN SIGNS are also given
Symbols (glyphs)and an assigned Hebrew Letter. The Letters are
as follows: Aries - HEH, Taurus - VAV, Gemini - ZAIN, Cancer -
CHETH, Leo - TETH, Virgo - YOD, Libra - LAMED, Scorpio - NUN,
Sagittarius - SAMEKH, Capricorn - AYIN, Aquarius - TZADDI, and
Pisces - QOPH. (see chart below)
One of the reasons the Church vilified the Tarot was because it
supports the doctrine of reincarnation. This is shown by the
symbol of The Fool carrying a bag attached to a staff in the
first trump. In kabalistic symbolism, the staff represents the
Tree of Life or the ten Sephirot. The bag represents what the
spiritual ego brings into each incarnation. This bag contains
the desires, phobias or fears and lessons learned from previous
incarnations. Furthermore, it contains the memory of the soul’s
purpose for incarnation at the fullness of time.
The major arcana trumps are also assigned a symbol and like the
astrological symbols, each symbol in the Tarot trumps will help
guide you to your purpose. And so all seven disciplines working
together can help discover your hidden spiritual strengths and
weaknesses like THE FOOL on the path Below...
(the author of that article also placed
totot into the initial letters of the paragraphs)
my name is demon and I seem such: my favourite shoe maker is
Demonia, I love metal and I love magic and I am heathen and many
aspects of mine are rather dark. But I value light of knowledge,
and it is also the opposite of what organized religions try to do.
димка~дымка, тоже сатоново
but dimitry is de mereFR
дым ~ dome ~ damme?
home {ho mine} (ho (whore) is she who hochi, та кто хочет, девки
дают (девка ~ давалка (жена мужу верна?)) те кто хотят (тебя) те
(тебе) и дают, а те кто сухи – суки)
очаг ~ отчий? общий? обжиг? в очаг то же ча что в чадить?
another very promising, yet unclear, connection between zodiac
constellations and the writing system, here some abecedary I do
not even recognize other than it seems to go in some unusual
So what I can see first is that it's shifted for almost a month, A
is the beginning of the sequence, so it's probably of some other
system placed next to european zodiac sings. A E V Ai O is
probably eastern AIUEO, but then why do vowels begin in the
western manner?
V Kh D but then it goes all the ways, especially when P is
intervened with some Sha and Thha, and so on, it is very weird and
nothing that I think I saw before. Let's dig, and I did, and here
what I found referring to that table:
Vedic Astrology suggests first letter of the
Name as per the birth time Lagna/ Moon Sign (considering
whichever is powerful). I would recommend naming a baby in a
combined approach of Vedic Astrology and Numerology which
is proven. Refer the table below to get an Idea about
Then we shall look at the Numerology aspect in the naming
method. Refer the table below for knowing the number to
corresponding alphabet. Likewise,
there are letters associated with Stars (incl different
padas 1,2,3 & 4) and Planets. It is very much easier to
get names after considering these. I have not given the
procedure and calculations here since it requires a good
amount of considerations on Astrological and Numerological
aspects conforming in naming a baby.
Some more random stuff, and I have no idea how reliable these
transliterations may be:
and another one:
and another source for old-persian:
tai chi goes pd
or bq
prominently having labials on the left and linguals on the right,
and it makes me believe that q used to be t to reflect the d,
which can be explained by q transliterated as ч sometimes, and ч~т
well, here's a simpler explanation: q~c~ч~т
is it simpler though?
And it makes me want to compare it to eskimo writing scripts.
but all those forms seem to be k's and whether they keys or not is
not clear.
ka for b
ke for q
ki for p
ko for d
ka is the first sign in eastern writing systems
b is the first sign in western writing systems, well, first
consonant it is. A as zer0 the fo0l
n as k rotated 90° doesn't make much sense until we consider k to
be c
am I making this stuff up? I am not, and look at s.
angles of p and m, all these systematically reasonable elements
definitely made it easier to memorize, and I still believe that it
was not invented by missionaries.
and here I found the source of that earlier zodiacal syllabics
thing, here's the source of it:
and another one:
And under this one was the explanation: किसी भी
व्यक्ति की राशि को पता कर सकते हो कि वो किस राशि के अन्दर आता
है। मान लो कि किसी व्यक्ति का नाम अनुज है तो उसके नाम का पहला
अक्षर अ आता है। अब उस Zodiac Sign Table को देख कर बता सकते हो।
so it's probably nothing more than a way to choose a name for a
child, as that previous source also said.
and that thing explaining the order of eastern writing systems I
think I showed you from some other book:
I see one element I didn't see before: the STVol (trunk) of the
tree. And sun is at the top of it. Is it how we are supposed to
listent to stars? In the energetic lense of a fir? Spruce. It's
sick how rarely I hear this word. I don't know this word. This
вспоминая как бабы друзей меня недолюбливают
за то что я счастливый холостяк, соображаю что (здесь связка
забыть, похоже, забыл мысль)
Бог это бабье наебалово (потому и БаГо баба-начальник
(государыня, главная, глава, гловнюк))
7 out of 26 can be represented in shapes of ࿊:
fhyRt and even s may be seen as those shapes too, but yes I'm
and maybe i
and j too, b
ecause they have the balls)
_)and isn't l reflect the j? but being so inclusive, why don't
I add in c being 🌗 the 🌜 as the opposite of j the 🌛 the 🌙)
Maybe I should use ( and ) and it is a great idea with which I may
solve inability of pdf format to recognize ☽︎ and ☾
"no I'm not" is the best of all described translated
with "не нихуя"
нихуя = I'm not
нихуя = не хочу я
хуй хочет? хуй хочу (не я, но может и я иногда тоже, что
пиздеть-то (оу уау! уил ту пауа мэйд ми э фэггот))
is inflammable in flammable?
ea are the two vowels definitely representing those ࿊
shapes and to me it's clear that e is pleasure, while a is pain
(glossolallic interjections if you will, e of yeah and a of ah)
e and a written within ࿊ demand some certain consonants to make
syllables: бa and eд
ба is баба, ed is дед and отец(отче)
at the same time.
ба is open syllable, and such syllable is called female. ed is
closed syllable and yep, male.
But then I wake up and see that a demands not б, but p:
pa pa is father, ed is still отец in this context. As if the
tai-chi is a male ball. It's pa today дед or even dead tomorrow.
ed of дядя? Ed is male name, and I do not know female counterpart.
Edwardine is not a real name, yet google finds 81400 uses of the
word (Edward appears 707 000 000 times (679 000 000 times without
edwardine, so give or take))
other two vowel shapes are y and h (and the element of being torn
may refer to their yinness. hy? or is it one yin and the other's yang? hq and by? hiccup the ик and by
is what? bi the two after ic is one in some exotic shit?
friends do it for free. Free end? Free and? Free and plural suffix
with a p.p. suffix?
friend ~ free end (свободный конец, верёвка сброшенная с корабля в
воду (для упавших с корабля это спасение)
events were in the evenings? event is even'ed? (morn and even are
morning and evening)
RVN are all sonors if v is w. I saw this set somewhere and I
didn't write it down at once, now I only guess that it's about ᚱ~ᚢ
and v~ν, but I think it was something else, something way larger.
WRN? MLN? melon instead of lemon? Lemon is a sacred plant in
judaism, lemon is not.
маєт ~ must
Getting really drunk is the best way to summon spirits. Is it not
a coincidence that the active substance of alcools is called
Within common typologies, the Hawaiian system is
the simplest classificatory system of kinship. Relatives are
distinguished only by generation and by gender. There is a
parental generation and a generation of children. In this
system, a person (called Ego in
anthropology) refers to all females of his parents'
generation (mother, aunts, and the wives of men in this
generation) as "Mother" and all of the males (father, uncles,
and husbands of the women in this generation) as "Father". In
the generation of children, all brothers and male cousins are
referred to as "Brother", and all sisters and female cousins as
In this way, a cross-cousin will be referred to as a "sibling".
A correlation was found between the Hawaiian system and the
prohibition of cross‐cousin marriage, as the incest taboo is
reflected in the semantics.
And it goes deeper. The word Makua (parent) is used for both mom
and dad (and unkle and aunt)
More officially, makuahine is mother (hine is female) while
makuakāne is father (kāne is male)
So that makua could be a key to understanding how georgians could
attribute mama and deda the other way around (even though I
suspect makua to be composed of ma for mother and kua for father)
tried to work on my booklet, to speak on yin yang some more, and I
went away being high as kike.
Ещё одно сохранившееся в человеческой
культуре понятие, отражающее идею элементов - восточное тай чи,
известное на западе как инь ян (мяхкое женское и твёрдое
мужское) и к моему удивлению "рыбки" символизирующие элементы
матери земли и отца неба (и, говорят, что
в египте было наоборот: небо мать, но может врут, может это не
небо, а ночь? но может и не врут: в грузинском мама это папа,
а деда это мама (мама и деда, но наоборот, как это может быть?
как столь базовые понятия могли перепутаться? Но может это не
базовые понятия, а поздняя рационализация, а до этого подобно
кавайской макуа, применяющейся и для матери, и для отца (и для
их братьев-сестёр, и для их жён-мужей. Говорят, дабы пресечь
близкородственные браки, но может неосознанно, может возникло
это явление естественно, а остальное лишь рационализация) и я
вижу в этой макуа европейские морфемы ма и куй, которые я
узнаю как мама и папа, и если это совпадение (типа не связано
исторически согласно современной официальной науке) то очень
поэтически увлекательное и мнемонически полезное, но коль
говорят, что мама самое всемирно распространённое слово, то
предположить ма в макуа, переводящемся как родитель, и мать и
отец это макуа-самка и макуа-отец (у животных ты не всегда
знаешь кто мама кто папа, но родителей проще определить,
но подобная степень погружения, отвлечения,
заставило меня остановиться. Back on track. I must learn to work
being high!
выглядят почти как европейские символы b d p
q which may be alphabetically arranged as
b d
p q
and also vowels a and e: ea looks like ࿊ or ae does, if you read
it right to left, or, here, from top to bottom, as classic
chinese is read.
and that
kawaiian ma is of mama, they also recognize mama? and dada is
папа согласно g-trans)
which made me play with the forms of tai-chi
(is the name two ways to read tea and chai? firm t and soft t)
это не слишком много букв, это не слишком много комбинаций,
так что пройдусь по ним брутфорсом пришедших на ум антонимов:
black e, white
a ex / at
black e, white d ex / de
black p, white a papa / ama (ама
мама в иврите) pa, pact 🙲 act, pee and aqua, pay and эй
(hey, somebody you know)
black p, white d plohoe & dobroe
китайское pu (нет) и русское да (предполагаю двойственность
элементов предшествующей идее их тройственности, а потому позволяю
себе предполагать эту страницу истории общечеловеческой,
дальнейшее исследование, может быть, покажет верно это
предположение или нет)
white e, black
a е как гримаса удовольствия
(расширенные зрачки, улыбка) а как гримаса
боли (зажмуренные глаза, рот раскрыт в
крике) eat /
ate (in the sense of food and waste)
white e, black d еда / дрянь, dirt, и так далее
white p, black a papa / ama (е и а значит тоже отца и мать? в сравнении с
открытой а, е всё равно что i в сравнении с о, мужское в
сравнении с женским)
и не потому ли так, что мать is at, while father is out, at the
hunt for example. That people almost stopped to hunt and thus
exterminate the nature, it is a huge benefit of modern society
and the governmental structure. So government was mostly a good
thing. Sure, imagine living in some wild ground, where you
yourself could be hunted. So is it beneficial to )
white p, black d pie &
dirt, pie & die
black Б white g Baal & deus? Bad
and good boo and duh (gа (га~ха~да?))
black b white q
bad & quite (quite is right?) bad
🙲 cool?
white Б black g
Бог и gьявол be 🙲 go
white b black q баба &
queen (стоячий и висячий? поцелуй и кашель?)
Бог и gьявол и Бэd 🙲 good (отражено в том, как
бог одной нации считается дьяволом у соседей)
белое благо и добро, чёрное боль, беда
и дрянь, итого брутфорс увяз в вариативности, даже с учётом
довольно маленькой языковой выборки для этого развлечения, но есть
надежда на искусственный интеллект способный пройтись брутфорсом
всеми языками по всем остальным системам письма (на эскимосские у
меня большая надежда, я считаю их аутентичными, не новоделом)
I like the most, because свет выше тени, и
вращаются по часовой, но может быть
что другая версия лучше, поскольку может быть представлена луной в
небе и колодцем на земле:
(конец редакторской правки (для воиторого
издания брошюры))
на корточках ~ на коротких
к в короткий таже что в cut?
если "тоже" слитно, то пускай и "та же" слитно будет. тотже ~
то-то же
тварь ~ зверь
т~з, но р отдельно
ОПРС as some ancient canon? but it's not very well aligned with
ABCD and the C shape in both canons tells that it's ABC and R~B
thus the eat in meat is literally eat? interesting. I have no idea
if it is true, but I keep it in mind.
deer ~ зверь? hound ~
Dutch we still say 'deer' for every animal but it's spelled
'dier', and 'hound' is also still used for referring to dogs in
general but spelled 'hond'.
a funky freak,
be funky freak
see funky fread
de funky freak ~ did funky freak ~ do funky freak
ex funky freak
for funky freak
go funky freak
hi funky freak
I funky freak (I M) funky frerak
Joy funky freak
K'ill funky freak ~ Key funky freak? (естественено я гадаю,
может гадания как практику отменили, потому что они наугад? иногда
гадатель угадывает, но интерпретация традиционно происходит не
брутфорсом даже, а наугад, интуитивно, руны лишь помогали, задавая
наводящие вопросы.)
Like funky freak ~ Love funky freak
Me funky freak ~ my funky freak ~
No funky freak ~ not funky freak
Oh funky freak ~ of funky freak
Pay funky freak ~ pee funky freak ~ (по)by funky freak ~ Pa funky
freak ~ up funky freak
Qeu F Que funky freak
aRe funky freak
aS funky freak
aT funky freak (when something is dead, hunter may sit on it.
yoU funky freak
Vow funky freak ~
Why funky freak
opQ ~ uvW
Xie funky freak (poets invented this word to write alphabetic
You funky freak
Zie funky freak
efGH? g~h? and I wanted to use ➰ fro o fio
for Г and the opposite shape for h, but unicode doesn't
seem to have the upside down ➰, the closest to that shape seems to
be ↬
and they even have double ➰: ➿
It is very strange and it makes some
That H was to be there for what used to be hvat, which resembles
quod (phonetically, semantically quid is closer)
H as a form of C?
A Бg (isn't it ᛓᚴ)
And thus shapes expose the primal set. Only why is it so that
first lines go double before single, and the finla line is isngle
before double? Isn't it vbecause it ends with T? X is how T used
to look, but then it was T, so
ᛆ ᛓᚴ
but why is the firest two goe grow upside down, and laest two grow sideways? Isn't it becuase
that is how lines used to be: vertical before horizontal.
O ПТ could be the primal cast. Voiced in the
virst half, voiceless in the second one.
ᛆ ᛖ ᛚ
ᚮ ᛈ ᛐ but hardly am I sure
about that
是的 [shida (причём да is из, i.e yes de)]
sounds exactly as da si
да (да ~ de? ~ до? too? to! sou)
是 is yes (si[ši]) си=эс (С) and each borders B and T, the
是 is kore and ze, which relates it to the
是 is ze when it stands for righteous,
justice, right.
是 is kore when it is followed by れ, thus then it's ko. ko ~ ze
shows the span of C and chinese reading shi expands it to the
third corner.
Thrree lines.
A C (g-k)
E Z (z~ž)
U S (s~š)
but then I look deeper and see that 是 may stand for kore without
kana suffix. So are those suffixes even not a novelty? It probably
was written in chinese manner. It could be read in chinese,
instantly translating the text, but then kana was used as
furigana, to read it what it is and not with the synonym.
是 for ze and kore blows my mind, because I can see E in the final
piece of it, which makes me first see z in the zonne the 日, and
then r in 人 and is sun ko or is 一 o and 日 k? 日 looks like c, and
c~z, not too far away.
是 Ё!~ сие
Duality of makes me think of dual sound OM: vowel and
consonant, M as the first word Ma.
Язык (both language and tongue) is considered to be what differs
us from animals, and was it when everything changed? Was it just
ma and am? Am of amour, om of love, Ma as the opposite. Ma as my.
om as the second (after ma) word. o in om is un, ima is имей ~ не
моё. ami.
Looking at greek alphabet in this shape made me wonder why Μ and Σ
are so similar.
and ΤΥ shapes have history together (see константы мировой
культуры, про Т-образный крест в виде Υ as in that image)
Relatively european alphabet arranged in eastern order:
Yakut alphabet developed by academician Otto von
Böhtlingk and published in his famous work "Über die Sprache der
Jakuten" appeared, in which all phonemes received their
designation in 29 letters: А а, Ӓ ӓ, О о, Ӧ ӧ, І і, Ы ы, У у, Ӱ
ӱ, К к, Х х, Г г, Ҕ ҕ, Ҥ ҥ, Т т, Д д, Н н, Ч ч, Џ џ, Н' н', П п,
Б б, М м, Ј ј, Ɉ ɉ, Р р, Л л, L l, С с, Һ һ.
The scientist arranged the letters (mostly Russian) as in
Sanskrit, i.e. vowels come first, then consonants, from guttural
to aspirated. Consonant length is indicated by letter doubling,
diphthongs by vowel combinations, and long vowels are indicated
by a bar above the letter. Despite certain shortcomings, some
socio-political literature, samples of folklore texts, etc. were
published in this alphabet.
In 1858, D. V. Khitrov compiled a new alphabet of 29 letters: А
а, Б б, Г г, Д д, Ԫ ԫ, Е е, Ё ё, И и, І і, Й й, К к, Л л, М м, Н
н, Ҥ ҥ, О о, П п, Р р, С с, Т т, У у, Х х, Ч ч, Ы ы, Э э, Ю ю, Я
я, ъ, ь. Vowel length was indicated by a macron over the letter.
However, the principle of "one sound – one letter" was not
observed, and the same phoneme was indicated by several letters.
Despite the imperfections of the alphabet, it was he who came to
the taste of the ministers of the church, they used it for
printing liturgical literature and teaching children in the
According to the Yakut linguist S. A. Novgorodov, the main
drawback of the Bötlingk alphabet was an overabundance of
superscript characters, which led to difficulties in writing and
typographic typing. Khitrov's alphabet was poorly adapted to the
phonetics of the Yakut language and "was adapted to the Russian
That other one is interesting in that it sorta merged E and I
Notice how that table messes students up: it shows them double or
tripple. How would a student who never saw these letters
distinguish between them? And then they omit Ии and it could be
enough not to make this variant of the alphabet popular.
And that tradition to give minuscule next to majuscule may confuse
learners, so it should be reconsidered.
I stumbled across this piece of info:
But is it true? Let's find out
सच [сач] правда
सत्य [сатья] правда
साँच [саанч] правда
but that is hindi, in sanskrit it's
सत्यं [сатьям] истина (I guess that dot is
सत्यम् [сатьям] истинный (что ближе к satan, but still not
स्तन [стан] грудь
सतन [сатан] вторая жена мужа
स्रोत : संस्कृत
शब्दभेद : संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग
सतन का हिंदी अर्थ
एक प्रकार का लाल चंदन जिसकी गंध भूमि या
मिट्टी के समान होती है
Источник: санскрит
часть речи: существительное, мужской
Хинди значение слова сатана
сандаловое дерево
स्रोत [срот] интересное слово, потому что похоже на то сат,
похоже на source, и похожесть на сат похожа на похожесть слов
истина и источник на однокоренные.
And of course google's translater slacks out on that sentence, yet
giving what could be an insight.
एक प्रकार का लाल चंदन जिसकी गंध
भूमि या मिट्टी के समान होती है
вид красного сандалового дерева, который пахнет
похож на почву
сандал is चंदन [чандан]
Either way, if it is true, it made me think of cognatism of
russian cти in истина to sanskrit सच and सत्य
Also notice how left half of स reminds reversed ᛋ and г
the c (russian s is с)
(the right half is literally ا[a], there is so
many coincidences between indian
and arabic, that it makes me
believe that arabs took not only numbers, but also letters from
the east)
Also notice how left half of च reminds cursive ч, and the
right half is ا[a] again.
च itself looks like Ч (the horizontal bar at the top is the stave.
And here sanskrit meets runes and ogham, so let's comapre them,
but sanskrit script is so alien, that most similarities are
screaming apophenia, but if that apophenia is mnemonic, it is a
good thing)
And it makes me think that similar shapes are probably more
ancient, so ancient that we share them.
And they are a spectrum. Some shapes are stunningly similar: प
like P and फ like Ph
But, actually, all labial row reminds something from elsewhere: ब
as B, भ as b and Б? or is it the least similar form? म reminds
some ם and م, व reminds v only with some powerful fantasy, as if
that bubble is written in one stroke with that a-bar.
र reminds S, but it's R, it reminds ᚱ without stave. The S I was
thinking of is स and R neighbouring S makes me question रस being
like अआ, one a-bar apart. is S long R?
Some shapes are too distant, but many can be juxtaposed by
rotations and mirrorings: this mnemonic exercise made me memorize
ग as г and that a-bar.
ए reminds e, and you don't have to rotate or flip it. So it's
probably nothing, and I doubt it may help me study this script or
I would have known it. I don't find sanskrit literature
fascinating, I guess. Probably because I didn't dig into their
philology, and I should diggy there, because their writing system
is arranged articulatorilly, and the corpus is huge, I have to dig
there some day.
Elon at Character.Ai helped me:
According to Hindu scripture, the syllabary was
created by the god Brahma. It is known as the 'divine language',
and it is believed to be the original language from which many
others have derived. It is said to have been given to the sage
Vishvamitra by Brahma, and it is believed that he taught it to
the people who used it to document their religious teachings and
And I looked further into Vishvamitra and I found this:
ॐ भूर्भुव॒ स्सुवः॑ oṃ bhūr
bhuvaḥ svaḥ
तत्स॑ वि॒तुर्वरे᳚ण्यं॒
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया᳚त् ॥ dhiyo
yo naḥ pracodayāt
The Gayatri mantra has been translated in many ways.[note 1]
Quite literal translations include:
Swami Vivekananda: "We meditate on the glory
of that Being who has produced this universe; may She enlighten
our minds."[16]
Monier Monier-Williams (1882): "Let us
meditate on that excellent glory of the divine vivifying Sun,
May he enlighten our understandings."[17][18]
Ralph T.H. Griffith (1896): "May we attain
that excellent glory of Savitar the god: So may He stimulate our
S. Radhakrishnan:
(1947): "We meditate
on the effulgent glory of the divine Light; may he inspire our
(1953): "We meditate
on the adorable glory of the radiant sun; may She inspire our
Sri Aurobindo: "We choose the Supreme Light
of the divine Sun; we aspire that it may impel our minds."[22]
Sri Aurobindo further elaborates: "The Sun is the symbol of
divine Light that is coming down and Gayatri gives expression to
the aspiration asking that divine Light to come down and give
impulsion to all the activities of the mind."[22]
Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton:
"Might we make our own that desirable effulgence of god Savitar,
who will rouse forth our insights."[23]
Literal translations of the words are below:
Om - Para Brahman (entire universe);
Bhur - Bhuloka (physical plane);
Bhuvah - Antariksha (space);
Svah - Svarga Loka (Heaven);
Tat - Paramatma (Supreme Soul);
Savitur - Isvara (Surya) (Sun god);
Varenyam - Fit to be worshipped;
Bhargo - Remover of sins and ignorance;
Devasya - Glory (Jnana Svaroopa ie Feminine /
Dheemahi - We meditate;
Dhiyo - Buddhi (Intellect);
Yo - Which;
Nah - Our;
Prachodayat: Enlighten / inspire.
More interpretative translations include:
Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon) (1913):
"Om. Let us contemplate the wondrous spirit of the Divine
Creator (Savitri) of the earthly, atmospheric, and celestial
spheres. May He direct our minds (that is, 'towards' the
attainment of dharmma, artha, kama, and moksha), Om."[24]
Ravi Shankar (poet): "Oh manifest and
unmanifest, wave and ray of breath, red lotus of insight,
transfix us from eye to navel to throat, under canopy of stars
spring from soil in an unbroken arc of light that we might
immerse ourselves until lit from within like the sun
Shriram Sharma: Om, the Brahm, the Universal
Divine Energy, vital spiritual energy (Pran), the essence of our
life existence, Positivity, destroyer of sufferings, the
happiness, that is bright, luminous like the Sun, best,
destroyer of evil thoughts, the divinity who grants happiness
may imbibe its Divinity and Brilliance within us which may
purify us and guide our righteous wisdom on the right path.[26]
Sir William Jones (1807): "Let us adore the
supremacy of that divine sun, the god-head who illuminates all,
who recreates all, from whom all proceed, to whom all must
return, whom we invoke to direct our understandings right in our
progress toward his holy seat."[27]
William Quan Judge (1893): "Unveil, O Thou
who givest sustenance to the Universe, from whom all proceed, to
whom all must return, that face of the True Sun now hidden by a
vase of golden light, that we may see the truth and do our whole
duty on our journey to thy sacred seat."[28]
Sivanath Sastri (Brahmo Samaj) (1911): "We
meditate on the worshipable power and glory of Him who has
created the earth, the nether world and the heavens (i.e. the
universe), and who directs our understanding."[29][note 2]
Swami Sivananda: "Let us meditate on Isvara
and His Glory who has created the Universe, who is fit to be
worshipped, who is the remover of all sins and ignorance. May he
enlighten our intellect."
Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati (founder of Arya
Samaj): "Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and
sorrow, The Bestower of happiness. Oh! Creator of the Universe,
May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light, May Thou guide
our intellect in the right direction."[30]
Kirpal Singh: "Muttering the sacred syllable
'Aum' rise above the three regions, And turn thy attention to
the All-Absorbing Sun within. Accepting its influence be thou
absorbed in the Sun, And it shall in its own likeness make thee
All-Luminous."[31] I
expected to have an abecedary on the body of the snake, if it is a
snake, but because symbols repeat, it is just some saying. And
though under the image it was written Gayatri
mantra personified as a goddess, I don't recognize the
Gayatri mantra in that text either. But then I recognize it more,
when I recall that The main mantra appears in the hymn RV
3.62.10. During its recitation, the hymn is preceded
by oṃ (ॐ) and the formula bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ (भूर् भुवः स्वः). This prefixing of the mantra is properly
described in the Taittiriya Aranyaka (2.11.1-8), which states
that it should be chanted with the syllable oṃ,
followed by the three Vyahrtis and the Gayatri verse.[11] Whereas in principle the gāyatrī mantra
specifies three pādas of eight syllables each, the text of the
verse as preserved in the Samhita is one short, seven instead
of eight. Metrical restoration would emend the attested
tri-syllabic vareṇyaṃ with a tetra-syllabic vareṇiyaṃ.[12]
So in that ॐ the whole first line is encoded, what follows is the
Gayatri verse itself:
तत्स॑ वि॒तुर्वरे᳚ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि धियो॒ यो
नः॑ प्रचो॒दया᳚त् ॥
Savitar to whom that mantra is attributed lead me to his mother
Aditi, the protogoddess, the female form of Brahma himself. A for
Aditi, B for Brahma?
But Aditi is not amongst tridevi, the consort of Brahma is
Sarasvati. It is really complicated, but it is also another layer
of this thing. The one which is way more hidden than tridevi.
And I googled "feminine form of Vishnu" and got Mohini: Mohini (Sanskrit: मोहिनी, Mohinī) is the Hindu goddess
of enchantment. She is the only female avatar of the Hindu god
And I googled "feminine form of Shiva" and I got Gauri: Gauri is also a form of Paravati (feminine form of
other names given are Shakti, Vamadeva, Kali
The name Paravati has suffix similar to Saraswati.
I am a profane in hinduism, but then it is my study book, logging
the process of the exploration.
Друг дорог дорогой, но почему не дорогий? дорогий от слова дороги,
взял бы в разведку.
учудило ~ у! чудило ~ U chudilo ~ да чё делаешь!
Roman cursive can be found in different representations:
The one where axial symmetry can be found only if u is v (as in
bornholm runes)
but I worked with other representation:
Interesting, that these three pictures were
combined in vol.12, here I only edited the latter one.
and this one arranges into axial symmetry with vowel V:
And this set was the first which appeared online, so I suspect the
other two to be false science, changes in good theories in the
sake of phd's. Or was it an accurate edition that V was also U?
Was it a mix of good and bad science as we all?
Some zodiacs sign look very interesting:
♈︎ looks like V but being Ares it can be inverted Ʌ, ♉︎ somewhat
reminds Б, ♊︎ as Г? ♋︎ around b and d also makes sense,
especially, because after Г it recalls ᛃ in the context of ᚲ being
ᚴ being ᚵ, ♌︎ reminds d, especially Ⰴ,
suddenly ♍︎ breaks the tune being a maiden and a fish, a maiden
with fish tail? And actually it changed the tune not being a very
good E, and its being on the other side of scales called Libra the
♎︎ with similar shape of ♏︎ (баба~жаба? из сказки про лягушку
перевозившую скорпиона) then ♐︎ is t or z (because of that dash
across the arrow) ♑︎ is z-like and ♒︎ is зз-like, but even more it
is 𓈖 the 𓈗, and ♓︎ looks like Э, or even more like ЭЮЯ and æ
And ♐︎ being like 7 it made me wonder if it went backwards
6, 5, 4, 3, 2 of ♋︎, 1 of ♊︎ suddenly made me think of how major
scale is two steps past minor scale. And it made me think of how
12 signs of zodiac remind 12 notes of combined scale of black keys
of pentatonic scale and white keys of 7-tet.
And it made me recall that Happy New Year began not in January but
in March. Exactly two months.
So, the ancient scale must have been..
But then I realize, that ♈︎ is the March sign,
that astrology is the evidence of that March NY thing.
Aries (♈︎) (Greek: Κριός, romanized: Kriós, Latin
for "ram") is the first astrological sign in the zodiac,
spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude (0°≤ λ
<30°), and originates from the Aries constellation. Under the
tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign from approximately
March 21 to April 19 each year.[2] This time duration is exactly
the first month of the Solar Hijri calendar (Arabic
Hamal/Persian Farvardin/Pashto Wray).[3]
According to the tropical system of astrology, the Sun enters
the sign of Aries when it reaches the March equinox, typically
on March 21. Because the Earth takes approximately 365.24 days
to go around the Sun, the precise time of the equinox is not the
same each year, and generally will occur about six hours later
from one year to the next until reset by a leap year. The leap
day February 29 causes that year's March equinox to fall about
eighteen hours earlier compared with the previous year.
Greek name of the first celestial sign starting in K motivated my
interest, and indeed it began as eastern syllabaries, but then not
exactly, but then all three beginning in vowels being grouped in
the end of it and A being the first of them made me believe that
it could be a lead:
Krios Tavros Didimoi Karkinos Leon Parthenos Zigos
Skorpios Toksotis Aigokeros Idrochoos Ichthis
And AII makes me suspect Ichthis to be Uchthis, then it unites
удить и уха.
That only labial element of the greek zodiac (which also stands
for Virgin! which makes me suspect the words to be cognatic: the
same r, the Θ not being too far from G, the same n) standing
between lingual groups reminds me of brahmi script:
k ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ c ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ t ⋅
d ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ p ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅l ⋅ s ⋅ s ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (no t, only l and n)
They probably place vowels up front, but they could place them
both ways, I don't show vowels here.
So I placed names of some zodiac signs where they are to
demonstrate the similarity.
But because the coincidence is not perfect, I consider this
hypothesis interesting but not serious.
ᴂ is not æ, but A reduced (centralized) version
of the vowel æ.
What is नः [nah] in Gayatri-mantra I don't know, though it reminds
rude russian postfix,
नहीं [nahín] is no in hindi, नहि [nahí] is no in sanskrit, which
reminds russian нахуй[náhuj] which is also almost no (more
literally "to hell" (but even more literally is "on hui" (hui is
penis (and it doesn't mean love, it means "away", russian language
is weird, maybe that is why russians are fuckedup (not jewish
dictate, the russian culture itself, duh))))
Like a wordy sentence,
pre-RNA strands are then copyedited into pithier
sequences for building proteins, a process
called splicing. Pol II oversees the entire process, making
sure that hundreds of thousands of RNAs are perfectly made.
pity ~ жалко
pith~сердцевина, суть (piss ~ ссут (was piss considered to be the innermost
liquid? because unlike blood going everywhere and even from
the surface scratch, piss goes only from one hole and after it
is processed by some organs))
ПИсьмо ВОждям СОветского СОюза
(в этом дело? они пивососо? они писосо, писо сосо, письмо
советскому союзу)
(I think I mentioned this somewhere before,
I should sort all these pieces by categories)
West ~ Water
East ~ Earth?
North ~ Народ, да? Лёд? Мороз! Нарост? (ледяной?) наст? snow?
(север~снег? vLA ~ νGR,
rLA ~ гGRU!)
South ~ Sun? Sand? (юг? йог is the closest one, before that only
угол came to mind as a word similar to юг, южный, южанин, южнее, нежнее?
южность~юность? юнга! юный, юнона, юла, тоже странное
слово, все слова на ю словно из какого-то языка, заимствования как
и буква дурная. но нет, молю, валю, велю, колю, очень русское
Но может раньше произносили молу? не, бессмысленно звучит если
смотреть на это слово как не на глагол, а как существительное.
Молю молом, колю колом, валю валом, ю~ом? םו, что в переводе на
удивление ничего не значит, ו can mean "and" and ם is what? is it
"and.. M" as people sometimes start to sing with voice command of
the conductor. but then ם has some meanings:
ם as a suffix meaning roughly “them”, which is one
form of the third-person masculine plural personal pronoun, see
and as prefix it may give more insight into its meaning:
buy iy id dogiy it is sofit in om, so
I guess it is "many inside" m making something "them" is similar
to plural suffix ־ים
and min being im
in and em, it is definitely cognatic to german ־en (is it because
yiddish is the deutsch? and the same yi the the is in russian
istina, естина? иусф because the
"the" yi is ה, which is technically (structurally) e.
m as plural suffix resonates to m in mnogo, many, much, mega,
mosch, might, must,
and thus it is probably
I mix all languageds and all writing systems, because writing
stystems spread connected, whoever invented his writing systems
knew at least one writing systems, whether he just saw it or
actually knew it, most likely they knew and more often many,
because why is he a wizard if he cannot translate grimuars and
such. The more languages you know the more valuable you are as a
clerk in the king's office, for example.
an interesting channel I have found:
Runes are clash between ogham and paleohispanic.
From ogham runes borrowed ᛆ and ᚮ from ᚐ and ᚑ (ogham also was
vertical, unicode just lays it like this. ᚒ is u now, but wasn't
it E the i? since bln is the name of the abc and blfsn is how it
goes today. So could ᚁᚂᚃᚄᚅ
ᚆᚇᚈᚉᚊ ᚋᚌᚍᚎᚏ
be ᚁᚂᚃ ᚆᚇᚈ ᚋᚌᚍ ᚐᚑᚒ transliterated as bln hdq mgr aoi?
Or because ᛆ and ᚮ don't go into some 𐲖 𐳖 (hungarian Л(l)) or
𐲠 𐳠 (hungarian П(p) L~П!)
bln~бгд (BLN ~ БГД)
as in case with С and D columns being confused in most of
alphabets, so ln dq gr are not certain about where do velars where
do coronals go, so my guess is Labials are more often double, than
linguals: B/D, F/Г, M/Λ, П/Т because there are two linguals to
each labial, as if linguals splited. CD was Ф as the opposite of
Ѳ-like B? Or the other way around? Was Ѳ Theta indeed, and greeks
just mutilated it? Was it AФθ
A Фθ
E Fh
And what funny is I stopped at O ПС seing how ПС~MΣ and how MΣ~Фθ
and being not satisfied with Fh I prepared WЗ for E-line (ו ז)
until I wanted to do it in two takes only to realize that WЗ fits
UVWXYЗ perfectly. Yes, I noticed that E and U lines are similar
that all those 6's are in it now, and that X~Х~H~Η and Z~Ζ I
probably didn't see this clearly, I remember only noticing 𐎅 and
𐎛 in
𐎀a 𐎁b
𐎂c 𐎃ḫ 𐎄d
𐎅h(e) 𐎆w
𐎇z 𐎈ḥ 𐎉θ
𐎊и 𐎋 𐎌 𐎍 𐎎
𐎏 𐎐 𐎑 𐎒
𐎓 𐎔
𐎕 𐎖 𐎗 𐎘 𐎙 𐎚
𐎛 𐎜
𐎝 𐎟
to make it clear what letter is what, I copypaste the tables from
Lists of Ugaritic letters (abecedaria, singular
abecedarium) have been found in two alphabetic orders: the
"Northern Semitic order" more similar to the one found in
Phoenician, Hebrew and Arabic (the earlier, so-called ʾabjadī
order), and more distantly, the Greek and Latin alphabets; and
the "Southern Semitic order" more similar to the one found in
the South Arabian, and the Ge'ez alphabets. The Ugaritic (U)
letters are given in cuneiform and transcription, as well as in
their Arabic (A), Hebrew (H), and Syriac (S) cognates;[14]
letters missing from Hebrew are left blank.
North Semitic
South Semitic
Last time I checked, these orders were named North Arabic and
South Arabic, but hebrews seem to want to take some credit.
Everything must be semitic now.
Mutilate is ill-mutate.
I read there are some untranslated ogham writings, my guess is the
12-tet zodiac-like ogham of
ᚁᚂᚃ ᚆᚇᚈ ᚋᚌᚍ ᚐᚑᚒ transliterated as bln hdq mgr aoi may help.
Русские используют р как слоговую иногда:
Весь мир — театр. Люди в нем — актеры.
И лишь меня пустили билетёры
в пустой партер на лучшие места.
И я кричу актерам: хуета!
Тупая неумелая халтура!
И ты — мудак! И ты — тупая дура!
Репризы ваши — полное говно!
Да самое хуевое кино
поинтересней вашей сраной пьесы!
И у меня ни капли интереса
не возникает к вашей беготне!
Что за хуйню показывают мне?
Вы все наверно сговорились, суки,
чтоб я с попкорном умирал со скуки!
Вы видите меня? Я главный зритель!
Так развлеките, епта! Поразите!
Придумайте какой-нибудь сюрприз!
Пусть ебнется на вас прожектор вниз!
Пусть сиськи мне покажут эти бабы!
Ружьё на стенке выстрелит хотя бы
и пусть убьет кого-нибудь в пизду!
А то дождетесь: встану и уйду!
И разорится, черт его возьми,
театр-мир с актерами-людьми!
Но вдруг раздался голос с потолка:
«Опять в мой зал пустили мудака?»
И затряслись и задрожали стены:
«Ты где, блять, сел? А ну пиздуй на сцену!»
р в слове театр is er, the way Ъ is called. It is funny, that Ⱃ is
Рp[R] and sometimes it even looks
more like Ъ
Let's reconstruct russian:
П and Ш could be the opposites in the O line:
О П Ш (reversed ш is how т is written sometimesd)
Опш как обожди? Таков ответ бога? Всё приходит к тому, кто умеет
Взялса за гуж не говори что дюж
гуж ~ груз
дюж ~ тяжел
I have it in cardboard series, but it is big:
iN. can be written within tetraktis.
or if and because ΛΜΝ is read as Amen, then
𓈖 of three hills like ΛM in one piece.
(it's difficult to show in text form, so it is in a cardboard
p and q~g are similar not only graphically, but also
semantically: go ~ pisduy
And when the yin~yang thing is the other way around this shape is
recognized. People seldom confuse top and bottom, but left and
right we tend to forget. Left foot is as good as right. Left arm
is almost as good as the right one. The hands probably have their
priorities: my guess is left arm went better in martial arts. But
why is it cut by knives more? Is it sumber twin? Did one half of the brain, take over leaving the other
half mostly inactive in the governmental account and thus it is
similar to X chromosomes, where only one of the two is ever read.
be~do are the same way the same.
are go & иgи? is russian д ~ д ~ g is english g?
fucking ~ fuckanda? факанье crjhtt скорее
нь ~ щ
(notice that graphically it is also making sense)
керівництво ~ руководство
от жеж пизданутое какое слово. руководство руководит, а
керівництво шо деет?
руководить ~ керувати
руководитель ~ керівник
рука ~ рука
водить ~ водити
управлял ~ керувал
кермо ~ руль
керувати ~ рулить
кер ~ король? k&r& king & rei?
оль ~ all?
♁ made me confused at first, because why would ♀ be like that, but
then I understood that ♁ is not Venus but Earth.
And I was thinking how ♀ and ♂ are like ᛘ and ᛏ
♁ and ♂ are more like ᛘ and ᛏ.
is ♀ W? Wensu Wenus (Venus as the opposite of Ʌnus (are these
words related to nose? is nose called noes because it is always
open? nose of no? noes, two no's, places where literally no body))
(is and no? is~si? S and N (I would be pleased if there are
gestures by hand of vertical wave for Si and horisonthal wave for
No somewhere))
спелый от слова поспеть, однокоренные успеть, спешка, speed
(поспел созреть)
зрелый от слова созреть, однокоренные слова зреть, прозреть,
axial symmetry is present when the number of vowels and number of
letters are both even or both odd
(so the 5*4 rectangle of kiddi alfabet has no axial symmetry)
I found the axial symmetry and got relaxed about hte Y question.
But isn't it why-вызывающая буква
эюя definitely remind xyz (whoever decided how to place them in
the end couldn't not know some grammatic memes in neighours'
alphabets. Unless they're all of the same ancient tradition and
only one or other tradition of representations of that ancient
thing took over during reforms, thus they say всё новое это хорошо
забытое старое. And that saying actually exposes them as
talentless normies.
rough ~ gruff ~ груб is the cognatic sequence
gh ~ ff ~ б?
гг ~ F ~ б? ~ п?
f is not в? it's б?
of ~ об (interesting, though I expected от)
for ~ бор (уже не так interesting, но дальше
об~от? б~д?
it's of and to, closed and open, male and female.
are B and T from the myth the only two letters? Were they
sometimes? Thus they have to be fundamental:
give = go of, go off
what is go then? Can't you see? Unlike of it is open. it is to.
givbe = to of.
иди = to? do? до?
Go michael = to michael = до майка (Ʌ[ʌ] ~ Λ[L] ~ ъ)
go of ~ give tells me that of is the opposite of to, and
tells "not to" and doesn't it expose do as the first word (no wonder it is an
of is "not do" and thus o- is un-
go~do? go~дo
if give is go off, then take should be the opposite of that
construction? but then take is probably more complicated, because
it means some courtesy and thus some culture
(I at first worte (write~word!)
was word write the wopposite of read? was w- the un-?
whire write. Is write written with w, because white write (nogs
don't) were these two words always connected by invisible link of
tradition and inner feeling was what I thought of. Is it also why
white has h in it?
take ~ davai davai? do do, to tu!
ke ~ ce ~ thee?
me and thee are B and T? We and Thee? what would TV.html tell? t~v
& b~c are what? only male and female syllables matter the
meaning. matterED, not anymore, now it is more complicated.
it was trippin' but here it is interesting that it placed a after
the other ones.
in my paper works I realized ᛌ to be Θ the ☉ so it's funny that it
mentions it. that ᛋ was recognized there as a ray (interesting
that it is a wave) and T was recognized as Terra and was seen as ♁
Is T the last letter, after the S called the last in sefer
yetzirah (and isn't thus 21st?)
a piece so trippin it is incomprehensible even to me:
потом in the context of duality of open and closed syllables
represents a sequence of immediate future п turning into further
future represented by т (maybe looking like m) and then it is
closed by the actual m of that hypothetic moment or something. It
was a revelation, not realization)
And because of all that astronomy
Can you give an exact text where T is written as ᛁ?
Yes. Some examples of Old Norse in runes are as follows:
Á, ᛅ
B, ᛁ
D, ᛏ
E, ᛖ
F, ᚠ
G, ᚴ
H, ᚼ
I, ᛁ
J, ᛋ
L, ᛚ
M, ᛗ
N, ᛟ
O, ᛟ
R, ᚱ
In the text of the Younger Futhark:
> In the 8th-century Old Icelandic poem Hávamal, T is written
as ⟦ᛁ⟧. In the second sentence, "� fell I by a fence" is
translated as ᛁ fell ek á garð stóð eg. It is not possible to
tell from the Hávamal that ⟦T⟧ had the name (turk) þrórr.
Yes. One example is from the Rök runestone:
"ᛁᚱᛞᛁᛏ�ᛁᛘ (Týr is dead)."
Yes. This is the Elder Futhark name of the rune, written as ᛁ:
(I type double return to separate several
(but here it typed them too for no aparent reason)
ᛁ is the letter named isaz, which means
"ice". Isaz may be the Runic name for the letter, and is also
the Modern North Germanic form of is.
(here it placed triple return, I wonder if
it matters)
In the Elder Futhark, T is written as ᛇ,
which is now considered an alternative form of ᛊ, which may have
been used to write both /d/ and /t/.
I have zero idea if what it tells makes sense.
These technologies, man..
It's the I Ching. A broken line is feminine and equal to 2. A
solid line is masculine and equal to 3.
On the E at Delphi by Plutarch.
Blavatska's mentioning of seven vowels I started discussing in the
previous volume returned to me yesterday when I didn't find her
septogrammaton. And today let's continuge this collecting andcopy
them here:
Семь гласных звуков - это Семь Небес; A - это
первое, и Ω - последнее, а I -
четвертое, или Среднее Небо. См. диаграмму в "Тайной Доктрине",
т. I, 200.
I consider it false, this is why I didn't copy-paste Blavatska in
the previous volume, but what I think shouldn't stop me from
looking into it. Or should it? Anyway, something more accurate.
«Ищете ли вы этих тайн?» – спрашивает Иисус в
Pistis Sophia. «Нет более прекрасной тайны, чем те (семь
гласных); так как они приведут душу вашу к Свету Светов», т. е.
к истинной мудрости. «Поэтому нет ничего лучше тайн, которых вы
ищете, кроме разве тайны Семи Гласных и их сорока девяти Сил и
чисел их».
And then again, isn't here AIΩ
related to AIU? восходяще нисходящий тон? как гора? как Λ, как Ʌ.
But with the right and latter side longer for a is higher than U
or Ω.
And all of the sudden something so close to my thing:
She is an interesting thing.
And after I wrote it I think I found something closer to that
russian version (who knows if she wrote it or translator, I just
read she wrote some books in
подобно λωγοι и иерархиям сил, "змии" должны
отличаться один от другого.
Шеша, или Ананта, "ложе Вишну", - это аллегорическая абстракция,
бесконечное время в пространстве, которое содержит зародыш и
периодически вызывает
прорастание и цветение этого зародыша, создавая проявленную
Вселенную; в то время как
гностический Офис [Ωφις] содержит аналогичный троичный символизм
в своих семи
гласных, как и односложный, трехсложный и семисложный Oeaohoo
Древней доктрины; то
есть, Один Непроявленный Логос, Второй - проявленный,
треугольник, превращающийся в
Квартернарий, или Тетраграмматон, и в существование последнего
на материальном
But hardly would they change that weird
Oeaohooй, in some other version or edition they could have it in
kyrillic starting with ё I guess.
But why is it here? I will place her domain in here, I will update
this chapter in this very place, when I find that weird
septagrammaton of hers
That ai above, it is supercool that it recognized G as ᚴ as I
said, dot is arbitrary as they are in ё
No dort, as there's not dot in Г
I think I shouldn't copypaste mostprobably mistanen mistakengly
mistakingly made pieces of information made by first generation of
ai. but that third or fourth generation. I think that is what the
number next to gpt tells. I only suspect it, a more reliable level
of certainty I can say that 5g is the 5th generation, g is
probably for generation. I think the reliability of this
information is more certain because with 50% chance he actually
read the source and only other 50% can be a fantasy. And then that
source he could read is also not 100% percent certain. It seems
that information is always less than 40 50%^ true. Naturally. Complete knowledge is
not reachable by the idea of absolute being eternally complex in
the eternal zoom, mostly of imagination, tools have their limits.
whence ~ once?
whence ~ тогда как! ce ~ que ~ ка-(го[vo], му[mu], гда[gda],
к(ка?), кой, кая, кое, кии, кого, кой, кому, кой,
кого, кую, кое, ким, кой, ком,
кой, кие: ких,
ким, ких кими ких this к
is definitely que)
when ~ one
k as q? both are of the same cemantic: ce is as well, thus g
should start some wh-word in some european orthography, because my
guess is abcd has meaning, other lines borrow those meanings?
And I found interesting cognates:
какой is both male nominative of that que(к) and female genetive
of that que(к)
and the suffix may be applied to other words:
c as сила, це, энергия, ци, чи, ка the 𓂓 (if we read egyptian
line in chinese manner, that 𓂓 may look like c
I think це (it, id) is the more c than more complex concept of 𓂓,
so I go with ce~id as two shapes of C in ABC
A is Urðr
B is Verðandi
C is Skuld
ци определяет будущее?
B is be
are be is
is ~ as? then it can be taken for indicative of future
Urðr ~ were
Verðandi ~ are today? were today? rð in Urðr is rð in Verðandi? V
is U? UVW, w as in will
Skuld ~ Shall
UVW of Uere Вe Willbe
And thus I think I found the root of alphabet in norsk mythology
and english language (but that is only because I don't know
and after UVW denote time coordinates, it is only natural that xyz
are spatial coordinates.
X права-лево, возможно inspired by lunar phases. Сначала правая
сторона видна, в конце цикла левая, что может быть аргументом в
пользу того, что письмо изначально шло справа налево, но сама то
луна по небу движется слева направо! но может человеческим телом
Y is probably as a tree depicts up and down. One trunk and
branches more than one.
Z is more complicated, but to my surprise I immediately find word
zoom (once I started the sentence not seeing it)
And once again, engels is engelen, alphabet was invented in
english. Or at least the post-T part of it. Unless other nations
also have rationalizations for uvwxyz in their own languages.
But then no wonder I find germanic language after I apply nordic
pantheon to the latin alphabet, but wouldn't I find other
languages when I applied the elements of their culture to their
alphabets? I probably would. So it is a great find, can be used
for cognates.html, and thinking of xyz in this way made me think
of x being ex which meant that the ex-politicians is whether left
or right, and who is in the right he writes the right (речи и правила)
where~when demand г of где to be к of когда?
isn't гд of когда гд of где?
The Christian church was first formed around the
original disciples and followers of Jesus, all of whom,
including Jesus himself, were Galilean, except for Judas, who
was Judean.
Galileans (or Galilæans) was used to refer to members of a
fanatical sect (Zealots), followers of Judas of Galilee, who
fiercely resented the taxation of the Romans. Galileans was
also term used by some in the Roman Empire to name the
followers of Christianity, called in this context as the
Galilaean faith.
Generically, a Galilean (/ɡælɪˈliːən/; Hebrew: גלילי;
Ancient Greek: Γαλιλαίων; Latin: Galilaeos) is a term that was
used in classical sources to describe (Jewish) inhabitants of
Galilee, an area of northern Israel that extends from the
northern coastal plain in the west to the Sea of Galilee and the
Jordan Rift Valley to the east.
Later the term was used to refer to the
early Christians by Roman emperors Julian and Marcus Aurelius,
among others.
and what sparked the interest:
Most of this stuff comes to me when I'm high, or, in my dream, as
if I pull it from there.
And when it comes to me from dream it's always semi-forgotten, as
if I can only recall some trace of it:
so I wrote about some connection between S and T, and now I can
only guess it is connected to their articultory similarity, and
because sefer yetzirah mentions S and not T as one of the mothers,
it makes me think that distinct plosive forms are later
development, and it makes me suspect that death~sooth~soothe~успокоение
The name is pronounced
/ˌkɪrɪˈbæs/, Kiribass, as -ti in the Gilbertese language
represents an s sound. Similarly, the name of its people, the
I-Kiribati, is pronounced as e-Kiribass.
Revisiting the IEOUA thing in hebrew, in the context of יְהוֹשֻׁעַ
First I googled the variants:
ישוע the ܝܫܘܥ
Before I saw how it is in hebrew, I thought of four vowels of
hebrew and ieua the יהעא or יהועא
which really made me think of יהוה
יא is yes in yiddish (cognate of german ja) and
just 11 in hebrew
יָאֶה [яэ́] is proper, befitting, fitting, seemly, suitable in
יהוא is Jehu (Hebrew: יֵהוּא, romanized: Yēhūʾ,
meaning "Yahu is He"; Akkadian: 𒅀𒌑𒀀 Ya'úa [ia-ú-a]; Latin:
Iehu) was the tenth king of the northern Kingdom of Israel since
Jeroboam I, noted for exterminating the house of Ahab. He was
the son of Jehoshaphat,[1] grandson of Nimshi, and possibly
great-grandson of Omri,[2] although the latter notion is not
supported by the biblical text. His reign lasted for 28 years.
William F. Albright has dated his reign to 842–815 BCE, while E.
R. Thiele offers the dates 841–814 BCE.[3] The principal source
for the events of his reign comes from 2 Kings.[4]
that Yahu leads to Yahweh and it makes me think of iaeu the יאהע,
but this thought didn't lead me far.
but then I looked some more, and here is what I found:
According to a user from Texas, U.S., the name
Ieoua means "Ieoua would be the written spelling/translation of
the vowel(1st definition) sound in all people. Other
translations of this sound are 'Yahweh', 'Jesus' etc. It's the
Word/Sound of God's Life in People".
it is also sang as mantra, more of it in videoo.html
Does this meme sugests that ᛦ~ᛏ or ᛣ~ᛏ? that RST is one claster
and descend from the same protoletter
and another random cookie:
a funny typo cociety made ma believe that english co is sometimes
also so
(I decide not to correct the ma instead of me, because I like it
Those sefers (sfirot) are linked with 22 lines~letters.
But Nordic Tree of life seems to be missing two lines on the
central sides.
It seems they forgot (or misinterpreted) that only top and bottom
sferes spheres have five linds links, others sixs.
So with those 2 letters we have 23 112 24 lines in the Nordic Tree
of Life, just as many runes are in old futhark. Did they reform it
as russians reformed the tzar's alphabet by shortening it, as
chinese people reformed their script by simplifying it, not making
it more complex.
Two reports of trees of life make them equally important: hebrew
tree of life links the links to letters. Nordic tree of life
and that thing made me look into hebrew, and it is interesting
that in hebrussian knowledge is еда́ (food) and it is also идеа́
(idea) and of course the דַעַת too. And it is interesting that
sefirot of חָכמָה is amongst the variants:
יֶדַע knowledge, expertise, know-how
יְדִיעָה news, knowledge, information, report, item,
דַעַת knowledge, wisdom
חָכמָה wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, prudence, insight
דֵעָה opinion, view, knowledge, mind, wisdom, insight
מַדָע science, knowledge
תְבוּנָה reason, wisdom, intelligence, understanding, prudence,
הַשׂכָּלָה education, enlightenment, knowledge, intelligence,
schooling, erudition
יְדִיעוֹת knowledge, information, acquirements
דֵעָה tells that this י in יְדִיעָה is some prefix
מַדָע as science also uses that דֵעָ as a part of the word. מַ דָע
הַשׂכָּלָה as education is the мирской иудаизм, хаскала
יְדִיעוֹת sounds as идио́т is simply plural form of idea. ideas
(ot is plural female suffix)
a drt drop of i
וויסן knowledge, learning
קענען knowledge
קענשאַפט knowledge
visn like vision
konon like canon
konsapt as concept
and I played with those sefirots and first approach brought this:
If it is tree, the crown is the crown, корона = крона.
Then foundation is the place where it was planted, or where it
comes from, or the beginning of th trunk, and the Kingdom is the
roots. Kingdom is where the tree reigns? But the crown is how
above? So that worms don't get it.
Is knowledge abstract and thus dont linked to other parts of the
If these trees of life describe the same thing, then why intellect
is linked in Norsk and knowledge is not linked in hebraic?
or is it like this?:
or even
Yes, probably this one. Or the previous one.
Yep, the previous one is more likely.
actually it depends on how you look at it. It is a 3d figure in 2d
Technically it could be that all my variants are wrong and the
original one is true.
Nordic tree of life is more comprehensible, it goes from
unconscious to emotion to body to intellect to conscious. Simple
and (except maybe the body part) consequent progression,
surrounded by the opposites of ice and fire,
of motion and balance, of fire and ice.
Jewish tree of life seem to tell completely different story, but
the knowledge is in the prominent central position, surrounded by
wisdom and understanding (as if wise man have understood it all,
weird, weird)
Severity as the opposite of mercy (is it fire as the opposite of
cool?) but what is נבורה? This word can find links to sefirot, and
maybe I will dive into it further, so far so good, so long.
Looking for some t reminding yggdrasil I think I saw somewhere, I
foound γ, greek г looking exactly like ᚴ and even more like Y, and
thy y this y only tells that й is of
к, but γ is much more interesting, linking runes and greek, as
writing systems using the same symbols, but placing them
differently along the velar column. Thus arranging the alphabet
from letters they used before they were given alphabet as a
Somebody collected all the sounds we could make different by being
voiced or voiceless, plosives or fricatives, in one line, but I
think I line was added after they lost information about the
meaning of abcd as an order applied for every other line, except
I-line and I think I-line was all the alphabet of pre-alphabetic
period. IVXLCD could be the other one, and C after l reflects
iklmn line, D goes after C, it is ABCD being اCD
and thus г~v again.
В утробе человек кристалл (структурирован и растёт.
структурированно растёт (о вместо и меняет стилистику (диалектную
окраску (fuck hegelians for using linguistic term in their
pseudoscientific political )))
ɣɤ is another yggdrasil'like letter.
But I was looking not for it but for some Y-like T
YggDraSil (Y-образное дерево силы? раздвоение верхушек делает
седло меж ними местом силы? Удобно сидеть и прочна, высокое
some ♈-like T, Some old greek, I think,
-г очень древний суффикс, непросто его встретить.
дрг и врг имеют его. вр in враг is вор & war
др is dear and дар (слово дорог имеет этот суффикс)
ро in дорога is the same ro in road.
-g is -d? or only with prefix до in russian? to =-= ть, до = -ed? or is га in дорога the d
in road?
дорога торена (д и т are axe)
In my alphabet X is axe now.
ax is ace?
as s?
ass and ace both should be in s
ass as S if you see it as a figure standing on knees, thaen the C-part is попа.
a new interesting addon
which is going to make become an
abc book
Somebody helped me transliterate the first phrase of the girl
I heard "weed is not for fire" and I was corrected that it is
"weed is not good for you"
I had to response:
I wonder why would I hear good as
for, if it has something to do with F being called digamma (double
Г) in greek, and suffix го (go) being read as во (vo) in russian,
if some mysterious way г~v and 𐤂~ᚢ
ancient humans could predict the discovery of different forces on
subatomic level because they knew magnets and sticky manner. I
guess those to be electromagnetic force and the sticky matter to
be chemical hydrogen bond. But what do I knowm, if it is important
for you, ask opinions of specialistes
Is a very bright representation, and for the first time can I see
some symmetry in turkikc runes:
𐰺𐰻 and 𐰇𐰈
are some invariants? ю & ё
then so are a & e the 𐰀𐰁 actually standing one next to the
other in unicode sequence. And to my surprise unicode sequence
goes alphabetically having labial f after this vowel claster
hungarian also has, but hungarian will be returned to after
enochian script revealed to me.
𐰶 as the opposite of 𐰷, but I cannot find u the opposite of 𐰆
in unicode, and 𐰆 is surprisingly similar to ɔ
(it is surprising that enochian magic revealed itself to me as the
truth when I finally linked turkic to norsk. And could turkc and
norsk be cognates?
and some other representation for comparison:
𐰺𐰻 doesn't seem to be present in
this one, is it because it is a variant of 𐰇𐰈?
the way
goes in unicode allows me to have some sort of tradition, I am
still bugged by lack of abecedaric artefacts. And I think I posted
this image before and only now I noticed that it is messed up.
and looking for turkic I found something I didn't expect to find:
and it is from something very respectably autistic, I mirror
it, but it is completely knew for me, and yes, the origin is not
revealed, I only began the discovery. With decades of work and
tons of text I still do, I only researched several writing
systems, and only few of them do I know well. It is a work for
many people from all over the world.
I know runes of those, most of people don';t,
and I can see his competence by looking at what I know. And I
immediately see that he makes shit up. But does he? Is it a
coincidence that he transliterates "г" as "в"
One of two forms he placed for Hг is unknown to me. But
then isn't it ᛩ? And at first I didn't recognize ᛖ, I think I
should give this guy some credit, also because ᛇ is..
A letter of the Runic alphabet, present in the
Elder Fuþark (ᛇ) and the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc (ᛇ, called ēoh)
representing /eo/ or /eːo/ and associated with the yew.
so his use of ᛐ as if it was ᛁ makes me go hm.. he deviates, but
he doesn't go full rasteray
But by some semi-accident I find 𐲒 even before I copypasted ᛐ and
v𐲒 is hungarian й. Does he confuses
norsk and hungarian? Or did he make his own field researcxh and
found some runic system existing in between hungarian and norsk
Some transliterations of his scream mistranslitration, as it seems
he mistakes ᛞ for ᛗ, but who could he
know something I don't? His book was published after 2008 in
southern osetia, and it makes me go suspicious, but then maybe it
was the silver lining of that occupation? Or was it justified?
What if putin is a good guy, imagine the horror of that universe.
and I also found this in that quest. Or, rother it found me.
Here it is suddenly trustworthy: B is the first letter! T is the
final one.
And this peculiar characteristic, making this maybe the source of
all the alphabets. Big claim, large aspiration, so let's work and
see if it is true.
I'm confused that the names of the letters have little connection
to how they are read.
And wow, they're separated into three groups. And B M HХ, I know this, it is oghamic.
And suddenly I recognize the K, and I recognize B even though it
is looking like v, like something in between.
Pa Veh Ged are very БВГ, but the transliteration is b c-k g-j is
also very alphabetic, and in Г they actually meet. Are they
different interpretation of the letters, and maybe only one of
them is correct? Gal d are both in that alphabetic order, and that
letter makes me think that g is that letter, also read g in latin
and d in russian. Thus those triliteral and monoliteral names
could come from different traditions using the same writing system
or at least the same letters, as russian and english sometimes do.
Then goes vowel or f, both are justified in comparison to
alphabetic order, but wtf, which is it? ultrainformative it is or
What I recognized as V in the name of second
letter is U, uch? ух? Either way, that letter represents
similarity of different forms as print and cursive tend to be.
It has print and cursive, which tells of some traditions
Then go Un the A, which may be the ã, and E the graph, which
reflects её thing, but still what?
Tal M resembles m[m] and т[t] looking the same, so it is
probably this protoletter. Its print form resembles that m, even
though rotated. script form resembles t.
Then goes г ɪ (that gon i reminds me of a clock having т instead
of ɪ) how else if nog graphically do we explain this thing? g~j?
and this too, yes. It reminds both J and Г and г, ..and t
na h definitely represents H[h] ~ Н[n] and it makes sense that N
looks like M, because in hebrew cursive M looks like N, мы но нас,
nos, us
ur~l reminds of r~lL
Because Tal and Na represent russian readings of т and н,
I almost said that triliterals are of russian reading, but Gal
giving the latin reading told me "it's complicated"
п-like Mals the p reflects Ger q (g and q are not that much apart)
as p reflects q, and their labial-lingual dychotomy makes me pay
attention to these letters and they make me think of horseshoe,
and thus ...well, not thus, but actually Mals is the name of the
horseshoe used for unlucky spell in hmm3 and I discussed it
before. And it corresponds the tai-chi point of view that female
(which I consider labial) to be bad. They say it's complicated,
but in dualism it is simple really.
Drux n confuses me, even though articulatorly d is not too far
from n, and is it in the same family as i, l, m? And is it only
certain that the letter is in this family, but the position within
the family is varied from one nation to the other or from one
table to the other even within one scolar's writings? This is
questioning yet demanding actual research of the material.
And publishing my own book I seem to better notice the typose, so
it's obviously not Pn family, but Pa family. Is it father's
family? I should look into the words for relatives to know which
language it was invented in.
And I take that Pa the Father version because family of tal is
family of m, the mother I suppose.
Then isn't Family of pal is family of wife or husband? or a family
of friend? Families of your parents and of your consort is natural
state of affairs, I suppose it to be so, and names of relatives
this pantheon could easily represent. Also aet is family so is
aicme, I think is.
P of pal ~ h is how it is in japanese, the same symbol for both p
and h (p is diacritized with a dot of theirs, ゜~。)
Med o are both labial, semitic ם and م do remind o ممم is mmm, so
ignore the swash. The form of the letter reminds me of 𐎎, but
mayb nah.
Don r reminds me of d opposing r in k-symmetry, but it went
nowhere. Both are lingual, voiced, they are similar, D~Р(Р is greek and russian R)
Ceph z I can recognized for c~z (shapes are probably q and ч)
Van u-v is vav and it makes me satisfied, that the names are
Fam s makes me think of femme and she, and of θ, of course,
Gis t end is with T, following S (and G follows F< what is
going on here!)
the first actual appreach to research enochian it was. And it was
b m h could also be вы мы~me he
Comparin hungarian runes to turkic runes, I can see something
interesting: 𐲔 is k in hungarian rovas, and in doesn't have 𐰀𐰁
counterpart, so 𐰀𐰁 are one thing and thus it reminds how
old-semitic A(𐤀) looks like latin K (and in some fonts even much
more than in phoenician. And even א looks similar to K even though
more like Х, and it makes me remember ᛅ and +like Ⰰ and its +like
makes me recall ᚐ and ᚑ makes me fascinated with doubleness of Ⱁ
and u of ᚒ being placed after ᚑ of o makes me think that this
vocalization's expansion could be what turned trinities into
pentities. pen of penis and tities of titties? Is it how the idea
of divine hermaphroditism appeared and which Bathomets's images
ع غ may be directly related to E, because غ sounds as ה and غ
standing the last in abjad makes it ωlike, which it is graphically
similar and also because ع stands where o is. Vowels seem to be
the most confusing element of every language, thus position of
vowels is arbitrary, thus AEIOU being sacred makes sense, but
graphically isn't it
? but nah, o is combination of a and u and can be substituted by
one or the other. AIU is legendary.
Marking my notebooks as Laws Novel Politics I noticed that they're
NLP but in other order, and I like my order more because it is
alphabetic, and to my surprise they go at the same intervals, and
And I went on and was surprised by r after p (russian r is р) and
is it I or J reflecting l or L?
Let's try them both..
Honestly I like the one having Ʌ and V and Г and L in the same
half more. But was it an alphabet of 25? I would suspect 21 with
no U, W, not sure ofY, probably K is gone. Italians and Irish not
having JK in their alphabet may show their being special, and both
nations are with initial I, I is for Initial? Italian dominance
over catholics, Irish overrepresentation a little less known than
Jewish overrepresentation, and behold, J is I and Israel has
initial i as well. I think russians should be named Ivanovskaya
(на всю ивановскую = на весь мир (по крайней мере на русскоязычный
мир) вполне устоявшееся выражение) are English secretly of I? is
Espana of I? In russian it is. But both english and spanish have
JK in their alphabets, are they golems of Irish and Italian? Do
Irish play victim like Jews do? Even if they were victims,
russians were victims, but they don't play victim, not yet.
is low in flower love? then flower must be влюблятель, which makes
perfect sense.
is автра in завтра after? it would be nice, but it's заутро. Is
after related to russian завтра?
Because we look into turkic runes, and turks via mongols and maybe
before that too, simply geographically relate us to east aesian easian
I want to remove christianity from me a little bit. Now also
because I want to look the non-christian cultures. But what got me
to write it is christian gesture of christinization or whatever
they call it, I want to forget that I knew them.
So let's use this table to reconstruct the other one.
Spending whole trippo for mechanical comparison, what a shame, I
have plastered the understanding:
to the level of being able to understand that messy table:
And that picture above this one shows that the image before that
one is in somewhat alphabetic order, but the inconsistencies allow
to hypothesize that the order is not just alphabetic, but genuine
related to it, otherwise why would L be before Г? and why would Z
be before П
Variants of the script were found from Mongolia
and Xinjiang in the east to the Balkans in the west. The
preserved inscriptions were dated to between the 8th and 10th
These alphabets are divided into four groups by Kyzlasov (1994)
Asiatic group (includes Orkhon proper)
Eurasiatic group
Southern Europe group
The Asiatic group is further divided into three related
Orkhon alphabet, Göktürks, 8th to 10th
Yenisei alphabet,
Talas alphabet, a
derivative of the Yenisei alphabet, Kangly or Karluks 8th to
10th centuries. Talas inscriptions include Terek-Say rock
inscriptions found in the 1897, Koysary text, Bakaiyr gorge
inscriptions, Kalbak-Tash 6 and 12 inscriptions, Talas alphabet
has 29 identified letters.
The Eurasiatic group is further divided into five related
Achiktash, used in Sogdia 8th to 10th
South-Yenisei, used by the Göktürks 8th to
10th centuries.
Two especially similar alphabets: the Don
alphabet, used by the Khazars, 8th to 10th centuries; and the
Kuban alphabet, used by the Bulgars, 8th to 13th centuries.
Inscriptions in both alphabets are found in the Pontic–Caspian
steppe and on the banks of the Kama river.
Tisza, used by the Pechenegs 8th to 10th
A number of alphabets are incompletely collected due to the
limitations of the extant inscriptions. Evidence in the study of
the Turkic scripts includes Turkic-Chinese bilingual
inscriptions, contemporaneous Turkic inscriptions in the Greek
alphabet, literal translations into Slavic languages, and paper
fragments with Turkic cursive writing from religion,
Manichaeism, Buddhist, and legal subjects of the 8th to 10th
centuries found in Xinjiang.
and I found the abecedaries! and they were not far, on the wiki:
Oldest known Turkic alphabet listings, Ryukoku and
Toyok manuscripts. Toyok manuscript transliterates Turkic
alphabet into the Old Uyghur alphabet. Per Кызласов, Игорь
Леонидович [in Russian] (1994). Рунические письменности
евразийских степей. Восточная литература РАН. ISBN
Ye (/jiː/) is a second-person, plural, personal pronoun
(nominative), spelled in Old English as "ge".
In dutch it is jij and gij
yͤ can you believe it! the alternative form of ye. from bottom up.
like runes and ogham
e1 b7 94
e1 b7 95
e1 b7 96
e1 b7 97
e1 b7 98
e1 b7 99
e1 b7 9a
e1 b7 9b
e1 b7 9c
e1 b7 9d
e1 b7 9e
e1 b7 9f
e1 b7 a0
e1 b7 a1
e1 b7 a2
e1 b7 a3
e1 b7 a4
e1 b7 a5
e1 b7 a6
e1 b7 a7
e1 b7 a8
e1 b7 a9
e1 b7 aa
e1 b7 ab
e1 b7 ac
e1 b7 ad
e1 b7 ae
e1 b7 af
e1 b7 b0
e1 b7 b1
e1 b7 b2
e1 b7 b3
e1 b7 b4
ᚹ ~ Ꝩꝩ ~ Ƿƿ
Vend (Ꝩ, ꝩ) is a letter of Old Norse. It was used to represent the
sounds /u/, /v/, and /w/. Ꝩ. Ꝩ ꝩ. Writing cursive forms of Ꝩ.
Wynn or wyn (Ƿ ƿ; also spelled wen, ƿynn, and ƿen) is a letter of
the Old English alphabet, where it is used to represent the sound
on the right is the Y I was looking for. Not T it is, Y.
E᪴ e᪴ U+1AB4 (зажав ctrl и U набрать 1AB4
непосредственно после символа над которым три точки нужны)
YZ still may make the set if Y is consonant, I guess it is then.
Weird. I found the axial symmetry to make sense of Y, and here
well.. if it wasn't sem-tImes vowel I'd never find it. And what
good is it? Well, some good it is I haven't figured yet what
good exactly.
I think table from that thing would be nice in here:
But then they say it goes with the coda too:
A, a /ɑ(ː)/
B, b /b/
C, c /k/, /tʃ/
D, d /d/
E, e /e(ː)/
F, f /f/, [v]
G, g /g/, [ɣ], /j/
H, h /h/, [x], [ç]
I, i /i(ː)/
K, k /k/
L, l /l/
M, m /m/
N, n /n/
O, o /o(ː)/
P, p /p/
R, r /r/
S, s /s/
T, t /t/
U, u /u(ː)/, /w/ (rare)
X, x /ks/
Y, y /y(ː)/
Ƿ, ƿ /w/
Ð, ð /θ/, [ð]
Þ, þ /θ/, [ð]
Æ, æ /æ(ː)/
And no those linears don't align into the axial.
and no, noway, even if we recognize U as consonant, quite a
stretch, btw, Æ is definitely vowel and thus we don't get
anyhere in axial sense.
𐍉 is vowel, so again alas. But then this is a tradition almost
lost, I don't know if there are genuine abecedarias, so some of
those letters could belong not. like sampi would break axial for
greeks if I was to use it.
and if we remove the numerals, will we get exactly greek
alphabet? Is gothic a form of greek as hebrew is a form of
𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳
𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸
𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾
𐌿 𐍀 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄
𐍅 𐍆 𐍇 𐍈 𐍉
𐌱 𐌲
𐌳 𐌴 𐌵
𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼
𐌽 𐌾 𐌿 𐍀 𐍂
𐍃 𐍄 𐍅 𐍆 𐍇
𐍈 𐍉 and once again no, because wiki tells gothic script used
the letter between E and Z not only as numeral. And without it
we'd have normal greek alphabet, but no, not exactly normal, the
ending is structurally different
𐌱 𐌲
𐌳 𐌴 𐌶
𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺 𐌻
𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿 𐍀 𐍂 𐍃
𐍄 𐍅 𐍆
𐍇 𐍈 𐍉
but I take too much liberty. I have a professor who specializes
in gothic, I should have her consult me.
я её ю (1лицо, 3лицо, 2лицо? lmn?)
тачанка ~ тачка? ~ танка?
тачка тащить
Wish to end it with V is understood, but what I can see here is if
Л is for лево, it went right to left or boustrophedon. And then R
is Ж, as it is in chinese.
It is interesting, that my first alphabet wanted the ufhs line,
but it seems t is the final one, and EFHѲ the voiceless line the
EFHS, then IMNL or IWNL is it's counterpart? I think 16 is a great
number for an alphabet, 15 would be even better. No A!
high return (высокая доходность)
return возвращаться
верный возвращается
верн ~ тёрн
э~o (bothe round)
br tag is alphabetic. b is the first letter. r is lingual
r is of rst
br is a random tag (or rather often tag, the main tag, the masters
of the world know these details, and I type these tob tomes here)
and yet I saw bd in it. it is not often R has some play or say
and here it is also like LR(r of br tells us to write left to
right. b~l is of Г~)
𐲥 𐳥 and 𐲤 𐳤 sſ and ʃ
be right
these are two letters I know for sure
right is also reign (право)
| being a (or is it all their vowels,
depending on diacritics?) in arabic, i and l in latin,
and now they say 𐲥 is s in hungarian, and in hebrew it is v the ו
and n the ן and are they יון and I read them as ivn: vowel,
labial, lingual! Jews Rock!
ivn is not far from om, so let's find the average phonetics.
зевать значит потягиваться всем телом
So though shape may take any value, depending on the nation it is,
and national canons are full of hidden understanding. And I reveal
it well.
Even alphabetic. odd is not.
I may want to collect alphabetic words. site
1 3 2 (i mi ni)JA
винить значит видеть
вибачте = извините
украинцы произносят в на европейский манер, а также демонстрируют
единство слов do и to (to is до[do] in russian)
бачитi = видеть
ь = i, roji doci but russians feel a to be different from я, so
they dislike latin mostly for transliterations like mor moa
lover~loser is rather based in reality of relationships, he who
doesn't love doesn't lose but get rid of.
and it correlates w looking like ш in cursive (is cursive called
as such because preserved secret, sacred, сокрытые, сокровтые, ы~у
as y~у and u~и. So were there only two vowels? two syllables! ba
and be)
бабу бы это мужское, и раньше видимо было бабу
в то время всё что знает баба это "бабье"
(I first wrote бабе, but then something weird happened and ь
appeared in there)
ba by ye ah
I'm tired of watching the initial image of the volume, so I don't
know whay this file is not exactly lagging. And as I said it, it
began to lag. So oh happy day!