Here I collect all the instances where T and S are the same

In hebrew ת without dot is s (or θ)

In hebrew אמש is three mothers and אמת is truth, and אמנ is true, so אמ is the main part of the word, and in the context of three mothers, two mothers would they be if people knew letters before they knew fire. Before fire everything was more simple: water and earth (вода и земля, два мира этой планеты)
Waters would be our mother into this life and earth would be responsible to send us into another one. Into the world of trees and such? Pretty much.


f looks like dashed ſ or ʃ, who are s and š,
but sometimes F looks like dashed T,
which links S and T telling that they probably were the same letter.

"this" and "that" could be that 𓏏 changing form. both could be basically "the"

is thought taught? No, Thought is S and thus here. Taught is T and thus there.
(сие сейчас (сей в сейчас это и есть сие)) разника как меж sit and stand (stand is твёрже (т твердо))
("твердо" буквально название буквы т)
("слово" буквально название буквы с[s])

