(this one is probably directly related bo to
B~C, B~D, M~Ϻ)
Graphic similarity between W and Ш is supported by other
𓅱(𓏲) being s, not w (ш not w)
first appeared in comparison of 𓄿𓅓𓅱 to אמש
(I recognized сь being more fit for 𓅱 when I observed a 𓅱-like
š is a snakey sound, and those three are all birdey
Big bird A
Mid bird U~M
Small bird S~U?
(nice M and Ϻ, but wouldn't it bring me excuses for every pull?
(оправдания на любую натяжку))
(nice what? nice small is mid bird?
If both
M and Ϻ
ar birds waving their wings, then peoples could disagree around if
bird is Mid or
M is for Moving
Σ is for Σweeping
if bird looks at the beginning of the line, and M is bird flying
at us or from us, then Σ would be more egyptian way to write down
Ϻ, Σ is Ϻ flying not to us, but to the left, from where we draw.
W is more advanced way to write "птичка" (✓) than V, and yet if we
compare W to M, it's upside down. just as V is upside down Ʌ(A
(agni, агонь (and, who knows, maybe Λ(L (пЛамя, fLame.. and isn't
that fl fr of fire! some nations don't distinct between L and R,
and that is something hard to lose once you have it, so they're
the source (they didn't change the protolanguage in that aspect as
much as others of us did (chinks read R as Ж or something, but
then they have L as well)))))