DEN and ВRU share the same button, which was a surprise for me when I named this file.

боги это духи *(b~d (б~д))

бог ~ deus (дух)

god ~ дух?

at least spirit is not cogante g cognte cognate of god?

г-дь is naturally cognate of g-d
is б-г is cognate of d-s?

ბ[b] ~ [d]გ

See how b and d in Older Roman Cursive looks even more similar:

it aslo shows that g probably was ж in those times (in times of Later Roman cursive)

But generally they're противопоставлены друг другу, как я описывал в книге:
It is curious that the names of the norns are similar to the alphabetic order ABC: Urd Verdandi Skuld, in this order symbolizing the past, present and future. And in this context, the ”incomprehensible” dogma of the trinity is revealed in trinity as the three visible phases of the moon, which are most likely the basis and graphic side of alphabetic writing, because
the bow of the letter b is similar to ☽︎ and the bow of the letter d is similar to ☾
and these letters are opposed in a variety of scripts: б g,ב ד , ⰂⰄ, and even 𓃀  𓂧

Orkhon b (𐰉) reminds russian cursive б and greek δ too, but that  is more likely a coincidence, but tehn that δ looks exactly like russian б when it's in cursive.

