this video is interesting in the way that it has the same refrain as another song, published in the exact same 1983, and both songs became huge hits (probably the biggest in each of bands I never even heard of.

the one I have shown on page one of this video collection, play it on your own risk, pop music is contageous, but right now Orbital plays in my head, so I think they're alright, and that previous one is literally the first hit on american market made only on computer.
1983. could it be some spell to play away the 1984? and was 1984 itself from some porediction
?(is prediction a by-redaction(edition))
? протокикмучто rEDAcTion EDITion ИзДАТь 
and the both videos are 3:49!
(in case youtube links die, it's IOU by Freeez and AEOU Sometimes Y by Ebn Ozn)
(well actually 3:48 or 3:49 of Ebn Ozn and 3:49 or 3:50 of Freeez)
IOU also has the line AEIOU and sometimes Y (Ebn Ozn's song doesn't sing that ang)
both song are not some regular pop music, but have their own charm, they are charming songs, as if the masterful professionals wrote them as if supporting the guess of them being some psy-op
And it's very interesting, that I brought this subject exactly when russian empire has to dissolve even further.
Freeez would be much more successful if they found a girl to sing those lines as well, so it wouldn't look that gay,  but then maybe they were disrupting intentionally and funded for this by some special audience.
freeez released their single on June 17, 1983, and ebn ozn did on 3 September 1983
(ebn ozn could remind their audience of the freeez song as if he and that girl were listening to it)
both bands disbanded in 1985 (when Gorby came in power)
and because those songs are rather contagious, here's an antidot, something actually great: