Caterpillar's "oh, you et I or 'ey" made me guess that AeIoU is "they et I or you" a is also 3d person as article. In russian А И У are all grammatic particles even though one of them is named preposition. but, and & at (but I just had a typo et. is it the same et which I recognized as and in E?) Russians also have O as about、around。the same и that sounds like e and stands for et У & О are both semantically and phonetecally similar in russian, but what does it have to do with russian? it just happened so that they have more uniliteral words. they also have В (in) & К (to) & С (with) & Я (I)
English only has A & I. maybe dutch U is in the kit. and these three are the basic vowels. Read one of the links above to understand what I just said. К & C are not only histrically related, not only are they both lingual, but they're not too far from eachoter in the russian language. It makes them three mothers Я (I) B (In) C (wIth) (K is co- and со- in russian is the same prefix, even though it sounds as S (that very ryussian С)
If K is both to & co- then t is c? they are both lingual, so historically they are. so you can imagine how ancient the short words are.

        Я used to be Аз, literally A, азбука is alphabet. So it makes me recall the theory of pronouns being names of nations (which could be related to pronounce resemble names of gods (M for both me & ma, J for both je & jah. And I also read about letters being associated with different gods. but reads are not proofs)

    So if Я = А, then ЯВС is literally ABC, the original three mothers. The first runic line.
If A = Я (I), then B is Вы (Vu, you) and C is Сей, Сия, Сии (ᚦe, ᚦey, ᚦem, ᚦeir, ᚦeose, ᚦere, ᚦen,
                                                                                                (mirror of that now dead video)
A E I O U is bAbÉ I lOve yoU, Macy, thanks
  the other phrase I found next is every eye on you, which is
similar both semantically and by vowels. But actual vowels are other

So even though babe is written as baby today, she sings it obviously.
in volume III I only slightly touched the subject of vowels as the skuleton of
words: Come on! can sound as both translations: давай! и да ну..
depending on intonation. Vowels are not equal in different languages
and even in the same: orthography can dissonate actual etymology.
Are you! can be a very naughty question! it's in intonation!
A E I O U! Peace, unity, love, and having fun!

Maori seem to be very important character in
all this story. I once was outrageously high (most
probably on weed) and I pronounced
mostly as glossolalia
and then I found that their deity is Io. and now I see their ta
can close the cycle of pronouns, but it's more complicated than this,
because though both tōku and tāku is my, I and me are ahao
(which resembles greek εγώ and latin ego)
him is ia, which resembles russian Я
and it all refers that old hypothesis of mine that several
nations existed when pronouns were born
probably as the names of those nations.
When they call me russian, they use can use it instead of my name:
Hey, russian.
In my case that is similar to Hey, you.
And if this theory is correct, Maori are related to Romans & Greeks.
We called them его (or иго?)
I must check mongolian corner, probably they're related to them too,
or we just mistook them for them, or am I only trippin'
the m is those who say мы instead of я (the westerners with their me)
but how could westerners be related to Igbo, who also say m for me?
Igbo are also on the west.
Greeks also know με for me (and also for with, by)
Thus greeks are in the mix of ego and me
(just as romans, they also understood me)

And it took me so much to realize that georgian is the one, the language keeping secrets to the other alphabets, for I found it could be the one in the end of v.2.5, and in writing down this site I found even more peculiar reasons to dwelve into the georgian (two iberias, iberian kunieform of just 3 vowels, so that could be the motherland of the scripts, spurging out south east as philippinian 3-vowel writing systems (see vol.1) and semi-syllabary paleohispanic (those very other iberian) writing systems, and it could be spawned by runes (those the most primitive forms with huge cultural heritage of bindenrunen, stavelessrunen, and futhark reread as in vol.2, and probably many more, I only began discovering it, and I discovered runic dice in those falling stones, and so on)) but I never wanted to learn georgian (maybe only when I watched georgian diafilms as a child) I wanted to learn japanese, but japanese kana probably came to ainu from the south, or from the west, if korean has connection to it (its' said by historians that koreans used chinese hieroglyphs before thein invented their current phonetic script they use today, but I am not sure they didn't have some writing system before the chinese came, but who would move from syllabary to hieroglyphs (which are more primitive, alike to the petroglyphs) are glyph and lyth connected? letter is litter is lyth and now glyth has the simylar meaning. simulacr is similar?
And now I see the U as swashed O, and I see it reminding the russian У (see russian cursive for yourself, I'm not posting it here. Now I also see that it can have the key to how C relates to B, so similar here they are, and it could lead to the answer to S and M both written as Ϻ or ᛉ (both these are recognized by linguists as S, while М and ᛘ are both Ms)
And good ones on this theme keep on coming:

and there is → mooore