winter quarterly edition / June 2004 the free web magazine of dowsing & geomancy, in Australasia and beyond. Edited by Alanna Moore. Welcome to the winter/June-August 2004 edition of Geomantica. This being the 24th issue of Geomantica, that adds up to six years of quarterlies now! The office here is all in a flurry, as my book 'Backyard Poultry - Naturally' comes home to roost! From now on Python Press will publish this ever-popular book on sustainable poultry care. It's a leap of faith when I send it to the printers soon. (How will I ever afford the printing bill?) More excitement comes in the form of clouds that actually stop and drop rain upon us. As the eight year drought eases here in central Victoria, the winter rains have started to fall! I like to think that I might have helped them along, as I invited a New Zealand rain spirit to come home with me, back in rainy Auckland. At my next stops in south east then north west Queensland it was raining within a day or two of my arrival. After arriving home I conducted an ad hoc rain increase ceremony at one of my Power Towers, flicking rain water upon it, as my ancient forebears might have done similar in the British Isles*, and beseeching my little tadpole shaped water spirit friend to be transferred to the Tower and get on with its work. Three days later and it began showering on and off for days and little rivulets now run where previously willy willies were creating mini dust storms outside the office. (It has only rained a very few times so far this year.) There's the wonderful fresh smell of eucalyptus oil that is so strong after rain around the gum trees here. And the wet moss on the Muckle Rocks is glowing in the first sunlight of the day. Perhaps the spiritual elements of weather and environment are more important than we would normally bother to think? Until next quarter Peace and bright blessings
Dear Alanna Close to my home in Dunedin is a small patch
of bush. Most of it is exotic "weed" trees, but even
they have their charm. In the summer with the wind they are a
nice cool place with birds and wind noises, now in Autumn leaves
of all colours are fluttering down. Further in I "found"
a small 200m2 patch of native bush. This has many older trees
in it some over 200 years old, and on a slope looking down to
a small stream. The feelings here are very different to the rest
of the exotic bush, so much so that I think Tane, the Maori God
of the bush still lives here. It both looks and feels differant. Early this year the local council decided
they would sell this land. It was, they said, only weeds and
unwanted exotic trees on waste land. The Reserves dept did not
want it so it was to be put up for sale. They had not looked
closely, it seems, as no report mentioned the Native remnant
area. The Otago Tree Society, Dunedin Amenitys Society
and the Environment Center had a look at it and decided we should
keep it as a council property. This resulted in several meetings
with the council staff and the Mayor. At one meeting I had a
chance to speak and I told the Mayor that I felt the change in
energies within the Native area and considered Tane to live there.
She was interested and said she would have a visit. It was in
a formal meeting that I mentioned these things, like feelings
and the Spirit of the Bush (Tane) and actually got listened to
and not made fun of. Dear Alanna, I must say I learnt much more on that day,
erecting my own Tower of Power the following week. I also discovered
that a Mandarin tree, one of seven citrus trees I had planted
about three years previous, which was doing very poorly, was
actually planted right in the centre of a negative vortex. After
moving it four metres to the south it has never looked back. Over the past eight years I have been involved
in mapping out cemetery's, plotting other grave and burial sites,
as well as mapping out old building sites. I have found the pendulum
a very important tool in ascertainig the polarity of the magnetic
fields I have detected. This is particularly useful for determining
whether human remains are male or female. Over the last few months
I have also perfected the art of detecting human remains up to
almost a kilometre away, saving an enormous amount of time trying
to locate people of whom there is a record, but only an area
given as to where they were buried.. Keep up the good work and I look forward to
reading your latest Geomantica magazine. Regards
Hi Alanna With a firmer grasp of the new technologies in the office here Geomantica is happy announce a new deal for selling DVDs. You now can get two for the price of one! Yes - two films from the Earth Care, Earth Repair series (either 5-6 or 7-8) can be yours on one DVD for just $20 posted. And to be fair I will also sell 2 films on VHS for the price of one ($25 posted). Here is a reminder about the new titles, which have been gaining favourable reviews.
A film series made by Alanna Moore Scientists have been painting gloom and doom scenarios for the environment for too long. While they are busy writing up reports about widespread land degradation there are ordinary people out in the back blocks practising creative, intuitive, innovative and practical solutions to the environmental crises they face. These often unsung heroes of land care and land repair are not shy to try out unusual or controversial methods to challenge the current destructive paradigms of agriculture. As a threat to the status quo, it often means that we never get to hear about such environmental success stories. This film series is a call for all people to consider positive approaches to their environment, and to discover backyard solutions to global problems. Alanna Moore is a great believer in the power of positive focused thought put into action. 24 minutes Land degradation is rife in Australia, with farmland topsoils vanishing rapidly. Our foodstuffs have ever decreasing nutritional values as a result. Mineral imbalance in modern society is abysmal, and is linked to disease on physical, mental and spiritual levels. We get to see a dowser in Tasmania showing his method of soil testing by dowsing. We then get to learn about the energetic value of volcanic rock dusts for improved soil, at a training session run by Alanna Moore. Olive grower Pia Lindgrew then talks about the amazing growth in her commercial olive grove, from using biodynamic growing practises combined with applications of ock dust. 32 minutes. In this film we get to see several Round Towers in Ireland, then find out how small replicas can be used in the garden and farm to enhance plant growth, enliven livestock and a host of other effects. Alanna Moore demonstrates dowsing the energy fields of mini Towers made from paramagnetic sandpaper and talks about some of her experiences and results from building over 100 Towers around Australasia. We get to see a Power Tower being construct.ed Eight Tower owners around Australia then talk about their Towers and the effects they have noticed since they went up. From lusher orchards, increased wildlife, happier chickens, improved business, greater family harmony and more rainfall, to increased productivity in commercial strawberry, herb and wheat crops. 33 minutes. A revival of ancient Indian tradition, the practise of Agnihotra can help restore harmony to the environment and make plants grow better. Frits and Lee Ringma talk about the benefits of Homa farming at their Hunter Valley, New South Wales, property 'Om Shree Dham' and demonstrate the fire ritual.
42 minutes Agricultural radionics is a form of applied dowsing. Radionic methods include soil testing and balancing, and health diagnosis and healing at a distance. In this film Alanna Moore interviews four radionic practitioners who talk about their methods and experiences in this cutting edge of esoteric agriculture. Find out how they treat health problems of livestock, soil imbalances, rain making, and more.
Later in 2004 it is likely that Earth Care, Earth Repair, Parts 1-4 will be finished. Part One: 'Dowsing and Re-afforestation' (how dowsing can be useful with tree planting) Part Two: 'Soil Saving Solutions' (looks at grassroots solutions to soil salinity control) Part Three: 'Permaculture Pioneers' (includes a tour around the gardens of the two originators of permaculture design)
Some recent international studies * New research shows genetic damage from magnetic fields at levels commonly encountered in the home or workplace. Recent studies by US researchers Drs Henry Lai and Narendra Singh found genetic damage done to the DNA of rat's brain cells. This could be prevented, they found, by pre-treating the rats with free radical scavenging drugs. Lai and Singh propose that magnetic fields initiate an iron-dependent process that generates free radicals and leads to cell death, saying that: "We propose that the effects of magnetic fields act through a two stage process. Magnetic field exposure first affects iron homeostasis in certain cells, leading to an increase in free iron in the cytoplasm and nucleus. This in turn leads to an increase in hydroxy radicals...which damage DNA, lipids and proteins. Damage to cellular membranes in turn leads to an increase in calcium leakage from internal storage sites in the cell. This will trigger the second step, which is an increase in nitric oxide synthesis." Different types of cells respond differently. "Cells with high rates of iron intake, eg proliferating cells, cells infected by virus and cells with high metabolic rates such as brain cells, would be more susceptible to the effects of magnetic fields." The study is published in the May issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, at
* A swedish study has found that "The risk of Alzheimer's disease as a primary or contributing cause of death increased with increasing exposure to ELF-MF (magnetic fields from the power system) among both men and women." The most exposed group had approximately four times the risk factor.
* In Turkey a research team has investigated the effects of gingko biloba on oxidative damage in rat's brains from mobile phone exposure. While rats exposed to mobile phone irradiation showed oxidative damage to brain tissue, the rats pre-treated with gingko showed no damage.
* Russian researchers exposed chicken embryos to the signal of a GSM mobile phone for 21 days. Mortality was 75% in those exposed, as compared to 16% in those not exposed to the irradiation.
Watts the Buzz in Oz? * Is is dangerous to send text messages? In 2001 a woman driver ran down and killed a cyclist in Australia. She didn't see him because she was sending a text message on her mobile phone. She was given a suspended sentence and lost her license for 2 years. * 'Low impact' telecommunications facilities are not necessarily low impact in terms of radiation they emit, nor visibility, writes the EMRAA. Unclear legislation about this leads EMRAA to conclude that "there is a deficiency in the regulation of low impact facilites that Government is not presently addressing."
Watts the Buzz in the UK? * The London Phonebashing group (UK) consists of anti-mobile phone campaigners wearing man-sized mobile phone suits who randomly grab mobile phones from members of the public and destroy them. Videos of these actions can be seen at * Anti-mobile phone Tower campaigners in Wishaw have employed security guards to patrol the site of an intended Tower. The guards have been instructed to prevent access to the company to re-erect its 22m tower, which last year toppled to the ground after bolts were removed from its base.
(This is an extract from my forthcoming revised book: 'Divining Earth Spirit'. It has also been published in the current British Society of Dowsers' Earth Energy Group newsletter)
Deva is an ancient Persian term meaning 'shining one' and it has come to be used as a catch-all term for the spirits of place, the intelligence aspect of nature. Reverred throughout the ages around the world these 'elemental beings' are often described by clairvoyants as spheres of shining light of varying hues. A couple of years ago I discovered that I could dowse for the presence of the devas. Although my deva dowsing has been a fairly unusual activity, I am one "who walks on the ones that go before me". TC Lethbridge has provided inspiration to me and I use his rates method for my pendulum work, as a tuning-in ritual to find the different energetic layers in the landscape. My partner, Billy Arnold, is able to tune his inner eye to clairvoyantly see the devas, which is a source of much fascination to him. Billy spent time with Aboriginal people in central Australia in order to help with his understandings of the great spirit beings he is able to perceive in the land. So the devas became a perceivable reality to me through him. In developing my understandings I read many books on dowsing with a fervour in the early 1980's, then chose to put them away and wait for my own experiences and insights to happen in their own way and time. I was pleased to recently re-read some Lethbridge and find that he, like myself, spoke of dowsing the fields of energy that correspond with the legendary devas, as well as ghosts and ghoulish apparitions. "It can be shown" Lethbridge wrote "both by dowsing and with scientific instruments, that fields of static electricity exist in just the same kinds of places as those in which we have experienced our ghosts and ghouls. They have been studied by scientists. They consist of what is known as ionised particlesand these static fields are to be found in connection with such things as waterfalls, springs and streams, or woods and trees, deserts and moorlands and mountains. This is extremely important to anyone who is interested in mythology. For these are just the places which were peopled with nymphs and spirits by peoples of the ancient world and by simple modern ones." To qualify the bland term 'field of force', Lethbridge decided to call the water spirit energies he found -'naiad-fields', 'dryad-fields' he found around trees, 'nereid-fields' were in the ocean, 'oread-fields' in stones, mountains and deserts, and 'psyche-field' was his term for dowsable human fields. These various fields had the capacity, he found, to draw images and thoughtforms from out of our minds and to project them so they might be perceived of as real, but static, images of ghostly character. Water is particularly associated with this, and one only has to think of the static apparitions of the Virgin/Mother Mary, who is often associated with holy wells and springs. (The energy fields of some water samples from holy wells that have been checked by myself and students all dowsed to fill up entire rooms.) In a similar vein one might compare the Polynesian concept of 'mana', which is the spiritual power base of people that can also be conveyed by water and rocks, the typical elements found at sacred sites the world over. Emotions flow easily between our psyche-fields and the devic fields, and strong emotional experiences of people can be fixed into the field memory of a place, to be triggered and re-lived by people acting upon its power later, Lethbridge found. I don't know of anyone else who has investigated these phenomena in the manner of Lethbridge and myself. I chose to call what I am finding the 'devic fields' and I believe these to be probably the same phenomena as Lethbridge's various psyche-fields and Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenetic fields. It seems that the nature spirits/devic fields are composed of much the same type of energetic fabric that we are. In Theosophical terminology, they are of an energetic frequency existing on the mental and astral planes, and this can explain why thoughts and feelings can be transferred between them and us, as Lethbridge noted. In other words they are conscious fields of energy, or energy fields which carry consciousness and feeling. Rupert Sheldrake equates them to the concept of morphogenetic fields. Our ability to perceive of and communicate with the devas is merely determined by whether we have a serious intention to do so. For instance a student called Esther told me that although she was occasionally clairvoyant, she had never bothered to look out for nature spirits. When she got home after a deva dowsing workshop with me, she asked to be able to see the deva of Mount Wellington, which overlooks the city of Hobart, Tasmania. At this thought she was instantly able to see it. She then asked to see overlighting garden deva and she could! Our communications with the devic kingdom are best kept simple and more on a feeling level. If we are to warn a tree about some imminent pruning work, for instance, we might put ourselves into a meditative state then bring up an image of the intended actions into our mind's eye. After that we could send a wave of sympathy and say that we're very sorry that it has to be done. And send it some love before and after the act. I'm sure that the tree will be forgiving... With practise, attunement to the devic fields/presences, becomes easier and easier. Nowadays they seem to jump out of the landscape at me, whenever I do energetic landscape assessments. But it may take a big paradigm shift for clients to accept them as real. As for the visual perceptions that people have of the devas - there certainly is a great variety of images described, which may cause confusion. Lethbridge said that these energies could extract and use images and thoughtforms from our minds in order to clothe themselves in a recognisable form (as Carl Jung reported of UFO behaviour, and in common with modern crop circle behaviour). Different people, different imagery. In Europe devas might look like little people in medieval outfits. In Australasia and Asia they may take the traditional forms of rainbow serpents, wandjinas or lizards, while the Chinese might see them as dragons. The large spherical balls of coloured light that many people I've spoken to see may perhaps be their undifferentiated, or 'naked' form. Billy thinks that the balls of light are more sophisticated types of devas or spirits. Since medieval times in Europe devas were deigned to belong to the four elemental energy groups.: fire, earth, air and water. The elemental domains they existed within, make for a useful categorisation of the Devic Kingdoms. According to Marko Pogacnik "The creative tools represented by the four elements are: water - biological processes and emotional quality; Fire - a tool of change and medium for spiritual impulses; Earth - the processes of materialisation and the birth of form; Air - the medium through which consciousness expresses itself. Devas are constantly evolving beings, who adapt to changing environments and circumstances. Lesser evolved devas live and work/play with a very simple focal attachment. For instance nixies, the little water spirits described in Pogacnik's books, like to dance/exchange energy at locations above underground streams, 'feeding' from the so-called geopathic stress.energies there. While a 'water-nymph' or lady taniwha might glide around a lake, paying attention to many of the biological processes around the lake and its vicinity. A regional taniwha (recognised by New Zealands South Island Maori is responsible for the waters of whole regions. Nature spirits may evolve into what are known as angels. Some evolve into deities that are honoured by people over long eras. One of the most well known deified devas is Pan, known to the Greeks as the Great God of Nature. Unfortunately that highly evolved and jovial being became demonised in the eyes of the Christian Church and has suffered greatly. But he seems to be making a bit of a resurgence lately. (See my article in Geomantica magazine no 23) Pan is, according to Pogacnik, "a focus of the consciousness of nature holding within his sphere the complete knowledge of any living being of nature that resides in the area entrusted to his attention. His role is to hold the family of living beings united in the common purpose. ...each place or landscape has its own Pan focus which is a fractal of the Earth's Pan...he has an all-connecting role within the consciousness of nature." I think the main point of all this is that we need to re-recognise the existence of these beings and their need for enough undisturbed territory to inhabit, if we are to live harmoniously. If we tame every bit of wilderness, their extinction would be our, and the Earth's, own impoverishment. We can all do our bit in our own backyards, by designating a 'temenos' -a sacred, wild precinct in Greek tradition- where we do not meddle with nature. Like a temenos 'Towers of Power' can attract nature spirits. Towers can also transform the energetic character of a place and be a modern day sacred site in one's own backyard. Nowadays when I do a house and property dowse and tune in my pendulum to look for any significant energies, important landscape devas might come up. When dowsing for devas certain qualities are found in the different 'species' of nature spirits and they can be personified as either male or female. And, like us, they are often found in pairs. (Just as Hamish Miller found that the 'Michael (dragon) line' was matched by the 'Mary line' in England. Australian Aboriginals have long spoken of the legendary activities of paired rainbow serpents.) In Irish tradition ancient human habitation sites are the homes of the fairy folk. Bronze age mounds and ring forts are known as 'fairy rings' there. Fortunately this 'superstition' of the Irish has meant that a great many sites have been preserved intact over thousands of years. In Yorkshire my friend John Billingsley, long-time editor of Northern Earth (the worlds longest running geomancy magazine) tells me that, according to his enquiries, the fairies, like the otters, are returning to the old ex-industrial areas. Old timers in the area have told him that the much disputed Cottingsley fairy photos may have been faked, but yes! the site was a fairy haunt nevertheless. And it seems to me that the fairies want to be found again. That the time is ripe, the knowledge is unfolding rapidly and it is all the better for planetary survival and harmony. There is enough awareness out in the world about their significance for this matter to be talked up and, hopefully, for devic hot spots to enjoy better protection as a consequence.
References: 'Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings' and 'Daughter of Gaia', Marko Pogacnik, Findhorn Press.
19th Cent. researcher who revived the use of Runes within the context of Germanic Paganism. In 1912, while Von List was recovering from a cataract operation, he experienced a vision in which the original Runic tradition was revealed to him. The Armanen runes are based upon the 16 Scandinavian Runes, that were still in use for calendars and folk magic at that time, with 2 additional Runes drawn from 19th Century Germanic paganism. sounds of the 18 Ogham (pronounced "Owam") of Robert Graves' Tree Alphabet. There is a long standing relationship between the British culture and the Germanic culture. At least 5,000 Years; since the time of the Beaker people. as known to the native people of North West Europe. Their Creation myth states that the Runes are inherent in the Fire and Ice that roars from the Wellspring of Creation. The 18 Armanen Runes are; ![]() For best results when working in English use words of Old English origin. For technical words, which are usually based on Latin, use the German equivalent. Many English letters were originally Runes!
in Pre-Christian times as attested by the Roman writer Tacitus in his book, "Germania" (more recently published by Penguin). According to Tacitus a cloth was laid upon the ground and slips of wood with markings on them were cast upon the cloth. then picked up a number of slips of wood from which portents of the future were drawn. Presumably those markings were Runes as Tacitus was vague on this point. which purports to be relevant to the matter in question. It's you who constructs that scenario and in doing so you focus your attention upon the matter in question. It's the focusing of your mind on your question that provides the answers, not the Runes. to use a 3 Rune cast first formulate the question so it's not ambiguous. No multi-choice questions. it, then with eyes to the heavens pick up 3 Runes at random. The 1st Rune chosen is the past relevant to the matter in question. The 2nd Rune is the current circumstances and the 3rd Rune indicates the outcome of the matter in question. or bits of clay, with marks on them, they can't predict your future, but you can! Mankind has the ability to foresee the future! six-pointed star that forms the heart of the Giant's Dance (see Geomantica 14, "The Giant's Dance"). The arms of the Snowflake are the axis between the 3 Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail pairs, it is the Rune "Hagal". interaction of the Geo-synchronous Orbit of the Moon and the Helio-synchronous orbit of the Earth around the Sun. The cycles of the Sun and the Moon motivate the Weather, the Tides and the breeding and growth cycles of Plants ,Animals and Humans. Synchronicity is innate within all life on Earth, it's cycles are structured into the human mind and enables divination by Runes. inherited some cultural beliefs and practices that are their exclusive intellectual property. This work is part of that cultural tradition and is not "available for appropriation" by other ethnic groups or any organisation." fee is charged it can be supplied as resource material for any course of study for which a fee is charged.
© Alanna Moore 2004 (This article is extracted from Alanna's forthcoming book, the second edition of 'Divining Earth Spirit'. It was previously published in Wellbeing in 1987 & New Dawn magazine, March-April 2004).
That the Earth is capable of producing radiations detrimental to health has been long recognised in the world. It was on record in China four thousand years ago when the Emperor Yu issued a decree directing investigation into building sites to prevent geopathogenic sickness (that is - disease caused by Earth's emanations). But only in recent decades has ancient Earth energy wisdom been scientifically investigated, noxious energies measured and their effects verified. Defining geopathic stress as "a geomagnetic disturbance which is geographically localised and which disrupts the homeostatic mechanisms of the sensitive patient," many European and Soviet scientists now recognise the significance of its effects. As pioneering Swiss researcher Dr Jopp puts it - "the preventative building site investigation for geopathic irritations constitutes an important measure of prophylactic medicine." The majority of current research into geopathic stress is still largely undertaken in Germany, Austria and the ex-USSR. One canton in Switzerland is so concerned that it offers a public grant towards the cost of a dowser's site survey prior to undertaking new building work and planning permission may not be granted until this has been done. Some German architecture students are taught Baubiologie (building biology), which stresses the avoidance of environmental radiations, be they from underground water, electrical systems or other types. A study of 'cancer beds' was conducted by
Baron Gustav von Pohl in southern Germany in the early 1930's.
Under the official observation of the authorities of the tiny
town of Vilsiburg he was able to locate, by dowsing, 100% of
all homes where people had previously died of cancer. In many
cases he was able to pinpoint the seat of the cancer by finding
which part of the bed the radiations were affecting. Well known German oncologist Dr Hans Nieper finds at least 92% of cancer and 75% of MS patients he examines to have spent long periods in geopathic zones. It has been estimated that 10% of German doctors work with dowsers, calling them in to investigate severe cases. Austrian teacher Kathe Bachler conducted major research with a grant from the Pedagogical Institute of Salzburg. She spent several years interviewing 11,000 people in 14 different countries and testing 3000 flats and houses. All 500 cases of malignant and benign tumours that she tested turned out to be affected by geopathic stress. Other sure signs of exposure were incidences of arthritis, rheumatism, multiple sclerosis and asthma. She also found the learning ability of children to adversely affected, with 95% of children having learning difficulties either sleeping or seated at school in geopathic zones. Highly commended for her research, her book 'Discoveries of a Dowser' became a bestseller. In the late 1980's the German government commissioned a 400,000 DM study for a team of scientists at the University of Munich to scientifically prove the existence of Earth rays. The study was directed by two physics professors and two 'biolocational' specialists (dowsers). In the Russian sphere scientists studying the problem have been connected with the Interdepartmental Commission on the Biolocational Effect, at its centres in Moscow, Leningrad, the Ukraine, Ural Mountains and Tomsk. In the early 1990's the Austrian Working Party for Research into Geopathic Stress Sites, consisting of doctors, chemists, physicists and biologists under the direction of Dr Otto Bergmann, a professor at the University of Vienna, conducted exhaustive research over a two year period. 985 people were placed in a geopathic zone for ten minutes and given thorough medical examinations before and after. In most cases harmful effects were registered. Georadiation and health Other consequences of exposure include heart problems, rheumatism, arthritis and inflammations; disorders of stomach, kidney, bladder, liver and gall bladder; AIDS, ME, thrombosis, meningitis, diabetes, leukaemia, sterility, tuberculosis, lumbago, exterior ulcers, goitre, headaches and migraines; eye / ear / teeth / adrenal problems; sinusitis, fibrositis, general stress syndromes, nervous / emotional / mental disturbances; constant tiredness and physical discomfort. These, and other illnesses, also prove resistant to treatment, unless the georadiation is avoided or neutralised. Children, Kathe Bachler found, are especially sensitive, reacting rapidly with such tell-tale symptoms in bed at night as insomnia, restlessness, lying in odd positions, having nightmares and sweating with fear, sleep walking and bed-wetting. They may wake up feeling tired or depressed, having no appetite, or even vomiting. Waves of cot deaths have also been associated with fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field at geopathic stress points. It has been found that brain signals controlling body functions are disrupted by georadiations. On a cellular level, bioelectrical processes are warped and polarities altered. Such processes as the assimilation of nutrients from the intestines and cell repair mechanisms depend on the proper polarisation of electrical charges on either side of cell membranes. The immune and lymphatic systems are also weakened by geopathic stress, allowing bacteria, viruses and cancer to take hold. Thus georadiations foster the conditions for disease to take hold. Detection methods Biophysical test methods for people are becoming common. An ohm meter, electro-geo-bioscope or georhythmogram can be used to measure skin and body resistance at acupuncture points and to detect organs at greatest risk. Vega testing and electro-acupuncture is gaining popularity. Simple kinesiology, or muscle testing, is also used as an alternative to dowsing, to assess whether geopathic stress is present. Dealing with geopathic zones If the zone can't be avoided, neutralisation techniques often prove successful, although they do need regular monitoring and occasional adjustment. Avoidance is always preferrable. It may take several weeks to shake off the
health effects of geopathic stress, although some people will
feel an immediate benefit as soon as Earth rays are removed.
Deep seated chronic conditions take time to heal and long term
effects may need other remedial treatments.
Note: Alanna is available for household and property surveys either on-site or by distant dowsing. Contact her at or send a s.s.a.e. to Geomantica, PO Box 929 Castlemaine, 3450, Vic, Australia.
References: Back to the top
First published in 1983 under a different name, this was the first of Harald's many books. Reviewer Michael Nostradamus writes: "This challenging book explores geopathogenic (geo= earth, pathogen = disease provoking) radiation emitted from the Earth in certain locations. The study of the Earthray phenomena is rapidly providing new insights to be used in traditional health care. "For thousands of years the harmful effects of Earth rays on plants, animals and humans has been observed and understood by many cultures. This understanding is now brought back and furthered by Harald Tietze and other researchers. Harald's research in Germany, Austria, Italy, Papua New Guinea, Peru and Mexico now adds a new dimension to an ancient tradition. "Tietze raises public awareness of the role Earthray's play in the increasing threat of modern diseases such as cancer, asthma, arthritis, rheumatism and more. There are many other harmful pollutants which people have in their bedrooms such as electric, magnetic, radioactive, chemical (paint etc) etc. "To regain and maintain health it is vital to detect the sources of harmful radiation and then eliminate the cause or know how to avoid them. This book is a practical manual for a healthy environment - a must for all health conscious readers." Harald Tietze Publishing PO Box 34 Bermagui NSW 2546 Book/CD Review: Author Roseline Deleu, of Canberra, is well known in feng shui circles as a practitioner and teacher of the art. She made an impressive presentation on the subject at this year's annual Feng Shui Conference for the Feng Shui Network in Canberra last March, where she launched this, her first, book. There are chapters introducing the reader to feng shui, dowsing, ch'i, yin and yang, the five elements, the magic square, furniture placement, feng shui cures, looking at the different rooms in a house, outdoors and work considerations. Lastly - clients and students tell us their stories. Throughout there are many illustrations and photos. The whole book provides essential information that is simply and clearly presented.
The author "accepted the position of Cultural Research Officer for the Aboriginal University of Australia on 12/11/99 and has since worked to promote Aboriginal culture of the Sunshine Coast" (south east Queensland). This 130 page hardcover book, with many illustrations, is fascinating! There is a great deal to interest the geomantically minded. For instance - a diagramatic image of an Aboriginal bora ground (for corroboree and initiation) is compared to the layout of the Avebury megalithic complex in the UK. There are chapters on Aboriginal traditions about ancient beginnings, ancestors, sacred circles, songlines and bunya feasts. Various Aboriginal pathways of the Sunshine Coast, bora grounds and other sites are described. In part three an Aboriginal elder speaks of the spiritual beliefs, ceremonies and traditions of his personal cultural legacy. Part Four concerns the legends of the dreamtime, such as those of the iconic volcanic plugs - The Glasshouse Mountains, as well as coastal (Noosa area) legends. Place names meanings are given. What a treasure house of hard-to-get information!